The Los Angeles County Bar Association (LACBA) is pleased to provide you with our 2023 DIRECTORY OF EXPERTS & CONSULTANTS, a comprehensive registry of expert witnesses and consultants throughout Southern California. The Directory has expanded since 1991 and now delivers more than 1,500 expert and consultant listings in nearly 500 legal and forensic categories.
LACBA provides complimentary copies of the Directory to all of its members and affiliate bar associations, as well as regional bar associations in the following counties: Orange, North San Diego, San Bernardino, Riverside, Santa Barbara, Kern, Tulare and Ventura.
The Directory is an invaluable resource for all attorneys, and we welcome any suggestions you have that might help us make it even better.
For more information on expert4law.org contact 213.896.6504.
The Los Angeles County Bar Association (LACBA) has compiled the SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA DIRECTORY OF EXPERTS & CONSULTANTS as a source of names and specialties of experts for use by attorneys and others. Although LACBA has compiled the directory based on information supplied by those listed, among others, it has not reviewed, investigated, or evaluated the authenticity, accuracy, or completeness of the information received. LACBA makes no representations as to the qualifications or competence of those listed and does not recommend or endorse the services of those listed
The contents of this directory may not be republished, sold, or incorporated into any other database for any purpose. Use of the information provided herein for purposes of solicitation or for any other purpose other than to retain an expert or consultant is strictly prohibited.
The SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA DIRECTORY OF EXPERTS & CONSULTANTS has five CATEGORY INDEXES for locating legal experts, consultants, and services:
• Litigation/Legal Services Listings: These trial support services may include Document Services, Personnel, Paralegals, Process Servers, Parliamentary Procedure, Computer, and other legal support professionals.
• Expert Witness Referral Services Listings: Find organizations with banks of experts and consultants in broad categories of expertise.
• Lawyer-to-Lawyer (L2L) Consultants Network Listings: Lawyers who hold themselves competent and available for consultation can be located in their respective practice areas of law. This section is intended to offer practitioners a source for finding professional advice and outsourcing in unfamiliar areas of law.
• Dispute Resolution Professionals Listings: Find Arbitrators, Mediators, Private Judges, Family Law specialists, Special Masters, Settlement Officers, and other auxiliary dispute resolution service providers in a specific area of dispute.
• Expert Witnesses & Consultants Listings:
More than 1,500 listings in nearly 500 categories of expertise appear in this section. Depending upon your needs, you will want to give the CATEGORY INDEXES a thorough review for all applicable categories and subcategories to find your expert.
For example, if you are looking for an electrical expert, you might look under any or all of these selections:
Accident Prevention/Safety: Electrical
Accident Reconstruction: Electrical
Construction: Electrical
Engineering: Electrical
Similarly, experts in real estate may be found in the Real Estate category as well as in real estate subcategories under the category of Appraisal and Valuation.
A COMBINED INDIVIDUAL AND ORGANIZATIONAL INDEX appears at the back of the directory. This includes ALL PARTICIPANTS in the book, in alphabetical order. DISPLAY ADVERTISING is interspersed throughout the directory.
Grow your business by registering in the annual SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA DIRECTORY OF EXPERTS & CONSULTANTS, THE most used resource for attorneys to locate qualified experts.If you are a professional who wishes to market your services to attorneys, the Directory of Experts & Consultants is the comprehensive resource you’ve been looking for.
The Southern California Directory of Experts & Consultants gets into the hands of the people who use it most, and because of its long shelf life, it is a trusted resource that attorneys turn to all year long.
The directory has four major sections
• Expert Witnesses & Consultants
Section: Contains nearly 500 categories, many with subcategories, where you can highlight your expertise.
Accident Reconstruction
Appraisal & Valuation
Computer Forensics/
Electronic Discovery
Economic Analysis
Intellectual Property
Medicine & Health
Probate, Estates & Trust
Psychology & Psychiatry
Real Estate
• Dispute Resolution Professionals
Section: Arbitrators, Mediators, Private Judges, Special Masters, Family Law Mediators,Settlement Officers, and other dispute resolution providers should list in this special section.
Categories include Arbitration/Mediation in more than 50 areas, such as Banking/ Financial Services, Construction, Employment, Estates/Trusts & Probate, Family Law, Insurance, Personal Injury, Real Estate, Workers’ Compensation, and others.
• Lawyer-to-Lawyer (L2L) Referral
Section: In this special section, attorneys who hold themselves competent in any of 50 plus practice areas of law can share expertise with the colleagues. L2L provides an opportunity for networking, partnering, mentoring, and outsourcing services— giving a firm more competencies to leverage and create new opportunities adding value for its clients.
• Litigation/Legal Services Section: If you provide trial support services, this particular section is right for your listing. This section contains categories such as: Court Reporters/Depositions
Documents: Search, Retrieval, Manage ment and Storage
Language Services/Analysis (Translation) Legal Search Placement Services Legal Video Paralegals
Personnel/Outsource Office Support Staffing/Temps
Since 1991, the Los Angeles County Bar Association, one of the largest and most prestigious local bar associations in the nation, has been publishing the SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA DIRECTORY OF EXPERTS & CONSULTANTS.
The directory is distributed free of charge at the beginning of each year to attorneys throughout Southern California in the following bar and professional associations:
Los Angeles County Bar
Orange County Bar
Riverside County Bar
San Bernardino County Bar
Ventura County Bar
Santa Barbara County Bar
Kern County Bar
Tulare County Bar
North San Diego County Bar
Lawyers Club of San Diego
The directory is also distributed to law and public libraries, trial courts, legal centers, government agencies, corporations, and the media throughout Southern California.
los angeles county bar association
southern california directory of experts &
If you are an expert qualified to give legal testimony, consultation, provide litigation, or dispute resolution services, you are invited to participate in the Los Angeles County Bar Association’s prestigious Southern California Directory of Experts & Consultants. consultants
Don’t miss the chance to target Southern California lawyers, your most valued prospective clients.
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• Anesthesiology
• Cardiology
• Cardiothoracic Surgery
• Colorectal Surgery
• Dentistry / Oral Surgery
• Dermatology
• Economics
• Emergency Medicine
• Endocrinology
• General Surgery
• Gastrointestinal (GI)
• Geriatrics
• Hematology
• Hospital Medicine
• Infectious Disease
• Internal Medicine
• Life Care Planning
• Maxillofacial Surgery
• Nephrology
• Neurology
• Neuropsychology
• Neurosurgery
• Nursing
• Obstetrics & Gynecology (OBGYN)
• Occupational Therapy
• Oncology
• Opthalmology
• Orthopedic Surgery
• Orthotics & Prosthetics
• Otolaryngology / Ear, Nose & Throat (ENT)
• Pain Management
• Pathology
• Pediatrics
• Pharmacology
• Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation
• Plastic Surgery
• Podiatry
• Psychiatry / Psychology
• Pulmonology
• Radiology
• Rheumatology
• Spine Surgery
• Toxicology
• Trauma Surgery
• Urology
• Vascular Surgery
• Wound Care
BCM Analytics
Contact: David Sage or Chris Ball
16666 Sierra Hwy Canyon Country, CA 91351
Tel: (661) 621-9491
Email: info@BCManalytics.com
Website: www.BCManalytics.com
BS Bus. Admin., CA and AZ licensed G.C., ASPE, Arbitrations and Court Testimony, CM Certified, ICC Certified.
Since 1992, we have been engaged in investigations, data management, and analysis for the complex civil litigation. Outsource data organization. Free up your paralegals. Get data analysis done quicker. You can lower your costs for expensive forensic accountants by first processing mass documents and reducing the data for their analysis. We can digest and organize large amounts of complex data in any form. You can follow the money. We can present that data graphically for presentations. You gain insight into data relationships. We are experienced Complex Data Experts.
See display ad page 26
Benchmark Investigations
Contact: Jim Zimmer, CPI
32158 Camino Capistrano, #A-415 San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675
Tel: (800) 248-7721
Fax: (949) 606-8439
Email: zimmerpi@pacbell.net
Website: www.BenchmarkInvestigations.net
BS, Business Management; CA Private Investigator Lic PI 12651; Registered Process Server #PSC/2411
National agency. Professional investigations with emphasis upon accuracy, detail & expedience. Asset/financial searches; background investigation; DMV searches; domestic/marital cases; due diligence; mergers & acquisitions; process service; sexual harassment & discrimination investigations; surveillance/photog; witness location & statements. LA branch + correspondents nationwide. Multi-lingual agents. Fully insured.
Jim Zimmer is a Past President of the National Council of Investigation & Security Services & the California Assn of Licensed Investigators. Jim is the 2011 recipient of the CALI Distinguished Achievement Award.
See display ad page 105
Hodson P.I., LLC
Justin D. Hodson, CPI
1440 N. Harbor Blvd, #900 Fullerton, CA 92835 Tel: (714) 646-4545
Email: justin@HodsonPI.com
Website: www.HodsonPI.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: CA PI 23796
Investigation, Process Service. Hodson P.I., LLC is a California, licensed, professional private investigations firm serving all of California. Hodson P.I., LLC is an approved and licensed Limited Liability Investigations Corporation. Our coverage area is the entire state of California, with services in select States and Countries. The firm was founded in 2003 by world renowned private detective, Justin D. Hodson, CPI, who has been conducting investigations since 1999.
See display ad page 107
Najar Investigations
Mohammed Najar
23811 Washington Ave, Ste C110286
Murrieta, CA 92562
Tel: (855) 462-6300
Cell: (951) 834-6766
Email: info@najarinvestigations.com
Website: www.najarinvestigations.com
Najar Investigations is a full-service investigations firm licensed and insured in the State of California and Arizona. Our investigators are active or honorably retired law enforcement agents, with unimpeachable background and extensive investigative experience. All of our investigations are conducted confidentially, with integrity and professionalism.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Comprehensive asset investigations and searches; Location of defendants or witnesses; Cover manned and unmanned surveillance for personal injury or family law investigations; Due diligence, pre-litigation asset discovery, post-litigation recovery or assistance vetting a business opportunity or business partner; Digital forensics including physical equipment evidence retrieval and eDiscovery.
See ad outside back cover
Pro/Consul Technical & Medical Experts
1945 Palo Verde Ave, Ste 200 Long Beach, CA 90815-3443
Tel: (800) 392-1119
Fax: (562) 799-8821
Email: expert@expertinfo.com
Website: www.expertinfo.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: MD; PhD; JD; CPA; DDS; RN, etc.
15,000 Experts incl: acc recon; acctg; auto engr; biomech, busn val; const; econ; elec; eng; failure analysis; human fac; ins; lighting; marine; metal; medmal; mech; MD’s; RN’s; roof; safety; security; SOC; tax & many more.
Right Expert Right Away!® We welcome your RUSH cases! We feature a full roster of Technical and Medical expert witnesses. Our goal is to provide you with the best experts at a reasonable cost. Free Resume Binder. Put us to the test - we look forward to your call!
Listed and Recommended by the A.M. Best Company.
See display ads on pages 42, 85, 124 and inside front cover
Arrowhead Evaluation Services
1680 Plum Lane Redlands, CA 92374
Tel: (888) 888-5902
Email: experts@arrowheadeval.com
Website: www.arrowheadeval.com
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Our panel of ethical and qualified medical professionals have the knowledge and experience to evaluate every type of injury, and are available to serve as medical experts to provide testimony in medical legal cases. Whether you’re seeking a certified medical expert for a Subsequent Injuries Benefit Trusts Fund Evaluation, Qualified Medical Evaluation, Agreed Medical Evaluation, or Independent Medical Evaluation, Arrowhead can provide the trusted and experienced medical Specialties:
Arrowhead Evaluation Services is your LEADING SOURCE for medical experts throughout the state of California:
- Physicians dedicated to fast, accurate reporting
- California’s most selective medical/legal service provider
- Credible medical legal reports
- Locations throughout California
See display ad page 11
Founded by Ronald S. Kvitne, MD
2275 Huntington Dr, #124
San Marino, CA 91108
Tel: (800) 690-6410
Email: info@MLXperts.com
Website: www.MLXperts.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: MD; Board Certified; Licensed in CA; American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery; Diplomate, National Board of Medical Examiners; American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons; American Orthopaedic Society of Sports Medicine; American Shoulder & Elbow Surgeons
A nationwide network of world class Medical Legal Expert Witnesses, in all fields of medicine. Our unparalleled medical & legal expertise has helped attorneys achieve a 99% success rate of favorable settlements and/or verdicts.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: MLXperts was founded by Ronald S. Kvitne, MD, a top orthopedic surgeon and a partner at the prestigious Kerlan-Jobe Orthopedic Clinic in Los Angeles, CA. With 30+ years of experience as an Orthopedic Medical Expert Witness, Dr. Kvitne’s medical expertise is highly regarded & sought after for his testimony at Deposition, Arbitration, as well as State & Federal Trial.
Medical Record Review
Independent Medical Exam Defense Medical Exam
2377 W. Foothill Blvd, #9 Upland, CA 91786
Tel: (888) 627-4321
Fax: (909) 946-0347
Email: experts@expertsatmcs.com
Website: www.expertsatmcs.com
One convenient nationwide source for cost effective medical and technical expert services in all healthcare and technical fields. MCS assists its clients with claims involving personal injury, medical malpractice, disability, construction defect, product liability, criminal forensics and HMO peer review. Our experts are Board Certified and qualified expert witnesses. Services include Independent Medical Examinations, Medical Record Reviews, Diagnostic Re-interpretation, Utilization and/ or Bill Reviews, along with various types of Technical Review and Analysis, involving accident reconstruction and biomechanical analysis, safety, economic loss and more.
MCS is also an approved M.C.L.E. provider and offers seminars at no charge on a number of topics for continuing legal education.
Medical Expert Witness Testimony in Personal Injury, Medical Malpractice & Insurance Disability Claims
See insert ad after page 8 and inside back cover
Michael Goch
Law Offices of Michael Goch, APC
5850 Canoga Ave, Ste 400 Woodland Hills, CA 91367
Tel: (818) 710-7190
Fax: (818) 710-7191
Email: gochmichael@aol.com
Website: MichaelGochLaw.com
JD, Southwestern University School of Law, 1978, Admitted in CA as well as Central, Northern, Southern, Eastern Districts & Ninth Circuit.
Representation of licensees, including medical doctors, psychologists, psychiatrists, chiropractors & LMFT’s, in disciplinary proceedings and/or during investigations, appeals & writ proceedings. Also represent individuals whose applications for licensure in various professions have been denied, those involved with Department of Health Care Services & other related issues.
Robert C Rosen Rosen & Associates
See display ad below
Peter M. Walzer
Walzer Melcher & Yoda LLP
5941 Variel Ave
Woodland Hills, CA 91367
Tel: (818) 591-3700
Fax: (818) 591-3774
Email: pmw@walzermelcher. com
Website: www.walzermelcher.com
BA, UCLA; JD, Southwestern U. Law School
FAMILY LAW - Divorce, Custody, Paternity, Pre & Post Marital Agreements, Attorney Fees
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Advised counsel on malpractice issues in Family Law matters; testified re: validity of premarital agreements, choice of laws & conflict of laws.
Previous Positions/Appointments: President, American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers, 2018-2019; President-Elect, American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers, 20172018; Vice President, American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers, 2012-2018; Chair, Los Angeles County Bar Family Law Section, 20152016; Co-chair, Continuing Legal Education Committee, American Bar Association Family Law Section, 2012-2013; Vice-President, U.S. Chapter, International Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers, 2010-2012; Appointed in 2008 to the Elkins Family Law Task Force; Board of Directors, Southern California Chapter, American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers, 2010-2011.
Publications: Los Angeles Lawyer: Interstate/ International Family Law Jurisdiction Issues; Valuing a Law Practice; California Lawyer: Premarital Agreements, Family Law Receiverships. AAML Journal: Wealth, Fame & Fortune. Numerous other articles available on my web site.
Michael Goch
Law Offices of Michael Goch, APC
5850 Canoga Ave, Ste 400 Woodland Hills, CA 91367
Tel: (818) 710-7190
Fax: (818) 710-7191
Email: gochmichael@aol.com
Website: MichaelGochLaw.com
JD, Southwestern University School of Law, 1978, Admitted in CA as well as Central, Northern, Southern, Eastern Districts & Ninth Circuit.
Representation of licensees, including medical doctors, psychologists, psychiatrists, chiropractors & LMFT’s, in disciplinary proceedings and/or during investigations, appeals & writ proceedings. Also represent individuals whose applications for licensure in various professions have been denied, those involved with Department of Health Care Services & other related issues.
Matt D. Ober, Esq. Richardson | Ober
234 E. Colorado Blvd, Ste 800 Pasadena, CA 91101
Tel: (877) 446-2529
Email: matt@roattorneys.com
Website: www.roattorneys.com
Degrees/Licenses/ Certifications:
Univ of California, Los Angeles, BA, Economics, 1982; Southwestern Univ School of Law, JD, 1985; Licensed to practice, 1985
Common Interest Development/Condominium Law; General Counsel services; construction contracts; dispute resolution; due diligence, business judgement; fiduciary duties.
Past President, Community Association Institute Greater Los Angeles Chapter, Author, CAi’s California Law Course for Common Interest Development Managers; Fellow, College of Community Association Lawyers; Past President, College of Community Association Lawyers Board of Governors; Delegate, California Legislative Action Committee; National Faculty, CAI; Faculty, California Association of Community Managers; Speaker, CAI National Conference, CAI Law Seminar and CACM California Law Seminar; Co-author, CAI California Community Association Law Course; Board of Directors, CAI Greater Los Angeles and Greater Inland Empire Chapters; Inductee, CAI Hall of Fame; Recipient,CAI-GRIE Chapter President’s Award and Outstanding Service Award. Member, CAI National Board of Trustees. Super Lawyer, 2019-2023, Martindale-Hubbell AV Rated.
Kelly G. Richardson, EsqRichardson | Ober
234 E. Colorado Blvd, 234 Pasadena, CA 91101
Tel: (877) 446-2529
Email: kelly@roattorneys.com
Website: www.roattorneys.com
Univ of California, Riverside, BA, 1980; Univ of Southern California, Juris Doctor, 1983; Admitted to Law Practice, 1983; Licensed Real Estate Broker, 2009-present
Real estate broker & agent standard of care; homeowner association law.
HOA law - National Trustee of Community Associations Institute (CAI) 2011-2017; 2016 CAI National President; Author of syndicated weekly newspaper column, “HOA Homefront” 2005-present; Fellow, College of Community Association Lawyers 2006-present; Author & originator of the CAR “Basic Information Guide to Common Interest Developments;” CAI Byron Hanke Award recipient 2019. Super Lawyer, 2018-2022.
Real Estate - Licensed broker; Counsel to brokers, agents & Association of Realtors®; Frequent Instructor, author & lecturer on real estate law & risk management issues; Faculty, Professional Realty Institute 1999-2019; Member, CAR Legal Affairs Forum
“AV” rated; Associate, American Board of Trial Advocates.“
Barry Ross, Esq. Ross Mediation
155 N. Lake Ave, Suite 800 Pasadena, CA 91101
Tel: (626) 531-1131
Website: www.ROSSmediation.com
BS, MBA, USC; JD, Southwestern Law; Lic: CA Attorney since 1976 (SBN 069340); CA Real Estate Broker since 1973
Barry Ross is one of California’s most highly respected, skilled mediators since 1993 with an outstanding history of resolution & thousands of satisfied parties. His mediation expertise includes breach of contract & tort liability in business & commercial disputes, real property disputes (including buyer/seller, landlord/tenant, construction defects, environmental claims, mold & fungus, boundary issues, title insurance & eminent domain), real estate agent/broker liability, intellectual property, estate, probate & trust litigation, insurance coverage & bad faith, municipal liability/governmental liability & personal injury.
International Academy of Mediators (IAM); Southern CA Mediation Assn (SCMA); CA Assn of Realtors (CAR).
Henry M. Koffman, PE
Professor & Director, CE Dept School of Engineering, USC
Owner, Trojan Construction Mgmt LLC
6311 Van Nuys Blvd, Ste 464
Van Nuys, CA 91401
Tel: (818) 988-7595
Fax: (818) 475-1895
Email: koffman@usc.edu
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: BSCE; MSCE; PE
Construction Defects; Forensic Engineering; Cost Estimating & Scheduling; Change Orders; Delays; Safety; Real Estate Development; Labor Relations & Management; Liens; Licensing; Quality Assurance; Employment; Ethics; International; Education; Earthquake; Wind; Fire; Flood; Construction Management. 30 years Industry Experience. Arbitrator & Mediator Services; Real Property Assessments, Accidents, Civil Engineering.
John Donley
Donley Construction Consultants
2524 Micheltorena St
Los Angeles, CA 90039
Tel: (415) 456-9242
Email: john@donleycc.com
Website: www.donleycc.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: Masters in Science in Architecture, Cal Poly; Bachelors in Science, Michigan State University
General Contractor, Project Manager, Estimator, Scheduler, Delay disruption analysis, Defect & remediation analysis. Jobsite injuries, code compliance of buildings & projects. Arbitrator, mediator, DRB panelist.
Lawyers’ Mutual Insurance Company
3110 Empire Ave. Burbank, CA 91504
Tel: (818) 565-5512
Email: info@lawyersmutual.com
Website: www.lawyersmutual.com
For over five decades, Lawyers’ Mutual Insurance Company has proudly been the leading provider of professional liability insurance for California lawyers. Our exceptional coverages are accompanied by exclusive member benefits such as free cyber endorsement, free continuing legal education, free Fastcase legal research tool and lawyer-to-lawyer hotline. We are committed to providing specialized and personalized services to our members. Join our member community to protect yourself, protect your clients and protect your future.
See insert ad after page 96
Barry Ross, Esq. Ross Mediation
155 N. Lake Ave, Suite 800 Pasadena, CA 91101 Tel: (626) 531-1131
Website: www.ROSSmediation.com
BS, MBA, USC; JD, Southwestern Law; Lic: CA Attorney since 1976 (SBN 069340); CA Real Estate Broker since 1973
Barry Ross is one of California’s most highly respected, skilled mediators since 1993 with an outstanding history of resolution & thousands of satisfied parties. His mediation expertise includes breach of contract & tort liability in business & commercial disputes, real property disputes (including buyer/seller, landlord/tenant, construction defects, environmental claims, mold & fungus, boundary issues, title insurance & eminent domain), real estate agent/broker liability, intellectual property, estate, probate & trust litigation, insurance coverage & bad faith, municipal liability/governmental liability & personal injury.
International Academy of Mediators (IAM); Southern CA Mediation Assn (SCMA); CA Assn of Realtors (CAR).
4X Forensic Engineering Laboratories, Inc.
5262 Oceanus Dr
Huntington Beach, CA 92649
Tel: (714) 450-8500
Fax: (714) 450-8599
Email: phil@4xforensic.com
Website: www.4xforensic.com
4x Forensic Engineering Laboratories is a full-service forensic engineering laboratory. We provide expert witness & analytical & testing services in the following areas:
FIRES & EXPLOSIONS: Electrical and gas product defect investigations, thermal & fire modeling & laboratory testing.
WATER LOSS: Materials, corrosion & failure analysis of plumbing products.
FAILURE ANALYSIS: Metallurgy, product testing & computerized stress analysis.
ACCIDENT RECONSTRUCTION: Automotive, trucks, construction equipment & premises liability.
WEXCO - an aperture company
Contact: Brad P. Avritt, EVP-Construction, Safety, and Accident Reconstruction
1730 E. Holly Ave, Suite 720 El Segundo, CA 90245
Tel: (310) 306-3877
Fax: (310) 306-7480
Email: Brad.Avritt@aperturellc.com
Website: www.aperturellc.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: BS Civil Eng; MBA; PhD; PE; CPE; CCE; CCS; CPMP; CBO; CSP; CMC
Litigation support & expert witness services for Personal Injury: slips & falls, code & safety violations, falls from height, safety engineering & construction accidents. Accident Reconstruction: Computer simulation/animation, automobile, pedestrian, motorcycle, truck, bicycle, braking distance, speed analysis & impact forces. Construction: all aspects including claims, delay impact analysis, contract disputes, CPM schedule analysis, construction defects, damage calculations, contractor’s performance, cost to repair, digital forensics.
See insert ad after page 16
Cook Construction Company
Henry M. Koffman, PE
Professor & Director, CE Dept School of Engineering, USC
Owner, Trojan Construction Mgmt LLC
6311 Van Nuys Blvd, Ste 464
Van Nuys, CA 91401
Tel: (818) 988-7595
Fax: (818) 475-1895
Email: koffman@usc.edu
Website: www.
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: BSCE; MSCE; PE
Construction Defects; Forensic Engineering; Cost Estimating & Scheduling; Change Orders; Delays; Safety; Real Estate Development; Labor Relations & Management; Liens; Licensing; Quality Assurance; Employment; Ethics; International; Education; Earthquake; Wind; Fire; Flood; Construction Management. 30 years Industry Experience. Arbitrator & Mediator Services; Real Property Assessments, Accidents, Civil Engineering.
Gary L. Buffington, CSP
Owner, American Safety Consulting
26035 Bouquet Canyon Rd, # 301 Santa Clarita, CA 91350
Tel: (213) 952-1308
Tel: (888) 828-1044,
Email: gbuff46@yahoo.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: MS; BS; CSP; CRSP; CSHM; WSO-CSE/ CSM/CSS; Lic PI; EMT; CIH
Pro/Consul Technical & Medical Experts
1945 Palo Verde Ave, Ste 200 Long Beach, CA 90815-3443
Tel: (800) 392-1119
Fax: (562) 799-8821
Email: expert@expertinfo.com
Website: www.expertinfo.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: MD; PhD; JD; CPA; DDS; RN, etc.
15,000 Experts incl: acc recon; acctg; auto engr; biomech, busn val; const; econ; elec; eng; failure analysis; human fac; ins; lighting; marine; metal; medmal; mech; MD’s; RN’s; roof; safety; security; SOC; tax & many more.
Right Expert Right Away!® We welcome your RUSH cases! We feature a full roster of Technical and Medical expert witnesses. Our goal is to provide you with the best experts at a reasonable cost. Free Resume Binder. Put us to the test - we look forward to your call! Listed and Recommended by the A.M. Best Company.
See display ads on pages 42, 85, 124 and inside front cover
Stephen M. Cook
7210 Jordan Ave Canoga Park, CA 91303
Tel: (818) 438-4535
Email: scook16121@gmail.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: CA Gen Contractors Lic 431852; 30+ years construction experience; Graduate study in Construction, L.A. Business College.
Specialties: Lawsuit Preparation/Residential Construction, Single & Multi family, Hillside Construction, Vibration, Trespass, Foundations, Concrete Floors, Tile, Stone, Retaining Walls, Waterproofing, Roofing, Sheet Metal, Water Damages, Carpentry/ Rough Framing, Stair Defects, Material/ Costs, Scaffolding, Building Codes, Contracts, Safety.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Construction defect cases for insurance companies & attorneys, 1992-present.
See display ad page 41
Expert Witness, Court Testimony & Litigation Support Services. Accident, Civil & Criminal Investigations. Exp all phases Construction; Underground Construction, Tunneling, Mining & Mills; Construction/mining equipment, cranes, fires/explosions, forklifts, ladders/ scaffolds & welding. P.I., Risk Assessment; CAL/OSHA, IIPP, OSHA, MSHA, NEC, NFPA, NRC Regs; Safety Training; Industl Safety. 30+ years experience Public & Private Sectors. Also offices in Florida, Kansas & Missouri.
Traffic / Highway
William Kunzman, PE
1111 Town & Country Rd, #34 Orange, CA 92868
Tel: (714) 904-2821
Email: williamkunzman@gmail.com
Website: www.traffic-expert.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: BS, Eng, UCLA 1967; Registered Traffic Engineer (CA)
Traffic expert witness, auto accidents. Largest settlement $2 million in solo vehicle accident case against Caltrans. Largest verdict $12.2 million in crosswalk case against Caltrans. 2nd largest verdict $10.3 million in pedestrian accident case against LA Unified School District
Largest zero $ DEFENSE cases: 2 over $10 million. Formerly employed by the LA County Road Dept, Riverside County Road Dept, City of Irvine, Federal Highway Admin. Knowledge of governmental agency procedures, design, geometrics, signs, traffic controls, maintenance, construction traffic, pedestrian crossings & pedestrian barriers. 6 publications. Mbr ITE/ASCE/FCAOC/YBHT.
4X Forensic Engineering Laboratories, Inc. 5262 Oceanus Dr Huntington Beach, CA 92649
Tel: (714) 450-8500
Fax: (714) 450-8599
Email: phil@4xforensic.com
Website: www.4xforensic.com
4x Forensic Engineering Laboratories is a full-service forensic engineering laboratory. We provide expert witness & analytical & testing services in the following areas:
FIRES & EXPLOSIONS: Electrical and gas product defect investigations, thermal & fire modeling & laboratory testing.
WATER LOSS: Materials, corrosion & failure analysis of plumbing products.
FAILURE ANALYSIS: Metallurgy, product testing & computerized stress analysis.
ACCIDENT RECONSTRUCTION: Automotive, trucks, construction equipment & premises liability.
Biomechanical Research and Testing, LLCan aperture company
2201 N. Lakewood, Ste. 1865 Long Beach, CA 90815
Tel: (562) 494-4407
Email: info@aperturellc.com
Website: www.aperturellc.com
Contacts: Judson B. Welcher, PhD; Daniel P. Voss, MS; Bryan C. Randles, MS; Isaac Ikram, MS, PE; Christopher Furbish; Todd Roescher
Experts in Biomechanical Engineering & Accident Reconstruction. Specialties include evaluation of injury causing events, automotive and amusement park testing & evaluation, scene surveys & diagrams, aerial photography, digital forensics, licensed UAS part 107 pilot. Qualified in State & Federal Courts.
See insert ad after page 16
Casteel Accident Reconstruction, Inc.
Contact: David A. Casteel, President 1920 Cordell Court, Ste 102 El Cajon, CA 92020
Tel: (619) 937-0502
Fax: (619) 937-0507
Email: ecasteel@acasd.com
Website: www.acasd.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: BS, Mathematics; AA, Psychology
Providing professional services as an expert witness to governmental & private clients in traffic collision analysis & reconstruction
Expert Reconstruction Company LLC
Christopher Gayner Los Angeles, Santa Barbara, Oakland, California
Tel: (888) 687-1334
Email: chris@ expertreconstruction.com
Website: www.expertreconstruction.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: BS, MS Mechanical Engineering
Traffic Accident Analysis. Auto, truck, bus, motorcycle, bicycle & pedestrian. Accident reconstruction, biomechanics & human factors. Crash data retrieval, Delta-V, speed, collision severity, occupant dynamics, restraint systems, crashworthiness, product liability, computer animations & simulations. Causation, avoidance & prevention. Expert Witness testimony. Over 30 years of quality services in California for plaintiff & defense counsel. Civil & criminal matters.
Institute of Risk & Safety Analyses
Kenneth A. Solomon, PhD, PE, Post PhD
Chief Scientist
5324 Canoga Ave
Woodland Hills, CA 91364
Tel: (818) 348-1133
Fax: (818) 348-4484
Email: kennethsolomon@mac.com
Website: www.irsa.us
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: PhD, Post PhD, PE,J.D.,BS, MS
Forensic Scientists - Diverse Technical Staff: IRSA Staff has over 460 person years of courtroom experience. Biomechanics; Reconstruction; Human Factors; Safety; Accident Prevention; Failure Analysis; Product Integrity; Liability; Testing; Warnings; Slip/Trip/ Fall; Premises; Construction Defect; OSHA Compliance; Bldg Codes; Fire Protection; Explosions; Firearms/Ballistics; Electrocutions/ Shocks; Structural; Recreational; Industrial; Criminal; Auto, Airbags, Aviation, Bicycle, Boating, Chair, Elevator, Escalator, Forklift, Gate, Golf Course, Ladder, Motorcycle, Nuclear, Press, Rollercoaster, Scaffolding, Seatbelts, Stairs, Swimming Pool, Truck; Simulations; Drone Use, 3D Models. Total staff size: 18.
Expert Reconstruction Company LLC
Christopher Gayner
Los Angeles, Santa Barbara, Oakland, California
Tel: (888) 687-1334
Email: chris@ expertreconstruction.com
Website: www.expertreconstruction.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: BS, MS Mechanical Engineering
Traffic Accident Analysis. Auto, truck, bus, motorcycle, bicycle & pedestrian. Accident reconstruction, biomechanics & human factors. Crash data retrieval, Delta-V, speed, collision severity, occupant dynamics, restraint systems, crashworthiness, product liability, computer animations & simulations. Causation, avoidance & prevention. Expert Witness testimony. Over 30 years of quality services in California for plaintiff & defense counsel. Civil & criminal matters.
Aperture is a national portfolio of best-in-class forensic engineering companies providing full-service expert analysis. Aperture's mission is driven by a Partnership Model that provides strength, consistency and scale.
Our services are unmatched with more than 105 years of institutional experience. We provide accurate, truthful and impactful analysis in every field in which we operate.
Momentum Engineering Corp.
Contact: Jeffrey Bonsall, Stephan DiBiase, Jose Tovar, Roberto Morales, Jon Landerville 2862 Columbia Street
Torrance, CA 90503
Tel: (310) 618-8017
Email: jsb@momentum-eng.com
Website: www.momentum-eng.com
Offices in: Los Angeles, Orange County, San Diego, Las Vegas
Momentum Engineering Corp. (MEC) is a consulting firm specializing in accident reconstruction, forensic engineering, heavy truck safety, graphics, and animation. With over 50 years of accident reconstruction experience, we offer accident reconstruction and investigation services ranging from rapid response to trial testimony. We strive to provide you with state-of-the-art accident reconstruction services in a cost-effective manner.
Accident Reconstruction, EDR Downloads, Expert Witness Testimony, Heavy Truck –Rapid Response, 3D Animation, Autonomous Vehicles and ADAS, Forensic Video Analysis.
Offering free CLE classes for legal professionals in CA and NV. Contact Vadim Perlovskiy at mcle@momentum-eng.com for more information.
John K. Tyson, JD, PE AR TECH Forensic Experts,Inc.
18075 Ventura Blvd, Ste 209 Encino, CA 91316
Tel: (818) 317-1964
Email: johntysonpe@aol.com
Website: www.johntysonpe.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: BS; MS; JD; PE; Lic Eng Contractor; Reg Prof Eng
Accident reconstruction & safety analysis. Vehicular collision analysis (all types). Computer aided reconstruction & animation. 3D laser scanning. Point Cloud, 3D modeling & demonstrative exhibits. Pedestrian, bicycle accident investigation. Slips, Trips & Falls. Coefficient of Friction testing. Machinery/ design/safety analysis. Product defect evaluation. Code Analysis: premises liability, stairways, guardrails, lighting, glazing. Public safety consultant to numerous cities & theme parks. Over 15,000 investigations. Court testimony in civil & criminal cases over 33 years. Court appointed Forensic Expert. Fellow, American College of Forensic Examiners.
Momentum Engineering Corp.
Contact: Jeffrey Bonsall, Stephan DiBiase, Jose Tovar, Roberto Morales, Jon Landerville 2862 Columbia Street Torrance, CA 90503
Tel: (310) 618-8017
Email: jsb@momentum-eng.com
Website: www.momentum-eng.com
Offices in: Los Angeles, Orange County, San Diego, Las Vegas
Pro/Consul Technical & Medical Experts
1945 Palo Verde Ave, Ste 200 Long Beach, CA 90815-3443
Tel: (800) 392-1119
Fax: (562) 799-8821
Email: expert@expertinfo.com
Website: www.expertinfo.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: MD; PhD; JD; CPA; DDS; RN, etc.
15,000 Experts incl: acc recon; acctg; auto engr; biomech, busn val; const; econ; elec; eng; failure analysis; human fac; ins; lighting; marine; metal; medmal; mech; MD’s; RN’s; roof; safety; security; SOC; tax & many more.
Right Expert Right Away!® We welcome your RUSH cases! We feature a full roster of Technical and Medical expert witnesses. Our goal is to provide you with the best experts at a reasonable cost. Free Resume Binder. Put us to the test - we look forward to your call! Listed and Recommended by the A.M. Best Company. See display ads on pages 42, 85, 124 and inside front cover
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: Momentum Engineering Corp. (MEC) is a consulting firm specializing in accident reconstruction, forensic engineering, heavy truck safety, graphics, and animation. With over 50 years of accident reconstruction experience, we offer accident reconstruction and investigation services ranging from rapid response to trial testimony. We strive to provide you with state-of-the-art accident reconstruction services in a cost-effective manner.
Accident Reconstruction, EDR Downloads, Expert Witness Testimony, Heavy Truck –Rapid Response, 3D Animation, Autonomous Vehicles and ADAS, Forensic Video Analysis.
Offering free CLE classes for legal professionals in CA and NV. Contact Vadim Perlovskiy at mcle@momentum-eng.com for more information.
Cook Construction Company
Stephen M. Cook
7210 Jordan Ave
Canoga Park, CA 91303
Tel: (818) 438-4535
Fax: (818) 595-0028
Email: scook16121@gmail.com
CA Gen Contractors Lic 431852; 30+ years construction experience; Graduate study in Construction, L.A. Business College.
Lawsuit Preparation/Residential
Construction, Single & Multi family, Hillside Construction, Vibration, Trespass, Foundations, Concrete Floors, Tile, Stone, Retaining Walls, Waterproofing, Roofing, Sheet Metal, Water Damages, Carpentry/ Rough Framing, Stair Defects, Material/ Costs, Scaffolding, Building Codes, Contracts, Safety.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Construction defect cases for insurance companies & attorneys, 1992-present. See display ad page 41
Slips, Trips and Falls
4X Forensic Engineering Laboratories, Inc. 5262 Oceanus Dr Huntington Beach, CA 92649
Tel: (714) 450-8500
Fax: (714) 450-8599
Email: phil@4xforensic.com
Website: www.4xforensic.com
4x Forensic Engineering Laboratories is a full-service forensic engineering laboratory. We provide expert witness & analytical & testing services in the following areas:
FIRES & EXPLOSIONS: Electrical and gas product defect investigations, thermal & fire modeling & laboratory testing.
WATER LOSS: Materials, corrosion & failure analysis of plumbing products.
FAILURE ANALYSIS: Metallurgy, product testing & computerized stress analysis.
ACCIDENT RECONSTRUCTION: Automotive, trucks, construction equipment & premises liability.
American Bio Engineers - an aperture company
2305 Historic Decatur Road, Suite 100 San Diego, CA 92106
Tel: (619) 269-2089
Email: info@aperturellc.com
Website: www.aperturellc.com
Contacts: Brian K. Jones, MSBE, PE, ACTAR, CXLT; Scott C. Swinford, BSME, ACTAR; Alexander D. Szepelak, BSME; Kevin T. Imada, BSME; Michael A. Jorgensen, BSME; Cole M. Vigil, BSME; Conrad J.L. Salboro, BSME; W. Hunter Witt, BSKin; Jason R. Beaty; Tyler Kryst, MSBE; Kimberli Fernandez, BSBE.
Motor vehicle accident reconstruction, biomechanical analyses, instrumented crash tests, forensic animation, slip/trip/falls, human factors, crash data retrieval/Bena & heavy truck EDR downloads, photogrammetry, traffic camera recordings & screenshots, 3D laser scanning, 3D printing, drone 3D mapping, aerial photography, digital forensics, licensed UAS part 107 pilots. Qualified as expert witness in CA and NV courts.
See insert ad after page 16
G. Gsell and Company LLC
Contact: Gary M. Gsell
10331 Mather Ave
Sunland, CA 91040
Cell: (818) 730-2534
Email: garymgsell@gmail.com
Website: gsellco.com
Degrees/Licenses/ Certifications:
Executive Management, University of LA Verne
Trip and Fall, Municipal Infrastructure
Assessment – Specialty Streets and Sidewalks
Asphalt and Concrete Municipal Policies and Procedures.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Over 800 depositions & 160 trials for both defendant & plaintiff in trip & fall & other personal injury cases
Previous Positions/Appointments: 46 years with the City of Los Angeles Street Services Superintendent II.
Membership in Professional Societies: Municipal Superintendents Assn; American Public Works Association.
John K. Tyson, JD, PE AR TECH Forensic Experts, Inc.
18075 Ventura Blvd, Ste 209 Encino, CA 91316
Tel: (818) 317-1964
Email: johntysonpe@aol.com
Website: www.johntysonpe.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: BS; MS; JD; PE; Lic Eng Contractor; Reg Prof Eng
Accident reconstruction & safety analysis. Vehicular collision analysis (all types). Computer aided reconstruction & animation. 3D laser scanning. Point Cloud, 3D modeling & demonstrative exhibits. Pedestrian, bicycle accident investigation. Slips, Trips & Falls. Coefficient of Friction testing. Machinery/design/ safety analysis. Product defect evaluation. Code Analysis: premises liability, stairways, guardrails, lighting, glazing. Public safety consultant to numerous cities & theme parks. Over 15,000 investigations. Court testimony in civil & criminal cases over 33 years. Court appointed Forensic Expert. Fellow, American College of Forensic Examiners.
4X Forensic Engineering Laboratories, Inc.
5262 Oceanus Dr
Huntington Beach, CA 92649
Tel: (714) 450-8500
Fax: (714) 450-8599
Email: phil@4xforensic.com
Website: www.4xforensic.com
4x Forensic Engineering Laboratories is a full-service forensic engineering laboratory. We provide expert witness & analytical & testing services in the following areas:
FIRES & EXPLOSIONS: Electrical and gas product defect investigations, thermal & fire modeling & laboratory testing.
WATER LOSS: Materials, corrosion & failure analysis of plumbing products.
FAILURE ANALYSIS: Metallurgy, product testing & computerized stress analysis.
ACCIDENT RECONSTRUCTION: Automotive, trucks, construction equipment & premises liability.
Momentum Engineering Corp.
Contact: Jeffrey Bonsall, Stephan DiBiase, Jose Tovar, Roberto Morales, Jon Landerville 2862 Columbia Street Torrance, CA 90503
Tel: (310) 618-8017
Email: jsb@momentum-eng.com
Website: www.momentum-eng.com
VA Forensics - an aperture company
2784 Gateway Rd, Suite 101 Carlsbad, CA 92009
Tel: (760) 931-9100
Email: info@aperturellc.com
Website: www.aperturellc.com
Contacts: Eugene Michael Vanderpol, MSME, PE, ACTAR; Omar Kaayal, BSBE, ACTAR; Ali Farhat, MSBE; Alyssa Visalli, BME, EIT; Will Valdez, Ph.C., MSBE
VA Forensics, an Aperture company, is a Forensic Engineering firm specializing in Biomechanical Injury Analysis, Accident Reconstruction, Human Factors, Slip/Trip and Falls, offering Forensic Animation, Drone Mapping & Photogrammetry, FAA Part 107 Remote Pilots Certified, Forensic Simulation (PC-Crash), 3D Laser Scanning, Forensic Visibility Analysis, Forensic Surveillance Video Analysis & Reverse Projection, Crash Data Retrieval (CDR/EDR) including Kia, Hyundai, and Tesla, Heavy Truck Event Data Recorders, Digital Forensics, Vehicle, Motorcycle, Bicycle, and Pedestrian Collisions, Occupant Kinematics, and Workplace Accidents. VA Forensics has over 60 years of combined forensic experience, with our team having provided expert services in over 39 states and having testified in over 1,400 trials, arbitrations, and depositions. We support legal firms (Plaintiff and Defense) as well as insurance companies and have provided expert testimony in both State and Federal courts.
See insert ad after page 16
Offices in: Los Angeles, Orange County, San Diego, Las Vegas
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: Momentum Engineering Corp. (MEC) is a consulting firm specializing in accident reconstruction, forensic engineering, heavy truck safety, graphics, and animation. With over 50 years of accident reconstruction experience, we offer accident reconstruction and investigation services ranging from rapid response to trial testimony. We strive to provide you with state-of-the-art accident reconstruction services in a cost-effective manner.
Accident Reconstruction, EDR Downloads, Expert Witness Testimony, Heavy Truck –Rapid Response, 3D Animation, Autonomous Vehicles and ADAS, Forensic Video Analysis.
Offering free CLE classes for legal professionals in CA and NV. Contact Vadim Perlovskiy at mcle@momentum-eng.com for more information.
Vehicular / Traffic
4X Forensic Engineering Laboratories, Inc.
5262 Oceanus Dr Huntington Beach, CA 92649
Tel: (714) 450-8500
Fax: (714) 450-8599
Email: phil@4xforensic.com
Website: www.4xforensic.com
4x Forensic Engineering Laboratories is a full-service forensic engineering laboratory. We provide expert witness & analytical & testing services in the following areas:
FIRES & EXPLOSIONS: Electrical and gas product defect investigations, thermal & fire modeling & laboratory testing.
WATER LOSS: Materials, corrosion & failure analysis of plumbing products.
FAILURE ANALYSIS: Metallurgy, product testing & computerized stress analysis.
ACCIDENT RECONSTRUCTION: Automotive, trucks, construction equipment & premises liability.
American Bio Engineers - an aperture company
2305 Historic Decatur Road, Suite 100 San Diego, CA 92106
Tel: (619) 269-2089
Email: info@aperturellc.com
Website: www.aperturellc.com
Contacts: Brian K. Jones, MSBE, PE, ACTAR, CXLT; Scott C. Swinford, BSME, ACTAR; Alexander D. Szepelak, BSME; Kevin T. Imada, BSME; Michael A. Jorgensen, BSME; Cole M. Vigil, BSME; Conrad J.L. Salboro, BSME; W. Hunter Witt, BSKin; Jason R. Beaty; Tyler Kryst, MSBE; Kimberli Fernandez, BSBE.
Motor vehicle accident reconstruction, biomechanical analyses, instrumented crash tests, forensic animation, slip/trip/falls, human factors, crash data retrieval/Bena & heavy truck EDR downloads, photogrammetry, traffic camera recordings & screenshots, 3D laser scanning, 3D printing, drone 3D mapping, aerial photography, digital forensics, licensed UAS part 107 pilots. Qualified as expert witness in CA and NV courts.
See insert ad after page 16
Air, Weather & Sea Conditions, Inc.
Contact: Jay Rosenthal, AMS Certified Consulting Meteorologist (CCM) PO Box 512 Pacific Palisades, CA 90272
Tel: (818) 645-8632
Tel: (310) 454-6530,
Email: AirWeather@aol.com
Website: www.weatherman.org
MA Meteorology; BA; CCM (#602); Official National Weather Service Skywarn “Weather Spotter.”
Experienced & authoritative expert testimony, reports & analysis on rain, wind, snow, ice & hail, intensity, lightning, dust, fog, visibility, wildfires, smoke assessments, flooding, waves; specialist in auto/boat/plane accident reconstruction, mold, property damage, slip & falls, construction & determining unusualness, normalcy & foreseeability. Weather issues for alternative energy, emergency response & counter terrorism. Air pollution transport. Weather effects on systems & operations. Official data, site visits, clear & convincing testimony, references
See display ad page 130
John K. Tyson, JD, PE AR TECH Forensic Experts, Inc.18075 Ventura Blvd, Ste 209 Encino, CA 91316
Tel: (818) 317-1964
Email: johntysonpe@aol.com
Website: www.johntysonpe.com
BS; MS; JD; PE; Lic Eng Contractor; Reg Prof Eng
Accident reconstruction & safety analysis. Vehicular collision analysis (all types). Computer aided reconstruction & animation. 3D laser scanning. Point Cloud, 3D modeling & demonstrative exhibits. Pedestrian, bicycle accident investigation. Slips, Trips & Falls. Coefficient of Friction testing. Machinery/ design/safety analysis. Product defect evaluation. Code Analysis: premises liability, stairways, guardrails, lighting, glazing. Public safety consultant to numerous cities & theme parks. Over 15,000 investigations. Court testimony in civil & criminal cases over 33 years. Court appointed Forensic Expert. Fellow, American College of Forensic Examiners.
VA Forensics - an aperture company
2784 Gateway Rd, Suite 101 Carlsbad, CA 92009
Tel: (760) 931-9100
Email: info@aperturellc.com
Website: www.aperturellc.com
Contacts: Eugene Michael Vanderpol, MSME, PE, ACTAR; Omar Kaayal, BSBE, ACTAR; Ali Farhat, MSBE; Alyssa Visalli, BME, EIT; Will Valdez, Ph.C., MSBE
VA Forensics, an Aperture company, is a Forensic Engineering firm specializing in Biomechanical Injury Analysis, Accident Reconstruction, Human Factors, Slip/Trip and Falls, offering Forensic Animation, Drone Mapping & Photogrammetry, FAA Part 107
Remote Pilots Certified, Forensic Simulation (PC-Crash), 3D Laser Scanning, Forensic Visibility Analysis, Forensic Surveillance Video Analysis & Reverse Projection, Crash Data Retrieval (CDR/EDR) including Kia, Hyundai, and Tesla, Heavy Truck Event Data Recorders, Digital Forensics, Vehicle, Motorcycle, Bicycle, and Pedestrian Collisions, Occupant Kinematics, and Workplace Accidents. VA Forensics has over 60 years of combined forensic experience, with our team having provided expert services in over 39 states and having testified in over 1,400 trials, arbitrations, and depositions. We support legal firms (Plaintiff and Defense) as well as insurance companies and have provided expert testimony in both State and Federal courts.
See insert ad after page 16
Advisors/Experts @ MCS Associates, Banking & Financial Svcs Consultants
13681 Newport Ave, Ste 8-387
Tustin, CA 92780
Tel: (949) 263-8700
Fax: (949) 263-0770
Email: experts@mcsassociates.com
Website: www.mcsassociates.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: MBAs; PhDs; CPAs; CFAs
Nationwide consulting/expert witness company (est. 1973) in Banking, Finance, Insurance, Real Estate and related Damages, Economics & Valuations: BANKING Operations/ Administration, Check fraud, Regulatory issues, Compliance; LENDING (all types): Underwriting, Servicing, policies/practice, Foreclosures & Workouts. FINANCE: Securities, Investments & Brokerage, Trusts & Fiduciaries, Investment Banking, Corp Finance; REAL ESTATE: Lending, Brokerage, Title / Escrow, Property Management; INSURANCE (all types): Coverage, Claims, Broker/Agent functions; DAMAGES & ACCOUNTING: Economics, Valuations / Appraisals, Forensic Accounting.
Analysis Group, Inc.
Jeffrey H. Kinrich, Bruce A. Strombom 333 S. Hope St, 27th Fl Los Angeles, CA 90071
Tel: (213) 896-4500
Fax: (213) 623-4112
Website: www.analysisgroup.com
PhD, MBA, CPA, CFA, ABV in Econ, Finance, Acctg, Statistics
Analysis Group provides economic, financial & business strategy consulting to law firms, corporations & govt agencies. We assist law firms & their clients w/all aspects of litigation, incl pretrial discovery, damages estimation, economic & financial models, business valuation, prep of expert reports & testimony & critique of opposing experts. Areas of expertise incl antitrust, IP, securities, valuation, healthcare, entertainment, sports, energy, employment & general business litigation.
Ron J. Anfuso, CPA, ABV, CFF, CDFA, FABFA 28441 Highridge Rd, Ste 110 Rolling Hills Estates, CA 90274
Tel: (310) 378-6606
Fax: (310) 791-7739
Email: rja@anfusocpa.com
Website: www.anfusocpa.com
Certified Public Accountant, Accredited in Business Valuation, Certified in Financial Forensics, Certified Divorce Financial Analyst
Analyzing the valuation, financial, accounting & tax aspects of marital dissolution matters & civil litigation cases, which includes conducting business valuations, gross cash flow analyses & tracings, as well as performing Moore/ Marsden calculations; objective, clear & concise expert witness testimony; prepared 40 collaborative cases
B. Riley Advisory Services
Contact: Michael Spindler, CPA, CFE, CFF, ABV, CAMS 555 W. 5th St, Ste 3725 Los Angeles, CA 90013
Tel: (213) 409-6230
Email: mspindler@brileyfin.com
Michael Spindler, CPA, Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE), Certified in Financial Forensics (CFF), Accredited in Business Valuation (ABV), Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialist brings Over 40 years experience to complex disputes, forensic accounting & business fraud investigations across a wide range of industries. He has provided expert testimony in dozens of bench trials, jury trials & arbitration proceedings. He has testified regarding a variety of matters, including lost profits, funds tracing, defamation, embezzlements, alter ego, solvency, business valuations, punitive damages, media and entertainment & real estate litigation. He has conducted numerous high-profile forensic accounting investigations of financial statement fraud & other matters & has presented his findings to special committees & various govt agencies on behalf of clients. He is a former Pres of the LA chapter of the California Soc of CPA’s and of the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners.
Deborah Dickson, CPA, CFE, CFF, MAFF Smith Dickson, CPAs, LLP
18100 Von Karman Ave, Ste 420 Irvine, CA 92612
Tel: (949) 553-1020
Fax: (949) 553-0249
Email: debbie.dickson@smithdickson.com
Website: www.smithdickson.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: CPA; CFE; CFF; MAFF
CPA 30+ years, testifying 20+ years, forensic accounting and litigation support. Forensic expert witness in Federal Courts and State Civil and Probate Courts. The professionals at Smith Dickson clearly, independently, and accurately analyze financial information, calculate damages, evaluate claims, prepare expert reports and render expert testimony. Thousands of hours of forensic accounting, deposition and trial experience. Damage calculations; lost profits; forensic accounting; expert testimony; intellectual property; fraud & embezzlement; real estate; trust & estate beneficiary disputes, tax controversy; employment issues; business dissolution.
Engel & Engel LLP
Certified Public Accountants
Contact: Jason A. Engel
350 S. Grand Avenue, Suite 3160 Los Angeles, CA 90071
Tel: (310) 277-2220
Fax: (310) 277-2212
Email: jasonengel@engelandengel.com
Website: www.engelandengel.com
Certified Public Accountant (CPA), Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE), Certified Insolvency and Restructuring Advisor (CIRA), Certified Valuation Analyst (CVA), Master Analyst in Financial Forensics (MAFF) and Accredited in Business Valuation (ABV).
Engel & Engel, LLP is a Los Angeles CPA firm engaged in the practice of forensic accounting for over 25 years. Mr. Engel has served as an expert witness in over 500 forensic accounting cases including expert testimony in connection with a jury award of $2.3 billion.
Mr. Engel has authored 20 research publications on the subjects of economic damages, fraudulent transfers, intellectual property, alter ego, business valuation, and employment damages. Experience and expertise includes complex business litigation matters including economic damages, financial fraud investigation, alter ego, fraudulent transfers, business valuation, bankruptcy and insolvency, intellectual property, construction, construction defects, real estate, employment, business interruption, business operations, partnership and corporate dissolutions, and accounting malpractice.
Certified Public Accountants
Contact: Gary Krausz, CPA/CFF 2121 Avenue of the Stars, Suite 1300 Los Angeles, CA 90067
Tel: (310) 552-0960
Email: garyk@gursey.com
Website: www.gursey.com
Forensic accounting & litigation support services in the areas of marital dissolution, civil litigation, business valuation & appraisal, goodwill, business disputes, tax matters, bankruptcy, damage and lost profit assessments, insurance claims, court accounting, tracing and entertainment industry litigation.
Krycler, Ervin, Taubman & Kaminsky
Contact: Michael J. Krycler, CPA 15303 Ventura Blvd, #1040 Sherman Oaks, CA 91403
Tel: (818) 995-1040
Fax: (818) 995-4124
Email: mike@ketkcpa.com
Website: www.ketkcpa.com
Now Serving the Santa Clarita Valley: 27651 Lincoln Place, 27651 Lincoln Place Santa Clarita, CA 91387
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: CPA, FCA (England)
“Serving the Legal Profession for More Than 30 Years” Full service CPA firm; litigation services; accounting; expert witness testimony; including family law matters & forensic accounting; business valuation; damages; economic analysis; appraisals of professional practices; fraud investigations; loss of earnings; international matters; arbitration & mediation.
Thomas M. Neches, CPA
Thomas Neches & Company LLP
633 W. 5th St, Ste 2800 Los Angeles, CA 90071
Tel: (213) 624-8150
Fax: (213) 223-2304
Email: tmn@thomasneches.com
Website: www.thomasneches.com
BA, Mathematics, UC San Diego; MS, Operation Research, UCLA; CPA/ABV, CVA, CFE, CFF
Expert testimony on lost profits, lost earnings, business valuation, forensic accounting, reasonable royalty, computer database analysis, & related issues. Testified before juries on behalf of plaintiffs & defendants in antitrust, breach of contract, fraud, intellectual property, lender liability, wrongful death & wrongful termination cases. Representative industries: banking, entertainment, insurance, manufacturing, retail, securities & wholesale. Published author; former Big 4 partner; Former Prof at Loyola Law School.
Michael D. Rosen, CPA, PhD, ABV 3780 Kilroy Airport Way, Ste 200 Long Beach, CA 90806
Tel: (562) 256-7052
Fax: (562) 256-7001
Email: mrosencpa@verizon.net
Website: www.mrosencpa.com
PhD, Ag. Econ, UC Davis; CPA (CA); ABVAICPA Credential in Business Valuation
WE ARE: Litigation Consultants, Forensic Accountants, Expert Witnesses. Our mission is to develop the financial story that underlies every business litigation matter, and to convey that story in a clear and concise manner to the trier of fact. Our findings allow a realistic assessment of the case and support settlement efforts. Our work is designed to render conclusive opinions & to withstand cross-examination. WE SPECIALIZE IN: Business Damages - Lost Profits and Loss in Value; Personal Damages - Lost Earnings; Business Valuation.
Schulze Haynes Loevenguth & Co
Contact: Karl J. Schulze, President
660 S. Figueroa St, Ste 1280 Los Angeles, CA 90017
Tel: (213) 627-8280
Fax: (213) 627-8301
Email: kschulze@schulzehaynes.com
Website: www.schulzehaynes.com
CPA; CVA; CFE; CMA; PhD - Economics, ABV
Forensic Accounting, Lost Profits, Economic Damages, Case Strategy, Expert Testimony, Discovery Assistance, Business Valuations, Construction Claims, Corporate Recovery, Alter Ego Evaluation, Financial Analysis & Modeling, Fraud Investigation. We are members of all major professional organizations & have experience across a broad spectrum of industries & business issues.
Hugh Sills, CPA, Inc.
Hugh Sills, CPA, CVA 6080 Center Dr, Sixth Fl Los Angeles, CA 90045
Tel: (310) 773-2028
Email: hugh@sillscpa.com
Website: www.sillscpa.com
4695 MacArthur Ct, 11th Fl Newport Beach, CA 92660
Tel: (949) 556-0222,
Certified Public Accountant, Certified Valuation Analyst
Specialties: Full service CPA firm providing Business Valuations, Forensic Accounting Investigations, and Expert Witness Testimony services. Services are provided in a wide range of matters including marital dissolutions, civil litigation, misappropriation of asset investigations, tax controversies.
See display ad page29
Zuckerman, Warsavsky, Luna & Hunt, LLP
Contact: Barbara Luna, John Luna, Dean Atkinson, Venita McMorris & David Turner
15490 Ventura Blvd, Ste 300 Sherman Oaks, CA 91403
Tel: (818) 981-4226
Fax: (818) 981-4278
Email: expert@wzwlh.com
Website: www.wzwlh.com
4 Park Place Irvine, CA 92614
Tel: (949) 219-9816, Fax: (949) 219-9095
PhD’s; MBA’s; JD’s; CPA’s; Acc Sr Apprsrs; CVA’s; ABV’s; Cert Frd Examiners; CFF’s
Expert witness testimony for complex litigation involving damage analyses of lost profits, reasonable royalties, lost earnings, & lost value of business, forensic accounting, fraud investigation & investigative analysis of liability. Excellent communicators with extensive testimony exp. Prior Big Four accountants.
Specialties include accounting, breach of contract, breach of fiduciary duty, business interruption, business dissolution, construction defects, delays & cost overruns, elder abuse, false advertising, family law, fraud, insurance bad faith, intellectual property including trademark, patent & copyright infringement,
& trade secrets, lemon law, lender liability, misrepresentations, partnership disputes, personal injury, product liability, professional malpractice damages, punitive damages, real estate, securities, tracing, trusts & estates, unfair competition, valuation of businesses, wage & hour claims, white collar crime, & wrongful termination.
See display ad page 64
Zivetz, Schwartz & Saltsman CPA’s
Contact: Lester J. Schwartz, CPA/CFF, Michael D. Saltsman, CPA, MBA
5990 Sepulveda Blvd, Ste 215 Sherman Oaks, CA 91411
Tel: (310) 826-1040
Fax: (310) 826-1065
Email: less@zss.com
Website: www.zsscpa.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: CPA’s & Appraisers
Accounting, malpractice, business interruption, business valuation & appraisal, commercial damages, contract disputes, economic analysis & damages, environmental cleanup cost, estate & trust accounting, forensic accounting, fraud, lost profits, marital dissolutions, partnership disputes, personal injury, royalties, shareholder disputes, tracing & wrongful termination.
See display ad below
Engel & Engel LLP
Certified Public Accountants
Contact: Jason A. Engel
350 S. Grand Avenue, Suite 3160 Los Angeles, CA 90071
Tel: (310) 277-2220
Fax: (310) 277-2212
Email: jasonengel@engelandengel.com
Website: www.engelandengel.com
Certified Public Accountant (CPA), Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE), Certified Insolvency and Restructuring Advisor (CIRA), Certified Valuation Analyst (CVA), Master Analyst in Financial Forensics (MAFF) and Accredited in Business Valuation (ABV).
Engel & Engel, LLP is a Los Angeles CPA firm engaged in the practice of forensic accounting for over 25 years. Mr. Engel has served as an expert witness in over 500 forensic accounting cases including expert testimony in connection with a jury award of $2.3 billion.
Mr. Engel has authored 20 research publications on the subjects of economic damages, fraudulent transfers, intellectual property, alter ego, business valuation, and employment damages. Experience and expertise includes complex business litigation matters including economic damages, financial fraud investigation, alter ego, fraudulent transfers, business valuation, bankruptcy and insolvency, intellectual property, construction, construction defects, real estate, employment, business interruption, business operations, partnership and corporate dissolutions, and accounting malpractice.
Forensic Accounting Services Team, Inc.
Contact: Tiffany Tso, CPA/ABV, CFF, CFE 516 S. First Avenue Arcadia, CA 91006
Tel: (310) 820-8883
Email: ttso@fastcpas.com
Website: www.myforensicaccountant.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: Certified Public Accountant, Accredited in Business Valuation, Certified in Financial Forensics, Certified Fraud Examiner; UCLA Bachelor of Arts in Business Economics. Fluent in written and verbal Mandarin and Cantonese.
Forensic accounting, consulting and expert witness testimony in connection with Business Valuation/Appraisal, Marital Dissolution (support, business valuation, apportionment, property division), Economic Damages, Corporate/LLC/Partnership Disputes (including Corp Code 2000), Trust Accounting Disputes. Recognized financial experts in Superior Court, Criminal Court, Federal Court, Arbitrations and Mediations. Also experienced in disputes and marital dissolutions involving Chinese and Hong Kong financial interests and international businesses.
Gursey | Schneider LLP
Certified Public Accountants
Contact: Stephan Wasserman, CPA/ABV/CFF 2121 Avenue of the Stars, Suite 1300 Los Angeles, CA 90067
Tel: (310) 552-0960
Email: swasserman@gursey.com Website: www.gursey.com
Contact: Robert O. Watts, CPA 2211 Michelson Drive, Suite 650 Irvine, CA 92612
Tel: (949) 265-9900, Email: rwatts@gursey.com
Forensic accounting & litigation support services in all areas relating to marital dissolution, including: business valuations, determination of gross cash flow available for support & analysis of reimbursement claims & marital standard of living.
Higgins, Marcus & Lovett, Inc.
Contact: Mark C. Higgins ASA, 800 S. Figueroa St, Ste 710 Los Angeles, CA 90017
Tel: (213) 617-7775
Fax: (213) 617-8372
Email: mhiggins@hmlinc.com
Website: www.hmlinc.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: MBA’s; ASA’s; CFA’s
Valuation of closely-held businesses; loss of business goodwill; damage calculations; valuation of intangibles; extensive expert witness experience.
See display ad page 30
Krycler, Ervin, Taubman & Kaminsky
Contact: Michael J. Krycler, CPA
15303 Ventura Blvd, #1040
Sherman Oaks, CA 91403
Tel: (818) 995-1040
Fax: (818) 995-4124
Email: mike@ketkcpa.com
Website: www.ketkcpa.com
Now Serving the Santa Clarita Valley: 27651 Lincoln Place, 27651 Lincoln Place Santa Clarita, CA 91387
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: CPA, FCA (England)
“Serving the Legal Profession for More Than 30 Years” Full service CPA firm; litigation services; accounting; expert witness testimony; including family law matters & forensic accounting; business valuation; damages; economic analysis; appraisals of professional practices; fraud investigations; loss of earnings; international matters; arbitration & mediation.
Nolte Analytics, LLC
Brian Nolte, Founder
700 S. Flower St, Ste 1000 Los Angeles, CA 90017
Tel: (213) 315-2700 (Office)
Tel: (213) 315-2707 (Direct)
Email: bnolte@nolteanalytics.com
Website: NolteAnalytics.com
Our Team includes experts with credentials from the most well-regarded organizations, including Certified Public Accountant (CPA), Accredited Senior Appraiser (ASA), Accredited in Business Valuation (ABV) and Certified Management Accountant (CMA).
Business and intangible asset appraisal, loss of business value, minority shareholder disputes, buy-sell agreements, commercial damages measurements, including, unjust enrichment, lost profits, disgorgement, breach of contract, business interruption, business interference, patent infringement, trademark infringement, copyright infringement, theft of trade secrets, reasonable royalties, employment claims, wrongful termination, wrongful death, personal injury, future lost earnings, loss of earnings capacity, loss of benefits, financial accounting, forensic accounting, royalty and compliance audits, fraud investigations.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Our Team includes experts with over 40 years’ experience. Our experience prevents false starts and avoidable errors, delivering more cost-effective results. Our Team includes experts with over 200 trial testimonies. We typically present our conclusions graphically, using a proprietary presentation system. As a result, we have an unequalled track record of judges and juries accepting our conclusion.
See insert ad after page 24
White, Zuckerman, Warsavsky, Luna & Hunt, LLP
Contact: Barbara Luna, John Luna, Dean Atkinson, Venita McMorris & David Turner
Phillips, Fractor & Co, LLC
Contact: G. Michael Phillips, PhD
3452 E. Foothill Blvd, Ste 220 Pasadena, CA 91107
Tel: (626) 744-3540
Email: contactpfc@rule26.com
Website: www.phillipsfractor.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: PhDs, Economics; Ed.D; MBA; CPA; CFA; CPA/ABV
Economic losses, lost profits, contract damages, employment economics, wrongful termination, class action and mass tort analysis, valuation of earnings & benefits; wrongful injury and wrongful death, medical malpractice; financial valuation, investment analysis, “what if” analysis, statistical analysis & modeling, intellectual property, compensation issues, including executive compensation; entertainment industry; construction defects; sampling & surveys; database construction & analysis; family business; forensic accounting including lost profits and business valuation, and custom research.
Hugh Sills, CPA, Inc.
Hugh Sills, CPA, CVA 6080 Center Dr, Sixth Fl Los Angeles, CA 90045
Tel: (310) 773-2028
Email: hugh@sillscpa.com
Website: www.sillscpa.com
4695 MacArthur Ct, 11th Fl Newport Beach, CA 92660 Tel: (949) 556-0222,
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: Certified Public Accountant, Certified Valuation Analyst
Specialties: Full service CPA firm providing Business Valuations, Forensic Accounting Investigations, and Expert Witness Testimony services. Services are provided in a wide range of matters including marital dissolutions, civil litigation, misappropriation of asset investigations, tax controversies.
See display ad page 29
15490 Ventura Blvd, Ste 300 Sherman Oaks, CA 91403
Tel: (818) 981-4226
Fax: (818) 981-4278
Email: expert@wzwlh.com
Website: www.wzwlh.com
4 Park Place
Irvine, CA 92614
Tel: (949) 219-9816, Fax: (949) 219-9095
PhD’s; MBA’s; JD’s; CPA’s; Acc Sr Apprsrs; CVA’s; ABV’s; Cert Frd Examiners; CFF’s
Expert witness testimony for complex litigation involving damage analyses of lost profits, reasonable royalties, lost earnings, & lost value of business, forensic accounting, fraud investigation & investigative analysis of liability. Excellent communicators with extensive testimony exp. Prior Big Four accountants.
Specialties include accounting, breach of contract, breach of fiduciary duty, business interruption, business dissolution, construction defects, delays & cost overruns, elder abuse, false advertising, family law, fraud, insurance bad faith, intellectual property including trademark, patent & copyright infringement, & trade secrets, lemon law, lender liability, misrepresentations, partnership disputes, personal injury, product liability, professional malpractice damages, punitive damages, real estate, securities, tracing, trusts & estates, unfair competition, valuation of businesses, wage & hour claims, white collar crime, & wrongful termination.
See display ad page 64
Zivetz, Schwartz & Saltsman CPA’s
Contact: Lester J. Schwartz, CPA/CFF, Michael D. Saltsman, CPA, MBA 5990 Sepulveda Blvd, Ste 215 Sherman Oaks, CA 91411
Tel: (310) 826-1040
Fax: (310) 826-1065
Email: less@zss.com
Website: www.zsscpa.com
CPA’s & Appraisers
Accounting, malpractice, business interruption, business valuation & appraisal, commercial damages, contract disputes, economic analysis & damages, environmental cleanup cost, estate & trust accounting, forensic accounting, fraud, lost profits, marital dissolutions, partnership disputes, personal injury, royalties, shareholder disputes, tracing & wrongful termination.
See display ad page 22
Forensic BCM Analytics
See display ad page 26
Contact: Robert Schreiber
5820 Canoga Ave, Ste 300 Woodland Hills, CA 91367
Tel: (818) 986-5034
Fax: (818) 986-5070
Email: rschreiber@cmmcpas.com
Website: rschreiber@cmmcpas.com
Krycler, Ervin, Taubman & Kaminsky
Contact: Michael J. Krycler, CPA
15303 Ventura Blvd, #1040
Sherman Oaks, CA 91403
Tel: (818) 995-1040
Fax: (818) 995-4124
Email: mike@ketkcpa.com
Website: www.ketkcpa.com
Fulcrum Inquiry LLP
Contact: Renee Howdeshell
707 Wilshire Blvd, Ste 2050 Los Angeles, CA 90017
Tel: (213) 787-4100
Fax: (213) 891-1300
Email: rhowdeshell@fulcrum.com
Website: www.fulcrum.com
CPA’s, CFA’s, ASA’s PhD’s & MBA’s in Accounting, Finance, Economics & related subjects
Our professionals are experienced CPA’s, MBA’s, ASA’s, CFA’s, affiliated professors & industry specialists. Our analysis & research combined with unique presentation techniques have resulted in an unequaled record of successful court cases & client recoveries. Our expertise encompasses damages analysis, lost profit studies, forensic accounting, business & intangible asset valuation, fraud investigations, statistics, forensic economic analysis, royalty audits, strategic & market assessments, competitive surveys, injury & employment damages, intellectual property disputes & a wide range of other financial advisory services.
See display ad page 58
David Ostrove
See display ad below
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: CPA’s; CFE’s; MBA’s; ABV’s Specialties: Expert Witness; Forensic Accountants; Litigation Consultants; Fraud Investigations; Economic Damages; Business Valuations; Family Law.
Now Serving the Santa Clarita Valley: 27651 Lincoln Place, 27651 Lincoln Place Santa Clarita, CA 91387
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: CPA, FCA (England)
“Serving the Legal Profession for More Than 30 Years” Full service CPA firm; litigation services; accounting; expert witness testimony; including family law matters & forensic accounting; business valuation; damages; economic analysis; appraisals of professional practices; fraud investigations; loss of earnings; international matters; arbitration & mediation.
Forensic Accounting Services Team, Inc.
Contact: Tiffany Tso, CPA/ABV, CFF, CFE 516 S. First Avenue Arcadia, CA 91006
Tel: (310) 820-8883
Email: ttso@fastcpas.com
Website: www.myforensicaccountant.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: Certified Public Accountant, Accredited in Business Valuation, Certified in Financial Forensics, Certified Fraud Examiner; UCLA Bachelor of Arts in Business Economics. Fluent in written and verbal Mandarin and Cantonese.
Forensic accounting, consulting and expert witness testimony in connection with Business Valuation/Appraisal, Marital Dissolution (support, business valuation, apportionment, property division), Economic Damages, Corporate/LLC/Partnership Disputes (including Corp Code 2000), Trust Accounting Disputes. Recognized financial experts in Superior Court, Criminal Court, Federal Court, Arbitrations and Mediations. Also experienced in disputes and marital dissolutions involving Chinese and Hong Kong financial interests and international businesses.
Diana G. Lesgart, CPA, CFE, CVA, CFF
An Accountancy Corp
Established 1997
6320 Canoga Ave., Ste. 1500 Woodland Hills, CA 91367
Tel: (818) 886-7140
Fax: (818) 886-7146
Email: Diana@LesgartCPA.com
Website: www.jurispro.com/DianaLesgartCPA
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/lesgartcpa/
Specialized forensic accounting & litigation support services in the areas of Family Law & Trusts and Estates, including tracing of separate & community property assets, pension plan tracing, forensic accounting, business valuation & apportionment, cash available for support, Moore-Marsden/Branco calculations, fraud investigations, real estate analysis, community property balance sheet, trust accounting & analysis, expert testimony. Over 35 years accounting experience with over 30 years forensic accounting & litigation support specialization. Appointed as Section 730 joint accounting expert. Expert is English/ Spanish bilingual.
Hugh Sills, CPA, Inc.
Hugh Sills, CPA, CVA
6080 Center Dr, Sixth Fl Los Angeles, CA 90045
Tel: (310) 773-2028
Email: hugh@sillscpa.com
Website: www.sillscpa.com
4695 MacArthur Ct, 11th Fl Newport Beach, CA 92660
Tel: (949) 556-0222,
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: Certified Public Accountant, Certified Valuation Analyst
Full service CPA firm providing Business Valuations, Forensic Accounting Investigations, and Expert Witness Testimony services. Services are provided in a wide range of matters including marital dissolutions, civil litigation, misappropriation of asset investigations, tax controversies.
See display ad page 29
Zivetz, Schwartz & Saltsman CPA’s Contact: Lester J. Schwartz, CPA/CFF, Michael D. Saltsman, CPA, MBA 5990 Sepulveda Blvd, Ste 215 Sherman Oaks, CA 91411
Tel: (310) 826-1040
Fax: (310) 826-1065
Email: less@zss.com
Website: www.zsscpa.com
CPA’s & Appraisers
Accounting, malpractice, business interruption, business valuation & appraisal, commercial damages, contract disputes, economic analysis & damages, environmental cleanup cost, estate & trust accounting, forensic accounting, fraud, lost profits, marital dissolutions, partnership disputes, personal injury, royalties, shareholder disputes, tracing & wrongful termination.
See display ad page 22
A & E Forensics
Steven Norris, AIA, GE, PE, HG, CEG, CASp, LEED
2121 Montiel Rd San Marcos, CA 92069
Tel: (877) 839-7302
Email: steve@aeforensics.com
Website: aeforensics.com
• CA - Architect C30372, AIA
• CA - Civil Engineer
• CA - Geotechnical Engineer
• CA - Engineering Geologist
• CA - Hydrogeologist
• CA - Engineering/Building Contractor
• CA - Certified Access Specialist – ADA
• HI - Lic. Architect, OK – Prof. Eng.
• LEED Green Associate
• Architect, Engineer, Contractor: Standard of Care
• Retained over 200 times; Deposed over 100 times; Trial Testimony over 20 times
• Waterproofing, water intrusion, building envelope, zoning-setbacks, concrete performance, path of travel, structural analysis, earthquake-fire damage, plan analysis
• Landslides, retaining wall failure, settlement, flooding, grading, septic, expansive soils, mud flows, pavement distress, ground water evaluation, slope analysis
• Cost estimates, construction management, delay analysis, contracts
• Serving all California, Hawaii & Oklahoma
Edward L. BennettCoast Rehabilitation Services, Inc.
5290 Overpass Rd, #118
Santa Barbara, CA 93111
Tel: (805) 692-1823
Fax: (805) 692-1827
Email: info@coastrehabservicesinc.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: MA; Post-Grad Cert; Adv Life Care Plans; ABVE; CDMS; CRC; CLCP
Evaluations of pre-vs-post-injury career path & earnings capacity in: PI; medical malpractice; wrongful term; wrongful death; marital; maritime; pediatric head injuries; cost of future medical (LCP); ADA consultations re: employment & accessibility analysis. Other office in Santa Barbara. Serving Southern, Central & Northern CA
Brian H. Kleiner, PhD, MBA Professor (Emeritus), Human Resource Mgmt at prestigiousCA University
551 Santa Barbara Ave
Fullerton, CA 92835
Tel: (714) 879-9705
Cell: (714) 595-1891
Fax: (714) 879-5600
Email: bkleinerphdmba@gmail.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: PhD Management, UCLA; MBA, UCLA
Evaluation of workplace policies & practices pertaining to discrimination/ harassment prevention efforts (interactive process, reasonable accommodation, training), investigations, corrective actions (discipline, termination); hiring; compensation, wage & hours, pensions; supervision; safety, violence, OSHA; CFRA/FMLA; appraisal, promotion, retaliation, RIF’s.
40+ yrs HR experience. 1,000+ cases as an expert. Former human resource manager for Ford Motor Co. Over 100 business & government consulting clients. Trained thousands of managers. Taught three 36-hour courses on KLCS-TV. 500+ pubs. Have given trial/arbitration testimony 80+ times. Favorably featured in “Employment Law Verdicts.” Profiled in Bender’s “California Labor & Employment Bulletin” as a result of successes. Have received many awards, honors & commendations. Rates negotiable.
General Analysis Group, Inc.
Jeffrey H. Kinrich, Bruce A. Strombom
333 S. Hope St, 27th Fl Los Angeles, CA 90071
Tel: (213) 896-4500
Fax: (213) 623-4112
Website: www.analysisgroup.com
PhD, MBA, CPA, CFA, ABV in Econ, Finance, Acctg, Statistics
Analysis Group provides economic, financial & business strategy consulting to law firms, corporations & govt agencies. We assist law firms & their clients w/all aspects of litigation, incl pretrial discovery, damages estimation, economic & financial models, business valuation, prep of expert reports & testimony & critique of opposing experts. Areas of expertise incl antitrust, IP, securities, valuation, healthcare, entertainment, sports, energy, employment & general business litigation.
Certified Public Accountants
Contact: Jason A. Engel
350 S. Grand Avenue, Suite 3160 Los Angeles, CA 90071
Tel: (310) 277-2220
Fax: (310) 277-2212
Email: jasonengel@engelandengel.com
Website: www.engelandengel.com
Certified Public Accountant (CPA), Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE), Certified Insolvency and Restructuring Advisor (CIRA), Certified Valuation Analyst (CVA), Master Analyst in Financial Forensics (MAFF) and Accredited in Business Valuation (ABV).
Engel & Engel, LLP is a Los Angeles CPA firm engaged in the practice of forensic accounting for over 25 years. Mr. Engel has served as an expert witness in over 500 forensic accounting cases including expert testimony in connection with a jury award of $2.3 billion.
Certified Public Accountants
Contact: Stephan Wasserman, CPA/ABV/CFF
2121 Avenue of the Stars, Suite 1300 Los Angeles, CA 90067
Tel: (310) 552-0960
Email: swasserman@gursey.com
Website: www.gursey.com
Contact: Robert O. Watts, CPA
2211 Michelson Drive, Suite 650 Irvine, CA 92612
Tel: (949) 265-9900,
Email: rwatts@gursey.com
BTI Appraisal
Ben F. Tunnell III, Chairman 425 E. Colorado St, Suite 640 Glendale, CA 91205
Tel: (213) 532-3800
Fax: (213) 532-3807
Email: ben@btiappraisal.com
Website: www.btiappraisal.com
Additional contact: Megan O’Rourke, President
Email: megan@btiappraisal.com
Cert General Appraisers in various states, ASA & MAI available.
BTI Appraisal offers litigation & appraisal experience, nationally & internationally, since 1974 in the areas of Real Estate, Machinery & Equipment, Personal Property, Business Valuation & Economic Analysis.
We represent attorneys, insurance companies, governments, financial institutions & corporations for all of their appraisal needs including litigation support, gifting, estate taxes, insurance claims, condemnations, IRS & SEC issues. The collective experience of our nationally regarded professionals can address projects of all sizes & locations.
Mr. Engel has authored 20 research publications on the subjects of economic damages, fraudulent transfers, intellectual property, alter ego, business valuation, and employment damages. Experience and expertise includes complex business litigation matters including economic damages, financial fraud investigation, alter ego, fraudulent transfers, business valuation, bankruptcy and insolvency, intellectual property, construction, construction defects, real estate, employment, business interruption, business operations, partnership and corporate dissolutions, and accounting malpractice.
Gursey | Schneider is an accounting firm specializing in forensic accounting, litigation support services, business valuation & appraisal services for a variety of purposes including marital dissolution, gift & estate planning, business disputes, tax matters, bankruptcy, damage and lost profit assessment, insurance claims and entertainment industry litigation. We have over 30 years of expert witness experience in litigation support.
Michael D. Rosen, CPA, PhD, ABV
3780 Kilroy Airport Way, Ste 200 Long Beach, CA 90806
Tel: (562) 256-7052
Fax: (562) 256-7001
Email: mrosencpa@verizon.net
Website: www.mrosencpa.com
PhD, Ag. Econ, UC Davis; CPA (CA); ABVAICPA Credential in Business Valuation
Specialties: WE ARE: Litigation Consultants, Forensic Accountants, Expert Witnesses. Our mission is to develop the financial story that underlies every business litigation matter, and to convey that story in a clear and concise manner to the trier of fact. Our findings allow a realistic assessment of the case and support settlement efforts. Our work is designed to render conclusive opinions & to withstand cross-examination. WE SPECIALIZE IN: Business Damages - Lost Profits and Loss in Value; Personal Damages - Lost Earnings; Business Valuation.
Hugh Sills, CPA, Inc.
See display ad at right
BTI Appraisal
Ben F. Tunnell III, Chairman
425 E. Colorado St, Suite 640 Glendale, CA 91205
Tel: (213) 532-3800
Fax: (213) 532-3807
Email: ben@btiappraisal.com
Website: www.btiappraisal.com
Additional contact:
Megan O’Rourke, President
Email: megan@btiappraisal.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: Cert General Appraisers in various states, ASA & MAI available.
BTI Appraisal offers litigation & appraisal experience, nationally & internationally, since 1974 in the areas of Real Estate, Machinery & Equipment, Personal Property, Business Valuation & Economic Analysis.
We represent attorneys, insurance companies, governments, financial institutions & corporations for all of their appraisal needs including litigation support, gifting, estate taxes, insurance claims, condemnations, IRS & SEC issues. The collective experience of our nationally regarded professionals can address projects of all sizes & locations.
contact Hugh Sills, CPA,CVA tel 310.773.2028 tel 949.556.0222 email hugh@sillscpa.com visit us at www.sillscpa.com
Contact: Robert Schreiber
5820 Canoga Ave, Ste 300 Woodland Hills, CA 91367
Tel: (818) 986-5034
Fax: (818) 986-5070
Email: rschreiber@cmmcpas.com
Website: rschreiber@cmmcpas.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: CPA’s; CFE’s; MBA’s; ABV’s Specialties: Expert Witness; Forensic Accountants; Litigation Consultants; Fraud Investigations; Economic Damages; Business Valuations; Family Law.
Engel & Engel LLP
Certified Public Accountants
Contact: Jason A. Engel
350 S. Grand Avenue, Suite 3160 Los Angeles, CA 90071
Tel: (310) 277-2220
Fax: (310) 277-2212
Email: jasonengel@engelandengel.com
Website: www.engelandengel.com
Certified Public Accountant (CPA), Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE), Certified Insolvency and Restructuring Advisor (CIRA), Certified Valuation Analyst (CVA), Master Analyst in Financial Forensics (MAFF) and Accredited in Business Valuation (ABV).
Engel & Engel, LLP is a Los Angeles CPA firm engaged in the practice of forensic accounting for over 25 years. Mr. Engel has served as an expert witness in over 500 forensic accounting cases including expert testimony in connection with a jury award of $2.3 billion.
Mr. Engel has authored 20 research publications on the subjects of economic damages, fraudulent transfers, intellectual property, alter ego, business valuation, and employment damages. Experience and expertise includes complex business litigation matters including economic damages, financial fraud investigation, alter ego, fraudulent transfers, business valuation, bankruptcy and insolvency, intellectual property, construction, construction defects, real estate, employment, business interruption, business operations, partnership and corporate dissolutions, and accounting malpractice.
Higgins, Marcus & Lovett, Inc.
Contact: Mark C. Higgins ASA, 800 S. Figueroa St, Ste 710 Los Angeles, CA 90017
Tel: (213) 617-7775
Fax: (213) 617-8372
Email: mhiggins@hmlinc.com
Website: www.hmlinc.com
MBA’s; ASA’s; CFA’s
Valuation of closely-held businesses; loss of business goodwill; damage calculations; valuation of intangibles; extensive expert witness experience.
See display ad below
Nolte Analytics, LLC
Brian Nolte, Founder
700 S. Flower St, Ste 1000 Los Angeles, CA 90017
Tel: (213) 315-2700 (Office)
Tel: (213) 315-2707 (Direct)
Email: bnolte@nolteanalytics.com
Website: NolteAnalytics.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: Our Team includes experts with credentials from the most well-regarded organizations, including Certified Public Accountant (CPA), Accredited Senior Appraiser (ASA), Accredited in Business Valuation (ABV) and Certified Management Accountant (CMA).
Business and intangible asset appraisal, loss of business value, minority shareholder disputes, buy-sell agreements, commercial damages measurements, including, unjust enrichment, lost profits, disgorgement, breach of contract, business interruption, business interference, patent infringement, trademark infringement, copyright infringement, theft of trade secrets, reasonable royalties, employment claims, wrongful termination, wrongful death, personal injury, future lost earnings, loss of earnings capacity, loss of benefits, financial accounting, forensic accounting, royalty and compliance audits, fraud investigations.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience:
Our Team includes experts with over 40 years’ experience. Our experience prevents false starts and avoidable errors, delivering more cost-effective results. Our Team includes experts with over 200 trial testimonies. We typically present our conclusions graphically, using a proprietary presentation system. As a result, we have an unequalled track record of judges and juries accepting our conclusion. See insert ad after page 24
Phillips, Fractor & Co, LLC
Contact: G. Michael Phillips, PhD 3452 E. Foothill Blvd, Ste 220 Pasadena, CA 91107
Tel: (626) 744-3540
Email: contactpfc@rule26.com
Website: www.phillipsfractor.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: PhDs, Economics; Ed.D; MBA; CPA; CFA; CPA/ABV
Economic losses, lost profits, contract damages, employment economics, wrongful termination, class action and mass tort analysis, valuation of earnings & benefits; wrongful injury and wrongful death, medical malpractice; financial valuation, investment analysis, “what if” analysis, statistical analysis & modeling, intellectual property, compensation issues, including executive compensation; entertainment industry; construction defects; sampling & surveys; database construction & analysis; family business; forensic accounting including lost profits and business valuation, and custom research.
Zivetz, Schwartz & Saltsman CPA’s
Contact: Lester J. Schwartz, CPA/CFF, Michael D. Saltsman, CPA, MBA 5990 Sepulveda Blvd, Ste 215 Sherman Oaks, CA 91411 Tel: (310) 826-1040
Fax: (310) 826-1065
Email: less@zss.com
Website: www.zsscpa.com
CPA’s & Appraisers
Accounting, malpractice, business interruption, business valuation & appraisal, commercial damages, contract disputes, economic analysis & damages, environmental cleanup cost, estate & trust accounting, forensic accounting, fraud, lost profits, marital dissolutions, partnership disputes, personal injury, royalties, shareholder disputes, tracing & wrongful termination.
See display ad page 22
BTI Appraisal
Ben F. Tunnell III, Chairman
425 E. Colorado St, Suite 640 Glendale, CA 91205
Tel: (213) 532-3800
Fax: (213) 532-3807
Email: ben@btiappraisal.com
Website: www.btiappraisal.com
Additional contact:
Megan O’Rourke, President
Email: megan@btiappraisal.com
Cert General Appraisers in various states, ASA & MAI available.
BTI Appraisal offers litigation & appraisal experience, nationally & internationally, since 1974 in the areas of Real Estate, Machinery & Equipment, Personal Property, Business Valuation & Economic Analysis.
We represent attorneys, insurance companies, governments, financial institutions & corporations for all of their appraisal needs including litigation support, gifting, estate taxes, insurance claims, condemnations, IRS & SEC issues. The collective experience of our nationally regarded professionals can address projects of all sizes & locations.
Engel & Engel LLP
Certified Public Accountants
Contact: Jason A. Engel
350 S. Grand Avenue, Suite 3160 Los Angeles, CA 90071
Tel: (310) 277-2220
Fax: (310) 277-2212
Email: jasonengel@engelandengel.com
Website: www.engelandengel.com
Certified Public Accountant (CPA), Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE), Certified Insolvency and Restructuring Advisor (CIRA), Certified Valuation Analyst (CVA), Master Analyst in Financial Forensics (MAFF) and Accredited in Business Valuation (ABV).
Engel & Engel, LLP is a Los Angeles CPA firm engaged in the practice of forensic accounting for over 25 years. Mr. Engel has served as an expert witness in over 500 forensic accounting cases including expert testimony in connection with a jury award of $2.3 billion.
Mr. Engel has authored 20 research publications on the subjects of economic damages, fraudulent transfers, intellectual property, alter ego, business valuation, and employment damages. Experience and expertise includes complex business litigation matters including economic damages, financial fraud investigation, alter ego, fraudulent transfers, business valuation, bankruptcy and insolvency, intellectual property, construction, construction defects, real estate, employment, business interruption, business operations, partnership and corporate dissolutions, and accounting malpractice.
White, Zuckerman, Warsavsky, Luna & Hunt, LLP
Contact: Barbara Luna, John Luna, Dean
Atkinson, Venita McMorris & David Turner
15490 Ventura Blvd, Ste 300 Sherman Oaks, CA 91403
Tel: (818) 981-4226
Fax: (818) 981-4278
Email: expert@wzwlh.com
Website: www.wzwlh.com
4 Park Place
Irvine, CA 92614
Tel: (949) 219-9816, Fax: (949) 219-9095
PhD’s; MBA’s; JD’s; CPA’s; Acc Sr Apprsrs; CVA’s; ABV’s; Cert Frd Examiners; CFF’s
Expert witness testimony for complex litigation involving damage analyses of lost profits, reasonable royalties, lost earnings, & lost value of business, forensic accounting, fraud investigation & investigative analysis of liability. Excellent communicators with extensive testimony exp. Prior Big Four accountants.
Specialties include accounting, breach of contract, breach of fiduciary duty, business interruption, business dissolution, construction defects, delays & cost overruns, elder abuse, false advertising, family law, fraud, insurance bad faith, intellectual property including trademark, patent & copyright infringement, & trade secrets, lemon law, lender liability, misrepresentations, partnership disputes, personal injury, product liability, professional malpractice damages, punitive damages, real estate, securities, tracing, trusts & estates, unfair competition, valuation of businesses, wage & hour claims, white collar crime, & wrongful termination.
See display ad page 64
BTI Appraisal
Ben F. Tunnell III, Chairman
425 E. Colorado St, Suite 640 Glendale, CA 91205
Tel: (213) 532-3800
Fax: (213) 532-3807
Email: ben@btiappraisal.com
Website: www.btiappraisal.com
Additional contact:
Megan O’Rourke, President
Email: megan@btiappraisal.com
Cert General Appraisers in various states, ASA & MAI available.
BTI Appraisal offers litigation & appraisal experience, nationally & internationally, since 1974 in the areas of Real Estate, Machinery & Equipment, Personal Property, Business Valuation & Economic Analysis.
We represent attorneys, insurance companies, governments, financial institutions & corporations for all of their appraisal needs including litigation support, gifting, estate taxes, insurance claims, condemnations, IRS & SEC issues. The collective experience of our nationally regarded professionals can address projects of all sizes & locations.
Fulcrum Inquiry LLP
Contact: Renee Howdeshell
707 Wilshire Blvd, Ste 2050 Los Angeles, CA 90017
Tel: (213) 787-4100
Fax: (213) 891-1300
Email: rhowdeshell@fulcrum.com
Website: www.fulcrum.com
CPA’s, CFA’s, ASA’s PhD’s & MBA’s in Accounting, Finance, Economics & related subjects
Our professionals are experienced CPA’s, MBA’s, ASA’s, CFA’s, affiliated professors & industry specialists. Our analysis & research combined with unique presentation techniques have resulted in an unequaled record of successful court cases & client recoveries. Our expertise encompasses damages analysis, lost profit studies, forensic accounting, business & intangible asset valuation, fraud investigations, statistics, forensic economic analysis, royalty audits, strategic & market assessments, competitive surveys, injury & employment damages, intellectual property disputes & a wide range of other financial advisory services. See display ad page 58
Phillips, Fractor & Co, LLC
Contact: G. Michael Phillips, PhD 3452 E. Foothill Blvd, Ste 220 Pasadena, CA 91107 Tel: (626) 744-3540
Email: contactpfc@rule26.com
Website: www.phillipsfractor.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: PhDs, Economics; Ed.D; MBA; CPA; CFA; CPA/ABV
Economic losses, lost profits, contract damages, employment economics, wrongful termination, class action and mass tort analysis, valuation of earnings & benefits; wrongful injury and wrongful death, medical malpractice; financial valuation, investment analysis, “what if” analysis, statistical analysis & modeling, intellectual property, compensation issues, including executive compensation; entertainment industry; construction defects; sampling & surveys; database construction & analysis; family business; forensic accounting including lost profits and business valuation, and custom research.
BTI Appraisal
Ben F. Tunnell III, Chairman
425 E. Colorado St, Suite 640 Glendale, CA 91205
Tel: (213) 532-3800
Fax: (213) 532-3807
Email: ben@btiappraisal.com
Website: www.btiappraisal.com
Additional contact:
Megan O’Rourke, President
Email: megan@btiappraisal.com
Cert General Appraisers in various states, ASA & MAI available.
BTI Appraisal offers litigation & appraisal experience, nationally & internationally, since 1974 in the areas of Real Estate, Machinery & Equipment, Personal Property, Business Valuation & Economic Analysis.
We represent attorneys, insurance companies, governments, financial institutions & corporations for all of their appraisal needs including litigation support, gifting, estate taxes, insurance claims, condemnations, IRS & SEC issues. The collective experience of our nationally regarded professionals can address projects of all sizes & locations.
Contact: Robert Schreiber 5820 Canoga Ave, Ste 300 Woodland Hills, CA 91367
Tel: (818) 986-5034
Fax: (818) 986-5070
Email: rschreiber@cmmcpas.com
Website: rschreiber@cmmcpas.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: CPA’s; CFE’s; MBA’s; ABV’s
Specialties: Expert Witness; Forensic Accountants; Litigation Consultants; Fraud Investigations; Economic Damages; Business Valuations; Family Law.
Gursey | Schneider LLP
Certified Public Accountants
Contact: Stephan Wasserman, CPA/ABV/CFF
2121 Avenue of the Stars, Suite 1300 Los Angeles, CA 90067
Tel: (310) 552-0960
Email: swasserman@gursey.com
Website: www.gursey.com
Contact: Natalie Murvin, CPA/CFF
Contact: Tina Fujisaki, CPA/CFF 1960 E. Grand Avenue, Suite 920 El Segundo, CA 90245
Tel: (310) 552-0960, Email: nmurvin@gursey.com tinaf@gursey.com
Gursey | Schneider is a leader in Forensic accounting in all areas relating to marital dissolution, post-dissolution, paternity, consulting. We provide expert analysis including cash flow, marital standard of living, community and separate property, postseparation accounting, tracing of assets, business valuations and expert witness testimony.
Zivetz, Schwartz & Saltsman CPA’s
Contact: Lester J. Schwartz, CPA/CFF, Michael D. Saltsman, CPA, MBA 5990 Sepulveda Blvd, Ste 215 Sherman Oaks, CA 91411
Tel: (310) 826-1040
Fax: (310) 826-1065
Email: less@zss.com
Website: www.zsscpa.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: CPA’s & Appraisers
Accounting, malpractice, business interruption, business valuation & appraisal, commercial damages, contract disputes, economic analysis & damages, environmental cleanup cost, estate & trust accounting, forensic accounting, fraud, lost profits, marital dissolutions, partnership disputes, personal injury, royalties, shareholder disputes, tracing & wrongful termination.
See display ad page 22
Charles I. Carmona, GG, ASA President, Guild Laboratories, Inc. 550 S. Hill St, Ste 1188 Los Angeles, CA 90013
Tel: (213) 624-0137
Mobile: (213) 880-5414
Email: charles@guildlabs.com
Website: www.guildlabs.com
Graduate Gemologist; Accredited Senior Appraiser
Gemologist/Numismatist/Appraiser specializing in all types of gems & jewelry, watches, coins & currency, household silver; expert witness, qualified in District, Bankruptcy, Tax & Superior Courts; valuations at all market levels for business inventories, estates, donations, insurance, divorce, bankruptcy, liquidations; professional certified appraiser since 1984. Author, speaker, consultant. Multi-lingual.
Theresa L. Newman Brossmer, GG, ASA Master Gemologist Appraiser®
Gem Appraisals Unlimited, LLC
158 No. Glendora Ave, Ste K Glendora, CA 91741
Tel: (626) 335-6002
Cell: (951) 237-6005
Fax: (626) 335-6002
Email: teri@gem-appraisals.com
Website: www.gem-appraisals.com
Graduate Gemologist, GIA; Senior Appraiser: ASA; Master Gemologist Appraiser R, Appraisal Review: ASA, AQB Certified USPAP Instructor
Gem and Jewelry appraisals, jewelry trade practice & standard of care, 30 yrs. Experience, AGA Certified Laboratory. Contemporary, antique & designer jewelry. Appraisal types include dispute resolution, post-loss, estate or probate, equitable distribution, liquidation, charitable contribution, insurance replacement. Clients include: Attorneys, law enforcement agencies, (Federal to Local), banks, jewelry stores, the public. Expert Witness qualified (Federal/Superior Courts). Deposed/testified 7 times since 2014.
BTI Appraisal
Ben F. Tunnell III, Chairman 425 E. Colorado St, Suite 640 Glendale, CA 91205
Tel: (213) 532-3800
Fax: (213) 532-3807
Email: ben@btiappraisal.com
Website: www.btiappraisal.com
Additional contact:
Megan O’Rourke, President
Email: megan@btiappraisal.com
Cert General Appraisers in various states, ASA & MAI available.
BTI Appraisal offers litigation & appraisal experience, nationally & internationally, since 1974 in the areas of Real Estate, Machinery & Equipment, Personal Property, Business Valuation & Economic Analysis.
We represent attorneys, insurance companies, governments, financial institutions & corporations for all of their appraisal needs including litigation support, gifting, estate taxes, insurance claims, condemnations, IRS & SEC issues. The collective experience of our nationally regarded professionals can address projects of all sizes & locations.
Phillips, Fractor & Co, LLC
Contact: G. Michael Phillips, PhD 3452 E. Foothill Blvd, Ste 220 Pasadena, CA 91107
Tel: (626) 744-3540
Email: contactpfc@rule26.com
Website: www.phillipsfractor.com
PhDs, Economics; Ed.D; MBA; CPA; CFA; CPA/ABV
Economic losses, lost profits, contract damages, employment economics, wrongful termination, class action and mass tort analysis, valuation of earnings & benefits; wrongful injury and wrongful death, medical malpractice; financial valuation, investment analysis, “what if” analysis, statistical analysis & modeling, intellectual property, compensation issues, including executive compensation; entertainment industry; construction defects; sampling & surveys; database construction & analysis; family business; forensic accounting including lost profits and business valuation, and custom research.
BTI Appraisal
Ben F. Tunnell III, Chairman
425 E. Colorado St, Suite 640 Glendale, CA 91205
Tel: (213) 532-3800
Fax: (213) 532-3807
Email: ben@btiappraisal.com
Website: www.btiappraisal.com
Additional contact:
Megan O’Rourke, President
Email: megan@btiappraisal.com
Cert General Appraisers in various states, ASA & MAI available.
BTI Appraisal offers litigation & appraisal experience, nationally & internationally, since 1974 in the areas of Real Estate, Machinery & Equipment, Personal Property, Business Valuation & Economic Analysis.
We represent attorneys, insurance companies, governments, financial institutions & corporations for all of their appraisal needs including litigation support, gifting, estate taxes, insurance claims, condemnations, IRS & SEC issues. The collective experience of our nationally regarded professionals can address projects of all sizes & locations.
Sencer Appraisal Associates – Equipment Appraisers
Contact: Garrett Schwartz, ASA, CEA
Tel: (323) 863-6225
Tel: (888) 473-6237 (888-4-SENCER)
Email: gschwartz@sencerappraisal.com
Web: www.AllEquipmentAppraisal.com/lacba
Accredited Senior Appraiser, American Society of Appraisers; Certified Equipment Appraiser, Association of Machinery & Equipment Appraisers.
Nationwide equipment valuation services by recognized experts serving attorneys, accountants, lenders, government agencies, and corporations.
Defensible, USPAP-compliant appraisals that meet applicable financial reporting, SBA, or IRS standards.
Professional, independent appraisals of equipment in healthcare, construction, food processing and food service, agriculture, transportation, manufacturing, metalworking, and many other industries.
BTI Appraisal
Ben F. Tunnell III, Chairman 425 E. Colorado St, Suite 640 Glendale, CA 91205
Tel: (213) 532-3800
Fax: (213) 532-3807
Email: ben@btiappraisal.com
Website: www.btiappraisal.com
Additional contact:
Megan O’Rourke, President
Email: megan@btiappraisal.com
Cert General Appraisers in various states, ASA & MAI available.
BTI Appraisal offers litigation & appraisal experience, nationally & internationally, since 1974 in the areas of Real Estate, Machinery & Equipment, Personal Property, Business Valuation & Economic Analysis.
We represent attorneys, insurance companies, governments, financial institutions & corporations for all of their appraisal needs including litigation support, gifting, estate taxes, insurance claims, condemnations, IRS & SEC issues. The collective experience of our nationally regarded professionals can address projects of all sizes & locations.
Phillips, Fractor & Co, LLC
Contact: G. Michael Phillips, PhD
3452 E. Foothill Blvd, Ste 220 Pasadena, CA 91107
Tel: (626) 744-3540
Email: contactpfc@rule26.com
Website: www.phillipsfractor.com
PhDs, Economics; Ed.D; MBA; CPA; CFA; CPA/ABV
Economic losses, lost profits, contract damages, employment economics, wrongful termination, class action and mass tort analysis, valuation of earnings & benefits; wrongful injury and wrongful death, medical malpractice; financial valuation, investment analysis, “what if” analysis, statistical analysis & modeling, intellectual property, compensation issues, including executive compensation; entertainment industry; construction defects; sampling & surveys; database construction & analysis; family business; forensic accounting including lost profits and business valuation, and custom research.
White, Zuckerman, Warsavsky, Luna & Hunt, LLP
Contact: Barbara Luna, John Luna, Dean Atkinson, Venita McMorris & David Turner
15490 Ventura Blvd, Ste 300 Sherman Oaks, CA 91403
Tel: (818) 981-4226
Fax: (818) 981-4278
Email: expert@wzwlh.com
Website: www.wzwlh.com
4 Park Place Irvine, CA 92614
Tel: (949) 219-9816, Fax: (949) 219-9095
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: PhD’s; MBA’s; JD’s; CPA’s; Acc Sr Apprsrs; CVA’s; ABV’s; Cert Frd Examiners; CFF’s
Expert witness testimony for complex litigation involving damage analyses of lost profits, reasonable royalties, lost earnings, & lost value of business, forensic accounting, fraud investigation & investigative analysis of liability. Excellent communicators with extensive testimony exp. Prior Big Four accountants. Specialties include accounting, breach of contract, breach of fiduciary duty, business interruption, business dissolution, construction defects, delays & cost overruns, elder abuse, false advertising, family law, fraud, insurance bad faith, intellectual property including trademark, patent & copyright infringement, & trade secrets, lemon law, lender liability, misrepresentations, partnership disputes, personal injury, product liability, professional malpractice damages, punitive damages, real estate, securities, tracing, trusts & estates, unfair competition, valuation of businesses, wage & hour claims, white collar crime, & wrongful termination.
See display ad page 64
Zivetz, Schwartz & Saltsman CPA’s
Contact: Lester J. Schwartz, CPA/CFF, Michael D. Saltsman, CPA, MBA 5990 Sepulveda Blvd, Ste 215 Sherman Oaks, CA 91411
Tel: (310) 826-1040
Fax: (310) 826-1065
Email: less@zss.com
Website: www.zsscpa.com
CPA’s & Appraisers
Accounting, malpractice, business interruption, business valuation & appraisal, commercial damages, contract disputes, economic analysis & damages, environmental cleanup cost, estate & trust accounting, forensic accounting, fraud, lost profits, marital dissolutions, partnership disputes, personal injury, royalties, shareholder disputes, tracing & wrongful termination.
See display ad page 22
BTI Appraisal
Ben F. Tunnell III, Chairman
425 E. Colorado St, Suite 640 Glendale, CA 91205
Tel: (213) 532-3800
Fax: (213) 532-3807
Email: ben@btiappraisal.com
Website: www.btiappraisal.com
Additional contact:
Megan O’Rourke, President
Email: megan@btiappraisal.com
Cert General Appraisers in various states, ASA & MAI available.
BTI Appraisal offers litigation & appraisal experience, nationally & internationally, since 1974 in the areas of Real Estate, Machinery & Equipment, Personal Property, Business Valuation & Economic Analysis.
We represent attorneys, insurance companies, governments, financial institutions & corporations for all of their appraisal needs including litigation support, gifting, estate taxes, insurance claims, condemnations, IRS & SEC issues. The collective experience of our nationally regarded professionals can address projects of all sizes & locations.
CBRE, Inc.
Bob Gutzman, MAI 400 S. Hope St, 25th Fl Los Angeles, CA 90071
Tel: (213) 613-3683
Fax: (213) 613-3005
Email: bob.gutzman@cbre.com
Website: www.cbre.com
Certified General Appraisal License; MAI
Full-service appraisal/consulting firm. Expert witness & litigation support for all property types. Appraisals also provided for estate planning, bankruptcies, eminent domain, market rent determinations & tax appeals.
John G. Ellis, MAI, CRE, FRICS
Integra Realty Resources
Los Angeles
16030 Ventura Blvd, Ste 620
Encino, CA 91436
Tel: (818) 290-5444
Email: jellis@irr.com
Website: www.irr.com/losangeles
MAI, Member Appraisal Inst; CRE, Counselors of Real Estate, FRICS. BA, Bus Econ, UCLA; Cert Gen RE Appraiser (CA); RE Broker (CA).
40+ yrs of expert real property appraisal in Southern California. All major property types. Qualified expert witness in Superior & Federal Courts. Extensive experience in estate valuations; condemnation; analysis of potential value diminution; market rent disputes; comparative cash flow studies, & litigation support. Experienced arbitrator.
Previous Positions/Appointments: Past President of the So Cal Chapter of the Appraisal Inst. Appraisal Inst published author.
Marc Herman
See display ad below
Ira Spilky & Associates
Ira Spilky, President
16130 Ventura Blvd, #512 Encino, CA 91436
Tel: (310) 558-3241 (Office)
Cell: (310) 200-6177
Fax: (888) 588-5933
Email: ira@iraspilky.com
Website: www.iraspilky.com
BS Business Administration; MA Industrial Psychology. CA Real Estate Brokers License.
Restaurant Expert Witness in Real Estate landlord-tenant disputes, lease contract litigation, damages, loss of income & future earnings, buy-sell agreements, premise liability, royalty disputes, Intellectual Property, franchiser and franchisee contracts, bankruptcy, family, estate & partnership liquidation cases. Restaurant Appraisal & Valuation in Partnership creation & dissolution/ buyouts, Buy-sell decisions, joint venture plants, growth/expansion alternatives, workouts, Lease/purchase decisions, market valuation support, hard & soft FF&E assets, business opportunity purchase, land & building - fee simple, sale leaseback, financing & refinancing, sale-merger acquisition & insurance purposes.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Restaurant Appraisal & Valuation including Real Estate. Participated in many years of depositions, arbitration sessions collective bargaining and in trial. References, CV & Fee Schedule available upon request
Professional Societies:
California Assn of Realtors, National Assn of Realtors, California Restaurant Association, National Restaurant Assn, International Council of Restaurant Brokers, Assn of Commercial Real Estate Brokers, and International Council of Shopping Centers.
Barry S. Stuppler
Stuppler & Company
5855 Topanga Canyon Blvd, Ste 410 Woodland Hills, CA 91367
Tel: (818) 592-2800
Email: barry@stuppler.com
Website: www.mintstategold.com
Barry Stuppler is a 50+ year veteran in the rare coin & precious metals community & one of the nation’s most well-known & highly respected coin dealers.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: FBI; US Postal Inspector; L.A. District Attorney’s Office; Federal Trade Commission
Previous Positions/Appointments: Past President, ANA; American Numismatic Ass; Current President, CCBMA; CA Coin & Bullion Merchants Assn; Chairman, Gold & Silver PAC.
Membership in Professional Societies: Board Member, PNG; Professional Numismatist Guild; Board Member & Founder, ICTA; Industry Council for Tangible Assets.
A & E Forensics
Steven Norris, AIA, GE, PE, HG, CEG, CASp, LEED
2121 Montiel Rd
San Marcos, CA 92069
Tel: (877) 839-7302
Email: steve@aeforensics.com
Website: aeforensics.com
• CA - Architect C30372, AIA
• CA - Civil Engineer
• CA - Geotechnical Engineer
• CA - Engineering Geologist
• CA - Hydrogeologist
• CA - Engineering/Building Contractor
• CA - Certified Access Specialist – ADA
• HI - Lic. Architect, OK – Prof. Eng.
• LEED Green Associate
• Architect, Engineer, Contractor: Standard of Care
• Retained over 200 times; Deposed over 100 times; Trial Testimony over 20 times
• Waterproofing, water intrusion, building envelope, zoning-setbacks, concrete performance, path of travel, structural analysis, earthquake-fire damage, plan analysis
• Landslides, retaining wall failure, settlement, flooding, grading, septic, expansive soils, mud flows, pavement distress, ground water evaluation, slope analysis
• Cost estimates, construction management, delay analysis, contracts
• Serving all California, Hawaii & Oklahoma
John Donley
Donley Construction Consultants
2524 Micheltorena St Los Angeles, CA 90039
Tel: (415) 456-9242
Email: john@donleycc.com
Website: www.donleycc.com
Masters in Science in Architecture, Cal Poly; Bachelors in Science, Michigan State University
General Contractor, Project Manager, Estimator, Scheduler, Delay disruption analysis, Defect & remediation analysis. Jobsite injuries, code compliance of buildings & projects. Arbitrator, mediator, DRB panelist.
Dean J. Vlahos, FAIA & Associates
10125 Washington Blvd, Ste 200 Culver City, CA 90232
Tel: (310) 945-3477
Cell: (310) 804-5267
Email: DVlahos55@gmail.com
Website: www.deanjvlahosfaia-associates.com
Licensed Architect: California, Nevada, Hawaii, Florida, Alabama, Texas, Colorado, Utah. NCARB Certificate.
44+ years experience in Architecture and Construction. Professional Standard of Care. Construction defect investigation, building envelop, design & failure analysis. Commercial/Institutional/Industrial/Residential/ Justice/Healthcare/Educational.
Benchmark Investigations
Contact: Jim Zimmer, CPI 32158 Camino Capistrano, #A-415 San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675
Tel: (800) 248-7721
Fax: (949) 606-8439
Email: zimmerpi@pacbell.net
Website: www.BenchmarkInvestigations.net
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: BS, Business Management; CA Private Investigator Lic PI 12651; Registered Process Server #PSC/2411
National agency. Professional investigations with emphasis upon accuracy, detail & expedience. Asset/financial searches; background investigation; DMV searches; domestic/marital cases; due diligence; mergers & acquisitions; process service; sexual harassment & discrimination investigations; surveillance/photog; witness location & statements. LA branch + correspondents nationwide. Multi-lingual agents. Fully insured. Jim Zimmer is a Past President of the National Council of Investigation & Security Services & the California Assn of Licensed Investigators. Jim is the 2011 recipient of the CALI Distinguished Achievement Award.
See display ad page 105
Najar Investigations
Mohammed Najar
23811 Washington Ave, Ste C110286
Murrieta, CA 92562
Tel: (855) 462-6300
Cell: (951) 834-6766
Email: info@najarinvestigations.com
Website: www.najarinvestigations.com
Najar Investigations is a full-service investigations firm licensed and insured in the State of California and Arizona. Our investigators are active or honorably retired law enforcement agents, with unimpeachable background and extensive investigative experience. All of our investigations are conducted confidentially, with integrity and professionalism.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience:
Comprehensive asset investigations and searches; Location of defendants or witnesses; Cover manned and unmanned surveillance for personal injury or family law investigations; Due diligence, pre-litigation asset discovery, post-litigation recovery or assistance vetting a business opportunity or business partner; Digital forensics including physical equipment evidence retrieval and eDiscovery.
See ad outside back cover
Jack Cohen 2629 Townsgate Rd, Ste 100 Westlake Village, CA 91361
Tel: (747) 222-1550
Cell: (747) 222-1554
Fax: (747) 222-1551
Email: jack@coheninv.com
Court Qualified Automobile Expert Witness and Licensed Automobile Dealer. Plaintiff and defense; consulting with attorneys, dealers, consumers, insurance companies; industry standards; New and used auto transactions; Dealer fraud; Vehicle sales and leasing; Dealership practices; Auto warranty issues; Lender-dealer relationships; Appraisals; Finance documentation and analysis; Wholesale and Retail; Diminished value cases. Automobile and equipment rentals. 40 Years of experience in the Automobile Business.
Lewis R. Linet Jr., Ph.D.
American Auto Seminars
19355 Sherman Way, #22 Reseda, CA 91335
Tel: (818) 772-6464
Fax: (818) 772-6464
Email: LewisLinet@gmail.com
Website: AmericanAutoSeminars.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: Ph.D. - Economics, Business - Marketing, B.A. - Economics
Nationwide Expert Witness, Consultation and Case Strategy Services in Municipal, State And Federal Litigation involving Automobile Industry Standards & Practices specializing in New and Used Car Dealership Operation. Auto Industry Veteran since 1978. Expert Witness Services provided since 1995. Federal Trade Commission retained expert.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Sales, Leasing, Financing, Service & Parts, Sales Training. Dealer Fraud, Lemon Law, Employment, Dealer Manufacturer Relations, Dealer-Lender Relations, Customer Relations, Standards of Care, Advertising, Warranty Issues, Parts Defects, Discrimination, Personal Injury, Repossession, Anti-Trust Issues, Diminished Value. Assists both Plaintiffs and Defendants.
Testimony Provided: Fraud, Unfair Business Practices, Single Document Rule, Document Disclosure“Stacking”,Spanish Contracts, Finance Reserve, “Payment-Packing”, “Purchase/ Lease Flip”, Rental Disclosure, Sales, Closing and Desk Procedures,“4-Squares”, California
AB 68, U.C.C. Warranties, Deferred Down Payments, Regulations M & Z, Wholesale Procedures, Reconditioning of Used Cars, Safety Inspections, “Standards of Care”,Title History, Discrimination, Wrongful Termination, Wrongful Death, Class Actions, Song-Beverly Lemon Law, Moss- Magnussen Act, Used Car Disclosures, Buyers Guide, Service & Parts Operations, Sales & Management Training.
Howard M. Ehrenberg Partner
Greenspoon Marder LLP
333 S. Grand Ave, Ste 3400 Los Angeles, CA 90071
Tel: (213) 626-2311
Fax: (213) 629-4520
Email: Howard.Ehrenberg@ gmlaw.com
Website: www.gmlaw.com
JD, CA State Bar, Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Panel of Trustees, Bankruptcy Mediation Panel of the US Bankruptcy Court of the Central District of California, Credentialed State Court Receiver
Chapter 7, Chapter 11, business bankruptcy, consumer bankruptcy, receiverships, financial distress advisory, managed liquidations, municipal debt adjustment, debtor/creditor disputes, bankruptcy mediation.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: With over 35 years of experience as a bankruptcy attorney and trustee, Howard is capable of opining about the full spectrum of issues related to Chapter 11 and Chapter 7 bankruptcy matters. He has served as both a testifying and non-testifying expert in cases involving such issues as defenses to avoidable transfers and fraudulent conveyances, community property interests, and the effects of material misrepresentations made by debtors. He held a certification in business bankruptcy law for more than 20 years and has been an appointed U.S. Chapter 7 Trustee since 1995.
Education: JD, University of Southern California (1986); BA, UC Berkeley (1983).
Previous Positions/Appointments: Business Bankruptcy Law Specialist, American Bankruptcy Board of Certification (1993-2015); Commissioner, City of Burbank (2002-2006); Executive Board, LACBA Commercial Law and Bankruptcy Section (2010-present).
Honors/Awards: Southern California Super Lawyers (2004-present); Best Lawyers, Bankruptcy (2017-present).
Publications: ABA Journal, Serving as an Expert Witness in a Foreign Tribunal (April 2021)
Engel & Engel LLP
Certified Public Accountants
Contact: Jason A. Engel
350 S. Grand Avenue, Suite 3160 Los Angeles, CA 90071
Tel: (310) 277-2220
Fax: (310) 277-2212
Email: jasonengel@engelandengel.com
Website: www.engelandengel.com
Certified Public Accountant (CPA), Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE), Certified Insolvency and Restructuring Advisor (CIRA), Certified Valuation Analyst (CVA), Master Analyst in Financial Forensics (MAFF) and Accredited in Business Valuation (ABV).
Engel & Engel, LLP is a Los Angeles CPA firm engaged in the practice of forensic accounting for over 25 years. Mr. Engel has served as an expert witness in over 500 forensic accounting cases including expert testimony in connection with a jury award of $2.3 billion.
Mr. Engel has authored 20 research publications on the subjects of economic damages, fraudulent transfers, intellectual property, alter ego, business valuation, and employment damages. Experience and expertise includes complex business litigation matters including economic damages, financial fraud investigation, alter ego, fraudulent transfers, business valuation, bankruptcy and insolvency, intellectual property, construction, construction defects, real estate, employment, business interruption, business operations, partnership and corporate dissolutions, and accounting malpractice.
Kathleen P. March, Esq
US Bankruptcy Judge (Ret.)
The Bankruptcy Law Firm PC 10524 W. Pico Blvd, Ste 212 Los Angeles, CA 90064
Tel: (310) 559-9224
Fax: (310) 559-9133
Email: kmarch@BKYLAWFIRM.com
Website: www.BKYLAWFIRM.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: JD, Yale LS 1974; BA 1971
Specialties: US Bankruptcy Judge in L.A. 1988-2002 (Ret); since then, full-time practice of bankruptcy law. Avail as expert witness to testify in state ct, US District Ct, arbitrations on all bankruptcy issues incl: did bankruptcy lawyer commit malpractice; who owns assets/causes of action during/ after bankruptcy; did bankruptcy discharge debt being sued on, etc. Nationally cert by American Bd of Certification as both consumer & business bankruptcy law specialist & Cert Bankruptcy Specialist by CA State Bar. Former federal prosecutor, extensive experience in business litigation. Also available to consult on bankruptcy issues. Taught bankruptcy for various bar assns & CLE providers; published various articles/Lead author Rutter Group CA Bankruptcy Practice Guide.
Chem Consulting, Inc.
Tom J.Maricich,
PhDChemical Consultant; Prof of Chemistry (CSU Long Beach)
P.O. Box 2942
Seal Beach, CA 90740
Cell: (562) 209-4306
Email: tom@chemconsulting.com
Website: www.chemconsulting.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: MS; PhD Organic Chemistry, Yale Univ
Chemical expert w/extensive court exp (fed, state). Properties / analyses of toxic, corrosive, flammable / explosive substances; cosmetics; solvents, gases, acids, bases, chlorine, bleach; chemical safety (MSDS). Effective review, evaluation & preparation of evidence for trial; excellent communication skills. Many cases, plaintiffs/defendants, major law firms. Consultant to Cal OSHA.
Uniform Bright
Eddie Ferguson, Uniform Rental Expert
3410 La Sierra Ave, Suite F1114
Riverside, CA 92503
Tel: (951) 963-9575 (Office)
Email: Expert@UniformBright.com
Website: www.UniformBright.com
We provide expert witness & expert consultant services as it relates to the uniform rental & linen industry in breach of contract disputes, liquidated damages claims & fault determination. We perform feasibility studies, invoice auditing, diagnosis/troubleshooting, fabric testing, garment testing & arbitration in state or federal court appearances.
Our services are related to uniforms, hospital linens, mats, towels, etc., and the processes used by the industry to deliver, sort, wash, dry, fold, count, sort, sew, mend, grade, invoice, charge and distribute.
We work with hotels, restaurants, hospitals, healthcare industry, longterm care facilities, casinos, franchises, government agencies and any other business that has been sued by a uniform rental company.
Is your client in breach of contract or about to cancel uniform rental services? Is your client receiving poor quality and/or poor service? The sooner you call, the sooner we can help. Call us today for a free consultation.
Burgess Consulting & Forensics
Steven G. Burgess
3421 Empresa Dr, Ste B
San Luis Obispo, CA 93401
Tel: (805) 349-7676
Tel: (866) 345-3345, (Toll Free)
Fax: (805) 349-7790
Email: steve@burgessforensics.com
Website: www.burgessforensics.com
Since 1984, Burgess has provided Data Recovery, Computer Forensics, Electronic Discovery, Expert Witness Services for thousands of clients on tens of thousands of computers, cell phones, mobile devices & digital media nationwide & worldwide. Procedures minimize time & billing while producing results patiently explained in lay terms to client or counsel, jury or judge.
Najar Investigations
Mohammed Najar 23811 Washington Ave, Ste C110286
Murrieta, CA 92562
Tel: (855) 462-6300
Cell: (951) 834-6766
Email: info@najarinvestigations.com
Website: www.najarinvestigations.com
Najar Investigations is a full-service investigations firm licensed and insured in the State of California and Arizona. Our investigators are active or honorably retired law enforcement agents, with unimpeachable background and extensive investigative experience. All of our investigations are conducted confidentially, with integrity and professionalism.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Comprehensive asset investigations and searches; Location of defendants or witnesses; Cover manned and unmanned surveillance for personal injury or family law investigations; Due diligence, pre-litigation asset discovery, post-litigation recovery or assistance vetting a business opportunity or business partner; Digital forensics including physical equipment evidence retrieval and eDiscovery.
See ad outside back cover
Burgess Consulting & Forensics
Steven G. Burgess
3421 Empresa Dr, Ste B San Luis Obispo, CA 93401
Tel: (805) 349-7676
Tel: (866) 345-3345, (Toll Free) (Toll Free)
Fax: (805) 349-7790
Email: steve@burgessforensics.com
Website: www.burgessforensics.com
Since 1984, Burgess has provided Data Recovery, Computer Forensics, Electronic Discovery, Expert Witness Services for thousands of clients on tens of thousands of computers, cell phones, mobile devices & digital media nationwide & worldwide. Procedures minimize time & billing while producing results patiently explained in lay terms to client or counsel, jury or judge.
Jason Frankovitz
Quandary Peak Research
205 S. Broadway, #300 Los Angeles, CA 90012
Tel: (323) 545-3660
Email: jason@quandarypeak.com
Website: quandarypeak.com/jason-frankovitz
Bachelor of Arts, Indiana University
Director of Software Class Actions/Senior Testifying Expert. 25+ testifying appearances. Computer and internet expert w/CA Superior Court experience; multiple private and government class actions against Facebook/ Meta in the USA and abroad. Analysis of software development failures, copyright/ patent/trademark/trade dress infringement for websites and apps; Agile programming & code quality audits. Specializing in cases with open source software, Linux, Mac, mobile apps, social media, Internet/IP number forensics, games, cloud platforms, e-commerce, graphic design/digital pre-press, cryptocurrencies.
Steven Norris, AIA, GE, PE, HG, CEG, CASp, LEED
2121 Montiel Rd
San Marcos, CA 92069
Tel: (877) 839-7302
Email: steve@aeforensics.com
Website: aeforensics.com
• CA - Architect C30372, AIA
• CA - Civil Engineer
• CA - Geotechnical Engineer
• CA - Engineering Geologist
• CA - Hydrogeologist
• CA - Engineering/Building Contractor
• CA - Certified Access Specialist – ADA
• HI - Lic. Architect, OK – Prof. Eng.
• LEED Green Associate
• Architect, Engineer, Contractor: Standard of Care
• Retained over 200 times; Deposed over 100 times; Trial Testimony over 20 times
Todd Stefan
145 S. Fairfax Ave, #200 Los Angeles, CA 90036
Tel: (323) 939-5598
Email: tstefan@setecinvestigations.com
Website: www.setecinvestigations.com
Setec Investigations offers unparalleled expertise in computer forensics & electronic discovery, providing highly personalized, casespecific forensic analysis & litigation support services. Setec Investigations possesses the necessary combination of technical expertise, understanding of the legal system, and specialized tools & processes enabling the discovery, collection, investigation & production of electronic information for investigating & handling computer-related crimes or misuse. Explore our range of service offerings:
Computer Forensic Investigations - Computer forensics & enterprise investigation services identify, gather, analyze & preserve electronic evidence.
Electronic Discovery - Manage large volumes of data & identify & isolate electronic evidence critical to the success of a litigation.
Litigation Support - Legal support staff translate issues into case strategies based on electronic evidence.
Expert Witness - Provide impartial & independent testimony, opinions & customized reports.
• Waterproofing, water intrusion, building envelope, zoning-setbacks, concrete performance, path of travel, structural analysis, earthquake-fire damage, plan analysis
• Landslides, retaining wall failure, settlement, flooding, grading, septic, expansive soils, mud flows, pavement distress, ground water evaluation, slope analysis
• Cost estimates, construction management, delay analysis, contracts
• Serving all California, Hawaii & Oklahoma
Cook Construction Company
Stephen M. Cook
7210 Jordan Ave
Canoga Park, CA 91303
Tel: (818) 438-4535
Fax: (818) 595-0028
Email: scook16121@gmail.com
CA Gen Contractors Lic 431852; 30+ years construction experience; Graduate study in Construction, L.A. Business College.
Specialties: Lawsuit Preparation/Residential Construction, Single & Multi family, Hillside Construction, Vibration, Trespass, Foundations, Concrete Floors, Tile, Stone, Retaining Walls, Waterproofing, Roofing, Sheet Metal, Water Damages, Carpentry/ Rough Framing, Stair Defects, Material/ Costs, Scaffolding, Building Codes, Contracts, Safety.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Construction defect cases for insurance companies & attorneys, 1992-present.
See display ad below
John Donley
Donley Construction Consultants
2524 Micheltorena St
Los Angeles, CA 90039
Tel: (415) 456-9242
Email: john@donleycc.com
Website: www.donleycc.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: Masters in Science in Architecture, Cal Poly; Bachelors in Science, Michigan State University
General Contractor, Project Manager, Estimator, Scheduler, Delay disruption analysis, Defect & remediation analysis. Jobsite injuries, code compliance of buildings & projects. Arbitrator, mediator, DRB panelist.
Engel & Engel LLP
Certified Public Accountants
Contact: Jason A. Engel
350 S. Grand Avenue, Suite 3160 Los Angeles, CA 90071
Tel: (310) 277-2220
Fax: (310) 277-2212
Email: jasonengel@engelandengel.com
Website: www.engelandengel.com
Certified Public Accountant (CPA), Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE), Certified Insolvency and Restructuring Advisor (CIRA), Certified Valuation Analyst (CVA), Master Analyst in Financial Forensics (MAFF) and Accredited in Business Valuation (ABV).
Engel & Engel, LLP is a Los Angeles CPA firm engaged in the practice of forensic accounting for over 25 years. Mr. Engel has served as an expert witness in over 500 forensic accounting cases including expert testimony in connection with a jury award of $2.3 billion.
Mr. Engel has authored 20 research publications on the subjects of economic damages, fraudulent transfers, intellectual property, alter ego, business valuation, and employment damages. Experience and expertise includes complex business litigation matters including economic damages, financial fraud investigation, alter ego, fraudulent transfers, business valuation, bankruptcy and insolvency, intellectual property, construction, construction defects, real estate, employment, business interruption, business operations, partnership and corporate dissolutions, and accounting malpractice.
Jim Farasatpour, MS, PE, SE Jim Farasatpour AssociatesConsulting Civil & Structural Engineers
12016 Wilshire Blvd, Ste 3 Los Angeles, CA 90025
Tel: (310) 447-0878
Cell: (310) 666-4643
Email: JimFara@verizon.net
BS Civil Engineering; MS Structural Engineering; Reg PE/SE: Civ/Str, CA; Earthquake Eng; Proj/Const Mgmt.
Expert witness & technical support: new construction & existing buildings. Litigation related to construction (defects, personal injuries, code compliance & violation, design & development, repair, alteration, renovation, cost estimate/analysis, etc.)
Damage assessment & field investigation (earthquake, hurricane, flood, fire, blast, riot, etc.) Specialty in post-earthquake evaluation & safety assessment. Seismic analysis & design for new & rehabilitation of existing buildings (including current Ordinances). More than 40 years of experience in low to high-rise structures in steel, concrete, masonry & wood for commercial, residential, industrial, institutional & public facilities. Expert project/construction management services. Past projects include office bldgs., multifamily, apartments, single family residential, schools, sports facilities, parking structures, steel towers, bridges and other structures & improvements.
KGA, Inc.
Contact: Kurt Grosz
1409 Glenneyre St, Ste. A Laguna Beach, CA 92651
Tel: (949) 497-6000
Fax: (949) 494-4893
Email: kurtg@kgainc.com
Website: www.kgainc.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: CA & AZ Eng, Bldg, Haz Contractor; CA & AZ Engineer; ICC Bldg, Mech, Plumbing, Concrete & Accessibility Inspectors Cert; ACI Testing Grade I; ASPE Certified Estimator; MBA
KGA, Inc. provides expert witness testimony & neutral party service for construction disputes. Expert designations including Building Code, Contractor Standards, Safety, CAL OSHA, Claims, Cost to Repair, Contract Documents, & Insurance Appraiser.
Owner, Trojan Construction Mgmt LLC
6311 Van Nuys Blvd, Ste 464 Van Nuys, CA 91401
Tel: (818) 988-7595
Fax: (818) 475-1895
Email: koffman@usc.edu
Website: www.trojanconstructionmanagementllc.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: BSCE; MSCE; PE
Specialties: Construction Defects; Forensic Engineering; Cost Estimating & Scheduling; Change Orders; Delays; Safety; Real Estate Development; Labor Relations & Management; Liens; Licensing; Quality Assurance; Employment; Ethics; International; Education; Earthquake; Wind; Fire; Flood; Construction Management. 30 years Industry Experience. Arbitrator & Mediator Services; Real Property Assessments, Accidents, Civil Engineering.
Pro/Consul Technical & Medical Experts
1945 Palo Verde Ave, Ste 200 Long Beach, CA 90815-3443
Tel: (800) 392-1119
Fax: (562) 799-8821
Email: expert@expertinfo.com
Website: www.expertinfo.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: MD; PhD; JD; CPA; DDS; RN, etc.
15,000 Experts incl: acc recon; acctg; auto engr; biomech, busn val; const; econ; elec; eng; failure analysis; human fac; ins; lighting; marine; metal; medmal; mech; MD’s; RN’s; roof; safety; security; SOC; tax & many more. Right Expert Right Away!® We welcome your RUSH cases! We feature a full roster of Technical and Medical expert witnesses. Our goal is to provide you with the best experts at a reasonable cost. Free Resume Binder. Put us to the test - we look forward to your call! Listed and Recommended by the A.M. Best Company.
See display ads on pages 42, 85, 124 and inside front cover
Daniel Rosen
46 Rollingwood Dr Rolling Hills Estates, CA 90274
Tel: (310) 375-8766
Email: drosen47@cox.net
Website: www.rosenconstructioninc.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: BS in R.E. Finance; Gen Bldg B; R.E. Broker Specialties:
Evaluate general building defects in residential, apartment & condos. More than 20 yrs hands-on expert. Active general contractor specializing in reconstruction.
Schwartz/Robert & Associates, Inc.
Contact: Robert I Schwartz, AIA
42 Faculty St. Thousand Oaks, CA 91360
Tel: (805) 796-9092
Email: risoakpark@gmail.com
Additional Email: risoakpark@aol.com.
BA/M Arch; CA Architect & General Contractor
Real Property Development procedures & practices, all building types, sizes & phases. Professional evaluation of building design errors & omissions, building code compliance & professional standards of practice. Forensic investigation of construction defects. Repair cost estimates. Construction contract/ subcontract performance; project management administration & cost accounting. CPM scheduling, cost estimating, change order administration, quality assurance & building performance. Evaluation of delay claims. Documentation of major property/casualty insurance losses. Excellent litigation support & trial exhibit preparation. Expert witness testimony. Experienced AAA arbitrator & mediator. Large & complex cases. Member, Dispute Resolution Boards
Morgan Spiegel, Plumbing Consultant & Expert Witness
Contact: Morgan Spiegel 6867 Bianca Ave.
Lake Balboa, CA 91406
Tel: (818) 900-8906
Cell: (818) 900-8906
Email: Msplumbingconsult@gmail.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: C-36 Licensee beginning in 2007 | Certified IAPMO Plumbing Inspector | IAPMO MEMBER | ASPE MEMBER
Specialties: Evaluate Water, Gas, Drainage and Sewer Piping for Residential Plumbing systems.
Westec Construction, Inc.
13700 Marina Point Dr, #1509 Venice, CA 90292
Cell: (310) 560-8217
Email: davidstern9@gmail.com
Website: www.constructologist.com
BS Civil Eng; Professional Engineer (Reg Civil Engineer, CA); General Contractor (CA)
39 years of commercial development & construction expertise, 30 years as owner of general contracting company. Full litigation support, including: defects, estimating, CPM scheduling, claims, analysis, code violations, construction quality & delay evaluation, PI & construction accidents.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: 20 Trial testimony, 150 depositions, ten arbitrations & settlement conferences, representing both plaintiffs & defendants.
Teaching: UCLA Extension & Cal State.
Birthdate: April 12, 1955 Birthplace: Philadelphia, PA.
Education: BS Civil Engineering, Princeton Univ 1976 (Cum Laude).
Previous Positions/Appointments: Project Manager, Stegeman & Kastner, Inc, Project Management Consultants; Field Superintendent, Turner Construction Co, LA.
Number of Publications: Four
Ted S. Merrill & Sons, Inc.
Ted S. Merrill, President
General Contractor & Consultant
7777 Alvarado Rd, Ste 408-A La Mesa, CA 91942-8248
Tel: (619) 464-3997
Cell: (619) 517-9515
Fax: (619) 464-8581
Email: ted@tsm-sons.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: State of California Contractors License B-1 345079 & B-1 275171
Specialties: 68 years construction experience, including all phases of construction, but specializing in damage repair work, including experience in estimating & reconstruction of buildings damaged by fire, wind, motor vehicles, earth movement, & construction defects. 51 years of experience in cost estimating structures with construction defect problems. Qualified & testified as an expert in Municipal, Superior & Federal courts. Appointed to serve as an impartial repair method & cost expert by judges of the San Diego & Orange County Superior courts. CV & fee schedule available on request.
WEXCO - an aperture company
Contact: Brad P. Avritt, EVP-Construction, Safety, and Accident Reconstruction
1730 E. Holly Ave, Suite 720 El Segundo, CA 90245
Tel: (310) 306-3877
Fax: (310) 306-7480
Email: Brad.Avritt@aperturellc.com
Website: www.aperturellc.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: BS Civil Eng; MBA; PhD; PE; CPE; CCE; CCS; CPMP; CBO; CSP; CMC
Litigation support & expert witness services for Personal Injury: slips & falls, code & safety violations, falls from height, safety engineering & construction accidents. Accident Reconstruction: Computer simulation/animation, automobile, pedestrian, motorcycle, truck, bicycle, braking distance, speed analysis & impact forces. Construction: all aspects including claims, delay impact analysis, contract disputes, CPM schedule analysis, construction defects, damage calculations, contractor’s performance, cost to repair, digital forensics.
See insert ad after page 16
Cook Construction Company
Stephen M. Cook
7210 Jordan Ave
Canoga Park, CA 91303
Tel: (818) 438-4535
Fax: (818) 595-0028
Email: scook16121@gmail.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: CA Gen Contractors Lic 431852; 30 years construction experience; Graduate study in Construction, L.A. Business College.
Lawsuit Preparation/Residential
Construction, Single & Multi family, Hillside Construction, Vibration, Trespass, Foundations, Concrete Floors, Tile, Stone, Retaining Walls, Waterproofing, Roofing, Sheet Metal, Water Damages, Carpentry/ Rough Framing, Stairs, Material/Costs, Building Codes, Contracts, Safety.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Construction defect cases for insurance companies & attorneys, 1992-present.
See display ad page 41
Donald F. Dickerson Associates
18425 Burbank Blvd, Ste 404
Tarzana, CA 91356
Tel: (818) 385-3600
Fax: (818) 990-1669
Email: HelenLW@dfda1.com
Website: www.dfda1.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: Reg Prf Engrs (Mechanical, Electrical, Fire Protection)
Mechanical (heating, venting, a/c, plumbing, industrial piping). Electrical & fire protection engineering; inspections; expert testimony. Construction projects including retail, commercial, office, manufacturing, industrial, hotel, residential & health care facilities. Graphic & computer capabilities.
Jim Farasatpour, MS, PE, SE
Jim Farasatpour Associates
Consulting Civil & Structural Engineers
12016 Wilshire Blvd, Ste 3 Los Angeles, CA 90025
Tel: (310) 447-0878
Cell: (310) 666-4643
Email: JimFara@verizon.net
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: BS Civil Engineering; MS Structural Engineering; Reg PE/SE: Civ/Str, CA; Earthquake Eng; Proj/Const Mgmt.
Expert witness & technical support: new construction & existing buildings. Litigation related to construction (defects, personal injuries, code compliance & violation, design & development, repair, alteration, renovation, cost estimate/analysis, etc.)
Damage assessment & field investigation (earthquake, hurricane, flood, fire, blast, riot, etc.) Specialty in post-earthquake evaluation & safety assessment. Seismic analysis & design for new & rehabilitation of existing buildings (including current Ordinances). More than 40 years of experience in low to high-rise structures in steel, concrete, masonry & wood for commercial, residential, industrial, institutional & public facilities. Expert project/construction management services. Past projects include office bldgs., multifamily, apartments, single family residential, schools, sports facilities, parking structures, steel towers, bridges and other structures & improvements.
KGA, Inc.
Contact: Kurt Grosz
1409 Glenneyre St, Ste. A Laguna Beach, CA 92651
Tel: (949) 497-6000
Fax: (949) 494-4893
Email: kurtg@kgainc.com
Website: www.kgainc.com
CA & AZ Eng, Bldg, Haz Contractor; CA & AZ Engineer; ICC Bldg, Mech, Plumbing, Concrete & Accessibility Inspectors Cert; ACI Testing Grade I; ASPE Certified Estimator; MBA
KGA, Inc. provides expert witness testimony & neutral party service for construction disputes. Expert designations including Building Code, Contractor Standards, Safety, CAL OSHA, Claims, Cost to Repair, Contract Documents, & Insurance Appraiser.
David A. Stern, PE
Westec Construction, Inc.
13700 Marina Point Dr, #1509 Venice, CA 90292
Cell: (310) 560-8217
Email: davidstern9@gmail.com
Website: www.constructologist.com
BS Civil Eng; Professional Engineer (Reg Civil Engineer, CA); General Contractor (CA)
39 years of commercial development & construction expertise, 30 years as owner of general contracting company. Full litigation support, including: defects, estimating, CPM scheduling, claims, analysis, code violations, construction quality & delay evaluation, PI & construction accidents.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: 20 Trial testimony, 150 depositions, ten arbitrations & settlement conferences, representing both plaintiffs & defendants.
Teaching: UCLA Extension & Cal State.
Birthdate: April 12, 1955 Birthplace: Philadelphia, PA.
Education: BS Civil Engineering, Princeton Univ 1976 (Cum Laude).
Previous Positions/Appointments: Project Manager, Stegeman & Kastner, Inc, Project Management Consultants; Field Superintendent, Turner Construction Co, LA.
Number of Publications: Four
Cook Construction Company
Stephen M. Cook
7210 Jordan Ave
Canoga Park, CA 91303
Tel: (818) 438-4535
Fax: (818) 595-0028
Email: scook16121@gmail.com
CA Gen Contractors Lic 431852; 30 years construction experience; Graduate study in Construction, L.A. Business College.
Lawsuit Preparation/Residential
Construction, Single & Multi family, Hillside Construction, Vibration, Trespass, Foundations, Concrete Floors, Tile, Stone, Retaining Walls, Waterproofing, Roofing, Sheet Metal, Water Damages, Carpentry/ Rough Framing, Stairs, Material/Costs, Building Codes, Contracts, Safety.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Construction defect cases for insurance companies & attorneys, 1992-present. See display ad page 41
KGA, Inc.
Contact: Kurt Grosz
1409 Glenneyre St, Ste. A Laguna Beach, CA 92651
Tel: (949) 497-6000
Fax: (949) 494-4893
Email: kurtg@kgainc.com
Website: www.kgainc.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: CA & AZ Eng, Bldg, Haz Contractor; CA & AZ Engineer; ICC Bldg, Mech, Plumbing, Concrete & Accessibility Inspectors Cert; ACI Testing Grade I; ASPE Certified Estimator; MBA
KGA, Inc. provides expert witness testimony & neutral party service for construction disputes. Expert designations including Building Code, Contractor Standards, Safety, CAL OSHA, Claims, Cost to Repair, Contract Documents, & Insurance Appraiser.
David A. Stern, PEPresident
Westec Construction, Inc.
13700 Marina Point Dr, #1509
Venice, CA 90292
Cell: (310) 560-8217
Email: davidstern9@gmail.com
Website: www.constructologist.com
BS Civil Eng; Professional Engineer (Reg Civil Engineer, CA); General Contractor (CA)
39 years of commercial development & construction expertise, 30 years as owner of general contracting company. Full litigation support, including: defects, estimating, CPM scheduling, claims, analysis, code violations, construction quality & delay evaluation, PI & construction accidents.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: 20 Trial testimony, 150 depositions, ten arbitrations & settlement conferences, representing both plaintiffs & defendants.
Teaching: UCLA Extension & Cal State.
Birthdate: April 12, 1955 Birthplace: Philadelphia, PA.
Education: BS Civil Engineering, Princeton Univ 1976 (Cum Laude).
Previous Positions/Appointments: Project Manager, Stegeman & Kastner, Inc, Project Management Consultants; Field Superintendent, Turner Construction Co, LA.
Number of Publications: Four
White, Zuckerman, Warsavsky, Luna & Hunt, LLP
Contact: Barbara Luna, John Luna, Dean Atkinson, Venita McMorris & David Turner
15490 Ventura Blvd, Ste 300
Sherman Oaks, CA 91403
Tel: (818) 981-4226
Fax: (818) 981-4278
Email: expert@wzwlh.com
Website: www.wzwlh.com
4 Park Place Irvine, CA 92614
Tel: (949) 219-9816,
Fax: (949) 219-9095
PhD’s; MBA’s; JD’s; CPA’s; Acc Sr Apprsrs; CVA’s; ABV’s; Cert Frd Examiners; CFF’s
Expert witness testimony for complex litigation involving damage analyses of lost profits, reasonable royalties, lost earnings, & lost value of business, forensic accounting, fraud investigation & investigative analysis of liability. Excellent communicators with extensive testimony exp. Prior Big Four accountants. Specialties include accounting, breach of contract, breach of fiduciary duty, business interruption, business dissolution, construction defects, delays & cost overruns, elder abuse, false advertising, family law, fraud, insurance bad faith, intellectual property including trademark, patent & copyright infringement, & trade secrets, lemon law, lender liability, misrepresentations, partnership disputes, personal injury, product liability, professional malpractice damages, punitive damages, real estate, securities, tracing, trusts & estates, unfair competition, valuation of businesses, wage & hour claims, white collar crime, & wrongful termination.
See display ad page 64
Cook Construction Company
Stephen M. Cook
7210 Jordan Ave
Canoga Park, CA 91303
Tel: (818) 438-4535
Fax: (818) 595-0028
Email: scook16121@gmail.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: CA Gen Contractors Lic 431852; 30 years construction experience; Graduate study in Construction, L.A. Business College.
Lawsuit Preparation/Residential
Construction, Single & Multi family, Hillside Construction, Vibration, Trespass, Foundations, Concrete Floors, Tile, Stone, Retaining Walls, Waterproofing, Roofing, Sheet Metal, Water Damages, Carpentry/ Rough Framing, Stairs, Material/Costs, Building Codes, Contracts, Safety.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Construction defect cases for insurance companies & attorneys, 1992-present. See display ad page 41
KGA, Inc.
Contact: Kurt Grosz
1409 Glenneyre St, Ste. A Laguna Beach, CA 92651
Tel: (949) 497-6000
Fax: (949) 494-4893
Email: kurtg@kgainc.com
Website: www.kgainc.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: CA & AZ Eng, Bldg, Haz Contractor; CA & AZ Engineer; ICC Bldg, Mech, Plumbing, Concrete & Accessibility Inspectors Cert; ACI Testing Grade I; ASPE Certified Estimator; MBA
KGA, Inc. provides expert witness testimony & neutral party service for construction disputes. Expert designations including Building Code, Contractor Standards, Safety, CAL OSHA, Claims, Cost to Repair, Contract Documents, & Insurance Appraiser.
A & E Forensics
Steven Norris, AIA, GE, PE, HG, CEG, CASp, LEED
2121 Montiel Rd
San Marcos, CA 92069
Tel: (877) 839-7302
Email: steve@aeforensics.com
Website: aeforensics.com
• CA - Architect C30372, AIA
• CA - Civil Engineer
• CA - Geotechnical Engineer
• CA - Engineering Geologist
• CA - Hydrogeologist
• CA - Engineering/Building Contractor
• CA - Certified Access Specialist – ADA
• HI - Lic. Architect, OK – Prof. Eng.
• LEED Green Associate
• Architect, Engineer, Contractor: Standard of Care
• Retained over 200 times; Deposed over 100 times; Trial Testimony over 20 times
• Waterproofing, water intrusion, building envelope, zoning-setbacks, concrete performance, path of travel, structural analysis, earthquake-fire damage, plan analysis
• Landslides, retaining wall failure, settlement, flooding, grading, septic, expansive soils, mud flows, pavement distress, ground water evaluation, slope analysis
• Cost estimates, construction management, delay analysis, contracts
• Serving all California, Hawaii & Oklahoma
Cook Construction Company
Stephen M. Cook
7210 Jordan Ave
Canoga Park, CA 91303
Tel: (818) 438-4535
Fax: (818) 595-0028
Email: scook16121@gmail.com
CA Gen Contractors Lic 431852; 30 years construction experience; Graduate study in Construction, L.A. Business College.
Lawsuit Preparation/Residential
Construction, Single & Multi family, Hillside Construction, Vibration, Trespass, Foundations, Concrete Floors, Tile, Stone, Retaining Walls, Waterproofing, Roofing, Sheet Metal, Water Damages, Carpentry/ Rough Framing, Stairs, Material/Costs, Building Codes, Contracts, Safety.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Construction defect cases for insurance companies & attorneys, 1992-present.
See display ad page
Energy Resource Associates, Inc.
Contact: James P. Waltz, PE, CEM., DABFET, FCABE
1280 Greenbrier Rd
West Sacramento, CA 95691
Tel: (925) 447-1140
Fax: (925) 215-2149
Email: experts@eraenergy.com
Website: www.eraenergy.com
BSME, MBA, PE (CA, NV, OH), Certified Energy Manager (CEM), Board Certified Forensic Engineer, LEED Accredited
Professional Specialties:
Construction defect expert witness; Heating, Ventilation & Air Conditioning (HVAC); Indoor Air Quality (IAQ); Mechanical, plumbing & electrical building systems (MEP); Energy Services Performance Contracting (ESPC); Site survey, investigation & testing; Discovery, interrogatories, depositions & mediation; Plaintiff & defense. See web site for publications, teaching & seminar experience.
Ivey Engineering, Inc.
VP Operations
8330 Juniper Creek Lane
San Diego, CA 92126
Tel: (858) 587-2874
Tel: (858) 866-9685, (Direct Line) Email: info@iveyengineering.com Website: www.iveyengineering.com
Ivey Engineering Inc. performs forensic engineering, building system design, testing and analysis, and provides expert witness testimony. The firm specializes in the following:
HVAC Systems - Plumbing SystemsFire Protection Systems – Ventilation Assessment - Carbon Monoxide AnalysisRefrigeration Systems - Construction Cost Estimating - Building Code Analysis
We do not bill for airfare or travel time while traveling by air.
The technical staff is comprised of professional engineers with multiple state licenses and construction experts. Our clients include law firms, insurance companies, building owners, HOAs, developers, contractors, architects, engineers, and facility managers. We are retained nearly equally by plaintiffs and defendants and have been retained to assist in resolution or testify in over 1,000 disputes and legal matters. Our experience includes the following types of litigation:
Product Liability - Construction DefectInsurance Defense - Patent Infringement
– Subrogation - Personal InjuriesConstruction Claims - Design Errors & Omissions - Casualty Loss
IEI provides consulting for residential, commercial, institutional, industrial, educational, health care, and governmental facilities. Brief profiles of staff members can be found on our website, www.iveyengineering.com. CVs and fee schedules are available upon request.
J. Kar, PhD, PE Managing Consultant/Lab ManagerKARS’ Testing & Research Labs – A Division of ESi
2528 W Woodland Dr
Anaheim, CA 92801
Tel: (714) 527-7100, 102
Cell: (714) 677-7550
Fax: (714) 527-7169
Email: njkar@engsys.com
Website: www.engsys.com
PhD Metallurgical Eng; Reg Prof Metallurgical Eng
43 years professional experience: failure analysis & product liability. Automotive & plumbing failures. Welding, corrosion, wear failures. Plastics, tires, glass failures. Legal & courtroom experience. Fellow, ASM (American Society for Metals). Fellow, American College of Forensic Examiners.
See display ad page 115
KGA, Inc.
Contact: Kurt Grosz
1409 Glenneyre St, Ste. A Laguna Beach, CA 92651
Tel: (949) 497-6000
Fax: (949) 494-4893
Email: kurtg@kgainc.com
Website: www.kgainc.com
CA & AZ Eng, Bldg, Haz Contractor; CA & AZ Engineer; ICC Bldg, Mech, Plumbing, Concrete & Accessibility Inspectors Cert; ACI Testing Grade I; ASPE Certified Estimator; MBA
KGA, Inc. provides expert witness testimony & neutral party service for construction disputes. Expert designations including Building Code, Contractor Standards, Safety, CAL OSHA, Claims, Cost to Repair, Contract Documents, & Insurance Appraiser.
Harvey Kreitenberg
245 S. Hudson Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90004
Tel: (323) 931-2503
Email: harvey@plumbingexpert.com
Website: www.plumbingexpert.com
Plmb C-36; Fire Prot C-16; HVAC C20; San Syst C42; Gen Bldg B; CIPE/CPD; NV Plmb C-1, Refrig C-21; AZ Plum K-37; Fire Prot K-16; A/C Refrig K-39
Evaluate plumbing, piping, auto fire sprinklers, HVAC, sewers & drainage, in residential, apartment, condo, commercial, mid & high rise. More than 30 yrs hands-on expert. Qualified Expert Witness Calif Superior Court; Certified Plumbing Engineer; Certified Fire Protection Specialist; Certified Plumb & Mech Inspector ICC/IAPMO; Certified Plumb & Mech Code Specialist - AICS.
National Tile and Stone Authority
Gil Chotam, CTC, C54, C29, CSI, CDT, ASTM
Greg Andrews, CTC, C54, CSI, ASTM 8534 Jumilla Ave
Winnetka, CA 91306
Tel: (805) 341-5570
Email: info@NTSAexperts.com
Website: www.NTSAexperts.com
Tile and Stone Failure Analysis, Residential and Commercial. Floors, patios, kitchens, countertops, paving, showers, decks, coping. Ceramic, porcelain, glass tile, marble, granite, limestone. Pool Construction Defect, Pool and Spa Tile Installation and Material Specialist. Leaks, cracking, discoloration, delamination. Tile and Stone Testing. Bond Strength Testing. Analyze design, installation and performance of tile, stone, synthetic and engineered materials. Site Inspections, verify compliance with industry standards.
See display ad below
Phillips, Fractor & Co, LLC
Contact: G. Michael Phillips, PhD 3452 E. Foothill Blvd, Ste 220 Pasadena, CA 91107
Tel: (626) 744-3540
Email: contactpfc@rule26.com
Website: www.phillipsfractor.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: PhDs, Economics; Ed.D; MBA; CPA; CFA; CPA/ABV
Economic losses, lost profits, contract damages, employment economics, wrongful termination, class action and mass tort analysis, valuation of earnings & benefits; wrongful injury and wrongful death, medical malpractice; financial valuation, investment analysis, “what if” analysis, statistical analysis & modeling, intellectual property, compensation issues, including executive compensation; entertainment industry; construction defects; sampling & surveys; database construction & analysis; family business; forensic accounting including lost profits and business valuation, and custom research.
Daniel Rosen
46 Rollingwood Dr
Rolling Hills Estates, CA 90274
Tel: (310) 375-8766
Email: drosen47@cox.net
Website: www.rosenconstructioninc.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: BS in R.E. Finance; Gen Bldg B; R.E. Broker
Evaluate general building defects in residential, apartment & condos. More than 20 yrs hands-on expert. Active general contractor specializing in reconstruction.
Shakir Shatnawi
Shatec Engineering Consultants, LLC
7064 Tarvisio Way
El Dorado Hills, CA 95762
Tel: (916) 990-6488
Cell: (916) 790-1158
Email: sshatnawi@shatec.net
Website: www.shatec.net
PhD, MS, BS/Professional Engineers LicenseCivil Engineering
Highway Engineering, Transportation Engineering & Parking; construction defects, failures, specifications & disputes; Traffic Engineering, speed requirements and driver reaction; Highway safety, road hazards & obstructions; Traffic accidents including automobiles, motorcycles & bicycles; Pavement standards, construction, maintenance and repairs; Accident Reconstruction - skid & forensic analysis; Materials including asphalt, concrete & soils; Road Defects - cracking, potholes, friction & loose gravel; Road geometric standards - sight distance & clear recovery.
David A. Stern, PEPresident
Westec Construction, Inc.
13700 Marina Point Dr, #1509
Venice, CA 90292
Cell: (310) 560-8217
Email: davidstern9@gmail.com
Website: www.constructologist.com
BS Civil Eng; Professional Engineer (Reg Civil Engineer, CA); General Contractor (CA)
39 years of commercial development & construction expertise, 30 years as owner of general contracting company. Full litigation support, including: defects, estimating, CPM scheduling, claims, analysis, code violations, construction quality & delay evaluation, PI & construction accidents.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: 20 Trial testimony, 150 depositions, ten arbitrations & settlement conferences, representing both plaintiffs & defendants. Teaching: UCLA Extension & Cal State.
Birthdate: April 12, 1955 Birthplace: Philadelphia, PA.
Education: BS Civil Engineering, Princeton Univ 1976 (Cum Laude).
Previous Positions/Appointments: Project Manager, Stegeman & Kastner, Inc, Project Management Consultants; Field Superintendent, Turner Construction Co, LA. Number of Publications: Four
Ted S. Merrill & Sons, Inc.
Ted S. Merrill, President General Contractor & Consultant 7777 Alvarado Rd, Ste 408-A La Mesa, CA 91942-8248
Tel: (619) 464-3997
Cell: (619) 517-9515
Fax: (619) 464-8581
Email: ted@tsm-sons.com
State of California Contractors License B-1 345079 & B-1 275171
68 years construction experience, including all phases of construction, but specializing in damage repair work, including experience in estimating & reconstruction of buildings damaged by fire, wind, motor vehicles, earth movement, & construction defects. 51 years of experience in cost estimating structures with construction defect problems. Qualified & testified as an expert in Municipal, Superior & Federal courts. Appointed to serve as an impartial repair method & cost expert by judges of the San Diego & Orange County Superior courts. CV & fee schedule available on request.
Dean J. Vlahos, FAIA & Associates
10125 Washington Blvd, Ste 200 Culver City, CA 90232
Tel: (310) 945-3477
Cell: (310) 804-5267
Email: DVlahos55@gmail.com
Website: www.deanjvlahosfaia-associates.com
Licensed Architect: California, Nevada, Hawaii, Florida, Alabama, Texas, Colorado, Utah. NCARB Certificate.
44+ years experience in Architecture and Construction. Professional Standard of Care. Construction defect investigation, building envelop, design & failure analysis. Commercial/Institutional/Industrial/Residential/ Justice/Healthcare/Educational.
Donald F. Dickerson Associates
18425 Burbank Blvd, Ste 404
Tarzana, CA 91356
Tel: (818) 385-3600
Fax: (818) 990-1669
Email: HelenLW@dfda1.com
Website: www.dfda1.com
Reg Prf Engrs (Mechanical, Electrical, Fire Protection)
Mechanical (heating, venting, a/c, plumbing, industrial piping). Electrical & fire protection engineering; inspections; expert testimony. Construction projects including retail, commercial, office, manufacturing, industrial, hotel, residential & health care facilities. Graphic & computer capabilities.
A & E Forensics
Steven Norris, AIA, GE, PE, HG, CEG, CASp, LEED
2121 Montiel Rd
San Marcos, CA 92069
Tel: (877) 839-7302
Email: steve@aeforensics.com
Website: aeforensics.com
• CA - Architect C30372, AIA
• CA - Civil Engineer
• CA - Geotechnical Engineer
• CA - Engineering Geologist
• CA - Hydrogeologist
• CA - Engineering/Building Contractor
• CA - Certified Access Specialist – ADA
• HI - Lic. Architect, OK – Prof. Eng.
• LEED Green Associate
• Architect, Engineer, Contractor: Standard of Care
• Retained over 200 times; Deposed over 100 times; Trial Testimony over 20 times
• Waterproofing, water intrusion, building envelope, zoning-setbacks, concrete performance, path of travel, structural analysis, earthquake-fire damage, plan analysis
• Landslides, retaining wall failure, settlement, flooding, grading, septic, expansive soils, mud flows, pavement distress, ground water evaluation, slope analysis
• Cost estimates, construction management, delay analysis, contracts
• Serving all California, Hawaii & Oklahoma
Cook Construction Company
Stephen M. Cook
7210 Jordan Ave
Canoga Park, CA 91303
Tel: (818) 438-4535
Fax: (818) 595-0028
Email: scook16121@gmail.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: CA Gen Contractors Lic 431852; 30 years
construction experience; Graduate study in Construction, L.A. Business College.
Lawsuit Preparation/Residential
Construction, Single & Multi family, Hillside Construction, Vibration, Trespass, Foundations, Concrete Floors, Tile, Stone, Retaining Walls, Waterproofing, Roofing, Sheet Metal, Water Damages, Carpentry/ Rough Framing, Stairs, Material/Costs, Building Codes, Contracts, Safety.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Construction defect cases for insurance companies & attorneys, 1992-present. See display ad page 41
Donald F. Dickerson Associates
18425 Burbank Blvd, Ste 404
Tarzana, CA 91356
Tel: (818) 385-3600
Fax: (818) 990-1669
Email: HelenLW@dfda1.com
Website: www.dfda1.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: Reg Prf Engrs (Mechanical, Electrical, Fire Protection)
Mechanical (heating, venting, a/c, plumbing, industrial piping). Electrical & fire protection engineering; inspections; expert testimony. Construction projects including retail, commercial, office, manufacturing, industrial, hotel, residential & health care facilities. Graphic & computer capabilities.
Harvey Kreitenberg
245 S. Hudson Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90004
Tel: (323) 931-2503
Email: harvey@plumbingexpert.com
Website: www.plumbingexpert.com
Plmb C-36; Fire Prot C-16; HVAC C20; San Syst C42; Gen Bldg B; CIPE/CPD; NV Plmb C-1, Refrig C-21; AZ Plum K-37; Fire Prot K-16; A/C Refrig K-39
Evaluate plumbing, piping, auto fire sprinklers, HVAC, sewers & drainage, in residential, apartment, condo, commercial, mid & high rise. More than 30 yrs hands-on expert. Qualified Expert Witness Calif Superior Court; Certified Plumbing Engineer; Certified Fire Protection Specialist; Certified Plumb & Mech Inspector ICC/IAPMO; Certified Plumb & Mech Code Specialist - AICS.
Plumbing / Piping
4X Forensic Engineering Laboratories, Inc.
5262 Oceanus Dr Huntington Beach, CA 92649
Tel: (714) 450-8500
Fax: (714) 450-8599
Email: phil@4xforensic.com
Website: www.4xforensic.com
4x Forensic Engineering Laboratories is a full-service forensic engineering laboratory. We provide expert witness & analytical & testing services in the following areas:
FIRES & EXPLOSIONS: Electrical and gas product defect investigations, thermal & fire modeling & laboratory testing.
WATER LOSS: Materials, corrosion & failure analysis of plumbing products.
FAILURE ANALYSIS: Metallurgy, product testing & computerized stress analysis.
ACCIDENT RECONSTRUCTION: Automotive, trucks, construction equipment & premises liability.
Ivey Engineering, Inc.
VP Operations
8330 Juniper Creek Lane
San Diego, CA 92126
Tel: (858) 587-2874
Tel: (858) 866-9685, (Direct Line)
Email: info@iveyengineering.com Website: www.iveyengineering.com
Ivey Engineering Inc. performs forensic engineering, building system design, testing and analysis, and provides expert witness testimony. The firm specializes in the following:
HVAC Systems - Plumbing SystemsFire Protection Systems – Ventilation Assessment - Carbon Monoxide AnalysisRefrigeration Systems - Construction Cost Estimating - Building Code Analysis
We do not bill for airfare or travel time while traveling by air.
The technical staff is comprised of professional engineers with multiple state licenses and construction experts. Our clients include law firms, insurance companies, building owners, HOAs, developers, contractors, architects, engineers, and facility managers. We are retained nearly equally by plaintiffs and defendants and have been retained to assist in resolution or testify in over 1,000 disputes and legal matters. Our experience includes the following types of litigation:
Product Liability - Construction DefectInsurance Defense - Patent Infringement – Subrogation - Personal InjuriesConstruction Claims - Design Errors & Omissions - Casualty Loss
IEI provides consulting for residential, commercial, institutional, industrial, educational, health care, and governmental facilities. Brief profiles of staff members can be found on our website, www.iveyengineering.com. CVs and fee schedules are available upon request.
Harvey Kreitenberg
245 S. Hudson Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90004
Tel: (323) 931-2503
Email: harvey@plumbingexpert.com
Website: www.plumbingexpert.com
Plmb C-36; Fire Prot C-16; HVAC C20; San Syst C42; Gen Bldg B; CIPE/CPD; NV Plmb
C-1, Refrig C-21; AZ Plum K-37; Fire Prot K-16; A/C Refrig K-39
Evaluate plumbing, piping, auto fire sprinklers, HVAC, sewers & drainage, in residential, apartment, condo, commercial, mid & high rise. More than 30 yrs hands-on expert. Qualified Expert Witness Calif Superior Court; Certified Plumbing Engineer; Certified Fire Protection Specialist; Certified Plumb & Mech Inspector ICC/IAPMO; Certified Plumb & Mech Code Specialist - AICS.
Morgan Spiegel, Plumbing Consultant & Expert Witness
Contact: Morgan Spiegel
6867 Bianca Ave
Lake Balboa, CA 91406
Tel: (818) 900-8906
Cell: (818) 900-8906
Email: Msplumbingconsult@gmail.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: C-36 Licensee beginning in 2007 | Certified IAPMO Plumbing Inspector | IAPMO MEMBER | ASPE MEMBER
Evaluate Water, Gas, Drainage and Sewer Piping for Residential Plumbing systems.
Project Management
Cook Construction Company
Stephen M. Cook
7210 Jordan Ave
Canoga Park, CA 91303
Tel: (818) 438-4535
Fax: (818) 595-0028
Email: scook16121@gmail.com
CA Gen Contractors Lic 431852; 30 years construction experience; Graduate study in Construction, L.A. Business College.
Lawsuit Preparation/Residential
Construction, Single & Multi family, Hillside Construction, Vibration, Trespass, Foundations, Concrete Floors, Tile, Stone, Retaining Walls, Waterproofing, Roofing, Sheet Metal, Water Damages, Carpentry/ Rough Framing, Stairs, Material/Costs, Building Codes, Contracts, Safety.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Construction defect cases for insurance companies & attorneys, 1992-present.
See display ad page 41
John Donley
Donley Construction Consultants
2524 Micheltorena St
Los Angeles, CA 90039
Tel: (415) 456-9242
Email: john@donleycc.com
Website: www.donleycc.com
Masters in Science in Architecture, Cal Poly; Bachelors in Science, Michigan State University
General Contractor, Project Manager, Estimator, Scheduler, Delay disruption analysis, Defect & remediation analysis. Jobsite injuries, code compliance of buildings & projects. Arbitrator, mediator, DRB panelist.
Jim Farasatpour, MS, PE, SE Jim Farasatpour Associates
Consulting Civil & Structural Engineers
12016 Wilshire Blvd, Ste 3 Los Angeles, CA 90025
Tel: (310) 447-0878
Cell: (310) 666-4643
Email: JimFara@verizon.net
BS Civil Engineering; MS Structural Engineering; Reg PE/SE: Civ/Str, CA; Earthquake Eng; Proj/Const Mgmt.
Expert witness & technical support: new construction & existing buildings. Litigation related to construction (defects, personal injuries, code compliance & violation, design & development, repair, alteration, renovation, cost estimate/analysis, etc.) Damage assessment & field investigation (earthquake, hurricane, flood, fire, blast, riot, etc.) Specialty in post-earthquake evaluation & safety assessment. Seismic analysis & design for new & rehabilitation of existing buildings (including current Ordinances). More than 40 years of experience in low to high-rise structures in steel, concrete, masonry & wood for commercial, residential, industrial, institutional & public facilities. Expert project/construction management services. Past projects include office bldgs., multifamily, apartments, single family residential, schools, sports facilities, parking structures, steel towers, bridges and other structures & improvements.
Cook Construction Company
Stephen M. Cook
7210 Jordan Ave Canoga Park, CA 91303
Tel: (818) 438-4535
Fax: (818) 595-0028
Email: scook16121@gmail.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: CA Gen Contractors Lic 431852; 30 years construction experience; Graduate study in Construction, L.A. Business College.
Lawsuit Preparation/Residential
Construction, Single & Multi family, Hillside Construction, Vibration, Trespass, Foundations, Concrete Floors, Tile, Stone, Retaining Walls, Waterproofing, Roofing, Sheet Metal, Water Damages, Carpentry/ Rough Framing, Stairs, Material/Costs, Building Codes, Contracts, Safety.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Construction defect cases for insurance companies & attorneys, 1992-present. See display ad page 41
John D. Shepherd, RRC, RRO Shepherd Consulting Services P.O. Box 10010
Torrance, CA 90505
Tel: (310) 378-0791
Fax: (888) 870-1663
Email: jds@shepherdconsulting.com
Website: www.shepherdconsulting.com
RCI Registered Roof Consultant (#212) & Registered Roof Observer (#019), Licensed Roofing Contractor (CA C39: 557494 & AZ K42: 269167), HAAG Certified Commercial/ Residential Roof Inspector (#200911150), Certified Building Science Thermographer (ITC #32564).
Building Enclosure (roofing, waterproofing, fenestration & exterior wall cladding). Consulting & Expert Services for litigation (construction defects, standard of care, building code analysis, personal injury & water damages) & property damage insurance claims (wind, fire, earthquake & hail). Support services incl: visual inspections, intrusive & water testing, leak investigations, documentation, report development, document review, research. Expert witness testimony & cost estimating.
Gary L. Buffington, CSP
Owner, American Safety Consulting 26035 Bouquet Canyon Rd, # 301 Santa Clarita, CA 91350
Tel: (213) 952-1308
Tel: (888) 828-1044, Email: gbuff46@yahoo.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: MS; BS; CSP; CRSP; CSHM; WSO-CSE/ CSM/CSS; Lic PI; EMT; CIH
Expert Witness, Court Testimony & Litigation Support Services. Accident, Civil & Criminal Investigations. Exp all phases Construction; Underground Construction, Tunneling, Mining & Mills; Construction/mining equipment, cranes, fires/explosions, forklifts, ladders/ scaffolds & welding. P.I., Risk Assessment; CAL/OSHA, IIPP, OSHA, MSHA, NEC, NFPA, NRC Regs; Safety Training; Industl Safety. 30+ years experience Public & Private Sectors. Also offices in Florida, Kansas & Missouri.
1840 Kent Dr. Brentwood, CA 94513
Tel: (650) 740-8119
Email: makeitsafe@att.net
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: AS, Lic. Safety Engineer, Professional Engineer (Safety Branch)
Health and Safety Professional of the Year
Award, 2018, by Lawyer Magazine. Cal/Fed - OSHA advisor to labor and management; consulting professional engineer, educator, researcher, author, expert and public speaker with emphasis on construction: Rulemaking history and interpretation of Cal/FedOSHA standards, multi-employer worksite responsibilities, on-site consultation, steel erection and metal decking operations.
KGA, Inc.
Contact: Kurt Grosz
1409 Glenneyre St, Ste. A Laguna Beach, CA 92651
Tel: (949) 497-6000
Fax: (949) 494-4893
Email: kurtg@kgainc.com
Website: www.kgainc.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: CA & AZ Eng, Bldg, Haz Contractor; CA & AZ Engineer; ICC Bldg, Mech, Plumbing, Concrete & Accessibility Inspectors Cert; ACI Testing
Grade I; ASPE Certified Estimator; MBA
KGA, Inc. provides expert witness testimony & neutral party service for construction disputes. Expert designations including Building Code, Contractor Standards, Safety, CAL OSHA, Claims, Cost to Repair, Contract Documents, & Insurance Appraiser.
David A. Stern, PE PresidentWestec Construction, Inc.
13700 Marina Point Dr, #1509 Venice, CA 90292
Cell: (310) 560-8217
Email: davidstern9@gmail.com
Website: www.constructologist.com
BS Civil Eng; Professional Engineer (Reg Civil Engineer, CA); General Contractor (CA) Specialties:
39 years of commercial development & construction expertise, 30 years as owner of general contracting company. Full litigation support, including: defects, estimating, CPM scheduling, claims, analysis, code violations, construction quality & delay evaluation, PI & construction accidents.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: 20 Trial testimony, 150 depositions, ten arbitrations & settlement conferences, representing both plaintiffs & defendants. Teaching: UCLA Extension & Cal State.
Birthdate: April 12, 1955 Birthplace: Philadelphia, PA.
Education: BS Civil Engineering, Princeton Univ 1976 (Cum Laude).
Previous Positions/Appointments: Project Manager, Stegeman & Kastner, Inc, Project Management Consultants; Field Superintendent, Turner Construction Co, LA.
Number of Publications: Four
National Tile and Stone Authority
Gil Chotam, CTC, C54, C29, CSI, CDT, ASTM Greg Andrews, CTC, C54, CSI, ASTM 8534 Jumilla Ave
Winnetka, CA 91306
Tel: (805) 341-5570
Email: info@NTSAexperts.com
Website: www.NTSAexperts.com
Tile and Stone Failure Analysis, Residential and Commercial. Floors, patios, kitchens, countertops, paving, showers, decks, coping. Ceramic, porcelain, glass tile, marble, granite, limestone. Pool Construction Defect, Pool and Spa Tile Installation and Material Specialist. Leaks, cracking, discoloration, delamination. Tile and Stone Testing. Bond Strength Testing. Analyze design, installation and performance of tile, stone, synthetic and engineered materials. Site Inspections, verify compliance with industry standards.
National Tile and Stone Authority
Gil Chotam, CTC, C54, C29, CSI, CDT, ASTM Greg Andrews, CTC, C54, CSI, ASTM 8534 Jumilla Ave
Winnetka, CA 91306
Tel: (805) 341-5570
Email: info@NTSAexperts.com
Website: www.NTSAexperts.com
Tile and Stone Failure Analysis, Residential and Commercial. Floors, patios, kitchens, countertops, paving, showers, decks, coping. Ceramic, porcelain, glass tile, marble, granite, limestone. Pool Construction Defect, Pool and Spa Tile Installation and Material Specialist. Leaks, cracking, discoloration, delamination. Tile and Stone Testing. Bond Strength Testing. Analyze design, installation and performance of tile, stone, synthetic and engineered materials. Site Inspections, verify compliance with industry standards.
A & E Forensics
Steven Norris, AIA, GE, PE, HG, CEG, CASp, LEED
2121 Montiel Rd San Marcos, CA 92069
Tel: (877) 839-7302
Email: steve@aeforensics.com
Website: aeforensics.com
• CA - Architect C30372, AIA
• CA - Civil Engineer
• CA - Geotechnical Engineer
• CA - Engineering Geologist
• CA - Hydrogeologist
• CA - Engineering/Building Contractor
• CA - Certified Access Specialist – ADA
• HI - Lic. Architect, OK – Prof. Eng.
• LEED Green Associate
• Architect, Engineer, Contractor: Standard of Care
• Retained over 200 times; Deposed over 100 times; Trial Testimony over 20 times
• Waterproofing, water intrusion, building envelope, zoning-setbacks, concrete performance, path of travel, structural analysis, earthquake-fire damage, plan analysis
• Landslides, retaining wall failure, settlement, flooding, grading, septic, expansive soils, mud flows, pavement distress, ground water evaluation, slope analysis
• Cost estimates, construction management, delay analysis, contracts
• Serving all California, Hawaii & Oklahoma
Cook Construction Company
Stephen M. Cook
7210 Jordan Ave Canoga Park, CA 91303
Tel: (818) 438-4535
Fax: (818) 595-0028
Email: scook16121@gmail.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: CA Gen Contractors Lic 431852; 30 years construction experience; Graduate study in Construction, L.A. Business College.
Lawsuit Preparation/Residential
Construction, Single & Multi family, Hillside Construction, Vibration, Trespass, Foundations, Concrete Floors, Tile, Stone, Retaining Walls, Waterproofing, Roofing, Sheet Metal, Water Damages, Carpentry/ Rough Framing, Stairs, Material/Costs, Building Codes, Contracts, Safety.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Construction defect cases for insurance companies & attorneys, 1992-present. See display ad page 41
KGA, Inc.
Contact: Kurt Grosz
1409 Glenneyre St, Ste. A Laguna Beach, CA 92651
Tel: (949) 497-6000
Fax: (949) 494-4893
Email: kurtg@kgainc.com
Website: www.kgainc.com
CA & AZ Eng, Bldg, Haz Contractor; CA & AZ Engineer; ICC Bldg, Mech, Plumbing, Concrete & Accessibility Inspectors Cert; ACI Testing Grade I; ASPE Certified Estimator; MBA
KGA, Inc. provides expert witness testimony & neutral party service for construction disputes. Expert designations including Building Code, Contractor Standards, Safety, CAL OSHA, Claims, Cost to Repair, Contract Documents, & Insurance Appraiser.
Henry M. Koffman, PE
& Director, CE Dept School ofEngineering, USC
Owner, Trojan Construction Mgmt LLC
6311 Van Nuys Blvd, Ste 464
Van Nuys, CA 91401
Tel: (818) 988-7595
Fax: (818) 475-1895
Email: koffman@usc.edu
Website: www. trojanconstructionmanagementllc.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: BSCE; MSCE; PE
Construction Defects; Forensic Engineering; Cost Estimating & Scheduling; Change Orders; Delays; Safety; Real Estate Development; Labor Relations & Management; Liens; Licensing; Quality Assurance; Employment; Ethics; International; Education; Earthquake; Wind; Fire; Flood; Construction Management. 30 years Industry Experience. Arbitrator & Mediator Services; Real Property Assessments, Accidents, Civil Engineering.
David A. Stern, PE President
Westec Construction, Inc.
13700 Marina Point Dr, #1509 Venice, CA 90292
Cell: (310) 560-8217
Email: davidstern9@gmail.com
Website: www.constructologist.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: BS Civil Eng; Professional Engineer (Reg Civil Engineer, CA); General Contractor (CA)
39 years of commercial development & construction expertise, 30 years as owner of general contracting company. Full litigation support, including: defects, estimating, CPM scheduling, claims, analysis, code violations, construction quality & delay evaluation, PI & construction accidents.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: 20 Trial testimony, 150 depositions, ten arbitrations & settlement conferences, representing both plaintiffs & defendants. Teaching: UCLA Extension & Cal State.
Birthdate: April 12, 1955 Birthplace: Philadelphia, PA.
Education: BS Civil Engineering, Princeton Univ 1976 (Cum Laude).
Previous Positions/Appointments: Project Manager, Stegeman & Kastner, Inc, Project Management Consultants; Field Superintendent, Turner Construction Co, LA.
Number of Publications: Four
A & E Forensics
Steven Norris, AIA, GE, PE, HG, CEG, CASp, LEED
2121 Montiel Rd
San Marcos, CA 92069
Tel: (877) 839-7302
Email: steve@aeforensics.com
Website: aeforensics.com
• CA - Architect C30372, AIA
• CA - Civil Engineer
• CA - Geotechnical Engineer
• CA - Engineering Geologist
• CA - Hydrogeologist
• CA - Engineering/Building Contractor
• CA - Certified Access Specialist – ADA
• HI - Lic. Architect, OK – Prof. Eng.
• LEED Green Associate
• Architect, Engineer, Contractor: Standard of Care
• Retained over 200 times; Deposed over 100 times; Trial Testimony over 20 times
• Waterproofing, water intrusion, building envelope, zoning-setbacks, concrete performance, path of travel, structural analysis, earthquake-fire damage, plan analysis
• Landslides, retaining wall failure, settlement, flooding, grading, septic, expansive soils, mud flows, pavement distress, ground water evaluation, slope analysis
• Cost estimates, construction management, delay analysis, contracts
• Serving all California, Hawaii & Oklahoma
Air, Weather & Sea Conditions, Inc.
Contact: Jay Rosenthal, AMS Certified Consulting Meteorologist (CCM) PO Box 512 Pacific Palisades, CA 90272
Tel: (818) 645-8632
Tel: (310) 454-6530, Email: AirWeather@aol.com
Website: www.weatherman.org
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: MA Meteorology; BA; CCM (#602); Official National Weather Service Skywarn “Weather Spotter.”
Experienced & authoritative expert testimony, reports & analysis on rain, wind, snow, ice & hail, intensity, lightning, dust, fog, visibility, wildfires, smoke assessments, flooding, waves; specialist in auto/boat/plane accident reconstruction, mold, property damage, slip & falls, construction & determining unusualness, normalcy & foreseeability. Weather issues for alternative energy, emergency response & counter terrorism. Air pollution transport. Weather effects on systems & operations. Official data, site visits, clear & convincing testimony, references
See display ad page 130
D. Shepherd, RRC, RRO Shepherd Consulting ServicesP.O. Box 10010
Torrance, CA 90505
Tel: (310) 378-0791
Fax: (888) 870-1663
Email: jds@shepherdconsulting.com
Website: www.shepherdconsulting.com
RCI Registered Roof Consultant (#212) & Registered Roof Observer (#019), Licensed Roofing Contractor (CA C39: 557494 & AZ
K42: 269167), HAAG Certified Commercial/ Residential Roof Inspector (#200911150), Certified Building Science Thermographer (ITC #32564).
Building Enclosure (roofing, waterproofing, fenestration & exterior wall cladding). Consulting & Expert Services for litigation (construction defects, standard of care, building code analysis, personal injury & water damages) & property damage insurance claims (wind, fire, earthquake & hail). Support services incl: visual inspections, intrusive & water testing, leak investigations, documentation, report development, document review, research. Expert witness testimony & cost estimating.
Jay S. Grossman, DDS
Richard Benveniste, DDS, MSD
19231 Victory Blvd, Ste 256
Reseda, CA 91335
Tel: (818) 881-7337
Fax: (818) 881-6183
Email: yourgums@gmail.com
Doctor of Dental Surgery, (DDS); Master of Science in Dentistry (MSD
Previous three term officer of State Dental Board of California, having ruled on all phases of dental practice. Practicing as an expert, consultant, evaluator & teacher in the treatment of TMJ, personal injury (PI), lien cases, dental injury. Multiple distinguished service citations from California State Department of Consumer Affairs. Provider of continuing education courses on oral diagnosis, oral medicine, head, jaw & neck injuries, treatment modalities, TMJ diagnosis, therapy. Multiple long term professional organization memberships.
11980 San Vincent, Ste 507 Los Angeles, CA 90049
Tel: (310) 820-0123
Fax: (310) 207-3784
Email: jgrossmandds@gmail.com
Website: www.expertwitness.dental
Dental Malpractice & Dental Injury Expert
As of June 2022: I have been deposed over 100 times; reviewed over 945 cases for both defense and plaintiff including peer review, accidents, and malpractice. 52% defense / 48% plaintiff. I have qualified in Superior Court over 70 times and have never been disqualified. At least 95% of my time is spent in patient care.
I can be counted on to be ethical, competent, prepared, and analytical as well as articulate and persuasive at depositions and court appearances. Published and have been written about in print, radio, and TV over 256 times.
I hold two current professorships: UCLA School of Dentistry & NYU College of Dentistry, and I am a former Professor at Western University College of Dental Medicine (2013-2018).
Licensed in 42 states to opine on the standard of care, with specific licenses in California, Nevada, New Mexico and the Northeast as well as a Florida Expert Certification. Graduated NYU 1988; GPR Residency NYU 1989, Lieutenant, United States Navy 19891991; private practice Brentwood, CA since 1991 – serving over 15,000 patients on a feefor-service basis.
Founder of the non-profit “Homeless Not Toothless,” which has made it possible for over 100,000 homeless Veterans, women of domestic abuse and foster children to receive over $8 million in pro-bono dental care.
Member: American Academy of Cosmetic Orthodontics: 2013-present, ADA since 1991 and Peer Review Committee ADA 1995-2009, Delta Dental Peer Review 2000-present, American Legion; Medical Disciplinary Committee Delta Dental; 15 years on the CA Dental Association Peer Review Committee; American Dental Association; Expert Witness, Veteran Administration QME examiner.
Dr. Jedediah V. Huss, DDS, DICOI
806 New Los Angeles Ave, Ste 3
Moorpark, CA 93012
Tel: (323) 607-4098
Cell: (562) 522-8188
Email: restoredsmiles@gmail.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: Doctorate in dental surgery from the Herman Ostrow School of Dentistry of USC.
Diplomat of International Congress of Oral Implantologists.
Dental Examination, Crowns/Caps, Root Canals, Veneers, Cosmetics, Extractions, Nerve Damage, Oral Surgery/Extractions, Dentures,
Orthodontics, Braces, Invisalign, Implants, Bone Graphing Procedures, Full Mouth Rehabilitation, Sinus Lifts.
Previous Positions/Professional Societies: International Congress of Oral Implantologists
American Academy of Implant Dentistry
Academy of General Dentistry
American Dental Association
California Dental Association
Santa Barbara-Ventura County Dental Society
David A. Warner, D.D.S., Inc. -
Periodontics & Dental Implants
David A. Warner, D.D.S.
9209 S. Colima Rd, #4000 Whittier, CA 90605
Tel: (562) 945-7621 (Office)
Cell: (562) 652-6435
Fax: (562) 945-7622
Email: warnerperioandimplants@verizon.net
Website: WarnerPerioandImplants.com
University of Southern California-DDS | Wadsworth VA Medical Center-General Practice Residency | Wadsworth VA Medical Center-Periodontal Residency
Periodontics & Dental Implants
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: I have provided expert witness and consulting services for over 10 years. I am experienced in being deposed.
Dr. Jedediah V. Huss, DDS, DICOI
806 New Los Angeles Ave, Ste 3
Moorpark, CA 93012
Tel: (323) 607-4098
Cell: (562) 522-8188
Email: restoredsmiles@gmail.com
Doctorate in dental surgery from the Herman Ostrow School of Dentistry of USC.
Diplomat of International Congress of Oral Implantologists.
Dental Examination, Crowns/Caps, Root Canals, Veneers, Cosmetics, Extractions, Nerve Damage, Oral Surgery/Extractions, Dentures,
Orthodontics, Braces, Invisalign, Implants, Bone Graphing Procedures, Full Mouth Rehabilitation, Sinus Lifts.
Previous Positions/Professional Societies:
International Congress of Oral Implantologists
American Academy of Implant Dentistry
Academy of General Dentistry
American Dental Association
California Dental Association
Santa Barbara-Ventura County Dental Society
Dr. Jedediah V. Huss, DDS, DICOI
806 New Los Angeles Ave, Ste 3
Moorpark, CA 93012
Tel: (323) 607-4098
Cell: (562) 522-8188
Email: restoredsmiles@gmail.com
Doctorate in dental surgery from the Herman Ostrow School of Dentistry of USC. Diplomat of International Congress of Oral Implantologists.
Dental Examination, Crowns/Caps, Root Canals, Veneers, Cosmetics, Extractions, Nerve Damage, Oral Surgery/Extractions, Dentures,
Orthodontics, Braces, Invisalign, Implants, Bone Graphing Procedures, Full Mouth Rehabilitation, Sinus Lifts.
Previous Positions/Professional Societies:
International Congress of Oral Implantologists
American Academy of Implant Dentistry
Academy of General Dentistry
American Dental Association
California Dental Association
Santa Barbara-Ventura County Dental Society
Michael L. Levittan
Michael L. Levittan, PhD
Marriage, Family, Child Therapist
11980 San Vincente Blvd, Ste 709
Los Angeles, CA 90049
Tel: (310) 820-4111
Email: mllpsych@earthlink.net
Website: www.michaellevittan.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: PhD Psychology; Marriage Family Therapist; Director of CA Certified Domestic Violence program.
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Domestic Violence, Child Abuse, Anger Management, Child Custody, Parenting, Sexual Violence, Suicidality, Grief and Loss, Road Rage, School Violence, Sex Trafficking, Gun Violence Prevention.
PROFESSOR/LECTURER: UCLA Extension; L.A. Superior Court; National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI); Inter-Agency Council on Child Abuse & Neglect (ICAN); California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists; Hillside Home for Children; Women’s Shelters; U.S. Marines; Pacific Clinics; Maple Center; Grief & Loss Conference; Internat’l Conference on Violence, Abuse and Trauma; NEXUS Conference on Child Abuse, etc.
PUBLICATIONS: Handbook on Interpersonal Violence (Sexual Assault, Child Abuse, Suicidality); Violence and Abuse in Society: Understanding a Global Crisis (Infanticide); His Story, Her Story: Survival Guide for Spouses (Male Conditioning); Workplace Violence Reporter
CONSULTANT: L.A. Times, Dallas MorningHerald; USA Weekend; Orlando Sentinel; NY Post; L.A. Times Magazine, In-Touch Magazine; Workplace Violence Prevention Reporter; Golf Magazine; “Falling Down” (Michael Douglas Feature DVD); etc.
MEDIA: ABC-TV News; Tyra Banks Show; Starting Over (NBC-TV); KTLA News; CBS Radio; Politico.com; Inside Edition; Montel Williams Show; Bad Girls Club; Hollywood 411: Robert Irvine Show; “Frangela” Talk Show; “Chains” (Innocence Project Documentary –Future Release Date).
Steven Norris, AIA, GE, PE, HG, CEG, CASp, LEED
2121 Montiel Rd
San Marcos, CA 92069
Tel: (877) 839-7302
Email: steve@aeforensics.com
Website: aeforensics.com
• CA - Architect C30372, AIA
• CA - Civil Engineer
• CA - Geotechnical Engineer
• CA - Engineering Geologist
• CA - Hydrogeologist
• CA - Engineering/Building Contractor
• CA - Certified Access Specialist – ADA
• HI - Lic. Architect, OK – Prof. Eng.
• LEED Green Associate
• Architect, Engineer, Contractor: Standard of Care
• Retained over 200 times; Deposed over 100 times; Trial Testimony over 20 times
• Waterproofing, water intrusion, building envelope, zoning-setbacks, concrete performance, path of travel, structural analysis, earthquake-fire damage, plan analysis
• Landslides, retaining wall failure, settlement, flooding, grading, septic, expansive soils, mud flows, pavement distress, ground water evaluation, slope analysis
• Cost estimates, construction management, delay analysis, contracts
• Serving all California, Hawaii & Oklahoma
General Forensic
Analysis Group, Inc.
Jeffrey H. Kinrich, Bruce A. Strombom
333 S. Hope St, 27th Fl Los Angeles, CA 90071
Tel: (213) 896-4500
Fax: (213) 623-4112
Website: www.analysisgroup.com
PhD, MBA, CPA, CFA, ABV in Econ, Finance, Acctg, Statistics
Analysis Group provides economic, financial & business strategy consulting to law firms, corporations & govt agencies. We assist law firms & their clients w/all aspects of litigation, incl pretrial discovery, damages estimation, economic & financial models, business valuation, prep of expert reports & testimony & critique of opposing experts. Areas of expertise incl antitrust, IP, securities, valuation, healthcare, entertainment, sports, energy, employment & general business litigation.
B. Riley Advisory Services
Contact: Michael Spindler, CPA, CFE, CFF, ABV, CAMS
555 W. 5th St, Ste 3725 Los Angeles, CA 90013
Tel: (213) 409-6230
Email: mspindler@brileyfin.com
Michael Spindler, CPA, Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE), Certified in Financial Forensics (CFF), Accredited in Business Valuation (ABV), Certified Anti-Money
Laundering Specialist brings Over 40 years experience to complex disputes, forensic accounting & business fraud investigations across a wide range of industries. He has provided expert testimony in dozens of bench trials, jury trials & arbitration proceedings. He has testified regarding a variety of matters, including lost profits, funds tracing, defamation, embezzlements, alter ego, solvency, business valuations, punitive damages, media and entertainment & real estate litigation. He has conducted numerous high-profile forensic accounting investigations of financial statement fraud & other matters & has presented his findings to special committees & various govt agencies on behalf of clients. He is a former Pres of the LA chapter of the California Soc of CPA’s and of the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners.
Contact: David Sage or Chris Ball 16666 Sierra Hwy Canyon Country, CA 91351
Tel: (661) 621-9491
Email: info@BCManalytics.com
Website: www.BCManalytics.com
BS Bus. Admin., CA and AZ licensed G.C., ASPE, Arbitrations and Court Testimony, CM Certified, ICC Certified.
Since 1992, we have been engaged in investigations, data management, and analysis for the complex civil litigation. Outsource data organization. Free up your paralegals. Get data analysis done quicker. You can lower your costs for expensive forensic accountants by first processing mass documents and reducing the data for their analysis. We can digest and organize large amounts of complex data in any form. You can follow the money. We can present that data graphically for presentations. You gain insight into data relationships. We are experienced Complex Data Experts.
See display ad page 26
James ChristopoulosChristopoulos Economics
Consulting Group
555 Anton Blvd, Ste 150 Costa Mesa, CA 92626
Tel: (714) 442-8561
Fax: (714) 586-5940
Email: jim@econconsulting.com
Website: www.econconsulting.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: MA, Economics; JD
Damages, present value loss, lost income/ profits, lost earnings/wages, pension loss, present value medical care costs, lost earning capacity. Personal Injury, Wrongful Death, Medical Malpractice, Wrongful Termination, Business Losses, etc.
Delores A. Conway, PhDProfessor, Simon Business
School, U of Rochester
Previously on Faculty at USC
Marshall School of Business and U of Chicago Booth School of Business
Los Angeles, CA 90089
Tel: (310) 613-9773
Email: dconway@marshall.usc.edu
BS, Math, Stat, U Wisconsin; MS/PhD Statistics, Stanford Univ; Assoc Dean, Simon Bus School, U of Rochester; Director, Real Estate Forecast, USC
Statistics, real estate analysis, econometrics, data analysis & sample surveys. Financial models, employment discrimination, forecasting, assessment of environmental pollution, analysis of medical data, economic analysis, insurance.
Over 30 years experience as a testifying expert with law firms in LA, NY, DC, San Diego and Chicago.
Corporate Sciences, Inc.
Contact: Dr. Joseph D’Antoni
3215 E. Foothill Blvd Pasadena, CA 91107
Tel: (626) 440-7200
Fax: (626) 440-1800
Email: jsdantoni@hotmail.com
Master and Doctoral Degree in Business Economics and former faculty member at three major universities with associates holding PhD’s, CPA’s & MBA’s
Highest level of financial expertise applied with over 40 years of testifying experience throughout the United Stated and Europe resulting in exceptional levels of damage recovery and reduction of financial exposure in the areas of contract disputes, real property and business valuation issues, construction claims, loss profits, intellectual property, environmental, employment and insurance claims and defense.
Deborah Dickson, CPA, CFE, CFF, MAFF Smith Dickson, CPAs, LLP
18100 Von Karman Ave, Ste 420 Irvine, CA 92612
Tel: (949) 553-1020
Fax: (949) 553-0249
Email: debbie.dickson@smithdickson.com
Website: www.smithdickson.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: CPA; CFE; CFF; MAFF
CPA 30+ years, testifying 20+ years, forensic accounting and litigation support. Forensic expert witness in Federal Courts and State Civil and Probate Courts. The professionals at Smith Dickson clearly, independently, and accurately analyze financial information, calculate damages, evaluate claims, prepare expert reports and render expert testimony. Thousands of hours of forensic accounting, deposition and trial experience. Damage calculations; lost profits; forensic accounting; expert testimony; intellectual property; fraud & embezzlement; real estate; trust & estate beneficiary disputes, tax controversy; employment issues; business dissolution.
Engel & Engel LLP
Certified Public Accountants
Contact: Jason A. Engel
350 S. Grand Avenue, Suite 3160 Los Angeles, CA 90071
Tel: (310) 277-2220
Fax: (310) 277-2212
Email: jasonengel@engelandengel.com
Website: www.engelandengel.com
Certified Public Accountant (CPA), Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE), Certified Insolvency and Restructuring Advisor (CIRA), Certified Valuation Analyst (CVA), Master Analyst in Financial Forensics (MAFF) and Accredited in Business Valuation (ABV).
Engel & Engel, LLP is a Los Angeles CPA firm engaged in the practice of forensic accounting for over 25 years. Mr. Engel has served as an expert witness in over 500 forensic accounting cases including expert testimony in connection with a jury award of $2.3 billion.
Mr. Engel has authored 20 research publications on the subjects of economic damages, fraudulent transfers, intellectual property, alter ego, business valuation, and employment damages. Experience and expertise includes complex business litigation matters including economic damages, financial fraud investigation, alter ego, fraudulent transfers, business valuation, bankruptcy and insolvency, intellectual property, construction, construction defects, real estate, employment, business interruption, business operations, partnership and corporate dissolutions, and accounting malpractice.
Contact: Renee Howdeshell
707 Wilshire Blvd, Ste 2050 Los Angeles, CA 90017
Tel: (213) 787-4100
Fax: (213) 891-1300
Email: rhowdeshell@fulcrum.com
Website: www.fulcrum.com
CPA’s, CFA’s, ASA’s PhD’s & MBA’s in Accounting, Finance, Economics & related subjects
Our professionals are experienced CPA’s, MBA’s, ASA’s, CFA’s, affiliated professors & industry specialists. Our analysis & research combined with unique presentation techniques have resulted in an unequaled record of successful court cases & client recoveries. Our expertise encompasses damages analysis, lost profit studies, forensic accounting, business & intangible asset valuation, fraud investigations, statistics, forensic economic analysis, royalty audits, strategic & market assessments, competitive surveys, injury & employment damages, intellectual property disputes & a wide range of other financial advisory services. See display ad page 58
Gursey | Schneider LLP
Certified Public Accountants
Contact: Stephan Wasserman, CPA/ABV/CFF 2121 Avenue of the Stars, Suite 1300 Los Angeles, CA 90067
Tel: (310) 552-0960
Email: swasserman@gursey.com
Website: www.gursey.com
Additional contact:
Gary Krausz, CPA/CFF
Email: garyk@gursey.com
Gursey | Schneider specializes in forensic accounting & litigation support services in the areas of civil litigation, business disputes, bankruptcy, damage and lost profit insurance claims, court accountings, fraud investigations, intellectual property, construction, government accounting & entertainment litigation. We have over 30 years expert witness experience in accounting-related matters.
Fulcrum is a forensic accounting, finance, and economic consulting firm specializing in complex litigation, investigation and appraisal issues. We provide accurate, thoughtful and customized analysis, which we present in a clear and persuasive manner. Our experts possess a broad range of specialties which enable us to serve numerous industries and both large and small companies.
Fulcrum’s experience and insight provides the following advantages:
• Our careful economic analysis and industry research, presented through effective witness testimony and graphics, gives juries the basis to determine proper damage amounts.
• Modeling techniques for lost profits, disgorgement, and forecasting assignments are reliable and reflect the experience of over a thousand prior analyses by our personnel.
• Accounting fraud and other financial investigations are thorough yet quick because our experts ask the right questions at the beginning.
• The combination of appraisal research and deep experience provides valuation conclusions that withstand scrutiny, even for intangible assets, closely-held businesses and other difficult-toappraise interests.
• Our tenacious consultants know where to look for insights that provide proper royalties, insurance recoveries, and other payments due under your contracts. 707 Wilshire Blvd. Ste. 2050, Los Angeles, CA 90017 www.fulcrum.com • 213-787-4100
*Contact us for a free initial consultation*
Providing testimony and neutral assignments in:
• Forensic accounting
• Lost profits & disgorgement
• Business valuation
• Intellectual property
• Personal injury & wrongful termination
• Royalty & fraud audits
• Class action & statistical analysis
The principals at Fulcrum have served as experts for over 75 years, assisting a broad range of firms across industries in both litigation and nonlitigation settings.
David Nolte is a CPA, an Accredited Senior Appraiser (ASA), a Certified Management Accountant (CMA) and an MBA. Over his 40 years of experience, Mr. Nolte has testified over 500 times in deposition and over 200 times at in trial.
Renee Howdeshell is a CPA and a Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE). Ms. Howdeshell has over 20 years of experience and a decade of expert witness testimonies involving her forensic accounting, valuation and economic damages assignments.
Nicole Liska is an ABD with a Masters in economics. Ms. Liska has extensively testified in deposition and at trial in matters applying her economic and statistical expertise in determining damages for businesses, individuals and classes
Phillips, Fractor & Co, LLC
Contact: G. Michael Phillips, PhD
3452 E. Foothill Blvd, Ste 220 Pasadena, CA 91107
Tel: (626) 744-3540
Email: contactpfc@rule26.com
Website: www.phillipsfractor.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: PhDs, Economics; Ed.D; MBA; CPA; CFA; CPA/ABV
Economic losses, lost profits, contract damages, employment economics, wrongful termination, class action and mass tort analysis, valuation of earnings & benefits; wrongful injury and wrongful death, medical malpractice; financial valuation, investment analysis, “what if” analysis, statistical analysis & modeling, intellectual property, compensation issues, including executive compensation; entertainment industry; construction defects; sampling & surveys; database construction & analysis; family business; forensic accounting including lost profits and business valuation, and custom research.
Michael D. Rosen, CPA, PhD, ABV
3780 Kilroy Airport Way, Ste 200 Long Beach, CA 90806
Tel: (562) 256-7052
Fax: (562) 256-7001
Email: mrosencpa@verizon.net
Website: www.mrosencpa.com
PhD, Ag. Econ, UC Davis; CPA (CA); ABVAICPA Credential in Business Valuation
WE ARE: Litigation Consultants, Forensic Accountants, Expert Witnesses. Our mission is to develop the financial story that underlies every business litigation matter, and to convey that story in a clear and concise manner to the trier of fact. Our findings allow a realistic assessment of the case and support settlement efforts. Our work is designed to render conclusive opinions & to withstand cross-examination. WE SPECIALIZE IN: Business Damages - Lost Profits and Loss in Value; Personal Damages - Lost Earnings; Business Valuation.
Schulze Haynes Loevenguth & Co
Contact: Karl J. Schulze, President
660 S. Figueroa St, Ste 1280 Los Angeles, CA 90017
Tel: (213) 627-8280
Fax: (213) 627-8301
Email: kschulze@schulzehaynes.com
Website: www.schulzehaynes.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: CPA; CVA; CFE; CMA; PhD - Economics, ABV
Forensic Accounting, Lost Profits, Economic Damages, Case Strategy, Expert Testimony, Discovery Assistance, Business Valuations, Construction Claims, Corporate Recovery, Alter Ego Evaluation, Financial Analysis & Modeling, Fraud Investigation. We are members of all major professional organizations & have experience across a broad spectrum of industries & business issues.
Hugh Sills, CPA, Inc.
Hugh Sills, CPA, CVA 6080 Center Dr, Sixth Fl Los Angeles, CA 90045
Tel: (310) 773-2028
Email: hugh@sillscpa.com
Website: www.sillscpa.com
4695 MacArthur Ct, 11th Fl Newport Beach, CA 92660
Tel: (949) 556-0222
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: Certified Public Accountant, Certified Valuation Analyst Specialties: Full service CPA firm providing Business Valuations, Forensic Accounting Investigations, and Expert Witness Testimony services. Services are provided in a wide range of matters including marital dissolutions, civil litigation, misappropriation of asset investigations, tax controversies.
See display ad page 29
White, Zuckerman, Warsavsky, Luna & Hunt, LLP
Contact: Barbara Luna, John Luna, Dean Atkinson, Venita McMorris & David Turner
15490 Ventura Blvd, Ste 300 Sherman Oaks, CA 91403
Tel: (818) 981-4226
Fax: (818) 981-4278
Email: expert@wzwlh.com
Website: www.wzwlh.com
4 Park Place Irvine, CA 92614
Tel: (949) 219-9816, Fax: (949) 219-9095
PhD’s; MBA’s; JD’s; CPA’s; Acc Sr Apprsrs; CVA’s; ABV’s; Cert Frd Examiners; CFF’s
Expert witness testimony for complex litigation involving damage analyses of lost profits, reasonable royalties, lost earnings, & lost value of business, forensic accounting, fraud investigation & investigative analysis of liability. Excellent communicators with extensive testimony exp. Prior Big Four accountants. Specialties include accounting, breach of contract, breach of fiduciary duty, business interruption, business dissolution, construction defects, delays & cost overruns, elder abuse, false advertising, family law, fraud, insurance bad faith, intellectual property including trademark, patent & copyright infringement, & trade secrets, lemon law, lender liability, misrepresentations, partnership disputes, personal injury, product liability, professional malpractice damages, punitive damages, real estate, securities, tracing, trusts & estates, unfair competition, valuation of businesses, wage & hour claims, white collar crime, & wrongful termination.
See display ad page 64
Zivetz, Schwartz & Saltsman CPA’s
Contact: Lester J. Schwartz, CPA/CFF, Michael D. Saltsman, CPA, MBA
5990 Sepulveda Blvd, Ste 215 Sherman Oaks, CA 91411
Tel: (310) 826-1040
Fax: (310) 826-1065
Email: less@zss.com
Website: www.zsscpa.com
CPA’s & Appraisers
Accounting, malpractice, business interruption, business valuation & appraisal, commercial damages, contract disputes, economic analysis & damages, environmental cleanup cost, estate & trust accounting, forensic accounting, fraud, lost profits, marital dissolutions, partnership disputes, personal injury, royalties, shareholder disputes, tracing & wrongful termination.
See display ad page 22
Roy Weinstein, Managing Director 3760 Kilroy Airport Way, Suite 120 Long Beach, CA 90806
Tel: (213) 629-2655
Fax: (213) 688-8899
Email: rweinstein@micronomics.com
Website: www.micronomics.com
Additional Contacts:
Robert Mills, Director
Nels Pearsall, Director
Kenneth E. Romig, Director
Jimmy Ferioli, Principal
Chris Harris, Principal
Peter Quies, Principal
Ryan Smart, Principal
Megan Fasules Todd, Principal
Patent damages and intellectual property; employment litigation; insurance litigation; sports & entertainment; economic impact studies; surveys and statistical analyses; financial markets & event studies.
Phillips, Fractor & Co, LLC
Contact: G. Michael Phillips, PhD
3452 E. Foothill Blvd, Ste 220 Pasadena, CA 91107
Tel: (626) 744-3540
Email: contactpfc@rule26.com
Website: www.phillipsfractor.com
PhDs, Economics; Ed.D; MBA; CPA; CFA; CPA/ABV
Economic losses, lost profits, contract damages, employment economics, wrongful termination, class action and mass tort analysis, valuation of earnings & benefits; wrongful injury and wrongful death, medical malpractice; financial valuation, investment analysis, “what if” analysis, statistical analysis & modeling, intellectual property, compensation issues, including executive compensation; entertainment industry; construction defects; sampling & surveys; database construction & analysis; family business; forensic accounting including lost profits and business valuation, and custom research.
Advisors/Experts @ MCS Associates, Banking & Financial Svcs Consultants
13681 Newport Ave, Ste 8-387 Tustin, CA 92780
Tel: (949) 263-8700
Fax: (949) 263-0770
Email: experts@mcsassociates.com
Website: www.mcsassociates.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: MBAs; PhDs; CPAs; CFAs
Nationwide consulting/expert witness company (est. 1973) in Banking, Finance, Insurance, Real Estate and related Damages, Economics & Valuations: BANKING Operations/ Administration, Check fraud, Regulatory issues, Compliance; LENDING (all types): Underwriting, Servicing, policies/practice, Foreclosures & Workouts. FINANCE: Securities, Investments & Brokerage, Trusts & Fiduciaries, Investment Banking, Corp Finance; REAL ESTATE: Lending, Brokerage, Title / Escrow, Property Management; INSURANCE (all types): Coverage, Claims, Broker/Agent functions; DAMAGES & ACCOUNTING: Economics, Valuations / Appraisals, Forensic Accounting.
Contact: Michael Spindler, CPA, CFE, CFF, ABV, CAMS
555 W. 5th St, Ste 3725 Los Angeles, CA 90013
Tel: (213) 409-6230
Email: mspindler@brileyfin.com
Michael Spindler, CPA, Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE), Certified in Financial Forensics (CFF), Accredited in Business Valuation (ABV), Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialist brings Over 40 years experience to complex disputes, forensic accounting & business fraud investigations across a wide range of industries. He has provided expert testimony in dozens of bench trials, jury trials & arbitration proceedings. He has testified regarding a variety of matters, including lost profits, funds tracing, defamation, embezzlements, alter ego, solvency, business valuations, punitive damages, media and entertainment & real estate litigation. He has conducted numerous high-profile forensic accounting investigations of financial statement fraud & other matters & has presented his findings to special committees & various govt agencies on behalf of clients. He is a former Pres of the LA chapter of the California Soc of CPA’s and of the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners.
Susan P. Bleecker, CPA
180 S. Lake Ave, Ste 410 Pasadena, CA 91101
Tel: (626) 449-9151
Fax: (626) 449-6373
Email: bleeck@pacbell.net
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: MBA; CPA
Economic damages, lost profits, loss of earnings; closely held & professional businesses; individuals; breach of contract, negligence, bad faith; PI, WD, MM & employment; financial analysis of business & accounting records.
BTI Appraisal
Ben F. Tunnell III, Chairman 425 E. Colorado St, Suite 640 Glendale, CA 91205
Tel: (213) 532-3800
Fax: (213) 532-3807
Email: ben@btiappraisal.com
Website: www.btiappraisal.com
Additional contact: Megan O’Rourke, President
Email: megan@btiappraisal.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: Cert General Appraisers in various states, ASA & MAI available.
BTI Appraisal offers litigation & appraisal experience, nationally & internationally, since 1974 in the areas of Real Estate, Machinery & Equipment, Personal Property, Business Valuation & Economic Analysis.
We represent attorneys, insurance companies, governments, financial institutions & corporations for all of their appraisal needs including litigation support, gifting, estate taxes, insurance claims, condemnations, IRS & SEC issues. The collective experience of our nationally regarded professionals can address projects of all sizes & locations.
James Christopoulos
Christopoulos Economics
Consulting Group
555 Anton Blvd, Ste 150 Costa Mesa, CA 92626
Tel: (714) 442-8561
Fax: (714) 586-5940
Email: jim@econconsulting.com
Website: www.econconsulting.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: MA, Economics; JD
Damages, present value loss, lost income/ profits, lost earnings/wages, pension loss, present value medical care costs, lost earning capacity. Personal Injury, Wrongful Death, Medical Malpractice, Wrongful Termination, Business Losses, etc.
Contact: Robert Schreiber
5820 Canoga Ave, Ste 300 Woodland Hills, CA 91367
Tel: (818) 986-5034
Fax: (818) 986-5070
Email: rschreiber@cmmcpas.com
Website: rschreiber@cmmcpas.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: CPA’s; CFE’s; MBA’s; ABV’s
Specialties: Expert Witness; Forensic Accountants; Litigation Consultants; Fraud Investigations; Economic Damages; Business Valuations; Family Law.
Deborah Dickson, CPA, CFE, CFF, MAFF Smith Dickson, CPAs, LLP
18100 Von Karman Ave, Ste 420 Irvine, CA 92612
Tel: (949) 553-1020
Fax: (949) 553-0249
Email: debbie.dickson@smithdickson.com
Website: www.smithdickson.com
CPA 30+ years, testifying 20+ years, forensic accounting and litigation support. Forensic expert witness in Federal Courts and State Civil and Probate Courts. The professionals at Smith Dickson clearly, independently, and accurately analyze financial information, calculate damages, evaluate claims, prepare expert reports and render expert testimony. Thousands of hours of forensic accounting, deposition and trial experience. Damage calculations; lost profits; forensic accounting; expert testimony; intellectual property; fraud & embezzlement; real estate; trust & estate beneficiary disputes, tax controversy; employment issues; business dissolution.
Engel & Engel LLP
Certified Public Accountants
Contact: Jason A. Engel
350 S. Grand Avenue, Suite 3160 Los Angeles, CA 90071
Tel: (310) 277-2220
Fax: (310) 277-2212
Email: jasonengel@engelandengel.com
Website: www.engelandengel.com
Certified Public Accountant (CPA), Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE), Certified Insolvency and Restructuring Advisor (CIRA), Certified Valuation Analyst (CVA), Master Analyst in Financial Forensics (MAFF) and Accredited in Business Valuation (ABV).
Engel & Engel, LLP is a Los Angeles CPA firm engaged in the practice of forensic accounting for over 25 years. Mr. Engel has served as an expert witness in over 500 forensic accounting cases including expert testimony in connection with a jury award of $2.3 billion.
Mr. Engel has authored 20 research publications on the subjects of economic damages, fraudulent transfers, intellectual property, alter ego, business valuation, and employment damages. Experience and expertise includes complex business litigation matters including economic damages, financial fraud investigation, alter ego, fraudulent transfers, business valuation, bankruptcy and insolvency, intellectual property, construction, construction defects, real estate, employment, business interruption, business operations, partnership and corporate dissolutions, and accounting malpractice.
Forensic Accounting Services Team, Inc.
Contact: Tiffany Tso, CPA/ABV, CFF, CFE 516 S. First Avenue Arcadia, CA 91006
Tel: (310) 820-8883
Email: ttso@fastcpas.com
Website: www.myforensicaccountant.com
Certified Public Accountant, Accredited in Business Valuation, Certified in Financial Forensics, Certified Fraud Examiner; UCLA Bachelor of Arts in Business Economics. Fluent in written and verbal Mandarin and Cantonese.
Forensic accounting, consulting and expert witness testimony in connection with Business Valuation/Appraisal, Marital Dissolution (support, business valuation, apportionment, property division), Economic Damages, Corporate/LLC/Partnership Disputes (including Corp Code 2000), Trust Accounting Disputes. Recognized financial experts in Superior Court, Criminal Court, Federal Court, Arbitrations and Mediations. Also experienced in disputes and marital dissolutions involving Chinese and Hong Kong financial interests and international businesses.
Fulcrum Inquiry LLP
Contact: Renee Howdeshell
707 Wilshire Blvd, Ste 2050 Los Angeles, CA 90017
Tel: (213) 787-4100
Fax: (213) 891-1300
Email: rhowdeshell@fulcrum.com
Website: www.fulcrum.com
CPA’s, CFA’s, ASA’s PhD’s & MBA’s in Accounting, Finance, Economics & related subjects
Our professionals are experienced CPA’s, MBA’s, ASA’s, CFA’s, affiliated professors & industry specialists. Our analysis & research combined with unique presentation techniques have resulted in an unequaled record of successful court cases & client recoveries. Our expertise encompasses damages analysis, lost profit studies, forensic accounting, business & intangible asset valuation, fraud investigations, statistics, forensic economic analysis, royalty audits, strategic & market assessments, competitive surveys, injury & employment damages, intellectual property disputes & a wide range of other financial advisory services.
See display ad page 58
Roy Weinstein, Managing Director
3760 Kilroy Airport Way, Suite 120 Long Beach, CA 90806
Tel: (213) 629-2655
Fax: (213) 688-8899
Email: rweinstein@micronomics.com
Website: www.micronomics.com
Additional Contacts: Robert Mills, Director
Nels Pearsall, Director Kenneth E. Romig, Director
Jimmy Ferioli, Principal Chris Harris, Principal Peter Quies, Principal Ryan Smart, Principal Megan Fasules Todd, Principal
Patent damages and intellectual property; employment litigation; insurance litigation; sports & entertainment; economic impact studies; surveys and statistical analyses; financial markets & event studies.
Thomas M. Neches, CPA
Thomas Neches & Company LLP
633 W. 5th St, Ste 2800 Los Angeles, CA 90071
Tel: (213) 624-8150
Fax: (213) 223-2304
Email: tmn@thomasneches.com
Website: www.thomasneches.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: BA, Mathematics, UC San Diego; MS, Operation Research, UCLA; CPA/ABV, CVA, CFE, CFF
Nolte Analytics, LLC
Brian Nolte, Founder 700 S. Flower St, Ste 1000 Los Angeles, CA 90017
Tel: (213) 315-2700 (Office)
Tel: (213) 315-2707 (Direct)
Email: bnolte@nolteanalytics.com
Website: NolteAnalytics.com
Our Team includes experts with credentials from the most well-regarded organizations, including Certified Public Accountant (CPA), Accredited Senior Appraiser (ASA), Accredited in Business Valuation (ABV) and Certified Management Accountant (CMA).
Business and intangible asset appraisal, loss of business value, minority shareholder disputes, buy-sell agreements, commercial damages measurements, including, unjust enrichment, lost profits, disgorgement, breach of contract, business interruption, business interference, patent infringement, trademark infringement, copyright infringement, theft of trade secrets, reasonable royalties, employment claims, wrongful termination, wrongful death, personal injury, future lost earnings, loss of earnings capacity, loss of benefits, financial accounting, forensic accounting, royalty and compliance audits, fraud investigations.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience:
Our Team includes experts with over 40 years’ experience. Our experience prevents false starts and avoidable errors, delivering more cost-effective results. Our Team includes experts with over 200 trial testimonies. We typically present our conclusions graphically, using a proprietary presentation system. As a result, we have an unequalled track record of judges and juries accepting our conclusion.
Higgins, Marcus & Lovett, Inc.
Contact: Mark C. Higgins ASA, 800 S. Figueroa St, Ste 710 Los Angeles, CA 90017
Tel: (213) 617-7775
Fax: (213) 617-8372
Email: mhiggins@hmlinc.com
Website: www.hmlinc.com
MBA’s; ASA’s; CFA’s
Valuation of closely-held businesses; loss of business goodwill; damage calculations; valuation of intangibles; extensive expert witness experience.
See display ad page 30
Expert testimony on lost profits, lost earnings, business valuation, forensic accounting, reasonable royalty, computer database analysis, & related issues. Testified before juries on behalf of plaintiffs & defendants in antitrust, breach of contract, fraud, intellectual property, lender liability, wrongful death & wrongful termination cases. Representative industries: banking, entertainment, insurance, manufacturing, retail, securities & wholesale. Published author; former Big 4 partner; Former Prof at Loyola Law School.
See insert ad after page 24
Schulze Haynes Loevenguth & Co
Contact: Karl J. Schulze, President
660 S. Figueroa St, Ste 1280 Los Angeles, CA 90017
Tel: (213) 627-8280
Fax: (213) 627-8301
Email: kschulze@schulzehaynes.com
Website: www.schulzehaynes.com
Phillips, Fractor & Co, LLC
Contact: G. Michael Phillips, PhD
3452 E. Foothill Blvd, Ste 220 Pasadena, CA 91107
Tel: (626) 744-3540
Email: contactpfc@rule26.com
Website: www.phillipsfractor.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: PhDs, Economics; Ed.D; MBA; CPA; CFA; CPA/ABV
Economic losses, lost profits, contract damages, employment economics, wrongful termination, class action and mass tort analysis, valuation of earnings & benefits; wrongful injury and wrongful death, medical malpractice; financial valuation, investment analysis, “what if” analysis, statistical analysis & modeling, intellectual property, compensation issues, including executive compensation; entertainment industry; construction defects; sampling & surveys; database construction & analysis; family business; forensic accounting including lost profits and business valuation, and custom research
CPA; CVA; CFE; CMA; PhD - Economics, ABV
Forensic Accounting, Lost Profits, Economic Damages, Case Strategy, Expert Testimony, Discovery Assistance, Business Valuations, Construction Claims, Corporate Recovery, Alter Ego Evaluation, Financial Analysis & Modeling, Fraud Investigation. We are members of all major professional organizations & have experience across a broad spectrum of industries & business issues.
White, Zuckerman, Warsavsky, Luna & Hunt, LLP
Contact: Barbara Luna, John Luna, Dean Atkinson, Venita McMorris & David Turner
15490 Ventura Blvd, Ste 300 Sherman Oaks, CA 91403
Tel: (818) 981-4226
Fax: (818) 981-4278
Email: expert@wzwlh.com
Website: www.wzwlh.com
4 Park Place Irvine, CA 92614
Tel: (949) 219-9816, Fax: (949) 219-9095
PhD’s; MBA’s; JD’s; CPA’s; Acc Sr Apprsrs; CVA’s; ABV’s; Cert Frd Examiners; CFF’s
Rizzardi Economic Associates
Stephanie Rizzardi, MBA, Principal Economist
Mailing Address: 2596 Mission St, Ste 330 San Marino, 91108
Tel: (626) 229-0304
Fax: (626) 229-0305
Email: srizzardi@rizzardieconomics.com
Website: www.rizzardieconomics.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: BA Econ; MBA Fin
Specialties: Expert Economic Analysis; Comprehensive Valuation Reports; Present Value of Life Care Plans; Loss of Earnings; Loss of Earning Capacity; Loss of Profits; Household Services; Pension and Retirement Plans; Wage and Hours Losses; Expert Testimony in State and Federal Courts. Over 35 years of experience.
Expert witness testimony for complex litigation involving damage analyses of lost profits, reasonable royalties, lost earnings, & lost value of business, forensic accounting, fraud investigation & investigative analysis of liability. Excellent communicators with extensive testimony exp. Prior Big Four accountants.
Specialties include accounting, breach of contract, breach of fiduciary duty, business interruption, business dissolution, construction defects, delays & cost overruns, elder abuse, false advertising, family law, fraud, insurance bad faith, intellectual property including trademark, patent & copyright infringement, & trade secrets, lemon law, lender liability, misrepresentations, partnership disputes, personal injury, product liability, professional malpractice damages, punitive damages, real estate, securities, tracing, trusts & estates, unfair competition, valuation of businesses, wage & hour claims, white collar crime, & wrongful termination.
See display ad page 64
Zivetz, Schwartz & Saltsman CPA’s
Contact: Lester J. Schwartz, CPA/CFF, Michael D. Saltsman, CPA, MBA
5990 Sepulveda Blvd, Ste 215 Sherman Oaks, CA 91411
Tel: (310) 826-1040
Fax: (310) 826-1065
Email: less@zss.com
Website: www.zsscpa.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: CPA’s & Appraisers
Accounting, malpractice, business interruption, business valuation & appraisal, commercial damages, contract disputes, economic analysis & damages, environmental cleanup cost, estate & trust accounting, forensic accounting, fraud, lost profits, marital dissolutions, partnership disputes, personal injury, royalties, shareholder disputes, tracing & wrongful termination.
See display ad page 22
Phillips, Fractor & Co, LLC
Contact: G. Michael Phillips, PhD
3452 E. Foothill Blvd, Ste 220 Pasadena, CA 91107
Tel: (626) 744-3540
Email: contactpfc@rule26.com
Website: www.phillipsfractor.com
PhDs, Economics; Ed.D; MBA; CPA; CFA; CPA/ABV
Economic losses, lost profits, contract damages, employment economics, wrongful termination, class action and mass tort analysis, valuation of earnings & benefits; wrongful injury and wrongful death, medical malpractice; financial valuation, investment analysis, “what if” analysis, statistical analysis & modeling, intellectual property, compensation issues, including executive compensation; entertainment industry; construction defects; sampling & surveys; database construction & analysis; family business; forensic accounting including lost profits and business valuation, and custom research.
B. Riley Advisory Services
Contact: Michael Spindler, CPA, CFE, CFF, ABV, CAMS
555 W. 5th St, Ste 3725 Los Angeles, CA 90013
Tel: (213) 409-6230
Email: mspindler@brileyfin.com
Michael Spindler, CPA, Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE), Certified in Financial Forensics (CFF), Accredited in Business Valuation (ABV), Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialist brings Over 40 years experience to complex disputes, forensic accounting & business fraud investigations across a wide range of industries. He has provided expert testimony in dozens of bench trials, jury trials & arbitration proceedings. He has testified regarding a variety of matters, including lost profits, funds tracing, defamation, embezzlements, alter ego, solvency, business valuations, punitive damages, media and entertainment & real estate litigation. He has conducted numerous high-profile forensic accounting investigations of financial statement fraud & other matters & has presented his findings to special committees & various govt agencies on behalf of clients. He is a former Pres of the LA chapter of the California Soc of CPA’s and of the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners.
Contact: Robert Schreiber
5820 Canoga Ave, Ste 300 Woodland Hills, CA 91367
Tel: (818) 986-5034
Fax: (818) 986-5070
Email: rschreiber@cmmcpas.com
Website: rschreiber@cmmcpas.com
CPA’s; CFE’s; MBA’s; ABV’s
Expert Witness; Forensic Accountants; Litigation Consultants; Fraud Investigations; Economic Damages; Business Valuations; Family Law.
Deborah Dickson, CPA, CFE, CFF, MAFF Smith Dickson, CPAs, LLP
18100 Von Karman Ave, Ste 420 Irvine, CA 92612
Tel: (949) 553-1020
Fax: (949) 553-0249
Email: debbie.dickson@smithdickson.com
Website: www.smithdickson.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: CPA; CFE; CFF; MAFF
CPA 30+ years, testifying 20+ years, forensic accounting and litigation support. Forensic expert witness in Federal Courts and State Civil and Probate Courts. The professionals at Smith Dickson clearly, independently, and accurately analyze financial information, calculate damages, evaluate claims, prepare expert reports and render expert testimony. Thousands of hours of forensic accounting, deposition and trial experience. Damage calculations; lost profits; forensic accounting; expert testimony; intellectual property; fraud & embezzlement; real estate; trust & estate beneficiary disputes, tax controversy; employment issues; business dissolution.
Engel & Engel LLP
Certified Public Accountants
Contact: Jason A. Engel
350 S. Grand Avenue, Suite 3160 Los Angeles, CA 90071
Tel: (310) 277-2220
Fax: (310) 277-2212
Email: jasonengel@engelandengel.com
Website: www.engelandengel.com
Certified Public Accountant (CPA), Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE), Certified Insolvency and Restructuring Advisor (CIRA), Certified Valuation Analyst (CVA), Master Analyst in Financial Forensics (MAFF) and Accredited in Business Valuation (ABV).
Engel & Engel, LLP is a Los Angeles CPA firm engaged in the practice of forensic accounting for over 25 years. Mr. Engel has served as an expert witness in over 500 forensic accounting cases including expert testimony in connection with a jury award of $2.3 billion.
Mr. Engel has authored 20 research publications on the subjects of economic damages, fraudulent transfers, intellectual property, alter ego, business valuation, and employment damages. Experience and expertise includes complex business litigation matters including economic damages, financial fraud investigation, alter ego, fraudulent transfers, business valuation, bankruptcy and insolvency, intellectual property, construction, construction defects, real estate, employment, business interruption, business operations, partnership and corporate dissolutions, and accounting malpractice.
White, Zuckerman, Warsavsky, Luna & Hunt, LLP
Contact: Barbara Luna, John Luna, Dean Atkinson, Venita McMorris & David Turner 15490 Ventura Blvd, Ste 300 Sherman Oaks, CA 91403
Tel: (818) 981-4226
Fax: (818) 981-4278
Email: expert@wzwlh.com
Website: www.wzwlh.com
4 Park Place Irvine, CA 92614
Tel: (949) 219-9816, Fax: (949) 219-9095
PhD’s; MBA’s; JD’s; CPA’s; Acc Sr Apprsrs; CVA’s; ABV’s; Cert Frd Examiners; CFF’s
Expert witness testimony for complex litigation involving damage analyses of lost profits, reasonable royalties, lost earnings, & lost value of business, forensic accounting, fraud investigation & investigative analysis of liability. Excellent communicators with extensive testimony exp. Prior Big Four accountants.
Specialties include accounting, breach of contract, breach of fiduciary duty, business interruption, business dissolution, construction defects, delays & cost overruns, elder abuse, false advertising, family law, fraud, insurance bad faith, intellectual property including trademark, patent & copyright infringement, & trade secrets, lemon law, lender liability, misrepresentations, partnership disputes, personal injury, product liability, professional malpractice damages, punitive damages, real estate, securities, tracing, trusts & estates, unfair competition, valuation of businesses, wage & hour claims, white collar crime, & wrongful termination.
See display ad page 64
Fraud Investigation (cont.)
Zivetz, Schwartz & Saltsman CPA’s
Contact: Lester J. Schwartz, CPA/CFF, Michael D. Saltsman, CPA, MBA
5990 Sepulveda Blvd, Ste 215
Sherman Oaks, CA 91411
Tel: (310) 826-1040
Fax: (310) 826-1065
Email: less@zss.com
Website: www.zsscpa.com
CPA’s & Appraisers
Accounting, malpractice, business interruption, business valuation & appraisal, commercial damages, contract disputes, economic analysis & damages, environmental cleanup cost, estate & trust accounting, forensic accounting, fraud, lost profits, marital dissolutions, partnership disputes, personal injury, royalties, shareholder disputes, tracing & wrongful termination.
See display ad page 22
Susan P. Bleecker, CPA
180 S. Lake Ave, Ste 410 Pasadena, CA 91101
Tel: (626) 449-9151
Fax: (626) 449-6373
Email: bleeck@pacbell.net
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: MBA; CPA
Economic damages, lost profits, loss of earnings; closely held & professional businesses; individuals; breach of contract, negligence, bad faith; PI, WD, MM & employment; financial analysis of business & accounting records.
Fulcrum Inquiry LLP
Contact: Renee Howdeshell
707 Wilshire Blvd, Ste 2050 Los Angeles, CA 90017
Tel: (213) 787-4100
Fax: (213) 891-1300
Email: rhowdeshell@fulcrum.com
Website: www.fulcrum.com
CPA’s, CFA’s, ASA’s PhD’s & MBA’s in Accounting, Finance, Economics & related subjects
Our professionals are experienced CPA’s, MBA’s, ASA’s, CFA’s, affiliated professors & industry specialists. Our analysis & research combined with unique presentation techniques have resulted in an unequaled record of successful court cases & client recoveries. Our expertise encompasses damages analysis, lost profit studies, forensic accounting, business & intangible asset valuation, fraud investigations, statistics, forensic economic analysis, royalty audits, strategic & market assessments, competitive surveys, injury & employment damages, intellectual property disputes & a wide range of other financial advisory services. See display ad page 58
White, Zuckerman, Warsavsky, Luna & Hunt, LLP
Contact: Barbara Luna, John Luna, Dean
Atkinson, Venita McMorris & David Turner
15490 Ventura Blvd, Ste 300 Sherman Oaks, CA 91403
Tel: (818) 981-4226
Fax: (818) 981-4278
Email: expert@wzwlh.com
Website: www.wzwlh.com
4 Park Place Irvine, CA 92614
Tel: (949) 219-9816,
Fax: (949) 219-9095
PhD’s; MBA’s; JD’s; CPA’s; Acc Sr Apprsrs; CVA’s; ABV’s; Cert Frd Examiners; CFF’s
Expert witness testimony for complex litigation involving damage analyses of lost profits, reasonable royalties, lost earnings, & lost value of business, forensic accounting, fraud investigation & investigative analysis of liability. Excellent communicators with extensive testimony exp. Prior Big Four accountants. Specialties include accounting, breach of contract, breach of fiduciary duty, business interruption, business dissolution, construction defects, delays & cost overruns, elder abuse, false advertising, family law, fraud, insurance bad faith, intellectual property including trademark, patent & copyright infringement, & trade secrets, lemon law, lender liability, misrepresentations, partnership disputes, personal injury, product liability, professional malpractice damages, punitive damages, real estate, securities, tracing, trusts & estates, unfair competition, valuation of businesses, wage & hour claims, white collar crime, & wrongful termination.
See display ad page 64
Phillips, Fractor & Co, LLC
Contact: G. Michael Phillips, PhD
3452 E. Foothill Blvd, Ste 220 Pasadena, CA 91107 Tel: (626) 744-3540
Email: contactpfc@rule26.com
Website: www.phillipsfractor.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: PhDs, Economics; Ed.D; MBA; CPA; CFA; CPA/ABV
Economic losses, lost profits, contract damages, employment economics, wrongful termination, class action and mass tort analysis, valuation of earnings & benefits; wrongful injury and wrongful death, medical malpractice; financial valuation, investment analysis, “what if” analysis, statistical analysis & modeling, intellectual property, compensation issues, including executive compensation; entertainment industry; construction defects; sampling & surveys; database construction & analysis; family business; forensic accounting including lost profits and business valuation, and custom research.
Susan P. Bleecker, CPA
180 S. Lake Ave, Ste 410 Pasadena, CA 91101
Tel: (626) 449-9151
Fax: (626) 449-6373
Email: bleeck@pacbell.net
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: MBA; CPA
Economic damages, lost profits, loss of earnings; closely held & professional businesses; individuals; breach of contract, negligence, bad faith; PI, WD, MM & employment; financial analysis of business & accounting records.
James Christopoulos Christopoulos Economics
Consulting Group
555 Anton Blvd, Ste 150 Costa Mesa, CA 92626
Tel: (714) 442-8561
Fax: (714) 586-5940
Email: jim@econconsulting.com
Website: www.econconsulting.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: MA, Economics; JD
Damages, present value loss, lost income/ profits, lost earnings/wages, pension loss, present value medical care costs, lost earning capacity. Personal Injury, Wrongful Death, Medical Malpractice, Wrongful Termination, Business Losses, etc.
Phillips, Fractor & Co, LLC
Contact: G. Michael Phillips, PhD 3452 E. Foothill Blvd, Ste 220 Pasadena, CA 91107
Tel: (626) 744-3540
Email: contactpfc@rule26.com
Website: www.phillipsfractor.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: PhDs, Economics; Ed.D; MBA; CPA; CFA; CPA/ABV
Economic losses, lost profits, contract damages, employment economics, wrongful termination, class action and mass tort analysis, valuation of earnings & benefits; wrongful injury and wrongful death, medical malpractice; financial valuation, investment analysis, “what if” analysis, statistical analysis & modeling, intellectual property, compensation issues, including executive compensation; entertainment industry; construction defects; sampling & surveys; database construction & analysis; family business; forensic accounting including lost profits and business valuation, and custom research.
Joseph S. Schwartzberg, Ed.D. | (760) 705-0106
Education & Schools, School Safety - Special Education Expert witness. Particular expertise in issues related to the standards of care for children with disabilities. Extensive experience testifying in state and federal court on matters concerning the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act.
Fully credentialed/certified in special education. Administrative credentials in both NY and California. Served as a classroom teacher and Principal in schools designed to serve special populations, as well as general education/mainstream environments. Served as Senior SELPA Director. Taught university classes designed to prepare prospective special education teachers. Developed and implemented agreements with other agencies with responsibilities to persons with disabilities. Development, implementation, and evaluation of special education programs. Establish protocols for standards of care for students with disabilities. Expertise and trial testimony experience in matters concerning school safety and child abuse.
Joseph S. Schwartzberg, Ed.D. | (760) 705-0106
Education & Schools, School Safety - Special Education Expert witness. Particular expertise in issues related to the standards of care for children with disabilities. Extensive experience testifying in state and federal court on matters concerning the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act.
Fully credentialed/certified in special education. Administrative credentials in both NY and California. Served as a classroom teacher and Principal in schools designed to serve special populations, as well as general education/mainstream environments. Served as Senior SELPA Director. Taught university classes designed to prepare prospective special education teachers. Developed and implemented agreements with other agencies with responsibilities to persons with disabilities. Development, implementation, and evaluation of special education programs. Establish protocols for standards of care for students with disabilities. Expertise and trial testimony experience in matters concerning school safety and child abuse.
White, Zuckerman, Warsavsky, Luna & Hunt, LLP
Contact: Barbara Luna, John Luna, Dean Atkinson, Venita McMorris & David Turner 15490 Ventura Blvd, Ste 300 Sherman Oaks, CA 91403
Tel: (818) 981-4226
Fax: (818) 981-4278
Email: expert@wzwlh.com
Website: www.wzwlh.com
4 Park Place Irvine, CA 92614
Tel: (949) 219-9816, Fax: (949) 219-9095
PhD’s; MBA’s; JD’s; CPA’s; Acc Sr Apprsrs; CVA’s; ABV’s; Cert Frd Examiners; CFF’s
Expert witness testimony for complex litigation involving damage analyses of lost profits, reasonable royalties, lost earnings, & lost value of business, forensic accounting, fraud investigation & investigative analysis of liability. Excellent communicators with extensive testimony exp. Prior Big Four accountants.
Specialties include accounting, breach of contract, breach of fiduciary duty, business interruption, business dissolution, construction defects, delays & cost overruns, elder abuse, false advertising, family law, fraud, insurance bad faith, intellectual property including trademark, patent & copyright infringement, & trade secrets, lemon law, lender liability, misrepresentations, partnership disputes, personal injury, product liability, professional malpractice damages, punitive damages, real estate, securities, tracing, trusts & estates, unfair competition, valuation of businesses, wage & hour claims, white collar crime, & wrongful termination.
See display ad page64
Joseph S. Schwartzberg
See ad at left
Joseph S. Schwartzberg
See ad at left
Gary Freedman-Harvey, PhD
311 Main St, Ste 9 Seal Beach, CA 90740
Cell: (562) 209-4399
Fax: (562) 391-1867
Email: GFHPHD@me.com
Website: www. MentalCapacityEvaluations. com
PhD - Clinical Psychology (PSY11419)
Mental Capacity Evaluations: testamentary capacity; undue influence; estate & trust litigation; probate and LPS conservatorships; capacity declarations & testimony; elder abuse, litigation, consultation. Experienced expert witness: depositions & jury trials. Engaged in cases in CA, NV, NC.
2015 Berlin - International Psychogeriatric Congress: “Vulnerability to Undue Influence & Vascular Dementia”; OC Bar Association - Estates & Trust Division; Long Beach Bar Assn; Long Beach Community Foundation; OC Psychological Assn. On-site evaluations: residence or facility. Find me on www.LinkedIn. com; Member: Forensic Expert Witness Assn.
Donald F. Dickerson Associates
18425 Burbank Blvd, Ste 404 Tarzana, CA 91356
Tel: (818) 385-3600
Fax: (818) 990-1669
Email: HelenLW@dfda1.com
Website: www.dfda1.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: Reg Prf Engrs (Mechanical, Electrical, Fire Protection)
Mechanical (heating, venting, a/c, plumbing, industrial piping). Electrical & fire protection engineering; inspections; expert testimony. Construction projects including retail, commercial, office, manufacturing, industrial, hotel, residential & health care facilities. Graphic & computer capabilities.
Robert P. Cotton
45 Mitchell Blvd, Ste 8 San Rafael, CA 94903
Tel: (510) 812-9798
Email: robbycotton@gmail.com
Certified Competent Conveyance Mechanic, State of CA, City of LA. Certified Elevator Mechanic. 40 years experience. Teaching credentials for National Elevator Industry Educational Program 1993.
Technical specialties are elevators & escalators, including failure analysis, troubleshooting, installation, repair, modernization, maintenance, inspection, code & contract compliance. Covering high-rise, high-speed multiple elevator groups, hydraulic elevators in apartments & commercial buildings, freight elevators & escalators in hospitals, transit systems and convention centers.
Previous Positions/Appointments:
Journeyman Elevator Mechanic 1983; International Union of Elevator Constructors, (I.U.E.C. Local #8)
Cheri Adrian, PhD
Tel: (310) 208-2446 (work)
Cell: (310) 562-5505
Email: cheriadrian@drcheriadrian.com
Website: drcheriadrian.com
Dr. Adrian earned her Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology at UCLA in 1990 and has been licensed by the California Board of Psychology since 1991. Qualified Medical Evaluator for the California Department of Workers’ Compensation since 2010. Formerly an Associate Clinical Professor of Psychiatry and Director of the Psychological Assessment Service at UCLA’s Neuropsychiatric Institute and Hospital. Associations: American Psychological Association | California Psychological Association | Los Angeles County Psychological Association | International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies | American Psychology Law Society
Personal Injury, Psychological Evaluations, Malingering & Exaggeration, Credibility, Posttraumatic Stress, Depression & Anxiety, Sexual Harassment, Sexual Abuse & Assault, Accident Trauma, Fitness for Duty, Psychotherapy Malpractice, Workplace Harassment and Discrimination, Defamation, Abuse of Power.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Dr. Adrian has been a named expert in over 50 civil personal injury forensic cases, including accidental and negligent personal injury; workplace gender, disability, and racial harassment and discrimination; wrongful termination; neighbor harassment; medical malpractice trauma; sexual harassment and abuse; and other matters involving allegations of psychological stress and trauma. Has been a retained expert in over 50 cases. In the last five years I’ve testified 18 times.
Jay M. Finkelman,PhD, MLS, MBAHR Management & Industrial Psychology
The Chicago School
1262 Kettner Blvd, PH2902
Sapphire Tower San Diego, CA 92101
Tel: (213) 615-7267 (Office)
Cell: (213) 361-6106
Email: jfinkelman@thechicagoschool.edu
Website: www.thechicagoschool.edu
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: PhD; MBA; MLS; Cert Prof Ergonomist; Lic Psychologist; Diplomate; Fellow; Bd Cert in Forensic Psych & in Organizational & Business Consulting Psychology; Cert Personnel Consultant; Cert Employment Specialist
Extensive experience conducting sexual harassment & employment discrimination (gender, age, race, disability) interviews & reviews. Employment expertise: ADA, wrongful termination, negligent hiring/ retention, adverse impact, performance appraisal, Statistical analysis, staffing practices, human factors, OSHA, stress claims, “whistle blower retaliation.”
30 yrs exp; over 450 retentions in CA. Testified at trial 65 times; over 125 pubs.
CA University
551 Santa Barbara Ave
Fullerton, CA 92835
Tel: (714) 879-9705
Cell: (714) 595-1891
Fax: (714) 879-5600
Email: bkleinerphdmba@gmail.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: PhD Management, UCLA; MBA, UCLA
Evaluation of workplace policies & practices pertaining to discrimination/ harassment prevention efforts (interactive process, reasonable accommodation, training), investigations, corrective actions (discipline, termination); hiring; compensation, wage & hours, pensions; supervision; safety, violence, OSHA; CFRA/FMLA; appraisal, promotion, retaliation, RIF’s.
40+ yrs HR experience. 1,000+ cases as an expert. Former human resource manager for Ford Motor Co. Over 100 business & government consulting clients. Trained thousands of managers. Taught three 36-hour courses on KLCS-TV. 500+ pubs. Have given trial/arbitration testimony 80+ times. Favorably featured in “Employment Law Verdicts.” Profiled in Bender’s “California Labor & Employment Bulletin” as a result of successes. Have received many awards, honors & commendations. Rates negotiable.
HR Management & Industrial Psychology
The Chicago School
1262 Kettner Blvd, PH2902 Sapphire Tower
San Diego, CA 92101
Tel: (213) 615-7267 (Office)
Cell: (213) 361-6106
Email: jfinkelman@thechicagoschool.edu Website: www.thechicagoschool.edu
PhD; MBA; MLS; Cert Prof Ergonomist; Lic Psychologist; Diplomate; Fellow; Bd Cert in Forensic Psych & in Organizational & Business Consulting Psychology; Cert Personnel Consultant; Cert Employment Specialist
Extensive experience conducting sexual harassment & employment discrimination (gender, age, race, disability) interviews & reviews. Employment expertise: ADA, wrongful termination, negligent hiring/ retention, adverse impact, performance appraisal, Statistical analysis, staffing practices, human factors, OSHA, stress claims, “whistle blower retaliation.”
30 yrs exp; over 450 retentions in CA. Testified at trial 65 times; over 125 pubs.
Brian H. Kleiner, PhD, MBA Professor (Emeritus), Human Resource Mgmt at prestigious CA University551 Santa Barbara Ave
Fullerton, CA 92835
Tel: (714) 879-9705
Cell: (714) 595-1891
Fax: (714) 879-5600
Email: bkleinerphdmba@gmail.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: PhD Management, UCLA; MBA, UCLA Specialties:
Evaluation of workplace policies & practices pertaining to discrimination/ harassment prevention efforts (interactive process, reasonable accommodation, training), investigations, corrective actions (discipline, termination); hiring; compensation, wage & hours, pensions; supervision; safety, violence, OSHA; CFRA/FMLA; appraisal, promotion, retaliation, RIF’s.
40+ yrs HR experience. 1,000+ cases as an expert. Former human resource manager for Ford Motor Co. Over 100 business & government consulting clients. Trained thousands of managers. Taught three 36-hour courses on KLCS-TV. 500+ pubs. Have given trial/arbitration testimony 80+ times. Favorably featured in “Employment Law Verdicts.” Profiled in Bender’s “California Labor & Employment Bulletin” as a result of successes. Have received many awards, honors & commendations. Rates negotiable.
551 Santa Barbara Ave
Fullerton, CA 92835
Tel: (714) 879-9705
Cell: (714) 595-1891
Fax: (714) 879-5600
Email: bkleinerphdmba@gmail.com
PhD Management, UCLA; MBA, UCLA
Evaluation of workplace policies & practices pertaining to discrimination/ harassment prevention efforts (interactive process, reasonable accommodation, training), investigations, corrective actions (discipline, termination); hiring; compensation, wage & hours, pensions; supervision; safety, violence, OSHA; CFRA/FMLA; appraisal, promotion, retaliation, RIF’s.
40+ yrs HR experience. 1,000+ cases as an expert. Former human resource manager for Ford Motor Co. Over 100 business & government consulting clients. Trained thousands of managers. Taught three 36-hour courses on KLCS-TV. 500+ pubs. Have given trial/arbitration testimony 80+ times. Favorably featured in “Employment Law Verdicts.” Profiled in Bender’s “California Labor & Employment Bulletin” as a result of successes. Have received many awards, honors & commendations. Rates negotiable.
Contact: G. Michael Phillips, PhD
3452 E. Foothill Blvd, Ste 220 Pasadena, CA 91107
Tel: (626) 744-3540
Email: contactpfc@rule26.com
Website: www.phillipsfractor.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: PhDs, Economics; Ed.D; MBA; CPA; CFA; CPA/ABV
Economic losses, lost profits, contract damages, employment economics, wrongful termination, class action and mass tort analysis, valuation of earnings & benefits; wrongful injury and wrongful death, medical malpractice; financial valuation, investment analysis, “what if” analysis, statistical analysis & modeling, intellectual property, compensation issues, including executive compensation; entertainment industry; construction defects; sampling & surveys; database construction & analysis; family business; forensic accounting including lost profits and business valuation, and custom research.
Edward L. Bennett
Coast Rehabilitation Services, Inc.
5290 Overpass Rd, #118 Santa Barbara, CA 93111
Tel: (805) 692-1823
Fax: (805) 692-1827
Email: info@coastrehabservicesinc.com
MA; Post-Grad Cert; Adv Life Care Plans; ABVE; CDMS; CRC; CLCP
Evaluations of pre-vs-post-injury career path & earnings capacity in: PI; medical malpractice; wrongful term; wrongful death; marital; maritime; pediatric head injuries; cost of future medical (LCP); ADA consultations re: employment & accessibility analysis. Other office in Santa Barbara. Serving Southern, Central & Northern CA
Michael A. Robbins
Extti, Incorporated
153 Stagecoach Rd
Bell Canyon, CA 91307-1046
Tel: (818) 712-0203
Fax: (818) 712-9902
Email: mrobbins@extti.com
Website: www.extti.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: AB; JD; Calif State Bar
Specialties: 40+ yrs HR, labor & employment law experience. 600+ cases as an expert. Expert testimony on:
Competence of workplace investigations
Adequacy of harassment/discrimination complaint handling
Sufficiency of a company’s preventative programs
Other employment issues including interactive process & failure to accommodate
Extensive experience in public & private sectors.
See display ad page 73
Jay M. Finkelman,PhD, MLS, MBA HR Management & Industrial Psychology
The Chicago School 1262 Kettner Blvd, PH2902
Sapphire Tower San Diego, CA 92101
Tel: (213) 615-7267 (Office)
Cell: (213) 361-6106
Email: jfinkelman@thechicagoschool.edu
Website: www.thechicagoschool.edu
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: PhD; MBA; MLS; Cert Prof Ergonomist; Lic Psychologist; Diplomate; Fellow; Bd Cert in Forensic Psych & in Organizational & Business Consulting Psychology; Cert Personnel Consultant; Cert Employment Specialist
Specialties: Extensive experience conducting sexual harassment & employment discrimination (gender, age, race, disability) interviews & reviews. Employment expertise: ADA, wrongful termination, negligent hiring/ retention, adverse impact, performance appraisal, Statistical analysis, staffing practices, human factors, OSHA, stress claims, “whistle blower retaliation.”
30 yrs exp; over 450 retentions in CA. Testified at trial 65 times; over 125 pubs.
551 Santa Barbara Ave
Fullerton, CA 92835
Tel: (714) 879-9705
Cell: (714) 595-1891
Fax: (714) 879-5600
Email: bkleinerphdmba@gmail.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: PhD Management, UCLA; MBA, UCLA
Evaluation of workplace policies & practices pertaining to discrimination/harassment prevention efforts (interactive process, reasonable accommodation, training), investigations, corrective actions (discipline, termination); hiring; compensation, wage & hours, pensions; supervision; safety, violence, OSHA; CFRA/FMLA; appraisal, promotion, retaliation, RIF’s.
40+ yrs HR experience. 1,000+ cases as an expert. Former human resource manager for Ford Motor Co. Over 100 business & government consulting clients. Trained thousands of managers. Taught three 36-hour courses on KLCS-TV. 500+ pubs. Have given trial/arbitration testimony 80+ times. Favorably featured in “Employment Law Verdicts.” Profiled in Bender’s “California Labor & Employment Bulletin” as a result of successes. Have received many awards, honors & commendations. Rates negotiable.
Phillips, Fractor & Co, LLC
Contact: G. Michael Phillips, PhD
3452 E. Foothill Blvd, Ste 220 Pasadena, CA 91107 Tel: (626) 744-3540
Email: contactpfc@rule26.com
Website: www.phillipsfractor.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: PhDs, Economics; Ed.D; MBA; CPA; CFA; CPA/ABV
Economic losses, lost profits, contract damages, employment economics, wrongful termination, class action and mass tort analysis, valuation of earnings & benefits; wrongful injury and wrongful death, medical malpractice; financial valuation, investment analysis, “what if” analysis, statistical analysis & modeling, intellectual property, compensation issues, including executive compensation; entertainment industry; construction defects; sampling & surveys; database construction & analysis; family business; forensic accounting including lost profits and business valuation, and custom research.
Edward L. Bennett
Coast Rehabilitation Services, Inc.
5290 Overpass Rd, #118
Santa Barbara, CA 93111
Tel: (805) 692-1823
Fax: (805) 692-1827
Email: info@coastrehabservicesinc.com
MA; Post-Grad Cert; Adv Life Care Plans; ABVE; CDMS; CRC; CLCP
Evaluations of pre-vs-post-injury career path & earnings capacity in: PI; medical malpractice; wrongful term; wrongful death; marital; maritime; pediatric head injuries; cost of future medical (LCP); ADA consultations re: employment & accessibility analysis. Other office in Santa Barbara. Serving Southern, Central & Northern CA.
HR Management & Industrial Psychology
The Chicago School
1262 Kettner Blvd, PH2902 Sapphire Tower San Diego, CA 92101
Tel: (213) 615-7267 (Office)
Cell: (213) 361-6106
Email: jfinkelman@thechicagoschool.edu
Website: www.thechicagoschool.edu
PhD; MBA; MLS; Cert Prof Ergonomist; Lic Psychologist; Diplomate; Fellow; Bd Cert in Forensic Psych & in Organizational & Business Consulting Psychology; Cert Personnel Consultant; Cert Employment Specialist
Extensive experience conducting sexual harassment & employment discrimination (gender, age, race, disability) interviews & reviews. Employment expertise: ADA, wrongful termination, negligent hiring/ retention, adverse impact, performance appraisal, Statistical analysis, staffing practices, human factors, OSHA, stress claims, “whistle blower retaliation.”
30 yrs exp; over 450 retentions in CA. Testified at trial 65 times; over 125 pubs.
Howard J. Goldfarb
Goldfarb & Associates
1101 Fremont Ave, Ste 103 South Pasadena, CA 91030
Tel: (626) 441-9687
Email: goldfarbassociates@ yahoo.com
Degrees/Licenses/ Certifications:
MA Rehab Counseling; Certified Rehabilitation Counselor (CRC)
Provides Expert Witness Testimony as a Vocational Rehab Consultant in Personal Injury, Employment Discrimination, Marriage Dissolution, Sexual Abuse, Worker’s Comp & ERISA matters. Testifies as Vocational Expert for Social Security Office of Disability Adjudication. Part-time lecturer, Cal State LA. Owner of vocational, rehab, consulting firm with over 30 years experience.
Jay M. Finkelman, PhD, MLS, MBA
HR Management & Industrial Psychology
The Chicago School
1262 Kettner Blvd, PH2902 Sapphire Tower San Diego, CA 92101
Tel: (213) 615-7267 (Office)
Cell: (213) 361-6106
Email: jfinkelman@thechicagoschool.edu
Website: www.thechicagoschool.edu
PhD; MBA; MLS; Cert Prof Ergonomist; Lic Psychologist; Diplomate; Fellow; Bd Cert in Forensic Psych & in Organizational & Business Consulting Psychology; Cert Personnel Consultant; Cert Employment Specialist
Extensive experience conducting sexual harassment & employment discrimination (gender, age, race, disability) interviews & reviews. Employment expertise: ADA, wrongful termination, negligent hiring/ retention, adverse impact, performance appraisal, Statistical analysis, staffing practices, human factors, OSHA, stress claims, “whistle blower retaliation.”
30 yrs exp; over 450 retentions in CA. Testified at trial 65 times; over 125 pubs.
Howard J. Goldfarb
Goldfarb & Associates
1101 Fremont Ave, Ste 103 South Pasadena, CA 91030
Tel: (626) 441-9687
Email: goldfarbassociates@ yahoo.com
Degrees/Licenses/ Certifications:
MA Rehab Counseling; Certified Rehabilitation Counselor (CRC)
Provides Expert Witness Testimony as a Vocational Rehab Consultant in Personal Injury, Employment Discrimination, Marriage Dissolution, Sexual Abuse, Worker’s Comp & ERISA matters. Testifies as Vocational Expert for Social Security Office of Disability Adjudication. Part-time lecturer, Cal State LA. Owner of vocational, rehab, consulting firm with over 30 years experience.
Brian H. Kleiner, PhD, MBA Professor (Emeritus), Human Resource Mgmt at prestigious CA University
551 Santa Barbara Ave Fullerton, CA 92835
Tel: (714) 879-9705
Cell: (714) 595-1891
Fax: (714) 879-5600
Email: bkleinerphdmba@gmail.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: PhD Management, UCLA; MBA, UCLA
Evaluation of workplace policies & practices pertaining to discrimination/ harassment prevention efforts (interactive process, reasonable accommodation, training), investigations, corrective actions (discipline, termination); hiring; compensation, wage & hours, pensions; supervision; safety, violence, OSHA; CFRA/FMLA; appraisal, promotion, retaliation, RIF’s.
40+ yrs HR experience. 1,000+ cases as an expert. Former human resource manager for Ford Motor Co. Over 100 business & government consulting clients. Trained thousands of managers. Taught three 36-hour courses on KLCS-TV. 500+ pubs. Have given trial/arbitration testimony 80+ times. Favorably featured in “Employment Law Verdicts.” Profiled in Bender’s “California Labor & Employment Bulletin” as a result of successes. Have received many awards, honors & commendations. Rates negotiable.
Contact: G. Michael Phillips, PhD 3452 E. Foothill Blvd, Ste 220 Pasadena, CA 91107
Tel: (626) 744-3540
Email: contactpfc@rule26.com
Website: www.phillipsfractor.com
PhDs, Economics; Ed.D; MBA; CPA; CFA; CPA/ABV
Economic losses, lost profits, contract damages, employment economics, wrongful termination, class action and mass tort analysis, valuation of earnings & benefits; wrongful injury and wrongful death, medical malpractice; financial valuation, investment analysis, “what if” analysis, statistical analysis & modeling, intellectual property, compensation issues, including executive compensation; entertainment industry; construction defects; sampling & surveys; database construction & analysis; family business; forensic accounting including lost profits and business valuation, and custom research.
Brian H. Kleiner, PhD, MBA Professor (Emeritus), Human Resource Mgmt at prestigious CA University
551 Santa Barbara Ave
Fullerton, CA 92835
Tel: (714) 879-9705
Cell: (714) 595-1891
Fax: (714) 879-5600
Email: bkleinerphdmba@gmail.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: PhD Management, UCLA; MBA, UCLA
Evaluation of workplace policies & practices pertaining to discrimination/ harassment prevention efforts (interactive process, reasonable accommodation, training), investigations, corrective actions (discipline, termination); hiring; compensation, wage & hours, pensions; supervision; safety, violence, OSHA; CFRA/FMLA; appraisal, promotion, retaliation, RIF’s.
40+ yrs HR experience. 1,000+ cases as an expert. Former human resource manager for Ford Motor Co. Over 100 business & government consulting clients. Trained thousands of managers. Taught three 36-hour courses on KLCS-TV. 500+ pubs. Have given trial/arbitration testimony 80+ times. Favorably featured in “Employment Law Verdicts.” Profiled in Bender’s “California Labor & Employment Bulletin” as a result of successes. Have received many awards, honors & commendations. Rates negotiable.
prestigious CA University
551 Santa Barbara Ave
Fullerton, CA 92835
Tel: (714) 879-9705
Cell: (714) 595-1891
Fax: (714) 879-5600
Email: bkleinerphdmba@gmail.com
PhD Management, UCLA; MBA, UCLA
Evaluation of workplace policies & practices pertaining to discrimination/ harassment prevention efforts (interactive process, reasonable accommodation, training), investigations, corrective actions (discipline, termination); hiring; compensation, wage & hours, pensions; supervision; safety, violence, OSHA; CFRA/FMLA; appraisal, promotion, retaliation, RIF’s.
40+ yrs HR experience. 1,000+ cases as an expert. Former human resource manager for Ford Motor Co. Over 100 business & government consulting clients. Trained thousands of managers. Taught three 36-hour courses on KLCS-TV. 500+ pubs. Have given trial/arbitration testimony 80+ times. Favorably featured in “Employment Law Verdicts.” Profiled in Bender’s “California Labor & Employment Bulletin” as a result of successes. Have received many awards, honors & commendations. Rates negotiable.
Forensic, Health & Clinical Psychology
15030 Ventura Blvd., Suite 11
Number 259 Sherman Oaks, CA 91403
Tel: (310) 470-8484
Email: dsborysphd@sbcglobal.net
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: PhD Clinical Psychology; Psychologist Lic #PSY11690; Fellow in Forensic Psychology –ABPS
Sexual harassment or assault; wrongful termination/discrimination; sex / dual relationships with tx / medical patients / clergy / students, other fiduc; psych ethics; psych reactions to crime / abuse / accident / med mal; PTSD. Psych evaluations / damages assessment, record/literature review, case planning re: psych issues. Plaintiff or Defense. Relevant Publications. UCLA - trained, Clinical, forensic & health psychology training & experience. Trial Experience.
Michael A. Robbins
Extti, Incorporated
153 Stagecoach Rd
Bell Canyon, CA 91307-1046
Tel: (818) 712-0203
Fax: (818) 712-9902
Email: mrobbins@extti.com
Website: www.extti.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: AB; JD; Calif State Bar
40+ yrs HR, labor & employment law experience. 600+ cases as an expert. Extensive experience in public & private sectors. Expert testimony on: Competence of workplace investigations - Adequacy of harassment/discrimination complaint handling - Sufficiency of a company’s preventative programs - Other employment issues including interactive process & failure to accommodate
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Extensive consulting experience & expert testimony (for both Plaintiffs & Defendants).
Education: AB, San Diego State Univ 1975 (Summa Cum Laude, Valedictorian); JD, UCLA School of Law, 1978
Previous Positions/Appointments: Field Atty, NLRB; four years in-house labor counsel plus 15 years private practice as labor & employment atty including Managing Partner, Rosenfeld, Meyer & Susman, LLP; 3 years, Instructor, Loyola Marymount Univ
Honors/Awards: Phi Beta Kappa; Elected to College of Labor & Employment Lawyers
Number of Publications: Contrib Author: four books; numerous articles
Membership in Professional Societies: Past Pres, Society of Independent Workplace Investigators (SIWI); Past Chair, LA County Bar (Labor & Employment Law Sec); ABA (Sec of Labor & Employment Law); Calif Lawyers Assn, Executive Committee (Labor & Employment Law Sec); Past President, Assn of Workplace Investigators (AWI)
See display ad below
The Chicago School
1262 Kettner Blvd, PH2902
Sapphire Tower San Diego, CA 92101
Tel: (213) 615-7267 (Office)
Cell: (213) 361-6106
Email: jfinkelman@thechicagoschool.edu
Website: www.thechicagoschool.edu
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: PhD; MBA; MLS; Cert Prof Ergonomist; Lic Psychologist; Diplomate; Fellow; Bd Cert in Forensic Psych & in Organizational & Business Consulting Psychology; Cert Personnel Consultant; Cert Employment Specialist
Extensive experience conducting sexual harassment & employment discrimination (gender, age, race, disability) interviews & reviews. Employment expertise: ADA, wrongful termination, negligent hiring/ retention, adverse impact, performance appraisal, Statistical analysis, staffing practices, human factors, OSHA, stress claims, “whistle blower retaliation.”
30 yrs exp; over 450 retentions in CA.
Testified at trial 65 times; over 125 pubs.
Brian H. Kleiner, PhD, MBAProfessor
(Emeritus),Human Resource Mgmt at prestigious CA University
551 Santa Barbara Ave Fullerton, CA 92835
Tel: (714) 879-9705
Cell: (714) 595-1891
Fax: (714) 879-5600
Email: bkleinerphdmba@gmail.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: PhD Management, UCLA; MBA, UCLA
Evaluation of workplace policies & practices pertaining to discrimination/ harassment prevention efforts (interactive process, reasonable accommodation, training), investigations, corrective actions (discipline, termination); hiring; compensation, wage & hours, pensions; supervision; safety, violence, OSHA; CFRA/FMLA; appraisal, promotion, retaliation, RIF’s.
40+ yrs HR experience. 1,000+ cases as an expert. Former human resource manager for Ford Motor Co. Over 100 business & government consulting clients. Trained thousands of managers. Taught three 36-hour courses on KLCS-TV. 500+ pubs. Have given trial/arbitration testimony 80+ times. Favorably featured in “Employment Law Verdicts.” Profiled in Bender’s “California Labor & Employment Bulletin” as a result of successes. Have received many awards, honors & commendations. Rates negotiable.
Diplomate, American Board Psychiatry & Neurology Decades on UCLA Psychiatry Clinical Faculty
204 S. Beverly Drive, Ste 108 Beverly Hills, CA 90212
Tel: (310) 278-5433
Website: www.expertwitnessforensicpsychiatrist.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: Board Cert Psychiatrist; MD; MPH; QME; CA Medical Bd Expert
Nationally respected Forensic Psychiatrist with winning record of trial testimony, depositions, evaluations & trial consultation in hundreds of civil & criminal cases - plaintiff / prosecution & defense. These include: High Profile, child abuse, custody, discrimination, divorce, domestic violence, elder abuse, entertainment, malingering, malpractice, media copycat behavior, murder, PI, police brutality, PTSD, priest molestation, sexual harassment, suicide, terrorism, violence, will contestation, wrongful termination & other cases involving emotional distress / psychological issues.
Dr. Lieberman appears in the Media as a legal analyst & testifies before Congress. Recommendations upon request.
See display ad page on divider card after page 136 in PSYCHOLOGY/PSYCHIATRY
Phillips, Fractor & Co, LLC
Contact: G. Michael Phillips, PhD
3452 E. Foothill Blvd, Ste 220 Pasadena, CA 91107
Tel: (626) 744-3540
Email: contactpfc@rule26.com
Website: www.phillipsfractor.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: PhDs, Economics; Ed.D; MBA; CPA; CFA; CPA/ABV
Economic losses, lost profits, contract damages, employment economics, wrongful termination, class action and mass tort analysis, valuation of earnings & benefits; wrongful injury and wrongful death, medical malpractice; financial valuation, investment analysis, “what if” analysis, statistical analysis & modeling, intellectual property, compensation issues, including executive compensation; entertainment industry; construction defects; sampling & surveys; database construction & analysis; family business; forensic accounting including lost profits and business valuation, and custom research.
Howard J. Goldfarb
Goldfarb & Associates
1101 Fremont Ave, Ste 103 South Pasadena, CA 91030
Tel: (626) 441-9687
Email: goldfarbassociates@ yahoo.com
Degrees/Licenses/ Certifications:
MA Rehab Counseling; Certified Rehabilitation Counselor (CRC)
Provides Expert Witness Testimony as a Vocational Rehab Consultant in Personal Injury, Employment Discrimination, Marriage Dissolution, Sexual Abuse, Worker’s Comp & ERISA matters. Testifies as Vocational Expert for Social Security Office of Disability Adjudication. Part-time lecturer, Cal State LA. Owner of vocational, rehab, consulting firm with over 30 years experience.
Regain, Inc., A Vocational Services Company
Contact: David Laine, MRC, CRC, CCM
515 Cabrillo Park Dr, Ste 312 Santa Ana, CA 92701-5090
Tel: (714) 558-0802
Tel: (800) 743-8448, Email: DLaine@Regain.net
Website: www.regain.net
Masters Degree (MRC) in Vocational Rehabilitation Counseling; Lic/CRC; CCM; Member, American Board of Vocational Experts; International Assoc. of Rehabilitation Professionals.
Over 40 years of experience in all phases of Vocational Evaluation to include: initial interview, vocational testing, vocational/ career counseling, employability assessment & current/future earning capacity, local & natl labor market evaluations, report preparation & expert testimony. Specializing in Spousal Support Evaluations.
Edward L. Bennett
Coast Rehabilitation Services, Inc.
5290 Overpass Rd, #118 Santa Barbara, CA 93111
Tel: (805) 692-1823
Fax: (805) 692-1827
Email: info@coastrehabservicesinc.com
MA; Post-Grad Cert; Adv Life Care Plans; ABVE; CDMS; CRC; CLCP
Evaluations of pre-vs-post-injury career path & earnings capacity in: PI; medical malpractice; wrongful term; wrongful death; marital; maritime; pediatric head injuries; cost of future medical (LCP); ADA consultations re: employment & accessibility analysis. Other office in Santa Barbara. Serving Southern, Central & Northern CA
Howard J. Goldfarb
Goldfarb & Associates
1101 Fremont Ave, Ste 103 South Pasadena, CA 91030
Tel: (626) 441-9687
Email: goldfarbassociates@ yahoo.com
Degrees/Licenses/ Certifications:
MA Rehab Counseling; Certified Rehabilitation Counselor (CRC)
Provides Expert Witness Testimony as a Vocational Rehab Consultant in Personal Injury, Employment Discrimination, Marriage Dissolution, Sexual Abuse, Worker’s Comp & ERISA matters. Testifies as Vocational Expert for Social Security Office of Disability Adjudication. Part-time lecturer, Cal State LA. Owner of vocational, rehab, consulting firm with over 30 years experience.
Brian H. Kleiner, PhD, MBA
Michael A. Robbins
Extti, Incorporated
153 Stagecoach Rd Bell Canyon, CA 91307-1046
Tel: (818) 712-0203
Fax: (818) 712-9902
Email: mrobbins@extti.com
Website: www.extti.com
AB; JD; Calif State Bar
40+ yrs HR, labor & employment law experience. 600+ cases as an expert. Expert testimony on:
Competence of workplace investigations
Adequacy of harassment/discrimination complaint handling
Sufficiency of a company’s preventative programs
Other employment issues including interactive process & failure to accommodate
Extensive experience in public & private sectors.
See display ad page 73
Professor (Emeritus), Human Resource Mgmt at prestigious CA University
551 Santa Barbara Ave Fullerton, CA 92835
Tel: (714) 879-9705
Cell: (714) 595-1891
Fax: (714) 879-5600
Email: bkleinerphdmba@gmail.com
PhD Management, UCLA; MBA, UCLA
Evaluation of workplace policies & practices pertaining to discrimination/ harassment prevention efforts (interactive process, reasonable accommodation, training), investigations, corrective actions (discipline, termination); hiring; compensation, wage & hours, pensions; supervision; safety, violence, OSHA; CFRA/FMLA; appraisal, promotion, retaliation, RIF’s.
40+ yrs HR experience. 1,000+ cases as an expert. Former human resource manager for Ford Motor Co. Over 100 business & government consulting clients. Trained thousands of managers. Taught three 36-hour courses on KLCS-TV. 500+ pubs. Have given trial/arbitration testimony 80+ times. Favorably featured in “Employment Law Verdicts.” Profiled in Bender’s “California Labor & Employment Bulletin” as a result of successes. Have received many awards, honors & commendations. Rates negotiable.
Nolte Analytics, LLC
Brian Nolte, Founder
700 S. Flower St, Ste 1000 Los Angeles, CA 90017
Tel: (213) 315-2700 (Office)
Tel: (213) 315-2707 (Direct)
Email: bnolte@nolteanalytics.com
Website: NolteAnalytics.com
Our Team includes experts with credentials from the most well-regarded organizations, including Certified Public Accountant (CPA), Accredited Senior Appraiser (ASA), Accredited in Business Valuation (ABV) and Certified Management Accountant (CMA).
Business and intangible asset appraisal, loss of business value, minority shareholder disputes, buy-sell agreements, commercial damages measurements, including, unjust enrichment, lost profits, disgorgement, breach of contract, business interruption, business interference, patent infringement, trademark infringement, copyright infringement, theft of trade secrets, reasonable royalties, employment claims, wrongful termination, wrongful death, personal injury, future lost earnings, loss of earnings capacity, loss of benefits, financial accounting, forensic accounting, royalty and compliance audits, fraud investigations.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Our Team includes experts with over 40 years’ experience. Our experience prevents false starts and avoidable errors, delivering more cost-effective results. Our Team includes experts with over 200 trial testimonies. We typically present our conclusions graphically, using a proprietary presentation system. As a result, we have an unequalled track record of judges and juries accepting our conclusion.
See insert ad after page 24
Phillips, Fractor & Co, LLC
Contact: G. Michael Phillips, PhD 3452 E. Foothill Blvd, Ste 220 Pasadena, CA 91107
Tel: (626) 744-3540
Email: contactpfc@rule26.com
Website: www.phillipsfractor.com
PhDs, Economics; Ed.D; MBA; CPA; CFA; CPA/ABV
Economic losses, lost profits, contract damages, employment economics, wrongful termination, class action and mass tort analysis, valuation of earnings & benefits; wrongful injury and wrongful death, medical malpractice; financial valuation, investment analysis, “what if” analysis, statistical analysis & modeling, intellectual property, compensation issues, including executive compensation; entertainment industry; construction defects; sampling & surveys; database construction & analysis; family business; forensic accounting including lost profits and business valuation, and custom research.
White, Zuckerman, Warsavsky, Luna & Hunt, LLP
Contact: Barbara Luna, John Luna, Dean Atkinson, Venita McMorris & David Turner
15490 Ventura Blvd, Ste 300 Sherman Oaks, CA 91403
Tel: (818) 981-4226
Fax: (818) 981-4278
Email: expert@wzwlh.com
Website: www.wzwlh.com
4 Park Place Irvine, CA 92614
Tel: (949) 219-9816, Fax: (949) 219-9095
PhD’s; MBA’s; JD’s; CPA’s; Acc Sr Apprsrs; CVA’s; ABV’s; Cert Frd Examiners; CFF’s
Expert witness testimony for complex litigation involving damage analyses of lost profits, reasonable royalties, lost earnings, & lost value of business, forensic accounting, fraud investigation & investigative analysis of liability. Excellent communicators with extensive testimony exp. Prior Big Four accountants.
Specialties include accounting, breach of contract, breach of fiduciary duty, business interruption, business dissolution, construction defects, delays & cost overruns, elder abuse, false advertising, family law, fraud, insurance bad faith, intellectual property including trademark, patent & copyright infringement, & trade secrets, lemon law, lender liability, misrepresentations, partnership disputes, personal injury, product liability, professional malpractice damages, punitive damages, real estate, securities, tracing, trusts & estates, unfair competition, valuation of businesses, wage & hour claims, white collar crime, & wrongful termination.
See display ad page 64
Zivetz, Schwartz & Saltsman CPA’s
Contact: Lester J. Schwartz, CPA/CFF, Michael D. Saltsman, CPA, MBA
5990 Sepulveda Blvd, Ste 215 Sherman Oaks, CA 91411
Tel: (310) 826-1040
Fax: (310) 826-1065
Email: less@zss.com
Website: www.zsscpa.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: CPA’s & Appraisers
Accounting, malpractice, business interruption, business valuation & appraisal, commercial damages, contract disputes, economic analysis & damages, environmental cleanup cost, estate & trust accounting, forensic accounting, fraud, lost profits, marital dissolutions, partnership disputes, personal injury, royalties, shareholder disputes, tracing & wrongful termination.
See display ad page 22
General Micronomics
Roy Weinstein, Managing Director
3760 Kilroy Airport Way, Suite 120 Long Beach, CA 90806
Tel: (213) 629-2655
Fax: (213) 688-8899
Email: rweinstein@micronomics.com
Website: www.micronomics.com
Additional Contacts:
Robert Mills, Director
Nels Pearsall, Director
Kenneth E. Romig, Director
Jimmy Ferioli, Principal
Chris Harris, Principal
Peter Quies, Principal
Ryan Smart, Principal
Megan Fasules Todd, Principal
Patent damages and intellectual property; employment litigation; insurance litigation; sports & entertainment; economic impact studies; surveys and statistical analyses; financial markets & event studies.
4X Forensic Engineering Laboratories, Inc.
5262 Oceanus Dr
Huntington Beach, CA 92649
Tel: (714) 450-8500
Fax: (714) 450-8599
Email: phil@4xforensic.com
Website: www.4xforensic.com
4x Forensic Engineering Laboratories is a full-service forensic engineering laboratory. We provide expert witness & analytical & testing services in the following areas:
FIRES & EXPLOSIONS: Electrical and gas product defect investigations, thermal & fire modeling & laboratory testing.
WATER LOSS: Materials, corrosion & failure analysis of plumbing products.
FAILURE ANALYSIS: Metallurgy, product testing & computerized stress analysis.
ACCIDENT RECONSTRUCTION: Automotive, trucks, construction equipment & premises liability.
A & E Forensics
Steven Norris, AIA, GE, PE, HG, CEG, CASp, LEED
2121 Montiel Rd San Marcos, CA 92069
Tel: (877) 839-7302
Email: steve@aeforensics.com
Website: aeforensics.com
• CA - Architect C30372, AIA
• CA - Civil Engineer
• CA - Geotechnical Engineer
• CA - Engineering Geologist
• CA - Hydrogeologist
• CA - Engineering/Building Contractor
• CA - Certified Access Specialist – ADA
• HI - Lic. Architect, OK – Prof. Eng.
• LEED Green Associate
• Architect, Engineer, Contractor: Standard of Care
• Retained over 200 times; Deposed over 100 times; Trial Testimony over 20 times
• Waterproofing, water intrusion, building envelope, zoning-setbacks, concrete performance, path of travel, structural analysis, earthquake-fire damage, plan analysis
• Landslides, retaining wall failure, settlement, flooding, grading, septic, expansive soils, mud flows, pavement distress, ground water evaluation, slope analysis
• Cost estimates, construction management, delay analysis, contracts
• Serving all California, Hawaii & Oklahoma
Ali Reza
5401 McConnell Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90066
Tel: (310) 754-2700
Tel: (888) 656-EXPO (3976) (toll free)
Fax: (310) 754-2799
Email: info@exponent.com
Website: www.exponent.com
Accident reconstruction; failure analysis; fire and explosions; electrical analysis; batteries; human factors; visibility analysis; slip/trip/ fall; warnings/labeling; biomechanics (injury analysis) mechanical design reviews; HVAC; risk assessment; structural / geotechnical / civil engineering; construction defect; quantum & delay analysis; materials science; metallurgy; polymer science; toxicology; industrial hygiene; environmental fate & transport; water quality.
Jim Farasatpour, MS, PE, SE
Jim Farasatpour Associates
Consulting Civil & Structural Engineers
12016 Wilshire Blvd, Ste 3 Los Angeles, CA 90025
Tel: (310) 447-0878
Cell: (310) 666-4643
Email: JimFara@verizon.net
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: BS Civil Engineering; MS Structural Engineering; Reg PE/SE: Civ/Str, CA; Earthquake Eng; Proj/Const Mgmt.
Expert witness & technical support: new construction & existing buildings. Litigation related to construction (defects, personal injuries, code compliance & violation, design & development, repair, alteration, renovation, cost estimate/analysis, etc.)
Damage assessment & field investigation (earthquake, hurricane, flood, fire, blast, riot, etc.) Specialty in post-earthquake evaluation & safety assessment. Seismic analysis & design for new & rehabilitation of existing buildings (including current Ordinances). More than 40 years of experience in low to high-rise structures in steel, concrete, masonry & wood for commercial, residential, industrial, institutional & public facilities. Expert project/construction management services. Past projects include office bldgs., multifamily, apartments, single family residential, schools, sports facilities, parking structures, steel towers, bridges and other structures & improvements.
Josephson-Werdowatz & Associates, Inc.
Contact: Carl H. Josephson, SE
Dan R. Werdowatz, SE
Stephen P. Kerr, SE
10815 Rancho Bernardo Rd., Suite 310 San Diego, CA 92127-2189
Tel: (858) 558-2181
Fax: (858) 558-2188
Email: cjosephson@jwa-se.com
Email: dwerdowatz@jwa-se.com
Email: skerr@jwa-se.com
Website: www.jwa-se.com
Add’l offices in Scottsdale, Arizona; Las Vegas, Nevada; and Sacramento, California
SE (AZ, CA, HI, IL, LA, MA, NV, OR, UT, WA); PE (CO, CT, FL, ID, IN, KS, KY, MD, MI, MO, MS, NJ, NM, NY, ND, OH, SC, TX, WV, WI)
Established in 1988; licensed in 30 states. Structural design & construction defect investigations, evaluations. Wood, masonry, steel & concrete structures. Seismic & wind design. Code review & analysis. Experts in over 1,500 cases nationwide and abroad. 3D graphics & animations. ADR.
Ramesh J. Kar, PhD, PE
Sr. Managing Consultant, Regional Operations Manager
KARS’ Testing & Research Labs – A Division of ESi
2528 W Woodland Dr Anaheim, CA 92801
Tel: (714) 527-7134
Cell: (714) 677-7371
Fax: (714) 527-7169
Email: rjkar@engsys.com
Website: www.engsys.com
PhD Materials Science & Eng; Reg Prof Metallurgical Engineer
43 years expertise in metallurgical failure analysis; automobile/aerospace components, metals, ceramics, plastics, paints, forensic investigations. Expert witness in several product liability/criminal investigations. Courtroom experienced. Fellow, ASM (American Society for Metals). Fellow, American College of Forensic Examiners.
See display ad page 115
Pro/Consul Technical & Medical Experts
1945 Palo Verde Ave, Ste 200 Long Beach, CA 90815-3443
Tel: (800) 392-1119
Fax: (562) 799-8821
Email: expert@expertinfo.com
Website: www.expertinfo.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: MD; PhD; JD; CPA; DDS; RN, etc.
15,000 Experts incl: acc recon; acctg; auto engr; biomech, busn val; const; econ; elec; eng; failure analysis; human fac; ins; lighting; marine; metal; medmal; mech; MD’s; RN’s; roof; safety; security; SOC; tax & many more Right Expert Right Away!® We welcome your RUSH cases! We feature a full roster of Technical and Medical expert witnesses. Our goal is to provide you with the best experts at a reasonable cost. Free Resume Binder. Put us to the test - we look forward to your call! Listed and Recommended by the A.M. Best Company.
See display ads on pages 42, 85, 124 and inside front cover
4X Forensic Engineering Laboratories, Inc.
5262 Oceanus Dr Huntington Beach, CA 92649
Tel: (714) 450-8500
Fax: (714) 450-8599
Email: phil@4xforensic.com
Website: www.4xforensic.com
4x Forensic Engineering Laboratories is a full-service forensic engineering laboratory. We provide expert witness & analytical & testing services in the following areas:
FIRES & EXPLOSIONS: Electrical and gas product defect investigations, thermal & fire modeling & laboratory testing.
WATER LOSS: Materials, corrosion & failure analysis of plumbing products.
FAILURE ANALYSIS: Metallurgy, product testing & computerized stress analysis.
ACCIDENT RECONSTRUCTION: Automotive, trucks, construction equipment & premises liability.
American Bio Engineers - an aperture company
2305 Historic Decatur Road, Suite 100 San Diego, CA 92106
Tel: (619) 269-2089
Email: info@aperturellc.com
Website: www.aperturellc.com
Contacts: Brian K. Jones, MSBE, PE, ACTAR, CXLT; Scott C. Swinford, BSME, ACTAR; Alexander D. Szepelak, BSME; Kevin T. Imada, BSME; Michael A. Jorgensen, BSME; Cole M. Vigil, BSME; Conrad J.L. Salboro, BSME; W. Hunter Witt, BSKin; Jason R. Beaty; Tyler Kryst, MSBE; Kimberli Fernandez, BSBE.
Motor vehicle accident reconstruction, biomechanical analyses, instrumented crash tests, forensic animation, slip/trip/falls, human factors, crash data retrieval/Bena & heavy truck EDR downloads, photogrammetry, traffic camera recordings & screenshots, 3D laser scanning, 3D printing, drone 3D mapping, aerial photography, digital forensics, licensed UAS part 107 pilots. Qualified as expert witness in CA and NV courts.
See insert ad after page 16
Biomechanical Research and Testing, LLCan aperture company 2201 N. Lakewood, Ste. 1865 Long Beach, CA 90815
Tel: (562) 494-4407
Tel: (562) 494-4407
Email: info@aperturellc.com
Website: www.aperturellc.com
Contacts: Judson B. Welcher, PhD; Daniel P. Voss, MS; Bryan C. Randles, MS; Isaac Ikram, MS, PE; Christopher Furbish; Todd Roescher
Experts in Biomechanical Engineering & Accident Reconstruction. Specialties include evaluation of injury causing events, automotive and amusement park testing & evaluation, scene surveys & diagrams, aerial photography, digital forensics, licensed UAS part 107 pilot. Qualified in State & Federal Courts.
See insert ad after page 16
VA Forensics - an aperture company
2784 Gateway Rd, Suite 101 Carlsbad, CA 92009
Tel: (760) 931-9100
Email: info@aperturellc.com
Website: www.aperturellc.com
Steven Norris, AIA, GE, PE, HG, CEG, CASp, LEED
2121 Montiel Rd
Kenneth A. Solomon, PhD, PE, Post PhD
Chief Scientist
5324 Canoga Ave
Woodland Hills, CA 91364
Tel: (818) 348-1133
Fax: (818) 348-4484
Email: kennethsolomon@mac.com
Website: www.irsa.us
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: PhD, Post PhD, PE,J.D.,BS, MS
Forensic Scientists - Diverse Technical Staff: IRSA Staff has over 460 person years of courtroom experience. Biomechanics; Reconstruction; Human Factors; Safety; Accident Prevention; Failure Analysis; Product Integrity; Liability; Testing; Warnings; Slip/Trip/ Fall; Premises; Construction Defect; OSHA Compliance; Bldg Codes; Fire Protection; Explosions; Firearms/Ballistics; Electrocutions/ Shocks; Structural; Recreational; Industrial; Criminal; Auto, Airbags, Aviation, Bicycle, Boating, Chair, Elevator, Escalator, Forklift, Gate, Golf Course, Ladder, Motorcycle, Nuclear, Press, Rollercoaster, Scaffolding, Seatbelts, Stairs, Swimming Pool, Truck; Simulations; Drone Use, 3D Models. Total staff size: 18.
Contacts: Eugene Michael Vanderpol, MSME, PE, ACTAR; Omar Kaayal, BSBE, ACTAR; Ali Farhat, MSBE; Alyssa Visalli, BME, EIT; Will Valdez, Ph.C., MSBE
VA Forensics, an Aperture company, is a Forensic Engineering firm specializing in Biomechanical Injury Analysis, Accident Reconstruction, Human Factors, Slip/Trip and Falls, offering Forensic Animation, Drone Mapping & Photogrammetry, FAA Part 107 Remote Pilots Certified, Forensic Simulation (PC-Crash), 3D Laser Scanning, Forensic Visibility Analysis, Forensic Surveillance Video Analysis & Reverse Projection, Crash Data Retrieval (CDR/EDR) including Kia, Hyundai, and Tesla, Heavy Truck Event Data Recorders, Digital Forensics, Vehicle, Motorcycle, Bicycle, and Pedestrian Collisions, Occupant Kinematics, and Workplace Accidents. VA Forensics has over 60 years of combined forensic experience, with our team having provided expert services in over 39 states and having testified in over 1,400 trials, arbitrations, and depositions. We support legal firms (Plaintiff and Defense) as well as insurance companies and have provided expert testimony in both State and Federal courts.
See insert ad after page 16
San Marcos, CA 92069
Tel: (877) 839-7302
Email: steve@aeforensics.com
Website: aeforensics.com
• CA - Architect C30372, AIA
• CA - Civil Engineer
• CA - Geotechnical Engineer
• CA - Engineering Geologist
• CA - Hydrogeologist
• CA - Engineering/Building Contractor
• CA - Certified Access Specialist – ADA
• HI - Lic. Architect, OK – Prof. Eng.
• LEED Green Associate
• Architect, Engineer, Contractor: Standard of Care
• Retained over 200 times; Deposed over 100 times; Trial Testimony over 20 times
• Waterproofing, water intrusion, building envelope, zoning-setbacks, concrete performance, path of travel, structural analysis, earthquake-fire damage, plan analysis
• Landslides, retaining wall failure, settlement, flooding, grading, septic, expansive soils, mud flows, pavement distress, ground water evaluation, slope analysis
• Cost estimates, construction management, delay analysis, contracts
• Serving all California, Hawaii & Oklahoma
Owner, Trojan Construction Mgmt LLC
6311 Van Nuys Blvd, Ste 464
Van Nuys, CA 91401
Tel: (818) 988-7595
Fax: (818) 475-1895
Email: koffman@usc.edu
Website: www.
Construction Defects; Forensic Engineering; Cost Estimating & Scheduling; Change Orders; Delays; Safety; Real Estate Development; Labor Relations & Management; Liens; Licensing; Quality Assurance; Employment; Ethics; International; Education; Earthquake; Wind; Fire; Flood; Construction Management. 30 years Industry Experience. Arbitrator & Mediator Services; Real Property Assessments, Accidents, Civil Engineering.
4X Forensic Engineering Laboratories, Inc. 5262 Oceanus Dr Huntington Beach, CA 92649
Tel: (714) 450-8500
Fax: (714) 450-8599
Email: phil@4xforensic.com
Website: www.4xforensic.com
A & E Forensics
Steven Norris, AIA, GE, PE, HG, CEG, CASp, LEED
2121 Montiel Rd
San Marcos, CA 92069
Tel: (877) 839-7302
Email: steve@aeforensics.com
Website: aeforensics.com
• CA - Architect C30372, AIA
• CA - Civil Engineer
• CA - Geotechnical Engineer
• CA - Engineering Geologist
• CA - Hydrogeologist
• CA - Engineering/Building Contractor
• CA - Certified Access Specialist – ADA
• HI - Lic. Architect, OK – Prof. Eng.
• LEED Green Associate
• Architect, Engineer, Contractor: Standard of Care
• Retained over 200 times; Deposed over 100 times; Trial Testimony over 20 times
• Waterproofing, water intrusion, building envelope, zoning-setbacks, concrete performance, path of travel, structural analysis, earthquake-fire damage, plan analysis
• Landslides, retaining wall failure, settlement, flooding, grading, septic, expansive soils, mud flows, pavement distress, ground water evaluation, slope analysis
• Cost estimates, construction management, delay analysis, contracts
• Serving all California, Hawaii & Oklahoma
4x Forensic Engineering Laboratories is a full-service forensic engineering laboratory. We provide expert witness & analytical & testing services in the following areas:
FIRES & EXPLOSIONS: Electrical and gas product defect investigations, thermal & fire modeling & laboratory testing.
WATER LOSS: Materials, corrosion & failure analysis of plumbing products.
FAILURE ANALYSIS: Metallurgy, product testing & computerized stress analysis.
ACCIDENT RECONSTRUCTION: Automotive, trucks, construction equipment & premises liability.
Jim Farasatpour, MS, PE, SE
Jim Farasatpour Associates
Consulting Civil & Structural Engineers 12016 Wilshire Blvd, Ste 3 Los Angeles, CA 90025
Tel: (310) 447-0878
Cell: (310) 666-4643
Email: JimFara@verizon.net
BS Civil Engineering; MS Structural Engineering; Reg PE/SE: Civ/Str, CA; Earthquake Eng; Proj/Const Mgmt.
Expert witness & technical support: new construction & existing buildings. Litigation related to construction (defects, personal injuries, code compliance & violation, design & development, repair, alteration, renovation, cost estimate/analysis, etc.)
Damage assessment & field investigation (earthquake, hurricane, flood, fire, blast, riot, etc.) Specialty in post-earthquake evaluation & safety assessment. Seismic analysis & design for new & rehabilitation of existing buildings (including current Ordinances). More than 40 years of experience in low to high-rise structures in steel, concrete, masonry & wood for commercial, residential, industrial, institutional & public facilities. Expert project/construction management services. Past projects include office bldgs., multifamily, apartments, single family residential, schools, sports facilities, parking structures, steel towers, bridges and other structures & improvements.
4X Forensic Engineering Laboratories, Inc.
5262 Oceanus Dr
Huntington Beach, CA 92649
Tel: (714) 450-8500
Fax: (714) 450-8599
Email: phil@4xforensic.com
Website: www.4xforensic.com
4x Forensic Engineering Laboratories is a full-service forensic engineering laboratory. We provide expert witness & analytical & testing services in the following areas:
FIRES & EXPLOSIONS: Electrical and gas product defect investigations, thermal & fire modeling & laboratory testing.
WATER LOSS: Materials, corrosion & failure analysis of plumbing products.
FAILURE ANALYSIS: Metallurgy, product testing & computerized stress analysis.
ACCIDENT RECONSTRUCTION: Automotive, trucks, construction equipment & premises liability.
G. BovieKARS’ Testing & Research Labs - A Division of ESi
2528 W Woodland Dr
Anaheim, CA 92801
Tel: (714) 527-7100 Ext: 105 (Direct)
Cell: (949) 880-4286
Fax: (714) 527-7169
Email: agbovie@engsys.com
Website: agbovie@engsys.com
Professional Engineer - Electrical CA #E24063 | B.S., Electrical Engineering (ABET, Cum Laude), Arizona State University | B.A., University of California, San Diego | IAAI Fire Investigation Technician (ATF / IAAI, Huntsville, AL), October 2018 | NFPA Certified Fire Inspector | California SB-2142 Teaching Credential, Cal State Fullerton
Electrical & Electronics Failures | Lithium-Ion Battery Failures | Electric & Alternative Fuel Vehicle Fires | Electrical Fire, Arc Flash, and Explosion Investigation | Wildfire origin & cause proximal to power & communications infrastructure | PCB & Electronic Component Failures, including identification of counterfeit and malicious components | 3D-Computed Tomography (CT) Analysis of products | Electronic Control System Software & Hardware Failures | EM Interference & Radio Communications Failures | Custom Data Acquisition Hardware / Software: C, C++, Python, Verilog, ModBus TCP
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Professional Electrical Engineer with extensive experience in electrical engineering and product failure analysis experience for insurance, legal, government and manufacturing clients. Mr. Bovie’s investigations include work on Li-ion battery failures, utility equipment incidents in wildfire, commercial and residential settings, water heater explosions, consumer electronics failures, and alternative fuel vehicle fires.
Mr. Bovie has instructed tenured university faculty on CT software, has been a guest lecturer at the California Conference of Arson Investigators, the University of Southern California, and has published papers related to CT radiography in accident investigations. See display ad page 115
Donald F. Dickerson Associates
18425 Burbank Blvd, Ste 404
Tarzana, CA 91356
Tel: (818) 385-3600
Fax: (818) 990-1669
Email: HelenLW@dfda1.com
Website: www.dfda1.com
Reg Prf Engrs (Mechanical, Electrical, Fire Protection)
Mechanical (heating, venting, a/c, plumbing, industrial piping). Electrical & fire protection engineering; inspections; expert testimony. Construction projects including retail, commercial, office, manufacturing, industrial, hotel, residential & health care facilities. Graphic & computer capabilities.
Rhodes Engineering
Dr. Mark A. Rhodes
3460 Zion Canyon Ct Pleasanton, CA 94588
Tel: (925) 922-1674
Email: mrhodes@rhodesengr.com
Website: www.rhodesengr.com
BSEE, MS, PhD, PE Electrical
Electric fires, shocks, arcs, electrical machinery, powerline accidents & fires, transformers, switch-gear. Over 25 years experience as an expert witness.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Testified in insurance bad faith cases in both state and federal courts on numerous occasions.
Previous Positions/Appointments: IEEE.
Publications: Publications & patents upon request.
W. Ross Stone, PhD
Stoneware Ltd
840 Armada Terrace, San Diego, CA 92106
Tel: (619) 222-1915
Fax: (619) 222-1606
Email: r.stone@ieee.org
Degrees/Licenses/ Certifications:
PhD, Fellow, IEEE; Fellow, International Union of Radio Science (URSI); Fellow, Chinese Institute of Electronics; Fellow, Electromagnetics Academy; Honorary Life Member, IEEE AP-S AdCom; Asst Secretary General URSI (Pub).
45+ years experience. Internationally known expert in antennas, cellular & wireless communications (GSM, UMTS, 5G, CDMA, WCMA, LTE, 3GPP2, 4G, WiMAX, Wi-Fi, 802.11, UWB), cell phones, handsets, base station, mobile, RF, HF, VHF, UHF, microwave, millimeter-wave & propagation technologies.
Honors/Awards: URSI President’s Award; EurAAP Antenna Award; IEEE Richard M. Emberson Award, Editor-in-Chief IEEE Antennas & Propagation Magazine (30+ yrs); Editor, Radio Science Bulletin (20+ yrs); Adjunct Full Professor, Beijing Jiaotong Univ.
Publications: 100 publications, 7 books
Jeremy R. Squire, PE
Murex Environmental, Inc.
1 Corporate Park, Ste 101 Irvine, CA 92869
Tel: (714) 508-0800
Email: jeremysquire@ murexenv.com
Website: www.murexenv.com
Civil/Environmental P.E. (CA, 2006); M.S. Civil/ Environmental (CSUF, 2006)
Site assessment and remediation; vapor intrusion/mitigation; risk assessment & site closure; hexavalent chromium, PFAS, PCE, insurance, and environmental litigation.
Philip T. Tringale, PhD,
ConsultantLangan Engineering & Environmental Services, Inc.
515 Flower Street, Suite 2860 Los Angeles, CA 90071
Tel: (213) 314-8100 (Main)
Tel: (510) 874-7011 (Direct)
Cell: (925) 997-4964
Email: ptringale@langan.com
Website: www.langan.com
Professional Engineer (PE) in CA, NY | Ph.D., Civil Engineering, University of California, Berkeley | M.Eng., Civil Engineering, University of California, Berkeley | M.S., Civil Engineering (Engineering Geology), Drexel University, Philadelphia | B.S., Civil Engineering, Northeastern University, Boston
Site Assessment and Remediation Program Direction | Mergers & Acquisitions Assistance | Public Participation Programs | Regulatory Agency Interaction | Litigation Support for Litigation involving Source Identification, Nature and Extent of Contamination, Cost Allocation, and Compliance with the National Contingency Plan
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Philip T. Tringale, PhD, PE is a registered Professional Civil Engineer with over 30 years of environmental consulting experience. Dr. Tringale has served in senior technical and management positions throughout his 40-year professional career. With experience gained from a start-up consulting firm as well as from well-established engineering companies, he continues to focus his energies on leading technical projects and overseeing technical and geographic expansion activities.
Mary Jane Wilson
WZI, Inc.
1717 28th St
Bakersfield, CA 93301
Tel: (661) 326-1112
Fax: (661) 326-0191
Email: mjwilson@wziinc.com
Website: www.wziinc.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: BS, Petroleum Engineering; Registered Environmental Property Assessor REPA 450065
Specialties: Regulatory Compliance, Petroleum & Power Generation
Donald F. Dickerson Associates
18425 Burbank Blvd, Ste 404
Tarzana, CA 91356
Tel: (818) 385-3600
Fax: (818) 990-1669
Email: HelenLW@dfda1.com
Website: www.dfda1.com
Reg Prf Engrs (Mechanical, Electrical, Fire Protection)
Mechanical (heating, venting, a/c, plumbing, industrial piping). Electrical & fire protection engineering; inspections; expert testimony. Construction projects including retail, commercial, office, manufacturing, industrial, hotel, residential & health care facilities. Graphic & computer capabilities.
Harvey Kreitenberg
245 S. Hudson Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90004
Tel: (323) 931-2503
Email: harvey@plumbingexpert.com
Website: www.plumbingexpert.com
Plmb C-36; Fire Prot C-16; HVAC C20; San Syst C42; Gen Bldg B; CIPE/CPD; NV Plmb C-1, Refrig C-21; AZ Plum K-37; Fire Prot K-16; A/C Refrig K-39
Evaluate plumbing, piping, auto fire sprinklers, HVAC, sewers & drainage, in residential, apartment, condo, commercial, mid & high rise. More than 30 yrs hands-on expert. Qualified Expert Witness Calif Superior Court; Certified Plumbing Engineer; Certified Fire Protection Specialist; Certified Plumb & Mech Inspector ICC/IAPMO; Certified Plumb & Mech Code Specialist - AICS.
Donald F. Dickerson Associates
18425 Burbank Blvd, Ste 404
Tarzana, CA 91356
Tel: (818) 385-3600
Fax: (818) 990-1669
Email: HelenLW@dfda1.com
Website: www.dfda1.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: Reg Prf Engrs (Mechanical, Electrical, Fire Protection)
Mechanical (heating, venting, a/c, plumbing, industrial piping). Electrical & fire protection engineering; inspections; expert testimony. Construction projects including retail, commercial, office, manufacturing, industrial, hotel, residential & health care facilities. Graphic & computer capabilities.
Energy Resource Associates, Inc.
Contact: James P. Waltz, PE, CEM., DABFET, FCABE
1280 Greenbrier Rd
W. Sacramento, CA 95691
Tel: (925) 447-1140
Fax: (925) 215-2149
Email: experts@eraenergy.com
Website: www.eraenergy.com
BSME, MBA, PE (CA, NV, OH), Certified Energy Manager (CEM), Board Certified Forensic Engineer, LEED Accredited
Construction defect expert witness; Heating, Ventilation & Air Conditioning (HVAC); Indoor Air Quality (IAQ); Mechanical, plumbing & electrical building systems (MEP); Energy Services Performance Contracting (ESPC); Site survey, investigation & testing; Discovery, interrogatories, depositions & mediation; Plaintiff & defense. See web site for publications, teaching & seminar experience.
Ivey Engineering, Inc.
VP Operations
8330 Juniper Creek Lane
San Diego, CA 92126
Tel: (858) 587-2874
Tel: (858) 866-9685 (Direct Line)
Email: info@iveyengineering.com
Website: www.iveyengineering.com
Ivey Engineering Inc. performs forensic engineering, building system design, testing and analysis, and provides expert witness testimony. The firm specializes in the following:
HVAC Systems - Plumbing SystemsFire Protection Systems – Ventilation Assessment - Carbon Monoxide AnalysisRefrigeration Systems - Construction Cost Estimating - Building Code Analysis
We do not bill for airfare or travel time while traveling by air.
The technical staff is comprised of professional engineers with multiple state licenses and construction experts. Our clients include law firms, insurance companies, building owners, HOAs, developers, contractors, architects, engineers, and facility managers. We are retained nearly equally by plaintiffs and defendants and have been retained to assist in resolution or testify in over 1,000 disputes and legal matters. Our experience includes the following types of litigation:
Product Liability - Construction DefectInsurance Defense - Patent Infringement – Subrogation - Personal InjuriesConstruction Claims - Design Errors & Omissions - Casualty Loss
IEI provides consulting for residential, commercial, institutional, industrial, educational, health care, and governmental facilities. Brief profiles of staff members can be found on our website, www.iveyengineering.com. CVs and fee schedules are available upon request.
Harvey Kreitenberg245 S. Hudson Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90004
Tel: (323) 931-2503
Email: harvey@plumbingexpert.com
Website: www.plumbingexpert.com
Plmb C-36; Fire Prot C-16; HVAC C20; San Syst C42; Gen Bldg B; CIPE/CPD; NV Plmb
C-1, Refrig C-21; AZ Plum K-37; Fire Prot K-16; A/C Refrig K-39
Evaluate plumbing, piping, auto fire sprinklers, HVAC, sewers & drainage, in residential, apartment, condo, commercial, mid & high rise. More than 30 yrs hands-on expert. Qualified Expert Witness Calif Superior Court; Certified Plumbing Engineer; Certified Fire Protection Specialist; Certified Plumb & Mech Inspector ICC/IAPMO; Certified Plumb & Mech Code Specialist - AICS.
Bodh R. Subherwal, PE
BR Laboratories Inc
15161 Triton Ln, P.O. Box 1249
Huntington Beach, CA 92647
Tel: (714) 891-0206
Cell: (714) 262-6231
Fax: (714) 893-0818
Email: bsbrli@aol.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: Reg PE; MSME; MBA; Combustion, Safety, Envir & Energy Engr
Accident investigation, gas fired equipment, assessment of combustion, heating, ventilation & space conditioning, energy & environmental analysis, laboratory analysis, expert witness testimony, interrogatory & deposition assistance.
A & E Forensics
Steven Norris, AIA, GE, PE, HG, CEG, CASp, LEED
2121 Montiel Rd
San Marcos, CA 92069
Tel: (877) 839-7302
Email: steve@aeforensics.com
Website: aeforensics.com
• CA - Architect C30372, AIA
• CA - Civil Engineer
• CA - Geotechnical Engineer
• CA - Engineering Geologist
• CA - Hydrogeologist
• CA - Engineering/Building Contractor
• CA - Certified Access Specialist – ADA
• HI - Lic. Architect, OK – Prof. Eng.
• LEED Green Associate
• Architect, Engineer, Contractor: Standard of Care
• Retained over 200 times; Deposed over 100 times; Trial Testimony over 20 times
• Waterproofing, water intrusion, building envelope, zoning-setbacks, concrete performance, path of travel, structural analysis, earthquake-fire damage, plan analysis
• Landslides, retaining wall failure, settlement, flooding, grading, septic, expansive soils, mud flows, pavement distress, ground water evaluation, slope analysis
• Cost estimates, construction management, delay analysis, contracts
• Serving all California, Hawaii & Oklahoma
Ali S. Fayad, PE Lecturer @ CSU (since 1984) P.O. Box 1317 Anaheim, CA 92815
Tel: (530) 680-1461
Website: www.altdepth.com
BS, MS Civil Engineering; CA Reg. Civil Engineer; Water Distribution operator.
Soil - Water - Structure Interaction applied to water systems, flood control channels & hydraulic structures. Discovered the explicit alternate flow depth in rectangular open channels.
4X Forensic Engineering Laboratories, Inc. 5262 Oceanus Dr
Huntington Beach, CA 92649
Tel: (714) 450-8500
Fax: (714) 450-8599
Email: phil@4xforensic.com
Website: www.4xforensic.com
4x Forensic Engineering Laboratories is a full-service forensic engineering laboratory. We provide expert witness & analytical & testing services in the following areas:
FIRES & EXPLOSIONS: Electrical and gas product defect investigations, thermal & fire modeling & laboratory testing.
WATER LOSS: Materials, corrosion & failure analysis of plumbing products.
FAILURE ANALYSIS: Metallurgy, product testing & computerized stress analysis.
ACCIDENT RECONSTRUCTION: Automotive, trucks, construction equipment & premises liability.
Pro/Consul Technical & Medical Experts
1945 Palo Verde Ave, Ste 200
Long Beach, CA 90815-3443
Tel: (800) 392-1119
Fax: (562) 799-8821
Email: expert@expertinfo.com
Website: www.expertinfo.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: MD; PhD; JD; CPA; DDS; RN, etc.
15,000 Experts incl: acc recon; acctg; auto engr; biomech, busn val; const; econ; elec; eng; failure analysis; human fac; ins; lighting; marine; metal; medmal; mech; MD’s; RN’s; roof; safety; security; SOC; tax & many more Right Expert Right Away!® We welcome your RUSH cases! We feature a full roster of Technical and Medical expert witnesses. Our goal is to provide you with the best experts at a reasonable cost. Free Resume Binder. Put us to the test - we look forward to your call!
Listed and Recommended by the A.M. Best Company.
See display ads on pages 42, 85, 124 and inside front cover
4X Forensic Engineering Laboratories, Inc. 5262 Oceanus Dr Huntington Beach, CA 92649
Tel: (714) 450-8500
Fax: (714) 450-8599
Email: phil@4xforensic.com
Website: www.4xforensic.com
4x Forensic Engineering Laboratories is a full-service forensic engineering laboratory. We provide expert witness & analytical & testing services in the following areas:
FIRES & EXPLOSIONS: Electrical and gas product defect investigations, thermal & fire modeling & laboratory testing.
WATER LOSS: Materials, corrosion & failure analysis of plumbing products.
FAILURE ANALYSIS: Metallurgy, product testing & computerized stress analysis.
ACCIDENT RECONSTRUCTION: Automotive, trucks, construction equipment & premises liability.
Donald F. Dickerson Associates
18425 Burbank Blvd, Ste 404
Tarzana, CA 91356
Tel: (818) 385-3600
Fax: (818) 990-1669
Email: HelenLW@dfda1.com
Website: www.dfda1.com
Reg Prf Engrs (Mechanical, Electrical, Fire Protection)
Mechanical (heating, venting, a/c, plumbing, industrial piping). Electrical & fire protection engineering; inspections; expert testimony. Construction projects including retail, commercial, office, manufacturing, industrial, hotel, residential & health care facilities. Graphic & computer capabilities.
4X Forensic Engineering Laboratories, Inc.
5262 Oceanus Dr Huntington Beach, CA 92649
Tel: (714) 450-8500
Fax: (714) 450-8599
Email: phil@4xforensic.com
Website: www.4xforensic.com
4x Forensic Engineering Laboratories is a full-service forensic engineering laboratory. We provide expert witness & analytical & testing services in the following areas:
FIRES & EXPLOSIONS: Electrical and gas product defect investigations, thermal & fire modeling & laboratory testing.
WATER LOSS: Materials, corrosion & failure analysis of plumbing products.
FAILURE ANALYSIS: Metallurgy, product testing & computerized stress analysis.
ACCIDENT RECONSTRUCTION: Automotive, trucks, construction equipment & premises liability.
Eurofins EAG Materials Science, LLC
Contact: Dana Medlin, PhD
VP-Metallurgical Engineering
250 N. Nash St
El Segundo, CA 90245
Tel: (310) 322-2011
Fax: (310) 322-2243
Email: danamedlin@eurofinsEAG.com
Website: www.EAG.com
PhD’s: Materials & Metallurgy, Chemistry
Materials & failure analysis, product liability & patent infringement, metals, composites, plastics, polymers, thin films. Airplanes, autos, helicopters, motorcycles, consumer products, medical devices, prosthesis & implants & electronic components. Analysis of failures due to fatigue, overstress, corrosion, wear or material/mfg defects.
See display ad page 92
Ramesh J. Kar, PhD, PE
Sr. Managing Consultant, Regional Operations Manager
KARS’ Testing & Research Labs – A Division of ESi
2528 W Woodland Dr Anaheim, CA 92801
Tel: (714) 527-7134
Cell: (714) 677-7371
Fax: (714) 527-7169
Email: rjkar@engsys.com
Website: www.engsys.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: PhD Materials Science & Eng; Reg Prof Metallurgical Engineer
43 years expertise in metallurgical failure analysis; automobile/aerospace components, metals, ceramics, plastics, paints, forensic investigations. Expert witness in several product liability/criminal investigations. Courtroom experienced. Fellow, ASM (American Society for Metals). Fellow, American College of Forensic Examiners. See display ad page 115
Mary Jane Wilson
WZI, Inc.
1717 28th St, Bakersfield, CA 93301
Tel: (661) 326-1112
Fax: (661) 326-0191
Email: mjwilson@wziinc.com
Website: www.wziinc.com
BS, Petroleum Engineering; Registered Environmental Property Assessor REPA 450065
Regulatory Compliance, Petroleum & Power Generation
Harvey Kreitenberg
245 S. Hudson Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90004
Tel: (323) 931-2503
Email: harvey@plumbingexpert.com
Website: www.plumbingexpert.com
Plmb C-36; Fire Prot C-16; HVAC C20; San Syst C42; Gen Bldg B; CIPE/CPD; NV Plmb
C-1, Refrig C-21; AZ Plum K-37; Fire Prot K-16; A/C Refrig K-39
Evaluate plumbing, piping, auto fire sprinklers, HVAC, sewers & drainage, in residential, apartment, condo, commercial, mid & high rise. More than 30 yrs hands-on expert. Qualified Expert Witness Calif Superior Court; Certified Plumbing Engineer; Certified Fire Protection Specialist; Certified Plumb & Mech Inspector ICC/IAPMO; Certified Plumb & Mech Code Specialist - AICS.
4X Forensic Engineering Laboratories, Inc.
5262 Oceanus Dr
Huntington Beach, CA 92649
Tel: (714) 450-8500
Fax: (714) 450-8599
Email: phil@4xforensic.com
Website: www.4xforensic.com
4x Forensic Engineering Laboratories is a full-service forensic engineering laboratory. We provide expert witness & analytical & testing services in the following areas:
FIRES & EXPLOSIONS: Electrical and gas product defect investigations, thermal & fire modeling & laboratory testing.
WATER LOSS: Materials, corrosion & failure analysis of plumbing products.
FAILURE ANALYSIS: Metallurgy, product testing & computerized stress analysis.
ACCIDENT RECONSTRUCTION: Automotive, trucks, construction equipment & premises liability.
Donald F. Dickerson Associates
18425 Burbank Blvd, Ste 404 Tarzana, CA 91356
Tel: (818) 385-3600
Fax: (818) 990-1669
Email: HelenLW@dfda1.com
Website: www.dfda1.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: Reg Prf Engrs (Mechanical, Electrical, Fire Protection)
Mechanical (heating, venting, a/c, plumbing, industrial piping). Electrical & fire protection engineering; inspections; expert testimony. Construction projects including retail, commercial, office, manufacturing, industrial, hotel, residential & health care facilities. Graphic & computer capabilities.
Ivey Engineering, Inc.
VP Operations
8330 Juniper Creek Lane
San Diego, CA 92126
Tel: (858) 587-2874
Tel: (858) 866-9685 (Direct Line)
Email: info@iveyengineering.com
Website: www.iveyengineering.com
Ivey Engineering Inc. performs forensic engineering, building system design, testing and analysis, and provides expert witness testimony. The firm specializes in the following:
HVAC Systems - Plumbing SystemsFire Protection Systems – Ventilation
Assessment - Carbon Monoxide AnalysisRefrigeration Systems - Construction Cost Estimating - Building Code Analysis
We do not bill for airfare or travel time while traveling by air.
The technical staff is comprised of professional engineers with multiple state licenses and construction experts. Our clients include law firms, insurance companies, building owners, HOAs, developers, contractors, architects, engineers, and facility managers. We are retained nearly equally by plaintiffs and defendants and have been retained to assist in resolution or testify in over 1,000 disputes and legal matters. Our experience includes the following types of litigation:
Product Liability - Construction DefectInsurance Defense - Patent Infringement
– Subrogation - Personal InjuriesConstruction Claims - Design Errors & Omissions - Casualty Loss
IEI provides consulting for residential, commercial, institutional, industrial, educational, health care, and governmental facilities. Brief profiles of staff members can be found on our website, www.iveyengineering.com. CVs and fee schedules are available upon request.
Harvey Kreitenberg245 S. Hudson Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90004
Tel: (323) 931-2503
Email: harvey@plumbingexpert.com
Website: www.plumbingexpert.com
Plmb C-36; Fire Prot C-16; HVAC C20; San Syst C42; Gen Bldg B; CIPE/CPD; NV Plmb C-1, Refrig C-21; AZ Plum K-37; Fire Prot K-16; A/C Refrig K-39
Evaluate plumbing, piping, auto fire sprinklers, HVAC, sewers & drainage, in residential, apartment, condo, commercial, mid & high rise. More than 30 yrs hands-on expert. Qualified Expert Witness Calif Superior Court; Certified Plumbing Engineer; Certified Fire Protection Specialist; Certified Plumb & Mech Inspector ICC/IAPMO; Certified Plumb & Mech Code Specialist - AICS.
4X Forensic Engineering Laboratories, Inc. 5262 Oceanus Dr Huntington Beach, CA 92649
Tel: (714) 450-8500
Fax: (714) 450-8599
Email: phil@4xforensic.com
Website: www.4xforensic.com
4x Forensic Engineering Laboratories is a full-service forensic engineering laboratory. We provide expert witness & analytical & testing services in the following areas:
FIRES & EXPLOSIONS: Electrical and gas product defect investigations, thermal & fire modeling & laboratory testing.
WATER LOSS: Materials, corrosion & failure analysis of plumbing products.
FAILURE ANALYSIS: Metallurgy, product testing & computerized stress analysis.
ACCIDENT RECONSTRUCTION: Automotive, trucks, construction equipment & premises liability.
L. Buffington, CSPOwner, American Safety Consulting
26035 Bouquet Canyon Rd, # 301 Santa Clarita, CA 91350
Tel: (213) 952-1308
Tel: (888) 828-1044, Email: gbuff46@yahoo.com
Expert Witness, Court Testimony & Litigation Support Services. Accident, Civil & Criminal Investigations. Exp all phases Construction; Underground Construction, Tunneling, Mining & Mills; Construction/mining equipment, cranes, fires/explosions, forklifts, ladders/ scaffolds & welding. P.I., Risk Assessment; CAL/OSHA, IIPP, OSHA, MSHA, NEC, NFPA, NRC Regs; Safety Training; Industl Safety. 30+ years experience Public & Private Sectors. Also offices in Florida, Kansas & Missouri.
John K. Tyson, JD, PE
AR TECH Forensic Experts, Inc.
18075 Ventura Blvd, Ste 209 Encino, CA 91316
Tel: (818) 317-1964
Email: johntysonpe@aol.com
Website: www.johntysonpe.com
BS; MS; JD; PE; Lic Eng Contractor; Reg Prof Eng
Accident reconstruction & safety analysis. Vehicular collision analysis (all types). Computer aided reconstruction & animation. 3D laser scanning. Point Cloud, 3D modeling & demonstrative exhibits. Pedestrian, bicycle accident investigation. Slips, Trips & Falls. Coefficient of Friction testing. Machinery/ design/safety analysis. Product defect evaluation. Code Analysis: premises liability, stairways, guardrails, lighting, glazing. Public safety consultant to numerous cities & theme parks. Over 15,000 investigations. Court testimony in civil & criminal cases over 33 years. Court appointed Forensic Expert. Fellow, American College of Forensic Examiners.
WEXCO - an aperture company
Contact: Brad P. Avritt, EVP-Construction, Safety, and Accident Reconstruction
1730 E. Holly Ave, Suite 720 El Segundo, CA 90245
Tel: (310) 306-3877
Fax: (310) 306-7480
Email: Brad.Avritt@aperturellc.com
Website: www.aperturellc.com
Litigation support & expert witness services for Personal Injury: slips & falls, code & safety violations, falls from height, safety engineering & construction accidents. Accident Reconstruction: Computer simulation/animation, automobile, pedestrian, motorcycle, truck, bicycle, braking distance, speed analysis & impact forces. Construction: all aspects including claims, delay impact analysis, contract disputes, CPM schedule analysis, construction defects, damage calculations, contractor’s performance, cost to repair, digital forensics.
See insert ad after page 16
John Shaw, PE
Water, Wastewater, Hydraulic & Forensic Engineering
John Shaw Consulting, LLC
Tel: (530) 550-1576
Email: john@shaweng.com
Website: www.shaweng.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: BS, Civil Engineering, PE
Water / wastewater / sewer industry - unique combination of operations & engineering background. Sanitary engineering: water (potable) & wastewater (industrial, domestic) treatment, conveyance, hydraulics, storage, reuse. Wastewater: treatment plants, disposal / reuse facilities, sewage lift station design, sewer collection systems, sludge treatment. Water projects: treatment plants, transmission pipelines, pump stations, pressure regulating stations, AWWA storage, reservoirs & swimming pools.
A & E Forensics
Steven Norris, AIA, GE, PE, HG, CEG, CASp, LEED
2121 Montiel Rd
San Marcos, CA 92069
Tel: (877) 839-7302
Email: steve@aeforensics.com
Website: aeforensics.com
• CA - Architect C30372, AIA
• CA - Civil Engineer
• CA - Geotechnical Engineer
• CA - Engineering Geologist
• CA - Hydrogeologist
• CA - Engineering/Building Contractor
• CA - Certified Access Specialist – ADA
• HI - Lic. Architect, OK – Prof. Eng.
• LEED Green Associate
• Architect, Engineer, Contractor: Standard of Care
• Retained over 200 times; Deposed over 100 times; Trial Testimony over 20 times
• Waterproofing, water intrusion, building envelope, zoning-setbacks, concrete performance, path of travel, structural analysis, earthquake-fire damage, plan analysis
• Landslides, retaining wall failure, settlement, flooding, grading, septic, expansive soils, mud flows, pavement distress, ground water evaluation, slope analysis
• Cost estimates, construction management, delay analysis, contracts
• Serving all California, Hawaii & Oklahoma
Mission Geoscience, Inc.
Contact: James R. Ashby, President 3972 Barranca Parkway, Suite J-450 Irvine, CA 92606
Tel: (949) 955-9086
Cell: (714) 270-6520
Email: jrashby@missiongeo.com
MISSION provides consulting expert witness & litigation support services in both the environmental & geotechnical sciences. Experienced (35+ years) Senior level professionals provide expertise in the areas of geology, hydrogeology, geotechnical/ construction defect, site assessment & due diligence, soil vapor, groundwater & soil remediation, landslides, faulting & mining exploration/reclamation.
Rod Bergen
23838 Pacific Coast Highway, #686 Malibu, CA 90265
Tel: (818) 591-7963
Email: rodbergen@live.com rodbergen@jps.net
BSEE, Reg Prof Engr (Control Systems), Electrical Calif Contr, HVAC, Plumbing, Gen’l Contr, UCLA Instructor in Solar Energy.)
Expert Witness in litigation requiring the evaluation of Solar Energy System’s performance, installation defects, design deficiencies & incident reconstruction. Managed the oldest So. Calif full service solar company (since 1975). Retained to teach Professional Engineers nation-wide in solar energy theory & application. Founding Director of the state Solar Energy Assn (CALSEIA). Knowledgeable in all related Solar engineering & construction trades. Experienced in expert witness deposition & trial testimonies.
Steven Norris, AIA, GE, PE, HG, CEG, CASp, LEED
2121 Montiel Rd
San Marcos, CA 92069
Tel: (877) 839-7302
Email: steve@aeforensics.com
Website: aeforensics.com
• CA - Architect C30372, AIA
• CA - Civil Engineer
• CA - Geotechnical Engineer
• CA - Engineering Geologist
• CA - Hydrogeologist
• CA - Engineering/Building Contractor
• CA - Certified Access Specialist – ADA
• HI - Lic. Architect, OK – Prof. Eng.
• LEED Green Associate
• Architect, Engineer, Contractor: Standard of Care
• Retained over 200 times; Deposed over 100 times; Trial Testimony over 20 times
• Waterproofing, water intrusion, building envelope, zoning-setbacks, concrete performance, path of travel, structural analysis, earthquake-fire damage, plan analysis
• Landslides, retaining wall failure, settlement, flooding, grading, septic, expansive soils, mud flows, pavement distress, ground water evaluation, slope analysis
• Cost estimates, construction management, delay analysis, contracts
• Serving all California, Hawaii & Oklahoma
Jim Farasatpour, MS, PE, SEJim
Consulting Civil & Structural Engineers
12016 Wilshire Blvd, Ste 3
Los Angeles, CA 90025
Tel: (310) 447-0878
Cell: (310) 666-4643
Email: JimFara@verizon.net
BS Civil Engineering; MS Structural Engineering; Reg PE/SE: Civ/Str, CA; Earthquake Eng; Proj/Const Mgmt.
Expert witness & technical support: new construction & existing buildings. Litigation related to construction (defects, personal injuries, code compliance & violation, design & development, repair, alteration, renovation, cost estimate/analysis, etc.)
Damage assessment & field investigation (earthquake, hurricane, flood, fire, blast, riot, etc.) Specialty in post-earthquake evaluation & safety assessment. Seismic analysis & design for new & rehabilitation of existing buildings (including current Ordinances). More than 40 years of experience in low to high-rise structures in steel, concrete, masonry & wood for commercial, residential, industrial, institutional & public facilities. Expert project/construction management services. Past projects include office bldgs., multifamily, apartments, single family residential, schools, sports facilities, parking structures, steel towers, bridges and other structures & improvements.
Josephson-Werdowatz & Associates, Inc.
Contact: Carl H. Josephson, SE
Dan R. Werdowatz, SE
Stephen P. Kerr, SE 10815 Rancho Bernardo Rd., Suite 310 San Diego, CA 92127-2189
Tel: (858) 558-2181
Fax: (858) 558-2188
Email: cjosephson@jwa-se.com
Email: dwerdowatz@jwa-se.com
Email: skerr@jwa-se.com
Website: www.jwa-se.com
Add’l offices in Scottsdale, Arizona; Las Vegas, Nevada; and Sacramento, California
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: SE (AZ, CA, HI, IL, LA, MA, NV, OR, UT, WA); PE (CO, CT, FL, ID, IN, KS, KY, MD, MI, MO, MS, NJ, NM, NY, ND, OH, SC, TX, WV, WI)
Established in 1988; licensed in 30 states. Structural design & construction defect investigations, evaluations. Wood, masonry, steel & concrete structures. Seismic & wind design. Code review & analysis. Experts in over 1,500 cases nationwide and abroad. 3D graphics & animations. ADR.
Pacific Structural & Forensic Engineers Global
See display ad below
Traffic / Highway
William Kunzman, PE
1111 Town & Country Rd, #34 Orange, CA 92868
Tel: (714) 904-2821
Email: williamkunzman@gmail.com
Website: www.traffic-expert.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: BS, Eng, UCLA 1967; Registered Traffic Engineer (CA)
Traffic expert witness, auto accidents. Largest settlement $2 million in solo vehicle accident case against Caltrans. Largest verdict $12.2 million in crosswalk case against Caltrans. 2nd largest verdict $10.3 million in pedestrian accident case against LA Unified School District
Largest zero $ DEFENSE cases:
2 over $10 million. Formerly employed by the LA County Road Dept, Riverside County Road Dept, City of Irvine, Federal Highway Admin. Knowledge of governmental agency procedures, design, geometrics, signs, traffic controls, maintenance, construction traffic, pedestrian crossings & pedestrian barriers. 6 publications. Mbr ITE/ASCE/FCAOC/YBHT.
Shakir Shatnawi
Shatec Engineering
Consultants, LLC
7064 Tarvisio Way
El Dorado Hills, CA 95762
Tel: (916) 990-6488
Cell: (916) 790-1158
Email: sshatnawi@shatec.net
Website: www.shatec.net
PhD, MS, BS/Professional Engineers LicenseCivil Engineering
Specialties: Highway Engineering, Transportation Engineering & Parking; construction defects, failures, specifications & disputes; Traffic Engineering, speed requirements and driver reaction; Highway safety, road hazards & obstructions; Traffic accidents including automobiles, motorcycles & bicycles; Pavement standards, construction, maintenance and repairs; Accident Reconstruction - skid & forensic analysis; Materials including asphalt, concrete & soils; Road Defects - cracking, potholes, friction & loose gravel; Road geometric standards - sight distance & clear recovery.
Todd P. Leavitt
Tulip Media, Ltd.
421 20th St
Santa Monica, CA 90402
Tel: (310) 451-7735
Fax: (310) 395-2006
Email: tpl@tulipmedia.net
Website: www.tulipmedia.net
AB, Kenyon College; JD, New York University School of Law, Admitted to practice law in New York
Entertainment: film, television, digital media; implied contracts; lost & future earnings; right of publicity; reality & scripted production; profit definitions; accounting; domestic/international distribution; intellectual property valuation.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Pre-eminent expert on successful franchises such as: “CSI,” “Hannah Montana,” “The Apprentice,” “Frasier,” “America’s Most Wanted,” “Judge Judy,” “The Walking Dead,” “MacGyver.”
Previous Positions/Appointments: President, Academy of Television Arts & Sciences; Chairman, Alliance Productions; EVP, NBC Studios; Vice Chair, IFTA.
Honors/Awards: Recipient, Tom Dowd Lifetime Achievement Award.
Phillips, Fractor & Co, LLC
Contact: G. Michael Phillips, PhD
3452 E. Foothill Blvd, Ste 220 Pasadena, CA 91107
Tel: (626) 744-3540
Email: contactpfc@rule26.com
Website: www.phillipsfractor.com
PhDs, Economics; Ed.D; MBA; CPA; CFA; CPA/ABV
Economic losses, lost profits, contract damages, employment economics, wrongful termination, class action and mass tort analysis, valuation of earnings & benefits; wrongful injury and wrongful death, medical malpractice; financial valuation, investment analysis, “what if” analysis, statistical analysis & modeling, intellectual property, compensation issues, including executive compensation; entertainment industry; construction defects; sampling & surveys; database construction & analysis; family business; forensic accounting including lost profits and business valuation, and custom research.
General Pacific EH&S Services
See display ad below
(800) 530-9774
Philip T. Tringale, PhD, PE
Senior Consultant
Langan Engineering & Environmental Services, Inc.
515 Flower Street, Suite 2860 Los Angeles, CA 90071
Tel: (213) 314-8100 (Main)
Tel: (510) 874-7011 (Direct)
Cell: (925) 997-4964
Email: ptringale@langan.com
Website: www.langan.com
Professional Engineer (PE) in CA, NY | Ph.D., Civil Engineering, University of California, Berkeley | M.Eng., Civil Engineering, University of California, Berkeley | M.S., Civil Engineering (Engineering Geology), Drexel University, Philadelphia | B.S., Civil Engineering, Northeastern University, Boston
Site Assessment and Remediation Program
Direction | Mergers & Acquisitions Assistance | Public Participation Programs | Regulatory Agency Interaction | Litigation Support for Litigation involving Source Identification, Nature and Extent of Contamination, Cost Allocation, and Compliance with the National Contingency Plan
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Philip T. Tringale, PhD, PE is a registered Professional Civil Engineer with over 30 years of environmental consulting experience. Dr. Tringale has served in senior technical and management positions throughout his 40-year professional career. With experience gained from a start-up consulting firm as well as from well-established engineering companies, he continues to focus his energies on leading technical projects and overseeing technical and geographic expansion activities.
Mission Geoscience, Inc.
Contact: James R. Ashby, President
3972 Barranca Parkway, Suite J-450 Irvine, CA 92606
Tel: (949) 955-9086
Cell: (714) 270-6520
Email: jrashby@missiongeo.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: MS; PhD; PG; CEG; CHg; CAC; CIH; RCE; GE
MISSION provides consulting expert witness & litigation support services in both the environmental & geotechnical sciences. Experienced (35+ years) Senior level professionals provide expertise in the areas of geology, hydrogeology, geotechnical/ construction defect, site assessment & due diligence, soil vapor, groundwater & soil remediation, landslides, faulting & mining exploration/reclamation.
Jeremy R. Squire, PE
Murex Environmental, Inc.
1 Corporate Park, Ste 101 Irvine, CA 92869
Tel: (714) 508-0800
Email: jeremysquire@murexenv.com
Website: www.murexenv.com
Civil/Environmental P.E. (CA, 2006); M.S. Civil/ Environmental (CSUF, 2006)
Sapphos Environmental, Inc.
Contact: Marie Campbell, Principal
430 N. Halstead St Pasadena, CA 91107
Tel: (626) 683-3547
Fax: (626) 628-1745
Website: www.sapphosenvironmental.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: Master of Arts, Geography. Geomorphology/ Biogeography, University of California, Los Angeles
Environmental Consulting; Environmental Compliance (CEQA; NEPA); Biological Resource Management; Cultural Resources; Hazardous Materials & GIS; SWPPP; construction monitoring; permitting.
Margaret R. Eggers, PhD, PG, CHG
Eggers Environmental, Inc. P.O. Box 4484 Oceanside, CA 92052
Tel: (760) 757-7711
Email: meggers@eggersenv.com
Website: www.eggersenv.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: PhD, Geology/Sedimentology; BS, MS Geology; Reg Hydrogeologist (CA); Reg Geologist (CA, AR)
Expert testimony, mediation representation, litigation support & technical consultation on issues of soil &/or groundwater contamination; geology & hydrogeology; contaminant source evaluation & timing; nature & extent of contamination; toxic tort litigation related to soil & groundwater contamination; cost recovery; cost allocation incl muti-owner properties or PRP groups; 3rd party review incl site assessment & investigation docs.
Site assessment and remediation; vapor intrusion/mitigation; risk assessment & site closure; hexavalent chromium, PFAS, PCE, insurance, and environmental litigation.
Langan Engineering & Environmental Services, Inc.
515 Flower Street, Suite 2860
Los Angeles, CA 90071
Tel: (213) 314-8100 (Main)
Tel: (510) 874-7011 (Direct)
Cell: (925) 997-4964
Email: ptringale@langan.com
Website: www.langan.com
Professional Engineer (PE) in CA, NY | Ph.D., Civil Engineering, University of California, Berkeley | M.Eng., Civil Engineering, University of California, Berkeley | M.S., Civil Engineering (Engineering Geology), Drexel University, Philadelphia | B.S., Civil Engineering, Northeastern University, Boston
Site Assessment and Remediation Program
Direction | Mergers & Acquisitions Assistance
Joel Mark 919 Box Canyon Trl Palm Desert, CA 92211
Tel: (805) 701-7731
Fax: (760) 772-6665
Email: jmark4law@gmail.com
Website: www.joelmarkesq.com
UC Berkeley (AB, 1969); UC Hastings College of Law (JD, 1972); Admitted CA 1972; CA, 1994
Business Litigation, Intellectual Property, Commercial Law, Professional Liability, Banking.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: 130+ engagements in Attorney Fee Disputes; Attorney Ethics, Attorney Malpractice (Litigation).
Birthdate: 1947 Birthplace: Los Angeles
Eurofins EAG Materials Science, LLC
Contact: Dana Medlin, PhD
VP-Metallurgical Engineering
250 N. Nash St
El Segundo, CA 90245
Tel: (310) 322-2011
Fax: (310) 322-2243
Email: danamedlin@eurofinsEAG.com
Website: www.EAG.com
PhD’s: Materials & Metallurgy, Chemistry
Materials & failure analysis, product liability & patent infringement, metals, composites, plastics, polymers, thin films. Airplanes, autos, helicopters, motorcycles, consumer products, medical devices, prosthesis & implants & electronic components. Analysis of failures due to fatigue, overstress, corrosion, wear or material/mfg defects.
See display ad page 92
Nikhil Kar, PhD, PE
Senior Managing Consultant
| Public Participation Programs
| Regulatory Agency Interaction | Litigation Support for Litigation involving Source Identification, Nature and Extent of Contamination, Cost Allocation, and Compliance with the National Contingency Plan
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience:
Philip T. Tringale, PhD, PE is a registered Professional Civil Engineer with over 30 years of environmental consulting experience. Dr. Tringale has served in senior technical and management positions throughout his 40-year professional career. With experience gained from a start-up consulting firm as well as from well-established engineering companies, he continues to focus his energies on leading technical projects and overseeing technical and geographic expansion activities.
Jeremy R. Squire, PE
Murex Environmental, Inc.
1 Corporate Park, Ste 101 Irvine, CA 92869
Tel: (714) 508-0800
Email: jeremysquire@ murexenv.com
Website: www.murexenv.com
Civil/Environmental P.E. (CA, 2006); M.S. Civil/ Environmental (CSUF, 2006)
Site assessment and remediation; vapor intrusion/mitigation; risk assessment & site closure; hexavalent chromium, PFAS, PCE, insurance, and environmental litigation.
Previous Positions/Appointments: CA State Bar Committee on Mandatory Fee Arbitration; California State Bar Committee on Professional Responsibility & Conduct; Appointed Expert Consultant by LA County Superior Court; State Bar MFA Presiding Arbitrator (2009-2012); State Bar of California Special Deputy Trial Counsel for Disciplinary Matters (2010-present).
Membership in Professional Societies: LACBA; State Bar of CA.
4X Forensic Engineering Laboratories, Inc.
5262 Oceanus Dr Huntington Beach, CA 92649
Tel: (714) 450-8500
Fax: (714) 450-8599
Email: phil@4xforensic.com
Website: www.4xforensic.com
4x Forensic Engineering Laboratories is a full-service forensic engineering laboratory. We provide expert witness & analytical & testing services in the following areas:
FIRES & EXPLOSIONS: Electrical and gas product defect investigations, thermal & fire modeling & laboratory testing.
WATER LOSS: Materials, corrosion & failure analysis of plumbing products.
FAILURE ANALYSIS: Metallurgy, product testing & computerized stress analysis.
ACCIDENT RECONSTRUCTION: Automotive, trucks, construction equipment & premises liability.
KARS’ Testing & Research Labs – a Division of ESi
2528 W Woodland Dr
Anaheim, CA 92801
Tel: (714) 527-7100
Cell: (714)-726-1746
Fax: (714) 527-7169
Email: nkkar@engsys.com
Website: www.engsys.com
B.S., M.S., Ph.D., (Mechanical Engineering); Registered Professional Mechanical Engineer; Registered Professional Metallurgical Engineer; Current Teaching Faculty Member at the University of Southern California.
Failure Analysis/Product Liability and Product Defects. Automotive, aerospace and vehicle component failures, bearing failures. Implant failures, weld fractures, polymers and polymer composite fractures.
See display ad page 115
Pro/Consul Technical & Medical Experts
1945 Palo Verde Ave, Ste 200 Long Beach, CA 90815-3443
Tel: (800) 392-1119
Fax: (562) 799-8821
Email: expert@expertinfo.com
Website: www.expertinfo.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: MD; PhD; JD; CPA; DDS; RN, etc.
15,000 Experts incl: acc recon; acctg; auto engr; biomech, busn val; const; econ; elec; eng; failure analysis; human fac; ins; lighting; marine; metal; medmal; mech; MD’s; RN’s; roof; safety; security; SOC; tax & many more.
Right Expert Right Away!® We welcome your RUSH cases! We feature a full roster of Technical and Medical expert witnesses. Our goal is to provide you with the best experts at a reasonable cost. Free Resume Binder. Put us to the test - we look forward to your call!
Listed and Recommended by the A.M. Best Company.
See display ads on pages 42, 85, 124 and inside front cover
Randy Phares, President Dr. Box Consulting, Inc.
15504 N. 169th Ave
Surprise, AZ 85388
Cell: (775) 443-5529
Email: drbox@live.com
Website: mypackagingexpert.com
Packaging, manufacturing, distribution, warehousing, shipping, load securement, safety, intellectual property, forklifts, pallet jacks, pallets, packing, crates, strapping, transportation, corrugated, folding cartons, plastic, design, lean manufacturing, procurement, purchasing, logistics.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Full time Consultant/Expert Witness since 2010; Assisted in over 20 cases as an Expert Witness. Provided forensic analysis, expert reports, depositions and court testimony for both plaintiffs and defendants. Expert Witness and Consultant in packaging, manufacturing, distribution, warehousing, shipping, procurement and intellectual property.
Employment Prior to Consulting: Previous Positions/Appointments: Multi-plant GM for TIN Inc., Advisory Board Paperboard Packaging Magazine, President – South Texas Mfg Assoc., Packaging Consulting Council –TAPPI, Vice Chair – Pkg Consultants Council - IOPP, President – Paperboard Pkg Grp, Vice Chair - ASQ, member ASTM.
Honors/Awards: Best Achievement of Organizational Business Improvement in Manufacturing given by the Global Six-Sigma and Business Improvement Awards and others.
Publications: Writer or featured in over 60 publications. Author of “A Paper Based Packaging Design Guide”, CNS Media (Innova), (online book) 2019.
4X Forensic Engineering Laboratories, Inc.
5262 Oceanus Dr
Huntington Beach, CA 92649
Tel: (714) 450-8500
Fax: (714) 450-8599
Email: phil@4xforensic.com
Website: www.4xforensic.com
4x Forensic Engineering Laboratories is a full-service forensic engineering laboratory. We provide expert witness & analytical & testing services in the following areas:
FIRES & EXPLOSIONS: Electrical and gas product defect investigations, thermal & fire modeling & laboratory testing.
WATER LOSS: Materials, corrosion & failure analysis of plumbing products.
FAILURE ANALYSIS: Metallurgy, product testing & computerized stress analysis.
ACCIDENT RECONSTRUCTION: Automotive, trucks, construction equipment & premises liability.
Eurofins EAG Materials Science, LLC
See display ad below
Materials and Metallurgy
Arun Kumar, Ph.D., Jim Curiel
Dana Medlin, Ph.D., P.E., FASM
Kin-Ling Sham, Ph.D.
Naresh J. Kar, PhD, PE
Sr. Managing Consultant/Lab Manager
KARS’ Testing & Research Labs – A Division of ESi
2528 W Woodland Dr
Anaheim, CA 92801
Tel: (714) 527-7100 Ext: 102
Cell: (714) 677-7550
Fax: (714) 527-7169
Email: njkar@engsys.com
Website: www.engsys.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: PhD Metallurgical Eng; Reg Prof Metallurgical Eng
43 years professional experience: failure analysis & product liability. Automotive & plumbing failures. Welding, corrosion, wear failures. Plastics, tires, glass failures. Legal & courtroom experience. Fellow, ASM (American Society for Metals). Fellow, American College of Forensic Examiners.
See display ad page 115
Nikhil Kar, PhD, PE
Senior Managing ConsultantKARS’ Testing & Research Labs – a Division of ESi
2528 W Woodland Dr
Anaheim, CA 92801
Tel: (714) 527-7100
Cell: (714)-726-1746
Fax: (714) 527-7169
Email: nkkar@engsys.com
Website: www.engsys.com
B.S., M.S., Ph.D., (Mechanical Engineering); Registered Professional Mechanical Engineer; Registered Professional Metallurgical Engineer; Current Teaching Faculty Member at the University of Southern California.
Failure Analysis/Product Liability and Product Defects. Automotive, aerospace and vehicle component failures, bearing failures. Implant failures, weld fractures, polymers and polymer composite fractures.
See display ad page 115
4X Forensic Engineering Laboratories, Inc. 5262 Oceanus Dr Huntington Beach, CA 92649
Tel: (714) 450-8500
Fax: (714) 450-8599
Email: phil@4xforensic.com
Website: www.4xforensic.com
4x Forensic Engineering Laboratories is a full-service forensic engineering laboratory. We provide expert witness & analytical & testing services in the following areas:
FIRES & EXPLOSIONS: Electrical and gas product defect investigations, thermal & fire modeling & laboratory testing.
WATER LOSS: Materials, corrosion & failure analysis of plumbing products.
FAILURE ANALYSIS: Metallurgy, product testing & computerized stress analysis.
ACCIDENT RECONSTRUCTION: Automotive, trucks, construction equipment & premises liability.
Roy Weinstein, Managing Director
3760 Kilroy Airport Way, Suite 120 Long Beach, CA 90806
Tel: (213) 629-2655
Fax: (213) 688-8899
Email: rweinstein@micronomics.com
Website: www.micronomics.com
Additional Contacts: Robert Mills, Director Nels Pearsall, Director Kenneth E. Romig, Director Jimmy Ferioli, Principal Chris Harris, Principal Peter Quies, Principal Ryan Smart, Principal Megan Fasules Todd, Principal
Patent damages and intellectual property; employment litigation; insurance litigation; sports & entertainment; economic impact studies; surveys and statistical analyses; financial markets & event studies.
Phillips, Fractor & Co, LLC
Contact: G. Michael Phillips, PhD
3452 E. Foothill Blvd, Ste 220 Pasadena, CA 91107
Tel: (626) 744-3540
Email: contactpfc@rule26.com
Website: www.phillipsfractor.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: PhDs, Economics; Ed.D; MBA; CPA; CFA; CPA/ABV
Economic losses, lost profits, contract damages, employment economics, wrongful termination, class action and mass tort analysis, valuation of earnings & benefits; wrongful injury and wrongful death, medical malpractice; financial valuation, investment analysis, “what if” analysis, statistical analysis & modeling, intellectual property, compensation issues, including executive compensation; entertainment industry; construction defects; sampling & surveys; database construction & analysis; family business; forensic accounting including lost profits and business valuation, and custom research.
Advisors/Experts @ MCS Associates, Banking & Financial Svcs Consultants
13681 Newport Ave, Ste 8-387 Tustin, CA 92780
Tel: (949) 263-8700
Fax: (949) 263-0770
Email: experts@mcsassociates.com
Website: www.mcsassociates.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: MBAs; PhDs; CPAs; CFAs
Nationwide consulting/expert witness company (est. 1973) in Banking, Finance, Insurance, Real Estate and related Damages, Economics & Valuations: BANKING Operations/
Administration, Check fraud, Regulatory issues, Compliance; LENDING (all types): Underwriting, Servicing, policies/practice, Foreclosures & Workouts. FINANCE: Securities, Investments & Brokerage, Trusts & Fiduciaries, Investment Banking, Corp Finance; REAL ESTATE: Lending, Brokerage, Title / Escrow, Property Management; INSURANCE (all types): Coverage, Claims, Broker/Agent functions; DAMAGES & ACCOUNTING: Economics, Valuations / Appraisals, Forensic Accounting.
Robert C Rosen
Rosen & Associates
See display ad below
Ben Tisa – FBI Retired
Ben Tisa and Associates
Expert Witness Consultants
2269 Chestnut Street, #161 San Francisco, CA 94123
Cell: (925) 963-3984
Fax: (925) 984-2567
Email: expertwitness@bentisa.com
Website: www.catt-online.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: Court-certified ballistic expert | FBI-certified firearms/range master for service rifled, sniper rifles, submachine guns, semi-automatic pistols and revolvers | FBI and USMC ballistic instructor
Specialties: Police procedures and practices | Firearm and ballistics | Officer involved shootings | Negligent-security casinos/schools/public parades/retail stores
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: 44 years from 1969 at FBI, and to 2022 as independent consultant.
Member of the California Association of Tactical Trainers.
See display ad page 95
4X Forensic Engineering Laboratories, Inc.
5262 Oceanus Dr Huntington Beach, CA 92649
Tel: (714) 450-8500
Fax: (714) 450-8599
Email: phil@4xforensic.com
Website: www.4xforensic.com
4x Forensic Engineering Laboratories is a full-service forensic engineering laboratory. We provide expert witness & analytical & testing services in the following areas:
FIRES & EXPLOSIONS: Electrical and gas product defect investigations, thermal & fire modeling & laboratory testing.
WATER LOSS: Materials, corrosion & failure analysis of plumbing products.
FAILURE ANALYSIS: Metallurgy, product testing & computerized stress analysis.
ACCIDENT RECONSTRUCTION: Automotive, trucks, construction equipment & premises liability.
2269 Chestnut Street #161 • San Francisco, CA 94123
Cell: (925) 963-3984 • Fax: (925) 984-2567
• bentisa@catt-online.com
California Association of Tactical Trainers
1988 - 2022
Expert witness consultation, depositions and court testimony involving litigation issues per CV, regarding law enforcement policy procedures, practices and training for patrol officers, special SWAT teams, investigative agents, Supervisors, Command staff, and facility security officers. Force Science Institute expert witness and SEAK Expert Witness Certifications-Court certified firearm ballistic expert-Alameda County Superior Court.
1995 - 2022
Owner - California Association of Tactical Trainers, LLC. This company is structured to provide law enforcement and public safety training through the California State law enforcement training program and on contract directly with various agencies. Formerly engaged in presenting courses of instruction through various Criminal Justice Training Centers located in the western United States.
Randy Phares, President Dr. Box Consulting, Inc.
15504 N. 169th Ave
Surprise, AZ 85388
Cell: (775) 443-5529
Email: drbox@live.com
Website: mypackagingexpert.com
Packaging, manufacturing, distribution, warehousing, shipping, load securement, safety, intellectual property, forklifts, pallet jacks, pallets, packing, crates, strapping, transportation, corrugated, folding cartons, plastic, design, lean manufacturing, procurement, purchasing, logistics.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience:
Full time Consultant/Expert Witness since 2010; Assisted in over 20 cases as an Expert Witness. Provided forensic analysis, expert reports, depositions and court testimony for both plaintiffs and defendants. Expert Witness and Consultant in packaging, manufacturing, distribution, warehousing, shipping, procurement and intellectual property.
• Negligent Security Involving Casinos/Schools/Parades/ Retail Business
• Use of Force
• Officer Involved Shootings
• Force Management Review
• Threat Assessment Procedures
• Firearms and Weapons Tactics
• Defensive Tactics
• Less-Lethal and Impact Weapons
• Arrest and Control Procedures
• Prisoner/Inmate Control
• Patrol Officer Tactics
• Plain Clothes Officer Tactics
• Negotiation Team Tactics
• SWAT Team Operations
• SWAT and Patrol Gun Belt and Rifle Sling and LB Vest Rigging
• External Ballistics and Projectile Trajectories and Terminal Ballistic Reconstruction Examinations
• Chemical Agents Insertion Tactics
Employment Prior to Consulting: Previous Positions/Appointments: Multi-plant GM for TIN Inc., Advisory Board Paperboard Packaging Magazine, President – South Texas Mfg Assoc., Packaging Consulting Council –TAPPI, Vice Chair – Pkg Consultants Council - IOPP, President – Paperboard Pkg Grp, Vice Chair - ASQ, member ASTM.
Honors/Awards: Best Achievement of Organizational Business Improvement in Manufacturing given by the Global Six-Sigma and Business Improvement Awards and others.
Publications: Writer or featured in over 60 publications. Author of “A Paper Based Packaging Design Guide”, CNS Media (Innova), (online book) 2019.
• Command Post Operations
• Patrol Supervisor First Responder Procedures
• Sniper Team Operations
• Incident Command and Control Procedures
• Critical Incident Management
• Psychology and Physiology of Behavior in Critical Incidents
• Warrant Service
• Hostage Rescue Procedures
• Aircraft, Ship and Oil Platform Recovery
• Security/Guard Staff Procedures
• Negligent Security/Vulnerability Assessments and Procedures
• Helicopter Insertion Tactics
• Forced Breaching Methods and Procedures
• VIP Protection
• Rapel and Fastrope Insertion Tactics
A & E Forensics
Steven Norris, AIA, GE, PE, HG, CEG, CASp, LEED
2121 Montiel Rd
San Marcos, CA 92069
Tel: (877) 839-7302
Email: steve@aeforensics.com
Website: aeforensics.com
• CA - Architect C30372, AIA
• CA - Civil Engineer
• CA - Geotechnical Engineer
• CA - Engineering Geologist
• CA - Hydrogeologist
• CA - Engineering/Building Contractor
• CA - Certified Access Specialist – ADA
• HI - Lic. Architect, OK – Prof. Eng.
• LEED Green Associate
• Architect, Engineer, Contractor: Standard of Care
• Retained over 200 times; Deposed over 100 times; Trial Testimony over 20 times
• Waterproofing, water intrusion, building envelope, zoning-setbacks, concrete performance, path of travel, structural analysis, earthquake-fire damage, plan analysis
• Landslides, retaining wall failure, settlement, flooding, grading, septic, expansive soils, mud flows, pavement distress, ground water evaluation, slope analysis
• Cost estimates, construction management, delay analysis, contracts
• Serving all California, Hawaii & Oklahoma
Mission Geoscience, Inc.
Contact: James R. Ashby, President 3972 Barranca Parkway, Suite J-450 Irvine, CA 92606
Tel: (949) 955-9086
Cell: (714) 270-6520
Email: jrashby@missiongeo.com
MS; PhD; PG; CEG; CHg; CAC; CIH; RCE; GE Specialties:
MISSION provides consulting expert witness & litigation support services in both the environmental & geotechnical sciences. Experienced (35+ years) Senior level professionals provide expertise in the areas of geology, hydrogeology, geotechnical/ construction defect, site assessment & due diligence, soil vapor, groundwater & soil remediation, landslides, faulting & mining exploration/reclamation.
Barry L. Posner
Posner Healthcare
Tel: (310) 903-7987
Email: blionelp@gmail.com
Degrees/Licenses/ Certifications:
MS Health Care Administration, CSUN; BS Healthcare Finance, CSUN; AS Math/Science, College of the Canyons
Medical Billing & Claims Analyses | Healthcare Economics Analyses | Medical Cost Trend Analyses | Managed Care Operations | Accountable Care Organizations | Medicare, Medicaid, and ACA Program Management | Provider Reimbursement & Incentive Strategies
Case Experience - Medical Billing Opinions: Levingston v DJ Trans, L.A. Sup Crt, Defense
Client: Berman Berman Berman Schneider & Lowary; Guzman, L.A. Cnty Sup Crt; Fagundes v Rosenberg Lodging, Fort Bend Cnty District Crt of TX, Plaintiff Client: Maron Marvel Bradley Anderson &Tardy; Bolton v J&C Construction, L.A. Sup Crt, Client: Berman
- Underwood, Sup Crt of AZ in Maricopa
Cnty, Client: Integrated Medical Evaluations; Zankiewicz v Mahal - San Joaquin Sup Crt, Client: Johnson Schachter Lewis; Solis v Cruz, L.A. Sup. Crt. Defense Client: Wolfe & Wyman; Ngo v Sierra Traffic Services, L.A. Sup. Crt. Client: Wolfe & Wyman; Pedro Cervantes, Sup Crt of AZ Client: Integrated Medical Evaluations; VanVolkinburg v Johnson, Clark Cnty, NV, 8th Jud Dist Crt, Client: Rhonda Long, Esq.; Paine v Valderamma, L.A. Sup Crt, Client: Wolfe & Wyman; Feidler, L.A. Cnty Sup Crt, Pasadena, Defense Client: Meier Law; Whitsitt v Safeway, Sup Crt of AZ in Maricopa Cnty, Defense Client: Rose Law Group; Tenorio v O’Reilly Auto Enter Sup Crt of AZ.
Author, “Take Control of Your Healthcare Costs”
Lawyers’ Mutual Insurance Company offers unique programs, specialty rates, credit card payments, instant financing and exclusive member benefits as part of your Lawyers’ Mutual professional liability policy making us the premier provider in California for the last five decades.
Lawyers’ Mutual offers free exclusive member benefits:
Increase the strength of your practice with free Fastcase legal research system. Increase the strength of your practice with free continuing legal education. Increase the strength of your practice with free lawyer-to-lawyer hotline. Increase the strength of your practice with free cyber coverage.
Strength is in our nature. Providing essential tools to ensure the longevity of your career.
Born to protect. As lawyers insuring lawyers, our focus is solely on protecting California law firms.
Protect yourself. Protect your clients. Protect your future.
Our strength is your insurance
Lawyers’ Mutual Insurance Company offers unique programs, specialty rates, credit card payments, instant financing and exclusive member benefits as part of your Lawyers’ Mutual professional liability policy making us the premier provider in California for the last five decades.
Lawyers’ Mutual offers free exclusive member benefits:
Increase the strength of your practice with free Fastcase legal research system. Increase the strength of your practice with free continuing legal education. Increase the strength of your practice with free lawyer-to-lawyer hotline. Increase the strength of your practice with free cyber coverage.
Strength is in our nature. Providing essential tools to ensure the longevity of your career.
Born to protect. As lawyers insuring lawyers, our focus is solely on protecting California law firms.
Protect yourself. Protect your clients. Protect your future.
Our strength is your insurance
Rod Bergen
23838 Pacific Coast Highway, #686 Malibu, CA 90265
Tel: (818) 591-7963
Email: rodbergen@live.com
Nationally certified Horseback Riding Instructor; Mounted Patrol Instr (L.A. Sheriff’s Dept); Pierce College Riding Inst; Recognized Clinician/Lecturer on Horse Related Issues. Degreed Engineer; Reg Prof Engr.
Horse behavior relating to personal injury & property damage, equine accident reconstruction, horse facility evaluations, riding equipment suitability, horsemanship safety standards. Equine problems & personal liability issues occurring during trail riding. Experienced in expert witness deposition and trial testimonies.
Fessel International Hospitality Consultants
Jeff McNeal
19 Suffolk Ave, Ste A Sierra Madre, CA 91024
Tel: (626) 566-3500
Tel: (818) 563-3552
Cell: (626) 993-8199
Email: jeff@fessel.com
Website: www.fessel.com
Additional Contact Phone: Tel: (877) 432-8380
Restaurant Management. Professional Member: Foodservice Consultants Society
International, Certified Food-service Management Professional, National Restaurant Association, California Restaurant Association & California Hotel/Motel Association
Foodservice operations expert in: Restaurants, Bars/Lounges, Cafeterias, Casinos, Catering, Clubs, Colleges, Food Courts, Hotels/Resorts & Studios. Experience in industry custom & trade practices, operation standards, profit enhancement, cost control management, P&L analysis, expert witness support/testimony, contract/lease negotiations, food safety & sanitation & most foodservice issues & operations, Parking issues and site selection. Experience includes: Amgen, Paul Hastings Janofsky & Walker, LA City Attorney & DWP, Morrison & Foerster & Embassy Suites. Published author in industry publications; seminar presenter: Who’s Who in California, Who’s Who in the West. Past president of California Restaurant Association. 35 yrs experience as an operator, consultant & expert witness.
P. GemberlingPerry Group International
455 S. Figueroa Street, Ste 3100 Los Angeles, CA 90071
Tel: (213) 266-7691
Fax: (213) 612-7797
Email: DPG@perrygroup.com
Website: www.perrygroup.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: CHA; CFBE; FMP; FCSI
Hotel, motels, resorts, restaurants, bars, nightclubs, mixed-used real estate; management, operations, customs and trade practices, industry standards of care, safety, security, upkeep, maintenance, employment, labor, construction of FF&E, landlord/tenant issues, agreements, contracts, economic impact, feasibility, income and profitability. Los Angeles and San Diego offices. Travel & Time from LA or SD.
Ira Spilky & Associates
Ira Spilky, President
16130 Ventura Blvd, #512
Encino, CA 91436
Tel: (310) 558-3241 (Office)
Cell: (310) 200-6177
Fax: (888) 588-5933
Email: ira@iraspilky.com
Website: www.iraspilky.com
BS Business Administration; MA Industrial Psychology. CA Real Estate Brokers License.
Restaurant Expert Witness in Real Estate landlord-tenant disputes, lease contract litigation, damages, loss of income & future earnings, buy-sell agreements, premise liability, royalty disputes, Intellectual Property, franchiser and franchisee contracts, bankruptcy, family, estate & partnership liquidation cases. Restaurant Appraisal & Valuation in Partnership creation & dissolution/ buyouts, Buy-sell decisions, joint venture plants, growth/expansion alternatives, workouts, Lease/purchase decisions, market valuation support, hard & soft FF&E assets, business opportunity purchase, land & building - fee simple, sale leaseback, financing & refinancing, sale-merger acquisition & insurance purposes.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Restaurant Appraisal & Valuation including Real Estate. Participated in many years of depositions, arbitration sessions collective bargaining and in trial. References, CV & Fee Schedule available upon request
Professional Societies:
California Assn of Realtors, National Assn of Realtors, California Restaurant Association, National Restaurant Assn, International Council of Restaurant Brokers, Assn of Commercial Real Estate Brokers, and International Council of Shopping Centers.
Maurice Robinson & Associates LLC
Maurice Robinson, President
28 Dover Pl
Manhattan Beach, CA 90266
Tel: (310) 640-9656
Fax: (310) 640-9276
Email: maurice@mauricerobinson.com
Website: www.mauricerobinson.com
Certified General Real Estate Appraiser, Arbitrator, Mediator
Hotels, resorts, golf, timeshares, gaming, commercial real estate, theme parks, damage estimates, appraisals, market feasibility, financial & economic analysis, testimony, leases, concessions, franchises.
General Advisors/Experts @ MCS Associates, Banking & Financial Svcs Consultants
13681 Newport Ave, Ste 8-387 Tustin, CA 92780
Tel: (949) 263-8700
Fax: (949) 263-0770
Email: experts@mcsassociates.com
Website: www.mcsassociates.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: MBAs; PhDs; CPAs; CFAs
Nationwide consulting/expert witness company (est. 1973) in Banking, Finance, Insurance, Real Estate and related Damages, Economics & Valuations: BANKING Operations/ Administration, Check fraud, Regulatory issues, Compliance; LENDING (all types): Underwriting, Servicing, policies/practice, Foreclosures & Workouts. FINANCE: Securities, Investments & Brokerage, Trusts & Fiduciaries, Investment Banking, Corp Finance; REAL ESTATE: Lending, Brokerage, Title / Escrow, Property Management; INSURANCE (all types): Coverage, Claims, Broker/Agent functions; DAMAGES & ACCOUNTING: Economics, Valuations / Appraisals, Forensic Accounting.
Kenneth A. Solomon, PhD, PE, Post PhD
Chief Scientist
5324 Canoga Ave
Woodland Hills, CA 91364
Tel: (818) 348-1133
Fax: (818) 348-4484
Email: kennethsolomon@mac.com
Website: www.irsa.us
PhD, Post PhD, PE,J.D.,BS, MS
Forensic Scientists - Diverse Technical Staff: IRSA Staff has over 460 person years of courtroom experience. Biomechanics; Reconstruction; Human Factors; Safety; Accident Prevention; Failure Analysis; Product Integrity; Liability; Testing; Warnings; Slip/Trip/ Fall; Premises; Construction Defect; OSHA Compliance; Bldg Codes; Fire Protection; Explosions; Firearms/Ballistics; Electrocutions/ Shocks; Structural; Recreational; Industrial; Criminal; Auto, Airbags, Aviation, Bicycle, Boating, Chair, Elevator, Escalator, Forklift, Gate, Golf Course, Ladder, Motorcycle, Nuclear, Press, Rollercoaster, Scaffolding, Seatbelts, Stairs, Swimming Pool, Truck; Simulations; Drone Use, 3D Models. Total staff size: 18.
Delores A. Conway, PhD Professor, Simon Business School, U of Rochester
Previously on Faculty at USC Marshall School of Business and U of Chicago Booth School of Business
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: BS, Math, Stat, U Wisconsin; MS/PhD Statistics, Stanford Univ; Assoc Dean, Simon Bus School, U of Rochester; Director, Real Estate Forecast, USC
Statistics, real estate analysis, econometrics, data analysis & sample surveys. Financial models, employment discrimination, forecasting, assessment of environmental pollution, analysis of medical data, economic analysis, insurance.
Over 30 years experience as a testifying expert with law firms in LA, NY, DC, San Diego and Chicago.
Mitchell L. Lathrop
Law Office of Mitchell L. Lathrop
600 W. Broadway St, Ste 500 San Diego, CA 92101-3357
Tel: (619) 955-5951
Fax: (619) 566-4034
Email: mllathrop@earthlink.net
Website: www.LathropADR.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: Lic in CA, DC & NY and before multiple federal courts.
Practice limited to mediation, arbitration & expert consulting and testimony in matters involving insurance, reinsurance or lawyers’ professional ethics & responsibilities.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Qualified as an expert in both state & federal courts on matters involving insurance & reinsurance. Former Presiding Referee of the State Bar Court.
Birthdate: 12/15/37 Birthplace: LA, CA
Education: BS, Engineering, US Naval Academy; JD, USC. Previous Positions/ Appointments: CV supplied upon request. Honors/Awards: Best Lawyers in America; Super Lawyers in CA & NY; Martindale A rated Publications: Insurance Coverage for Environmental Claims, Lexis-Nexis Martindale Hubbell. Membership in Professional Societies: AM Bd of Trial Advocates; ABA
Lawyers’ Mutual Insurance Company 3110 Empire Ave Burbank, CA 91504
Tel: (818) 565-5512
Email: info@lawyersmutual.com
Website: www.lawyersmutual.com
For over five decades, Lawyers’ Mutual Insurance Company has proudly been the leading provider of professional liability insurance for California lawyers. Our exceptional coverages are accompanied by exclusive member benefits such as free cyber endorsement, free continuing legal education, free Fastcase legal research tool and lawyer-to-lawyer hotline. We are committed to providing specialized and personalized services to our members. Join our member community to protect yourself, protect your clients and protect your future.
See insert ad after page 96
Insurance Archeologist, The See display ad page 99
Lola Hogan, CPCU, ARM, ARe
Lola Hogan Insurance Consulting LLC
1149 Seaview Ave Pacific Grove, CA 93950
Tel: (831) 402-4069
Email: lola@hogan-consulting.com
Website: www.lolahogan.com
Insurance Claims Handling; First & Third Party Bad Faith Commercial & Personal Lines; Casualty & Property.
Janice A. Ramsay, A Law Corporation 5 Saros Irvine, CA 92603
Tel: (949) 854-9375
Cell: (949) 400-5940
Email: janiceramsay1023@gmail.com
Website: www.JaniceARamsay.com
Licensed lawyer – California; Member ABA Tort and Insurance Section; Orange County Bar Association
Testifies to the customs and practices of the insurance industry in handling first party residential and commercial insurance claims.
Education: A.B. - Indiana University; J.D.–University of San Francisco
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Testified in insurance bad faith cases in both state and federal courts on numerous occasions.
Education and Background:
Education: A.B. - Indiana University; J.D. - University of San Francisco.
Previous Positions/Appointments: Practicing Lawyer for more than 40 years in the area of insurance law; ABA; CA Bar Assn; Orange County Bar Assn - Chair of Insurance Law Section 2014; Orange County Women Lawyers Assn - Board of Directors 2016-2018; Advisory Boards at I.U. and U.S.F.
Honors/Awards: OCBA Insurance Law Section Spotlight Attorney, Feb 2000; “Trailblazer” USF Law School, Spring 2017; Indiana University Bicentennial Medal-Distinguished Service.
White, Zuckerman, Warsavsky, Luna & Hunt, LLP
Contact: Barbara Luna, John Luna, Dean Atkinson, Venita McMorris & David Turner
15490 Ventura Blvd, Ste 300 Sherman Oaks, CA 91403
Tel: (818) 981-4226
Fax: (818) 981-4278
Email: expert@wzwlh.com
Website: www.wzwlh.com
4 Park Place
Irvine, CA 92614
Tel: (949) 219-9816,
Fax: (949) 219-9095
PhD’s; MBA’s; JD’s; CPA’s; Acc Sr Apprsrs; CVA’s; ABV’s; Cert Frd Examiners; CFF’s
Expert witness testimony for complex litigation involving damage analyses of lost profits, reasonable royalties, lost earnings, & lost value of business, forensic accounting, fraud investigation & investigative analysis of liability. Excellent communicators with extensive testimony exp. Prior Big Four accountants. Specialties include accounting, breach of contract, breach of fiduciary duty, business interruption, business dissolution, construction defects, delays & cost overruns, elder abuse, false advertising, family law, fraud, insurance bad faith, intellectual property including trademark, patent & copyright infringement, & trade secrets, lemon law, lender liability, misrepresentations, partnership disputes, personal injury, product liability, professional malpractice damages, punitive damages, real estate, securities, tracing, trusts & estates, unfair competition, valuation of businesses, wage & hour claims, white collar crime, & wrongful termination.
See display ad page 64
White, Zuckerman, Warsavsky, Luna & Hunt, LLP
Contact: Barbara Luna, John Luna, Dean Atkinson, Venita McMorris & David Turner 15490 Ventura Blvd, Ste 300 Sherman Oaks, CA 91403
Tel: (818) 981-4226
Fax: (818) 981-4278
Email: expert@wzwlh.com
Website: www.wzwlh.com
4 Park Place Irvine, CA 92614
Tel: (949) 219-9816, Fax: (949) 219-9095
PhD’s; MBA’s; JD’s; CPA’s; Acc Sr Apprsrs; CVA’s; ABV’s; Cert Frd Examiners; CFF’s
Expert witness testimony for complex litigation involving damage analyses of lost profits, reasonable royalties, lost earnings, & lost value of business, forensic accounting, fraud investigation & investigative analysis of liability. Excellent communicators with extensive testimony exp. Prior Big Four accountants. Specialties include accounting, breach of contract, breach of fiduciary duty, business interruption, business dissolution, construction defects, delays & cost overruns, elder abuse, false advertising, family law, fraud, insurance bad faith, intellectual property including trademark, patent & copyright infringement, & trade secrets, lemon law, lender liability, misrepresentations, partnership disputes, personal injury, product liability, professional malpractice damages, punitive damages, real estate, securities, tracing, trusts & estates, unfair competition, valuation of businesses, wage & hour claims, white collar crime, & wrongful termination.
See display ad page 64
Zivetz, Schwartz & Saltsman CPA’s
Contact: Lester J. Schwartz, CPA/CFF, Michael D. Saltsman, CPA, MBA 5990 Sepulveda Blvd, Ste 215 Sherman Oaks, CA 91411
Tel: (310) 826-1040
Fax: (310) 826-1065
Email: less@zss.com
Website: www.zsscpa.com
CPA’s & Appraisers
Accounting, malpractice, business interruption, business valuation & appraisal, commercial damages, contract disputes, economic analysis & damages, environmental cleanup cost, estate & trust accounting, forensic accounting, fraud, lost profits, marital dissolutions, partnership disputes, personal injury, royalties, shareholder disputes, tracing & wrongful termination.
See display ad page 22
Paramount Investigative Services, Inc.
Kenneth Childs President
633 E. 5th Street, 26thFloor Los Angeles, CA 90071
Tel: (877) 456-7726
Email: info@licensed-investigator.com
Website: www.licensed-investigator.com
Licensed Private Investigator | “CPI” Certified Professional Investigator | “CALI” California Association of Private Investigators | Expert Witness: Santa Monica Superior Court –Beachum vs Mendoza
Insurance Defense Investigations |
Surveillance | Statements | Locates | Witness Locates | Process Serving
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience:
Expert Witness: Santa Monica Superior Court – Beachum vs Mendoza
White, Zuckerman, Warsavsky, Luna & Hunt, LLP
Contact: Barbara Luna, John Luna, Dean Atkinson, Venita McMorris & David Turner
15490 Ventura Blvd, Ste 300 Sherman Oaks, CA 91403
Tel: (818) 981-4226
Fax: (818) 981-4278
Email: expert@wzwlh.com
Website: www.wzwlh.com
4 Park Place Irvine, CA 92614
Tel: (949) 219-9816,
Fax: (949) 219-9095
PhD’s; MBA’s; JD’s; CPA’s; Acc Sr Apprsrs; CVA’s; ABV’s; Cert Frd Examiners; CFF’s
Expert witness testimony for complex litigation involving damage analyses of lost profits, reasonable royalties, lost earnings, & lost value of business, forensic accounting, fraud investigation & investigative analysis of liability. Excellent communicators with extensive testimony exp. Prior Big Four accountants. Specialties include accounting, breach of contract, breach of fiduciary duty, business interruption, business dissolution, construction defects, delays & cost overruns, elder abuse, false advertising, family law, fraud, insurance bad faith, intellectual property including trademark, patent & copyright infringement, & trade secrets, lemon law, lender liability, misrepresentations, partnership disputes, personal injury, product liability, professional malpractice damages, punitive damages, real estate, securities, tracing, trusts & estates, unfair competition, valuation of businesses, wage & hour claims, white collar crime, & wrongful termination.
See display ad page 64
Gary Greenfield Litigation Cost Management
1736 Franklin St, Ste 700 Oakland, CA 94612
Tel: (510) 834-1555
Cell: (510) 882-1600
Fax: (510) 217-9700
Email: ggreenfield@litcost.com
Website: www.litcost.com
JD, UC Berkeley School of Law w/honors, Law Review; BA, Stanford (PBK); State Bar CA
Expert consultant/witness since 1991 re: legal fees & billing practices in complex litigation including patent/other IP litigation, insurance coverage, fee disputes, fee-shifting cases & other fee litigation; reasonableness, rates & allocation issues; legal bill & attorneys’ fees audits; oral testimony & written declarations/ reports; court-appointed special master for fee analysis. Prior background: 15 years experience handling all aspects of complex litigation.
Petru Corporation
Title, Natural Resources & Land Experts
Contact: Timothy B. Truwe, President 250 Hallock Dr, Ste 100 Santa Paula, CA 93060-9218
Tel: (805) 933-1398
Fax: (805) 933-1380
Email: Petru@PetruCorporation.com
Website: www.PetruCorporation.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: Reg Professional Landman
Full service land company. incl: title search; title reports; title engineering; oil, gas, mineral, geothermal, wind & solar consulting; water rights; rights of way; regulatory compliance & subdivisions. Petru has provided its services on muti-million dollar projects & matters involving court litigation. Featured on “Enterprises” TV show, aired on FOX Business Network. Published in “Black Gold in California” and “Corporate America (Business Elite).”
Certified Public Accountants
Contact: Jason A. Engel
350 S. Grand Avenue, Suite 3160 Los Angeles, CA 90071
Tel: (310) 277-2220
Fax: (310) 277-2212
Email: jasonengel@engelandengel.com
Website: www.engelandengel.com
Certified Public Accountant (CPA), Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE), Certified Insolvency and Restructuring Advisor (CIRA), Certified Valuation Analyst (CVA), Master Analyst in Financial Forensics (MAFF) and Accredited in Business Valuation (ABV).
Engel & Engel, LLP is a Los Angeles CPA firm engaged in the practice of forensic accounting for over 25 years. Mr. Engel has served as an expert witness in over 500 forensic accounting cases including expert testimony in connection with a jury award of $2.3 billion.
Mr. Engel has authored 20 research publications on the subjects of economic damages, fraudulent transfers, intellectual property, alter ego, business valuation, and employment damages. Experience and expertise includes complex business litigation matters including economic damages, financial fraud investigation, alter ego, fraudulent transfers, business valuation, bankruptcy and insolvency, intellectual property, construction, construction defects, real estate, employment, business interruption, business operations, partnership and corporate dissolutions, and accounting malpractice.
Nevium Intellectual Property Consultants
See display ad below
Nolte Analytics, LLC
Brian Nolte, Founder 700 S. Flower St, Ste 1000 Los Angeles, CA 90017
Tel: (213) 315-2700 (Office)
Tel: (213) 315-2707 (Direct)
Email: bnolte@nolteanalytics.com
Website: NolteAnalytics.com
Our Team includes experts with credentials from the most well-regarded organizations, including Certified Public Accountant (CPA), Accredited Senior Appraiser (ASA), Accredited in Business Valuation (ABV) and Certified Management Accountant (CMA).
Business and intangible asset appraisal, loss of business value, minority shareholder disputes, buy-sell agreements, commercial damages measurements, including, unjust enrichment, lost profits, disgorgement, breach of contract, business interruption, business interference, patent infringement, trademark infringement, copyright infringement, theft of trade secrets, reasonable royalties, employment claims, wrongful termination, wrongful death, personal injury, future lost earnings, loss of earnings capacity, loss of benefits, financial accounting, forensic accounting, royalty and compliance audits, fraud investigations.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Our Team includes experts with over 40 years’ experience. Our experience prevents false starts and avoidable errors, delivering more cost-effective results. Our Team includes experts with over 200 trial testimonies. We typically present our conclusions graphically, using a proprietary presentation system. As a result, we have an unequalled track record of judges and juries accepting our conclusion. See insert ad after page 24
Phillips, Fractor & Co, LLC
Contact: G. Michael Phillips, PhD 3452 E. Foothill Blvd, Ste 220 Pasadena, CA 91107 Tel: (626) 744-3540
Email: contactpfc@rule26.com
Website: www.phillipsfractor.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: PhDs, Economics; Ed.D; MBA; CPA; CFA; CPA/ABV
Economic losses, lost profits, contract damages, employment economics, wrongful termination, class action and mass tort analysis, valuation of earnings & benefits; wrongful injury and wrongful death, medical malpractice; financial valuation, investment analysis, “what if” analysis, statistical analysis & modeling, intellectual property, compensation issues, including executive compensation; entertainment industry; construction defects; sampling & surveys; database construction & analysis; family business; forensic accounting including lost profits and business valuation, and custom research.
White, Zuckerman, Warsavsky, Luna & Hunt, LLP
Contact: Barbara Luna, John Luna, Dean Atkinson, Venita McMorris & David Turner
15490 Ventura Blvd, Ste 300 Sherman Oaks, CA 91403
Tel: (818) 981-4226
Fax: (818) 981-4278
Email: expert@wzwlh.com
Website: www.wzwlh.com
4 Park Place Irvine, CA 92614
Tel: (949) 219-9816, Fax: (949) 219-9095
PhD’s; MBA’s; JD’s; CPA’s; Acc Sr Apprsrs; CVA’s; ABV’s; Cert Frd Examiners; CFF’s
Expert witness testimony for complex litigation involving damage analyses of lost profits, reasonable royalties, lost earnings, & lost value of business, forensic accounting, fraud investigation & investigative analysis of liability. Excellent communicators with extensive testimony exp. Prior Big Four accountants.
Specialties include accounting, breach of contract, breach of fiduciary duty, business interruption, business dissolution, construction defects, delays & cost overruns, elder abuse, false advertising, family law, fraud, insurance bad faith, intellectual property including trademark, patent & copyright infringement, & trade secrets, lemon law, lender liability, misrepresentations, partnership disputes, personal injury, product liability, professional malpractice damages, punitive damages, real estate, securities, tracing, trusts & estates, unfair competition, valuation of businesses, wage & hour claims, white collar crime, & wrongful termination.
See display ad page 64
Analysis Group, Inc.
Jeffrey H. Kinrich, Bruce A. Strombom 333 S. Hope St, 27th Fl Los Angeles, CA 90071
Tel: (213) 896-4500
Fax: (213) 623-4112
Website: www.analysisgroup.com
PhD, MBA, CPA, CFA, ABV in Econ, Finance, Acctg, Statistics
Analysis Group provides economic, financial & business strategy consulting to law firms, corporations & govt agencies. We assist law firms & their clients w/all aspects of litigation, incl pretrial discovery, damages estimation, economic & financial models, business valuation, prep of expert reports & testimony & critique of opposing experts. Areas of expertise incl antitrust, IP, securities, valuation, healthcare, entertainment, sports, energy, employment & general business litigation.
Cislo & Thomas LLP
Daniel M. Cislo, Esq. Managing Partner
12100 Wilshire Boulevard, Ste 1700 Los Angeles, CA 90025
Tel: (310) 979-9190
Email: dan@cislo.com
Website: www.cislo.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: B.S., System Engineering; Juris Doctorate
Specializing in patent, copyright, trademark clearance, filing, licensing and litigation matters for a wide range of complex technologies and consumer goods. Expertise in patent, trademark and copyright procedures and practices before the U.S. Patent Office, U.S. Trademark Office, Trademark Trial & Appeal Board and Domain Name Dispute Resolution. Membership in Professional Societies: LAIPLA; Federal Bar Association Board of Directors; Santa Monica Bar Association Past President; LA Copyright Society; Association of Business Trial Lawyers; American Bar Association; Member of the Lawyer Representatives’ Mediation Panel Selection Committee.
Engel & Engel LLP
Certified Public Accountants
Contact: Jason A. Engel
350 S. Grand Avenue, Suite 3160 Los Angeles, CA 90071
Tel: (310) 277-2220
Fax: (310) 277-2212
Email: jasonengel@engelandengel.com
Website: www.engelandengel.com
Certified Public Accountant (CPA), Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE), Certified Insolvency and Restructuring Advisor (CIRA), Certified Valuation Analyst (CVA), Master Analyst in Financial Forensics (MAFF) and Accredited in Business Valuation (ABV).
Engel & Engel, LLP is a Los Angeles CPA firm engaged in the practice of forensic accounting for over 25 years. Mr. Engel has served as an expert witness in over 500 forensic accounting cases including expert testimony in connection with a jury award of $2.3 billion.
Mr. Engel has authored 20 research publications on the subjects of economic damages, fraudulent transfers, intellectual property, alter ego, business valuation, and employment damages. Experience and expertise includes complex business litigation matters including economic damages, financial fraud investigation, alter ego, fraudulent transfers, business valuation, bankruptcy and insolvency, intellectual property, construction, construction defects, real estate, employment, business interruption, business operations, partnership and corporate dissolutions, and accounting malpractice.
Roy Weinstein, Managing Director
3760 Kilroy Airport Way, Suite 120 Long Beach, CA 90806
Tel: (213) 629-2655
Fax: (213) 688-8899
Email: rweinstein@micronomics.com
Website: www.micronomics.com
Additional Contacts:
Robert Mills, Director
Nels Pearsall, Director
Kenneth E. Romig, Director
Jimmy Ferioli, Principal
Chris Harris, Principal
Peter Quies, Principal
Ryan Smart, Principal
Megan Fasules Todd, Principal
Patent damages and intellectual property; employment litigation; insurance litigation; sports & entertainment; economic impact studies; surveys and statistical analyses; financial markets & event studies.
Contact: Barbara Luna, John Luna, Dean Atkinson, Venita McMorris & David Turner 15490 Ventura Blvd, Ste 300 Sherman Oaks, CA 91403
Tel: (818) 981-4226
Fax: (818) 981-4278
Email: expert@wzwlh.com
Website: www.wzwlh.com
4 Park Place Irvine, CA 92614
Tel: (949) 219-9816, Fax: (949) 219-9095
PhD’s; MBA’s; JD’s; CPA’s; Acc Sr Apprsrs; CVA’s; ABV’s; Cert Frd Examiners; CFF’s
Expert witness testimony for complex litigation involving damage analyses of lost profits, reasonable royalties, lost earnings, & lost value of business, forensic accounting, fraud investigation & investigative analysis of liability. Excellent communicators with extensive testimony exp. Prior Big Four accountants.
Specialties include accounting, breach of contract, breach of fiduciary duty, business interruption, business dissolution, construction defects, delays & cost overruns, elder abuse, false advertising, family law, fraud, insurance bad faith, intellectual property including trademark, patent & copyright infringement, & trade secrets, lemon law, lender liability, misrepresentations, partnership disputes, personal injury, product liability, professional malpractice damages, punitive damages, real estate, securities, tracing, trusts & estates, unfair competition, valuation of businesses, wage & hour claims, white collar crime, & wrongful termination.
See display ad page 64
Cislo & Thomas LLP
Daniel M. Cislo, Esq.
Managing Partner
12100 Wilshire Boulevard, Ste 1700
Los Angeles, CA 90025
Tel: (310) 979-9190
Email: dan@cislo.com
Website: www.cislo.com
B.S., System Engineering; Juris Doctorate
Specializing in patent, copyright, trademark clearance, filing, licensing and litigation matters for a wide range of complex technologies and consumer goods. Expertise in patent, trademark and copyright procedures and practices before the U.S. Patent Office, U.S. Trademark Office, Trademark Trial & Appeal Board and Domain Name Dispute Resolution.
Membership in Professional Societies: LAIPLA; Federal Bar Association Board of Directors; Santa Monica Bar Association Past President; LA Copyright Society; Association of Business Trial Lawyers; American Bar Association; Member of the Lawyer Representatives’ Mediation Panel Selection Committee.
Engel & Engel LLP
Certified Public Accountants
Contact: Jason A. Engel
350 S. Grand Avenue, Suite 3160 Los Angeles, CA 90071
Tel: (310) 277-2220
Fax: (310) 277-2212
Email: jasonengel@engelandengel.com
Website: www.engelandengel.com
Certified Public Accountant (CPA), Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE), Certified Insolvency and Restructuring Advisor (CIRA), Certified Valuation Analyst (CVA), Master Analyst in Financial Forensics (MAFF) and Accredited in Business Valuation (ABV).
Engel & Engel, LLP is a Los Angeles CPA firm engaged in the practice of forensic accounting for over 25 years. Mr. Engel has served as an expert witness in over 500 forensic accounting cases including expert testimony in connection with a jury award of $2.3 billion.
Mr. Engel has authored 20 research publications on the subjects of economic damages, fraudulent transfers, intellectual property, alter ego, business valuation, and employment damages. Experience and expertise includes complex business litigation matters including economic damages, financial fraud investigation, alter ego, fraudulent transfers, business valuation, bankruptcy and insolvency, intellectual property, construction, construction defects, real estate, employment, business interruption, business operations, partnership and corporate dissolutions, and accounting malpractice.
White, Zuckerman, Warsavsky, Luna & Hunt, LLP
Contact: Barbara Luna, John Luna, Dean Atkinson, Venita McMorris & David Turner 15490 Ventura Blvd, Ste 300 Sherman Oaks, CA 91403
Tel: (818) 981-4226
Fax: (818) 981-4278
Email: expert@wzwlh.com
Website: www.wzwlh.com
4 Park Place Irvine, CA 92614
Tel: (949) 219-9816, Fax: (949) 219-9095
PhD’s; MBA’s; JD’s; CPA’s; Acc Sr Apprsrs; CVA’s; ABV’s; Cert Frd Examiners; CFF’s
Expert witness testimony for complex litigation involving damage analyses of lost profits, reasonable royalties, lost earnings, & lost value of business, forensic accounting, fraud investigation & investigative analysis of liability. Excellent communicators with extensive testimony exp. Prior Big Four accountants. Specialties include accounting, breach of contract, breach of fiduciary duty, business interruption, business dissolution, construction defects, delays & cost overruns, elder abuse, false advertising, family law, fraud, insurance bad faith, intellectual property including trademark, patent & copyright infringement, & trade secrets, lemon law, lender liability, misrepresentations, partnership disputes, personal injury, product liability, professional malpractice damages, punitive damages, real estate, securities, tracing, trusts & estates, unfair competition, valuation of businesses, wage & hour claims, white collar crime, & wrongful termination.
See display ad page 64
Benchmark Investigations
Contact: Jim Zimmer, CPI
32158 Camino Capistrano, #A-415
San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675
Tel: (800) 248-7721
Fax: (949) 606-8439
Email: zimmerpi@pacbell.net
Website: www.BenchmarkInvestigations.net
BS, Business Management; CA Private Investigator Lic PI 12651; Registered Process Server #PSC/2411
National agency. Professional investigations with emphasis upon accuracy, detail & expedience. Asset/financial searches; background investigation; DMV searches; domestic/marital cases; due diligence; mergers & acquisitions; process service; sexual harassment & discrimination investigations; surveillance/photog; witness location & statements. LA branch + correspondents nationwide. Multi-lingual agents. Fully insured. Jim Zimmer is a Past President of the National Council of Investigation & Security Services & the California Assn of Licensed Investigators. Jim is the 2011 recipient of the CALI Distinguished Achievement Award. See display ad below
Hodson P.I., LLC
Justin D. Hodson, CPI
1440 N. Harbor Blvd, #900 Fullerton, CA 92835
Tel: (714) 646-4545
Email: justin@HodsonPI.com
Website: www.HodsonPI.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: CA PI 23796
Investigation, Process Service. Hodson P.I., LLC is a California, licensed, professional private investigations firm serving all of California. Hodson P.I., LLC is an approved and licensed Limited Liability Investigations Corporation. Our coverage area is the entire state of California, with services in select States and Countries. The firm was founded in 2003 by world renowned private detective, Justin D. Hodson, CPI, who has been conducting investigations since 1999.
See display ad page 107
Kinsey Investigations, Inc.
Contact: B.A. Wolford
4712 Admiralty Way, #866 Marina del Rey, CA 90292
Tel: (310) 613-3755
Email: ba@ kinseyinvestigations.com
Website: kinseyinvestigations.com
Bachelor of Science, CA PI License #28192, Registered Process Server
Full Service Private Investigation firm specializing in Family, Divorce and Custody issues. We handle both Corporate Due Diligence and Personal backgrounds as well as Asset/Financial Searches on many levels. We have also solved many high-profile missing persons cases as well.
We service attorneys, corporations, and private individuals nationwide with a concentration in California.
Najar Investigations
Mohammed Najar
23811 Washington Ave, Ste C110286 Murrieta, CA 92562
Tel: (855) 462-6300
Cell: (951) 834-6766
Email: info@najarinvestigations.com
Website: www.najarinvestigations.com
Najar Investigations is a full-service investigations firm licensed and insured in the State of California and Arizona. Our investigators are active or honorably retired law enforcement agents, with unimpeachable background and extensive investigative experience. All of our investigations are conducted confidentially, with integrity and professionalism.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Comprehensive asset investigations and searches; Location of defendants or witnesses; Cover manned and unmanned surveillance for personal injury or family law investigations; Due diligence, pre-litigation asset discovery, post-litigation recovery or assistance vetting a business opportunity or business partner; Digital forensics including physical equipment evidence retrieval and eDiscovery.
See ad back outside cover
Paramount Investigative Services, Inc.
Kenneth Childs
633 E. 5th Street, 26thFloor
Los Angeles, CA 90071
Tel: (877) 456-7726
Email: info@licensed-investigator.com
Website: www.licensed-investigator.com
Licensed Private Investigator | “CPI” Certified Professional Investigator | “CALI” California Association of Private Investigators | Expert Witness: Santa Monica Superior Court –Beachum vs Mendoza
Insurance Defense Investigations |
Surveillance | Statements | Locates | Witness Locates | Process Serving
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience:
Expert Witness: Santa Monica Superior Court – Beachum vs Mendoza
Parrent Smith Investigations & Research
Joanne Parrent, Southern California Office
Email: joanne@psinvestigates.com
Nic Smith
Tel: (800) 516-2448,
Email: Nicsmith@psinvestigates.com
We are a full-service private investigation firm. We specialize in domestic and worldwide asset research for large judgements and suspected hidden assets. We have vast experience in fraud, high asset divorces, environmental cases and complex litigation. We conduct difficult locates and serves, background research, due diligence, surveillance, witness interviews and have helped solve thousands of cases for our legal & business clients. Nic Smith, CPP (CA Lic 5617) is a civil & criminal investigator with 40+ years in the field. He is a court-qualified expert in security. Joanne Parrent (CA Lic 24108) was an author and journalist before becoming an investigator. Our expertise has been critical to the outcome of many large and high-profile cases. We provide free consultation and proposals for all cases. For more information, please see our website: psinvestigates.com
Titan National Consulting Group
See display ad below
David Cannon, PhD Senior Consultant
Trial Innovations
1440 Manhattan Ave Hermosa Beach, CA 90254
Tel: (310) 927-5879
Fax: (310) 861-5879
Email: david@trialinnovations.com
Website: www.trialinnovations.com
Bachelor’s (USC), PhD (UA) Clinical Psychology & Law
We offer consultants trained in clinical psych & law with decades of consulting experience throughout CA & the country. Our consulting services include online mock trials; case analysis; theme development; focus groups; mock trials; witness preparation & preparation for mediation. We offer free MCLE presentations in topics such as witness preparation, jury selection, and juror diversity considerations. Media inquiries are welcome
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience:
Civil: Business litigation, Employment, Product Liability, Personal Injury; Medical Malpractice. Criminal: Criminal Defense.
Membership in Professional Societies: Board Member, Amer Soc of Trial Consultants; Amer Psych Assn; CA Psych Assn.
Gary Greenfield Litigation Cost Management
1736 Franklin St, Ste 700 Oakland, CA 94612
Tel: (510) 834-1555
Cell: (510) 882-1600
Fax: (510) 217-9700
Email: ggreenfield@litcost.com
Website: www.litcost.com
JD, UC Berkeley School of Law w/honors, Law Review; BA, Stanford (PBK); State Bar CA
Expert consultant/witness since 1991 re: legal fees & billing practices in complex litigation including patent/other IP litigation, insurance coverage, fee disputes, fee-shifting cases & other fee litigation; reasonableness, rates & allocation issues; legal bill & attorneys’ fees audits; oral testimony & written declarations/ reports; court-appointed special master for fee analysis. Prior background: 15 years experience handling all aspects of complex litigation.
Joel Mark 919 Box Canyon Trl Palm Desert, CA 92211
Tel: (805) 701-7731
Fax: (760) 772-6665
Email: jmark4law@gmail.com
Website: www.joelmarkesq.com
UC Berkeley (AB, 1969); UC Hastings College of Law (JD, 1972); Admitted CA 1972; CA, 1994
Business Litigation, Intellectual Property, Commercial Law, Professional Liability, Banking.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: 130+ engagements in Attorney Fee Disputes; Attorney Ethics, Attorney Malpractice (Litigation).
Birthdate: 1947 Birthplace: Los Angeles
Positions/Appointments: CA State Bar Committee on Mandatory Fee Arbitration; California State Bar Committee on Professional Responsibility & Conduct; Appointed Expert Consultant by LA County Superior Court; State Bar MFA Presiding Arbitrator (2009-2012); State Bar of California Special Deputy Trial Counsel for Disciplinary Matters (2010-present).
KPC Legal Audit Services, Inc.
Contact: André E. Jardini
550 N Brand Blvd, Ste. 1500 Glendale, CA 91203-1922
Tel: (818) 547-2900
Tel: (818) 547-5178 (Direct)
Email: aej@kpclegal.com
Website: www.kpclegal.com
Audits of attorney & expert invoices; Expert testimony; Consultation on legal cost containment; Training seminars & MCLE programs
Titan National Consulting Group, LLC
Retained on some of the most high-profile cases in the country
Senior Investigator-Expert & Consultant and Owner
TV-Feature Technical Consultant
LAPD Robbery-Homicide Division Retired
Membership in Professional Societies: LACBA; State Bar of CA.
Adam Bercovici spent 30 years with the LAPD, and has led the most elite police investigative units in American law enforcement. As an expert Adam has focused on complex police investigations and accountability, Brady issues, criminal conspiracy, public safety, K9 operations, use of force, police tactics, undercover tactics, kidnapping, private security and private investigator operations.
In the Entertainment Industry Adam has worked as on-camera expert-talent and is regularly sought out by major media outlets for commentary on police practices.
Edward L. Bennett Coast Rehabilitation Services, Inc.
5290 Overpass Rd, #118
Santa Barbara, CA 93111
Tel: (805) 692-1823
Fax: (805) 692-1827bienvenist
Email: info@coastrehabservicesinc.com
MA; Post-Grad Cert; Adv Life Care Plans; ABVE; CDMS; CRC; CLCP
Evaluations of pre-vs-post-injury career path & earnings capacity in: PI; medical malpractice; wrongful term; wrongful death; marital; maritime; pediatric head injuries; cost of future medical (LCP); ADA consultations re: employment & accessibility analysis. Other office in Santa Barbara. Serving Southern, Central & Northern CA.
Roughan & Associates
See display ad below
White, Zuckerman, Warsavsky, Luna & Hunt, LLP
Contact: Barbara Luna, John Luna, Dean Atkinson, Venita McMorris & David Turner 15490 Ventura Blvd, Ste 300 Sherman Oaks, CA 91403
Tel: (818) 981-4226
Fax: (818) 981-4278
Email: expert@wzwlh.com
Website: www.wzwlh.com
4 Park Place
Uniform Bright
Eddie Ferguson, Uniform Rental Expert 3410 La Sierra Ave, Suite F1114 Riverside, CA 92503
Tel: (951) 963-9575 (Office)
Email: Expert@UniformBright.com Website: www.UniformBright.com
We provide expert witness & expert consultant services as it relates to the uniform rental & linen industry in breach of contract disputes, liquidated damages claims & fault determination. We perform feasibility studies, invoice auditing, diagnosis/troubleshooting, fabric testing, garment testing & arbitration in state or federal court appearances.
Our services are related to uniforms, hospital linens, mats, towels, etc., and the processes used by the industry to deliver, sort, wash, dry, fold, count, sort, sew, mend, grade, invoice, charge and distribute.
We work with hotels, restaurants, hospitals, healthcare industry, longterm care facilities, casinos, franchises, government agencies and any other business that has been sued by a uniform rental company.
Is your client in breach of contract or about to cancel uniform rental services? Is your client receiving poor quality and/or poor service? The sooner you call, the sooner we can help. Call us today for a free consultation.
Irvine, CA 92614
Tel: (949) 219-9816, Fax: (949) 219-9095
PhD’s; MBA’s; JD’s; CPA’s; Acc Sr Apprsrs; CVA’s; ABV’s; Cert Frd Examiners; CFF’s
Expert witness testimony for complex litigation involving damage analyses of lost profits, reasonable royalties, lost earnings, & lost value of business, forensic accounting, fraud investigation & investigative analysis of liability. Excellent communicators with extensive testimony exp. Prior Big Four accountants. Specialties include accounting, breach of contract, breach of fiduciary duty, business interruption, business dissolution, construction defects, delays & cost overruns, elder abuse, false advertising, family law, fraud, insurance bad faith, intellectual property including trademark, patent & copyright infringement, & trade secrets, lemon law, lender liability, misrepresentations, partnership disputes, personal injury, product liability, professional malpractice damages, punitive damages, real estate, securities, tracing, trusts & estates, unfair competition, valuation of businesses, wage & hour claims, white collar crime, & wrongful termination.
See display ad page 64
Zivetz, Schwartz & Saltsman CPA’s
Contact: Lester J. Schwartz, CPA/CFF, Michael D. Saltsman, CPA, MBA 5990 Sepulveda Blvd, Ste 215 Sherman Oaks, CA 91411
Tel: (310) 826-1040
Fax: (310) 826-1065
Email: less@zss.com
Website: www.zsscpa.com
CPA’s & Appraisers
Accounting, malpractice, business interruption, business valuation & appraisal, commercial damages, contract disputes, economic analysis & damages, environmental cleanup cost, estate & trust accounting, forensic accounting, fraud, lost profits, marital dissolutions, partnership disputes, personal injury, royalties, shareholder disputes, tracing & wrongful termination.
See display ad page 22
David A. Warner, D.D.S., Inc.Periodontics & Dental Implants
David A. Warner, D.D.S.
9209 S. Colima Rd, #4000 Whittier, CA 90605
Tel: (562) 945-7621 (Office)
Cell: (562) 652-6435
Fax: (562) 945-7622
Email: warnerperioandimplants@verizon.net
Website: WarnerPerioandImplants.com
University of Southern California-DDS | Wadsworth VA Medical Center-General Practice Residency | Wadsworth VA Medical Center-Periodontal Residency
Periodontics & Dental Implants
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: I have provided expert witness and consulting services for over 10 years. I am experienced in being deposed.
Lawyers’ Mutual Insurance Company
3110 Empire Ave
Burbank, CA 91504
Tel: (818) 565-5512
Email: info@lawyersmutual.com
Website: www.lawyersmutual.com
For over five decades, Lawyers’ Mutual Insurance Company has proudly been the leading provider of professional liability insurance for California lawyers. Our exceptional coverages are accompanied by exclusive member benefits such as free cyber endorsement, free continuing legal education, free Fastcase legal research tool and lawyer-to-lawyer hotline. We are committed to providing specialized and personalized services to our members. Join our member community to protect yourself, protect your clients and protect your future.
See insert ad after page 96
Lawrence H. Jacobson, Esq 9777 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 517 Beverly Hills, CA 90212
Tel: (310) 271-0747
Fax: (310) 271-0757
Email: Law.Jac@LHJpc.com
Website: www.LawrenceJacobson.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: AB, UCLA 1964; JD, UCLA School of Law 1967; RE Broker 1978
Real estate & mortgage broker standard of care, legal malpractice, ethics & fee disputes.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Standard of Care: Real Estate, Business & Mortgage Broker, Escrow and Title Company, Lawyer Malpractice (Real Estate & Business Transactions), ethics, fee disputes, Custom & Usage Real Estate Transactions / Documents.
In practice since 1968, Former Vice PresidentLegal Affairs, California Assn of Realtors; UCLA Law Review; Order of the Coif; Adjunct Professor of Law, Real Estate Broker, Lecturer: CEB Real Estate Broker Practice; Graduate Realtors Institute; Past President, Beverly Hills Bar Assn; LACBA Board of Trustees; CA State Bar, Beverly Hills Bar and LACBA Fee Arbitration Panels, and CA State Bar Special Deputy Trial Counsel. See display ad page 140
Mitchell L. Lathrop
Law Office of Mitchell L. Lathrop 600 W. Broadway St, Ste 500 San Diego, CA 92101-3357
Tel: (619) 955-5951
Fax: (619) 566-4034
Email: mllathrop@earthlink.net
Website: www.LathropADR.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: Lic in CA, DC & NY and before multiple federal courts.
Practice limited to mediation, arbitration & expert consulting and testimony in matters involving insurance, reinsurance or lawyers’ professional ethics & responsibilities.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Qualified as an expert in both state & federal courts on matters involving insurance & reinsurance. Former Presiding Referee of the State Bar Court.
Birthdate: 12/15/37 Birthplace: LA, CA
Education: BS, Engineering, US Naval Academy; JD, USC. Previous Positions/ Appointments: CV supplied upon request. Honors/Awards: Best Lawyers in America; Super Lawyers in CA & NY; Martindale A rated Publications: Insurance Coverage for Environmental Claims, Lexis-Nexis Martindale Hubbell. Membership in Professional Societies: AM Bd of Trial Advocates; ABA
Lawyers’ Mutual Insurance Company
3110 Empire Ave
Burbank, CA 91504
Tel: (818) 565-5512
Email: info@lawyersmutual.com
Website: www.lawyersmutual.com
For over five decades, Lawyers’ Mutual Insurance Company has proudly been the leading provider of professional liability insurance for California lawyers. Our exceptional coverages are accompanied by exclusive member benefits such as free cyber endorsement, free continuing legal education, free Fastcase legal research tool and lawyer-to-lawyer hotline. We are committed to providing specialized and personalized services to our members. Join our member community to protect yourself, protect your clients and protect your future. See insert ad after page 96
Joel Mark
919 Box Canyon Trl Palm Desert, CA 92211
Tel: (805) 701-7731
Fax: (760) 772-6665
Email: jmark4law@gmail.com
Website: www.joelmarkesq.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: UC Berkeley (AB, 1969); UC Hastings College of Law (JD, 1972); Admitted CA 1972; CA, 1994
Specialties: Business Litigation, Intellectual Property, Commercial Law, Professional Liability, Banking.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: 130+ engagements in Attorney Fee Disputes; Attorney Ethics, Attorney Malpractice (Litigation).
Birthdate: 1947 Birthplace: Los Angeles
Positions/Appointments: CA State Bar Committee on Mandatory Fee Arbitration; California State Bar Committee on Professional Responsibility & Conduct; Appointed Expert Consultant by LA County Superior Court; State Bar MFA Presiding Arbitrator (2009-2012); State Bar of California Special Deputy Trial Counsel for Disciplinary Matters (2010-present).
Membership in Professional Societies: LACBA; State Bar of CA.
White, Zuckerman, Warsavsky, Luna & Hunt, LLP
Contact: Barbara Luna, John Luna, Dean
Atkinson, Venita McMorris & David Turner
15490 Ventura Blvd, Ste 300 Sherman Oaks, CA 91403
Tel: (818) 981-4226
Fax: (818) 981-4278
Email: expert@wzwlh.com
Website: www.wzwlh.com
4 Park Place
Irvine, CA 92614
Tel: (949) 219-9816, Fax: (949) 219-9095
PhD’s; MBA’s; JD’s; CPA’s; Acc Sr Apprsrs; CVA’s; ABV’s; Cert Frd Examiners; CFF’s
Expert witness testimony for complex litigation involving damage analyses of lost profits, reasonable royalties, lost earnings, & lost value of business, forensic accounting, fraud investigation & investigative analysis of liability. Excellent communicators with extensive testimony exp. Prior Big Four accountants. Specialties include accounting, breach of contract, breach of fiduciary duty, business interruption, business dissolution, construction defects, delays & cost overruns, elder abuse, false advertising, family law, fraud, insurance bad faith, intellectual property including trademark, patent & copyright infringement, & trade secrets, lemon law, lender liability, misrepresentations, partnership disputes, personal injury, product liability, professional malpractice damages, punitive damages, real estate, securities, tracing, trusts & estates, unfair competition, valuation of businesses, wage & hour claims, white collar crime, & wrongful termination.
See display ad page 64
Doreen Casuto, RN, MRA, CRRN, CCM, CLCP President, Rehabilitation Care
7851 Mission Center Ct, Ste 103 San Diego, CA 92108
Tel: (619) 299-9922
Fax: (619) 299-9932
Email: info@rehabcarecoord.com
Website: www.rehabcarecoord.com
BS Nursing, American University (1970); MRA Rehab Admin, University of San Francisco (1984); Registered Nurse - CA, UT, DC; Certified Case Manager; Certified Life Care Planner; Certified Nurse Life Care Planner; Certified Rehab Registered Nurse
Life Care Planning: Dynamic all-encompassing plan to determine patient needs across multiple medical specialties & therapies for the rest of the patient’s life. Created with input and research by the medical experts and the entire nursing team at RCC
Case Management: Long Term Care Management for individuals with catastrophic injuries & life events. Serve as patient advocate and resource for all government benefits and community resources. Performed on behalf of Special Needs trust after settlement or verdict.
Benefit Administration: Comprehensive process of acquiring all possible local, state and federal benefits for the client to ensure their medical and financial well-being. Includes gathering documents, completing application, attending interviews, opposing rejection of benefits, and advocating for all renewals or yearly evaluation. Benefits can include Social Security, Medi-Cal, Medicare, CalFresh, Section 8 Housing, IHSS and Regional Center.
Membership in Professional Societies: Adjunct Faculty, San Diego State. Board Member, San Diego Brain Injury Foundation. Board Member, California Brain Injury Association. Board Member, Foundation for Rehab Education and Research. Member of Ethic Review Committee, International Association of Rehab Professionals.
Charles Dubin, M.D Gynecology10921 Wilshire Blvd, #507 Los Angeles, CA 90024
Tel: (310) 617-0519
Fax: (310) 471-0519
Email: dubincharles53@gmail.com
M.D; Physician’s and Surgeon’s Certificate California License 1979; Diplomate of the National Board of Medical Examiners 1979; American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology Certified 1984; Fellow American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology 1986; Certification in Advance Operative Laparoscopy and Hysteroscopy 1996; Certified DaVinci Robotic Surgeon 2013.
Expert Testimony in Gynecological and Obstetrical Malpractice-plaintiff and defense. Record Review, Forensic Analysis, Sexual Abuse, Minimally Invasive Gynecologic and Robotic Surgery, Office Gynecology, OB-GYN Expert for Los Angeles County Superior Court.
Education: M.D., UCLA 1978; Sex Therapy Fellowship UCLA 1980; Internship and Residency Ob-Gyn, UCLA 1981; Chief Resident Ob-Gyn @ UCLA 1982. Previous Positions/Appointments: 1982-1992 Clinical Faculty Instructor Family Practice Residency at Santa Monica Hospital; 1982-1995 and 20122016 Assistant Clinical Professor Obstetrics and Gynecology UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine; 2018-present Expert Witness Panel Ob-Gyn Los Angeles Superior Court. Honors/ Awards: Phi Beta Kappa, Magna Cum Laude.
J. Carlos Maggi, MD President, Pediatric Critical Care Group and Pediatric Hospitalists of America Memorial Miller Children’s Hospital 2801 Atlantic Ave Long Beach, CA 90801
Tel: (562) 933-8743
Fax: (562) 933-8744
Email: cmaggi@memorialcare.org
Website: www.memorialcare.org
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: MD; Board Cert Peds; PED Critical Care/ Pediatric Pulmonology
Board Certified in Pediatrics; Pediatric Critical Care; Pediatric Pulmonology; Expertise in pediatric resuscitation, emergencies, trauma, hospital management of pediatric patients, lung disorders, ventilatory support; Post Operative Care.
2377 W. Foothill Blvd, #9 Upland, CA 91786
Tel: (888) 627-4321
Fax: (909) 946-0347
Email: experts@expertsatmcs.com
Website: www.expertsatmcs.com
One convenient nationwide source for cost effective medical and technical expert services in all healthcare and technical fields. MCS assists its clients with claims involving personal injury, medical malpractice, disability, construction defect, product liability, criminal forensics and HMO peer review. Our experts are Board Certified and qualified expert witnesses. Services include Independent Medical Examinations, Medical Record Reviews, Diagnostic Re-interpretation, Utilization and/or Bill Reviews, along with various types of Technical Review and Analysis, involving accident reconstruction and biomechanical analysis, safety, economic loss and more.
MCS is also an approved M.C.L.E. provider and offers seminars at no charge on a number of topics for continuing legal education.
Bruce J. Reitman, MD
1171 S. Bromley Ct
Anaheim, CA 92808
Tel: (714) 209-6043
Fax: (714) 280-1036
Email: brucedr@pacbell.net
Degrees/Licenses/ Certifications: MD; BS – Biochemistry; CA Physicians & Surgeons License.
Specialties: Anesthesiology; respiratory therapy; acute pain management; critical care.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Upon Request
Birthdate: 07/14/1965 Birthplace: New York, NY
Education: BS - Biochemistry, 1987 UC Davis; MD - 1991, Tufts Univ, Boston, MA; Anesthesiology Residency, 1992-1995, UC Irvine
Previous Positions/Appointments: Currently on staff at Anaheim Regional Med Center; Placentia-Linda Hospital; West Anaheim Med Center; College Med Center & LA Community Hospital - Norwalk.
Honors/Awards: Academic Excellence Award, UC Irvine, 1995.
Membership in Professional Societies: Amer Soc of Anesthesiologists; CA Society of Anesthesiologists; Forensic Expert Witness Assn (FEWA)
White, Zuckerman, Warsavsky, Luna & Hunt
Contact: Barbara Luna, John Luna, Dean Atkinson, Venita McMorris & David Turner
15490 Ventura Blvd, Ste 300
Sherman Oaks, CA 91403
Tel: (818) 981-4226
Fax: (818) 981-4278
Email: expert@wzwlh.com
Website: www.wzwlh.com
4 Park Place Irvine, CA 92614
Tel: (949) 219-9816, Fax: (949) 219-9095
PhD’s; MBA’s; JD’s; CPA’s; Acc Sr Apprsrs; CVA’s; ABV’s; Cert Frd Examiners; CFF’s
Expert witness testimony for complex litigation involving damage analyses of lost profits, reasonable royalties, lost earnings, & lost value of business, forensic accounting, fraud investigation & investigative analysis of liability. Excellent communicators with extensive testimony exp. Prior Big Four accountants.
Specialties include accounting, breach of contract, breach of fiduciary duty, business interruption, business dissolution, construction defects, delays & cost overruns, elder abuse, false advertising, family law, fraud, insurance bad faith, intellectual property including trademark, patent & copyright infringement, & trade secrets, lemon law, lender liability, misrepresentations, partnership disputes, personal injury, product liability, professional malpractice damages, punitive damages, real estate, securities, tracing, trusts & estates, unfair competition, valuation of businesses, wage & hour claims, white collar crime, & wrongful termination.
See display ad page 64
William Dillin, MD
Independent Spine Evaluation, Inc.
Spine Surgery and Spine Medicine Consultant 6080 Center Drive
Los Angeles, CA 90045
Tel: (844) 774-6393 (844-spinewd)
Email: keena.giles@independentspine.com
Website: www.independentspine.com
MD – licensed in CA, TX, AZ, FL and NV
Dr. Dillin is in clinical practice performing spine surgery, spine interventions and evaluating patients with spine conditions. He is licensed in California, Texas, Arizona, Florida and Nevada. He was a former partner at the Kerlan-Jobe Orthopaedic Clinic and was an associate of the Cedars-Sinai Kerlan-Jobe Institute.
Independent Medical Evaluations; Medical Legal Reviews.
See display ad page 117
Jack H. Raber, PharmD Clinipharm Services
P.O. Box 3206
Seal Beach, CA 90740
Tel: (562) 596-8753
Fax: (562) 321-5812
Email: JRaber@clinipharmservices.com
Website: www.clinipharmservices.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: PharmD; Calif R Ph 29591
Pharmacy standards of care (community, hospital, long-term care); pharmacy risk assessment and management; fraud, waste, and abuse associated with 3rd party pharmacy benefits; drug information research, pharmacist and pharmacy license defense. Available for background research, consultation, trial preparation, and trial testimony.
Debra S. Borys, PhD, FABPS
Forensic, Health & Clinical Psychology
15030 Ventura Blvd., Suite 11 Number 259
Sherman Oaks, CA 91403
Tel: (310) 470-8484
Email: dsborysphd@sbcglobal.net
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: PhD Clinical Psychology; Psychologist Lic #PSY11690; Fellow in Forensic Psychology –ABPS
Sexual harassment or assault; wrongful termination/discrimination; sex / dual relationships with tx / medical patients / clergy / students, other fiduc; psych ethics; psych reactions to crime / abuse / accident / med mal; PTSD. Psych evaluations / damages assessment, record/literature review, case planning re: psych issues. Plaintiff or Defense. Relevant Publications. UCLA - trained, Clinical, forensic & health psychology training & experience. Trial Experience.
Brian P. Jacks, MD, FAACP, FAPAAdjunct Clinical Professor of Psychiatry, USC 9730 Wilshire Blvd, Ste 108
Beverly Hills, CA 90212
Tel: (310) 274-0684
Fax: (310) 274-5049
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: MD; Board Certified Psychiatrist; Adults (1974), Child/Adolescent (1976); FAACP; FAPA
Workers’ Comp (QME; AME); personal injury; sexual harassment; post-traumatic stress; wrongful termination; medical malpractice; child sexual abuse. Psychopharmacology; Forensic IME evaluations: malingering.
Treatment: individual, marital, family, medical record review. 30+ years experience with adults, teenagers, children. Extensive trial experience.
Carole Lieberman, MD, MPHPsychiatric Expert Witness/ Forensic Psychiatrist
Diplomate, American Board Psychiatry & Neurology
Decades on UCLA Psychiatry Clinical Faculty 204 S. Beverly Drive, Ste 108 Beverly Hills, CA 90212
Tel: (310) 278-5433
Website: www.expertwitnessforensicpsychiatrist.com
Board Cert Psychiatrist; MD; MPH; QME; CA Medical Bd Expert
Nationally respected Forensic Psychiatrist with winning record of trial testimony, depositions, evaluations & trial consultation in hundreds of civil & criminal cases - plaintiff / prosecution & defense. These include: High Profile, child abuse, custody, discrimination, divorce, domestic violence, elder abuse, entertainment, malingering, malpractice, media copycat behavior, murder, PI, police brutality, PTSD, priest molestation, sexual harassment, suicide, terrorism, violence, will contestation, wrongful termination & other cases involving emotional distress / psychological issues.
Dr. Lieberman appears in the Media as a legal analyst & testifies before Congress. Recommendations upon request.
See display ad on divider card after page 136 in PSYCHOLOGY/PSYCHIATRY
11901 Santa Monica Blvd, #532 Los Angeles, CA 90025
Tel: (310) 659-1674
Fax: (888) 451-2967
Email: doctor@drmiles.net
Website: www.drmiles.net
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: MD, PhD, Bd Cert (ABPN) Genl, Addiction & Forensic Psych
Psychiatric evaluation/treatment, Medicallegal consultation, case review, independent medical examination, and expert testimony in civil and criminal cases, including malpractice, personal injury, probate, and disability, psychopharmacology, psychotherapy, addiction psychiatry. Psychiatric panel, LA County & US District Courts.
Lawrence H. Jacobson, Esq 9777 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 517 Beverly Hills, CA 90212
Tel: (310) 271-0747
Fax: (310) 271-0757
Email: Law.Jac@LHJpc.com
Website: www.LawrenceJacobson.com
AB, UCLA 1964; JD, UCLA School of Law 1967; RE Broker 1978
Real estate & mortgage broker standard of care, legal malpractice, ethics & fee disputes.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Standard of Care: Real Estate, Business & Mortgage Broker, Escrow and Title Company, Lawyer Malpractice (Real Estate & Business Transactions), ethics, fee disputes, Custom & Usage Real Estate Transactions / Documents.
In practice since 1968, Former Vice PresidentLegal Affairs, California Assn of Realtors; UCLA Law Review; Order of the Coif; Adjunct Professor of Law, Real Estate Broker, Lecturer: CEB Real Estate Broker Practice; Graduate Realtors Institute; Past President, Beverly Hills Bar Assn; LACBA Board of Trustees; CA State Bar, Beverly Hills Bar and LACBA Fee Arbitration Panels, and CA State Bar Special Deputy Trial Counsel.
See display ad page 140
Dr. Michael A. Kamins & Associates
Former Director of Research, Area Head of Marketing - Stony Brook College of Business
Tel: (323) 868-9507
Fax: (323) 931-0258
Email: michaelakaminsconsultants@gmail.com
BBA; MBA (Statistics); Doctorate (Marketing Research & Strategy
Marketing & advertising strategy as well as marketing research, questionnaire design & statistical issues. I specialize in survey research, confusion, secondary meaning, dilution, false advertising, celebrity advertising, pricing strategy, pioneership & international advertising. Consumer behavior expertise incl rumor & information processing. I have assisted such individuals as Muhammed Ali, Taylor Swift, Rock Group “Boston,” The “Doors,” Bill Medley & Kareem Abdul Jabbar & such companies as AT&T, Pinkberry, MGM, Lexus, AMEX, the State of California & New York St. Attorney General Elliot Spitzer’s Office, Samsung. Appeared against President Trump in the Trump University Class Action.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Working as an Expert Witness since 1994. 50+ depositions & 8 trial experiences.
Education: BBA (Statistics) Bernard M, Baruch, 1974; MBA (Statistics) Bernard M Baruch, 1977; PhD (Marketing) New York University, 1984.
Previous Positions/Appointments: Taught Statistics at Baruch College & Marketing/ Marketing Research at NYU, USC, Stony Brook and the Drucker School of Management.
Honors & Awards: Golden Apple Award winning teacher and Dean’s Scholar, Best Teacher in the Grad School of Business at Stony Brook, 2008.
Number of Publications: 50+.
Professional Societies: Assn for Consumer Research; Amer Marketing Assn; Academy of Marketing Science.
Fees: $895.00 for deposition, trial and consultation
Larry Steven Londre
Londre Marketing Consultants, LLC
6000 South Para Way, Third Floor Los Angeles, CA 90094
Tel: (310) 889-0220
Fax: (310) 889-0221
Email: LSL@LondreMarketing.com
Website: www.LondreMarketing.com
MBA, emphasis in Marketing, University of Southern California (Dean’s Lists), BS, emphasis in Marketing, USC (Dean’s Lists), Community College Business Teaching Credential (1975-Lifetime).
Specialties: Marketing, Advertising, Unfair Competition, Promotion, Communication, Media, Unfair Business Practices, 85+ cases, 50+ depositions & testifying (since 2002).
Education: MBA, Marketing, University of Southern California (USC); Advanced Management Program at Claremont; Advanced Management Program at USC.
Honors/Awards: Citizen of the Year, Los Angeles City Council; Teaching - Polished Apple Awards
Publications: Adweek; Advertising Age; Daily News.
Memberships in Professional Societies: Advertising Club of Los Angeles/ThinkLA; Brd Member, Advertising Industry Emergency Fund/AD Relief; FEWA.
KARS’ Testing & Research Labs
A Division of ESI
See display ad page 115
¡ Licensed:
- Metallurgical Engineers
- Materials Scientists
- Mechanical Engineers
- Electrical Engineers
¡ In-house State-of-the-Art Instrumentation
¡ Expert Witness Services
¡ Deposition and Trial Experience
¡ Medical Implant Failures
¡ 4K Borescope and Digital Light Microscopy
¡ Failures of Metal / Plastic / Wood Chairs
¡ Automobile / Aerospace Accidents
¡ Product Liability / Personal Injury Cases
¡ Construction Defects
¡ Paint, Stucco, and Coating Analysis
¡ Welding / Piping / Corrosion Failures
¡ Polymers, Composites, and Fiberglass Failures
¡ Identification of Foreign Particles in Food
¡ Electrical Failures
¡ Alternative Fuel Vehicle Fires
¡ Fire & Explosion Origin and Cause
¡ Custom Electrical and Mechanical Testing
¡ Stress Analysis / Finite Element Modeling
¡ 2D / 3D X-ray CT Scanning
¡ E-Cigarette / Lithium Battery Failures
¡ Realtime Remote Inspections in HD
Eurofins EAG Materials Science, LLC
Contact: Dana Medlin, PhD
VP-Metallurgical Engineering
250 N. Nash St
El Segundo, CA 90245
Tel: (310) 322-2011
Fax: (310) 322-2243
Email: danamedlin@eurofinsEAG.com
Website: www.EAG.com
PhD’s: Materials & Metallurgy, Chemistry
Materials & failure analysis, product liability & patent infringement, metals, composites, plastics, polymers, thin films. Airplanes, autos, helicopters, motorcycles, consumer products, medical devices, prosthesis & implants & electronic components. Analysis of failures due to fatigue, overstress, corrosion, wear or material/mfg defects.
See display ad page 92
William Dillin, MD
See display ad page 117
Robert H. Odell Jr., MD, PhD Neuropathy and Pain Centers of America
8084 W. Sahara, Ste B Las Vegas, NV 89117
Tel: (702) 521-9542
Fax: (702) 254-7044
Email: bodell@nvneuropathy.com
Website: www.robertodellmdphd.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: MD, PhD, MS, BS, AB (CA, NV, AZ, FL, TN, WI, PA). Amer Board of Anesthesiology (1983); Amer Board of Pain Medicine (2017); Fellow of Interventional Pain Practice (2008)
Specialties: Pain Management, Anesthesiology
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: (about 50:50 Pltf: Defense) Civil: Med Mal, Pain management, multiple medical records reviews; Criminal: Drug defense (also worked for DEA
Birthdate: Dec 26, 1946 Birthplace: Bryn Mawr, PA
Education: BA (Chemistry), BS EE, Univ of Penn 1970; MS Systems Engineering, PhD Biomedical Engineering, Stanford 1974; MD, Stanford 1976.
Honors/Awards: Class of 1946 Award, Univ of Penn 1970.
Publications: New Device Combines Electrical Currents and Local Anesthetic for Pain Management; Practical Pain Management (2011) 11 (6): 52-68; Anti-Inflammatory Effects of Electronic Signal Treatment; Pain Physician 2008; 11: 891-907 (Nov/Dec edition); Electroanalgesic Nerve Block: Theory and Case Reports; Odell RH, Sorgnard R, May HU; Practical Pain Management (2006) 6 (3): 42-54.
Professional Societies: Amer Soc Regional Anes, World Institute of Pain See display ad page 125
Pro/Consul Technical & Medical Experts
1945 Palo Verde Ave, Ste 200 Long Beach, CA 90815-3443
Tel: (800) 392-1119
Fax: (562) 799-8821
Email: expert@expertinfo.com
Website: www.expertinfo.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: MD; PhD; JD; CPA; DDS; RN, etc.
15,000 Experts incl: acc recon; acctg; auto engr; biomech, busn val; const; econ; elec; eng; failure analysis; human fac; ins; lighting; marine; metal; medmal; mech; MD’s; RN’s; roof; safety; security; SOC; tax & many more.
Right Expert Right Away!® We welcome your RUSH cases! We feature a full roster of Technical and Medical expert witnesses. Our goal is to provide you with the best experts at a reasonable cost. Free Resume Binder. Put us to the test - we look forward to your call!
Listed and Recommended by the A.M. Best Company.
See display ads on pages 42, 85, 124 and inside front cover
ClinicalProfessor of Medical Education – Keck School of Medicine of USC 1245 Wilshire Blvd, Ste 601 Los Angeles, CA 90017
Tel: (213) 977-0257
Fax: (213) 977-0501
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: MD (CA & HI)
Plastic & reconstructive surgery; burn specialist. Diplomate, American Board of Plastic Surgery; member, American Burn Assn & American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Past-President, California Society of Plastic Surgeons.
The concepts of evidence-based medicine have been the cornerstone of Dr. Dillin’s education during his spine surgery fellowship in Neurosurgery and Orthopaedic Surgery and the format for decision making in his subsequent practice.
The critical analytic features inherent in the ‘best evidence’ approach to patients have permeated his writing and his lectures, allowing flexible adaptation as the science has changed. Since July 1985, Dr. Dillin has been exclusively devoted to clinical spine, interventional spine and spine surgery practice. The combination of clinical critical thinking in conjunction with evidence-based medicine practice, allows spine specialty focus on any Independent Medical Evaluations or Medical-Legal Reviews.
He is in clinical practice performing spine surgery, spine interventions and evaluating patients with spine conditions. He is licensed in California, Texas, Arizona, Florida and Nevada. Dr. Dillin was a former partner at the Kerlan-Jobe Orthopaedic Clinic and was an associate of the Cedars-Sinai Kerlan-Jobe Institute.
Contact information:
Phone: 844-spinewd
Email: keena.giles@independentspine.com
Web: www.independentspine.com
Philip E. Newman, MD, FACC
Clinical Assoc Prof of Medicine (Cardiology)
1880 Park Newport, #305 Newport Beach, CA 92660
Tel: (949) 689-2249
Email: dr.pnewman@sbcglobal.com
MD (CA). ABIM Cert, Internal Med; ABIM Cert, Cardiovascular Disease
Cardiovascular Disease & Internal Medicine
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: 200-225 cases as a cardiology expert witness over the last 39 years, 50/50 plaintiff/defense, uniformly excellent feedback
Previous Positions/Appointments: Asst Prof of Med, Univ of CO Med Sch; Head of Cardiac Cath Lab/Acting Chief of Cardiology Dept, Denver Gen’l. Private Prac, 29 yrs.
Publications: numerous.
Membership in Professional Societies: Fellow, Amer Col of Cardiology; Mbr Amer Coll of Physicians
Correctional Healthcare
David M. Mathis, MD, CCHP-P, FAAFP Correctional Medicine Expert 4107 Casper Way Napa, CA 94558
Tel: (703) 431-7586
Email: david@prisonMDexpert.com
Website: www.prisonMDexpert.com
MD, CA license, Board Certified in Family Practice, with credentials in Hospice & Palliative Care, Certified Correctional Health
Prison medicine, corrections access to healthcare, emergency transfer, pain control, suicide, in-custody heat-related injuries, hospice & palliative care, infectious disease, chronic care, deliberate indifference, standard of care in prisons and local jails, delayed diagnosis and treatment, triage, trauma and assault, correctional facility utilization management.
Andrew Wittenberg, MD, MPH, FACEP
3350 E. 7th St, #525
Long Beach, CA 90804
Tel: (310) 266-6775
Email: awittenberg1@gmail.comsills
Website: www.awittenbergmd.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: MD Temple University School of Medicine; Residency LA County - USC Hospital; MPH Drexel University
Emergency Medicine, Trauma, Stroke, Cardiac Arrest, Respiratory Failure, Hypothermia, Hemorrhage, Head Injury, Heatstroke, Anaphylactic Shock, Ectopic Pregnancy, Sepsis, Pulmonary Embolism, Aneurysm, Pneumonia, Intubation, Drug Abuse, Appendicitis, Ischemia, Testicular Torsion, Ovarian Torsion, Airway Management, Fracture, Diabetic Ketoacidosis.
Medical Director of the Department of Emergency Medicine and a practicing emergency physician with 15+ years experience. Board certified by the American Board of Emergency Medicine (ABEM) and a fellow of the American College of Emergency Physicians (FACEP).
Michael A. Bush, MD 8920 Wilshire Blvd, 310 Beverly Hills, CA 90211
Tel: (310) 652-3870
Fax: (310) 652-4317
Email: dr.bush@8920med.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: MD (CA); Diplomate, Internal Med/ Endocrinology & Metabolism
Board Certified Endocrinologist; medical/ legal experience in all aspects of diabetes, thyroid, adrenal, pituitary, obesity, cholesterol, calcium & related disorders; active teacher in endocrine problems; Past President, American Diabetes Assn (CA); Past President, American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists (CA); extensive reviews, standard of care issues/ expert witness.
Elliot D. Felman, MD Expert Witness / Family Medicine
1821 Wilshire Blvd, Ste 301 Santa Monica, CA 90403
Tel: (310) 260-2525
Fax: (310) 260-7575
Email: drfelman@earthlink.net
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: MD; ABFM; AAFP
Experienced in Medical Record Review for Standard of Care Evaluation, Deposition, Trial Testimony in Family Medicine, Internal Medicine. Board Certified in Family Medicine. 37 years in practice. Plaintiff or Defense. Clinical Faculty, UCLA Med School & Western University of Health Services.
Jerrold S. Dreyer, MD
4835 Van Nuys Blvd, Ste 109 Sherman Oaks, CA 91403
Tel: (818) 784-3615
Cell: (818) 703-0799
Fax: (818) 905-0130
Email: jdreyer116@aol.com
Website: www.infectiousdiseasesdoc.net
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: MD (CA); Board Certified - Internal Med, Infectious Diseases
Expertise Includes HIV/AIDS, meningitis, pneumonia, septic shock, endocarditis, osteomyelitis, necrotizing skin infections, animal bites, food poisoning, viral, fungal & mycobacterial infections. Can review cases from both primary care and specialist perspective. Experienced with review of records, depositions & court testimony in both defense and plaintiff cases
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Deposition (70); Court Appearances (15)
Education: BA, MD, FACP, FIDSA, Albert Einstein College of Medicine.
Previous Positions/Appointments: Director, House Staff Training, Coord Med EducUCLA-SFVP ‘77-’82; Assoc Clin Prof of Med, UCLA (current); IDSA, IDAC, AAHIVM, ACP.
Honors/Awards: Teacher of the Year Award UCLA-SFVP ‘81 & Northridge Hosp ’85.
Publications: 6 publications
Dr. Sherry Yafai
The Releaf Institute
1900 Avenue of the Stars, Ste 2500 Los Angeles, CA 90067
Tel: (310) 475-2626
Email: sherry@mdreleaf.com
Website: www.thereleafinstitute.com
Boarded in Emergency Medicine, MD; Ultrasound Certified & Cannabis Clinician, certified by Society of Cannabis Clinicians
Cannabis Medicine, Urgent Care and Emergency Medicine
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Expert Witness for Defense, case of Driving with elevated THC toxicology screen (Favorable outcome). Expert Witness for Defense, medical marijuana physician defense.
Cannabis & Medical Marijuana - Physician
Expert Witness:
Medical Marijuana, Cannabis, and Hemp is more widely available with changes in medical indications, toxicology and effects. Running a private cannabis clinic and research arm, gives me the unique position and expertise in this field. Based out of Los Angeles.
Author of multiple research articles including Cannabis Safety and Perioperative Cannabis Management and recurring articles in the Emergency Medicine News, “The Case for Cannabis.”
Doreen Casuto, RN, MRA, CRRN, CCM, CLCP
President, Rehabilitation Care
7851 Mission Center Ct, Ste 103
San Diego, CA 92108
Tel: (619) 299-9922
Fax: (619) 299-9932
Email: info@rehabcarecoord.com
Website: www.rehabcarecoord.com
BS Nursing, American University (1970); MRA Rehab Admin, University of San Francisco (1984); Registered Nurse - CA, UT, DC; Certified Case Manager; Certified Life Care Planner; Certified Nurse Life Care Planner; Certified Rehab Registered Nurse
Life Care Planning: Dynamic all-encompassing plan to determine patient needs across multiple medical specialties & therapies for the rest of the patient’s life. Created with input and research by the medical experts and the entire nursing team at RCC
Case Management: Long Term Care Management for individuals with catastrophic injuries & life events. Serve as patient advocate and resource for all government benefits and community resources. Performed on behalf of Special Needs trust after settlement or verdict.
Benefit Administration: Comprehensive process of acquiring all possible local, state and federal benefits for the client to ensure their medical and financial well-being. Includes gathering documents, completing application, attending interviews, opposing rejection of benefits, and advocating for all renewals or yearly evaluation. Benefits can include Social Security, Medi-Cal, Medicare, CalFresh, Section 8 Housing, IHSS and Regional Center.
Membership in Professional Societies: Adjunct Faculty, San Diego State. Board Member, San Diego Brain Injury Foundation. Board Member, California Brain Injury Association. Board Member, Foundation for Rehab Education and Research. Member of Ethic Review Committee, International Association of Rehab Professionals.
MLXperts, LLC
Medical Legal Expert Witnesses
Founded by Ronald S. Kvitne, MD
2275 Huntington Dr, #124 San Marino, CA 91108
Tel: (800) 690-6410
Email: info@MLXperts.com
Website: www.MLXperts.com
MD; Board Certified; Licensed in CA; American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery; Diplomate, National Board of Medical Examiners; American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons; American Orthopaedic Society of Sports Medicine; American Shoulder & Elbow
A nationwide network of world class Medical Legal Expert Witnesses, in all fields of medicine. Our unparalleled medical & legal expertise has helped attorneys achieve a 99% success rate of favorable settlements and/or verdicts.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience:
MLXperts was founded by Ronald S. Kvitne, MD, a top orthopedic surgeon and a partner at the prestigious Kerlan-Jobe Orthopedic Clinic in Los Angeles, CA. With 30+ years of experience as an Orthopedic Medical Expert Witness, Dr. Kvitne’s medical expertise is highly regarded & sought after for his testimony at Deposition, Arbitration, as well as State & Federal Trial.
Medical Record Review
Independent Medical Exam
Defense Medical Exam
Medical Expert Witness Testimony in Personal
Injury, Medical Malpractice & Insurance
Disability Claims
See insert ad after page 8
Roughan & Associates At LINC, Inc.
Contact: Jan Roughan, RN
465 N. Halstead St, Ste 120 Pasadena, CA 91107
Tel: (626) 351-0991
Fax: (626) 351-0992
Email: janr@linc.biz
Case Management & Medical Legal Consulting
- Services/products offered include:
Life Care Plan: Mini/Cost Projection
Life Care Plan: Comprehensive
Life Care Plan: Critique
Reasonableness Analysis: Past Medical Bills/ Howell Number
Medical Record: Chronology
Medicare Set Aside Analysis
Videos: Day in Life/Settlement Doc
Expert Testimony
RN IME Attendance
Expert/Specialist Identification
See display ad page 109
Lorne S. Label, MD, MBA, FAAN, CPE California Neurological Specialists, Inc. 1977 Millville Court
Thousand Oaks, CA 91360
Tel: (818) 590-6436
Fax: (805) 241-0014
Email: drllabel@gmail.com
Website: www.cns-neurology.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: MD; Bd Cert; Fellow, Amer Acad of Neurology; MBA, Health Care Mgmt. Certified Physician Executive. Diplomate, Amer Bd of Psychiatry & Neurology; CA Med Lic
Neurological field (adult & child) with particular attention to trauma causing brain/muscle/ nerve/spinal disorder. Head trauma, seizure, encephalitis, behavioral disorders, dementia, headaches, nerve & muscle disorders. Medical malpractice. Tests of higher cerebral function (EEG, Evoked Responses), EMG. Med acupuncture.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Medical Expert for Medical Board of California. Depositions, IME record review & court testimony, plaintiff & defense, since 1984
Neurology Expertise:
Birthdate: 8/1/52 Birthplace: Montreal, Canada
Education: McGill Univ 1969-70; Univ of Texas at Austin, BA Psych with High Honors 1973; Univ of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, TX, MD 1978; Univ of Michigan Medical Center, Neurology, 1982; Neuromuscular Fellowship, USC, 1983
Previous Positions/Appointments: Clinical Prof of Neurology, David Geffen School of Medicine, UCLA; Past Chief of Staff, Los Robles Hospital & Medical Center; Inst of Med Quality (CMA), Hospital Surveyor, apptd 1994-present; Med Dir - Los Robles Homecare Srvs; Associate Medical Director of Los Robles Hospice, Bd of Dir, Exec Comte Mbr at several hospitals; Chairman, Clinical Ethics Advisory Committee, Los Robles Medical Center; Review Comte, Medical Bd of Calif; apptd by Gov Deukmejian; Bd of Dir, Ventura Cty Med Soc; Board of Governors UCP; Muscular Dystrophy Assn of LA.
Honors/Awards: Who’s Who of Amer Professionals 1994; Phi Beta Kappa Number of Publications: 24 incl one book, Injuries & Disorders of the Brain and Head (Mosby, 1997) & numerous Chapters; lectures; Fmr medical editor for LexisNexis Publication.
Membership in Professional Societies: Fel of Amer Acad of Neurology; Amer Acad of Med Acupuncture; Ventura Cnty Med Soc; CA Med Assn
2420 River Rd, #230-5004
Norco, CA 92860
Tel: (909) 374-4305
Email: dlombardi002@earthlink.net
Additional Email: dlombardi003@gmail.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: MD, QME
Board Certified Neurologist; Medical Legal experience since 1978; IME; AME; DME; Court (26) & Depo (60) Expert Witness Testimony; Past Director, Neurodiagnostics Lab & Neurovascular Unit; Past Chairman, Bioethics Committee & Past Director, Stroke Receiving Center at Orange County Global Medical Center, Santa Ana, California.
MLXperts, LLC
Medical Legal Expert Witnesses
Founded by Ronald S. Kvitne, MD
2275 Huntington Dr, #124 San Marino, CA 91108
Tel: (800) 690-6410
Email: info@MLXperts.com
Website: www.MLXperts.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: MD; Board Certified; Licensed in CA; American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery; Diplomate, National Board of Medical Examiners; American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons; American Orthopaedic Society of Sports Medicine; American Shoulder & Elbow Surgeons
A nationwide network of world class Medical Legal Expert Witnesses, in all fields of medicine. Our unparalleled medical & legal expertise has helped attorneys achieve a 99% success rate of favorable settlements and/or verdicts.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: MLXperts was founded by Ronald S. Kvitne, MD, a top orthopedic surgeon and a partner at the prestigious Kerlan-Jobe Orthopedic Clinic in Los Angeles, CA. With 30+ years of experience as an Orthopedic Medical Expert Witness, Dr. Kvitne’s medical expertise is highly regarded & sought after for his testimony at Deposition, Arbitration, as well as State & Federal Trial.
Medical Record Review
Independent Medical Exam
Defense Medical Exam
Medical Expert Witness Testimony in Personal Injury, Medical Malpractice & Insurance
Disability Claims
See insert ad after page 8
MLXperts, LLC
Medical Legal Expert Witnesses
Founded by Ronald S. Kvitne, MD
2275 Huntington Dr, #124 San Marino, CA 91108
Tel: (800) 690-6410
Email: info@MLXperts.com
Website: www.MLXperts.com
MD; Board Certified; Licensed in CA; American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery; Diplomate, National Board of Medical Examiners; American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons; American Orthopaedic Society of Sports Medicine; American Shoulder & Elbow Surgeons
A nationwide network of world class Medical Legal Expert Witnesses, in all fields of medicine. Our unparalleled medical & legal expertise has helped attorneys achieve a 99% success rate of favorable settlements and/or verdicts.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: MLXperts was founded by Ronald S. Kvitne, MD, a top orthopedic surgeon and a partner at the prestigious Kerlan-Jobe Orthopedic Clinic in Los Angeles, CA. With 30+ years of experience as an Orthopedic Medical Expert Witness, Dr. Kvitne’s medical expertise is highly regarded & sought after for his testimony at Deposition, Arbitration, as well as State & Federal Trial.
Medical Record Review
Independent Medical Exam
Defense Medical Exam
Medical Expert Witness Testimony in Personal Injury, Medical Malpractice & Insurance
Disability Claims
See insert ad after page 8
Pro/Consul Technical & Medical Experts
1945 Palo Verde Ave, Ste 200 Long Beach, CA 90815-3443
Tel: (800) 392-1119
Fax: (562) 799-8821
Email: expert@expertinfo.com
Website: www.expertinfo.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: MD; PhD; JD; CPA; DDS; RN, etc.
15,000 Experts incl: acc recon; acctg; auto engr; biomech, busn val; const; econ; elec; eng; failure analysis; human fac; ins; lighting; marine; metal; medmal; mech; MD’s; RN’s; roof; safety; security; SOC; tax & many more.
Right Expert Right Away!® We welcome your RUSH cases! We feature a full roster of Technical and Medical expert witnesses. Our goal is to provide you with the best experts at a reasonable cost. Free Resume Binder. Put us to the test - we look forward to your call! Listed and Recommended by the A.M. Best Company.
See display ads on pages 42, 85, 124 and inside front cover
Doreen Casuto, RN, MRA, CRRN, CCM, CLCP President, Rehabilitation Care
7851 Mission Center Ct, Ste 103 San Diego, CA 92108
Tel: (619) 299-9922
Fax: (619) 299-9932
Email: info@rehabcarecoord.com
Website: www.rehabcarecoord.com
BS Nursing, American University (1970); MRA Rehab Admin, University of San Francisco (1984); Registered Nurse - CA, UT, DC; Certified Case Manager; Certified Life Care Planner; Certified Nurse Life Care Planner; Certified Rehab Registered Nurse
Life Care Planning: Dynamic all-encompassing plan to determine patient needs across multiple medical specialties & therapies for the rest of the patient’s life. Created with input and research by the medical experts and the entire nursing team at RCC
Case Management: Long Term Care Management for individuals with catastrophic injuries & life events. Serve as patient advocate and resource for all government benefits and community resources. Performed on behalf of Special Needs trust after settlement or verdict.
Benefit Administration: Comprehensive process of acquiring all possible local, state and federal benefits for the client to ensure their medical and financial well-being. Includes gathering documents, completing application, attending interviews, opposing rejection of benefits, and advocating for all renewals or yearly evaluation. Benefits can include Social Security, Medi-Cal, Medicare, CalFresh, Section 8 Housing, IHSS and Regional Center.
Membership in Professional Societies: Adjunct Faculty, San Diego State. Board Member, San Diego Brain Injury Foundation. Board Member, California Brain Injury Association. Board Member, Foundation for Rehab Education and Research. Member of Ethic Review Committee, International Association of Rehab Professionals.
Charles Dubin, M.D Gynecology
10921 Wilshire Blvd, #507 Los Angeles, CA 90024
Tel: (310) 617-0519
Fax: (310) 471-0519
Email: dubincharles53@gmail.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: M.D; Physician’s and Surgeon’s Certificate California License 1979; Diplomate of the National Board of Medical Examiners 1979; American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology Certified 1984; Fellow American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology 1986; Certification in Advance Operative Laparoscopy and Hysteroscopy 1996; Certified DaVinci Robotic Surgeon 2013.
Specialties: Expert Testimony in Gynecological and Obstetrical Malpractice-plaintiff and defense. Record Review, Forensic Analysis, Sexual Abuse, Minimally Invasive Gynecologic and Robotic Surgery, Office Gynecology, OB-GYN Expert for Los Angeles County Superior Court.
Education: M.D., UCLA 1978; Sex Therapy
Fellowship UCLA 1980; Internship and Residency Ob-Gyn, UCLA 1981; Chief Resident Ob-Gyn @ UCLA 1982. Previous Positions/Appointments: 1982-1992 Clinical Faculty Instructor Family Practice Residency at Santa Monica Hospital; 1982-1995 and 20122016 Assistant Clinical Professor Obstetrics and Gynecology UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine; 2018-present Expert Witness Panel Ob-Gyn Los Angeles Superior Court. Honors/ Awards: Phi Beta Kappa, Magna Cum Laude.
Alan L. Shabo, MD Clinical Professor of Ophthalmology
UCLA/Jules Stein Eye Institute 9100 Wilshire Blvd, Ste 265E Beverly Hills, CA 90212
Tel: (310) 824-9661 (Office)
Cell: (310) 857-8001
Fax: (424) 272-9032
Email: ashabo@hotmail.com
Past Chief of Ophthalmology, Cedars Sinai; Appointed Expert Panel, LA Superior Court; Consultant, Dept. of Justice/CA
Experience: 200 cases/depositions/trials
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: MD (Highest Honors); MS (Neuroanatomy); AB (Phi Beta Kappa); Diplomate, American Board of Ophthalmology; Fellow, American Academy of Ophthalmology.
Eye, orbital & head injuries; eye treatments; cataract surgery; retinal disease, diabetic retinopathy; eye surgeries; Author of 50 journal papers/chapters.
2377 W. Foothill Blvd, #9
Upland, CA 91786
Tel: (888) 627-4321
Fax: (909) 946-0347
Email: experts@expertsatmcs.com
Website: www.expertsatmcs.com
One convenient nationwide source for cost effective medical and technical expert services in all healthcare and technical fields. MCS assists its clients with claims involving personal injury, medical malpractice, disability, construction defect, product liability, criminal forensics and HMO peer review. Our experts are Board Certified and qualified expert witnesses. Services include Independent Medical Examinations, Medical Record Reviews, Diagnostic Re-interpretation, Utilization and/or Bill Reviews, along with various types of Technical Review and Analysis, involving accident reconstruction and biomechanical analysis, safety, economic loss and more.
MCS is also an approved M.C.L.E. provider and offers seminars at no charge on a number of topics for continuing legal education.
Medical Legal Expert Witnesses
Founded by Ronald S. Kvitne, MD
2275 Huntington Dr, #124 San Marino, CA 91108
Tel: (800) 690-6410
Email: info@MLXperts.com
Website: www.MLXperts.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: MD; Board Certified; Licensed in CA; American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery; Diplomate, National Board of Medical Examiners; American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons; American Orthopaedic Society of Sports Medicine; American Shoulder & Elbow Surgeons
A nationwide network of world class Medical Legal Expert Witnesses, in all fields of medicine. Our unparalleled medical & legal expertise has helped attorneys achieve a 99% success rate of favorable settlements and/or verdicts.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience:
MLXperts was founded by Ronald S. Kvitne, MD, a top orthopedic surgeon and a partner at the prestigious Kerlan-Jobe Orthopedic Clinic in Los Angeles, CA. With 30+ years of experience as an Orthopedic Medical Expert Witness, Dr. Kvitne’s medical expertise is highly regarded & sought after for his testimony at Deposition, Arbitration, as well as State & Federal Trial.
Medical Record Review
Independent Medical Exam
Defense Medical Exam
Medical Expert Witness Testimony in Personal Injury, Medical Malpractice & Insurance Disability Claims
See insert ad after page 8
Glenn B. Pfeffer, M.D. See display ad belowPro/Consul Technical & Medical Experts
1945 Palo Verde Ave, Ste 200 Long Beach, CA 90815-3443
Tel: (800) 392-1119
Fax: (562) 799-8821
Email: expert@expertinfo.com
Website: www.expertinfo.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: MD; PhD; JD; CPA; DDS; RN, etc.
15,000 Experts incl: acc recon; acctg; auto engr; biomech, busn val; const; econ; elec; eng; failure analysis; human fac; ins; lighting; marine; metal; medmal; mech; MD’s; RN’s; roof; safety; security; SOC; tax & many more.
Right Expert Right Away!® We welcome your RUSH cases! We feature a full roster of Technical and Medical expert witnesses. Our goal is to provide you with the best experts at a reasonable cost. Free Resume Binder. Put us to the test - we look forward to your call! Listed and Recommended by the A.M. Best Company.
See display ads on pages 42, 85, 124 and inside front cover
Clive M. Segil, MD, FRCS, FACS Orthopaedic Surgeon
17777 Ventura Blvd, Ste 230 Encino CA, 91316
Tel: (818) 342-5490
Fax: (818) 342-5412
Email: drsegil@drsegil.com
Website: www.drsegil.com
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, telemedicine and Zoom consultations are my specialty and I am able to do this remotely. Depositions and trial testimony can also be done remotely. Contact me for details.
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: MB, BCh 1963; MD 1971; FRCS 1966; FACS 1971; CA & NV
Specialties: Orthopaedic surgery; spine surgery; hip & knee replacements; general orthopaedic Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Extensive in Orthopaedic Surgery in Superior Court, Federal Courts in CA & NV.
Birthdate: 10/24/38 Birthplace: South Africa
Positions/Appointments: Past Asst Clinical Prof Orthopaedics - USC; Past Clinical Chief Orthopaedic Surgery - Cedars Sinai Med Center.
Honors/Awards: Visiting Prof & Fellow, Hip Replacement, with Sir John Charnley; Visiting Prof & Fellow, Spine Surgery Dr. Edward H. Simmons – Toronto.
Publications: Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery, 1972; Clinical Orthopaedic & Related Research, 1974.
Membership in Professional Societies: CA Orthopaedic Assn; Western Orthopaedic Assn; North American Spine Society
William B. Stetson, MDStetson Lee Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine
Associate Adjunct Clinical Professor, USC Dept of Orthopaedic Surgery
191 S. Buena Vista St, Ste 470 Burbank, CA 91505
Tel: (818) 848-3030
Fax: (818) 848-2228
Email: drstetson@stetsonleeortho.com
Website: sportsmedicinedr.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: BA, USC ‘83, Phi Beta Kappa; MD, USC ‘89; LAC, USC Dept of Orthopaedic Surgery ‘94; Sports Medicine/Arthroscopy Fellowship ‘95; Board Certified Orthopaedic Surgeon ‘97; Board Recertification 2017; Certificate of Added Qualification in Sports Medicine 2017.
Shoulder, knee, elbow, ankle, trauma, Sports Medicine, Arthroscopy. Qualified Medical Examiner (QME) for the State of California
Steven A. Burres, MD, QME, FAACS
Steven A. Burres, MD, QME FAACS, Inc. 6221 Wilshire Blvd, Ste LL3 Los Angeles, CA 90048
Tel: (323) 937-1673
Fax: (323) 937-0882
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: MD, Univ of Chicago; Fellow, Stanford Univ; USC Faculty; Cedars Sinai staff
Specialties: Facial Plastic Surgery; Liposuction; Ear, Nose & Throat Surgery; Sinus Disease; Ear Deformities; Hearing Loss; Facelifts; Cheek & Chin Implants. 30 years experience, workers comp/QME/PI.
Publications: Published 30 scientific papers/ chapters.
Neuropathy and Pain Centers of America
8084 W. Sahara, Ste B Las Vegas, NV 89117
Tel: (702) 521-9542
Fax: (702) 254-7044
Email: bodell@nvneuropathy.com
Website: www.robertodellmdphd.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: MD, PhD, MS, BS, AB (CA, NV, AZ, FL, TN, WI, PA). Amer Board of Anesthesiology (1983); Amer Board of Pain Medicine (2017); Fellow of Interventional Pain Practice (2008)
Pain Management, Anesthesiology
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: (about 50:50 Pltf: Defense) Civil: Med Mal, Pain management, multiple medical records reviews; Criminal: Drug defense (also worked for DEA)
Birthdate: Dec 26, 1946 Birthplace: Bryn Mawr, PA
Education: BA (Chemistry), BS EE, Univ of Penn 1970; MS Systems Engineering, PhD Biomedical Engineering, Stanford 1974; MD, Stanford 1976.
Honors/Awards: Class of 1946 Award, Univ of Penn 1970.
Publications: New Device Combines Electrical Currents and Local Anesthetic for Pain Management; Practical Pain Management (2011) 11 (6): 52-68; Anti-Inflammatory Effects of Electronic Signal Treatment; Pain Physician 2008; 11: 891-907 (Nov/Dec edition); Electroanalgesic Nerve Block: Theory and Case Reports; Odell RH, Sorgnard R, May HU; Practical Pain Management (2006) 6 (3): 42-54.
Professional Societies: Amer Soc Regional Anes, World Institute of Pain See display ad below
Marvin Pietruszka, MD, MS, JD, FCAP 324 South Beverly Drive, #389 Beverly Hills, CA 90212
Tel: (310) 779-3279
Email: pathlologymd@aol.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: MD 1977; JD 2001; MSc 2004; MSc 2009
Causation Expert, Forensic Pathology, Internal Medicine & Forensic Toxicology. Wrongful death & personal injury cases; Independent autopsies; Plaintiff/Defense; Board Certified, Pathology; Forensic Toxicology, Preventative Medicine; Staff: Valley Presbyterian Hospital; Numerous Honors & Publications; Clinical Assoc Professor, USC Keck School of Medicine. References upon request.
Memorial Miller Children’s Hospital
2801 Atlantic Ave
Long Beach, CA 90801
Tel: (562) 933-8743
Fax: (562) 933-8744
Email: cmaggi@memorialcare.org
Website: www.memorialcare.org
MD; Board Cert Peds; PED Critical Care/ Pediatric Pulmonology
Board Certified in Pediatrics; Pediatric Critical Care; Pediatric Pulmonology; Expertise in pediatric resuscitation, emergencies, trauma, hospital management of pediatric patients, lung disorders, ventilatory support; Post Operative Care.
Arrowhead Evaluation Services
1680 Plum Lane
Redlands, CA 92374
Tel: (888) 888-5902
Email: experts@arrowheadeval.com
Website: www.arrowheadeval.com
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Physicians dedicated to fast, accurate reporting | California’s most selective medical/ legal service provider | Credible medical legal reports
Over 100 Physicians Servicing California:
- Independent Medical Evaluations
- Personal Injury
- Disability
- Longshore/Harborworker IME’s
- Worker’s Compensation
See display ad page 11
Pro/Consul Technical & Medical Experts
1945 Palo Verde Ave, Ste 200 Long Beach, CA 90815-3443
Tel: (800) 392-1119
Fax: (562) 799-8821
Email: expert@expertinfo.com
Website: www.expertinfo.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: MD; PhD; JD; CPA; DDS; RN, etc.
15,000 Experts incl: acc recon; acctg; auto engr; biomech, busn val; const; econ; elec; eng; failure analysis; human fac; ins; lighting; marine; metal; medmal; mech; MD’s; RN’s; roof; safety; security; SOC; tax & many more. Right Expert Right Away!® We welcome your RUSH cases! We feature a full roster of Technical and Medical expert witnesses. Our goal is to provide you with the best experts at a reasonable cost. Free Resume Binder. Put us to the test - we look forward to your call! Listed and Recommended by the A.M. Best Company.
See display ads on pages 42, 85, 124 and inside front cover
Jeffrey L. Rosenberg, MD, FACS
Associate Clinical Professor of Medical Education – Keck School of Medicine of USC
1245 Wilshire Blvd, Ste 601 Los Angeles, CA 90017
Tel: (213) 977-0257
Fax: (213) 977-0501
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: MD (CA & HI)
Plastic & reconstructive surgery; burn specialist. Diplomate, American Board of Plastic Surgery; member, American Burn Assn & American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Past-President, California Society of Plastic Surgeons.
Steven A. Burres, MD, QME, FAACS
Steven A. Burres, MD, QME FAACS, Inc.
6221 Wilshire Blvd, Ste LL3
Los Angeles, CA 90048
Tel: (323) 937-1673
Fax: (323) 937-0882
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: MD, Univ of Chicago; Fellow, Stanford Univ; USC Faculty; Cedars Sinai staff
Facial Plastic Surgery; Liposuction; Ear, Nose & Throat Surgery; Sinus Disease; Ear Deformities; Hearing Loss; Facelifts; Cheek & Chin Implants. 30 years experience, workers comp/QME/PI.
Publications: Published 30 scientific papers/ chapters
Brent R.W. Moelleken, MD, FACS
Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery
120 S. Spalding Dr, Ste 110 Beverly Hills, CA 92012
Tel: (310) 273-1001
Fax: (310) 205-4881
Email: drbrent@drbrent.com
Website: www.drbrent.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: CA Medical Lic, MD, FACS
Specialties: Plastic Surgery, FACS, Wound care specialist, reconstructive surgery, microsurgical nerve repair, complex scar & wound treatment, burn treatment.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Case reviewer - Med Malpractice, Lien cases; wound healing, scar, nerve expert, burn expert.
Education & Training:
Education: Yale Medical, Harvard, UCSF, UCLA, UCSF, Chief Resident, General Surgery; UCSF, Chief Resident, Plastic Surgery; Buncke Clinic- Microsurgery Fellowship.
Previous Positions/Appointments: UCLA Med Ctr, Attending Surgeon, Assoc Clinical Prof.
Honors/Awards: Dean’s Scholar, Purdue; First in Class Harvard, thesis Honors, Dept of Internal Med, Yale Med Sch. Publications: Mathes SJ, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, Mathes - Perspectives in Plastic Surgery; Numerous presentations and publications. Super Doctors Hall of Fame, Top Plastic Surgeons in America – Newsweek/ Statistica.
Membership in Professional Societies: Cert, Am Bd of Surgery, Fellow Amer College of Surgeons FACS, ASPS, ASAPS
Larry S. Nichter, MD, MS, FACS, FAAP Pacific Center for Plastic Surgery
3991 MacArthur Blvd
Newport Beach, CA 92660
Tel: (949) 720-3888
Email: lnichter@imagedr.com
Website: drnichter.com pacificcenterplasticsurgery.com mybiospa.com
Professional History includes Board Certified by 1) American Board of Surgery 2) American Board of Plastic Surgery 3) American Board of Surgery, Special Competency in Hand Surgery. Extensive experience in all aspects of Cosmetic, Adult & Pediatric Plastic & Reconstructive surgery of the head & neck, breast, body, extremities, wounds/traumatic deformity & burns, med spa complications.
Prior Tenured Professor of Plastic Surgery (USC) & Prior Chairman, Department of Plastic Surgery. Well-published author of several textbook chapters & journal articles related to above topics. Extensive experience in medical malpractice case review, consultation, written evaluation & testimony for defense & plaintiff. Articulate subspecialty consultant with up-to-date knowledge & expertise in relevant literature & standards of care. Opinions supported by extensive subspecialty education, training & experience.
John M. Shamoun, MD, FACS
John Shamoun MD, FACS Inc
Contact: Yvonne
366 San Miguel Dr, Ste 310 Newport Beach, CA 92660
Tel: (949) 759-3077
Fax: (949) 759-3087
Email: jmshamoun@gmail.com
Website: www.ideallook.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: MD; Fellow, American College of Surgeons; Lic USA-(CA, TX, MS, AL, GA, FL). Lic UAEDubai Health Authority / Qatar
25 years experience. Only plastic surgeon in the United States board certified by the 1) American Board of Surgery 2) American Board of Plastic Surgery 3) American Board of Facial Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery 4) American Board of Forensic Medicine 5) American Board of Cosmetic Surgery 6) American Board of Facial Cosmetic Surgery
Extensive experience in all aspects of cosmetic, plastic & reconstructive surgery of the breast, nose, face, eye & body. Wellpublished author of several textbook chapters & journal articles related to above topics. Extensive experience in medical malpractice case review, consultation, written evaluation & testimony in depositions & trial for plaintiff & defense. Articulate subspecialty consultant with up-to-date knowledge & expertise of plastic surgery literature & standards of care. Opinions supported by extensive subspecialty education, training & experience.
Retained over 300 times, deposed over 50 times, trial testimony over 20 times, arbitration / settlement conferences over 10 times. California Medical Board Reviewer.
Carole Lieberman, MD, MPH
Psychiatric Expert Witness/ Forensic Psychiatrist
Diplomate, American Board Psychiatry & Neurology
Decades on UCLA Psychiatry Clinical Faculty 204 S. Beverly Drive, Ste 108 Beverly Hills, CA 90212
Tel: (310) 278-5433
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: Board Cert Psychiatrist; MD; MPH; QME; CA Medical Bd Expert
Nationally respected Forensic Psychiatrist with winning record of trial testimony, depositions, evaluations & trial consultation in hundreds of civil & criminal cases - plaintiff / prosecution & defense. These include: High Profile, child abuse, custody, discrimination, divorce, domestic violence, elder abuse, entertainment, malingering, malpractice, media copycat behavior, murder, PI, police brutality, PTSD, priest molestation, sexual harassment, suicide, terrorism, violence, will contestation, wrongful termination & other cases involving emotional distress / psychological issues.
Dr. Lieberman appears in the Media as a legal analyst & testifies before Congress. Recommendations upon request.
See display ad on divider card after page 136 in PSYCHOLOGY/PSYCHIATRY
Samuel I Miles, MD, PhD Psychiatrist-Physician11901 Santa Monica Blvd, #532 Los Angeles, CA 90025
Tel: (310) 659-1674
Fax: (888) 451-2967
Email: doctor@drmiles.net
Website: www.drmiles.net
MD, PhD, Bd Cert (ABPN) Genl, Addiction & Forensic Psych
Psychiatric evaluation/treatment, Medicallegal consultation, case review, independent medical examination, and expert testimony in civil and criminal cases, including malpractice, personal injury, probate, and disability, psychopharmacology, psychotherapy, addiction psychiatry. Psychiatric panel, LA County & US District Courts.
James Pearle, MD
Clinical Professor of Medicine –UC Irvine School of Medicine
P.O. Box 157
Corona Del Mar, CA 92625
Tel: (714) 446-8702
Cell: (714) 337-3797
Email: jpearlemd@hotmail.com
MD, California. BA Biology, University of Chicago, 1969; MD, New York Medical College, 1973; Internship Kaiser Hospital Oakland, CA 1974; Medical Residency George Washington University 1977; Pulmonary Fellowship University of Illinois 1979.
Specialties: Internal Medicine; Pulmonary Disease. Research experience with more than 100 clinical trials as Principal Investigator
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Extensive Defense and Plaintiff experience in asbestos disease, occupational and environmental lung disease, critical care, pulmonary, COVID-19, mold and mesothelioma, malpractice. 30 years experience
Positions/Appointments: Assistant Professor, UCLA School of Medicine 1979-1982; Assistant Professor, UCI School of Medicine 1982-86; Clinical Professor, UCI 2020-present. Chief of Staff Specialty Hospital La Mirada, CA; Respiratory Therapy Director Martin Luther Hospital Anaheim, CA; Respiratory Therapy
Director St. Jude Medical Center, Fullerton, CA; President, Southern California Hospitalist Network, Inc; Medical Director Kindred Hospital, Brea, CA; Respiratory Therapy
Director Brea Hospital, Brea, CA; Respiratory Therapy Director Coast Plaza Medical Center, Norwalk, CA; Chairman, Physician Well-Being Committee, St. Jude.
Publications and Reviews: Available on CV.
Membership in Professional Societies: ATS; ACCP.
Steven M. Simons, MD, FACP, FCCP
9001 Wilshire Blvd, Ste 200 Beverly Hills, CA 90211
Tel: (310) 274-3444
Fax: (310) 271-3793
Email: ssimonsmd@gmail.com
Website: www.simonsmd.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: BS; MD; FACP; FCCP; Clinical Professor of Medicine
Expert in pulmonary diseases, internal medicine & critical care. Asthma management, pulmonary masses, pulmonary embolism, pneumonia, lung cancer, bronchoscopy, mechanical ventilation, pleural effusions, COPD, emphysema. Former Chief of Staff, Chief of Medicine: Cedars-Sinai Health System; 20 yrs experience: defense & plaintiff.
Jeff Sarkozi, MD, FRCPC, FACR Fibromyalgia Polypain Arthritis Center 801 N. Tustin Ave, Ste 503 Santa Ana, CA 92705
Tel: (714) 973-4636
Fax: (714) 973-4776
Email: expert@fmpolypain.com
Website: www.fmpolypain.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: MD; FRCPC; FACR; Lic (CA & NY)
Fibromyalgia, Arthritis, Occupational, Industrial & Environmental Rheumatology/ Arthritis, Syndromes of Chronic Fatigue & Pain, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Osteoarthritis, Diffuse Idiopathic Skeletal Hyperostosis, Neck Pain, Back Pain, Lupus (SLE), Scleroderma, Sjogren’s Syndrome. Raynaud’s Syndrome, Spondylitis, Myositis, Reflex Dystrophy/ Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS), Vasculitis, Gout.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Consultation, case review, analysis, ME/IME/ AME, deposition, trial experience. On behalf of: industry/insurers/defendant public local, state & federal agencies/selected plaintiffs for industrial/occupational/environmental/posttraumatic/disability claims of fibromyalgia, reflex dystrophy/complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) & syndromes of chronic fatigue & pain, arthritis, connective tissue and other rheumatologic diseases; manufacturers & physicians involved in silicone implant litigation; manufacturers involved in diet drug litigation; plaintiff for I-tryptophan EMS. Physician/plaintiff in rheumatology medical malpractice issues
Summary CV:
Education: Undergraduate, Chemistry & Microbiology, Univ of Toronto; MD, Univ of Toronto; Internal Medicine, Univ of Toronto & McMaster Univ; Rheumatology Fellowship, Univ of Toronto.
Previous Positions/Appointments: Assoc Clinical Prof, Univ of Calif, Irvine; Med Director, Fibromyalgia Polypain Arthritis Center; Med Director, The Calif Institute for Fibromyalgia, Arthritis & Rheumatology; Director, Raynaud’s Syndrome Research Clinic.
Honors/Awards: Multiple US/foreign patents for ergonomic engineering.
Number of Publications: 24 Scientific Presentations: Numerous Speaking Engagements: Numerous.
Membership in Professional Societies: Multiple
Charles Dubin, M.D Gynecology
10921 Wilshire Blvd, #507 Los Angeles, CA 90024
Tel: (310) 617-0519
Fax: (310) 471-0519
Email: dubincharles53@gmail.com
M.D; Physician’s and Surgeon’s Certificate California License 1979; Diplomate of the National Board of Medical Examiners 1979; American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology Certified 1984; Fellow American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology 1986; Certification in Advance Operative Laparoscopy and Hysteroscopy 1996; Certified DaVinci Robotic Surgeon 2013.
Expert Testimony in Gynecological and Obstetrical Malpractice-plaintiff and defense. Record Review, Forensic Analysis, Sexual Abuse, Minimally Invasive Gynecologic and Robotic Surgery, Office Gynecology, OB-GYN Expert for Los Angeles County Superior Court.
Education: M.D., UCLA 1978; Sex Therapy Fellowship UCLA 1980; Internship and Residency Ob-Gyn, UCLA 1981; Chief Resident Ob-Gyn @ UCLA 1982. Previous Positions/Appointments: 1982-1992 Clinical Faculty Instructor Family Practice Residency at Santa Monica Hospital; 1982-1995 and 20122016 Assistant Clinical Professor Obstetrics and Gynecology UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine; 2018-present Expert Witness Panel Ob-Gyn Los Angeles Superior Court. Honors/ Awards: Phi Beta Kappa, Magna Cum Laude.
Helen Grusd, PhD
420 S Beverly Blvd, Ste 100 Beverly Hills, CA 90212
Tel: (310) 475-2450
Email: hgrusd@aol.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: PhD; Certified Forensic Consultant; Diplomate of the American Board of Forensic Examiners
Specialties: Forensics, children, families, adults. Evaluated approximately 2,000 cases, including clergy, boy scouts and foster care sexual abuse cases, sexual harassment and bullying at school, post-traumatic stress disorders.
William Dillin, MD
Independent Spine Evaluation, Inc.
Spine Surgery and Spine Medicine Consultant
6080 Center Drive
Los Angeles, CA 90045
Tel: (844) 774-6393 (844-spinewd)
Email: keena.giles@independentspine.com
Website: www.independentspine.com
MD – licensed in CA, TX, AZ, FL and NV
Dr. Dillin is in clinical practice performing spine surgery, spine interventions and evaluating patients with spine conditions. He is licensed in California, Texas, Arizona, Florida and Nevada. He was a former partner at the Kerlan-Jobe Orthopaedic Clinic and was an associate of the Cedars-Sinai Kerlan-Jobe Institute.
Independent Medical Evaluations; Medical Legal Reviews.
See display ad page 117
Richard Benveniste, DDS, MSD
19231 Victory Blvd, Ste 256 Reseda, CA 91335
Tel: (818) 881-7337
Fax: (818) 881-6183
Email: yourgums@gmail.com
Doctor of Dental Surgery, (DDS); Master of Science in Dentistry (MSD
Previous three term officer of State Dental Board of California, having ruled on all phases of dental practice. Practicing as an expert, consultant, evaluator & teacher in the treatment of TMJ, personal injury (PI), lien cases, dental injury. Multiple distinguished service citations from California State Department of Consumer Affairs. Provider of continuing education courses on oral diagnosis, oral medicine, head, jaw & neck injuries, treatment modalities, TMJ diagnosis, therapy. Multiple long term professional organization memberships.
Jonathan S. Rutchik, MD, MPH
Neurology/Occupational & Environmental Medicine Assoc
Professor UCSF, Dept of Occ/ Env Medicine
Tel: (415) 381-3133
Fax: (415) 381-3131
Email: jsrutch@neoma.com
Website: www.neoma.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: MD (CA, NY, MA, NM, ID); Masters in Public Health; Bd Cert Neurology; Bd Cert Occ/Env Medicine; CA QME, AME.
Electromyography, organic solvents, heavy metals, pesticides, carbon monoxide, neuropathy, brain trauma, disability, risk assessment, neuroepidemiology, product liability, utilization review, upper/lower extremity, head, neck, back injury, plaintiff, defense, fitness for duty.
Marvin Pietruszka, MD, MS, JD, FCAP 324 South Beverly Drive, #389 Beverly Hills, CA 90212
Tel: (310) 779-3279
Email: pathlologymd@aol.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: MD 1977; JD 2001; MSc 2004; MSc 2009
Causation Expert, Forensic Pathology, Internal Medicine & Forensic Toxicology. Wrongful death & personal injury cases; Independent autopsies; Plaintiff/Defense; Board Certified, Pathology; Forensic Toxicology, Preventative Medicine; Staff: Valley Presbyterian Hospital; Numerous Honors & Publications; Clinical Assoc Professor, USC Keck School of Medicine. References upon request.
Dudley Seth Danoff, MD, FACS
Cedars-Sinai Medical Center
8635 West Third Street, Ste - One West Los Angeles, CA 90048
Tel: (310) 854-9898
Cell: (310) 625-1377
Fax: (310) 854-0267
Email: DudleyDanoff@gmail.com
Website: www.towerurology.com
MD: FACS; CA Lic; Board Cert Amer Bd of Urology; Fellow, Amer College of Surgeons
Urologic Oncology. Extensive experience in prostate cancer, kidney and bladder tumors, sexual dysfunction, penile implants, kidney transplantation, pelvic trauma, stone disease, infections, incontinence, bladder injury. Fulltime clinical practice. Author, lecturer, Who’s Who in America, Academic Appointment.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Experience in medical malpractice, plaintiff/ defense; case reviews, deposition; expert witness, court experience.
Education: BA, Summa Cum Laude, Phi Beta Kappa, Princeton Univ; MD, Yale Univ School of Medicine.
Previous Positions/Appointments: Clinical Faculty, Dept of Urology, Tulane Univ Schl of Med; Clin Faculty, Columbia Univ College of Physicians & Surgeons; Clin Faculty, Dep of Surgery/Urology, UCLA; Fellow, Amer College of Surgeons (FACS); Diplomate, Amer Bd Urology; Amer Fertility Soc; Soc of Air Force Clin Surgeons; Amer Urologic Assn (AUA); Societe Internationale D’Urologie; Transplant Soc of So Calif; Bd of Governors, LA Cnty Med Assn; Intl College of Surgeons; Soc of Minimally Invasive Surgery.
Honors/Awards: Phi Beta Kappa, Summa Cum Laude, Princeton Univ; Soc of Sigma Xi Scientific Honorary Soc, Yale Univ; Alpha Omega Alpha Med Honorary Soc; Magnes Medalist, Hebrew Univ of Jerusalem; Albert Schweitzer Award, Sheba Med Ctr, Israel; Excellence in Medicine award, Israel Cancer Foundation; Endowed Chair in Urologic Research, Hebrew Univ of Jerusalem, Israel.
Publications/Media: Extensive publishing experience in scientific journals, books, lectures, training seminars, course directorships
Robert Wagmeister, MD
Vascular Surgeon
2001 Santa Monica Blvd, Ste 670 Santa Monica, CA 90404
Tel: (310) 828-5626
Fax: (310) 828-2826
Email: RWAGMD@aol.com
MD; Fellow, American College of Surgeons. Special certification in vascular surgery given by Amer Bd of Surgery
Vascular surgery; diseases, trauma & surgery of the circulation, both arterial & venous. Includes carotid artery, aneurysms, bypass surgery, dialysis surgery, amputations, pulmonary embolus, phlebitis, access for spine surgery.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Extensive experience in medical malpractice cases; numerous cases each year; depositions; expert witness; court appearance as required.
Birthdate: May 16, 1949 Birthplace: Brooklyn, NY
Education: BA, Brooklyn College, NY 1970; MD, Tufts Medical Schl, Boston, MA 1974.
Previous Positions/Appointments: Clinical Instructor, New York Univ Schl of Medicine.
Honors/Awards: Commendation, LA Fire Dept 1992 LA Riots.
Number of Publications: Six.
Membership In Professional Societies: So Cal Vascular Surgery Soc; Society for Vascular Surgery; Soc for Clinical Vascular Surgery; Peripheral Vascular Surgery Soc; American College of Phlebology
William B. Stetson, MD Stetson Lee Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine
Associate Adjunct Clinical Professor, USC Dept of Orthopaedic Surgery
191 S. Buena Vista St, Ste 470 Burbank, CA 91505
Tel: (818) 848-3030
Fax: (818) 848-2228
Email: drstetson@stetsonleeortho.com Website: sportsmedicinedr.com
BA, USC ‘83, Phi Beta Kappa; MD, USC ‘89; LAC, USC Dept of Orthopaedic Surgery ‘94; Sports Medicine/Arthroscopy Fellowship ‘95; Board Certified Orthopaedic Surgeon ‘97; Board Recertification 2017; Certificate of Added Qualification in Sports Medicine 2017.
Shoulder, knee, elbow, ankle, trauma, Sports Medicine, Arthroscopy. Qualified Medical Examiner (QME) for the State of California
Tel: (213) 700-3886
Tel: (602) 615-7694
Email: stan@ policeandsecuritypractices.com
Website: www.policeandsecuritypractices.com
BA Public Service; MA Ed - Thesis: Alternatives to Lethal Force; NIMS/SIMS Certification; CA Executive P.O.S.T. & AZ P.O.S.T. Certifications; State Corrections Management Certification; State Teaching Credential; FEMA - All NIMS Certification; Credentialed as a Federal, State & Tribal Law Enforcement Officer.
Expert Witness in: Police Practices; Use of Force Including Carotid Restraint; Crime Foreseeability; Officer Involved Shootings; Security Policies and Procedures; Special Event Security: Crowd Management/Control; Riots & Demonstrations; Bar Fights; Adult & Juvenile Custody; Indian Country Casino Operations/Policing Standards.
Olympic Games Security Administrator, Retired Police Chief, California Undersheriff, Major Disaster Command and Crime Scene Operations’ Experience, Governor’s Commendation as Special Adviser to California Adjutant General for Law Enforcement Training. Honors: 1st Non-Native Police Chief of the Year Award by the National Assn for Native American Law Enforcement, Named by Peter Ueberroth (LAOCC) in his book, Made in America, as one if his “Super Stars.” One of 150 International Security Experts invited to Dohar, Qatar, Sports Fan Violence Conference; Prominently mentioned in “Fanaticus: Mischief and Madness in the Modern Sports Fan” by Justin Gubar, Emmy-award winning ESPN investigative journalist, 2015. Professional Affiliations: International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP), American Society for Industrial Security (ASIS)
Ben Tisa – FBI Retired Ben Tisa and Associates Expert Witness Consultants
2269 Chestnut Street, #161 San Francisco, CA 94123
Cell: (925) 963-3984
Fax: (925) 984-2567
Email: expertwitness@bentisa.com Website: www.catt-online.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: Court-certified ballistic expert | FBI-certified firearms/range master for service rifled, sniper rifles, submachine guns, semi-automatic pistols and revolvers | FBI and USMC ballistic instructor
Police procedures and practices | Firearm and ballistics | Officer involved shootings | Negligent-security casinos/schools/public parades/retail stores
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: 44 years from 1969 at FBI, and to 2022 as independent consultant.
Member of the California Association of Tactical Trainers.
See display ad page 95
Brian P. Jacks, MD, FAACP, FAPA Adjunct Clinical Professor of Psychiatry, USC 9730 Wilshire Blvd, Ste 108 Beverly Hills, CA 90212
Tel: (310) 274-0684
Fax: (310) 274-5049
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: MD; Board Certified Psychiatrist; Adults (1974), Child/Adolescent (1976); FAACP; FAPA
Workers’ Comp (QME; AME); personal injury; sexual harassment; post-traumatic stress; wrongful termination; medical malpractice; child sexual abuse. Psychopharmacology; Forensic IME evaluations: malingering. Treatment: individual, marital, family, medical record review. 30+ years experience with adults, teenagers, children. Extensive trial experience.
Adjunct Professor of Clinical Psychiatry, USC
Distinguished Life Fellow, American Psychiatric Association
A practicing psychiatrist for 33 years, Dr. Sugar is board certified in both General and Child and Adolescent Psychiatry; Past President, Southern California Society of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry; Previously: Assistant Clinical Professor, UCLA; Founding Director of Research at Hathaway Children and Family Services.
CURRENT: Solo Practice, Psychiatric Expert Witness, Consulting Psychiatrist, Cal State Long Beach Trauma Recovery Center
RECENT: Director, Child and Adolescent Trauma Psychiatry Program, USC Inpatient, Outpatient and Residential Treatment experience with adults and children
Plaintiff and Defense Forensic experience includes reports and/or testimony in both child & adult cases involving:
• Institutional Sexual Abuse and Betrayal Trauma
• Effects of Trauma and Adversity on Child Development
• Chronic Physical, Sexual and Emotional Abuse
• Psychological Trauma and Stress in the Workplace
• Date Rape/Internet Seduction
• Post-traumatic Loss, Grief and Depression
• Psychological Effects of Injury to the Body or Brain
• Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI, Psychiatric Effects)
• Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Cheri Adrian, PhD
Tel: (310) 208-2446 (Work)
Cell: (310) 562-5505
Email: cheriadrian@drcheriadrian.com
Website: drcheriadrian.com
Dr. Adrian earned her Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology at UCLA in 1990 and has been licensed by the California Board of Psychology since 1991. Qualified Medical Evaluator for the California Department of Workers’ Compensation since 2010. Formerly an Associate Clinical Professor of Psychiatry and Director of the Psychological Assessment Service at UCLA’s Neuropsychiatric Institute and Hospital. Associations: American Psychological Association | California Psychological Association | Los Angeles County Psychological Association | International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies | American Psychology Law Society
Personal Injury, Psychological Evaluations, Malingering & Exaggeration, Credibility, Posttraumatic Stress, Depression & Anxiety, Sexual Harassment, Sexual Abuse & Assault, Accident Trauma, Fitness for Duty, Psychotherapy Malpractice, Workplace Harassment and Discrimination, Defamation, Abuse of Power.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience:
Dr. Adrian has been a named expert in over 50 civil personal injury forensic cases, including accidental and negligent personal injury; workplace gender, disability, and racial harassment and discrimination; wrongful termination; neighbor harassment; medical malpractice trauma; sexual harassment and abuse; and other matters involving allegations of psychological stress and trauma. Has been a retained expert in over 50 cases. In the last five years I’ve testified 18 times.
Julie A. Armstrong, PsyD, RNCS 77 Solano Square, #302 Benicia, CA 94510
Tel: (310) 666-9190
Email: dreamdoc@mac.com
Website: www.psychologyexpertwitness.com
PsyD, MN, Master of Nursing/Clinical Nurse Specialist, CA Psy 16001, AZ Psy 4952
Psychological expert assessment, PTSD, malingering, independent medical evaluation, disability evaluation, claimed impairment, fitness for duty, allegations of harassment and discrimination, psychology and psychiatric nursing standards of care, psychological damages, workers compensation.
Licensed Psychologist and Clinical Nurse Specialist with more than 30 years of experience. Provides psychological evaluation and assessment, and expert witness consulting in Personal Injury, Employment, Civil Rights, Disability and Psychological and Medical Malpractice cases. Issues addressed including Malingering, Impact of Loss (injury, sexual assault), Emotional Distress, and Allegations of Harassment and Discrimination, Impairment or Improper Conduct.
Helen Grusd, PhD
420 S Beverly Blvd, Ste 100 Beverly Hills, CA 90212
Tel: (310) 475-2450
Email: hgrusd@aol.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: PhD; Certified Forensic Consultant; Diplomate of the American Board of Forensic Examiners
Specialties: Forensics, children, families, adults. Evaluated approximately 2,000 cases, including clergy, boy scouts and foster care sexual abuse cases, sexual harassment and bullying at school, post-traumatic stress disorders.
Judy Ho, PhD, ABPP, ABPdN, CFMHEBoard Certified Clinical and Forensic Neuropsychologist; Tenured Associate Professor at Pepperdine University; Diplomate, American Board of Professional Psychology; Diplomate, American Academy of Pediatric Neuropsychology; Diplomate, National Board of Forensic Evaluators
1600 Rosecrans Avenue, Media Center 4th Floor Manhattan Beach, CA 90266
Tel: (310) 745-8887
Fax: (310) 943-2585
Email: drjudyho@gmail.com
Website: www.drjudyho.com
Dr. Ho conducts forensic, neuropsychological, and independent medical evaluations and provides expert testimony regarding psychological testing methods, results, and conclusions for civil & criminal proceedings, including 1) personal injury (including psychological injury and traumatic brain injury claims) 2) fitness for duty, 3) employment/ discrimination/wrongful termination cases, 4) sexual assault & trauma cases, 5) professional licensing disputes, and 6) assessment of competency, risk, and psychological state/ functioning at time of criminal offense. Dr. Ho is a member of the International Neuropsychological Society, National Academy of Neuropsychology, and Division 40 (Soc. for Clin Neuropsych) and 41 (American Psych-Law Soc) of the American Pyschological Association. Dr. Ho is a two-time recipient of the National Institute of Mental Health National Services Research Award, and the chair of the Institutional Review Board at Pepperdine University. She conducts clinical and community research on mental health, publishes empirical studies, book chapters, and books, and is a frequent invited speaker at various national and local conferences and media outlets.
Risa Grand
See insert ad after page 128
Brian P. Jacks, MD, FAACP, FAPAAdjunct
Clinical Professor of Psychiatry,9730 Wilshire Blvd, Ste 108 Beverly Hills, CA 90212
Tel: (310) 274-0684
Fax: (310) 274-5049
Samuel I Miles, MD, PhD Psychiatrist-Physician11901 Santa Monica Blvd, #532 Los Angeles, CA 90025
Tel: (310) 659-1674
Fax: (888) 451-2967
Email: doctor@drmiles.net
Website: www.drmiles.net
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: MD, PhD, Bd Cert (ABPN) Genl, Addiction & Forensic Psych
MD; Board Certified Psychiatrist; Adults (1974), Child/Adolescent (1976); FAACP; FAPA
Workers’ Comp (QME; AME); personal injury; sexual harassment; post-traumatic stress; wrongful termination; medical malpractice; child sexual abuse. Psychopharmacology; Forensic IME evaluations: malingering. Treatment: individual, marital, family, medical record review. 30+ years experience with adults, teenagers, children. Extensive trial experience.
Carole Lieberman, MD, MPH Psychiatric Expert Witness/ ForensicPsychiatrist
Diplomate, American Board
Psychiatry & Neurology
Decades on UCLA Psychiatry
Clinical Faculty
204 S. Beverly Drive, Ste 108 Beverly Hills, CA 90212
Tel: (310) 278-5433
Website: www.expertwitnessforensicpsychiatrist.com
Board Cert Psychiatrist; MD; MPH; QME; CA Medical Bd Expert
Nationally respected Forensic Psychiatrist with winning record of trial testimony, depositions, evaluations & trial consultation in hundreds of civil & criminal cases - plaintiff / prosecution & defense. These include: High Profile, child abuse, custody, discrimination, divorce, domestic violence, elder abuse, entertainment, malingering, malpractice, media copycat behavior, murder, PI, police brutality, PTSD, priest molestation, sexual harassment, suicide, terrorism, violence, will contestation, wrongful termination & other cases involving emotional distress / psychological issues.
Dr. Lieberman appears in the Media as a legal analyst & testifies before Congress. Recommendations upon request.
See display ad on divider card after page 136 in PSYCHOLOGY/PSYCHIATRY
Psychiatric evaluation/treatment, Medicallegal consultation, case review, independent medical examination, and expert testimony in civil and criminal cases, including malpractice, personal injury, probate, and disability, psychopharmacology, psychotherapy, addiction psychiatry. Psychiatric panel, LA County & US District Courts.
Brian P. Jacks, MD, FAACP, FAPA
Adjunct Clinical Professor of Psychiatry, USC 9730 Wilshire Blvd, Ste 108 Beverly Hills, CA 90212
Tel: (310) 274-0684
Fax: (310) 274-5049
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: MD; Board Certified Psychiatrist; Adults (1974), Child/Adolescent (1976); FAACP; FAPA
Workers’ Comp (QME; AME); personal injury; sexual harassment; post-traumatic stress; wrongful termination; medical malpractice; child sexual abuse. Psychopharmacology; Forensic IME evaluations: malingering. Treatment: individual, marital, family, medical record review. 30+ years experience with adults, teenagers, children. Extensive trial experience.
Carole Lieberman, MD, MPH
Expert Witness/ ForensicDiplomate, American Board Psychiatry & Neurology
Decades on UCLA Psychiatry Clinical Faculty
204 S. Beverly Drive, Ste 108 Beverly Hills, CA 90212
Tel: (310) 278-5433
Website: www.expertwitnessforensicpsychiatrist.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: Board Cert Psychiatrist; MD; MPH; QME; CA Medical Bd Expert
Nationally respected Forensic Psychiatrist with winning record of trial testimony, depositions, evaluations & trial consultation in hundreds of civil & criminal cases - plaintiff / prosecution & defense. These include: High Profile, child abuse, custody, discrimination, divorce, domestic violence, elder abuse, entertainment, malingering, malpractice, media copycat behavior, murder, PI, police brutality, PTSD, priest molestation, sexual harassment, suicide, terrorism, violence, will contestation, wrongful termination & other cases involving emotional distress / psychological issues.
Dr. Lieberman appears in the Media as a legal analyst & testifies before Congress. Recommendations upon request.
See display ad on divider card after page 136 in PSYCHOLOGY/PSYCHIATRY
Cheri Adrian, PhD
Tel: (310) 208-2446 (Work)
Cell: (310) 562-5505
Email: cheriadrian@drcheriadrian.com
Website: drcheriadrian.com
Dr. Adrian earned her Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology at UCLA in 1990 and has been licensed by the California Board of Psychology since 1991. Qualified Medical Evaluator for the California Department of Workers’ Compensation since 2010. Formerly an Associate Clinical Professor of Psychiatry and Director of the Psychological Assessment Service at UCLA’s Neuropsychiatric Institute and Hospital. Associations: American Psychological Association | California Psychological Association | Los Angeles County Psychological Association | International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies | American Psychology Law Society
Personal Injury, Psychological Evaluations, Malingering & Exaggeration, Credibility, Posttraumatic Stress, Depression & Anxiety, Sexual Harassment, Sexual Abuse & Assault, Accident Trauma, Fitness for Duty, Psychotherapy Malpractice, Workplace Harassment and Discrimination, Defamation, Abuse of Power.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience:
Dr. Adrian has been a named expert in over 50 civil personal injury forensic cases, including accidental and negligent personal injury; workplace gender, disability, and racial harassment and discrimination; wrongful termination; neighbor harassment; medical malpractice trauma; sexual harassment and abuse; and other matters involving allegations of psychological stress and trauma. Has been a retained expert in over 50 cases. In the last five years I’ve testified 18 times.
Debra S. Borys, PhD, FABPSForensic, Health & Clinical Psychology
15030 Ventura Blvd., Suite 11
Number 259
Sherman Oaks, CA 91403
Tel: (310) 470-8484
Email: dsborysphd@sbcglobal.net
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: PhD Clinical Psychology; Psychologist Lic #PSY11690; Fellow in Forensic Psychology –ABPS
Sexual harassment or assault; wrongful termination/discrimination; sex / dual relationships with tx / medical patients / clergy / students, other fiduc; psych ethics; psych reactions to crime / abuse / accident / med mal; PTSD. Psych evaluations / damages assessment, record/literature review, case planning re: psych issues. Plaintiff or Defense. Relevant Publications. UCLA - trained, Clinical, forensic & health psychology training & experience. Trial Experience.
Gary Freedman-Harvey, PhD
311 Main St, Ste 9 Seal Beach, CA 90740
Cell: (562) 209-4399
Fax: (562) 391-1867
Email: GFHPHD@me.com
Website: www. MentalCapacityEvaluations. com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: PhD - Clinical Psychology (PSY11419)
Mental Capacity Evaluations: testamentary capacity; undue influence; estate & trust litigation; probate and LPS conservatorships; capacity declarations & testimony; elder abuse, litigation, consultation. Experienced expert witness: depositions & jury trials. Engaged in cases in CA, NV, NC.
2015 Berlin - International Psychogeriatric Congress: “Vulnerability to Undue Influence & Vascular Dementia”; OC Bar Association
- Estates & Trust Division; Long Beach Bar Assn; Long Beach Community Foundation; OC Psychological Assn. On-site evaluations: residence or facility. Find me on www.LinkedIn. com; Member: Forensic Expert Witness Assn.
Marriage, Family, Child Therapist
11980 San Vincente Blvd, Ste 709 Los Angeles, CA 90049
Tel: (310) 820-4111
Email: mllpsych@earthlink.net
Website: www.michaellevittan.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: PhD Psychology; Marriage Family Therapist; Director of CA Certified Domestic Violence program.
Specialties: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Domestic Violence, Child Abuse, Anger Management, Child Custody, Parenting, Sexual Violence, Suicidality, Grief and Loss, Road Rage, School Violence, Sex Trafficking, Gun Violence Prevention.
PROFESSOR/LECTURER: UCLA Extension; L.A. Superior Court; National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI); Inter-Agency Council on Child Abuse & Neglect (ICAN); California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists; Hillside Home for Children; Women’s Shelters; U.S. Marines; Pacific Clinics; Maple Center; Grief & Loss Conference; Internat’l Conference on Violence, Abuse and Trauma; NEXUS Conference on Child Abuse, etc.
PUBLICATIONS: Handbook on Interpersonal Violence (Sexual Assault, Child Abuse, Suicidality); Violence and Abuse in Society: Understanding a Global Crisis (Infanticide); His Story, Her Story: Survival Guide for Spouses (Male Conditioning); Workplace Violence Reporter
CONSULTANT: L.A. Times, Dallas MorningHerald; USA Weekend; Orlando Sentinel; NY Post; L.A. Times Magazine, In-Touch Magazine; Workplace Violence Prevention Reporter; Golf Magazine; “Falling Down” (Michael Douglas Feature DVD); etc.
MEDIA: ABC-TV News; Tyra Banks Show; Starting Over (NBC-TV); KTLA News; CBS Radio; Politico.com; Inside Edition; Montel Williams Show; Bad Girls Club; Hollywood 411: Robert Irvine Show; “Frangela” Talk Show; “Chains” (Innocence Project Documentary –Future Release Date).
Lieberman, MD, MPH Psychiatric Expert Witness/ Forensic PsychiatristDiplomate, American Board Psychiatry & Neurology
Decades on UCLA Psychiatry Clinical Faculty
204 S. Beverly Drive, Ste 108 Beverly Hills, CA 90212
Tel: (310) 278-5433
Board Cert Psychiatrist; MD; MPH; QME; CA Medical Bd Expert
Nationally respected Forensic Psychiatrist with winning record of trial testimony, depositions, evaluations & trial consultation in hundreds of civil & criminal cases - plaintiff / prosecution & defense. These include: High Profile, child abuse, custody, discrimination, divorce, domestic violence, elder abuse, entertainment, malingering, malpractice, media copycat behavior, murder, PI, police brutality, PTSD, priest molestation, sexual harassment, suicide, terrorism, violence, will contestation, wrongful termination & other cases involving emotional distress / psychological issues.
Dr. Lieberman appears in the Media as a legal analyst & testifies before Congress. Recommendations upon request.
See display ad on divider card after page 136 in PSYCHOLOGY/PSYCHIATRY
Carole Lieberman, MD, MPH
Psychiatric Expert Witness/ Forensic Psychiatrist
Diplomate, American Board Psychiatry & Neurology
Decades on UCLA Psychiatry Clinical Faculty
204 S. Beverly Drive, Ste 108 Beverly Hills, CA 90212
Tel: (310) 278-5433
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: Board Cert Psychiatrist; MD; MPH; QME; CA Medical Bd Expert
Nationally respected Forensic Psychiatrist with winning record of trial testimony, depositions, evaluations & trial consultation in hundreds of civil & criminal cases - plaintiff / prosecution & defense. These include: High Profile, child abuse, custody, discrimination, divorce, domestic violence, elder abuse, entertainment, malingering, malpractice, media copycat behavior, murder, PI, police brutality, PTSD, priest molestation, sexual harassment, suicide, terrorism, violence, will contestation, wrongful termination & other cases involving emotional distress / psychological issues.
Dr. Lieberman appears in the Media as a legal analyst & testifies before Congress. Recommendations upon request.
See display ad on divider card after page 136 in PSYCHOLOGY/PSYCHIATRY
Board Certified
Clinical and Forensic Neuropsychologist; Tenured Associate Professor at Pepperdine University; Diplomate, American Board of Professional Psychology; Diplomate, American Academy of Pediatric Neuropsychology; Diplomate, National Board of Forensic Evaluators
1600 Rosecrans Avenue, Media Center 4th Floor Manhattan Beach, CA 90266
Tel: (310) 745-8887
Fax: (310) 943-2585
Email: drjudyho@gmail.com
Website: www.drjudyho.com
Dr. Ho conducts forensic, neuropsychological, and independent medical evaluations and provides expert testimony regarding psychological testing methods, results, and conclusions for civil & criminal proceedings, including 1) personal injury (including psychological injury and traumatic brain injury claims) 2) fitness for duty, 3) employment/ discrimination/wrongful termination cases, 4) sexual assault & trauma cases, 5) professional licensing disputes, and 6) assessment of competency, risk, and psychological state/ functioning at time of criminal offense. Dr. Ho is a member of the International Neuropsychological Society, National Academy of Neuropsychology, and Division 40 (Soc. for Clin Neuropsych) and 41 (American Psych-Law Soc) of the American Pyschological Association. Dr. Ho is a two-time recipient of the National Institute of Mental Health National Services Research Award, and the chair of the Institutional Review Board at Pepperdine University. She conducts clinical and community research on mental health, publishes empirical studies, book chapters, and books, and is a frequent invited speaker at various national and local conferences and media outlets.
MindFull Neuropsychology and Psychology, PC
Jeffrey Wertheimer, PhD, ABPP-CN Ann Gottuso, PhD, ABPP-CN 130 S. Euclid Ave Pasadena, CA 91101
Tel: (323) 695-6552
Email: jeffreycwertheimer@gmail.com anngottusophd@gmail.com
Additional Office Location: 2001 Barrington Ave Los Angeles, CA 90025
PhD in Clinical Psychology; Board Certified in Clinical Neuropsychology (ABPP-CN)
Neuropsychological evaluations for medi-legal & forensic consultation, medical/neurological conditions for adolescents, adults & elderly (eg: traumatic brain injury, dementia, cognitive impairment, movement disorder, stroke, epilepsy, psychological trauma/disturbance, capacity), medical record review.
Previous Positions/Appointments: CedarsSinai Medical Center
Carole Lieberman, MD, MPH
Psychiatric Expert Witness/ Forensic Psychiatrist
Diplomate, American Board Psychiatry & Neurology
Decades on UCLA Psychiatry Clinical Faculty
204 S. Beverly Drive, Ste 108 Beverly Hills, CA 90212
Tel: (310) 278-5433
Board Cert Psychiatrist; MD; MPH; QME; CA Medical Bd Expert
Nationally respected Forensic Psychiatrist with winning record of trial testimony, depositions, evaluations & trial consultation in hundreds of civil & criminal cases - plaintiff / prosecution & defense. These include: High Profile, child abuse, custody, discrimination, divorce, domestic violence, elder abuse, entertainment, malingering, malpractice, media copycat behavior, murder, PI, police brutality, PTSD, priest molestation, sexual harassment, suicide, terrorism, violence, will contestation, wrongful termination & other cases involving emotional distress / psychological issues.
Dr. Lieberman appears in the Media as a legal analyst & testifies before Congress. Recommendations upon request.
See display ad on divider card after page 136 in PSYCHOLOGY/PSYCHIATRY
Pro/Consul Technical & Medical Experts
1945 Palo Verde Ave, Ste 200 Long Beach, CA 90815-3443
Tel: (800) 392-1119
Fax: (562) 799-8821
Email: expert@expertinfo.com
Website: www.expertinfo.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: MD; PhD; JD; CPA; DDS; RN, etc.
15,000 Experts incl: acc recon; acctg; auto engr; biomech, busn val; const; econ; elec; eng; failure analysis; human fac; ins; lighting; marine; metal; medmal; mech; MD’s; RN’s; roof; safety; security; SOC; tax & many more. Right Expert Right Away!® We welcome your RUSH cases! We feature a full roster of Technical and Medical expert witnesses. Our goal is to provide you with the best experts at a reasonable cost. Free Resume Binder. Put us to the test - we look forward to your call! Listed and Recommended by the A.M. Best Company.
See display ads on pages 42, 85, 124 and inside front cover
Debra S. Borys, PhD, FABPS
Forensic, Health & Clinical Psychology
15030 Ventura Blvd., Suite 11
Number 259
Sherman Oaks, CA 91403
Tel: (310) 470-8484
Email: dsborysphd@sbcglobal.net
PhD Clinical Psychology; Psychologist Lic #PSY11690; Fellow in Forensic Psychology –ABPS
Sexual harassment or assault; wrongful termination/discrimination; sex / dual relationships with tx / medical patients / clergy / students, other fiduc; psych ethics; psych reactions to crime / abuse / accident / med mal; PTSD. Psych evaluations / damages assessment, record/literature review, case planning re: psych issues. Plaintiff or Defense. Relevant Publications. UCLA - trained, Clinical, forensic & health psychology training & experience. Trial Experience.
Brian P. Jacks, MD, FAACP, FAPA
Adjunct Clinical Professor of Psychiatry, USC
9730 Wilshire Blvd, Ste 108
Beverly Hills, CA 90212
Tel: (310) 274-0684
Fax: (310) 274-5049
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: MD; Board Certified Psychiatrist; Adults (1974), Child/Adolescent (1976); FAACP; FAPA
Workers’ Comp (QME; AME); personal injury; sexual harassment; post-traumatic stress; wrongful termination; medical malpractice; child sexual abuse. Psychopharmacology; Forensic IME evaluations: malingering. Treatment: individual, marital, family, medical record review. 30+ years experience with adults, teenagers, children. Extensive trial experience.
ALLcases (Plaintiff & Defense) involving psychiatric issues/emotional distress, including:
• High Profile Cases
• Entertainment Law/Media Copycats
• Sexual Harassment
• Discrimination/Wrongful Termination
• Divorce/Custody
• Abuse: Sexual, Physical & Emotional
• Malpractice/Wrongful Death
• Child/Adolescent issues
• Personal Injury/Equestrian/Other Sports
• Terrorism/Violence/Murder
• Police and Priest Misconduct
• Elder Abuse/Will Contestation
Michigan v. Kelli Stapleton (attempted murder of autistic daughter)
California v. Redmond O’Neal (drug felony)
Plaintiffs v. James Arthur Ray (Sedona sweat lodge homicide)
Minor v. Kid Nation (reality TV →emotional distress)
Terri Schiavo appeal
Nevada v. Floyd Mayweather (domestic violence)
Michigan v. Jonathan Schmitz (Jenny Jones Talk Show murder trial)
Celebrity Divorces: Roseanne Barr, Jim Carrey, Jean Claude Van Damme
School Shootings: victims’ families v. media
Tate v. Larry Johnson/Stacey Augman (NBA paternity and assault)
Vega et al v. Catholic Archdiocese of L.A. (priest molestation)
“I have had the opportunity to work with the best expert witnesses in the business, and I would put Dr. Lieberman at the top. She is insightful, committed and extremely organized in her approach. I highly recommend her."
Jose Baez, Esq.“The judge said that you were the best expert witness he ever saw!”
Robert Bekken, Esq. Musick, Peeler & Garrett“Your recommendations carried great weight with the court, and your expert report and opinion were A+ work. I am grateful for your work and I am very glad I found you!”
Richard Pintal Criminal Defense Attorney“WE WON. They came with a verdict… 12-0 on all counts (even the alternate was with us). Thanks for the help, great job…. They thought… the expert (YOU) put the final nail in the coffin.”
Faryan Andrew Afifi, Esq.“Your comments on the show provided for a thorough examination of this subject. Your wisdom, insight… were very much appreciated and added much to the program.”
Johnnie Cochran, Esq. Cochran & Company/Court TV
“I have rarely had the good fortune to present such well-considered testimony from such a highly qualified expert, and one so experienced in the courtroom.”
Steven Adler, Dep. Atty. Gen’l. for Bill Lockyer, Atty. Gen’l.
“Your expert testimony was thorough and articulate and reflected your excellent training and diverse professional experience…. The jurors appreciated your testimony.”
Steven Meister Deputy District Attorney
“We sincerely appreciated your professionalism and cooperation, which certainly contributed to this terrific outcome.”
Lester Jones, Esq. Littler Mendelson
“Dr. Lieberman’s testimony was unusually strong…. On cross-examination the plaintiff’s attorney could not ask a question for which Dr. Lieberman did not have a well reasoned and scientifically sound answer.”
Timothy Mishler, Esq. Holland, Donnelly & Mishler
“Here’s what your colleagues are saying about Carole Lieberman, M.D. Psychiatrist and Expert Witness:
11980 San Vincente Blvd, Ste 709
Los Angeles, CA 90049
Tel: (310) 820-4111
Email: mllpsych@earthlink.net
Website: www.michaellevittan.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: PhD Psychology; Marriage Family Therapist; Director of CA Certified Domestic Violence program.
Specialties: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Domestic Violence, Child Abuse, Anger Management, Child Custody, Parenting, Sexual Violence, Suicidality, Grief and Loss, Road Rage, School Violence, Sex Trafficking, Gun Violence Prevention.
PROFESSOR/LECTURER: UCLA Extension; L.A. Superior Court; National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI); Inter-Agency Council on Child Abuse & Neglect (ICAN); California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists; Hillside Home for Children; Women’s Shelters; U.S. Marines; Pacific Clinics; Maple Center; Grief & Loss Conference; Internat’l Conference on Violence, Abuse and Trauma; NEXUS Conference on Child Abuse, etc.
PUBLICATIONS: Handbook on Interpersonal Violence (Sexual Assault, Child Abuse, Suicidality); Violence and Abuse in Society: Understanding a Global Crisis (Infanticide); His Story, Her Story: Survival Guide for Spouses (Male Conditioning); Workplace Violence Reporter
CONSULTANT: L.A. Times, Dallas MorningHerald; USA Weekend; Orlando Sentinel; NY Post; L.A. Times Magazine, In-Touch Magazine; Workplace Violence Prevention Reporter; Golf Magazine; “Falling Down” (Michael Douglas Feature DVD); etc.
MEDIA: ABC-TV News; Tyra Banks Show; Starting Over (NBC-TV); KTLA News; CBS Radio; Politico.com; Inside Edition; Montel Williams Show; Bad Girls Club; Hollywood 411: Robert Irvine Show; “Frangela” Talk Show; “Chains” (Innocence Project Documentary –Future Release Date).
Samuel I Miles, MD, PhD Psychiatrist-Physician11901 Santa Monica Blvd, #532 Los Angeles, CA 90025
Tel: (310) 659-1674
Fax: (888) 451-2967
Email: doctor@drmiles.net Website: www.drmiles.net
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: MD, PhD, Bd Cert (ABPN) Genl, Addiction & Forensic Psych
Psychiatric evaluation/treatment, Medicallegal consultation, case review, independent medical examination, and expert testimony in civil and criminal cases, including malpractice, personal injury, probate, and disability, psychopharmacology, psychotherapy, addiction psychiatry. Psychiatric panel, LA County & US District Courts.
Debra S. Borys, PhD, FABPS
Forensic, Health & Clinical Psychology
15030 Ventura Blvd., Suite 11 Number 259
Sherman Oaks, CA 91403
Tel: (310) 470-8484
Email: dsborysphd@sbcglobal.net
PhD Clinical Psychology; Psychologist Lic #PSY11690; Fellow in Forensic Psychology –ABPS
Sexual harassment or assault; wrongful termination/discrimination; sex / dual relationships with tx / medical patients / clergy / students, other fiduc; psych ethics; psych reactions to crime / abuse / accident / med mal; PTSD. Psych evaluations / damages assessment, record/literature review, case planning re: psych issues. Plaintiff or Defense. Relevant Publications. UCLA - trained, Clinical, forensic & health psychology training & experience. Trial Experience.
Carole Lieberman, MD, MPH Psychiatric Expert Witness/ Forensic PsychiatristDiplomate, American Board Psychiatry & Neurology
Decades on UCLA Psychiatry Clinical Faculty
204 S. Beverly Drive, Ste 108 Beverly Hills, CA 90212
Tel: (310) 278-5433
Board Cert Psychiatrist; MD; MPH; QME; CA Medical Bd Expert
Nationally respected Forensic Psychiatrist with winning record of trial testimony, depositions, evaluations & trial consultation in hundreds of civil & criminal cases - plaintiff / prosecution & defense. These include: High Profile, child abuse, custody, discrimination, divorce, domestic violence, elder abuse, entertainment, malingering, malpractice, media copycat behavior, murder, PI, police brutality, PTSD, priest molestation, sexual harassment, suicide, terrorism, violence, will contestation, wrongful termination & other cases involving emotional distress / psychological issues.
Dr. Lieberman appears in the Media as a legal analyst & testifies before Congress. Recommendations upon request.
See display ad on divider card after page 136 in PSYCHOLOGY/PSYCHIATRY
Cheri Adrian, PhD
Tel: (310) 208-2446 (Work)
Cell: (310) 562-5505
Email: cheriadrian@drcheriadrian.com
Website: drcheriadrian.com
Dr. Adrian earned her Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology at UCLA in 1990 and has been licensed by the California Board of Psychology since 1991. Qualified Medical Evaluator for the California Department of Workers’ Compensation since 2010. Formerly an Associate Clinical Professor of Psychiatry and Director of the Psychological Assessment Service at UCLA’s Neuropsychiatric Institute and Hospital. Associations: American Psychological Association | California Psychological Association | Los Angeles County Psychological Association | International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies | American Psychology Law Society
Personal Injury, Psychological Evaluations, Malingering & Exaggeration, Credibility, Posttraumatic Stress, Depression & Anxiety, Sexual Harassment, Sexual Abuse & Assault, Accident Trauma, Fitness for Duty, Psychotherapy Malpractice, Workplace Harassment and Discrimination, Defamation, Abuse of Power.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience:
Dr. Adrian has been a named expert in over 50 civil personal injury forensic cases, including accidental and negligent personal injury; workplace gender, disability, and racial harassment and discrimination; wrongful termination; neighbor harassment; medical malpractice trauma; sexual harassment and abuse; and other matters involving allegations of psychological stress and trauma. Has been a retained expert in over 50 cases. In the last five years I’ve testified 18 times.
Carole Lieberman, MD, MPH Psychiatric Expert Witness/ Forensic Psychiatrist
Diplomate, American Board Psychiatry & Neurology
Decades on UCLA Psychiatry Clinical Faculty
204 S. Beverly Drive, Ste 108 Beverly Hills, CA 90212
Tel: (310) 278-5433
Board Cert Psychiatrist; MD; MPH; QME; CA Medical Bd Expert
Nationally respected Forensic Psychiatrist with winning record of trial testimony, depositions, evaluations & trial consultation in hundreds of civil & criminal cases - plaintiff / prosecution & defense. These include: High Profile, child abuse, custody, discrimination, divorce, domestic violence, elder abuse, entertainment, malingering, malpractice, media copycat behavior, murder, PI, police brutality, PTSD, priest molestation, sexual harassment, suicide, terrorism, violence, will contestation, wrongful termination & other cases involving emotional distress / psychological issues.
Dr. Lieberman appears in the Media as a legal analyst & testifies before Congress. Recommendations upon request.
See display ad on divider card after page 136 in PSYCHOLOGY/PSYCHIATRY
Gary Freedman-Harvey, PhD
311 Main St, Ste 9
Seal Beach, CA 90740
Cell: (562) 209-4399
Fax: (562) 391-1867
Email: GFHPHD@me.com
Website: www.
MentalCapacityEvaluations. com
PhD - Clinical Psychology (PSY11419)
Mental Capacity Evaluations: testamentary capacity; undue influence; estate & trust litigation; probate and LPS conservatorships; capacity declarations & testimony; elder abuse, litigation, consultation. Experienced expert witness: depositions & jury trials. Engaged in cases in CA, NV, NC.
2015 Berlin - International Psychogeriatric Congress: “Vulnerability to Undue Influence & Vascular Dementia”; OC Bar Association
- Estates & Trust Division; Long Beach Bar Assn; Long Beach Community Foundation; OC Psychological Assn. On-site evaluations: residence or facility. Find me on www.LinkedIn. com; Member: Forensic Expert Witness Assn.
Gary Freedman-Harvey, PhD 311 Main St, Ste 9 Seal Beach, CA 90740
Cell: (562) 209-4399
Fax: (562) 391-1867
Email: GFHPHD@me.com
Website: www. MentalCapacityEvaluations. com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: PhD - Clinical Psychology (PSY11419)
Mental Capacity Evaluations: testamentary capacity; undue influence; estate & trust litigation; probate and LPS conservatorships; capacity declarations & testimony; elder abuse, litigation, consultation. Experienced expert witness: depositions & jury trials. Engaged in cases in CA, NV, NC.
2015 Berlin - International Psychogeriatric Congress: “Vulnerability to Undue Influence & Vascular Dementia”; OC Bar Association
- Estates & Trust Division; Long Beach Bar Assn; Long Beach Community Foundation; OC Psychological Assn. On-site evaluations: residence or facility. Find me on www.LinkedIn. com; Member: Forensic Expert Witness Assn.
Brian P. Jacks, MD, FAACP, FAPA
Adjunct Clinical Professor of Psychiatry, USC 9730 Wilshire Blvd, Ste 108 Beverly Hills, CA 90212
Tel: (310) 274-0684
Fax: (310) 274-5049
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: MD; Board Certified Psychiatrist; Adults (1974), Child/Adolescent (1976); FAACP; FAPA
Workers’ Comp (QME; AME); personal injury; sexual harassment; post-traumatic stress; wrongful termination; medical malpractice; child sexual abuse. Psychopharmacology; Forensic IME evaluations: malingering. Treatment: individual, marital, family, medical record review. 30+ years experience with adults, teenagers, children. Extensive trial experience.
A. BaggettHandwriting Expert USA
15233 Ventura Blvd, 5th Fl
Sherman Oaks, CA 91403
Tel: (323) 544-9277
Email: handwritingexperts@ yahoo.com
Website: www.handwritingexpertusa.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: BS, Diplomate ACFEI
President of the International School of Forensic Document Examination and frequent media guest on high profile shows such as CNN’s Larry King Live, CourtTV & Today Show. Bart has over 25+ years in handwriting and altered document experience. Court qualified expert witness 100+ times in 6 states & published in this field. Specializes in handwritten items, photocopies, altered docs, letters, contracts, wills, deeds, checks, graffiti & anonymous letters. He has personally instructed and/or mentored over 60 working document examiners in this field with an emphasis on effective depositions & courtroom testimony.
Certified Forensic Document Examiner
Tel: (888) 760-0339
Fax: (760) 888-0339
Email: forensicQDE@gmail.com
Website: www.forensicdocexaminer.com www.forensicqde.com
Offices in San Diego, Los Angeles & Riverside Counties
Scientific Examination of Questioned Documents, Handwriting Expert. Civil or Criminal. Consulting & Sworn Testimony.
Integrated Forensic Services, LLC
Sean Espley and Joseph Merydith
915 Highland Point Dr, Ste 250 Roseville, CA 95678
Tel: (916) 300-3445
Cell: (916) 847-8552
Email: integratedforensic@gmail.com
Website: integratedforensic.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: American Board of Forensic Document Examiners (ABFDE)
Signature examinations, handwriting examinations, hand printing examinations, examinations of altered documents, wills, indented writing examinations, computer generated document examinations, examinations of medical & business records.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: 18 yrs experience.
Previous Positions/Appointments: Former government forensic document examiners. Membership in Professional Societies: Active members with the Southwestern Assn of Forensic Document Examiners (SWAFDE).
Advisors/Experts @ MCS Associates, Banking & Financial Svcs Consultants
13681 Newport Ave, Ste 8-387
Tustin, CA 92780
Tel: (949) 263-8700
Fax: (949) 263-0770
Email: experts@mcsassociates.com
Website: www.mcsassociates.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: MBAs; PhDs; CPAs; CFAs
Nationwide consulting/expert witness company (est. 1973) in Banking, Finance, Insurance, Real Estate and related Damages, Economics & Valuations: BANKING Operations/ Administration, Check fraud, Regulatory issues, Compliance; LENDING (all types): Underwriting, Servicing, policies/practice, Foreclosures & Workouts. FINANCE:
Securities, Investments & Brokerage, Trusts & Fiduciaries, Investment Banking, Corp Finance; REAL ESTATE: Lending, Brokerage, Title / Escrow, Property Management; INSURANCE (all types): Coverage, Claims, Broker/Agent functions; DAMAGES & ACCOUNTING: Economics, Valuations / Appraisals, Forensic Accounting.
James Bean
See display ad below
James H. Cantrell, CPM, CAM Cantrell Associates
1517 North Pt, Ste 539 San Francisco, CA 94123
Tel: (415) 956-6000
Cell: (415) 244-5927
Email: jimcha@pacbell.net
Website: realestateexpertwitness.co
Cert Property Mgr (CPM) by the Institute or Real Estate Mgt; Condominium Association Manager (CAM), FL; University of Miami, BBA ‘71, Politics & Public Affairs; CA Brokers Lic, Instructor, IREM incl teaching in Russia & Poland.
Property Management issues for Commercial, Residential and Condominium real estate, standards of care, personal injury, property damage, security, lease terms & conditions, due diligence, operations, negligence, Association board duties.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Court appointed Receiver & Referee; extensive expert witness testimony. Condo ASN Mgr CAM-Florida.
Previous Positions/Appointments: Assoc Prof Golden Gate Univ 86-96, Masters Program; City of SF Existing Building Efficiency Initiative Task Force, 09-11; Pres IREM SF 1989; Chairman Intl Affairs IREM, 93-94; Featured Speaker NFMT Natl Facility Mgmt Conference, Chicago (07), Baltimore (08 & 09).
Honors/Awards:1987 CPM of the Year award 01 & 07; Instructor of the Year award IREM SF; 2013 Lloyd D Hanford Distinguished Faculty Award IREM, 2011 CPM Emeritus Award.
Publications: Contributing Author, John Wiley Handbook of Real Estate, Journal of Prop Mgmt, “When The Power Goes Out”.
Jack Cohen
2629 Townsgate Rd, Ste 100
Westlake Village, CA 91361
Tel: (747) 222-1550
Cell: (747) 222-1554
Fax: (747) 222-1551
Email: jack@coheninv.com
Court qualified expert, private money lending, credit file and qualifications, appraisals, evictions, foreclosures, industry standards, title reports, property management and landlord issues, brokers and investor relations, finance and documentation, sale & leasing, insurance claims, loan servicing and escrow. Over 40 Years of experience in private money lending & real estate related cases.
Previously on Faculty at USC Marshall School of Business and U of Chicago Booth School of Business
Email: dconway@marshall. usc.edu
BS, Math, Stat, U Wisconsin; MS/PhD Statistics, Stanford Univ; Assoc Dean, Simon Bus School, U of Rochester; Director, Real Estate Forecast, USC
Statistics, real estate analysis, econometrics, data analysis & sample surveys. Financial models, employment discrimination, forecasting, assessment of environmental pollution, analysis of medical data, economic analysis, insurance.
Over 30 years experience as a testifying expert with law firms in LA, NY, DC, San Diego and Chicago.
Certified Public Accountants
Contact: Jason A. Engel
350 S. Grand Avenue, Suite 3160
Los Angeles, CA 90071
Tel: (310) 277-2220
Fax: (310) 277-2212
Email: jasonengel@engelandengel.com
Website: www.engelandengel.com
Certified Public Accountant (CPA), Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE), Certified Insolvency and Restructuring Advisor (CIRA), Certified Valuation Analyst (CVA), Master Analyst in Financial Forensics (MAFF) and Accredited in Business Valuation (ABV).
Engel & Engel, LLP is a Los Angeles CPA firm engaged in the practice of forensic accounting for over 25 years. Mr. Engel has served as an expert witness in over 500 forensic accounting cases including expert testimony in connection with a jury award of $2.3 billion.
Mr. Engel has authored 20 research publications on the subjects of economic damages, fraudulent transfers, intellectual property, alter ego, business valuation, and employment damages. Experience and expertise includes complex business litigation matters including economic damages, financial fraud investigation, alter ego, fraudulent transfers, business valuation, bankruptcy and insolvency, intellectual property, construction, construction defects, real estate, employment, business interruption, business operations, partnership and corporate dissolutions, and accounting malpractice.
John A. Gebhardt
Principal - SEG Advisors
11400 W. Olympic Blvd, Ste 1450 Los Angeles, CA 90064
Tel: (310) 422-4644
Email: jgebhardt@segadvisors.com
Offices: Las Vegas, NV & Scottsdale, AZ
BA - Economics - UCLA, Harvard University - Executive Education Program, Stanford University - Advanced Management College, Licensed RE Broker - California (1989) Certificates: Real Property Administration & Facilities Management Administration certifications - BOMI, CPA - California (inactive)
Agency, due diligence, standards of care, breach of lease and mitigation, lease terms, lease renewals/options/FMV, co-tenancy, exclusives, brokerage actions, constructive eviction, disclosure, property management - costs / fees / duties, sales and leasing, financing, entitlements, development activities, eminent domain, RE personnel issues, CC&R’s/REA/OEA. Lender/borrower, Office retail/industrial/apartments/hotels/land/mixeduse properties. Extensive and balanced (plaintiff/defense) litigation experiencedeposition and trial.
Expanded credentials at www.expert4law.org
Robert S. Griswold, CRE, CPM, CCIM, RPA, PCAM, CCAM, GRI, ARM President, Griswold Real Estate Management, Inc
5703 Oberlin Dr, Ste 300 San Diego, CA 92121
Tel: (858) 597-6100
Fax: (858) 597-6161
Email: rgriswold@griswoldremgmt.com
Website: www.griswoldremgmt.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: MSBA RE Devel, USC; MBA RE Fin, USC; BS RE/Bus Econ, USC; CA RE Broker 1984; NV RE Broker 2002
Expert witness testimony, referee, receiverships & consulting on all aspects of property management standard of care issues. Realtor; Counselor of Real Estate (CRE); Certified Property Manager (CPM); Real Property Administrator (RPA); Accredited Residential Manager (ARM) & Certified Commercial Investment Member (CCIM). Professional Community Association Manager (PCAM); Certified Community Association Manager (CCAM); Graduate, Realtor Inst (GRI), Hands-on manager of commercial, residential, retail & community association properties.
Active, hands-on real estate consultant/expert on standard of care & custom & practice incl fiduciary duty, personal injury, maintenance, health & safety, wrongful death; water intrusion & mold; property inspections; negligence in hiring/supervision/termination; mgmt/receiver fees; Assn board duties & negligence; reserve studies; construction defect relocation/ economic damages, etc. Court-appointed receiver & bankruptcy custodian. Real Estate Expert for KNSD-TV (NBC 7/39). Author, Property Management for Dummies; CoAuthor, Real Estate Investing for Dummies, Landlord’s Legal Kit for Dummies & Mortgage Management for Dummies.
Lawrence H. Jacobson, Esq
9777 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 517 Beverly Hills, CA 90212
Tel: (310) 271-0747
Fax: (310) 271-0757
Email: Law.Jac@LHJpc.com
Website: www.LawrenceJacobson.com
AB, UCLA 1964; JD, UCLA School of Law 1967; RE Broker 1978
Real estate & mortgage broker standard of care, legal malpractice, ethics & fee disputes.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Standard of Care: Real Estate, Business & Mortgage Broker, Escrow and Title Company, Lawyer Malpractice (Real Estate & Business Transactions), ethics, fee disputes, Custom & Usage Real Estate Transactions / Documents.
In practice since 1968, Former Vice PresidentLegal Affairs, California Assn of Realtors; UCLA Law Review; Order of the Coif; Adjunct Professor of Law, Real Estate Broker, Lecturer: CEB Real Estate Broker Practice; Graduate Realtors Institute; Past President, Beverly Hills Bar Assn; LACBA Board of Trustees; CA State Bar, Beverly Hills Bar and LACBA Fee Arbitration Panels, and CA State Bar Special Deputy Trial Counsel.
See display ad page 140
Kidder Mathews
Contact: Andrew Zimbaldi
5 Park Plaza, Ste 1700
Irvine, CA 92614
Tel: (949) 887-0293
Email: Arzimbaldi@gmail.com
MBA: RE Brokers License
Property management: commercial & residential; receivership of real estate & operating businesses; operation & disposition of properties; environmental remediation; homeowners associations; construction management; entitlement due diligence.
Real Estate & General Contracting
Contact: Barbara Nichols
1633 Clear View Dr
Beverly Hills, CA 90210
Tel: (310) 273-6369
Fax: on request
Website: www.barbaranichols.net
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: BA; MBA; Real Estate Brokers License (CA); Gen Building Contractor’s B License (CA)
Real Estate & Building expert with unique background as MBA/Broker/Builder. Special expertise in disclosure, Standards of Care, data research & presentation, property inspection, construction/materials, appraisal, landslide/geotechnical, mold/ fungus/water intrusion. HOA cases, property mgmt, injuries at properties, builder/developer cases, residential & commercial property. Provide evidence development/evaluation, expert witness, consultation & litigation support. An “active broker” representing buyers, sellers, properties for lease and property management
Instructor in courses of investigative research; Trained in communications & presentation techniques; interviewed by ABC regarding property inspections & stigmas. In 2000-2020 authored 17 articles for the Natl Assn of Realtors monthly natl magazine, Realtor, on Home Inspection, Stigma, Property Red Flags, Ten Ways to Land in Court, Real Estate Ethics, Agent Property Inspection, Injuries at Properties, Repairs & Credits, Documentation, Transactions with Relatives, Disclosing Distress, HOA Lawsuits, Survey & Boundary Disputes, Be Cautious with Flips, AIRBNB is Crashing the Neighborhood, Negligent Referrals
Carry Risks & Standard of Care. The only expert asked by NAR to write an article on Standard of Care. Speaker on Risk Mgmt/Agt Liability at the NAR 2005 & 2007 Ntl Convention. Author of 4 Audio CD course “How to Stay Out of Court” for Agnts & Brkrs. Instructor of 17,000 California Agents & Brkrs on Real Estate risk mgmt. Instructor for the DRE required risk mgmt course for lic renewal. Author, “The No Lawsuit Guide to Real Estate Transactions” for Agents, Buyers & Sellers, Publisher, McGraw Hill, Spring ‘07.
Phillips, Fractor & Co, LLC
Contact: G. Michael Phillips, PhD
3452 E. Foothill Blvd, Ste 220 Pasadena, CA 91107
Tel: (626) 744-3540
Email: contactpfc@rule26.com
Website: www.phillipsfractor.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: PhDs, Economics; Ed.D; MBA; CPA; CFA; CPA/ABV
Economic losses, lost profits, contract damages, employment economics, wrongful termination, class action and mass tort analysis, valuation of earnings & benefits; wrongful injury and wrongful death, medical malpractice; financial valuation, investment analysis, “what if” analysis, statistical analysis & modeling, intellectual property, compensation issues, including executive compensation; entertainment industry; construction defects; sampling & surveys; database construction & analysis; family business; forensic accounting including lost profits and business valuation, and custom research.
Barry Ross, Esq. Ross Mediation
155 N. Lake Ave, Suite 800 Pasadena, CA 91101
Tel: (626) 531-1131
Website: www.ROSSmediation.com
Degrees/Licenses/ Certifications:
BS, MBA, USC; JD, Southwestern Law; Lic: CA Attorney since 1976 (SBN 069340); CA Real Estate Broker since 1973
Barry Ross is one of California’s most highly respected, skilled mediators since 1993 with an outstanding history of resolution & thousands of satisfied parties. His mediation expertise includes breach of contract & tort liability in business & commercial disputes, real property disputes (including buyer/seller, landlord/tenant, construction defects, environmental claims, mold & fungus, boundary issues, title insurance & eminent domain), real estate agent/broker liability, intellectual property, estate, probate & trust litigation, insurance coverage & bad faith, municipal liability/governmental liability & personal injury.
International Academy of Mediators (IAM); Southern CA Mediation Assn (SCMA); CA Assn of Realtors (CAR).
Kidder Mathews
Contact: Andrew Zimbaldi
5 Park Plaza, Ste 1700
Irvine, CA 92614
Tel: (949) 887-0293
Email: Arzimbaldi@gmail.com
MBA: RE Brokers License
Property management: commercial & residential; receivership of real estate & operating businesses; operation & disposition of properties; environmental remediation; homeowners associations; construction management; entitlement due diligence.
Jack Cohen
2629 Townsgate Rd, Ste 100 Westlake Village, CA 91361
Tel: (747) 222-1550
Cell: (747) 222-1554
Fax: (747) 222-1551
Email: jack@coheninv.com
Court qualified expert, private money lending, credit file and qualifications, appraisals, evictions, foreclosures, industry standards, title reports, property management and landlord issues, brokers and investor relations, finance and documentation, sale & leasing, insurance claims, loan servicing and escrow. Over 40 Years of experience in private money lending & real estate related cases.
Kidder Mathews
Contact: Andrew Zimbaldi
5 Park Plaza, Ste 1700 Irvine, CA 92614
Tel: (949) 887-0293
Email: Arzimbaldi@gmail.com
MBA: RE Brokers License
Property management: commercial & residential; receivership of real estate & operating businesses; operation & disposition of properties; environmental remediation; homeowners associations; construction management; entitlement due diligence.
Matt D. Ober, Esq.
Richardson | Ober LLP
234 E. Colorado Blvd, Ste 800 Pasadena, CA 91101
Tel: (877) 446-2529
Email: matt@roattorneys.com
Website: www.roattorneys.com
Degrees/Licenses/ Certifications:
Univ of California, Los Angeles, BA, Economics, 1982; Southwestern Univ School of Law, JD, 1985; Licensed to practice, 1985
Common Interest Development/Condominium Law; General Counsel services; construction contracts; dispute resolution; due diligence, business judgement; fiduciary duties.
Past President, Community Association Institute Greater Los Angeles Chapter, Author, CAi’s California Law Course for Common Interest Development Managers; Fellow, College of Community Association Lawyers; Past President, College of Community Association Lawyers Board of Governors; Delegate, California Legislative Action Committee; National Faculty, CAI; Faculty, California Association of Community Managers; Speaker, CAI National Conference, CAI Law Seminar and CACM California Law Seminar; Co-author, CAI California Community Association Law Course; Board of Directors, CAI Greater Los Angeles and Greater Inland Empire Chapters; Inductee, CAI Hall of Fame; Recipient,CAI-GRIE Chapter President’s Award and Outstanding Service Award. Member, CAI National Board of Trustees. Super Lawyer, 2019-2023, Martindale-Hubbell AV Rated.
Kelly G. Richardson, Esq Richardson | Ober
234 E. Colorado Blvd, Ste 800 Pasadena, CA 91101
Tel: (877) 446-2529
Email: kelly@roattorneys.com
Website: www.roattorneys.com
Univ of California, Riverside, BA, 1980; Univ of Southern California, Juris Doctor, 1983; Admitted to Law Practice, 1983; Licensed Real Estate Broker, 2009-present
Real estate broker & agent standard of care; homeowner association law.
HOA law - National Trustee of Community Associations Institute (CAI) 2011-2017; 2016 CAI National President; Author of syndicated weekly newspaper column, “HOA Homefront” 2005-present; Fellow, College of Community Association Lawyers 2006-present; Author & originator of the CAR “Basic Information Guide to Common Interest Developments;” CAI Byron Hanke Award recipient 2019. Super Lawyer, 2018-2022.
Real Estate - Licensed broker; Counsel to brokers, agents & Association of Realtors®; Frequent Instructor, author & lecturer on real estate law & risk management issues; Faculty, Professional Realty Institute 1999-2019; Member, CAR Legal Affairs Forum
“AV” rated; Associate, American Board of Trial Advocates.“
Jack Cohen
2629 Townsgate Rd, Ste 100 Westlake Village, CA 91361
Tel: (747) 222-1550
Cell: (747) 222-1554
Fax: (747) 222-1551
Email: jack@coheninv.com
Court qualified expert, private money lending, credit file and qualifications, appraisals, evictions, foreclosures, industry standards, title reports, property management and landlord issues, brokers and investor relations, finance and documentation, sale & leasing, insurance claims, loan servicing and escrow. Over 40 Years of experience in private money lending & real estate related cases.
Craig Cherney, Esq. High Desert Law Group, LLP
11260 N. Tatum Blvd, Ste 143 Phoenix, AZ 85028
Tel: (480) 240-0040
Email: craig@hdflg.com
Website: www.craigcherney.com
BA, Univ of Virginia; JD, Univ San Diego School of Law; Lic RE Broker CA; Lic Attorney CA, AZ, NV
Land management, fiduciary duties, standards of care, private equity funds, real estate sponsors, fee disputes, title disputes, boundary disputes, entitlements, zoning, land use, commission disputes, failure to disclose, SPDS.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Participated in over 25 civil litigations as real estate expert witness in multiple states.
Previous Positions/Appointments: Vice President at American Land Fund; Manager of Land at Pulte Group. Urban Land Institute - Residential Neighborhood Development Council.
Honors/Awards: San Diego Law Review
Jack Cohen
2629 Townsgate Rd, Ste 100 Westlake Village, CA 91361
Tel: (747) 222-1550
Cell: (747) 222-1554
Fax: (747) 222-1551
Email: jack@coheninv.com
Court qualified expert, private money lending, credit file and qualifications, appraisals, evictions, foreclosures, industry standards, title reports, property management and landlord issues, brokers and investor relations, finance and documentation, sale & leasing, insurance claims, loan servicing and escrow. Over 40 Years of experience in private money lending & real estate related cases.
Nichols Real Estate & General Contracting
Contact: Barbara Nichols
1633 Clear View Dr Beverly Hills, CA 90210
Tel: (310) 273-6369
Fax: on request
Website: www.barbaranichols.net
BA; MBA; Real Estate Brokers License (CA); Gen Building Contractor’s B License (CA)
Real Estate & Building expert with unique background as MBA/Broker/Builder. Special expertise in disclosure, Standards of Care, data research & presentation, property inspection, construction/materials, appraisal, landslide/geotechnical, mold/ fungus/water intrusion. HOA cases, property mgmt, injuries at properties, builder/developer cases, residential & commercial property. Provide evidence development/evaluation, expert witness, consultation & litigation support. An “active broker” representing buyers, sellers, properties for lease and property management
Instructor in courses of investigative research; Trained in communications & presentation techniques; interviewed by ABC regarding property inspections & stigmas. In 2000-2020 authored 17 articles for the Natl Assn of Realtors monthly natl magazine, Realtor, on Home Inspection, Stigma, Property Red Flags, Ten Ways to Land in Court, Real Estate Ethics, Agent Property Inspection, Injuries at Properties, Repairs & Credits, Documentation, Transactions with Relatives, Disclosing Distress, HOA Lawsuits, Survey & Boundary Disputes, Be Cautious with Flips, AIRBNB is Crashing the Neighborhood, Negligent Referrals Carry Risks & Standard of Care. The only expert asked by NAR to write an article on Standard of Care. Speaker on Risk Mgmt/Agt Liability at the NAR 2005 & 2007 Ntl Convention. Author of 4 Audio CD course “How to Stay Out of Court” for Agnts & Brkrs. Instructor of 17,000 California Agents & Brkrs on Real Estate risk mgmt. Instructor for the DRE required risk mgmt course for lic renewal. Author, “The No Lawsuit Guide to Real Estate Transactions” for Agents, Buyers & Sellers, Publisher, McGraw Hill, Spring ‘07.
Kidder Mathews
Contact: Andrew Zimbaldi
5 Park Plaza, Ste 1700
Irvine, CA 92614
Tel: (949) 887-0293
Email: Arzimbaldi@gmail.com
Degrees/Licenses/ Certifications:
MBA: RE Brokers License
Property management: commercial & residential; receivership of real estate & operating businesses; operation & disposition of properties; environmental remediation; homeowners associations; construction management; entitlement due diligence.
E. Robert Miller, CPM, CIPS, CMCE
Robert Miller & Associates
330 Primrose Rd, Ste 402 Burlingame, CA 94010
Tel: (650) 373-0705
Fax: (650) 373-0709
Email: elymiller@hotmail.com
Website: www.ERobertMiller.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: Broker; Certified Property Manager (CPM); Certified International Property Specialist (CIPS); Certified Management Consultant (CMC); BS School of Commerce, Univ Wisconsin; Past National President, Institute of Real Estate Management.
Specialties: Expert Witness in property management issues for all types of commercial & residential real estate. Experience in arbitration, litigation, lease terms, personal injury, property damage, security, standards of care & due diligence. Retained as expert witness/consultant in more than 1400 lawsuits.
Craig Cherney, Esq. High Desert Law Group, LLP
11260 N. Tatum Blvd, Ste 143 Phoenix, AZ 85028
Tel: (480) 240-0040
Email: craig@hdflg.com
Website: www.craigcherney.com
BA, Univ of Virginia; JD, Univ San Diego School of Law; Lic RE Broker CA; Lic Attorney CA, AZ, NV
Land management, fiduciary duties, standards of care, private equity funds, real estate sponsors, fee disputes, title disputes, boundary disputes, entitlements, zoning, land use, commission disputes, failure to disclose, SPDS.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Participated in over 25 civil litigations as real estate expert witness in multiple states. Previous Positions/Appointments: Vice President at American Land Fund; Manager of Land at Pulte Group. Urban Land Institute - Residential Neighborhood Development Council.
Honors/Awards: San Diego Law Review
Lawrence H. Jacobson, Esq 9777 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 517 Beverly Hills, CA 90212
Tel: (310) 271-0747
Fax: (310) 271-0757
Email: Law.Jac@LHJpc.com
Website: www.LawrenceJacobson.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: AB, UCLA 1964; JD, UCLA School of Law 1967; RE Broker 1978
Real estate & mortgage broker standard of care, legal malpractice, ethics & fee disputes.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Standard of Care: Real Estate, Business & Mortgage Broker, Escrow and Title Company, Lawyer Malpractice (Real Estate & Business Transactions), ethics, fee disputes, Custom & Usage Real Estate Transactions / Documents.
In practice since 1968, Former Vice PresidentLegal Affairs, California Assn of Realtors; UCLA Law Review; Order of the Coif; Adjunct Professor of Law, Real Estate Broker, Lecturer: CEB Real Estate Broker Practice; Graduate Realtors Institute; Past President, Beverly Hills Bar Assn; LACBA Board of Trustees; CA State Bar, Beverly Hills Bar and LACBA Fee Arbitration Panels, and CA State Bar Special Deputy Trial Counsel.
See display ad page 140
Nichols Real Estate & General Contracting
Contact: Barbara Nichols
1633 Clear View Dr Beverly Hills, CA 90210
Tel: (310) 273-6369
Fax: on request
Website: www.barbaranichols.net
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: BA; MBA; Real Estate Brokers License (CA); Gen Building Contractor’s B License (CA)
Real Estate & Building expert with unique background as MBA/Broker/Builder. Special expertise in disclosure, Standards of Care, data research & presentation, property inspection, construction/materials, appraisal, landslide/geotechnical, mold/ fungus/water intrusion. HOA cases, property mgmt, injuries at properties, builder/developer cases, residential & commercial property. Provide evidence development/evaluation, expert witness, consultation & litigation support. An “active broker” representing buyers, sellers, properties for lease and property management
Instructor in courses of investigative research; Trained in communications & presentation techniques; interviewed by ABC regarding property inspections & stigmas. In 2000-2020 authored 17 articles for the Natl Assn of Realtors monthly natl magazine, Realtor, on Home Inspection, Stigma, Property Red Flags, Ten Ways to Land in Court, Real Estate Ethics, Agent Property Inspection, Injuries at Properties, Repairs & Credits, Documentation, Transactions with Relatives, Disclosing Distress, HOA Lawsuits, Survey & Boundary Disputes, Be Cautious with Flips, AIRBNB is Crashing the Neighborhood, Negligent Referrals Carry Risks & Standard of Care. The only expert asked by NAR to write an article on Standard of Care. Speaker on Risk Mgmt/Agt Liability at the NAR 2005 & 2007 Ntl Convention. Author of 4 Audio CD course “How to Stay Out of Court” for Agnts & Brkrs. Instructor of 17,000 California Agents & Brkrs on Real Estate risk mgmt. Instructor for the DRE required risk mgmt course for lic renewal. Author, “The No Lawsuit Guide to Real Estate Transactions” for Agents, Buyers & Sellers, Publisher, McGraw Hill, Spring ‘07.
Kidder Mathews
Contact: Andrew Zimbaldi
5 Park Plaza, Ste 1700
Irvine, CA 92614
Tel: (949) 887-0293
Email: Arzimbaldi@gmail.com
MBA: RE Brokers License
Property management: commercial & residential; receivership of real estate & operating businesses; operation & disposition of properties; environmental remediation; homeowners associations; construction management; entitlement due diligence.
Nichols Real Estate & General Contracting
Contact: Barbara Nichols
1633 Clear View Dr Beverly Hills, CA 90210
Tel: (310) 273-6369
Fax: on request
Website: www.barbaranichols.net
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: BA; MBA; Real Estate Brokers License (CA); Gen Building Contractor’s B License (CA)
Real Estate & Building expert with unique background as MBA/Broker/Builder. Special expertise in disclosure, Standards of Care, data research & presentation, property inspection, construction/materials, appraisal, landslide/geotechnical, mold/ fungus/water intrusion. HOA cases, property mgmt, injuries at properties, builder/developer cases, residential & commercial property. Provide evidence development/evaluation, expert witness, consultation & litigation support. An “active broker” representing buyers, sellers, properties for lease and property management
Instructor in courses of investigative research; Trained in communications & presentation techniques; interviewed by ABC regarding property inspections & stigmas. In 2000-2020 authored 17 articles for the Natl Assn of Realtors monthly natl magazine, Realtor, on Home Inspection, Stigma, Property Red Flags, Ten Ways to Land in Court, Real Estate Ethics, Agent Property Inspection, Injuries at Properties, Repairs & Credits, Documentation, Transactions with Relatives, Disclosing Distress, HOA Lawsuits, Survey & Boundary Disputes, Be Cautious with Flips, AIRBNB is Crashing the Neighborhood, Negligent Referrals Carry Risks & Standard of Care. The only expert asked by NAR to write an article on Standard of Care. Speaker on Risk Mgmt/Agt Liability at the NAR 2005 & 2007 Ntl Convention. Author of 4 Audio CD course “How to Stay Out of Court” for Agnts & Brkrs. Instructor of 17,000 California Agents & Brkrs on Real Estate risk mgmt. Instructor for the DRE required risk mgmt course for lic renewal. Author, “The No Lawsuit Guide to Real Estate Transactions” for Agents, Buyers & Sellers, Publisher, McGraw Hill, Spring ‘07.
Jack Cohen 2629 Townsgate Rd, Ste 100 Westlake Village, CA 91361
Tel: (747) 222-1550
Cell: (747) 222-1554
Fax: (747) 222-1551
Email: jack@coheninv.com
Court qualified expert, private money lending, credit file and qualifications, appraisals, evictions, foreclosures, industry standards, title reports, property management and landlord issues, brokers and investor relations, finance and documentation, sale & leasing, insurance claims, loan servicing and escrow. Over 40 Years of experience in private money lending & real estate related cases.
Lawrence H. Jacobson, Esq 9777 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 517 Beverly Hills, CA 90212
Tel: (310) 271-0747
Fax: (310) 271-0757
Email: Law.Jac@LHJpc.com
Website: www.LawrenceJacobson.com
AB, UCLA 1964; JD, UCLA School of Law 1967; RE Broker 1978
Real estate & mortgage broker standard of care, legal malpractice, ethics & fee disputes.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Standard of Care: Real Estate, Business & Mortgage Broker, Escrow and Title Company, Lawyer Malpractice (Real Estate & Business Transactions), ethics, fee disputes, Custom & Usage Real Estate Transactions / Documents.
In practice since 1968, Former Vice PresidentLegal Affairs, California Assn of Realtors; UCLA Law Review; Order of the Coif; Adjunct Professor of Law, Real Estate Broker, Lecturer: CEB Real Estate Broker Practice; Graduate Realtors Institute; Past President, Beverly Hills Bar Assn; LACBA Board of Trustees; CA State Bar, Beverly Hills Bar and LACBA Fee Arbitration Panels, and CA State Bar Special Deputy Trial Counsel.
See display ad page 140
Nichols Real Estate & General Contracting
Contact: Barbara Nichols
1633 Clear View Dr Beverly Hills, CA 90210
Tel: (310) 273-6369
Fax: on request
Website: www.barbaranichols.net
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: BA; MBA; Real Estate Brokers License (CA); Gen Building Contractor’s B License (CA)
Real Estate & Building expert with unique background as MBA/Broker/Builder. Special expertise in disclosure, Standards of Care, data research & presentation, property inspection, construction/materials, appraisal, landslide/geotechnical, mold/ fungus/water intrusion. HOA cases, property mgmt, injuries at properties, builder/developer cases, residential & commercial property. Provide evidence development/evaluation, expert witness, consultation & litigation support. An “active broker” representing buyers, sellers, properties for lease and property management
Instructor in courses of investigative research; Trained in communications & presentation techniques; interviewed by ABC regarding property inspections & stigmas. In 2000-2020 authored 17 articles for the Natl Assn of Realtors monthly natl magazine, Realtor, on Home Inspection, Stigma, Property Red Flags, Ten Ways to Land in Court, Real Estate Ethics, Agent Property Inspection, Injuries at Properties, Repairs & Credits, Documentation, Transactions with Relatives, Disclosing Distress, HOA Lawsuits, Survey & Boundary Disputes, Be Cautious with Flips, AIRBNB is Crashing the Neighborhood, Negligent Referrals Carry Risks & Standard of Care. The only expert asked by NAR to write an article on Standard of Care. Speaker on Risk Mgmt/Agt Liability at the NAR 2005 & 2007 Ntl Convention. Author of 4 Audio CD course “How to Stay Out of Court” for Agnts & Brkrs. Instructor of 17,000 California Agents & Brkrs on Real Estate risk mgmt. Instructor for the DRE required risk mgmt course for lic renewal. Author, “The No Lawsuit Guide to Real Estate Transactions” for Agents, Buyers & Sellers, Publisher, McGraw Hill, Spring ‘07.
Kelly G. Richardson, Esq
Richardson | Ober
234 E. Colorado Blvd, Ste 800 Pasadena, CA 91101
Tel: (877) 446-2529
Email: kelly@roattorneys.com
Website: www.roattorneys.com
Univ of California, Riverside, BA, 1980; Univ of Southern California, Juris Doctor, 1983; Admitted to Law Practice, 1983; Licensed Real Estate Broker, 2009-present
Real estate broker & agent standard of care; homeowner association law.
HOA law - National Trustee of Community Associations Institute (CAI) 2011-2017; 2016 CAI National President; Author of syndicated weekly newspaper column, “HOA Homefront” 2005-present; Fellow, College of Community Association Lawyers 2006-present; Author & originator of the CAR “Basic Information Guide to Common Interest Developments;” CAI Byron Hanke Award recipient 2019. Super Lawyer, 2018-2022.
Real Estate - Licensed broker; Counsel to brokers, agents & Association of Realtors®; Frequent Instructor, author & lecturer on real estate law & risk management issues; Faculty, Professional Realty Institute 1999-2019; Member, CAR Legal Affairs Forum
“AV” rated; Associate, American Board of Trial Advocates.“
Petru Corporation
Title, Natural Resources & Land Experts
Contact: Timothy B. Truwe, President 250 Hallock Dr, Ste 100 Santa Paula, CA 93060-9218
Tel: (805) 933-1398
Fax: (805) 933-1380
Email: Petru@PetruCorporation.com
Website: www.PetruCorporation.com
Reg Professional Landman
Full service land company. incl: title search; title reports; title engineering; oil, gas, mineral, geothermal, wind & solar consulting; water rights; rights of way; regulatory compliance & subdivisions. Petru has provided its services on muti-million dollar projects & matters involving court litigation. Featured on “Enterprises” TV show, aired on FOX Business Network. Published in “Black Gold in California” and “Corporate America (Business Elite).”
Robert A. Gardner, CPP
Independent Security Consultant
Offices: Santa Paula, CA & Sacramento, CA
Tel: (805) 659-4294 (CA)
Tel: (916) 668-6026 (CA)
Email: cpp@crimewise.com
Website: www.crimewise.com
Offices: Las Vegas, NV & Scottsdale, AZ
Tel: (702) 733-8711 (NV)
Tel: (480) 347-0211 (AZ)
Bd Cert in Security Mgmt; Cert Protection Profl (CPP), Cert Security Profl (CSP), NV Licensed Security Consultant, CA/NV/AZ Private Investigator & CA/NV Patrol Operator Lics, CA
Advanced & Supervisory Peace Officer Cert; CA Teaching Credential; BSIS/DOJ Firearms Instructor
Guard / Bouncer / Investigator Conduct, Use of Force, Detention & Arrest, Premises Security Issues, Security Policies & Procedures, Security Adequacy Assessment, Crime Prevention Theory, Building & Site Design for Security, Security Licensing Requirements, State & Local Regulatory Compliance.
Tel: (213) 700-3886
Tel: (602) 615-7694
Email: stan@ policeandsecuritypractices.com
Website: www.policeandsecuritypractices.com
BA Public Service; MA Ed - Thesis: Alternatives to Lethal Force; NIMS/SIMS Certification; CA Executive P.O.S.T. & AZ P.O.S.T. Certifications; State Corrections Management Certification; State Teaching Credential; FEMA - All NIMS Certification; Credentialed as a Federal, State & Tribal Law Enforcement Officer.
Expert Witness in: Police Practices; Use of Force Including Carotid Restraint; Crime Foreseeability; Officer Involved Shootings; Security Policies and Procedures; Special Event Security: Crowd Management/Control; Riots & Demonstrations; Bar Fights; Adult & Juvenile Custody; Indian Country Casino Operations/Policing Standards.
Olympic Games Security Administrator, Retired Police Chief, California Undersheriff, Major Disaster Command and Crime Scene Operations’ Experience, Governor’s Commendation as Special Adviser to California Adjutant General for Law Enforcement Training. Honors: 1st Non-Native Police Chief of the Year Award by the National Assn for Native American Law Enforcement, Named by Peter Ueberroth (LAOCC) in his book, Made in America, as one if his “Super Stars.” One of 150 International Security Experts invited to Dohar, Qatar, Sports Fan Violence Conference; Prominently mentioned in “Fanaticus: Mischief and Madness in the Modern Sports Fan” by Justin Gubar, Emmy-award winning ESPN investigative journalist, 2015. Professional Affiliations: International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP), American Society for Industrial Security (ASIS)
Mark Mooring Proper Authorities, LLC
P.O. Box 1060 Ventura, CA 93002
Tel: (800) 994-4991
Website: www.properauthorities.com
Private Investigator (PI); 20+years as a Certified Protection Professional (CPP); 20+ years as a Certified Healthcare Protection Administrator (CHPA)
Security, healthcare security, training, policies, procedures, deployment, tactics, use of force, detention, arrest, reporting, investigations, workplace violence/crime prevention, premise liability
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Over 20+ years.
Education: Masters Public Admin - Personnel Management/Disaster Response, USC; BS Business Administration, USC.
Previous Positions/Appointments: Chief Protective Services, County of Santa Clara (8 yrs); Sgt LAPD (25 yrs).
Honors/Awards: Police Meritorious Service Award (LAPD); Police Commission Unit Citation (LAPD).
Publications: Workplace Violence Prevention for Healthcare (DVD); Personal Safety and Self Defense (DVD).
Membership in Professional Societies: 20+ years in Amer Soc for Industrial Security (ASIS); Intl Assoc for Healthcare Safety and Security (IAHSS).
Mark Mooring Proper Authorities, LLC P.O. Box 1060 Ventura, CA 93002
Tel: (800) 994-4991
Email: Mark@properauthorities.com
Website: www.properauthorities.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: Private Investigator (PI); 20+years as a Certified Protection Professional (CPP); 20+ years as a Certified Healthcare Protection Administrator (CHPA)
Security, healthcare security, training, policies, procedures, deployment, tactics, use of force, detention, arrest, reporting, investigations, workplace violence/crime prevention, premise liability
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Over 20+ years.
Education: Masters Public Admin - Personnel Management/Disaster Response, USC; BS Business Administration, USC.
Previous Positions/Appointments: Chief Protective Services, County of Santa Clara (8 yrs); Sgt LAPD (25 yrs).
Honors/Awards: Police Meritorious Service Award (LAPD); Police Commission Unit Citation (LAPD).
Publications: Workplace Violence Prevention for Healthcare (DVD); Personal Safety and Self Defense (DVD).
Membership in Professional Societies: 20+ years in Amer Soc for Industrial Security (ASIS); Intl Assoc for Healthcare Safety and Security (IAHSS).
Ben Tisa – FBI Retired
Ben Tisa and Associates
Expert Witness Consultants
2269 Chestnut Street, #161 San Francisco, CA 94123
Cell: (925) 963-3984
Fax: (925) 984-2567
Email: expertwitness@bentisa.com
Website: www.catt-online.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: Court-certified ballistic expert | FBI-certified firearms/range master for service rifled, sniper rifles, submachine guns, semi-automatic pistols and revolvers | FBI and USMC ballistic instructor
Police procedures and practices | Firearm and ballistics | Officer involved shootings | Negligent-security casinos/schools/public parades/retail stores
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: 44 years from 1969 at FBI, and to 2022 as independent consultant.
Member of the California Association of Tactical Trainers.
See display ad page 95
Delores A. Conway, PhD Professor, Simon Business School, U of Rochester
Previously on Faculty at USC Marshall School of Business and U of Chicago Booth School of Business
Los Angeles, CA 90089
Tel: (310) 613-9773
Email: dconway@marshall.usc.edu
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: BS, Math, Stat, U Wisconsin; MS/PhD Statistics, Stanford Univ; Assoc Dean, Simon Bus School, U of Rochester; Director, Real Estate Forecast, USC
Statistics, real estate analysis, econometrics, data analysis & sample surveys. Financial models, employment discrimination, forecasting, assessment of environmental pollution, analysis of medical data, economic analysis, insurance.
Over 30 years experience as a testifying expert with law firms in LA, NY, DC, San Diego and Chicago.
Phillips, Fractor & Co, LLC
Contact: G. Michael Phillips, PhD
3452 E. Foothill Blvd, Ste 220 Pasadena, CA 91107
Tel: (626) 744-3540
Email: contactpfc@rule26.com
Website: www.phillipsfractor.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: PhDs, Economics; Ed.D; MBA; CPA; CFA; CPA/ABV
Economic losses, lost profits, contract damages, employment economics, wrongful termination, class action and mass tort analysis, valuation of earnings & benefits; wrongful injury and wrongful death, medical malpractice; financial valuation, investment analysis, “what if” analysis, statistical analysis & modeling, intellectual property, compensation issues, including executive compensation; entertainment industry; construction defects; sampling & surveys; database construction & analysis; family business; forensic accounting including lost profits and business valuation, and custom research.
Dr. Michael A. Kamins & Associates
Former Director of Research, Area Head of Marketing - Stony Brook College of Business
Tel: (323)868-9507
Fax: (323) 931-0258
Email: michaelakaminsconsultants@gmail.com
BBA; MBA (Statistics); Doctorate (Marketing Research & Strategy
Marketing & advertising strategy as well as marketing research, questionnaire design & statistical issues. I specialize in survey research, confusion, secondary meaning, dilution, false advertising, celebrity advertising, pricing strategy, pioneership & international advertising. Consumer behavior expertise incl rumor & information processing. I have assisted such individuals as Muhammed Ali, Taylor Swift, Rock Group “Boston,” The “Doors,” Bill Medley & Kareem Abdul Jabbar & such companies as AT&T, Pinkberry, MGM, Lexus, AMEX, the State of California & New York St. Attorney General Elliot Spitzer’s Office, Samsung. Appeared against President Trump in the Trump University Class Action.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Working as an Expert Witness since 1994. 50+ depositions & 8 trial experiences.
Education: BBA (Statistics) Bernard M, Baruch, 1974; MBA (Statistics) Bernard M Baruch, 1977; PhD (Marketing) New York University, 1984.
Previous Positions/Appointments: Taught Statistics at Baruch College & Marketing/ Marketing Research at NYU, USC, Stony Brook and the Drucker School of Management.
Honors & Awards: Golden Apple Award winning teacher and Dean’s Scholar, Best Teacher in the Grad School of Business at Stony Brook, 2008.
Number of Publications: 50+.
Professional Societies: Assn for Consumer Research; Amer Marketing Assn; Academy of Marketing Science.
Fees: $895.00 for deposition, trial and consultation
Phillips, Fractor & Co, LLC
Contact: G. Michael Phillips, PhD
3452 E. Foothill Blvd, Ste 220 Pasadena, CA 91107
Tel: (626) 744-3540
Email: contactpfc@rule26.com
Website: www.phillipsfractor.com
PhDs, Economics; Ed.D; MBA; CPA; CFA; CPA/ABV
Economic losses, lost profits, contract damages, employment economics, wrongful termination, class action and mass tort analysis, valuation of earnings & benefits; wrongful injury and wrongful death, medical malpractice; financial valuation, investment analysis, “what if” analysis, statistical analysis & modeling, intellectual property, compensation issues, including executive compensation; entertainment industry; construction defects; sampling & surveys; database construction & analysis; family business; forensic accounting including lost profits and business valuation, and custom research.
Zivetz, Schwartz & Saltsman CPA’s
Contact: Lester J. Schwartz, CPA/CFF, Michael D. Saltsman, CPA, MBA
5990 Sepulveda Blvd, Ste 215 Sherman Oaks, CA 91411
Tel: (310) 826-1040
Fax: (310) 826-1065
Email: less@zss.com
Website: www.zsscpa.com
CPA’s & Appraisers
Accounting, malpractice, business interruption, business valuation & appraisal, commercial damages, contract disputes, economic analysis & damages, environmental cleanup cost, estate & trust accounting, forensic accounting, fraud, lost profits, marital dissolutions, partnership disputes, personal injury, royalties, shareholder disputes, tracing & wrongful termination.
See display ad page 22
W. Ross Stone, PhD Stoneware Ltd
840 Armada Terrace
San Diego, CA 92106
Tel: (619) 222-1915
Fax: (619) 222-1606
Email: r.stone@ieee.org
Degrees/Licenses/ Certifications:
PhD, Fellow, IEEE; Fellow, International Union of Radio Science (URSI); Fellow, Chinese Institute of Electronics; Fellow, Electromagnetics Academy; Honorary Life Member, IEEE AP-S AdCom; Asst Secretary General URSI (Pub).
45+ years experience. Internationally known expert in antennas, cellular & wireless communications (GSM, UMTS, 5G, CDMA, WCMA, LTE, 3GPP2, 4G, WiMAX, Wi-Fi, 802.11, UWB), cell phones, handsets, base station, mobile, RF, HF, VHF, UHF, microwave, millimeter-wave & propagation technologies.
Honors/Awards: URSI President’s Award; EurAAP Antenna Award; IEEE Richard M. Emberson Award, Editor-in-Chief IEEE Antennas & Propagation Magazine (30+ yrs); Editor, Radio Science Bulletin (20+ yrs); Adjunct Full Professor, Beijing Jiaotong Univ.
Publications: 100 publications, 7 books
Jo-Anne Daniels, Licensed Customs Broker
848 South Avenue Gustine, CA 95322
Cell: (650) 438-1411
Email: jo@trade-resources.com
Website: www.trade-resources.com
Bachelor of Arts, State University of New York at Stony Brook, NY. Licensed Customs BrokerLicense Issued 1983. Forensic Expert Witness Association (FEWA); Professional Association of Exporters and Importers (PAEI); Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals (CSCMP)
Specialties: Founder and Principal of Trade Resources & Associates, an international trade and transportation consulting firm providing advice on International Trade, Trucking, Transportation Management, Logistics and Warehousing matters.
Expert Witness Litigation Services: Expert Testimony and Expert Reports. Expert Consultation: Case Review and Analysis
The Global Law Experts & Global Advisory recognized Trade Resources & Associates as the 2022 International Trade & Customs Expert Witness of the Year in California, USA.
Frequent speaker at international trade and logistics associations. Author of trade and logistics publications
Eddie Ferguson, Uniform Rental Expert 3410 La Sierra Ave, Suite F1114
Riverside, CA 92503
Tel: (951) 963-9575 (Office)
Email: Expert@UniformBright.com
Website: www.UniformBright.com
We provide expert witness & expert consultant services as it relates to the uniform rental & linen industry in breach of contract disputes, liquidated damages claims & fault determination. We perform feasibility studies, invoice auditing, diagnosis/troubleshooting, fabric testing, garment testing & arbitration in state or federal court appearances.
Our services are related to uniforms, hospital linens, mats, towels, etc., and the processes used by the industry to deliver, sort, wash, dry, fold, count, sort, sew, mend, grade, invoice, charge and distribute.
We work with hotels, restaurants, hospitals, healthcare industry, longterm care facilities, casinos, franchises, government agencies and any other business that has been sued by a uniform rental company.
Is your client in breach of contract or about to cancel uniform rental services? Is your client receiving poor quality and/or poor service? The sooner you call, the sooner we can help. Call us today for a free consultation.
Randy Phares, President
Dr. Box Consulting, Inc.
15504 N. 169th Ave
Surprise, AZ 85388
Cell: (775) 443-5529
Email: drbox@live.com
Website: mypackagingexpert. com
Packaging, manufacturing, distribution, warehousing, shipping, load securement, safety, intellectual property, forklifts, pallet jacks, pallets, packing, crates, strapping, transportation, corrugated, folding cartons, plastic, design, lean manufacturing, procurement, purchasing, logistics.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Full time Consultant/Expert Witness since 2010; Assisted in over 20 cases as an Expert Witness. Provided forensic analysis, expert reports, depositions and court testimony for both plaintiffs and defendants. Expert Witness and Consultant in packaging, manufacturing, distribution, warehousing, shipping, procurement and intellectual property.
Employment Prior to Consulting:
Previous Positions/Appointments: Multi-plant GM for TIN Inc., Advisory Board Paperboard Packaging Magazine, President – South Texas Mfg Assoc., Packaging Consulting Council –TAPPI, Vice Chair – Pkg Consultants Council - IOPP, President – Paperboard Pkg Grp, Vice Chair - ASQ, member ASTM.
Honors/Awards: Best Achievement of Organizational Business Improvement in Manufacturing given by the Global Six-Sigma and Business Improvement Awards and others.
Publications: Writer or featured in over 60 publications. Author of “A Paper Based Packaging Design Guide”, CNS Media (Innova), (online book) 2019.
John Shaw, PE
Water, Wastewater, Hydraulic & Forensic Engineering
John Shaw Consulting, LLC
Tel: (530) 550-1576
Email: john@shaweng.com
Website: www.shaweng.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: BS, Civil Engineering, PE
Water / wastewater / sewer industry - unique combination of operations & engineering background. Sanitary engineering: water (potable) & wastewater (industrial, domestic) treatment, conveyance, hydraulics, storage, reuse. Wastewater: treatment plants, disposal / reuse facilities, sewage lift station design, sewer collection systems, sludge treatment. Water projects: treatment plants, transmission pipelines, pump stations, pressure regulating stations, AWWA storage, reservoirs & swimming pools.
Our mission is to provide the highest quality Medical Expert opinions, consultations and testimony for the Defense or Plaintiff in Personal Injury, Medical Malpractice and Insurance Disability Claims. Dr. Kvitne has been a Medical Legal Expert Witness for over 30 years and has built a network of world class experts to assist attorneys nationwide.