September/October 2024
Urban Forestry Accelerator Aims To Boost Green Infrastructure, Economic Growth In Phoenix SLM in Bloom at DC Ranch

The Parkinsonia or Cercidium is commonly known as the ‘Palo Verde’. The most popular hybrid is the ‘Desert Museum.’ Since there has been no authentication in its hybridization, every nursery makes their own hybrid. Unfortunately, that means you don’t really know what you’re getting with ‘Desert Museum.’ Inconsistency abounds.
Presenting our exclusive ‘Sonoran Emerald’ hybrid. Crafted in our Innovation Lab. Field-tested. Embraced by discerning landscapers.
Retaining all the beauty, without the drawbacks. Bid farewell to undesirable features of the Desert Museum: scarring, droppings, and limb breakage. Envision a lush tree with radiant green bark, virtually indestructible in strong Arizona winds – the “Sonoran Emerald.”
Our breakthrough: grafting exclusively on ‘Parkinsonia X parkinsonia’ rootstock. A more time-consuming and costly process, but one that ensures consistency.
STRONG TREES. HAPPY CLIENTS. Picture a world without noisy clean-ups, costly replacements, or client embarrassment. You’re not just planting a tree; you’re cultivating trust.
Large trees in stock, ready for planting. Choose from 25-gallon pots or 36” wooden crates. Two locations to serve you. Phoenix: 623-581-3100 Cave Creek: 480-488-1968


Gas & Battery Powered Equipment and parts & service
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Irrigation & Drainage products, training & accessories
Outdoor Living including landscape lighting, synthetic turf & outdoor kitchens


Urban Forestry Accelerator Aims To Boost Green Infrastructure, Economic Growth In Phoenix
By Katelyn Reinhart | August 05, 2024
Fromseeking out the best parking spot to shuffling for that one thin stretch of shadow while waiting for an unhurried crosswalk signal, many Arizona residents understand a common feeling: Under the heat of the summer sun, shade is invaluable.
Providing that shade through urban forestry, the management of trees in urban populations, is something that directly impacts how communities interact with their surroundings.
A new three-year project at Arizona State University — in partnership with communitybased organizations, municipalities, industry partners and national organizations — will work directly with Valley residents to co-create actionable neighborhood urban forestry plans while supporting economic growth.
The Greater Phoenix Urban Forestry Accelerator is a $5 million Justice40 Initiative funded by the USDA Forest Service Urban and Community Forestry Program, part of the Inflation Reduction Act. Led by the Walton Sustainability Solutions Service at ASU, it will kickstart the creation of customized community forestry plans through a series of neighborhood-based workshops that put residents at the forefront of the planning process.
Along with the workshops, project officials will concurrently develop training materials for workforce development along the entire urban forestry value chain and create job and entrepreneurship opportunities.
But, “it’s not enough to simply put trees in the ground,” said Jen Clifton, assistant director of community economic development with the Walton Sustainability Solutions Service.
Clifton said that while extreme heat impacts everyone in Arizona, it does not do so equally. Risk factors such as age, access to cooling, and health vulnerabilities can greatly change how individuals experience the same temperatures.
A neighborhood with trees and robust access to shade, for example, can be as much as 10 degrees cooler during the day and much more at night, said Clifton. However, not all communities have the resources to support this solution.
“We knew we would have to tackle two main priorities in order to sustain a natural solution like urban forestry,“ said Clifton, who is a project lead of the accelerator alongside Alicia Marseille, the senior director of the Walton Sustainability Solutions Service. “We need strong industry and infrastructure to support it, and we need to build that in a way that is oriented around equity and justice.”

Community engagement as a key to success
The Greater Phoenix Urban Forestry Accelerator will focus the social, economic and environmental benefits in communities most impacted by heat — those without existing green infrastructure to cool their parks, sidewalks and neighborhoods.
A key part of achieving this goal is community workshops, scheduled to take place in six Phoenix metro neighborhoods later this year.
“We are thrilled to partner with ASU on this transformative initiative,” said Lora Martens, manager of the city of Phoenix’s Urban Tree Program. “We believe that involving the community in tree planning is essential to cultivate not only a healthy urban forest, but also a stronger sense of belonging and stewardship among residents.”
The workshops will take place in Phoenix, Guadalupe, Tempe and Mesa, with up to two workshops per neighborhood. Discussions in these workshops will include topics such as neighborhood priorities; public plantable areas; shade coverage; irrigation; stormwater management; immediate actionable opportunities; and the long-term maintenance and survivability of the trees.
“Investing in neighborhoods to create healthier environments, develop economic opportunities and be better stewards is a big ask — and we need all hands on deck,” said Tawsha Trahan, director of environmental justice at Unlimited Potential, a partner of the project. “This partnership is incredibly valuable because of the depth and breadth of knowledge and experience that is needed to meet the moment.”
Unlimited Potential aims to activate community engagement through education and advocacy opportunities.
“One of the values of these workshops is the connection to community members, especially those who may have otherwise been left out of these conversations,” Trahan said. “The people who may be the hardest to reach often have the most to gain.”
Building an urban forestry workforce for the future
The second priority of this three-year project is to make the urban forestry industry as a whole more accessible. While there is plenty of demand for urban forestry jobs, Clifton said there is a “narrative issue” in attracting
a workforce: Many potential workers may not know how to get a start or do not know what kind of jobs are even available.
“Part of this accelerator is being clear about how people can make their way into this industry and what pathways and worlds can open up as they do,” Clifton said. “In a way, we are offering a kind of ASU ‘gen-ed’ approach with handson learning opportunities with community and industry so people can really start to see themselves in these roles. Many urban forestry credentials have similar basic building blocks, so once someone learns those, it’s not just one career option that opens up, but several.”
In this first year of this project, the ASU team, industry leaders and community-based partners will create a comprehensive urban forestry program to create preprofessional on-ramps into thriving careers in urban forestry. This program will include experiential courses, stackable learning experiences, internships and apprenticeships across the urban forestry value chain to support the life cycle of a tree.
Qualified individuals will then be given opportunities to be hired for trainee positions in the urban forestry industry or for registered apprenticeships. These roles could be as a gardener, landscape technician, horticulturist, tree worker, water conservation technician, arborist or other roles across the urban forestry field.
One key focus of the accelerator program is attracting and supporting Spanish-speaking arborists. Bartlett Tree Experts, another partnering group in the program, will work with Unlimited Potential to develop and offer a culturally sustaining, desert-adapted arboriculture curriculum in Spanish. Bartlett Tree Experts, a tree-care company with more than 100 locations in North America and a training site in Mexico, will lead five 1.5-day training labs as part of the project.
“Bartlett Tree Experts is thrilled to join this grant initiative, dedicated to nurturing bilingual arborists for the future. Understanding the value of teaching in native languages and enriching the next generation’s skills, we are excited to contribute to shaping a diverse and capable workforce,” said Bryant Sunderman, an arborist representative from Bartlett Tree Experts.
For questions or additional information about the Greater Phoenix Urban Forestry Accelerator, please contact Jen Clifton at jennifer.l.clifton@ asu.edu.

A lignum vitae tree provides some shade on ASU’s Tempe campus.
Photo by Charlie Leight/ASU News

SLM in Bloom at DC Ranch
with Jeff Rons
Let's celebrate the changing of the season and cooler temperatures by highlighting the Sustainable Landscape Management practices that Jeff Rons and his 30-man crew at DC Ranch utilize daily to create beautiful gardens, green grass ways, and aesthetic walking paths. Jeff Rons has been the Landscape Manager at DC Ranch for 2 years, but has been an ALCA Member and a Director of Landscape with other companies for many years. Jeff was quick to share that what he loves most about his job is the opportunity to educate his crew and the residents of DC Ranch about sustainability and the wonders of the Sonoran Desert landscape. His crew manages 23 neighborhoods and villages with various microclimates and environments in DC Ranch, which can pose a lot of maintenance challenges, but Jeff tends to see them as opportunities. He takes pride in developing a quality crew that is equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary to care for plants, conserve water, improve soil fertility, and increase wildlife habitat.
Jeff integrates SLM practices system wide. Moving into the future, he recognizes the importance of conserving water and sees how proper pruning techniques, selecting appropriate plant palettes, and using organic or natural fertilizer products work together to create a sustainably managed landscape. The irrigation at DC Ranch is programmed by an evapotranspiration-based system, though there are always crew leaders in the field monitoring moisture levels in unique areas to make sure there isn’t water being wasted or inefficiencies affecting the system. His team of irrigators are well-trained to regularly perform inspections, monitor ET, make repairs, and collect observation based-data that informs future maintenance protocols. They maintain 28 acres of turfgrass using mostly organic materials like fish emulsion and diluted molasses with nitrogen, as opposed to synthetic fertilizers. They are also starting up a composting program to turn the green waste they collect on site to a fertilizer or mulch for the gardens in the future.
In the founding documents of DC Ranch, it was written that they want to maintain a natural landscape to showcase the native beauty of our surroundings. Jeff is proud to continue that legacy by taking special care of the iconic desert plants despite our challenging weather conditions. This legacy is also supported by the DC Ranch Sustainability Committee that Jeff and his landscaping crew play an active role in. The residents of DC Ranch are sensitive to what products are going on the landscape, and together they have decided to reduce the use of herbicides, pesticides, minimize unnecessary pruning, and utilize PGRs on their trees and shrubs. These cultural practices reduce pollution, minimize resource consumption, and demonstrate to the public that you don’t have to compromise landscape aesthetics to practice SLM. With education at the forefront of Jeff’s management style, he has complete buy in from the residents and the crew to commit to SLM. He is intentional to teach the crew not just technically how to perform rejuvenation pruning, for example, but why this technique is beneficial, and what they can expect the long-term results to be. An added benefit of practicing SLM, is that it gives time back to the crew to do detail work, and in the case of DC Ranch, have a Wildflower Program.
The DC Ranch Wildflower Program was curated over 25 years ago; it goes back to the original vision of the developers. It is a unique agreement between DC Ranch and the City of Scottsdale to create a blanket of native wildflowers on the medians and select areas within the community. This program brings a natural occurrence of the desert that can be enjoyed while you're sitting in your vehicle at an intersection or along the many miles of paved and unpaved walk ways. The wildflower bloom is something that residents expect year after year, though some years are more colorful than others.
Jeff maintains sustainable practices through the wildflower program as well, and tries to mimic the natural conditions of the Sonoran Desert in the wildflower garden plots. The beds are very carefully prepared to be planted

in October with 60lbs of a proprietary seed blend that includes cosmos, Desert Marigold, Lupine, Mexican Gold Poppy and 10 other wildflowers provided by Borderlands Restoration Network in Tucson, AZ. The seed mix has perennial wildflowers that have blown into unmanaged areas and return year after year, like the penstemon. There is no pre-emergent used before they top dress the bed with compost or amended top soil. The seeds are mixed in a 1-4 ratio with sand and compost, and then, to mimic the conditions of native land for the seed, they’re broadcasted with a rotary spreader into each of the plots, being careful to maintain a native look that blends in with the character of the Sonoran Desert. The wildflower plots are equipped with drip irrigation that is utilized only when necessary. Typically, wildflowers require a minimum of 1” of winter rainfall, and do particularly well when we have long cold periods or frost. If more irrigation is necessary to support the wildflowers lifecycle, we provide it. You can observe the variety of desert wildflowers that respond well to cold wet winter conditions by visiting locations in Marana, the foothills of the Superstitions, and even Picacho Peak. Their goal is to have the wildflower beds planted by Halloween, but the seeds don’t know what month it is, nor do they care! They are sensitive to the conditions Jeff and his crew provide. When spring like conditions transpire in the fall, lupine and poppies start germinating and are quick to grow in! The landscaping crew is involved in the whole process, and they have really enjoyed seeing the wildflower life cycle from seed to seed, and being able to determine what seedlings are weeds and what are wildflowers.
In March, DC Ranch hosts 2 educational hiking sessions for the community to enjoy both the wildflower blooms and unique desert plants. Together, the landscaping crew and residents stroll the walking paths and observe the iconic Saguaros and other native vegetation that the community was built around and enjoy the wildlife that inhabits it. There is a scavenger hunt during the hike where residents are encouraged to seek out interesting occurrences, for example, a young 2-inch saguaro growing beneath its’ nurse plant, the Brittle Bush. In this way, the residents build a relationship with the Sonoran Desert landscape as an ecosystem with unique characteristics and requirements. Jeff educates the residents and his crew about proper management of Natural Area Open Space (NAOS), and why when a saguaro cactus falls, for example, it must remain there because it provides a habitat for the native wildlife. Overall, the Wildflower Program is an incredible initiative that provides education to the landscaping team, the DC Ranch residents, and provides a supreme example of the benefits of SLM. Jeff hopes that his story inspires other communities to implement SLM. You can learn more about SLM and how to start a Wildflower Program in your community by joining Jeff’s webinar on September 9 and registering for SLM On September 27 at ALCA.

Agriscaping Technologies
24911 S. 206th Place
Queen Creek, AZ 85142
Justin Rohner| justin@Agriscaping.com
We are a full-service Design-Build Edible landscaping Company.
Contractor Class 2
Alliance Outdoor Lighting
27461 Diaz Rd. Ste B Temecula, CA 92590
Andre Buchanon
Alliance Outdoor Lighting is an outdoor lighting company. We have 2 warehouses, one in Southern California and Florida. I am the regional rep for Phoenix and New Mexico. In Phoenix, you can purchase Alliance through Sprinkler World. We are also available in the Sprinkler worlds in Tucson.
Associate Class 1
Carters Inc.
1310 N Acacia Drive #101 Gilbert, AZ 85233
Rick Carter | rick@carterslandscaping.com
New landscape/irrigation construction for commercial projects. This includes data centers, schools, churches, storage centers, public buildings, office buildings, warehouses, restaurants, multitenant facilities and much more.
Contractor Class 4
Cohere Life
4239 N Village St Buckeye, AZ 85396
Jayson Wilkinson | jwilkinson@coherelife.com
Dan Jones Conveyor Trucks
13023 NE Hwy 99 Suite#7 Vancouver, WA 98686
Randy Jones | randy@danjonesconveyor.com
We haul and spread DG, sand, and soil. Contractor Class 4
Grand Canyon State Landscape 14967 n 174th Ln Surprise, AZ 85388
Adrian Longoria | gcslandscapellc@gmail.com
Specializing in landscape maintenance, plant and turf health, water management, irrigation upgrades/repair, soil analysis, and herbicide/ pesticide application. We also specialize in landscape lighting low voltage.
Contractor Class 1
2151 E Broadway Rd Unit 202 Phoenix, AZ 85288
Zach Heninger | zach.heninger@icf.com
Utility consulting firm with client, SRP, in greater Phoenix Area. We implement and manage various programs relevant to the Landscaping industry including fleet electrification, beneficial electrification, and business electric vehicles.
104 E Hermosa Dr Tempe, AZ 85282
Nick Duckworth | nick.duckworth@insurica.com
Commercial Bond and Insurance Broker located in Phoenix.
Associate Class 3
Orchard Community Learning Center
Monique Franco | mefranc1@asu.edu
We create a flourishing local food system by supporting Phoenix growers.
Sonora Vista HOA
Wayne Rish | nwrish@gmail.com
United One Landscape Management
4867 W Chino Dr Kingman, AZ 86413
Dustin Glasoe | contact.uolmaz@gmail.com
Landscape maintenance (residential & commercial), irrigation repair, tree care and removal, native plant salvaging, water consumption, and lot clearing & dragging.
Contractor Class 1
Western Fence Company
224 South 23rd Street Phoenix, AZ 85034
Cameron Nottke cameron@westernfencecompany.net
Family owned and operated since 1947, we take great pride in providing our valued customers with all aspects of their fencing needs. Western Fence provides gate automation, installation & service, masonry, custom iron works, in-house fabrication, wrought iron, ornamental iron, chain link, razor & barbed wire fencing. We aim to be your turnkey solution for government, commercial, residential, HOA, and landscaping projects.
Associate Class 3
$1M - $3M continuous pipeline 36 years serving Phoenix Metro
Excellent Contractor Score (1705)
Yearly revenue $2M+
Annual profit $250k+
Building plus business $2.65M
Financing available

2023 Excellence in Landscaping Awards
DBL Landscaping

Diamante Condominium Association, Commercial Maintenance Under $100,000, Judges Award

Sponsored by:

2023 Excellence in Landscaping Awards
Stillwater Landscape Management, LLC.

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2023 Excellence in Landscaping Awards
Flowing Wells Landscape & Pools

Sponsored by:

2023 Excellence in Landscaping Awards

Sponsored by: Arizona Olives and Ornamentals

2023 Excellence in Landscaping Awards

Sponsored by:

Joshua, Commercial Installation
$100,000 - $300,000, Award of Distinction
Santan, Commercial Maintenance Under $100,000, Judges Award
Reveal, Commercial Installation Under $100,000, Judges Award
Harmony 1, Commercial Installation
$30,000 -$500,000, Judges Award

2023 Excellence in Landscaping Awards
Jack Dyer

Sponsored by:

2023 Excellence in Landscaping Awards
Landscape Design West, LLC /Foothills View Landscaping
Sponsored by:

2023 Excellence in Landscaping Award Sponsors
All Season Wholesale Growers
All Season Wholesale Growers is a full-service, wholesale nursery that specializes in providing high quality trees, shrubs, ground covers and vines.
6623 S 32nd St #4, Phoenix, AZ 85042 (602) 276-0230 | www.allseasongrowers.com
Arizona Olives and Ornamentals
Arizona Olives and Ornamentals is a wholesale nursery and the only licensed grower of the non-fruiting Swan Hill Olives® Tree in Arizona and Nevada. Litchfield Park, AZ 85340 (602) 833-8252
Brilliance LED, LLC
Brilliance is passionate about leading the landscape lighting industry into a fully energy efficient LED market with only the highest quality products at the most cost-effective prices. We strive to provide honest and exemplary customer service to our network of distributors, contractors, and end users. (800) 867-2108 | www.brillianceled.com
Civano Growers
We are a family owned and operated business that specializes in growing native and arid-adapted plants for the Southwest. Our 80-acre growing facility is located in Sahuarita, Arizona. We also have a retail shop that is open to the public in Tucson. PO Box 1100, Sahaurita, AZ 85629 (520) 746-9205 | www.civanogrowers.com
Cutting Edge Curbing Sand & Rock - a SiteOne Landscape Supply Company
Cutting Edge Curbing Sand and Rock offers custom landscape and parking lot curbing, borders and landscape materials serving the Arizona market. Whether you’re a residential or commercial customer we offer the landscape rock and decorative curbing choices you’re looking for. Volume and contractor discounts are available. (602) 353-1020 www.cuttingedgecurbing.com
Hill & Usher
Hill & Usher is the premier insurance program for the Green industry providing exclusive coverage designed for landscape contracting, tree trimming, nurseries, and maintenance firms.
(602) 956-4220 | www.trimrisk.com
Latitude Retirement/
Hillspring Financial, LLC
We serve and express our flexibility in crafting retirement plan solutions that meet your unique needs.
(602) 833-8620 | latituderetire.com
With a passion for wealth management to grow and protect clients’ assets, we offer unbiased, fee-based asset management. (623) 583-6141 | www.hillspringfinancial.com
Sun Country Truck Equipment
From landscape bodies and flatbeds to hitches and accessories, we provide the best in custom manufactured truck bodies and factory equipment in the Southwest. Whether you need a truck or van body, modification, or repair, Sun Country can provide you with the best setup available.
4245 E Superior Ave, Phoenix, AZ 85040 (602) 438-4956 | www.suncountrytruck.com

SiteOne Broadens Arizona Presence with Six Family Brands
SiteOne Landscape Supply now has even more of what you need. Arizona Stone, Solstice Stone, Cutting Edge Curbing Sand and Rock, Prescott Dirt, Telluride Natural Stone and now Pioneer Landscape Centers have joined the SiteOne family to provide full-line product offerings and unmatched industry expertise. Now more than ever, SiteOne can help take your Arizona-based landscape projects to the next level.
More Locations, More Options

When you need supplies, you need a knowledgeable distributor convenient to your jobsite. SiteOne.com and the SiteOne Mobile App are available 24/7 to view pricing, check inventory, and place orders for pickup or delivery on your schedule. The six Arizona SiteOne family companies have 35 branch locations across the state that includes 18 Rock Yards, 9 Stone Centers and 8 SiteOne Locations that carry all your irrigation, lighting, agronomic, pest control and hardscape product needs. We also offer expansive in-house delivery fleets to get product wherever you are working. Arizona Stone offers easy access to the leading manufacturers of stone, brick, and pavers. Solstice Stone, a top supplier of unique natural stone products sourced globally, gives discerning clients numerous options. Cutting Edge Curbing Sand and Rock and Pioneer Landscape Centers solidifies SiteOne as your bulk materials and onsite hauling resource. Prescott Dirt supplies the best planters mix in the tri-city area, and Telluride rounds out your toolbox with a range of hardscape supply options, including hard-to-find reclaimed wood offerings.

Let us Reward You

With the enhanced SiteOne Partners Program you can earn 1 point per $1 spent on qualifying purchases, redeemable for hundreds of reward options like gift cards, merchandise, training programs, event tickets, travel, and even charitable donations. Members have access to Business Solutions for deep discounts on services and a free Marketing Toolkit to create, customize and print marketing assets for your business. If you have not signed up yet, be sure to at SiteOne.com/Partners.
Put Our Experience to Work
As the largest wholesale landscape supply distributor in North America, with the largest sales team in the Southwest, SiteOne continues its tradition of providing quality products and customer-obsessed service. From hardscape materials to irrigation, landscape, golf, agronomic, and pest control products, SiteOne is your one-stop shop. Our experts stand ready to assist, no matter the project. Visit SiteOne.com to start shopping or to find a branch near you.


How to Find ROI Benefits with Turf
Learn how to weigh the pros and cons of fake grass, and give your customers a better ROI
Article written by Mary Clanton, Arizona Turf Masters

8 Benefits of Artificial Grass For Commercial Properties
Understanding the following practical, eco- and budget-friendly benefits of artificial turf, will help you in making your decision about artificial turf.
• No mowing necessary — reduces use of fossil fuels and air pollutants
• Makes pesticide and fertilizer treatments unnecessary — removes potential for harmful runoff
• Requires little, if any watering — reduces property’s water consumption
• Potential of weed germination is greatly reduced
• Drains and dries quickly when properly installed
• Maintains manicured look year round
• Can last up to 10-15 years, depending on use
• Quickly pays for itself - ROI of 5 years based on 1000 Sf properly maintained
3 Drawbacks of Artificial Grass for Commercial Properties
For some, artificial turf can be a tough sell and the following drawbacks are a few of the reasons why.
• Initial installation cost is higher than sod
• Turf, like natural grass, can become very hot if exposed to the summer sun
• Not completely maintenance free — raking, blowing, weeding, and hosing down turf may be necessary at times
• Can melt if near windows, or reflective glare surfaces
Mary Clanton - Senior Estimator with Arizona Turf Masters states that many commercial clients are currently benefiting from the strategic use of artificial turf on their properties. Businesses and municipalities enjoy a quick ROI (return on investment) after the installation of synthetic grass. Mary mentions the importance of Water Conservation, and how to reduce water costs with artificial turf because water is no longer needed to maintain the look and feel of natural grass.
Water often damages concrete and asphalt, such as sidewalks and walls. Many of the products look so natural that it is hard to tell whether it is turf or a natural lawn. Another great benefit of turf is that you never have to worry about overseeding, or the cost of constant maintenance and your valuable time.

There is also greater opportunity for income potential in hosting events. That is why it is more than likely that you have seen our synthetic turf inside your local school, or shopping center, many resorts, and in the common areas within HOA communities.
ArizonaTurf Masters has an experienced team of professionals that can help answer any question that you might have. Are there areas on your property that could benefit from the low-wear, low-water and low-maintenance needs of artificial grass? Give Turf Masters a call at 602-996-8873.

Cutting Edge Curbing Sand & Rock, a SiteOne Landscape Supply
Edge Curbing is a landscape material company aimed at providing competitively priced extruded concrete curbing, landscape materials and products

for residential and commercial applications while maintaining superior customer service, quality workmanship and long lasting relationships with the landscaping industry, our community and our customers.
Cutting Edge Curbing Sand & Rock, a SiteOne Landscape Supply company continues to add products and strive to be your one stop shop for landscape materials and supplies. One call is all it takes to order granite, mulch, curbing, sod, block, flagstone, pavers and more. We are conveniently located off Grand Ave so our friendly staff can load up your materials and supplies quickly and get you on your way in no time.
Cutting Edge Curbing Sand and Rock is no longer just a curb company. We are a hauling company with a fully stocked retail yard and a proud distributor for Belgard, Southwest Sod, Evergreen Turf, Keystone, Phoenix Paver and Ackerstone. We carry over fifty colors of landscape rock, river products, soil mixes, rip rap and boulders. If you need your materials delivered, our knowledgeable sales staff will ensure that your order is accurate, and our experienced drivers will get your materials to you on time. Cutting Edge Curbing Sand and Rock is equipped with a certified scale so you can be sure that you are receiving the correct amount of material that you order. If you have not been to the yard lately, come check us out. We have over 100 rock products on display so if you have rock that needs to be identified, chances are we have it here. All our curbing styles and colors are also on display for you to compare. While you’re there pick up your pavers, block, bagged goods and flagstone. Contractor and Landscaper discounts are available as well as volume discounts for material orders over 50 tons. Valley wide delivery is always free on orders of 10 tons or more with no zone minimums to worry about. Same day service is available so if you need something today, don’t hesitate to call and see if we can get you taken care of. Are you tired of paying a crew to wait for the rock to arrive so they can spread it? At Cutting Edge Curbing Sand and Rock, we call you the night before delivery is scheduled

to confirm a time window of when we will arrive so you can schedule your crew accordingly. It’s just one more way that we are working to offer our customers the best service in the industry.
Cutting Edge Curbing Sand and Rock offers 13 different styles of curbing to choose from in 16 different Davis colors. We use triple washed sand for a more uniform color to give you the finest quality cement in your concrete border. Rebar is available for installation in curbing when specified by architects or for those who are concerned about maintaining the integrity of the extrusion should any large vehicles drive over the curbing. It may be specified when 6×6 or taller curbing is required to hold back an embankment or severe drainage area. We warranty our curbing for one year against defects in materials and workmanship.
We have recently updated our yard display with new Belgard products and lighting as well as our retail store with new products arriving weekly. Stop in to see why Cutting Edge Curbing Sand and Rock has been helping our customers create curb appeal in the valley for over 20 years. We are located on 67th Avenue on the west side just south of Northern. Our address is 7540 N 67th Ave Unit A Glendale, AZ 85301. Tel. 602-3531020 Fax. 602-353-1027.
Customer Service is #1, when doing business with Cutting Edge Curbing Sand & Rock! www.cuttingedgecurbing.com | info@cuttingedgecurbing.com Orders: orders@cuttingedgecurbing.com

Now part of the Site One team, Cutting Edge Curbing Sand & Rock Is your one stop shop for all your landscape needs. We are a hauling company with a fully stocked retail yard and a proud distributor for Belgard, Southwest Sod, Evergreen Turf, Phoenix Paver, and AZ Best Block. We carry over fifty colors of landscape rock, river products, soil mixes, rip rap and boulders. Our knowledgeable sales staff will insure that your order is accurate and our experienced drivers will get your materials to you on time. Our certified scale ensures that you are receiving the correct amount of material ordered. Call or come by today.
Monday-Friday 6A-5P Saturday 7A -3P 7540 N 67th Ave, Bldg. A Glendale, AZ 85301 Office 602-353-1020 Fax 602-353-1027

An Overview of Sustainable Landscape Management at the SHADE Conference
FrancesCraik, Education Coordinator at Arizona Landscape Contractors’ Association (ALCA) has garnered significant attention for her comprehensive presentation, An Overview of Sustainable Landscape Management, at the recent SHADE Conference. Her presentation reviewed the goals and best practices of Sustainable Landscape Management, as it pertains to maintaining beautiful, ecological, and economical landscapes through design, construction, enhancements, and maintenance.
Setting the Standard to SLM
ALCA has been at the forefront of promoting and educating best practices in the landscaping industry. In 2023, the Sustainable Landscape Management curriculum was revised and updated to reflect current information based upon industry feedback and the outlook of a hotter drier future with the potential of water restrictions. Frances Craik’s role as education coordinator is to stay informed and disseminate the education that empowers professionals to adopt innovative and environmentally responsible landscaping practices. Her presentation at the SHADE Conference was a testament to ALCA’s long standing commitment to education and a reminder that sustainability is the industry standard.
Key Takeaways
Sustainable is Beautiful: SLM dispels the myth that you have to compromise beauty to be environmentally responsible, water conscious, and budget friendly. SLM practices encourage utilizing a native plant or non-native desert adapted plant palette that has the durability to withstand our harsh environmental conditions. By selecting plants from ALCA’s Plant Pruning Schedule Book, or AMWUA’s Landscape Plants for the Arizona Desert, you can choose from hundreds of gorgeous plants that are low water use, require minimal maintenance, and provide an interesting display of foliage and blooms all year round.
Right Plant, Right Place: We know all too well that many plants are planted in the wrong place and are expected to provide a healthy, beautiful display. When plants are planted in the wrong place, they require frequent pruning, which stresses out plants and increases the amount of water they need to consume. When plants are pruned regularly, they are unable to go through their complete bloom cycle, and
provide the colors or fragrance desired by a client. SLM practices encourage talking to your client and talking to your nursery professionals to make sure your selecting the right plant for the right place!
SLM is Water Efficient: SLM encourages regularly scheduled irrigation inspections and monthly review of controller programs. By eliminating the need to constantly prune shrubs and trim trees, landscape professionals have more time to do detailed work such as site assessments. Communicate with your client and let them know you will be visiting the site to perform an inspection of the irrigation equipment and using a soil probe to monitor soil moisture
levels. Although this work is not as visible as a poor prune job, it is the kind of maintenance that ensures water conservation and appropriate quantities of water dispersal.
By providing a high-level overview of SLM goals and best practices, ALCA hopes to continue to elevate the knowledge of the industry and encourage companies to get their employees trained on SLM. The more that we can see SLM practices on display, the more the practices are reinforced to be the foundation of a beautiful, ecological, and economical landscape.

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Please see our ad on page 10
Macor Associates, Inc. (602) 989-9960 | macorassociates.com
Please see our ad on page 7
OnSite OilChange Plus (480) 470-0352 | onsiteoilchangeplus.com
Please see our ad on page 23
Hill & Usher (602) 667-1848 | trimrisk.com
Please see our ad on page 18
Horizon (800) PVCTURF (782-8873) | horizononline.com
Please see our ad on page 4
Hunter Industries (760) 744-5240 | hunterindustries.com
Please see our ad on page 19
Metro Institute (602) 452-2900 | metroinstitute.com
Please see our ad on page 7
Stotz Equipment (623) 936-7131 | stotzequipment.com
Please see our ad on page ................................. 21
Cutting Edge Curbing Sand & Rock Landscape Materials (602) 353-1020 | cuttingedgecurbing.com
Please see our ad on page 20
Material Delivery, Inc. dba MDI Rock (602) 569-8722 | mdirock.com
Please see our ad on page ................................. 19
Brilliance LED, LLC (800) 867-2108 | brillianceled.com
Please see our ad on page 21
All Season Wholesale Growers (602) 276-0230 | allseasongrowers.com
Please see our ad on page 5
Arid Solutions Nursery (602) 437-5194 | aridsolutionsnursery.com
Please see our ad on page ................................... 7
Arizona Wholesale Growers (623) 581-3100 | azwholesalegrowers.com
Please see our ad on page 3
Pacific Palms, Inc. (623) 580-6933 | pacificpalms.com
Please see our ad on page 8
South Coast Wholesale (888) 326-7256 | southcoastwholesale.com
Please see our ad on page Inside Front Cover
V&P Nurseries (480) 917-9847 | vpnurseries.com
Please see our ad on page 17

Evergreen Turf, Inc. (480) 456-1199 | evergreenturf.com
Please see our ad on page Back Cover
West Coast Turf (888) 893-8873 | westcoastturf.com
Please see our ad on page 4
Western Tree Company (602) 243-6125 | westerntree.com
Please see our ad on page 5
Chapman ISUZU (480) 752-1540 | chapmanchoice.com
Please see our ad on page 22