Life in ARCN Magazine - Spring 2022

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Security Patrol Trial by Ed Brown, Vice President

On February 1st, we entered into a trial with Command Elite Response Team to provide patrol services in our community. The trial consists of three random, one-hour patrols per night between the hours of 10 am-6pm. While the crime figures in our ARCN community are low compared to surrounding areas and other parts of Folsom, we nevertheless take safety and security very seriously. There has been a history of smaller petty crimes such as car break-ins, but we have also seen the occasional home invasion/burglary or mailbox theft. Our residents have also expressed concern about improving the security measures in ARCN. Consistently, when we have surveyed our members, there have been repeated calls for us to introduce security measures. We have explored options to install security cameras at our three vehicular entrances. However, technical and logistical difficulties along with city restrictions have prevented us from moving forward with installing cameras. Similarly, there have been calls to gate our community. However, beyond the cost implications of such a move, it would also bring added complications and responsibilities. The HOA would become responsible for maintaining the waterfall, landscaping, roads and parks that the City of Folsom is financially managing. A gate system would also require a move from voluntary to mandatory HOA membership for every home in ARCN, something which we believe is not achievable given our current HOA structure, by-laws and CC&Rs. So, the only viable avenue to explore at this point has been to engage with a third party security firm. We have reached out to a number of local private security companies for bids to provide patrols. Following a bid process, we interviewed and called in references on a number of companies before selecting Command Elite Response security services. By having an overnight security patrol with marked car and personnel, we hope to provide a visual deterrent to petty criminals. So, if you see their named patrol cars driving around the neighborhood or an officer investigating a security situation, please don’t be alarmed. As stated at the beginning, we take the safety and security of our community very seriously. We have entered into a trial, potentially up to six months long, to review the security patrol performance and see if it improves the crime statistics in our neighborhood. At the end of the trial, if we believe there is value in continuing with these services, we will be reaching out to all households to assess the entire community’s willingness to continue and fund their services. Please communicate any concerns or praises to the ARCN Board.


Spring 2022

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