Be a part of HISTORY

Quasquicentennial Book

Quasquicentennial video

Gain lasting exposure in this one-of-a-kind commemorative book, distributed in hard cover, soft cover, and e-book editions. The book will be actively promoted to the San Diego legal community and public throughout 2024 and 2025 in emails, our magazine, our website, our events, and social media.
Claim your 10 or 15-second spot in this special video to be displayed on our website, YouTube, and Vimeo, featuring photos, footage, and interviews showcasing our history. We will actively promote this video to the San Diego legal community and public throughout 2024 and 2025, in emails, our magazine, our website, our events, and social media.
Quasquicentennial Celebration Event
Join the San Diego County Bar Association in September 2024 to celebrate 125 years of serving the community at the grand opening of our new headquarters in Downtown San Diego! This splashy gathering of San Diego legal community members will commemorate the past 125 years with food, drink, and the debut of our 125th Anniversary Commemorative Book and Video. As a sponsor, you’ll be prominently featured in our extensive pre-event promotional campaign and in graphics at the event.

San Diego Directory of Experts & Consultants 2024
Dispute Resolution Professionals
Litigation/Legal Service Providers
Expert Witness Referral Services
Lawyer to Lawyer (L2L) Referrals
About The Directory
The San Diego County Bar Association (SDCBA) is pleased to provide you with our inaugural issue of the Directory of Expert Witnesses and Consultants. The Directory provides you with a comprehensive registry of expert witnesses and consultants throughout San Diego County.
SDCBA provides complimentary copies of the Directory to all of its members, as well as regional bar associations in San Diego County as well as regional bar associations in San Diego County, law libraries, and courts throughout San Diego County.
The Directory is an invaluable resource for all attorneys, and we welcome any suggestions you have that might help us make it even better. For more information contact Cici Trino at Association Outsource Services, Inc. (916) 961-9999 cicit@aosinc.biz
The San Diego County Bar Association (SDCBA) has compiled the San Diego County Directory of Expert Witnesses and Consultants as a source of names and specialties of experts for use by attorneys and others. Although the SDCBA has compiled the Directory based on information supplied by those listed, among others, it has not reviewed, investigated, or evaluated the authenticity, accuracy, or completeness of the information received. the SDCBA makes no representations as to the qualifications or competence of those listed and does not recommend or endorse the services of those listed.
The contents of this Directory may not be republished, sold, or incorporated into any other data base for any purpose. Use of the information provided herein for purposes of solicitation or for any other purpose other than to retain an expert or consultant is strictly prohibited.


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• SDCBA members get a 20% discount on select job postings!
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• Increased exposure for your job postings through our promotion of the Career Center in ongoing SDCBA communications.
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Visit the Career Center for Employers: https://sdcba.careerwebsite.com/employer

Seeking your next opportunity? The SDCBA Career Center for Job Seekers makes it easy to both find employers and get found. Your new job search tools and benefits include:
• Enjoy 100% free Job Seeker access!
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• Help is always just an email or call away, Monday through Friday.
Visit the Career Center for Job Seekers: https://sdcba.careerwebsite.com
How To Use This Directory
The San Diego County Directory of Expert Witnesses and Consultants has five main areas for locating legal experts, consultants, and services. Each area is further divided into categories of expertise. You will want to thoroughly review all available categories and sub-categories to find the appropriate expert or consultant:
h Litigation/Legal Services Listings:
These trial support services may include Document Services, Personnel, Paralegals, Process Servers, Parliamentary Procedure, Computer, and other legal support professionals.
h Expert Witness Referral Services Listings:
Find organizations with banks of experts and consultants in broad categories of expertise.
h Lawyer-to-Lawyer (L2L) Consultants Network Listings:

Lawyers who hold themselves competent and available for consultation can be located in their respective practice areas of law. This section is intended to offer practitioners a source for finding professional advice and outsourcing in unfamiliar areas of law.
h Dispute Resolution Professionals Listings:
Find Arbitrators, Mediators, Private Judges, Family Law Specialists, Special Masters, Settlement Officers, and other auxiliary dispute resolution service providers in a specific area of dispute.
h Expert Witnesses and Consultants Listings:
Expert Witnesses and Consultants is the largest area of the book, and categories of expertise may be indexed in multiple ways. Please review the category index thoroughly. For example, if you are looking for an electrical expert, you might look under any or all of these selections:
• Accident Prevention/Safety: Electrical
• Accident Reconstruction: Electrical
• Electrical
• Construction: Electrical
• Engineering: Electrical
Individual and organizational indexes appear in alphabetical order at the back of the directory.

The Better Way To Gain More Clients
The San Diego County Bar Association’s Lawyer Referral and Information Service (LRIS) connected over 60,000 qualified clients with participating attorneys in 2023, resulting in nearly eight million dollars in legal fees earned. You could be one of those attorneys in 2024.
The public trusts LRIS as the reliable way get connected with qualified attorneys. Lawyers trust LRIS too, because we carefully pre-screen potential clients to ensure we only send you referrals that match well with your practice area.
Practically speaking, LRIS offers you the most cost-effective way to gain high-quality clients, hands down. The cost is much lower than other marketing methods, including advertising, SEO, listing/rating services, you name it (lower still with the highly-discounted LRIS enrollment fee offered to SDCBA members — your membership will immediately pay for itself).
Best of all, by participating in LRIS, you will be helping clients access quality legal services they wouldn’t find otherwise — a true win-win.
303 A Street
San Diego CA 92101
Phone: (619) 231-0781
Web: www.sdcba.org
Email: bar@sdcba.org
Published on behalf of the San Diego County Bar Association by:
Association Outsource Services Inc.
Cici Trino
P.O. Box 39 Fair Oaks, CA 95628 (916) 961-9999 | cicit@aosinc.biz
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to SAN DIEGO COUNTY BAR
© 2024 by the San Diego County Bar Association. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited.

If you want San Diego law firms to know about you, here’s one sure way to get your message directly to them — advertise with the San Diego County Bar Association (SDCBA).
Our weekly and monthly e-newsletters, bimonthly awardwinning magazine, and website will keep your firm’s brand top-of-mind for thousands of San Diego County attorneys, including decision-makers at top firms, smaller firms, and solos.

What’s more, advertising helps the community too by supporting the SDCBA in its work to advance both the legal profession and access to justice for all — something we can all feel good about.
more at www.sdcba.org/advertising_opps

Intellectual Property

Gregory D. Carson
Carson Patents
302 Washington St, #109
San Diego, CA 92103
Tel: (888) 483-1411
Email: contact@carsonpatents.com
Website: https://carsonpatents.com
USPTO Registered Patent Attorney, Registration Number 77847 | California Bar License Number 337869 | BS Biomedical Engineering | MS Biomedical Engineering | Juris Doctorate
Patent Applications, Patent Application
Prosecution, Trademark Registration Applications, and Trademark Application Prosecution
Patent Applications

Gregory D. Carson
Carson Patents
302 Washington St, #109
San Diego, CA 92103
Tel: (888) 483-1411
Email: contact@carsonpatents.com
Website: https://carsonpatents.com
USPTO Registered Patent Attorney, Registration Number 77847 | California Bar License Number 337869 | BS Biomedical Engineering | MS Biomedical Engineering | Juris Doctorate
Patent Applications, Patent Application
Prosecution, Trademark Registration Applications, and Trademark Application Prosecution
Process Servers

Benchmark Investigations
Contact: Jim Zimmer, CPI
32158 Camino Capistrano, #A-415
San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675
Tel: (800) 248-7721
Fax: (949) 606-8439
Email: zimmerpi@pacbell.net
Website: www.BenchmarkInvestigations.net
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: BS, Business Management; CA Private Investigator Lic PI 12651; Registered Process Server #PSC/2411
National agency. Professional investigations with emphasis upon accuracy, detail & expedience. Asset/financial searches; background investigation; DMV searches; domestic/marital cases; due diligence; mergers & acquisitions; process service; sexual harassment & discrimination investigations; surveillance/photog; witness location & statements. LA branch + correspondents nationwide. Multi-lingual agents. Fully insured. Jim Zimmer is a Past President of the National Council of Investigation & Security Services & the California Assn of Licensed Investigators. Jim is the 2011 recipient of the CALI Distinguished Achievement Award. See display ad page 70

Hodson P.I., LLC
Justin D. Hodson, CPI
27226 Via Industria #B Temecula, CA 92590
Tel: (714) 646-4545
Email: justin@HodsonPI.com
Website: www.HodsonPI.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: CA PI 23796
Specialties: Investigation, Process Service. Hodson P.I., LLC is a California, licensed, professional private investigations firm serving all of California. Hodson P.I., LLC is an approved and licensed Limited Liability Investigations Corporation. Our coverage area is the entire state of California, with services in select States and Countries. The firm was founded in 2003 by world renowned private detective, Justin D. Hodson, CPI, who has been conducting investigations since 1999.

Medical - Legal

Arrowhead Evaluation Services
1680 Plum Lane
Redlands, CA 92374
Tel: (888) 888-5902
Email: experts@arrowheadeval.com
Website: www.arrowheadeval.com
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Our panel of ethical and qualified medical professionals have the knowledge and experience to evaluate every type of injury, and are available to serve as medical experts to provide testimony in medical legal cases. Whether you’re seeking a certified medical expert for a Subsequent Injuries Benefit Trusts Fund Evaluation, Qualified Medical Evaluation, Agreed Medical Evaluation, or Independent Medical Evaluation, Arrowhead can provide the trusted and experienced medical professional you need.
Arrowhead Evaluation Services is your LEADING SOURCE for medical experts throughout the state of California:
- Physicians dedicated to fast, accurate reporting
- California's most selective medical/legal service provider
- Credible medical legal reports
- Locations throughout California
See display ad page 15

Medical Consultant Services, Inc.
2377 W. Foothill Blvd, #9 Upland, CA 91786
Tel: (888) 627-4321
Fax: (909) 946-0347
Email: experts@expertsatmcs.com
Website: www.expertsatmcs.com
One convenient nationwide source for cost effective medical and technical expert services in all healthcare and technical fields. MCS assists its clients with claims involving personal injury, medical malpractice, disability, construction defect, product liability, criminal forensics and HMO peer review. Our experts are Board Certified and qualified expert witnesses. Services include Independent Medical Examinations, Medical Record Reviews, Diagnostic Re-interpretation, Utilization and/or Bill Reviews, along with various types of Technical Review and Analysis, involving accident reconstruction and biomechanical analysis, safety, economic loss and more.
MCS is also an approved M.C.L.E. provider and offers seminars at no charge on a number of topics for continuing legal education.
Business Law
Stefano Riznyk
San Diego Biz Law APC
4225 Executive Sq
La Jolla, CA 92037
Tel: (619) 793-4827
Email: counsel@ SanDiegoBizLaw.com
Website: www.SanDiegoBizLaw.com
Statewide Services

BSc Biochemistry & Genetics | JD California Western School of Law | Studied Strategic Management at Harvard for 2 years | Lectured at Oxford and Duke as well as worldwide on legal issues | High-level Negotiator (Trains lawyers nationwide and writing a book) | Author of Relationships 901 | Fortune 500 Consultant in Business Process
With a deep understanding of people and processes, his strength is in structuring a creative solution to a seemingly irresolvable conflict. With negotiation and litigation in his toolbox, he is able to achieve results when complex situations occur.
Legal areas: negotiation, antitrust, business litigation (state & federal), complex hand-written contracts, prenups, employment law & foreign investor visas (E,L, EB5); 34 years’ experience.
See display ad on inside front cover
Employment Law
Stefano Riznyk
San Diego Biz Law APC
4225 Executive Sq La Jolla, CA 92037
Tel: (619) 793-4827
Email: counsel@ SanDiegoBizLaw.com

Statewide Services
BSc Biochemistry & Genetics | JD
California Western School of Law | Studied Strategic Management at Harvard for 2 years | Lectured at Oxford and Duke as well as worldwide on legal issues | High-level Negotiator (Trains lawyers nationwide and writing a book)
| Author of Relationships 901 | Fortune
500 Consultant in Business Process
With a deep understanding of people and processes, his strength is in structuring a creative solution to a seemingly irresolvable conflict. With negotiation and litigation in his toolbox, he is able to achieve results when complex situations occur; 34 years’ experience.
Legal areas: (Plaintiff and Defense) negotiation, PAGA, Sexual harassment, Wage & Hour, non-compete, severance agreements and review, discrimination, and contract writing and issue resolution.
See display ad on inside front cover
Stefano Riznyk
San Diego Biz Law APC
4225 Executive Sq
La Jolla, CA 92037
Tel: (619) 793-4827
Email: counsel@ SanDiegoBizLaw.com
Website: www.SanDiegoBizLaw.com
Statewide Services

BSc Biochemistry & Genetics | JD
California Western School of Law |
Studied Strategic Management at Harvard for 2 years | Lectured at Oxford and Duke as well as worldwide on legal issues | High-level Negotiator (Trains lawyers nationwide and writing a book) | Author of Relationships 901 | Fortune
500 Consultant in Business Process
With a deep understanding of people and processes, and a solid understanding of the business world, he is able to speak his clients’ language. Clients range from oneperson startups to global multinationals. One of the fastest in the country, cases are produced in an average of two weeks’ time. With 34 years’ experience in the field, offering one of the highest success records in the immigration industry.
Legal areas: Foreign investor visas (E,L, EB5), prenups, as well as a whole host of business and employment law offerings (please see listing under business law), so that clients are properly advised; business plans are prepared from scratch, if required.
See display ad on inside front cover
Intellectual Property

Gregory D. Carson
Carson Patents
302 Washington St, #109 San Diego, CA 92103
Tel: (888) 483-1411
Email: contact@carsonpatents.com
Website: https://carsonpatents.com
USPTO Registered Patent Attorney, Registration Number 77847 | California Bar License Number 337869 | BS Biomedical Engineering | MS Biomedical Engineering | Juris Doctorate
Patent Applications, Patent Application Prosecution, Trademark Registration Applications, and Trademark Application Prosecution.
Tax Law

Milikowsky Tax Law
John D. Milikowsky, Esq.
745 N. Vulcan Avenue
Encinitas, CA 92024
Tel: (858) 450-1040 (Work)
Tel: (858) 450-1041 (Direct)
Email: jmilikowsky@milikowskytaxlaw.com
Website: www.caltaxadviser.com
J.D. | L.L.M. Taxation
Expert witness testimony and analysis of tax issues relating to business transactions, payroll matters, real estate, liquidation of assets, criminal tax, and divorce. Specialties include audit representation before IRS and State of California tax agencies on civil and criminal matters involving income tax, payroll tax, sales tax, and worker misclassification.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Milikowsky Tax Law has defended businesses and business owners for 14 years and been retained as experts on various tax matters. We have completed more than 300 federal and state tax audits including criminal and civil matters. In 2009, John Milikowsky copresented a proposal in Washington, DC to IRS Chief Counsel, US Treasury, and Congressional Committee staff to change a section of the tax code. This was part of the California Bar Tax Section known as the Washington DC Delegation. The proposal was published in the California Bar Tax Section’s Magazine, California Tax Lawyer.
News Appearances:
John Milikowsky has appeared for various television interviews on Fox News, NewsMax, and other news organizations. See display ad on inside back cover

Alternative Resolution Centers (ARC)
Tel: (310) 284-8224
Email: mail@arc4adr.com
Website: www.arc4adr.com
Appellate, Bad Faith/Insurance Coverage, Business/Contractual, Class Actions, Complex Litigation, Construction Defect, Disability/Access Disputes, Discovery-Civil, Discovery-Family, Discovery-Probate, E-Discovery, Elder Care, Eminent Domain, Employment, Entertainment, Environmental, Family Law/Divorce Mediation, Federal Disputes, Fee Disputes, Government Entities, Habitability, Healthcare Law, Homeowners Association, Intellectual Property, Legal Malpractice, Lender Liability, Low-Cost Mediation and Arbitration, Medical Malpractice, Personal Injury, Premises, Liability, Probate, Trusts and Estate Disputes, Products Liability, Real Estate, Transportation, Maritime and Logistics Service Locations:
Los Angeles: Westwood & Downtown LA, Ventura, Orange County, San Diego, San Francisco, Riverside
See display ad page 19

Marasco Mediation, LLC
Robert G. Marasco
2907 Shelter Island Drive, Ste 105-711
San Diego, CA 92106
Tel: (619) 994-1270
Email: rgm@marascomediation.com
Website: www.marascomediation.com
Practiced as a litigator for 20+ years. Licensed as an attorney in CA, NY, NJ, and DC, and federal courts for SDCA, CDCA, NDCA, DNJ, SDNY, EDNY, NDNY, 3d Cir., and 9th Cir.
Mediation | Arbitration | Special Master | Private Judging | Hearing Officer
"Rob's extensive experience working on both sides of the aisle allows him to effectively understand the perspectives of the parties and his honesty and sincere interest in the parties allows all involved to trust him and the process."
- Partner, mid-size litigation firm, San Diego "Well-prepared, hard-working, persistent, and creative can all be used to describe Rob's approach, to the benefit of all involved."
ARC Welcomes San Diego Neutral:
Eydith J. Kaufman, Esq. Mediator
• Eydith Kaufman has 25 years of experience as a civil litigation attorney and has earned a reputation for being respectful and professional, often resulting in the ability to work out issues informally with plaintiffs’ counsel when possible, while still zealously advocating her client’s position.
• Ms. Kaufman is tenacious and will work tirelessly as a neutral to bring the participants to a resolution so they can avoid the risks, stresses and costs associated with trial. With her background in medical malpractice and complex injury cases, Ms. Kaufman has a quick grasp of the causation issues that may effect liability and damages in matters involving personal injury, and can aid the participants in achieving creative solutions where needed.
• Specialty Areas: Personal Injury, Personal Injury-Traumatic Brain Injury, Business/ Contractual, Discovery-Civil, Employment Law - Harassment and Discrimination, Fee Disputes, Habitability, Medical Malpractice, Premises Liability, Professional Liability.
- Partner, national litigation firm, San Diego
General (cont.)
Stefano Riznyk
San Diego Biz Law APC
4225 Executive Sq La Jolla, CA 92037
Tel: (619) 793-4827
Email: counsel@ SanDiegoBizLaw.com Website: www.SanDiegoBizLaw.com Statewide Services

BSc Biochemistry & Genetics | JD California Western School of Law | Studied Strategic Management at Harvard for 2 years | Lectured at Oxford and Duke as well as worldwide on legal issues | High-level Negotiator (Trains lawyers nationwide and writing a book) | Author of Relationships 901 | Fortune 500 Consultant in Business Process Reengineering
Negotiation When Arbitration/Mediation Fails:
Stefano Riznyk is a highly-skilled negotiator who trains other lawyers nationwide and has received outstanding reviews in the courses. When mediation fails, but your client wants to avoid making the matter public, negotiation is the best resource. A sophisticated tool that resolves issues through a complex understanding of human nature, invisible agendas, and how the business works works, it can be the most powerful tool in your repertoire.
Stefano has resolved extortion, career destruction, boardroom issues, and even an international kidnapping, with ‘no’ money changing hands. Representing political figures, entertainment celebrities, and even Fortune 500 presidents, he has been able to resolve what could not be accomplished with litigation. Relationships are often mended, and situations renormalized in ways that litigation and mediation cannot accomplish. He offers 34 years’ experience as a business litigator and employment lawyer, as well as an immigration attorney who deals with foreign investors.
See display ad on inside front cover
Charles S. Roseman
Law Offices of Charles S. Roseman & Associates
1761 Hotel Circle South, Suite 250 San Diego, CA 92108
Tel: (619) 544-1500 (Office Phone)
Email: croseman@rosemanlaw.com Website: www.rosemanlaw.com
B. A. Political Science Cal State Northridge 1968 | J.D. University of San Diego School of Law, 1971 | Licensed by State Bar of CA | Admitted to the U.S. Supreme Court, U.S. Claims Court, U.S. District Court for the Southern and Central Districts of CA
ADR Services Mediator/Arbirator; Americans with Disabilities Act; Wrongful Death; Personal Injury; Discrimination Matters; Civil Rights; Unruh Act; Disabled Persons Act; Business/ Contract Disputes; Product Liability; Elder Abuse; Hospital Liability; Public Entity Claims
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: San Diego Superior Court Judge Pro Tem and Superior Court Special Settlement Conference Judge and San Diego Small Claims Court Judge | Testified as an expert witness in legal malpractice cases.
Awards and Honors:
Consumer Attorneys of San Diego Advocate of the Year Award, 2015
Martindale-Hubbell National Legal Directory
-Peer Review and Judicial Rated AV- highest rating given in Legal Ability and Ethical Standards.
Super Lawyers Honoree since 2010.

Torrey Mediation
Damian M. Dolin, Esq. Andrew N. Kohn, Esq. 11682 El Camino Real, Suite 110 San Diego, CA 92130
Tel: (858) 465-1340 (Office Phone)
Email: info@torreymediation.com
Website: www.torreymediation.com
BA, JD, California State Bar Licensed Attorneys, Straus Institute for Dispute Resolution - Mediating the Litigated Case
Torrey Mediation offers 2-hour, half day, full day, and online mediation options. We specialize in the resolution of a wide variety of civil disputes, including: Personal Injury, Product Liability, Business Litigation, Real Estate, Premises Liability, Medical Malpractice, Elder Abuse, and General Negligence Actions.
Damian Dolin and Andrew Kohn have participated in more than 500 mediations. They are accomplished trial attorneys with over 50 years of combined litigation experience representing both Plaintiffs and Defendants. They believe in an honest, direct approach to mediation, never losing sight of the parties’ goals. Both mediators are AV Rated attorneys. Both are also members of the American Board of Trial Advocates, with Mr. Kohn having achieved Associate status.
Marasco Mediation, LLC
Robert G. Marasco
2907 Shelter Island Drive, Ste 105-711
San Diego, CA 92106
Tel: (619) 994-1270
Email: rgm@marascomediation.com
Website: www.marascomediation.com
Practiced as a litigator for 20+ years. Licensed as an attorney in CA, NY, NJ, and DC, and federal courts for SDCA, CDCA, NDCA, DNJ, SDNY, EDNY, NDNY, 3d Cir., and 9th Cir.
Mediation | Arbitration | Special Master | Private Judging | Hearing Officer
"Rob's extensive experience working on both sides of the aisle allows him to effectively understand the perspectives of the parties and his honesty and sincere interest in the parties allows all involved to trust him and the process."
- Partner, mid-size litigation firm, San Diego
"Well-prepared, hard-working, persistent, and creative can all be used to describe Rob's approach, to the benefit of all involved."
- Partner, national litigation firm, San Diego
Amusement Parks / Playground Safety
Expert Strategy Group
Julie Olenik-Brown
Tel: (800) 521-2877 Ext: 301
Tel: (760) 795-9004
Email: Expert@ExpertStrategy-Group.com
Website: ExpertSG.com
Our diverse network of expert witnesses includes leading global industry specialists, PhD's, senior executives, scientists, technical and materials experts, and supremely qualified medical professionals across many professional industries.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience:
We offer expert witnesses in many professional industries. Here are just a few of the expert categories we offer: accident, accounting, automotive, aviation, biomechanics, business, chemical, construction, economics, employment, engineering, failure analysis, finance, firearms, hazardous materials, hotel, insurance, intellectual property, machinery, marketing, medical and medical device, nursing home, pharmacology, product liability, psychology, security, financial securities, toxicology, technical, transportation, valuation, warnings. And thousands more expert witness categories.
We do all of the work in connecting law firms with experts who fit your case: Expert Strategy Group is a strategic partner to law firms for all of your Expert Witness needs. We have developed a unique technology platform that, when paired with our 1:1 client service model, creates a more precise degree of Expert matching to extremely specific litigation criteria.
Automotive / Vehicular
Expert Strategy Group
Julie Olenik-Brown
Tel: (800) 521-2877 Ext: 301
Tel: (760) 795-9004
Email: Expert@ExpertStrategy-Group.com
Website: ExpertSG.com
Our diverse network of expert witnesses includes leading global industry specialists, PhD's, senior executives, scientists, technical and materials experts, and supremely qualified medical professionals across many professional industries.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: We offer expert witnesses in many professional industries. Here are just a few of the expert categories we offer: accident, accounting, automotive, aviation, biomechanics, business, chemical, construction, economics, employment, engineering, failure analysis, finance, firearms, hazardous materials, hotel, insurance, intellectual property, machinery, marketing, medical and medical device, nursing home, pharmacology, product liability, psychology, security, financial securities, toxicology, technical, transportation, valuation, warnings. And thousands more expert witness categories.
We do all of the work in connecting law firms with experts who fit your case: Expert Strategy Group is a strategic partner to law firms for all of your Expert Witness needs. We have developed a unique technology platform that, when paired with our 1:1 client service model, creates a more precise degree of Expert matching to extremely specific litigation criteria.
Cook Construction Company
Stephen M. Cook 7210 Jordan Ave Canoga Park, CA 91303
Tel: (818) 438-4535
Email: scook16121@gmail.com
CA Gen Contractors Lic 431852; 30+ years construction experience; Graduate study in Construction, L.A. Business College.
Lawsuit Preparation/Residential Construction, Single & Multi family, Hillside Construction, Vibration Trespass, Foundations, Concrete Floors, Tile, Stone, Retaining Walls, Waterproofing, Roofing, Sheet Metal, Water Damages, Carpentry/ Rough Framing, Stair Defects, Material/ Costs, Scaffolding, Building Codes, Contracts, Safety, Cal-OSHA Compliance, Safety Standards, Safety Instructions, Safety Labels & Warning Signs, Safe Use of Tools and Machinery.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Construction defect cases for insurance companies & attorneys, 1992-present.
Expert Strategy Group
Julie Olenik-Brown
Tel: (800) 521-2877 Ext: 301
Tel: (760) 795-9004
Email: Expert@ExpertStrategy-Group.com Website: ExpertSG.com
Our diverse network of expert witnesses includes leading global industry specialists, PhD's, senior executives, scientists, technical and materials experts, and supremely qualified medical professionals across many professional industries.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: We offer expert witnesses in many professional industries. Here are just a few of the expert categories we offer: accident, accounting, automotive, aviation, biomechanics, business, chemical, construction, economics, employment, engineering, failure analysis, finance, firearms, hazardous materials, hotel, insurance, intellectual property, machinery, marketing, medical and medical device, nursing home, pharmacology, product liability, psychology, security, financial securities, toxicology, technical, transportation, valuation, warnings. And thousands more expert witness categories.
We do all of the work in connecting law firms with experts who fit your case: Expert Strategy Group is a strategic partner to law firms for all of your Expert Witness needs. We have developed a unique technology platform that, when paired with our 1:1 client service model, creates a more precise degree of Expert matching to extremely specific litigation criteria.
Trucks / Forklifts / Trailers
Expert Strategy Group
Julie Olenik-Brown
Tel: (800) 521-2877 Ext: 301
Tel: (760) 795-9004
Email: Expert@ExpertStrategy-Group.com
Website: ExpertSG.com
Our diverse network of expert witnesses includes leading global industry specialists, PhD's, senior executives, scientists, technical and materials experts, and supremely qualified medical professionals across many professional industries.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: We offer expert witnesses in many professional industries. Here are just a few of the expert categories we offer: accident, accounting, automotive, aviation, biomechanics, business, chemical, construction, economics, employment, engineering, failure analysis, finance, firearms, hazardous materials, hotel, insurance, intellectual property, machinery, marketing, medical and medical device, nursing home, pharmacology, product liability, psychology, security, financial securities, toxicology, technical, transportation, valuation, warnings. And thousands more expert witness categories.
We do all of the work in connecting law firms with experts who fit your case: Expert Strategy Group is a strategic partner to law firms for all of your Expert Witness needs. We have developed a unique technology platform that, when paired with our 1:1 client service model, creates a more precise degree of Expert matching to extremely specific litigation criteria.

Institute of Risk & Safety Analyses
Kenneth A. Solomon, PhD, PE, Post PhD
Chief Scientist
5324 Canoga Ave
Woodland Hills, CA 91364
Tel: (818) 348-1133
Fax: (818) 348-4484
Email: kennethsolomon@mac.com
Website: www.irsa.us
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: PhD, Post PhD, PE,J.D.,BS, MS
Forensic Scientists - Diverse Technical Staff: IRSA Staff has over 460 person years of courtroom experience. Biomechanics; Reconstruction; Human Factors; Safety; Accident Prevention; Failure Analysis; Product Integrity; Liability; Testing; Warnings; Slip/Trip/ Fall; Premises; Construction Defect; OSHA Compliance; Bldg Codes; Fire Protection; Explosions; Firearms/Ballistics; Electrocutions/ Shocks; Structural; Recreational; Industrial; Criminal; Auto, Airbags, Aviation, Bicycle, Boating, Chair, Elevator, Escalator, Forklift, Gate, Golf Course, Ladder, Motorcycle, Nuclear, Press, Rollercoaster, Scaffolding, Seatbelts, Stairs, Swimming Pool, Truck; Simulations; Drone Use, 3D Models. Total staff size: 18.

402 W. Broadway, Suite 400
San Diego, CA 92101
Tel: (619) 285-2653 (Office)
Tel: (855) 280-9090(Toll-Free)
Email: info@mecanicacorp.com
Website: www.mecanicacorp.com
The Mecanica team has provided technical services within the western U.S for over 30 years; providing expertise in the following areas: Accident (crash) reconstruction & analysis; passenger car, commercial truck, tractor, trailer, bus; motorcycle, pedestrian, bicycle; Event Data Recorders (EDR) & Heavy Vehicle Event Data Recorders (HVEDR); Fleet telematics (GPS) data analysis; Collision Mitigation Systems (Lidar, Radar, Camera); Mechanical inspections & system performance analysis; Commercial fleet operations, vehicle maintenance, automotive systems, driver standards of care, and fire origin and cause; Forensic 3D Simulations & Animations; Vehicle, Component, and Systems Testing. Our experts are qualified in state, criminal, federal, and military courts. We provide continuing education and research and peer-reviewed published authors.
General (cont.)
YA Engineering Services (Formerly Momentum Engineering Corp.)
Contact: Stephan DiBiase
2075 Corte del Nogal, Suite U Carlsbad, CA 92011-
Tel: (866) 581-9444
Email: stephan.dibiase@yaeservices.com
Website: www.yaeservices.com
Offices in: Los Angeles, Orange County, San Diego, Las Vegas, Phoenix, Houston, Austin, San Antonio, Dallas
YA Engineering Services acquired Momentum engineering corp. (MEC) in 2023. MEC is a consulting firm specializing in accident reconstruction, forensic engineering, heavy truck safety, graphics, and animation. With over 50 years of accident reconstruction experience, we offer accident reconstruction and investigation services ranging from rapid response to trial testimony. We strive to provide you with state-of-the-art accident reconstruction services in a cost-effective manner.
Expert witness and scientific analysis for automotive, heavy truck, motorcycle and mobility equipment accidents. Expert electronic data recorder retrieval and analysis – what really happened? Loss of control, severity determination, failure analysis, personal injury, causation, liability, damages, engineering services, tort liability and expert testimony. In-house 3D animation team, traffic safety and highway design, and biomechanics.
Offering free CLE classes for legal professionals in CA, NV, AZ, and TX. Contact our Business Development Manager, Vadim Perlovskiy at vadim.perlovskiy@yaeservices. com for more information.
Cook Construction Company
Stephen M. Cook
7210 Jordan Ave Canoga Park, CA 91303
Tel: (818) 438-4535
Email: scook16121@gmail.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: CA Gen Contractors Lic 431852; 30+ years construction experience; Graduate study in Construction, L.A. Business College.
Lawsuit Preparation/Residential Construction, Single & Multi family, Hillside Construction, Vibration Trespass, Foundations, Concrete Floors, Tile, Stone, Retaining Walls, Waterproofing, Roofing, Sheet Metal, Water Damages, Carpentry/ Rough Framing, Stair Defects, Material/ Costs, Scaffolding, Building Codes, Contracts, Safety, Cal-OSHA Compliance, Safety Standards, Safety Instructions, Safety Labels & Warning Signs, Safe Use of Tools and Machinery.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Construction defect cases for insurance companies & attorneys, 1992-present.
Marine / Maritime
Expert Strategy Group
Julie Olenik-Brown
Tel: (800) 521-2877 Ext: 301
Tel: (760) 795-9004
Email: Expert@ExpertStrategy-Group.com Website: ExpertSG.com
Our diverse network of expert witnesses includes leading global industry specialists, PhD's, senior executives, scientists, technical and materials experts, and supremely qualified medical professionals across many professional industries.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: We offer expert witnesses in many professional industries. Here are just a few of the expert categories we offer: accident, accounting, automotive, aviation, biomechanics, business, chemical, construction, economics, employment, engineering, failure analysis, finance, firearms, hazardous materials, hotel, insurance, intellectual property, machinery, marketing, medical and medical device, nursing home, pharmacology, product liability, psychology, security, financial securities, toxicology, technical, transportation, valuation, warnings. And thousands more expert witness categories.
We do all of the work in connecting law firms with experts who fit your case: Expert Strategy Group is a strategic partner to law firms for all of your Expert Witness needs. We have developed a unique technology platform that, when paired with our 1:1 client service model, creates a more precise degree of Expert matching to extremely specific litigation criteria.

Dr. Gary A. Presswood, ScD, PE CEO & Professional Engineer 8635 W. Sahara Ave., #435 Las Vegas, Nevada 89117 (702) 233-8516
888-XPRT123 (888-977-8123) FAX: 888-XPRT456 (888-977-8456) Crash@AccidentExpert.com | AccidentExpert.com Forensic Science/Engineering
Slips, Trips and Falls
G. Gsell and Company LLC
Contact: Gary M. Gsell
10331 Mather Ave
Sunland, CA 91040
Cell: (818) 730-2534
Email: garymgsell@gmail.com
Website: gsellco.com

Executive Management, University of LA Verne
Trip and Fall, Municipal Infrastructure Assessment – Specialty Streets and Sidewalks Asphalt and Concrete Municipal Policies and Procedures.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Over 800 depositions & 160 trials for both defendant & plaintiff in trip & fall & other personal injury cases
Previous Positions/Appointments: 46 years with the City of Los Angeles Street Services Superintendent II.
Membership in Professional Societies: Municipal Superintendents Assn; American Public Works Association.
Trucks / Forklifts / Trailers
YA Engineering Services (Formerly Momentum Engineering Corp.)
Contact: Stephan DiBiase 2075 Corte del Nogal, Suite U Carlsbad, CA 92011
Tel: (866) 581-9444
Email: stephan.dibiase@yaeservices.com
Website: www.yaeservices.com
Offices in: Los Angeles, Orange County, San Diego, Las Vegas, Phoenix, Houston, Austin, San Antonio, Dallas
YA Engineering Services acquired Momentum engineering corp. (MEC) in 2023. MEC is a consulting firm specializing in accident reconstruction, forensic engineering, heavy truck safety, graphics, and animation. With over 50 years of accident reconstruction experience, we offer accident reconstruction and investigation services ranging from rapid response to trial testimony. We strive to provide you with state-of-the-art accident reconstruction services in a cost-effective manner.
Expert witness and scientific analysis for automotive, heavy truck, motorcycle and mobility equipment accidents. Expert electronic data recorder retrieval and analysis – what really happened? Loss of control, severity determination, failure analysis, personal injury, causation, liability, damages, engineering services, tort liability and expert testimony. In-house 3D animation team, traffic safety and highway design, and biomechanics.
Offering free CLE classes for legal professionals in CA, NV, AZ, and TX. Contact our Business Development Manager, Vadim Perlovskiy at vadim.perlovskiy@yaeservices. com for more information.
Vehicular / Traffic

DHM Crash Consulting & Accident
Reconstruction Services LLC
Daniel McLain, ACTAR #2304 P.O. Box 7805 Norco, CA 92860
Tel: (951) 966-9454
Email: Dan@dhmcrashcars.com
Website: www.dhmcrashcars.com
ACTAR Accredited | Licensed FAA Part 107 Drone Pilot
Auto, Motorcycle, Bicycle, Pedestrian crash investigation and reconstruction. Event Data Recorder (black box) technician & analyst including Tesla, Hyundai, & Kia. Vehicle Inspections. Time/Distance Analysis. Drone Mapping & Photogrammetry. Over 20 years of experience with on-scene crash investigations and post-crash reconstructions.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Court Testimony in both Criminal & Civil cases. Court recognized expert in Orange & Los Angeles Counties. Experienced in supporting both Plaintiff & Defense, and working both for and against Insurance Companies.

Ron J. Anfuso, CPA, ABV, CFF, CDFA, FABFA 28441 Highridge Rd, Ste 110
Rolling Hills Estates, CA 90274
Tel: (310) 378-6606
Fax: (310) 791-7739
Email: rja@anfusocpa.com
Website: www.anfusocpa.com
Certified Public Accountant, Accredited in Business Valuation, Certified in Financial Forensics, Certified Divorce Financial Analyst
Analyzing the valuation, financial, accounting & tax aspects of marital dissolution matters & civil litigation cases, which includes conducting business valuations, gross cash flow analyses & tracings, as well as performing Moore/ Marsden calculations; objective, clear & concise expert witness testimony; prepared 40 collaborative cases.
General (cont.)
Armanino LLP
Patrick Chylinski
777 South Figueroa Street Ste. 2600
Los Angeles, CA 90017
Tel: (213) 334-7291
Email: Patrick.Chylinski@armanino.com
Website: www.armanino.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: Armanino's Forensic Accounting, Fraud Investigation, and Litigation Consulting practice consists of professionals across multiple Firm offices, with degrees, licenses, and certifications that include CPA, CVA (Certified Valuation Analyst), MAFF (Master Analyst in Financial Forensics), CFE (Certified Fraud Examiner), CFA (Chartered Financial Analyst), and MBA (Master in Business Administration), among others.
Our team of professionals has extensive experience assisting counsel and clients in complex dispute and litigation matters, forensic accounting engagements, and fraud investigations, in a wide range of industries. Team members have experience testifying as financial and damages experts in Federal court matters, State court matters, as well as arbitration hearings. Types of engagements and experience includes, but is not limited to, the quantification of economic losses, lost profits analysis, partnership disputes, fee disputes, valuation related disputes, labor and employment matters, trust and estate related disputes, fraud related matters, post-acquisition disputes, and insurance related disputes, among others.
Deborah Dickson, CPA, CFE, CFF, MAFF
Smith Dickson, CPAs, LLP
18100 Von Karman Ave, Ste. 420 Irvine, CA 92612
Tel: (949) 553-1020
Fax: (949) 553-0249
Email: debbie.dickson@ smithdickson.com
Website: www.smithdickson.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: CPA; CFE; CFF; MAFF

Business Valuation

Phillips, Fractor & Co, LLC
Contact: G. Michael Phillips, PhD 3452 E. Foothill Blvd, Ste 220 Pasadena, CA 91107
Tel: (626) 744-3540
Email: contactpfc@rule26.com
Website: www.phillipsfractor.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: PhDs, MBAs, CPAs, CFE, CFA, ABV, CVA, MAFF, CIMA, MS, EdD specializing in Economics, Finance, Statistics, Accounting, Business Valuation, Surveys, Data Science, Physics, Marketing, Political Science, Policy Analysis, & related subjects.
Specialties: ECONOMICS, FINANCE, STATISTICS, VALUATION, FORENSIC ACCOUNTING, and DATA ANALYSIS consulting and testimony. Since 1982, our team has offered creative, effective, scientifically appropriate, discrete, ethical research and testimony tailored to our clients’ unique needs. As a boutique firm with international capability and experience, we look at each problem with a fresh perspective
Grigsby Forensics & Valuation
Charles Grigsby Owner
8020 W. Sahara Ave, Unit 205 Las Vegas, NV 89117
Tel: (702) 805-8469
Cell: (702) 612-5159
Email: info@grigsbyvaluation.com
Website: www.grigsbyvaluation.com
BB Accounting WIU; Master’s Degree –Purdue University; CPA License – Nevada 5188-R; CFF; MAFF; ABV; ABAR; CFE; CVA; CM & AA; CITP; CPCM – Pepperdine Graziadio Graduate School of Business; Straus Dispute Resolution – Pepperdine School of Law
Forensic reports for family court/marital waste, employee embezzlement report, executor embezzlement, partnership distributions, business valuations, business plans.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience:
Over 45 appearances in various courts multistate. Former IRS auditor. Received CPA license about 50 years ago with no complaints on license. Listed in Who’s Who in America for 50 years of professional excellence.
CPA 30+ years, testifying 20+ years, forensic accounting and litigation support. Forensic expert witness in U.S. District Courts and State Civil and Probate Courts. The professionals at Smith Dickson clearly, independently, and accurately analyze financial information, calculate damages, evaluate claims, prepare expert reports and render expert testimony. Thousands of hours of forensic accounting, deposition and trial experience. Damage calculations; lost profits; forensic accounting; expert testimony; intellectual property; fraud & embezzlement; real estate; trust & estate beneficiary disputes, tax controversy; employment issues; business dissolution.
Typical cases include ECONOMIC ANALYSIS (e.g., general forensics, lost earnings, antitrust, damages, compensation, personal injury, toxic torts, wrongful death, wrongful termination, class action), FORENSIC ACCOUNTING (e.g., investigation of alleged executive malfeasance, investigation of alleged misappropriation of trust funds, financial impact of breach of contract, financial impact of misappropriation of trade secrets, business valuation, corporate issues, corporate governance, alter ego, fraud analysis, marital dissolution, professional practices), FINANCE (e.g., modeling, investment analysis, “what if” analysis, portfolio valuation, options and stock valuation, fraudulent conveyance), STATISTICS (e.g., sampling, extrapolation, econometrics, forecasting, simulation, Monte Carlo, discrimination, failure rates), QUESTIONNAIRES & SURVEYS (e.g., consumer perceptions, Lanham Act, public opinion, class action), INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY (e.g., FMV analysis, entertainment/motion pictures/music/TV, sports, royalties, patent infringement, conjoint and hedonic analysis, surveys), REAL ESTATE (e.g., mass appraisal, residential rent, wrongful eviction, environmental issues, rightsof-way, licensing), TECHNOLOGY (e.g., AI, Internet, start-ups, e-commerce, valuation), and “ONE OF A KIND” cases.
Forensic Accounting/Business Valuation Expert: Many years of experience. Many certifications. Many court appearances.
Forensic (cont.)
The McHard Firm
Janet M. McHard, CPA, CFE, MAFF, CFF
Tel: (619) 764-6144 (San Diego)
Tel: (505) 554-2968 (Albuquerque)

Website: https://themchardfirm.com
Offices in San Diego & Albuquerque
Practicing Nationwide
CPA (McHard in California, Arizona, and New Mexico), Private Investigators in California (Lic# 28441), Arizona, and New Mexico, as well as other designations as shown.
Financial documents will tell a story in our expert hands. We are professional, ethical, and experienced in forensic accounting and financial investigations. We maintain the highest degree of confidentiality applicable to each case – including confidentiality of client identity and information when appropriate. We provide investigation and forensic accounting expertise in the areas of accounting reconstruction, investigating allegations of fraud and financial discrepancies, partnership dissolutions and other business disputes. We also perform asset tracing in probate, business dissolution, and in satisfaction of judgments. We perform workplace investigations including preparing proof of loss for insurance claims due to employee theft and including referral for prosecution. We work in both civil and criminal matters. We also strive to keep our practice balanced between victim-sided and defense-sided cases as a demonstration of our neutrality. We have testified in both state and federal courts nationwide.
Brian H. Kleiner, PhD, MBA
Professor (Emeritus), Human Resource Mgmt at prestigious CA University
551 Santa Barbara Ave
Fullerton, CA 92835
Tel: (714) 879-9705
Cell: (714) 595-1891
Fax: (714) 879-5600
Email: bkleinerphdmba@gmail.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: PhD Management, UCLA; MBA, UCLA
Evaluation of workplace policies & practices pertaining to discrimination/harassment prevention efforts (interactive process, reasonable accommodation, training), investigations, corrective actions (discipline, termination); hiring; compensation, wage & hours, pensions; supervision; safety, violence, OSHA; CFRA/FMLA; appraisal, promotion, retaliation, RIF’s.
40+ yrs HR experience. 1,000+ cases as an expert. Former human resource manager for Ford Motor Co. Over 100 business & government consulting clients. Trained thousands of managers. Taught three 36-hour courses on KLCS-TV. 500+ pubs. Have given trial/arbitration testimony 80+ times. Favorably featured in “Employment Law Verdicts.”
Profiled in Bender’s “California Labor & Employment Bulletin” as a result of successes. Have received many awards, honors & commendations. Rates negotiable.

Benchmark Investigations
Contact: Jim Zimmer, CPI
32158 Camino Capistrano, #A-415
San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675
Tel: (800) 248-7721
Fax: (949) 606-8439
Email: zimmerpi@pacbell.net
Website: www.BenchmarkInvestigations.net
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: BS, Business Management; CA Private Investigator Lic PI 12651; Registered Process Server #PSC/2411
National agency. Professional investigations with emphasis upon accuracy, detail & expedience. Asset/financial searches; background investigation; DMV searches; domestic/marital cases; due diligence; mergers & acquisitions; process service; sexual harassment & discrimination investigations; surveillance/photog; witness location & statements. LA branch + correspondents nationwide. Multi-lingual agents. Fully insured. Jim Zimmer is a Past President of the National Council of Investigation & Security Services & the California Assn of Licensed Investigators. Jim is the 2011 recipient of the CALI Distinguished Achievement Award. See display ad page 70
Business & Corporate
Grigsby Forensics & Valuation
Charles Grigsby
8020 W. Sahara Ave, Unit 205 Las Vegas, NV 89117
Tel: (702) 805-8469
Cell: (702) 612-5159
Email: info@grigsbyvaluation.com
Website: www.grigsbyvaluation.com
BB Accounting WIU; Master’s Degree –Purdue University; CPA License – Nevada 5188-R; CFF; MAFF; ABV; ABAR; CFE; CVA; CM & AA; CITP; CPCM – Pepperdine Graziadio Graduate School of Business; Straus Dispute Resolution – Pepperdine School of Law
Forensic reports for family court/marital waste, employee embezzlement report, executor embezzlement, partnership distributions, business valuations, business plans.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience:
Over 45 appearances in various courts multistate. Former IRS auditor. Received CPA license about 50 years ago with no complaints on license. Listed in Who’s Who in America for 50 years of professional excellence.
Forensic Accounting/Business Valuation Expert:
Many years of experience. Many certifications. Many court appearances.
Phillips, Fractor & Co, LLC
Contact: G. Michael Phillips, PhD 3452 E. Foothill Blvd, Ste 220 Pasadena, CA 91107
Tel: (626) 744-3540
Email: contactpfc@rule26.com
Website: www.phillipsfractor.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: PhDs, MBAs, CPAs, CFE, CFA, ABV, CVA, MAFF, CIMA, MS, EdD specializing in Economics, Finance, Statistics, Accounting, Business Valuation, Surveys, Data Science, Physics, Marketing, Political Science, Policy Analysis, & related subjects.
Specialties: ECONOMICS, FINANCE, STATISTICS, VALUATION, FORENSIC ACCOUNTING, and DATA ANALYSIS consulting and testimony. Since 1982, our team has offered creative, effective, scientifically appropriate, discrete, ethical research and testimony tailored to our clients’ unique needs. As a boutique firm with international capability and experience, we look at each problem with a fresh perspective
Typical cases include ECONOMIC ANALYSIS (e.g., general forensics, lost earnings, antitrust, damages, compensation, personal injury, toxic torts, wrongful death, wrongful termination, class action), FORENSIC ACCOUNTING (e.g., investigation of alleged executive malfeasance, investigation of alleged misappropriation of trust funds, financial impact of breach of contract, financial impact of misappropriation of trade secrets, business valuation, corporate issues, corporate governance, alter ego, fraud analysis, marital dissolution, professional practices), FINANCE (e.g., modeling, investment analysis, “what if” analysis, portfolio valuation, options and stock valuation, fraudulent conveyance), STATISTICS (e.g., sampling, extrapolation, econometrics, forecasting, simulation, Monte Carlo, discrimination, failure rates), QUESTIONNAIRES & SURVEYS (e.g., consumer perceptions, Lanham Act, public opinion, class action), INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY (e.g., FMV analysis, entertainment/motion pictures/music/TV, sports, royalties, patent infringement, conjoint and hedonic analysis, surveys), REAL ESTATE (e.g., mass appraisal, residential rent, wrongful eviction, environmental issues, rights-of-way, licensing), TECHNOLOGY (e.g., AI, Internet, start-ups, e-commerce, valuation), and “ONE OF A KIND” cases.
Earnings Loss
Grigsby Forensics & Valuation
Charles Grigsby Owner
8020 W. Sahara Ave, Unit 205 Las Vegas, NV 89117
Tel: (702) 805-8469
Cell: (702) 612-5159
Email: info@grigsbyvaluation.com
Website: www.grigsbyvaluation.com
BB Accounting WIU; Master’s Degree –Purdue University; CPA License – Nevada 5188-R; CFF; MAFF; ABV; ABAR; CFE; CVA; CM & AA; CITP; CPCM – Pepperdine Graziadio Graduate School of Business; Straus Dispute Resolution – Pepperdine School of Law
Forensic reports for family court/marital waste, employee embezzlement report, executor embezzlement, partnership distributions, business valuations, business plans.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Over 45 appearances in various courts multistate. Former IRS auditor. Received CPA license about 50 years ago with no complaints on license. Listed in Who’s Who in America for 50 years of professional excellence. Forensic Accounting/Business Valuation Expert:
Many years of experience. Many certifications. Many court appearances.
Phillips, Fractor & Co, LLC
Contact: G. Michael Phillips, PhD 3452 E. Foothill Blvd, Ste 220 Pasadena, CA 91107
Tel: (626) 744-3540
Email: contactpfc@rule26.com Website: www.phillipsfractor.com
PhDs, MBAs, CPAs, CFE, CFA, ABV, CVA, MAFF, CIMA, MS, EdD specializing in Economics, Finance, Statistics, Accounting, Business Valuation, Surveys, Data Science, Physics, Marketing, Political Science, Policy Analysis, & related subjects.
ECONOMICS, FINANCE, STATISTICS, VALUATION, FORENSIC ACCOUNTING, and DATA ANALYSIS consulting and testimony. Since 1982, our team has offered creative, effective, scientifically appropriate, discrete, ethical research and testimony tailored to our clients’ unique needs. As a boutique firm with international capability and experience, we look at each problem with a fresh perspective
Typical cases include ECONOMIC ANALYSIS (e.g., general forensics, lost earnings, antitrust, damages, compensation, personal injury, toxic torts, wrongful death, wrongful termination, class action), FORENSIC ACCOUNTING (e.g., investigation of alleged executive malfeasance, investigation of alleged misappropriation of trust funds, financial impact of breach of contract, financial impact of misappropriation of trade secrets, business valuation, corporate issues, corporate governance, alter ego, fraud analysis, marital dissolution, professional practices), FINANCE (e.g., modeling, investment analysis, “what if” analysis, portfolio valuation, options and stock valuation, fraudulent conveyance), STATISTICS (e.g., sampling, extrapolation, econometrics, forecasting, simulation, Monte Carlo, discrimination, failure rates), QUESTIONNAIRES & SURVEYS (e.g., consumer perceptions, Lanham Act, public opinion, class action), INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY (e.g., FMV analysis, entertainment/motion pictures/music/TV, sports, royalties, patent infringement, conjoint and hedonic analysis, surveys), REAL ESTATE (e.g., mass appraisal, residential rent, wrongful eviction, environmental issues, rights-of-way, licensing), TECHNOLOGY (e.g., AI, Internet, start-ups, e-commerce, valuation), and “ONE OF A KIND” cases.
Fine Arts & Antiques
Coronado Appraisals, LLC
Ninya Lee Greek
826 Orange Avenue, Ste. #390 Coronado, CA 92118
Tel: (619) 929-6192
Cell Phone: (720) 530-6752
Email: coronadoappraisalsllc @gmail.com

Website: www.coronadoappraisal.com
Ninya has 8½ years (total) education in Fine Arts: including Chouinard Art School, Los Angeles (now named the California Institute of the Arts in Valencia, CA). She has completed training in Florence, Italy; Taos, New Mexico, and Alaska. She continues to take all her continuing education classes with the International Society of Appraisers, where she is an Accredited Member. She is also a member of the Forensic Expert Witness Association. Ninya has worked in one capacity or another in Fine Arts for over 31 years.
Fine Art, Antiques and Collectibles Personal Property Valuation Appraisals. Authentication and Appraisal Practices for Fine Arts: All Nations, any Century. Emphasis on all European and American Artists of the 15th, 16th, 17th, 18th, 19th, and 20th centuries. Appraisals for Estate Planning, Non-Cash Charitable Contributions and Insurance Claims.
Phillips, Fractor & Co, LLC
Contact: G. Michael Phillips, PhD 3452 E. Foothill Blvd, Ste 220 Pasadena, CA 91107
Tel: (626) 744-3540
Email: contactpfc@rule26.com Website: www.phillipsfractor.com
PhDs, MBAs, CPAs, CFE, CFA, ABV, CVA, MAFF, CIMA, MS, EdD specializing in Economics, Finance, Statistics, Accounting, Business Valuation, Surveys, Data Science, Physics, Marketing, Political Science, Policy Analysis, & related subjects.
ECONOMICS, FINANCE, STATISTICS, VALUATION, FORENSIC ACCOUNTING, and DATA ANALYSIS consulting and testimony. Since 1982, our team has offered creative, effective, scientifically appropriate, discrete, ethical research and testimony tailored to our clients’ unique needs. As a boutique firm with international capability and experience, we look at each problem with a fresh perspective
Typical cases include ECONOMIC ANALYSIS (e.g., general forensics, lost earnings, antitrust, damages, compensation, personal injury, toxic torts, wrongful death, wrongful termination, class action), FORENSIC ACCOUNTING (e.g., investigation of alleged executive malfeasance, investigation of alleged misappropriation of trust funds, financial impact of breach of contract, financial impact of misappropriation of trade secrets, business valuation, corporate issues, corporate governance, alter ego, fraud analysis, marital dissolution, professional practices), FINANCE (e.g., modeling, investment analysis, “what if” analysis, portfolio valuation, options and stock valuation, fraudulent conveyance), STATISTICS (e.g., sampling, extrapolation, econometrics, forecasting, simulation, Monte Carlo, discrimination, failure rates), QUESTIONNAIRES & SURVEYS (e.g., consumer perceptions, Lanham Act, public opinion, class action), INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY (e.g., FMV analysis, entertainment/motion pictures/music/TV, sports, royalties, patent infringement, conjoint and hedonic analysis, surveys), REAL ESTATE (e.g., mass appraisal, residential rent, wrongful eviction, environmental issues, rights-of-way, licensing), TECHNOLOGY (e.g., AI, Internet, start-ups, e-commerce, valuation), and “ONE OF A KIND” cases.
Machinery & Equipment

Sencer Appraisal Associates –Equipment Appraisers
Contact: Garrett Schwartz, ASA, CEA
Tel: (619) 273-0009
Tel: (888) 473-6237 (888-4-SENCER)
Email: gschwartz@sencerappraisal.com
Accredited Senior Appraiser, American Society of Appraisers; Certified Equipment Appraiser, Association of Machinery & Equipment Appraisers
Nationwide equipment valuation services by recognized experts serving attorneys, accountants, lenders, government agencies, and corporations.
Defensible, USPAP-compliant appraisals that meet applicable financial reporting, SBA, or IRS standards.
Professional, independent appraisals of equipment in healthcare, construction, food processing and food service, agriculture, transportation, manufacturing, metalworking, and many other industries.
Professional Practice
Phillips, Fractor & Co, LLC
Contact: G. Michael Phillips, PhD
3452 E. Foothill Blvd, Ste 220 Pasadena, CA 91107
Tel: (626) 744-3540
Email: contactpfc@rule26.com
Website: www.phillipsfractor.com
PhDs, MBAs, CPAs, CFE, CFA, ABV, CVA, MAFF, CIMA, MS, EdD specializing in Economics, Finance, Statistics, Accounting, Business Valuation, Surveys, Data Science, Physics, Marketing, Political Science, Policy Analysis, & related subjects.
Since 1982, our team has offered creative, effective, scientifically appropriate, discrete, ethical research and testimony tailored to our clients’ unique needs. As a boutique firm with international capability and experience, we look at each problem with a fresh perspective
Typical cases include ECONOMIC ANALYSIS (e.g., general forensics, lost earnings, antitrust, damages, compensation, personal injury, toxic torts, wrongful death, wrongful termination, class action), FORENSIC ACCOUNTING (e.g., investigation of alleged executive malfeasance, investigation of alleged misappropriation of trust funds, financial impact of breach of contract, financial impact of misappropriation of trade secrets, business valuation, corporate issues, corporate governance, alter ego, fraud analysis, marital dissolution, professional practices), FINANCE (e.g., modeling, investment analysis, “what if” analysis, portfolio valuation, options and stock valuation, fraudulent conveyance), STATISTICS (e.g., sampling, extrapolation, econometrics, forecasting, simulation, Monte Carlo, discrimination, failure rates), QUESTIONNAIRES & SURVEYS (e.g., consumer perceptions, Lanham Act, public opinion, class action), INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY (e.g., FMV analysis, entertainment/motion pictures/music/TV, sports, royalties, patent infringement, conjoint and hedonic analysis, surveys), REAL ESTATE (e.g., mass appraisal, residential rent, wrongful eviction, environmental issues, rights-of-way, licensing), TECHNOLOGY (e.g., AI, Internet, start-ups, e-commerce, valuation), and “ONE OF A KIND” cases.
Real Estate - General
The Appraisal Firm
Robert S. Abbott
PO Box 301159
Escondido, CA 92030
Tel: (760) 476-0130
Email: info@appraisalfirm.net
Website: www.appraisalfirm.net
Degrees/Licenses/ Certifications:

B.S. in High Tech Business, AGA, HMS, CLHA, AR#026855, VA/FHA Approved
SFR / Condo /2-4 Unit’s / Vacant Land / Manufactured, Desk/Field Review, Retrospective Analysis, Date of Death, Divorce, Life Estates, Eminent Domain, Historical Properties, Ocean Front, Back Country, Acreage, Fractional Interest, As-Is/After Repair, Highest & Best Use, Encroachment, Superadequacy, Non-Conforming Design
- 25 years appraising in San Diego, Riverside, Orange and Los Angeles
- EFS Appraisal Software
- Craftsman Construction Books
- Affiliate Appraisal Institute
- Real Estate Research Council of Southern California
Real Estate - Hospitality Properties
Fessel International Hospitality Consultants
Jeff McNeal
19 Suffolk Ave, Ste A Sierra Madre, CA 91024
Tel: (626) 566-3500
Tel: (818) 563-3552
Cell: (626) 993-8199
Email: jeff@fessel.com
Website: www.fessel.com
Additional Contact Phone: Tel: (877) 432-8380
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: Restaurant Management. Professional Member: Foodservice Consultants Society International, Certified Food-service Management Professional, National Restaurant Association, California Restaurant Association & California Hotel/Motel Association
Foodservice operations expert in: Restaurants, Bars/Lounges, Cafeterias, Casinos, Catering, Clubs, Colleges, Food Courts, Hotels/Resorts & Studios. Experience in industry custom & trade practices, operation standards, profit enhancement, cost control management, Business Interruption, P&L analysis, expert witness support/testimony, contract/lease negotiations, food safety & sanitation & most foodservice issues & operations, Parking issues and site selection. Experience includes: Amgen, Paul Hastings Janofsky & Walker, LA City Attorney & DWP, Morrison & Foerster & Embassy Suites. Published author in industry publications; seminar presenter: Who’s Who in California, Who’s Who in the West. Past president of California Restaurant Association. 35 yrs experience as an operator, consultant & expert witness.

C. Boomhower President & FounderSouthern Cross Property Consultants 4055 Hancock St, #100
San Diego, CA 92110
Tel: (858) 395-8657
Email: matthew@southerncrosspc.com
Website: www.southerncrosspc.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: California Registered Architect | Admitted to the CA and Federal Bar | BArch - University of Tennessee, Knoxville | J.D. - California Western School of Law | Certified Construction Contract Administrator
Land Use Planning & Zoning, Architecturemalpractice and professional standard of care, Building Codes, Permits and Entitlements. Extensive experience as a consultant and designated expert for matters involving land use planning & zoning, the practice of architecture especially malpractice and the architect's standard of care, building code compliance, and matters relating to permits and entitlements. Professional experience coupled with 20+ years as an adjunct architecture professor teaching professional practice and code classes and an adjunct professor teaching development and land use classes.

Benchmark Investigations
Contact: Jim Zimmer, CPI
32158 Camino Capistrano, #A-415
San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675
Tel: (800) 248-7721
Fax: (949) 606-8439
Email: zimmerpi@pacbell.net
Website: www.BenchmarkInvestigations.net
BS, Business Management; CA Private Investigator Lic PI 12651; Registered Process Server #PSC/2411
National agency. Professional investigations with emphasis upon accuracy, detail & expedience. Asset/financial searches; background investigation; DMV searches; domestic/marital cases; due diligence; mergers & acquisitions; process service; sexual harassment & discrimination investigations; surveillance/photog; witness location & statements. LA branch + correspondents nationwide. Multi-lingual agents. Fully insured. Jim Zimmer is a Past President of the National Council of Investigation & Security Services & the California Assn of Licensed Investigators. Jim is the 2011 recipient of the CALI Distinguished Achievement Award. See display ad page 70
Dennis A. Colucci, M.A.,
Auditory Disorders and Balance Laboratory, Inc. 32565 Golden Lantern Street, Suite B #117
Dana Point, CA 92629
Tel: (949) 230-1976
Fax: (949) 388-0932

Email: drcolucci@hearinginjury.com
Website: www.hearinginjury.com
Au.D. Clinical Audiology, Central Michigan University; M.A. Hearing Science, Ohio University; B.A. Speech Pathology/Audiology, California State University, Fullerton.
Audiology, Hearing Loss, Tinnitus, Hyperacusis, Auditory Processing Disorders, Vertigo/Balance, Noise Interference, Acoustic Trauma/Shock, Explosions, Noise Exposure, Head/Neck Trauma Related, Hearing Aids, Malpractice, ADA.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Fifty years of experience in clinical, medical, industrial, and military practice in audiology, including 25 years in forensic audiology. Industrial consultant for Chevron (13 years), San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (15 years), British Petroleum, Tesoro Petroleum, Conoco, Valero Petroleum, Amway, City of Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, and the City of Santa Ana. Over 250 industrial audiology evaluations and worker's compensation determinations. More than 70 plaintiff/defendant forensic cases in federal and state courts, including United Airlines, 3MBellwhether, Petco Park, Union Pacific Railroad, Southwest Airlines, Geico, JFK University, the City of Newport Beach, the La Puente School District, San Diego USD, US DOJ, and more. In 1997, he was an Expert Witness for the State of California Licensing Board, and from 2012 to the present, he authored 52 educational journal articles for The Hearing Journal in clinical and forensic audiology. Teaching experience includes the American Academy of Audiology, the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, the California Academy of Audiology, the Texas Academy of Audiology, and two clinical practice classes at California States Universities in Los Angeles and Fullerton. Currently providing medical disability examinations for the Veterans Administration for active duty and veterans from WW II to present conflicts, completing over 1000 cases. Specialty training by the Tinnitus Practitioner's Association, including hyperacusis.
Number of Times Deposed/Testified in Last 4 Years: 7
Jack Cohen
2629 Townsgate Rd, Ste 100
Westlake Village, CA 91361
Tel: (747) 222-1550
Cell: (747) 222-1554
Fax: (747) 222-1551
Email: jack@coheninv.com
Plaintiff and defense/Appraisals/Industry standards/Dealership training and guidance with all compliance, industry regulations and dealership related transactions, dealership operation, and practices, Dealer fraud/Vehicles sales and leasing/Dealership practices/ New and used automobile transactions/ Auto warranty issues/Finance documentation and analysis/Lender-Dealer relationships/ Wholesale & Retail/Diminished value cases, providing, automobile and equipment rental, boats, motorcycles, ATV's, personal watercraft, Industry Standards & Practices specializing in New and Used Car Dealership Operation. Areas of Expertise include; Sales, Leasing, Financing, Service & Parts and Sales Training. He has provided Expert Witness Services since 1995. Subject Matter Includes: Dealer Fraud, Lemon Law, Employment, DealerManufacturer Relations, Dealer-Lender Relations, Customer Relations, Standards of Care, Advertising, Warranty Issues, Parts Defects, Discrimination, Personal Injury, Repossession, Anti-Trust Issues, Unfair Business Practices, Single Document Rule, Document Disclosure - "Stacking", Spanish Contracts, Finance Reserve, "Payment-Packing" "Purchase/Lease Flip", Rental Disclosure Sales, Closing and Desk Procedures, "4-Squares", California AB 68, U.C.C. Warranties, Deferred Down Payments, Regulations M & Z, Wholesale Procedures, Reconditioning of Used Cars, Safety Inspections, "Standards of Care", Title History, Discrimination, Wrongful Termination, Wrongful Death, Class Actions, Song-Beverly Lemon Law, Moss-Magnussen Act, Used Car Disclosures, Buyers Guide, Liens, Auto Impound, Auto Storage, Commissions, Sales Tax, Dealership Accounting and Payroll, Commissions.
Lewis R. Linet Jr., Ph.D.
American Auto Seminars
19355 Sherman Way, #22 Reseda, CA 91335
Tel: (818) 772-6464
Fax: (818) 772-6464
Email: LewisLinet@gmail.com
Website: AmericanAutoSeminars.com

Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: Ph.D. - Economics, Business - Marketing, B.A. - Economics
Nationwide Expert Witness, Consultation and Case Strategy Services in Municipal, State And Federal Litigation involving Automobile Industry Standards & Practices specializing in New and Used Car Dealership Operation. Auto Industry Veteran since 1978. Expert Witness Services provided since 1995. Federal Trade Commission retained expert.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Sales, Leasing, Financing, Service & Parts, Sales Training. Dealer Fraud, Lemon Law, Employment, Dealer Manufacturer Relations, Dealer-Lender Relations, Customer Relations, Standards of Care, Advertising, Warranty Issues, Parts Defects, Discrimination, Personal Injury, Repossession, Anti-Trust Issues, Diminished Value. Assists both Plaintiffs and Defendants.
Testimony Provided: Fraud, Unfair Business Practices, Single Document Rule, Document Disclosure“Stacking”,Spanish Contracts, Finance Reserve, “Payment-Packing”, “Purchase/ Lease Flip”, Rental Disclosure, Sales, Closing and Desk Procedures,“4-Squares”, California AB 68, U.C.C. Warranties, Deferred Down Payments, Regulations M & Z, Wholesale Procedures, Reconditioning of Used Cars, Safety Inspections, “Standards of Care”,Title History, Discrimination, Wrongful Termination, Wrongful Death, Class Actions, Song-Beverly Lemon Law, Moss- Magnussen Act, Used Car Disclosures, Buyers Guide, Service & Parts Operations, Sales & Management Training.
Jim Cook Premier Cellular Mapping & Analytics
...your Digital Forensics Experts... Ripon, CA 95366
Tel: (209) 606-2665
Email: jim@premiercma.com

Website: https://premiercma.com/ Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: Carrier training by AT&T, Verizon, Sprint/ Nextel, Boost, Metro PCS, Cricket, T-Mobile, GTE, Contel, Pac-Tel Cellular, Cingular, Airtouch to name a few. Versed in all Carrier billing formats and network operations. In addition to, manufacture training by Motorola, Fujitsu, Nokia, Samsung, LG, RIM, Ericsson, Technocel, and Shintom
CELLULAR EVIDENCE ANALYSIS –Cellphones, Call Detail Record Analysis | COMPUTER /INFORMATION SCIENCES –Device Exams, Google Data, Infotainment data analysis, IoT Devices | SOCIAL MEDIA
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Mr. Cook has testified in a wide range of cases including Hit-and-Run, Auto Accidents, Insurance Fraud, Workers Comp, Personal Injury, Domestic Violence, Rape, Robbery, Arson, and Homicide, in both State and Federal Court where cellular phone data and other digital evidence records were a key piece of evidence.
Jim Cook works nationally as a Digital Forensics Expert with over 38 years of experience in the Wireless Industry. He is versed in all Carrier billing formats. He can analyze the current facts and digital evidence in a case and make recommendations to Law Enforcement and Attorneys on ways to maximize the evidence available from cellular phones, the carrier/service providers, social media, device exams, IoT (internet of things) data, vehicle infotainment/telematics data, video, and other digital evidence. Mr. Cook then analyzes the data and can map the activity associated with the device(s). His analysis and mapping provide a graphic representation of the records, showing the location of device(s) during a specific event or period of time. When Mr. Cook testifies in Court, he has the ability to explain the technical aspects of our digital world to a jury so that a lay person can understand them. Additionally, Mr. Cook's forensic examiners have the ability to unlock and download cellular phones and various digital devices.
Mr. Cook was a 2011 and 2015 recipient of the HTCIA International "Case of the Year Award" (2011 - "People vs. Bulos Zumot" and 2015"State of Texas vs. George De La Cruz") and featured in "Law Enforcement Technology Magazine" May 2011 issue. Jim also appeared on ON THE CASE WITH PAULA ZAHN episode "Texts, Lies, and videotape". He is a P.O.S.T./ICI Instructor for the South Valley, Sacramento, & San Diego Regional Training Centers and is an instructor for CDAA (California District Attorney Association). He is a member of HTCIA (High Technology Crime Investigation Association) and SWGDE (Scientific Working Group for Digital Evidence). For more detailed information, give Mr. Cook a call to discuss your case.
Number of Times Deposed/Testified in Last 6 Years: 55
Cell Phone Forensics
Burgess Consulting & Forensics
Steven G. Burgess 3421 Empresa Dr, Ste B San Luis Obispo, CA 93401
Tel: (805) 349-7676
Tel: (866) 345-3345 (Toll Free)
Fax: (805) 349-7790

Email: steve@burgessforensics.com
Website: www.burgessforensics.com
Since 1984, Burgess has provided Data Recovery, Computer Forensics, Electronic Discovery, Expert Witness Services for thousands of clients on tens of thousands of computers, cell phones, mobile devices & digital media nationwide & worldwide. Procedures minimize time & billing while producing results patiently explained in lay terms to client or counsel, jury or judge.
Cell Phone Forensics (cont.)
Jim Cook
Premier Cellular Mapping & Analytics
...your Digital Forensics Experts... Ripon, CA 95366
Tel: (209) 606-2665
Email: jim@premiercma.com

Website: https://premiercma.com/ Degrees/Licenses/Certifications:
Carrier training by AT&T, Verizon, Sprint/ Nextel, Boost, Metro PCS, Cricket, T-Mobile, GTE, Contel, Pac-Tel Cellular, Cingular, Airtouch to name a few. Versed in all Carrier billing formats and network operations. In addition to, manufacture training by Motorola, Fujitsu, Nokia, Samsung, LG, RIM, Ericsson, Technocel, and Shintom
CELLULAR EVIDENCE ANALYSIS –Cellphones, Call Detail Record Analysis | COMPUTER /INFORMATION SCIENCES –Device Exams, Google Data, Infotainment data analysis, IoT Devices | SOCIAL MEDIA
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Mr. Cook has testified in a wide range of cases including Hit-and-Run, Auto Accidents, Insurance Fraud, Workers Comp, Personal Injury, Domestic Violence, Rape, Robbery, Arson, and Homicide, in both State and Federal Court where cellular phone data and other digital evidence records were a key piece of evidence.
Jim Cook works nationally as a Digital Forensics Expert with over 38 years of experience in the Wireless Industry. He is versed in all Carrier billing formats. He can analyze the current facts and digital evidence in a case and make recommendations to Law Enforcement and Attorneys on ways to maximize the evidence available from cellular phones, the carrier/service providers, social media, device exams, IoT (internet of things) data, vehicle infotainment/telematics data, video, and other digital evidence. Mr. Cook then analyzes the data and can map the activity associated with the device(s). His analysis and mapping provide a graphic representation of the records, showing the location of device(s) during a specific event or period of time. When Mr. Cook testifies in Court, he has the ability to explain the technical aspects of our digital world to a jury so that a lay person can understand them. Additionally, Mr. Cook's forensic examiners have the ability to unlock and download cellular phones and various digital devices.
Mr. Cook was a 2011 and 2015 recipient of the HTCIA International "Case of the Year Award" (2011 - "People vs. Bulos Zumot" and 2015"State of Texas vs. George De La Cruz") and featured in "Law Enforcement Technology Magazine" May 2011 issue. Jim also appeared on ON THE CASE WITH PAULA ZAHN episode "Texts, Lies, and videotape". He is a P.O.S.T./ICI Instructor for the South Valley, Sacramento, & San Diego Regional Training Centers and is an instructor for CDAA (California District Attorney Association). He is a member of HTCIA (High Technology Crime Investigation Association) and SWGDE (Scientific Working Group for Digital Evidence). For more detailed information, give Mr. Cook a call to discuss your case.
Number of Times Deposed/Testified in Last 6 Years: 55
Digital Forensics Laboratory (LLC)
Daniel Libby 13967 State Route 94 Jamul, CA 91935
Tel: (619) 517-0101 (Direct)
Email: director@hightechnologyforensics.com Website: www.linkedin.com/in/digitalforensics
If Digital Evidence Exists; We Will Find It Degrees/Licenses/Certifications:
AccessData Certified Examiner (ACE) | International Society of Forensic Computer Examiners (CCE) | Blacklight Certified Examiner (BCE) | Cellebrite Computer Forensics Fundamentals (CCFF) | Cellebrite Certified Mobile Examiner (CCME) | MOBILedit Forensic Pro Examiner (Pending) | Advisory Board Member: University of California San Diego, E-Discovery & Litigation Technology | Member: High Technology Crime Network (HTCN) #150218100 | Member: International Association of Computer Investigative Specialists (IACIS) #23190
Specializing in: Information System Forensics (Network, Laptop, Desktop, Server) | Mobile Device Forensics (Phone – Tablet, iOS, Android) |
Vehicle Borne Forensics (InfoTainment System, Event Data Recorder (EDR/Blackbox) | Trial Consultant | Incident Response | Electronic Discovery Acquisition & Analysis & Production | Audio & Video Forensics
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Provided expert testimony in following jurisdictions:
U.S. District Courts, Districts of: Southern California | Southern Illinois | Connecticut | Nevada
U.S. Navy & Marine Corps Criminal Trial Judiciary: U.S. Navy Region South West | U.S. Navy Region South East | U.S. Navy Region Europe, Africa & Central (EURAFCENT) State of California, Superior Court for Counties of: San Diego | Orange | Ventura
Computer Forensics / Electronic Discovery
Burgess Consulting & Forensics
Steven G. Burgess
3421 Empresa Dr, Ste B San Luis Obispo, CA 93401
Tel: (805) 349-7676
Tel: (866) 345-3345 (Toll Free)
Fax: (805) 349-7790

Email: steve@burgessforensics.com
Website: www.burgessforensics.com
Since 1984, Burgess has provided Data Recovery, Computer Forensics, Electronic Discovery, Expert Witness Services for thousands of clients on tens of thousands of computers, cell phones, mobile devices & digital media nationwide & worldwide. Procedures minimize time & billing while producing results patiently explained in lay terms to client or counsel, jury or judge.
Computer Forensics / Electronic Discovery (cont.)
Digital Forensics Laboratory (LLC)
Daniel Libby
13967 State Route 94
Jamul, CA 91935
Tel: (619) 517-0101 (Direct)
Email: director@hightechnologyforensics.com
Website: www.linkedin.com/in/digitalforensics
If Digital Evidence Exists; We Will Find It
AccessData Certified Examiner (ACE) | International Society of Forensic Computer Examiners (CCE) | Blacklight Certified Examiner (BCE) | Cellebrite Computer Forensics Fundamentals (CCFF) | Cellebrite Certified Mobile Examiner (CCME) | MOBILedit Forensic Pro Examiner (Pending) | Advisory Board Member: University of California San Diego, E-Discovery & Litigation Technology | Member: High Technology Crime Network (HTCN) #150218100 | Member: International Association of Computer Investigative Specialists (IACIS) #23190
Specializing in: Information System Forensics (Network, Laptop, Desktop, Server) | Mobile Device Forensics (Phone – Tablet, iOS, Android) |
Vehicle Borne Forensics (InfoTainment System, Event Data Recorder (EDR/Blackbox) | Trial Consultant | Incident Response | Electronic Discovery Acquisition & Analysis & Production | Audio & Video Forensics
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Provided expert testimony in following jurisdictions:
U.S. District Courts, Districts of: Southern California | Southern Illinois | Connecticut | Nevada
U.S. Navy & Marine Corps Criminal Trial Judiciary: U.S. Navy Region South West | U.S. Navy Region South East | U.S. Navy Region Europe, Africa & Central (EURAFCENT)
State of California, Superior Court for Counties of: San Diego | Orange | Ventura
Digital Forensics Laboratory (LLC) Daniel Libby 13967 State Route 94 Jamul, CA 91935
Tel: (619) 517-0101 (Direct)
Email: director@hightechnologyforensics.com Website: www.linkedin.com/in/digitalforensics If Digital Evidence Exists; We Will Find It Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: AccessData Certified Examiner (ACE) | International Society of Forensic Computer Examiners (CCE) | Blacklight Certified Examiner (BCE) | Cellebrite Computer Forensics Fundamentals (CCFF) | Cellebrite
Certified Mobile Examiner (CCME) | MOBILedit Forensic Pro Examiner (Pending) | Advisory Board Member: University of California San Diego, E-Discovery & Litigation Technology | Member: High Technology Crime Network (HTCN) #150218100 | Member: International Association of Computer Investigative Specialists (IACIS) #23190
Specializing in: Information System Forensics (Network, Laptop, Desktop, Server) | Mobile Device Forensics (Phone – Tablet, iOS, Android) |
Vehicle Borne Forensics (InfoTainment System, Event Data Recorder (EDR/Blackbox) | Trial Consultant | Incident Response | Electronic Discovery Acquisition & Analysis & Production | Audio & Video Forensics Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Provided expert testimony in following jurisdictions:
U.S. District Courts, Districts of: Southern California | Southern Illinois | Connecticut | Nevada
U.S. Navy & Marine Corps Criminal Trial Judiciary: U.S. Navy Region South West | U.S. Navy Region South East | U.S. Navy Region Europe, Africa & Central (EURAFCENT)
State of California, Superior Court for Counties of: San Diego | Orange | Ventura
Stephen Castell, PhD
CASTELL Consulting PO Box 270529
San Diego, CA 92198
Tel: (310) 890-9859
Email: stephen@castellsonsulting.com
Website: www.e-expertwitness.co.uk https://archivesit.org.uk/interviews/stephencastell
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: BSc, MSc, PhD, CITP, CPhys, FIMA, MEWI, MIoD Accredited Member FEWA
Extensive experience in risk assessment, quality assurance, and dispute resolution. Software Inspection, Expert Report, Forensic Systems Analysis, Contract Review, Oral Evidence in Court, Project Management, Computer Evidence, IP, Patents/Trade Secrets. Working closely with legal counsel, highly effective outcomes for clients, including in the largest software actions to come to trial.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Hundreds of cases over the past three decades. Increasingly involved in blockchain, cryptocurrency and DLT actions, including the landmark FTX & Voyager Class Actions.
Shanon T. Chilson
Mirabella 140 Woodward Avenue
Escondido, CA 92025
Tel: (619) 520-5008
Email: Shanon@MDBSD.com Website: MDBSD.com

Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: CA Licensed Contractor: "A" Engineering, "B" General Building, #679453
34 years construction experience, includes all phases of construction from Land Development through Certificate of Occupancy. Specializing in all aspects of construction, project management, building reconstruction, grading (earth) development, damage and defect repairs, including estimating, cost of repairs, cost of damages, forensic analysis, standard of care, delays, testimony, analysis and expert opinion within construction related criteria. Contract and document(s) review and analysis.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Consulting and project management observation. Designated expert witness, depositions and trial testimony. Simplistic defects to complex construction defect matters. Arbitration, mediation and trial experience.
Cook Construction Company
Stephen M. Cook 7210 Jordan Ave Canoga Park, CA 91303
Tel: (818) 438-4535
Email: scook16121@gmail.com
CA Gen Contractors Lic 431852; 30+ years construction experience; Graduate study in Construction, L.A. Business College.
Lawsuit Preparation/Residential Construction, Single & Multi family, Hillside Construction, Vibration Trespass, Foundations, Concrete Floors, Tile, Stone, Retaining Walls, Waterproofing, Roofing, Sheet Metal, Water Damages, Carpentry/ Rough Framing, Stair Defects, Material/ Costs, Scaffolding, Building Codes, Contracts, Safety, Cal-OSHA Compliance, Safety Standards, Safety Instructions, Safety Labels & Warning Signs, Safe Use of Tools and Machinery.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Construction defect cases for insurance companies & attorneys, 1992-present.
General (cont.)

Core Consulting Group
9988 Hilbert Street, Ste 308 San Diego, CA 92131
Tel: (858) 693-3008
Fax: (858) 693-3007
Email: info@corecongroup.com
Website: www.corecongroup.com
Defect Investigation, Research and Analysis, Field Investigation & Analysis, Forensic Architecture, Building Envelope, Roofing and Waterproofing Systems, Cost of Repair Estimates, SB-800 Services, Code Analysis, Delay, Construction Disputes, Insurance Defense, Premise Liability, and Construction Safety.
CORE’s designated expert witnesses have provided extensive deposition, arbitration, and trial testimony and have vast experience in complex construction defect and personal injury claims. CORE provides plans, exhibits, and graphics for effective use at mediation, arbitration, and trial. CORE is approved by most all insurance companies.
Architects, Engineers, Cost Estimators, General Contractors
L. Fredrick (Fred) Nolta Contractor/Engineer
Nolta Consulting 6115 Syracuse Lane San Diego, CA 92122
Tel: (858) 232-9299

Website: www.NoltaConsulting.com
CA Lic Contractor: “A” Eng. “B” Bldg & ”C-8” Concrete; BS, Construction Eng. College of Eng., Ariz State Univ.
40+ years experience. Forensic analysis, opinion, testimony and claims regarding standard of care, defect, delay, cost, personal injury, etc. Product type experience in office, retail, restaurant, residential, multifamily, highrise, hospital, medical office, Indian gaming, hotel, education, stadium, theater, parking, power/co-generation, waste treatment & site development. High-rise, tilt-up, precast, post tension slab & foundation concrete.
David A. Stern, PE
Westec Construction, Inc.
13700 Marina Point Dr, #1509
Marina Del Rey, CA 90292
Cell: (310) 560-8217
Email: davidstern9@gmail.com
Website: www.constructologist.com

BS Civil Eng; Professional Engineer (Reg Civil Engineer, CA); General Contractor (CA)
39 years of commercial development & construction expertise, 30 years as owner of general contracting company. Full litigation support, including: defects, estimating, CPM scheduling, claims, analysis, code violations, construction quality & delay evaluation, PI & construction accidents.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience:
20 Trial testimony, 150 depositions, ten arbitrations & settlement conferences, representing both plaintiffs & defendants.
Teaching: UCLA Extension & Cal State.
Birthdate: April 12, 1955 Birthplace: Philadelphia, PA.
Education: BS Civil Engineering, Princeton Univ 1976 (Cum Laude).
Previous Positions/Appointments: Project Manager, Stegeman & Kastner, Inc, Project Management Consultants; Field Superintendent, Turner Construction Co, LA.
Number of Publications: Four
Ted S. Merrill & Sons, Inc.
Ted S. Merrill, President General Contractor & Consultant 7777 Alvarado Rd, Ste 408-A La Mesa, CA 91942-8248
Tel: (619) 464-3997
Cell: (619) 517-9515
Fax: (619) 464-8581
Email: ted@tsm-sons.com
State of California Contractors License B-1 345079 & B-1 275171
70 years construction experience, including all phases of construction, but specializing in damage repair work, including experience in estimating & reconstruction of buildings damaged by fire, wind, motor vehicles, earth movement, & construction defects. 52 years of experience in cost estimating structures with construction defect problems. Qualified & testified as an expert in Municipal, Superior & Federal courts. Appointed to serve as an impartial repair method & cost expert by judges of the San Diego & Orange County Superior courts. CV & fee schedule available on request.
Building Codes Matthew C. Boomhower

President & Founder
Southern Cross Property Consultants
4055 Hancock St, #100
San Diego, CA 92110
Tel: (858) 395-8657
Email: matthew@southerncrosspc.com
Website: www.southerncrosspc.com
California Registered Architect | Admitted to the CA and Federal Bar | BArch - University of Tennessee, Knoxville | J.D. - California Western School of Law | Certified Construction Contract Administrator
Land Use Planning & Zoning, Architecturemalpractice and professional standard of care, Building Codes, Permits and Entitlements. Extensive experience as a consultant and designated expert for matters involving land use planning & zoning, the practice of architecture especially malpractice and the architect's standard of care, building code compliance, and matters relating to permits and entitlements. Professional experience coupled with 20+ years as an adjunct architecture professor teaching professional practice and code classes and an adjunct professor teaching development and land use classes.
Cook Construction Company
Stephen M. Cook
7210 Jordan Ave
Canoga Park, CA 91303
Tel: (818) 438-4535
Email: scook16121@gmail.com
CA Gen Contractors Lic 431852; 30+ years construction experience; Graduate study in Construction, L.A. Business College.
Lawsuit Preparation/Residential
Construction, Single & Multi family, Hillside Construction, Vibration Trespass, Foundations, Concrete Floors, Tile, Stone, Retaining Walls, Waterproofing, Roofing, Sheet Metal, Water Damages, Carpentry/ Rough Framing, Stair Defects, Material/ Costs, Scaffolding, Building Codes, Contracts, Safety, Cal-OSHA Compliance, Safety Standards, Safety Instructions, Safety Labels & Warning Signs, Safe Use of Tools and Machinery.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Construction defect cases for insurance companies & attorneys, 1992-present.
Building Codes (cont.)
L. Fredrick (Fred) Nolta Contractor/Engineer
Nolta Consulting
6115 Syracuse Lane
San Diego, CA 92122
Tel: (858) 232-9299
Email: Fred@NoltaConsulting.com

Website: www.NoltaConsulting.com
CA Lic Contractor: “A” Eng. “B” Bldg & ”C-8” Concrete; BS, Construction Eng. College of Eng., Ariz State Univ.
40+ years experience. Forensic analysis, opinion, testimony and claims regarding standard of care, defect, delay, cost, personal injury, etc. Product type experience in office, retail, restaurant, residential, multifamily, highrise, hospital, medical office, Indian gaming, hotel, education, stadium, theater, parking, power/co-generation, waste treatment & site development. High-rise, tilt-up, precast, post tension slab & foundation concrete.
David A. Stern, PE
President Westec Construction, Inc.
13700 Marina Point Dr, #1509 Marina Del Rey, CA 90292
Cell: (310) 560-8217
Email: davidstern9@gmail.com
Website: www.constructologist.com

BS Civil Eng; Professional Engineer (Reg Civil Engineer, CA); General Contractor (CA)
39 years of commercial development & construction expertise, 30 years as owner of general contracting company. Full litigation support, including: defects, estimating, CPM scheduling, claims, analysis, code violations, construction quality & delay evaluation, PI & construction accidents.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: 20 Trial testimony, 150 depositions, ten arbitrations & settlement conferences, representing both plaintiffs & defendants. Teaching: UCLA Extension & Cal State.
Birthdate: April 12, 1955 Birthplace: Philadelphia, PA.
Education: BS Civil Engineering, Princeton Univ 1976 (Cum Laude).
Previous Positions/Appointments: Project Manager, Stegeman & Kastner, Inc, Project Management Consultants; Field Superintendent, Turner Construction Co, LA.
Number of Publications: Four
Carpentry / Framing
Cook Construction Company
Stephen M. Cook 7210 Jordan Ave Canoga Park, CA 91303
Tel: (818) 438-4535
Email: scook16121@gmail.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: CA Gen Contractors Lic 431852; 30+ years construction experience; Graduate study in Construction, L.A. Business College.
Lawsuit Preparation/Residential Construction, Single & Multi family, Hillside Construction, Vibration Trespass, Foundations, Concrete Floors, Tile, Stone, Retaining Walls, Waterproofing, Roofing, Sheet Metal, Water Damages, Carpentry/ Rough Framing, Stair Defects, Material/ Costs, Scaffolding, Building Codes, Contracts, Safety, Cal-OSHA Compliance, Safety Standards, Safety Instructions, Safety Labels & Warning Signs, Safe Use of Tools and Machinery.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Construction defect cases for insurance companies & attorneys, 1992-present.
L. Fredrick (Fred) Nolta Contractor/Engineer
Nolta Consulting 6115 Syracuse Lane
San Diego, CA 92122
Tel: (858) 232-9299
Email: Fred@NoltaConsulting.com

Website: www.NoltaConsulting.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: CA Lic Contractor: “A” Eng. “B” Bldg & ”C-8” Concrete; BS, Construction Eng. College of Eng., Ariz State Univ.
40+ years experience. Forensic analysis, opinion, testimony and claims regarding standard of care, defect, delay, cost, personal injury, etc. Product type experience in office, retail, restaurant, residential, multifamily, highrise, hospital, medical office, Indian gaming, hotel, education, stadium, theater, parking, power/co-generation, waste treatment & site development. High-rise, tilt-up, precast, post tension slab & foundation concrete.
L. Fredrick (Fred) Nolta Contractor/Engineer
Nolta Consulting 6115 Syracuse Lane
San Diego, CA 92122
Tel: (858) 232-9299
Email: Fred@NoltaConsulting.com

Website: www.NoltaConsulting.com
CA Lic Contractor: “A” Eng. “B” Bldg & ”C-8” Concrete; BS, Construction Eng. College of Eng., Ariz State Univ.
40+ years experience. Forensic analysis, opinion, testimony and claims regarding standard of care, defect, delay, cost, personal injury, etc. Product type experience in office, retail, restaurant, residential, multifamily, highrise, hospital, medical office, Indian gaming, hotel, education, stadium, theater, parking, power/co-generation, waste treatment & site development. High-rise, tilt-up, precast, post tension slab & foundation concrete.
David A. Stern, PE
PresidentWestec Construction, Inc.
13700 Marina Point Dr, #1509
Marina Del Rey, CA 90292
Cell: (310) 560-8217
Email: davidstern9@gmail.com
Website: www.constructologist.com

BS Civil Eng; Professional Engineer (Reg Civil Engineer, CA); General Contractor (CA)
39 years of commercial development & construction expertise, 30 years as owner of general contracting company. Full litigation support, including: defects, estimating, CPM scheduling, claims, analysis, code violations, construction quality & delay evaluation, PI & construction accidents.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: 20 Trial testimony, 150 depositions, ten arbitrations & settlement conferences, representing both plaintiffs & defendants.
Teaching: UCLA Extension & Cal State.
Birthdate: April 12, 1955 Birthplace: Philadelphia, PA.
Education: BS Civil Engineering, Princeton Univ 1976 (Cum Laude).
Previous Positions/Appointments: Project Manager, Stegeman & Kastner, Inc, Project Management Consultants; Field Superintendent, Turner Construction Co, LA.
Number of Publications: Four
Claims (cont.)

Joseph J. Egan, Executive Vice President
Tel: (847) 858-5400
Email: jegan@vertexeng.com
Website: http://www.vertexreng.com
Neil Miltonberger, Executive Vice President
Email: nmiltonberger@vertexeng.com
Website2: http://www.vertexreng.com
Vertex professionals include Certified Public Accountants, Professional Engineers, Certified Management Accountants, Certified Fraud Examiners, and other specialists skilled in forensic fact-finding and analysis.
Cost Overrun Analyses. Forensic Schedule Analysis. Change Order Development. Change Order Review and Analyses. Delay & Disruption Quantification. Acceleration & Mitigation Impact Quantification. Cumulative Impact Quantification. Forensic Accounting. Expert Witness Testimony.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience:
Vertex has world-wide experience working for owners, contractors, subcontractors, government contractors, architects/engineers, insurance companies, sureties, and their legal counsel. We analyze complicated issues and communicate our findings in a clear, straightforward manner. We specialize in evaluating client needs throughout an engagement to ensure that our guidance and deliverables align with our client’s strategic plan.
Quantum & Schedule Expert Witness:
Vertex is a litigation and management consulting firm with decades of global experience. We help our clients resolve complex construction, government contracts, commercial, and financial matters. Our experts have provided testimony in both state and federal court, as well as arbitrations and mediations. We have consulted on hundreds of construction projects on behalf of owners, general contractors, subcontractors, architects, engineers, sureties, and others in the industry. Our experience provides us with insights into each parties’ perspective in a dispute.
Concrete Floors
L. Fredrick (Fred) Nolta
Nolta Consulting 6115 Syracuse Lane
San Diego, CA 92122
Tel: (858) 232-9299
Email: Fred@NoltaConsulting.com

Website: www.NoltaConsulting.com
CA Lic Contractor: “A” Eng. “B” Bldg & ”C-8” Concrete; BS, Construction Eng. College of Eng., Ariz State Univ.
40+ years experience. Forensic analysis, opinion, testimony and claims regarding standard of care, defect, delay, cost, personal injury, etc. Product type experience in office, retail, restaurant, residential, multifamily, highrise, hospital, medical office, Indian gaming, hotel, education, stadium, theater, parking, power/co-generation, waste treatment & site development. High-rise, tilt-up, precast, post tension slab & foundation concrete.
Contractors Licensing (CSLB)
Cook Construction Company
Stephen M. Cook
7210 Jordan Ave
Canoga Park, CA 91303
Tel: (818) 438-4535
Email: scook16121@gmail.com
CA Gen Contractors Lic 431852; 30+ years construction experience; Graduate study in Construction, L.A. Business College.
Lawsuit Preparation/Residential Construction, Single & Multi family, Hillside Construction, Vibration Trespass, Foundations, Concrete Floors, Tile, Stone, Retaining Walls, Waterproofing, Roofing, Sheet Metal, Water Damages, Carpentry/ Rough Framing, Stair Defects, Material/ Costs, Scaffolding, Building Codes, Contracts, Safety, Cal-OSHA Compliance, Safety Standards, Safety Instructions, Safety Labels & Warning Signs, Safe Use of Tools and Machinery.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Construction defect cases for insurance companies & attorneys, 1992-present.
L. Fredrick (Fred) Nolta Contractor/Engineer
Nolta Consulting 6115 Syracuse Lane
San Diego, CA 92122
Tel: (858) 232-9299
Email: Fred@NoltaConsulting.com

Website: www.NoltaConsulting.com
CA Lic Contractor: “A” Eng. “B” Bldg & ”C-8” Concrete; BS, Construction Eng. College of Eng., Ariz State Univ.
40+ years experience. Forensic analysis, opinion, testimony and claims regarding standard of care, defect, delay, cost, personal injury, etc. Product type experience in office, retail, restaurant, residential, multifamily, highrise, hospital, medical office, Indian gaming, hotel, education, stadium, theater, parking, power/co-generation, waste treatment & site development. High-rise, tilt-up, precast, post tension slab & foundation concrete.
Cook Construction Company Stephen M. Cook 7210 Jordan Ave Canoga Park, CA 91303
Tel: (818) 438-4535
Email: scook16121@gmail.com
CA Gen Contractors Lic 431852; 30+ years construction experience; Graduate study in Construction, L.A. Business College.
Lawsuit Preparation/Residential Construction, Single & Multi family, Hillside Construction, Vibration Trespass, Foundations, Concrete Floors, Tile, Stone, Retaining Walls, Waterproofing, Roofing, Sheet Metal, Water Damages, Carpentry/ Rough Framing, Stair Defects, Material/ Costs, Scaffolding, Building Codes, Contracts, Safety, Cal-OSHA Compliance, Safety Standards, Safety Instructions, Safety Labels & Warning Signs, Safe Use of Tools and Machinery.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Construction defect cases for insurance companies & attorneys, 1992-present.
Defects (cont.)

Core Consulting Group
9988 Hilbert Street, Ste 308
San Diego, CA 92131
Tel: (858) 693-3008
Fax: (858) 693-3007
Email: info@corecongroup.com
Website: www.corecongroup.com
Defect Investigation, Research and Analysis, Field Investigation & Analysis, Forensic Architecture, Building Envelope, Roofing and Waterproofing Systems, Cost of Repair Estimates, SB-800 Services, Code Analysis, Delay, Construction Disputes, Insurance Defense, Premise Liability, and Construction Safety.
CORE’s designated expert witnesses have provided extensive deposition, arbitration, and trial testimony and have vast experience in complex construction defect and personal injury claims. CORE provides plans, exhibits, and graphics for effective use at mediation, arbitration, and trial. CORE is approved by most all insurance companies.
Architects, Engineers, Cost Estimators, General Contractors
Energy Resource Associates, Inc.
Contact: James P. Waltz, P.E., CEM, FAEE, DABFET, FCABE(UK) 3733 Elsinore Court
West Sacramento, CA 95691
Tel: (925) 447-1140
Fax: (925) 215-2149
Email: experts@eraenergy.com Website: www.eraenergy.com
BSME, MBA, PE (CA, NV, OH), Certified Energy Manager (CEM), Board Certified Forensic Engineer, LEED Accredited Professional
25+ years experience. Construction defect expert witness; Heating, Ventilation & Air Conditioning (HVAC); Indoor Air Quality (IAQ); Mechanical, plumbing & electrical building systems (MEP); Energy Services Performance Contracting (ESPC); Site survey, investigation & testing; Discovery, interrogatories, depositions & mediation; Plaintiff & defense. See web site for publications, teaching & seminar experience.
Expert Strategy Group
Julie Olenik-Brown
Tel: (800) 521-2877 Ext: 301
Tel: (760) 795-9004
Email: Expert@ExpertStrategy-Group.com Website: ExpertSG.com
Our diverse network of expert witnesses includes leading global industry specialists, PhD's, senior executives, scientists, technical and materials experts, and supremely qualified medical professionals across many professional industries.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience:
We offer expert witnesses in many professional industries. Here are just a few of the expert categories we offer: accident, accounting, automotive, aviation, biomechanics, business, chemical, construction, economics, employment, engineering, failure analysis, finance, firearms, hazardous materials, hotel, insurance, intellectual property, machinery, marketing, medical and medical device, nursing home, pharmacology, product liability, psychology, security, financial securities, toxicology, technical, transportation, valuation, warnings. And thousands more expert witness categories.
We do all of the work in connecting law firms with experts who fit your case: Expert Strategy Group is a strategic partner to law firms for all of your Expert Witness needs. We have developed a unique technology platform that, when paired with our 1:1 client service model, creates a more precise degree of Expert matching to extremely specific litigation criteria.
Naresh J. Kar, PhD, PE
Sr. Managing Consultant/Lab Manager
KARS’ Testing & Research Labs – A Division of ESi
2528 W. Woodland Dr Anaheim, CA 92801
Tel: (714) 527-7100 102
Cell: (714) 677-7550
Fax: (714) 527-7169
Email: njkar@engsys.com Website: www.engsys.com
PhD Metallurgical Eng; Reg Prof Metallurgical Eng
43 years professional experience: failure analysis & product liability. Automotive & plumbing failures. Welding, corrosion, wear failures. Plastics, tires, glass failures. Legal & courtroom experience. Fellow, ASM (American Society for Metals). Fellow, American College of Forensic Examiners.
See display ad page 76
L. Fredrick (Fred) Nolta Contractor/Engineer
Nolta Consulting 6115 Syracuse Lane
San Diego, CA 92122
Tel: (858) 232-9299
Email: Fred@NoltaConsulting.com

Website: www.NoltaConsulting.com
CA Lic Contractor: “A” Eng. “B” Bldg & ”C-8” Concrete; BS, Construction Eng. College of Eng., Ariz State Univ.
40+ years experience. Forensic analysis, opinion, testimony and claims regarding standard of care, defect, delay, cost, personal injury, etc. Product type experience in office, retail, restaurant, residential, multifamily, highrise, hospital, medical office, Indian gaming, hotel, education, stadium, theater, parking, power/co-generation, waste treatment & site development. High-rise, tilt-up, precast, post tension slab & foundation concrete.
Defects (cont.)
Phillips, Fractor & Co, LLC
Contact: G. Michael Phillips, PhD
3452 E. Foothill Blvd, Ste 220 Pasadena, CA 91107
Tel: (626) 744-3540
Email: contactpfc@rule26.com
Website: www.phillipsfractor.com
PhDs, MBAs, CPAs, CFE, CFA, ABV, CVA, MAFF, CIMA, MS, EdD specializing in Economics, Finance, Statistics, Accounting, Business Valuation, Surveys, Data Science, Physics, Marketing, Political Science, Policy Analysis, & related subjects.
ECONOMICS, FINANCE, STATISTICS, VALUATION, FORENSIC ACCOUNTING, and DATA ANALYSIS consulting and testimony. Since 1982, our team has offered creative, effective, scientifically appropriate, discrete, ethical research and testimony tailored to our clients’ unique needs. As a boutique firm with international capability and experience, we look at each problem with a fresh perspective Typical cases include ECONOMIC ANALYSIS (e.g., general forensics, lost earnings, antitrust, damages, compensation, personal injury, toxic torts, wrongful death, wrongful termination, class action), FORENSIC ACCOUNTING (e.g., investigation of alleged executive malfeasance, investigation of alleged misappropriation of trust funds, financial impact of breach of contract, financial impact of misappropriation of trade secrets, business valuation, corporate issues, corporate governance, alter ego, fraud analysis, marital dissolution, professional practices), FINANCE (e.g., modeling, investment analysis, “what if” analysis, portfolio valuation, options and stock valuation, fraudulent conveyance), STATISTICS (e.g., sampling, extrapolation, econometrics, forecasting, simulation, Monte Carlo, discrimination, failure rates), QUESTIONNAIRES & SURVEYS (e.g., consumer perceptions, Lanham Act, public opinion, class action), INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY (e.g., FMV analysis, entertainment/motion pictures/music/TV, sports, royalties, patent infringement, conjoint and hedonic analysis, surveys), REAL ESTATE (e.g., mass appraisal, residential rent, wrongful eviction, environmental issues, rights-of-way, licensing), TECHNOLOGY (e.g., AI, Internet, start-ups, e-commerce, valuation), and “ONE OF A KIND” cases.
Shakir Shatnawi
Shatec Engineering Consultants, LLC
7064 Tarvisio Way
El Dorado Hills, CA 95762
Tel: (916) 990-6488
Cell: (916) 790-1158
Email: sshatnawi@shatec.net
Website: www.shatec.net
PhD, MS, BS/Professional Engineers LicenseCivil Engineering
Highway Engineering, Transportation Engineering & Parking; construction defects, failures, specifications & disputes; Traffic Engineering, speed requirements and driver reaction; Highway safety, road hazards & obstructions; Traffic accidents including automobiles, motorcycles & bicycles; Pavement standards, construction, maintenance and repairs; Accident Reconstruction - skid & forensic analysis; Materials including asphalt, concrete & soils; Road Defects - cracking, potholes, friction & loose gravel; Road geometric standards - sight distance & clear recovery.
David A. Stern, PE
PresidentWestec Construction, Inc.
13700 Marina Point Dr, #1509
Marina Del Rey, CA 90292
Cell: (310) 560-8217
Email: davidstern9@gmail.com
Website: www.constructologist.com

BS Civil Eng; Professional Engineer (Reg Civil Engineer, CA); General Contractor (CA)
39 years of commercial development & construction expertise, 30 years as owner of general contracting company. Full litigation support, including: defects, estimating, CPM scheduling, claims, analysis, code violations, construction quality & delay evaluation, PI & construction accidents.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: 20 Trial testimony, 150 depositions, ten arbitrations & settlement conferences, representing both plaintiffs & defendants. Teaching: UCLA Extension & Cal State.
Birthdate: April 12, 1955 Birthplace: Philadelphia, PA.
Education: BS Civil Engineering, Princeton Univ 1976 (Cum Laude).
Previous Positions/Appointments: Project Manager, Stegeman & Kastner, Inc, Project Management Consultants; Field Superintendent, Turner Construction Co, LA. Number of Publications: Four
Ted S. Merrill & Sons, Inc.
Ted S. Merrill, President
General Contractor & Consultant
7777 Alvarado Rd, Ste 408-A
La Mesa, CA 91942-8248
Tel: (619) 464-3997
Cell: (619) 517-9515
Fax: (619) 464-8581
Email: ted@tsm-sons.com
State of California Contractors License B-1 345079 & B-1 275171
70 years construction experience, including all phases of construction, but specializing in damage repair work, including experience in estimating & reconstruction of buildings damaged by fire, wind, motor vehicles, earth movement, & construction defects. 52 years of experience in cost estimating structures with construction defect problems. Qualified & testified as an expert in Municipal, Superior & Federal courts. Appointed to serve as an impartial repair method & cost expert by judges of the San Diego & Orange County Superior courts. CV & fee schedule available on request.
Cook Construction Company
Stephen M. Cook 7210 Jordan Ave
Canoga Park, CA 91303
Tel: (818) 438-4535
Email: scook16121@gmail.com
CA Gen Contractors Lic 431852; 30+ years construction experience; Graduate study in Construction, L.A. Business College.
Lawsuit Preparation/Residential Construction, Single & Multi family, Hillside Construction, Vibration Trespass, Foundations, Concrete Floors, Tile, Stone, Retaining Walls, Waterproofing, Roofing, Sheet Metal, Water Damages, Carpentry/ Rough Framing, Stair Defects, Material/ Costs, Scaffolding, Building Codes, Contracts, Safety, Cal-OSHA Compliance, Safety Standards, Safety Instructions, Safety Labels & Warning Signs, Safe Use of Tools and Machinery.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Construction defect cases for insurance companies & attorneys, 1992-present.
Foundations (cont.)
L. Fredrick (Fred) Nolta Contractor/Engineer
Nolta Consulting
6115 Syracuse Lane
San Diego, CA 92122
Tel: (858) 232-9299
Email: Fred@NoltaConsulting.com

Website: www.NoltaConsulting.com
CA Lic Contractor: “A” Eng. “B” Bldg & ”C-8” Concrete; BS, Construction Eng. College of Eng., Ariz State Univ.
40+ years experience. Forensic analysis, opinion, testimony and claims regarding standard of care, defect, delay, cost, personal injury, etc. Product type experience in office, retail, restaurant, residential, multifamily, highrise, hospital, medical office, Indian gaming, hotel, education, stadium, theater, parking, power/co-generation, waste treatment & site development. High-rise, tilt-up, precast, post tension slab & foundation concrete.
Shanon T. Chilson Contractor/Engineer
140 Woodward Avenue Escondido, CA 92025
Tel: (619) 520-5008
Email: Shanon@MDBSD.com
Website: MDBSD.com

CA Licensed Contractor: "A" Engineering, "B" General Building, #679453
34 years construction experience, includes all phases of construction from Land Development through Certificate of Occupancy. Specializing in all aspects of construction, project management, building reconstruction, grading (earth) development, damage and defect repairs, including estimating, cost of repairs, cost of damages, forensic analysis, standard of care, delays, testimony, analysis and expert opinion within construction related criteria. Contract and document(s) review and analysis.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Consulting and project management observation. Designated expert witness, depositions and trial testimony. Simplistic defects to complex construction defect matters. Arbitration, mediation and trial experience.
L. Fredrick (Fred) Nolta Contractor/Engineer
Nolta Consulting 6115 Syracuse Lane
San Diego, CA 92122
Tel: (858) 232-9299
Email: Fred@NoltaConsulting.com

Website: www.NoltaConsulting.com
CA Lic Contractor: “A” Eng. “B” Bldg & ”C-8” Concrete; BS, Construction Eng. College of Eng., Ariz State Univ.
40+ years experience. Forensic analysis, opinion, testimony and claims regarding standard of care, defect, delay, cost, personal injury, etc. Product type experience in office, retail, restaurant, residential, multifamily, highrise, hospital, medical office, Indian gaming, hotel, education, stadium, theater, parking, power/co-generation, waste treatment & site development. High-rise, tilt-up, precast, post tension slab & foundation concrete.

Landscapes West
Stephen George 4969 Newport Avenue, #171
San Diego, CA 92107
Tel: (619) 542-9125 (Work) Cell: (619) 247-5567
Fax: (619) 542-9126

steve@landscapeswestinc.com Website: www.landscapeswestinc.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: Mesa Junior College Nursery & Landscape Technology - Associate Degree | License C-27 #389976 & #961442 in Landscape Construction | Certified Segmented Retaining Wall Installer CSRW1 Specialist CoursePermeable Paver Installation | ICPI Interlocking Concrete Pavement Institute - Concrete Paver Installer | MWEL Mastering Water Efficient Landscapes - CLCA & The Metropolitan Water District
Specialties: Landscape Industry Standard of Care | Landscape, Irrigation, Drainage, Hardscape/ Paving, Walls, & Lighting | Horticultural Evaluation & Exterior Landscape Maintenance | For additional information see CV at: www. landscapeswestinc.com
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: I have been providing Design/Build Landscape Construction Services for San Diego County for over 40 years. That firsthand knowledge through construction experience and continued education is what I draw from for my opinions as an Expert Witness. In 2010 I started providing Expert Witness Services for multiple cases regarding the San Diego County Wildfires of 2007, and had also worked on the Wildfire cases of 2003 for a local nursery in Poway. Since then, I have reviewed and worked on cases for construction defect and personal injury within the landscape throughout California, as well as in Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico, Florida, Michigan, and New York.
Project Management
Cook Construction Company Stephen M. Cook 7210 Jordan Ave Canoga Park, CA 91303
Tel: (818) 438-4535
Email: scook16121@gmail.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: CA Gen Contractors Lic 431852; 30+ years construction experience; Graduate study in Construction, L.A. Business College.
Lawsuit Preparation/Residential Construction, Single & Multi family, Hillside Construction, Vibration Trespass, Foundations, Concrete Floors, Tile, Stone, Retaining Walls, Waterproofing, Roofing, Sheet Metal, Water Damages, Carpentry/ Rough Framing, Stair Defects, Material/ Costs, Scaffolding, Building Codes, Contracts, Safety, Cal-OSHA Compliance, Safety Standards, Safety Instructions, Safety Labels & Warning Signs, Safe Use of Tools and Machinery.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Construction defect cases for insurance companies & attorneys, 1992-present.
Project Management (cont.)
L. Fredrick (Fred) Nolta Contractor/Engineer
Nolta Consulting 6115 Syracuse Lane
San Diego, CA 92122
Tel: (858) 232-9299
Email: Fred@NoltaConsulting.com

Website: www.NoltaConsulting.com
CA Lic Contractor: “A” Eng. “B” Bldg & ”C-8” Concrete; BS, Construction Eng. College of Eng., Ariz State Univ.
40+ years experience. Forensic analysis, opinion, testimony and claims regarding standard of care, defect, delay, cost, personal injury, etc. Product type experience in office, retail, restaurant, residential, multifamily, highrise, hospital, medical office, Indian gaming, hotel, education, stadium, theater, parking, power/co-generation, waste treatment & site development. High-rise, tilt-up, precast, post tension slab & foundation concrete.
Roofing / Waterproofing
Cook Construction Company
Stephen M. Cook 7210 Jordan Ave Canoga Park, CA 91303
Tel: (818) 438-4535
Email: scook16121@gmail.com
CA Gen Contractors Lic 431852; 30+ years construction experience; Graduate study in Construction, L.A. Business College.
Lawsuit Preparation/Residential Construction, Single & Multi family, Hillside Construction, Vibration Trespass, Foundations, Concrete Floors, Tile, Stone, Retaining Walls, Waterproofing, Roofing, Sheet Metal, Water Damages, Carpentry/ Rough Framing, Stair Defects, Material/ Costs, Scaffolding, Building Codes, Contracts, Safety, Cal-OSHA Compliance, Safety Standards, Safety Instructions, Safety Labels & Warning Signs, Safe Use of Tools and Machinery.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Construction defect cases for insurance companies & attorneys, 1992-present.
John D. Shepherd, RRC, RRO
Shepherd Consulting Services
P.O. Box 10010
Torrance, CA 90505
Tel: (310) 378-0791
Fax: (888) 870-1663
Email: jds@shepherdconsulting.com
Website: www.shepherdconsulting.com
RCI Registered Roof Consultant (#212) & Registered Roof Observer (#019), Licensed Roofing Contractor (CA C39: 557494 & AZ K42: 269167), HAAG Certified Commercial/ Residential Roof Inspector (#200911150), Certified Building Science Thermographer (ITC #32564).
Building Enclosure (roofing, waterproofing, fenestration & exterior wall cladding).
Consulting & Expert Services for litigation (construction defects, standard of care, building code analysis, personal injury & water damages) & property damage insurance claims (wind, fire, earthquake & hail). Support services incl: visual inspections, intrusive & water testing, leak investigations, documentation, report development, document review, research. Expert witness testimony & cost estimating.

Core Consulting Group
9988 Hilbert Street, Ste 308 San Diego, CA 92131
Tel: (858) 693-3008
Fax: (858) 693-3007
Email: info@corecongroup.com
Website: www.corecongroup.com
Defect Investigation, Research and Analysis, Field Investigation & Analysis, Forensic Architecture, Building Envelope, Roofing and Waterproofing Systems, Cost of Repair Estimates, SB-800 Services, Code Analysis, Delay, Construction Disputes, Insurance Defense, Premise Liability, and Construction Safety.
CORE’s designated expert witnesses have provided extensive deposition, arbitration, and trial testimony and have vast experience in complex construction defect and personal injury claims. CORE provides plans, exhibits, and graphics for effective use at mediation, arbitration, and trial. CORE is approved by most all insurance companies.
Professionals: Architects, Engineers, Cost Estimators, General Contractors
L. Fredrick (Fred) Nolta Contractor/Engineer
Nolta Consulting 6115 Syracuse Lane
San Diego, CA 92122
Tel: (858) 232-9299
Email: Fred@NoltaConsulting.com

Website: www.NoltaConsulting.com
CA Lic Contractor: “A” Eng. “B” Bldg & ”C-8”
Concrete; BS, Construction Eng. College of Eng., Ariz State Univ.
40+ years experience. Forensic analysis, opinion, testimony and claims regarding standard of care, defect, delay, cost, personal injury, etc. Product type experience in office, retail, restaurant, residential, multifamily, highrise, hospital, medical office, Indian gaming, hotel, education, stadium, theater, parking, power/co-generation, waste treatment & site development. High-rise, tilt-up, precast, post tension slab & foundation concrete.
David A. Stern, PE President
Westec Construction, Inc. 13700 Marina Point Dr, #1509
Marina Del Rey, CA 90292
Cell: (310) 560-8217
Email: davidstern9@gmail.com
Website: www.constructologist.com

BS Civil Eng; Professional Engineer (Reg Civil Engineer, CA); General Contractor (CA)
39 years of commercial development & construction expertise, 30 years as owner of general contracting company. Full litigation support, including: defects, estimating, CPM scheduling, claims, analysis, code violations, construction quality & delay evaluation, PI & construction accidents.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: 20 Trial testimony, 150 depositions, ten arbitrations & settlement conferences, representing both plaintiffs & defendants. Teaching: UCLA Extension & Cal State.
Birthdate: April 12, 1955 Birthplace: Philadelphia, PA.
Education: BS Civil Engineering, Princeton Univ 1976 (Cum Laude).
Previous Positions/Appointments: Project Manager, Stegeman & Kastner, Inc, Project Management Consultants; Field Superintendent, Turner Construction Co, LA. Number of Publications: Four
Water Damage
Cook Construction Company
Stephen M. Cook
7210 Jordan Ave
Canoga Park, CA 91303
Tel: (818) 438-4535
Email: scook16121@gmail.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: CA Gen Contractors Lic 431852; 30+ years construction experience; Graduate study in Construction, L.A. Business College.
Lawsuit Preparation/Residential Construction, Single & Multi family, Hillside Construction, Vibration Trespass, Foundations, Concrete Floors, Tile, Stone, Retaining Walls, Waterproofing, Roofing, Sheet Metal, Water Damages, Carpentry/ Rough Framing, Stair Defects, Material/ Costs, Scaffolding, Building Codes, Contracts, Safety, Cal-OSHA Compliance, Safety Standards, Safety Instructions, Safety Labels & Warning Signs, Safe Use of Tools and Machinery.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Construction defect cases for insurance companies & attorneys, 1992-present.
David A. Stern, PE
President Westec Construction, Inc.
13700 Marina Point Dr, #1509 Marina Del Rey, CA 90292
Cell: (310) 560-8217
Email: davidstern9@gmail.com
Website: www.constructologist.com

BS Civil Eng; Professional Engineer (Reg Civil Engineer, CA); General Contractor (CA)
39 years of commercial development & construction expertise, 30 years as owner of general contracting company. Full litigation support, including: defects, estimating, CPM scheduling, claims, analysis, code violations, construction quality & delay evaluation, PI & construction accidents.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: 20 Trial testimony, 150 depositions, ten arbitrations & settlement conferences, representing both plaintiffs & defendants. Teaching: UCLA Extension & Cal State.
Birthdate: April 12, 1955 Birthplace: Philadelphia, PA.
Education: BS Civil Engineering, Princeton Univ 1976 (Cum Laude).
Previous Positions/Appointments: Project Manager, Stegeman & Kastner, Inc, Project Management Consultants; Field Superintendent, Turner Construction Co, LA.
Number of Publications: Four
Water Intrusion Analysis
L. Fredrick (Fred) Nolta Contractor/Engineer
Nolta Consulting 6115 Syracuse Lane San Diego, CA 92122
Tel: (858) 232-9299

Website: www.NoltaConsulting.com
CA Lic Contractor: “A” Eng. “B” Bldg & ”C-8” Concrete; BS, Construction Eng. College of Eng., Ariz State Univ.
40+ years experience. Forensic analysis, opinion, testimony and claims regarding standard of care, defect, delay, cost, personal injury, etc. Product type experience in office, retail, restaurant, residential, multifamily, highrise, hospital, medical office, Indian gaming, hotel, education, stadium, theater, parking, power/co-generation, waste treatment & site development. High-rise, tilt-up, precast, post tension slab & foundation concrete.
John D. Shepherd, RRC, RRO
Shepherd Consulting Services
P.O. Box 10010
Torrance, CA 90505
Tel: (310) 378-0791
Fax: (888) 870-1663
Email: jds@shepherdconsulting.com
Website: www.shepherdconsulting.com
RCI Registered Roof Consultant (#212) & Registered Roof Observer (#019), Licensed Roofing Contractor (CA C39: 557494 & AZ K42: 269167), HAAG Certified Commercial/ Residential Roof Inspector (#200911150), Certified Building Science Thermographer (ITC #32564).
Building Enclosure (roofing, waterproofing, fenestration & exterior wall cladding). Consulting & Expert Services for litigation (construction defects, standard of care, building code analysis, personal injury & water damages) & property damage insurance claims (wind, fire, earthquake & hail). Support services incl: visual inspections, intrusive & water testing, leak investigations, documentation, report development, document review, research. Expert witness testimony & cost estimating.
Lisa Boesky, PhD
Jail Suicide Expert
3952 Clairemont Mesa Blvd, #205
San Diego, CA 92117
Tel: (619) 993-2570
Email: drlisa@ suicidepreventionexpert.com
Website: JailSuicideExpert.com

Licensed Clinical Psychologist (25+ years); PhD-Clinical Psychology (1995)
Jail Suicide Deaths & Jail Suicide Prevention, National expert on Suicide within correctional facilities Jails, prisons, juvenile detention.
Jail suicide death cases, Federal Civil Cases/ Section 1983 Claims, State Negligence Claims, 25+ years of Experience evaluating suicide prevention (and mental health) polices & practices in correctional Facilities. Frequent presenter at state & national conferences (American Jail Association, National Sheriffs, Correctional Health Care). Over two decades training professionals on correctional suicide/ mental health. Experienced expert witness and forensic consultant, specializing in suicide deaths in jail settings. Qualified in both state and federal court; primarily Section 1983 civil litigation.
Douglas Minor
Founder and President
Easy Credit Relief Inc.
2625 Townsgate Rd, #330 Westlake Village, CA 91361
Tel: (805) 267-1118
Tel: (818) 261-0170
Fax: (805) 267-1101
Email: doug@dougminor.com
Website: www.creditdamagesexpert.com
MBA Saint Mary’s College of California; Real Estate Salesperson License - 1985 to November 2011.
Credit Damage Measurement | Credit Reporting & Scores | Mortgage Lending including Quantitative Analysis, and Credit Score Simulations, FCRA, Consumer Dispute Process. Metro 2
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Consulted and prepared reports on over 130 cases. Qualified in both Federal and State courts in the area of FCRA, credit score & reporting, and credit/mortgage damages.
About Expert and Qualifications: This highly qualified expert has over 30 years of experience in the mortgage lending, consumer credit industry, specializing in consumer credit reporting, credit scoring, FCRA, credit damages, Metro-2, and ACDV and AUD forms. He obtained his executive MBA from Saint Mary’s College of California. Expert has also been certified by the Consumer Data Industry Association as well as being a FICO Pro certified credit professional. He has been interviewed by many outlets for credit and mortgage related issues and supplied content for Foxbusiness. com, CBS channel 2 news, Yahoo Finance and many more.
Jay S. Grossman, DDS
11980 San Vincent, Ste 507 Los Angeles, CA 90049
Tel: (310) 820-0123
Fax: (310) 207-3784
Email: jgrossmandds@gmail.com
Website: www.expertwitness.dental

Dental Malpractice & Dental Injury Expert
As of Dec 2023: I have been deposed over 150 times; reviewed over 1,000 cases for both defense and plaintiff including peer review, accidents, and malpractice. 52% defense / 48% plaintiff. I have qualified in Superior Court over 75 times and have never been disqualified on the stand or prior to trial. At least 95% of my time is spent in patient care. I can be counted on to be ethical, competent, prepared, and analytical as well as articulate and persuasive at depositions and court appearances. As of Nov 2023, there are over 295 published articles, write ups and lectures in print, radio, and TV. (http://www. expertwitness.dental/) - click on Expert Testimony - Media Coverage / Write-ups)
I hold two current professorships: UCLA School of Dentistry (Volunteer) & NYU College of Dentistry. Licensed in 42 states to opine on the standard of care, with specific licenses in California, Nevada, New Mexico, and the Northeast as well as a Florida Expert Certification. Graduated NYU 1988; GPR Residency NYU 1989, Lieutenant, United States Navy 1989- 1991; private practice Brentwood, CA since 1991 – serving over 15,000 patients on a fee-for-service basis.
Founder of the non-profit “Homeless Not Toothless” (www.homelessnottoothless.org), which has made it possible for over 124,000 homeless Veterans, women of domestic abuse and foster children to receive over $10 million in pro-bono dental care.
Member: American Academy of Cosmetic Orthodontics: 2013-present, American Dental Association (ADA) since 1991 and Peer Review Committee ADA 1995-2009, American Legion 2018 - present, Medical Disciplinary Committee Delta Dental 2000-present, Veteran Administration QME examiner 2019-present.
Jay S. Grossman, DDS
11980 San Vincent, Ste 507
Los Angeles, CA 90049
Tel: (310) 820-0123
Fax: (310) 207-3784
Email: jgrossmandds@gmail.com
Website: www.expertwitness.dental

Dental Malpractice & Dental Injury Expert
As of Dec 2023: I have been deposed over 150 times; reviewed over 1,000 cases for both defense and plaintiff including peer review, accidents, and malpractice. 52% defense / 48% plaintiff. I have qualified in Superior Court over 75 times and have never been disqualified on the stand or prior to trial. At least 95% of my time is spent in patient care. I can be counted on to be ethical, competent, prepared, and analytical as well as articulate and persuasive at depositions and court appearances. As of Nov 2023, there are over 295 published articles, write ups and lectures in print, radio, and TV. (http://www. expertwitness.dental/) - click on Expert Testimony - Media Coverage / Write-ups)
I hold two current professorships: UCLA School of Dentistry (Volunteer) & NYU College of Dentistry. Licensed in 42 states to opine on the standard of care, with specific licenses in California, Nevada, New Mexico, and the Northeast as well as a Florida Expert Certification. Graduated NYU 1988; GPR Residency NYU 1989, Lieutenant, United States Navy 1989- 1991; private practice Brentwood, CA since 1991 – serving over 15,000 patients on a fee-for-service basis.
Founder of the non-profit “Homeless Not Toothless” (www.homelessnottoothless.org), which has made it possible for over 124,000 homeless Veterans, women of domestic abuse and foster children to receive over $10 million in pro-bono dental care.
Member: American Academy of Cosmetic Orthodontics: 2013-present, American Dental Association (ADA) since 1991 and Peer Review Committee ADA 1995-2009, American Legion 2018 - present, Medical Disciplinary Committee Delta Dental 2000-present, Veteran Administration QME examiner 2019-present.
General Forensic
James Christopoulos
Christopoulos Economics
Consulting Group
555 Anton Blvd, Ste 150 Costa Mesa, CA 92626
Tel: (714) 442-8561
Fax: (714) 586-5940
Email: jim@econconsulting.com

Website: www.econconsulting.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: MA, Economics; JD
Damages, present value loss, lost income/ profits, lost earnings/wages, pension loss, present value medical care costs, lost earning capacity. Personal Injury, Wrongful Death, Medical Malpractice, Wrongful Termination, Business Losses, etc.
Delores A. Conway, PhD
Professor Emeritus USC
Marshall School of Business.
Previously on Faculty at U of Rochester Simon Business School and University of Chicago Booth School of Business
Los Angeles, CA 90089
Tel: (310) 613-9773
Email: ddconway@gmail.com

BS, Math, Stat, U Wisconsin; MS/PhD Statistics, Stanford Univ; Assoc Dean, Simon Bus School, U of Rochester; Director, Real Estate Forecast, USC
Statistics, real estate analysis, econometrics, data analysis & sample surveys. Financial models, employment discrimination, forecasting, assessment of environmental pollution, analysis of medical data, economic analysis, insurance
Over 30 years experience as a testifying expert with law firms in LA, NY, DC, San Diego and Chicago.

Corporate Sciences, Inc.
Contact: Dr. Joseph D’Antoni
3215 E. Foothill Blvd. Pasadena, CA 91107
Tel: (626) 440-7200
Fax: (626) 440-1800
Email: jsdantoni@hotmail.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: Master and Doctoral Degree in Business Economics and former faculty member at three major universities with associates holding PhD’s, CPA’s & MBA’s
Highest level of financial expertise applied with over 40 years of testifying experience throughout the United Stated and Europe resulting in exceptional levels of damage recovery and reduction of financial exposure in the areas of contract disputes, real property and business valuation issues, construction claims, loss profits, intellectual property, environmental, employment and insurance claims and defense.
Deborah Dickson, CPA, CFE, CFF, MAFF
Smith Dickson, CPAs, LLP
18100 Von Karman Ave, Ste. 420 Irvine, CA 92612
Tel: (949) 553-1020
Fax: (949) 553-0249

Email: debbie.dickson@smithdickson.com Website: www.smithdickson.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: CPA; CFE; CFF; MAFF
CPA 30+ years, testifying 20+ years, forensic accounting and litigation support. Forensic expert witness in U.S. District Courts and State Civil and Probate Courts. The professionals at Smith Dickson clearly, independently, and accurately analyze financial information, calculate damages, evaluate claims, prepare expert reports and render expert testimony. Thousands of hours of forensic accounting, deposition and trial experience. Damage calculations; lost profits; forensic accounting; expert testimony; intellectual property; fraud & embezzlement; real estate; trust & estate beneficiary disputes, tax controversy; employment issues; business dissolution.
Insight Economics, LLC
DeForest McDuff, Ph.D.
Tiffany Cereghino
4275 Executive Square, Suite 200 La Jolla, CA 92037
Tel: (858) 365-0300
Email: contact@insighteconomics.com
Website: www.insighteconomics.com
DAMAGES: lost profits, reasonable royalty, economic harm, loss of value, unjust enrichment, SEP/FRAND, business impact, loss of value. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY: patents, trademarks, trade secrets, copyrights. UNFAIR COMPETITION: economic harm, unjust enrichment, false advertising. ANTITRUST: market definition, restraints on competition, competitive impact, antitrust liability.
ECONOMIC ANALYSIS: irreparable harm, balance of hardships, class certification. OTHER AREAS: valuation, financial analysis, labor, employment, and more. Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Insight's team of experts has decades of collective experience providing economic and financial analysis in consulting, licensing, and research and offers expert witness testimony and consulting in several areas, including damages, intellectual property, unfair competition, antitrust, business disputes and competition, labor economics, discrimination, employment, personal injury, harassment, legal, and business, growth, and strategy.
Insight Economics, LLC:
Insight Economics is a leading economic expert witness firm. Founded in 2017, Insight Economics provides nationally recognized economic consulting dedicated to the highest quality analysis, reports, and testimony for courts and companies worldwide. Insight's team includes decades of collective experience providing economic and financial analysis in consulting, licensing, and expert witness testimony.
General Forensic (cont.)

Phillips, Fractor & Co, LLC
Contact: G. Michael Phillips, PhD 3452 E. Foothill Blvd, Ste 220 Pasadena, CA 91107
Tel: (626) 744-3540
Email: contactpfc@rule26.com
Website: www.phillipsfractor.com
PhDs, MBAs, CPAs, CFE, CFA, ABV, CVA, MAFF, CIMA, MS, EdD specializing in Economics, Finance, Statistics, Accounting, Business Valuation, Surveys, Data Science, Physics, Marketing, Political Science, Policy Analysis, & related subjects.
ECONOMICS, FINANCE, STATISTICS, VALUATION, FORENSIC ACCOUNTING, and DATA ANALYSIS consulting and testimony. Since 1982, our team has offered creative, effective, scientifically appropriate, discrete, ethical research and testimony tailored to our clients’ unique needs. As a boutique firm with international capability and experience, we look at each problem with a fresh perspective
Typical cases include ECONOMIC ANALYSIS (e.g., general forensics, lost earnings, antitrust, damages, compensation, personal injury, toxic torts, wrongful death, wrongful termination, class action), FORENSIC ACCOUNTING (e.g., investigation of alleged executive malfeasance, investigation of alleged misappropriation of trust funds, financial impact of breach of contract, financial impact of misappropriation of trade secrets, business valuation, corporate issues, corporate governance, alter ego, fraud analysis, marital dissolution, professional practices), FINANCE (e.g., modeling, investment analysis, “what if” analysis, portfolio valuation, options and stock valuation, fraudulent conveyance), STATISTICS (e.g., sampling, extrapolation, econometrics, forecasting, simulation, Monte Carlo, discrimination, failure rates), QUESTIONNAIRES & SURVEYS (e.g., consumer perceptions, Lanham Act, public opinion, class action), INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY (e.g., FMV analysis, entertainment/motion pictures/music/TV, sports, royalties, patent infringement, conjoint and hedonic analysis, surveys), REAL ESTATE (e.g., mass appraisal, residential rent, wrongful eviction, environmental issues, rightsof-way, licensing), TECHNOLOGY (e.g., AI, Internet, start-ups, e-commerce, valuation), and “ONE OF A KIND” cases.
Phillips, Fractor & Co, LLC
Contact: G. Michael Phillips, PhD 3452 E. Foothill Blvd, Ste 220 Pasadena, CA 91107
Tel: (626) 744-3540
Email: contactpfc@rule26.com
Website: www.phillipsfractor.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: PhDs, MBAs, CPAs, CFE, CFA, ABV, CVA, MAFF, CIMA, MS, EdD specializing in Economics, Finance, Statistics, Accounting, Business Valuation, Surveys, Data Science, Physics, Marketing, Political Science, Policy Analysis, & related subjects.
ECONOMICS, FINANCE, STATISTICS, VALUATION, FORENSIC ACCOUNTING, and DATA ANALYSIS consulting and testimony. Since 1982, our team has offered creative, effective, scientifically appropriate, discrete, ethical research and testimony tailored to our clients’ unique needs. As a boutique firm with international capability and experience, we look at each problem with a fresh perspective Typical cases include ECONOMIC ANALYSIS (e.g., general forensics, lost earnings, antitrust, damages, compensation, personal injury, toxic torts, wrongful death, wrongful termination, class action), FORENSIC ACCOUNTING (e.g., investigation of alleged executive malfeasance, investigation of alleged misappropriation of trust funds, financial impact of breach of contract, financial impact of misappropriation of trade secrets, business valuation, corporate issues, corporate governance, alter ego, fraud analysis, marital dissolution, professional practices), FINANCE (e.g., modeling, investment analysis, “what if” analysis, portfolio valuation, options and stock valuation, fraudulent conveyance), STATISTICS (e.g., sampling, extrapolation, econometrics, forecasting, simulation, Monte Carlo, discrimination, failure rates), QUESTIONNAIRES & SURVEYS (e.g., consumer perceptions, Lanham Act, public opinion, class action), INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY (e.g., FMV analysis, entertainment/motion pictures/music/TV, sports, royalties, patent infringement, conjoint and hedonic analysis, surveys), REAL ESTATE (e.g., mass appraisal, residential rent, wrongful eviction, environmental issues, rights-of-way, licensing), TECHNOLOGY (e.g., AI, Internet, start-ups, e-commerce, valuation), and “ONE OF A KIND” cases.
Business Interruption
Fessel International Hospitality Consultants
Jeff McNeal
19 Suffolk Ave, Ste A Sierra Madre, CA 91024
Tel: (626) 566-3500
Tel: (818) 563-3552
Cell: (626) 993-8199
Email: jeff@fessel.com
Website: www.fessel.com
Additional Contact Phone: Tel: (877) 432-8380
Restaurant Management. Professional Member: Foodservice Consultants Society International, Certified Food-service Management Professional, National Restaurant Association, California Restaurant Association & California Hotel/Motel Association
Foodservice operations expert in: Restaurants, Bars/Lounges, Cafeterias, Casinos, Catering, Clubs, Colleges, Food Courts, Hotels/Resorts & Studios. Experience in industry custom & trade practices, operation standards, profit enhancement, cost control management, Business Interruption, P&L analysis, expert witness support/testimony, contract/lease negotiations, food safety & sanitation & most foodservice issues & operations, Parking issues and site selection. Experience includes: Amgen, Paul Hastings Janofsky & Walker, LA City Attorney & DWP, Morrison & Foerster & Embassy Suites. Published author in industry publications; seminar presenter: Who’s Who in California, Who’s Who in the West. Past president of California Restaurant Association. 35 yrs experience as an operator, consultant & expert witness.
Armanino LLP
Patrick Chylinski
777 South Figueroa Street Ste. 2600 Los Angeles, CA 90017
Tel: (213) 334-7291
Email: Patrick.Chylinski@armanino.com
Website: www.armanino.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: Armanino's Forensic Accounting, Fraud Investigation, and Litigation Consulting practice consists of professionals across multiple Firm offices, with degrees, licenses, and certifications that include CPA, CVA (Certified Valuation Analyst), MAFF (Master Analyst in Financial Forensics), CFE (Certified Fraud Examiner), CFA (Chartered Financial Analyst), and MBA (Master in Business Administration), among others.
Our team of professionals has extensive experience assisting counsel and clients in complex dispute and litigation matters, forensic accounting engagements, and fraud investigations, in a wide range of industries. Team members have experience testifying as financial and damages experts in Federal court matters, State court matters, as well as arbitration hearings. Types of engagements and experience includes, but is not limited to, the quantification of economic losses, lost profits analysis, partnership disputes, fee disputes, valuation related disputes, labor and employment matters, trust and estate related disputes, fraud related matters, postacquisition disputes, and insurance related disputes, among others.
James Christopoulos
Christopoulos Economics Consulting Group 555 Anton Blvd, Ste 150 Costa Mesa, CA 92626
Tel: (714) 442-8561
Fax: (714) 586-5940

Website: www.econconsulting.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: MA, Economics; JD
Damages, present value loss, lost income/ profits, lost earnings/wages, pension loss, present value medical care costs, lost earning capacity. Personal Injury, Wrongful Death, Medical Malpractice, Wrongful Termination, Business Losses, etc.
Deborah Dickson, CPA, CFE, CFF, MAFF
Smith Dickson, CPAs, LLP
18100 Von Karman Ave, Ste 420 Irvine, CA 92612
Tel: (949) 553-1020
Fax: (949) 553-0249

Email: debbie.dickson@smithdickson.com
Website: www.smithdickson.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: CPA; CFE; CFF; MAFF
CPA 30+ years, testifying 20+ years, forensic accounting and litigation support. Forensic expert witness in U.S. District Courts and State Civil and Probate Courts. The professionals at Smith Dickson clearly, independently, and accurately analyze financial information, calculate damages, evaluate claims, prepare expert reports and render expert testimony. Thousands of hours of forensic accounting, deposition and trial experience. Damage calculations; lost profits; forensic accounting; expert testimony; intellectual property; fraud & embezzlement; real estate; trust & estate beneficiary disputes, tax controversy; employment issues; business dissolution.

Phillips, Fractor & Co, LLC
Contact: G. Michael Phillips, PhD
3452 E. Foothill Blvd, Ste 220 Pasadena, CA 91107
Tel: (626) 744-3540
Email: contactpfc@rule26.com
Website: www.phillipsfractor.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: PhDs, MBAs, CPAs, CFE, CFA, ABV, CVA, MAFF, CIMA, MS, EdD specializing in Economics, Finance, Statistics, Accounting, Business Valuation, Surveys, Data Science, Physics, Marketing, Political Science, Policy Analysis, & related subjects.
Specialties: ECONOMICS, FINANCE, STATISTICS, VALUATION, FORENSIC ACCOUNTING, and DATA ANALYSIS consulting and testimony. Since 1982, our team has offered creative, effective, scientifically appropriate, discrete, ethical research and testimony tailored to our clients’ unique needs. As a boutique firm with international capability and experience, we look at each problem with a fresh perspective
Typical cases include ECONOMIC ANALYSIS (e.g., general forensics, lost earnings, antitrust, damages, compensation, personal injury, toxic torts, wrongful death, wrongful termination, class action), FORENSIC ACCOUNTING (e.g., investigation of alleged executive malfeasance, investigation of alleged misappropriation of trust funds, financial impact of breach of contract, financial impact of misappropriation of trade secrets, business valuation, corporate issues, corporate governance, alter ego, fraud analysis, marital dissolution, professional practices), FINANCE (e.g., modeling, investment analysis, “what if” analysis, portfolio valuation, options and stock valuation, fraudulent conveyance), STATISTICS (e.g., sampling, extrapolation, econometrics, forecasting, simulation, Monte Carlo, discrimination, failure rates), QUESTIONNAIRES & SURVEYS (e.g., consumer perceptions, Lanham Act, public opinion, class action), INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY (e.g., FMV analysis, entertainment/motion pictures/music/TV, sports, royalties, patent infringement, conjoint and hedonic analysis, surveys), REAL ESTATE (e.g., mass appraisal, residential rent, wrongful eviction, environmental issues, rightsof-way, licensing), TECHNOLOGY (e.g., AI, Internet, start-ups, e-commerce, valuation), and “ONE OF A KIND” cases.
Damages (cont.)
Thomas Roney LLC
Economic Damages
P.O. Box 2152, Coppell, TX 75019
Tel: (214) 665-9458
Email: troney@thomasroneyllc.com
Website: thomasroneyllc.com
Offices in Dallas, Fort Worth, Houston, Atlanta, Salt Lake City, and Sacramento
Economic consulting firm specializing in economic damages in employment matters, personal injury, wrongful death, commercial damages, intellectual property and patent infringement, unfair competition, and business valuations. Our team includes economists and finance, forensic accounting and life expectancy experts. State and federal cases in 25+ states, including California.
See display ad below

Joseph J. Egan, Executive Vice President
Tel: (847) 858-5400
Email: jegan@vertexeng.com
Website: http://www.vertexreng.com
Adam Rhoten, Director
Email: arhoten@vertexeng.com
Website2: http://www.vertexreng.com
Certified Public Accountants, Certified Fraud Examiners, Certified Management Accountants, MBAs, Professional Engineers, among others.
Business Interruption/Lost Profits. Breach of Contract. Construction Disputes. Class Action Disputes. Forensic Accounting/Fraud Investigations. Fraudulent Conveyance Funds Tracing. Government Contract Disputes. Insurance Claims. Intellectual Property Disputes. Labor and Employment Disputes. Post-transaction Disputes.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience:
Vertex is a national litigation consulting firm with decades of experience assisting our clients in resolving complex commercial, financial, and accounting issues on matters both small and large, national, and international. Our team has testified before state and federal courts, international and domestic arbitration panels, and regulatory boards, and presented in other forums, such as mediation. We have experience assisting clients resolve disputes involving economic damages ranging from a few hundred thousand dollars to over five billion dollars.
Economic Damages Expert Witness: Vertex professionals are experienced with the accounting, economic, financial, and damages issues that arise in commercial litigation. Vertex provides economic damages consulting and expert witness testimony services on commercial damages disputes to clients throughout the United States and internationally. Our experience makes Vertex well-suited to handle complex commercial litigation in numerous specialized areas covering a wide variety of industries. Our team has issued and rebutted expert reports and provided expert witness testimony on myriad commercial disputes.
Executive Compensation
Phillips, Fractor & Co, LLC
Contact: G. Michael Phillips, PhD
3452 E. Foothill Blvd, Ste 220 Pasadena, CA 91107
Tel: (626) 744-3540
Email: contactpfc@rule26.com
Website: www.phillipsfractor.com
PhDs, MBAs, CPAs, CFE, CFA, ABV, CVA, MAFF, CIMA, MS, EdD specializing in Economics, Finance, Statistics, Accounting, Business Valuation, Surveys, Data Science, Physics, Marketing, Political Science, Policy Analysis, & related subjects.
ECONOMICS, FINANCE, STATISTICS, VALUATION, FORENSIC ACCOUNTING, and DATA ANALYSIS consulting and testimony. Since 1982, our team has offered creative, effective, scientifically appropriate, discrete, ethical research and testimony tailored to our clients’ unique needs. As a boutique firm with international capability and experience, we look at each problem with a fresh perspective
Typical cases include ECONOMIC ANALYSIS (e.g., general forensics, lost earnings, antitrust, damages, compensation, personal injury, toxic torts, wrongful death, wrongful termination, class action), FORENSIC ACCOUNTING (e.g., investigation of alleged executive malfeasance, investigation of alleged misappropriation of trust funds, financial impact of breach of contract, financial impact of misappropriation of trade secrets, business valuation, corporate issues, corporate governance, alter ego, fraud analysis, marital dissolution, professional practices), FINANCE (e.g., modeling, investment analysis, “what if” analysis, portfolio valuation, options and stock valuation, fraudulent conveyance), STATISTICS (e.g., sampling, extrapolation, econometrics, forecasting, simulation, Monte Carlo, discrimination, failure rates), QUESTIONNAIRES & SURVEYS (e.g., consumer perceptions, Lanham Act, public opinion, class action), INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY (e.g., FMV analysis, entertainment/motion pictures/music/TV, sports, royalties, patent infringement, conjoint and hedonic analysis, surveys), REAL ESTATE (e.g., mass appraisal, residential rent, wrongful eviction, environmental issues, rights-of-way, licensing), TECHNOLOGY (e.g., AI, Internet, start-ups, e-commerce, valuation), and “ONE OF A KIND” cases.
Fraud Investigation
Armanino LLP
Patrick Chylinski
777 South Figueroa Street Ste. 2600 Los Angeles, CA 90017
Tel: (213) 334-7291
Email: Patrick.Chylinski@armanino.com
Website: www.armanino.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: Armanino's Forensic Accounting, Fraud Investigation, and Litigation Consulting practice consists of professionals across multiple Firm offices, with degrees, licenses, and certifications that include CPA, CVA (Certified Valuation Analyst), MAFF (Master Analyst in Financial Forensics), CFE (Certified Fraud Examiner), CFA (Chartered Financial Analyst), and MBA (Master in Business Administration), among others.
Our team of professionals has extensive experience assisting counsel and clients in complex dispute and litigation matters, forensic accounting engagements, and fraud investigations, in a wide range of industries. Team members have experience testifying as financial and damages experts in Federal court matters, State court matters, as well as arbitration hearings. Types of engagements and experience includes, but is not limited to, the quantification of economic losses, lost profits analysis, partnership disputes, fee disputes, valuation related disputes, labor and employment matters, trust and estate related disputes, fraud related matters, postacquisition disputes, and insurance related disputes, among others.
Deborah Dickson, CPA, CFE, CFF, MAFF
Smith Dickson, CPAs, LLP
18100 Von Karman Ave, Ste 420 Irvine, CA 92612
Tel: (949) 553-1020
Fax: (949) 553-0249

Email: debbie.dickson@smithdickson.com Website: www.smithdickson.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: CPA; CFE; CFF; MAFF
CPA 30+ years, testifying 20+ years, forensic accounting and litigation support. Forensic expert witness in U.S. District Courts and State Civil and Probate Courts. The professionals at Smith Dickson clearly, independently, and accurately analyze financial information, calculate damages, evaluate claims, prepare expert reports and render expert testimony. Thousands of hours of forensic accounting, deposition and trial experience. Damage calculations; lost profits; forensic accounting; expert testimony; intellectual property; fraud & embezzlement; real estate; trust & estate beneficiary disputes, tax controversy; employment issues; business dissolution.

The McHard Firm
Janet M. McHard, CPA, CFE, MAFF, CFF
Tel: (619) 764-6144 (San Diego)
Tel: (505) 554-2968 (Albuquerque)
Website: https://themchardfirm.com
Offices in San Diego & Albuquerque
Practicing Nationwide
CPA (McHard in California, Arizona, and New Mexico), Private Investigators in California (Lic# 28441), Arizona, and New Mexico, as well as other designations as shown.
Financial documents will tell a story in our expert hands. We are professional, ethical, and experienced in forensic accounting and financial investigations. We maintain the highest degree of confidentiality applicable to each case – including confidentiality of client identity and information when appropriate. We provide investigation and forensic accounting expertise in the areas of accounting reconstruction, investigating allegations of fraud and financial discrepancies, partnership dissolutions and other business disputes. We also perform asset tracing in probate, business dissolution, and in satisfaction of judgments. We perform workplace investigations including preparing proof of loss for insurance claims due to employee theft and including referral for prosecution. We work in both civil and criminal matters. We also strive to keep our practice balanced between victim-sided and defense-sided cases as a demonstration of our neutrality. We have testified in both state and federal courts nationwide.
Hotel / Restaurant Industry
Fessel International Hospitality Consultants
Jeff McNeal
19 Suffolk Ave, Ste A Sierra Madre, CA 91024
Tel: (626) 566-3500
Tel: (818) 563-3552
Cell: (626) 993-8199
Email: jeff@fessel.com Website: www.fessel.com
Additional Contact Phone: Tel: (877) 432-8380
Restaurant Management. Professional Member: Foodservice Consultants Society International, Certified Food-service Management Professional, National Restaurant Association, California Restaurant Association & California Hotel/Motel Association
Foodservice operations expert in: Restaurants, Bars/Lounges, Cafeterias, Casinos, Catering, Clubs, Colleges, Food Courts, Hotels/Resorts & Studios. Experience in industry custom & trade practices, operation standards, profit enhancement, cost control management, Business Interruption, P&L analysis, expert witness support/testimony, contract/lease negotiations, food safety & sanitation & most foodservice issues & operations, Parking issues and site selection. Experience includes: Amgen, Paul Hastings Janofsky & Walker, LA City Attorney & DWP, Morrison & Foerster & Embassy Suites. Published author in industry publications; seminar presenter: Who’s Who in California, Who’s Who in the West. Past president of California Restaurant Association. 35 yrs experience as an operator, consultant & expert witness.

Phillips, Fractor & Co, LLC
Contact: G. Michael Phillips, PhD 3452 E. Foothill Blvd, Ste 220 Pasadena, CA 91107
Tel: (626) 744-3540
Email: contactpfc@rule26.com
Website: www.phillipsfractor.com
PhDs, MBAs, CPAs, CFE, CFA, ABV, CVA, MAFF, CIMA, MS, EdD specializing in Economics, Finance, Statistics, Accounting, Business Valuation, Surveys, Data Science, Physics, Marketing, Political Science, Policy Analysis, & related subjects.
ECONOMICS, FINANCE, STATISTICS, VALUATION, FORENSIC ACCOUNTING, and DATA ANALYSIS consulting and testimony. Since 1982, our team has offered creative, effective, scientifically appropriate, discrete, ethical research and testimony tailored to our clients’ unique needs. As a boutique firm with international capability and experience, we look at each problem with a fresh perspective Typical cases include ECONOMIC ANALYSIS (e.g., general forensics, lost earnings, antitrust, damages, compensation, personal injury, toxic torts, wrongful death, wrongful termination, class action), FORENSIC ACCOUNTING (e.g., investigation of alleged executive malfeasance, investigation of alleged misappropriation of trust funds, financial impact of breach of contract, financial impact of misappropriation of trade secrets, business valuation, corporate issues, corporate governance, alter ego, fraud analysis, marital dissolution, professional practices), FINANCE (e.g., modeling, investment analysis, “what if” analysis, portfolio valuation, options and stock valuation, fraudulent conveyance), STATISTICS (e.g., sampling, extrapolation, econometrics, forecasting, simulation, Monte Carlo, discrimination, failure rates), QUESTIONNAIRES & SURVEYS (e.g., consumer perceptions, Lanham Act, public opinion, class action), INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY (e.g., FMV analysis, entertainment/motion pictures/music/TV, sports, royalties, patent infringement, conjoint and hedonic analysis, surveys), REAL ESTATE (e.g., mass appraisal, residential rent, wrongful eviction, environmental issues, rights-of-way, licensing), TECHNOLOGY (e.g., AI, Internet, start-ups, e-commerce, valuation), and “ONE OF A KIND” cases.
Personal Injury
James Christopoulos Christopoulos Economics Consulting Group 555 Anton Blvd, Ste 150 Costa Mesa, CA 92626
Tel: (714) 442-8561
Fax: (714) 586-5940

Website: www.econconsulting.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: MA, Economics; JD
Damages, present value loss, lost income/ profits, lost earnings/wages, pension loss, present value medical care costs, lost earning capacity. Personal Injury, Wrongful Death, Medical Malpractice, Wrongful Termination, Business Losses, etc.
Phillips, Fractor & Co, LLC
Contact: G. Michael Phillips, PhD
3452 E. Foothill Blvd, Ste 220 Pasadena, CA 91107
Tel: (626) 744-3540
Email: contactpfc@rule26.com
Website: www.phillipsfractor.com
PhDs, MBAs, CPAs, CFE, CFA, ABV, CVA, MAFF, CIMA, MS, EdD specializing in Economics, Finance, Statistics, Accounting, Business Valuation, Surveys, Data Science, Physics, Marketing, Political Science, Policy Analysis, & related subjects.
ECONOMICS, FINANCE, STATISTICS, VALUATION, FORENSIC ACCOUNTING, and DATA ANALYSIS consulting and testimony. Since 1982, our team has offered creative, effective, scientifically appropriate, discrete, ethical research and testimony tailored to our clients’ unique needs. As a boutique firm with international capability and experience, we look at each problem with a fresh perspective
Typical cases include ECONOMIC ANALYSIS (e.g., general forensics, lost earnings, antitrust, damages, compensation, personal injury, toxic torts, wrongful death, wrongful termination, class action), FORENSIC ACCOUNTING (e.g., investigation of alleged executive malfeasance, investigation of alleged misappropriation of trust funds, financial impact of breach of contract, financial impact of misappropriation of trade secrets, business valuation, corporate issues, corporate governance, alter ego, fraud analysis, marital dissolution, professional practices), FINANCE (e.g., modeling, investment analysis, “what if” analysis, portfolio valuation, options and stock valuation, fraudulent conveyance), STATISTICS (e.g., sampling, extrapolation, econometrics, forecasting, simulation, Monte Carlo, discrimination, failure rates), QUESTIONNAIRES & SURVEYS (e.g., consumer perceptions, Lanham Act, public opinion, class action), INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY (e.g., FMV analysis, entertainment/motion pictures/music/TV, sports, royalties, patent infringement, conjoint and hedonic analysis, surveys), REAL ESTATE (e.g., mass appraisal, residential rent, wrongful eviction, environmental issues, rights-of-way, licensing), TECHNOLOGY (e.g., AI, Internet, start-ups, e-commerce, valuation), and “ONE OF A KIND” cases.
Jay M. Finkelman, PhD
HR Management & Industrial Psychology
The Chicago School Sapphire Tower, PH 2902, 1262 Kettner Blvd
San Diego, CA 92101
Tel: (213) 615-7267
Cell: (213) 361-6106

Email: jfinkelman@thechicagoschool.edu
Website: www.thechicagoschool.edu
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: PhD; MBA; MLS; Cert Prof Ergonomist; Lic Psychologist; Diplomate; Fellow; Bd Cert in Forensic Psych & in Organizational & Business Consulting Psychology; Cert Personnel Consultant; Cert Employment Specialist
Extensive experience conducting sexual harassment & employment discrimination (gender, age, race, disability) interviews & reviews. Employment expertise: ADA, wrongful termination, negligent hiring/ retention, workplace investigations, adverse impact, performance appraisal, Statistical analysis, staffing practices, human factors, OSHA, stress claims, “whistle blower retaliation.”
40 yrs exp; over 500 retentions in CA. Testified at trial 69 times; over 129 pubs.
Insight Economics, LLC
DeForest McDuff, Ph.D.
Tiffany Cereghino 4275 Executive Square, Suite 200 La Jolla, CA 92037
Tel: (858) 365-0300
Email: contact@insighteconomics.com
Website: www.insighteconomics.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: PhDs; JD; MBA; CPAs; CLP
DAMAGES: lost profits, reasonable royalty, economic harm, loss of value, unjust enrichment, SEP/FRAND, business impact, loss of value. INTELLECTUAL
PROPERTY: patents, trademarks, trade secrets, copyrights. UNFAIR COMPETITION: economic harm, unjust enrichment, false advertising. ANTITRUST: market definition, restraints on competition, competitive impact, antitrust liability.
ECONOMIC ANALYSIS: irreparable harm, balance of hardships, class certification. OTHER AREAS: valuation, financial analysis, labor, employment, and more.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Insight's team of experts has decades of collective experience providing economic and financial analysis in consulting, licensing, and research and offers expert witness testimony and consulting in several areas, including damages, intellectual property, unfair competition, antitrust, business disputes and competition, labor economics, discrimination, employment, personal injury, harassment, legal, and business, growth, and strategy.
Insight Economics, LLC: Insight Economics is a leading economic expert witness firm. Founded in 2017, Insight Economics provides nationally recognized economic consulting dedicated to the highest quality analysis, reports, and testimony for courts and companies worldwide. Insight's team includes decades of collective experience providing economic and financial analysis in consulting, licensing, and expert witness testimony.
Brian H. Kleiner, PhD, MBA
Professor (Emeritus), Human Resource Mgmt at prestigious CA University
551 Santa Barbara Ave
Fullerton, CA 92835
Tel: (714) 879-9705
Cell: (714) 595-1891
Fax: (714) 879-5600

Email: bkleinerphdmba@gmail.com
PhD Management, UCLA; MBA, UCLA
Evaluation of workplace policies & practices pertaining to discrimination/harassment prevention efforts (interactive process, reasonable accommodation, training), investigations, corrective actions (discipline, termination); hiring; compensation, wage & hours, pensions; supervision; safety, violence, OSHA; CFRA/FMLA; appraisal, promotion, retaliation, RIF’s.
40+ yrs HR experience. 1,000+ cases as an expert. Former human resource manager for Ford Motor Co. Over 100 business & government consulting clients. Trained thousands of managers. Taught three 36-hour courses on KLCS-TV. 500+ pubs. Have given trial/arbitration testimony 80+ times. Favorably featured in “Employment Law Verdicts.” Profiled in Bender’s “California Labor & Employment Bulletin” as a result of successes. Have received many awards, honors & commendations. Rates negotiable.
Americans with Disabilities Act
Jay M. Finkelman, PhD
HR Management & Industrial Psychology
The Chicago School Sapphire Tower, PH 2902, 1262 Kettner Blvd
San Diego, CA 92101
Tel: (213) 615-7267
Cell: (213) 361-6106

Email: jfinkelman@thechicagoschool.edu
Website: www.thechicagoschool.edu
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: PhD; MBA; MLS; Cert Prof Ergonomist; Lic Psychologist; Diplomate; Fellow; Bd Cert in Forensic Psych & in Organizational & Business Consulting Psychology; Cert Personnel Consultant; Cert Employment Specialist
Extensive experience conducting sexual harassment & employment discrimination (gender, age, race, disability) interviews & reviews. Employment expertise: ADA, wrongful termination, negligent hiring/ retention, workplace investigations, adverse impact, performance appraisal, Statistical analysis, staffing practices, human factors, OSHA, stress claims, “whistle blower retaliation.”
40 yrs exp; over 500 retentions in CA. Testified at trial 69 times; over 129 pubs.
Brian H. Kleiner, PhD, MBA
Professor (Emeritus), Human Resource Mgmt at prestigious CA University
551 Santa Barbara Ave
Fullerton, CA 92835
Tel: (714) 879-9705
Cell: (714) 595-1891
Fax: (714) 879-5600
Email: bkleinerphdmba@gmail.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: PhD Management, UCLA; MBA, UCLA
Evaluation of workplace policies & practices pertaining to discrimination/harassment prevention efforts (interactive process, reasonable accommodation, training), investigations, corrective actions (discipline, termination); hiring; compensation, wage & hours, pensions; supervision; safety, violence, OSHA; CFRA/FMLA; appraisal, promotion, retaliation, RIF’s.
40+ yrs HR experience. 1,000+ cases as an expert. Former human resource manager for Ford Motor Co. Over 100 business & government consulting clients. Trained thousands of managers. Taught three 36-hour courses on KLCS-TV. 500+ pubs. Have given trial/arbitration testimony 80+ times. Favorably featured in “Employment Law Verdicts.” Profiled in Bender’s “California Labor & Employment Bulletin” as a result of successes. Have received many awards, honors & commendations. Rates negotiable.
Brian H. Kleiner, PhD, MBA
Professor (Emeritus), Human Resource Mgmt at prestigious CA University
551 Santa Barbara Ave
Fullerton, CA 92835
Tel: (714) 879-9705
Cell: (714) 595-1891
Fax: (714) 879-5600
Email: bkleinerphdmba@gmail.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: PhD Management, UCLA; MBA, UCLA
Evaluation of workplace policies & practices pertaining to discrimination/harassment prevention efforts (interactive process, reasonable accommodation, training), investigations, corrective actions (discipline, termination); hiring; compensation, wage & hours, pensions; supervision; safety, violence, OSHA; CFRA/FMLA; appraisal, promotion, retaliation, RIF’s.
Experience: 40+ yrs HR experience. 1,000+ cases as an expert. Former human resource manager for Ford Motor Co. Over 100 business & government consulting clients. Trained thousands of managers. Taught three 36-hour courses on KLCS-TV. 500+ pubs. Have given trial/arbitration testimony 80+ times. Favorably featured in “Employment Law Verdicts.”
Profiled in Bender’s “California Labor & Employment Bulletin” as a result of successes. Have received many awards, honors & commendations. Rates negotiable.
Compensation (cont.)
Phillips, Fractor & Co, LLC
Contact: G. Michael Phillips, PhD
3452 E. Foothill Blvd, Ste 220 Pasadena, CA 91107
Tel: (626) 744-3540
Email: contactpfc@rule26.com
Website: www.phillipsfractor.com
PhDs, MBAs, CPAs, CFE, CFA, ABV, CVA, MAFF, CIMA, MS, EdD specializing in Economics, Finance, Statistics, Accounting, Business Valuation, Surveys, Data Science, Physics, Marketing, Political Science, Policy Analysis, & related subjects.
ECONOMICS, FINANCE, STATISTICS, VALUATION, FORENSIC ACCOUNTING, and DATA ANALYSIS consulting and testimony. Since 1982, our team has offered creative, effective, scientifically appropriate, discrete, ethical research and testimony tailored to our clients’ unique needs. As a boutique firm with international capability and experience, we look at each problem with a fresh perspective
Typical cases include ECONOMIC ANALYSIS (e.g., general forensics, lost earnings, antitrust, damages, compensation, personal injury, toxic torts, wrongful death, wrongful termination, class action), FORENSIC ACCOUNTING (e.g., investigation of alleged executive malfeasance, investigation of alleged misappropriation of trust funds, financial impact of breach of contract, financial impact of misappropriation of trade secrets, business valuation, corporate issues, corporate governance, alter ego, fraud analysis, marital dissolution, professional practices), FINANCE (e.g., modeling, investment analysis, “what if” analysis, portfolio valuation, options and stock valuation, fraudulent conveyance), STATISTICS (e.g., sampling, extrapolation, econometrics, forecasting, simulation, Monte Carlo, discrimination, failure rates), QUESTIONNAIRES & SURVEYS (e.g., consumer perceptions, Lanham Act, public opinion, class action), INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY (e.g., FMV analysis, entertainment/motion pictures/music/TV, sports, royalties, patent infringement, conjoint and hedonic analysis, surveys), REAL ESTATE (e.g., mass appraisal, residential rent, wrongful eviction, environmental issues, rights-of-way, licensing), TECHNOLOGY (e.g., AI, Internet, start-ups, e-commerce, valuation), and “ONE OF A KIND” cases.
Jay M. Finkelman, PhD
HR Management & Industrial Psychology
The Chicago School Sapphire Tower, PH 2902, 1262 Kettner Blvd
San Diego, CA 92101
Tel: (213) 615-7267
Cell: (213) 361-6106

Email: jfinkelman@thechicagoschool.edu
Website: www.thechicagoschool.edu
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: PhD; MBA; MLS; Cert Prof Ergonomist; Lic Psychologist; Diplomate; Fellow; Bd Cert in Forensic Psych & in Organizational & Business Consulting Psychology; Cert Personnel Consultant; Cert Employment Specialist
Extensive experience conducting sexual harassment & employment discrimination (gender, age, race, disability) interviews & reviews. Employment expertise: ADA, wrongful termination, negligent hiring/ retention, workplace investigations, adverse impact, performance appraisal, Statistical analysis, staffing practices, human factors, OSHA, stress claims, “whistle blower retaliation.”
40 yrs exp; over 500 retentions in CA. Testified at trial 69 times; over 129 pubs.
Brian H. Kleiner, PhD, MBA
Professor (Emeritus), Human Resource Mgmt at prestigious CA University
551 Santa Barbara Ave
Fullerton, CA 92835
Tel: (714) 879-9705
Cell: (714) 595-1891
Fax: (714) 879-5600
Email: bkleinerphdmba@gmail.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: PhD Management, UCLA; MBA, UCLA
Evaluation of workplace policies & practices pertaining to discrimination/harassment prevention efforts (interactive process, reasonable accommodation, training), investigations, corrective actions (discipline, termination); hiring; compensation, wage & hours, pensions; supervision; safety, violence, OSHA; CFRA/FMLA; appraisal, promotion, retaliation, RIF’s.
40+ yrs HR experience. 1,000+ cases as an expert. Former human resource manager for Ford Motor Co. Over 100 business & government consulting clients. Trained thousands of managers. Taught three 36-hour courses on KLCS-TV. 500+ pubs. Have given trial/arbitration testimony 80+ times. Favorably featured in “Employment Law Verdicts.” Profiled in Bender’s “California Labor & Employment Bulletin” as a result of successes. Have received many awards, honors & commendations. Rates negotiable.
Discrimination (cont.)
Phillips, Fractor & Co, LLC
Contact: G. Michael Phillips, PhD
3452 E. Foothill Blvd, Ste 220 Pasadena, CA 91107
Tel: (626) 744-3540
Email: contactpfc@rule26.com
Website: www.phillipsfractor.com
PhDs, MBAs, CPAs, CFE, CFA, ABV, CVA, MAFF, CIMA, MS, EdD specializing in Economics, Finance, Statistics, Accounting, Business Valuation, Surveys, Data Science, Physics, Marketing, Political Science, Policy Analysis, & related subjects.
ECONOMICS, FINANCE, STATISTICS, VALUATION, FORENSIC ACCOUNTING, and DATA ANALYSIS consulting and testimony. Since 1982, our team has offered creative, effective, scientifically appropriate, discrete, ethical research and testimony tailored to our clients’ unique needs. As a boutique firm with international capability and experience, we look at each problem with a fresh perspective. Typical cases include ECONOMIC ANALYSIS (e.g., general forensics, lost earnings, antitrust, damages, compensation, personal injury, toxic torts, wrongful death, wrongful termination, class action), FORENSIC ACCOUNTING (e.g., investigation of alleged executive malfeasance, investigation of alleged misappropriation of trust funds, financial impact of breach of contract, financial impact of misappropriation of trade secrets, business valuation, corporate issues, corporate governance, alter ego, fraud analysis, marital dissolution, professional practices), FINANCE (e.g., modeling, investment analysis, “what if” analysis, portfolio valuation, options and stock valuation, fraudulent conveyance), STATISTICS (e.g., sampling, extrapolation, econometrics, forecasting, simulation, Monte Carlo, discrimination, failure rates), QUESTIONNAIRES & SURVEYS (e.g., consumer perceptions, Lanham Act, public opinion, class action), INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY (e.g., FMV analysis, entertainment/motion pictures/music/TV, sports, royalties, patent infringement, conjoint and hedonic analysis, surveys), REAL ESTATE (e.g., mass appraisal, residential rent, wrongful eviction, environmental issues, rights-of-way, licensing), TECHNOLOGY (e.g., AI, Internet, start-ups, e-commerce, valuation), and “ONE OF A KIND” cases.
Allison West, Esq., SHRM-SCP, AWI-CH
Principal Employment Practices Specialists
446 Old County Road, #100-328 Pacifica, CA 94044
Tel: (650) 922-4611
Cell: (650) 922-4611
Email: awest@employmentpractices.net Website: www.employmentpractices.net
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: BA, JD, SHRM-SCP, AWI-CH
20+ years employment law and HR experience. Providing expert witness and consulting assistance on the adequacy of workplace investigations, employer’s handling of harassment/ discrimination/ retaliation complaints, review of workplace policies and procedures, adequacy of employer’s training on harassment and other management issues, appropriateness of employer’s response to harassment/discrimination/retaliation and other employment claims, performance management, discipline/termination issues, and adequacy of employer’s response regarding disability accommodation, interactive process, and other related issues.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: 15+ years of testifying in court, arbitration, mediation for both plaintiffs and defendants. Top-rated national speaker on employment law and HR related topics. Past board member for Assn of Workplace Investigators. Appeared on CBS Mornings and NPR to discuss workplace harassment issues.
Employability / Wage Earning Capacity (includes Rehabilitation / Vocational Training)
Jay M. Finkelman, PhD
HR Management &
Industrial Psychology
The Chicago School Sapphire Tower, PH 2902, 1262 Kettner Blvd
San Diego, CA 92101
Tel: (213) 615-7267
Cell: (213) 361-6106

Email: jfinkelman@thechicagoschool.edu
Website: www.thechicagoschool.edu
PhD; MBA; MLS; Cert Prof Ergonomist; Lic Psychologist; Diplomate; Fellow; Bd Cert in Forensic Psych & in Organizational & Business Consulting Psychology; Cert Personnel Consultant; Cert Employment Specialist
Extensive experience conducting sexual harassment & employment discrimination (gender, age, race, disability) interviews & reviews. Employment expertise: ADA, wrongful termination, negligent hiring/ retention, workplace investigations, adverse impact, performance appraisal, Statistical analysis, staffing practices, human factors, OSHA, stress claims, “whistle blower retaliation.”
40 yrs exp; over 500 retentions in CA. Testified at trial 69 times; over 129 pubs.
ERISA; Employee Benefits & Pensions
Jay M. Finkelman, PhD
HR Management & Industrial Psychology
The Chicago School Sapphire Tower, PH 2902, 1262 Kettner Blvd
San Diego, CA 92101
Tel: (213) 615-7267
Cell: (213) 361-6106

Email: jfinkelman@thechicagoschool.edu
Website: www.thechicagoschool.edu
PhD; MBA; MLS; Cert Prof Ergonomist; Lic Psychologist; Diplomate; Fellow; Bd Cert in Forensic Psych & in Organizational & Business Consulting Psychology; Cert Personnel Consultant; Cert Employment Specialist
Extensive experience conducting sexual harassment & employment discrimination (gender, age, race, disability) interviews & reviews. Employment expertise: ADA, wrongful termination, negligent hiring/ retention, workplace investigations, adverse impact, performance appraisal, Statistical analysis, staffing practices, human factors, OSHA, stress claims, “whistle blower retaliation.”
40 yrs exp; over 500 retentions in CA. Testified at trial 69 times; over 129 pubs.
Brian H. Kleiner, PhD, MBA
Professor (Emeritus), Human Resource Mgmt at prestigious CA University
551 Santa Barbara Ave
Fullerton, CA 92835
Tel: (714) 879-9705
Cell: (714) 595-1891
Fax: (714) 879-5600
Email: bkleinerphdmba@gmail.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: PhD Management, UCLA; MBA, UCLA
Evaluation of workplace policies & practices pertaining to discrimination/harassment prevention efforts (interactive process, reasonable accommodation, training), investigations, corrective actions (discipline, termination); hiring; compensation, wage & hours, pensions; supervision; safety, violence, OSHA; CFRA/FMLA; appraisal, promotion, retaliation, RIF’s.
40+ yrs HR experience. 1,000+ cases as an expert. Former human resource manager for Ford Motor Co. Over 100 business & government consulting clients. Trained thousands of managers. Taught three 36-hour courses on KLCS-TV. 500+ pubs. Have given trial/arbitration testimony 80+ times. Favorably featured in “Employment Law Verdicts.” Profiled in Bender’s “California Labor & Employment Bulletin” as a result of successes. Have received many awards, honors & commendations. Rates negotiable.
Phillips, Fractor & Co, LLC
Contact: G. Michael Phillips, PhD 3452 E. Foothill Blvd, Ste 220 Pasadena, CA 91107
Tel: (626) 744-3540
Email: contactpfc@rule26.com Website: www.phillipsfractor.com
PhDs, MBAs, CPAs, CFE, CFA, ABV, CVA, MAFF, CIMA, MS, EdD specializing in Economics, Finance, Statistics, Accounting, Business Valuation, Surveys, Data Science, Physics, Marketing, Political Science, Policy Analysis, & related subjects.
ECONOMICS, FINANCE, STATISTICS, VALUATION, FORENSIC ACCOUNTING, and DATA ANALYSIS consulting and testimony. Since 1982, our team has offered creative, effective, scientifically appropriate, discrete, ethical research and testimony tailored to our clients’ unique needs. As a boutique firm with international capability and experience, we look at each problem with a fresh perspective. Typical cases include ECONOMIC ANALYSIS (e.g., general forensics, lost earnings, antitrust, damages, compensation, personal injury, toxic torts, wrongful death, wrongful termination, class action), FORENSIC ACCOUNTING (e.g., investigation of alleged executive malfeasance, investigation of alleged misappropriation of trust funds, financial impact of breach of contract, financial impact of misappropriation of trade secrets, business valuation, corporate issues, corporate governance, alter ego, fraud analysis, marital dissolution, professional practices), FINANCE (e.g., modeling, investment analysis, “what if” analysis, portfolio valuation, options and stock valuation, fraudulent conveyance), STATISTICS (e.g., sampling, extrapolation, econometrics, forecasting, simulation, Monte Carlo, discrimination, failure rates), QUESTIONNAIRES & SURVEYS (e.g., consumer perceptions, Lanham Act, public opinion, class action), INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY (e.g., FMV analysis, entertainment/motion pictures/music/TV, sports, royalties, patent infringement, conjoint and hedonic analysis, surveys), REAL ESTATE (e.g., mass appraisal, residential rent, wrongful eviction, environmental issues, rights-of-way, licensing), TECHNOLOGY (e.g., AI, Internet, start-ups, e-commerce, valuation), and “ONE OF A KIND” cases.
Negligent Hiring
Brian H. Kleiner, PhD, MBA
Professor (Emeritus), Human Resource Mgmt at prestigious CA University
551 Santa Barbara Ave
Fullerton, CA 92835
Tel: (714) 879-9705
Cell: (714) 595-1891
Fax: (714) 879-5600
Email: bkleinerphdmba@gmail.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: PhD Management, UCLA; MBA, UCLA
Evaluation of workplace policies & practices pertaining to discrimination/harassment prevention efforts (interactive process, reasonable accommodation, training), investigations, corrective actions (discipline, termination); hiring; compensation, wage & hours, pensions; supervision; safety, violence, OSHA; CFRA/FMLA; appraisal, promotion, retaliation, RIF’s.
40+ yrs HR experience. 1,000+ cases as an expert. Former human resource manager for Ford Motor Co. Over 100 business & government consulting clients. Trained thousands of managers. Taught three 36-hour courses on KLCS-TV. 500+ pubs. Have given trial/arbitration testimony 80+ times. Favorably featured in “Employment Law Verdicts.” Profiled in Bender’s “California Labor & Employment Bulletin” as a result of successes. Have received many awards, honors & commendations. Rates negotiable.
Brian H. Kleiner, PhD, MBA
Professor (Emeritus), Human Resource Mgmt at prestigious CA University
551 Santa Barbara Ave Fullerton, CA 92835
Tel: (714) 879-9705
Cell: (714) 595-1891
Fax: (714) 879-5600
Email: bkleinerphdmba@gmail.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: PhD Management, UCLA; MBA, UCLA
Evaluation of workplace policies & practices pertaining to discrimination/harassment prevention efforts (interactive process, reasonable accommodation, training), investigations, corrective actions (discipline, termination); hiring; compensation, wage & hours, pensions; supervision; safety, violence, OSHA; CFRA/FMLA; appraisal, promotion, retaliation, RIF’s.
40+ yrs HR experience. 1,000+ cases as an expert. Former human resource manager for Ford Motor Co. Over 100 business & government consulting clients. Trained thousands of managers. Taught three 36-hour courses on KLCS-TV. 500+ pubs. Have given trial/arbitration testimony 80+ times. Favorably featured in “Employment Law Verdicts.” Profiled in Bender’s “California Labor & Employment Bulletin” as a result of successes. Have received many awards, honors & commendations. Rates negotiable.
Sexual Harassment
Jay M. Finkelman, PhD
HR Management & Industrial Psychology
The Chicago School Sapphire Tower, PH 2902, 1262 Kettner Blvd
San Diego, CA 92101
Tel: (213) 615-7267
Cell: (213) 361-6106

Email: jfinkelman@thechicagoschool.edu
Website: www.thechicagoschool.edu
PhD; MBA; MLS; Cert Prof Ergonomist; Lic Psychologist; Diplomate; Fellow; Bd Cert in Forensic Psych & in Organizational & Business Consulting Psychology; Cert Personnel Consultant; Cert Employment Specialist
Extensive experience conducting sexual harassment & employment discrimination (gender, age, race, disability) interviews & reviews. Employment expertise: ADA, wrongful termination, negligent hiring/ retention, workplace investigations, adverse impact, performance appraisal, Statistical analysis, staffing practices, human factors, OSHA, stress claims, “whistle blower retaliation.”
40 yrs exp; over 500 retentions in CA. Testified at trial 69 times; over 129 pubs.
Sexual Harassment (cont.)
Brian H. Kleiner, PhD, MBA
Professor (Emeritus), Human Resource Mgmt at prestigious CA University
551 Santa Barbara Ave
Fullerton, CA 92835
Tel: (714) 879-9705
Cell: (714) 595-1891
Fax: (714) 879-5600
Email: bkleinerphdmba@gmail.com
PhD Management, UCLA; MBA, UCLA
Evaluation of workplace policies & practices pertaining to discrimination/harassment prevention efforts (interactive process, reasonable accommodation, training), investigations, corrective actions (discipline, termination); hiring; compensation, wage & hours, pensions; supervision; safety, violence, OSHA; CFRA/FMLA; appraisal, promotion, retaliation, RIF’s.
40+ yrs HR experience. 1,000+ cases as an expert. Former human resource manager for Ford Motor Co. Over 100 business & government consulting clients. Trained thousands of managers. Taught three 36-hour courses on KLCS-TV. 500+ pubs. Have given trial/arbitration testimony 80+ times. Favorably featured in “Employment Law Verdicts.”
Profiled in Bender’s “California Labor & Employment Bulletin” as a result of successes. Have received many awards, honors & commendations. Rates negotiable.
Phillips, Fractor & Co, LLC
Contact: G. Michael Phillips, PhD 3452 E. Foothill Blvd, Ste 220 Pasadena, CA 91107
Tel: (626) 744-3540
Email: contactpfc@rule26.com Website: www.phillipsfractor.com
PhDs, MBAs, CPAs, CFE, CFA, ABV, CVA, MAFF, CIMA, MS, EdD specializing in Economics, Finance, Statistics, Accounting, Business Valuation, Surveys, Data Science, Physics, Marketing, Political Science, Policy Analysis, & related subjects.
Specialties: ECONOMICS, FINANCE, STATISTICS, VALUATION, FORENSIC ACCOUNTING, and DATA ANALYSIS consulting and testimony. Since 1982, our team has offered creative, effective, scientifically appropriate, discrete, ethical research and testimony tailored to our clients’ unique needs. As a boutique firm with international capability and experience, we look at each problem with a fresh perspective
Typical cases include ECONOMIC ANALYSIS (e.g., general forensics, lost earnings, antitrust, damages, compensation, personal injury, toxic torts, wrongful death, wrongful termination, class action), FORENSIC ACCOUNTING (e.g., investigation of alleged executive malfeasance, investigation of alleged misappropriation of trust funds, financial impact of breach of contract, financial impact of misappropriation of trade secrets, business valuation, corporate issues, corporate governance, alter ego, fraud analysis, marital dissolution, professional practices), FINANCE (e.g., modeling, investment analysis, “what if” analysis, portfolio valuation, options and stock valuation, fraudulent conveyance), STATISTICS (e.g., sampling, extrapolation, econometrics, forecasting, simulation, Monte Carlo, discrimination, failure rates), QUESTIONNAIRES & SURVEYS (e.g., consumer perceptions, Lanham Act, public opinion, class action), INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY (e.g., FMV analysis, entertainment/motion pictures/music/TV, sports, royalties, patent infringement, conjoint and hedonic analysis, surveys), REAL ESTATE (e.g., mass appraisal, residential rent, wrongful eviction, environmental issues, rights-of-way, licensing), TECHNOLOGY (e.g., AI, Internet, start-ups, e-commerce, valuation), and “ONE OF A KIND” cases.
Allison West, Esq., SHRM-SCP, AWI-CH
Principal Employment Practices Specialists 446 Old County Road, #100-328 Pacifica, CA 94044
Tel: (650) 922-4611
Cell: (650) 922-4611
Email: awest@employmentpractices.net Website: www.employmentpractices.net
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: BA, JD, SHRM-SCP, AWI-CH
20+ years employment law and HR experience. Providing expert witness and consulting assistance on the adequacy of workplace investigations, employer’s handling of harassment/ discrimination/ retaliation complaints, review of workplace policies and procedures, adequacy of employer’s training on harassment and other management issues, appropriateness of employer’s response to harassment/discrimination/retaliation and other employment claims, performance management, discipline/termination issues, and adequacy of employer’s response regarding disability accommodation, interactive process, and other related issues.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: 15+ years of testifying in court, arbitration, mediation for both plaintiffs and defendants. Top-rated national speaker on employment law and HR related topics. Past board member for Assn of Workplace Investigators. Appeared on CBS Mornings and NPR to discuss workplace harassment issues.
Wrongful Termination
Brian H. Kleiner, PhD, MBA Professor (Emeritus), Human Resource Mgmt at prestigious CA University
551 Santa Barbara Ave
Fullerton, CA 92835
Tel: (714) 879-9705
Cell: (714) 595-1891
Fax: (714) 879-5600
Email: bkleinerphdmba@gmail.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: PhD Management, UCLA; MBA, UCLA
Evaluation of workplace policies & practices pertaining to discrimination/harassment prevention efforts (interactive process, reasonable accommodation, training), investigations, corrective actions (discipline, termination); hiring; compensation, wage & hours, pensions; supervision; safety, violence, OSHA; CFRA/FMLA; appraisal, promotion, retaliation, RIF’s.
40+ yrs HR experience. 1,000+ cases as an expert. Former human resource manager for Ford Motor Co. Over 100 business & government consulting clients. Trained thousands of managers. Taught three 36-hour courses on KLCS-TV. 500+ pubs. Have given trial/arbitration testimony 80+ times. Favorably featured in “Employment Law Verdicts.”
Profiled in Bender’s “California Labor & Employment Bulletin” as a result of successes. Have received many awards, honors & commendations. Rates negotiable.
Wrongful Termination (cont.)
Phillips, Fractor & Co, LLC
Contact: G. Michael Phillips, PhD
3452 E. Foothill Blvd, Ste 220 Pasadena, CA 91107
Tel: (626) 744-3540
Email: contactpfc@rule26.com
Website: www.phillipsfractor.com
PhDs, MBAs, CPAs, CFE, CFA, ABV, CVA, MAFF, CIMA, MS, EdD specializing in Economics, Finance, Statistics, Accounting, Business Valuation, Surveys, Data Science, Physics, Marketing, Political Science, Policy Analysis, & related subjects.
ECONOMICS, FINANCE, STATISTICS, VALUATION, FORENSIC ACCOUNTING, and DATA ANALYSIS consulting and testimony. Since 1982, our team has offered creative, effective, scientifically appropriate, discrete, ethical research and testimony tailored to our clients’ unique needs. As a boutique firm with international capability and experience, we look at each problem with a fresh perspective.
Typical cases include ECONOMIC ANALYSIS (e.g., general forensics, lost earnings, antitrust, damages, compensation, personal injury, toxic torts, wrongful death, wrongful termination, class action), FORENSIC ACCOUNTING (e.g., investigation of alleged executive malfeasance, investigation of alleged misappropriation of trust funds, financial impact of breach of contract, financial impact of misappropriation of trade secrets, business valuation, corporate issues, corporate governance, alter ego, fraud analysis, marital dissolution, professional practices), FINANCE (e.g., modeling, investment analysis, “what if” analysis, portfolio valuation, options and stock valuation, fraudulent conveyance), STATISTICS (e.g., sampling, extrapolation, econometrics, forecasting, simulation, Monte Carlo, discrimination, failure rates), QUESTIONNAIRES & SURVEYS (e.g., consumer perceptions, Lanham Act, public opinion, class action), INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY (e.g., FMV analysis, entertainment/motion pictures/music/TV, sports, royalties, patent infringement, conjoint and hedonic analysis, surveys), REAL ESTATE (e.g., mass appraisal, residential rent, wrongful eviction, environmental issues, rights-of-way, licensing), TECHNOLOGY (e.g., AI, Internet, start-ups, e-commerce, valuation), and “ONE OF A KIND” cases.
General Forensic Exponent

Ali Reza
5401 McConnell Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90066
Tel: (310) 754-2700
Tel: (888) 656-EXPO (3976) (toll free)
Fax: (310) 754-2799
Email: info@exponent.com
Website: www.exponent.com
Accident reconstruction; failure analysis; fire and explosions; electrical analysis; batteries; human factors; visibility analysis; slip/trip/ fall; warnings/labeling; biomechanics (injury analysis) mechanical design reviews; HVAC; risk assessment; structural / geotechnical / civil engineering; construction defect; quantum & delay analysis; materials science; metallurgy; polymer science; toxicology; industrial hygiene; environmental fate & transport; water quality.

Josephson-Werdowatz & Associates, Inc. 10815 Rancho Bernardo Rd, Suite 310
San Diego, CA 92127-2189
Tel: (858) 558-2181
Fax: (858) 558-2188
Website: www.jwa-se.com
Satellite office in Scottsdale, Arizona
Contact: Carl H. Josephson, SE
Dan R. Werdowatz, SE
Stephen P. Kerr, SE
Email: cjosephson@jwa-se.com
SE (AZ, CA, HI, ID, IL, LA, NV, OR, UT, WA); PE (CO, CT, FL, ID, IN, KS, KY, MD, Ml, MO, MS, NM, NJ, NY, ND, OH, SC, TX, WV, WI)
Established in 1988; licensed in 30 states. Wood, masonry, steel, concrete structures. Construction defect, insurance litigation, professional liability claims. Seismic/wind design, code review, standard of care analysis. Also foundations, underpinning, retaining walls, and tie-backs. Extensive graphics and animation capabilities. Retained in over 1,500 matters nationwide and abroad. Court-appointed neutral experts. ADR.
General Forensic (cont.)
Ramesh J. Kar, PhD, PE
Sr. Managing Consultant, Regional Operations Manager
KARS’ Testing & Research Labs – A Division of ESi
2528 W. Woodland Dr Anaheim, CA 92801
Tel: (714) 527-7134
Cell: (714) 677-7371
Fax: (714) 527-7169
Email: rjkar@engsys.com Website: www.engsys.com
PhD Materials Science & Eng; Reg Prof Metallurgical Engineer
43 years expertise in metallurgical failure analysis; automobile/aerospace components, metals, ceramics, plastics, paints, forensic investigations. Expert witness in several product liability/criminal investigations. Courtroom experienced. Fellow, ASM (American Society for Metals). Fellow, American College of Forensic Examiners. See display ad page 76
Biomechanical / Biomedical
Expert Strategy Group
Julie Olenik-Brown
Tel: (800) 521-2877 Ext: 301
Tel: (760) 795-9004
Email: Expert@ExpertStrategy-Group.com Website: ExpertSG.com
Our diverse network of expert witnesses includes leading global industry specialists, PhD's, senior executives, scientists, technical and materials experts, and supremely qualified medical professionals across many professional industries.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: We offer expert witnesses in many professional industries. Here are just a few of the expert categories we offer: accident, accounting, automotive, aviation, biomechanics, business, chemical, construction, economics, employment, engineering, failure analysis, finance, firearms, hazardous materials, hotel, insurance, intellectual property, machinery, marketing, medical and medical device, nursing home, pharmacology, product liability, psychology, security, financial securities, toxicology, technical, transportation, valuation, warnings. And thousands more expert witness categories.
We do all of the work in connecting law firms with experts who fit your case: Expert Strategy Group is a strategic partner to law firms for all of your Expert Witness needs. We have developed a unique technology platform that, when paired with our 1:1 client service model, creates a more precise degree of Expert matching to extremely specific litigation criteria.

Institute of Risk & Safety Analyses
Kenneth A. Solomon, PhD, PE, Post PhD
Chief Scientist
5324 Canoga Ave
Woodland Hills, CA 91364
Tel: (818) 348-1133
Fax: (818) 348-4484
Email: kennethsolomon@mac.com Website: www.irsa.us
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: PhD, Post PhD, PE,J.D.,BS, MS
Forensic Scientists - Diverse Technical Staff: IRSA Staff has over 460 person years of courtroom experience. Biomechanics; Reconstruction; Human Factors; Safety; Accident Prevention; Failure Analysis; Product Integrity; Liability; Testing; Warnings; Slip/Trip/ Fall; Premises; Construction Defect; OSHA Compliance; Bldg Codes; Fire Protection; Explosions; Firearms/Ballistics; Electrocutions/ Shocks; Structural; Recreational; Industrial; Criminal; Auto, Airbags, Aviation, Bicycle, Boating, Chair, Elevator, Escalator, Forklift, Gate, Golf Course, Ladder, Motorcycle, Nuclear, Press, Rollercoaster, Scaffolding, Seatbelts, Stairs, Swimming Pool, Truck; Simulations; Drone Use, 3D Models. Total staff size: 18.
YA Engineering Services (Formerly Momentum Engineering Corp.)
Contact: Stephan DiBiase
2075 Corte del Nogal, Suite U Carlsbad, CA 92011
Tel: (866) 581-9444
Email: stephan.dibiase@yaeservices.com Website: www.yaeservices.com
Offices in: Los Angeles, Orange County, San Diego, Las Vegas, Phoenix, Houston, Austin, San Antonio, Dallas
YA Engineering Services acquired Momentum engineering corp. (MEC) in 2023. MEC is a consulting firm specializing in accident reconstruction, forensic engineering, heavy truck safety, graphics, and animation. With over 50 years of accident reconstruction experience, we offer accident reconstruction and investigation services ranging from rapid response to trial testimony. We strive to provide you with state-of-the-art accident reconstruction services in a cost-effective manner.
Expert witness and scientific analysis for automotive, heavy truck, motorcycle and mobility equipment accidents. Expert electronic data recorder retrieval and analysis – what really happened? Loss of control, severity determination, failure analysis, personal injury, causation, liability, damages, engineering services, tort liability and expert testimony. In-house 3D animation team, traffic safety and highway design, and biomechanics.
Offering free CLE classes for legal professionals in CA, NV, AZ, and TX. Contact our Business Development Manager, Vadim Perlovskiy at vadim.perlovskiy@yaeservices. com for more information.
CivTek International
Thomas Young, PE
Chairman and CEO
Tel: (916) 869-4097 (Office)
Cell: (916) 662-5022
Email: TYoung@CivTek.com
Website: www.CivTek.com
Degrees/Licenses/ Certifications:

B.S. Civil Engineering | California PE #57043 | Alaska PE #10025
Civil Engineering, Caltrans, Project management, Program management, Highway/Roadway construction, Dangerous conditions of public facilities, Entire asset lifecycle of heavy civil and transportation infrastructure, Vehicular accidents and roadway requirements, Construction claims and disputes, Construction accidents, Drainage
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: FORENSIC EXPERT WITNESSING HISTORY: My forensic expert witnessing experience started in the 1990’s supporting Caltrans legal office answering interrogatories for contract disputes. In private practice, my expert witness experience started in 2003. Retaining attorneys have represented an equal mix of public and private clients as well as plaintiffs and defendants.
Transportation Construction: Transportation Construction describes the civil engineering specialty regarding highways, bridges, rail, airports, harbors, and associated infrastructure. This area of expertise encompasses knowledge and experience in multiple phases of project delivery and operations in Planning, Environmental Studies, Design, Right-of-Way Activities, Construction, and Operations and Maintenance. Issues addressed in litigation include estimating, scheduling, productivity, cost overruns, structural failures, construction work zone accidents, construction safety (OSHA), temporary structures, design code violations, construction defects, failure analysis, hydraulic and drainage, ADA violations, inspections, traffic safety and accidents, signage and human factors of driving and construction. It requires knowledge of government policies, procedures, project development, design, and construction standards and methodologies; plus knowledge of human factors. Transportation Construction involves the planning, financing, development, design, surveying, construction, safety and operations and maintenance of highways, roadways, bridges, tunnels, storm sewer, and utilities. See display ad at right
Adam G. Bovie
KARS' Testing & Research Labs - A Division of ESi
2528 W. Woodland Dr Anaheim, CA 92801
Tel: (714) 527-7100 105 (Direct)
Cell: (949) 880-4286
Fax: (714) 527-7169
Email: agbovie@engsys.com
Website: agbovie@engsys.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: Professional Engineer - Electrical CA #E24063 | B.S., Electrical Engineering (ABET, Cum Laude), Arizona State University | B.A., University of California, San Diego | IAAI Fire Investigation Technician (ATF / IAAI, Huntsville, AL), October 2018 | NFPA Certified Fire Inspector | California SB-2142 Teaching Credential, Cal State Fullerton
Electrical & Electronics Failures | Lithium-Ion Battery Failures | Electric & Alternative Fuel Vehicle Fires | Electrical Fire, Arc Flash, and Explosion Investigation | Wildfire origin & cause proximal to power & communications
infrastructure | PCB & Electronic Component Failures, including identification of counterfeit and malicious components | 3D-Computed Tomography (CT) Analysis of products | Electronic Control System Software & Hardware Failures | EM Interference & Radio Communications Failures | Custom Data Acquisition Hardware / Software: C, C++, Python, Verilog, ModBus TCP
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Professional Electrical Engineer with extensive experience in electrical engineering and product failure analysis experience for insurance, legal, government and manufacturing clients. Mr. Bovie's investigations include work on Li-ion battery failures, utility equipment incidents in wildfire, commercial and residential settings, water heater explosions, consumer electronics failures, and alternative fuel vehicle fires. Mr. Bovie has instructed tenured university faculty on CT software, has been a guest lecturer at the California Conference of Arson Investigators, the University of Southern California, and has published papers related to CT radiography in accident investigations.
See display ad page 76

//civtek.com/standard.php?recordID=13 CONSTRUCTION
Change Orders
Bridge Falsework
Trenching & Shoring
Critical Path Schedules
Construction Surveying
Mr. Young is a principal engineer and expert in transportation construction. He leads collaborative teams of professionals to deliver optimum solutions to complex real-world projects. These techniques, essential in day-to-day work, equip the litigator with critical facts to best advocate for their client.
Elevators / Escalators
Expert Strategy Group
Julie Olenik-Brown
Tel: (800) 521-2877 Ext: 301
Tel: (760) 795-9004
Email: Expert@ExpertStrategy-Group.com Website: ExpertSG.com
Our diverse network of expert witnesses includes leading global industry specialists, PhD's, senior executives, scientists, technical and materials experts, and supremely qualified medical professionals across many professional industries.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: We offer expert witnesses in many professional industries. Here are just a few of the expert categories we offer: accident, accounting, automotive, aviation, biomechanics, business, chemical, construction, economics, employment, engineering, failure analysis, finance, firearms, hazardous materials, hotel, insurance, intellectual property, machinery, marketing, medical and medical device, nursing home, pharmacology, product liability, psychology, security, financial securities, toxicology, technical, transportation, valuation, warnings. And thousands more expert witness categories.
We do all of the work in connecting law firms with experts who fit your case: Expert Strategy Group is a strategic partner to law firms for all of your Expert Witness needs. We have developed a unique technology platform that, when paired with our 1:1 client service model, creates a more precise degree of Expert matching to extremely specific litigation criteria.
Philip T. Tringale, PhD, PE
Senior Consultant Langan CA, Inc.
515 South Flower Street Suite 1060
Los Angeles, CA 90071
Tel: (213) 314-8100 (Main)
Tel: (510) 874-7011 (Direct)
Cell: (925) 997-4964
Email: ptringale@langan.com Website: www.langan.com

Professional Engineer (PE) in CA, NY | Ph.D., Civil Engineering, University of California, Berkeley | M.Eng., Civil Engineering, University of California, Berkeley | M.S., Civil Engineering (Engineering Geology), Drexel University, Philadelphia | B.S., Civil Engineering, Northeastern University, Boston
Site Assessment and Remediation Program Direction | Mergers & Acquisitions Assistance | Public Participation Programs | Regulatory Agency Interaction | Litigation Support for Litigation involving Source Identification, Nature and Extent of Contamination, Cost Allocation, and Compliance with the National Contingency Plan
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Philip T. Tringale, PhD, PE is a registered Professional Civil Engineer with over 30 years of environmental consulting experience. Dr. Tringale has served in senior technical and management positions throughout his 40-year professional career. With experience gained from a start-up consulting firm as well as from well-established engineering companies, he continues to focus his energies on leading technical projects and overseeing technical and geographic expansion activities.
HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning)
Energy Resource Associates, Inc.
Contact: James P. Waltz, P.E., CEM, FAEE, DABFET, FCABE(UK)
3733 Elsinore Court West Sacramento, CA 95691
Tel: (925) 447-1140
Fax: (925) 215-2149
Email: experts@eraenergy.com
Website: www.eraenergy.com
BSME, MBA, PE (CA, NV, OH), Certified Energy Manager (CEM), Board Certified Forensic Engineer, LEED Accredited Professional
25+ years experience. Construction defect expert witness; Heating, Ventilation & Air Conditioning (HVAC); Indoor Air Quality (IAQ); Mechanical, plumbing & electrical building systems (MEP); Energy Services Performance Contracting (ESPC); Site survey, investigation & testing; Discovery, interrogatories, depositions & mediation; plaintiff & defense. See web site for publications, teaching & seminar experience.
Ramesh J. Kar, PhD, PE
Sr. Managing Consultant, Regional Operations Manager
KARS’ Testing & Research Labs – A Division of ESi
2528 W. Woodland Dr Anaheim, CA 92801
Tel: (714) 527-7134
Cell: (714) 677-7371
Fax: (714) 527-7169
Email: rjkar@engsys.com Website: www.engsys.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: PhD Materials Science & Eng; Reg Prof Metallurgical Engineer
43 years expertise in metallurgical failure analysis; automobile/aerospace components, metals, ceramics, plastics, paints, forensic investigations. Expert witness in several product liability/criminal investigations. Courtroom experienced. Fellow, ASM (American Society for Metals). Fellow, American College of Forensic Examiners. See display ad page 76
Power Pedestrian Doors
Expert Strategy Group
Julie Olenik-Brown
Tel: (800) 521-2877 Ext: 301
Tel: (760) 795-9004
Email: Expert@ExpertStrategy-Group.com
Website: ExpertSG.com
Our diverse network of expert witnesses includes leading global industry specialists, PhD's, senior executives, scientists, technical and materials experts, and supremely qualified medical professionals across many professional industries.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: We offer expert witnesses in many professional industries. Here are just a few of the expert categories we offer: accident, accounting, automotive, aviation, biomechanics, business, chemical, construction, economics, employment, engineering, failure analysis, finance, firearms, hazardous materials, hotel, insurance, intellectual property, machinery, marketing, medical and medical device, nursing home, pharmacology, product liability, psychology, security, financial securities, toxicology, technical, transportation, valuation, warnings. And thousands more expert witness categories.
We do all of the work in connecting law firms with experts who fit your case: Expert Strategy Group is a strategic partner to law firms for all of your Expert Witness needs. We have developed a unique technology platform that, when paired with our 1:1 client service model, creates a more precise degree of Expert matching to extremely specific litigation criteria.

Josephson-Werdowatz & Associates, Inc.
10815 Rancho Bernardo Rd, Suite 310
San Diego, CA 92127-2189
Tel: (858) 558-2181
Fax: (858) 558-2188
Website: www.jwa-se.com
Satellite office in Scottsdale, Arizona
Contact: Carl H. Josephson, SE
Dan R. Werdowatz, SE
Stephen P. Kerr, SE
Email: cjosephson@jwa-se.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: SE (AZ, CA, HI, ID, IL, LA, NV, OR, UT, WA); PE (CO, CT, FL, ID, IN, KS, KY, MD, Ml, MO, MS, NM, NJ, NY, ND, OH, SC, TX, WV, WI)
Established in 1988; licensed in 30 states. Wood, masonry, steel, concrete structures. Construction defect, insurance litigation, professional liability claims. Seismic/wind design, code review, standard of care analysis. Also foundations, underpinning, retaining walls, and tie-backs. Extensive graphics and animation capabilities. Retained in over 1,500 matters nationwide and abroad. Court-appointed neutral experts. ADR.
Traffic / Highway
Expert Strategy Group
Julie Olenik-Brown
Tel: (800) 521-2877 Ext: 301
Tel: (760) 795-9004
Email: Expert@ExpertStrategy-Group.com Website: ExpertSG.com
Our diverse network of expert witnesses includes leading global industry specialists, PhD's, senior executives, scientists, technical and materials experts, and supremely qualified medical professionals across many professional industries.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience:
We offer expert witnesses in many professional industries. Here are just a few of the expert categories we offer: accident, accounting, automotive, aviation, biomechanics, business, chemical, construction, economics, employment, engineering, failure analysis, finance, firearms, hazardous materials, hotel, insurance, intellectual property, machinery, marketing, medical and medical device, nursing home, pharmacology, product liability, psychology, security, financial securities, toxicology, technical, transportation, valuation, warnings. And thousands more expert witness categories.
We do all of the work in connecting law firms with experts who fit your case: Expert Strategy Group is a strategic partner to law firms for all of your Expert Witness needs. We have developed a unique technology platform that, when paired with our 1:1 client service model, creates a more precise degree of Expert matching to extremely specific litigation criteria.
Shakir Shatnawi
Shatec Engineering Consultants, LLC
7064 Tarvisio Way
El Dorado Hills, CA 95762
Tel: (916) 990-6488
Cell: (916) 790-1158
Email: sshatnawi@shatec.net
Website: www.shatec.net

PhD, MS, BS/Professional Engineers LicenseCivil Engineering
Highway Engineering, Transportation Engineering & Parking; construction defects, failures, specifications & disputes; Traffic Engineering, speed requirements and driver reaction; Highway safety, road hazards & obstructions; Traffic accidents including automobiles, motorcycles & bicycles; Pavement standards, construction, maintenance and repairs; Accident Reconstruction - skid & forensic analysis; Materials including asphalt, concrete & soils; Road Defects - cracking, potholes, friction & loose gravel; Road geometric standards - sight distance & clear recovery.
Phillips, Fractor & Co, LLC
Contact: G. Michael Phillips, PhD
3452 E. Foothill Blvd, Ste 220 Pasadena, CA 91107
Tel: (626) 744-3540
Email: contactpfc@rule26.com
Website: www.phillipsfractor.com
PhDs, MBAs, CPAs, CFE, CFA, ABV, CVA, MAFF, CIMA, MS, EdD specializing in Economics, Finance, Statistics, Accounting, Business Valuation, Surveys, Data Science, Physics, Marketing, Political Science, Policy Analysis, & related subjects.
ECONOMICS, FINANCE, STATISTICS, VALUATION, FORENSIC ACCOUNTING, and DATA ANALYSIS consulting and testimony. Since 1982, our team has offered creative, effective, scientifically appropriate, discrete, ethical research and testimony tailored to our clients’ unique needs. As a boutique firm with international capability and experience, we look at each problem with a fresh perspective.
Typical cases include ECONOMIC ANALYSIS (e.g., general forensics, lost earnings, antitrust, damages, compensation, personal injury, toxic torts, wrongful death, wrongful termination, class action), FORENSIC ACCOUNTING (e.g., investigation of alleged executive malfeasance, investigation of alleged misappropriation of trust funds, financial impact of breach of contract, financial impact of misappropriation of trade secrets, business valuation, corporate issues, corporate governance, alter ego, fraud analysis, marital dissolution, professional practices), FINANCE (e.g., modeling, investment analysis, “what if” analysis, portfolio valuation, options and stock valuation, fraudulent conveyance), STATISTICS (e.g., sampling, extrapolation, econometrics, forecasting, simulation, Monte Carlo, discrimination, failure rates), QUESTIONNAIRES & SURVEYS (e.g., consumer perceptions, Lanham Act, public opinion, class action), INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY (e.g., FMV analysis, entertainment/motion pictures/music/TV, sports, royalties, patent infringement, conjoint and hedonic analysis, surveys), REAL ESTATE (e.g., mass appraisal, residential rent, wrongful eviction, environmental issues, rights-of-way, licensing), TECHNOLOGY (e.g., AI, Internet, start-ups, e-commerce, valuation), and “ONE OF A KIND” cases.
Philip T. Tringale, PhD, PE
Senior Consultant
Langan CA, Inc.
515 South Flower Street Suite 1060
Los Angeles, CA 90071
Tel: (213) 314-8100 (Main)
Tel: (510) 874-7011 (Direct)
Cell: (925) 997-4964
Email: ptringale@langan.com
Website: www.langan.com

Professional Engineer (PE) in CA, NY | Ph.D., Civil Engineering, University of California, Berkeley | M.Eng., Civil Engineering, University of California, Berkeley | M.S., Civil Engineering (Engineering Geology), Drexel University, Philadelphia | B.S., Civil Engineering, Northeastern University, Boston
Site Assessment and Remediation Program

Direction | Mergers & Acquisitions Assistance | Public Participation Programs | Regulatory Agency Interaction | Litigation Support for Litigation involving Source Identification, Nature and Extent of Contamination, Cost Allocation, and Compliance with the National Contingency Plan
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience:
Philip T. Tringale, PhD, PE is a registered Professional Civil Engineer with over 30 years of environmental consulting experience. Dr. Tringale has served in senior technical and management positions throughout his 40-year professional career. With experience gained from a start-up consulting firm as well as from well-established engineering companies, he continues to focus his energies on leading technical projects and overseeing technical and geographic expansion activities.

Sapphos Environmental, Inc.
Contact: Marie Campbell, Principal 430 N. Halstead St Pasadena, CA 91107
Tel: (626) 683-3547
Fax: (626) 628-1745
Website: www.sapphosenvironmental.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: Master of Arts, Geography. Geomorphology/ Biogeography, University of California, Los Angeles
Specialties: Environmental Consulting; Environmental Compliance (CEQA; NEPA); Biological Resource Management; Cultural Resources; Hazardous Materials & GIS; SWPPP; construction monitoring; permitting.
Philip T. Tringale, PhD, PE
Senior Consultant
Langan CA, Inc.
515 South Flower Street
Suite 1060
Los Angeles, CA 90071
Tel: (213) 314-8100 (Main)
Tel: (510) 874-7011 (Direct)
Cell: (925) 997-4964
Email: ptringale@langan.com
Website: www.langan.com

Professional Engineer (PE) in CA, NY | Ph.D., Civil Engineering, University of California, Berkeley | M.Eng., Civil Engineering, University of California, Berkeley | M.S., Civil Engineering (Engineering Geology), Drexel University, Philadelphia | B.S., Civil Engineering, Northeastern University, Boston
Site Assessment and Remediation Program
Direction | Mergers & Acquisitions Assistance | Public Participation Programs | Regulatory Agency Interaction | Litigation Support for Litigation involving Source Identification, Nature and Extent of Contamination, Cost Allocation, and Compliance with the National Contingency Plan
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Philip T. Tringale, PhD, PE is a registered Professional Civil Engineer with over 30 years of environmental consulting experience. Dr. Tringale has served in senior technical and management positions throughout his 40-year professional career. With experience gained from a start-up consulting firm as well as from well-established engineering companies, he continues to focus his energies on leading technical projects and overseeing technical and geographic expansion activities.
Joel Mark 919 Box Canyon Trl Palm Desert, CA 92211
Tel: (805) 701-7731
Fax: (760) 772-6665
Email: jmark4law@gmail.com
Website: www.joelmarkesq.com
UC Berkeley (AB, 1969); UC Hastings College of Law (JD, 1972); Admitted CA 1972; CA, 1994
Business Litigation, Intellectual Property, Commercial Law, Professional Liability, Banking.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: 135+ engagements in Attorney Fee Disputes; Attorney Ethics, Attorney Malpractice (Litigation)
Birthdate: 1947 Birthplace: Los Angeles
Previous Positions/Appointments: CA State Bar Committee on Mandatory Fee Arbitration; California State Bar Committee on Professional Responsibility & Conduct; Appointed Expert Consultant by LA County Superior Court; State Bar MFA Presiding Arbitrator (2009-2012); State Bar of California Special Deputy Trial Counsel for Disciplinary Matters (2010-present).
Membership in Professional Societies: LACBA; State Bar of CA.
Deborah A. Wolfe, Esq.
Wolfe Legal Solutions, PC 3755 Avocado Blvd, No.197 La Mesa, CA 91941
Tel: (619) 234-3363 (Office) Cell: (619) 840-3989
Fax: (619) 231-1989

Website: www.WolfeLegalSolutions.com
University of San Diego, School of Law | State Bar of California, Lic. 1981 (Active) | State Bar of Arizona, Lic. 1982 (Inactive)
Certified Legal Specialist: Legal Malpractice Law (State Bar of California) | Certified Legal Specialist: Civil Trial Law (NBTA)
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Ms. Wolfe has acted as a consultant on legal malpractice law, civil trial strategy, legal ethics, and professional responsibility over the course of her 42-year practice. She has testified and qualified as an expert witness in California Superior Courts in legal ethics, professional liability, and civil trial practice.
Legal Ethics Consulting:
Ms. Wolfe privately consults with attorneys and law firms on issues involving legal ethics and best practices
Nikhil Kar, PhD, PE
Senior Managing Consultant at KARS’ Testing & Research Labs – a Division of ESi
Adjunct Assistant Professor of Engineering Practice at USC
2528 W. Woodland Dr Anaheim, CA 92801
Tel: (714) 527-7100
Cell: (714)-726-1746
Fax: (714) 527-7169
Email: nkkar@engsys.com
Website: www.engsys.com
B.S., M.S., Ph.D., (Mechanical Engineering); Registered Professional Mechanical Engineer; Registered Professional Metallurgical Engineer; Current Teaching Faculty Member at the University of Southern California.
Failure Analysis/Product Liability and Product Defects. Automotive, aerospace and vehicle component failures, bearing failures. Implant failures, weld fractures, polymers and polymer composite fractures.
See display ad page 76
Naresh J. Kar, PhD, PE
Sr. Managing Consultant/Lab Manager
KARS’ Testing & Research Labs – A Division of ESi
2528 W. Woodland Dr Anaheim, CA 92801
Tel: (714) 527-7100 102
Cell: (714) 677-7550
Fax: (714) 527-7169
Email: njkar@engsys.com
Website: www.engsys.com
PhD Metallurgical Eng; Reg Prof Metallurgical Eng
43 years professional experience: failure analysis & product liability. Automotive & plumbing failures. Welding, corrosion, wear failures. Plastics, tires, glass failures. Legal & courtroom experience. Fellow, ASM (American Society for Metals). Fellow, American College of Forensic Examiners.
See display ad page 76
Materials (cont.)
Nikhil Kar, PhD, PE
Senior Managing Consultant at KARS’ Testing & Research Labs – a Division of ESi
Adjunct Assistant Professor of Engineering Practice at USC
2528 W. Woodland Dr Anaheim, CA 92801
Tel: (714) 527-7100
Cell: (714)-726-1746
Fax: (714) 527-7169
Email: nkkar@engsys.com Website: www.engsys.com
B.S., M.S., Ph.D., (Mechanical Engineering); Registered Professional Mechanical Engineer; Registered Professional Metallurgical Engineer; Current Teaching Faculty Member at the University of Southern California.
Failure Analysis/Product Liability and Product Defects. Automotive, aerospace and vehicle component failures, bearing failures. Implant failures, weld fractures, polymers and polymer composite fractures.
See display ad page 76

Phillips, Fractor & Co, LLC
Contact: G. Michael Phillips, PhD 3452 E. Foothill Blvd, Ste 220 Pasadena, CA 91107
Tel: (626) 744-3540
Email: contactpfc@rule26.com Website: www.phillipsfractor.com
PhDs, MBAs, CPAs, CFE, CFA, ABV, CVA, MAFF, CIMA, MS, EdD specializing in Economics, Finance, Statistics, Accounting, Business Valuation, Surveys, Data Science, Physics, Marketing, Political Science, Policy Analysis, & related subjects.
Specialties: ECONOMICS, FINANCE, STATISTICS, VALUATION, FORENSIC ACCOUNTING, and DATA ANALYSIS consulting and testimony. Since 1982, our team has offered creative, effective, scientifically appropriate, discrete, ethical research and testimony tailored to our clients’ unique needs. As a boutique firm with international capability and experience, we look at each problem with a fresh perspective.
Typical cases include ECONOMIC ANALYSIS (e.g., general forensics, lost earnings, antitrust, damages, compensation, personal injury, toxic torts, wrongful death, wrongful termination, class action), FORENSIC ACCOUNTING (e.g., investigation of alleged executive malfeasance, investigation of alleged misappropriation of trust funds, financial impact of breach of contract, financial impact of misappropriation of trade secrets, business valuation, corporate issues, corporate governance, alter ego, fraud analysis, marital dissolution, professional practices), FINANCE (e.g., modeling, investment analysis, “what if” analysis, portfolio valuation, options and stock valuation, fraudulent conveyance), STATISTICS (e.g., sampling, extrapolation, econometrics, forecasting, simulation, Monte Carlo, discrimination, failure rates), QUESTIONNAIRES & SURVEYS (e.g., consumer perceptions, Lanham Act, public opinion, class action), INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY (e.g., FMV analysis, entertainment/motion pictures/music/TV, sports, royalties, patent infringement, conjoint and hedonic analysis, surveys), REAL ESTATE (e.g., mass appraisal, residential rent, wrongful eviction, environmental issues, rights-of-way, licensing), TECHNOLOGY (e.g., AI, Internet, start-ups, e-commerce, valuation), and “ONE OF A KIND” cases.
Securities / Securities Exchange Commission
Expert Strategy Group
Julie Olenik-Brown
Tel: (800) 521-2877 Ext: 301
Tel: (760) 795-9004
Email: Expert@ExpertStrategy-Group.com Website: ExpertSG.com
Our diverse network of expert witnesses includes leading global industry specialists, PhD's, senior executives, scientists, technical and materials experts, and supremely qualified medical professionals across many professional industries.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: We offer expert witnesses in many professional industries. Here are just a few of the expert categories we offer: accident, accounting, automotive, aviation, biomechanics, business, chemical, construction, economics, employment, engineering, failure analysis, finance, firearms, hazardous materials, hotel, insurance, intellectual property, machinery, marketing, medical and medical device, nursing home, pharmacology, product liability, psychology, security, financial securities, toxicology, technical, transportation, valuation, warnings. And thousands more expert witness categories.
We do all of the work in connecting law firms with experts who fit your case: Expert Strategy Group is a strategic partner to law firms for all of your Expert Witness needs. We have developed a unique technology platform that, when paired with our 1:1 client service model, creates a more precise degree of Expert matching to extremely specific litigation criteria.
Thomas G. Taliaferro
2907 Shelter Island Dr, #105 San Diego, CA 92106
Tel: (805) 689-4936
Email: tgtaliaferro@gmail.com
Website: http://financialadvisor expertwitness.com

Experienced securities expert witness testifying in AAA, JAMS, FINRA and Superior Court venues and deposition.
CIMA—Certified investment Management Analyst | AIF—Accredited Investment Fiduciary FINRA Arbitrator.
Fiduciary standard of care; suitability; Regulation Best Interest; failure to supervise; portfolio allocation; modern portfolio theory; registered investment advisors; well-managed account damages analysis; spousal fiduciary duty; securities-related issues in probate.
Professional background:
Financial advisor/portfolio manager with over 35 years of professional experience including serving as a Senior Vice President for both Morgan Stanley and Wells Fargo Advisors. Highly experienced with high net worth and ultra-high net worth investors. Extensive supervisory experience including managing a branch complex with 55 other financial advisors managing accounts totaling in excess of $4 billion. Experience with numerous financial advisor employment issues at brokerdealers.
Spotless compliance record. Accomplished public speaker.
Expert Strategy Group
Julie Olenik-Brown
Tel: (800) 521-2877 Ext: 301
Tel: (760) 795-9004
Email: Expert@ExpertStrategy-Group.com
Website: ExpertSG.com
Our diverse network of expert witnesses includes leading global industry specialists, PhD's, senior executives, scientists, technical and materials experts, and supremely qualified medical professionals across many professional industries.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: We offer expert witnesses in many professional industries. Here are just a few of the expert categories we offer: accident, accounting, automotive, aviation, biomechanics, business, chemical, construction, economics, employment, engineering, failure analysis, finance, firearms, hazardous materials, hotel, insurance, intellectual property, machinery, marketing, medical and medical device, nursing home, pharmacology, product liability, psychology, security, financial securities, toxicology, technical, transportation, valuation, warnings. And thousands more expert witness categories.
We do all of the work in connecting law firms with experts who fit your case: Expert Strategy Group is a strategic partner to law firms for all of your Expert Witness needs. We have developed a unique technology platform that, when paired with our 1:1 client service model, creates a more precise degree of Expert matching to extremely specific litigation criteria.
YA Engineering Services (Formerly Momentum Engineering Corp.)
Contact: Stephan DiBiase 2075 Corte del Nogal, Suite U Carlsbad, CA 92011
Tel: (866) 581-9444
Email: stephan.dibiase@yaeservices.com
Website: www.yaeservices.com
Offices in: Los Angeles, Orange County, San Diego, Las Vegas, Phoenix, Houston, Austin, San Antonio, Dallas
YA Engineering Services acquired Momentum engineering corp. (MEC) in 2023. MEC is a consulting firm specializing in accident reconstruction, forensic engineering, heavy truck safety, graphics, and animation. With over 50 years of accident reconstruction experience, we offer accident reconstruction and investigation services ranging from rapid response to trial testimony. We strive to provide you with state-of-the-art accident reconstruction services in a cost-effective manner.
Expert witness and scientific analysis for automotive, heavy truck, motorcycle and mobility equipment accidents. Expert electronic data recorder retrieval and analysis – what really happened? Loss of control, severity determination, failure analysis, personal injury, causation, liability, damages, engineering services, tort liability and expert testimony. In-house 3D animation team, traffic safety and highway design, and biomechanics.
Offering free CLE classes for legal professionals in CA, NV, AZ, and TX. Contact our Business Development Manager, Vadim Perlovskiy at vadim.perlovskiy@yaeservices. com for more information.
Barry L. Posner
Posner Healthcare Consulting
Tel: (310) 903-7987
Email: blionelp@gmail.com
MLS, UCLA Law School (2025); MS Health Care Administration, CSUN; BS Healthcare Finance, CSUN

Medical Billing & Claims Analyses | Healthcare Economics Analyses | Medical Cost Trend
Analyses | Managed Care Operations | Accountable Care Organizations | Medicare, Medicaid, and ACA Program Management | Provider Reimbursement & Incentive Strategies
Case Experience - Medical Billing Opinions:
- California Attorney General
- California Department of Justice
- Freeman Mathis & Gary
- Daniels Fine Israel Schonbuch & Lebovits
- Ross Department Stores
- Bremer Whyte Brown & O’Mear
- Farmer Case & Fedor
- Stratman & Williams-Abrego
- Skebba, Buechler & Orlov
- Wolfe & Wyman
- Rose Law Group
- Collinson, Daehnke, Inlow & Greco
Author, “Take Control of Your Healthcare Costs"
Expert Strategy Group
Julie Olenik-Brown
Tel: (800) 521-2877 Ext: 301
Tel: (760) 795-9004
Email: Expert@ExpertStrategy-Group.com
Website: ExpertSG.com
Our diverse network of expert witnesses includes leading global industry specialists, PhD's, senior executives, scientists, technical and materials experts, and supremely qualified medical professionals across many professional industries.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: We offer expert witnesses in many professional industries. Here are just a few of the expert categories we offer: accident, accounting, automotive, aviation, biomechanics, business, chemical, construction, economics, employment, engineering, failure analysis, finance, firearms, hazardous materials, hotel, insurance, intellectual property, machinery, marketing, medical and medical device, nursing home, pharmacology, product liability, psychology, security, financial securities, toxicology, technical, transportation, valuation, warnings. And thousands more expert witness categories.
We do all of the work in connecting law firms with experts who fit your case: Expert Strategy Group is a strategic partner to law firms for all of your Expert Witness needs. We have developed a unique technology platform that, when paired with our 1:1 client service model, creates a more precise degree of Expert matching to extremely specific litigation criteria.
Fessel International Hospitality Consultants Jeff McNeal
19 Suffolk Ave, Ste A Sierra Madre, CA 91024
Tel: (626) 566-3500
Tel: (818) 563-3552
Cell: (626) 993-8199
Email: jeff@fessel.com Website: www.fessel.com
Additional Contact Phone: Tel: (877) 432-8380
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: Restaurant Management. Professional Member: Foodservice Consultants Society International, Certified Food-service Management Professional, National Restaurant Association, California Restaurant Association & California Hotel/Motel Association
Foodservice operations expert in: Restaurants, Bars/Lounges, Cafeterias, Casinos, Catering, Clubs, Colleges, Food Courts, Hotels/Resorts & Studios. Experience in industry custom & trade practices, operation standards, profit enhancement, cost control management, Business Interruption, P&L analysis, expert witness support/testimony, contract/lease negotiations, food safety & sanitation & most foodservice issues & operations, Parking issues and site selection. Experience includes: Amgen, Paul Hastings Janofsky & Walker, LA City Attorney & DWP, Morrison & Foerster & Embassy Suites. Published author in industry publications; seminar presenter: Who’s Who in California, Who’s Who in the West. Past president of California Restaurant Association. 35 yrs experience as an operator, consultant & expert witness.

Institute of Risk & Safety Analyses
Kenneth A. Solomon, PhD, PE, Post PhD Chief Scientist
5324 Canoga Ave
Woodland Hills, CA 91364
Tel: (818) 348-1133
Fax: (818) 348-4484
Email: kennethsolomon@mac.com Website: www.irsa.us
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: PhD, Post PhD, PE,J.D.,BS, MS
Forensic Scientists - Diverse Technical Staff: IRSA Staff has over 460 person years of courtroom experience. Biomechanics; Reconstruction; Human Factors; Safety; Accident Prevention; Failure Analysis; Product Integrity; Liability; Testing; Warnings; Slip/Trip/ Fall; Premises; Construction Defect; OSHA Compliance; Bldg Codes; Fire Protection; Explosions; Firearms/Ballistics; Electrocutions/ Shocks; Structural; Recreational; Industrial; Criminal; Auto, Airbags, Aviation, Bicycle, Boating, Chair, Elevator, Escalator, Forklift, Gate, Golf Course, Ladder, Motorcycle, Nuclear, Press, Rollercoaster, Scaffolding, Seatbelts, Stairs, Swimming Pool, Truck; Simulations; Drone Use, 3D Models. Total staff size: 18.
Dan Napier, MS CIH
DNA Industrial Hygiene
Certified Industrial Hygienist
2520 Artesia Boulevard
Redondo Beach, CA 90278-3210
Tel: (310) 644-1924103
Tel: (800) 644-1924 103
Cell: (213) 300-1924
Fax: (310) 406-1939
Email: dan@cihcsp.com
Website: cihcsp.com
License General Contractor 73462 | Classifications A Haz | California Asbestos Consultant 92-0614 | DTSC Lead Certified S, PM, I
Health & Safety Advisor. Qualified ExpertMold, asbestos, lead, occupational chemical exposure.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Certified in 1982. See HTTP://cihcsp.com for cv and trial & deposition history.
Burke A. Christensen, JD, CLU
Garden City, UT
Tel: (630) 370-0314
Email: Bactalk2003@gmail.com
Professor of Insurance (Eastern Kentucky University and Utah State University)
Expert witness experience in 200 cases in 27 states, both state and federal court. 100+ opinion letters, 40+ depositions and 7 testifying court appearances. Employed by insurers in 60% of the cases; by claimants in 40%. Author/ editor of insurance textbooks. 100+ articles: bad faith; company and product regulation and taxation; product performance; agent/ broker duties; market conduct compliance, professional ethics. Industry experience as home office senior executive and general counsel, field management, and field agent. Insurance and securities licensed in all US jurisdictions.
Daniel G. Fink, CIC, CRM, CPCU, CRIS, AAI
Insurance Expert Witness
Tel: (602) 999-4233
Email: Danielgfink@gmail.com
Website: www.danielgfink.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: BA, Oakland University; He has earned CIC, CRM, CPCU, CRIS, & AAI insurance certifications. As an insurance instructor, he teaches continuing education & certification classes for the CIC, CISR, and CRIS programs.
Insurance Agent Standard of Care, Insurance Bad Faith, Insurance Agents E&O, Insurance Coverages and Claims, WC insurance, Auto Insurance, UM & UIM, Home & Business Insurance. 35 years of experience. 6 times Deposed or Testified recently.
Insurance Expert Witness Practice: I work with attorneys to see if coverages were written correctly, claims paid properly, and review insurance agent standard of care and insurance carrier bad faith. I analyze policies as well as practices for both defendants and plaintiffs.
Mitchell L. Lathrop
Law Office of Mitchell L. Lathrop
600 W. Broadway St, Ste 500 San Diego, CA 92101-3357
Tel: (619) 955-5951
Fax: (619) 566-4034
Email: mllathrop@earthlink.net
Website: www.LathropADR.com

Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: Lic in CA, DC & NY and before multiple federal courts.
Practice limited to mediation, arbitration & expert consulting and testimony in matters involving insurance, reinsurance or lawyers’ professional ethics & responsibilities.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Qualified as an expert in both state & federal courts on matters involving insurance & reinsurance. Former Presiding Referee of the State Bar Court.
Birthdate: 12/15/37 Birthplace: LA, CA
Education: BS, Engineering, US Naval Academy; JD, USC. Previous Positions/ Appointments: CV supplied upon request. Honors/Awards: Best Lawyers in America; Super Lawyers in CA & NY; Martindale A rated Publications: Insurance Coverage for Environmental Claims, Lexis-Nexis Martindale Hubbell. Membership in Professional Societies: AM Bd of Trial Advocates; ABA
Bad Faith / Good Faith
Richard M. Amoroso, ESQ, Partner
Squire Patton Boggs (US) LLP 2325 E. Camelback Road, Suite 700 Phoenix, AZ 85016
Tel: (602) 528-4091
Tel: (602) 390-0392

Email: richard.amoroso@squirepb.com
Juris Doctor Degree, Rutgers University School of Law, 1986. Bachelors Business Administration, Cornell University, 1983.
Richard is an experienced expert witness with expertise on a wide array of complex insurance, reinsurance, broker/agent, claims handling/claims management and alternative risk/captive insurance matters. As the former President, CEO and Chairman of both an AZ domiciled P&C insurance & reinsurance company and a NV domiciled captive insurer/ risk retention group, as well as the former Managing Agent/President of a commercial insurance agency/brokerage, Richard brings a unique C-suite executive management perspective that will assist a jury, trier of fact or mediator/mediation panel in understanding the inner workings of the insurance industry.
Lola Hogan, CPCU, ARM, ARe
Lola Hogan Insurance Consulting LLC
1149 Seaview Ave.
Pacific Grove, CA 93950
Tel: (831) 402-4069
Email: lola@hogan-consulting.com
Website: www.lolahogan.com

Insurance Claims Handling; First & Third Party Bad Faith Commercial & Personal Lines; Casualty & Property.

Bad Faith / Good Faith (cont.)
Guy O. Kornblum
Guy O. Kornblum, A
Professional Law Corporation
1388 Sutter St, Ste 1210 San Francisco, CA 94109
Tel: (415) 440-7800
Cell: (415) 730-3485
Email: gkornblum@kornblumlaw.com
Website: www.kornblumlaw.com

JD, 1966, Univ of CA, San Francisco (formerly Hastings College of the Law); AB, 1961, Indiana Univ. Licensed to practice law in CA & IN. Certified in Civil Trial Law & Civil Pretrial Practice Advocacy by the National Board of Trial Advocacy & is a Charter Fellow of the American College of Board Certified Attorneys
Qualified as an expert on insurance matters & insurance claims handling in cases in Los Angeles County, Solano County, San Mateo County, San Francisco County, Sacramento County & Contra Costa County & also in the US District Court for the Northern District of California & also at arbitration. His testimony has been accepted on a wide variety of issues in the areas of insurance company claims handling & practice including evaluating coverage positions, the investigation of claims, compliance with insurance regulations & overall insurance industry claims handling principles, customs & practices. Also qualified as an expert on civil litigation standards, case evaluation & settlement practices. Specialist in civil trials, arbitrations & appeals since graduating from the University of California, San Francisco, Law School (formerly Hastings College of the Law) in 1966. His firm has its principal office in San Francisco.
Honors/Awards: Super Lawyer each year since 2006, Top 100 Trial Lawyer, National Academy of Jurisprudence.
Publications: He is co-author of “Negotiating and Settling Tort Cases: Reaching the Settlement,” published by Thomson Reuters Publishing Company, Fifth Edition, released in 2024. He has also co-authored two books on insurance coverage & bad faith & over 200 published articles on topics relating to law practice & procedure.
Membership in Professional Societies: Charter Fellow of the Litigation Counsel of America. He is also a Life Member of the Multi-Million Dollar & Million Dollar Advocates Forum.

General (cont).

Phillips, Fractor & Co, LLC
Contact: G. Michael Phillips, PhD 3452 E. Foothill Blvd, Ste 220 Pasadena, CA 91107
Patent Infringement
Expert Strategy Group
Julie Olenik-Brown
Tel: (800) 521-2877 Ext: 301
Tel: (760) 795-9004
Email: Expert@ExpertStrategy-Group.com Website: ExpertSG.com
Insight Economics, LLC
DeForest McDuff, Ph.D.
Tiffany Cereghino 4275 Executive Square, Suite 200 La Jolla, CA 92037
Tel: (858) 365-0300
Email: contact@insighteconomics.com
Website: www.insighteconomics.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: PhDs; JD; MBA; CPAs; CLP
Specialties: DAMAGES: lost profits, reasonable royalty, economic harm, loss of value, unjust enrichment, SEP/FRAND, business impact, loss of value. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY: patents, trademarks, trade secrets, copyrights. UNFAIR COMPETITION: economic harm, unjust enrichment, false advertising. ANTITRUST: market definition, restraints on competition, competitive impact, antitrust liability. ECONOMIC ANALYSIS: irreparable harm, balance of hardships, class certification. OTHER AREAS: valuation, financial analysis, labor, employment, and more.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Insight's team of experts has decades of collective experience providing economic and financial analysis in consulting, licensing, and research and offers expert witness testimony and consulting in several areas, including damages, intellectual property, unfair competition, antitrust, business disputes and competition, labor economics, discrimination, employment, personal injury, harassment, legal, and business, growth, and strategy.
Insight Economics, LLC: Insight Economics is a leading economic expert witness firm. Founded in 2017, Insight Economics provides nationally recognized economic consulting dedicated to the highest quality analysis, reports, and testimony for courts and companies worldwide. Insight's team includes decades of collective experience providing economic and financial analysis in consulting, licensing, and expert witness testimony.
Tel: (626) 744-3540
Email: contactpfc@rule26.com Website: www.phillipsfractor.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: PhDs, MBAs, CPAs, CFE, CFA, ABV, CVA, MAFF, CIMA, MS, EdD specializing in Economics, Finance, Statistics, Accounting, Business Valuation, Surveys, Data Science, Physics, Marketing, Political Science, Policy Analysis, & related subjects.
ECONOMICS, FINANCE, STATISTICS, VALUATION, FORENSIC ACCOUNTING, and DATA ANALYSIS consulting and testimony. Since 1982, our team has offered creative, effective, scientifically appropriate, discrete, ethical research and testimony tailored to our clients’ unique needs. As a boutique firm with international capability and experience, we look at each problem with a fresh perspective. Typical cases include ECONOMIC ANALYSIS (e.g., general forensics, lost earnings, antitrust, damages, compensation, personal injury, toxic torts, wrongful death, wrongful termination, class action), FORENSIC ACCOUNTING (e.g., investigation of alleged executive malfeasance, investigation of alleged misappropriation of trust funds, financial impact of breach of contract, financial impact of misappropriation of trade secrets, business valuation, corporate issues, corporate governance, alter ego, fraud analysis, marital dissolution, professional practices), FINANCE (e.g., modeling, investment analysis, “what if” analysis, portfolio valuation, options and stock valuation, fraudulent conveyance), STATISTICS (e.g., sampling, extrapolation, econometrics, forecasting, simulation, Monte Carlo, discrimination, failure rates), QUESTIONNAIRES & SURVEYS (e.g., consumer perceptions, Lanham Act, public opinion, class action), INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY (e.g., FMV analysis, entertainment/motion pictures/music/TV, sports, royalties, patent infringement, conjoint and hedonic analysis, surveys), REAL ESTATE (e.g., mass appraisal, residential rent, wrongful eviction, environmental issues, rights-of-way, licensing), TECHNOLOGY (e.g., AI, Internet, start-ups, e-commerce, valuation), and “ONE OF A KIND” cases.
Our diverse network of expert witnesses includes leading global industry specialists, PhD's, senior executives, scientists, technical and materials experts, and supremely qualified medical professionals across many professional industries.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: We offer expert witnesses in many professional industries. Here are just a few of the expert categories we offer: accident, accounting, automotive, aviation, biomechanics, business, chemical, construction, economics, employment, engineering, failure analysis, finance, firearms, hazardous materials, hotel, insurance, intellectual property, machinery, marketing, medical and medical device, nursing home, pharmacology, product liability, psychology, security, financial securities, toxicology, technical, transportation, valuation, warnings. And thousands more expert witness categories.
We do all of the work in connecting law firms with experts who fit your case: Expert Strategy Group is a strategic partner to law firms for all of your Expert Witness needs. We have developed a unique technology platform that, when paired with our 1:1 client service model, creates a more precise degree of Expert matching to extremely specific litigation criteria.

Benchmark Investigations
Contact: Jim Zimmer, CPI
32158 Camino Capistrano, #A-415
San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675
Tel: (800) 248-7721
Fax: (949) 606-8439
Email: zimmerpi@pacbell.net
Website: www.BenchmarkInvestigations.net
BS, Business Management; CA Private Investigator Lic PI 12651; Registered Process Server #PSC/2411
National agency. Professional investigations with emphasis upon accuracy, detail & expedience. Asset/financial searches; background investigation; DMV searches; domestic/marital cases; due diligence; mergers & acquisitions; process service; sexual harassment & discrimination investigations; surveillance/photog; witness location & statements. LA branch + correspondents nationwide. Multi-lingual agents. Fully insured. Jim Zimmer is a Past President of the National Council of Investigation & Security Services & the California Assn of Licensed Investigators. Jim is the 2011 recipient of the CALI Distinguished Achievement Award. See display ad at right

Hodson P.I., LLC
Justin D. Hodson, CPI
27226 Via Industria #B Temecula, CA 92590
Tel: (714) 646-4545
Email: justin@HodsonPI.com
Website: www.HodsonPI.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: CA PI 23796
Investigation, Process Service. Hodson P.I., LLC is a California, licensed, professional private investigations firm serving all of California. Hodson P.I., LLC is an approved and licensed Limited Liability Investigations Corporation. Our coverage area is the entire state of California, with services in select States and Countries. The firm was founded in 2003 by world renowned private detective, Justin D. Hodson, CPI, who has been conducting investigations since 1999.

Matthew C. Boomhower
President & Founder
Southern Cross Property Consultants 4055 Hancock St, #100 San Diego, CA 92110
Tel: (858) 395-8657
Email: matthew@southerncrosspc.com
Website: www.southerncrosspc.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: California Registered Architect | Admitted to the CA and Federal Bar | BArch - University of Tennessee, Knoxville | J.D. - California Western School of Law | Certified Construction Contract Administrator
Land Use Planning & Zoning, Architecturemalpractice and professional standard of care, Building Codes, Permits and Entitlements. Extensive experience as a consultant and designated expert for matters involving land use planning & zoning, the practice of architecture especially malpractice and the architect's standard of care, building code compliance, and matters relating to permits and entitlements. Professional experience coupled with 20+ years as an adjunct architecture professor teaching professional practice and code classes and an adjunct professor teaching development and land use classes.


KPC Legal Audit Services, Inc.
Contact: André E. Jardini
550 N Brand Blvd, Ste. 1500
Glendale, CA 91203-1922
Tel: (818) 547-2900
Tel: (818) 547-5178 (Direct)
Email: aej@kpclegal.com
Website: www.kpclegal.com
Audits of attorney & expert invoices; Expert testimony; Consultation on legal cost containment; Training seminars & MCLE programs
Joel Mark
919 Box Canyon Trl Palm Desert, CA 92211
Tel: (805) 701-7731
Fax: (760) 772-6665
Email: jmark4law@gmail.com
Website: www.joelmarkesq.com

UC Berkeley (AB, 1969); UC Hastings College of Law (JD, 1972); Admitted CA 1972; CA, 1994
Business Litigation, Intellectual Property, Commercial Law, Professional Liability, Banking.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: 135+ engagements in Attorney Fee Disputes; Attorney Ethics, Attorney Malpractice (Litigation)
Birthdate: 1947 Birthplace: Los Angeles
Previous Positions/Appointments: CA
State Bar Committee on Mandatory Fee Arbitration; California State Bar Committee on Professional Responsibility & Conduct; Appointed Expert Consultant by LA County Superior Court; State Bar MFA Presiding Arbitrator (2009-2012); State Bar of California Special Deputy Trial Counsel for Disciplinary Matters (2010-present).
Membership in Professional Societies: LACBA; State Bar of CA.
John D. O'Connor
Attorneys Fee Expert
O'Connor and Associates
4 Embarcadero Center, Suite 1400
San Francisco, CA 94111
Tel: (415) 693-9960
Cell: (415) 999-2528 (Direct)
Fax: (415) 692-6537
Email: john@joclaw.com Website: www.joclaw.com
John O’Connor has more than 45 years of experience dealing with complex attorney fee disputes. He is a member of the National Association of Legal Fee Analysis (NALFA) and has been recognized as “Nation’s top Attorney Fee Expert” by NAFLA every year since 2017. He travels throughout the country representing clients as an expert witness.
Lodestar analysis, including reasonable hourly rate, reasonable hour, and multiplier or fee enhancement analysis; State and federal fee-shifting statutes; Contractual attorney fee clauses; litigation success and prevailing party analysis; Class Action attorney fee; Attorney fee award appeals; Anti-SLAPP motion prevailing party attorney fee awards; Appellate attorney fees; Contingency fee agreements; Quantum Meruit analysis for judgment subject to multiple contingent fee agreements (e.g., due to substitution of attorney); Brandt fees; Buss fees; Insurance Carrier Billing Guideline analysis
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: O’Connor’s litigation and expert consultancy covers a broad range of attorney fee issues, including: disputes over appropriate billing rates / litigation efficiency / task assignment and staffing / litigation success and prevailing party determination / litigation skill. His work has been widely lauded by clients, lawyers, courts and arbitrators across the US.
"Nation's Top Attorney Fee Expert" — theNALFA.org
John O’Connor has devoted a significant portion of his practice to attorneys and attorney-fee disputes as an expert witness and litigator. He brings a depth of expertise as an expert witness that only an experienced litigator can offer.

Jacqueline S. Vinaccia, Partner
Vanst Law LLP
8880 Rio San Diego Drive, Suite 800
San Diego, CA 92108
Tel: (858) 243-4299

Website: https://VanstLawFirm.com
J.D., University of San Diego Law School
| B.A., Political Science, California State Polytechnic University — Pomona |
Certification in Corporate Storytelling from California International Business University
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience:
Ms. Vinaccia is a national expert witness in legal fee analysis and audits. She has assisted several business clients, large insurance companies, cities, and public agencies in resolving attorney fee issues. She has provided legal fee expert services in State and Federal Courts across the country, several of which involved several millions of dollars in fees and costs. Her analyses have been cited by the California Court of Appeal for the 4th DCA in PULTE HOME CORP. vs CBR ELECTRIC, INC. (2020) 50 Cal.App. 5th 216, US District Courts for Northern California and Western Washington, several California Superior Courts, and by various courts and arbitrators throughout the United States. She has testified in state and federal court on the issues of proper billing, and fees and costs allocation. Ms. Vinaccia is a member of the National Association of Legal Fee Analysis and named one of the Nation's Top Legal Fee Experts by that organization.
Jacqueline S. Vinaccia is a California trial attorney with an expertise in legal fee analysis and audits. She has represented clients through litigation, and dozens of successful arbitration awards, trial verdicts (both bench and jury trials), and appeals in business litigation, insurance coverage, construction disputes, toxic torts, real estate litigation, municipal litigation, general liability litigation.
Roughan & Associates At LINC, Inc.
See ad at right
Jay S. Grossman, DDS
11980 San Vincent, Ste 507
Los Angeles, CA 90049
Tel: (310) 820-0123
Fax: (310) 207-3784
Email: jgrossmandds@gmail.com
Website: www.expertwitness.dental

Dental Malpractice & Dental Injury Expert
As of Dec 2023: I have been deposed over 150 times; reviewed over 1,000 cases for both defense and plaintiff including peer review, accidents, and malpractice. 52% defense / 48% plaintiff. I have qualified in Superior Court over 75 times and have never been disqualified on the stand or prior to trial. At least 95% of my time is spent in patient care. I can be counted on to be ethical, competent, prepared, and analytical as well as articulate and persuasive at depositions and court appearances. As of Nov 2023, there are over 295 published articles, write ups and lectures in print, radio, and TV. (http://www. expertwitness.dental/) - click on Expert Testimony - Media Coverage / Write-ups)
I hold two current professorships: UCLA School of Dentistry (Volunteer) & NYU College of Dentistry. Licensed in 42 states to opine on the standard of care, with specific licenses in California, Nevada, New Mexico, and the Northeast as well as a Florida Expert Certification. Graduated NYU 1988; GPR Residency NYU 1989, Lieutenant, United States Navy 1989- 1991; private practice Brentwood, CA since 1991 – serving over 15,000 patients on a fee-for-service basis. Founder of the non-profit “Homeless Not Toothless” (www.homelessnottoothless.org), which has made it possible for over 124,000 homeless Veterans, women of domestic abuse and foster children to receive over $10 million in pro-bono dental care.
Member: American Academy of Cosmetic Orthodontics: 2013-present, American Dental Association (ADA) since 1991 and Peer Review Committee ADA 1995-2009, American Legion 2018 - present, Medical Disciplinary Committee Delta Dental 2000-present, Veteran Administration QME examiner 2019-present.

Craig Cherney, Esq.
High Desert Law Group, LLP 11260 N. Tatum Blvd, Ste 143 Phoenix, AZ 85028
Tel: (480) 240-0040
Email: craig@hdflg.com
Website: www.craigcherney.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: BA, Univ of Virginia; JD, Univ San Diego School of Law; Lic RE Broker CA; Lic Attorney CA, AZ, NV
Land management, fiduciary duties, standards of care, private equity funds, real estate sponsors, fee disputes, title disputes, boundary disputes, entitlements, zoning, land use, commission disputes, failure to disclose, SPDS, zoning, entitlements.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Participated in over 25 civil litigations as real estate expert witness in multiple states.
Previous Positions/Appointments: Vice President at American Land Fund; Manager of Land at Pulte Group. Urban Land Institute - Residential Neighborhood Development Council.
Honors/Awards: San Diego Law Review
Timothy Casey UCLA School of Law
385 Charles E. Young Drive East Los Angeles, CA 90095-1476
Tel: (310) 206-0317 (Voicemail)
Cell: (917) 365-3539
Email: casey@law.ucla.edu
Website: https://law.ucla.edu/faculty/facultyprofiles/timothy-casey
Columbia Law School, LLM | Columbia School Int'l Public Affairs | UC Law San Francisco, JD | Boston College, BA (Economics)
Legal Ethics & Professional Responsibility; Legal Malpractice; Attorney-Client Privilege; Professional Negligence; Breach of Fiduciary Duty; UPL
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Legal Malpractice; UPL; Attorney-Client Relationship; Breach of Fiduciary Duty
Lawrence H. Jacobson
Lawrence H. Jacobson, APC
9777 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 517
Beverly Hills, CA 90212
Tel: (310) 271-0747
Fax: (310) 271-0757
AB, UCLA 1964; JD, UCLA School of Law 1967; RE Broker 1978; Certificate in Archaeology, UCLA Extension, 2009; CA Community College Instructor, of Law; Notary 1973; Martindale-Hubbell AV Rated since 1980; Senior Editor, UCLA Law Review; Insurance Counsel Journal Award; Order of the Coif; Recipient of the CA Continuing Education of the Bar's 2011 "Spirit of CEB" Award.
Real estate attorney (50+ years) and CA Real Estate Broker (40+ years). Expertise includes interpretation of real estate documents, real estate and mortgage brokers' standard of care, custom & usage, mortgage banking, lawyer malpractice in real estate and business transactions, legal ethics and fee disputes.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Extensive expertise in legal malpractice, ethics, real estate brokerage custom and practice and all real estate related issues. Retained in approx. 200 cases involving the interpretation of real estate documents, real estate and mortgage brokers' standard of care, legal malpractice involving real estate, corporate finance, merger and acquisition, legal ethics and legal fee disputes.
Beverly Hills Bar Assoc. 2011-12 President; Judge pro tem for the Los Angeles and Beverly Hills Municipal Court Systems; adjunct professor of law: real estate secured transactions and administrative law; former Vice-President, Legal Affairs of the CA Association of Realtors; Legal Counsel to the Newport Beach Assoc. of Realtors and prior counsel to the Beverly Hills and Palm Springs Regional Assoc. of Realtors, and special counsel to the San Fernando Valley Board of Realtors. Special Deputy Trial Counsel for the CA State Bar.
Guy O. Kornblum
Guy O. Kornblum, A
Professional Law Corporation
1388 Sutter St, Ste 1210
San Francisco, CA 94109
Tel: (415) 440-7800
Cell: (415) 730-3485
Email: gkornblum@kornblumlaw.com
Website: www.kornblumlaw.com

JD, 1966, Univ of CA, San Francisco (formerly Hastings College of the Law); AB, 1961, Indiana Univ. Licensed to practice law in CA & IN. Certified in Civil Trial Law & Civil Pretrial Practice Advocacy by the National Board of Trial Advocacy & is a Charter Fellow of the American College of Board Certified Attorneys
Qualified as an expert on insurance matters & insurance claims handling in cases in Los Angeles County, Solano County, San Mateo County, San Francisco County, Sacramento County & Contra Costa County & also in the US District Court for the Northern District of California & also at arbitration. His testimony has been accepted on a wide variety of issues in the areas of insurance company claims handling & practice including evaluating coverage positions, the investigation of claims, compliance with insurance regulations & overall insurance industry claims handling principles, customs & practices. Also qualified as an expert on civil litigation standards, case evaluation & settlement practices. Specialist in civil trials, arbitrations & appeals since graduating from the University of California, San Francisco, Law School (formerly Hastings College of the Law) in 1966. His firm has its principal office in San Francisco.
Honors/Awards: Super Lawyer each year since 2006, Top 100 Trial Lawyer, National Academy of Jurisprudence.
Publications: He is co-author of “Negotiating and Settling Tort Cases: Reaching the Settlement,” published by Thomson Reuters Publishing Company, Fifth Edition, released in 2024. He has also co-authored two books on insurance coverage & bad faith & over 200 published articles on topics relating to law practice & procedure.
Membership in Professional Societies: Charter Fellow of the Litigation Counsel of America. He is also a Life Member of the Multi-Million Dollar & Million Dollar Advocates Forum.
Mitchell L. Lathrop
Law Office of Mitchell L. Lathrop
600 W. Broadway St, Ste 500
San Diego, CA 92101-3357
Tel: (619) 955-5951
Fax: (619) 566-4034
Email: mllathrop@earthlink.net
Website: www.LathropADR.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: Lic in CA, DC & NY and before multiple federal courts.
Practice limited to mediation, arbitration & expert consulting and testimony in matters involving insurance, reinsurance or lawyers’ professional ethics & responsibilities.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience:
Qualified as an expert in both state & federal courts on matters involving insurance & reinsurance. Former Presiding Referee of the State Bar Court.
Birthdate: 12/15/37 Birthplace: LA, CA
Education: BS, Engineering, US Naval Academy; JD, USC. Previous Positions/ Appointments: CV supplied upon request. Honors/Awards: Best Lawyers in America; Super Lawyers in CA & NY; Martindale A rated Publications: Insurance Coverage for Environmental Claims, Lexis-Nexis Martindale Hubbell. Membership in Professional Societies: AM Bd of Trial Advocates; ABA
Joel Mark 919 Box Canyon Trl Palm Desert, CA 92211
Tel: (805) 701-7731
Fax: (760) 772-6665
Email: jmark4law@gmail.com
Website: www.joelmarkesq.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: UC Berkeley (AB, 1969); UC Hastings College of Law (JD, 1972); Admitted CA 1972; CA, 1994
Business Litigation, Intellectual Property, Commercial Law, Professional Liability, Banking.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: 135+ engagements in Attorney Fee Disputes; Attorney Ethics, Attorney Malpractice (Litigation)
Birthdate: 1947 Birthplace: Los Angeles
Previous Positions/Appointments: CA State Bar Committee on Mandatory Fee Arbitration; California State Bar Committee on Professional Responsibility & Conduct; Appointed Expert Consultant by LA County Superior Court; State Bar MFA Presiding Arbitrator (2009-2012); State Bar of California Special Deputy Trial Counsel for Disciplinary Matters (2010-present).
Membership in Professional Societies: LACBA; State Bar of CA.
John D. O'Connor
Attorneys Fee Expert
O'Connor and Associates
4 Embarcadero Center, Suite 1400
San Francisco, CA 94111
Tel: (415) 693-9960
Cell: (415) 999-2528
Fax: (415) 692-6537
Email: john@joclaw.com
Website: www.joclaw.com
John O’Connor has more than 45 years of experience dealing with complex attorney fee disputes. He is a member of the National Association of Legal Fee Analysis (NALFA) and has been recognized as “Nation’s top Attorney Fee Expert” by NAFLA every year since 2017. He travels throughout the country representing clients as an expert witness.
Lodestar analysis, including reasonable hourly rate, reasonable hour, and multiplier or fee enhancement analysis; State and federal fee-shifting statutes; Contractual attorney fee clauses; litigation success and prevailing party analysis; Class Action attorney fee; Attorney fee award appeals; Anti-SLAPP motion prevailing party attorney fee awards; Appellate attorney fees; Contingency fee agreements; Quantum Meruit analysis for judgment subject to multiple contingent fee agreements (e.g., due to substitution of attorney); Brandt fees; Buss fees; Insurance Carrier Billing Guideline analysis
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: O’Connor’s litigation and expert consultancy covers a broad range of attorney fee issues, including: disputes over appropriate billing rates / litigation efficiency / task assignment and staffing / litigation success and prevailing party determination / litigation skill. His work has been widely lauded by clients, lawyers, courts and arbitrators across the US.
"Nation's Top Attorney Fee Expert" — theNALFA.org
John O’Connor has devoted a significant portion of his practice to attorneys and attorney-fee disputes as an expert witness and litigator. He brings a depth of expertise as an expert witness that only an experienced litigator can offer.
Deborah A. Wolfe, Esq.
Wolfe Legal Solutions, PC
3755 Avocado Blvd, No.197
La Mesa, CA 91941
Tel: (619) 234-3363 (Office)
Cell: (619) 840-3989
Fax: (619) 231-1989

Website: www.WolfeLegalSolutions.com
University of San Diego, School of Law | State Bar of California, Lic. 1981 (Active) | State Bar of Arizona, Lic. 1982 (Inactive)
Certified Legal Specialist: Legal Malpractice Law (State Bar of California) | Certified Legal Specialist: Civil Trial Law (NBTA)
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience:
Ms. Wolfe has acted as a consultant on legal malpractice law, civil trial strategy, legal ethics, and professional responsibility over the course of her 42-year practice. She has testified and qualified as an expert witness in California Superior Courts in legal ethics, professional liability, and civil trial practice.
Legal Ethics Consulting: Ms. Wolfe privately consults with attorneys and law firms on issues involving legal ethics and best practices
Doreen Casuto, RN, MRA, CRRN, CCM, CLCP
President, Rehabilitation Care
7851 Mission Center Ct, Ste 103
San Diego, CA 92108
Tel: (619) 299-9922
Fax: (619) 299-9932

Email: info@rehabcarecoord.com
Website: www.rehabcarecoord.com
BS Nursing, American University (1970); MRA Rehab Admin, University of San Francisco (1984); Registered Nurse - CA, UT, DC; Certified Case Manager; Certified Life Care Planner; Certified Nurse Life Care Planner; Certified Rehab Registered Nurse
Life Care Planning: Dynamic all-encompassing plan to determine patient needs across multiple medical specialties & therapies for the rest of the patient’s life. Created with input and research by the medical experts and the entire nursing team at RCC
Case Management: Long Term Care
Management for individuals with catastrophic injuries & life events. Serve as patient advocate and resource for all government benefits and community resources. Performed on behalf of Special Needs trust after settlement or verdict.
Catastrophic Injuries: Mild/Moderate/Traumatic Brain Injuries. Spinal Cord Injuries, Orthopedic Injuries or Amputees, and Mental Illness.
Membership in Professional Societies: Adjunct Faculty, San Diego State. Board Member, San Diego Brain Injury Foundation. Board Member, California Brain Injury Association. Board Member, Foundation for Rehab Education and Research. Member of Ethic Review Committee, International Association of Rehab Professionals.
William Dillin, MD
Independent Spine Evaluation, Inc.
Spine Surgery and Spine Medicine Consultant 6080 Center Drive, #652 Los Angeles, CA 90045
Tel: (844) 774-6393 (844-spinewd)
Email: keena.giles@independentspine.com
Website: www.independentspine.com
MD – licensed in CA, TX, AZ, FL and NV
Dr. Dillin is in clinical practice performing spine surgery, spine interventions and evaluating patients with spine conditions. He is licensed in California, Texas, Arizona, Florida and Nevada. Dr. Dillin was a former partner at the KerlanJobe Orthopaedic Clinic and was an associate of the Cedars-Sinai Kerlan-Jobe Institute.
Independent Medical Evaluations; Medical Legal Reviews.
See display ad page 81
Charles Dubin, M.D
10921 Wilshire Blvd, #507
Los Angeles, CA 90024
Tel: (310) 617-0519
Fax: (310) 471-0519
Email: dubincharles53@gmail.com

M.D; Physician’s and Surgeon’s Certificate California License 1979; Diplomate of the National Board of Medical Examiners 1979; American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology Certified 1984; Fellow American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology 1986; Certification in Advance Operative Laparoscopy and Hysteroscopy 1996; Certified DaVinci Robotic Surgeon 2013.
Expert Testimony in Gynecological and Obstetrical Malpractice-plaintiff and defense. Record Review, Forensic Analysis, Sexual Abuse, Minimally Invasive Gynecologic and Robotic Surgery, Office Gynecology, OB-GYN Expert for Los Angeles County Superior Court.
Education: M.D., UCLA 1978; Sex Therapy Fellowship UCLA 1980; Internship and Residency Ob-Gyn, UCLA 1981; Chief Resident Ob-Gyn @ UCLA 1982. Previous Positions/Appointments: 1982-1992 Clinical Faculty Instructor Family Practice Residency at Santa Monica Hospital; 1982-1995 and 20122016 Assistant Clinical Professor Obstetrics and Gynecology UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine; 2018-present Expert Witness Panel Ob-Gyn Los Angeles Superior Court. Honors/ Awards: Phi Beta Kappa, Magna Cum Laude.
Elliot D. Felman, MD
Expert Witness / Family Medicine
1821 Wilshire Blvd, Ste 301 Santa Monica, CA 90403
Tel: (310) 260-2525
Fax: (310) 260-7575
Email: drfelman@earthlink.net

Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: MD; ABFM; AAFP
Experienced in Medical Record Review for Standard of Care Evaluation, Deposition, Trial Testimony in Family Medicine, Internal Medicine. Board Certified in Family Medicine. 37 years in practice. Plaintiff or Defense. Clinical Faculty, UCLA Med School & Western University of Health Services.

Medical Consultant Services, Inc.
2377 W. Foothill Blvd, #9 Upland, CA 91786
Tel: (888) 627-4321
Fax: (909) 946-0347
Email: experts@expertsatmcs.com
Website: www.expertsatmcs.com
One convenient nationwide source for cost effective medical and technical expert services in all healthcare and technical fields. MCS assists its clients with claims involving personal injury, medical malpractice, disability, construction defect, product liability, criminal forensics and HMO peer review. Our experts are Board Certified and qualified expert witnesses. Services include Independent Medical Examinations, Medical Record Reviews, Diagnostic Re-interpretation, Utilization and/or Bill Reviews, along with various types of Technical Review and Analysis, involving accident reconstruction and biomechanical analysis, safety, economic loss and more.
MCS is also an approved M.C.L.E. provider and offers seminars at no charge on a number of topics for continuing legal education.
Craig Cherney, Esq.
High Desert Law Group, LLP 11260 N. Tatum Blvd, Ste 143 Phoenix, AZ 85028
Tel: (480) 240-0040
Email: craig@hdflg.com
Website: www.craigcherney.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: BA, Univ of Virginia; JD, Univ San Diego School of Law; Lic RE Broker CA; Lic Attorney CA, AZ, NV
Land management, fiduciary duties, standards of care, private equity funds, real estate sponsors, fee disputes, title disputes, boundary disputes, entitlements, zoning, land use, commission disputes, failure to disclose, SPDS, zoning, entitlements.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Participated in over 25 civil litigations as real estate expert witness in multiple states. Previous Positions/Appointments: Vice President at American Land Fund; Manager of Land at Pulte Group. Urban Land Institute - Residential Neighborhood Development Council.
Honors/Awards: San Diego Law Review
Dr. Michael A. Kamins & Associates
Former Director of Research, Area Head of Marketing - Stony Brook College of Business
Tel: (323) 868-9507
Fax: (323) 931-0258
Email: michaelakaminsconsultants@gmail.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: BBA; MBA (Statistics); Doctorate (Marketing Research & Strategy
Marketing & advertising strategy as well as marketing research, questionnaire design & statistical issues. I specialize in survey research, confusion, secondary meaning, dilution, false advertising, celebrity advertising, pricing strategy, pioneership & international advertising. Consumer behavior expertise incl rumor & information processing. I have assisted such individuals as Muhammed Ali, Taylor Swift, Rock Group “Boston,” The “Doors,” Bill Medley & Kareem Abdul Jabbar & such companies as AT&T, Pinkberry, MGM, Lexus, AMEX, the State of California & New York St. Attorney General Elliot Spitzer’s Office, Samsung. Appeared against President Trump in the Trump University Class Action, and on behalf of Fox News against Dominion.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Working as an Expert Witness since 1994. 50+ depositions & 8 trial experiences.
Education: BBA (Statistics) Bernard M, Baruch, 1974; MBA (Statistics) Bernard M Baruch, 1977; PhD (Marketing) New York University, 1984.
Previous Positions/Appointments: Taught Statistics at Baruch College & Marketing/ Marketing Research at NYU, USC, Stony Brook and the Drucker School of Management.
Honors & Awards: Golden Apple Award winning teacher and Dean’s Scholar, Best Teacher in the Grad School of Business at Stony Brook, 2008.
Number of Publications: 50+.
Professional Societies: Assn for Consumer Research; Amer Marketing Assn; Academy of Marketing Science.
Fees: $950 for deposition, trial and consultation
KARS' Testing & Research Labs - A Division of ESi
See ad page 76
▪ In-house State-of-the-Art Instrumentation
▪ Licensed Metallurgical / Mechanical / Electrical Engineers
▪ Expert Witness Services
▪ Deposition & Trial Experience
▪ Medical Implant Failures
▪ Automobile / Aerospace Accidents
▪ Failures of Metal / Plastic / Wood Chairs
▪ 4K Borescope & Digital Light Microscopy
▪ Product Liability / Personal Injury Cases
▪ Construction Defects-Metal/Plastics
▪ Welding / Piping / Corrosion Failures
▪ Polymers, Composites, Fiberglass Failures
▪ Identification of Foreign Particles in Food
▪ Fires and Explosions - Origin & Cause
▪ Custom Electrical & Mechanical Testing
▪ 2D / 3D X-ray CT Scanning
▪ E-Cigarette / Lithium Battery Failures
▪ Realtime Remote Inspections in HD
▪ Wildfire Lab Inspections

Elite Medical Experts
See ad page 78
Simon Dardashti, MD, MS
Expert Medical Services LLC
1171 S. Robertson Blvd, #426 Los Angeles, CA 90035
Cell: (818) 730-7579
Email: MedicalExpertServices26 @gmail.com

Website: https://www.linkedin.com/in/simondardashti-494994187
BA, UC Berkeley ’05, Political Science; MS, Georgetown University ’06, Physiology; MD, Chicago Medical School 2010. Double Board Certified (ABMS) in Anesthesiology & Pain Medicine (’15). Active Medical License (CA) & Hospital Admitting Privileges.
Anesthesiology, Pain Management, Medical Corporate Compliance
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: 40+ Cases, 8+ years experience, Pain Causation, Pain & Suffering, Disability, Surgical Injury/Negligence (Epidural, Spine Injection, Paralysis), Anoxic Brain Injury,Overdose, Opiate & Medication Management Document Review, depositions, disclosure, statements, evaluating merits of a case, medical negligence & malpractice, depositions, trial, representing both Plaintiff & Defense Attorneys (50:50).
Anesthesiology and Pain Management Medical Expert:
Rated One of the Top Anesthesiology and Pain Management physicians in the Los Angeles area. Highly experienced physician with an active medical practice.
Prompt communication, presentable at depositions, understands the importance of deadlines.
Number of Times Deposed/Testified in Last 4 Years: 20
Wayne M. Whalen, D.C.
CEO, Whalen Chiropractic Inc.
9570 Cuyamaca Street, Suite 101 Santee, CA 92071
Tel: (619) 258-1144 (Office)
Cell: (619) 368-1145
Email: DrWWhalen@gmail.com Website: www.drwhalen.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: Doctor of Chiropractic | Fellow, International Academy of Chiropractic Neurology | Qualified Medical Examiner
Personal Injury and workers' compensation expert and educator. Lead or co-author national Best Practices guidelines for Neck Pain, Back and Chronic pain. Board of Chiropractic expert consultant
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Multiple civil, criminal, Med/Mal, and administrative trials. Extensive experience in chiropractic standard of care issues

Family / General Practice
Elliot D. Felman, MD
Expert Witness / Family Medicine
1821 Wilshire Blvd, Ste 301
Santa Monica, CA 90403
Tel: (310) 260-2525
Fax: (310) 260-7575
Email: drfelman@earthlink.net

Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: MD; ABFM; AAFP
Experienced in Medical Record Review for Standard of Care Evaluation, Deposition, Trial Testimony in Family Medicine, Internal Medicine. Board Certified in Family Medicine. 37 years in practice. Plaintiff or Defense. Clinical Faculty, UCLA Med School & Western University of Health Services.
General Surgery
Stephan Zweig, M.D. 1252 Las Lomas Avenue
Pacific Palisades, CA 90272
Cell: (310) 413-8531
Email: stephanzweig11@gmail.com
M.D. Licensed in CA, Board certified American Board of Surgery, Fellow American College of Surgeons, past assistant clinical professor of surgery UCLA
General Surgery, special interest hernia, gallbladder, breast, gastrointestinal
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Los Angeles County

Healthcare Delivery Systems
J. Mark Waxman
J. Mark Waxman, Attorney at Law
10531 4S Commons Drive, Suite 166 #157
San Diego, CA 92127
Tel: (781) 330-5901
Email: mwaxman@mwaxmanlaw.com
Website: mwaxmanlaw.com
LinkedIn Profile:
https://www.linkedin.com/in/j-mark-waxman Degrees/Licenses/Certifications:
J. D. Berkeley Law, 1973 | B. A. UC San Diego 1970
Health care delivery system issues including creation and implementation of managed care contracts, vendor and IT contracts, governance, M&A and other significant transactions and terminations for hospitals and health systems, physicians and physician groups snfs and other care facilities and providers, vendors and suppliers, health plans and their networks and members, and trade associations.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience:
Lead counsel in multiple matters of dispute for plans and providers, service as a consultant in litigation and negotiations involving physician relationships, managed care, clinical trial, employment and other contracts, testifying expert in fraud claim involving workers compensation setting,consultant/counsel to independent Board members in practice group dispute.
Health Care Industry Experience:
Retired senior partner of national law firm, served as General Counsel for two health care systems, litigated and arbitrated multiple managed care and vendor disputes, regulatory experience with enforcement agencies in multiple states. Executive experience as President of a Health Care System, Chair of the Board of Free Clinic, and Board positions in nonprofits, including service as Chair of the Audit, Risk and Compliance committee of a research enterprise. Have served for-profit public and private companies, as well as nonprofit systems and entities.
Medical Devices
Expert Strategy Group
Julie Olenik-Brown
Tel: (800) 521-2877 Ext: 301
Tel: (760) 795-9004
Email: Expert@ExpertStrategy-Group.com Website: ExpertSG.com
Our diverse network of expert witnesses includes leading global industry specialists, PhD's, senior executives, scientists, technical and materials experts, and supremely qualified medical professionals across many professional industries.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience:
We offer expert witnesses in many professional industries. Here are just a few of the expert categories we offer: accident, accounting, automotive, aviation, biomechanics, business, chemical, construction, economics, employment, engineering, failure analysis, finance, firearms, hazardous materials, hotel, insurance, intellectual property, machinery, marketing, medical and medical device, nursing home, pharmacology, product liability, psychology, security, financial securities, toxicology, technical, transportation, valuation, warnings. And thousands more expert witness categories.
We do all of the work in connecting law firms with experts who fit your case: Expert Strategy Group is a strategic partner to law firms for all of your Expert Witness needs. We have developed a unique technology platform that, when paired with our 1:1 client service model, creates a more precise degree of Expert matching to extremely specific litigation criteria.
Medical Record Review
Doreen Casuto, RN, MRA, CRRN, CCM, CLCP
President, Rehabilitation Care 7851 Mission Center Ct, Ste 103 San Diego, CA 92108
Tel: (619) 299-9922
Fax: (619) 299-9932

Email: info@rehabcarecoord.com
Website: www.rehabcarecoord.com
BS Nursing, American University (1970); MRA Rehab Admin, University of San Francisco (1984); Registered Nurse - CA, UT, DC; Certified Case Manager; Certified Life Care Planner; Certified Nurse Life Care Planner; Certified Rehab Registered Nurse
Life Care Planning: Dynamic all-encompassing plan to determine patient needs across multiple medical specialties & therapies for the rest of the patient’s life. Created with input and research by the medical experts and the entire nursing team at RCC
Case Management: Long Term Care
Management for individuals with catastrophic injuries & life events. Serve as patient advocate and resource for all government benefits and community resources. Performed on behalf of Special Needs trust after settlement or verdict.
Catastrophic Injuries: Mild/Moderate/Traumatic Brain Injuries. Spinal Cord Injuries, Orthopedic Injuries or Amputees, and Mental Illness.
Membership in Professional Societies: Adjunct Faculty, San Diego State. Board Member, San Diego Brain Injury Foundation. Board Member, California Brain Injury Association. Board Member, Foundation for Rehab Education and Research. Member of Ethic Review Committee, International Association of Rehab Professionals.
Medical Record Review (cont.)
Elliot D. Felman, MD
Expert Witness / Family Medicine
1821 Wilshire Blvd, Ste 301
Santa Monica, CA 90403
Tel: (310) 260-2525
Fax: (310) 260-7575
Email: drfelman@earthlink.net

Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: MD; ABFM; AAFP
Experienced in Medical Record Review for Standard of Care Evaluation, Deposition, Trial Testimony in Family Medicine, Internal Medicine. Board Certified in Family Medicine. 37 years in practice. Plaintiff or Defense. Clinical Faculty, UCLA Med School & Western University of Health Services.
Roughan & Associates At LINC, Inc.
Contact: Jan Roughan, RN
465 N. Halstead St, Ste 120 Pasadena, CA 91107
Tel: (626) 351-0991
Fax: (626) 351-0992
Email: janr@linc.biz
Case Management & Medical Legal Consulting firm - Services/products offered include:
Life Care Plan: Mini/Cost Projection
Life Care Plan: Comprehensive Life Care Plan: Critique
Reasonableness Analysis: Past Medical Bills/ Howell Number
Medical Record: Chronology
Medicare Set Aside Analysis
Videos: Day in Life/Settlement Doc Expert Testimony
RN IME Attendance
Expert/Specialist Identification
See display ad page 72
Lorne S. Label, MD, MBA, FAAN, CPE California Neurological Specialists, Inc.
1977 Millville Court
Thousand Oaks, CA 91360
Tel: (818) 590-6436
Fax: (805) 241-0014
Email: drllabel@gmail.com
Website: www.cns-neurology.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: MD; Bd Cert; Fellow, Amer Acad of Neurology; MBA, Health Care Mgmt. Certified Physician Executive. Diplomate, Amer Bd of Psychiatry & Neurology; CA Med Lic
Neurological field (adult & child) with particular attention to trauma causing brain/muscle/ nerve/spinal disorder. Head trauma, seizure, encephalitis, behavioral disorders, dementia, headaches, nerve & muscle disorders. Medical malpractice. Tests of higher cerebral function (EEG, Evoked Responses), EMG. Med acupuncture.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Medical Expert for Medical Board of California. Depositions, IME record review & court testimony, plaintiff & defense, since 1984
Neurology Expertise: Birthdate: 8/1/52 Birthplace: Montreal, Canada
Education: McGill Univ 1969-70; Univ of Texas at Austin, BA Psych with High Honors 1973; Univ of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, TX, MD 1978; Univ of Michigan Medical Center, Neurology, 1982; Neuromuscular Fellowship, USC, 1983
Previous Positions/Appointments: Clinical Prof of Neurology, David Geffen School of Medicine, UCLA; Past Chief of Staff, Los Robles Hospital & Medical Center; Inst of Med Quality (CMA), Hospital Surveyor, apptd 1994-present; Med Dir - Los Robles Homecare Srvs; Associate Medical Director of Los Robles Hospice, Bd of Dir, Exec Comte Mbr at several hospitals; Chairman, Clinical Ethics Advisory Committee, Los Robles Medical Center; Review Comte, Medical Bd of Calif; apptd by Gov Deukmejian; Bd of Dir, Ventura Cty Med Soc; Board of Governors UCP; Muscular Dystrophy Assn of LA.
Honors/Awards: Who’s Who of Amer Professionals 1994; Phi Beta Kappa Number of Publications: 24 incl one book, Injuries & Disorders of the Brain and Head (Mosby, 1997) & numerous Chapters; lectures; Fmr medical editor for LexisNexis Publication.
Membership in Professional Societies: Fel of Amer Acad of Neurology; Amer Acad of Med Acupuncture; Ventura Cnty Med Soc; CA Med Assn.
Jonathan S. Rutchik, MD, MPH
Neurology, Occupational & Environmental Medicine
Associate Clinical Professor, Dept Medicine (Occupational Medicine) UCSF
Admin Office: 35 Miller Ave, #331
Mill Valley, CA 94941
Cell: (415) 606-1465
Fax: (415) 381-3131
Email: jsrutch@neoma.com
Website: www.neoma.com

Clincal Offices in California: San Francisco, Richmond, Petaluma, Sacramento and Arcata
Payments (Overnight/US Express Mail): P.O. Box 45756
San Francisco, CA 94145-0756
MD (CA, NY, MA, NM, ID); Masters in Public Health; Bd Cert Neurology; Bd Cert Occ/ Env Medicine; CA QME, AME. Fellow of American Academy of Neurology, FAAN. Fellow American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, FACOEM.
Electromyography, neurotoxicology, organic solvents, trichloroethylene, perchloroethylene, heavy metals, manganese, lead, arsenic, mercury, pesticides, carbon monoxide, asphyxiation and gas exposure, mold, indoor air, neuropathy, CRPS, electrocution injury, brain trauma, disability, risk assessment, neuroepidemiology, product liability, utilization review, upper/lower extremity, head, neck, back injury, plaintiff, defense, fitness for duty, safety sensitive positions, police, firefighter, commercial driver, workers compensation.

William Dillin MD
The concepts of evidence-based medicine have been the cornerstone of Dr. Dillin’ s education during his spine surgery fellowship in Neurosurgery and Orthopaedic Surgery and the format for decision making in his subsequent practice.
The critical analytic features inherent in the ‘best evidence ’approach to patients have permeated his writing and his lectures, allowing flexible adaptation as the science has changed. Since July 1985, Dr. Dillin has been exclusively devoted to clinical spine, interventional spine and spine surgery practice. The combination of clinical critical thinking in conjunction with evidence-based medicine practice, allows spine specialty focus on any Independent Medical Evaluations or Medical-Legal Reviews.
He is in clinical practice performing spine surgery, spine interventions and evaluating patients with spine conditions. He is licensed in California, Texas, Arizona, Florida and Nevada . Dr. Dillin was a partner at the Kerlan-Jobe Orthopaedic Clinic in Los Angeles, California for 35 years and was an associate of the CedarsSinai Kerlan-Jobe Institute.
Contact information:
Phone: 844-spinewd
Email: keena.giles@independentspine.com
Web: www.independentspine.com
Doreen Casuto, RN, MRA, CRRN, CCM, CLCP
President, Rehabilitation Care
7851 Mission Center Ct, Ste 103
San Diego, CA 92108
Tel: (619) 299-9922
Fax: (619) 299-9932

Email: info@rehabcarecoord.com Website: www.rehabcarecoord.com
BS Nursing, American University (1970); MRA Rehab Admin, University of San Francisco (1984); Registered Nurse - CA, UT, DC; Certified Case Manager; Certified Life Care Planner; Certified Nurse Life Care Planner; Certified Rehab Registered Nurse
Life Care Planning: Dynamic all-encompassing plan to determine patient needs across multiple medical specialties & therapies for the rest of the patient’s life. Created with input and research by the medical experts and the entire nursing team at RCC
Case Management: Long Term Care Management for individuals with catastrophic injuries & life events. Serve as patient advocate and resource for all government benefits and community resources. Performed on behalf of Special Needs trust after settlement or verdict.
Catastrophic Injuries: Mild/Moderate/Traumatic Brain Injuries. Spinal Cord Injuries, Orthopedic Injuries or Amputees, and Mental Illness.
Membership in Professional Societies: Adjunct Faculty, San Diego State. Board Member, San Diego Brain Injury Foundation. Board Member, California Brain Injury Association. Board Member, Foundation for Rehab Education and Research. Member of Ethic Review Committee, International Association of Rehab Professionals.
Obstetrics & Gynecology
Charles Dubin, M.D
10921 Wilshire Blvd, #507
Los Angeles, CA 90024
Tel: (310) 617-0519
Fax: (310) 471-0519
Email: dubincharles53@gmail.com

Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: M.D; Physician’s and Surgeon’s Certificate California License 1979; Diplomate of the National Board of Medical Examiners 1979; American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology Certified 1984; Fellow American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology 1986; Certification in Advance Operative Laparoscopy and Hysteroscopy 1996; Certified DaVinci Robotic Surgeon 2013.
Expert Testimony in Gynecological and Obstetrical Malpractice-plaintiff and defense. Record Review, Forensic Analysis, Sexual Abuse, Minimally Invasive Gynecologic and Robotic Surgery, Office Gynecology, OB-GYN Expert for Los Angeles County Superior Court.
Education: M.D., UCLA 1978; Sex Therapy Fellowship UCLA 1980; Internship and Residency Ob-Gyn, UCLA 1981; Chief Resident Ob-Gyn @ UCLA 1982. Previous Positions/Appointments: 1982-1992 Clinical Faculty Instructor Family Practice Residency at Santa Monica Hospital; 1982-1995 and 20122016 Assistant Clinical Professor Obstetrics and Gynecology UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine; 2018-present Expert Witness Panel Ob-Gyn Los Angeles Superior Court. Honors/ Awards: Phi Beta Kappa, Magna Cum Laude.

Medical Consultant Services, Inc. 2377 W. Foothill Blvd, #9
Upland, CA 91786
Tel: (888) 627-4321
Fax: (909) 946-0347
Email: experts@expertsatmcs.com
Website: www.expertsatmcs.com
One convenient nationwide source for cost effective medical and technical expert services in all healthcare and technical fields. MCS assists its clients with claims involving personal injury, medical malpractice, disability, construction defect, product liability, criminal forensics and HMO peer review. Our experts are Board Certified and qualified expert witnesses. Services include Independent Medical Examinations, Medical Record Reviews, Diagnostic Re-interpretation, Utilization and/or Bill Reviews, along with various types of Technical Review and Analysis, involving accident reconstruction and biomechanical analysis, safety, economic loss and more.
MCS is also an approved M.C.L.E. provider and offers seminars at no charge on a number of topics for continuing legal education.
Orthopedics (cont.)

MRK Medical Consultants
Edward W. Younger, III, M.D. Medical Director
11249 Gold Country Blvd, #165 Gold River, CA 95670
Tel: (800) 403-1647
Tel: (916) 863-7301
Website: www.mrkmedconsultants.com
MRK has provided medical/legal services across the country for more than 40 years. Our board-certified physician consultants deliver objective examination of personal injury cases in order to help insurance and legal professionals reach appropriate conclusions.
We offer medical record reviews, diagnostic imaging reviews, independent medical exams, and medical billing audits and reviews. Our staff coordinates every case and makes the process seamless for our valued clients.
Orthopedics, neurosurgery, Covid-19, allergy/ immunology, critical care/ICU, emergency medicine, gastroenterology, general surgery, geriatrics, hand surgery, life care planning, medical bill auditing, neurology, neuropsychology, pediatric neuropsychology, OB/GYN, ophthalmology, otolaryngology, pain management, PM&R, plastic surgery, podiatry, pulmonary medicine, radiology, and neuroradiology.
We have offices throughout Southern California: La Mesa, Encino, Pasadena, and Santa Monica. We also have offices throughout the state, including Atwater, Bakersfield, Chico, Clovis, Eureka, Lafayette, Monterey, Napa, Redding, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, and Santa Rosa. Locations in Nevada and Arizona are also available.
See display ad below

William B. Stetson, MD
Stetson Lee Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine
Associate Adjunct Clinical Professor, USC Dept of Orthopaedic Surgery
191 S. Buena Vista St, Ste 470 Burbank, CA 91505
Tel: (818) 848-3030
Fax: (818) 848-2228

Email: drstetson@stetsonleeortho.com
Website: sportsmedicinedr.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: BA, USC ‘83, Phi Beta Kappa; MD, USC ‘89; LAC, USC Dept of Orthopaedic Surgery ‘94; Sports Medicine/Arthroscopy Fellowship ‘95; Board Certified Orthopaedic Surgeon ‘97; Board Recertification 2017; Certificate of Added Qualification in Sports Medicine 2017. QME – State of California.
Shoulder, knee, elbow, ankle, trauma including gunshot wounds, Sports Medicine, Arthroscopy. Qualified Medical Examiner (QME) for the State of California. Independent Medical Examiner (IME).
Pain Management
Simon Dardashti, MD, MS Expert Medical Services LLC
1171 S. Robertson Blvd, #426
Los Angeles, CA 90035
Cell: (818) 730-7579
Email: MedicalExpertServices26 @gmail.com

Website: https://www.linkedin.com/in/simondardashti-494994187
BA, UC Berkeley ’05, Political Science; MS, Georgetown University ’06, Physiology; MD, Chicago Medical School 2010. Double Board Certified (ABMS) in Anesthesiology & Pain Medicine (’15). Active Medical License (CA) & Hospital Admitting Privileges.
Anesthesiology, Pain Management, Medical Corporate Compliance
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: 40+ Cases, 8+ years experience, Pain Causation, Pain & Suffering, Disability, Surgical Injury/Negligence (Epidural, Spine Injection, Paralysis), Anoxic Brain Injury,Overdose, Opiate & Medication Management Document Review, depositions, disclosure, statements, evaluating merits of a case, medical negligence & malpractice, depositions, trial, representing both Plaintiff & Defense Attorneys (50:50).
Anesthesiology and Pain Management Medical Expert:
Rated One of the Top Anesthesiology and Pain Management physicians in the Los Angeles area. Highly experienced physician with an active medical practice.
Prompt communication, presentable at depositions, understands the importance of deadlines.
Number of Times Deposed/Testified in Last 4 Years: 20
Pathology - Forensic
Expert Strategy Group
Julie Olenik-Brown
Tel: (800) 521-2877 Ext: 301 Tel: (760) 795-9004
Email: Expert@ExpertStrategy-Group.com Website: ExpertSG.com
Our diverse network of expert witnesses includes leading global industry specialists, PhD's, senior executives, scientists, technical and materials experts, and supremely qualified medical professionals across many professional industries.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: We offer expert witnesses in many professional industries. Here are just a few of the expert categories we offer: accident, accounting, automotive, aviation, biomechanics, business, chemical, construction, economics, employment, engineering, failure analysis, finance, firearms, hazardous materials, hotel, insurance, intellectual property, machinery, marketing, medical and medical device, nursing home, pharmacology, product liability, psychology, security, financial securities, toxicology, technical, transportation, valuation, warnings. And thousands more expert witness categories.
We do all of the work in connecting law firms with experts who fit your case: Expert Strategy Group is a strategic partner to law firms for all of your Expert Witness needs. We have developed a unique technology platform that, when paired with our 1:1 client service model, creates a more precise degree of Expert matching to extremely specific litigation criteria.
Personal Injury

Arrowhead Evaluation Services
1680 Plum Lane
Redlands, CA 92374
Tel: (888) 888-5902
Email: experts@arrowheadeval.com
Website: www.arrowheadeval.com
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Physicians dedicated to fast, accurate reporting | California's most selective medical/ legal service provider | Credible medical legal reports
Over 200 Physicians Servicing California: - Independent Medical Evaluations
- Personal Injury
- Disability
- Longshore/Harborworker IME's
- Worker's Compensation
See display ad page 15
Jeff Sarkozi, MD, FRCPC, FACR
Fibromyalgia Polypain Arthritis Center
801 N. Tustin Ave, Ste 503
Santa Ana, CA 92705
Tel: (714) 973-4636
Fax: (714) 973-4776
Email: expert@fmpolypain.com
Website: www.fmpolypain.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: MD; FRCPC; FACR; Lic (CA & NY)
Fibromyalgia, Arthritis, Occupational, Industrial & Environmental Rheumatology/ Arthritis, Syndromes of Chronic Fatigue & Pain, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Osteoarthritis, Diffuse Idiopathic Skeletal Hyperostosis, Neck Pain, Back Pain, Lupus (SLE), Scleroderma, Sjogren’s Syndrome. Raynaud’s Syndrome, Spondylitis, Myositis, Reflex Dystrophy/ Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS), Vasculitis, Gout.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Consultation, case review, analysis, ME/IME/ AME, deposition, trial experience. On behalf of: industry/insurers/defendant public local, state & federal agencies/selected plaintiffs for industrial/occupational/environmental/posttraumatic/disability claims of fibromyalgia, reflex dystrophy/complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) & syndromes of chronic fatigue & pain, arthritis, connective tissue and other rheumatologic diseases; manufacturers & physicians involved in silicone implant litigation; manufacturers involved in diet drug litigation; plaintiff for I-tryptophan EMS. Physician/plaintiff in rheumatology medical malpractice issues
Summary CV: Education: Undergraduate, Chemistry & Microbiology, Univ of Toronto; MD, Univ of Toronto; Internal Medicine, Univ of Toronto & McMaster Univ; Rheumatology Fellowship, Univ of Toronto.
Previous Positions/Appointments: Assoc Clinical Prof, Univ of Calif, Irvine; Med Director, Fibromyalgia Polypain Arthritis Center; Med Director, The Calif Institute for Fibromyalgia, Arthritis & Rheumatology; Director, Raynaud’s Syndrome Research Clinic.
Honors/Awards: Multiple US/foreign patents for ergonomic engineering.
Number of Publications: 24
Scientific Presentations: Numerous
Speaking Engagements: Numerous.
Membership in Professional Societies: Multiple
Sexual Abuse (Civil / Criminal)
Charles Dubin, M.D Gynecology
10921 Wilshire Blvd, #507
Los Angeles, CA 90024
Tel: (310) 617-0519
Fax: (310) 471-0519
Email: dubincharles53@gmail.com

M.D; Physician’s and Surgeon’s Certificate California License 1979; Diplomate of the National Board of Medical Examiners 1979; American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology Certified 1984; Fellow American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology 1986; Certification in Advance Operative Laparoscopy and Hysteroscopy 1996; Certified DaVinci Robotic Surgeon 2013.
Expert Testimony in Gynecological and Obstetrical Malpractice-plaintiff and defense. Record Review, Forensic Analysis, Sexual Abuse, Minimally Invasive Gynecologic and Robotic Surgery, Office Gynecology, OB-GYN Expert for Los Angeles County Superior Court.
Education: M.D., UCLA 1978; Sex Therapy Fellowship UCLA 1980; Internship and Residency Ob-Gyn, UCLA 1981; Chief Resident Ob-Gyn @ UCLA 1982. Previous Positions/Appointments: 1982-1992 Clinical Faculty Instructor Family Practice Residency at Santa Monica Hospital; 1982-1995 and 20122016 Assistant Clinical Professor Obstetrics and Gynecology UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine; 2018-present Expert Witness Panel Ob-Gyn Los Angeles Superior Court. Honors/ Awards: Phi Beta Kappa, Magna Cum Laude.
Spine Medicine
William Dillin, MD
Independent Spine Evaluation, Inc. Spine Surgery and Spine Medicine Consultant 6080 Center Drive, #652 Los Angeles, CA 90045
Tel: (844) 774-6393 (844-spinewd)
Email: keena.giles@independentspine.com Website: www.independentspine.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: MD – licensed in CA, TX, AZ, FL and NV
Dr. Dillin is in clinical practice performing spine surgery, spine interventions and evaluating patients with spine conditions. He is licensed in California, Texas, Arizona, Florida and Nevada. Dr. Dillin was a former partner at the KerlanJobe Orthopaedic Clinic and was an associate of the Cedars-Sinai Kerlan-Jobe Institute. Independent Medical Evaluations; Medical Legal Reviews.
See display ad page 81
Jonathan S. Rutchik, MD, MPH
Neurology, Occupational & Environmental Medicine
Associate Clinical Professor, Dept Medicine (Occupational Medicine) UCSF
Admin Office: 35 Miller Ave, #331
Mill Valley, CA 94941
Cell: (415) 606-1465
Fax: (415) 381-3131
Email: jsrutch@neoma.com Website: www.neoma.com

Clincal Offices in California: San Francisco, Richmond, Petaluma, Sacramento and Arcata
Payments (Overnight/US Express Mail): P.O. Box 45756
San Francisco, CA 94145-0756
MD (CA, NY, MA, NM, ID); Masters in Public Health; Bd Cert Neurology; Bd Cert Occ/ Env Medicine; CA QME, AME. Fellow of American Academy of Neurology, FAAN. Fellow American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, FACOEM.
Electromyography, neurotoxicology, organic solvents, trichloroethylene, perchloroethylene, heavy metals, manganese, lead, arsenic, mercury, pesticides, carbon monoxide, asphyxiation and gas exposure, mold, indoor air, neuropathy, CRPS, electrocution injury, brain trauma, disability, risk assessment, neuroepidemiology, product liability, utilization review, upper/lower extremity, head, neck, back injury, plaintiff, defense, fitness for duty, safety sensitive positions, police, firefighter, commercial driver, workers compensation.
Worker's Compensation
William B. Stetson, MD
Stetson Lee Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine
Associate Adjunct Clinical Professor, USC Dept of Orthopaedic Surgery
191 S. Buena Vista St, Ste 470 Burbank, CA 91505
Tel: (818) 848-3030
Fax: (818) 848-2228

Email: drstetson@stetsonleeortho.com
Website: sportsmedicinedr.com
BA, USC ‘83, Phi Beta Kappa; MD, USC ‘89; LAC, USC Dept of Orthopaedic Surgery ‘94; Sports Medicine/Arthroscopy Fellowship ‘95; Board Certified Orthopaedic Surgeon ‘97; Board Recertification 2017; Certificate of Added Qualification in Sports Medicine 2017. QME – State of California.
Shoulder, knee, elbow, ankle, trauma including gunshot wounds, Sports Medicine, Arthroscopy. Qualified Medical Examiner (QME) for the State of California. Independent Medical Examiner (IME).
Wound Care
Shishir Shah, DO CWS
15029 N. Thompson Pk Pkwy, Suite B111-611
Scottsdale, AZ 85260
Cell: (623) 512-3410
Email: woundexpert@gmail.com
Website: linkedin.com/in/ shishir-shah-5848062

Certified Wound Specialist (CWS) with additional Board Certifications in Hyperbaric Medicine and Family Practice. | Licensed in CA, AZ, TX | Undergraduate degree in aeronautical engineering, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.
Wound Care | Hyperbaric Medicine | Pressure Injuries | Nursing Homes | decubitius, skin infections and injuries | skin and soft tissue infections and injuries | Device/Product Liability expertise involving skin and soft tissue
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Deposition and trial experience in multiple states.
Extensive Legal Expert experience- chart review, statements, depositions, trials. Experienced pharma and medical device/ product key opinion leader and consultant. Over twenty years medical necessity/utilization review and expert witness experience. Has worked in several advisory roles for hospitals, startups, pharmaceutical/medical device companies, California workman’s compensation and utilization review panels (over 6,000 chart reviews).
Wound Specialist:
Award-winning wound care physician in active clinical practice for 20+ years. Voted Top Wound Doctor, Phoenix Magazine. Over 85,000 wound encounters. Wound care clinical, safety and leadership experience in acute care, skilled nursing (nursing homes), hospitals, rehabilitation, and home health settings. Has served as the medical director of several wound programs. Midwestern University Medical School faculty. Significant private equity, medical device, startup, and consulting experience.
Key roles have included medical director oversight of several level 1 hospital trauma wound programs, 5 community hospital wound programs, and over 15 SNF/LTACHs. Coimplemented one of the largest wound care/ hyperbaric clinical delivery models in the U.S.
Stan Kephart
Kephart Consulting, LLC
Senior Consultant
Nationwide Tel: (602) 615-7694
Email: stan@policeandsecurity practices.com
Website: www.policeandsecuritypractices.com

Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: BA Public Service; MA Ed - Thesis: Alternatives to Lethal Force; NIMS/SIMS Certification; CA Executive P.O.S.T. & AZ P.O.S.T. Certifications; State Corrections Management Certification; State Teaching Credential; FEMA - All NIMS Certifications; Credentialed as a Federal, State & Tribal Law Enforcement Officer.
Expert Witness in: Police Practices; Use of Force Including Carotid Restraint; Crime Foreseeability; Officer Involved Shootings; Security Policies and Procedures; Special Event Security: Crowd Management/Control; Riots & Demonstrations; Bar Fights; Adult & Juvenile Custody; Indian Country Casino Operations/Policing Standards.
Olympic Games Security Administrator, Retired Police Chief, California Undersheriff, Major Disaster Command and Crime Scene Operations’ Experience, Governor’s Commendation as Special Adviser to California Adjutant General for Law Enforcement Training. Honors: 1st Non-Native Police Chief of the Year Award by the National Assn for Native American Law Enforcement, Named by Peter Ueberroth (LAOCC) in his book, "Made in America", as one if his “Super Stars.” One of 150 International Security Experts invited to Dohar, Qatar, Sports Fan Violence Conference; Prominently mentioned in “Fanaticus: Mischief and Madness in the Modern Sports Fan” by Justine Gubar, Emmy-award winning ESPN Investigative Journalist, 2015.
Professional Affiliations: Lifetime member of the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP), American Society for Industrial Security (ASIS), Epoch Times Documentary: "The Real Story of January 6."
The McHard Firm
Tel: (619) 764-6144 (Office)
Cell: (505) 450-2818
Email: BMohr@ TheMcHardFirm.com
Website: www.Police-Expert.com

Offices in San Diego & Albuquerque
Practicing Nationwide
Master of Public Administration (MPA); Bachelor of Science (BS) – Administration of Justice; CA-PI License #28441; NM-PI License #2503; AZ-PI License #1639940.
Beth A. Mohr is Police Practices expert with over 30 years of sworn and non-sworn investigative experience. She is a Nationally Certified Law Enforcement Instructor, CA POST Instructor, and retired San Diego Police Officer. Beth is an experienced consulting and testifying expert, and is neutral, fair, and her opinions are rooted in provable facts. She strives to balance her cases between defense and plaintiff-sided cases, and also provides habeas consulting services. Beth has testified as an expert in California, as well as in state and federal courts all over the US. Beth’s areas of expertise include allegations of police misconduct, use of force including deadly force, investigative failure, interviewing, interrogations and false confessions, false arrest, failure to train, police ethics, cognitive bias, racial bias, civil rights violations, incustody deaths, evidence handling, sex crimes, human trafficking, civilian oversight, police policies and procedures (SOPs), fraud, money laundering, embezzlement, white collar crimes, Bitcoin, and cryptocurrencies.
Titan National, LLC
Adam Bercovici
19628 Poplar Street, Bend, OR 97702
Tel: (661) 607-4324
Email: adam@titanncg.com
Website: adambercovici.com titannational.net
Retired LAPD Homicide Lieutenant Specialties:
Law Enforcement and Security Best Practices Expert Witness. 40+ years of law enforcement and security experience. Plaintiff and defense expert witness in law enforcement best practices, security/premise liability cases, use of force, officer-involved shootings, pursuit policy, K9 operations, active shooter, and crowd management.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience:
Retained in some of the most significant cases in the last year. Rule 26 report examples provided on request.
Adam Bercovici: Adam Bercovici, Titan National, LLC
Law Enforcement and Security Best Practices Expert Witness.
General Clinical

Adjunct Professor of Clinical Psychiatry, USC Distinguished Life Fellow, American Psychiatric Association
A practicing psychiatrist
General and Child and Adolescent Psychiatry;
Past President, Southern California Society of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry; Previously: Assistant Clinical Professor, UCLA; Founding Director of Research at Hathaway Children and Family Services for 34 years, Dr Sugar
CURRENT: Solo Practice, Psychiatric Expert Witness, Consulting Psychiatrist, Cal State Long Beach Trauma Recover y Center
RECENT: Director, Child and Adolescent Trauma Psychiatry Program, USC Inpatient, Outpatient and Residential Treatment experience with adults and children
Plaintiff and Defense Forensic experience includes reports and/or testimony in both child & adult cases involving:
• Institutional Sexual Abuse and Betrayal Trauma
• Effects of Trauma and Adversity on Child Development
• Chronic Physical, Sexual and Emotional Abuse
• Psychological Trauma and Stress in the Workplace
• Date Rape/Internet Seduction
• Post-traumatic Loss, Grief and Depression
• Psychological Effects of Injury to the Body or Brain
• Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI, Psychiatric Effects)
• Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

Board Certified Clinical and Forensic Neuropsychologist; Tenured Associate Professor at Pepperdine University; Diplomate, American Board of Professional Psychology; Diplomate, American Academy of Pediatric Neuropsychology; Diplomate, National Board of Forensic Evaluators
1600 Rosecrans Avenue, Media Center 4th Floor
Manhattan Beach, CA 90266
Tel: (310) 745-8887
Fax: (310) 943-2585
Email: drjudyho@gmail.com
Website: www.drjudyho.com
Dr. Ho conducts forensic, neuropsychological, and independent medical evaluations and provides expert testimony regarding psychological testing
methods, results, and conclusions for civil & criminal proceedings, including 1) personal injury (including psychological injury and traumatic brain injury claims) 2) fitness for duty, 3) employment/discrimination/wrongful termination cases, 4) sexual assault & trauma cases, 5) professional licensing disputes, and 6) assessment of competency, risk, and psychological state/ functioning at time of criminal offense. Dr. Ho is a member of the International Neuropsychological Society, National Academy of Neuropsychology, and Division 40 (Soc. for Clin Neuropsych) and 41 (American PsychLaw Soc) of the American Pyschological Association. Dr. Ho is a two-time recipient of the National Institute of Mental Health National Services Research Award, and the chair of the Institutional Review Board at Pepperdine University. She conducts clinical and community research on mental health, publishes empirical studies, book chapters, and books, and is a frequent invited speaker at various national and local conferences and media outlets.

Dr David J McIntyre, Ph D., A BPP (Diplomate in Psycholog y)
Evalu ation and E x pe r t W it nes s Testimony
• Te sta menta r y Capacit y
• C ompetenc y to Sta nd Tria l
• Inc apacitat ion / Gua rd ia nship
• Mi lita r y / Vetera n Ps ychologic a l Hea lt h
• Nat ive A meric a n Behav iora l Hea lt h
• Fa mi ly L aw - Spou sa l A bu se & Chi ld A bu se
• Org a ni z at iona l At h lete A bu se
• Ps ychologic a l ( Su icide) Autops y
• Crimina l Re sponsibi lit y
• Disabi lit y
• V iolence R isk A sse ssment
• Geriatric s / Elder abu se
• Su icide & C orrect ions
• Fit ne ss for Dut y
• Impa ired Prov ider
• Mi lita r y C ou r t s Ma r t ia l
(civil and cr iminal) . Licensed in Arizona & Nevada
Neuropsych Assessment
Board Certified Clinical and Forensic Neuropsychologist; Tenured Associate Professor at Pepperdine University; Diplomate, American Board of Professional Psychology; Diplomate, American Academy of Pediatric Neuropsychology; Diplomate, National Board of Forensic Evaluators

1600 Rosecrans Avenue, Media Center 4th Floor
Manhattan Beach, CA 90266
Tel: (310) 745-8887
Fax: (310) 943-2585
Email: drjudyho@gmail.com
Website: www.drjudyho.com
Dr. Ho conducts forensic, neuropsychological, and independent medical evaluations and provides expert testimony regarding psychological testing methods, results, and conclusions for civil & criminal proceedings, including 1) personal injury (including psychological injury and traumatic brain injury claims) 2) fitness for duty, 3) employment/ discrimination/wrongful termination cases, 4) sexual assault & trauma cases, 5) professional licensing disputes, and 6) assessment of competency, risk, and psychological state/ functioning at time of criminal offense. Dr. Ho is a member of the International Neuropsychological Society, National Academy of Neuropsychology, and Division 40 (Soc. for Clin Neuropsych) and 41 (American Psych-Law Soc) of the American Pyschological Association. Dr. Ho is a two-time recipient of the National Institute of Mental Health National Services Research Award, and the chair of the Institutional Review Board at Pepperdine University. She conducts clinical and community research on mental health, publishes empirical studies, book chapters, and books, and is a frequent invited speaker at various national and local conferences and media outlets.
Lisa Boesky, PhD
Jail Suicide Expert
3952 Clairemont Mesa Blvd, #205
San Diego, CA 92117
Tel: (619) 993-2570
Email: drlisa@ suicidepreventionexpert.com
Website: JailSuicideExpert.com

Licensed Clinical Psychologist (25+ years); PhD-Clinical Psychology (1995)
Jail Suicide Deaths & Jail Suicide Prevention, National expert on Suicide within correctional facilities Jails, prisons, juvenile detention.
Jail suicide death cases, Federal Civil Cases/ Section 1983 Claims, State Negligence Claims, 25+ years of Experience evaluating suicide prevention (and mental health) polices & practices in correctional Facilities. Frequent presenter at state & national conferences (American Jail Association, National Sheriffs, Correctional Health Care). Over two decades training professionals on correctional suicide/ mental health. Experienced expert witness and forensic consultant, specializing in suicide deaths in jail settings. Qualified in both state and federal court; primarily Section 1983 civil litigation.
Forensic QDE Lab, LLC
Linda L Mitchell, DABFDE
Certified Forensic Document Examiner
Tel: (888) 760-0339
Fax: (760) 888-0339
Email: forensicQDE@gmail.com

Website: www.forensicdocexaminer.com www.forensicqde.com
Offices in San Diego, Los Angeles & Riverside Counties
Specialties: Scientific Examination of Questioned Documents, Handwriting Expert. Civil or Criminal. Consulting & Sworn Testimony.
Integrated Forensic Services, LLC
Sean Espley and Joseph Merydith 915 Highland Point Dr, Ste 250 Roseville, CA 95678
Tel: (916) 300-3445
Cell: (916) 847-8552
Email: integratedforensic@gmail.com
Website: integratedforensic.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: American Board of Forensic Document Examiners (ABFDE)
Signature examinations, handwriting examinations, hand printing examinations, examinations of altered documents, wills, indented writing examinations, computer generated document examinations, examinations of medical & business records.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: 25 yrs experience.
Previous Positions/Appointments: Former government forensic document examiners. Membership in Professional Societies: Active members with the Southwestern Assn of Forensic Document Examiners (SWAFDE).

Double Track Consulting, LLC
Railroad Expert Witnesses
Daniel O'Connell
735 Strada Casalingo Court Redlands, CA 92373
Tel: (951) 315-8180 (Primary)
Cell: (951) 315-8180
Email: Daniel.OConnell@ RailroadExpertWitnesses.com

Website: www.railroadexpertwitnesses.com
Additional Contact:
Email: danny@doubletrackconsulting.com
Website2: www.doubletrackconsulting.com
Extensive expertise in diverse roles within the railroad industry, including Conductor, Engineer, Certified Engineer Instructor, Rules Instructor, Transportation Manager, Road Foreman of Engines, and System General Road Foreman of Engines for Amtrak. Overseer of passenger and commuter operations for Metrolink in Southern California, serving as Assistant Superintendent, Director of On-Board Services, and Superintendent of State Supported, Short Distance Intercity, and Long-Distance Passenger Trains.
Freight, passenger, and commuter train accidents/incidents involving auto/pedestrian crossings. Expertise in FELA (Federal Employers Liability Act) and other railroad employee employment injury and fatality matters.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Experience includes conducting FRA/NTSB investigations for train derailments and serving as an Amtrak company witness for depositions in various accident/incident cases.
Railroad Expert Witness:
With over 42 years in the railroad industry, I have diverse skills beyond traditional roles. Notably, I investigate and provide testimony on train accidents and incidents, offering valuable insights for railroad-related legal matters. Attorneys seeking a seasoned expert will find me indispensable. I possess in-depth knowledge of industry regulations, protocols, and safety standards, providing strategic guidance and exceptional support in litigation.
James H. Cantrell, CPM, CAM Cantrell Associates 1517 North Pt, Ste 539 San Francisco, CA 94123
Tel: (415) 956-6000
Cell: (415) 244-5927
Email: jimcha@pacbell.net
Website: realestateexpertwitness.co

Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: Cert Property Mgr (CPM) by the Institute or Real Estate Mgt; Condominium Association Manager (CAM), FL; University of Miami, BBA ‘71, Politics & Public Affairs; CA Brokers Lic, Instructor, IREM incl teaching in Russia & Poland.
Property Management issues for Commercial, Residential and Condominium real estate, standards of care, personal injury, property damage, security, lease terms & conditions, due diligence, operations, negligence, Association board duties.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Court appointed Receiver & Referee; extensive expert witness testimony. Condo ASN Mgr CAM-Florida.
Previous Positions/Appointments: Assoc Prof Golden Gate Univ 86-96, Masters Program; City of SF Existing Building Efficiency Initiative Task Force, 09-11; Pres IREM SF 1989; Chairman Intl Affairs IREM, 93-94; Featured Speaker NFMT Natl Facility Mgmt Conference, Chicago (07), Baltimore (08 & 09).
Honors/Awards:1987 CPM of the Year award 01 & 07; Instructor of the Year award IREM SF; 2013 Lloyd D Hanford Distinguished Faculty Award IREM, 2011 CPM Emeritus Award.
Publications: Contributing Author, John Wiley Handbook of Real Estate, Journal of Prop Mgmt, “When The Power Goes Out”
Craig Cherney, Esq.
High Desert Law Group, LLP 11260 N. Tatum Blvd, Ste 143 Phoenix, AZ 85028
Tel: (480) 240-0040
Email: craig@hdflg.com
Website: www.craigcherney.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: BA, Univ of Virginia; JD, Univ San Diego School of Law; Lic RE Broker CA; Lic Attorney CA, AZ, NV
Land management, fiduciary duties, standards of care, private equity funds, real estate sponsors, fee disputes, title disputes, boundary disputes, entitlements, zoning, land use, commission disputes, failure to disclose, SPDS, zoning, entitlements.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Participated in over 25 civil litigations as real estate expert witness in multiple states.
Previous Positions/Appointments: Vice President at American Land Fund; Manager of Land at Pulte Group. Urban Land Institute - Residential Neighborhood Development Council.
Honors/Awards: San Diego Law Review
Jack Cohen 2629 Townsgate Rd, Ste 100 Westlake Village, CA 91361
Tel: (747) 222-1550
Cell: (747) 222-1554
Fax: (747) 222-1551
Email: jack@coheninv.com
Court qualified expert, Private money lending in the real estate industry, credit file and qualifications, appraisals, loan underwriting, evictions, foreclosures, industry standards, title reports, property management, tenant and landlord issues, brokers and investors relations, finance and documentation, sales & leasing, insurance claims, loan servicing, real estate mortgage & financing, escrow, homeowners' associations, SBA Lending, Lending Policies, Custom and Practice/ Lender Liability, Broker Standards of Care and Fiduciary, Responsibility, Loan Underwriting, Credit Administration, Loan Process and Bank Loan, Restructure/Workout Process, Note Valuations/Collateral Review, Litigation and Discovery Consulting, Banking Operations/ Administration, Hard Money Lending, Construction RE Lending & Administration, Expert reports adherent to Federal Rule 26, Loan Syndication/Secondary Market Loan, Sales, Title Insurance, Bank Fraud, Elder Financial Abuse, Forged Deeds, Identity Theft, Mortgage Investigations, Private/ Hard Money Lending, Real Estate Broker Standards & Practices, Title Insurance Claims, and Wrongful Foreclosure. Over 40 Years of experience in private money lending & real estate related cases.
General (cont.)
Delores A. Conway, PhD
Professor Emeritus USC Marshall School of Business. Previously on Faculty at U of Rochester Simon Business School and University of Chicago Booth School of Business Los Angeles, CA 90089
Tel: (310) 613-9773
Email: ddconway@gmail.com

BS, Math, Stat, U Wisconsin; MS/PhD Statistics, Stanford Univ; Assoc Dean, Simon Bus School, U of Rochester; Director, Real Estate Forecast, USC
Statistics, real estate analysis, econometrics, data analysis & sample surveys. Financial models, employment discrimination, forecasting, assessment of environmental pollution, analysis of medical data, economic analysis, insurance
Over 30 years experience as a testifying expert with law firms in LA, NY, DC, San Diego and Chicago
John A. Gebhardt
Principal - SEG Advisors 24025 Park Sorrento, Ste 460 Calabasas, CA 91302
Tel: (310) 422-4644
Email: jgebhardt@segadvisors.com Website: www.segadvisors.com
BA - Economics - UCLA, Harvard University - Executive Education Program, Stanford University - Advanced Management College, Licensed RE Broker - California (1989) Certificates: Real Property Administration & Facilities Management Administration certifications - BOMI, CPA - California (inactive)
Agency, fiduciary / dual agency / disclosure / supervision / negligence / breach of contract / good faith and fair dealing, due diligence, standards of care, breach of lease and mitigation, lease terms, lease renewals/ options/FMV, co-tenancy, exclusives, brokerage actions, constructive eviction, disclosure, property management - costs / fees / duties, sales and leasing, financing, entitlements, development activities, eminent domain, escrows, RE personnel issues, CC&R’s/REA/OEA. Lender/borrower, Office retail/industrial/apartments/hotels/land/ mixed-use properties, environmental issues. Extensive and balanced (plaintiff/defense) litigation experience - deposition and trial.
Expanded credentials at www.expert4law.org
Robert S. Griswold, CRE, CPM. CCIM, RPA, ACoM, PCAM, CCAM, GRI, ARM
President, Griswold Real Estate Management, Inc
5703 Oberlin Dr, Ste 300 San Diego, CA 92121
Tel: (858) 597-6100
Cell: (619) 719-7761
Fax: (858) 597-6161

Email: rgriswold@griswoldremgmt.com
Website: www.griswoldremgmt.com
MSBA RE Devel, USC; MBA RE Fin, USC; BS RE/Bus Econ, USC; CA RE Broker 1984; NV RE Broker 2002
Expert witness testimony, referee, receiverships & consulting on all aspects of property management standard of care issues. Realtor; Counselor of Real Estate (CRE); Certified Property Manager (CPM); Real Property Administrator (RPA); Accredited Commercial Manager (ACoM); Accredited Residential Manager (ARM) & Certified Commercial Investment Member (CCIM). Professional Community Association Manager (PCAM); Certified Community Association Manager (CCAM); Graduate, Realtor Inst (GRI), Hands-on manager of commercial, residential, retail & community association properties.
Active, hands-on real estate consultant/expert on standard of care & custom & practice incl fiduciary duty, personal injury, maintenance, health & safety, wrongful death; water intrusion & mold; property inspections; negligence in hiring/supervision/termination; mgmt/receiver fees; Assn board duties & negligence; reserve studies; construction defect relocation/ economic damages, etc. Court-appointed receiver & bankruptcy custodian. Real Estate Expert for KNSD-TV (NBC 7/39). Author, Property Management for Dummies; CoAuthor, Real Estate Investing for Dummies, Landlord’s Legal Kit for Dummies & Mortgage Management for Dummies.
Lawrence H. Jacobson
Lawrence H. Jacobson, APC 9777 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 517
Beverly Hills, CA 90212
Tel: (310) 271-0747
Fax: (310) 271-0757
AB, UCLA 1964; JD, UCLA School of Law 1967; RE Broker 1978; Certificate in Archaeology, UCLA Extension, 2009; CA Community College Instructor, of Law; Notary 1973; Martindale-Hubbell AV Rated since 1980; Senior Editor, UCLA Law Review; Insurance Counsel Journal Award; Order of the Coif; Recipient of the CA Continuing Education of the Bar's 2011 "Spirit of CEB" Award.
Real estate attorney (50+ years) and CA Real Estate Broker (40+ years). Expertise includes interpretation of real estate documents, real estate and mortgage brokers' standard of care, custom & usage, mortgage banking, lawyer malpractice in real estate and business transactions, legal ethics and fee disputes.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Extensive expertise in legal malpractice, ethics, real estate brokerage custom and practice and all real estate related issues. Retained in approx. 200 cases involving the interpretation of real estate documents, real estate and mortgage brokers' standard of care, legal malpractice involving real estate, corporate finance, merger and acquisition, legal ethics and legal fee disputes.
Beverly Hills Bar Assoc. 2011-12 President; Judge pro tem for the Los Angeles and Beverly Hills Municipal Court Systems; adjunct professor of law: real estate secured transactions and administrative law; former Vice-President, Legal Affairs of the CA Association of Realtors; Legal Counsel to the Newport Beach Assoc. of Realtors and prior counsel to the Beverly Hills and Palm Springs Regional Assoc. of Realtors, and special counsel to the San Fernando Valley Board of Realtors. Special Deputy Trial Counsel for the CA State Bar.
General (cont.)
Phillips, Fractor & Co, LLC
Contact: G. Michael Phillips, PhD
3452 E. Foothill Blvd, Ste 220 Pasadena, CA 91107
Tel: (626) 744-3540
Email: contactpfc@rule26.com
Website: www.phillipsfractor.com
PhDs, MBAs, CPAs, CFE, CFA, ABV, CVA, MAFF, CIMA, MS, EdD specializing in Economics, Finance, Statistics, Accounting, Business Valuation, Surveys, Data Science, Physics, Marketing, Political Science, Policy Analysis, & related subjects.
ECONOMICS, FINANCE, STATISTICS, VALUATION, FORENSIC ACCOUNTING, and DATA ANALYSIS consulting and testimony. Since 1982, our team has offered creative, effective, scientifically appropriate, discrete, ethical research and testimony tailored to our clients’ unique needs. As a boutique firm with international capability and experience, we look at each problem with a fresh perspective. Typical cases include ECONOMIC ANALYSIS (e.g., general forensics, lost earnings, antitrust, damages, compensation, personal injury, toxic torts, wrongful death, wrongful termination, class action), FORENSIC ACCOUNTING (e.g., investigation of alleged executive malfeasance, investigation of alleged misappropriation of trust funds, financial impact of breach of contract, financial impact of misappropriation of trade secrets, business valuation, corporate issues, corporate governance, alter ego, fraud analysis, marital dissolution, professional practices), FINANCE (e.g., modeling, investment analysis, “what if” analysis, portfolio valuation, options and stock valuation, fraudulent conveyance), STATISTICS (e.g., sampling, extrapolation, econometrics, forecasting, simulation, Monte Carlo, discrimination, failure rates), QUESTIONNAIRES & SURVEYS (e.g., consumer perceptions, Lanham Act, public opinion, class action), INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY (e.g., FMV analysis, entertainment/motion pictures/music/TV, sports, royalties, patent infringement, conjoint and hedonic analysis, surveys), REAL ESTATE (e.g., mass appraisal, residential rent, wrongful eviction, environmental issues, rights-of-way, licensing), TECHNOLOGY (e.g., AI, Internet, start-ups, e-commerce, valuation), and “ONE OF A KIND” cases.
Commercial / Investment
Jack Cohen
2629 Townsgate Rd, Ste 100 Westlake Village, CA 91361
Tel: (747) 222-1550
Cell: (747) 222-1554
Fax: (747) 222-1551
Email: jack@coheninv.com
Court qualified expert, Private money lending in the real estate industry, credit file and qualifications, appraisals, loan underwriting, evictions, foreclosures, industry standards, title reports, property management, tenant and landlord issues, brokers and investors relations, finance and documentation, sales & leasing, insurance claims, loan servicing, real estate mortgage & financing, escrow, homeowners' associations, SBA Lending, Lending Policies, Custom and Practice/ Lender Liability, Broker Standards of Care and Fiduciary, Responsibility, Loan Underwriting, Credit Administration, Loan Process and Bank Loan, Restructure/Workout Process, Note Valuations/Collateral Review, Litigation and Discovery Consulting, Banking Operations/ Administration, Hard Money Lending, Construction RE Lending & Administration, Expert reports adherent to Federal Rule 26, Loan Syndication/Secondary Market Loan, Sales, Title Insurance, Bank Fraud, Elder Financial Abuse, Forged Deeds, Identity Theft, Mortgage Investigations, Private/ Hard Money Lending, Real Estate Broker Standards & Practices, Title Insurance Claims, and Wrongful Foreclosure. Over 40 Years of experience in private money lending & real estate related cases.
Jack Cohen 2629 Townsgate Rd, Ste 100 Westlake Village, CA 91361
Tel: (747) 222-1550
Cell: (747) 222-1554
Fax: (747) 222-1551
Email: jack@coheninv.com
Court qualified expert, Private money lending in the real estate industry, credit file and qualifications, appraisals, loan underwriting, evictions, foreclosures, industry standards, title reports, property management, tenant and landlord issues, brokers and investors relations, finance and documentation, sales & leasing, insurance claims, loan servicing, real estate mortgage & financing, escrow, homeowners' associations, SBA Lending, Lending Policies, Custom and Practice/Lender Liability, Broker Standards of Care and Fiduciary, Responsibility, Loan Underwriting, Credit Administration, Loan Process and Bank Loan, Restructure/ Workout Process, Note Valuations/Collateral Review, Litigation and Discovery Consulting, Banking Operations/Administration, Hard Money Lending, Construction RE Lending & Administration, Expert reports adherent to Federal Rule 26, Loan Syndication/Secondary Market Loan, Sales, Title Insurance, Bank Fraud, Elder Financial Abuse, Forged Deeds, Identity Theft, Mortgage Investigations, Private/ Hard Money Lending, Real Estate Broker Standards & Practices, Title Insurance Claims, and Wrongful Foreclosure. Over 40 Years of experience in private money lending & real estate related cases.
Craig Cherney, Esq. High Desert Law Group, LLP 11260 N. Tatum Blvd, Ste 143 Phoenix, AZ 85028
Tel: (480) 240-0040
Email: craig@hdflg.com
Website: www.craigcherney.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: BA, Univ of Virginia; JD, Univ San Diego School of Law; Lic RE Broker CA; Lic Attorney CA, AZ, NV
Land management, fiduciary duties, standards of care, private equity funds, real estate sponsors, fee disputes, title disputes, boundary disputes, entitlements, zoning, land use, commission disputes, failure to disclose, SPDS, zoning, entitlements.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Participated in over 25 civil litigations as real estate expert witness in multiple states.
Previous Positions/Appointments: Vice President at American Land Fund; Manager of Land at Pulte Group. Urban Land Institute - Residential Neighborhood Development Council.
Honors/Awards: San Diego Law Review
Landlord / Tenant
Jack Cohen
2629 Townsgate Rd, Ste 100 Westlake Village, CA 91361
Tel: (747) 222-1550
Cell: (747) 222-1554
Fax: (747) 222-1551
Email: jack@coheninv.com
Court qualified expert, Private money lending in the real estate industry, credit file and qualifications, appraisals, loan underwriting, evictions, foreclosures, industry standards, title reports, property management, tenant and landlord issues, brokers and investors relations, finance and documentation, sales & leasing, insurance claims, loan servicing, real estate mortgage & financing, escrow, homeowners' associations, SBA Lending, Lending Policies, Custom and Practice/ Lender Liability, Broker Standards of Care and Fiduciary, Responsibility, Loan Underwriting, Credit Administration, Loan Process and Bank Loan, Restructure/Workout Process, Note Valuations/Collateral Review, Litigation and Discovery Consulting, Banking Operations/ Administration, Hard Money Lending, Construction RE Lending & Administration, Expert reports adherent to Federal Rule 26, Loan Syndication/Secondary Market Loan, Sales, Title Insurance, Bank Fraud, Elder Financial Abuse, Forged Deeds, Identity Theft, Mortgage Investigations, Private/ Hard Money Lending, Real Estate Broker Standards & Practices, Title Insurance Claims, and Wrongful Foreclosure. Over 40 Years of experience in private money lending & real estate related cases.
Real Estate Disclosure
Craig Cherney, Esq.
High Desert Law Group, LLP
11260 N. Tatum Blvd, Ste 143 Phoenix, AZ 85028
Tel: (480) 240-0040
Email: craig@hdflg.com
Website: www.craigcherney.com
BA, Univ of Virginia; JD, Univ San Diego School of Law; Lic RE Broker CA; Lic Attorney CA, AZ, NV
Land management, fiduciary duties, standards of care, private equity funds, real estate sponsors, fee disputes, title disputes, boundary disputes, entitlements, zoning, land use, commission disputes, failure to disclose, SPDS, zoning, entitlements.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Participated in over 25 civil litigations as real estate expert witness in multiple states.
Previous Positions/Appointments: Vice President at American Land Fund; Manager of Land at Pulte Group. Urban Land Institute - Residential Neighborhood Development Council.
Honors/Awards: San Diego Law Review
Shanon T. Chilson
Mirabella 140 Woodward Avenue Escondido, CA 92025
Tel: (619) 520-5008
Email: Shanon@MDBSD.com
Website: MDBSD.com

CA Licensed Contractor: "A" Engineering, "B" General Building, #679453
34 years construction experience, includes all phases of construction from Land Development through Certificate of Occupancy. Specializing in all aspects of construction, project management, building reconstruction, grading (earth) development, damage and defect repairs, including estimating, cost of repairs, cost of damages, forensic analysis, standard of care, delays, testimony, analysis and expert opinion within construction related criteria. Contract and document(s) review and analysis.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Consulting and project management observation. Designated expert witness, depositions and trial testimony. Simplistic defects to complex construction defect matters. Arbitration, mediation and trial experience.
Standard of Care
Jack Cohen
2629 Townsgate Rd, Ste 100
Westlake Village, CA 91361
Tel: (747) 222-1550
Cell: (747) 222-1554
Fax: (747) 222-1551
Email: jack@coheninv.com
Court qualified expert, Private money lending in the real estate industry, credit file and qualifications, appraisals, loan underwriting, evictions, foreclosures, industry standards, title reports, property management, tenant and landlord issues, brokers and investors relations, finance and documentation, sales & leasing, insurance claims, loan servicing, real estate mortgage & financing, escrow, homeowners' associations, SBA Lending, Lending Policies, Custom and Practice/ Lender Liability, Broker Standards of Care and Fiduciary, Responsibility, Loan Underwriting, Credit Administration, Loan Process and Bank Loan, Restructure/Workout Process, Note Valuations/Collateral Review, Litigation and Discovery Consulting, Banking Operations/ Administration, Hard Money Lending, Construction RE Lending & Administration, Expert reports adherent to Federal Rule 26, Loan Syndication/Secondary Market Loan, Sales, Title Insurance, Bank Fraud, Elder Financial Abuse, Forged Deeds, Identity Theft, Mortgage Investigations, Private/ Hard Money Lending, Real Estate Broker Standards & Practices, Title Insurance Claims, and Wrongful Foreclosure. Over 40 Years of experience in private money lending & real estate related cases.
Stan Kephart
Kephart Consulting, LLC
Senior Consultant
Tel: (602) 615-7694
Email: stan@policeandsecurity practices.com
Website: www.policeandsecuritypractices.com

BA Public Service; MA Ed - Thesis: Alternatives to Lethal Force; NIMS/SIMS Certification; CA
Executive P.O.S.T. & AZ P.O.S.T. Certifications; State Corrections Management Certification; State Teaching Credential; FEMA - All NIMS Certifications; Credentialed as a Federal, State & Tribal Law Enforcement Officer.
Expert Witness in: Police Practices; Use of Force Including Carotid Restraint; Crime Foreseeability; Officer Involved Shootings; Security Policies and Procedures; Special Event Security: Crowd Management/Control; Riots & Demonstrations; Bar Fights; Adult & Juvenile Custody; Indian Country Casino Operations/Policing Standards.
Olympic Games Security Administrator, Retired Police Chief, California Undersheriff, Major Disaster Command and Crime Scene Operations’ Experience, Governor’s Commendation as Special Adviser to California Adjutant General for Law Enforcement Training. Honors: 1st Non-Native Police Chief of the Year Award by the National Assn for Native American Law Enforcement, Named by Peter Ueberroth (LAOCC) in his book, "Made in America", as one if his “Super Stars.” One of 150 International Security Experts invited to Dohar, Qatar, Sports Fan Violence Conference; Prominently mentioned in “Fanaticus: Mischief and Madness in the Modern Sports Fan” by Justine Gubar, Emmy-award winning ESPN Investigative Journalist, 2015.
Professional Affiliations: Lifetime member of the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP), American Society for Industrial Security (ASIS), Epoch Times Documentary: "The Real Story of January 6."
Mark Mooring Proper Authorities, LLC
P.O. Box 1060 Ventura, CA 93002
Tel: (800) 994-4991
Mark@properauthorities.com Website: www. properauthorities.com

Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: Private Investigator (PI); 20+years as a Certified Protection Professional (CPP); 20+ years as a Certified Healthcare Protection Administrator (CHPA)
Security, healthcare security, training, policies, procedures, deployment, tactics, use of force, detention, arrest, reporting, investigations, workplace violence/crime prevention, premise liability
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Over 20+ years.
Education: Masters Public Admin - Personnel Management/Disaster Response, USC; BS Business Administration, USC.
Previous Positions/Appointments: Chief Protective Services, County of Santa Clara (8 yrs); Sgt LAPD (25 yrs).
Honors/Awards: Police Meritorious Service Award (LAPD); Police Commission Unit Citation (LAPD).
Publications: Workplace Violence Prevention for Healthcare (DVD); Personal Safety and Self Defense (DVD).
Membership in Professional Societies: 20+ years in Amer Soc for Industrial Security (ASIS); Intl Assoc for Healthcare Safety and Security (IAHSS).
Hospital Security
Mark Mooring Proper Authorities, LLC
P.O. Box 1060
Ventura, CA 93002
Tel: (800) 994-4991
Email: Mark@properauthorities.com
Website: www. properauthorities.com

Private Investigator (PI); 20+years as a Certified Protection Professional (CPP); 20+ years as a Certified Healthcare Protection Administrator (CHPA)
Security, healthcare security, training, policies, procedures, deployment, tactics, use of force, detention, arrest, reporting, investigations, workplace violence/crime prevention, premise liability
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Over 20+ years.
Education: Masters Public Admin - Personnel Management/Disaster Response, USC; BS Business Administration, USC.
Previous Positions/Appointments: Chief Protective Services, County of Santa Clara (8 yrs); Sgt LAPD (25 yrs).
Honors/Awards: Police Meritorious Service Award (LAPD); Police Commission Unit Citation (LAPD).
Publications: Workplace Violence Prevention for Healthcare (DVD); Personal Safety and Self Defense (DVD).
Membership in Professional Societies: 20+ years in Amer Soc for Industrial Security (ASIS); Intl Assoc for Healthcare Safety and Security (IAHSS).
SECURITY (cont.)
Protective Services
Expert Strategy Group
Julie Olenik-Brown
Tel: (800) 521-2877 Ext: 301
Tel: (760) 795-9004
Email: Expert@ExpertStrategy-Group.com
Website: ExpertSG.com
Our diverse network of expert witnesses includes leading global industry specialists, PhD's, senior executives, scientists, technical and materials experts, and supremely qualified medical professionals across many professional industries.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: We offer expert witnesses in many professional industries. Here are just a few of the expert categories we offer: accident, accounting, automotive, aviation, biomechanics, business, chemical, construction, economics, employment, engineering, failure analysis, finance, firearms, hazardous materials, hotel, insurance, intellectual property, machinery, marketing, medical and medical device, nursing home, pharmacology, product liability, psychology, security, financial securities, toxicology, technical, transportation, valuation, warnings. And thousands more expert witness categories.
We do all of the work in connecting law firms with experts who fit your case: Expert Strategy Group is a strategic partner to law firms for all of your Expert Witness needs. We have developed a unique technology platform that, when paired with our 1:1 client service model, creates a more precise degree of Expert matching to extremely specific litigation criteria.

Dean S. Barron
President and Senior Statistician
431 Termino
Long Beach, CA 90814
Tel: (562) 434-3434
Website: www.twobluecats.com
SPSS statistics instructor, University of California, San Diego
MS Mathematics, Option Applied Statistics, California State University, Long Beach
BA Mathematics and Chemistry, Phi Beta Kappa, State University of New York at Buffalo Fellow, American Institute of Chemists
Sample size calculation, confidence intervals, real estate housing, surveys, regression analysis, statistical significance, disparate impact race age gender, ADA, overtime, unpaid hours, hour shaving, minimum wage, meals/ breaks, union and casual, product defects and liability, quality control, ASTM standards, automotive, mortgage related, medical device, prenatal testing, digital document classification, SAS, SPSS, OEWS, ACS, PUMS.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Plaintiff, defense, neutral, class action, PAGA, California, New York, United States, Belgium, France, Europe, Israel, Australia, Hong Kong, Japan, multilingual data.
Barron, Dean S. (2021). Animals & The Great War: The Poisonous Cloud Casualty Statistics. The Chemist 92(1). Barron, Dean S. (2015). Contrails: Causal Inference Using Propensity Scores. Journal of Modern Applied Statistical Methods, Vol. 14: Iss. 2, Article 18.
Delores A. Conway, PhD
Professor Emeritus USC
Marshall School of Business.
Previously on Faculty at U of Rochester Simon Business School and University of Chicago Booth School of Business
Los Angeles, CA 90089
Tel: (310) 613-9773
Email: ddconway@gmail.com

BS, Math, Stat, U Wisconsin; MS/PhD Statistics, Stanford Univ; Assoc Dean, Simon Bus School, U of Rochester; Director, Real Estate Forecast, USC
Statistics, real estate analysis, econometrics, data analysis & sample surveys. Financial models, employment discrimination, forecasting, assessment of environmental pollution, analysis of medical data, economic analysis, insurance
Over 30 years experience as a testifying expert with law firms in LA, NY, DC, San Diego and Chicago

Phillips, Fractor & Co, LLC
Contact: G. Michael Phillips, PhD
3452 E. Foothill Blvd, Ste 220 Pasadena, CA 91107
Tel: (626) 744-3540
Email: contactpfc@rule26.com
Website: www.phillipsfractor.com
PhDs, MBAs, CPAs, CFE, CFA, ABV, CVA, MAFF, CIMA, MS, EdD specializing in Economics, Finance, Statistics, Accounting, Business Valuation, Surveys, Data Science, Physics, Marketing, Political Science, Policy Analysis, & related subjects.
ECONOMICS, FINANCE, STATISTICS, VALUATION, FORENSIC ACCOUNTING, and DATA ANALYSIS consulting and testimony. Since 1982, our team has offered creative, effective, scientifically appropriate, discrete, ethical research and testimony tailored to our clients’ unique needs. As a boutique firm with international capability and experience, we look at each problem with a fresh perspective.
Typical cases include ECONOMIC ANALYSIS (e.g., general forensics, lost earnings, antitrust, damages, compensation, personal injury, toxic torts, wrongful death, wrongful termination, class action), FORENSIC ACCOUNTING (e.g., investigation of alleged executive malfeasance, investigation of alleged misappropriation of trust funds, financial impact of breach of contract, financial impact of misappropriation of trade secrets, business valuation, corporate issues, corporate governance, alter ego, fraud analysis, marital dissolution, professional practices), FINANCE (e.g., modeling, investment analysis, “what if” analysis, portfolio valuation, options and stock valuation, fraudulent conveyance), STATISTICS (e.g., sampling, extrapolation, econometrics, forecasting, simulation, Monte Carlo, discrimination, failure rates), QUESTIONNAIRES & SURVEYS (e.g., consumer perceptions, Lanham Act, public opinion, class action), INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY (e.g., FMV analysis, entertainment/motion pictures/music/TV, sports, royalties, patent infringement, conjoint and hedonic analysis, surveys), REAL ESTATE (e.g., mass appraisal, residential rent, wrongful eviction, environmental issues, rights-of-way, licensing), TECHNOLOGY (e.g., AI, Internet, start-ups, e-commerce, valuation), and “ONE OF A KIND” cases.
Dr. Michael A. Kamins & Associates
Former Director of Research, Area Head of Marketing - Stony Brook College of Business
Tel: (323) 868-9507
Fax: (323) 931-0258
Email: michaelakaminsconsultants@gmail.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: BBA; MBA (Statistics); Doctorate (Marketing Research & Strategy
Marketing & advertising strategy as well as marketing research, questionnaire design & statistical issues. I specialize in survey research, confusion, secondary meaning, dilution, false advertising, celebrity advertising, pricing strategy, pioneership & international advertising. Consumer behavior expertise incl rumor & information processing. I have assisted such individuals as Muhammed Ali, Taylor Swift, Rock Group “Boston,” The “Doors,” Bill Medley & Kareem Abdul Jabbar & such companies as AT&T, Pinkberry, MGM, Lexus, AMEX, the State of California & New York St. Attorney General Elliot Spitzer’s Office, Samsung. Appeared against President Trump in the Trump University Class Action, and on behalf of Fox News against Dominion.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Working as an Expert Witness since 1994. 50+ depositions & 8 trial experiences.
Education: BBA (Statistics) Bernard M, Baruch, 1974; MBA (Statistics) Bernard M Baruch, 1977; PhD (Marketing) New York University, 1984.
Previous Positions/Appointments: Taught Statistics at Baruch College & Marketing/ Marketing Research at NYU, USC, Stony Brook and the Drucker School of Management. Honors & Awards: Golden Apple Award winning teacher and Dean’s Scholar, Best Teacher in the Grad School of Business at Stony Brook, 2008.
Number of Publications: 50+.
Professional Societies: Assn for Consumer Research; Amer Marketing Assn; Academy of Marketing Science.
Fees: $950 for deposition, trial and consultation
Phillips, Fractor & Co, LLC
Contact: G. Michael Phillips, PhD 3452 E. Foothill Blvd, Ste 220 Pasadena, CA 91107
Tel: (626) 744-3540
Email: contactpfc@rule26.com Website: www.phillipsfractor.com
PhDs, MBAs, CPAs, CFE, CFA, ABV, CVA, MAFF, CIMA, MS, EdD specializing in Economics, Finance, Statistics, Accounting, Business Valuation, Surveys, Data Science, Physics, Marketing, Political Science, Policy Analysis, & related subjects.
ECONOMICS, FINANCE, STATISTICS, VALUATION, FORENSIC ACCOUNTING, and DATA ANALYSIS consulting and testimony. Since 1982, our team has offered creative, effective, scientifically appropriate, discrete, ethical research and testimony tailored to our clients’ unique needs. As a boutique firm with international capability and experience, we look at each problem with a fresh perspective
Typical cases include ECONOMIC ANALYSIS (e.g., general forensics, lost earnings, antitrust, damages, compensation, personal injury, toxic torts, wrongful death, wrongful termination, class action), FORENSIC ACCOUNTING (e.g., investigation of alleged executive malfeasance, investigation of alleged misappropriation of trust funds, financial impact of breach of contract, financial impact of misappropriation of trade secrets, business valuation, corporate issues, corporate governance, alter ego, fraud analysis, marital dissolution, professional practices), FINANCE (e.g., modeling, investment analysis, “what if” analysis, portfolio valuation, options and stock valuation, fraudulent conveyance), STATISTICS (e.g., sampling, extrapolation, econometrics, forecasting, simulation, Monte Carlo, discrimination, failure rates), QUESTIONNAIRES & SURVEYS (e.g., consumer perceptions, Lanham Act, public opinion, class action), INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY (e.g., FMV analysis, entertainment/motion pictures/music/TV, sports, royalties, patent infringement, conjoint and hedonic analysis, surveys), REAL ESTATE (e.g., mass appraisal, residential rent, wrongful eviction, environmental issues, rights-of-way, licensing), TECHNOLOGY (e.g., AI, Internet, start-ups, e-commerce, valuation), and “ONE OF A KIND” cases.

Milikowsky Tax Law
John D. Milikowsky, Esq.
745 N. Vulcan Avenue
Encinitas, CA 92024
Tel: (858) 450-1040 (Work)
Tel: (858) 450-1041 (Direct)
Email: jmilikowsky@milikowskytaxlaw.com
Website: www.caltaxadviser.com
J.D. | L.L.M. Taxation
Expert witness testimony and analysis of tax issues relating to business transactions, payroll matters, real estate, liquidation of assets, criminal tax, and divorce. Specialties include audit representation before IRS and State of California tax agencies on civil and criminal matters involving income tax, payroll tax, sales tax, and worker misclassification.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience:
Milikowsky Tax Law has defended businesses and business owners for 14 years and been retained as experts on various tax matters. We have completed more than 300 federal and state tax audits including criminal and civil matters. In 2009, John Milikowsky copresented a proposal in Washington, DC to IRS Chief Counsel, US Treasury, and Congressional Committee staff to change a section of the tax code. This was part of the California Bar Tax Section known as the Washington DC Delegation. The proposal was published in the California Bar Tax Section’s Magazine, California Tax Lawyer.
News Appearances:
John Milikowsky has appeared for various television interviews on Fox News, NewsMax, and other news organizations. See display ad on inside back cover
Accident Expert, The 23
Alternative Resolution Centers (ARC), 19
Amoroso, Richard M 66
Anfuso, Ron J 24
Appraisal Firm, The, 29
Aramino, Patrick 25, 45, 47
Arrowhead Evaluation Services, 16, 84
Bania, Doug, CLP .............................................................. 68
Barron, Dean S. 94
Behavioral Science Consulting .......................................... 87
Benchmark Investigations, 14, 26, 30, 70
Boesky, Lisa ................................................................ 41, 88
Boomhower, Matthew C 29, 34, 70
Bovie, Adam G 58
Burgess Consulting & Forensics, 31, 32
Cantrell, James H 89
Carson, Gregory D 14, 18
Carson Patents 14, 18
Casey, Timothy 72
Castell, Stephen 33
Casuto, Doreen 74, 79, 82
Cherney, Craig........................................... 72, 75, 89, 91, 92
Chilson, Shanon T 33, 39, 92
Christensen, Burke A. ........................................................ 66
Christopoulos, James 43, 45, 48
Chylinski, Patrick ................................................... 25, 45, 47
CivTek International, 58
Cohen, Jack..................................................... 30, 89, 91, 92
Colucci, Dennis A 30
Conway, Delores A ................................................ 43, 90, 94
Cook, Jim 31, 32
Cook Construction Company, ................... 21, 23, 33, 34, 35, 36, 38, 39, 40, 41
Core Consulting Group, ......................................... 34, 37, 40
Coronado Appraisals, LLC, 28
Corporate Sciences, .......................................................... 43
Dardashti, Simon 77, 84
DHM Crash Consulting & Accident 24
Reconstruction Services LLC 24
Dickson, Deborah 25, 43, 45, 47
Digital Forensics Laboratory (LLC), 32, 33
Dillin, William 74, 85
Double Track Consulting, LLC, 89
Dubin, Charles 75, 82, 85
Elite Medical Experts, 77
Energy Resource Associates,...................................... 37, 59
Expert Medical Services LLC, 77, 84
Expert Strategy Group, ........... 21, 22, 23, 37, 57, 59, 60, 63, 64, 65, 69, 79, 84, 94
Exponent, .......................................................................... 56
Felman, Elliot D 75, 77, 80
Fessel International Hospitality Consultants, 29, 44, 48, 65
Fink, Daniel G 66
Finkelman, Jay M 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54
Forensic QDE Lab, 88
G. Gsell and Company, 24
Gebhardt, John A............................................................... 90
Grigsby Forensics & Valuation, 25, 27
Griswold, Robert S ............................................................ 90
Grossman, Jay S 42, 72
Ho, Judy 87, 88
Hodson P.I., 14, 70
Hogan, Lola 66
Insight Economics, 43, 49, 69
Institute of Risk & Safety Analyses, 22, 57, 65
Insurance Archeologist, The .............................................. 67
Integrated Forensic Services, 88
Jacobson, Lawrence H 73, 90
Josephson-Werdowatz & Associates, Inc., 56, 60
Kamins, Michael A 75, 95
Kar, Naresh J 37, 62
Kar, Nikhil 62, 63
Kar, Ramesh J 57, 59
KARS’ Testing & Research LabsA Division of Esi, 37, 57, 58, 59, 62, 63, 75
Kephart, Stan 86, 93
Kleiner, Brian H 26, 49, 50, 51, 53, 54, 55
Kornblum, Guy O 68, 73
KPC Legal Audit Services, 71
Label, Lorne S 80
Landscapes West, 39
Lathrop, Mitchell L ....................................................... 66, 73
Linet, Lewis R 31
Marasco Mediation, LLC, 19, 20
Mark, Joel .............................................................. 62, 71, 73
McHard Firm, 26, 47, 86
McIntyre, David J 87
Mecanica Scientific Services Corporation, 22
Medical Consultant Services, Inc., 16, 75, 82
Milikowsky Tax Law, Inside back cover, 18, 96
Minor, Douglas 42
Mooring, Mark 93
MRK Medical Consultants, 83
Napier, Dan 66
Nevium Intellectual Property Consultants.......................... 68
Nolta, L. Fredrick (Fred) 34, 35, 36, 37, 39, 40, 41
O’Connell, Daniel 89
O’Connor, John D 71, 74
O’Connor, John D 71, 74
Pacific EH&S Services 61
Phillips, Fractor & Co, 25, 27, 28, 38, 44, 45, 47, 48, 51, 52, 53, 55, 56, 61, 63, 69, 91, 95
Posner, Barry L 64
RRiznyk, Stefano Inside front cover, 17, 20
Roney, Thomas 46
Roseman, Charles S 20
Roughan & Associates, 72, 80
Rutchik, Jonathan S 80, 85
Sapphos Environmental, ................................................... 61
Sarkozi, Jeff 84
Sencer Appraisal Associates, ............................................ 28
Shah, Shishir 85
Shatnawi, Shakir.......................................................... 38, 60
Shear, Stuart 77
Shepherd, John D........................................................ 40, 41
Southern Cross Property Consultants, 29, 34, 70
Stern, David A 34, 35, 38, 40, 41
Stetson, William B 83, 85
Sugar, Jeff 87
TTaliaferro, Thomas G 63
Ted S. Merrill & Sons, 34, 38 Titan National, LLC, 86 Torrey Mediation, 20 Tringale, Philip T 59, 61, 62
Two Blue Cats ................................................................... 94
Vertex, ......................................................................... 36, 46
Vinaccia, Jacqueline S 71
Waxman, J. Mark 79 West, Allison 52, 55
Whalen, Wayne M 77
Wolfe, Deborah A 62, 74
YA Engineering Services (Formerly Momentum Engineering Corp.), ....................................... 23, 24, 57, 64 Young, Thomas 58
Zweig, Stephan 77

At AOS, our sales teams are uniquely qualified to represent your association to suppliers of your industry. We custom fit sales programs to your specific project by emphasizing the value of your association to the industry. We work diligently to capture your share of the marketing dollars by encouraging suppliers to align themselves with your Association through advertising/sponsorship.
Our services range from commissioned sales to full-production management for your publications. We also offer telemarketing services for generating sponsorship funds, trade show booth sales and membership renewal campaigns. Our flexible commission packages allow you to determine the level of revenue and service you need for each specific project.

Your success as a lawyer depends not only on determination and effort, but, equally important, the connections you make along the way. As a member of the San Diego County Bar Association, you’ll have unlimited opportunities to connect with thousands of other lawyers, judges, and legal professionals at frequent networking and educational events and on our online community listservs. You’ll also enjoy a host of member-exclusive benefits designed to help you succeed in your practice. Best of all, annual membership costs less than the cost of a typical billable hour. Connecting for success has never been more accessible.

Your SDCBA membership gives you a host of exclusive benefits to support your success and fulfillment as a lawyer:
• Connect instantly to the vast community of attorneys, judges, and legal community members in San Diego County with our 27 practice-area listservs for members.
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• Enjoy substantial discounts on law practice management, business, and lifestyle services through our official Member Benefit providers — available only through your SDCBA membership.
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• Valuable leadership programming you won’t find anywhere else.
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• Free workspace, conference rooms, Wi-Fi, copying, printing, and snacks at the SDCBA Downtown Bar Center.
Upgrade to Patron Membership for a total of only $600 annually (just $50 a month) and gain these additional exclusive benefits:
• Unlimited CLEs (live and on-demand).
• Unlimited free admission to all SDCBA paid events and programs, plus inclusion in special invitation-only events.
• Recognition in our magazine, on our website, and at our Signature events.
• A digital “SDCBA Patron Member” badge to display on your organization’s website, attorney emails, advertising, and other communications.
• Your upgraded membership helps the SDCBA fund the pro bono work we do in the community at large.
It’s a tremendous value at just $600 per year (and this can be paid in convenient quarterly or monthly installments too). Membership is open to attorneys, legal community members, and vendors in the legal community.
Upgrade to Friend Membership for a total of only $400 annually (less than $34 a month) and gain these additional exclusive benefits:
• Get included in our special invitation-only events.
• Recognition in our magazine, on our website, and at our Signature events.
• A digital “SDCBA Friend Member” badge to display on your organization’s website, attorney emails, advertising, and other communications.
• Your upgraded membership helps the SDCBA fund the pro bono work we do in the community at large.
It’s a great value at just $400 per year (and this can be paid in convenient quarterly or monthly installments too). Membership is open to attorneys, legal community members, and vendors in the legal community.
The SDCBA’s 100 Percent Club offers extra benefits to law firms, public agencies, and non-profit legal organizations that provide SDCBA membership to 100% of their attorneys. Any firm with at least five attorneys, all with active memberships, qualifies for the 100 Percent Club. Your Club benefits include all the benefits available to individual members, plus:
• Recognition in San Diego Lawyer magazine, on the SDCBA website, and in the SDCBA Member Lounge.
• Invitations to special SDCBA events for all of your firm’s attorney and staff members.
• Access to our online video archive featuring presentations on legal technology topics, remote working tips and solutions, and other educational resources, available to all your staff, including non-attorneys.
• One convenient, consolidated membership renewal statement.
• A digital “SDCBA 100 Percent Club” badge to display on your organization’s website, attorney emails, advertising, and other communications. For information on joining the 100% Club, please contact Andrew Cave, Director of Member Services, at acave@sdcba.org.
Fulcrum is a forensic accounting, finance, and economic consulting firm specializing in complex litigation, investigation and appraisal issues. We provide accurate, thoughtful and customized analysis, which we present in a clear and persuasive manner. Our experts possess a broad range of specialties which enable us to serve numerous industries and both large and small companies.
Fulcrum’s experience and insight provides the following advantages:
• Our careful economic analysis and industry research, presented through effective witness testimony and graphics, gives juries the basis to determine proper damage amounts
• Modeling techniques for lost profits, disgorgement, and forecasting assignments are reliable and reflect the experience of over a thousand prior analyses by our personnel
• Accounting fraud and other financial investigations are thorough yet quick because our experts ask the right questions at the beginning.
• The combination of appraisal research and deep experience provides valuation conclusions that withstand scrutiny, even for intangible assets, closely-held businesses and other difficult-toappraise interests
• Our tenacious consultants know where to look for insights that provide proper royalties, insurance recoveries, and other payments due under your contracts
Providing testimony and neutral assignments in:
• Forensic accounting
• Lost profits & disgorgement
• Business valuation
• Intellectual property
• Personal injury & wrongful termination
• Royalty & fraud audits
• Class action & statistical analysis
Leverage Our Expertise
The principals at Fulcrum have served as experts for over 75 years, assisting a broad range of firms across industries in both litigation and nonlitigation settings

David Nolte is a CPA, an Accredited Senior Appraiser (ASA), a Certified Management Accountant (CMA) and an MBA Over his 40 years of experience, Mr. Nolte has testified over 500 times in deposition and over 200 times at in trial

Renee Howdeshell is a CPA and a Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE) Ms Howdeshell has over 20 years of experience and a decade of expert witness testimonies involving her forensic accounting, valuation and economic damages assignments

Nicole Liska is an ABD with a Masters in economics Ms Liska has extensively testified in deposition and at trial in matters applying her economic and statistical expertise in determining damages for businesses, individuals and classes

When the stakes are high, gambling on an outcome is risky (ask any party who gambled and lost)
And Here’s Why Negotiation Works:
• It offers psychological elements and deals with the human, not just the issues
• It’s often a win-win, not a zero-sum transaction
• It employs highly creative solutions rather than financial threats

While we deal with various M&A, partnership, stock option, boardroom, marriage, and other daily issues, our lead attorney, Stefano Riznyk, trains lawyers on highlevel negotiation nationwide and has received several reviews stating it is the best or most useful CLE training the lawyer received in their career. His successful negotiation range includes handling:
• Blackmail of a political figure. Opposing had the proof. Never released to the media (would have been severely destructive and worth 7 figures to a journal). NO money changed hands; both parties spoke afterwards.
• Kidnapping of a federal agent's son to Europe. Child returned safely; NO money changed hands. Conducted telephonically.
• Career destruction of cardiologist caught up in hospital politics. Flew to hospital, met with CEO. Fully resolved in 60 minutes. NO consideration offered. Client invited attorney to his wedding; when Stefano was unable to attend, client and his wife flew to Stefano to celebrate their first anniversary with him.
Change Peoples’ Lives and Transform Companies’ Destinies
One case at a time, working endless hours to craft that one innovative paragraph that shifts the paradigm and transforms the case, ending the battle. It always comes down to that one paragraph.
~ Stefano Riznyk