The World Culture Festival (WCF), the fourth in a global event series, was hosted by the Art of Living Foundation on the iconic National Mall in Washington, D.C., from September 29 to October 1, 2023. The three-day festival concluded as a resounding success, weaving together threads of unity, diversity, and peace through the universal language of dance, music, meditation, and culture.
Inspired by the vision of Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, a renowned global humanitarian and peace ambassador, the festival resonated with a powerful message that the whole world is ‘One family’ and that we can all coexist with our differences. The historic event witnessed a monumental gathering, with an estimated 1.1 Million people transcending borders across 180 countries.
World leaders, including politicians, business leaders, academicians, and interfaith leaders, gathered at the festival to share their visions of collective responsibility in pursuing peace. The festival provided a platform for the preservation of local and indigenous traditions through music and dance and an opportunity for everyone else to relish and enjoy. It was a movement to revive universal human values such as love, compassion, and friendliness.

Prayer For World Peace
A minute of prayer for World Peace followed by a performance by the Ukrainian contingent

1200 Member Gospel Choir

Pledge to Plant 42 Million Trees

1000 Chinese American Vocalist Ensemble with a Kung Fu performance

Post-WCF, Gurudev's "42 Million Trees for 42 Years of Art of Living" project aims to plant 42 million trees globally.

Thousands Joined Gurudev for Yoga at the Lincoln Memorial
1.1 Million atendees from 180 countries

17,000 Artists from 100+ countries across 51 cultural performances

Washington DC, known for its high crime rate, witnessed 0 crimes at the festival

500k People Enjoyed Cuisines from across the world at “World Cafe" stalls at the venue

Analysis Impact
The Impact has been analyzed across 3 aspects:

Economic Environmental Social

The World Culture Festival not only made a cultural impact by uniting individuals from over 180 countries on a singular platform but also substantially impacted the economy. This report delves into the postevent analysis of the festival, utilizing both primary and secondary research methodologies to assess its impact across three key sectors of development: economic, social, and environmental sustainability, following the success of the event.

WCF brought attendees from both out-of-town and the local DC area, contributing to the regional economy through expenditures on lodging, food, retail, transportation, and entertainment. This spending directly benefited local businesses, including restaurants, transportation services (taxis, Uber, Lyft), hotels, and Airbnb hosts. Beyond supporting local enterprises, visitor expenditures also generated additional tax revenues, offering further advantages to the regional economy.
There were a total of 660k RSVPs for the event, majority of which were from DC and nearby areas. Based on previous experiences, it has been assumed that ~60% of RSVP’s from Washington DC& nearby areas of Maryland and Virginia attended the event and 70% of RSVPs from other US states and countries attended the event.Most of the attendees from DC & nearby areas did not come alone but also brought their family member along. Considering an average family size of 3, an estimated total of 1.1 Million attendees participated in this one of a kind event.
The festival being so lively in the heart of the city, attracted numerous unregistered participants from all walks of life to join the celebrations as well.

Economic Impact

Total Economic Impact (including $15M Investment)

C: Consumption, I: Investment made
The economic Impact of WCF is measured by analyzing the number of tourists & spending pattern of tourists. We have considered an average spending of $30 USD/person/day on food and ~$8.3/person/ day on travel for people residing in portions of Washington DC, Portions of Maryland and Virginia. The spending pattern for international and tourists from other US states is taken on basis of report released by Destination DC on Tourism for 2022. Based on this report released, an average national tourist stays for approximately 2 and a half days, spending $115 on an average per day and an international tourist stays for 4.5 days, spending ~$330 on an average per day. However since WCF was a 3 day event followed by 2 days of celebrations, it was found that on an average , a national tourist was staying for 4 days and an international tourist, for a total of 7 days at Washington DC.

International DC & Nearby States All Other US States

By visitors from all other US states and abroad $5M $4M GDP=

For Residents of DC & Nearby States
$88M $24M

Food and travel are 2 sectors that contribute to economic impact for people living in DC and the nearby areas of Maryland and Virginia. There were 40+ food trucks at the venue and 7 world cafe stalls, all serving vegetarian cuisines.
Economic impact for an event results in tax revenues for the locality and the creation of new jobs for people living in the area. Based on the study by destination DC, 177 Mn GDP would create tax revenues of $14 million and $17 million in wages.
Data references for the workings given in Annexure and report below
https://washington.org/sites/default/files/2023-09/2022 VisitorStatistics_9.21.23_1.pdf



• 72% 132% 25%


• 72% more international tourists attended WCF compared to average tourists per day in DC
• 38% more domestic tourists attended WCF compared to average tourists per day in DC

• 132% Increase from the 1st to 4th week of September, based on the monthly data released by Washington DC
• Average hotel rates grew to $600 per night during WCF Days

• 25% increase in nearby museum visits on WCF days (Ref. Destination DC)
• Additional increase in tourism in the other states of the US
*Detailed workings in Annexure
$32M SEPT WEEK 2 $54M SEPT WEEK 3 $65M

Source: STR, data is for District of Columbia


Global Leadership Forum
The GLF brought together over 1000 global leaders from business, government, and international institutions. This forum served as a platform for exchanging ideas and solutions, fostering partnerships to address key corporate and societal challenges.
Representing 600+ companies, 50% of CSuite leaders, and 80% of attendees from the private business sector, the GLF played a pivotal role in shaping global perspectives
Interfaith Leaders Meet
The festival showcased representatives from the world's diverse faith traditions, featuring voices from the Bahai faith, Buddhism, Christianity, Islam, Jainism, Judaism, Sikhism, Vedic tradition, and Zoroastrianism. This gathering underscored the festival's commitment to fostering
Pre-WCF Peace & Meditation Gatherings across
The World Culture Festival spanned three days, but its preparations commenced a year earlier. Leading up to the main event, volunteers hosted events to foster moments of peace and reflection with Gurudev in 50 cities across the United States. From Nashville to New York and Chicago to Los Angeles, these gatherings attracted around 58,000 people from diverse backgrounds seeking peace and harmony. The collective impact of these events amounted to an estimated economic contribution of $2 Million.
The Arts4Peace initiative aimed to provide a platform for students, teachers, and artists to express their perspectives on peace through artwork. It sought to foster cultural engagement and a united vision among different school communities.


During WCF, composting and recycling stations, guided by volunteers, diverted food waste, while food vendors adopted compostable containers and cutlery to eliminate single-use plastic. Attendees simultaneously learned about composting benefits, and water stations encouraged reusable bottles, also effectively reducing singleuse plastic waste. Bright bins were installed to promote recycling and composting at the World

Trees for Years of Art of Living
Culture Festival in partnership with Washington, D.C.'s composting program.
In addition to having a Sustainable Education Booth to encourage living sustainably in D.C., public transportation and bicycles were promoted through a Green Transportation guide.
Post-WCF, Gurudev's "42 Million Trees for 42 Years of Art of Living" project, in partnership with Green Pocket Forests and the International Association for Human Values, aims to plant 42 million trees globally.

Food vendors adopted compostable containers and cutlery Bright bins were installed to promote recycling


Hon. Dr. S Jaishankar
External affairs Minister, India
“I congratulate the Art of Living who under the inspiration of Gurudev has brought all of us

8th General Secretary of the UN
“Unity is not a choice but a necessity. Events like the World Culture Festival 2023 remind us that we are part of a shared destiny”

Vice-Admiral Dr. Vivek Murthy

“I am witnessing today a beautiful transformation of National Mall. I am really grateful to Gurudev for sharing his deep wisdom with the world and for bringing all of us together”

President, India
H. E. Ram Nath Kovind Former
“I would like to congratulate Gurudev for creating a microcosm of the global family. This World Culture festival reminds me of 1893 World Parliament of Religions at Chicago that Swami Vivekanand addressed in an effort to bring people from diverse background together”

H. E Imam Talib Shareef Muslim faith leader
“We give all praise and thanks to you for blessing us with a wonderful, extraordinary, festive weekend of the various world cultural expressions of human life all cultivating and promoting unity, compassion, love, global peace, and global stability”

Hon. Rick Scott US Senator, Florida
“Thank you Gurudev for what you believe in and for bringing people from all over the world together”

H. E. Federico Franco Former President, Paraguay
“Peace on Earth is being built right now from Washington, D.C. Thank you Gurudev, and the world deserves the Art of Living”

Address By Gurudev at WCF 2023

“Today, there is aggression and societal violence on one side or depression and suicidal tendencies on the other. It is celebration through such festivals that can help us come out of these tendencies. There is goodness inherent in us, and that needs to come up, and that comes when we realize we are one world family.
Let’s celebrate life!”

Culture, through music, dance, art, and food, is an excellent catalyst to bring people from all walks of life together. The celebrations, including pre-and post-WCF festivities, were without violence or criminal events. The Park Police also shared optimistic comments during discussions on their perspectives on the World Cultural Festival. With a representation of over 180 countries, it would be a safe inference that participants had gathered to celebrate with joy and peace in their hearts in the spirit of a one world family.

Prepared By

Anmol Narang
Srushti Madre

It is assumed that 70% of International RSVPs attended the event.
Basis previous years trends and primary research, each RSVP came with its family members (on an average 3 members /family). Assuming 60% of turnout for Washington DC & nearby areas and 70% for other US states and countries, a total of 1.1 Mn attendees attended the event!