• Lawyer-to-Lawyer (L2L) Referral Section: In this special section, attorneys who hold themselves competent in any of 50 plus practice areas of law can share expertise with the colleagues. L2L provides an opportunity for networking, partnering, mentoring, and outsourcing services— giving a firm more competencies to leverage and create new opportunities adding value for its clients.
Don’t miss the chance to target Southern California lawyers, your most valued prospective clients.
Section: Arbitrators, Mediators, Private Judges, Special Masters, Family Law Mediators,Settlement Officers, and other dispute resolution providers should list in this special section. Categories include Arbitration/Mediation in more than 50 areas, such as Banking/ Financial Services, Construction, Employment, Estates/Trusts & Probate, Family Law, Insurance, Personal Injury, Real Estate, Workers’ Compensation, and others.
Office Support Staffing/Temps
Get registered, get results Grow your business by registering in the annual SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA DIRECTORY OF EXPERTS & CONSULTANTS, THE most used resource for attorneys to locate qualified experts.If you are a professional who wishes to market your services to attorneys, the Directory of Experts & Consultants is the comprehensive resource you’ve been looking for.
An opportunity likethis comes along only once a year!
THE DIRECTORY CONTAINS MORE THAN 1,000 LISTINGS AND DISPLAY ADS IN NEARLY 500 CATEGORIES OF MEDICAL, TECHNICAL, FORENSIC, SCIENTIFIC, AND LEGAL EXPERTISE. The Southern California Directory of Experts & Consultants gets into the hands of the people who use it most, and because of its long shelf life, it is a trusted resource that attorneys turn to all year long. The directory has four major sections•ExpertWitnesses & Consultants
The directory is also distributed to law and public libraries, trial courts, legal centers, government agencies, corporations, and the media throughout Southern California. 1
If you are an expert qualified to give legal testimony, consultation, provide litigation, or dispute resolution services, you are invited to participate in the Los Angeles County Bar Association’s prestigious Southern California Directory of Experts &
Unparalleled distribution—far, wide, and targeted
• Litigation/Legal Services Section: If you provide trial support services, this particular section is right for your listing. This section contains categories such as: Court Documents:Reporters/DepositionsSearch,Retrieval, Manage ment and Storage Language Services/Analysis (Translation) Legal Search Placement Services Legal Personnel/OutsourceParalegalsVideo
los angeles county bar association southern california directory of experts &

• Dispute Resolution Professionals
Section: Contains nearly 500 categories, many with subcategories, where you can highlight your expertise. Accident Reconstruction RealPsychologyProbate,MedicineMalpracticeIntellectualInsuranceFinanceEngineeringEmploymentEconomicConstructionComputerAppraisalAccounting&ValuationForensics/ElectronicDiscoveryAnalysisProperty&HealthEstates&Trust&PsychiatryEstate
Since 1991, the Los Angeles County Bar Association, one of the largest and most prestigious local bar associations in the nation, has been publishing the SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA DIRECTORY OF EXPERTS & CONSULTANTS. THE SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA DIRECTORY OF EXPERTS & CONSULTANTS ENJOYS THE LARGEST DISTRIBUTION OF ANY LEGAL RESOURCE IN THE REGION, APPROXIMATELY 15,000 ANNUALLY. The directory is distributed free of charge at the beginning of each year to attorneys throughout Southern California in the following bar and professional associations: Los Angeles County Bar Orange County Bar Riverside County Bar San Bernardino County Bar Ventura County Bar Santa Barbara County Bar Kern County Bar Tulare County Bar North San Diego County Bar Lawyers Club of San Diego
Photos and Logos must be submitted as high resolution TIFF, eps or jpg files with a minimum 300 dpi resolution. All photos and logos will appear in black and white. We accept color images, but they will be converted to black and white and do not reproduce as well as black and white original files. Please use this form to calculate your additional costs and add that cost to your registration order form to be included in your total cost for your directory insertion(s). Please return this form with your registration information and order form to your sales rep. PRICE 1/6 PAGE vertical 2 1/4” wide x 4 7/8” tall $ 660.00 1/6 PAGE horizontal 4 5/8” wide x 2 1/4” tall $ 660.00 BANNER AD 7” wide x 1 3/4” tall $ 690.00 1/3 PAGE square 4 5/8” wide x 4 7/8” tall $1,020.00 1/3 PAGE vertical 2 1/4” wide x 10” tall $1,020.00
INSIDE BACK COVER - 4 color (includes two free listings) 7” wide x 10” tall (live area) $3,300.00 BACK COVER - 4 color (includes two free listings) 7” wide x 10” tall (live area) $7,000.00
LOGO: $80 per category – 2“ wide x 1 1/2” high (maximum size) – Logos placed ABOVE the listing in black and white only $50 per category – Two point frame/box around your listing.
For full page ads, bound inserts and covers: trim size is 8 3/8” x 10 7/8”, full page bleed size, add 1/8” on all sides (8 5/8” x 11 1/8”).
1/2 PAGE horizontal (includes one free listing) 7” wide x 4 7/8” tall $1,620.00 2/3 PAGE (includes one free listing) 4 5/8” wide x 10” tall $2,100.00 FULL PAGE (includes two free listings) 7” wide x 10” tall (live area) $2,773.00
BOUND INSERTS - 4 color (includes two free listings) (category positioning not guaranteed) 7” wide x 10” tall (live area) $5,000.00
2023 Expert Witness and Consultant Directory Pricing PUBLISHED BY THE LOS ANGELES COUNTY BAR ASSOCIATION | ASOCIATION OUTSOURCE SERVICES INC. | (SALES OFFICE) 916.961.9999 | | P.O. BOX 39 FAIR OAKS, CA AdditionalBasic_________________________________________________________________________________________95628Listing:$465(37linesincluded)Lines:$5perline Additonal Category - Repeated Text: $150 (per category) Additional Category - Different Text: $250 (per category) DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION: October 3 2022 LISTING ENHANCEMENTS

INSIDE FRONT COVER - 4 color (includes two free listings) 7” wide x 10” tall (live area) $5,200.00
Other than covers, all ads and inserts are placed at the discretion of the publisher. Advertisers should specify the secion and category they wish their ad to appear. Placement is based on a prepaid/priority basis and is not guaranteed However, the publisher will attempt to fulfill placement requests as closely as possible. Banners and insert placements cannot be guaranteed.
PHOTO: $50 per category - 1“ wide x 1” high (maximum size) – photos placed BESIDE the listing in black and white only
Mechanical Requirements: Display ads should be submitted as press ready PDF, EPS, JPG, or 300 dpi TIFF files. Borders are required on all ads less than a full page. Production charges will apply if artwork is received past the material due date and/or in the incorrect format.
CRIMINAL LAW INCLUDES: Appeals; Death Penalty/No Possibility of Parole; Driving Under Influence; Drug Related Forfeiture; Federal Cases; Felony Homicide; Misdemeanor
INCLUDES: Employment Discrimination; ERISA/Employee Benefits/Pensions; Labor Relations; Civil Service; Labor Relations (Non/Union/Union); OSHA; Pension Law; Wrongful Termination LEMON
INCLUDES: Bankruptcy Taxation, Business Income; Personal Income; Pension-Related; Property; State & Local; Tax Procedures & Audits VETERANS/MILITARYTRANSPORTATION
LAW INCLUDES: Calif. WC Appeals Board; Federal Employees Compensation; Jones Act (Merchant Marine); Long shoreman's & Harbor Workers' Compensation Act ARBITRATION/MEDIATION Banking/Financial Services Business Disputes
INCLUDES: Adoption; Child Custody; Dissolution; Guardianship of Minors FIREARMS LAW GARMENT
CONSUMER LAW INCLUDES: Auto: Sales, Leases, Financing; Contracts: Drafting, Negotiation, Interpretation; Fraud; Lemon Law; Professional Fee Agreements; Warranty CONSTITUTIONAL LAW CONSTRUCTION LAW
GENERAL or MEDICINE AND HEALTH—PEDIATRICS (forReferralLitigation/LegalServices(trialsupport)ExpertWitnessServicesgroups,organizations)Lawyer-to-LawyerReferrals(L2L) DisputeProfessionalsResolutionConsultantsExpertsDirectoryCaliforniaSouthernCATEGORIESof& PUBLISHED BY THE LOS ANGELES COUNTY BAR ASSOCIATION | ASSOCIATION OUTSOURCE SERVICES INC. | (SALES OFFICE) 916.961.9999 | | P.O. BOX 39 FAIR OAKS, CA 95628
INCLUDES: Business; Customs, Trade & Transportation; Export Licensing & Compliance; Licensing; Relations Between Persons & Nations; Taxation
INCLUDES:Antitrust; Appellate Practice; Bonds & Sureties; Corporate (Profit/Nonprofit); Franchise; Mergers & Acquisitions; Partnership; Receivership; Secured Commercial Loan Transactions/Guarantees; Securities; Small Business; Unfair Competition & Trade CASINO AND GAMING LAW CLASS ACTION LAW
INCLUDES: Commercial; Condemnation; Condominium; Foreclosure; Housing & Urban Development; Landlord/Tenant (Commercial/Residential): Mobile Home; Residential; Zoning; Planning; Subdivision; Transactions & Land Use RICO, CIVIL AND CRIMINAL SOCIAL RETIREMENTSECURITY/BENEFITS
INCLUDES: Business Immigration; Deportation; International Adoption INSURANCE INTELLECTUALLAWPROPERTY
APPELLATE LAW (see Dispute Resolution Professionals Section)
INCLUDES: Computer; Copyright, Patent & Trademark; Plant Variety Protection INTERNATIONAL LAW
JUVENILE LAW INCLUDES: Delinquency (Felony/ Misdemeanor); Dependency & Parental Rights
INCLUDES: Aviation & Vehicular Accidents; Federal Employer Liability; Intentional Torts; Personal Injury; Product Liability; Property Damage; Psychiatric Issues: Sexual Assault & Childhood Sexual Abuse; Suits Against States & Municipalities; Toxic Torts
____ General ____ Automotive ____
____Attorneys, Project & Temporary ____Computers & Legal Software ____Technical—Scientific____Medical—Legal____Business____General____Trial____Process____Personnel/Outsource____Paralegals____Mock____Mock____Messenger____Management____Legal____Language____Documents:____CourtProductsReporters/DepositionsSearch,Retrieval,ManagementandStorageServices/Analysis(includesInterpreting,Trans-lating)Search/PlacementServicesLegalVideoConsultingforFirms&AttorneysServicesTrialFacilityTrials/FocusGroupsOfficeSupportStaffing/TempsServersPresentations ADMINISTRATIVE LAW INCLUDES:Dept. of Motor Vehicles; Education; Federal Trade Commission; Food & Drug; Medical; Public Utilities Commission; State Business/ Professional Licenses; State Disability Benefits; Unemployment Benefits, Child Abuse Central Index (CACI)
INCLUDES:Civil Rights; Harassment; Invasion of Privacy; Libel & Slander; Psychiatric Issues; Trade Libel POLITICAL ____PROVISIONALLAWDIRECTOR/PARTNERREALESTATELAW
INCLUDES: Disability/Application/ Termination; Supplemental Security Income; Overpayments; Public Employee Retirement & Benefits STATE BAR DISCIPLINE/ TAXATIONSETTLEMENTSSTRUCTUREDDEFENSELAW
bold-faced categories indicate broad-range groupings which may or may not include subcategories. EXAMPLE: QUESTIONED DOCUMENTS has no subcategories; however, other categories may have several subcategories, such as ACCOUNTING and MEDICINE . In these cases, please select the subcategory(ies) you wish by including the complete category name, which counts as ONE selection.
INCLUDES: Air Quality; Hazardous Wastes; Mineral Rights; Oil & Gas; Public Lands; Soil Contamination; Water Rights EQUINE LAW ESTATE PLANNING, TRUST AND PROBATE LAW FAMILYETHICS LAW

Includes: Administrative; Benefits; Criminal WORKERS' COMPENSATION
A BASIC LISTINGincludes your CHOICE OF ONE CATEGORY IN ONE SECTION. Top repeat your listing additional categories, also make your selections from these pages. You may “check” or circle your selections on these pages, or write them on the Order Form/Invoice enTheclosed.
INCLUDES:Durable Powers of Attorney for Healthcare; Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs); MediCare/ MediCal; Mental Health Advocacy; Physician Licensing Discipline; Private Health Insurance; Psychiatric Dept. of Superior Court
____ Commercial ____ Community ____ Computer ____ Construction ____ Consumer ____ Credit/Financial ____ Dispute Review Board Panelist ____ Education ____ Employment ____ Energy ____ Entertainment ____ Environment ____ Estates, Trusts and Probate ____ Family Law ____ Fee Disputes ____ Franchise ____ Government Contracts ____ Healthcare ____ Homeowners’ Assns ____ Immigration ____ Insurance ____ Intellectual Property ____ International ____ Labor ____ Land Use ____ Malpractice—Dental ____ Malpractice—Legal ____ Malpractice—Medical ____ Maritime ____ Mortgage Banking ____ Partnership Disputes ____ Pensions ____ Personal Injury ____ Product Liability ____ Public Policy ____ Real Estate ____ Securities/Stock Options ____ Security ____ Sports and Recreation ____ Tax Issues ____ Training ____ Transportation ____ Unfair Competition ____ Uninsured Motorist ____ Workers' Compensation ____HEARING ____MULTI-SERVICEOFFICERSORGANIZATIONS (intended for arb/med organizations whose staff and/or members offer services in most orall of the above categories) ____PRIVATE ACCIDENT____________PROVISIONALJUDGESDIRECTOR/PARTNERSETTLEMENTOFFICERSSPECIALMASTERSPREVENTION/SAFETY ____ General ____ Amusement Parks/Playgrounds Safety ____ Aquatic Safety/Swimming Pools ____ Automotive/Vehicular ____ Aviation ____ Bicycles ____ Chemical ____ Construction ____ Cranes ____ Electrical ____ Fire ____ Garage Doors/Gates ____ Industrial ____ Labels/Warnings (also see PRODUCT LIABILITY) ____ Ladders/Scaffolds ____ ____MarineLighting/Illumination(alsoseeMARINE AND MARITIME) ____ Oil and Gas Operation ____ OSHA ____ Power Tools/Chain Saws ____ Product ____ Regulatory Compliance ____ Schools/Day Care ____ Sports/Exercise Facilities / Equipment/Programs ____ Traffic/Highway ____ Trucks/Forklifts/Trailers ____ Workplace/VDTs ACCIDENT RECONSTRUCTION (Also see FAILURE ANALYSIS) ____ General ____ Aviation ____ Boating ____ Buses ____ Chemical ____ Construction ____ Electrical ____ Marine (also see MARINE AND ____MARITIME)Mining/Mining Equipment ____ Motorcycle ____ Oil and Gas Operations ____ Railroad ____ Slips, Trips and Falls ____ Trucks/Forklifts/Trailers ____ Vehicular/Traffic ACCOUNTING ____ General ____ Business Valuation ____ Financial Statements FRAUD—see ECONOMIC ANALYSIS: Fraud Investigation ____ Marital Dissolution (also see EMPLOYMENT: Spousal Support Determination) ____ ADOPTION ____ AEROSPACE & DEFENSE AGRICULTURE ____ General ____ Agri-Business Management ____ Arboriculture ____ Forensic Botany ____ Irrigation ____ Ornamental Horticulture ____ Pest Control and Pesticides (also see REAL ESTATE: Termite and Pest Control, and ENTOMOLOGY) ____ Plant/Soil/Crop Sciences ____ ALTERNATIVE SENTENCING ____AIRLINE OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE ____AMERICANSDISABILITIESWITHACT ANIMAL SCIENCES—see VETERINARY SCIENCE ____ APPRAISALANTHROPOLOGYANDVALUATION ____ General ____ Actuary (includes ________________________________________________________________________________DOCUMENTS)graphs________tion-RetirementBenefits/Pensions/MarriageEmployeeDissolu-Benefits)AuctionsBooks,Manuscripts,Auto-(alsoseeQUESTIONEDBusiness&CorporateCCCSec.2000Computers&HighTechnologyEarningsLossEntertainment/FilmEquine(alsoseeHORSES)EstateLiquidationExecutiveCompensationFamilyLawFineArt&Antiques(alsoseePersonalProperty)Gems&JewelryIntangiblesMachinery&EquipmentMarineMining/MiningEquipmentPersonalPropertyPetroleumProfessionalPracticePropertyDamageRealEstate—General(alsoseeREALESTATE)____RealEstate—Condemnation____RealEstate—HospitalityProperties(alsoseeHOTEL/RESTAU-RANTINDUSTRY)____RealEstate—Industrial____RealEstate—PropertyTaxation____RealEstate—ToxicContamina-tion(alsoseeENVIRONMENT:RealProperty-ToxicContamination)____Stamps,Coins,Currency____Vehicles____VintageClothing____Wine(alsoseeENOLOGY) ____ ARCHITECTURE ____ ART AND ARTIFACTS ____ ASBESTOS ____ ASSET PROTECTION (also see TAX ISSUES) ____ ASSET SEARCH ____ AUDIO/VIDEO EVIDENCE AUDIOLOGY, HEARING, VOICE— See MEDICINE & HEALTH: Speech Pathology; also see MEDICINE AND HEALTH: Otology ____ AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRY ____ AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR ____ AUTOPSIES ____ AVIATION ACCIDENTS ____ AVIATION SECURITY BALLISTICS—See FIREARMS/ BALLISTICS BANKING —See FINANCE: Banking ____ BLINDNESS/VISIONBANKRUPTCY LOSS BUSINESS ENTITIES BUSINESS CHEMISTRY/CHEMICALSMANAGEMENTPROJECT ____ General ____ Analytical ____ Chemicals ____ Materials & Processes ____ School&PSYCH/PSYCHIATRY:CHILDPolymerCUSTODY—SeeMarriageFamily;alsoseeEDUCATION:Placement/ChildCustody ____COLLECTION AGENCY/ CREDIT SCIENCESCOMPUTER/INFORMATIONREPORTS ____ General ____ Cell Phone Forensics ____ Computer Forensics/Electronic Discovery ____ Gaming ____ Internet ____ Software CONSTRUCTION ____ General ____ Building Codes ____ Cabinetry & Millwork ____ Carpentry/Framing ____ Claims ____ Concrete Floors ____ Contractors Licensing (CSLB) ____ DemolitionDefects ____ Doors & Door Hardware EIFS(Exterior Insulation Finishing Systems) ____ Electrical (also see ____________ELECTRICAL)FoundationsGradingLath&Plaster (also see Wall & Ceiling Systems) ____ Mechanical ____ Medical Gas Piping ____ Mold ____ Pipelines ____ Plumbing/Piping ____ Project Management ____ Roofing/Waterproofing ____ Safety ____ Scalding ____ Swimming Pools ____ Stucco (also see Walls & Ceiling ____Systems)Tile & Natural Stone ____ Wall & Ceiling Systems (also see Lath & Plaster) ____ Water Damage ____ Water Intrusion Analysis ____ CORPORATE GOVERNANCE ____ JUSTICECORRECTIONS/CRIMINAL COURT INTERPRETERS—see LEGAL SERVICES: Language Services ____ CREDIT ____CRIMINALISTICS/DAMAGECRIMINOLOGY (also see GANGS) ____ DEMONSTRATIVE EXHIBITS/MODELSEVIDENCE/DENTISTRY DNA and GENETICS—see IDENTIFICATION ____ DOGS, CATS AND OTHER DOMESTICATED ANIMALS (also see VETERINARY SCIENCE) DOMESTIC VIOLENCE/ SPOUSAL ABUSE ____ DRUGS AND ALCOHOL (also see MEDICINE AND HEALTH: Chemical Dependency; and PHARMACOLOGY: Adverse Reactions; Drugs) ____ EARTHQUAKES (also see ENGINEERING: Earthquakes) ECONOMIC ANALYSIS ____ General Forensic ____ Antitrust ____ Apparel & Textile Industry ____ Asbestos ____ Automotive Market ____ Business and Industry Due Diligence ____ Damages ____ Energy ____ Environmental ____ Executive Compensation ____ Fraud Investigation ____ Housing ____ Intangibles ____ International Trade ____ Labor ____ Mergers & Acquisitions ____ Pain and Suffering ____ Personal Injury ____ Restaurant Industry (also see HOTEL/RESTAURANT INDUSTRY & APPRAISAL/VALUATION: Real Estate-Hospitality Properties) EDUCATION ____ Administration Expert Witnesses and Consultants PAGE 2 OF 4 PUBLISHED BY THE LOS ANGELES COUNTY BAR ASSOCIATION | ASSOCIATION OUTSOURCE SERVICES INC. | (SALES OFFICE) 916.961.9999 | | P.O. BOX 39 FAIR OAKS, CA 95628
____ School CustodyPlacement/Child ____ Special Education ____ Student Health/Safety/Welfare ___ ELDER ABUSE ___ ELECTRICAL (also see ACCIDENT PREVENTION/SAFETY: Electrical; ACCIDENT RECONSTRUCTION: Electrical; CONSTRUCTION: ENGINEERING:Electrical;Electrical) ____ ELEVATORS/ESCALATORS ____ EMERGENCY PLANNING/ EMPLOYMENTRESCUES ____ General ____ Americans with Disabilities Act ____ Compensation ____ Discrimination ____ Employability/Wage Earning Capacity (includes rehabilitation/ Vocational Training) ____ ERISA; Employee Benefits & Pensions ____ Negligent Hiring ____ OSHA ____ Sexual Harassment ____ Spousal Support Determination (also see ACCOUNTING: Marital STRESSDissolution)CLAIMS—See PSYCHOLOGY PSYCHIATRY: Stress ____ Wrongful Termination ____ENGINEERING General Forensic ____ Acoustics/Noise ____ Aeronautical ____ Asphalt/Pavement ____ Automotive ____ Biomechanical/Biomedical ____ Chemical ____ Civil ____ Concrete ____ Corrosion ____ Earthquake (also see EARTH________________________QUAKES)ElectricalElectronicElevators/EscalatorsEnvironmentalFireProtectionGradingCodeStandards____HVAC(Heating,Ventilation and Air Conditioning) ____ Hydraulic/Flooding ____ Industrial ____ Land Surveying (also see MAPPING AND SURVEYING) ____ Lighting/Illumination ____ Manufacturing and Design ____ Materials ____ Mechanical ____ Metallurgical ____ Optics and Lasers ____ Petroleum/Refining (also see ________PETROLEUM/GAS)PipelinesPlumbing ____ Power Pedestrian Doors ____ Products ____ Safety ____ Sanitary ____ Soils/Geotechnical (also see ________________GEOLOGY/HYDROLOGY)SolarEnergySystemsStructuralTraffic/HighwayWelding ____ ENOLOGY/VITICULTURE (also see APPRAISAL AND VALUATION: Wine) ____ ENTERTAINMENT INDUSTRY (MOTION PICTURE, TV & SPORTS) ____ ENTOMOLOGY (also see AGRI: Pests & Pesticides; RE:Termite & Pest Control) ENVIRONMENT ____ General ____ Assessment/Impact ____ Carbon Monoxide ____ Environmental Toxicology (also see Medical Toxicology, and MEDICINE AND HEALTH: Toxicology) ____ Groundwater ____ Exposure & Risk Assessment ____ Hazardous Waste (also see HAZARDOUS MATERIALS) ____ Investigation ____ Lender Liability ____ Medical Toxicology (also see Environmental Toxicology, and MEDICINE AND HEALTH: Toxicology) ____ Mold ____ Petroleum/Refining (also see ________PETROLEUM/GAS)PolicyAnalysisPollution(Air,Soil, Water) ____ Real Property—Toxic Contami nation (also see APPRAISAL AND VALUATION: Real Estate—Toxic ____Contamination)WaterResources Management ____ Water ERGONOMICS:RightsSee HUMAN FACTORS ____ ESCROW ____ ETHICS ____ IDENTIFICATIONEYEWITNESS (also see JURY TRIAL CONSULTANTS: Eyewitness Identification FAILURE ANALYSIS (also see ACCIDENT ________________MATERIALSRECONSTRUCTION;SCIENCE)GeneralCarpet/FabricConstructionContainers/Packaging____Flooring____Furniture____Materials____Mechanical ____ Plumbing ____ Protective Coatings ____ Tires ____ Vehicular FINANCE ____ General ____ Automotive (also see AUTOTIVE ________INDUSTRY)BankingConsumer Lending ____ Equipment Leasing ____ Futures/Derivatives/Swaps ____ Investment Banking ____ Mergers & Acquisitions ____ Secured Financing ____ Securities/Securities Exchange Commission ____ Stock Options/Index Options FINGERPRINTS—See IDENTIFICATION: Fingerprint ____ FIREARMS/BALLISTICS ____ FIREPLACE, CHIMNEY & VENTING ____ FIRES/EXPLOSIONS ____ FOOD SAFETY ____ FORECLOSURES FORGERY—See QUESTIONED DOCS _____ FRANCHISING FRAUD—See ECON ANAL: Fraud Investigation ____ FREIGHT LOGISTICS (new) ____ FUNERAL SERVICES ____ GAMBLING AND GAMING ____ GANGS—(also see CORRECTIONS/CRIMINAL JUSTICE) GARBAGE—See WASTE DISPOSAL ____ GARMENT INDUSTRY (also see ECONOMIC ANALYSIS: Apparel & Textile Industry) ____ GEOLOGY/HYDROLOGY (also see ENGINEERING: Soils/ GERONTOLOGY/LONGGeotechnical) TERM CARE:See MEDICINE AND HEALTH: Gerontology; LIFE CARE PLANNING; NURSING HOMES/ASSISTED LIVING; PROBATE/ESTATE/TRUST PLANNING: Geriatric Conservatorships) ____ GOVERNMENT CONTRACTS ____ GRAPHIC ARTS/PUBLISHING ____ GRAPHICS/ILLUSTRATION (also see QUESTIONEDHANDWRITINGEVIDENCE)DEMONSTRATIVEANALYSIS—SeeDOCUMENTS HAZARDOUS MATERIALS (also see ENVIRONMENT: Hazardous Waste) ____ General ____ Disposal, Storage & Transport ____ HEALTHCARE FINANCE AND REIMBURSEMENT ____ HEALTHCARE LITIGATION ____ HEALTHCARE TREATMENT FACILITY ABUSE (new) ____ HELICOPTERS/HELIPORTS ____ HORSES (also see APPRAISAL AND VALUATION: Equine) ____ INDUSTRYHOTEL/RESTAURANT (also see ECONOMIC ANALYSIS: Restaurant Industry; APPRAISAL AND VALUATION: Real Estate—Hospitality Properties) ____ HUMAN IDENTIFICATION____ERGONOMICSFACTORS/IDENTITYTHEFT Bloodstain Pattern Analysis Fingerprint ____ Gems & Jewelry ____ TIONALIMMIGRATION—SeeMicroscopy/DNAINTERNA-LAWANDCULTURE ____ IMPORTING ____ INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE INSURANCE ____ General ____ Actuary ____ Aviation ____ Bad Faith/Good Faith ____ Business Interruption ____ Claims Investigation ____ Corporate Healthcare ____ Coverage Analysis ____ Disability ____ Environmental ____ Life Insurance ____ Marine ____ Reinsurance ____ Risk & Insurance Management ____ Standard of Care ____ Surety ____ Surplus Lines ____ Title ____ Workers’ Compensation INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY ____ General ____ Copyright ____ Licensing ____ Patent Infringement ____ Trademark ____ INTERIOR DESIGN ____ INTERNATIONAL LAW AND CULTURE (Includes Immigration LanguageSeeINTERPRETING/TRANSLATING—Issues)LITIGATION/LEGALSERVICES:Services/Analysis ____ INVESTIGATION (also see ASSET SEARCH) JURY TRIAL CONSULTANTS ____ General ____ Eyewitness Identification (also see EYEWITNESS IDENTIFICATION) ____ Foreign Born Client Preparation ____ Jury Selection ____ Jury Trial Simulation LABSLABORATORIES/CLINICAL ____ LAND USE PLANNING AND ZONING ____ LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE ____ LEGAL PRACTICES—FEES ____ LENDER LIABILITY ____ LIFE CARE PLANNING (also see MEDICINE AND HEALTH: Gerontology, NURSING HOMES/ ASSISTED LIVING; PROBATE/ ESTATE/TRUST PLANNING: Geriatric Conservatorship) ____ LITIGATION FUNDING ____ LINGUISTICS/LANGUAGE ____ ACCOUNTINGMALPRACTICE— ____ CONSTRUCTIONMALPRACTICE— ____ MALPRACTICE—DENTISTRY ____ FAMILYMALPRACTICE—LAW ____ MALPRACTICE—HOSPITAL ____ MALPRACTICE—INSURANCE ____ MALPRACTICE—LEGAL ____ MALPRACTICE—MEDIATION ____ RELATEDMALPRACTICE—MEDICALMALPRACTICE—MEDICALISSUES ____ Credentialing ____ EMTALA ____ HMO and PPO Practice ____ Medicare ____ Patient Noncompliance ____ Pharmacy PAGE 3 OF 4 PUBLISHED BY THE LOS ANGELES COUNTY BAR ASSOCIATION | ASSOCIATION OUTSOURCE SERVICES INC. | (SALES OFFICE) 916.961.9999 | | P.O. BOX 39 FAIR OAKS, CA 95628
____ MALPRACTICE—PSYCHIATRY ____ ESTATEMALPRACTICE—REAL ____ MANAGEMENT/BUSINESS ____ MAPPING AND SURVEYING (also see ENGINEERING: Land Surveying) ____ MARINE AND MARITIME ____ MARKETING/ADVERTISING ____ MARKETING RESEARCH (also see SURVEYS AND OPINION RESEARCH) MATERIALS SCIENCE (also see FAILURE ANALYSIS) ____ General ____ Building Materials ____ Ceramics/Glass ____ Metals/Metallurgy ____ Plastics/Polymers ____ Protective Coatings MEDICINE AND HEALTH ____ Acupuncture ____ AIDS ____ Allergy/Immunology ____ Anesthesiology ____ Bariatric Surgery ____ Bioethics ____ Biomechanics ____ Burns ____ Cardiology ____ Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery ____ Chemical Dependency (also see DRUGS AND ALCOHOL; also see PHARMACOLOGY: Adverse Reactions: Drugs) ____ Chiropractic ____ Colon & Rectal Surgery ____ Critical Care ____ Dermatology ____ ________________________Radiology/NuclearDIAGNOSTICDermatopathologyIMAGING/MRI—seeMedicineElectrodiagnosticsEmergency/TraumaEndocrinologyEpidemiologyFamily/GeneralPracticeFoodPoisoning____Gastroenterology/Hepatology____GeneralSurgery____Gerontology(alsoseeLIFECAREPLANNING)____HandSurgery____HeadInjury____Hematology____Herbology____Homeopathy____Hospice/PalliativeCare____Immunology____InfectiousDiseases____InternalMedicineLABS;ClinicalLabs:seeLABORA-TORIES/CLINICALLABS____LaparoscopicSurgery____LASIK/LaserEyeSurgery____MedicalDevices ____ Medical Peer Review ____ Medical Record Review ____ Nephrology/Hypertension ____ Neurology ____ Neuropsychology ____ Neurosurgery ____ Nursing ____ Obesity Medicine ____ Obstetrics & Gynecology ____ Occupational Medicine ____ Oncology ____ Ophthalmology ____ Optometry ____ Orthopedics ____ Otolaryngology ____ Pain Management ____ Pain Medicine ____ Pathology—Anatomic ____ Pathology—Clinical ____ Pathology—Forensic ____ Pediatrics ____ Plastic/Reconstructive Surgery (also see Breast Surgery) ____ Podiatry/Podiatric Surgery ____ Prosthetics ____ Psychiatry ____ Pulmonary ____ Quality Assurance ____ Radiology/Nuclear Medicine (Diagnostic Imaging, MRI, X-Ray) ____ Rehabilitation/Physical Medicine ____ Reproductive Health/Infertility ____ Rheumatology ____ Sexual Abuse (Civil/Criminal) ____ Sleep Disorders ____ Speech Pathology/Audiology ____ Spinal Cord Injury ____ Spine Medicine ____ Spine Surgery ____ Sports Medicine ____ Temporomandibular Jaw Dysfunction ____ Toxicology (also see ENVIRONMENT: Toxicology & ENVIRONMENT: Medical Toxicology) ____ Urgent Care ____ Urology ____ Vascular Surgery ____ Workers’ Compensation ____ MERGERS & ACQUISITIONS ____ CLIMATOLOGYMETEOROLOGY/ ____ MEXICAN LAW ____ MINING (ORES, PROCESSING) (also see ENGINEERING: Mining) ____ MUSIC ____ NOTARY FRAUD ____ NURSING HOMES/ASSISTED LIVING ____ PARKS AND RECREATION PESTS AND PEST CONTROL: See AGRICULTURE: Pest Control; Pesticides; REAL ESTATE: Termite and Pest Control; ENTOMOLOGY PETROLEUM/GAS (also see ENGINEERING: Petroleum) ____ General ____ Forecasting ____ Leasing, Drilling, Production ____ ______________________________Storage PHARMACOLOGY ____ General ____ Adverse Reactions: Drugs (also see DRUGS & ALCOHOL; MEDICINE AND HEALTH: Chemical Depend____ency) Geriatric Pharmacology ____ Pharmacy ____ Poison, Detection & Analysis ____ Psychopharmacology____ PHOTOGRAPHY/VIDEO PHYSICAL THERAPY—See MEDICINE AND REHABILITATION/HEALTH:/PHYSICAL MED ____ POLICE PRACTICES ____ (PLANNINGPROBATE/ESTATE/TRUSTDETECTIONPOLYGRAPH/LIEPRIVACYISSUES also see LIFE CARE PLANNING) ____ General ____ Accounting ____ Geriatric Conservatorship ____ Heir Search PROCESS SERVICE ____ PRODUCT LIABILITY (also see ACCIDENT ASSURANCE:Labels/Warnings;PREVENTION/SAFETY:QUALITYProducts&Services) PSYCHOLOGY/PSYCHIATRY ____ General Clinical ____ General Forensic ____ Child/Adolescent ____ Criminal Behavior ____ Cults ____ Emotional Damages ____ False Memory Syndrome ____ Gender OrientationIdentity/Sexual ____ Geriatric ____ Grief & Loss (Thanatology) ____ Immigration ____ Marriage & Family (includes Child Custody issues) ____ Neuropsych Assessment ____ Parent Education ____ Physical Disfigurement ____ Police Brutality ____ Posttraumatic Stress ____ Psychometric Testing ____ Sexual Assault/Rape ____ Sexual Behavior ____ Stress ____ Terrorism ____ Testamentary Capacity ____ Workers’ Compensation ____ PSYCHOTHERAPY ____ PUBLIC HEALTH ____ PUBLIC RELATIONS ____ PUBLIC UTILITIES QUALITY ASSURANCE ____ Metrology (Measurements) ____ QUESTIONED DOCUMENTS (includes Handwriting REALAnalysis)ESTATE ____ General ____ Commercial/Investment ____ Community Associations ____ Finance ____ Industrial ____ Land (new) ____ Landlord/Tenant ____ Property Inspection ____ Property Management ____ Property Taxation ____ Real Estate Disclosure ____ Receiver ____ Residential ____ Standard of Care ____ Termite & Pest Control (also see AGRICULTURE: Pest Control & Pesticides; ENTOMOLOGY) ____ Title Insurance ____ Title Search/Consulting (new) ____ RECEIVERSHIP ____ RELOCATION/MOVING HOTEL/RESTAURANTS/CATERING—seeRESTAURANTINDUSTRY ____ RISK ANALYSIS SAFETY—see ACCIDENT PREVENTION/ SAFETY; CONSTRUCTION: Safety; and ENGINEERING: Safety SECURITIES/SECURITIES EXCHANGE FINANCE:COMMISSION—seeSecurities SECURITY ____ General ____ Hospital Security ____ Protective Services ____ SERVICE STATIONS (also see PETROLEUM/GAS) ____ SPEECH COMMUNICATIONAND ____ STATISTICS ____ STRUCTURED SETTLEMENTS SURVEYING, LAND SURVEYING— see MAPPING AND SURVEYING; also see ENGINEERING: Land Surveying ____ SURVEYS AND OPINION RESEARCH (also see MARKETING RESEARCH ____ SWIMMING POOLS ____ TASER ____ TAX ISSUES (also see ASSET PROTECTION) ____ TELECOMMUNICATIONS NEERING:STRUCTION:Traffic/Highway;ACCIDENTTRAFFIC/HIGHWAY—seePREVENTION/SAFETY:ACCIDENTRECON-Vehicular/Traffic;ENGI-Traffic/Highway ____ TRANSPORTATION ____ TRAVEL AND TOURISM ____ U.S. CUSTOMS ____ VETERINARY SCIENCE VIDEO—see PHOTOGRAPHY/ VIDEO ____ WASTE DISPOSAL WEATHER—see METEOROLOGY/ VALUATION:TURE;WINE—seeCLIMATOLOGYENOLOGY/VITICUL-alsoseeAPPRAISALANDWine ____ WITNESS PREPARATION ____ WOOD SCIENCE WORKERS’ COMPENSATION—see MEDICINE AND HEALTH: Workers’ Comp; HEALTH:X-RAY—seeWorkers’Workers’PSYCHOLOGY/PSYCHIATRY:Compensation;Insurance:CompensationMEDICINEANDRadiology PAGE 4 OF 4 PUBLISHED BY THE LOS ANGELES COUNTY BAR ASSOCIATION | ASSOCIATION OUTSOURCE SERVICES INC. | (SALES OFFICE) 916.961.9999 | | P.O. BOX 39 FAIR OAKS, CA 95628