The ALCA Influence is the official publication of the Arizona Landscape Contractors’ Association. ALCA and The ALCA Influence assume no responsibility for the statements or opinions appearing in articles under an author’s name. The services of an attorney or accountant should be sought in legal and tax matters. For editorial information, contact the Arizona Landscape Contractors’ Association, 5425 E. Bell Road, Suite 105, Scottsdale, Arizona 85254; telephone (602) 626-709 1 e-mail
The Participant hereby irrevocably grants the Company permission to use the Participant’s voice, image and likeness in any photograph, video, internet site, audiorecording, and in any and all of its publications, including website entries (collectively “Promotional Materials”) without payment or any other consideration.
TABLE OF CONTENTS The ALCA INFLUENCE ARIZONA LANDSCAPE CONTRACTORS’ ASSOCIATION March/April 2023 2023 BOARD OF DIRECTORS President Nickie Velten DTR Landscape Development, LLC Immediate Past President Dwight Faires Creative Environments Vice President Warren Runcorn ABC Scapes Inc Secretary Kim Kleski Kleski & Associates Treasurer Beth Postma, All Season Wholesale Growers Executive Director Barb Shehan barb@ALCA .org PUBLICATION Advertising Association Outsource Services, Inc. (916) Printing Diversified Print Solutions Arizona Landscape Contractors’ Association 5425
E Bell Road, Suite 105
Arizona 85254
President’s Message 4 Calendar of Events .............................................................. 4 Executive Director’s Message 5 ALCA Sponsors 5 Marketing Your ALCA “Excellence In Landscaping” Award-Winning Project 6 2022 ALCAs Excellence Awards - Creative Environments 8-9 2022 ALCAs Excellence Awards - GPM Landscape 10 2022 ALCAs Excellence Awards - Stillwater Landscape Management, LLC ............................................................. 11 2022 ALCAs Excellence Awards - Stone Creek Landscaping & Design 11 2022 Excellence in Landscaping Award Sponsor .................. 11 ALCA Member Profile: LeBaron & Carroll 12 ALCA Member Profile: Ewing Irrigation & Landscape Supply ............................................................. 14 ALCA Member Profile: South Coast Wholesale 15 ALCA Member Profile: Vermeer Northwest 16 ALCA Member Profile: Civano Growers 17 After The Rain 18 New Members .................................................................. 20 ALCA Member Update 20 Resource Guide 22 Australian Native Plant Growers Extensive Eucalyptus Plantation ♦ Eucalyptus papuana ‘aparrerinja’ ♦ Eremophila – emu bushes ♦ Callistemon varieties ♦ Acacia species ♦ Casaurina “cousin it” ♦ Melaleucas Specializing in: To schedule delivery or walkabout: Dani, Horticultural Sales Specialist 760-803-8288 Paul D. Chambers, C.H. 623-780-8500 No Wor r ies Mate! Aussie Out. quarter page ad 120522.pdf 1 12/5/22 1:22 PM Hill & Usher’s Trim Risk for Maintenance or Construction We do the groundwork for you. 602.667.1848 • Hill & Usher • 3033 North 44th Street, #300 • Phoenix, AZ 85018 Professional, Personalized, and Experienced Guidance in the Sale and Acquisition of Arizona Businesses MACOR ASSOCIATES, INC. 602-989-9960 Jim Magrogan Designated Broker The average business takes almost one year to sell. Let’s get started! 3 March/April 2023 T THE ALCA INFLUENCE
60 Years and Growing
This year marks a major milestone in the life of the Arizona Landscape Contractors’ Association as we celebrate its 60th Anniversary.
F.J. MacDonald had the vision and saw the need for representation and camaraderie in the landscape industry and accepted the role as ALCA’s first President in 1963. On October 18, 1985, under the leadership of Ron Mark, Sharon Dewey, Richard Underwood, Jack Hasbrouck, and Bob Underwood, ALCA became incorporated as a Non-Profit Corporation and established its 501 (c) (6) status by the IRS.
The first ALCA-GRAM on file was published in March, 1988, with notices that the Executive Director’s position was open, and Sharon Dewey became the Interim ED.
The first Professional Landscape exam (later named ACLP) drew 38 participants. There was a General Member’s “Hoedown” night at Old Tucson sponsored by Arid Zone Trees, Desert Trees, Ditch Witch, and Sprinkler World, all of which are still active supporters today. The first annual golf tournament was held at Rio Rico at a cost of $45 a person and a chance to win a brand new 1989 Buick Regal.
Western Sod hosted ALCA Field Day ’89 with over 450 people in attendance. The winner of ALCA’s Truck Raffle was Tom Jones of Western Tree Company who passed the 1989 F150 Ford pickup truck to his brother, Bill who was in an accident that left him without a vehicle. In that same year, Bob Hawkins at Western Tree donated an electric typewriter to the ALCA office.
The 1991 Board Planning Session was held in Prescott with a traditional softball game competition. I wonder if Bob & Rick Underwood, Tom Marshall, Kent Miller, Bud Stephenson, John Harlow, Bill Carls, Bill Keim, Bill Sandercock, Paul Bessey, C.C. Willis, Marc Shockley, Stan McKeown, and Sharon Dewey are ready for a rematch????
This Bud’s for you….Bud Stephenson (Caretaker Landscape & Tree Management) that is. He was installed as ALCA’s President in 1993. ALCA established Platinum, Gold and Bronze Sponsorships with Platinum sponsors including Turf Irrigation, Mesa Sprinkler, Ewing Irrigation and Garden West.
In 1995, Bill Rademacher lead the Board as President, and Don Keeton and Susan Stephenson were Co-Chairs of the Awards Ceremony. Stevie Hann and John Flori purchased a “1st class table top display” to be used at various trade shows.
Sadly, the display expired as of last year.
In 1996, ALCA advanced technologically and began accepting credit card payments and set up the Fax network. An article in the ALCA-Gram explained “How the Landscape Industry Can Benefit from the World Wide Web”.
In 1998, Glenn Fahringer passed the reigns over to John Flori who thought he was getting “Presents,” not “the Presidency.” The ALCAGram was renamed Land Marks. The Presidential Award in the Excellence in Landscaping awards program went to Arterra, Inc. and Earth Care “For All That’s Green”, Inc. for the Cave Creek medians. The Xeriscape Award was presented to AAA Landscape-Tucson for the Dove Mountain Road Project, while Dr. Jimmy Tipton was the recipient of the Lifetime Achievement Award.
In April 1999, the AOS Group became the management company to handle the daily management of ALCA and moved its office to 234 N Central, Phoenix. ALCA prepared for Y2K.
Big changes were in store for ALCA in 2002 as Michael Rockwell with Azul Verde Design Group turned over the reign of Presidency to Barbara Stropko with New Desert Gallery. That same year, Dale Micetic of Terrain Systems was named as a finalist for Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year. Land Marks was renamed The ALCA Influence. The ALCA membership was at 89 companies and FX Luminaire and Hunter Industries were the Platinum Sponsors.
In 2003, all of ALCA’s Past Presidents were honored at the Excellence in Landscaping awards program, and Kent Miller was honored as the recipient of the Lifetime Achievement Award.
Fast forward 20 years and… ALCA stands proud and strong with over 400 members representing over 30,000 employees. The Board of Directors team and myself will continue to guide and govern the operations of ALCA. Robin Franklin with Sun Country Landscape presides over ALCA’s Board of Trustees. The Trustee’s review the scholarship applications and the long-range goals of the association, providing guidance and their infinite wisdom to the Board of Directors.
Congratulations to ALCA and all of its loyal members. To take a stroll down memory lane, please visit the Don’t forget to “like” us on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn to watch our continued growth.
Respectfully submitted, Cheers to all of you and to 2023!
Nickie Velten
2023 Calendar of Events
PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Nickie Velten 2023 ALCA President
MARCH 7 Trade Show 9 ACLP Annuals & Perennials – ALCA Office & Online 11 ACLP Annuals & Perennials –Prerecorded w/ Live Facilitator 21 Board Meeting 23 ACLP Plant Problems – ALCA Office & Online 24 SLM – ALCA Office & Online 25 ACLP Annuals & Perennials – Tucson 29 ACIT – Day 1 APRIL 5 ACIT – Day 2 12 ACIT – Day 3 13 ACLP Pesticides & Calibrations –ALCA Office & Online 15 ACLP Pesticides & Calibrations –Prerecorded w/ Live Facilitator 19 Member Mixer 20 ACLP Plant ID – ALCA Office & Online 29 ACLP Pesticides & Calibrations –Tucson MAY 4 PMD Precertification Training –ALCA Office & Online 4 Board Planning Meeting 5 Board Planning Meeting 11 ALCA Golf Tournament –Legacy Golf Club 11 ACLP Tree & Shrub Pruning –ALCA Office & Online 13 ACLP Tree & Shrub Pruning –Prerecorded w/ Live Facilitator 17 Member Mixer 18 ACLP Planting & Tree Staking –ALCA Office & Online 20 ACLP Tree & Shrub Pruning – Tucson 25 ACLP Irrigation – ALCA Office & Online *Dates Subject to Change*
THE ALCA INFLUENCE T March/April 2023 4
Welcome Spring
Monday March 20, 2023, marks the first day of Spring! My allergies might disagree but Spring is a top contender for my favorite season here in the desert. Many of the native species really put on a show this time of year. From the Palo Verde to the Saguaro, the desert comes alive with color, texture and of course pollen.
Special Thank You to our ALCA Sponsors
Barb Shehan Executive Director
With many species in full bloom, it is a perfect time to not only take your project photos for the 2023 “Excellence in Landscaping” Awards Program, but also refer to the ALCA Plant Pruning Schedule: The First 100 . This field guide style manual offers quick access to the bloom period, appropriate pruning time, pruning technique, and helpful tips for 100 common Sonoran Desert Species. Spring is the perfect time to ensure that landscapes and customers are set up for success as blooms begin to fade and the summer heat looms on the horizon.
Pruning is defined as the intentional removal of plant parts. The requirements will vary by plant species, design intent, and placement in the landscape. Many pruning problems and intensive pruning practices are the result of poor plant selection and placement. Pruning should only be done when necessary and at the right time of year. The natural growth form of the plant is the goal! It is our hope, that this plant specific schedule will help bring the art and science of pruning together for you.
ALCA is thrilled to have brought this book to life over the past year. I hope that as a valued member of the landscape community, you will find it helpful.
The ALCA Plant Pruning Schedule is available for purchase on our website at or by calling the office at (602) 626-7091.
Happy Snipping, Barb Shehan Executive Director
PLATINUM SPONSORS A to Z Equipment Rental & Sales All Season Wholesale Growers Arizona CLA LLC Belgard/Superlite Block an Oldcastle Co Civano Growers Cutting Edge Curbing Sand & Rock – a SiteOne Landscape Supply Company Enterprise Fleet Management Envu Evergreen Turf Ewing Irrigation & Landscape Supply Hill & Usher Insurance & Surety Horizon Distributors Hunter Industries / FX Luminaire LeBaron & Carroll Northwestern Mutual/Welborn Financial Rain Bird Corporation SIMS Business Systems SiteOne Landscape Supply South Coast Wholesale Southwest Sod, Inc. The Synthetic Grass Store / Arizona Turf Masters Toro Company / Unique Lighting Systems / Irritrol Vermeer Mountain West West Coast Turf GOLD SPONSOR RDO Equipment Co. - Phoenix The First 100 Plant Pruning Schedule Arizona Landscape Contractors’ Association 5 March/April 2023 T THE ALCA INFLUENCE
Marketing Your ALCA “Excellence In Landscaping” Award-Winning Project
The following list has been complied as a tool for marketing your award-winning project(s). Use your award-winning status to its fullest potential. Be creative!
Website & Social Media – Use photos and video of your award-winning project(s) along with a good description and post on your Web and Social Media sites. Before and after shots are always interesting. Don’t forget to post on LinkedIn for more corporate visability. Include the award and description on your blog and in any company e-newsletters. Be sure to use many hashtags to increase post visibility outside of your immediate followers #usehashtags. Tag ALCA, @azlandscapecontractors so that our team can like and share your posts. Follow ALCA on social media so you can share our posts of your accomplishments.
Plaques – Hang the awards plaque you received in a highly visible place, such as your lobby. In addition, build customer relations by presenting a plaque to the client – word of mouth from a happy customer is some of your best advertising – be sure the client feels honored by the prestigious recognition bestowed by this award.
Advertising – All forms of advertising will help promote your company, the industry and the award-winning project. Use pictures of your project to promote your award-winning status in ads in magazines and newspapers, and state “ALCA Award-Winning Company” in your advertisements, on your business cards, and on your company Website as well.
Bids/Proposals – Be sure to mention your award-winning status on all bids and letters, by including a closing paragraph that refers to your recent award.
Displays – Create a display of your award-winning project(s) that can be set up at trade shows or other events.
Press Releases/Mailers – Send a press release to your current and prospective clients and the media. Have your client give you a quote that you can use in the press release as well. Send a custom postcard highlighting your achievements.
Involve the Customer – Be sure to include your award-winning client in your promotional efforts. Every year, invite them to the awards banquet and present them with a plaque that they may display in a prominent place in their office or home. Forward a congratulatory letter to them with an explanation of the significance of the award.
GROWING NATIVE DESERT TREES & ORNAMENTAL SHADE TREES Arizona Certif ied Nursery Certifiable to ship out-of-state Contract Growing for Large Projects Office 602.243.6125 • Fax 602.243.3764 3401 E. Southern Ave. Phoenix, AZ 85040 Hunter Hawkins 602.625.1566 hunter@westerntree com Mo Ibarra 602.763.8004 mo@westerntree com SA LES: Eric Johnson 602.738.8733 ej@westerntree com 24” Box up to 48” Box THE ALCA INFLUENCE T March/April 2023 6
VERMONT, state and local agencies are increasingly mandating the use of pressure-regulated devices to save water. At Hunter, water conservation is part of who we are. Our innovative Pro-Spray® PRS30 and Pro-Spray PRS40 spray bodies save up to 30% more water compared to systems without pressure regulation. Look for their easily identifiable brown and gray caps to comply with new requirements. Learn more at
Ask us about other water saving turfgrasses 888/893-8873 QUALITY, VARIETY, SERVICE, SOD ~KURAPIA~ • A turfgrass alternative changing the industry • No need to sacrifice lawns to save water on landscape • Grows low to the ground rarely exceeding 1” • Dark green year round, and if left un-mowed produces small white flowers May-November • Extreme salt tolerance • Advanced striping ability • Shorter dormancy period • Versatile mowing heights Less water + less fertilizer = more $ in your pocket and a “greener grass” for the environment DROUghT TOLERAnT gROUnDCOVER SOD RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL IRRIGATION Built on Innovation® PRS30 LEGISLATION MANDATING PRESSURE REGULATION FOR SPRAYS IS
NO PROBLEM. We’ve got your back.
2022 Excellence in Landscaping Awards
Creative Environments Hert Residence Residential Installation $500,001 - $750,000 Award of Excellence
The Villa Residential Redesign Over $200,000 Award of Excellence
Sterling Grove Models Model Home Installation Award of Distinction
Preserve at SanTan Models Papago Collection Model Home Installation Award of Distinction
Prelude at Story Rock Model Complex Model Home Installation Award of Distinction
Flora at Morrison Ranch Model Complex Model Home Installation Award of Distinction
Bridle Ranch Model Complex Model Home Installation
of Distinction Caleda Model Complex Model Home Installation
of Distinction Toll Brothers at Cadence Model Complex
Home Installation
of Distinction
Home Installation
Distinction Sterling Grove
Installation $500,001 - $1 Million
of Excellence
& Country Club
2022 Excellence in Landscaping Awards Creative Environments
Bronco Model
Award of
Sterling Grove Golf
Over $1M Award of
2022 Excellence in Landscaping Awards
ALCA LANDSCAPING AWARDS 10 THE ALCA INFLUENCE T March/April 2023 Stone Canyon Commercial Maintenance $75,001 - $100,000 Judges Award
GPM Landscape Soluna Apartments Commercial Installation $250,000 - $500,000 Judges Award 1221 Broadway Commercial Maintenance $30,001 - $50,000 Judges Award Avalon Apartments Commercial Installation $50,001 - $100,000 Judges Award
Sponsored by:
2022 Excellence in Landscaping Awards Stillwater Landscape Management, LLC
Sponsored by:
2022 Excellence in Landscaping Awards Stone Creek
Landscaping & Design
2022 Excellence in Landscaping Award Sponsors
Horizon Distributors, Inc
Horizon Distributors, Inc has over 60 years of experience in the landscape and irrigation industry. They are the one stop shop for Green Industry Professionals all under one roof:
5214 S 30th St
Phoenix, AZ 85040
(480) 337-6700 |
West Coast Turf and Western Sod
We have been the leaders in the sod farming industry since 1972, with the aim of providing the best natural turfgrass and sod installation service in the business. Only West Coast Turf has earned the name “Home of Super Bowl Sod” having supplied turf grass to a record 8 Super Bowls from California to Florida, including Super Bowl 50 at Levi’s Stadium.
(888) 893-TURF (8873) |
Enterprise Fleet Management
Enterprise Fleet Management is a privately-held, full-service fleet management business for companies, government agencies and organizations operating medium-sized fleets of 20 or more vehicles, as well as those seeking an alternative to employee reimbursement programs. Part of our total transportation solution, Enterprise Fleet Management is an affiliate of Enterprise Holdings Inc. and owned by the Taylor family of St. Louis, Mo.
(480) 783-8124 |
Target Specialty Products
For over 80 years Target Specialty Products has been and continues to be a leading value-added service provider of pest control and pest management solutions, turf and ornamental solutions, application equipment, supplies and education and training programs.
(800) 352-3870 |
Sierra Montana Homeowners AssociationCommercial Maintenance $500,001 - $1 Million Judges Award
Sponsored by:
Reisack Residence Residential Installation $50,001 - $75,000 Judges Award
Create four different zones on a single transformer
200W per Sector, 800W Capacity
Compatible with any transformer
Includes all installation materials and instructions
ALCA_202304.indd 1 1/19/23 9:29 AM
Reward Yourself Earn points towards an all-inclusive tropical destination, VISA gift cards, merchandise and more from your Kichler Lighting purchases with LightPro™ Rewards. Discover how you can get started and jumpstart your partnership today! | Sign up at LightPro™ REWAR DS Vermeer and the Vermeer logo are trademarks of Vermeer Manufactoring Company in the U.S. and/or other countries. ©2023 Vermeer Mountain West. All right reserved. GENTLE ON TURF AND GRASS With turf tires and four-wheel drive hydrostatic direct-drive motors, hydraulic oil can flow freely to each wheel during transport, which helps reduce ground disturbance on turf when making turns. OPERATOR COMFORT Options like a heated seat, enclosed and heated or airconditioned cab, and work lights add more comfort for year-round use. MANEUVERABILITY The front-seated position and articulated design allow the machine to make a tight turning radius while maintaining tractive effort and minimizing ground disturbance. LEARN MORE
Ewing is Your Trusted Distributor—Lean on Us for All Your Landscape Needs
With a century of service to professional landscape contractors under our belt, Ewing Irrigation & Landscape Supply is heading into our 101st year in business, confident that we will remain our customers’ trusted distributor for many years to come.
With a diverse range of product categories, professional contractors choose Ewing for their professional-grade products, including for turf and ornamental care, hardscape, rocks and bulk materials, outdoor lighting and kitchen, irrigation, golf course and sports field maintenance, tools, and more. With convenient locations through the state, stop by one of our 20 Arizona branches or visit EwingIrrigation. com to browse our full catalog of products.
Headquartered in Arizona, Ewing is the largest family-owned green industry distributor in the nation, but we’re much more than a supplier of high-quality products. Customers know they can lean on us for service and support on jobs large and small. We pride ourselves on offering jobsite solutions and solid advice to help you complete your projects, and business solutions that help you grow your bottom line, something that’s essential in today’s market.
“Treat your customers right. The best advertising you can have is a satisfied customer,” is the philosophy our founder, King W. Ewing, lived by and it’s something we don’t take lightly. From Doug York, our President and CEO, and throughout our company,
we believe that putting the customer first is the only way to do business. If our friendly, knowledgeable service professionals don’t have the answers you need at their fingertips, they’ll gladly reach out to Ewing’s in-house experts or our vendor partners to find those answers, because exemplary service is as much of a staple at our Blue Counter as the products we offer. Customers also have access to flexible credit and cash card purchasing options, and web and mobile tools.
With a goal of helping our customers succeed in all aspects of their business, Ewing offers affordable CEU-approved training courses taught in English and Spanish, a vast library of helpful how-to videos on our YouTube channel, and blogs on our website covering everything from how to add services and grow your business to drought solutions.
Membership in Ewing’s exclusive ProAdvantage loyalty rewards program is free and provides access to additional business tools, resources, and solutions. Contractors also can earn points from shopping at Ewing that are redeemable for gift cards, credit on account, online shopping, travel awards, and event and show tickets. Point redemption opportunities also include access to some of Ewing’s premier customer events, like the Waste Management Phoenix Open, hunting trips, and the Ewing College Football Tailgate Tour.
Be sure to check out the Ewing Value Builder System, Angi Leads, Synchrony Financial homeowner financing, and Savings4Members backoffice discounts to take full advantage of what we offer through our ProAdvantage partnerships.
Have questions about turf, fertilizer, pesticides, and more? Ewing’s T&O Solutions Helpline experts Kevin Lewis and Pat Gross are available from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. EST weekdays. Give them a call at 480-669-8791 or email them at
If you’re looking for bulk materials, we’ve got you covered there, too. Check out our Ewing Landscape Materials yards in El Mirage, Guadalupe, Pinnacle Peak, and Queen Creek or visit to see what we offer, get a quote, or get ideas for ways to use landscape materials to improve your clients’ outdoor living spaces.
Whatever your project, whatever your needs, we’re here to help and we can’t wait to serve you. For all your landscaping projects, you can lean on us.
14 THE ALCA INFLUENCE T March/April 2023
South Coast Wholesale
Need A Date?®
South Coast Wholesale (SCW) is a leading supplier of high-quality DATE PALMS, FAN PALMS, & TREES. Based in California, SCW has been serving Arizona for 17 years. SCW owns its own fleet of trucks and ships its palm trees weekly throughout Arizona.
In addition to Phoenix dactylifera Date Palms and Washingtonia Fan Palms, South Coast Wholesale also deals in Brahea armata –Mexican Blue Fan Palm, Chamaerops humilis – Mediterranean Fan Palm, Olea europaea –Mature Olive Trees, and more.
The team at South Coast Wholesale has been working together for nearly 20 years and is dedicated to providing high quality Palms & Trees. SCW’s palms and trees can be seen throughout Arizona, and at many of the Las Vegas Casinos, including Wynn, Encore, Bellagio, Resorts World, Fontainebleau and Las Vegas Blvd.
South Coast Wholesale Offers....
South Coast Wholesale specializes in Phoenix canariensis – Canary Island Date Palm, Phoenix dactylifera – True Date Palm, Washingtonia filifera – California Fan Palm, Washingtonia robusta – Mexican Fan Palm & Washingtonia hybrid - ‘Filibusta’. With an inventory of over 10,000 Medjool, Zahidi and Deglet Noor date palms, and several thousand fan palms, South Coast Wholesale can fill all orders; big or small.
• FAST Shipping
• Knowledgeable Staff (ISA Certified Arborists, Certified Riggers & Operators)
• Consulting Services and Tree Salvage/Relocation
• Product Photos Available
• Most Sizes and Quantities Available
SCW proudly supports the ALCA and the ASLA For pictures, pricing, or more information, call 888-326-7256 or visit us online at
Now part of the Site One team, Cutting Edge Curbing Sand & Rock Is your one stop shop for all your landscape needs. We are a hauling company with a fully stocked retail yard and a proud distributor for Belgard, Southwest Sod, Evergreen Turf, Phoenix Paver, and AZ Best Block. We carry over fifty colors of landscape rock, river products, soil mixes, rip rap and boulders. Our knowledgeable sales staff will insure that your order is accurate and our experienced drivers will get your materials to you on time. Our certified scale ensures that you are receiving the correct amount of material ordered. Call or come by today.
Monday-Friday 6A-5P Saturday 7A -3P 7540 N 67th Ave, Bldg. A Glendale, AZ 85301 Office 602-353-1020 Fax 602-353-1027
ALCA MEMBER PROFILE SOUTH COAST WHOLESALE Annual Desert Horticulture Conference , 2023 El Conquistador Hotel, Tucson
Sponsors Welcome
Vermeer Northwest and Vermeer Mountain West Merge
Vermeer Northwest and Vermeer Mountain West are joining forces! At the end of 2022, Vermeer Northwest merged with and took the name of Vermeer Mountain West. Combining these two adjacent Vermeer dealership groups creates a contiguous network of 13 locations spanning much of the western United States. By joining forces, both dealership groups will bring equipment expertise and market knowledge to their combined region. Leadership from both dealership groups will continue to be engaged in the business.
In 1990, Doug and Jaci Terpstra left Vermeer Corporation in Pella, Iowa, and founded Vermeer Northwest. Fourteen years later, Tim Weaver joined the business and eventually purchased the successful dealership from Doug, his father-in-law. Along with his veteran team of leaders, he continued to develop Vermeer Northwest’s rich 33-year legacy of customer service.
Through this merger, Tim has accepted the role of vice president of sales with direct oversight in leading commercialization efforts in the states of Washington and Alaska. Tim joins the senior leadership team of Vermeer Mountain West. He and his wife, Johanna, are also now significant shareholders in the Vermeer Mountain West organization.
Kyle Pieratt will continue to lead as the president and CEO of Vermeer Mountain West. Kyle shares, “We are excited to continue to build out the Vermeer Mountain West brand as we strive to deliver excellence for our customers. This merger continues to leverage our ability to scale customer service, inventories and long-term career pathing for our team members, in the fast paced and growing markets we serve. Similar to the customers and suppliers, competing at scale continues to be a vital part of sustainability well into the foreseeable future. We are committed to this journey with our customers and team members!”
Vermeer Mountain West will be headquartered in Chandler, Arizona. There will also be branch locations in Tucson (Arizona), Las Vegas (Nevada), Albuquerque (New Mexico), El Paso (Texas), Salt Lake City (Utah), Boise (Idaho), Billings (Montana), Missoula (Montana), Spokane (Washington), Tacoma (Washington), Marysville (Washington) and Anchorage (Alaska).
About Vermeer Mountain West
Vermeer Mountain West carries a full line of Vermeer industrial equipment and has been a Vermeer dealer since 1989. They support Vermeer products with a dedicated, factory-trained sales staff, an extensive
possible!” They have built a lasting culture around the customer experience and customer service. To learn more about Vermeer Mountain West, visit
About Vermeer
Vermeer delivers a real impact on the way important work gets done through the manufacture of high-quality underground construction, surface mining, tree care, environmental and agricultural equipment. With a reputation for being built tough and built in a better way, Vermeer equipment is backed by localized customer service and support provided by independent dealers around the world. To learn more about Vermeer, products, the dealer network and financing options, visit
Please contact your local Vermeer dealer for more information on machine specifications.
Media Contact:
John Kelley, Marketing Manager
Vermeer Mountain West
O: 253-536-7112 |
Vermeer and the Vermeer logo are trademarks of Vermeer Manufacturing Company in the U.S. and/or other countries.
© 2023 Vermeer Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
genuine parts inventory, experienced service technicians and top-notch service facilities. With over 33 years of experience supplying industrial equipment that can stand up to the most diverse and toughest working conditions, they are equipped to deliver the Vermeer brand promise. With conveniently located service centers and a fleet of fully equipped service trucks, Vermeer Mountain West can service equipment anywhere in the mountain west region. Their motto is “Our people make the impossible…
16 THE ALCA INFLUENCE T March/April 2023
CAVE CREEK CENTER 4204 E Lone Mountain Road Cave Creek, Arizona 85331 480 488 1968 PHOENIX CENTER 1634 W Park View Lane Phoenix, Arizona 85085 623 581 3100
Plant obsessed and customer focused since 1982
Civano Growers Introduces a New Hesperaloe that Thrives in the Built Environment
Civano Growers strives to breed and introduce cultivars that can handle the environmental extremes of the Southwest. Poor soil, reflective heat, intense sun, monsoonal rains, and freezing temperatures are all challenges of the built environment. Civano Originals not only meet these challenges, they are also pollinator-friendly and attractive.
For 2023, Civano Growers is proud to introduce Hesperaloe x funifera ‘Little Giant’ to the Civano Originals family. ‘Little Giant’ is a cultivated Southwest native plant that was selected out of hundreds of specimens and multiple generations to meet the needs of the built environment.
Hesperaloe x funifera ‘Little Giant’ is a cross between Hesperaloe funifera and parviflora. It has many of the same characteristics of Giant Hesperaloe, but it boasts a dwarf 4’ x 4’ stature and 7 feet tall matte pink flower plumes. In contrast, Hesperaloe funifera can reach a size of 8’ x 8’, with flower stalks up to 15 feet tall. ‘Little Giant’ is self-infertile which allows it to have an extraordinarily long bloom season from April to September. ‘Little Giant’s’ long bloom season not only adds to the aesthetic of the landscape, but also provides an extended nectar season for native pollinators. Hummingbirds, native bees, and Hawk Moths are just a few of the pollinators that frequent ‘Little Giant’. Long, spineless leaves grow from its base with a white
thread-like fringe that grows along the margins. This texturally striking, drought-tolerant plant thrives in hot, dry areas with poor soils and is hardy down to -10℉. Because of its small stature, resilient nature, and lack of sharp spines, it is well suited for almost any commercial or residential landscape.
Civano Growers believes ‘Little Giant’ Hesperaloe will become a staple plant for Southwest landscapes. They have already increased production of ‘Little Giant’ #5 container stock and released plants to network growers and re-wholesalers in Arizona and Texas to meet the demand.
Civano Growers isn’t stopping with ‘Little Giant’. This summer, keep an eye out for Baja Fairy Duster Calliandra x california ‘Mexicali Rose’, dwarf Texas sage Lecophyllum x candidum ‘Microburst’, and a bright red dwarf Hesperaloe parviflora ‘Stoplights’. All of the new introductions are sure to impress. Civano Growers will continue to develop tough, innovative plant cultivars that are attractive, functional, and pollinator friendly.
For more information about Civano Growers, or to become a customer, please contact: (520) 746-9205
17 March/April 2023 T THE ALCA INFLUENCE
After The Rain
Irrigation provides supplemental precipitation – rain – to landscapes. But the water must reach its intended destination to be effective. What happens after the “rain” is critical.
It’s easy and convenient to think that precipitation in an arid environment is like precipitation anywhere else: rain falls to the ground and quickly sinks into the soil to nourish plant roots. At least that’s how it’s supposed to work… and so it does in most areas of the country. For those of us who’ve come to Arizona from other States (and that probably includes most of us), our assumption that gravity causes water to infiltrate and move through the soil is logical, and our experience has verified it.
Prior to coming to Arizona in 1990, I had lived and worked in areas with abundant water: the lowland hammocks and swamps of Florida, tropical rain forests in Central America, and the cypress-laden bayous of Louisiana. Arizona is more than just different; it is strange. Its alien desertscapes are hot and dry, seemingly devoid of water. Except in residential and commercial developments, where complex and expensive irrigation systems have been installed to supplement the meager natural precipitation.
Yet, it does rain here… sometimes, and in spurts. Arizona averages about 8 to 10 inches per year, spread out over two distinct climatic periods, known as monsoon seasons. The Arizona rain runs off into “washes”, low finger-like temporary passageways that mark the land, and then quickly flows away leaving precious little behind. As a result, within hours of the sun’s re-emergence, the desert returns to its normal dry condition. This is quite different from other environments, where rain is absorbed into the soil and held there before moving down into the water table or laterally into nearby waterways.
This is the desert, and as Dorothy famously said to her pup Toto in The Wizard of OZ “I have a feeling we’re not in Kansas anymore”. She was right, everything was different as she would discover.
So, water movement through arid soil is unlike other environments. Since irrigation systems are a mechanical technology deployed to supplement precipitation, are they affected by the arid soil?
Absolutely, and more than we realize.
Irrigation in the Desert
Irrigation involves more than just the electro-mechanical system that transports water to the site through pipes, valves, and emitters. The water must continue its journey through the soil to arrive at the root zone. Therefore, the soil’s capacity to receive, hold, and distribute water is critical. This makes the soil an essential component of a complete irrigation system. Just as the type, configuration, and functionality of the components in the mechanical system determine its effectiveness, the type and condition of the soil are factors that determine its effectiveness.
Given this relationship, the following items warrant careful consideration by professionals responsible for installing or maintaining irrigation systems:
• A complete and properly functional irrigation system includes two (2) phases that must work together: electro-mechanical (pipes, valves, emitters) and natural (soil).
• Pressure moves water through the mechanical system. Moisture potential moves water through non-saturated soil (force to move water from one place to another).
• Moisture potential is created by the attraction between water molecules and soil particles, and climate factors, such as solar radiation, temperature, humidity, and wind.
• Soil type and structure are critical factors that determine the effectiveness of irrigation.
• Soil compaction commonly found at commercial, residential, and other urbanized areas reduces the soil’s capacity to receive, hold, and distribute water.
• Compaction restricts infiltration of water and causes pooling on the surface, which exposes water to high evaporation losses.
• In arid environments water does not move primarily through the soil matrix, but via preferential pathways (cracks, macropores, animal tunnels, and along surfaces).
• Drip irrigation was developed for use on loose agricultural soils with low bulk density and seasonal plants with contained roots. Residential and commercial landscapes typically have compacted high bulk-density soils and perennial plants with expansive roots.
Due to the combination of these factors, water loss from irrigation technologies in urbanized arid environments are much higher than realized. Some estimate such loss to be approximately 70% or more. Our configuration and management of irrigation systems must take this into consideration to improve both their effectiveness and efficiency. The soil-water relationship has never been more important than now, as we endure a decades-long megadrought that is projected to continue into the foreseeable future. “Your
Roger Hartzog, Principal Tree Theory
success is our success”
gallon thru 36 inch box Stop by and see all the new exciting changes we have made. P 602-437-5194 F 602-437-4719 3815 E. Southern Ave., Phoenix, AZ 85040 THE ALCA INFLUENCE T March/April 2023 18
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DE WE Y 14900 Hwy. 169 Dewey, A Z 8632 7 (928) 632-5320 PHOENIX 2815 E . Rose Garden Ln. Phoenix , A Z 85050 (602) 569-8722 HUGE SELE C TION o f boulders and decorative rock WE DELIVER STATEWIDE PRESCOTT 560 EZ St. Prescott, AZ 86301 (928) 776-2999 RIVER REQUEST A QUOTE AT
Canyon Ranch
Jim Cryts
8600 E Rockcliff Road
Tucson, AZ 85750 (520) 429-7438 |
Canyon Ranch resort landscape and maintenance division.
Dauer Manufacturing
Nick Lahey
14 Village Court
Columbine Valley, CO 80123 (720) 454-4251 |
DAUER is a U.S.-based manufacturer of highly efficient and durable LED lamps, fixtures and transformers. The Dauer name stands for great proficiency and incredible overall value in professional grade LED lighting. Our wholesale, to-the-trade LED landscape lighting, LED bollards, Dauer LED lamps/bulbs, and commercial LED lighting systems are prized for their quality exceptional design and energy efficiency.
Associate Class 1
FH Homegrown Yard Solutions
Robert Cole
PO Box 19862
Fountain Hills, AZ 85269 (480) 383-9576 |
FH Homegrown Yard Solutions aspires to be a high-quality residential landscape consultant, taking on small-scale plant and irrigation projects while advising customers about plant choices and plant health.
Contractor Class 1
Sigberto Ortiz
3285 North Castle Drive
Prescott Valley, AZ 86314
(928) 830-7576 |
MBS was established by two brothers who focus on landscape maintenance for apartment complexes and commercial properties. MBS specializes in weed abatement, mowing, trimming, pruning and general clean up.
Contractor Class 1
South Coast Wholesale
Scott Cohen PO Box 3622
Rancho Santa Fe, CA 92067
(858) 326-7256 |
South Coast Wholesale is a commercial supplier of high-quality Date Palms, Fan Palms and trees. We specialize in Phoenix dactylifera Deglet Noor, Medjool, Zahidi Date Palms and Washingtonia Fan Palms. We also deal in Chamaerops humilis SCW is based in California and ships regularly to Arizona. We also deal in mature olive trees.
Associate Class 2
Wild Olive Financial
Darren Wallace
5425 E Bell Road, Ste 111
Scottsdale, AZ 85254
(480) 641-6190 |
Wild Olive Financial specializes in wholistic personal financial planning to individuals and business owners. In addition, we provide group employee medical, dental, short term and long-term disability benefits, as well as group retirement account 401(k) products for all size companies. We are licensed in 26 US States.
Associate Class 1
James Magrogan
James “Jim” Magrogan is a business broker for Macor Associates, Inc., specializing in sales, mergers and acquisitions. Recently Jim has been qualified as a Business Brokerage Press Industry Expert for Landscaping Services.
Jim grew up on the East Coast of the country, spending his early years as Chief Financial Officer of various businesses. In 1994 Jim moved his large family to Phoenix. With his vast experience in the corporate world, he realized his true calling was in the Business Brokerage industry in 1999.
When he is not working, he enjoys volunteering at various local charities building homes with Habitat for Humanity, Phoenix Children’s Hospital, the Super Bowl and other fund-raising events. He is an avid reader.
Jim recently married Pam and enjoys walking their two Labradoodles, Seamus and Rori.
ALCA MEMBER UPDATE Your One Stop Shop Rentals • Sales • Parts • Service Locally Owned, Family Operated... Since 1960 Call, Text or Visit... Four Valley Locations West Valley 803 E Van Buren St. 623-925-0200 East Valley 1313 E Baseline Rd. 480-539-8700 Central Phoenix 4050 E Indian School Rd. 602-955-5100 North Phoenix 15634 N 32nd St. 602-992-1150 Zero Turn Mowers • PROFIT • PERFORMANCE • COMPACT • STABILITY • UPTIME Wright Mowers are built for landscapers who are also entrepreneurs and understand productivity and profitability. Now Offering Wright Mowers Stand-On ZTR Mowers • 3 models “Stander I, X, ZK” • 19hp - 37hp • 36in - 72in • 3 models “ZTO, ZXL, ZXT” • 23.5hp - 40hp • 48in - 72in
Landscape & hardscape supplies for every project. 16 Locations in the Phoenix & Tucson Metro Areas Call Today For A Custom Quote! (480) 739-6505 ORDER ONLINE 24/7 23PILC003-14-AZ Mar-Apr HP - Landscape & Hardscape Supplies-1
Macor Associates, Inc.
(602) 989-9960 |
Please see our ad on page 3
Diversified Truck & Equipment Sales, Inc.
(480) 721-2832 |
Please see our ad on page 23
OnSite OilChange Plus (480) 470-0352
Please see our ad on page 22
Hill & Usher (602) 667-1848 |
Please see our ad on page.................... 3
Horizon (800) PVCTURF (782-8873)
Please see our ad on page 23
Hunter Industries (760) 744-5240 |
Please see our ad on page 7
Metro Institute
(602) 452-2900 |
Please see our ad on page 19
A to Z Equipment Rentals & Sales (480) 539-8700 |
Please see our ad on page 20
Stotz Equipment (623) 936-7131 |
Please see our ad on page 5
Vermeer Mountain West (253) 536-7112 X114
Please see our ad on page 13
Cutting Edge Curbing Sand & Rock
Landscape Materials (602) 353-1020
Please see our ad on page 15
Material Delivery, Inc.
dba MDI Rock (602) 569-8722 |
Please see our ad on page 19
Pioneer Landscape Centers (480) 739-6505 |
Please see our ad on page.................. 21
Brilliance LED, LLC
(800) 867-2108 |
Please see our ad on page 11
Kichler Landscape Lighting (216) 573-1005
Please see our ad on page 13
All Season Wholesale Growers (602) 276-0230 |
Please see our ad on page 14
Arid Solutions Nursery (602) 437-5194
Please see our ad on page 18
Arizona Wholesale Growers (623) 581-3100
Please see our ad on page 16
Australian Outback Plantation (623) 780-8500
Please see our ad on page 3
South Coast Wholesale (888) 326-7256
Please see our ad on page 2
Arizona Olives & Ornamentals LLC (602) 833-8252 |
Please see our ad on page 5
Evergreen Turf, Inc. (480) 456-1199 |
Please see our ad on page Back Cover
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see our ad on page 6 West Coast Turf (888) 893-8873 | Please see our ad on page 7 SUPPLYING LANDSCAPE PROFESSIONALS Wilbur Ellis (480) 921-8500 |
see our ad on page 19 TREES Western Tree Company (602) 243-6125 | Please see our ad on page 6 AD INDEX A to Z Equipment Rentals & Sales 20 All Season Wholesale Growers 14 Arid Solutions Nursery 18 Arizona Olives & Ornamentals LLC 5 Arizona Wholesale Growers 16 Australian Outback Plantation 3 Brilliance LED, LLC 11 Cutting Edge Curbing Sand & Rock Landscape Materials 15 Diversified Truck & Equipment Sales, Inc. 23 Evergreen Turf, Inc. Back Cover Hill & Usher 3 Horizon 23 Hunter Industries 7 Kichler Landscape Lighting 13 Macor Associates, Inc. 3 Material Delivery, Inc. dba MDI Rock 19 Metro Institute 19 OnSite OilChange Plus 22 Pioneer Landscape Centers 21 South Coast Wholesale 2 Southwest Sod 6 Stotz Equipment 5 Vermeer Mountain West 13 West Coast Turf 7 Western Tree Company 6 Wilbur Ellis ......................................... 19 THE ALCA INFLUENCE T March/April 2023 22
480-721-2832 We build the strongest dumps you can find right here in Mesa. You can pick from hundreds of options to build it your way. Bring us your Ford, Isuzu, Chevrolet or Dodge, and we will build to your specifications! TRUCKS Dump Bodies • Flatbeds • Custom Fabrication Racks • Dovetails • Liftgates • Hitches Tool Boxes • Strobe Lights TRAILERS Landscape Utility Dump Flatbed Big Enough to be Professional, Small Enough to be Personal Horizon has the products you need, when you need them—all under one roof. |Irrigation |Outdoor Living |Landscape |Equipment |Irrigation |Outdoor Living |Landscape |Equipment |Irrigation |Outdoor Living |Landscape |Equipment |Irrigation |Outdoor Living |Landscape |Equipment Products, training & knowledge— so much more than just a store. Scan here to find your local Horizon. Gas & Battery Powered Equipment and parts & service Landscape & Agronomic products & training Outdoor Living & Landscape Lighting including synthetic turf & outdoor kitchens Irrigation & Drainage products, training & accessories Horizon Distributors | Horizon Distributors, Inc. | horizondistributors | @HorizonDist | @HorizonDistributors