ALCA TRADE SHOW ALCA held its annual trade show in March at SRPs PERA Club outdoor park. New to the event was a cool car show and the weather could not be any more beautiful for the 300 members and guests who enjoyed a BBQ, drinks, fabulous door prizes and fellowship with friends and peers in the landscape industry. The lucky winner of the 50/50 split the raffle was Claudia Amaya with Cutting Edge Curbing Sand and Rock in the amount of $540. The other half went to World Vision, a global Christian humanitarian organization that serves people in greatest need around the world, to relieve their suffering and to promote the transformation of their condition of life. ALCA remains dedicated to helping landscape contractors by promoting continued education, effective business practices and networking opportunities, and ensuring responsible legislation to enhance the professionalism of members and the public’s perception of landscape contractors and the Green Industry.
Thank you again to all of the exhibitors who supported this event. Please support the ALCA associate members that continue to support all of us throughout the year. A to Z Equipment All Season Wholesale Growers Arborjet Arid Solutions Nursery Arid Zone Trees Arizona CLA Arizona Olives & Ornamentals Arizona Wholesale Growers Artificial Grass Superstore BASF Bayer Belgard Brown & Brown Insurance Civano Growers Courtesy Automotive
Cutting Edge Curbing Sand & Rock Desert Tree Farm DIG Corporation Enterprise Fleet Management Evergreen Turf Ewing Irrigation Harrell's LLC Hill Spring Financial/Latitude Retirement Horizon Hunter Industries/FX Luminaire Hydrorain/Superior Sales Infinity Insurance Partners Kalamazoo Materials
Kichler Landscape Lighting Logo Pros Mountain States Wholesale Nursery PCA Human Capital Management Rain Bird Sanderson Ford/Parts Mart Shine On Lighting Sims Business Systems SiteOne Landscape Supply SmartScapes Sonoran Lighting Supply Southwest Sod, Inc Sprinkler World
Stotz Equipment Sun Country Truck Sunrise Nursery Synthetic Grass Store/AZ Turf Masters Target Specialty Products Toro/Irritrol/Unique Lighting Systems Tree Theory WAC Lighting Welborn Financial/Northwestern Mutual West Coast Turf
May/June 2022