BASIC LISTING $465 (37 lines included)
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• PHOTO: $50 per category – 1“ wide x 1” high (maximum size) –photos placed BESIDE the listing in black and white only.
• LOGO: $80 per category – 2“ wide x 1-1/2” high (maximum size) –Logos placed ABOVE the listing in black and white only.
• BORDER: $50 per category – Two point frame/box around your listing.
Photos and Logos must be submitted as high-resolution TIFF, eps or jpg files with a minimum 300-dpi resolution. All photos and logos will appear in black and white. We accept color images, but they will be converted to black and white and do not reproduce as well as black and white original files. Please use this form to calculate your additional costs and add that cost to your registration order form to be included in your total cost for your directory insertion(s). Please return this form with your registration information and order form to your sales rep.
For full page ads, bound inserts and covers: trim size is 8-3/8” x 10-7/8”, full page bleed size, add 1/8” on all sides (8 5/8” x 11-1/8”). Other than covers, all ads and inserts are placed at the discretion of the publisher. Advertisers should specify the section and category where they wish their ad to appear. Placement is based on a prepaid/priority basis and is not guaranteed. However, the publisher will attempt to fulfill placement requests as closely as possible. Banners and insert placements cannot be guaranteed.
• Display ads should be submitted as press ready PDF, EPS, JPG, or 300 dpi TIFF files.
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• Production charges will apply if artwork is received past the material due date and/or in the incorrect format.
Your success as a lawyer depends not only on determination and effort, but, equally important, the connections you make along the way. As a member of the San Diego County Bar Association, you’ll have unlimited opportunities to connect with thousands of other lawyers, judges, and legal professionals at frequent networking and educational events and on our online community listservs. You’ll also enjoy a host of member-exclusive benefits designed to help you succeed in your practice. Best of all, annual membership costs less than the cost of a typical billable hour. Connecting for success has never been more accessible.
Your SDCBA membership gives you a host of exclusive benefits to support your success and fulfillment as a lawyer:
• Connect instantly to the vast community of attorneys, judges, and legal community members in San Diego County with our 27 practice-area listservs for members.
• Fulfill your CLE requirement with the SDCBA’s exclusive, custom-crafted collection in the SDCBA CLE Center™.
• Get access to ALL SDCBA live and on-demand CLEs for just $100 with the CLE All-Access Pass. Join now to grab the pass and save hundreds of dollars today.
• Free and discounted members-only programming, education, and networking opportunities to support the success of your practice, your growth, and your wellness.
• Get free consulting hours with our expert Technology and Practice Management Advisor (this could save you thousands of dollars).
• Enjoy substantial discounts on law practice management, business, and lifestyle services through our official Member Benefit providers — available only through your SDCBA membership.
• Reduced annual fee to participate in our Legal Referral Service, a great way to gain new clients in San Diego & Imperial counties.
• Free members-only legal ethics hotline.
• Free notary service
• Highly discounted professional photo portraits.
• Valuable leadership programming you won’t find anywhere else.
• Free subscription to the print edition of San Diego Lawyer magazine and our regular e-newsletters.
• Free downtown parking after 5 p.m. on weekdays and all day on weekends at the lot on Union and B.
• Free workspace, conference rooms, Wi-Fi, copying, printing, and snacks at the SDCBA Downtown Bar Center.
Upgrade to Patron Membership for a total of only $600 annually (just $50 a month) and gain these additional exclusive benefits:
• Unlimited CLEs (live and on-demand).
• Unlimited free admission to all SDCBA paid events and programs, plus inclusion in special invitation-only events.
• Recognition in our magazine, on our website, and at our Signature events.
• A digital “SDCBA Patron Member” badge to display on your organization’s website, attorney emails, advertising, and other communications.
• Your upgraded membership helps the SDCBA fund the pro bono work we do in the community at large.
It’s a tremendous value at just $600 per year (and this can be paid in convenient quarterly or monthly installments too). Membership is open to attorneys, legal community members, and vendors in the legal community.
Upgrade to Friend Membership for a total of only $400 annually (less than $34 a month) and gain these additional exclusive benefits:
• Get included in our special invitation-only events.
• Recognition in our magazine, on our website, and at our Signature events.
• A digital “SDCBA Friend Member” badge to display on your organization’s website, attorney emails, advertising, and other communications.
• Your upgraded membership helps the SDCBA fund the pro bono work we do in the community at large.
It’s a great value at just $400 per year (and this can be paid in convenient quarterly or monthly installments too). Membership is open to attorneys, legal community members, and vendors in the legal community.
The SDCBA’s 100 Percent Club offers extra benefits to law firms, public agencies, and non-profit legal organizations that provide SDCBA membership to 100% of their attorneys. Any firm with at least five attorneys, all with active memberships, qualifies for the 100 Percent Club. Your Club benefits include all the benefits available to individual members, plus:
• Recognition in San Diego Lawyer magazine, on the SDCBA website, and in the SDCBA Member Lounge.
• Invitations to special SDCBA events for all of your firm’s attorney and staff members.
• Access to our online video archive featuring presentations on legal technology topics, remote working tips and solutions, and other educational resources, available to all your staff, including non-attorneys.
• One convenient, consolidated membership renewal statement.
• A digital “SDCBA 100 Percent Club” badge to display on your organization’s website, attorney emails, advertising, and other communications.
For information on joining the 100% Club, please contact Andrew Cave, Director of Member Services, at acave@sdcba.org.
Dispute Resolution Professionals
Litigation/Legal Service Providers
Expert Witness Referral Services
Lawyer to Lawyer (L2L) Referrals
The San Diego County Bar Association (SDCBA) is pleased to provide you with our inaugural issue of the Directory of Expert Witnesses and Consultants. The Directory provides you with a comprehensive registry of expert witnesses and consultants throughout San Diego County.
SDCBA provides complimentary copies of the Directory to all of its members, as well as regional bar associations in San Diego County as well as regional bar associations in San Diego County, law libraries, and courts throughout San Diego County.
The Directory is an invaluable resource for all attorneys, and we welcome any suggestions you have that might help us make it even better. For more information contact Cici Trino at Association Outsource Services, Inc. (916) 961-9999 cicit@aosinc.biz
The San Diego County Bar Association (SDCBA) has compiled the San Diego County Directory of Expert Witnesses and Consultants as a source of names and specialties of experts for use by attorneys and others. Although the SDCBA has compiled the Directory based on information supplied by those listed, among others, it has not reviewed, investigated, or evaluated the authenticity, accuracy, or completeness of the information received. the SDCBA makes no representations as to the qualifications or competence of those listed and does not recommend or endorse the services of those listed.
The contents of this Directory may not be republished, sold, or incorporated into any other data base for any purpose. Use of the information provided herein for purposes of solicitation or for any other purpose other than to retain an expert or consultant is strictly prohibited.
The San Diego County Directory of Expert Witnesses and Consultants has five main areas for locating legal experts, consultants, and services. Each area is further divided into categories of expertise. You will want to thoroughly review all available categories and sub-categories to find the appropriate expert or consultant:
h Litigation/Legal Services Listings: These trial support services may include Document Services, Personnel, Paralegals, Process Servers, Parliamentary Procedure, Computer, and other legal support professionals.
h Expert Witness Referral Services Listings: Find organizations with banks of experts and consultants in broad categories of expertise.
h Lawyer-to-Lawyer (L2L) Consultants Network Listings:
Lawyers who hold themselves competent and available for consultation can be located in their respective practice areas of law. This section is intended to offer practitioners a source for finding professional advice and outsourcing in unfamiliar areas of law.
h Dispute Resolution Professionals Listings: Find Arbitrators, Mediators, Private Judges, Family Law Specialists, Special Masters, Settlement Officers, and other auxiliary dispute resolution service providers in a specific area of dispute.
h Expert Witnesses and Consultants Listings: Expert Witnesses and Consultants is the largest area of the book, and categories of expertise may be indexed in multiple ways. Please review the category index thoroughly. For example, if you are looking for an electrical expert, you might look under any or all of these selections:
• Accident Prevention/Safety: Electrical
• Accident Reconstruction: Electrical
• Electrical
• Construction: Electrical
• Engineering: Electrical
Individual and organizational indexes appear in alphabetical order at the back of the directory.
The San Diego County Bar Association’s Lawyer Referral and Information Service (LRIS) helped participating attorneys gain just under 59,000 qualified clients in 2022, resulting in nearly six million dollars in legal fees earned.
With results like these, LRIS can offer you the most cost-effective way to gain high-quality clients, hands down. The cost is much lower than other marketing methods, including advertising, SEO, listing/rating services, you name it (lower still with the highly discounted LRIS enrollment
fee offered to SDCBA members — your membership will immediately pay for itself).
The public trusts LRIS as the reliable way to get connected with qualified attorneys. Lawyers trust LRIS too, because we carefully pre-screen potential clients to ensure we only send you referrals that match well with your practice area.
Best of all, by participating in LRIS, you will be helping clients access quality legal services they wouldn’t find otherwise — a true win-win.
Request your LRIS application: 619.321.4153 or LRIS@sdcba.org
Award-winning magazine:
e-newsletter to all members:
If you want San Diego law firms to know about you, here’s one sure way to get your message directly to them — advertise with the San Diego County Bar Association (SDCBA).
Our weekly and monthly e-newsletters, bimonthly awardwinning magazine, and website will keep your firm’s brand top-of-mind for thousands of San Diego County attorneys, including decision-makers at top firms, smaller firms, and solos.
What’s more, advertising helps the community too by supporting the SDCBA in its work to advance both the legal profession and access to justice for all — something we can all feel good about.
Want to attract your next great hire? The SDCBA Career Center for Employers puts a large pool of candidates at your fingertips. Your employer tools and benefits include:
• SDCBA members get a 20% discount on job postings!
• Tap a talent pool focused on the legal industry to source relevant, qualified candidates.
• Increased exposure for your job postings through our promotion of the Career Center in ongoing SDCBA communications.
• Option to get featured in biweekly JobFlash™ emails (requires Job FlashTM Package or above).
• Easily search for prospects in our Candidate Pool, view their resumes in our Resume Bank, and submit your interest to candidates with a click.
• Need more candidates? Search our Network Resume Bank, giving you access to over 125,000 prospects!
• “My Company” profile helps job seekers learn more about your company and your open positions.
• Save time with reusable templates for letters, job postings, and filters for prescreening applicants.
• Choose from multiple packages, each including a 30-day job posting, plus additional paid options to boost your ranking in search results as well as get bonus distribution to 1,000+ national, niche, and local job boards.
Visit the Career Center for Employers: https://sdcba.careerwebsite.com/employer
Seeking your next opportunity? The SDCBA Career Center for Job Seekers makes it easy to both find employers and get found. Your new job search tools and benefits include:
• Enjoy 100% free Job Seeker access!
• Get seen faster by firms and organizations hiring in the legal industry, bringing you highly relevant job opportunities.
• Receive regular Job Flash™ emails about new job opportunities.
• Upload multiple resumes to use in your job applications and for employers to find in their searches.
• Get a free resume review!
• Create custom job alerts to know about the latest postings
• Quickly see all employers in the Career Center with the Company Directory.
• Share job postings with friends.
• Leverage a wealth of free career advice resources.
• The job search dashboard shows all your contact requests, messages, applications, and saved jobs in one place
• Help is always just an email or call away, Monday through Friday.
Alternative Resolution Centers (ARC)
Tel: (310) 284-8224
Email: mail@arc4adr.com
Website: www.arc4adr.com
Appellate, Bad Faith/Insurance Coverage, Business/Contractual, Class Actions, Complex Litigation, Construction Defect, Disability/ Access Disputes, Discovery-Civil, DiscoveryFamily, Discovery-Probate, E-Discovery, Elder Care, Eminent Domain, Employment, Entertainment, Environmental, Family Law/ Divorce Mediation, Federal Disputes, Fee Disputes, Government Entities, Habitability, Healthcare Law, Homeowners Association, Intellectual Property, Legal Malpractice, Lender Liability, Low-Cost Mediation and Arbitration, Medical Malpractice, Personal Injury, Premises, Liability, Probate, Trusts and Estate Disputes, Products Liability, Real Estate, Transportation, Maritime and Logistics
Service Locations:
Los Angeles: Westwood & Downtown LA, Ventura, Orange County, San Diego, San Francisco, Riverside
See display ad below
See insert ad after page 32.
Documents: Search, Retrieval, Management and Storage
BS Bus. Admin, CA and AZ licensed G.C., ASPE, Arbitrations and Court Testimony, CM Certified, ICC Certified.
Since 1992, we have been engaged in investigations, data management, and analysis for the complex civil litigation. Outsource data organization Free up your paralegals. Get data analysis done quicker. You can lower your costs for expensive forensic accountants by first processing mass documents and reducing the data for their analysis. We can digest and organize large amounts of complex data in any form. You can follow the money. We can present that data graphically for presentations. You gain insight into data relationships. We are experienced Complex Data Experts.
See display ad page 30
BCM Analytics
Contact: David Sage or Chris Ball 16666 Sierra Hwy Canyon Country, CA 91351 Tel: (661) 621-9491
Email: info@BCManalytics.com
Website: www.BCManalytics.com
Benchmark Investigations
Contact: Jim Zimmer, CPI
32158 Camino Capistrano, #A-415 San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675
Tel: (800) 248-7721
Fax: (949) 606-8439
Email: zimmerpi@pacbell.net
Website: www.BenchmarkInvestigations.net
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: BS, Business Management; CA Private Investigator Lic PI 12651; Registered Process Server #PSC/2411
National agency. Professional investigations with emphasis upon accuracy, detail & expedience. Asset/financial searches; background investigation; DMV searches; domestic/marital cases; due diligence; mergers & acquisitions; process service; sexual harassment & discrimination investigations; surveillance/photog; witness location & statements. LA branch + correspondents nationwide. Multi-lingual agents. Fully insured. Jim Zimmer is a Past President of the National Council of Investigation & Security Services & the California Assn of Licensed Investigators. Jim is the 2011 recipient of the CALI Distinguished Achievement Award.
See display ad page 69
Bridgeway Legal Process
2820 Camino Del Rio S., Suite 205 San Diego, CA 92108
Tel: (619) 413-7133
Tel: (877) 407-0022
Email: process@bridgewaylegalprocess.com
Website: www.bridgewaylegalprocess.com
Process of Service, Court Fillings, Messenger, Judgement Collection, Prepare Legal Documents, and File Small Claims.
Our firm leaders have over 25 yrs experience in legal support services. We have a wealth of experience and expertise having worked in all elements of process of service and other legal support services. We quickly earned a reputation as a trustworthy partner that always demonstrates its value in practice. As our legal support service has grown, it has maintained a reputation for high quality and excellent customer service.
Hodson P.I., LLC
Justin D. Hodson, CPI
1440 N. Harbor Blvd, #900 Fullerton, CA 92835
Tel: (714) 646-4545
Email: justin@HodsonPI.com
Website: www.HodsonPI.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: CA PI 23796
Investigation, Process Service. Hodson P.I., LLC is a California, licensed, professional private investigations firm serving all of California. Hodson P.I., LLC is an approved and licensed Limited Liability Investigations Corporation. Our coverage area is the entire state of California, with services in select States and Countries. The firm was founded in 2003 by world renowned private detective, Justin D. Hodson, CPI, who has been conducting investigations since 1999.
Invenz Inc.
Richard Munro, CEO
Tel: (949) 910-6600
Email: richard@invenz.com
Website: invenz.com
Court appointed receiver and provisional director, liquidating receiver or trustee over a liquidating estate, Chief Restructuring Officer, financial advisory services to debtor companies including Chapter 11 and Chapter 11 Subchapter V bankruptcy cases, forensic accounting, orderly wind down and liquidation of businesses in partnership disputes, business performance improvement, business transition planning, business strategy development review and implementation, operational due diligence, post-merger integration, go to market strategies for profitable and sustainable growth, cashflow forecasting, overhead expense reduction and optimization, and project management.
Invenz Inc.
Richard Munro, CEO
Tel: (949) 910-6600
Email: richard@invenz.com
Website: invenz.com
Court appointed receiver and provisional director, liquidating receiver or trustee over a liquidating estate, Chief Restructuring Officer, financial advisory services to debtor companies including Chapter 11 and Chapter 11 Subchapter V bankruptcy cases, forensic accounting, orderly wind down and liquidation of businesses in partnership disputes, business performance improvement, business transition planning, business strategy development review and implementation, operational due diligence, post-merger integration, go to market strategies for profitable and sustainable growth, cashflow forecasting, overhead expense reduction and optimization, and project management.
Sean O’Callaghan
3111 Camino Del Rio North, Suite 400A
San Diego, CA 92108
Tel: (619) 399-3278
Fax: (619) 399-3279
Email: rockstarprocessserving@gmail.com
Website: www.rockstarprocessserving.com
Service of Process, Stakeouts, Skip Tracing, Courier Services, Court Filings and Court Records Retrieval
Locally owned/operated San Diego process serving company. Since 2007, we have offered friendly, honest and personal service to our customers as the number one priority. Fast response time with live updates.
Our experience as operating CEO’s, CFO’s, CRO’s, and corporate board service on public, private equity, private and multinational boards, uniquely positions us to serve in a fiduciary capacity as receiver or provisional director, and quickly and effectively understand and diagnose business issues, determine viability, and effectively implement solutions for business recovery and superior returns to lenders, creditors and equity.
See insert ad after page 16
Our experience as operating CEO’s, CFO’s, CRO’s, and corporate board service on public, private equity, private and multinational boards, uniquely positions us to serve in a fiduciary capacity as receiver or provisional director, and quickly and effectively understand and diagnose business issues, determine viability, and effectively implement solutions for business recovery and superior returns to lenders, creditors and equity.
See insert ad after page 16
See insert ad after page 24.
Arrowhead Evaluation Services
1680 Plum Lane
Redlands, CA 92374
Tel: (888) 888-5902
Email: experts@arrowheadeval.com
Website: www.arrowheadeval.com
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience:
Our panel of ethical and qualified medical professionals have the knowledge and experience to evaluate every type of injury, and are available to serve as medical experts to provide testimony in medical legal cases. Whether you’re seeking a certified medical expert for a Subsequent Injuries Benefit Trusts Fund Evaluation, Qualified Medical Evaluation, Agreed Medical Evaluation, or Independent Medical Evaluation, Arrowhead can provide the trusted and experienced medical professional you need.
Arrowhead Evaluation Services is your LEADING SOURCE for medical experts throughout the state of California:
- Physicians dedicated to fast, accurate reporting
- California’s most selective medical/legal service provider
- Credible medical legal reports
- Locations throughout California
See display ad page 17
2377 W. Foothill Blvd, #9 Upland, CA 91786
Tel: (888) 627-4321
Fax: (909) 946-0347
Email: experts@expertsatmcs.com
Website: www.expertsatmcs.com
One convenient nationwide source for cost effective medical and technical expert services in all healthcare and technical fields. MCS assists its clients with claims involving personal injury, medical malpractice, disability, construction defect, product liability, criminal forensics and HMO peer review. Our experts are Board Certified and qualified expert witnesses. Services include Independent Medical Examinations, Medical Record Reviews, Diagnostic Re-interpretation, Utilization and/or Bill Reviews, along with various types of Technical Review and Analysis, involving accident reconstruction and biomechanical analysis, safety, economic loss and more.
MCS is also an approved M.C.L.E. provider and offers seminars at no charge on a number of topics for continuing legal education.
Aviator Law
Law Office of Robert Walker
374 East H Street, Suite A-727 Chula Vista, CA 91910
Tel: (855) 342-4326
Tel: (619) 433-6743
Cell: (619) 520-6718
Fax: (619) 312-4612
Email: aviatorlaw@icloud.com
Website: aviatorslegalservices.com
BS Aviation Maintenance Management | JD Law | FAA Certificates; ATP, Comm, Instr., Flight Engineer, Mechanic A&P, Type Ratings; B737, A-320, A330, A350 | Remote Pilot | Representation of Pilots, Mechanics and Airman in FAA Certificate Denial, Suspension, Revocation | NTSB Appeals
Pilot Attorney specializes in aviation law matters including fatal and non-fatal accidents/ incidents involving airlines, private jets, and personal aircraft. Litigating duty, breach, & causation of aircraft accidents is highly technical involving careful analysis of flight operational procedures, planning, pilot error identification & mitigation, and environmental factors. If you have a personal injury or property damage case as a result of an aviation accident, let me lend my 40 years of experience to either defend or prosecute on behalf of your clients. FAA Certificate Denial, Suspension, Revocation | Representation of Pilots, Mechanics and other Airman | NTSB Appeals | Aircraft Accident litigation involving Commercial Airline (Boeing, Airbus), General and Military Aviation due to pilot error, faulty safety policies, faulty maintenance. Runway excursion, passenger injury, inadequate training, negligent hiring, training, & supervision.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience:
NPRM Aviation Rule Making | Aircraft Accident Investigation/Analysis | Safety Management Systems | Flight Training & Standards
Aircraft Ownership:
Owner Accident Liability | Entity Formation | Co-Ownership Agreements | Civil Forfeiture
Stefano Riznyk
San Diego Biz Law APC 4225 Executive Sq La Jolla, CA 92037
Tel: (619) 793-4827
Email: counsel@ SanDiegoBizLaw.com
Website: www.SanDiegoBizLaw.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: BSc Biochemistry & Genetics | JD California Western School of Law | Studied Strategic Management at Harvard for 2 years | Lectured at Oxford and Duke as well as worldwide on legal issues | High-level Negotiator (Trains lawyers nationwide and writing a book) | Author of Relationships 901 | Fortune 500 Consultant in Business Process Reengineering
With a deep understanding of people and processes, his strength is in structuring a creative solution to a seemingly irresolvable conflict. With negotiation and litigation in his toolbox, he is able to achieve results when complex situations occur.
Legal areas: negotiation, antitrust, business litigation (state & federal), complex hand-written contracts, prenups, employment law & foreign investor visas (E,L, EB5); 34 years’ experience.
See display ad page 21 and inside front cover
Stefano Riznyk
San Diego Biz Law APC 4225 Executive Sq La Jolla, CA 92037
Tel: (619) 793-4827
Email: counsel@ SanDiegoBizLaw.com
Website: www.SanDiegoBizLaw.com
BSc Biochemistry & Genetics | JD
California Western School of Law | Studied Strategic Management at Harvard for 2 years | Lectured at Oxford and Duke as well as worldwide on legal issues | High-level Negotiator (Trains lawyers nationwide and writing a book)
| Author of Relationships 901 | Fortune 500 Consultant in Business Process
With a deep understanding of people and processes, his strength is in structuring a creative solution to a seemingly irresolvable conflict. With negotiation and litigation in his toolbox, he is able to achieve results when complex situations occur; 34 years’ experience.
Legal areas: (Plaintiff and Defense) negotiation, PAGA, Sexual harassment, Wage & Hour, non-compete, severance agreements and review, discrimination, and contract writing and issue resolution. See display ad page 21 and inside front cover
San Diego Biz Law APC
4225 Executive Sq
La Jolla, CA 92037
Tel: (619) 793-4827
Email: counsel@ SanDiegoBizLaw.com
Website: www.SanDiegoBizLaw.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: BSc Biochemistry & Genetics | JD California Western School of Law | Studied Strategic Management at Harvard for 2 years | Lectured at Oxford and Duke as well as worldwide on legal issues | High-level Negotiator (Trains lawyers nationwide and writing a book)
| Author of Relationships 901 | Fortune 500 Consultant in Business Process
With a deep understanding of people and processes, and a solid understanding of the business world, he is able to speak his clients’ language. Clients range from oneperson startups to global multinationals. One of the fastest in the country, cases are produced in an average of two weeks’ time. With 34 years’ experience in the field, offering one of the highest success records in the immigration industry.
Legal areas: Foreign investor visas (E,L, EB5), prenups, as well as a whole host of business and employment law offerings (please see listing under business law), so that clients are properly advised; business plans are prepared from scratch, if required.
See display ad page 21 and inside front cover
John D. Milikowsky, Esq. 745 N. Vulcan Avenue Encinitas, CA 92024
Tel: (858) 450-1040 (Work)
Tel: (858) 450-1041 (Direct)
Email: jmilikowsky@milikowskytaxlaw.com
Website: www.caltaxadviser.com
J.D. | L.L.M. Taxation
Expert witness testimony and analysis of tax issues relating to business transactions, payroll matters, real estate, liquidation of assets, criminal tax, and divorce. Specialties include audit representation before IRS and State of California tax agencies on civil and criminal matters involving income tax, payroll tax, sales tax, and worker misclassification.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Milikowsky Tax Law has defended businesses and business owners for 14 years and been retained as experts on various tax matters. We have completed more than 300 federal and state tax audits including criminal and civil matters. In 2009, John Milikowsky copresented a proposal in Washington, DC to IRS Chief Counsel, US Treasury, and Congressional Committee staff to change a section of the tax code. This was part of the California Bar Tax Section known as the Washington DC Delegation. The proposal was published in the California Bar Tax Section’s Magazine, California Tax Lawyer.
News Appearances: John Milikowsky has appeared for various television interviews on Fox News, NewsMax, and other news organizations. See display ad on inside back cover
Cheryl Edwards Tannenberg Of Counsel
Witham Mahoney & Abbott LLP
401 B Street, Suite 2220
San Diego, CA 92101
Tel: (619) 525-1655 (Direct)
Tel: (619) 407-0505 (Firm)
Email: tannenberg@wmalawfirm.com
Website: www.wmalawfirm.com
J.D., University of San Diego 1984, Member San Diego Law Review | Bachelor’s Degree, SDSU 1976
Trust and Probate Litigation, Conservatorships, Trust Administration, Financial Elder Abuse and Pre-litigation Dispute Resolution.
Cheryl Edwards Tannenberg is Of Counsel at Witham Mahoney & Abbott, LLP in downtown San Diego. She represents trustees, beneficiaries, business, and individuals. She has been a trial attorney for over 35 years in San Diego. Cheryl is admitted to practice in the California court, the Federal courts in California and the U.S. Supreme Court. She was a pro tem judge and is a settlement officer for the San Diego Probate Court since 2012. Cheryl has been selected by Super Lawyers from 2008 – 2023, and has been named by San Diego Magazine’s Top Attorneys since 2013. Cheryl is rated AV Preeminent by MartindaleHubbell. Cheryl is a member of the Probate Attorneys of San Diego, and is a Master in the Enright Inn of Court. She was a co-chair of the Estate Planning, Trust, and Probate Law Section of the San Diego County Bar Association and a member of the North County Estate Planning Council. Cheryl co-authored an amendment to Welfare & Institutions Code §15657.03 relating to elder abuse restraining orders.
Duane S. Horning
California Business Law Group, PC
8170 La Mesa Boulevard
La Mesa, CA 91942
Tel: (619) 325-1555 (Office)
Email: dhorning@cblg.biz
Website: www.CBLG.biz
University of San Diego School of Law, JD 1994, magna cum laude, Order of the Coif, Law Review, ranked 1st in Evening Division, top 3% overall | Arizona State University, Bachelor of Science, Business Administration and Finance, Cum Laude
Business, commercial, contracts, unfair competition, corporate governance, partnerships, intellectual property, patents, copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets, technology transfers, licensing agreements, real estate, construction, development, leasing, trusts and estates, elder abuse, fee disputes, homeowner associations, insurance, computer IT, franchise, legal malpractice, fraud, breach of fiduciary duty. ADR Services: Arbitrator, referee, special master
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: U.S. Supreme Court, Federal Circuit, Ninth Circuit, Central and Southern Districts of California, all California Courts
Mr. Horning is a trial attorney with 28 years’ experience in intellectual property, commercial and investment real estate, trusts and estates, and business matters. Mr. Horning founded California Business Law Group, PC in 2002. He practiced for eight years at Gray Cary Ware & Freidenrich LLP which is now DLA Piper LLP (US). Mr. Horning is an arbitrator of fee disputes with the San Diego County Bar Association. He has served as a courtappointed referee in real estate partition actions, and as a judge pro tem. He was an Adjunct Professor of Law at the University of San Diego School of Law from 2006 through 2018. Prior to practicing law, Mr. Horning was a successful commercial real estate broker and developer. He was Assistant Manager of the Port of San Diego Property Department, and Acting Airport Manager of Lindbergh Field. He was CFO of a company that completed an initial public offering.
Honors & Awards:
Super Lawyer since 2019; Vice President and Treasurer of the San Diego County Bar Association and Chair of the Real Property Section; San Diego Volunteer Lawyer Program, Distinguished Service Award for pro bono service
Stefano Riznyk
San Diego Biz Law APC
4225 Executive Sq
La Jolla, CA 92037
Tel: (619) 793-4827
Email: counsel@ SanDiegoBizLaw.com
Website: www. SanDiegoBizLaw.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: BSc Biochemistry & Genetics | JD California Western School of Law | Studied Strategic Management at Harvard for 2 years | Lectured at Oxford and Duke as well as worldwide on legal issues | High-level Negotiator (Trains lawyers nationwide and writing a book)
| Author of Relationships 901 | Fortune 500 Consultant in Business Process Reengineering
Negotiation When Arbitration/ Mediation Fails:
Stefano Riznyk is a highly-skilled negotiator who trains other lawyers nationwide and has received outstanding reviews in the courses. When mediation fails, but your client wants to avoid making the matter public, negotiation is the best resource. A sophisticated tool that resolves issues through a complex understanding of human nature, invisible agendas, and how the business works, it can be the most powerful tool in your repertoire.
Stefano has resolved extortion, career destruction, boardroom issues, and even an international kidnapping, with ‘no’ money changing hands. Representing political figures, entertainment celebrities, and even Fortune 500 presidents, he has been able to resolve what could not be accomplished with litigation. Relationships are often mended, and situations renormalized in ways that litigation and mediation cannot accomplish. He offers 34 years’ experience as a business litigator and employment lawyer, as well as an immigration attorney who deals with foreign investors.
See display ad page 21 and inside front cover
Damian M. Dolin, Esq.
Andrew N. Kohn, Esq.
11682 El Camino Real, Suite 110 San Diego, CA 92130
Tel: (858) 465-1340 (Office Phone)
Email: info@torreymediation.com
Website: www.torreymediation.com
BA, JD, California State Bar Licensed Attorneys, Straus Institute for Dispute Resolution - Mediating the Litigated Case
Torrey Mediation offers 2-hour, half day, full day, and online mediation options. We specialize in the resolution of a wide variety of civil disputes, including: Personal Injury, Product Liability, Business Litigation, Real Estate, Premises Liability, Medical Malpractice, Elder Abuse, and General Negligence Actions.
Damian Dolin and Andrew Kohn have participated in more than 500 mediations. They are accomplished trial attorneys with over 50 years of combined litigation experience representing both Plaintiffs and Defendants. They believe in an honest, direct approach to mediation, never losing sight of the parties’ goals. Both mediators are AV Rated attorneys. Both are also members of the American Board of Trial Advocates, with Mr. Kohn having achieved Associate status.
See page 104
Duane S. Horning
California Business Law Group, PC
8170 La Mesa Boulevard
La Mesa, CA 91942
Tel: (619) 325-1555 (Office)
Email: dhorning@cblg.biz
Website: www.CBLG.biz
University of San Diego School of Law, JD 1994, magna cum laude, Order of the Coif, Law Review, ranked 1st in Evening Division, top 3% overall | Arizona State University, Bachelor of Science, Business Administration and Finance, Cum Laude
Business, commercial, contracts, unfair competition, corporate governance, partnerships, intellectual property, patents, copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets, technology transfers, licensing agreements, real estate, construction, development, leasing, trusts and estates, elder abuse, fee disputes, homeowner associations, insurance, computer IT, franchise, legal malpractice, fraud, breach of fiduciary duty. ADR Services: Arbitrator, referee, special master
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience:
U.S. Supreme Court, Federal Circuit, Ninth Circuit, Central and Southern Districts of California, all California Courts
Mr. Horning is a trial attorney with 28 years’ experience in intellectual property, commercial and investment real estate, trusts and estates, and business matters. Mr. Horning founded California Business Law Group, PC in 2002. He practiced for eight years at Gray Cary Ware & Freidenrich LLP which is now DLA Piper LLP (US). Mr. Horning is an arbitrator of fee disputes with the San Diego County Bar Association. He has served as a courtappointed referee in real estate partition actions, and as a judge pro tem. He was an Adjunct Professor of Law at the University of San Diego School of Law from 2006 through 2018. Prior to practicing law, Mr. Horning was a successful commercial real estate broker and developer. He was Assistant Manager of the Port of San Diego Property Department, and Acting Airport Manager of Lindbergh Field. He was CFO of a company that completed an initial public offering.
Honors & Awards:
Super Lawyer since 2019; Vice President and Treasurer of the San Diego County Bar Association and Chair of the Real Property Section; San Diego Volunteer Lawyer Program, Distinguished Service Award for pro bono service
Rider Levett Bucknall
Contact: Sam Barakat, PE, Esq, Fciarb, Principal
700 South Flower Street, Suite 630 Los Angeles, CA 90017
Tel: (213) 689-1103
Cell: (310) 817-1807
Email: sam.barakat@us.rlb.com
Website: www.rlb.com
Construction defects; Forensic Engineering; Cost Estimating; Forensic Scheduling; Delays; Damages; Duty of Care; Code Compliance; Constructability; Third-Party neutral, arbitrators, mediators.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: RLB is a global practice with 21 offices across the US. RLB has experts with diverse experience in the construction market. Our experts have testified in local courts, local arbitrations (AAA,) and international arbitration ICC, LCIA) Projects have included bridges/ roads, infrastructure, civil, residential, multifamily, hospitality, mixed use, educational, and healthcare.
25+ years in the US Construction Market. 90+ years in the construction market globally.
Duane S. Horning California Business Law Group, PC
8170 La Mesa Boulevard
La Mesa, CA 91942
Tel: (619) 325-1555 (Office)
Email: dhorning@cblg.biz
Website: www.CBLG.biz
University of San Diego School of Law, JD 1994, magna cum laude, Order of the Coif, Law Review, ranked 1st in Evening Division, top 3% overall | Arizona State University, Bachelor of Science, Business Administration and Finance, Cum Laude
Business, commercial, contracts, unfair competition, corporate governance, partnerships, intellectual property, patents, copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets, technology transfers, licensing agreements, real estate, construction, development, leasing, trusts and estates, elder abuse, fee disputes, homeowner associations, insurance, computer IT, franchise, legal malpractice, fraud, breach of fiduciary duty. ADR Services: Arbitrator, referee, special master
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: U.S. Supreme Court, Federal Circuit, Ninth Circuit, Central and Southern Districts of California, all California Courts
Mr. Horning is a trial attorney with 28 years’ experience in intellectual property, commercial and investment real estate, trusts and estates, and business matters. Mr. Horning founded California Business Law Group, PC in 2002. He practiced for eight years at Gray Cary Ware & Freidenrich LLP which is now DLA Piper LLP (US). Mr. Horning is an arbitrator of fee disputes with the San Diego County Bar Association. He has served as a courtappointed referee in real estate partition actions, and as a judge pro tem. He was an Adjunct Professor of Law at the University of San Diego School of Law from 2006 through 2018. Prior to practicing law, Mr. Horning was a successful commercial real estate broker and developer. He was Assistant Manager of the Port of San Diego Property Department, and Acting Airport Manager of Lindbergh Field. He was CFO of a company that completed an initial public offering.
Honors & Awards:
Super Lawyer since 2019; Vice President and Treasurer of the San Diego County Bar Association and Chair of the Real Property Section; San Diego Volunteer Lawyer Program, Distinguished Service Award for pro bono service
Duane S. Horning
California Business Law Group, PC
8170 La Mesa Boulevard
La Mesa, CA 91942
Tel: (619) 325-1555 (Office)
Email: dhorning@cblg.biz
Website: www.CBLG.biz
University of San Diego School of Law, JD 1994, magna cum laude, Order of the Coif, Law Review, ranked 1st in Evening Division, top 3% overall | Arizona State University, Bachelor of Science, Business Administration and Finance, Cum Laude
Business, commercial, contracts, unfair competition, corporate governance, partnerships, intellectual property, patents, copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets, technology transfers, licensing agreements, real estate, construction, development, leasing, trusts and estates, elder abuse, fee disputes, homeowner associations, insurance, computer IT, franchise, legal malpractice, fraud, breach of fiduciary duty. ADR Services: Arbitrator, referee, special master
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience:
U.S. Supreme Court, Federal Circuit, Ninth Circuit, Central and Southern Districts of California, all California Courts
Mr. Horning is a trial attorney with 28 years’ experience in intellectual property, commercial and investment real estate, trusts and estates, and business matters. Mr. Horning founded California Business Law Group, PC in 2002. He practiced for eight years at Gray Cary Ware & Freidenrich LLP which is now DLA Piper LLP (US). Mr. Horning is an arbitrator of fee disputes with the San Diego County Bar Association. He has served as a courtappointed referee in real estate partition actions, and as a judge pro tem. He was an Adjunct Professor of Law at the University of San Diego School of Law from 2006 through 2018. Prior to practicing law, Mr. Horning was a successful commercial real estate broker and developer. He was Assistant Manager of the Port of San Diego Property Department, and Acting Airport Manager of Lindbergh Field. He was CFO of a company that completed an initial public offering.
Honors & Awards:
Super Lawyer since 2019; Vice President and Treasurer of the San Diego County Bar Association and Chair of the Real Property Section; San Diego Volunteer Lawyer Program, Distinguished Service Award for pro bono service
Duane S. Horning
California Business Law Group, PC
8170 La Mesa Boulevard
La Mesa, CA 91942
Tel: (619) 325-1555 (Office)
Email: dhorning@cblg.biz
Website: www.CBLG.biz
University of San Diego School of Law, JD 1994, magna cum laude, Order of the Coif, Law Review, ranked 1st in Evening Division, top 3% overall | Arizona State University, Bachelor of Science, Business Administration and Finance, Cum Laude
Business, commercial, contracts, unfair competition, corporate governance, partnerships, intellectual property, patents, copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets, technology transfers, licensing agreements, real estate, construction, development, leasing, trusts and estates, elder abuse, fee disputes, homeowner associations, insurance, computer IT, franchise, legal malpractice, fraud, breach of fiduciary duty. ADR Services: Arbitrator, referee, special master Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: U.S. Supreme Court, Federal Circuit, Ninth Circuit, Central and Southern Districts of California, all California Courts
Mr. Horning is a trial attorney with 28 years’ experience in intellectual property, commercial and investment real estate, trusts and estates, and business matters. Mr. Horning founded California Business Law Group, PC in 2002. He practiced for eight years at Gray Cary Ware & Freidenrich LLP which is now DLA Piper LLP (US). Mr. Horning is an arbitrator of fee disputes with the San Diego County Bar Association. He has served as a courtappointed referee in real estate partition actions, and as a judge pro tem. He was an Adjunct Professor of Law at the University of San Diego School of Law from 2006 through 2018. Prior to practicing law, Mr. Horning was a successful commercial real estate broker and developer. He was Assistant Manager of the Port of San Diego Property Department, and Acting Airport Manager of Lindbergh Field. He was CFO of a company that completed an initial public offering.
Honors & Awards:
Super Lawyer since 2019; Vice President and Treasurer of the San Diego County Bar Association and Chair of the Real Property Section; San Diego Volunteer Lawyer Program, Distinguished Service Award for pro bono service
Duane S. Horning
California Business Law Group, PC 8170 La Mesa Boulevard
La Mesa, CA 91942
Tel: (619) 325-1555 (Office)
Email: dhorning@cblg.biz
Website: www.CBLG.biz
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: University of San Diego School of Law, JD 1994, magna cum laude, Order of the Coif, Law Review, ranked 1st in Evening Division, top 3% overall | Arizona State University, Bachelor of Science, Business Administration and Finance, Cum Laude
Business, commercial, contracts, unfair competition, corporate governance, partnerships, intellectual property, patents, copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets, technology transfers, licensing agreements, real estate, construction, development, leasing, trusts and estates, elder abuse, fee disputes, homeowner associations, insurance, computer IT, franchise, legal malpractice, fraud, breach of fiduciary duty. ADR Services: Arbitrator, referee, special master Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: U.S. Supreme Court, Federal Circuit, Ninth Circuit, Central and Southern Districts of California, all California Courts
Mr. Horning is a trial attorney with 28 years’ experience in intellectual property, commercial and investment real estate, trusts and estates, and business matters. Mr. Horning founded California Business Law Group, PC in 2002. He practiced for eight years at Gray Cary Ware & Freidenrich LLP which is now DLA Piper LLP (US). Mr. Horning is an arbitrator of fee disputes with the San Diego County Bar Association. He has served as a courtappointed referee in real estate partition actions, and as a judge pro tem. He was an Adjunct Professor of Law at the University of San Diego School of Law from 2006 through 2018. Prior to practicing law, Mr. Horning was a successful commercial real estate broker and developer. He was Assistant Manager of the Port of San Diego Property Department, and Acting Airport Manager of Lindbergh Field. He was CFO of a company that completed an initial public offering.
Honors & Awards:
Super Lawyer since 2019; Vice President and Treasurer of the San Diego County Bar Association and Chair of the Real Property Section; San Diego Volunteer Lawyer Program, Distinguished Service Award for pro bono service
WEXCO - an aperture company
Contact: Brad P. Avritt, EVP - Construction, Safety and Accident Reconstruction
1730 E. Holly Ave, Suite 720
El Segundo, CA 90245
Tel: (310) 306-3877
Email: Brad.Avritt@aperturellc.com
Website: www.aperturellc.com
Litigation support & expert witness services for Personal Injury: slips & falls, code & safety violations, falls from height, safety engineering & construction accidents. Accident
Reconstruction: Computer simulation/ animation, automobile, pedestrian, motorcycle, truck, bicycle, braking distance, speed analysis & impact forces. Construction: all aspects including claims, delay impact analysis, contract disputes, CPM schedule analysis, construction defects, damage calculations, contractor’s performance, cost to repair, digital forensics.
See display ad on outside back cover
Expert Strategy Group
Julie Olenik-Brown
Tel: (800) 521-2877 Ext: 301
Tel: (760) 795-9004
Email: Expert@ExpertStrategy-Group.com
Website: ExpertSG.com
Our diverse network of expert witnesses includes leading global industry specialists, PhD’s, senior executives, scientists, technical and materials experts, and supremely qualified medical professionals across many professional industries.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: We offer expert witnesses in many professional industries. Here are just a few of the expert categories we offer: accident, accounting, automotive, aviation, biomechanics, business, chemical, construction, economics, employment, engineering, failure analysis, finance, firearms, hazardous materials, hotel, insurance, intellectual property, machinery, marketing, medical and medical device, nursing home, pharmacology, product liability, psychology, security, financial securities, toxicology, technical, transportation, valuation, warnings. And thousands more expert witness categories.
We do all of the work in connecting law firms with experts who fit your case: Expert Strategy Group is a strategic partner to law firms for all of your Expert Witness needs. We have developed a unique technology platform that, when paired with our 1:1 client service model, creates a more precise degree of Expert matching to extremely specific litigation criteria.
See insert ad after page 16
Expert Strategy Group
Julie Olenik-Brown
Tel: (800) 521-2877 Ext: 301
Tel: (760) 795-9004
Email: Expert@ExpertStrategy-Group.com
Website: ExpertSG.com
Our diverse network of expert witnesses includes leading global industry specialists, PhD’s, senior executives, scientists, technical and materials experts, and supremely qualified medical professionals across many professional industries.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience:
We offer expert witnesses in many professional industries. Here are just a few of the expert categories we offer: accident, accounting, automotive, aviation, biomechanics, business, chemical, construction, economics, employment, engineering, failure analysis, finance, firearms, hazardous materials, hotel, insurance, intellectual property, machinery, marketing, medical and medical device, nursing home, pharmacology, product liability, psychology, security, financial securities, toxicology, technical, transportation, valuation, warnings. And thousands more expert witness categories.
We do all of the work in connecting law firms with experts who fit your case:
Expert Strategy Group is a strategic partner to law firms for all of your Expert Witness needs. We have developed a unique technology platform that, when paired with our 1:1 client service model, creates a more precise degree of Expert matching to extremely specific litigation criteria.
See insert ad after page 16
When you have technology questions, we have the answers.
KHB Consulting Services
Dr. Kenneth H. Brown
1889 Maple Ave, Ste. N-3
Evanston, IL 60201
Tel: (847) 475-2755
Tel: (847) 922-1040
Cell: (847) 922-1040
Fax: (847) 475-3545
Email: drbrown@khbconsulting.com
Website: www.khbconsulting.com
B.S. Chemistry; M.S. Organic Chemistry; Ph.D. Organic Chemistry
Chemicals, household chemicals, industrial chemicals, hazardous materials, labels & warnings, paint & coatings, chemical accidents, product liability, premises liability, patent infringement, chemical fires, chemical exposure, safety data sheets.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: 20 years as chemical expert witness; hundreds of reports written; more than 50 depositions; testified at trial; case file review, research, consultations, site visits.
Chemical Expert Witness: We translate technical jargon into easy-tounderstand layman’s language.
Cook Construction Company
Stephen M. Cook
7210 Jordan Ave
Canoga Park, CA 91303
Tel: (818) 438-4535
Email: scook16121@gmail.com
CA Gen Contractors Lic 431852; 30+ years construction experience; Graduate study in Construction, L.A. Business College.
Lawsuit Preparation/Residential Construction, Single & Multi family, Hillside Construction, Vibration, Trespass, Foundations, Concrete Floors, Tile, Stone, Retaining Walls, Waterproofing, Roofing, Sheet Metal, Water Damages, Carpentry/ Rough Framing, Stair Defects, Material/ Costs, Scaffolding, Building Codes, Contracts, Safety.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Construction defect cases for insurance companies & attorneys, 1992-present. See display ad page 37
KHB Consulting Services
Dr. Kenneth H. Brown
1889 Maple Ave, Ste. N-3 Evanston, IL 60201
Tel: (847) 475-2755
Tel: (847) 922-1040
Cell: (847) 922-1040
Fax: (847) 475-3545
Email: drbrown@khbconsulting.com
Website: www.khbconsulting.com
B.S. Chemistry; M.S. Organic Chemistry; Ph.D. Organic Chemistry
Chemicals, household chemicals, industrial chemicals, hazardous materials, labels & warnings, paint & coatings, chemical accidents, product liability, premises liability, patent infringement, chemical fires, chemical exposure, safety data sheets.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: 20 years as chemical expert witness; hundreds of reports written; more than 50 depositions; testified at trial; case file review, research, consultations, site visits.
Chemical Expert Witness:
We translate technical jargon into easy-tounderstand layman’s language.
Expert Strategy Group
Julie Olenik-Brown
Tel: (800) 521-2877 Ext: 301
Tel: (760) 795-9004
Email: Expert@ExpertStrategy-Group.com
Website: ExpertSG.com
Our diverse network of expert witnesses includes leading global industry specialists, PhD’s, senior executives, scientists, technical and materials experts, and supremely qualified medical professionals across many professional industries.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: We offer expert witnesses in many professional industries. Here are just a few of the expert categories we offer: accident, accounting, automotive, aviation, biomechanics, business, chemical, construction, economics, employment, engineering, failure analysis, finance, firearms, hazardous materials, hotel, insurance, intellectual property, machinery, marketing, medical and medical device, nursing home, pharmacology, product liability, psychology, security, financial securities, toxicology, technical, transportation, valuation, warnings. And thousands more expert witness categories.
We do all of the work in connecting law firms with experts who fit your case: Expert Strategy Group is a strategic partner to law firms for all of your Expert Witness needs. We have developed a unique technology platform that, when paired with our 1:1 client service model, creates a more precise degree of Expert matching to extremely specific litigation criteria.
See insert ad after page 16
Expert Strategy Group
Julie Olenik-Brown
Tel: (800) 521-2877 Ext: 301
Tel: (760) 795-9004
Email: Expert@ExpertStrategy-Group.com
Website: ExpertSG.com
Our diverse network of expert witnesses includes leading global industry specialists, PhD’s, senior executives, scientists, technical and materials experts, and supremely qualified medical professionals across many professional industries.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience:
We offer expert witnesses in many professional industries. Here are just a few of the expert categories we offer: accident, accounting, automotive, aviation, biomechanics, business, chemical, construction, economics, employment, engineering, failure analysis, finance, firearms, hazardous materials, hotel, insurance, intellectual property, machinery, marketing, medical and medical device, nursing home, pharmacology, product liability, psychology, security, financial securities, toxicology, technical, transportation, valuation, warnings. And thousands more expert witness categories.
We do all of the work in connecting law firms with experts who fit your case: Expert Strategy Group is a strategic partner to law firms for all of your Expert Witness needs. We have developed a unique technology platform that, when paired with our 1:1 client service model, creates a more precise degree of Expert matching to extremely specific litigation criteria.
See insert ad after page 16
Biomechanical Research and Testing, LLCan aperture company
2201 N. Lakewood, Ste. 1865 Long Beach, CA 90815
Tel: (562) 494-4407
Email: Info@aperturellc.com
Website: www.aperturellc.com
Contacts: Judson B. Welcher, PhD; Daniel P. Voss, MS; Bryan C. Randles, MS; Isaac Ikram, MS, PE; Christopher Furbish; Todd Roescher
Experts in Biomechanical Engineering & Accident Reconstruction. Specialties include evaluation of injury causing events, automotive and amusement park testing & evaluation, scene surveys & diagrams, aerial photography, digital forensics, licensed UAS part 107 pilot. Qualified in State & Federal Courts. See display ad on outside back cover
Institute of Risk & Safety Analyses
Kenneth A. Solomon, PhD, PE, Post PhD
Chief Scientist
5324 Canoga Ave
Woodland Hills, CA 91364
Tel: (818) 348-1133
Fax: (818) 348-4484
Email: kennethsolomon@mac.com
Website: www.irsa.us
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: PhD, Post PhD, PE,J.D.,BS, MS
Forensic Scientists - Diverse Technical
Staff: IRSA Staff has over 460 person years of courtroom experience. Biomechanics; Reconstruction; Human Factors; Safety; Accident Prevention; Failure Analysis; Product Integrity; Liability; Testing; Warnings; Slip/Trip/ Fall; Premises; Construction Defect; OSHA Compliance; Bldg Codes; Fire Protection; Explosions; Firearms/Ballistics; Electrocutions/ Shocks; Structural; Recreational; Industrial; Criminal; Auto, Airbags, Aviation, Bicycle, Boating, Chair, Elevator, Escalator, Forklift, Gate, Golf Course, Ladder, Motorcycle, Nuclear, Press, Rollercoaster, Scaffolding, Seatbelts, Stairs, Swimming Pool, Truck; Simulations; Drone Use, 3D Models. Total staff size: 18.
Dr. Gary A. Presswood, ScD, PE CEO & Professional Engineer 8635 W. Sahara Ave., #435
Las Vegas, Nevada 89117 (702) 233-8516
Off. 888-XPRT123 (888-977-8123)
FAX: 888-XPRT456 (888-977-8456)
Crash@AccidentExpert.com | AccidentExpert.com
Forensic Science/Engineering
KHB Consulting Services
Dr. Kenneth H. Brown
1889 Maple Ave, Ste. N-3
Evanston, IL 60201
Tel: (847) 475-2755
Tel: (847) 922-1040
Cell: (847) 922-1040
Fax: (847) 475-3545
Email: drbrown@khbconsulting.com
Website: www.khbconsulting.com
B.S. Chemistry; M.S. Organic Chemistry; Ph.D. Organic Chemistry
Chemicals, household chemicals, industrial chemicals, hazardous materials, labels & warnings, paint & coatings, chemical accidents, product liability, premises liability, patent infringement, chemical fires, chemical exposure, safety data sheets.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: 20 years as chemical expert witness; hundreds of reports written; more than 50 depositions; testified at trial; case file review, research, consultations, site visits.
Chemical Expert Witness: We translate technical jargon into easy-tounderstand layman’s language.
Cook Construction Company
Stephen M. Cook
7210 Jordan Ave
Canoga Park, CA 91303
Tel: (818) 438-4535
Email: scook16121@gmail.com
CA Gen Contractors Lic 431852; 30+ years construction experience; Graduate study in Construction, L.A. Business College.
Lawsuit Preparation/Residential
Construction, Single & Multi family, Hillside Construction, Vibration, Trespass, Foundations, Concrete Floors, Tile, Stone, Retaining Walls, Waterproofing, Roofing, Sheet Metal, Water Damages, Carpentry/ Rough Framing, Stair Defects, Material/ Costs, Scaffolding, Building Codes, Contracts, Safety.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Construction defect cases for insurance companies & attorneys, 1992-present.
See display ad page 37
Expert Strategy Group
Julie Olenik-Brown
Tel: (800) 521-2877 Ext: 301
Tel: (760) 795-9004
Email: Expert@ExpertStrategy-Group.com
Website: ExpertSG.com
Our diverse network of expert witnesses includes leading global industry specialists, PhD’s, senior executives, scientists, technical and materials experts, ad supremely qualified medical professionals across many professional industries.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: We offer expert witnesses in many professional industries. Here are just a few of the expert categories we offer: accident, accounting, automotive, aviation, biomechanics, business, chemical, construction, economics, employment, engineering, failure analysis, finance, firearms, hazardous materials, hotel, insurance, intellectual property, machinery, marketing, medical and medical device, nursing home, pharmacology, product liability, psychology, security, financial securities, toxicology, technical, transportation, valuation, warnings. And thousands more expert witness categories.
We do all of the work in connecting law firms with experts who fit your case: Expert Strategy Group is a strategic partner to law firms for all of your Expert Witness needs. We have developed a unique technology platform that, when paired with our 1:1 client service model, creates a more precise degree of Expert matching to extremely specific litigation criteria.
See insert ad after page 16
American Bio Engineers - an aperture company
2305 Historic Decatur Road, Suite 100 San Diego, CA 92106
Tel: (619) 269-2089
Email: info@aperturellc.com
Website: www.aperturellc.com
Contacts: Brian K. Jones, MSBE, PE, ACTAR, CXLT; Scott C. Swinford, BSME, ACTAR; Alexander D. Szepelak, BSME; Kevin T. Imada, BSME; Michael A. Jorgensen, BSME; Cole M. Vigil, BSME; Conrad J.L. Salboro, BSME; W. Hunter Witt, BSKin; Jason R. Beaty; Tyler Kryst, MSBE; Kimberli Fernandez, BSBE
Motor vehicle accident reconstruction, biomechanical analyses, instrumented crash tests, forensic animation, slip/trip/falls, human factors, crash data retrieval/Bena & heavy truck EDR downloads, photogrammetry, traffic camera recordings & screenshots, 3D laser scanning, 3D printing, drone 3D mapping, aerial photography, digital forensics, licensed UAS part 107 pilots. Qualified as expert witness in CA and NV courts.
See display ad on outside back cover
G. Gsell and Company LLC
Contact: Gary M. Gsell
10331 Mather Ave
Sunland, CA 91040
Cell: (818) 730-2534
Email: garymgsell@gmail.com
Website: gsellco.com
Executive Management, University of LA Verne
Trip and Fall, Municipal Infrastructure Assessment – Specialty Streets and Sidewalks
Asphalt and Concrete Municipal Policies and Procedures.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Over 800 depositions & 160 trials for both defendant & plaintiff in trip & fall & other personal injury cases
Previous Positions/Appointments: 46 years with the City of Los Angeles Street Services Superintendent II.
Membership in Professional Societies: Municipal Superintendents Assn; American Public Works Association.
VA Forensics - an aperture company
2784 Gateway Rd, Suite 101 Carlsbad, CA 92009
Tel: (760) 931-9100
Email: Info@aperturellc.com
Website: www.aperturellc.com
Contacts: Eugene Michael Vanderpol, MSME, PE, ACTAR; Omar Kaayal, BSBE, ACTAR; Ali Farhat, MSBE; Alyssa Visalli, BME, EIT; Will Valdez, Ph.C., MSBE
Service Offerings:
VA Forensics, an Aperture company, is a Forensic Engineering firm specializing in Biomechanical Injury Analysis, Accident Reconstruction, Human Factors, Slip/Trip and Falls, offering Forensic Animation, Drone Mapping & Photogrammetry, FAA Part 107
Remote Pilots Certified, Forensic Simulation (PC-Crash), 3D Laser Scanning, Forensic Visibility Analysis, Forensic Surveillance Video Analysis & Reverse Projection, Crash Data Retrieval (CDR/EDR) including Kia, Hyundai, and Tesla, Heavy Truck Event Data Recorders, Digital Forensics, Vehicle, Motorcycle, Bicycle, and Pedestrian Collisions, Occupant Kinematics, and Workplace Accidents. VA Forensics has over 60 years of combined forensic experience, with our team having provided expert services in over 39 states and having testified in over 1,400 trials, arbitrations, and depositions. We support legal firms (Plaintiff and Defense) as well as insurance companies and have provided expert testimony in both State and Federal courts. See display ad on outside back cover
American Bio Engineers - an aperture company
2305 Historic Decatur Road, Suite 100 San Diego, CA 92106
Tel: (619) 269-2089
Email: info@aperturellc.com
Website: www.aperturellc.com
Contacts: Brian K. Jones, MSBE, PE, ACTAR, CXLT; Scott C. Swinford, BSME, ACTAR; Alexander D. Szepelak, BSME; Kevin T. Imada, BSME; Michael A. Jorgensen, BSME; Cole M. Vigil, BSME; Conrad J.L. Salboro, BSME; W. Hunter Witt, BSKin; Jason R. Beaty; Tyler Kryst, MSBE; Kimberli Fernandez, BSBE
Motor vehicle accident reconstruction, biomechanical analyses, instrumented crash tests, forensic animation, slip/trip/falls, human factors, crash data retrieval/Bena & heavy truck EDR downloads, photogrammetry, traffic camera recordings & screenshots, 3D laser scanning, 3D printing, drone 3D mapping, aerial photography, digital forensics, licensed UAS part 107 pilots. Qualified as expert witness in CA and NV courts.
See display ad on outside back cover
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Court Testimony in both Criminal & Civil cases. Court recognized expert in Orange & Los Angeles Counties. Experienced in supporting both Plaintiff & Defense, and working both for and against Insurance Companies
VA Forensics - an aperture company
2784 Gateway Rd, Suite 101 Carlsbad, CA 92009
Tel: (760) 931-9100
Email: Info@aperturellc.com
Website: www.aperturellc.com
Contacts: Eugene Michael Vanderpol, MSME, PE, ACTAR; Omar Kaayal, BSBE, ACTAR; Ali Farhat, MSBE; Alyssa Visalli, BME, EIT; Will Valdez, Ph.C., MSBE
Service Offerings:
VA Forensics, an Aperture company, is a Forensic Engineering firm specializing in Biomechanical Injury Analysis, Accident Reconstruction, Human Factors, Slip/Trip and Falls, offering Forensic Animation, Drone Mapping & Photogrammetry, FAA Part 107
DHM Crash Consulting & Accident Reconstruction Services LLC
Daniel McLain, ACTAR #2304
P.O. Box 7805
Norco, CA 92860
Tel: (951) 966-9454
Email: Dan@dhmcrashcars.com
Website: www.dhmcrashcars.com
ACTAR Accredited | Licensed FAA Part 107
Drone Pilot Specialties:
Auto, Motorcycle, Bicycle, Pedestrian crash investigation and reconstruction. Event Data Recorder (black box) technician & analyst including Tesla, Hyundai, & Kia. Vehicle Inspections. Time/Distance Analysis. Drone Mapping & Photogrammetry. Over 20 years of experience with on-scene crash investigations and post-crash reconstructions.
Remote Pilots Certified, Forensic Simulation (PC-Crash), 3D Laser Scanning, Forensic Visibility Analysis, Forensic Surveillance Video Analysis & Reverse Projection, Crash Data Retrieval (CDR/EDR) including Kia, Hyundai, and Tesla, Heavy Truck Event Data Recorders, Digital Forensics, Vehicle, Motorcycle, Bicycle, and Pedestrian Collisions, Occupant Kinematics, and Workplace Accidents. VA Forensics has over 60 years of combined forensic experience, with our team having provided expert services in over 39 states and having testified in over 1,400 trials, arbitrations, and depositions. We support legal firms (Plaintiff and Defense) as well as insurance companies and have provided expert testimony in both State and Federal courts. See display ad on outside back cover
Contact: Michael Spindler, CPA, CFE, CFF, ABV, CAMS
555 W. 5th St, Ste 3725
Los Angeles, CA 90013
Tel: (213) 409-6230
Email: mspindler@brileyfin.com
Michael Spindler, CPA, Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE), Certified in Financial Forensics (CFF), Accredited in Business Valuation (ABV), Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialist brings Over 40 years experience to complex disputes, forensic accounting & business fraud investigations across a wide range of industries. He has provided expert testimony in dozens of bench trials, jury trials & arbitration proceedings. He has testified regarding a variety of matters, including lost profits, funds tracing, defamation, embezzlements, alter ego, solvency, business valuations, punitive damages, media and entertainment & real estate litigation. He has conducted numerous high-profile forensic accounting investigations of financial statement fraud & other matters & has presented his findings to special committees & various govt agencies on behalf of clients. He is a former Pres of the LA chapter of the California Soc of CPA’s and of the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners.
The McHard Firm
Janet M. McHard, CPA, CFE, MAFF, CFF
Tel: (619) 764-6144
(San Diego)
Tel: (505) 554-2968
Website: https://themchardfirm.com
Offices in San Diego & Albuquerque
Practicing Nationwide
CPA (McHard in California, Arizona, and New Mexico), Private Investigators in California (Lic# 28441), Arizona, and New Mexico, as well as other designations as shown.
Financial documents will tell a story in our expert hands. We are professional, ethical, and experienced in forensic accounting and financial investigations. We maintain the highest degree of confidentiality applicable to each case – including confidentiality of client identity and information when appropriate. We provide investigation and forensic accounting expertise in the areas of accounting reconstruction, investigating allegations of fraud and financial discrepancies, partnership dissolutions and other business disputes. We also perform asset tracing in probate, business dissolution, and in satisfaction of judgments. We perform workplace investigations including preparing proof of loss for insurance claims due to employee theft and including referral for prosecution. We work in both civil and criminal matters. We also strive to keep our practice balanced between victim-sided and defense-sided cases as a demonstration of our neutrality. We have testified in both state and federal courts nationwide.
Phillips, Fractor & Co, LLC
Contact: G. Michael Phillips, PhD
3452 E. Foothill Blvd, Ste 220 Pasadena, CA 91107
Tel: (626) 744-3540
Email: contactpfc@rule26.com
Website: www.phillipsfractor.com
PhDs, Economics; Ed.D; MBA; CPA; CFA; CPA/ABV
Economic losses, lost profits, contract damages, employment economics, wrongful termination, class action and mass tort analysis, valuation of earnings & benefits; wrongful injury and wrongful death, medical malpractice; financial valuation, investment analysis, “what if” analysis, statistical analysis & modeling, intellectual property, compensation issues, including executive compensation; entertainment industry; construction defects; sampling & surveys; database construction & analysis; family business; forensic accounting including lost profits and business valuation; and custom research.
CA University
551 Santa Barbara Ave
Fullerton, CA 92835
Tel: (714) 879-9705
Cell: (714) 595-1891
Fax: (714) 879-5600
Email: bkleinerphdmba@gmail.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: PhD Management, UCLA; MBA, UCLA
Evaluation of workplace policies & practices pertaining to discrimination/ harassment prevention efforts (interactive process, reasonable accommodation, training), investigations, corrective actions (discipline, termination); hiring; compensation, wage & hours, pensions; supervision; safety, violence, OSHA; CFRA/FMLA; appraisal, promotion, retaliation, RIF’s.
40+ yrs HR experience. 1,000+ cases as an expert. Former human resource manager for Ford Motor Co. Over 100 business & government consulting clients. Trained thousands of managers. Taught three 36-hour courses on KLCS-TV.
500+ pubs. Have given trial/arbitration testimony 80+ times. Favorably featured in “Employment Law Verdicts.” Profiled in Bender’s “California Labor & Employment Bulletin” as a result of successes. Have received many awards, honors & commendations. Rates negotiable.
Benchmark Investigations
Contact: Jim Zimmer, CPI
32158 Camino Capistrano, #A-415
San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675
Tel: (800) 248-7721
Fax: (949) 606-8439
Email: zimmerpi@pacbell.net
Website: www.BenchmarkInvestigations.net
BS, Business Management; CA Private Investigator Lic PI 12651; Registered Process Server #PSC/2411
National agency. Professional investigations with emphasis upon accuracy, detail & expedience. Asset/financial searches; background investigation; DMV searches; domestic/marital cases; due diligence; mergers & acquisitions; process service; sexual harassment & discrimination investigations; surveillance/photog; witness location & statements. LA branch + correspondents nationwide. Multi-lingual agents. Fully insured.
Jim Zimmer is a Past President of the National Council of Investigation & Security Services & the California Assn of Licensed Investigators. Jim is the 2011 recipient of the CALI Distinguished Achievement Award.
See display ad page 69
William Sheffler
San Diego Analytics
1104 Las Flores Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008
Tel: (858) 729-8255 (Mobile)
Email: BSheffler@SDAnalytics.net
Website: SDAnalytics.net
Fellow, Conference of Consulting Actuaries | Enrolled Actuary, #23-3797 | Associate, Society of Actuaries | Member, American Academy of Actuaries | Member, American Society of Pension Professionals and Actuaries | Member, American Society of Enrolled Actuaries | Fmr Trustee SDCERS | Member, San Diego Pension Reform Commission.
Actuarial Valuation of Retirement Plan Benefits
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Expert witness for public plan litigants, Actuarial consultant for private sector retirement plans, including multi-employer plans. Divorce settlement calculations.
BTI Appraisal
Ben F. Tunnell III, Chairman 425 E. Colorado St, Suite 640 Glendale, CA 91205
Tel: (213) 532-3800
Fax: (213) 532-3807
Email: ben@btiappraisal.com
Website: www.btiappraisal.com
Additional contact: Megan O’Rourke, President Email: megan@btiappraisal.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: Cert General Appraisers in various states, ASA & MAI available.
Specialties: BTI Appraisal offers litigation & appraisal experience, nationally & internationally, since 1974 in the areas of Real Estate, Machinery & Equipment, Personal Property, Business Valuation & Economic Analysis.
We represent attorneys, insurance companies, governments, financial institutions & corporations for all of their appraisal needs including litigation support, gifting, estate taxes, insurance claims, condemnations, IRS & SEC issues. The collective experience of our nationally regarded professionals can address projects of all sizes & locations.
Invenz Inc.
Richard Munro, CEO
Tel: (949) 910-6600
Email: richard@invenz.com
Website: invenz.com
Court appointed receiver and provisional director, liquidating receiver or trustee over a liquidating estate, Chief Restructuring Officer, financial advisory services to debtor companies including Chapter 11 and Chapter 11 Subchapter V bankruptcy cases, forensic accounting, orderly wind down and liquidation of businesses in partnership disputes, business performance improvement, business transition planning, business strategy development review and implementation, operational due diligence, post-merger integration, go to market strategies for profitable and sustainable growth, cashflow forecasting, overhead expense reduction and optimization, and project management.
Our experience as operating CEO’s, CFO’s, CRO’s, and corporate board service on public, private equity, private and multinational boards, uniquely positions us to serve in a fiduciary capacity as receiver or provisional director, and quickly and effectively understand and diagnose business issues, determine viability, and effectively implement solutions for business recovery and superior returns to lenders, creditors and equity.
See insert ad after page 16
Phillips, Fractor & Co, LLC
Contact: G. Michael Phillips, PhD
3452 E. Foothill Blvd, Ste 220 Pasadena, CA 91107
Tel: (626) 744-3540
Email: contactpfc@rule26.com
Website: www.phillipsfractor.com
PhDs, Economics; Ed.D; MBA; CPA; CFA; CPA/ABV
Economic losses, lost profits, contract damages, employment economics, wrongful termination, class action and mass tort analysis, valuation of earnings & benefits; wrongful injury and wrongful death, medical malpractice; financial valuation, investment analysis, “what if” analysis, statistical analysis & modeling, intellectual property, compensation issues, including executive compensation; entertainment industry; construction defects; sampling & surveys; database construction & analysis; family business; forensic accounting including lost profits and business valuation; and custom research.
Phillips, Fractor & Co, LLC
Contact: G. Michael Phillips, PhD
3452 E. Foothill Blvd, Ste 220 Pasadena, CA 91107
Tel: (626) 744-3540
Email: contactpfc@rule26.com
Website: www.phillipsfractor.com
PhDs, Economics; Ed.D; MBA; CPA; CFA; CPA/ABV
Economic losses, lost profits, contract damages, employment economics, wrongful termination, class action and mass tort analysis, valuation of earnings & benefits; wrongful injury and wrongful death, medical malpractice; financial valuation, investment analysis, “what if” analysis, statistical analysis & modeling, intellectual property, compensation issues, including executive compensation; entertainment industry; construction defects; sampling & surveys; database construction & analysis; family business; forensic accounting including lost profits and business valuation; and custom research.
Phillips, Fractor & Co, LLC
Contact: G. Michael Phillips, PhD
3452 E. Foothill Blvd, Ste 220 Pasadena, CA 91107
Tel: (626) 744-3540
Email: contactpfc@rule26.com
Website: www.phillipsfractor.com
PhDs, Economics; Ed.D; MBA; CPA; CFA; CPA/ABV
Economic losses, lost profits, contract damages, employment economics, wrongful termination, class action and mass tort analysis, valuation of earnings & benefits; wrongful injury and wrongful death, medical malpractice; financial valuation, investment analysis, “what if” analysis, statistical analysis & modeling, intellectual property, compensation issues, including executive compensation; entertainment industry; construction defects; sampling & surveys; database construction & analysis; family business; forensic accounting including lost profits and business valuation; and custom research.
Sencer Appraisal Associates –Equipment Appraisers
Contact: Garrett Schwartz, ASA, CEA
Tel: (619) 273-0009
Tel: (888) 473-6237 (888-4-SENCER)
Email: gschwartz@sencerappraisal.com
Website: www.AllEquipmentAppraisal.com/ sdcba
Accredited Senior Appraiser, American Society of Appraisers; Certified Equipment Appraiser, Association of Machinery & Equipment Appraisers
Nationwide equipment valuation services by recognized experts serving attorneys, accountants, lenders, government agencies, and corporations.
Defensible, USPAP-compliant appraisals that meet applicable financial reporting, SBA, or IRS standards.
Professional, independent appraisals of equipment in healthcare, construction, food processing and food service, agriculture, transportation, manufacturing, metalworking, and many other industries.
Debra Phairas, President Practice & Liability Consultants, LLC
952 School Street, #226 Napa, CA 94559
Tel: (415) 764-4800
Cell: (415) 518-9245
Email: dphairas@practiceconsultants.net
Website: www.practiceconsultants.net
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: MBA Health Services Administration
Physician medical practice valuation for divorce, physician buy/sell, hospital/private equity purchases disputes, physician compensation issues hospital employment, medical practice risk management medical malpractice, physician business issues
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: 30 cases trial, deposition and expert witness work
Phillips, Fractor & Co, LLC
Contact: G. Michael Phillips, PhD 3452 E. Foothill Blvd, Ste 220 Pasadena, CA 91107
Tel: (626) 744-3540
Email: contactpfc@rule26.com
Website: www.phillipsfractor.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: PhDs, Economics; Ed.D; MBA; CPA; CFA; CPA/ABV
Economic losses, lost profits, contract damages, employment economics, wrongful termination, class action and mass tort analysis, valuation of earnings & benefits; wrongful injury and wrongful death, medical malpractice; financial valuation, investment analysis, “what if” analysis, statistical analysis & modeling, intellectual property, compensation issues, including executive compensation; entertainment industry; construction defects; sampling & surveys; database construction & analysis; family business; forensic accounting including lost profits and business valuation; and custom research.
The Appraisal Firm
Robert S. Abbott
PO Box 301159
Escondido, CA 92030
Tel: (760) 476-0130
Email: info@appraisalfirm.net
Website: www.appraisal firm.net
B.S. in High Tech Business, AGA, HMS, CLHA, AR#026855, VA/FHA Approved
SFR / Condo /2-4 Unit’s / Vacant Land / Manufactured, Desk/Field Review, Retrospective Analysis, Date of Death, Divorce, Life Estates, Eminent Domain, Historical Properties, Ocean Front, Back Country, Acreage, Fractional Interest, As-Is/After Repair, Highest & Best Use, Encroachment, Superadequacy, Non-Conforming Design
- 25 years appraising in San Diego, Riverside, Orange and Los Angeles
- EFS Appraisal Software
- Craftsman Construction Books
- Affiliate Appraisal Institute
- Real Estate Research Council of Southern California
Fessel International Hospitality Consultants
Jeff McNeal
19 Suffolk Ave, Ste A Sierra Madre, CA 91024
Tel: (626) 566-3500
Tel: (818) 563-3552
Cell: (626) 993-8199
Email: jeff@fessel.com
Website: www.fessel.com
Additional Contact Phone: Tel: (877) 432-8380
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: Restaurant Management. Professional Member: Foodservice Consultants Society International, Certified Food-service Management Professional, National Restaurant Association, California Restaurant Association & California Hotel/Motel Association
Foodservice operations expert in: Restaurants, Bars/Lounges, Cafeterias, Casinos, Catering, Clubs, Colleges, Food Courts, Hotels/Resorts & Studios. Experience in industry custom & trade practices, operation standards, profit enhancement, cost control management, P&L analysis, expert witness support/testimony, contract/lease negotiations, food safety & sanitation & most foodservice issues & operations, Parking issues and site selection. Experience includes: Amgen, Paul Hastings Janofsky & Walker, LA City Attorney & DWP, Morrison & Foerster & Embassy Suites. Published author in industry publications; seminar presenter: Who’s Who in California, Who’s Who in the West. Past president of California Restaurant Association. 35 yrs experience as an operator, consultant & expert witness.
earnings, buy-sell agreements, premise liability, royalty disputes, Intellectual Property, franchiser and franchisee contracts, bankruptcy, family, estate & partnership liquidation cases. Restaurant Appraisal & Valuation in Partnership creation & dissolution/ buyouts, Buy-sell decisions, joint venture plants, growth/expansion alternatives, workouts, Lease/purchase decisions, market valuation support, hard & soft FF&E assets, business opportunity purchase, land & building - fee simple, sale leaseback, financing & refinancing, sale-merger acquisition & insurance purposes.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Restaurant Appraisal & Valuation including Real Estate. Participated in many years of depositions, arbitration sessions collective bargaining and in trial. References, CV & Fee Schedule available upon request
Professional Societies:
California Assn of Realtors, National Assn of Realtors, California Restaurant Association, National Restaurant Assn, International Council of Restaurant Brokers, Assn of Commercial Real Estate Brokers, and International Council of Shopping Centers.
Matthew C. Boomhower
President & Founder
Southern Cross Property Consultants
4055 Hancock St, #100 San Diego, CA 92110
Tel: (858) 395-8657
Email: matthew@southerncrosspc.com
Website: www.southerncrosspc.com
California Registered Architect | Admitted to the CA and Federal Bar | BArch - University of Tennessee, Knoxville | J.D. - California Western School of Law | Certified Construction Contract Administrator
Ira Spilky & Associates
Ira Spilky, President
16130 Ventura Blvd, #512 Encino, CA 91436
Tel: (310) 558-3241 (Office)
Cell: (310) 200-6177
Fax: (888) 588-5933
Email: ira@iraspilky.com
Website: www.iraspilky.com
BS Business Administration; MA Industrial Psychology. CA Real Estate Brokers License.
Restaurant Expert Witness in Real Estate landlord-tenant disputes, lease contract litigation, damages, loss of income & future
Land Use Planning & Zoning, Architecturemalpractice and professional standard of care, Building Codes, Permits and Entitlements. Extensive experience as a consultant and designated expert for matters involving land use planning & zoning, the practice of architecture especially malpractice and the architect’s standard of care, building code compliance, and matters relating to permits and entitlements. Professional experience coupled with 20+ years as an adjunct architecture professor teaching professional practice and code classes and an adjunct professor teaching development and land use classes.
Benchmark Investigations
Contact: Jim Zimmer, CPI
32158 Camino Capistrano, #A-415 San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675
Tel: (800) 248-7721
Fax: (949) 606-8439
Email: zimmerpi@pacbell.net
Website: www.BenchmarkInvestigations.net
BS, Business Management; CA Private Investigator Lic PI 12651; Registered Process Server #PSC/2411
National agency. Professional investigations with emphasis upon accuracy, detail & expedience. Asset/financial searches; background investigation; DMV searches; domestic/marital cases; due diligence; mergers & acquisitions; process service; sexual harassment & discrimination investigations; surveillance/photog; witness location & statements. LA branch + correspondents nationwide. Multi-lingual agents. Fully insured. Jim Zimmer is a Past President of the National Council of Investigation & Security Services & the California Assn of Licensed Investigators. Jim is the 2011 recipient of the CALI Distinguished Achievement Award. See display ad page 69
Jack Cohen
2629 Townsgate Rd, Ste 100 Westlake Village, CA 91361
Tel: (747) 222-1550
Cell: (747) 222-1554
Fax: (747) 222-1551
Email: jack@coheninv.com
Court Qualified Automobile Expert Witness and Licensed Automobile Dealer. Plaintiff and defense; consulting with attorneys, dealers, consumers, insurance companies; industry standards; New and used auto transactions; Dealer fraud; Vehicle sales and leasing; Dealership practices; Auto warranty issues; Lender-dealer relationships; Appraisals; Finance documentation and analysis; Wholesale and Retail; Diminished value cases. Automobile and equipment rentals. 40 Years of experience in the Automobile Business.
Lewis R. Linet Jr., Ph.D.
American Auto Seminars
19355 Sherman Way, #22 Reseda, CA 91335
Tel: (818) 772-6464
Fax: (818) 772-6464
Email: LewisLinet@gmail.com
Website: AmericanAutoSeminars.com
Ph.D. - Economics, Business - Marketing, B.A. - Economics
Nationwide Expert Witness, Consultation and Case Strategy Services in Municipal, State And Federal Litigation involving Automobile Industry Standards & Practices specializing in New and Used Car Dealership Operation. Auto Industry Veteran since 1978. Expert Witness Services provided since 1995. Federal Trade Commission retained expert.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Sales, Leasing, Financing, Service & Parts, Sales Training. Dealer Fraud, Lemon Law, Employment, Dealer Manufacturer Relations, Dealer-Lender Relations, Customer Relations, Standards of Care, Advertising, Warranty Issues, Parts Defects, Discrimination, Personal Injury, Repossession, Anti-Trust Issues, Diminished Value. Assists both Plaintiffs and Defendants.
Testimony Provided: Fraud, Unfair Business Practices, Single Document Rule, Document Disclosure“Stacking”,Spanish Contracts, Finance Reserve, “Payment-Packing”, “Purchase/ Lease Flip”, Rental Disclosure, Sales, Closing and Desk Procedures,“4-Squares”, California AB 68, U.C.C. Warranties, Deferred Down Payments, Regulations M & Z, Wholesale Procedures, Reconditioning of Used Cars, Safety Inspections, “Standards of Care”,Title History, Discrimination, Wrongful Termination, Wrongful Death, Class Actions, Song-Beverly Lemon Law, Moss- Magnussen Act, Used Car Disclosures, Buyers Guide, Service & Parts Operations, Sales & Management Training.
KHB Consulting Services
Dr. Kenneth H. Brown
1889 Maple Ave, Ste. N-3 Evanston, IL 60201
Tel: (847) 475-2755
Tel: (847) 922-1040
Cell: (847) 922-1040
Fax: (847) 475-3545
Email: drbrown@khbconsulting.com
Website: www.khbconsulting.com
B.S. Chemistry; M.S. Organic Chemistry; Ph.D. Organic Chemistry
Specialties: Chemicals, household chemicals, industrial chemicals, hazardous materials, labels & warnings, paint & coatings, chemical accidents, product liability, premises liability, patent infringement, chemical fires, chemical exposure, safety data sheets.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: 20 years as chemical expert witness; hundreds of reports written; more than 50 depositions; testified at trial; case file review, research, consultations, site visits.
Chemical Expert Witness:
We translate technical jargon into easy-tounderstand layman’s language.
KHB Consulting Services
Dr. Kenneth H. Brown
1889 Maple Ave, Ste. N-3 Evanston, IL 60201
Tel: (847) 475-2755
Tel: (847) 922-1040
Cell: (847) 922-1040
Fax: (847) 475-3545
Email: drbrown@khbconsulting.com
Website: www.khbconsulting.com
B.S. Chemistry; M.S. Organic Chemistry; Ph.D. Organic Chemistry
Chemicals, household chemicals, industrial chemicals, hazardous materials, labels & warnings, paint & coatings, chemical accidents, product liability, premises liability, patent infringement, chemical fires, chemical exposure, safety data sheets.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: 20 years as chemical expert witness; hundreds of reports written; more than 50 depositions; testified at trial; case file review, research, consultations, site visits.
Chemical Expert Witness: We translate technical jargon into easy-tounderstand layman’s language.
iDiscovery Solutions, Inc.
Jonathan Karchmer
Senior Managing Consultant
535 Anton Blvd, Suite 860 Costa Mesa, CA 92626
Cell: (310) 964-6893
Email: jkarchmer@idsinc.com
Website: www.idsinc.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: BS in Management Information Systems, University of Arizona | Certifications: GCFA (GIAC Certified Forensic Analyst), GCFE (GIAC Certified Forensic Examiner), and GCIH (GIAC Certified Incident Handler)
Specialties: Digital Forensics, Data Preservation, Data Analysis
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Over 20 years of advising counsel in engagements regarding intellectual property and trade secret theft, contractual disputes, electronic document production, FTC second requests, due diligence investigations,
embezzlement, harassment, illegal surveillance, network attack/incident handling, and network security auditing. He has also offered sworn testimony in state and federal courts.
Burgess Consulting & Forensics
Steven G. Burgess 3421 Empresa Dr, Ste B
San Luis Obispo, CA 93401
Tel: (805) 349-7676
Tel: (866) 345-3345 (Toll Free)
Fax: (805) 349-7790
Email: steve@burgessforensics.com
Website: www.burgessforensics.com
Since 1984, Burgess has provided Data Recovery, Computer Forensics, Electronic Discovery, Expert Witness Services for thousands of clients on tens of thousands of computers, cell phones, mobile devices & digital media nationwide & worldwide. Procedures minimize time & billing while producing results patiently explained in lay terms to client or counsel, jury or judge.
Burgess Consulting & Forensics
Steven G. Burgess
3421 Empresa Dr, Ste B San Luis Obispo, CA 93401
Tel: (805) 349-7676
Tel: (866) 345-3345 (Toll Free)
Fax: (805) 349-7790
Email: steve@burgessforensics.com
Website: www.burgessforensics.com
Since 1984, Burgess has provided Data Recovery, Computer Forensics, Electronic Discovery, Expert Witness Services for thousands of clients on tens of thousands of computers, cell phones, mobile devices & digital media nationwide & worldwide. Procedures minimize time & billing while producing results patiently explained in lay terms to client or counsel, jury or judge.
iDiscovery Solutions, Inc.
James Vaughn Managing Director
535 Anton Blvd, Suite 860 Costa Mesa, CA 92626
Cell: (714) 261-0348
Email: jvaughn@idsinc.com
Website: www.idsinc.com
GCFE and EnCE Certified | More than 1,800 hours of formal training in computer forensics, including (but not limited to): SANS FOR500 –Windows Forensic Analysis; Cellebrite CCPA and CCLO Mobile Device Course; IACIS
Certified Computer Forensic Examiner Course; Guidance Software Intermediate Training; National White-Collar Crime Center Data Recovery and Analysis; California DOJ POST Advanced Computer Forensics; Guidance Software Internet and E-mail Examination; Guidance Software Advanced Training; National White-Collar Crime Center Advanced Data Recovery Analysis
Digital forensics, Electronic discovery, Digital evidence, Electronic evidence, Computer forensics, Cell phone and mobile device, Social media, Cloud Computing, IT forensics, Information Governance, Cyber Security, Fake Evidence, Computer Forensic Testimony, Forensic investigation
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Testified 26 times in the last 4 years.
Stephen Castell, PhD
CASTELL Consulting PO Box 270529 San Diego, CA 92198
Tel: (310) 890-9859
Email: stephen@castellsonsulting.com
Website: www.e-expertwitness.co.uk https://archivesit.org.uk/interviews/ stephen-castell
BSc, MSc, PhD, CITP, CPhys, FIMA, MEWI, MIoD Accredited Member FEWA
Extensive experience in risk assessment, quality assurance, and dispute resolution. Software Inspection, Expert Report, Forensic Systems Analysis, Contract Review, Oral Evidence in Court, Project Management, Computer Evidence, IP, Patents/Trade Secrets. Working closely with legal counsel, highly effective outcomes for clients, including in the largest software actions to come to trial.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Hundreds of cases over the past three decades. Increasingly involved in blockchain, cryptocurrency and DLT actions, including the landmark FTX & Voyager Class Actions.
General Cook Construction Company
Stephen M. Cook
7210 Jordan Ave
Canoga Park, CA 91303
Tel: (818) 438-4535
Email: scook16121@gmail.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: CA Gen Contractors Lic 431852; 30+ years construction experience; Graduate study in Construction, L.A. Business College.
Lawsuit Preparation/Residential Construction, Single & Multi family, Hillside Construction, Vibration, Trespass, Foundations, Concrete Floors, Tile, Stone, Retaining Walls, Waterproofing, Roofing, Sheet Metal, Water Damages, Carpentry/ Rough Framing, Stair Defects, Material/ Costs, Scaffolding, Building Codes, Contracts, Safety.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Construction defect cases for insurance companies & attorneys, 1992-present.
See display ad below
Core Consulting Group, Inc
9988 Hilbert Street Ste. 308 San Diego, CA 92131
Tel: (858) 693-3008
Fax: (858) 693-3007
Email: info@corecongroup.com
Website: www.corecongroup.com
Defect Investigation, Research and Analysis, Field Investigation & Analysis, Forensic Architecture, Building Envelope, Roofing and Waterproofing Systems, Cost of Repair Estimates, SB-800 Services, Code Analysis, Delay, Construction Disputes, Insurance Defense, Premise Liability, and Construction Safety.
CORE’s designated expert witnesses have provided extensive deposition, arbitration, and trial testimony and have vast experience in complex construction defect and personal injury claims. CORE provides plans, exhibits, and graphics for effective use at mediation, arbitration, and trial. CORE is approved by most all insurance companies.
Architects, Engineers, Cost Estimators, General Contractors.
L. Fredrick (Fred) Nolta
Nolta Consulting
6115 Syracuse Lane
San Diego, CA 92122
Tel: (858) 232-9299
Email: Fred@NoltaConsulting. com
Website: www.NoltaConsulting.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: CA Lic Contractor: “A” Eng. “B” Bldg & ”C-8” Concrete; BS, Construction Eng. College of Eng., Ariz State Univ.
40+ years experience. Forensic analysis, opinion, testimony and claims regarding standard of care, defect, delay, cost, personal injury, etc. Product type experience in office, retail, restaurant, residential, multifamily, highrise, hospital, medical office, Indian gaming, hotel, education, stadium, theater, parking, power/co-generation, waste treatment & site development. High-rise, tilt-up, precast, post tension slab & foundation concrete.
WEXCO - an aperture company
Contact: Brad P. Avritt, EVP - Construction, Safety and Accident Reconstruction
1730 E. Holly Ave, Suite 720 El Segundo, CA 90245
Tel: (310) 306-3877
Email: Brad.Avritt@aperturellc.com
Website: www.aperturellc.com
Litigation support & expert witness services for Personal Injury: slips & falls, code & safety violations, falls from height, safety engineering & construction accidents. Accident Reconstruction: Computer simulation/ animation, automobile, pedestrian, motorcycle, truck, bicycle, braking distance, speed analysis & impact forces. Construction: all aspects including claims, delay impact analysis, contract disputes, CPM schedule analysis, construction defects, damage calculations, contractor’s performance, cost to repair, digital forensics.
See display ad on outside back cover
Rider Levett Bucknall
Contact: Sam Barakat, PE, Esq, Fciarb, Principal
700 South Flower Street, Suite 630 Los Angeles, CA 90017
Tel: (213) 689-1103
Cell: (310) 817-1807
Email: sam.barakat@us.rlb.com
Website: www.rlb.com
Construction defects; Forensic Engineering; Cost Estimating; Forensic Scheduling; Delays; Damages; Duty of Care; Code Compliance; Constructability; Third-Party neutral, arbitrators, mediators.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: RLB is a global practice with 21 offices across the US. RLB has experts with diverse experience in the construction market. Our experts have testified in local courts, local arbitrations (AAA,) and international arbitration ICC, LCIA) Projects have included bridges/ roads, infrastructure, civil, residential, multifamily, hospitality, mixed use, educational, and healthcare.
25+ years in the US Construction Market. 90+ years in the construction market globally.
Ted S. Merrill & Sons, Inc.
Ted S. Merrill, President
General Contractor & Consultant
7777 Alvarado Rd, Ste 408-A La Mesa, CA 91942-8248
Tel: (619) 464-3997
Cell: (619) 517-9515
Fax: (619) 464-8581
Email: ted@tsm-sons.com
State of California Contractors License B-1
345079 & B-1 275171
68 years construction experience, including all phases of construction, but specializing in damage repair work, including experience in estimating & reconstruction of buildings damaged by fire, wind, motor vehicles, earth movement, & construction defects. 51 years of experience in cost estimating structures with construction defect problems. Qualified & testified as an expert in Municipal, Superior & Federal courts. Appointed to serve as an impartial repair method & cost expert by judges of the San Diego & Orange County Superior courts. CV & fee schedule available on request.
Matthew C. Boomhower President & Founder
Southern Cross Property Consultants
4055 Hancock St, #100
San Diego, CA 92110
Tel: (858) 395-8657
Email: matthew@southerncrosspc.com
Website: www.southerncrosspc.com
California Registered Architect | Admitted to the CA and Federal Bar | BArch - University of Tennessee, Knoxville | J.D. - California Western School of Law | Certified Construction Contract Administrator
Land Use Planning & Zoning, Architecturemalpractice and professional standard of care, Building Codes, Permits and Entitlements. Extensive experience as a consultant and designated expert for matters involving land use planning & zoning, the practice of architecture especially malpractice and the architect’s standard of care, building code compliance, and matters relating to permits and entitlements. Professional experience coupled with 20+ years as an adjunct architecture professor teaching professional practice and code classes and an adjunct professor teaching development and land use classes.
Cook Construction Company
Stephen M. Cook
7210 Jordan Ave
Canoga Park, CA 91303
Tel: (818) 438-4535
Email: scook16121@gmail.com
CA Gen Contractors Lic 431852; 30+ years construction experience; Graduate study in Construction, L.A. Business College.
Lawsuit Preparation/Residential
Construction, Single & Multi family, Hillside Construction, Vibration, Trespass, Foundations, Concrete Floors, Tile, Stone, Retaining Walls, Waterproofing, Roofing, Sheet Metal, Water Damages, Carpentry/ Rough Framing, Stair Defects, Material/ Costs, Scaffolding, Building Codes, Contracts, Safety.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Construction defect cases for insurance companies & attorneys, 1992-present. See display ad page 37
Nolta Consulting
6115 Syracuse Lane
San Diego, CA 92122
Tel: (858) 232-9299
Email: Fred@NoltaConsulting. com
Website: www.NoltaConsulting.com
CA Lic Contractor: “A” Eng. “B” Bldg & ”C-8” Concrete; BS, Construction Eng. College of Eng., Ariz State Univ.
40+ years experience. Forensic analysis, opinion, testimony and claims regarding standard of care, defect, delay, cost, personal injury, etc. Product type experience in office, retail, restaurant, residential, multifamily, highrise, hospital, medical office, Indian gaming, hotel, education, stadium, theater, parking, power/co-generation, waste treatment & site development. High-rise, tilt-up, precast, post tension slab & foundation concrete.
Cook Construction Company
Stephen M. Cook
7210 Jordan Ave
Canoga Park, CA 91303
Tel: (818) 438-4535
Email: scook16121@gmail.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: CA Gen Contractors Lic 431852; 30+ years construction experience; Graduate study in Construction, L.A. Business College.
Specialties: Lawsuit Preparation/Residential Construction, Single & Multi family, Hillside Construction, Vibration, Trespass, Foundations, Concrete Floors, Tile, Stone, Retaining Walls, Waterproofing, Roofing, Sheet Metal, Water Damages, Carpentry/ Rough Framing, Stair Defects, Material/ Costs, Scaffolding, Building Codes, Contracts, Safety.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Construction defect cases for insurance companies & attorneys, 1992-present.
See display ad page 37
Nolta Consulting 6115 Syracuse Lane
San Diego, CA 92122
Tel: (858) 232-9299
Email: Fred@NoltaConsulting. com
Website: www.NoltaConsulting.com
CA Lic Contractor: “A” Eng. “B” Bldg & ”C-8” Concrete; BS, Construction Eng. College of Eng., Ariz State Univ.
40+ years experience. Forensic analysis, opinion, testimony and claims regarding standard of care, defect, delay, cost, personal injury, etc. Product type experience in office, retail, restaurant, residential, multifamily, highrise, hospital, medical office, Indian gaming, hotel, education, stadium, theater, parking, power/co-generation, waste treatment & site development. High-rise, tilt-up, precast, post tension slab & foundation concrete.
Claims Breakwater Forensics, LLC
Joseph Egan, Senior Partner
1 North First Street, Suite 7125
Phoenix, AZ 85004
Tel: (847) 858-5400 (Mobile)
Email: jegan@breakwaterforensics.com
Website: www.breakwaterforensics.com
Neil Miltonberger, Senior Partner
9600 Great Hills Trail, Suite 150W Austin, TX 78759
Tel: (773) 860-0640 (Mobile)
Email: nmiltonberger@breakwaterforensics. com
Website: www.breakwaterforensics.com
Breakwater professionals include Professional Engineers, Certified Public Accountants, Certified Management Accountants, Certified Fraud Examiners, and other specialists skilled in forensic fact-finding and analysis.
Specialties: Change Order Development. Change Order Review And Analyses. Cost Overrun Analyses. Forensic Schedule Analysis. Delay & Disruption Quantification. Acceleration & Mitigation Impact Quantification. Cumulative Impact Quantification. Forensic Accounting. Expert Witness Testimony.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Breakwater has world-wide experience working for owners, contractors, subcontractors, architects/engineers, insurance companies, sureties, and their legal counsel. We analyze complicated issues and communicate our findings in a clear, straightforward manner. We specialize in evaluating client needs throughout an engagement to ensure that our guidance and deliverables align with our client’s strategic plan. We have worked with clients in the San Diego area for decades.
Quantum & Schedule Expert Witness: Breakwater Forensics is a litigation and management consulting firm with decades of global experience. We help our clients resolve complex construction, government contracts, commercial, and financial matters. Our experts have provided testimony in both state and federal court, as well as arbitrations and mediations. We have consulted on hundreds of construction projects on behalf of owners, general contractors, subcontractors, architects, engineers, sureties, and others in the industry. Our experience provides us with insights into each parties’ perspective in a dispute.
L. Fredrick (Fred) Nolta Contractor/Engineer
Nolta Consulting
6115 Syracuse Lane
San Diego, CA 92122
Tel: (858) 232-9299
Email: Fred@NoltaConsulting. com
Website: www.NoltaConsulting.com
CA Lic Contractor: “A” Eng. “B” Bldg & ”C-8”
Concrete; BS, Construction Eng. College of Eng., Ariz State Univ.
40+ years experience. Forensic analysis, opinion, testimony and claims regarding standard of care, defect, delay, cost, personal injury, etc. Product type experience in office, retail, restaurant, residential, multifamily, highrise, hospital, medical office, Indian gaming, hotel, education, stadium, theater, parking, power/co-generation, waste treatment & site development. High-rise, tilt-up, precast, post tension slab & foundation concrete.
L. Fredrick (Fred) Nolta Contractor/Engineer
Nolta Consulting
6115 Syracuse Lane
San Diego, CA 92122
Tel: (858) 232-9299
Email: Fred@NoltaConsulting. com
Website: www.NoltaConsulting.com
CA Lic Contractor: “A” Eng. “B” Bldg & ”C-8” Concrete; BS, Construction Eng. College of Eng., Ariz State Univ.
40+ years experience. Forensic analysis, opinion, testimony and claims regarding standard of care, defect, delay, cost, personal injury, etc. Product type experience in office, retail, restaurant, residential, multifamily, highrise, hospital, medical office, Indian gaming, hotel, education, stadium, theater, parking, power/co-generation, waste treatment & site development. High-rise, tilt-up, precast, post tension slab & foundation concrete.
Cook Construction Company
Stephen M. Cook
7210 Jordan Ave
Canoga Park, CA 91303
Tel: (818) 438-4535
Email: scook16121@gmail.com
CA Gen Contractors Lic 431852; 30+ years construction experience; Graduate study in Construction, L.A. Business College.
Lawsuit Preparation/Residential Construction, Single & Multi family, Hillside Construction, Vibration, Trespass, Foundations, Concrete Floors, Tile, Stone, Retaining Walls, Waterproofing, Roofing, Sheet Metal, Water Damages, Carpentry/ Rough Framing, Stair Defects, Material/ Costs, Scaffolding, Building Codes, Contracts, Safety.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Construction defect cases for insurance companies & attorneys, 1992-present.
See display ad page 37
Nolta Consulting
6115 Syracuse Lane
San Diego, CA 92122
Tel: (858) 232-9299
Email: Fred@NoltaConsulting. com
Website: www.NoltaConsulting.com
CA Lic Contractor: “A” Eng. “B” Bldg & ”C-8” Concrete; BS, Construction Eng. College of Eng., Ariz State Univ.
40+ years experience. Forensic analysis, opinion, testimony and claims regarding standard of care, defect, delay, cost, personal injury, etc. Product type experience in office, retail, restaurant, residential, multifamily, highrise, hospital, medical office, Indian gaming, hotel, education, stadium, theater, parking, power/co-generation, waste treatment & site development. High-rise, tilt-up, precast, post tension slab & foundation concrete.
Cook Construction Company
Stephen M. Cook
7210 Jordan Ave
Canoga Park, CA 91303
Tel: (818) 438-4535
Email: scook16121@gmail.com
CA Gen Contractors Lic 431852; 30+ years construction experience; Graduate study in Construction, L.A. Business College.
Lawsuit Preparation/Residential
Construction, Single & Multi family, Hillside Construction, Vibration, Trespass, Foundations, Concrete Floors, Tile, Stone, Retaining Walls, Waterproofing, Roofing, Sheet Metal, Water Damages, Carpentry/ Rough Framing, Stair Defects, Material/ Costs, Scaffolding, Building Codes, Contracts, Safety.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Construction defect cases for insurance companies & attorneys, 1992-present. See display ad page 37
Expert Strategy Group
Julie Olenik-Brown
Tel: (800) 521-2877 Ext: 301
Tel: (760) 795-9004
Email: Expert@ExpertStrategy-Group.com
Website: ExpertSG.com
Our diverse network of expert witnesses includes leading global industry specialists, PhD’s, senior executives, scientists, technical and materials experts, and supremely qualified medical professionals across many professional industries.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience:
We offer expert witnesses in many professional industries. Here are just a few of the expert categories we offer: accident, accounting, automotive, aviation, biomechanics, business, chemical, construction, economics, employment, engineering, failure analysis, finance, firearms, hazardous materials, hotel, insurance, intellectual property, machinery, marketing, medical and medical device, nursing home, pharmacology, product liability, psychology, security, financial securities, toxicology, technical, transportation, valuation, warnings. And thousands more expert witness categories.
We do all of the work in connecting law firms with experts who fit your case:
Expert Strategy Group is a strategic partner to law firms for all of your Expert Witness needs. We have developed a unique technology platform that, when paired with our 1:1 client service model, creates a more precise degree of Expert matching to extremely specific litigation criteria.
Core Consulting Group, Inc
9988 Hilbert Street Ste. 308 San Diego, CA 92131
Tel: (858) 693-3008
Fax: (858) 693-3007
Email: info@corecongroup.com
Website: www.corecongroup.com
Defect Investigation, Research and Analysis, Field Investigation & Analysis, Forensic Architecture, Building Envelope, Roofing and Waterproofing Systems, Cost of Repair Estimates, SB-800 Services, Code Analysis, Delay, Construction Disputes, Insurance Defense, Premise Liability, and Construction Safety.
CORE’s designated expert witnesses have provided extensive deposition, arbitration, and trial testimony and have vast experience in complex construction defect and personal injury claims. CORE provides plans, exhibits, and graphics for effective use at mediation, arbitration, and trial. CORE is approved by most all insurance companies.
Architects, Engineers, Cost Estimators, General Contractors.
See insert ad after page 16
Naresh J. Kar, PhD, PE
Sr. Managing Consultant/Lab Manager
KARS’ Testing & Research Labs –A Division of ESi 2528 W Woodland Dr Anaheim, CA 92801 Tel: (714) 527-7100 Ext: 102 Cell: (714) 677-7550
Fax: (714) 527-7169
Email: njkar@engsys.com
Website: www.engsys.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: PhD Metallurgical Eng; Reg Prof Metallurgical Eng
43 years professional experience: failure analysis & product liability. Automotive & plumbing failures. Welding, corrosion, wear failures. Plastics, tires, glass failures. Legal & courtroom experience. Fellow, ASM (American Society for Metals). Fellow, American College of Forensic Examiners.
See display ad page 76
Nolta Consulting
6115 Syracuse Lane
San Diego, CA 92122
Tel: (858) 232-9299
Email: Fred@NoltaConsulting. com
Website: www.NoltaConsulting.com
CA Lic Contractor: “A” Eng. “B” Bldg & ”C-8” Concrete; BS, Construction Eng. College of Eng., Ariz State Univ.
40+ years experience. Forensic analysis, opinion, testimony and claims regarding standard of care, defect, delay, cost, personal injury, etc. Product type experience in office, retail, restaurant, residential, multifamily, highrise, hospital, medical office, Indian gaming, hotel, education, stadium, theater, parking, power/co-generation, waste treatment & site development. High-rise, tilt-up, precast, post tension slab & foundation concrete.
Phillips, Fractor & Co, LLC
Contact: G. Michael Phillips, PhD
3452 E. Foothill Blvd, Ste 220 Pasadena, CA 91107
Tel: (626) 744-3540
Email: contactpfc@rule26.com
Website: www.phillipsfractor.com
PhDs, Economics; Ed.D; MBA; CPA; CFA; CPA/ABV
Economic losses, lost profits, contract damages, employment economics, wrongful termination, class action and mass tort analysis, valuation of earnings & benefits; wrongful injury and wrongful death, medical malpractice; financial valuation, investment analysis, “what if” analysis, statistical analysis & modeling, intellectual property, compensation issues, including executive compensation; entertainment industry; construction defects; sampling & surveys; database construction & analysis; family business; forensic accounting including lost profits and business valuation; and custom research.
Shakir Shatnawi Shatec Engineering Consultants, LLC
7064 Tarvisio Way
El Dorado Hills, CA 95762
Tel: (916) 990-6488
Email: sshatnawi@shatec.net
Website: www.shatec.net
PhD, MS, BS/Professional Engineers LicenseCivil Engineering
Highway Engineering, Transportation Engineering & Parking; construction defects, failures, specifications & disputes; Traffic Engineering, speed requirements and driver reaction; Highway safety, road hazards & obstructions; Traffic accidents including automobiles, motorcycles & bicycles; Pavement standards, construction, maintenance and repairs; Accident
Reconstruction - skid & forensic analysis; Materials including asphalt, concrete & soils; Road Defects - cracking, potholes, friction & loose gravel; Road geometric standards - sight distance & clear recovery.
Ted S. Merrill & Sons, Inc.
Ted S. Merrill, President General Contractor & Consultant
7777 Alvarado Rd, Ste 408-A
La Mesa, CA 91942-8248
Tel: (619) 464-3997
Cell: (619) 517-9515
Fax: (619) 464-8581
Email: ted@tsm-sons.com
State of California Contractors License B-1 345079 & B-1 275171
68 years construction experience, including all phases of construction, but specializing in damage repair work, including experience in estimating & reconstruction of buildings damaged by fire, wind, motor vehicles, earth movement, & construction defects. 51 years of experience in cost estimating structures with construction defect problems. Qualified & testified as an expert in Municipal, Superior & Federal courts. Appointed to serve as an impartial repair method & cost expert by judges of the San Diego & Orange County Superior courts. CV & fee schedule available on request.
Cook Construction Company
Stephen M. Cook
7210 Jordan Ave Canoga Park, CA 91303
Tel: (818) 438-4535
Email: scook16121@gmail.com
CA Gen Contractors Lic 431852; 30+ years construction experience; Graduate study in Construction, L.A. Business College.
Lawsuit Preparation/Residential
Construction, Single & Multi family, Hillside Construction, Vibration, Trespass, Foundations, Concrete Floors, Tile, Stone, Retaining Walls, Waterproofing, Roofing, Sheet Metal, Water Damages, Carpentry/ Rough Framing, Stair Defects, Material/ Costs, Scaffolding, Building Codes, Contracts, Safety.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Construction defect cases for insurance companies & attorneys, 1992-present. See display ad page 37
Nolta Consulting
6115 Syracuse Lane
San Diego, CA 92122
Tel: (858) 232-9299
Email: Fred@NoltaConsulting. com
Website: www.NoltaConsulting.com
CA Lic Contractor: “A” Eng. “B” Bldg & ”C-8” Concrete; BS, Construction Eng. College of Eng., Ariz State Univ.
40+ years experience. Forensic analysis, opinion, testimony and claims regarding standard of care, defect, delay, cost, personal injury, etc. Product type experience in office, retail, restaurant, residential, multifamily, highrise, hospital, medical office, Indian gaming, hotel, education, stadium, theater, parking, power/co-generation, waste treatment & site development. High-rise, tilt-up, precast, post tension slab & foundation concrete.
L. Fredrick (Fred) Nolta Contractor/Engineer
Nolta Consulting
6115 Syracuse Lane
San Diego, CA 92122
Tel: (858) 232-9299
Email: Fred@NoltaConsulting. com
Website: www.NoltaConsulting.com
CA Lic Contractor: “A” Eng. “B” Bldg & ”C-8” Concrete; BS, Construction Eng. College of Eng., Ariz State Univ.
40+ years experience. Forensic analysis, opinion, testimony and claims regarding standard of care, defect, delay, cost, personal injury, etc. Product type experience in office, retail, restaurant, residential, multifamily, highrise, hospital, medical office, Indian gaming, hotel, education, stadium, theater, parking, power/co-generation, waste treatment & site development. High-rise, tilt-up, precast, post tension slab & foundation concrete.
Landscapes West
Stephen George
4969 Newport Avenue, #171
San Diego, CA 92107
Tel: (619) 542-9125 (Work)
Cell: (619) 247-5567
Fax: (619) 542-9126
Email: steve@ landscapeswestinc.com
Website: www.landscapeswestinc.com
Mesa Junior College Nursery & Landscape
Technology - Associate Degree | License
C-27 #389976 & #961442 in Landscape
Construction | Certified Segmented Retaining
Wall Installer CSRW1 Specialist Course -
Permeable Paver Installation | ICPI Interlocking
Concrete Pavement Institute - Concrete Paver
Installer | MWEL Mastering Water Efficient
Landscapes - CLCA & The Metropolitan Water District
Landscape Industry Standard of Care | Landscape, Irrigation, Drainage, Hardscape/ Paving, Walls, & Lighting | Horticultural Evaluation & Exterior Landscape Maintenance | For additional information see CV at: www. landscapeswestinc.com
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: I have been providing Design/Build Landscape Construction Services for San Diego County for over 40 years. That firsthand knowledge through construction experience and continued education is what I draw to for my opinions as an Expert Witness. In 2010 I started providing Expert Witness Services for multiple cases regarding the San Diego County Wildfires of 2007, and had also worked on the Wildfire cases of 2003 for a local nursery in Poway. Since then, I have reviewed and worked on cases for construction defect and personal injury within the landscape throughout California, as well as in Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico, Florida, Michigan, and New York.
Cook Construction Company
Stephen M. Cook
7210 Jordan Ave
Canoga Park, CA 91303
Tel: (818) 438-4535
Email: scook16121@gmail.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: CA Gen Contractors Lic 431852; 30+ years construction experience; Graduate study in Construction, L.A. Business College.
Lawsuit Preparation/Residential
Construction, Single & Multi family, Hillside Construction, Vibration, Trespass, Foundations, Concrete Floors, Tile, Stone, Retaining Walls, Waterproofing, Roofing, Sheet Metal, Water Damages, Carpentry/ Rough Framing, Stair Defects, Material/ Costs, Scaffolding, Building Codes, Contracts, Safety.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Construction defect cases for insurance companies & attorneys, 1992-present.
See display ad page 37
L. Fredrick (Fred) Nolta Contractor/EngineerNolta Consulting
6115 Syracuse Lane
San Diego, CA 92122
Tel: (858) 232-9299
Email: Fred@NoltaConsulting. com
Website: www.NoltaConsulting.com
CA Lic Contractor: “A” Eng. “B” Bldg & ”C-8” Concrete; BS, Construction Eng. College of Eng., Ariz State Univ.
40+ years experience. Forensic analysis, opinion, testimony and claims regarding standard of care, defect, delay, cost, personal injury, etc. Product type experience in office, retail, restaurant, residential, multifamily, highrise, hospital, medical office, Indian gaming, hotel, education, stadium, theater, parking, power/co-generation, waste treatment & site development. High-rise, tilt-up, precast, post tension slab & foundation concrete.
Cook Construction Company
Stephen M. Cook
7210 Jordan Ave
Canoga Park, CA 91303
Tel: (818) 438-4535
Email: scook16121@gmail.com
CA Gen Contractors Lic 431852; 30+ years construction experience; Graduate study in Construction, L.A. Business College.
Lawsuit Preparation/Residential Construction, Single & Multi family, Hillside Construction, Vibration, Trespass, Foundations, Concrete Floors, Tile, Stone, Retaining Walls, Waterproofing, Roofing, Sheet Metal, Water Damages, Carpentry/ Rough Framing, Stair Defects, Material/ Costs, Scaffolding, Building Codes, Contracts, Safety.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Construction defect cases for insurance companies & attorneys, 1992-present. See display ad page 37
John D. Shepherd, RRC, RRO Shepherd Consulting Services
P.O. Box 10010
Torrance, CA 90505
Tel: (310) 378-0791
Fax: (888) 870-1663
Email: jds@shepherdconsulting.com
Website: www.shepherdconsulting.com
RCI Registered Roof Consultant (#212) & Registered Roof Observer (#019), Licensed Roofing Contractor (CA C39: 557494 & AZ K42: 269167), HAAG Certified Commercial/ Residential Roof Inspector (#200911150), Certified Building Science Thermographer (ITC #32564).
Building Enclosure (roofing, waterproofing, fenestration & exterior wall cladding). Consulting & Expert Services for litigation (construction defects, standard of care, building code analysis, personal injury & water damages) & property damage insurance claims (wind, fire, earthquake & hail). Support services incl: visual inspections, intrusive & water testing, leak investigations, documentation, report development, document review, research. Expert witness testimony & cost estimating.
Core Consulting Group, Inc
9988 Hilbert Street Ste. 308
San Diego, CA 92131
Tel: (858) 693-3008
Fax: (858) 693-3007
Email: info@corecongroup.com
Website: www.corecongroup.com
Defect Investigation, Research and Analysis, Field Investigation & Analysis, Forensic Architecture, Building Envelope, Roofing and Waterproofing Systems, Cost of Repair Estimates, SB-800 Services, Code Analysis, Delay, Construction Disputes, Insurance Defense, Premise Liability, and Construction Safety.
CORE’s designated expert witnesses have provided extensive deposition, arbitration, and trial testimony and have vast experience in complex construction defect and personal injury claims. CORE provides plans, exhibits, and graphics for effective use at mediation, arbitration, and trial. CORE is approved by most all insurance companies.
Architects, Engineers, Cost Estimators, General Contractors.
Nolta Consulting
6115 Syracuse Lane
San Diego, CA 92122
Tel: (858) 232-9299
Email: Fred@NoltaConsulting. com
Website: www.NoltaConsulting.com
CA Lic Contractor: “A” Eng. “B” Bldg & ”C-8” Concrete; BS, Construction Eng. College of Eng., Ariz State Univ.
40+ years experience. Forensic analysis, opinion, testimony and claims regarding standard of care, defect, delay, cost, personal injury, etc. Product type experience in office, retail, restaurant, residential, multifamily, highrise, hospital, medical office, Indian gaming, hotel, education, stadium, theater, parking, power/co-generation, waste treatment & site development. High-rise, tilt-up, precast, post tension slab & foundation concrete.
Cook Construction Company
Stephen M. Cook
7210 Jordan Ave
Canoga Park, CA 91303
Tel: (818) 438-4535
Email: scook16121@gmail.com
CA Gen Contractors Lic 431852; 30+ years construction experience; Graduate study in Construction, L.A. Business College.
Lawsuit Preparation/Residential
Construction, Single & Multi family, Hillside Construction, Vibration, Trespass, Foundations, Concrete Floors, Tile, Stone, Retaining Walls, Waterproofing, Roofing, Sheet Metal, Water Damages, Carpentry/ Rough Framing, Stair Defects, Material/ Costs, Scaffolding, Building Codes, Contracts, Safety.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Construction defect cases for insurance companies & attorneys, 1992-present. See display ad page 37
L. Fredrick (Fred) Nolta Contractor/Engineer
Nolta Consulting
6115 Syracuse Lane
San Diego, CA 92122
Tel: (858) 232-9299
Email: Fred@NoltaConsulting. com
Website: www.NoltaConsulting.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: CA Lic Contractor: “A” Eng. “B” Bldg & ”C-8” Concrete; BS, Construction Eng. College of Eng., Ariz State Univ.
40+ years experience. Forensic analysis, opinion, testimony and claims regarding standard of care, defect, delay, cost, personal injury, etc. Product type experience in office, retail, restaurant, residential, multifamily, highrise, hospital, medical office, Indian gaming, hotel, education, stadium, theater, parking, power/co-generation, waste treatment & site development. High-rise, tilt-up, precast, post tension slab & foundation concrete.
John D. Shepherd, RRC, RRO Shepherd Consulting Services
P.O. Box 10010
Torrance, CA 90505
Tel: (310) 378-0791
Fax: (888) 870-1663
Email: jds@shepherdconsulting.com
Website: www.shepherdconsulting.com
RCI Registered Roof Consultant (#212) & Registered Roof Observer (#019), Licensed Roofing Contractor (CA C39: 557494 & AZ K42: 269167), HAAG Certified Commercial/ Residential Roof Inspector (#200911150), Certified Building Science Thermographer (ITC #32564).
Building Enclosure (roofing, waterproofing, fenestration & exterior wall cladding).
Consulting & Expert Services for litigation (construction defects, standard of care, building code analysis, personal injury & water damages) & property damage insurance claims (wind, fire, earthquake & hail). Support services incl: visual inspections, intrusive & water testing, leak investigations, documentation, report development, document review, research. Expert witness testimony & cost estimating.
Jay S. Grossman, DDS
11980 San Vincent, Ste 507 Los Angeles, CA 90049
Tel: (310) 820-0123
Fax: (310) 207-3784
Email: jgrossmandds@ gmail.com
Website: www.expertwitness.
Dental Malpractice & Dental Injury Expert
As of Dec 2022: I have been deposed over 100 times; reviewed over 975 cases for both defense and plaintiff including peer review, accidents, and malpractice. 52% defense / 48% plaintiff. I have qualified in Superior Court over 70 times and have never been disqualified on the stand or prior to trial. At least 95% of my time is spent in patient care. I can be counted on to be ethical, competent, prepared, and analytical as well as articulate and persuasive at depositions and court appearances. As of Nov 2022, there are over 265 published articles, write ups and lectures in print, radio, and TV. (http:// wwwexpertwitness.dental/ - click on Expert Testimony – Media Coverage/Write Ups)
I hold two current professorships: UCLA School of Dentistry (Volunteer) & NYU College of Dentistry. Licensed in 42 states to opine on the standard of care, with specific licenses in California, Nevada, New Mexico and the Northeast as well as a Florida Expert Certification. Graduated NYU 1988; GPR Residency NYU 1989, Lieutenant, United States Navy 1989- 1991; private practice Brentwood, CA since 1991 – serving over 15,000 patients on a fee-for-service basis.
Founder of the non-profit “Homeless Not Toothless” (www.homelessnottoothless.org), which has made it possible for over 113,000 homeless Veterans, women of domestic abuse and foster children to receive over $8 million in pro-bono dental care.
American Academy of Cosmetic Orthodontics: 2013-present, ADA since 1991
Peer Review Committee ADA 1995-2009, American Legion
Medical Disciplinary Committee Delta Dental 2000-present; Veteran Administration QME examiner 2019-present
Jay S. Grossman, DDS
11980 San Vincent, Ste 507
Los Angeles, CA 90049
Tel: (310) 820-0123
Fax: (310) 207-3784
Email: jgrossmandds@ gmail.com
Website: www.expertwitness. dental
As of Dec 2022: I have been deposed over 100 times; reviewed over 975 cases for both defense and plaintiff including peer review, accidents, and malpractice. 52% defense / 48% plaintiff. I have qualified in Superior Court over 70 times and have never been disqualified on the stand or prior to trial. At least 95% of my time is spent in patient care. I can be counted on to be ethical, competent, prepared, and analytical as well as articulate and persuasive at depositions and court appearances. As of Nov 2022, there are over 265 published articles, write ups and lectures in print, radio, and TV. (http:// wwwexpertwitness.dental/ - click on Expert Testimony – Media Coverage/Write Ups)
I hold two current professorships: UCLA School of Dentistry (Volunteer) & NYU College of Dentistry. Licensed in 42 states to opine on the standard of care, with specific licenses in California, Nevada, New Mexico and the Northeast as well as a Florida Expert Certification. Graduated NYU 1988; GPR Residency NYU 1989, Lieutenant, United States Navy 1989- 1991; private practice Brentwood, CA since 1991 – serving over 15,000 patients on a fee-for-service basis. Founder of the non-profit “Homeless Not Toothless” (www.homelessnottoothless.org), which has made it possible for over 113,000 homeless Veterans, women of domestic abuse and foster children to receive over $8 million in pro-bono dental care.
American Academy of Cosmetic Orthodontics: 2013-present, ADA since 1991
Peer Review Committee ADA 1995-2009, American Legion Medical Disciplinary Committee Delta Dental 2000-present; Veteran Administration QME examiner 2019-present
Contact: Michael Spindler, CPA, CFE, CFF, ABV, CAMS
555 W. 5th St, Ste 3725 Los Angeles, CA 90013
Tel: (213) 409-6230
Email: mspindler@brileyfin.com
Michael Spindler, CPA, Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE), Certified in Financial Forensics (CFF), Accredited in Business Valuation (ABV), Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialist brings Over 40 years experience to complex disputes, forensic accounting & business fraud investigations across a wide range of industries. He has provided expert testimony in dozens of bench trials, jury trials & arbitration proceedings. He has testified regarding a variety of matters, including lost profits, funds tracing, defamation, embezzlements, alter ego, solvency, business valuations, punitive damages, media and entertainment & real estate litigation. He has conducted numerous high-profile forensic accounting investigations of financial statement fraud & other matters & has presented his findings to special committees & various govt agencies on behalf of clients. He is a former Pres of the LA chapter of the California Soc of CPA’s and of the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners.
Delores A. Conway, PhD Professor
Keegan Linscott & Associates, PC
Contact: David Sage or Chris Ball 16666 Sierra Hwy Canyon Country, CA 91351
Tel: (661) 621-9491
Email: info@BCManalytics.com
Website: www.BCManalytics.com
BS Bus. Admin, CA and AZ licensed G.C., ASPE, Arbitrations and Court Testimony, CM Certified, ICC Certified.
Since 1992, we have been engaged in investigations, data management, and analysis for the complex civil litigation. Outsource data organization Free up your paralegals. Get data analysis done quicker. You can lower your costs for expensive forensic accountants by first processing mass documents and reducing the data for their analysis. We can digest and organize large amounts of complex data in any form. You can follow the money. We can present that data graphically for presentations. You gain insight into data relationships. We are experienced Complex Data Experts.
See display ad page 30
Marshall School of Business, USC
Emeritus,Previously on Faculty at Simon Business School, U of Rochester and Booth School of Business, U of Chicago. Los Angeles, CA 90089
Tel: (310) 613-9773
Email: ddconway@gmail.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: BS, Math, Stat, U Wisconsin; MS/PhD Statistics, Stanford Univ; Assoc Dean, Simon Bus School, U of Rochester; Director, Real Estate Forecast, USC
Statistics, real estate analysis, econometrics, data analysis & sample surveys. Financial models, employment discrimination, forecasting, assessment of environmental pollution, analysis of medical data, economic analysis, insurance
Over 30 years experience as a testifying expert with law firms in LA, NY, DC, San Diego and Chicago
Christopher Linscott
Sean Tanner
3443 N Campbell Ave, Suite 115 Tucson, AZ 85719
Tel: (520) 884-0176
Email: clinscott@keeganlinscott.com
Website: www.keeganlinscott.com
Both Christopher Linscott and Sean Tanner are Certified Public Accountants, Certified Fraud Examiners, and Certified Insolvency & Restructuring Advisor
Forensic accounting is our specialty, encompassing both investigative accounting and litigation support. Our Certified Fraud Examiners testify at all levels of court and arbitration panels. With expertise in gathering, analyzing and interpreting financial data and evidence, we equip counsel, management and others with the intelligence necessary to make informed decisions. We utilize investigative and accounting skills to look beyond the numbers and deal with the business reality of each situation.
Corporate Sciences, Inc.
Contact: Dr. Joseph D’Antoni
3215 E. Foothill Blvd
Pasadena, CA 91107
Tel: (626) 440-7200
Direct: (626) 564-9800
Email: jsdantoni@hotmail.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: Master and Doctoral Degree in Business Economics and former faculty member at three major universities with associates holding PhD’s, CPA’s & MBA’s Specialties:
Highest level of financial expertise applied with over 40 years of testifying experience throughout the United Stated and Europe resulting in exceptional levels of damage recovery and reduction of financial exposure in the areas of contract disputes, real property and business valuation issues, construction claims, loss profits, intellectual property, environmental, employment and insurance claims and defense.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Experienced areas include lost profits, corporate raid/ intellectual property, bankruptcy, lost earnings/wages, royalties, fraud investigation, estate disputes, divorce, personal injury, wrongful death, business interruption, contract disputes, merger & acquisition, forensic accounting, and life care plan valuation.
Keegan Linscott & Associates, PC: Keegan Linscott was founded based on principles of quality and innovation. We embody a commitment to our people in our culture of openness, cooperation, teamwork, and community service. As a group of practitioners working together, the professionals at Keegan Linscott are able to specialize in specific areas of accounting, audit, taxation, and consulting – a key advantage which allows us to offer a higher standard of service quality.
General Forensic (cont.)
Lit.Econ, LLP
Dr. Robert Trout
2163 Newcastle Ave, Suite 200
Cardiff, CA 92007
Tel: (760) 944-9721
Cell: (619) 778-2200
Email: robert@litecon.com
Website: www.litecon.com
Phd (Financial economics), CFA, CPAs
Economic analysis (antitrust cases), economic damages (tort cases in general, antitrust, patent, trademark, business interruption from fires, floods, other property damage), business valuation for sale, minority interest, litigation, and condemnation damages, and forensic accounting.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Dr. Trout has testified on economic damages, statistical analysis, antitrust damages, employment discrimination, business and financial asset valuation, federal takings cases, state takings cases and personal injury cases.
Phillips, Fractor & Co, LLC
Contact: G. Michael Phillips, PhD 3452 E. Foothill Blvd, Ste 220 Pasadena, CA 91107
Tel: (626) 744-3540
Email: contactpfc@rule26.com
Website: www.phillipsfractor.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: PhDs, Economics; Ed.D; MBA; CPA; CFA; CPA/ABV
Economic losses, lost profits, contract damages, employment economics, wrongful termination, class action and mass tort analysis, valuation of earnings & benefits; wrongful injury and wrongful death, medical malpractice; financial valuation, investment analysis, “what if” analysis, statistical analysis & modeling, intellectual property, compensation issues, including executive compensation; entertainment industry; construction defects; sampling & surveys; database construction & analysis; family business; forensic accounting including lost profits and business valuation; and custom research.
Our experience as operating CEO’s, CFO’s, CRO’s, and corporate board service on public, private equity, private and multinational boards, uniquely positions us to serve in a fiduciary capacity as receiver or provisional director, and quickly and effectively understand and diagnose business issues, determine viability, and effectively implement solutions for business recovery and superior returns to lenders, creditors and equity.
See insert ad after page 16
B. Riley Advisory Services
Contact: Michael Spindler, CPA, CFE, CFF, ABV, CAMS 555 W. 5th St, Ste 3725 Los Angeles, CA 90013
Tel: (213) 409-6230
Email: mspindler@brileyfin.com
Phillips, Fractor & Co, LLC
Contact: G. Michael Phillips, PhD
3452 E. Foothill Blvd, Ste 220 Pasadena, CA 91107
Tel: (626) 744-3540
Email: contactpfc@rule26.com
Website: www.phillipsfractor.com
PhDs, Economics; Ed.D; MBA; CPA; CFA; CPA/ABV
Economic losses, lost profits, contract damages, employment economics, wrongful termination, class action and mass tort analysis, valuation of earnings & benefits; wrongful injury and wrongful death, medical malpractice; financial valuation, investment analysis, “what if” analysis, statistical analysis & modeling, intellectual property, compensation issues, including executive compensation; entertainment industry; construction defects; sampling & surveys; database construction & analysis; family business; forensic accounting including lost profits and business valuation; and custom research.
Invenz Inc.
Richard Munro, CEO
Tel: (949) 910-6600
Email: richard@invenz.com
Website: invenz.com
Court appointed receiver and provisional director, liquidating receiver or trustee over a liquidating estate, Chief Restructuring Officer, financial advisory services to debtor companies including Chapter 11 and Chapter 11 Subchapter V bankruptcy cases, forensic accounting, orderly wind down and liquidation of businesses in partnership disputes, business performance improvement, business transition planning, business strategy development review and implementation, operational due diligence, post-merger integration, go to market strategies for profitable and sustainable growth, cashflow forecasting, overhead expense reduction and optimization, and project management.
Michael Spindler, CPA, Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE), Certified in Financial Forensics (CFF), Accredited in Business Valuation (ABV), Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialist brings Over 40 years experience to complex disputes, forensic accounting & business fraud investigations across a wide range of industries. He has provided expert testimony in dozens of bench trials, jury trials & arbitration proceedings. He has testified regarding a variety of matters, including lost profits, funds tracing, defamation, embezzlements, alter ego, solvency, business valuations, punitive damages, media and entertainment & real estate litigation. He has conducted numerous high-profile forensic accounting investigations of financial statement fraud & other matters & has presented his findings to special committees & various govt agencies on behalf of clients. He is a former Pres of the LA chapter of the California Soc of CPA’s and of the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners.
Breakwater Forensics, LLC
Joseph Egan, Senior Partner
1 North First Street, Suite 7125
Phoenix, AZ 85004
Tel: (847) 858-5400 (Mobile)
Email: jegan@breakwater forensics.com
Website: www.breakwaterforensics.com
Dayna Anderson, Senior Partner
1 North LaSalle Street, Suite 1620
Chicago, IL 60602
Tel: (630) 212-1878 (Mobile)
Email: danderson@breakwaterforensics.com
Website: www.breakwaterforensics.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: Certified Public Accountants, Certified Fraud Examiners, Certified Management Accountants, MBAs, Professional Engineers, among others.
Business Interruption/Lost Profits. Business Termination/Dissolution Disputes. Breach of Contract. Class Action Disputes. Forensic Accounting/Fraud Investigations. Fraudulent Conveyance Funds Tracing. Government Contract Disputes. Insurance Claims. Intellectual Property Disputes. Labor and Employment Disputes. Post-transaction Disputes. Shareholder Disputes.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Breakwater is a national litigation consulting firm with decades of experience assisting our clients in resolving complex commercial, financial, and accounting issues on matters both small and large, national, and international. Our team has testified before state and federal courts, international and domestic arbitration panels, and regulatory boards, and presented in other forums, such as mediation. We have experience assisting clients resolve disputes involving economic damages ranging from a few hundred thousands of dollars to over five billion dollars. We have worked with clients in the San Diego area for decades.
Economic Damages Expert Witness: Breakwater professionals are experienced with the accounting, economic, financial, and damages issues that arise in commercial litigation. Breakwater provides economic damages consulting and expert witness testimony services on commercial damages disputes to clients throughout the United States and internationally. Our experience makes Breakwater well-suited to handle complex commercial litigation in numerous specialized areas covering a wide variety of industries. Our team has issued and rebutted expert reports and provided expert witness testimony on commercial disputes with claims.
Keegan Linscott & Associates, PC
Christopher Linscott
Sean Tanner
3443 N Campbell Ave, Suite 115 Tucson, AZ 85719
Tel: (520) 884-0176
Email: clinscott@keeganlinscott.com stanner@keeganlinscott.com
Website: www.keeganlinscott.com
Both Christopher Linscott and Sean Tanner are Certified Public Accountants, Certified Fraud Examiners, and Certified Insolvency & Restructuring Advisor
Forensic accounting is our specialty, encompassing both investigative accounting and litigation support. Our Certified Fraud Examiners testify at all levels of court and arbitration panels. With expertise in gathering, analyzing and interpreting financial data and evidence, we equip counsel, management and others with the intelligence necessary to make informed decisions. We utilize investigative and accounting skills to look beyond the numbers and deal with the business reality of each situation.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience:
Experienced areas include lost profits, corporate raid/ intellectual property, bankruptcy, lost earnings/wages, royalties, fraud investigation, estate disputes, divorce, personal injury, wrongful death, business interruption, contract disputes, merger & acquisition, forensic accounting, and life care plan valuation.
Keegan Linscott & Associates, PC: Keegan Linscott was founded based on principles of quality and innovation. We embody a commitment to our people in our culture of openness, cooperation, teamwork, and community service. As a group of practitioners working together, the professionals at Keegan Linscott are able to specialize in specific areas of accounting, audit, taxation, and consulting – a key advantage which allows us to offer a higher standard of service quality.
Lit.Econ, LLP
Dr. Robert Trout
2163 Newcastle Ave, Suite 200
Cardiff, CA 92007
Tel: (760) 944-9721
Cell: (619) 778-2200
Email: robert@litecon.com
Website: www.litecon.com
Phd (Financial economics), CFA, CPAs
Economic analysis (antitrust cases), economic damages (tort cases in general, antitrust, patent, trademark, business interruption from fires, floods, other property damage), business valuation for sale, minority interest, litigation, and condemnation damages, and forensic accounting.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Dr. Trout has testified on economic damages, statistical analysis, antitrust damages, employment discrimination, business and financial asset valuation, federal takings cases, state takings cases and personal injury cases.
Phillips, Fractor & Co, LLC
Contact: G. Michael Phillips, PhD 3452 E. Foothill Blvd, Ste 220 Pasadena, CA 91107
Tel: (626) 744-3540
Email: contactpfc@rule26.com
Website: www.phillipsfractor.com
PhDs, Economics; Ed.D; MBA; CPA; CFA; CPA/ABV
Economic losses, lost profits, contract damages, employment economics, wrongful termination, class action and mass tort analysis, valuation of earnings & benefits; wrongful injury and wrongful death, medical malpractice; financial valuation, investment analysis, “what if” analysis, statistical analysis & modeling, intellectual property, compensation issues, including executive compensation; entertainment industry; construction defects; sampling & surveys; database construction & analysis; family business; forensic accounting including lost profits and business valuation; and custom research.
B. Riley Advisory Services
Contact: Michael Spindler, CPA, CFE, CFF, ABV, CAMS
555 W. 5th St, Ste 3725 Los Angeles, CA 90013
Tel: (213) 409-6230
Phillips, Fractor & Co, LLC
Contact: G. Michael Phillips, PhD
3452 E. Foothill Blvd, Ste 220 Pasadena, CA 91107
Tel: (626) 744-3540
Email: contactpfc@rule26.com
Website: www.phillipsfractor.com
PhDs, Economics; Ed.D; MBA; CPA; CFA; CPA/ABV
Economic losses, lost profits, contract damages, employment economics, wrongful termination, class action and mass tort analysis, valuation of earnings & benefits; wrongful injury and wrongful death, medical malpractice; financial valuation, investment analysis, “what if” analysis, statistical analysis & modeling, intellectual property, compensation issues, including executive compensation; entertainment industry; construction defects; sampling & surveys; database construction & analysis; family business; forensic accounting including lost profits and business valuation; and custom research.
Email: mspindler@brileyfin.com
Michael Spindler, CPA, Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE), Certified in Financial Forensics (CFF), Accredited in Business Valuation (ABV), Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialist brings Over 40 years experience to complex disputes, forensic accounting & business fraud investigations across a wide range of industries. He has provided expert testimony in dozens of bench trials, jury trials & arbitration proceedings. He has testified regarding a variety of matters, including lost profits, funds tracing, defamation, embezzlements, alter ego, solvency, business valuations, punitive damages, media and entertainment & real estate litigation. He has conducted numerous high-profile forensic accounting investigations of financial statement fraud & other matters & has presented his findings to special committees & various govt agencies on behalf of clients. He is a former Pres of the LA chapter of the California Soc of CPA’s and of the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners.
Keegan Linscott & Associates, PC
Christopher Linscott
Sean Tanner 3443 N Campbell Ave, Suite 115 Tucson, AZ 85719
Tel: (520) 884-0176
Email: clinscott@keeganlinscott.com
Website: www.keeganlinscott.com
Both Christopher Linscott and Sean Tanner are Certified Public Accountants, Certified Fraud Examiners, and Certified Insolvency & Restructuring Advisor
Forensic accounting is our specialty, encompassing both investigative accounting and litigation support. Our Certified Fraud Examiners testify at all levels of court and arbitration panels. With expertise in gathering, analyzing and interpreting financial data and evidence, we equip counsel, management and others with the intelligence necessary to make informed decisions. We utilize investigative and accounting skills to look beyond the numbers and deal with the business reality of each situation.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience:
Experienced areas include lost profits, corporate raid/ intellectual property, bankruptcy, lost earnings/wages, royalties, fraud investigation, estate disputes, divorce, personal injury, wrongful death, business interruption, contract disputes, merger & acquisition, forensic accounting, and life care plan valuation.
Keegan Linscott & Associates, PC: Keegan Linscott was founded based on principles of quality and innovation. We embody a commitment to our people in our culture of openness, cooperation, teamwork, and community service. As a group of practitioners working together, the professionals at Keegan Linscott are able to specialize in specific areas of accounting, audit, taxation, and consulting – a key advantage which allows us to offer a higher standard of service quality.
The McHard Firm
Janet M. McHard, CPA, CFE, MAFF, CFF
Tel: (619) 764-6144 (San Diego)
Tel: (505) 554-2968 (Albuquerue)
Website: https://themchardfirm.com
Offices in San Diego & Albuquerque
Practicing Nationwide
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: CPA (McHard in California, Arizona, and New Mexico), Private Investigators in California (Lic# 28441), Arizona, and New Mexico, as well as other designations as shown.
Financial documents will tell a story in our expert hands. We are professional, ethical, and experienced in forensic accounting and financial investigations. We maintain the highest degree of confidentiality applicable to each case – including confidentiality of client identity and information when appropriate. We provide investigation and forensic accounting expertise in the areas of accounting reconstruction, investigating allegations of fraud and financial discrepancies, partnership dissolutions and other business disputes. We also perform asset tracing in probate, business dissolution, and in satisfaction of judgments. We perform workplace investigations including preparing proof of loss for insurance claims due to employee theft and including referral for prosecution. We work in both civil and criminal matters. We also strive to keep our practice balanced between victim-sided and defense-sided cases as a demonstration of our neutrality. We have testified in both state and federal courts nationwide.
Phillips, Fractor & Co, LLC
Contact: G. Michael Phillips, PhD
3452 E. Foothill Blvd, Ste 220 Pasadena, CA 91107
Tel: (626) 744-3540
Email: contactpfc@rule26.com
Website: www.phillipsfractor.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: PhDs, Economics; Ed.D; MBA; CPA; CFA; CPA/ABV
Economic losses, lost profits, contract damages, employment economics, wrongful termination, class action and mass tort analysis, valuation of earnings & benefits; wrongful injury and wrongful death, medical malpractice; financial valuation, investment analysis, “what if” analysis, statistical analysis & modeling, intellectual property, compensation issues, including executive compensation; entertainment industry; construction defects; sampling & surveys; database construction & analysis; family business; forensic accounting including lost profits and business valuation; and custom research.
Keegan Linscott & Associates, PC
Christopher Linscott
Sean Tanner
3443 N Campbell Ave, Suite 115
Tucson, AZ 85719
Tel: (520) 884-0176
Email: clinscott@keeganlinscott.com stanner@keeganlinscott.com
Website: www.keeganlinscott.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: Both Christopher Linscott and Sean Tanner are Certified Public Accountants, Certified Fraud Examiners, and Certified Insolvency & Restructuring Advisor
Forensic accounting is our specialty, encompassing both investigative accounting and litigation support. Our Certified Fraud Examiners testify at all levels of court and arbitration panels. With expertise in gathering, analyzing and interpreting financial data and evidence, we equip counsel, management and others with the intelligence necessary to make informed decisions. We utilize investigative and accounting skills to look beyond the numbers and deal with the business reality of each situation.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Experienced areas include lost profits, corporate raid/ intellectual property, bankruptcy, lost earnings/wages, royalties, fraud investigation, estate disputes, divorce, personal injury, wrongful death, business interruption, contract disputes, merger & acquisition, forensic accounting, and life care plan valuation.
Keegan Linscott & Associates, PC: Keegan Linscott was founded based on principles of quality and innovation. We embody a commitment to our people in our culture of openness, cooperation, teamwork, and community service. As a group of practitioners working together, the professionals at Keegan Linscott are able to specialize in specific areas of accounting, audit, taxation, and consulting – a key advantage which allows us to offer a higher standard of service quality.
Phillips, Fractor & Co, LLC
Contact: G. Michael Phillips, PhD
3452 E. Foothill Blvd, Ste 220 Pasadena, CA 91107
Tel: (626) 744-3540
Email: contactpfc@rule26.com
Website: www.phillipsfractor.com
PhDs, Economics; Ed.D; MBA; CPA; CFA; CPA/ABV
Economic losses, lost profits, contract damages, employment economics, wrongful termination, class action and mass tort analysis, valuation of earnings & benefits; wrongful injury and wrongful death, medical malpractice; financial valuation, investment analysis, “what if” analysis, statistical analysis & modeling, intellectual property, compensation issues, including executive compensation; entertainment industry; construction defects; sampling & surveys; database construction & analysis; family business; forensic accounting including lost profits and business valuation; and custom research.
Restaurant Industry
Fessel International Hospitality Consultants
Jeff McNeal
19 Suffolk Ave, Ste A
Sierra Madre, CA 91024
Tel: (626) 566-3500
Tel: (818) 563-3552
Cell: (626) 993-8199
Email: jeff@fessel.com
Website: www.fessel.com
Additional Contact Phone: Tel: (877) 432-8380
Restaurant Management. Professional
Member: Foodservice Consultants Society
International, Certified Food-service Management Professional, National Restaurant Association, California Restaurant Association & California Hotel/Motel Association
Foodservice operations expert in: Restaurants, Bars/Lounges, Cafeterias, Casinos, Catering, Clubs, Colleges, Food Courts, Hotels/Resorts & Studios. Experience in industry custom & trade practices, operation standards, profit enhancement, cost control management, P&L analysis, expert witness support/testimony, contract/lease negotiations, food safety & sanitation & most foodservice issues & operations, Parking issues and site selection. Experience includes: Amgen, Paul Hastings Janofsky & Walker, LA City Attorney & DWP, Morrison & Foerster & Embassy Suites. Published author in industry publications; seminar presenter: Who’s Who in California, Who’s Who in the West. Past president of California Restaurant Association. 35 yrs experience as an operator, consultant & expert witness.
Education & Schools, School Safety - Special Education Expert witness. Particular expertise in issues related to the standards of care for children with disabilities. Extensive experience testifying in state and federal court on matters concerning the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act.
Fully credentialed/certified in special education. Administrative credentials in both NY and California. Served as a classroom teacher and Principal in schools designed to serve special populations, as well as general education/mainstream environments. Served as Senior SELPA Director. Taught university classes designed to prepare prospective special education teachers. Developed and implemented agreements with other agencies with responsibilities to persons with disabilities. Development, implementation, and evaluation of special education programs. Establish protocols for standards of care for students with disabilities. Expertise and trial testimony experience in matters concerning school safety and child abuse.
Joseph S. Schwartzberg, Ed.D. | (760) 705-0106
Education & Schools, School Safety - Special Education Expert witness. Particular expertise in issues related to the standards of care for children with disabilities. Extensive experience testifying in state and federal court on matters concerning the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act.
Fully credentialed/certified in special education. Administrative credentials in both NY and California. Served as a classroom teacher and Principal in schools designed to serve special populations, as well as general education/mainstream environments. Served as Senior SELPA Director. Taught university classes designed to prepare prospective special education teachers. Developed and implemented agreements with other agencies with responsibilities to persons with disabilities. Development, implementation, and evaluation of special education programs. Establish protocols for standards of care for students with disabilities. Expertise and trial testimony experience in matters concerning school safety and child abuse.
Gary Freedman-Harvey, PhD 1404 Ocean Ave
Seal Beach, CA 90740
Cell: (562) 209-4399
Fax: (562) 391-1867
Email: GFHPHD@me.com
Website: www.MentalCapacity Evaluations.com
PhD - Clinical Psychology (PSY11419)
Mental Capacity Evaluations: testamentary capacity; undue influence; estate & trust litigation; probate and LPS conservatorships; capacity declarations & testimony; elder abuse, litigation, consultation. Experienced expert witness: depositions & jury trials. Engaged in cases in CA, NV, NC.
2015 Berlin - International Psychogeriatric Congress: “Vulnerability to Undue Influence & Vascular Dementia”; OC Bar Association - Estates & Trust Division; Long Beach Bar Assn; Long Beach Community Foundation; OC Psychological Assn. On-site evaluations: residence or facility. Find me on www.LinkedIn. com; Member: Forensic Expert Witness Assn.
Cheri Adrian, PhD
Tel: (310) 208-2446 (Work)
Cell: (310) 562-5505
Email: cheriadrian@drcheriadrian.com
Website: drcheriadrian.com
Dr. Adrian earned her Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology at UCLA in 1990 and has been licensed by the California Board of Psychology since 1991. Qualified Medical Evaluator for the California Department of Workers’ Compensation since 2010. Formerly an Associate Clinical Professor of Psychiatry and Director of the Psychological Assessment Service at UCLA’s Neuropsychiatric Institute and Hospital. Associations: American Psychological Association | California Psychological Association | Los Angeles County Psychological Association | International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies | American Psychology Law Society
Personal Injury, Psychological Evaluations, Malingering & Exaggeration, Credibility, Posttraumatic Stress, Depression & Anxiety, Sexual Harassment, Sexual Abuse & Assault, Accident Trauma, Fitness for Duty, Psychotherapy Malpractice, Workplace Harassment and Discrimination, Defamation, Abuse of Power.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Dr. Adrian has been a named expert in over 50 civil personal injury forensic cases, including accidental and negligent personal injury; workplace gender, disability, and racial harassment and discrimination; wrongful termination; neighbor harassment; medical malpractice trauma; sexual harassment and abuse; and other matters involving allegations of psychological stress and trauma. Has been a retained expert in over 50 cases. In the last five years I’ve testified 18 times.
Brian H. Kleiner, PhD, MBA Professor (Emeritus), Human Resource Mgmt atprestigious CA University
551 Santa Barbara Ave Fullerton, CA 92835
Tel: (714) 879-9705
Cell: (714) 595-1891
Fax: (714) 879-5600
Email: bkleinerphdmba@gmail.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: PhD Management, UCLA; MBA, UCLA
Evaluation of workplace policies & practices pertaining to discrimination/ harassment prevention efforts (interactive process, reasonable accommodation, training), investigations, corrective actions (discipline, termination); hiring; compensation, wage & hours, pensions; supervision; safety, violence, OSHA; CFRA/FMLA; appraisal, promotion, retaliation, RIF’s.
40+ yrs HR experience. 1,000+ cases as an expert. Former human resource manager for Ford Motor Co. Over 100 business & government consulting clients. Trained thousands of managers. Taught three 36-hour courses on KLCS-TV. 500+ pubs. Have given trial/arbitration testimony 80+ times. Favorably featured in “Employment Law Verdicts.” Profiled in Bender’s “California Labor & Employment Bulletin” as a result of successes. Have received many awards, honors & commendations. Rates negotiable.
Mgmt at prestigious CA University
551 Santa Barbara Ave Fullerton, CA 92835
Tel: (714) 879-9705
Cell: (714) 595-1891
Fax: (714) 879-5600
Email: bkleinerphdmba@gmail.com
PhD Management, UCLA; MBA, UCLA
Evaluation of workplace policies & practices pertaining to discrimination/ harassment prevention efforts (interactive process, reasonable accommodation, training), investigations, corrective actions (discipline, termination); hiring; compensation, wage & hours, pensions; supervision; safety, violence, OSHA; CFRA/FMLA; appraisal, promotion, retaliation, RIF’s.
40+ yrs HR experience. 1,000+ cases as an expert. Former human resource manager for Ford Motor Co. Over 100 business & government consulting clients. Trained thousands of managers. Taught three 36-hour courses on KLCS-TV. 500+ pubs. Have given trial/arbitration testimony 80+ times. Favorably featured in “Employment Law Verdicts.” Profiled in Bender’s “California Labor & Employment Bulletin” as a result of successes.
Have received many awards, honors & commendations. Rates negotiable.
Brian H. Kleiner, PhD, MBA Professor (Emeritus), Human Resource Mgmt at prestigious CA University 551 Santa Barbara Ave Fullerton, CA 92835
Tel: (714) 879-9705
Cell: (714) 595-1891
Fax: (714) 879-5600
Email: bkleinerphdmba@gmail.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: PhD Management, UCLA; MBA, UCLA
Evaluation of workplace policies & practices pertaining to discrimination/ harassment prevention efforts (interactive process, reasonable accommodation, training), investigations, corrective actions (discipline, termination); hiring; compensation, wage & hours, pensions; supervision; safety, violence, OSHA; CFRA/FMLA; appraisal, promotion, retaliation, RIF’s.
Experience: 40+ yrs HR experience. 1,000+ cases as an expert. Former human resource manager for Ford Motor Co. Over 100 business & government consulting clients. Trained thousands of managers. Taught three 36-hour courses on KLCS-TV. 500+ pubs. Have given trial/arbitration testimony 80+ times. Favorably featured in “Employment Law Verdicts.” Profiled in Bender’s “California Labor & Employment Bulletin” as a result of successes. Have received many awards, honors & commendations. Rates negotiable.
Phillips, Fractor & Co, LLC
Contact: G. Michael Phillips, PhD 3452 E. Foothill Blvd, Ste 220 Pasadena, CA 91107 Tel: (626) 744-3540
Email: contactpfc@rule26.com
Website: www.phillipsfractor.com
PhDs, Economics; Ed.D; MBA; CPA; CFA; CPA/ABV
Economic losses, lost profits, contract damages, employment economics, wrongful termination, class action and mass tort analysis, valuation of earnings & benefits; wrongful injury and wrongful death, medical malpractice; financial valuation, investment analysis, “what if” analysis, statistical analysis & modeling, intellectual property, compensation issues, including executive compensation; entertainment industry; construction defects; sampling & surveys; database construction & analysis; family business; forensic accounting including lost profits and business valuation; and custom research.
CA University
551 Santa Barbara Ave
Fullerton, CA 92835
Tel: (714) 879-9705
Cell: (714) 595-1891
Fax: (714) 879-5600
Email: bkleinerphdmba@gmail.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: PhD Management, UCLA; MBA, UCLA
Evaluation of workplace policies & practices pertaining to discrimination/ harassment prevention efforts (interactive process, reasonable accommodation, training), investigations, corrective actions (discipline, termination); hiring; compensation, wage & hours, pensions; supervision; safety, violence, OSHA; CFRA/FMLA; appraisal, promotion, retaliation, RIF’s.
40+ yrs HR experience. 1,000+ cases as an expert. Former human resource manager for Ford Motor Co. Over 100 business & government consulting clients. Trained thousands of managers. Taught three 36-hour courses on KLCS-TV. 500+ pubs. Have given trial/arbitration testimony 80+ times. Favorably featured in “Employment Law Verdicts.” Profiled in Bender’s “California Labor & Employment Bulletin” as a result of successes. Have received many awards, honors & commendations. Rates negotiable.
Phillips, Fractor & Co, LLC
Contact: G. Michael Phillips, PhD 3452 E. Foothill Blvd, Ste 220 Pasadena, CA 91107 Tel: (626) 744-3540
Email: contactpfc@rule26.com
Website: www.phillipsfractor.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: PhDs, Economics; Ed.D; MBA; CPA; CFA; CPA/ABV
Economic losses, lost profits, contract damages, employment economics, wrongful termination, class action and mass tort analysis, valuation of earnings & benefits; wrongful injury and wrongful death, medical malpractice; financial valuation, investment analysis, “what if” analysis, statistical analysis & modeling, intellectual property, compensation issues, including executive compensation; entertainment industry; construction defects; sampling & surveys; database construction & analysis; family business; forensic accounting including lost profits and business valuation; and custom research.
551 Santa Barbara Ave
Fullerton, CA 92835
Tel: (714) 879-9705
Cell: (714) 595-1891
Fax: (714) 879-5600
Email: bkleinerphdmba@gmail.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: PhD Management, UCLA; MBA, UCLA
Evaluation of workplace policies & practices pertaining to discrimination/ harassment prevention efforts (interactive process, reasonable accommodation, training), investigations, corrective actions (discipline, termination); hiring; compensation, wage & hours, pensions; supervision; safety, violence, OSHA; CFRA/FMLA; appraisal, promotion, retaliation, RIF’s.
40+ yrs HR experience. 1,000+ cases as an expert. Former human resource manager for Ford Motor Co. Over 100 business & government consulting clients. Trained thousands of managers. Taught three 36-hour courses on KLCS-TV. 500+ pubs. Have given trial/arbitration testimony 80+ times. Favorably featured in “Employment Law Verdicts.” Profiled in Bender’s “California Labor & Employment Bulletin” as a result of successes. Have received many awards, honors & commendations. Rates negotiable.
Phillips, Fractor & Co, LLC
Contact: G. Michael Phillips, PhD 3452 E. Foothill Blvd, Ste 220 Pasadena, CA 91107
Tel: (626) 744-3540
Email: contactpfc@rule26.com
Website: www.phillipsfractor.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: PhDs, Economics; Ed.D; MBA; CPA; CFA; CPA/ABV
Economic losses, lost profits, contract damages, employment economics, wrongful termination, class action and mass tort analysis, valuation of earnings & benefits; wrongful injury and wrongful death, medical malpractice; financial valuation, investment analysis, “what if” analysis, statistical analysis & modeling, intellectual property, compensation issues, including executive compensation; entertainment industry; construction defects; sampling & surveys; database construction & analysis; family business; forensic accounting including lost profits and business valuation; and custom research.
Brian H. Kleiner, PhD, MBA Professor (Emeritus), Human Resource Mgmt at prestigious CA University
551 Santa Barbara Ave Fullerton, CA 92835
Tel: (714) 879-9705
Cell: (714) 595-1891
Fax: (714) 879-5600
Email: bkleinerphdmba@gmail.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: PhD Management, UCLA; MBA, UCLA Specialties: Evaluation of workplace policies & practices pertaining to discrimination/ harassment prevention efforts (interactive process, reasonable accommodation, training), investigations, corrective actions (discipline, termination); hiring; compensation, wage & hours, pensions; supervision; safety, violence, OSHA; CFRA/FMLA; appraisal, promotion, retaliation, RIF’s.
40+ yrs HR experience. 1,000+ cases as an expert. Former human resource manager for Ford Motor Co. Over 100 business & government consulting clients. Trained thousands of managers. Taught three 36-hour courses on KLCS-TV. 500+ pubs. Have given trial/arbitration testimony 80+ times. Favorably featured in “Employment Law Verdicts.” Profiled in Bender’s “California Labor & Employment Bulletin” as a result of successes. Have received many awards, honors & commendations. Rates negotiable.
Brian H. Kleiner, PhD, MBA Professor (Emeritus), Human Resource Mgmt at prestigious CA University
551 Santa Barbara Ave
Fullerton, CA 92835
Tel: (714) 879-9705
Cell: (714) 595-1891
Fax: (714) 879-5600
Email: bkleinerphdmba@gmail.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: PhD Management, UCLA; MBA, UCLA
Evaluation of workplace policies & practices pertaining to discrimination/ harassment prevention efforts (interactive process, reasonable accommodation, training), investigations, corrective actions (discipline, termination); hiring; compensation, wage & hours, pensions; supervision; safety, violence, OSHA; CFRA/FMLA; appraisal, promotion, retaliation, RIF’s.
40+ yrs HR experience. 1,000+ cases as an expert. Former human resource manager for Ford Motor Co. Over 100 business & government consulting clients. Trained thousands of managers. Taught three 36-hour courses on KLCS-TV. 500+ pubs. Have given trial/arbitration testimony 80+ times. Favorably featured in “Employment Law Verdicts.” Profiled in Bender’s “California Labor & Employment Bulletin” as a result of successes. Have received many awards, honors & commendations. Rates negotiable.
CA University
551 Santa Barbara Ave Fullerton, CA 92835
Tel: (714) 879-9705
Cell: (714) 595-1891
Fax: (714) 879-5600
Email: bkleinerphdmba@gmail.com
PhD Management, UCLA; MBA, UCLA
Evaluation of workplace policies & practices pertaining to discrimination/ harassment prevention efforts (interactive process, reasonable accommodation, training), investigations, corrective actions (discipline, termination); hiring; compensation, wage & hours, pensions; supervision; safety, violence, OSHA; CFRA/FMLA; appraisal, promotion, retaliation, RIF’s.
40+ yrs HR experience. 1,000+ cases as an expert. Former human resource manager for Ford Motor Co. Over 100 business & government consulting clients. Trained thousands of managers. Taught three 36-hour courses on KLCS-TV. 500+ pubs. Have given trial/arbitration testimony 80+ times. Favorably featured in “Employment Law Verdicts.” Profiled in Bender’s “California Labor & Employment Bulletin” as a result of successes.
Have received many awards, honors & commendations. Rates negotiable.
Contact: G. Michael Phillips, PhD
3452 E. Foothill Blvd, Ste 220 Pasadena, CA 91107
Tel: (626) 744-3540
Email: contactpfc@rule26.com
Website: www.phillipsfractor.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: PhDs, Economics; Ed.D; MBA; CPA; CFA; CPA/ABV
Economic losses, lost profits, contract damages, employment economics, wrongful termination, class action and mass tort analysis, valuation of earnings & benefits; wrongful injury and wrongful death, medical malpractice; financial valuation, investment analysis, “what if” analysis, statistical analysis & modeling, intellectual property, compensation issues, including executive compensation; entertainment industry; construction defects; sampling & surveys; database construction & analysis; family business; forensic accounting including lost profits and business valuation; and custom research.
Brian H. Kleiner, PhD, MBA Professor (Emeritus), Human Resource Mgmt at prestigious CA University 551 Santa Barbara Ave Fullerton, CA 92835
Tel: (714) 879-9705
Cell: (714) 595-1891
Fax: (714) 879-5600
Email: bkleinerphdmba@gmail.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: PhD Management, UCLA; MBA, UCLA
Evaluation of workplace policies & practices pertaining to discrimination/ harassment prevention efforts (interactive process, reasonable accommodation, training), investigations, corrective actions (discipline, termination); hiring; compensation, wage & hours, pensions; supervision; safety, violence, OSHA; CFRA/FMLA; appraisal, promotion, retaliation, RIF’s.
40+ yrs HR experience. 1,000+ cases as an expert. Former human resource manager for Ford Motor Co. Over 100 business & government consulting clients. Trained thousands of managers. Taught three 36-hour courses on KLCS-TV. 500+ pubs. Have given trial/arbitration testimony 80+ times. Favorably featured in “Employment Law Verdicts.” Profiled in Bender’s “California Labor & Employment Bulletin” as a result of successes. Have received many awards, honors & commendations. Rates negotiable.
Contact: G. Michael Phillips, PhD
3452 E. Foothill Blvd, Ste 220 Pasadena, CA 91107
Tel: (626) 744-3540
Email: contactpfc@rule26.com
Website: www.phillipsfractor.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: PhDs, Economics; Ed.D; MBA; CPA; CFA; CPA/ABV
Economic losses, lost profits, contract damages, employment economics, wrongful termination, class action and mass tort analysis, valuation of earnings & benefits; wrongful injury and wrongful death, medical malpractice; financial valuation, investment analysis, “what if” analysis, statistical analysis & modeling, intellectual property, compensation issues, including executive compensation; entertainment industry; construction defects; sampling & surveys; database construction & analysis; family business; forensic accounting including lost profits and business valuation; and custom research.
Ali Reza
5401 McConnell Ave Los Angeles, CA 90066
Tel: (310) 754-2700
Tel: (888) 656-EXPO, (3976) (toll free) (3976) (toll free)
Fax: (310) 754-2799
Email: info@exponent.com
Website: www.exponent.com
Accident reconstruction; failure analysis; fire and explosions; electrical analysis; batteries; human factors; visibility analysis; slip/trip/ fall; warnings/labeling; biomechanics (injury analysis) mechanical design reviews; HVAC; risk assessment; structural / geotechnical / civil engineering; construction defect; quantum & delay analysis; materials science; metallurgy; polymer science; toxicology; industrial hygiene; environmental fate & transport; water quality.
Josephson-Werdowatz & Associates, Inc.
Consulting Structural Engineers
10815 Rancho Bernardo Rd, Suite 310 San Diego, CA 92127-2189
Tel: (858) 558-2181
Fax: (858) 558-2188
Website: www.jwa-se.com
Carl H. Josephson, SE
Dan R. Werdowatz, SE
Stephen P. Kerr, SE
Email: cjosephson@jwa-se.com dwerdowatz@jwa-se.com skerr@jwa-se.com
SE (AZ, CA, HI, ID, IL, LA, NV, OR, UT, WA); PE (CO, CT, FL, ID, IN, KS, KY, MD, MI, MO, MS, NM, NY, ND, OH, SC, TX, WV, WI)
Established in 1988; licensed in 29 states. Structural design & construction defect investigations, evaluations. Wood, masonry, steel & concrete structures. Seismic & wind design. Code review & analysis. Retained in over 1,500 cases nationwide and abroad. 3D graphics & animations. Court-appointed neutral experts. ADR
Ramesh J. Kar, PhD, PE
Sr. Managing Consultant, Regional Operations Manager
KARS’ Testing & Research Labs –A Division of ESi
2528 W Woodland Dr Anaheim, CA 92801
Tel: (714) 527-7134
Cell: (714) 677-7371
Fax: (714) 527-7169
Email: rjkar@engsys.com
Website: www.engsys.com
PhD Materials Science & Eng; Reg Prof Metallurgical Engineer
43 years expertise in metallurgical failure analysis; automobile/aerospace components, metals, ceramics, plastics, paints, forensic investigations. Expert witness in several product liability/criminal investigations. Courtroom experienced. Fellow, ASM (American Society for Metals). Fellow, American College of Forensic Examiners. See display ad page 76
Expert Strategy Group
Julie Olenik-Brown
Tel: (800) 521-2877 Ext: 301
Tel: (760) 795-9004
Email: Expert@ExpertStrategy-Group.com
Website: ExpertSG.com
American Bio Engineers - an aperture company
2305 Historic Decatur Road, Suite 100 San Diego, CA 92106
Tel: (619) 269-2089
Email: info@aperturellc.com
Website: www.aperturellc.com
Contacts: Brian K. Jones, MSBE, PE, ACTAR, CXLT; Scott C. Swinford, BSME, ACTAR; Alexander D. Szepelak, BSME; Kevin T. Imada, BSME; Michael A. Jorgensen, BSME; Cole M. Vigil, BSME; Conrad J.L. Salboro, BSME; W. Hunter Witt, BSKin; Jason R. Beaty; Tyler Kryst, MSBE; Kimberli Fernandez, BSBE
Motor vehicle accident reconstruction, biomechanical analyses, instrumented crash tests, forensic animation, slip/trip/falls, human factors, crash data retrieval/Bena & heavy truck EDR downloads, photogrammetry, traffic camera recordings & screenshots, 3D laser scanning, 3D printing, drone 3D mapping, aerial photography, digital forensics, licensed UAS part 107 pilots. Qualified as expert witness in CA and NV courts.
See display ad on outside back cover
Our diverse network of expert witnesses includes leading global industry specialists, PhD’s, senior executives, scientists, technical and materials experts, and supremely qualified medical professionals across many professional industries.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: We offer expert witnesses in many professional industries. Here are just a few of the expert categories we offer: accident, accounting, automotive, aviation, biomechanics, business, chemical, construction, economics, employment, engineering, failure analysis, finance, firearms, hazardous materials, hotel, insurance, intellectual property, machinery, marketing, medical and medical device, nursing home, pharmacology, product liability, psychology, security, financial securities, toxicology, technical, transportation, valuation, warnings. And thousands more expert witness categories.
We do all of the work in connecting law firms with experts who fit your case:
Expert Strategy Group is a strategic partner to law firms for all of your Expert Witness needs. We have developed a unique technology platform that, when paired with our 1:1 client service model, creates a more precise degree of Expert matching to extremely specific litigation criteria.
See insert ad after page 16
Biomechanical Research and Testing, LLCan aperture company 2201 N. Lakewood, Ste. 1865 Long Beach, CA 90815
Tel: (562) 494-4407
Email: Info@aperturellc.com
Website: www.aperturellc.com
Contacts: Judson B. Welcher, PhD; Daniel P. Voss, MS; Bryan C. Randles, MS; Isaac Ikram, MS, PE; Christopher Furbish; Todd Roescher
Experts in Biomechanical Engineering & Accident Reconstruction. Specialties include evaluation of injury causing events, automotive and amusement park testing & evaluation, scene surveys & diagrams, aerial photography, digital forensics, licensed UAS part 107 pilot. Qualified in State & Federal Courts.
See display ad on outside back cover
Institute of Risk & Safety Analyses
Kenneth A. Solomon, PhD, PE, Post PhD
Chief Scientist
5324 Canoga Ave
Woodland Hills, CA 91364
Tel: (818) 348-1133
Fax: (818) 348-4484
Email: kennethsolomon@mac.com
Website: www.irsa.us
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: PhD, Post PhD, PE,J.D.,BS, MS
Forensic Scientists - Diverse Technical Staff: IRSA Staff has over 460 person years of courtroom experience. Biomechanics; Reconstruction; Human Factors; Safety; Accident Prevention; Failure Analysis; Product Integrity; Liability; Testing; Warnings; Slip/Trip/ Fall; Premises; Construction Defect; OSHA Compliance; Bldg Codes; Fire Protection; Explosions; Firearms/Ballistics; Electrocutions/ Shocks; Structural; Recreational; Industrial; Criminal; Auto, Airbags, Aviation, Bicycle, Boating, Chair, Elevator, Escalator, Forklift, Gate, Golf Course, Ladder, Motorcycle, Nuclear, Press, Rollercoaster, Scaffolding, Seatbelts, Stairs, Swimming Pool, Truck; Simulations; Drone Use, 3D Models. Total staff size: 18.
VA Forensics - an aperture company
2784 Gateway Rd, Suite 101 Carlsbad, CA 92009
Tel: (760) 931-9100
Email: Info@aperturellc.com
Website: www.aperturellc.com
Contacts: Eugene Michael Vanderpol, MSME, PE, ACTAR; Omar Kaayal, BSBE, ACTAR; Ali Farhat, MSBE; Alyssa Visalli, BME, EIT; Will Valdez, Ph.C., MSBE
Service Offerings:
VA Forensics, an Aperture company, is a Forensic Engineering firm specializing in Biomechanical Injury Analysis, Accident Reconstruction, Human Factors, Slip/Trip and Falls, offering Forensic Animation, Drone Mapping & Photogrammetry, FAA Part 107 Remote Pilots Certified, Forensic Simulation (PC-Crash), 3D Laser Scanning, Forensic Visibility Analysis, Forensic Surveillance Video Analysis & Reverse Projection, Crash Data Retrieval (CDR/EDR) including Kia, Hyundai, and Tesla, Heavy Truck Event Data Recorders, Digital Forensics, Vehicle, Motorcycle, Bicycle, and Pedestrian Collisions, Occupant Kinematics, and Workplace Accidents. VA Forensics has over 60 years of combined forensic experience, with our team having provided expert services in over 39 states and having testified in over 1,400 trials, arbitrations, and depositions. We support legal firms (Plaintiff and Defense) as well as insurance companies and have provided expert testimony in both State and Federal courts. See display ad on outside back cover
KHB Consulting Services
Dr. Kenneth H. Brown
1889 Maple Ave, Ste. N-3
Evanston, IL 60201
Tel: (847) 475-2755
Tel: (847) 922-1040,
Cell: (847) 922-1040
Fax: (847) 475-3545
Email: drbrown@khbconsulting.com
Website: www.khbconsulting.com
B.S. Chemistry; M.S. Organic Chemistry; Ph.D. Organic Chemistry
Chemicals, household chemicals, industrial chemicals, hazardous materials, labels & warnings, paint & coatings, chemical accidents, product liability, premises liability, patent infringement, chemical fires, chemical exposure, safety data sheets.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: 20 years as chemical expert witness; hundreds of reports written; more than 50 depositions; testified at trial; case file review, research, consultations, site visits.
Chemical Expert Witness: We translate technical jargon into easy-tounderstand layman’s language.
Adam G. Bovie
KARS’ Testing & Research Labs - A Division of ESi
2528 W Woodland Dr Anaheim, CA 92801
Tel: (714) 527-7100, Ext 105 (Direct)
Cell: (949) 880-4286
Fax: (714) 527-7169
Email: agbovie@engsys.com
Website: agbovie@engsys.com
Professional Engineer - Electrical CA #E24063 | B.S., Electrical Engineering (ABET, Cum Laude), Arizona State University | B.A., University of California, San Diego | IAAI
Fire Investigation Technician (ATF / IAAI, Huntsville, AL), October 2018 | NFPA Certified Fire Inspector | California SB-2142 Teaching Credential, Cal State Fullerton
Electrical & Electronics Failures | Lithium-Ion Battery Failures | Electric & Alternative Fuel Vehicle Fires | Electrical Fire, Arc Flash, and Explosion Investigation | Wildfire origin & cause proximal to power & communications
infrastructure | PCB & Electronic Component Failures, including identification of counterfeit and malicious components | 3D-Computed Tomography (CT) Analysis of products
| Electronic Control System Software & Hardware Failures | EM Interference & Radio
Communications Failures | Custom Data
Acquisition Hardware / Software: C, C++, Python, Verilog, ModBus TCP
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience:
Professional Electrical Engineer with extensive experience in electrical engineering and product failure analysis experience for insurance, legal, government and manufacturing clients. Mr. Bovie’s investigations include work on Li-ion battery failures, utility equipment incidents in wildfire, commercial and residential settings, water heater explosions, consumer electronics failures, and alternative fuel vehicle fires. Mr. Bovie has instructed tenured university faculty on CT software, has been a guest lecturer at the California Conference of Arson Investigators, the University of Southern California, and has published papers related to CT radiography in accident investigations.
See display ad page 76
Expert Strategy Group
Julie Olenik-Brown
Tel: (800) 521-2877 Ext: 301 Tel: (760) 795-9004
Email: Expert@ExpertStrategy-Group.com
Website: ExpertSG.com
Our diverse network of expert witnesses includes leading global industry specialists, PhD’s, senior executives, scientists, technical and materials experts, and supremely qualified medical professionals across many professional industries.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: We offer expert witnesses in many professional industries. Here are just a few of the expert categories we offer: accident, accounting, automotive, aviation, biomechanics, business, chemical, construction, economics, employment, engineering, failure analysis, finance, firearms, hazardous materials, hotel, insurance, intellectual property, machinery, marketing, medical and medical device, nursing home, pharmacology, product liability, psychology, security, financial securities, toxicology, technical, transportation, valuation, warnings. And thousands more expert witness categories.
We do all of the work in connecting law firms with experts who fit your case: Expert Strategy Group is a strategic partner to law firms for all of your Expert Witness needs. We have developed a unique technology platform that, when paired with our 1:1 client service model, creates a more precise degree of Expert matching to extremely specific litigation criteria.
See insert ad after page 16
Langan Engineering & Environmental Services, Inc.
515 Flower Street, Suite 2860 Los Angeles, CA 90071
Tel: (213) 314-8100 (Main)
Tel: (510) 874-7011, (Direct)
Cell: (925) 997-4964
Email: ptringale@langan.com
Website: www.langan.com
Professional Engineer (PE) in CA, NY | Ph.D., Civil Engineering, University of California, Berkeley | M.Eng., Civil Engineering, University of California, Berkeley | M.S., Civil Engineering (Engineering Geology), Drexel University, Philadelphia | B.S., Civil Engineering, Northeastern University, Boston
Site Assessment and Remediation Program
Direction | Mergers & Acquisitions Assistance | Public Participation Programs | Regulatory Agency Interaction | Litigation Support for Litigation involving Source Identification, Nature and Extent of Contamination, Cost Allocation, and Compliance with the National Contingency Plan
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Philip T. Tringale, PhD, PE is a registered Professional Civil Engineer with over 30 years of environmental consulting experience. Dr. Tringale has served in senior technical and management positions throughout his 40-year professional career. With experience gained from a start-up consulting firm as well as from well-established engineering companies, he continues to focus his energies on leading technical projects and overseeing technical and geographic expansion activities.
Ramesh J. Kar, PhD, PE
Sr. Managing Consultant, Regional Operations Manager
KARS’ Testing & Research Labs –A Division of ESi
2528 W Woodland Dr Anaheim, CA 92801
Tel: (714) 527-7134
Cell: (714) 677-7371
Fax: (714) 527-7169
Email: rjkar@engsys.com
Website: www.engsys.com
PhD Materials Science & Eng; Reg Prof Metallurgical Engineer
43 years expertise in metallurgical failure analysis; automobile/aerospace components, metals, ceramics, plastics, paints, forensic investigations. Expert witness in several product liability/criminal investigations. Courtroom experienced. Fellow, ASM (American Society for Metals). Fellow, American College of Forensic Examiners.
See display ad page 76
Expert Strategy Group
Julie Olenik-Brown
Tel: (800) 521-2877 Ext: 301 Tel: (760) 795-9004
Email: Expert@ExpertStrategy-Group.com
Website: ExpertSG.com
Our diverse network of expert witnesses includes leading global industry specialists, PhD’s, senior executives, scientists, technical and materials experts, and supremely qualified medical professionals across many professional industries.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: We offer expert witnesses in many professional industries. Here are just a few of the expert categories we offer: accident, accounting, automotive, aviation, biomechanics, business, chemical, construction, economics, employment, engineering, failure analysis, finance, firearms, hazardous materials, hotel, insurance, intellectual property, machinery, marketing, medical and medical device, nursing home, pharmacology, product liability, psychology, security, financial securities, toxicology, technical, transportation, valuation, warnings. And thousands more expert witness categories.
We do all of the work in connecting law firms with experts who fit your case: Expert Strategy Group is a strategic partner to law firms for all of your Expert Witness needs. We have developed a unique technology platform that, when paired with our 1:1 client service model, creates a more precise degree of Expert matching to extremely specific litigation criteria.
See insert ad after page 16
WEXCO - an aperture company
Contact: Brad P. Avritt, EVP - Construction, Safety and Accident Reconstruction
1730 E. Holly Ave, Suite 720 El Segundo, CA 90245
Tel: (310) 306-3877
Email: Brad.Avritt@aperturellc.com
Website: www.aperturellc.com
Litigation support & expert witness services for Personal Injury: slips & falls, code & safety violations, falls from height, safety engineering & construction accidents. Accident Reconstruction: Computer simulation/ animation, automobile, pedestrian, motorcycle, truck, bicycle, braking distance, speed analysis & impact forces. Construction: all aspects including claims, delay impact analysis, contract disputes, CPM schedule analysis, construction defects, damage calculations, contractor’s performance, cost to repair, digital forensics.
See display ad on outside back cover
Josephson-Werdowatz & Associates, Inc.
Consulting Structural Engineers
10815 Rancho Bernardo Rd, Suite 310 San Diego, CA 92127-2189
Tel: (858) 558-2181
Fax: (858) 558-2188
Website: www.jwa-se.com
Carl H. Josephson, SE
Dan R. Werdowatz, SE
Stephen P. Kerr, SE
Email: cjosephson@jwa-se.com dwerdowatz@jwa-se.com skerr@jwa-se.com
SE (AZ, CA, HI, ID, IL, LA, NV, OR, UT, WA); PE (CO, CT, FL, ID, IN, KS, KY, MD, MI, MO, MS, NM, NY, ND, OH, SC, TX, WV, WI)
Established in 1988; licensed in 29 states. Structural design & construction defect investigations, evaluations. Wood, masonry, steel & concrete structures. Seismic & wind design. Code review & analysis. Retained in over 1,500 cases nationwide and abroad. 3D graphics & animations. Court-appointed neutral experts. ADR
Kitch Wilson, Ph.D. Applied Theoretic Systems
415 Calle Las Caleras Santa Barbara, CA 93109
Tel: (805) 448-5091
Email: kitchCwilson@gmail.com
B.S Electrical Engineering, Cornell | M.E.E Electrical Engineering, Cornell | PH.D. Engineering Systems and Biomedical, UCLA
Engineering Systems – analytic mathematics, control, estimation, modeling, signals | Electronics – analog/digital/microprocessor | Wind Turbines and Wind Farms – control systems and farm data analysis | Solar Power and Farms - solar panel control and solar farm data analysis | Biomedical Systems –endocrine, cardiac, metabolic | Automotive, Aerospace – various topics | Commercial –utility meters, spread spectrum communication, optical disc, hygiene.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: 50 years independent technical consultant. 15 named issued patents – wind/solar energy, biomedical, automotive, commercial - 10 authored by Dr. Wilson, 6 defended from USPTO rejection by Dr. Wilson. 1 client USPTO Expert Declaration gaining patent issuance.
System Analysis Expert Witness:
Independent professional technology and IP consultant to wind/solar energy, medical, aerospace, automotive, and commercial industries. Broad expertise includes optimal/ classical controls, signal analysis, stochastic estimation, algorithms, electronics, software. 20+ patents (issued and pending) in above industries. Expert witness efforts include defeating USPTO rejections of patent applications.
Traffic / Highway
Expert Strategy Group
Julie Olenik-Brown
Tel: (800) 521-2877 Ext: 301
Tel: (760) 795-9004
Email: Expert@ExpertStrategy-Group.com
Website: ExpertSG.com
Our diverse network of expert witnesses includes leading global industry specialists, PhD’s, senior executives, scientists, technical and materials experts, and supremely qualified medical professionals across many professional industries.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: We offer expert witnesses in many professional industries. Here are just a few of the expert categories we offer: accident, accounting, automotive, aviation, biomechanics, business, chemical, construction, economics, employment, engineering, failure analysis, finance, firearms, hazardous materials, hotel, insurance, intellectual property, machinery, marketing, medical and medical device, nursing home, pharmacology, product liability, psychology, security, financial securities, toxicology, technical, transportation, valuation, warnings. And thousands more expert witness categories.
We do all of the work in connecting law firms with experts who fit your case:
Expert Strategy Group is a strategic partner to law firms for all of your Expert Witness needs. We have developed a unique technology platform that, when paired with our 1:1 client service model, creates a more precise degree of Expert matching to extremely specific litigation criteria.
See insert ad after page 16
Traffic / Highway (cont.)
Shakir Shatnawi
Shatec Engineering Consultants, LLC
7064 Tarvisio Way
El Dorado Hills, CA 95762
Tel: (916) 990-6488
Email: sshatnawi@shatec.net
Website: www.shatec.net
PhD, MS, BS/Professional Engineers LicenseCivil Engineering
Highway Engineering, Transportation Engineering & Parking; construction defects, failures, specifications & disputes; Traffic Engineering, speed requirements and driver reaction; Highway safety, road hazards & obstructions; Traffic accidents including automobiles, motorcycles & bicycles; Pavement standards, construction, maintenance and repairs; Accident
Reconstruction - skid & forensic analysis; Materials including asphalt, concrete & soils; Road Defects - cracking, potholes, friction & loose gravel; Road geometric standards - sight distance & clear recovery.
Phillips, Fractor & Co, LLC
Contact: G. Michael Phillips, PhD 3452 E. Foothill Blvd, Ste 220 Pasadena, CA 91107
Tel: (626) 744-3540
Email: contactpfc@rule26.com
Website: www.phillipsfractor.com
PhDs, Economics; Ed.D; MBA; CPA; CFA; CPA/ABV
Economic losses, lost profits, contract damages, employment economics, wrongful termination, class action and mass tort analysis, valuation of earnings & benefits; wrongful injury and wrongful death, medical malpractice; financial valuation, investment analysis, “what if” analysis, statistical analysis & modeling, intellectual property, compensation issues, including executive compensation; entertainment industry; construction defects; sampling & surveys; database construction & analysis; family business; forensic accounting including lost profits and business valuation; and custom research.
Sapphos Environmental, Inc.
Contact: Marie Campbell, Principal 430 N. Halstead St Pasadena, CA 91107
Tel: (626) 683-3547
Fax: (626) 628-1745
Website: www.sapphosenvironmental.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: Master of Arts, Geography. Geomorphology/ Biogeography, University of California, Los Angeles
Environmental Consulting; Environmental Compliance (CEQA; NEPA); Biological Resource Management; Cultural Resources; Hazardous Materials & GIS; SWPPP; construction monitoring; permitting.
Philip T. Tringale, PhD, PE Senior Consultant Langan Engineering & Environmental Services, Inc.
515 Flower Street, Suite 2860 Los Angeles, CA 90071
Tel: (213) 314-8100 (Main)
Tel: (510) 874-7011, (Direct)
Cell: (925) 997-4964
Email: ptringale@langan.com
Website: www.langan.com
Professional Engineer (PE) in CA, NY | Ph.D., Civil Engineering, University of California, Berkeley | M.Eng., Civil Engineering, University of California, Berkeley | M.S., Civil Engineering (Engineering Geology), Drexel University, Philadelphia | B.S., Civil Engineering, Northeastern University, Boston
Site Assessment and Remediation Program Direction | Mergers & Acquisitions Assistance | Public Participation Programs | Regulatory Agency Interaction | Litigation Support for Litigation involving Source Identification, Nature and Extent of Contamination, Cost Allocation, and Compliance with the National Contingency Plan
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Philip T. Tringale, PhD, PE is a registered Professional Civil Engineer with over 30 years of environmental consulting experience. Dr. Tringale has served in senior technical and management positions throughout his 40-year professional career. With experience gained from a start-up consulting firm as well as from well-established engineering companies, he continues to focus his energies on leading technical projects and overseeing technical and geographic expansion activities.
Philip T. Tringale, PhD, PE
Senior Consultant
Langan Engineering & Environmental Services, Inc.
515 Flower Street, Suite 2860
Los Angeles, CA 90071
Tel: (213) 314-8100 (Main)
Tel: (510) 874-7011, (Direct)
Cell: (925) 997-4964
Email: ptringale@langan.com
Website: www.langan.com
Professional Engineer (PE) in CA, NY | Ph.D., Civil Engineering, University of California, Berkeley | M.Eng., Civil Engineering, University of California, Berkeley | M.S., Civil Engineering (Engineering Geology), Drexel University, Philadelphia | B.S., Civil Engineering, Northeastern University, Boston
Site Assessment and Remediation Program
Direction | Mergers & Acquisitions Assistance | Public Participation Programs | Regulatory Agency Interaction | Litigation Support for Litigation involving Source Identification, Nature and Extent of Contamination, Cost Allocation, and Compliance with the National Contingency Plan
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Philip T. Tringale, PhD, PE is a registered Professional Civil Engineer with over 30 years of environmental consulting experience. Dr. Tringale has served in senior technical and management positions throughout his 40-year professional career. With experience gained from a start-up consulting firm as well as from well-established engineering companies, he continues to focus his energies on leading technical projects and overseeing technical and geographic expansion activities.
Joel Mark
919 Box Canyon Trl Palm Desert, CA 92211
Tel: (805) 701-7731
Fax: (760) 772-6665
Email: jmark4law@gmail.com
Website: www.joelmarkesq.com
UC Berkeley (AB, 1969); UC Hastings College of Law (JD, 1972); Admitted CA 1972; CA, 1994
Business Litigation, Intellectual Property, Commercial Law, Professional Liability, Banking.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: 130+ engagements in Attorney Fee Disputes; Attorney Ethics, Attorney Malpractice (Litigation).
Birthdate: 1947 Birthplace: Los Angeles
Previous Positions/Appointments: CA State Bar Committee on Mandatory Fee Arbitration; California State Bar Committee on Professional Responsibility & Conduct; Appointed Expert Consultant by LA County Superior Court; State Bar MFA Presiding Arbitrator (2009-2012); State Bar of California Special Deputy Trial Counsel for Disciplinary Matters (2010-present).
Membership in Professional Societies: LACBA; State Bar of CA.
Deborah A. Wolfe, Esq. Wolfe Legal Solutions, PC 3755 Avocado Blvd, No.197 La Mesa, CA 91941
Tel: (619) 234-3363 (Office)
Cell: (619) 840-3989
Fax: (619) 231-1898
Email: dwolfe@ wolfelegalsolutions.com
Website: www.WolfeLegalSolutions.com
Additional Office Location: 402 W. Broadway, Ste. 400 San Diego, CA 92101
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: University of San Diego, School of Law | State Bar of California, Lic. 1981 (Active) | State Bar of Arizona, Lic. 1982 (Inactive)
Certified Legal Specialist: Legal Malpractice Law (State Bar of California) | Certified Legal Specialist: Civil Trial Law (NBTA)
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Ms. Wolfe has acted as a consultant on legal malpractice law, civil trial strategy, legal ethics, and professional responsibility over the course of her 42-year practice. She has testified and qualified as an expert witness in California Superior Courts in legal ethics, professional liability, and civil trial practice.
Legal Ethics Consulting: Ms. Wolfe privately consults with attorneys and law firms on issues involving legal ethics and best practices
Nikhil Kar, PhD, PE Senior Managing Consultant at KARS’ Testing & Research Labs – a Division of ESi Adjunct Assistant Professor of Engineering Practice at USC
2528 W Woodland Dr Anaheim, CA 92801
Tel: (714) 527-7100
Cell: (714)-726-1746
Fax: (714) 527-7169
Email: nkkar@engsys.com
Website: www.engsys.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: B.S., M.S., Ph.D., (Mechanical Engineering); Registered Professional Mechanical Engineer; Registered Professional Metallurgical Engineer; Current Teaching Faculty Member at the University of Southern California.
Failure Analysis/Product Liability and Product Defects. Automotive, aerospace and vehicle component failures, bearing failures. Implant failures, weld fractures, polymers and polymer composite fractures.
See display ad page 76
Naresh J. Kar, PhD, PE
Sr. Managing Consultant/Lab Manager
KARS’ Testing & Research Labs –A Division of ESi
2528 W Woodland Dr
Anaheim, CA 92801
Tel: (714) 527-7100, Ext 102
Cell: (714) 677-7550
Fax: (714) 527-7169
Email: njkar@engsys.com
Website: www.engsys.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: PhD Metallurgical Eng; Reg Prof Metallurgical Eng
43 years professional experience: failure analysis & product liability. Automotive & plumbing failures. Welding, corrosion, wear failures. Plastics, tires, glass failures. Legal & courtroom experience. Fellow, ASM (American Society for Metals). Fellow, American College of Forensic Examiners.
See display ad page 76
Nikhil Kar, PhD, PE
Senior Managing Consultant at KARS’ Testing & Research Labs – a Division of ESi Adjunct Assistant Professor of Engineering Practice at USC
2528 W Woodland Dr
Anaheim, CA 92801
Tel: (714) 527-7100
Cell: (714)-726-1746
Fax: (714) 527-7169
Email: nkkar@engsys.com
Website: www.engsys.com
B.S., M.S., Ph.D., (Mechanical Engineering); Registered Professional Mechanical Engineer; Registered Professional Metallurgical Engineer; Current Teaching Faculty Member at the University of Southern California.
Failure Analysis/Product Liability and Product Defects. Automotive, aerospace and vehicle component failures, bearing failures. Implant failures, weld fractures, polymers and polymer composite fractures.
See display ad page 76
KHB Consulting Services
Dr. Kenneth H. Brown
1889 Maple Ave, Ste. N-3 Evanston, IL 60201
Tel: (847) 475-2755
Tel: (847) 922-1040, Cell: (847) 922-1040
Fax: (847) 475-3545
Email: drbrown@khbconsulting.com
Website: www.khbconsulting.com
B.S. Chemistry; M.S. Organic Chemistry; Ph.D. Organic Chemistry
Chemicals, household chemicals, industrial chemicals, hazardous materials, labels & warnings, paint & coatings, chemical accidents, product liability, premises liability, patent infringement, chemical fires, chemical exposure, safety data sheets.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: 20 years as chemical expert witness; hundreds of reports written; more than 50 depositions; testified at trial; case file review, research, consultations, site visits.
Chemical Expert Witness: We translate technical jargon into easy-tounderstand layman’s language.
Ali Abdulraheem
Financial Services
for Attorneys and Law Firms
First Citizens BankBusiness Banking
706 Lomas Santa Fe Drive
Solana Beach, CA 92075
Tel: (858) 480-2945 (Office)
Fax: (984) 867-3324
Email: ali.abdulraheem@firstcitizens.com
Website: www.linkedin.com/in/ali-abdulraheem4a268b84
Bachelor’s Degree in Business Mgmt - Finance Focus - SIE.
Expert Attention, Comprehensive Accounts & Services, Optimized Cash Flow, Specialized Benefits for Your Clients, Financing Your Law Practice.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience:
For many years I have served the needs of attorneys and law firms with financial services tailored to their specific requirements. At every stage in your legal career - from your earliest days as an associate, to starting your own practice to retirement - we can provide comprehensive solutions to help you manage your professional financial needs.
Expert Strategy Group
Julie Olenik-Brown
Tel: (800) 521-2877 Ext: 301
Tel: (760) 795-9004
Email: Expert@ExpertStrategy-Group.com
Website: ExpertSG.com
Our diverse network of expert witnesses includes leading global industry specialists, PhD’s, senior executives, scientists, technical and materials experts, and supremely qualified medical professionals across many professional industries.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience:
We offer expert witnesses in many professional industries. Here are just a few of the expert categories we offer: accident, accounting, automotive, aviation, biomechanics, business, chemical, construction, economics, employment, engineering, failure analysis, finance, firearms, hazardous materials, hotel, insurance, intellectual property, machinery, marketing, medical and medical device, nursing home, pharmacology, product liability, psychology, security, financial securities, toxicology, technical, transportation, valuation, warnings. And thousands more expert witness categories.
We do all of the work in connecting law firms with experts who fit your case:
Expert Strategy Group is a strategic partner to law firms for all of your Expert Witness needs. We have developed a unique technology platform that, when paired with our 1:1 client service model, creates a more precise degree of Expert matching to extremely specific litigation criteria.
See insert ad after page 16
Phillips, Fractor & Co, LLC
Contact: G. Michael Phillips, PhD 3452 E. Foothill Blvd, Ste 220 Pasadena, CA 91107
Tel: (626) 744-3540
Email: contactpfc@rule26.com
Website: www.phillipsfractor.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: PhDs, Economics; Ed.D; MBA; CPA; CFA; CPA/ABV
Economic losses, lost profits, contract damages, employment economics, wrongful termination, class action and mass tort analysis, valuation of earnings & benefits; wrongful injury and wrongful death, medical malpractice; financial valuation, investment analysis, “what if” analysis, statistical analysis & modeling, intellectual property, compensation issues, including executive compensation; entertainment industry; construction defects; sampling & surveys; database construction & analysis; family business; forensic accounting including lost profits and business valuation; and custom research.
Thomas G. Taliaferro
2907 Shelter Island Dr, #105 San Diego, CA 92106
Tel: (805) 689-4936
Email: tgtaliaferro@gmail.com
Website: http:// financialadvisorexpertwitness. com
Experienced securities expert witness testifying in AAA, JAMS, FINRA and Superior Court venues and deposition.
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: CIMA—Certified investment Management Analyst | AIF—Accredited Investment Fiduciary FINRA Arbitrator.
Specialties: Fiduciary standard of care; suitability; Regulation Best Interest; failure to supervise; portfolio allocation; modern portfolio theory; registered investment advisors; well-managed account damages analysis; spousal fiduciary duty; securities-related issues in probate.
Professional Background: Financial advisor/portfolio manager with over 35 years of professional experience including serving as a Senior Vice President for both Morgan Stanley and Wells Fargo Advisors. Highly experienced with high net worth and ultra-high net worth investors. Extensive supervisory experience including managing a branch complex with 55 other financial advisors managing accounts totaling in excess of $4 billion. Experience with numerous financial advisor employment issues at broker-dealers. Spotless compliance record. Accomplished public speaker.
Ben Tisa – FBI Retired
Ben Tisa and Associates
Expert Witness Consultants
2269 Chestnut Street, #161
San Francisco, CA 94123
Cell: (925) 963-3984
Fax: (925) 984-2567
Email: expertwitness@bentisa.com
Website: www.catt-online.com
Court-certified ballistic expert | FBI-certified firearms/range master for service rifled, sniper rifles, submachine guns, semi-automatic pistols and revolvers | FBI and USMC ballistic instructor
Police procedures and practices | Firearm and ballistics | Officer involved shootings | Negligent-security casinos/schools/public parades/retail stores
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: 44 years from 1969 at FBI, and to 2022 as independent consultant.
Member of the California Association of Tactical Trainers.
See display ad below
2269 Chestnut Street #161 • San Francisco, CA 94123
Cell: (925) 963-3984 • Fax: (925) 984-2567
expertwitness@bentisa.com • bentisa@catt-online.com www.catt-online.com
California Association of Tactical Trainers
1988 - 2022
Expert witness consultation, depositions and court testimony involving litigation issues per CV, regarding law enforcement policy procedures, practices and training for patrol officers, special SWAT teams, investigative agents, Supervisors, Command staff, and facility security officers. Force Science Institute expert witness and SEAK Expert Witness Certifications-Court certified firearm ballistic expert-Alameda County Superior Court.
1995 - 2022
Owner - California Association of Tactical Trainers, LLC. This company is structured to provide law enforcement and public safety training through the California State law enforcement training program and on contract directly with various agencies. Formerly engaged in presenting courses of instruction through various Criminal Justice Training Centers located in the western United States.
• Negligent Security Involving Casinos/Schools/Parades/ Retail Business
• Use of Force
• Officer Involved Shootings
• Force Management Review
• Threat Assessment Procedures
• Firearms and Weapons Tactics
• Defensive Tactics
• Less-Lethal and Impact Weapons
• Arrest and Control Procedures
• Prisoner/Inmate Control
• Patrol Officer Tactics
• Plain Clothes Officer Tactics
• Negotiation Team Tactics
• SWAT Team Operations
• SWAT and Patrol Gun Belt and Rifle Sling and LB Vest Rigging
• External Ballistics and Projectile Trajectories and Terminal Ballistic Reconstruction Examinations
• Chemical Agents Insertion Tactics
• Command Post Operations
• Patrol Supervisor First Responder Procedures
• Sniper Team Operations
• Incident Command and Control Procedures
• Critical Incident Management
• Psychology and Physiology of Behavior in Critical Incidents
• Warrant Service
• Hostage Rescue Procedures
• Aircraft, Ship and Oil Platform Recovery
• Security/Guard Staff Procedures
• Negligent Security/Vulnerability Assessments and Procedures
• Helicopter Insertion Tactics
• Forced Breaching Methods and Procedures
• VIP Protection
• Rapel and Fastrope Insertion Tactics
Expert Strategy Group
Julie Olenik-Brown
Tel: (800) 521-2877 Ext: 301
Tel: (760) 795-9004
Email: Expert@ExpertStrategy-Group.com
Website: ExpertSG.com
Our diverse network of expert witnesses includes leading global industry specialists, PhD’s, senior executives, scientists, technical and materials experts, and supremely qualified medical professionals across many professional industries.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: We offer expert witnesses in many professional industries. Here are just a few of the expert categories we offer: accident, accounting, automotive, aviation, biomechanics, business, chemical, construction, economics, employment, engineering, failure analysis, finance, firearms, hazardous materials, hotel, insurance, intellectual property, machinery, marketing, medical and medical device, nursing home, pharmacology, product liability, psychology, security, financial securities, toxicology, technical, transportation, valuation, warnings. And thousands more expert witness categories.
We do all of the work in connecting law firms with experts who fit your case: Expert Strategy Group is a strategic partner to law firms for all of your Expert Witness needs. We have developed a unique technology platform that, when paired with our 1:1 client service model, creates a more precise degree of Expert matching to extremely specific litigation criteria.
See insert ad after page 16
KHB Consulting Services
Dr. Kenneth H. Brown
1889 Maple Ave, Ste. N-3 Evanston, IL 60201
Tel: (847) 475-2755
Tel: (847) 922-1040,
Cell: (847) 922-1040
Fax: (847) 475-3545
Email: drbrown@khbconsulting.com
Website: www.khbconsulting.com
B.S. Chemistry; M.S. Organic Chemistry; Ph.D. Organic Chemistry
Chemicals, household chemicals, industrial chemicals, hazardous materials, labels & warnings, paint & coatings, chemical accidents, product liability, premises liability, patent infringement, chemical fires, chemical exposure, safety data sheets.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: 20 years as chemical expert witness; hundreds of reports written; more than 50 depositions; testified at trial; case file review, research, consultations, site visits.
Chemical Expert Witness: We translate technical jargon into easy-tounderstand layman’s language.
Barry L. Posner
Posner Healthcare Consulting
Tel: (310) 903-7987
Email: blionelp@gmail.com
Degrees/Licenses/ Certifications:
MS Health Care Administration, CSUN; BS Healthcare Finance, CSUN; AS Math/Science, College of the Canyons
Medical Billing & Claims Analyses | Healthcare Economics Analyses | Medical Cost Trend Analyses | Managed Care Operations | Accountable Care Organizations | Medicare, Medicaid, and ACA Program Management | Provider Reimbursement & Incentive
Attorney General of the State of California; Law Office David Philipson, Esq.; Law Office of Marvin Velastegui; Berman Berman Berman Schneider & Lowary, LLP; Professional Lawyers Group; Law Offices of Kim L. Bensen; Alexander J. Petali, Esq.; Ford, Walker, Haggerty & Behar, LLP; Skebba, Buechler & Orlov; McClaugherty & Associates; Wolfe & Wyman LLP; Law Offices of Kim L. Bensen; Severiano A. Rodarte, Attorney at Law; Maron Marvel Bradley Anderson & Tardy LLC.; Law Offices of Craig S. Steinberg; Gallagher Bassett; Law Office Of James L. Meier; Dadgostar Law; Yoka & Smith, LLP; Terran T. Steinhart, Esq. Law Office; Johnson Schachter & Lewis; Hinshaw & Culbertson LLP
Author, “Take Control of Your Healthcare Costs”
Lawyers’ Mutual Insurance Company offers unique programs, specialty rates, credit card payments, instant financing and exclusive member benefits as part of your Lawyers’ Mutual professional liability policy making us the premier provider in California for the last five decades.
Lawyers’ Mutual offers free exclusive member benefits:
Increase the strength of your practice with free Fastcase legal research system. Increase the strength of your practice with free continuing legal education. Increase the strength of your practice with free lawyer-to-lawyer hotline. Increase the strength of your practice with free cyber coverage.
Strength is in our nature. Providing essential tools to ensure the longevity of your career.
Born to protect. As lawyers insuring lawyers, our focus is solely on protecting California law firms.
Protect yourself. Protect your clients. Protect your future.
Our strength is your insurance
Lawyers’ Mutual Insurance Company offers unique programs, specialty rates, credit card payments, instant financing and exclusive member benefits as part of your Lawyers’ Mutual professional liability policy making us the premier provider in California for the last five decades.
Lawyers’ Mutual offers free exclusive member benefits:
Increase the strength of your practice with free Fastcase legal research system. Increase the strength of your practice with free continuing legal education. Increase the strength of your practice with free lawyer-to-lawyer hotline. Increase the strength of your practice with free cyber coverage.
Strength is in our nature. Providing essential tools to ensure the longevity of your career.
Born to protect. As lawyers insuring lawyers, our focus is solely on protecting California law firms.
Protect yourself. Protect your clients. Protect your future.
Our strength is your insurance
Expert Strategy Group
Julie Olenik-Brown
Tel: (800) 521-2877 Ext: 301
Tel: (760) 795-9004
Email: Expert@ExpertStrategy-Group.com
Website: ExpertSG.com
Our diverse network of expert witnesses includes leading global industry specialists, PhD’s, senior executives, scientists, technical and materials experts, and supremely qualified medical professionals across many professional industries.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: We offer expert witnesses in many professional industries. Here are just a few of the expert categories we offer: accident, accounting, automotive, aviation, biomechanics, business, chemical, construction, economics, employment, engineering, failure analysis, finance, firearms, hazardous materials, hotel, insurance, intellectual property, machinery, marketing, medical and medical device, nursing home, pharmacology, product liability, psychology, security, financial securities, toxicology, technical, transportation, valuation, warnings. And thousands more expert witness categories.
We do all of the work in connecting law firms with experts who fit your case: Expert Strategy Group is a strategic partner to law firms for all of your Expert Witness needs. We have developed a unique technology platform that, when paired with our 1:1 client service model, creates a more precise degree of Expert matching to extremely specific litigation criteria.
See insert ad after page 16
Fessel International Hospitality Consultants
Jeff McNeal
19 Suffolk Ave, Ste A Sierra Madre, CA 91024
Tel: (626) 566-3500
Tel: (818) 563-3552, Cell: (626) 993-8199
Email: jeff@fessel.com
Website: www.fessel.com
Additional Contact Phone: Tel: (877) 432-8380,
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: Restaurant Management. Professional
Member: Foodservice Consultants Society
International, Certified Food-service Management Professional, National Restaurant Association, California Restaurant Association & California Hotel/Motel Association
Foodservice operations expert in: Restaurants, Bars/Lounges, Cafeterias, Casinos, Catering, Clubs, Colleges, Food Courts, Hotels/Resorts & Studios. Experience in industry custom & trade practices, operation standards, profit enhancement, cost control management, P&L analysis, expert witness support/testimony, contract/lease negotiations, food safety & sanitation & most foodservice issues & operations, Parking issues and site selection. Experience includes: Amgen, Paul Hastings Janofsky & Walker, LA City Attorney & DWP, Morrison & Foerster & Embassy Suites. Published author in industry publications; seminar presenter: Who’s Who in California, Who’s Who in the West. Past president of California Restaurant Association. 35 yrs experience as an operator, consultant & expert witness.
Ira Spilky & Associates
Ira Spilky, President
16130 Ventura Blvd, #512 Encino, CA 91436
Tel: (310) 558-3241 (Office)
Cell: (310) 200-6177
Fax: (888) 588-5933
Email: ira@iraspilky.com
Website: www.iraspilky.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: BS Business Administration; MA Industrial Psychology. CA Real Estate Brokers License.
Restaurant Expert Witness in Real Estate landlord-tenant disputes, lease contract litigation, damages, loss of income & future earnings, buy-sell agreements, premise liability, royalty disputes, Intellectual Property, franchiser and franchisee contracts, bankruptcy, family, estate & partnership liquidation cases. Restaurant Appraisal & Valuation in Partnership creation & dissolution/ buyouts, Buy-sell decisions, joint venture plants, growth/expansion alternatives, workouts, Lease/purchase decisions, market valuation support, hard & soft FF&E assets, business opportunity purchase, land & building - fee simple, sale leaseback, financing & refinancing, sale-merger acquisition & insurance purposes.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Restaurant Appraisal & Valuation including Real Estate. Participated in many years of depositions, arbitration sessions collective bargaining and in trial. References, CV & Fee Schedule available upon request
Professional Societies:
California Assn of Realtors, National Assn of Realtors, California Restaurant Association, National Restaurant Assn, International Council of Restaurant Brokers, Assn of Commercial Real Estate Brokers, and International Council of Shopping Centers.
Kenneth A. Solomon, PhD, PE, Post PhD Chief Scientist
5324 Canoga Ave
Woodland Hills, CA 91364
Tel: (818) 348-1133
Fax: (818) 348-4484
Email: kennethsolomon@mac.com
Website: www.irsa.us
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: PhD, Post PhD, PE,J.D.,BS, MS
Forensic Scientists - Diverse Technical Staff: IRSA Staff has over 460 person years of courtroom experience. Biomechanics; Reconstruction; Human Factors; Safety; Accident Prevention; Failure Analysis; Product Integrity; Liability; Testing; Warnings; Slip/Trip/Fall; Premises; Construction Defect; OSHA Compliance; Bldg Codes; Fire Protection; Explosions; Firearms/ Ballistics; Electrocutions/Shocks; Structural; Recreational; Industrial; Criminal; Auto, Airbags, Aviation, Bicycle, Boating, Chair, Elevator, Escalator, Forklift, Gate, Golf Course, Ladder, Motorcycle, Nuclear, Press, Rollercoaster, Scaffolding, Seatbelts, Stairs, Swimming Pool, Truck; Simulations; Drone Use, 3D Models. Total staff size: 18.
Burke A. Christensen, JD, CLU Professor of Insurance
Eastern Kentucky University (Retired)
Adjunct Professor at Utah State University
University Garden City, Utah Tel: (630)370-0314
Email: Bactalk2003@gmail.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: Has held insurance and securities licenses in all US jurisdictions.
Insurance industry experience as home office senior executive and general counsel, field management, and field agent. Author/editor of insurance textbooks and more than 100 articles. Expertise covers bad faith; claims processing, underwriting, product performance; agent/broker duties; and professional ethics.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Arbitration and mediation; expert witness experience in 208 cases in 27 states in both state and federal court; 111 disclosures/opinion letters, 44 depositions and 5 testifying court appearances. Employed by insurers in 60% of the cases and by claimants in 40%.
Delores A. Conway, PhD Professor Emeritus, Marshall School of Business, USC
Previously on Faculty at Simon Business School, U of Rochester and Booth School of Business, U of Chicago. Los Angeles, CA 90089 Tel: (310) 613-9773
Email: ddconway@gmail.com
BS, Math, Stat, U Wisconsin; MS/PhD Statistics, Stanford Univ; Assoc Dean, Simon Bus School, U of Rochester; Director, Real Estate Forecast, USC
Statistics, real estate analysis, econometrics, data analysis & sample surveys. Financial models, employment discrimination, forecasting, assessment of environmental pollution, analysis of medical data, economic analysis, insurance
Over 30 years experience as a testifying expert with law firms in LA, NY, DC, San Diego and Chicago.
G. Fink, CIC, CRM, CPCU, CRIS, AAI Insurance Expert WitnessTel: (602) 999-4233
Email: Danielgfink@gmail.com
Website: www.danielgfink.com
Degrees/Licenses/ Certifications:
BA, Oakland University; He has earned CIC, CRM, CPCU, CRIS, & AAI insurance certifications. As an insurance instructor, he teaches continuing education & certification classes for the CIC, CISR, and CRIS programs.
Insurance Agent Standard of Care, Insurance
Bad Faith, Insurance Agents E&O, Insurance Coverages and Claims, WC insurance, Auto Insurance, UM & UIM, Home & Business Insurance. 35 years of experience. 6 times Deposed or Testified recently.
Insurance Expert Witness Practice: I work with attorneys to see if coverages were written correctly, claims paid properly, and review insurance agent standard of care and insurance carrier bad faith. I analyze policies as well as practices for both defendants and plaintiffs.
Mitchell L. Lathrop
Law Office of Mitchell L. Lathrop
600 W. Broadway St, Ste 500 San Diego, CA 92101-3357
Tel: (619) 955-5951
Fax: (619) 566-4034
Email: mllathrop@earthlink.net
Website: www.LathropADR.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: Lic in CA, DC & NY and before multiple federal courts.
Specialties: Practice limited to mediation, arbitration & expert consulting and testimony in matters involving insurance, reinsurance or lawyers’ professional ethics & responsibilities.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Qualified as an expert in both state & federal courts on matters involving insurance & reinsurance. Former Presiding Referee of the State Bar Court.
Birthdate: 12/15/37
Birthplace: LA, CA
Education: BS, Engineering, US Naval Academy; JD, USC. Previous Positions/ Appointments: CV supplied upon request.
Honors/Awards: Best Lawyers in America; Super Lawyers in CA & NY; Martindale A rated Publications: Insurance Coverage for Environmental Claims, Lexis-Nexis Martindale Hubbell. Membership in Professional Societies: AM Bd of Trial Advocates; ABA
Lawyers’ Mutual Insurance Company
3110 Empire Ave.
Burbank, CA 91504
Tel: (818) 565-5512
Email: info@lawyersmutual.com
Website: www.lawyersmutual.com
For over five decades, Lawyers’ Mutual Insurance Company has proudly been the leading provider of professional liability insurance for California lawyers. Our
exceptional coverages are accompanied by exclusive member benefits such as free cyber endorsement, free continuing legal education, free Fastcase legal research tool and lawyer-to-lawyer hotline. We are committed to providing specialized and personalized services to our members. Join our member community to protect yourself, protect your clients and protect your future.
See insert ad after page 64
Richard M. Amoroso, ESQ, Partner
Squire Patton Boggs (US) LLP
2325 E. Cameback Road, Suite 700
Phoenix, AZ 85016
Tel: (602) 528-4091
Tel: (602) 390-0392,
Email: richard.amoroso@squirepb.com
Juris Doctor Degree, Rutgers University School of Law, 1986. Bachelors Business Administration, Cornell University, 1983.
Richard is an experienced expert witness with expertise on a wide array of complex insurance, reinsurance, broker/agent, claims handling/claims management and alternative risk/captive insurance matters. As the former President, CEO and Chairman of both an AZ domiciled P&C insurance & reinsurance company and a NV domiciled captive insurer/ risk retention group, as well as the former Managing Agent/President of a commercial insurance agency/brokerage, Richard brings a unique C-suite executive management perspective that will assist a jury, trier of fact or mediator/mediation panel in understanding the inner workings of the insurance industry.
Lola Hogan, CPCU, ARM, ARe
Lola Hogan Insurance Consulting LLC
1149 Seaview Ave
Pacific Grove, CA 93950
Tel: (831) 402-4069
Email: lola@hogan-consulting. com
Website: www.lolahogan.com
Specialties: Insurance Claims Handling; First & Third Party Bad Faith Commercial & Personal Lines; Casualty & Property.
General Phillips, Fractor & Co, LLC
Contact: G. Michael Phillips, PhD
3452 E. Foothill Blvd, Ste 220 Pasadena, CA 91107
Tel: (626) 744-3540
Email: contactpfc@rule26.com
Website: www.phillipsfractor.com
PhDs, Economics; Ed.D; MBA; CPA; CFA; CPA/ABV
Economic losses, lost profits, contract damages, employment economics, wrongful termination, class action and mass tort analysis, valuation of earnings & benefits; wrongful injury and wrongful death, medical malpractice; financial valuation, investment analysis, “what if” analysis, statistical analysis & modeling, intellectual property, compensation issues, including executive compensation; entertainment industry; construction defects; sampling & surveys; database construction & analysis; family business; forensic accounting including lost profits and business valuation; and custom research.
Expert Strategy Group
Julie Olenik-Brown
Tel: (800) 521-2877 Ext: 301
Tel: (760) 795-9004
Email: Expert@ExpertStrategy-Group.com
Website: ExpertSG.com
Our diverse network of expert witnesses includes leading global industry specialists, PhD’s, senior executives, scientists, technical and materials experts, and supremely qualified medical professionals across many professional industries.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: We offer expert witnesses in many professional industries. Here are just a few of the expert categories we offer: accident, accounting, automotive, aviation, biomechanics, business, chemical, construction, economics, employment, engineering, failure analysis, finance, firearms, hazardous materials, hotel, insurance, intellectual property, machinery, marketing, medical and medical device, nursing home, pharmacology, product liability, psychology, security, financial securities, toxicology, technical, transportation, valuation, warnings. And thousands more expert witness categories.
We do all of the work in connecting law firms with experts who fit your case:
Expert Strategy Group is a strategic partner to law firms for all of your Expert Witness needs. We have developed a unique technology platform that, when paired with our 1:1 client service model, creates a more precise degree of Expert matching to extremely specific litigation criteria.
See insert ad after page 16
KHB Consulting Services
Dr. Kenneth H. Brown
1889 Maple Ave, Ste. N-3 Evanston, IL 60201
Tel: (847) 475-2755
Tel: (847) 922-1040
Cell: (847) 922-1040
Fax: (847) 475-3545
Email: drbrown@khbconsulting.com
Website: www.khbconsulting.com
B.S. Chemistry; M.S. Organic Chemistry; Ph.D. Organic Chemistry
Chemicals, household chemicals, industrial chemicals, hazardous materials, labels & warnings, paint & coatings, chemical accidents, product liability, premises liability, patent infringement, chemical fires, chemical exposure, safety data sheets.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: 20 years as chemical expert witness; hundreds of reports written; more than 50 depositions; testified at trial; case file review, research, consultations, site visits.
Chemical Expert Witness: We translate technical jargon into easy-tounderstand layman’s language.
Benchmark Investigations
Contact: Jim Zimmer, CPI
32158 Camino Capistrano, #A-415 San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675
Tel: (800) 248-7721
Fax: (949) 606-8439
Email: zimmerpi@pacbell.net
Website: www.BenchmarkInvestigations.net
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: BS, Business Management; CA Private Investigator Lic PI 12651; Registered Process Server #PSC/2411
National agency. Professional investigations with emphasis upon accuracy, detail & expedience. Asset/financial searches; background investigation; DMV searches; domestic/marital cases; due diligence; mergers & acquisitions; process service; sexual harassment & discrimination investigations; surveillance/photog; witness location & statements. LA branch + correspondents nationwide. Multi-lingual agents. Fully insured. Jim Zimmer is a Past President of the National Council of Investigation & Security Services & the California Assn of Licensed Investigators. Jim is the 2011 recipient of the CALI Distinguished Achievement Award. See display ad below
Joel Mark 919 Box Canyon Trl Palm Desert, CA 92211
Tel: (805) 701-7731
Fax: (760) 772-6665
Email: jmark4law@gmail.com
Hodson P.I., LLC
Justin D. Hodson, CPI
1440 N. Harbor Blvd, #900 Fullerton, CA 92835
Tel: (714) 646-4545
Email: justin@HodsonPI.com
Website: www.HodsonPI.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: CA PI 23796
Investigation, Process Service. Hodson P.I., LLC is a California, licensed, professional private investigations firm serving all of California. Hodson P.I., LLC is an approved and licensed Limited Liability Investigations Corporation. Our coverage area is the entire state of California, with services in select States and Countries. The firm was founded in 2003 by world renowned private detective, Justin D. Hodson, CPI, who has been conducting investigations since 1999.
Matthew C. Boomhower
President & Founder
Southern Cross Property Consultants
4055 Hancock St, #100 San Diego, CA 92110
Tel: (858) 395-8657
Email: matthew@southerncrosspc.com
Website: www.southerncrosspc.com
California Registered Architect | Admitted to the CA and Federal Bar | BArch - University of Tennessee, Knoxville | J.D. - California Western School of Law | Certified Construction Contract Administrator
Land Use Planning & Zoning, Architecturemalpractice and professional standard of care, Building Codes, Permits and Entitlements. Extensive experience as a consultant and designated expert for matters involving land use planning & zoning, the practice of architecture especially malpractice and the architect’s standard of care, building code compliance, and matters relating to permits and entitlements. Professional experience coupled with 20+ years as an adjunct architecture professor teaching professional practice and code classes and an adjunct professor teaching development and land use classes.
Website: www.joelmarkesq.com
Degrees/Licenses/ Certifications:
UC Berkeley (AB, 1969); UC Hastings College of Law (JD, 1972); Admitted CA 1972; CA, 1994
Business Litigation, Intellectual Property, Commercial Law, Professional Liability, Banking.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: 130+ engagements in Attorney Fee Disputes; Attorney Ethics, Attorney Malpractice (Litigation).
Birthdate: 1947 Birthplace: Los Angeles
Previous Positions/Appointments: CA State Bar Committee on Mandatory Fee Arbitration; California State Bar Committee on Professional Responsibility & Conduct; Appointed Expert Consultant by LA County Superior Court; State Bar MFA Presiding Arbitrator (2009-2012); State Bar of California Special Deputy Trial Counsel for Disciplinary Matters (2010-present).
Membership in Professional Societies: LACBA; State Bar of CA.
John D. O’Connor
Attorneys Fee Expert
O’Connor and Associates
4 Embarcadero Center, Suite 1400 San Francisco, CA 94111
Tel: (415) 693-9960
Cell: (415) 999-2528 (Direct)
Fax: (415) 692-6537
Email: john@joclaw.com Website: www.joclaw.com
John O’Connor has more than 40 years of experience dealing with complex attorney fee disputes. He is a member of the National Association of Legal Fee Analysis (NALFA) and has been recognized as “Nation’s top Attorney Fee Expert” by NAFLA every year since 2017. He travels throughout the country representing clients as an expert witness.
Specialties: Lodestar analysis, including reasonable hourly rate, reasonable hour, and multiplier or fee enhancement analysis; State and federal fee-shifting statutes; Contractual attorney fee clauses; litigation success and prevailing party analysis; Class Action attorney fee; Attorney fee award appeals; Anti-SLAPP motion prevailing party attorney fee awards; Appellate attorney fees; Contingency fee agreements; Quantum Meruit analysis for judgment subject to multiple contingent fee agreements (e.g., due to substitution of attorney); Brandt fees; Buss fees; Insurance Carrier Billing Guideline analysis.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience:
O’Connor’s litigation and expert consultancy covers a broad range of attorney fee issues, including: disputes over appropriate billing rates / litigation efficiency / task assignment and staffing / litigation success and prevailing party determination / litigation skill. His work has been widely lauded by clients, lawyers, courts and arbitrators across the US.
“Nation’s Top Attorney Fee Expert”theNALFA.org:
John O’Connor has devoted a significant portion of his practice to attorneys and attorney-fee disputes as an expert witness and litigator. He brings a depth of expertise as an expert witness that only an experienced litigator can offer.
KPC Legal Audit Services, Inc.
Contact: André E. Jardini
550 N Brand Blvd., Ste. 1500 Glendale, CA 91203-1922
Tel: (818) 547-2900
Tel: (818) 547-5178 (Direct)
Email: aej@kpclegal.com
Website: www.kpclegal.com
Audits of attorney & expert invoices; Expert testimony; Consultation on legal cost containment; Training seminars & MCLE programs.
Vanst Law LLP
8880 Rio San Diego Drive, Suite 800 San Diego, CA 92108
Tel: (858) 243-4299
Email: JSV@VanstLawfFrm. com
Website: https://VanstLawFirm.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: J.D., University of San Diego Law School | B.A., Political Science, California State Polytechnic University — Pomona | Certification in Corporate Storytelling from California International Business University
Ms. Vinaccia is a national expert witness in legal fee analysis and audits. She has assisted several business clients, large insurance companies, cities, and public agencies in resolving attorney fee issues. She has provided legal fee expert services in State and Federal Courts across the country, several of which involved several millions of dollars in fees and costs. Her analyses have been cited by the California Court of Appeal for the 4th DCA in Pulte Home Corp. v, CBR Electric, Inc. (2020) 50 Cal.App. 5th 216, US District Courts for Northern California and Western Washington, several California Superior Courts, and by various courts and arbitrators throughout the United States. She has testified in state and federal court on the issues of proper billing, and fees and costs allocation.
Ms. Vinaccia is a member of the National Association of Legal Fee Analysis and named one of the Nation’s Top Legal Fee Experts by that organization.
Jacqueline S. Vinaccia is a California trial attorney with an expertise in legal fee analysis and audits. She has represented clients through litigation, and dozens of successful arbitration awards, trial verdicts (both bench and jury trials), and appeals in business litigation, insurance coverage, construction disputes, toxic torts, real estate litigation, municipal litigation, general liability litigation.
Jay S. Grossman, DDS
11980 San Vincent, Ste 507 Los Angeles, CA 90049
Tel: (310) 820-0123
Fax: (310) 207-3784
Email: jgrossmandds@gmail. com
Website: www.expertwitness. dental
Dental Malpractice & Dental Injury Expert Testimony:
As of Dec 2022: I have been deposed over 100 times; reviewed over 975 cases for both defense and plaintiff including peer review, accidents, and malpractice. 52% defense / 48% plaintiff. I have qualified in Superior Court over 70 times and have never been disqualified on the stand or prior to trial. At least 95% of my time is spent in patient care. I can be counted on to be ethical, competent, prepared, and analytical as well as articulate and persuasive at depositions and court appearances. As of Nov 2022, there are over 265 published articles, write ups and lectures in print, radio, and TV. (http:// wwwexpertwitness.dental/ - click on Expert Testimony – Media Coverage/Write Ups)
I hold two current professorships: UCLA School of Dentistry (Volunteer) & NYU College of Dentistry. Licensed in 42 states to opine on the standard of care, with specific licenses in California, Nevada, New Mexico and the Northeast as well as a Florida Expert Certification. Graduated NYU 1988; GPR Residency NYU 1989, Lieutenant, United States Navy 1989- 1991; private practice Brentwood, CA since 1991 – serving over 15,000 patients on a fee-for-service basis.
Founder of the non-profit “Homeless Not Toothless” (www.homelessnottoothless.org) which has made it possible for over 113,000
homeless Veterans, women of domestic abuse and foster children to receive over $8 million in pro-bono dental care.
American Academy of Cosmetic Orthodontics: 2013-present, ADA since 1991
Peer Review Committee ADA 1995-2009, American Legion Medical Disciplinary Committee Delta Dental 2000-present; Veteran Administration QME examiner 2019-present.
Craig Cherney, Esq. High Desert Law Group, LLP
11260 N. Tatum Blvd, Ste 143 Phoenix, AZ 85028
Tel: (480) 240-0040
Email: craig@hdflg.com
Website: www.craigcherney.com
BA, Univ of Virginia; JD, Univ San Diego School of Law; Lic RE Broker CA; Lic Attorney CA, AZ, NV
Land management, fiduciary duties, standards of care, private equity funds, real estate sponsors, fee disputes, title disputes, boundary disputes, entitlements, zoning, land use, commission disputes, failure to disclose, SPDS.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Participated in over 25 civil litigations as real estate expert witness in multiple states.
Previous Positions/Appointments: Vice President at American Land Fund; Manager of Land at Pulte Group. Urban Land Institute - Residential Neighborhood Development Council.
Honors/Awards: San Diego Law Review
Lawyers’ Mutual Insurance Company
3110 Empire Ave
Burbank, CA 91504
Tel: (818) 565-5512
Email: info@lawyersmutual.com
Website: www.lawyersmutual.com
For over five decades, Lawyers’ Mutual Insurance Company has proudly been the leading provider of professional liability insurance for California lawyers. Our exceptional coverages are accompanied by exclusive member benefits such as free cyber endorsement, free continuing legal education, free Fastcase legal research tool and lawyer-to-lawyer hotline. We are committed to providing specialized and personalized services to our members. Join our member community to protect yourself, protect your clients and protect your future.
See insert ad after page 64
Lawrence H. Jacobson
Lawrence H. Jacobson, APC 9777 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 517 Beverly Hills, CA 90212
Tel: (310) 271-0747
Website: www.LawrenceJacobson.com
AB, UCLA 1964; JD, UCLA School of Law 1967; RE Broker 1978; Certificate in Archaeology, UCLA Extension, 2009; CA Community College Instructor, of Law; Notary 1973; Martindale-Hubbell AV Rated since 1980; Senior Editor, UCLA Law Review; Insurance Counsel Journal Award; Order of the Coif; Recipient of the CA Continuing Education of the Bar’s 2011 “Spirit of CEB” Award.
Real estate attorney (50+ years) and CA Real Estate Broker (40+ years). Expertise includes interpretation of real estate documents, real estate and mortgage brokers’ standard of care, custom & usage, mortgage banking, lawyer malpractice in real estate and business transactions, legal ethics and fee disputes.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Extensive expertise in legal malpractice, ethics, real estate brokerage custom and practice and all real estate related issues. Retained in approx. 200 cases involving the interpretation of real estate documents, real estate and mortgage brokers’ standard of care, legal malpractice involving real estate, corporate finance, merger and acquisition, legal ethics and legal fee disputes.
Beverly Hills Bar Assoc. 2011-12 President; Judge pro tem for the Los Angeles and Beverly Hills Municipal Court Systems; adjunct professor of law: real estate secured transactions and administrative law; former Vice-President, Legal Affairs of the CA Association of Realtors; Legal Counsel to the Newport Beach Assoc. of Realtors and prior counsel to the Beverly Hills and Palm Springs Regional Assoc. of Realtors, and special counsel to the San Fernando Valley Board of Realtors. Special Deputy Trial Counsel for the CA State Bar.
Mitchell L. LathropLaw Office of Mitchell L. Lathrop
600 W. Broadway St, Ste 500 San Diego, CA 92101-3357
Tel: (619) 955-5951
Fax: (619) 566-4034
Email: mllathrop@earthlink.net
Website: www.LathropADR.com
Lic in CA, DC & NY and before multiple federal courts.
Practice limited to mediation, arbitration & expert consulting and testimony in matters involving insurance, reinsurance or lawyers’ professional ethics & responsibilities.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Qualified as an expert in both state & federal courts on matters involving insurance & reinsurance. Former Presiding Referee of the State Bar Court.
Birthdate: 12/15/37 Birthplace: LA, CA
Education: BS, Engineering, US Naval Academy; JD, USC. Previous Positions/ Appointments: CV supplied upon request. Honors/Awards: Best Lawyers in America; Super Lawyers in CA & NY; Martindale A
rated Publications: Insurance Coverage for Environmental Claims, Lexis-Nexis Martindale Hubbell. Membership in Professional Societies: AM Bd of Trial Advocates; ABA
Joel Mark 919 Box Canyon Trl Palm Desert, CA 92211 Tel: (805) 701-7731
Fax: (760) 772-6665
Email: jmark4law@gmail.com
Website: www.joelmarkesq.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: UC Berkeley (AB, 1969); UC Hastings College of Law (JD, 1972); Admitted CA 1972; CA, 1994
Specialties: Business Litigation, Intellectual Property, Commercial Law, Professional Liability, Banking.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: 130+ engagements in Attorney Fee Disputes; Attorney Ethics, Attorney Malpractice (Litigation).
Birthdate: 1947 Birthplace: Los Angeles
Previous Positions/Appointments: CA State Bar Committee on Mandatory Fee Arbitration; California State Bar Committee on Professional Responsibility & Conduct; Appointed Expert Consultant by LA County Superior Court; State Bar MFA Presiding Arbitrator (2009-2012); State Bar of California Special Deputy Trial Counsel for Disciplinary Matters (2010-present).
Membership in Professional Societies: LACBA; State Bar of CA.
O’Connor and Associates
4 Embarcadero Center, Suite 1400 San Francisco, CA 94111
Tel: (415) 693-9960
Cell: (415) 999-2528 (Direct)
Fax: (415) 692-6537
Email: john@joclaw.com
Website: www.joclaw.com
John O’Connor has more than 40 years of experience dealing with complex attorney fee disputes. He is a member of the National Association of Legal Fee Analysis (NALFA) and has been recognized as “Nation’s top Attorney Fee Expert” by NAFLA every year since 2017. He travels throughout the country representing clients as an expert witness.
Lodestar analysis, including reasonable hourly rate, reasonable hour, and multiplier or fee enhancement analysis; State and federal fee-shifting statutes; Contractual attorney fee clauses; litigation success and prevailing party analysis; Class Action attorney fee; Attorney fee award appeals; Anti-SLAPP motion prevailing party attorney fee awards; Appellate attorney fees; Contingency fee agreements; Quantum Meruit analysis for judgment subject to multiple contingent fee agreements (e.g., due to substitution of attorney); Brandt fees; Buss fees; Insurance Carrier Billing Guideline analysis.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience:
O’Connor’s litigation and expert consultancy covers a broad range of attorney fee issues, including: disputes over appropriate billing rates / litigation efficiency / task assignment and staffing / litigation success and prevailing party determination / litigation skill. His work has been widely lauded by clients, lawyers, courts and arbitrators across the US.
“Nation’s Top Attorney Fee Expert”theNALFA.org:
John O’Connor has devoted a significant portion of his practice to attorneys and attorney-fee disputes as an expert witness and litigator. He brings a depth of expertise as an expert witness that only an experienced litigator can offer.
Deborah A. Wolfe, Esq. Wolfe Legal Solutions, PC 3755 Avocado Blvd, No.197
La Mesa, CA 91941
Tel: (619) 234-3363 (Office)
Cell: (619) 840-3989
Fax: (619) 231-1898
Email: dwolfe@ wolfelegalsolutions.com
Website: www.WolfeLegalSolutions.com
Additional Office Location: 402 W. Broadway, Ste. 400 San Diego, CA 92101
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: University of San Diego, School of Law | State Bar of California, Lic. 1981 (Active) | State Bar of Arizona, Lic. 1982 (Inactive)
Certified Legal Specialist: Legal Malpractice Law (State Bar of California) | Certified Legal Specialist: Civil Trial Law (NBTA)
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Ms. Wolfe has acted as a consultant on legal malpractice law, civil trial strategy, legal ethics, and professional responsibility over the course of her 42-year practice. She has testified and qualified as an expert witness in California Superior Courts in legal ethics, professional liability, and civil trial practice.
Legal Ethics Consulting:
Ms. Wolfe privately consults with attorneys and law firms on issues involving legal ethics and best practices.
William Dillin, MD
Independent Spine Evaluation, Inc.
Spine Surgery and Spine Medicine Consultant
6080 Center Drive, #652 Los Angeles, CA 90045
Tel: (844) 774-6393 (844-spinewd)
Email: keena.giles@independentspine.com
Website: www.independentspine.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: MD – licensed in CA, TX, AZ, FL and NV
Dr. Dillin is in clinical practice performing spine surgery, spine interventions and evaluating patients with spine conditions. He is licensed in California, Texas, Arizona, Florida and Nevada.
Dr. Dillin was a former partner at the KerlanJobe Orthopaedic Clinic and was an associate of the Cedars-Sinai Kerlan-Jobe Institute.
Independent Medical Evaluations; Medical Legal Reviews.
See display ad page 84
Charles Dubin, M.D Gynecology
10921 Wilshire Blvd, #507 Los Angeles, CA 90024
Tel: (310) 617-0519
Fax: (310) 471-0519
Email: dubincharles53@ gmail.com
M.D; Physician’s and Surgeon’s Certificate California License 1979; Diplomate of the National Board of Medical Examiners 1979; American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology Certified 1984; Fellow American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology 1986; Certification in Advance Operative Laparoscopy and Hysteroscopy 1996; Certified DaVinci Robotic Surgeon 2013.
Expert Testimony in Gynecological and Obstetrical Malpractice-plaintiff and defense. Record Review, Forensic Analysis, Sexual Abuse, Minimally Invasive Gynecologic and Robotic Surgery, Office Gynecology, OB-GYN Expert for Los Angeles County Superior Court.
Education: M.D., UCLA 1978; Sex Therapy Fellowship UCLA 1980; Internship and Residency Ob-Gyn, UCLA 1981; Chief Resident Ob-Gyn @ UCLA 1982. Previous Positions/Appointments: 1982-1992 Clinical Faculty Instructor Family Practice Residency at Santa Monica Hospital; 1982-1995 and 20122016 Assistant Clinical Professor Obstetrics and Gynecology UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine; 2018-present Expert Witness Panel Ob-Gyn Los Angeles Superior Court. Honors/ Awards: Phi Beta Kappa, Magna Cum Laude.
Elliot D. Felman, MD
Expert Witness / Family Medicine
1821 Wilshire Blvd, Ste 301 Santa Monica, CA 90403
Tel: (310) 260-2525
Fax: (310) 260-7575
Email: drfelman@earthlink.net
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: MD; ABFM; AAFP
Experienced in Medical Record Review for Standard of Care Evaluation, Deposition, Trial Testimony in Family Medicine, Internal Medicine. Board Certified in Family Medicine. 37 years in practice. Plaintiff or Defense. Clinical Faculty, UCLA Med School & Western University of Health Services.
Matthew E. Karlovsky, MD, FACS
Urology & Mesh Medical Consulting, PLLC Paradise Valley, AZ 85253
Cell: (480) 272-0499
Email: KarlovskyM@ yahoo.com
Website: www.ExpertInUrology.com
Board Certification in Urology (2007), Female Pelvic Medicine & Reconstructive Surgery (2013, 2023) | Fellowship in Neuro-Urology & Prosthetics, Urogynecology | Residency in Urology, Temple University Hospital. MD- State University of New York-Downstate Medical Center.
Urology & Urogynecology | Neuro-Urology
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: 10 trials | 50 Depositions | 200+ cases over 10 years | Surgical Injury/Negligence Device
Related Injuries (Catheters, Interstim, Pelvic mesh, stents, implants) | Plaintiff or Defense | Insurance Defense | Personal Injury | Criminal & Sex Crimes | Patent Review
“Your Expert Witness, On Call”
See display ad page 82
2377 W. Foothill Blvd, #9 Upland, CA 91786
Tel: (888) 627-4321
Fax: (909) 946-0347
Email: experts@expertsatmcs.com
Website: www.expertsatmcs.com
One convenient nationwide source for cost effective medical and technical expert services in all healthcare and technical fields. MCS assists its clients with claims involving personal injury, medical malpractice, disability, construction defect, product liability, criminal forensics and HMO peer review. Our experts are Board Certified and qualified expert witnesses. Services include Independent Medical Examinations, Medical Record Reviews, Diagnostic Re-interpretation, Utilization and/or Bill Reviews, along with various types of Technical Review and Analysis, involving accident reconstruction and biomechanical analysis, safety, economic loss and more.
MCS is also an approved M.C.L.E. provider and offers seminars at no charge on a number of topics for continuing legal education.
Bruce J. Reitman, MD
1171 S. Bromley Ct
Anaheim, CA 92808
Tel: (714) 209-6043
Fax: (714) 280-1036
Email: brucedr@pacbell.net
Degrees/Licenses/ Certifications: MD; BS – Biochemistry; CA Physicians & Surgeons License.
Anesthesiology; respiratory therapy; acute pain management; critical care.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Upon Request
Birthdate: 07/14/1965 Birthplace: New York, NY
Education: BS - Biochemistry, 1987 UC Davis; MD - 1991, Tufts Univ, Boston, MA; Anesthesiology Residency, 1992-1995, UC Irvine
Previous Positions/Appointments: Currently on staff at Anaheim Regional Med Center; Placentia-Linda Hospital; West Anaheim Med Center; College Med Center & LA Community Hospital - Norwalk.
Honors/Awards: Academic Excellence Award, UC Irvine, 1995.
Membership in Professional Societies: Amer Soc of Anesthesiologists; CA Society of Anesthesiologists; Forensic Expert Witness Assn (FEWA)
Stuart Eisendrath, MD 101 Valley Club Circle Napa, CA 94558
Tel: (415) 948-7868
Fax: (415) 566-9600
Email: stuart.eisendrath@ ucsf.edu
Website: https://profiles.ucsf. edu/stuart.eisendrath
Fellowships: UCSF, Psychiatry Consultation, 1979 | Residencies: UCSF, Psychiatry, 1978 Medical College of Wisconsin, 1974 | Distinguished Life Fellow American Psychiatric Association.
Specialties: Medical malpractice, forensic psychiatry, factitious disorders, depressive disorders, Brain injury, pain management, plastic surgery, medical records, medical review, mental health, mood disorders, PTSD, psychiatric malpractice, suicide, social phobia, traumatic brain injury, and reflex sympathetic dystrophy.
Stuart J. Eisendrath, MD has provided consulting and expert witness services in over 200 litigation cases in venues ranging from mediation to state and federal courts. He provides case consultations, record reviews, independent medical examinations, in-depth analysis and reports, depositions and trial testimony. Dr. Eisendrath has testified in multiple states ranging from superior court to federal venues.
Craig Cherney, Esq. High Desert Law Group, LLP 11260 N. Tatum Blvd, Ste 143 Phoenix, AZ 85028
Tel: (480) 240-0040
Email: craig@hdflg.com
Website: www.craigcherney.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: BA, Univ of Virginia; JD, Univ San Diego School of Law; Lic RE Broker CA; Lic Attorney CA, AZ, NV
Specialties: Land management, fiduciary duties, standards of care, private equity funds, real estate sponsors, fee disputes, title disputes, boundary disputes, entitlements, zoning, land use, commission disputes, failure to disclose, SPDS.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Participated in over 25 civil litigations as real estate expert witness in multiple states. Previous Positions/Appointments: Vice President at American Land Fund; Manager of Land at Pulte Group. Urban Land Institute - Residential Neighborhood Development Council.
Honors/Awards: San Diego Law Review
Dr. Michael A. Kamins & Associates
Former Director of Research, Area Head of Marketing - Stony Brook College of Business
Tel: (323) 868-9507
Fax: (323) 931-0258
Email: michaelakaminsconsultants@gmail.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: BBA; MBA (Statistics); Doctorate (Marketing Research & Strategy)
Specialties: Marketing & advertising strategy as well as marketing research, questionnaire design & statistical issues. I specialize in survey research, confusion, secondary meaning, dilution, false advertising, celebrity advertising, pricing strategy, pioneership & international advertising. Consumer behavior expertise incl rumor & information processing. I have assisted such individuals as Muhammed Ali, Taylor Swift, Rock Group “Boston,” The “Doors,” Bill Medley & Kareem Abdul Jabbar & such companies as AT&T, Pinkberry, MGM, Lexus, AMEX, the State of California & New York St. Attorney General Elliot Spitzer’s Office, Samsung. Appeared against President Trump in the Trump University Class Action.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Working as an Expert Witness since 1994. 50+ depositions & 8 trial experiences.
Education: BBA (Statistics) Bernard M, Baruch, 1974; MBA (Statistics) Bernard M Baruch, 1977; PhD (Marketing) New York University, 1984.
Previous Positions/Appointments: Taught Statistics at Baruch College & Marketing/ Marketing Research at NYU, USC, Stony Brook and the Drucker School of Management.
Honors & Awards: Golden Apple Award winning teacher and Dean’s Scholar, Best Teacher in the Grad School of Business at Stony Brook, 2008.
Number of Publications: 50+.
Professional Societies: Assn for Consumer Research; Amer Marketing Assn; Academy of Marketing Science.
Fees: $895 for deposition, trial and consultation
Ramesh J. Kar, PhD, PE
See ad page 76
KHB Consulting Services
Dr. Kenneth H. Brown
1889 Maple Ave, Ste. N-3 Evanston, IL 60201
Tel: (847) 475-2755
Tel: (847) 922-1040, Cell: (847) 922-1040
Fax: (847) 475-3545
Email: drbrown@khbconsulting.com
Website: www.khbconsulting.com
B.S. Chemistry; M.S. Organic Chemistry; Ph.D. Organic Chemistry
Chemicals, household chemicals, industrial chemicals, hazardous materials, labels & warnings, paint & coatings, chemical accidents, product liability, premises liability, patent infringement, chemical fires, chemical exposure, safety data sheets.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: 20 years as chemical expert witness; hundreds of reports written; more than 50 depositions; testified at trial; case file review, research, consultations, site visits.
Chemical Expert Witness: We translate technical jargon into easy-tounderstand layman’s language.
H. Odell Jr., MD, PhDNeuropathy and Pain Centers of America
8084 W. Sahara, Ste B Las Vegas, NV 89117
Tel: (702) 521-9542
Fax: (702) 586-2071
Email: bodell@nvneuropathy. com
Website: www.robertodellmdphd.com
MD, PhD, MS, BS, AB (CA, NV, AZ, FL, TN, WI, PA). Amer Board of Anesthesiology (1983); Amer Board of Pain Medicine (2017); Fellow of Interventional Pain Practice (2008)
Specialties: Pain Management, Anesthesiology
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: (about 50:50 Pltf: Defense) Civil: Med Mal, Pain management, multiple medical records reviews; Criminal: Drug defense (also worked for DEA)
Birthdate: Dec 26, 1946 Birthplace: Bryn Mawr, PA
Education: BA (Chemistry), BS EE, Univ of Penn 1970; MS Systems Engineering, PhD Biomedical Engineering, Stanford 1974; MD, Stanford 1976.
Honors/Awards: Class of 1946 Award, Univ of Penn 1970.
Publications: New Device Combines Electrical Currents and Local Anesthetic for Pain Management; Practical Pain Management (2011) 11 (6): 52-68; Anti-Inflammatory Effects of Electronic Signal Treatment; Pain Physician 2008; 11: 891-907 (Nov/Dec edition); Electroanalgesic Nerve Block: Theory and Case Reports; Odell RH, Sorgnard R, May HU; Practical Pain Management (2006) 6 (3): 42-54.
Professional Societies: Amer Soc Regional Anes, World Institute of Pain
See display ad page 80
¡ Licensed:
- Metallurgical Engineers
- Materials Scientists
- Mechanical Engineers
- Electrical Engineers
¡ In-house State-of-the-Art Instrumentation
¡ Expert Witness Services
¡ Deposition and Trial Experience
¡ Medical Implant Failures
¡ 4K Borescope and Digital Light Microscopy
¡ Failures of Metal / Plastic / Wood Chairs
¡ Automobile / Aerospace Accidents
¡ Product Liability / Personal Injury Cases
¡ Construction Defects
¡ Paint, Stucco, and Coating Analysis
¡ Welding / Piping / Corrosion Failures
¡ Polymers, Composites, and Fiberglass Failures
¡ Identification of Foreign Particles in Food
¡ Electrical Failures
¡ Alternative Fuel Vehicle Fires
¡ Fire & Explosion Origin and Cause
¡ Custom Electrical and Mechanical Testing
¡ Stress Analysis / Finite Element Modeling
¡ 2D / 3D X-ray CT Scanning
¡ E-Cigarette / Lithium Battery Failures
¡ Realtime Remote Inspections in HD
Wayne M. Whalen, D.C.
CEO, Whalen Chiropractic Inc. 9570 Cuyamaca Street, Suite 101 Santee, CA 92071
Tel: (619) 258-1144 (Office)
Cell: (619) 368-1145
Email: DrWWhalen@gmail.com
Website: www.drwhalen.com
Doctor of Chiropractic | Fellow, International Academy of Chiropractic Neurology | Qualified Medical Examiner
Personal Injury and workers’ compensation expert and educator. Lead or co-author national Best Practices guidelines for Neck
Pain, Back and Chronic pain. Board of Chiropractic expert consultant
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Multiple civil, criminal, Med/Mal, and administrative trials. Extensive experience in chiropractic standard of care issues
Elliot D. Felman, MD Expert Witness / Family Medicine
1821 Wilshire Blvd, Ste 301 Santa Monica, CA 90403
Tel: (310) 260-2525
Fax: (310) 260-7575
Email: drfelman@earthlink.net
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: MD; ABFM; AAFP
Experienced in Medical Record Review for Standard of Care Evaluation, Deposition, Trial Testimony in Family Medicine, Internal Medicine. Board Certified in Family Medicine. 37 years in practice. Plaintiff or Defense. Clinical Faculty, UCLA Med School & Western University of Health Services.
Stephan Zweig, M.D.
1252 Las Lomas Avenue Pacific Palisades, CA 90272
Cell: (310) 413-8531
Email: stephanzweig11@gmail.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: M.D. Licensed in CA, Board certified American Board of Surgery, Fellow American College of Surgeons, past assistant clinical professor of surgery UCLA
General Surgery, special interest hernia, gallbladder, breast, gastrointestinal Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Los Angeles County
Expert Strategy Group
Julie Olenik-Brown
Tel: (800) 521-2877 Ext: 301
Tel: (760) 795-9004
Email: Expert@ExpertStrategy-Group.com
Website: ExpertSG.com
Our diverse network of expert witnesses includes leading global industry specialists, PhD’s, senior executives, scientists, technical and materials experts, and supremely qualified medical professionals across many professional industries.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: We offer expert witnesses in many professional industries. Here are just a few of the expert categories we offer: accident, accounting, automotive, aviation, biomechanics, business, chemical, construction, economics, employment, engineering, failure analysis, finance, firearms, hazardous materials, hotel, insurance, intellectual property, machinery, marketing, medical and medical device, nursing home, pharmacology, product liability, psychology, security, financial securities, toxicology, technical, transportation, valuation, warnings. And thousands more expert witness categories.
We do all of the work in connecting law firms with experts who fit your case:
Expert Strategy Group is a strategic partner to law firms for all of your Expert Witness needs. We have developed a unique technology platform that, when paired with our 1:1 client service model, creates a more precise degree of Expert matching to extremely specific litigation criteria.
See insert ad after page 16
Medical Record Review
Elliot D. Felman, MD
Expert Witness / Family Medicine
1821 Wilshire Blvd, Ste 301 Santa Monica, CA 90403
Tel: (310) 260-2525
Fax: (310) 260-7575
Email: drfelman@earthlink.net
Experienced in Medical Record Review for Standard of Care Evaluation, Deposition, Trial Testimony in Family Medicine, Internal Medicine. Board Certified in Family Medicine. 37 years in practice. Plaintiff or Defense. Clinical Faculty, UCLA Med School & Western University of Health Services.
Roughan & Associates At LINC, Inc.
Contact: Jan Roughan, RN 465 N. Halstead St, Ste 120 Pasadena, CA 91107
Tel: (626) 351-0991
Fax: (626) 351-0992
Email: janr@linc.biz
Case Management & Medical Legal Consulting firm - Services/products offered include:
Life Care Plan: Mini/Cost Projection
Life Care Plan: Comprehensive
Life Care Plan: Critique
Reasonableness Analysis: Past Medical Bills/ Howell Number
Medical Record: Chronology
Medicare Set Aside Analysis
Videos: Day in Life/Settlement Doc
Expert Testimony
RN IME Attendance
Expert/Specialist Identification
See display ad page 71
Lorne S. Label, MD, MBA, FAAN, CPE California Neurological Specialists, Inc. 1977 Millville Court
Thousand Oaks, CA 91360
Tel: (818) 590-6436
Fax: (805) 241-0014
Email: drllabel@gmail.com
Website: www.cns-neurology.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: MD; Bd Cert; Fellow, Amer Acad of Neurology; MBA, Health Care Mgmt. Certified Physician Executive. Diplomate, Amer Bd of Psychiatry & Neurology; CA Med Lic
Neurological field (adult & child) with particular attention to trauma causing brain/muscle/ nerve/spinal disorder. Head trauma, seizure, encephalitis, behavioral disorders, dementia, headaches, nerve & muscle disorders. Medical malpractice. Tests of higher cerebral function (EEG, Evoked Responses), EMG. Med acupuncture.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Medical Expert for Medical Board of California. Depositions, IME record review & court testimony, plaintiff & defense, since 1984.
Neurology Expertise:
Birthdate: 8/1/52 Birthplace: Montreal, Canada
Education: McGill Univ 1969-70; Univ of Texas at Austin, BA Psych with High Honors 1973; Univ of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, TX, MD 1978; Univ of Michigan Medical Center, Neurology, 1982; Neuromuscular Fellowship, USC, 1983
Previous Positions/Appointments: Clinical Prof of Neurology, David Geffen School of Medicine, UCLA; Past Chief of Staff, Los Robles Hospital & Medical Center; Inst of Med Quality (CMA), Hospital Surveyor, apptd 1994-present; Med Dir - Los Robles Homecare Srvs; Associate Medical Director of Los Robles Hospice, Bd of Dir, Exec Comte Mbr at several hospitals; Chairman, Clinical Ethics Advisory Committee, Los Robles Medical Center; Review Comte, Medical Bd of Calif; apptd by Gov Deukmejian; Bd of Dir, Ventura Cty Med Soc; Board of Governors UCP; Muscular Dystrophy Assn of LA.
Honors/Awards: Who’s Who of Amer Professionals 1994; Phi Beta Kappa Number of Publications: 24 incl one book, Injuries & Disorders of the Brain and Head (Mosby, 1997) & numerous Chapters; lectures; Fmr medical editor for LexisNexis Publication.
Membership in Professional Societies: Fel of Amer Acad of Neurology; Amer Acad of Med Acupuncture; Ventura Cnty Med Soc; CA Med Assn.
Jonathan S. Rutchik, MD, MPHNeurology/Occupational & Environmental Medicine Assoc
Professor UCSF, Dept of Occ/Env Medicine
Tel: (415) 381-3133
Fax: (415) 381-3131
Email: jsrutch@neoma.com
Website: www.neoma.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: MD (CA, NY, MA, NM, ID); Masters in Public Health; Bd Cert Neurology; Bd Cert Occ/Env Medicine; CA QME, AME.
Specialties: Electromyography, organic solvents, heavy metals, pesticides, carbon monoxide, neuropathy, brain trauma, disability, risk assessment, neuroepidemiology, product liability, utilization review, upper/lower extremity, head, neck, back injury, plaintiff, defense, fitness for duty.
Charles Dubin, M.D Gynecology 10921 Wilshire Blvd, #507 Los Angeles, CA 90024
Tel: (310) 617-0519
Fax: (310) 471-0519
Email: dubincharles53@ gmail.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: M.D; Physician’s and Surgeon’s Certificate California License 1979; Diplomate of the National Board of Medical Examiners 1979; American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology Certified 1984; Fellow American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology 1986; Certification in Advance Operative Laparoscopy and Hysteroscopy 1996; Certified DaVinci Robotic Surgeon 2013.
Specialties: Expert Testimony in Gynecological and Obstetrical Malpractice-plaintiff and defense. Record Review, Forensic Analysis, Sexual Abuse, Minimally Invasive Gynecologic and Robotic Surgery, Office Gynecology, OB-GYN Expert for Los Angeles County Superior Court.
Education: M.D., UCLA 1978; Sex Therapy Fellowship UCLA 1980; Internship and Residency Ob-Gyn, UCLA 1981; Chief Resident Ob-Gyn @ UCLA 1982. Previous Positions/Appointments: 1982-1992 Clinical Faculty Instructor Family Practice Residency at Santa Monica Hospital; 1982-1995 and 20122016 Assistant Clinical Professor Obstetrics and Gynecology UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine; 2018-present Expert Witness Panel Ob-Gyn Los Angeles Superior Court. Honors/ Awards: Phi Beta Kappa, Magna Cum Laude.
2377 W. Foothill Blvd, #9
Upland, CA 91786
Tel: (888) 627-4321
Fax: (909) 946-0347
Email: experts@expertsatmcs.com
Website: www.expertsatmcs.com
One convenient nationwide source for cost effective medical and technical expert services in all healthcare and technical fields. MCS assists its clients with claims involving personal injury, medical malpractice, disability, construction defect, product liability, criminal forensics and HMO peer review. Our experts are Board Certified and qualified expert witnesses. Services include Independent Medical Examinations, Medical Record Reviews, Diagnostic Re-interpretation, Utilization and/or Bill Reviews, along with various types of Technical Review and Analysis, involving accident reconstruction and biomechanical analysis, safety, economic loss and more.
MCS is also an approved M.C.L.E. provider and offers seminars at no charge on a number of topics for continuing legal education.
Younger, III, M.D. Medical Director11249 Gold Country Blvd, #165 Gold River, CA 95670
Tel: (800) 403-1647
Tel: (916) 863-7301,
Website: www.mrkmedconsultants.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: MRK has provided medical/legal services across the country for more than 40 years. Our board-certified physician consultants deliver objective examination of personal injury cases in order to help insurance and legal professionals reach appropriate conclusions. We offer medical record reviews, diagnostic imaging reviews, independent medical exams, and medical billing audits and reviews. Our staff coordinates every case and makes the process seamless for our valued clients.
Orthopedics, neurosurgery, Covid-19, critical care/ICU, emergency medicine, gastroenterology, geriatrics, hand surgery, life care planning, medical bill auditing, neurology, neuropsychology, pediatric neuropsychology, OB/GYN, otolaryngology, pain management, PM&R, plastic surgery, podiatry, pulmonary medicine, radiology, neuroradiology, and vocational rehab.
We have offices throughout Southern California: La Mesa, Encino, Pasadena, and Santa Monica. We also have offices throughout the state, including Atwater, Bakersfield, Chico, Clovis, Eureka, Lafayette, Monterey, Napa, Redding, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, and Santa Rosa. Locations in Nevada and Arizona are also available.
See display ad below
• Physician-owned company
• Providing experts to the legal and insurance industries for more than 40 years
• Offices in CA, AZ, NV
• Call 1-800-403-7301
• We let you know who our consultants are before you even start a case. Visit our website to see their names and bios
Orthopedic Surgery
Critical Care/ICU
Emergency Medicine
General Surgery
Family Medicine
Hand Surgery
Life Care Planning
Medical Billing/Audits
Physical Therapy
Plastic Surgery
Pulmonary Medicine
Thoracic Surgery
Vascular Surgery
Vocational Rehab
Robert H. Odell Jr., MD, PhD Neuropathy and Pain Centers of America
Birthdate: Dec 26, 1946 Birthplace: Bryn Mawr, PA
Education: BA (Chemistry), BS EE, Univ of Penn 1970; MS Systems Engineering, PhD Biomedical Engineering, Stanford 1974; MD, Stanford 1976.
B. Stetson, MD Stetson Lee Orthopaedics & Sports MedicineAssociate Adjunct Clinical Professor, USC Dept of Orthopaedic Surgery
191 S. Buena Vista St, Ste 470 Burbank, CA 91505
Tel: (818) 848-3030
Fax: (818) 848-2228
Email: drstetson@stetsonleeortho.com
Website: sportsmedicinedr.com
BA, USC ‘83, Phi Beta Kappa; MD, USC ‘89; LAC, USC Dept of Orthopaedic Surgery ‘94; Sports Medicine/Arthroscopy Fellowship ‘95; Board Certified Orthopaedic Surgeon ‘97; Board Recertification 2017; Certificate of Added Qualification in Sports Medicine 2017.
Shoulder, knee, elbow, ankle, trauma, Sports Medicine, Arthroscopy. Qualified Medical Examiner (QME) for the State of California
8084 W. Sahara, Ste B Las Vegas, NV 89117
Tel: (702) 521-9542
Fax: (702) 586-2071
Email: bodell@nvneuropathy. com
Website: www.robertodellmdphd.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: MD, PhD, MS, BS, AB (CA, NV, AZ, FL, TN, WI, PA). Amer Board of Anesthesiology (1983); Amer Board of Pain Medicine (2017); Fellow of Interventional Pain Practice (2008)
Specialties: Pain Management, Anesthesiology
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: (about 50:50 Pltf: Defense) Civil: Med Mal, Pain management, multiple medical records reviews; Criminal: Drug defense (also worked for DEA)
Honors/Awards: Class of 1946 Award, Univ of Penn 1970.
Publications: New Device Combines Electrical Currents and Local Anesthetic for Pain Management; Practical Pain Management (2011) 11 (6): 52-68; Anti-Inflammatory Effects of Electronic Signal Treatment; Pain Physician 2008; 11: 891-907 (Nov/Dec edition); Electroanalgesic Nerve Block: Theory and Case Reports; Odell RH, Sorgnard R, May HU; Practical Pain Management (2006) 6 (3): 42-54.
Professional Societies: Amer Soc Regional Anes, World Institute of Pain See display ad below
Julie Olenik-Brown
Tel: (800) 521-2877 Ext: 301
Tel: (760) 795-9004
Email: Expert@ExpertStrategy-Group.com
Website: ExpertSG.com
Our diverse network of expert witnesses includes leading global industry specialists, PhD’s, senior executives, scientists, technical and materials experts, and supremely qualified medical professionals across many professional industries.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience:
We offer expert witnesses in many professional industries. Here are just a few of the expert categories we offer: accident, accounting, automotive, aviation, biomechanics, business, chemical, construction, economics, employment, engineering, failure analysis, finance, firearms, hazardous materials, hotel, insurance, intellectual property, machinery, marketing, medical and medical device, nursing home, pharmacology, product liability, psychology, security, financial securities, toxicology, technical, transportation, valuation, warnings. And thousands more expert witness categories.
We do all of the work in connecting law firms with experts who fit your case: Expert Strategy Group is a strategic partner to law firms for all of your Expert Witness needs. We have developed a unique technology platform that, when paired with our 1:1 client service model, creates a more precise degree of Expert matching to extremely specific litigation criteria.
See insert ad after page 16
Arrowhead Evaluation Services
1680 Plum Lane
Redlands, CA 92374
Tel: (888) 888-5902
Email: experts@arrowheadeval.com
Website: www.arrowheadeval.com
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Physicians dedicated to fast, accurate reporting | California’s most selective medical/ legal service provider | Credible medical legal reports
Over 100 Physicians Servicing California:
- Independent Medical Evaluations
- Personal Injury
- Disability
- Longshore/Harborworker IME’s
- Worker’s Compensation
See display ad page 17
Jeff Sarkozi, MD, FRCPC, FACR
Fibromyalgia Polypain Arthritis Center
801 N. Tustin Ave, Ste 503 Santa Ana, CA 92705
Tel: (714) 973-4636
Fax: (714) 973-4776
Email: expert@fmpolypain.com
Website: www.fmpolypain.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: MD; FRCPC; FACR; Lic (CA & NY)
Fibromyalgia, Arthritis, Occupational, Industrial & Environmental Rheumatology/ Arthritis, Syndromes of Chronic Fatigue & Pain, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Osteoarthritis, Diffuse Idiopathic Skeletal Hyperostosis, Neck Pain, Back Pain, Lupus (SLE), Scleroderma, Sjogren’s Syndrome. Raynaud’s Syndrome, Spondylitis, Myositis, Reflex Dystrophy/ Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS), Vasculitis, Gout.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Consultation, case review, analysis, ME/IME/ AME, deposition, trial experience. On behalf of: industry/insurers/defendant public local, state & federal agencies/selected plaintiffs for industrial/occupational/environmental/posttraumatic/disability claims of fibromyalgia, reflex dystrophy/complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) & syndromes of chronic fatigue & pain, arthritis, connective tissue and other rheumatologic diseases; manufacturers & physicians involved in silicone implant litigation; manufacturers involved in diet drug litigation; plaintiff for I-tryptophan EMS. Physician/plaintiff in rheumatology medical malpractice issues
Summary CV:
Education: Undergraduate, Chemistry & Microbiology, Univ of Toronto; MD, Univ of Toronto; Internal Medicine, Univ of Toronto & McMaster Univ; Rheumatology Fellowship, Univ of Toronto.
Previous Positions/Appointments: Assoc Clinical Prof, Univ of Calif, Irvine; Med Director, Fibromyalgia Polypain Arthritis Center; Med Director, The Calif Institute for Fibromyalgia, Arthritis & Rheumatology; Director, Raynaud’s Syndrome Research Clinic.
Honors/Awards: Multiple US/foreign patents for ergonomic engineering.
Number of Publications: 24 Scientific
Presentations: Numerous Speaking
Engagements: Numerous.
Membership in Professional Societies: Multiple
Charles Dubin, M.D Gynecology
10921 Wilshire Blvd, #507 Los Angeles, CA 90024
Tel: (310) 617-0519
Fax: (310) 471-0519
Email: dubincharles53@ gmail.com
M.D; Physician’s and Surgeon’s Certificate California License 1979; Diplomate of the National Board of Medical Examiners 1979; American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology Certified 1984; Fellow American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology 1986; Certification in Advance Operative Laparoscopy and Hysteroscopy 1996; Certified DaVinci Robotic Surgeon 2013.
Expert Testimony in Gynecological and Obstetrical Malpractice-plaintiff and defense. Record Review, Forensic Analysis, Sexual Abuse, Minimally Invasive Gynecologic and Robotic Surgery, Office Gynecology, OB-GYN Expert for Los Angeles County Superior Court.
Education: M.D., UCLA 1978; Sex Therapy Fellowship UCLA 1980; Internship and Residency Ob-Gyn, UCLA 1981; Chief Resident Ob-Gyn @ UCLA 1982. Previous Positions/Appointments: 1982-1992 Clinical Faculty Instructor Family Practice Residency at Santa Monica Hospital; 1982-1995 and 20122016 Assistant Clinical Professor Obstetrics and Gynecology UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine; 2018-present Expert Witness Panel Ob-Gyn Los Angeles Superior Court. Honors/ Awards: Phi Beta Kappa, Magna Cum Laude.
William Dillin, MD Independent Spine Evaluation, Inc. Spine Surgery and Spine Medicine Consultant 6080 Center Drive, #652 Los Angeles, CA 90045
Tel: (844) 774-6393 (844-spinewd)
Email: keena.giles@independentspine.com
Website: www.independentspine.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: MD – licensed in CA, TX, AZ, FL and NV
Dr. Dillin is in clinical practice performing spine surgery, spine interventions and evaluating patients with spine conditions. He is licensed in California, Texas, Arizona, Florida and Nevada.
Dr. Dillin was a former partner at the KerlanJobe Orthopaedic Clinic and was an associate of the Cedars-Sinai Kerlan-Jobe Institute. Independent Medical Evaluations; Medical Legal Reviews.
See display ad page 84
Jonathan S. Rutchik, MD, MPH
Neurology/Occupational & Environmental Medicine Assoc
Professor UCSF, Dept of Occ/ Env Medicine
Tel: (415) 381-3133
Fax: (415) 381-3131
Email: jsrutch@neoma.com
Website: www.neoma.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: MD (CA, NY, MA, NM, ID); Masters in Public Health; Bd Cert Neurology; Bd Cert Occ/Env Medicine; CA QME, AME.
Electromyography, organic solvents, heavy metals, pesticides, carbon monoxide, neuropathy, brain trauma, disability, risk assessment, neuroepidemiology, product liability, utilization review, upper/lower extremity, head, neck, back injury, plaintiff, defense, fitness for duty.
Matthew E. Karlovsky, MD, FACS
Urology & Mesh Medical Consulting, PLLC
Paradise Valley, AZ 85253
Cell: (480) 272-0499
Email: KarlovskyM@yahoo.com
Website: www.ExpertInUrology. com
Board Certification in Urology (2007), Female Pelvic Medicine & Reconstructive Surgery (2013, 2023) | Fellowship in Neuro-Urology & Prosthetics, Urogynecology | Residency in Urology, Temple University Hospital. MD- State University of New York-Downstate Medical Center.
Urology & Urogynecology | Neuro-Urology
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: 10 trials | 50 Depositions | 200+ cases over 10 years | Surgical Injury/Negligence Device Related Injuries (Catheters, Interstim, Pelvic mesh, stents, implants) | Plaintiff or Defense | Insurance Defense | Personal Injury | Criminal & Sex Crimes | Patent Review
“Your Expert Witness, On Call”
See display ad page 82
William B. Stetson, MD Stetson Lee Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine
Associate Adjunct Clinical Professor, USC Dept of Orthopaedic Surgery
191 S. Buena Vista St, Ste 470 Burbank, CA 91505
Tel: (818) 848-3030
Fax: (818) 848-2228
Email: drstetson@stetsonleeortho.com
Website: sportsmedicinedr.com
BA, USC ‘83, Phi Beta Kappa; MD, USC ‘89; LAC, USC Dept of Orthopaedic Surgery ‘94; Sports Medicine/Arthroscopy Fellowship ‘95; Board Certified Orthopaedic Surgeon ‘97; Board Recertification 2017; Certificate of Added Qualification in Sports Medicine 2017.
Shoulder, knee, elbow, ankle, trauma, Sports Medicine, Arthroscopy. Qualified Medical Examiner (QME) for the State of California
The concepts of evidence-based medicine have been the cornerstone of Dr. Dillin’s education during his spine surgery fellowship in Neurosurgery and Orthopaedic Surgery and the format for decision making in his subsequent practice.
The critical analytic features inherent in the ‘best evidence’ approach to patients have permeated his writing and his lectures, allowing flexible adaptation as the science has changed. Since July 1985, Dr. Dillin has been exclusively devoted to clinical spine, interventional spine and spine surgery practice. The combination of clinical critical thinking in conjunction with evidence-based medicine practice, allows spine specialty focus on any Independent Medical Evaluations or Medical-Legal Reviews.
He is in clinical practice performing spine surgery, spine interventions and evaluating patients with spine conditions. He is licensed in California, Texas, Arizona, Florida and Nevada. Dr. Dillin was a former partner at the Kerlan-Jobe Orthopaedic Clinic and was an associate of the Cedars-Sinai Kerlan-Jobe Institute.
Contact information:
Phone: 844-spinewd
Email: keena.giles@independentspine.com
Web: www.independentspine.com
Keegan Linscott & Associates, PC
Christopher Linscott
Sean Tanner
3443 N Campbell Ave, Suite 115 Tucson, AZ 85719
Tel: (520) 884-0176
Email: clinscott@keeganlinscott.com stanner@keeganlinscott.com
Website: www.keeganlinscott.com
Both Christopher Linscott and Sean Tanner are Certified Public Accountants, Certified Fraud Examiners, and Certified Insolvency & Restructuring Advisor
Forensic accounting is our specialty, encompassing both investigative accounting and litigation support. Our Certified Fraud Examiners testify at all levels of court and arbitration panels. With expertise in gathering, analyzing and interpreting financial data and evidence, we equip counsel, management and others with the intelligence necessary to make informed decisions. We utilize investigative and accounting skills to look beyond the numbers and deal with the business reality of each situation.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Experienced areas include lost profits, corporate raid/ intellectual property, bankruptcy, lost earnings/wages, royalties, fraud investigation, estate disputes, divorce, personal injury, wrongful death, business interruption, contract disputes, merger & acquisition, forensic accounting, and life care plan valuation.
Keegan Linscott & Associates, PC: Keegan Linscott was founded based on principles of quality and innovation. We embody a commitment to our people in our culture of openness, cooperation, teamwork, and community service. As a group of practitioners working together, the professionals at Keegan Linscott are able to specialize in specific areas of accounting, audit, taxation, and consulting – a key advantage which allows us to offer a higher standard of service quality.
Tel: (602) 615-7694
Email: stan@policeandsecurity practices.com
Website: www. policeandsecuritypractices.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: BA Public Service; MA Ed - Thesis: Alternatives to Lethal Force; NIMS/SIMS Certification; CA Executive P.O.S.T. & AZ P.O.S.T. Certifications; State Corrections Management Certification; State Teaching Credential; FEMA - All NIMS Certifications; Credentialed as a Federal, State & Tribal Law Enforcement Officer.
Expert Witness in: Police Practices; Use of Force Including Carotid Restraint; Crime Foreseeability; Officer Involved Shootings; Security Policies and Procedures; Special Event Security: Crowd Management/Control; Riots & Demonstrations; Bar Fights; Adult & Juvenile Custody; Indian Country Casino Operations/Policing Standards.
Olympic Games Security Administrator, Retired Police Chief, California Undersheriff, Major Disaster Command and Crime Scene Operations’ Experience, Governor’s Commendation as Special Adviser to California Adjutant General for Law Enforcement Training. Honors: 1st Non-Native Police Chief of the Year Award by the National Assn. for Native American Law Enforcement, Named by Peter Ueberroth (LAOCC) in his book, Made in America, as one if his “Super Stars.” One of 150 International Security Experts invited to Dohar, Qatar, Sports Fan Violence Conference; Prominently mentioned in “Fanaticus: Mischief and Madness in the Modern Sports Fan” by Justin Gubar, Emmy-award winning ESPN investigative journalist, 2015. Professional Affiliations: International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP), American Society for Industrial Security (ASIS).
The McHard Firm
Tel: (619) 764-6144 (Office)
Cell: (505) 450-2818
Email: BMohr@ TheMcHardFirm.com
Website: www.PoliceExpert.com
Offices in San Diego & Albuquerque
Practicing Nationwide
Master of Public Administration (MPA); Bachelor of Science (BS) – Administration of Justice; CA-PI License #28441; NM-PI License #2503; AZ-PI License #1639940.
Beth A. Mohr is Police Practices expert with over 30 years of sworn and non-sworn investigative experience. She is a Nationally Certified Law Enforcement Instructor, CA POST Instructor, and retired San Diego Police Officer. Beth is an experienced consulting and testifying expert, and is neutral, fair, and her opinions are rooted in provable facts. She strives to balance her cases between defense and plaintiff-sided cases, and also provides habeas consulting services. Beth has testified as an expert in California, as well as in state and federal courts all over the US. Beth’s areas of expertise include allegations of police misconduct, use of force including deadly force, investigative failure, interviewing, interrogations and false confessions, false arrest, failure to train, police ethics, cognitive bias, racial bias, civil rights violations, incustody deaths, evidence handling, sex crimes, human trafficking, civilian oversight, police policies and procedures (SOPs), fraud, money laundering, embezzlement, white collar crimes, Bitcoin, and cryptocurrencies.
Taylor Law Enforcement
Consulting Group
Roy G. Taylor, Ph.D.
9650 Stickland Road, Suite 103-162
Raleigh, NC 27615
Tel: (919) 697-1995
Email: roy@ taylorconsultinggroup.org
Website: www.taylorconsultinggroup.org
Ph.D. Criminal Justice, Walden University; Master of Science Occupational Safety, East Carolina University; BS Criminal Justice; Command and General Staff College, US Army, Fort Leavenworth. NC Advanced Law Enforcement Certification.
Dr. Taylor is a professional law enforcement manager with over 40 years of experience in a wide-range of federal, state, local and private Police Chief positions. Areas of expertise include: law enforcement training; use of force & firearms instruction; recruiting, employee selection, assignment, supervision, evaluation and retention; curriculum development; policies and procedures design and implementation; anti-terrorism, operation security, force protection, physical security, canine utilization; budgeting; public relations; and emergency management.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Expert witness and litigation consultation in law enforcement and security operations. Specializing in police policies; standards of conduct; use of force to include deadly force, electronic control devices; less than lethal weapons; high speed vehicle pursuits; violations of §1983 Civil Rights; failure to train; failure to supervise; and other related matters. Dr. Taylor is a current Chief of Police. Defense and Plaintiff. Consulted on over 120 Federal cases in the past 4 years dealing with law enforcement procedures.
Awards and Recognitions: Nat’l Community Policing Award; Law Enforcement Leadership Award; Law Enforcement Officer of the Year; Governor’s Crime Prevention Award; Bronze Star Medal with Valor device, US Army; Defense Meritorious Service Medal, US Dept. of Defense.
Ben Tisa – FBI Retired
Ben Tisa and Associates
Expert Witness Consultants
2269 Chestnut Street, #161 San Francisco, CA 94123
Cell: (925) 963-3984
Fax: (925) 984-2567
Email: expertwitness@bentisa.com
Website: www.catt-online.com
Court-certified ballistic expert | FBI-certified firearms/range master for service rifled, sniper rifles, submachine guns, semi-automatic pistols and revolvers | FBI and USMC ballistic instructor
Police procedures and practices | Firearm and ballistics | Officer involved shootings | Negligent-security casinos/schools/public parades/retail stores
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: 44 years from 1969 at FBI, and to 2022 as independent consultant.
Member of the California Association of Tactical Trainers.
See display ad page 63
Titan National, LLC
Adam Bercovici
19550 Amber Meadow Drive, Suite 227 Bend, OR 97702
Tel: (661) 607-4324
Email: adam@titanncg.com
Website: adambercovici.com titannational.net
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: Retired LAPD Homicide Lieutenant
Law Enforcement and Security Best Practices Expert Witness. 40+ years of law enforcement and security experience. Plaintiff and defense expert witness in law enforcement best practices, security/premise liability cases, use of force, officer-involved shootings, pursuit policy, K9 operations, active shooter, and crowd management
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Retained in some of the most significant cases in the last year. Rule 26 report examples provided on request
Adam Bercovici: Adam Bercovici, Titan National, LLC
Law Enforcement and Security Best Practices Expert Witness.
KHB Consulting Services
Dr. Kenneth H. Brown
1889 Maple Ave, Ste. N-3 Evanston, IL 60201
Tel: (847) 475-2755
Tel: (847) 922-1040,
Cell: (847) 922-1040
Fax: (847) 475-3545
Email: drbrown@khbconsulting.com
Website: www.khbconsulting.com
B.S. Chemistry; M.S. Organic Chemistry; Ph.D. Organic Chemistry
Chemicals, household chemicals, industrial chemicals, hazardous materials, labels & warnings, paint & coatings, chemical accidents, product liability, premises liability, patent infringement, chemical fires, chemical exposure, safety data sheets.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: 20 years as chemical expert witness; hundreds of reports written; more than 50 depositions; testified at trial; case file review, research, consultations, site visits.
Chemical Expert Witness: We translate technical jargon into easy-tounderstand layman’s language.
Adjunct Professor of Clinical Psychiatry, USC Distinguished Life Fellow, American Psychiatric Association
A practicing psychiatrist for 33 years, Dr. Sugar is board certified in both General and Child and Adolescent Psychiatry; Past President, Southern California Society of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry; Previously: Assistant Clinical Professor, UCLA; Founding Director of Research at Hathaway Children and Family Services.
CURRENT: Solo Practice, Psychiatric Expert Witness, Consulting Psychiatrist, Cal State Long Beach Trauma Recovery Center
RECENT: Director, Child and Adolescent Trauma Psychiatry Program, USC Inpatient, Outpatient and Residential Treatment experience with adults and children Plaintiff and Defense Forensic experience includes reports and/or testimony in both child & adult cases involving:
• Institutional Sexual Abuse and Betrayal Trauma
• Effects of Trauma and Adversity on Child Development
• Chronic Physical, Sexual and Emotional Abuse
• Psychological Trauma and Stress in the Workplace
• Date Rape/Internet Seduction
• Post-traumatic Loss, Grief and Depression
• Psychological Effects of Injury to the Body or Brain
• Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI, Psychiatric Effects)
• Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Cheri Adrian, PhD
Tel: (310) 208-2446 (work)
Cell: (310) 562-5505
Email: cheriadrian@drcheriadrian.com Website: drcheriadrian.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: Dr. Adrian earned her Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology at UCLA in 1990 and has been licensed by the California Board of Psychology since 1991. Qualified Medical Evaluator for the California Department of Workers’ Compensation since 2010. Formerly an Associate Clinical Professor of Psychiatry and Director of the Psychological Assessment Service at UCLA’s Neuropsychiatric Institute and Hospital. Associations: American Psychological Association | California Psychological Association | Los Angeles County Psychological Association | International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies | American Psychology Law Society
Specialties: Personal Injury, Psychological Evaluations, Malingering & Exaggeration, Credibility, Posttraumatic Stress, Depression & Anxiety, Sexual Harassment, Sexual Abuse & Assault, Accident Trauma, Fitness for Duty, Psychotherapy Malpractice, Workplace Harassment and Discrimination, Defamation, Abuse of Power.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Dr. Adrian has been a named expert in over 50 civil personal injury forensic cases, including accidental and negligent personal injury; workplace gender, disability, and racial harassment and discrimination; wrongful termination; neighbor harassment; medical malpractice trauma; sexual harassment and abuse; and other matters involving allegations of psychological stress and trauma. Has been a retained expert in over 50 cases. In the last five years I’ve testified 18 times.
• Organizational Athlete Abuse
• Psychological (Suicide) Autopsy
• Criminal Responsibility
• Disability
• Violence Risk Assessment
• Geriatrics/Elder abuse
Dr. McIntyre ha s performed over 800 foren sic evaluations (civil and cr iminal). Licensed in Arizona & Nevada
Shanda Angioli, Psy.D. Clinical & Forensic Psychologist
San Diego Forensic Psychology Corp.
P.O. Box 90422
San Diego, CA 92169
Tel: (619) 363-2372
Email: dr.shanda.angioli@gmail.com
Website: sdforensicpsychology.com
B.A., M.A., M.S., Psy.D. | Licensed Clinical Psychologist (CA) | Certified Paralegal
Forensic Psychology (psychological evaluations for both federal and state criminal cases). Psychological testing (cognitive, behavioral, emotional, and personality & psychopathology). Report writing. Expert witness testimony. Types of evaluations: Competence to stand trial, Not guilty by reason of insanity (NGI), Violent risk assessments, Psychosexual evaluations/sexual risk assessments, Mental health diversion evaluations, WIC §702 evaluations (i.e. Fitness evaluations), Evaluations for sentencing/ mitigating purposes, Intellectual disability/ cognitive functioning assessments, and Diagnostic clarification evaluations.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience:
Psy.D. Alliant Int’l Univ., 2015 (Clinical & Forensic Psychology)
M.S., San Diego State Univ., 2014 (Criminal Justice & Criminology)
M.A., Alliant Int’l Univ., 2013 (Clinical & Forensic Psychology)
B.A., UC Santa Barbara, 2002 (Sociology) (2019-present) San Diego Forensic Psychology Corp., Owner/President; (2019-present) California Dept. of Corrections & Rehabilitation, Mentally Disordered Offender (MDO) Evaluator/Psychologist; (2019-2022) Liberty Healthcare, Psychologist in San Diego County jails; (2014-2016 and 2017) Sharper Future, Inc., Mental Health Clinician (provided individual and group therapy to high risk sex offenders on parole from CDCR); (2002-2019) Paralegal for various law firms (civil litigation).
Stuart Eisendrath, MD
101 Valley Club Circle Napa, CA 94558
Tel: (415) 948-7868
Fax: (415) 566-9600
Email: stuart.eisendrath@ ucsf.edu
Website: https://profiles.ucsf. edu/stuart.eisendrath
Fellowships: UCSF, Psychiatry Consultation, 1979 | Residencies: UCSF, Psychiatry, 1978 Medical College of Wisconsin, 1974 | Distinguished Life Fellow American Psychiatric Association.
Medical malpractice, forensic psychiatry, factitious disorders, depressive disorders, Brain injury, pain management, plastic surgery, medical records, medical review, mental health, mood disorders, PTSD, psychiatric malpractice, suicide, social phobia, traumatic brain injury, and reflex sympathetic dystrophy.
Stuart J. Eisendrath, MD has provided consulting and expert witness services in over 200 litigation cases in venues ranging from mediation to state and federal courts. He provides case consultations, record reviews, independent medical examinations, in-depth analysis and reports, depositions and trial testimony. Dr. Eisendrath has testified in multiple states ranging from superior court to federal venues.
Dr. Emin Gharibian, Psy.D. Forensic Psychology and Neuropsychology
Verdugo Psychological Associates
2930 Foothill Blvd La Crescenta, CA 91214 Tel: (818) 253-1161
Email: drgharibian@verdugopsych.com
Website: https://verdugopsych.com
Education and Experience: Psy.D. - Clinical Psychology
Two Year Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Neuropsychology
Member – L.A. County Adult Criminal Expert Witness Panel
Member – L.A. County Juvenile Delinquency and Competency Expert Witness Panels
Personal Injury/ IMEs, Fitness for Duty, Competency to Stand Trial, Mental Health Diversion, Mitigation and Violence Risk Assessments, Criminal Responsibility (NGRI), Testamentary Capacity, Undue Influence, PTSD, Emotional Distress, Severe Mental Illness (Schizophrenia/ Bipolar Disorder), Wrongful Termination, Sexual Harassment and Discrimination, Traumatic Brain Injuries, Neurocognitive Impairment, Intellectual Disabilities.
See display ad on page 91
Board Certified
Clinical and Forensic Neuropsychologist; Tenured Associate Professor at Pepperdine University; Diplomate, American Board of Professional Psychology; Diplomate, American Academy of Pediatric Neuropsychology; Diplomate, National Board of Forensic Evaluators
1600 Rosecrans Avenue, Media Center 4th Floor Manhattan Beach, CA 90266
Tel: (310) 745-8887
Fax: (310) 943-2585
Email: drjudyho@gmail.com
Website: www.drjudyho.com
Dr. Ho conducts forensic, neuropsychological, and independent Medical Evaluations and provides expert testimony regarding psychological testing methods, results, and conclusions for civil & criminal proceedings, including 1) personal injury (including psychological injury and traumatic brain injury claims)
2) fitness for duty, 3) employment/ discrimination/wrongful termination cases,
4) sexual assault & trauma cases, 5) professional licensing disputes, and 6) assessment of competency, risk, and psychological state/ functioning at time of criminal offense. Dr. Ho is a member of the International Neuropsychological Society, National Academy of Neuropsychology, and Division 40 (Soc. for Clin Neuropsych) and 41 (American Psych-Law Soc) of the American Pyschological Association. Dr. Ho is a two-time recipient of the National Institute of Mental Health National Services Research Award, and the chair of the Institutional Review Board at Pepperdine University. She conducts clinical and community research on mental health, publishes empirical studies, book chapters, and books, and is a frequent invited speaker at various national and local conferences and media outlets.
Shanda Angioli, Psy.D. Clinical & Forensic Psychologist
San Diego Forensic Psychology Corp.
P.O. Box 90422
San Diego, CA 92169
Tel: (619) 363-2372
Email: dr.shanda.angioli@gmail.com
Website: sdforensicpsychology.com
B.A., M.A., M.S., Psy.D. | Licensed Clinical Psychologist (CA) | Certified Paralegal
Forensic Psychology (psychological evaluations for both federal and state criminal cases). Psychological testing (cognitive, behavioral, emotional, and personality & psychopathology). Report writing. Expert witness testimony. Types of evaluations: Competence to stand trial, Not guilty by reason of insanity (NGI), Violent risk assessments, Psychosexual evaluations/sexual risk assessments, Mental health diversion evaluations, WIC §702 evaluations (i.e. Fitness evaluations), Evaluations for sentencing/ mitigating purposes, Intellectual disability/ cognitive functioning assessments, and Diagnostic clarification evaluations.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience:
Psy.D. Alliant Int’l Univ., 2015 (Clinical & Forensic Psychology)
M.S., San Diego State Univ., 2014 (Criminal Justice & Criminology)
M.A., Alliant Int’l Univ., 2013 (Clinical & Forensic Psychology)
B.A., UC Santa Barbara, 2002 (Sociology) (2019-present) San Diego Forensic Psychology Corp., Owner/President; (2019-present) California Dept. of Corrections & Rehabilitation, Mentally Disordered Offender (MDO) Evaluator/Psychologist; (2019-2022)
Liberty Healthcare, Psychologist in San Diego County jails; (2014-2016 and 2017) Sharper Future, Inc., Mental Health Clinician (provided individual and group therapy to high risk sex offenders on parole from CDCR); (2002-2019) Paralegal for various law firms (civil litigation).
Cheri Adrian, PhD
Tel: (310) 208-2446 (work)
Cell: (310) 562-5505
Email: cheriadrian@drcheriadrian.com
Website: drcheriadrian.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: Dr. Adrian earned her Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology at UCLA in 1990 and has been licensed by the California Board of Psychology since 1991. Qualified Medical Evaluator for the California Department of Workers’ Compensation since 2010. Formerly an Associate Clinical Professor of Psychiatry and Director of the Psychological Assessment Service at UCLA’s Neuropsychiatric Institute and Hospital. Associations: American Psychological Association | California Psychological Association | Los Angeles County Psychological Association | International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies | American Psychology Law Society
Personal Injury, Psychological Evaluations, Malingering & Exaggeration, Credibility, Posttraumatic Stress, Depression & Anxiety, Sexual Harassment, Sexual Abuse & Assault, Accident Trauma, Fitness for Duty, Psychotherapy Malpractice, Workplace Harassment and Discrimination, Defamation, Abuse of Power.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience:
Dr. Adrian has been a named expert in over 50 civil personal injury forensic cases, including accidental and negligent personal injury; workplace gender, disability, and racial harassment and discrimination; wrongful termination; neighbor harassment; medical malpractice trauma; sexual harassment and abuse; and other matters involving allegations of psychological stress and trauma. Has been a retained expert in over 50 cases. In the last five years I’ve testified 18 times.
Gary Freedman-Harvey, PhD
1404 Ocean Ave
Seal Beach, CA 90740
Cell: (562) 209-4399
Fax: (562) 391-1867
Email: GFHPHD@me.com
Website: www.
MentalCapacityEvaluations. com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: PhD - Clinical Psychology (PSY11419)
Mental Capacity Evaluations: testamentary capacity; undue influence; estate & trust litigation; probate and LPS conservatorships; capacity declarations & testimony; elder abuse, litigation, consultation. Experienced expert witness: depositions & jury trials. Engaged in cases in CA, NV, NC.
2015 Berlin - International Psychogeriatric Congress: “Vulnerability to Undue Influence & Vascular Dementia”; OC Bar Association
- Estates & Trust Division; Long Beach Bar Assn; Long Beach Community Foundation; OC Psychological Assn. On-site evaluations: residence or facility. Find me on www.LinkedIn. com; Member: Forensic Expert Witness Assn.
Stuart Eisendrath, MD
101 Valley Club Circle Napa, CA 94558
Tel: (415) 948-7868
Fax: (415) 566-9600
Email: stuart.eisendrath@ ucsf.edu
Website: https://profiles.ucsf. edu/stuart.eisendrath
Fellowships: UCSF, Psychiatry Consultation, 1979 | Residencies: UCSF, Psychiatry, 1978 Medical College of Wisconsin, 1974 | Distinguished Life Fellow American Psychiatric Association.
Medical malpractice, forensic psychiatry, factitious disorders, depressive disorders, Brain injury, pain management, plastic surgery, medical records, medical review, mental health, mood disorders, PTSD, psychiatric malpractice, suicide, social phobia, traumatic brain injury, and reflex sympathetic dystrophy.
Stuart J. Eisendrath, MD has provided consulting and expert witness services in over 200 litigation cases in venues ranging from mediation to state and federal courts. He provides case consultations, record reviews, independent medical examinations, in-depth analysis and reports, depositions and trial testimony. Dr. Eisendrath has testified in multiple states ranging from superior court to federal venues.
Board Certified
Clinical and Forensic Neuropsychologist; Tenured Associate Professor at Pepperdine University; Diplomate, American Board of Professional Psychology; Diplomate, American Academy of Pediatric Neuropsychology; Diplomate, National Board of Forensic Evaluators
1600 Rosecrans Avenue, Media Center 4th Floor Manhattan Beach, CA 90266
Tel: (310) 745-8887
Fax: (310) 943-2585
Email: drjudyho@gmail.com
Website: www.drjudyho.com
Dr. Ho conducts forensic, neuropsychological, and independent Medical Evaluations and provides expert testimony regarding psychological testing methods, results, and conclusions for civil & criminal proceedings, including 1) personal injury (including psychological injury and traumatic brain injury claims)
2) fitness for duty, 3) employment/ discrimination/wrongful termination cases, 4) sexual assault & trauma cases, 5) professional licensing disputes, and 6) assessment of competency, risk, and psychological state/ functioning at time of criminal offense. Dr. Ho is a member of the International Neuropsychological Society, National Academy of Neuropsychology, and Division 40 (Soc. for Clin Neuropsych) and 41 (American Psych-Law Soc) of the American Pyschological Association. Dr. Ho is a two-time recipient of the National Institute of Mental Health National Services Research Award, and the chair of the Institutional Review Board at Pepperdine University. She conducts clinical and community research on mental health, publishes empirical studies, book chapters, and books, and is a frequent invited speaker at various national and local conferences and media outlets.
Dr. Emin Gharibian, Psy.D. Forensic Psychology and Neuropsychology
Verdugo Psychological Associates
2930 Foothill Blvd
La Crescenta, CA 91214
Tel: (818) 253-1161
Email: drgharibian@verdugopsych.com
Website: https://verdugopsych.com
Education and Experience: Psy.D. - Clinical Psychology
Two Year Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Neuropsychology
Member – L.A. County Adult Criminal Expert Witness Panel
Member – L.A. County Juvenile Delinquency and Competency Expert Witness Panels
Personal Injury/ IMEs, Fitness for Duty, Competency to Stand Trial, Mental Health Diversion, Mitigation and Violence Risk Assessments, Criminal Responsibility (NGRI), Testamentary Capacity, Undue Influence, PTSD, Emotional Distress, Severe Mental Illness (Schizophrenia/ Bipolar Disorder), Wrongful Termination, Sexual Harassment and Discrimination, Traumatic Brain Injuries, Neurocognitive Impairment, Intellectual Disabilities. See display ad page 91
Stuart Eisendrath, MD
101 Valley Club Circle Napa, CA 94558
Tel: (415) 948-7868
Fax: (415) 566-9600
Email: stuart.eisendrath@ ucsf.edu
Website: https://profiles.ucsf. edu/stuart.eisendrath
Fellowships: UCSF, Psychiatry Consultation, 1979 | Residencies: UCSF, Psychiatry, 1978 Medical College of Wisconsin, 1974 | Distinguished Life Fellow American Psychiatric Association.
Medical malpractice, forensic psychiatry, factitious disorders, depressive disorders, Brain injury, pain management, plastic surgery, medical records, medical review, mental health, mood disorders, PTSD, psychiatric malpractice, suicide, social phobia, traumatic brain injury, and reflex sympathetic dystrophy.
Stuart J. Eisendrath, MD has provided consulting and expert witness services in over 200 litigation cases in venues ranging from mediation to state and federal courts. He provides case consultations, record reviews, independent medical examinations, in-depth analysis and reports, depositions and trial testimony. Dr. Eisendrath has testified in multiple states ranging from superior court to federal venues.
Cheri Adrian, PhD
Tel: (310) 208-2446 (work)
Cell: (310) 562-5505
Email: cheriadrian@drcheriadrian.com
Website: drcheriadrian.com
Dr. Adrian earned her Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology at UCLA in 1990 and has been licensed by the California Board of Psychology since 1991. Qualified Medical Evaluator for the California Department of Workers’ Compensation since 2010. Formerly an Associate Clinical Professor of Psychiatry and Director of the Psychological Assessment Service at UCLA’s Neuropsychiatric Institute and Hospital. Associations: American Psychological Association | California Psychological Association | Los Angeles County Psychological Association | International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies | American Psychology Law Society
Personal Injury, Psychological Evaluations, Malingering & Exaggeration, Credibility, Posttraumatic Stress, Depression & Anxiety, Sexual Harassment, Sexual Abuse & Assault, Accident Trauma, Fitness for Duty, Psychotherapy Malpractice, Workplace Harassment and Discrimination, Defamation, Abuse of Power.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Dr. Adrian has been a named expert in over 50 civil personal injury forensic cases, including accidental and negligent personal injury; workplace gender, disability, and racial harassment and discrimination; wrongful termination; neighbor harassment; medical malpractice trauma; sexual harassment and abuse; and other matters involving allegations of psychological stress and trauma. Has been a retained expert in over 50 cases. In the last five years I’ve testified 18 times.
Gary Freedman-Harvey, PhD
1404 Ocean Ave
Seal Beach, CA 90740
Cell: (562) 209-4399
Fax: (562) 391-1867
Email: GFHPHD@me.com
Website: www.
MentalCapacityEvaluations. com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: PhD - Clinical Psychology (PSY11419)
Mental Capacity Evaluations: testamentary capacity; undue influence; estate & trust litigation; probate and LPS conservatorships; capacity declarations & testimony; elder abuse, litigation, consultation. Experienced expert witness: depositions & jury trials. Engaged in cases in CA, NV, NC.
2015 Berlin - International Psychogeriatric Congress: “Vulnerability to Undue Influence & Vascular Dementia”; OC Bar Association
- Estates & Trust Division; Long Beach Bar Assn; Long Beach Community Foundation; OC Psychological Assn. On-site evaluations: residence or facility. Find me on www.LinkedIn. com; Member: Forensic Expert Witness Assn.
Gary Freedman-Harvey, PhD 1404 Ocean Ave
Seal Beach, CA 90740
Cell: (562) 209-4399
Fax: (562) 391-1867
Email: GFHPHD@me.com
Website: www.
MentalCapacityEvaluations. com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: PhD - Clinical Psychology (PSY11419)
Mental Capacity Evaluations: testamentary capacity; undue influence; estate & trust litigation; probate and LPS conservatorships; capacity declarations & testimony; elder abuse, litigation, consultation. Experienced expert witness: depositions & jury trials. Engaged in cases in CA, NV, NC.
2015 Berlin - International Psychogeriatric Congress: “Vulnerability to Undue Influence & Vascular Dementia”; OC Bar Association
- Estates & Trust Division; Long Beach Bar Assn; Long Beach Community Foundation; OC Psychological Assn. On-site evaluations: residence or facility. Find me on www.LinkedIn. com; Member: Forensic Expert Witness Assn.
Forensic QDE Lab, LLC
Linda L Mitchell, DABFDE
Certified Forensic Document
Tel: (888) 760-0339
Fax: (760) 888-0339
Email: forensicQDE@ gmail.com
Website: www.forensicdocexaminer.com www.forensicqde.com
Offices in San Diego, Los Angeles & Riverside Counties
Scientific Examination of Questioned Documents, Handwriting Expert. Civil or Criminal. Consulting & Sworn Testimony.
Integrated Forensic Services, LLC
Sean Espley and Joseph Merydith 915 Highland Point Dr, Ste 250 Roseville, CA 95678
Tel: (916) 300-3445
Cell: (916) 847-8552
Email: integratedforensic@gmail.com
Website: integratedforensic.com
American Board of Forensic Document Examiners (ABFDE)
Signature examinations, handwriting examinations, hand printing examinations, examinations of altered documents, wills, indented writing examinations, computer generated document examinations, examinations of medical & business records.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: 18 yrs experience.
Previous Positions/Appointments: Former government forensic document examiners.
Membership in Professional Societies: Active members with the Southwestern Assn of Forensic Document Examiners (SWAFDE).
Spectrum Forensic International, LLC
Heidi H. Harralson, MA, BCDE, Dipl.
Tel: (520) 975-2275
Email: Spectrum008@aol.com
Website: www.spectrumforensic.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: Board-certified document examiner and diplomate through the National Association of Document Examiners. Bachelor of Science in the behavioral sciences; Master of Arts in handwriting science and forensic document examination; forensic crime scene technician certificate. Affiliate professor at a state university teaching forensic science courses.
Forensic document examination casework includes handwriting and signature examination, forged signatures, electronic signatures, anonymous writing, print process methods, ink/paper examinations, indentations, altered documents including medical records and contracts. Specialist in elderly and health impaired handwriting. Forensic science professor at a state university, international lecturer at universities, and offers continuing education seminars to forensic, legal and accounting organizations. Published author of numerous articles and university textbooks including “Handwriting Identification: Facts and Fundamentals, 2nd ed.” and “Developments in Handwriting and Signature Identification in the Digital Age.” Free initial consultation.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Forensic document examiner with over 25 years testifying experience in several states and internationally including civil and criminal trials, hearings, arbitrations, depositions. Board certified, court qualified, and court authorized in state and federal courts.
Cantrell Associates
1517 North Pt, Ste 539 San Francisco, CA 94123
Tel: (415) 956-6000
Cell: (415) 244-5927
Email: jimcha@pacbell.net
Website: realestateexpertwitness.co
Cert Property Mgr (CPM) by the Institute or Real Estate Mgt; Condominium Association Manager (CAM), FL; University of Miami, BBA ‘71, Politics & Public Affairs; CA Brokers Lic, Instructor, IREM incl teaching in Russia & Poland.
Specialties: Property Management issues for Commercial, Residential and Condominium real estate, standards of care, personal injury, property damage, security, lease terms & conditions, due diligence, operations, negligence, Association board duties.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Court appointed Receiver & Referee; extensive expert witness testimony. Condo ASN Mgr CAM-Florida.
Previous Positions/Appointments: Assoc Prof Golden Gate Univ 86-96, Masters Program; City of SF Existing Building Efficiency Initiative Task Force, 09-11; Pres IREM SF 1989; Chairman Intl Affairs IREM, 93-94; Featured Speaker NFMT Natl Facility Mgmt Conference, Chicago (07), Baltimore (08 & 09).
Honors/Awards:1987 CPM of the Year award 01 & 07; Instructor of the Year award IREM SF; 2013 Lloyd D Hanford Distinguished Faculty Award IREM, 2011 CPM Emeritus Award.
Publications: Contributing Author, John Wiley Handbook of Real Estate, Journal of Prop Mgmt, “When The Power Goes Out”
CastleLyons Corporation
Michael K. Ryan, President
315 S. Coast Hwy 101, Suite U-3
Encinitas, CA 92024
Cell: (619) 787-5988
Email: m.k.ryan@castlelyons.net
Website: www.castlelyons.net
MBA/USC (Real Estate), CA and HI Broker’s Licenses. CA B-1Contractor’s License
Partnership disputes, disclosures, fiduciary duties, broker/agent disputes, Industry standards, LLC managing member’s duties owed, due diligence evaluation, standards of care, NAR Code Of Ethics, conflicts of interest, entitlement and development issues, home builder disputes, tentative map and final map issues and rebuttals to opposing expert’s testimony. Testified in multiple States.
45-plus years in the real estate Industry as a broker, developer, home builder, contractor, realty advisor and expert witness. See display ad below
Craig Cherney, Esq.
High Desert Law Group, LLP
11260 N. Tatum Blvd, Ste 143 Phoenix, AZ 85028
Tel: (480) 240-0040
Email: craig@hdflg.com
Website: www.craigcherney.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: BA, Univ of Virginia; JD, Univ San Diego School of Law; Lic RE Broker CA; Lic Attorney CA, AZ, NV
Land management, fiduciary duties, standards of care, private equity funds, real estate sponsors, fee disputes, title disputes, boundary disputes, entitlements, zoning, land use, commission disputes, failure to disclose, SPDS.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Participated in over 25 civil litigations as real estate expert witness in multiple states.
Previous Positions/Appointments: Vice President at American Land Fund; Manager of Land at Pulte Group. Urban Land Institute - Residential Neighborhood Development Council.
Honors/Awards: San Diego Law Review
Jack Cohen
2629 Townsgate Rd, Ste 100 Westlake Village, CA 91361
Tel: (747) 222-1550
Cell: (747) 222-1554
Fax: (747) 222-1551
Email: jack@coheninv.com
Court qualified expert, private money lending, and all real estate related matters, credit file and qualifications, appraisals, evictions, foreclosures, industry standards, title reports, property management and landlord issues, brokers and investor relations, finance and documentation, sale & leasing, insurance claims, loan servicing and escrow. Over 40 Years of experience in private money lending & real estate related cases.
Delores A. Conway,
PhDLawrence H. Jacobson
Lawrence H. Jacobson, APC 9777 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 517 Beverly Hills, CA 90212
Tel: (310) 271-0747
Phillips, Fractor & Co, LLC
Contact: G. Michael Phillips, PhD
3452 E. Foothill Blvd, Ste 220 Pasadena, CA 91107
Tel: (626) 744-3540
Emeritus,Marshall School of Business, USC
Previously on Faculty at Simon Business School, U of Rochester and Booth School of Business, U of Chicago. Los Angeles, CA 90089
Tel: (310) 613-9773
Email: ddconway@gmail.com
BS, Math, Stat, U Wisconsin; MS/PhD Statistics, Stanford Univ; Assoc Dean, Simon Bus School, U of Rochester; Director, Real Estate Forecast, USC
Statistics, real estate analysis, econometrics, data analysis & sample surveys. Financial models, employment discrimination, forecasting, assessment of environmental pollution, analysis of medical data, economic analysis, insurance
Over 30 years experience as a testifying expert with law firms in LA, NY, DC, San Diego and Chicago.
John A. Gebhardt
Principal - SEG Advisors
11400 W. Olympic Blvd, Ste 1450 Los Angeles, CA 90064
Tel: (310) 422-4644
Email: jgebhardt@segadvisors.com
BA - Economics - UCLA, Harvard University - Executive Education Program, Stanford University - Advanced Management College, Licensed RE Broker - California (1989)
Certificates: Real Property Administration & Facilities Management Administration certifications - BOMI, CPA - California (inactive)
Agency, due diligence, standards of care, breach of lease and mitigation, lease terms, lease renewals/options/FMV, co-tenancy, exclusives, brokerage actions, constructive eviction, disclosure, property management - costs / fees / duties, sales and leasing, financing, entitlements, development activities, eminent domain, the escrows, RE personnel issues, CC&R’s/REA/OEA. Lender/borrower, Office retail/industrial/apartments/hotels/land/ mixed-use properties. Extensive and balanced (plaintiff/defense) litigation experiencedeposition and trial.
Expanded credentials at www.expert4law.org
Website: www.LawrenceJacobson.com
AB, UCLA 1964; JD, UCLA School of Law 1967; RE Broker 1978; Certificate in Archaeology, UCLA Extension, 2009; CA Community College Instructor, of Law; Notary 1973; Martindale-Hubbell AV Rated since 1980; Senior Editor, UCLA Law Review; Insurance Counsel Journal Award; Order of the Coif; Recipient of the CA Continuing Education of the Bar’s 2011 “Spirit of CEB” Award.
Real estate attorney (50+ years) and CA Real Estate Broker (40+ years). Expertise includes interpretation of real estate documents, real estate and mortgage brokers’ standard of care, custom & usage, mortgage banking, lawyer malpractice in real estate and business transactions, legal ethics and fee disputes.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Extensive expertise in legal malpractice, ethics, real estate brokerage custom and practice and all real estate related issues. Retained in approx. 200 cases involving the interpretation of real estate documents, real estate and mortgage brokers’ standard of care, legal malpractice involving real estate, corporate finance, merger and acquisition, legal ethics and legal fee disputes.
Beverly Hills Bar Assoc. 2011-12 President; Judge pro tem for the Los Angeles and Beverly Hills Municipal Court Systems; adjunct professor of law: real estate secured transactions and administrative law; former Vice-President, Legal Affairs of the CA Association of Realtors; Legal Counsel to the Newport Beach Assoc. of Realtors and prior counsel to the Beverly Hills and Palm Springs Regional Assoc. of Realtors, and special counsel to the San Fernando Valley Board of Realtors. Special Deputy Trial Counsel for the CA State Bar.
Email: contactpfc@rule26.com
Website: www.phillipsfractor.com
PhDs, Economics; Ed.D; MBA; CPA; CFA; CPA/ABV
Economic losses, lost profits, contract damages, employment economics, wrongful termination, class action and mass tort analysis, valuation of earnings & benefits; wrongful injury and wrongful death, medical malpractice; financial valuation, investment analysis, “what if” analysis, statistical analysis & modeling, intellectual property, compensation issues, including executive compensation; entertainment industry; construction defects; sampling & surveys; database construction & analysis; family business; forensic accounting including lost profits and business valuation; and custom research.
Robert J. Rodino, Ph.D.
Rodino Associates
1940 Cliffside Drive State College, PA 16801
Tel: (310) 614-2193
Cell: (310) 614-2193
Email: bobrodino@aol.com
Website: RodinoAssociates.com
Ph.D - UCLA, Urban Planning 2003 | ABDNYU. International Relations | MA - Boston University, Government | BS - Manhattan College, Mathematics | R.E. Broker’s license, CA 00682806
Shopping centers, Multi-family housing, Office, Light Industrial. We have done all of the matters that we are called upon as an expert witness. Property Management, Development, Acquisition, Disposition, Leasing, Market Research, Ethnic Markets, Partnership and J/V issues
Jack Cohen
2629 Townsgate Rd, Ste 100 Westlake Village, CA 91361
Tel: (747) 222-1550
Cell: (747) 222-1554
Fax: (747) 222-1551
Email: jack@coheninv.com
Court qualified expert, private money lending, and all real estate related matters, credit file and qualifications, appraisals, evictions, foreclosures, industry standards, title reports, property management and landlord issues, brokers and investor relations, finance and documentation, sale & leasing, insurance claims, loan servicing and escrow. Over 40 Years of experience in private money lending & real estate related cases.
Brad Sevier
Principal – Highland Realty Capital, Inc.
1200 Estrella Drive
Santa Barbara, CA 93110
Tel: (310) 938-0971
Email: brad@highlandrc.com
Nationwide expert witness on all facets of commercial real estate finance, due diligence standards, underwriting equity investments and loans (including construction loans, bridge loans, permanent loans and mezzanine debt), closing requirements, sourcing recourse and non-recourse lenders and equity investors, experience with institutional capital and private capital, structuring and documenting loans and joint ventures, quantitative analysis of real estate transactions including profit analysis, lost profit analysis, and damages assessment.
BA – University of California at Santa Barbara
JD – Loyola Law School
Licensed California Real Estate Broker
Member Professional Fiduciary Association of California
CastleLyons Corporation
Michael K. Ryan, President 315 S. Coast Hwy 101, Suite U-3 Encinitas, CA 92024
Cell: (619) 787-5988
Email: m.k.ryan@castlelyons.net
Website: www.castlelyons.net
MBA/USC (Real Estate), CA and HI Broker’s Licenses. CA B-1Contractor’s License
Partnership disputes, disclosures, fiduciary duties, broker/agent disputes, Industry standards, LLC managing member’s duties owed, due diligence evaluation, standards of care, NAR Code Of Ethics, conflicts of interest, entitlement and development issues, home builder disputes, tentative map and final map issues and rebuttals to opposing expert’s testimony. Testified in multiple States.
Qualifications: 45-plus years in the real estate Industry as a broker, developer, home builder, contractor, realty advisor and expert witness. See display ad page 93
Craig Cherney, Esq. High Desert Law Group, LLP
11260 N. Tatum Blvd, Ste 143 Phoenix, AZ 85028
Tel: (480) 240-0040
Email: craig@hdflg.com
Website: www.craigcherney.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: BA, Univ of Virginia; JD, Univ San Diego School of Law; Lic RE Broker CA; Lic Attorney CA, AZ, NV
Land management, fiduciary duties, standards of care, private equity funds, real estate sponsors, fee disputes, title disputes, boundary disputes, entitlements, zoning, land use, commission disputes, failure to disclose, SPDS.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Participated in over 25 civil litigations as real estate expert witness in multiple states.
Previous Positions/Appointments: Vice President at American Land Fund; Manager of Land at Pulte Group. Urban Land Institute - Residential Neighborhood Development Council.
Honors/Awards: San Diego Law Review
CastleLyons Corporation
Michael K. Ryan, President
315 S. Coast Hwy 101, Suite U-3
Encinitas, CA 92024
Cell: (619) 787-5988
Email: m.k.ryan@castlelyons.net
Website: www.castlelyons.net
MBA/USC (Real Estate), CA and HI Broker’s Licenses. CA B-1Contractor’s License
Partnership disputes, disclosures, fiduciary duties, broker/agent disputes, Industry standards, LLC managing member’s duties owed, due diligence evaluation, standards of care, NAR Code Of Ethics, conflicts of interest, entitlement and development issues, home builder disputes, tentative map and final map issues and rebuttals to opposing expert’s testimony. Testified in multiple States.
45-plus years in the real estate Industry as a broker, developer, home builder, contractor, realty advisor and expert witness. See display ad page 93
Craig Cherney, Esq.
High Desert Law Group, LLP
11260 N. Tatum Blvd, Ste 143 Phoenix, AZ 85028
Tel: (480) 240-0040
Email: craig@hdflg.com
Website: www.craigcherney.com
BA, Univ of Virginia; JD, Univ San Diego School of Law; Lic RE Broker CA; Lic Attorney CA, AZ, NV
Land management, fiduciary duties, standards of care, private equity funds, real estate sponsors, fee disputes, title disputes, boundary disputes, entitlements, zoning, land use, commission disputes, failure to disclose, SPDS.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Participated in over 25 civil litigations as real estate expert witness in multiple states.
Previous Positions/Appointments: Vice President at American Land Fund; Manager of Land at Pulte Group. Urban Land Institute - Residential Neighborhood Development Council.
Honors/Awards: San Diego Law Review
Residential CastleLyons Corporation
Michael K. Ryan, President
315 S. Coast Hwy 101, Suite U-3 Encinitas, CA 92024
Cell: (619) 787-5988
Email: m.k.ryan@castlelyons.net
Website: www.castlelyons.net
MBA/USC (Real Estate), CA and HI Broker’s Licenses. CA B-1Contractor’s License
Partnership disputes, disclosures, fiduciary duties, broker/agent disputes, Industry standards, LLC managing member’s duties owed, due diligence evaluation, standards of care, NAR Code Of Ethics, conflicts of interest, entitlement and development issues, home builder disputes, tentative map and final map issues and rebuttals to opposing expert’s testimony. Testified in multiple States.
45-plus years in the real estate Industry as a broker, developer, home builder, contractor, realty advisor and expert witness.
See display ad page 93
CastleLyons Corporation
Michael K. Ryan, President
315 S. Coast Hwy 101, Suite U-3 Encinitas, CA 92024
Cell: (619) 787-5988
Email: m.k.ryan@castlelyons.net
Website: www.castlelyons.net
MBA/USC (Real Estate), CA and HI Broker’s Licenses. CA B-1Contractor’s License
Partnership disputes, disclosures, fiduciary duties, broker/agent disputes, Industry standards, LLC managing member’s duties owed, due diligence evaluation, standards of care, NAR Code Of Ethics, conflicts of interest, entitlement and development issues, home builder disputes, tentative map and final map issues and rebuttals to opposing expert’s testimony. Testified in multiple States.
45-plus years in the real estate Industry as a broker, developer, home builder, contractor, realty advisor and expert witness.
See display ad page 93
General Stan Kephart Kephart Consulting, LLC
Tel: (602) 615-7694
Email: stan@policeandsecurity practices.com
Website: www. policeandsecuritypractices.com
BA Public Service; MA Ed - Thesis: Alternatives to Lethal Force; NIMS/SIMS Certification; CA Executive P.O.S.T. & AZ P.O.S.T. Certifications; State Corrections Management Certification; State Teaching Credential; FEMA - All NIMS Certifications; Credentialed as a Federal, State & Tribal Law Enforcement Officer.
Expert Witness in: Police Practices; Use of Force Including Carotid Restraint; Crime Foreseeability; Officer Involved Shootings; Security Policies and Procedures; Special Event Security: Crowd Management/Control; Riots & Demonstrations; Bar Fights; Adult & Juvenile Custody; Indian Country Casino Operations/Policing Standards.
Olympic Games Security Administrator, Retired Police Chief, California Undersheriff, Major Disaster Command and Crime Scene Operations’ Experience, Governor’s Commendation as Special Adviser to California Adjutant General for Law Enforcement Training. Honors: 1st Non-Native Police Chief of the Year Award by the National Assn. for Native American Law Enforcement, Named by Peter Ueberroth (LAOCC) in his book, Made in America, as one if his “Super Stars.” One of 150 International Security Experts invited to Dohar, Qatar, Sports Fan Violence Conference; Prominently mentioned in “Fanaticus: Mischief and Madness in the Modern Sports Fan” by Justin Gubar, Emmy-award winning ESPN investigative journalist, 2015. Professional Affiliations: International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP), American Society for Industrial Security (ASIS).
Ben Tisa – FBI Retired
Ben Tisa and Associates
Expert Witness Consultants
2269 Chestnut Street, #161
San Francisco, CA 94123
Cell: (925) 963-3984
Fax: (925) 984-2567
Email: expertwitness@bentisa.com
Website: www.catt-online.com
Court-certified ballistic expert | FBI-certified firearms/range master for service rifled, sniper rifles, submachine guns, semi-automatic pistols and revolvers | FBI and USMC ballistic instructor.
Specialties: Police procedures and practices | Firearm and ballistics | Officer involved shootings | Negligentsecurity casinos/schools/public parades/retail stores.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: 44 years from 1969 at FBI, and to 2022 as independent consultant.
Member of the California Association of Tactical Trainers.
See display ad page 63
Expert Strategy Group
Julie Olenik-Brown
Tel: (800) 521-2877 Ext: 301
Tel: (760) 795-9004
Email: Expert@ExpertStrategy-Group.com
Website: ExpertSG.com
Our diverse network of expert witnesses includes leading global industry specialists, PhD’s, senior executives, scientists, technical and materials experts, and supremely qualified medical professionals across many professional industries.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience:
We offer expert witnesses in many professional industries. Here are just a few of the expert categories we offer: accident, accounting, automotive, aviation, biomechanics, business, chemical, construction, economics, employment, engineering, failure analysis, finance, firearms, hazardous materials, hotel, insurance, intellectual property, machinery, marketing, medical and medical device, nursing home, pharmacology, product liability, psychology, security, financial securities, toxicology, technical, transportation, valuation, warnings. And thousands more expert witness categories.
We do all of the work in connecting law firms with experts who fit your case: Expert Strategy Group is a strategic partner to law firms for all of your Expert Witness needs. We have developed a unique technology platform that, when paired with our 1:1 client service model, creates a more precise degree of Expert matching to extremely specific litigation criteria.
See insert ad after page 16
Previously on Faculty at Simon Business School, U of Rochester and Booth School of Business, U of Chicago. Los Angeles, CA 90089
Tel: (310) 613-9773
Email: ddconway@gmail.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: BS, Math, Stat, U Wisconsin; MS/PhD Statistics, Stanford Univ; Assoc Dean, Simon Bus School, U of Rochester; Director, Real Estate Forecast, USC
Statistics, real estate analysis, econometrics, data analysis & sample surveys. Financial models, employment discrimination, forecasting, assessment of environmental pollution, analysis of medical data, economic analysis, insurance
Over 30 years experience as a testifying expert with law firms in LA, NY, DC, San Diego and Chicago.
Dr. Michael A. Kamins & Associates
Former Director of Research, Area Head of Marketing - Stony Brook College of Business
Tel: (323) 868-9507
Fax: (323) 931-0258
Email: michaelakaminsconsultants@gmail.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: BBA; MBA (Statistics); Doctorate (Marketing Research & Strategy)
Marketing & advertising strategy as well as marketing research, questionnaire design & statistical issues. I specialize in survey research, confusion, secondary meaning, dilution, false advertising, celebrity advertising, pricing strategy, pioneership & international advertising. Consumer behavior expertise incl rumor & information processing. I have assisted such individuals as Muhammed Ali, Taylor Swift, Rock Group “Boston,” The “Doors,” Bill Medley & Kareem Abdul Jabbar & such companies as AT&T, Pinkberry, MGM, Lexus, AMEX, the State of California & New York St. Attorney General Elliot Spitzer’s Office, Samsung. Appeared against President Trump in the Trump University Class Action.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Working as an Expert Witness since 1994. 50+ depositions & 8 trial experiences.
Phillips, Fractor & Co, LLC
Contact: G. Michael Phillips, PhD
3452 E. Foothill Blvd, Ste 220 Pasadena, CA 91107
Tel: (626) 744-3540
Email: contactpfc@rule26.com
Website: www.phillipsfractor.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: PhDs, Economics; Ed.D; MBA; CPA; CFA; CPA/ABV
Economic losses, lost profits, contract damages, employment economics, wrongful termination, class action and mass tort analysis, valuation of earnings & benefits; wrongful injury and wrongful death, medical malpractice; financial valuation, investment analysis, “what if” analysis, statistical analysis & modeling, intellectual property, compensation issues, including executive compensation; entertainment industry; construction defects; sampling & surveys; database construction & analysis; family business; forensic accounting including lost profits and business valuation; and custom research.
Education: BBA (Statistics) Bernard M, Baruch, 1974; MBA (Statistics) Bernard M Baruch, 1977; PhD (Marketing) New York University, 1984.
Previous Positions/Appointments: Taught Statistics at Baruch College & Marketing/ Marketing Research at NYU, USC, Stony Brook and the Drucker School of Management. Honors & Awards: Golden Apple Award winning teacher and Dean’s Scholar, Best Teacher in the Grad School of Business at Stony Brook, 2008.
Number of Publications: 50+.
Professional Societies: Assn for Consumer Research; Amer Marketing Assn; Academy of Marketing Science.
Fees: $895 for deposition, trial and consultation
Phillips, Fractor & Co, LLC
Contact: G. Michael Phillips, PhD
3452 E. Foothill Blvd, Ste 220 Pasadena, CA 91107
Tel: (626) 744-3540
Email: contactpfc@rule26.com
Website: www.phillipsfractor.com
Degrees/Licenses/Certifications: PhDs, Economics; Ed.D; MBA; CPA; CFA; CPA/ABV
Economic losses, lost profits, contract damages, employment economics, wrongful termination, class action and mass tort analysis, valuation of earnings & benefits; wrongful injury and wrongful death, medical malpractice; financial valuation, investment analysis, “what if” analysis, statistical analysis & modeling, intellectual property, compensation issues, including executive compensation; entertainment industry; construction defects; sampling & surveys; database construction & analysis; family business; forensic accounting including lost profits and business valuation; and custom research.
John D. Milikowsky, Esq.
745 N. Vulcan Avenue
Encinitas, CA 92024
Tel: (858) 450-1040 (Work)
Tel: (858) 450-1041 (Direct)
Email: jmilikowsky@milikowskytaxlaw.com
Website: www.caltaxadviser.com
J.D. | L.L.M. Taxation
Expert witness testimony and analysis of tax issues relating to business transactions, payroll matters, real estate, liquidation of assets, criminal tax, and divorce. Specialties include audit representation before IRS and State of California tax agencies on civil and criminal matters involving income tax, payroll tax, sales tax, and worker misclassification.
Consulting/Expert Witness Experience: Milikowsky Tax Law has defended businesses and business owners for 14 years and been retained as experts on various tax matters. We have completed more than 300 federal and state tax audits including criminal and civil matters. In 2009, John Milikowsky copresented a proposal in Washington, DC to IRS Chief Counsel, US Treasury, and Congressional Committee staff to change a section of the tax code. This was part of the California Bar Tax Section known as the Washington DC Delegation. The proposal was published in the California Bar Tax Section’s Magazine, California Tax Lawyer.
News Appearances: John Milikowsky has appeared for various television interviews on Fox News, NewsMax, and other news organizations. See display ad inside back cover
At AOS, our sales teams are uniquely qualified to represent your association to suppliers of your industry. We custom fit sales programs to your specific project by emphasizing the value of your association to the industry. We work diligently to capture your share of the marketing dollars by encouraging suppliers to align themselves with your Association through advertising/sponsorship.
Our services range from commissioned sales to full-production management for your publications. We also offer telemarketing services for generating sponsorship funds, trade show booth sales and membership renewal campaigns. Our flexible commission packages allow you to determine the level of revenue and service you need for each specific project.