YOU MAY ALSO REGISTER FOR MEMBERSHIP ONLINE AT WWW.ALCA.ORG Company____________________________________________ Primary Contact____________________________ Address____________________________________________ City/State/Zip________________________________ Phone______________________________________ Website___________________________________________ Email___________________________________________________________________ Cell___________________ Average # of Employees _______
Please provide a brief profile of your organization:
______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________
M e m b e r s h i p Ty p e (Based on annual sales revenue in the landscape Industry) Contractor Member: person, partnership or corporation
Associate Member: person, firm, partnership or corporation engaged in a business or industry allied with the landscape industry.
Contractor Class 1 (Sales Revenue under $100,000) $275 or 690 Hunter Points
Associate Class 1(Under $1M)
Associate Class 2($1—$5M)
Associate Class 3($5—$10M)
Associate Class 4 (Over $10M)
Municipalities, golf courses, ACLP students & Educators
High School/College Student
actively engaged in the construction or maintenance of landscapes.
Contractor Class 2 (Sales Revenue $100,001—$500,000) $370 or 925 Hunter Points Contractor Class 3 (Sales Revenue $500,001—$1.5M) $580 or 1450 Hunter Points Contractor Class 4 (Sales Revenue Over $1.5M) $880 or 2200 Hunter Points Architects & Designers $275
List or check project and/or service types:
Arborist - Certified Backflow Services BBQ supplies, Fire Pits, Fireplaces Boulder/Granite-Wholesale Cacti/Succulents-Wholesale Chemicals-Wholesale Color/Shrubs-Wholesale Curbing Equipment Sales/Rentals Financial Garden Centers GPS Tracking Hardscape Installation Horticulture Consultant
Insurance Interior Plantscaping Irrigation Construction/Repair Irrigation Manufacturer Irrigation Supplier Landscape Architect Landscape Commercial Construction Landscape Commercial Design Landscape Commercial Maintenance Landscape Lighting Installation Landscape Lighting Manufacturer Landscape Lighting Supplier Landscape Material Supplier Landscape Residential Construction
Landscape Residential Design Landscape Residential Maintenance Legal Marketing Masonry/Paving Merchant Services Misting Nursery Organic Fertilizer-Wholesale Paver Supplier Pest Control Applicator Pottery-Wholesale Propane & Alternative Fuel Risk Management
Rock/Gravel-Wholesale Sod/Turf-Wholesale Swimming Pool/Spa Installation Synthetic Grass Supplier Tree Relocation Tree Trimming/Removal Trees/Palms-Wholesale Truck/Vehicle Sales Waste Disposal Water Feature Installation
Payment Method Check
Credit Card
Hunter Points
Card Number _____________________________________________________________ Exp date_____________ Name on Card_____________________________________________________________ Amount_____________ ALCA • 5425 East Bell Road Suite 105 • Scottsdale, AZ 85254 Phone:(602) 626-7091 • Fax (602) 626-7590 •