Rain Bird The Intelligent Use of Water™
Over the past eight decades, Rain Bird has strived to deliver products to the market that use water in the most efficient ways possible. Founded in 1933 during the agricultural boom in California, Rain Bird Corporation began with the invention of the original Horizontal Action Impact Drive Sprinkler. The product revolutionized the irrigation industry. Since the beginning, Rain Bird has produced and offered the industry’s broadest range of irrigation products. Decades before the term “water restrictions” became a common term, Rain Bird recognized the need to wisely use and conserve our most precious resource. Rain Bird’s commitment to The Intelligent Use of Water™ continues to influence all aspects of Rain Bird’s business philosophy and resonates through constant innovation and development of water-conserving products that include irrigation sprinklers, drip components, pumps and timer/controllers. Today, Rain Bird offers over 4,000 water-saving irrigation products that can be found in farms, golf courses, sports arenas, commercial developments and homes in more than 130 countries around the world.
IQ4 is equipped with a modern new user interface for simple set-up with streamlined navigation and programming, and automatic weather-based adjustments. As well it allows real-time access to diagnose and solve problems. The IQ4 Platform offers state-of-the-art monitoring, programming and control features in an easy to learn user interface and provides advanced water management features saving money and time.
A Legacy Continued
Tiered User Access
Modern User Interface IQ4’s modern user interface is web-based and is optimized for any device including tablets and offers full control with smart phones.
Streamlined Navigation The improved navigation system allows easy set-up and programming due to the new capability of group editing.
In recent years, Rain Bird has introduced dozens of new products with Tiered access allows tighter control of the field along with the ability to more on the way. Some products are an additional component that increases perform remote operations on ESP-LX Controllers. the efficiency of an existing product. Others are an improved new version To learn more about Rain Bird Control Solutions, visit www.rainbird. of an existing product. And others are an entirely new product in itself. com/professionals/TakeControl. Or contact Daniel Porter at dporter@ In 2020 Rain Bird has continued to break new ground in the landscape or Brandon Grimes at irrigation industry with the release of the new ESP-LX-IVM (Integrated Aussie Out. quarter page ad 112619.pdf 1 11/26/19 8:52 AM Valve Module) and IQ™4 Central Control Platform.
Introducing Rain Bird's new ESP-LX-IVM Two-Wire System
The new ESP-LX-IVM has many powerful and flexible features, starting with the revolutionary new Integrated Valve Module (IVM). This “smart solenoid” stays in constant communication with the controller, providing efficient irrigation and advanced diagnostics. The new IVM now integrates the station-decoder and solenoid as one component reducing the needed wire splices by half, improving installation costs and system reliability. A simple-to-use interface and advanced diagnostics make LX-IVM the best controller on the market. Two models are available, the LX-IVM which supports up to 60 stations and the LX-IVM Pro which supports up to 240 stations. Up to four Two-Wire paths can be connected, plus flow sensing and advanced flow management tools that set new industry standards for state-of-the art water management.
Rain Bird’s ESP-LX-IVM Series 2-Wire controllers are designed for the largest and most demanding sites, such as housing or condominium complexes, schools, sports fields, parks and public spaces, or large industrial and commercial sites.
Easy to Use
ESP-LX-IVM features an extra-large backlit LCD display and soft key text labels for button functions that change depending on the programming step.
Introducing the Future of Central Control
For years Rain Bird’s IQ Platform has offered professionals some of the industries most powerful tools to remotely manage irrigation systems. Rain Bird is proud to announce that IQ has evolved and progressed along side our commercial controller line-up. Now, with IQ4 take control of your irrigation business and reputation through full remote access of irrigation systems for healthier landscape from any device capable of web browsing.
No Worries Mate!
Australian Native Plant Growers Extensive Eucalyptus Plantation Paul D. Chambers, C.H.
Specializing in: ♦ Eucalyptus papuana ‘aparrerinja’ ♦ Eremophila – emu bushes ♦ Callistemon varieties ♦ Acacia species ♦ Casaurina “cousin it” ♦ Melaleucas
To schedule delivery or walkabout: Dani, Horticultural Sales Specialist
760-803-8288 March/April 2022