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Project Management
General (cont.)
Jim Farasatpour, MS, PE, SE
Jim Farasatpour Associates Consulting Civil & Structural Engineers 12016 Wilshire Blvd, Ste 3 Los Angeles, CA 90025 Tel: (310) 447-0878 Cell: (310) 666-4643 Email: JimFara@verizon.net Degrees/Lic: BS Civil Engineering; MS Structural Engineering; Reg PE/SE: Civ/Str, CA; Earthquake Eng; Proj/Const Mgmt. Specialties: Expert witness & technical support: new construction & existing buildings. Litigation related to construction (defects, personal injuries, code compliance & violation, design & development, repair, alteration, renovation, cost estimate/analysis, etc.) Damage assessment & field investigation (earthquake, hurricane, flood, fire, blast, riot, etc.) Specialty in post-earthquake evaluation & safety assessment. Seismic analysis & design for new & rehabilitation of existing buildings (including current Ordinances). More than 40 years of experience in low to high-rise structures in steel, concrete, masonry & wood for commercial, residential, industrial, institutional & public facilities. Expert project/construction management services. Past projects include office bldgs., multifamily, apartments, single family residential, schools, sports facilities, parking structures, steel towers, bridges and other structures & improvements.
KGA, Inc.
Contact: Kurt Grosz 1409 Glenneyre St., Ste. A Laguna Beach, CA 92651 Tel: (949) 497-6000 Fax: (949) 494-4893 Email: kurtg@kgainc.com Website: www.kgainc.com Degrees/Lic: CA & AZ Eng, Bldg, Haz Contractor; CA & AZ Engineer; ICC Bldg, Mech, Plumbing, Concrete & Accessibility Inspectors Cert; ACI Testing Grade I; ASPE Certified Estimator; MBA Specialties: KGA, Inc. provides expert witness testimony & neutral party service for construction disputes. Expert designations including Building Code, Contractor Standards, Safety, CAL OSHA, Claims, Cost to Repair, Contract Documents, & Insurance Appraiser.
Henry M. Koffman, PE
Professor & Director, CE Dept School of Engineering, USC Owner, Trojan Construction Mgmt LLC 6311 Van Nuys Blvd, Ste 464 Van Nuys, CA 91401 Tel: (818) 988-7595 Fax: (818) 475-1895 Email: koffman@usc.edu Website: www. trojanconstructionmanagementllc.com Degrees/Lic: BSCE; MSCE; PE Specialties: Construction Defects; Forensic Engineering; Cost Estimating & Scheduling; Change Orders; Delays; Safety; Real Estate Development; Labor Relations & Management; Liens; Licensing; Quality Assurance; Employment; Ethics; International; Education; Earthquake; Wind; Fire; Flood; Construction Management. 30 years Industry Experience. Arbitrator & Mediator Services; Real Property Assessments, Accidents, Civil Engineering.
Pro/Consul Technical & Medical Experts
1945 Palo Verde Ave, Ste 200 Long Beach, CA 90815-3443 Tel: (800) 392-1119 Fax: (562) 799-8821 Email: expert@expertinfo.com Website: www.expertinfo.com Degrees/Lic: MD; PhD; JD; CPA; DDS; RN, etc. Specialties: 15,000 Experts incl: acc recon; acctg; auto engr; biomech, busn val; const; econ; elec; eng; failure analysis; human fac; ins; lighting; marine; metal; medmal; mech; MD’s; RN’s; roof; safety; security; SOC; tax & many more. Education: Right Expert Right Away!® We welcome your RUSH cases! We feature a full roster of Technical and Medical expert witnesses. Our goal is to provide you with the best experts at a reasonable cost. Free Resume Binder. Put us to the test - we look forward to your call! Listed and
Recommended by the A.M. Best Company.
See display ads on pages 39, 81, 123 and inside front cover.
Daniel Rosen
46 Rollingwood Dr Rolling Hills Estates, CA 90274 Tel: (310) 375-8766 Email: drosen47@cox.net Website: www.rosenconstructioninc.com Degrees/Lic: BS in R.E. Finance; Gen Bldg B; R.E. Broker Specialties: Evaluate general building defects in residential, apartment & condos. More than 20 yrs hands-on expert. Active general contractor specializing in reconstruction.