SJFB News December 2023

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December 2023

farmbureaunews Meeting today’s challenges. Planning for tomorrow.

san joaquin

Vol. 108, No. 12



Landowners fight Pacific Gateway Project at meeting in Tracy

State bans small gas-powered engines


State Logistical Hub by developer Mike Sandhu, the plan has been resurrected as the Pacific Gateway Project, but the battle to stop it remains the same. The recent meeting at Banta’s Jefferson School found nearly 100 landowners, farmers and residents in attendance to make their feelings known concerning the pending Environmental Impact Report (EIR) by Raney Management of Sacramento. San Joaquin Farm Bureau Executive Director Andrew Genasci described the meeting as “initially raucous but it calmed down some-

what as it moved along. The many angry landowners and homeowners expressed their concerns about the impending EIR and the Pacific Gateway Project itself.” “Farm Bureau is against the Gateway Project,” Genasci remarked. “Good, irrigated farmland will be lost to this limited resource as productive farmland is paved over.” The meeting, called by San Joaquin County’s Community Development Department to hear opinions about the Pacific Gateway Project’s EIR, the project and its impact on the county’s agriculture by “all interested agenSee Development, page 3


manufacturers from selling new small gas-powered off-road engines in the state after Dec. 31 targets the lawn maintenance industry, but it also could spill over into agriculture. That’s because some of the gas-powered outdoor power equipment farmers use – such as smaller chain saws, portable generators and pressure washers – meet the bill’s threshold of 25 horsepower or less. The California Air Resources Board rule applies to the sales of model year 2024 and beyond, but owners of older model year small gaspowered equipment will still

Vicky Boyd

By Craig W. Anderson

By Vicky Boyd

Growers will not be able to purchase small gas-powered model year 2024 chain saws beginning Jan. 1, 2024, under new Air Resources Board rules. Retailers will still be able to sell model year 2023 units they have in inventory, and growers will still be able to use older models after that date.

be able to use and repair them. And retailers with model year 2023 gas-powered equipment will be allowed to sell existing

inventory after Dec. 31. While San Joaquin Farm

7 Bank of Stockton

10 Ag education

See Engines, page 8

INSIDE: 2 We believe w w w.sjf

in the future of ag

announces new roles for two SJFB members

is a major part of SJFB

san joaquin far m bur eau news


SJFB 2023-24 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Acampo Joe Salazar, Chair Joe Petersen Charlie Starr Calla Nile Garden Tim Weststeyn, Chair Bruce Oosterkamp David Phippen Bryan Van Groningen Collegeville Chester Murphy, Chair Kent Norman Les Strojan Escalon Caleb Gervase, Chair Katie Veenstra Paul Voortman Lafayette Richard Rodriguez, Chair Stanton Lange Daniel Meza Alfred Nicolini Linden Nick Ferrari, Chair James Chinchiolo Donald Drake Jim Ferrari Steven Galvin Roberts Union Nick Mussi, Chair Patrick Drury David Strecker Tracy Joe Bacchetti, Chair Phil Martin Pete Reece, Jr. Victor Nick Bokides, Chair John Anagnos Kelton Fleming Officers Andrew Watkins, President Les Strojan, First Vice President James Chinchiolo, Second Vice President Directors at Large Phil Brumley Jean Cabral, Emeritas Jim Connolly Karen Cultrera Herman Doornenbal, Jr. Joe Ferrari Brad Goehring Jack Hamm Bob Hesseltine Jim Larkin Joe Luis Mike Luis Steve Moore Jerry Robinson Jake Samuel Paul Sanguinetti Dave Simpson Ken Vogel Darrell Voortman Kenny Watkins Advisory Jenna Swenson, Farm Service Agency Sonya Miller, NRCS/USDA Krista McCoon, SJ CWA Kamal Bagri, Ag Commissioner Sheriff Pat Withrow, Sheriff’s Dept Brent Holtz, UC Cooperative Extension Staff Andrew Genasci, Executive Director Kobi Perry, Program Director Jessica Coit, Membership Coordinator

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from the

PRESIDENT’S DESK By Andrew Watkins, SJFB President

We appreciate our SJFB members! AS ANOTHER YEAR COMES TO AN END,

we at the San Joaquin Farm Bureau are so thankful for the support of our members. It has been another busy year full of events, fundraising, ag education and welcoming the new Executive Director Andrew Genasci. In 2023, the Farm Centers met to elect their new directors and hear updates for their area. The SJFB’s Foundation for Ag Education hosted their 30th Wine Tasting Fundraiser that was a great success and we

are looking forward to having it again in 2024. Our annual meeting was held in May, and we elected our slate of officers and recognized the 2023 scholarship recipients. Ag in the Classroom returned after the hiatus from COVID and we are so glad to have the county’s teachers involved in agriculture again. Animals were purchased at the 2023 AgFest by the Young Farmers and Ranchers and SJFB supported exhibitors with add ons. The Young Farmers and Ranchers hosted another successful fund-

raiser event in July, their Summer’s Bounty Dinner. Then in August, we hosted our first Family Grill and Chill which was a great event for our members that gave a chance for comradery. As we continue working for our members be sure to look ahead for events in the new year. The 105th consecutive American Farm Bureau Convention is upcoming on Jan. 19 through Jan. 24, 2024. The convention See Watkins, page 7

from the


We believe in the future of ag EARLIER THIS WEEK, I had the privilege to attend the Seeds of Impact dinner honoring John and Gail Kautz. The dinner was a fundraiser for the California FFA Foundation, and the room was filled with FFA members and members of our community. The dinner began with a recital of the FFA Creed, by E.M. Tiffany. “I believe in the future of agriculture, with a faith borne not of words, but of deeds…” As the evening drew to a close, I couldn’t help but look on in awe as person after person raised their hands and gave commitments to support the over 100,000 FFA members here in California today. Large and small, before the end of the evening, the commitments totaled well over $500,000! It was a shining example of that faith, in the future of

agriculture and the generations to come. Later in the week, I attended a public scoping meeting for the EIR on the Pacific Gateway Project at Jefferson School just South of Tracy. Nearly a hundred community members packed the gym to talk about their concerns with the proj-

ect. Neighbors were concerned with the potential impacts to their water, increased pollution and traffic on country roads that were never designed for that amount of activity and quality of the life they will See Genasci, page 9

President, Andrew Watkins First Vice President, Les Strojan Second Vice President, James Chinchiolo Executive Director/Publisher, Andrew Genasci Editor/Production, Kevin Swartzendruber Advertising Agency, AOS, (916) 961-9999 Produced by Exclamation Point Communications for the San Joaquin Farm Bureau Federation, 3290 Ad Art Road, Stockton, CA 95215, (209) 931-4931. San Joaquin Farm Bureau News, publication number 185-880, is published monthly. The subscription price to San Joaquin Farm Bureau members is included in the membership dues of $325 for agricultural members, $100 for associate members, or $450 for business members. Business member step-up levels with increased benefits are $750, $1,500, $3,000 and $6,000. Non-profit periodical postage paid at Stockton, CA. Postmaster: Send changes to 3290 N. Ad Art Road, Stockton, 95215.

December 2023

Development Continued from page 1

cies, organizations [and] persons” during a Public Scoping meeting. The Ridgeline Property Group from Atlanta, Georgia is the project developer which will achieve buildout after 30 years on the 1,612-acre project site. Ultimately, the planned square footage of the project warehouses and other buildings is 27,650,000 square feet of “limited industrial use,” 104,544 square feet of “general commercial use,” a 29 acre “private university,” 93,654 square feet of “business park use,” a VFW post and open space, park, pedestrian and bicycle facilities. The first phase includes 2.8 million square feet of industrial uses in five buildings, with an additional 140,000 square foot University Medical School Facility “as well as associated utilities to serve the initial phase.” The boundaries are: Tracy Boulevard

on the west, Durham Ferry Road on the north and the California Aqueduct, the Delta-Mendota Canal and the BantaCarbona Irrigation District on the south. The east border is about 0.5 mile west of Bird Road. South Chrisman Road cuts across the project. The project is close enough to Tracy to be in the city’s sphere of influence; the land is zoned as general agriculture and has almond, cherry and walnut orchards along with agricultural businesses: A B FAB, Inc., a manufacturer of dust control machinery for ag processors and Crown Nut Co. inside the project’s borders. The plans are interesting but, said Genasci, “Water concerns about the project include water being pumped from aquifers now used by neighbors’ wells, flood flows from asphalt parking lots and building roofs during winter rains, traffic that would affect Jefferson School’s drop off and pick-up of students by parents and school buses and noise, dust and pollution during construction and use of the roads.”

Perhaps the biggest water issue is that the Del Puerto Water District – the district within which the project is located – only provides surface water to ag customers but none to industrial or municipal users. Other challenges needing attention, Genasci said, is that during various harvest seasons and agricultural activities by the surrounding farms, ranches and businesses slow moving ag equipment on roads are likely to create traffic challenges on already overtaxed roadways. The Pacific Gateway Project is “starting to generate interest” said San Joaquin Valley Hay Growers Association President and CEO Rick Staas. “Everyone who attended the scoping meeting made their opinions known but it’s vitally important that those affected by this project send their opposition to it to the board of supervisors by letter. That will have a great, effective impact.” The project proposes in its EIR Notice of Preparation to seek three general plan amendments and a zone reclassifi-

cation to meet the county’s general plan requirements. SJFB First Vice President Les Strojan noted that ancillary businesses affected by the removal of ag production as the Pacific Gateway works toward its 28 to 30-year buildout. “Sales of ag equipment, fuel, insurance, processing facilities, tractors, sprayers and loss of work for labor, all will suffer as ag is replaced by warehouses,” he said. “Should the economy have a slowdown or a recession during this project’s construction and lifetime and business begins to slip, it wouldn’t be the first time construction exceeded need. We already have empty warehouses in the county.” He added, “A project like this changes the character of our county from ag production to gigantic buildings and sheets of asphalt. Another thought: what are the products being stored for eventual shipment? If the principle industry of the county’s swapped for Continued on next page





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Continued from previous page non-productive industrial storage, agriculture takes the hit.” SJFB Second Vice President James Chinchiolo of Chinchiolo Farms in Lodi, noted, “A lot of land in California’s not being used for anything, not even grazing cattle that could be the site for projects like Gateway. This is replacing a producing society with a consuming society.” He added, “This proposed project is a massive disservice to local agriculture and a massive pushback is needed.” Regarding the Atlanta, Georgia location of the developing company, Chinchiolo said, “When your only concern is the bottom line, it’s easier to manage from another state and have someone else on site doing the work.” He said he’d like to see California be more creative on less valuable land. Strojan agreed, commenting, “There is no need to take prime farmland when there are other, better, non-ag locations

4 san joaquin far m bur eau news

for a project like this.” The EIR Notice of Preparation says the “buildout of the Specific Plan will require additional roadway, water, sewer and storm drainage improvements, including…widening of South Chrisman Road to a four-lane major arterial.” Potential environmental impacts of the project that “…could have a potentially significant environmental effect” include: agricultural resources, air quality and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, geology and soils, hazardous materials, hydrology and water quality, land use and planning, noise, public service systems, transportation and urban decay. Genasci said, “There is no way to completely mitigate all the impacts and we’ll have to wait until next year for the final EIR to be completed. The meeting lasted 90 minutes filled with lively discussion from the incredible turnout of landowners that would be affected by the Pacific Gateway Project. Farm Bureau is definitely not in favor of the Pacific Gateway Project.”

from the


Paying it forward IN FARM BUREAU, we are looking to the

future – from policy shaping the future of agriculture to the innovation driving the future of America’s farms and ranches. We believe that our future depends on training tomorrow’s leaders today. There is a place for everyone in agriculture, and we need the brightest minds and the hardest workers ready to solve agriculture’s challenges and explore new opportunities together. At Farm Bureau, we believe that when we equip, empower and engage with the next generation, our organization and

American agriculture become stronger. It’s about showing future farmers and ranchers, veterinarians and agriculture professionals, and researchers and innovators how Farm Bureau can help them on their journey. I know firsthand the difference that programs like 4-H, and our own Young Farmers & Ranchers can make in a young person’s life. When this dairy farmer from Georgia went to his first county Farm Bureau meeting as a young farmer, I never Continued on next page

December 2023

Continued from previous page would have dreamed of the opportunities that lay ahead, and I know I wouldn’t be here today without the training and opportunities I experienced through YF&R. I truly felt like an investment was made in me, and that only made me more eager to go beyond my fence rows and give back as a leader. I am constantly amazed by the young leaders I get to meet around the country. From collegiate and YF&R programs to state and national competitions, we are constantly working to help grow and empower future leaders. One example of this is our Discussion Meet, a chance for these young members to show off their agriculture knowledge and fine-tune their public speaking skills. We also see them leading through service with programs such as Harvest for All, where in 2022 alone, YF&R members donated 25 million pounds of food and $1 million to local food banks. On all levels, we work to support young

farmers and ranchers through leadership development programs, competitions and service opportunities. On all levels, we work to support young farmers and ranchers through leadership development programs, competitions and service opportunities. And while there are far more examples of what young farmers and ranchers are up to across the country, it’s these focus areas that equip them to be our next leaders. We want them to be ready and eager to carry on our mission of providing a sustainable future of safe and abundant food, fiber and renewable fuel for our nation and the world. Partnering with organizations aimed at the same goal of cultivating young ag leaders is an important priority and part of how we support youth. We regularly engage with the National 4-H Council, the National FFA Organization, the National Society for Minorities in Agriculture, Natural Resources, and Related Sciences (MANRRS) and Agriculture Future of America (AFA), to help ensure, together, a brighter future for American agriculture.

Many of our members got their start in these organizations, myself included, and it’s crucial to work together to engage the next generation and get them excited for the future of agriculture. One fantastic example of this collaboration is our annual convention. Every year, we invite middle- and high-school members of 4-H, FFA and Jr. MANRRS to take part in our Youth Leadership Program. It’s a great opportunity – and completely free – for these students to connect with farmers and ranchers from across the United States, receive leadership training and learn about various parts of the agriculture industry. I hope you’ll help me spread the word to students and

young leaders to reach out about having the registration fee waved to join us in Salt Lake City this January. I will always be grateful for those who took the time to encourage and equip me along my journey. I have no doubt that’s how leaders across Farm Bureau feel. Former college football coach, Woody Hayes, once said, “You can never really pay it back, but you can always pay it forward.” That is what we are striving for with the next generation in Farm Bureau. We may never be able to pay back the folks who came alongside us and helped shape us into who we are today, but we can pay it forward for the next group of agricultural leaders.

CONTACTING YOUR ELECTED OFFICIALS We encourage you to contact your elected officials regarding issues facing agriculture in SJ County. Go to for information on how to reach them.

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each: cash or check For more Gun Raffle Calendar Information:

San Joaquin Farm Bureau Federation 3290 N. Ad Art Rd. Stockton, CA 95215 (209) 931-4931



The San Joaquin Farm Bureau is a non-profit 501(c)5 organization

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6 san joaquin far m bur eau news

December 2023

Bank of Stockton announces new roles for two SJFB members BANK OF STOCKTON recently introduced

Grey Foster and Claire Brumley Giahos to new positions within the organization. Foster is business banking officer at its Headquarters Business Banking Center. He has extensive experience in farming, crop production and management and agricultural financing. In his new role, he will be responsible for managing current clients as well as new business development in Stockton and surrounding markets. Foster is a graduate of California State University, Chico with a bachelor’s degree in agricultural business. He is a member

of the Farm Bureau. Foster looks forward to continuing the strong tradition of personalized service, industry expertise and community involvement that has been Bank of Stockton’s trademark for over 156 years. He can be reached at 209-929-1611 or gfoster@ Claire Brumley Giahos is vice president, business banking officer at its Manteca Business Banking Center. Brumley Giahos has over 10 years of banking experience in the areas of agricultural lending, commercial real estate, and debt/equity financing. In her new role, she will be

responsible for managing existing clients as well as new business development in Manteca and surrounding markets. Brumley Giahos is a graduate of California Polytechnic University, San Luis Obispo with a bachelor’s degree in agricultural business. She is a member of the San Joaquin Farm Bureau. Brumley Giahos and her new husband, Steve, live

Watkins Continued from page 2

will be held in Salt Lake City, Utah at the Salt Palace Convention Center. During the convention, members will have the opportunity to attend various workshops, hear from impactful speakers and gain insights into the trends and realities impacting food production. The convention serves as a platform for members to learn more about current issues and help control the discussions held in Washington DC for the new year.

in Ripon. Both look forward to continuing the tradition of personalized service and community involvement that has been Bank of Stockton’s trademark for over 156 years. Foster can be reached at (209) 929-1611 or Brumley Giahos can be reached at (209) 249-2201 or

The new year will bring new opportunities and new challenges. We at SJFB remain successful thanks to our community of members and the support we get from our generous sponsors. We look forward to working for our members and continuing to partner with our community to keep agriculture in San Joaquin County. As always, we welcome feedback from our valued SJFB members. Reach out to the SJFB office anytime! We are open Monday to Friday 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., by phone at (209) 931-4931 or by email at Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all!

Embracing Holidays the

There’s no better time than the holidays to extend cheer to our loyal

customers and friends. As the temperatures dip, the leaves drop, and snow dusts the mountaintops, families and friends gather to celebrate traditions. Good cheer and a sense of wonder is in the air. During this season we are especially grateful for the relationships we enjoy in the communities we have the pleasure of serving. Everyone at Bank of Stockton wishes you the Happiest of Holidays!

In February 1923, Miriam Minton, a senior at Lodi Academy, took a trip to the Sierra Nevada for her 18th birthday. After graduating, Miriam studied nursing at Loma Linda University where she met and later married fellow medical student, Lawrence Peterson. The two would settle in Lodi, where Miriam managed her husband’s medical practice and successfully raised five children. At the time of this photo, the Bank of Stockton had been serving customers for 56 years.

w w w.sjf san joaquin far m bur eau news



Continued from page 1 Bureau Second Vice President James Chinchiolo isn’t necessarily against zeroemission equipment – he owns a battery powered chainsaw himself – he said he made the decision on his own. “I can tell you it’s our go-to tool,” said Chinchiolo, who grows walnuts and cherries with his father near Lodi and Linden.

“I think the technology is fantastic, but it was my choice. We’ve been building our fleet of electric stuff over time. I just don’t think it’s right to force it on anyone. Let the market take over.” Figuring out exactly what equipment the legislation covers is complicated, said Chris Bishop, regional manager for Stihl in Stockton. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has sole authority to establish emission standards for what are classified as “preempt engines” in new farm and

How Do I Dispose of…?

¿Còmo Me Puedo Deshacer De…? How Do I Dispose of…? Tires FREE disposal of up to 8 autoMe orPuedo lightDeshacer truck tires per vehicle ¿Còmo De…? How Do –I Dispose of…? ¿Còmo Me Puedo Deshacer How Do I Dispose of…? Llantas - GRATIS deseche hasta 8 De…? llantas Tires - FREEthis disposal of upat to 8 San auto or Joaquin light with flier County Facilities.* ¿Còmo Me Puedo Deshacer De…? How Do I Dispose of…? por vehículo con este folleto hasta en las 8 llantas Llantas - GRATIS deseche truck tires perdisposal vehicle with thistoflier at San Tires - FREE of up 8 auto or Joaquin light

Tires - FREE disposal of this up to 8 at auto light truck tires per vehicle with flier SanorJoaquin County Facilities.* Tires - FREE of this up to 8 auto orJoaquin light truck tires per disposal vehicle with flier at San County Facilities.* truck tires per vehicledisposal with this for flierresidents at San Joaquin Mattresses - FREE at: County Facilities.* County Facilities.* San Joaquin County Facilities* Mattresses - FREE disposal at: Tires - FREE disposal of up for to 8residents auto or light Mattresses FREE disposal for residents at:San Tracy Joaquin Recovery Facilities* & Transfer Facility truck tires perCounty vehicle with this flier auto at San Tires -Material FREE disposal of up to or Joaquin light Mattresses - FREE disposal for8residents at: San Joaquin County Facilities* 30703 S. MacArthur Dr., Tracy (209) 832-2355 Tracy Material Recovery & Transfer Facility County Facilities.* truck tires per County vehicle with this flier at San Joaquin San Joaquin Facilities* Tracy Material Recovery & Transfer Facility 30703 S.Facilities.* MacArthur Dr.,S.Tracy (209) 832-2355 DR3 Recycling - 4447 Airport Way, StocktonCounty Tracy Material Recovery & Transfer Facility Tires - S. FREE disposal ofTracy up to 8Way, auto or light 30703 MacArthur Dr., (209) 832-2355 Mattresses - FREE disposal for residents at:(209) 234-5819 DR3 Recycling - 4447 S. Airport Stockton 30703 S. MacArthur Dr., (209) 832-2355 truck tires per vehicle with this for flier at San Joaquin DR3 Recycling - 4447 S.Tracy Airport Way, Stockton San Joaquin County Facilities* (209) 234-5819 Mattresses - FREE disposal residents at: DR3 Recycling -be 4447 S. Stockton County Facilities.* Furniture - Can donated (209) 234-5819 Tracy Recovery & to Transfer Tires -Material FREE disposal of Airport up toGoodwill, 8Way, autoFacility orthe lightSan Joaquin County Facilities* (209) 234-5819 Salvation Army or other charitable organizations. Furniture Can be donated to Goodwill, the 30703tires S. MacArthur Dr., (209) 832-2355 truck per vehicle withTracy this flier at San Joaquin Tracy Material Recovery & Transfer Facility Mattresses FREE disposal for residents Furniture - Canor-be donated to Goodwill, the at:Salvation Army other charitable organizations. DR3 Recycling 4447 S. Airport Way, Stockton County Facilities.* 30703 S. MacArthur Dr., Tracy (209) Furniture - Can donated toof Goodwill, San Joaquin County Facilities* Appliances - FREE disposal up to832-2355 2 the per trip Salvation Army orbeother charitable organizations. (209)Recycling 234-5819 DR3 4447 S. Airport Way, Stockton Salvation Army or other charitable organizations. from following: refrigerators, conditioners, Tracythe Material Recovery & Transfer Appliances -- FREE disposal of up to Facility 2 per at: trip Mattresses FREE disposal forair residents (209) 234-5819 Appliances - FREE disposal of up to832-2355 2trip perof:trip 30703 S.following: MacArthur Dr., Tracy (209) from the refrigerators, air freezers, water coolers, and up to 9conditioners, per Furniture Can be donated to Goodwill, the San Joaquin County Facilities* Appliances - FREE disposal ofair upconditioners, to 2 per trip from the following: refrigerators, DR3 -microwaves, 4447 S. Airport Stockton washers/dryers, ovens, water heaters, freezers, water coolers, and to Way, 9organizations. per trip of: Salvation Army or other charitable TracyRecycling Material Recovery &up Transfer Facility Furniture Can be donated to Goodwill, the from the following: refrigerators, air conditioners, freezers, waterheaters, coolers, and up to 9 per tripheaters, of: (209) stoves, space dishwashers, and/or trash washers/dryers, microwaves, ovens, water 30703234-5819 S. MacArthur Dr., Tracy (209) 832-2355 Salvation Army coolers, or other charitable freezers, water and up 9organizations. per of:trip washers/dryers, microwaves, ovens, water heaters, Appliances - heaters, FREE disposal oftoup to 2trip per compactors San Joaquin County Facilities.* stoves, spaceat dishwashers, and/or trash DR3 Recycling -microwaves, 4447 S. Airport Way, Stockton washers/dryers, water heaters, Furniture - at Can berefrigerators, donated toovens, Goodwill, the stoves, heaters, dishwashers, and/or trash from thespace following: air conditioners, Appliances FREE disposal of up to 2 per trip compactors San Joaquin County Facilities.* (209) 234-5819 stoves, space dishwashers, and/or trash Salvation Army or other charitable Hazardous Material/Universal Waste -trip of: compactors at heaters, San Joaquin County Facilities.* freezers, water coolers, and up to per from the following: refrigerators, air9organizations. conditioners, compactors at San Joaquin County Facilities.* FREE hazardous material (fluorescent bulbs, Hazardous Material/Universal Waste washers/dryers, microwaves, ovens, water heaters, Furniture Can be donated to Goodwill, the freezers, water coolers, and upofto 9 per Appliances - FREE disposal up tocleaners, 2-trip perof:trip Hazardous Material/Universal Waste paint products, pesticides, household FREE hazardous material (fluorescent bulbs, stoves, space heaters, and/or trash Salvation Army or otherdishwashers, charitable organizations. washers/dryers, microwaves, ovens, water heaters, Hazardous Material/Universal Waste - bulbs, from the following: refrigerators, air conditioners, FREE hazardous material (fluorescent paint antifreeze, products, motor pesticides, oil, batteries) household disposal cleaners, for County compactors at heaters, San Joaquin County Facilities.* stoves, space dishwashers, and/or trash FREE hazardous material (fluorescent bulbs, freezers, water coolers, and up to 9 per trip of: paint products, pesticides, household cleaners, Appliances - FREE disposal of up to Waste 2forper trip residents atmotor the Household Hazardous antifreeze, oil,Joaquin batteries) disposal County compactors at San County Facilities.* paint products, pesticides, household cleaners, washers/dryers, microwaves, ovens, water antifreeze, oil, batteries) disposal County Hazardous Material/Universal Waste -for heaters, from the following: refrigerators, airStockton. conditioners, residents Facility, 7850 atmotor the R.A. Household Bridgeford Hazardous St., Waste Call antifreeze, oil, batteries) disposal for County stoves, space heaters, dishwashers, and/or trash residents atmotor the Household Waste FREE468-3066 hazardous material (fluorescent bulbs, freezers, water coolers, andHazardous up to 9 per of: (209) for details. Facility, 7850 R.A. Bridgeford St., Stockton. Call Hazardous Material/Universal Waste -trip residents at at the Household Hazardous Waste compactors San Joaquinhousehold County Facilities.* Facility, 7850 R.A. Bridgeford St., Stockton. Call paint 468-3066 products, pesticides, cleaners, washers/dryers, microwaves, ovens, water heaters, (209) for details. FREE hazardous material (fluorescent bulbs, Facility, 7850 R.A. Bridgeford St., Stockton. Callto 4 Electronics (e-waste) - FREE disposal of County up (209) 468-3066 foroil, details. antifreeze, motor batteries) disposal for stoves, space heaters, dishwashers, and/or trash paint products, pesticides, household cleaners, Hazardous Material/Universal Waste - of (209) 468-3066 for details. Electronics televisions/computer (e-waste) monitors, FREE disposal and up to 9 up to 4 residents at the Household Hazardous Waste compactors at San Joaquin County Facilities.* antifreeze, motor oil, batteries) disposal for County FREE hazardous material (fluorescent bulbs, Electronics (e-waste) FREE disposal of up 4 computers, radios, stereos, televisions/computer monitors, andStockton. upVCRs, toWaste 9 and/or Facility, 7850 R.A. Bridgeford St., Callto residents atprinters, the Household Hazardous Electronics (e-waste) - FREE disposal up to 4 paint players products, pesticides, household cleaners, televisions/computer monitors, and up to- of 9 and/or Hazardous Material/Universal Waste DVD per trip at San Joaquin County computers, printers, radios, stereos, VCRs, (209) 468-3066 for details. Facility, 7850 R.A.oil, Bridgeford St., Stockton. Call televisions/computer monitors, and up to 9 antifreeze, motor batteries) disposal for County computers, printers, radios, stereos, VCRs, and/or FREE hazardous material (fluorescent bulbs, DVD Facilities.* players perfor trip at San Joaquin County (209) 468-3066 computers, radios, stereos, VCRs, residents atprinters, the Household Hazardous Waste DVD players perpesticides, tripdetails. at -San Joaquin County Electronics (e-waste) FREE disposal of and/or up to 4 paint products, household cleaners, Facilities.* DVD players per trip at San to Joaquin County Facility, 7850 R.A. Bridgeford St., Stockton. Callto 4 Vehicles - Can be donated charitable Facilities.* antifreeze, motor oil, batteries) disposal televisions/computer monitors, and up tofor 9 County Electronics (e-waste) - FREE disposal of up Facilities.* (209) 468-3066 for details. organizations or sold to scrap metal yards and/or Vehicles Can be donated to charitable computers, printers, radios, stereos, VCRs, and/or residents at the Household Hazardous Waste televisions/computer monitors, and up to 9 Vehicles Can be donated to charitable organizations “part-out” facilities. or sold DMV to junkstereos, slip metal may yards be required. and/or DVD players per trip at scrap San Joaquin County Facility, 7850 R.A. Bridgeford St., Stockton. Call computers, printers, radios, VCRs, and/or Vehicles - Can donated to charitable Electronics (e-waste) FREE disposal up to 4 organizations orbe sold to-scrap metal yards and/or “part-out” facilities. DMV junk slip may be of required. Facilities.* (209) 468-3066 details. DVD per trip at County organizations or- for sold to San scrap metal yards and/or televisions/computer monitors, and up to 9required. Boatsplayers - FREE San Joaquin County Sheriff’s “part-out” facilities. DMV junkJoaquin slip may be Facilities.* “part-out” facilities. DMV junk slip may be required. computers, printers, radios, stereos, VCRs, Office -Vessel Turn-in Program (209) 953-8845. Boats FREE - San Joaquin County Sheriff’s Vehicles - Can be donated to charitable Electronics (e-waste) - FREE disposal of and/or up to 4 Boats - FREE - San Joaquin County Sheriff’s DVD per trip at Joaquin County Office Boatsplayers Vessel also accepted Turn-in Program some San (209) 953-8845. County organizations or- be sold to San scrap metal yards televisions/computer monitors, andJoaquin up to 9and/or Vehicles - Can donated to charitable Boats - FREE San Joaquin County Sheriff’s Officealso Vessel Program (209) 953-8845. Facilities.* Facilities* for aTurn-in fee. Call for details &yards conditions. Boats accepted atto some San Joaquin County “part-out” facilities. DMV junk slip may be required. computers, printers, radios, stereos, VCRs, and/or organizations or sold scrap metal and/or Office also Vessel Turn-inatProgram (209) 953-8845. Boats accepted some San Joaquin County Facilities* for aper fee. Call for details & conditions. DVD players tripDMV at San Joaquin County “part-out” junk slip may be required. Boats also accepted at some San Joaquin County Vehicles -facilities. Can be donated toFacilities: charitable Joaquin County Facilities* for a -fee. Call for details & conditions. Boats*San - FREE San Joaquin County Sheriff’s Facilities.* Facilities* for aTurn-in fee. Call for details &yards conditions. organizations or sold to scrap metal and/or *San Joaquin County Facilities: Office Vessel Program (209) 953-8845. Boats*San - FREE - Center San County Joaquin County Sheriff’s North County Recycling and Facilities: (209) 887-3868 Joaquin “part-out” DMV junktoslip may beMon-Sun required. Boats also accepted at some San Joaquin County Vehicles -facilities. Can be donated charitable Office Vessel Turn-in Program (209) 953-8845. Sanitary Landfill 7am-4pm North County Recycling Center and (209) 887-3868 *San Joaquin County Facilities: North Recycling Center and (209) 887-3868 Facilities* for aorfee. Call for details &yards conditions. sold to some scrap metal and/or 17720County E.organizations Harney Ln. Lodi, CA Boats also accepted at San Joaquin County Sanitary Landfill 7am-4pm Mon-Sun Boats - FREE - Center San Joaquin County Sheriff’s North County Recycling and (209) 887-3868 Sanitary Landfill 7am-4pm facilities. DMV junk slip may beMon-Sun required. 17720 E.“part-out” Harney Ln. Lodi, CA Facilities* for a fee. Call for details & conditions. Office Vessel Turn-inCounty Program (209) 982-5770 953-8845. Lovelace Materials Recovery Facility (209) *San Joaquin Facilities: Sanitary 7am-4pm Mon-Sun 17720 E.Landfill Harney Ln. Lodi, CA also accepted at someFacilities: San Joaquin County & Transfer Station 7am-4pm Mon-Sun Lovelace Materials Recovery Facility (209) 982-5770 17720 E.Boats Harney Ln. Lodi, CA Boats - FREE - San Joaquin County Sheriff’s *San Joaquin County County Recycling Center and (209) 887-3868 Lovelace Materials Recovery Facility (209) 2323 E. Lovelace Rd. Manteca, CA Facilities* for aTurn-in fee. Call for details & 982-5770 conditions. &North Transfer Station 7am-4pm Mon-Sun Office Vessel Program (209) 953-8845. Sanitary Landfill 7am-4pm Mon-Sun Lovelace Materials Recovery Facility (209) 982-5770 & Transfer Station 7am-4pm Mon-Sun North County Recycling Center and (209) 887-3868 2323 E. Lovelace Rd. Manteca, CA Boats also accepted at some San Joaquin County Foothill Sanitary Landfill (209) 887-3969 17720 Harney Ln. Lodi, CA & Transfer Station 7am-4pm Mon-Sun *San Joaquin County 2323 E.E. Lovelace Rd. Manteca, CA Facilities: Sanitary Landfill 7am-4pm Mon-Sun Facilities* for Linden, aManteca, fee. Call for details &887-3969 conditions. 6484 E. N.E. Waverly Rd. 7am-5pm Mon-Sat Foothill Sanitary Landfill (209) 2323 Lovelace Rd. CA 17720 Harney Ln. Lodi, CACA Lovelace Materials Facility 982-5770 North County Recycling Center and 7am-5pm (209) 887-3868 Foothill Sanitary Landfill 887-3969 6484 N. Waverly Rd.Recovery Linden, CA Mon-Sat & Transfer Station *San Joaquin Foothill Landfill (209) 887-3969 Sanitary Landfill 7am-4pm Mon-Sun 6484 N.Sanitary Waverly Rd. Linden,County CA 7am-5pm Mon-Sat Lovelace Materials Recovery Facility Facilities: (209) 982-5770 2323 E.E.Lovelace Rd. Manteca, CA please ForRd. more information, visit Mon-Sat 6484 N. Waverly Linden, 7am-5pm 17720 Harney Ln. Lodi, CACAand & Transfer Station 7am-4pm Mon-Sun North County Recycling Center (209) 887-3868 more information, please visit 2323 E. Lovelace Rd. Manteca, CA SanitarySanitary Landfill 7am-4pm Mon-Sun Foothill 887-3969 Lovelace Materials Recovery Facilityplease (209) 982-5770 ForLandfill more information, visit or call (209) 468-3066. 17720 E. Harney Ln. Lodi, CA 6484 N. Waverly Rd. Linden, CA 7am-5pm Mon-Sat For more information, please visit & Transfer Station 7am-4pm Mon-Sun Foothill Sanitary Landfill (209) 887-3969 orLinden, call (209) 468-3066. 2323 Rd. Manteca, CA 6484 E. N. Lovelace Waverly Rd. CA 7am-5pm Mon-Sat Lovelace Materials Recovery Facility (209) 982-5770 or call (209) 468-3066. & Transfer Station 7am-4pm Mon-Sun or call (209) 468-3066. ForLandfill more information, please visit Foothill Sanitary (209) 887-3969 2323 Rd. Manteca, 6484 E. N. Lovelace Waverly Rd. Linden, CACA please 7am-5pm For more information, visit Mon-Sat

Llantas - GRATIS deseche hasta 8 llantas por vehículo con folletode en las Joaquin.* Instalaciones deleste Condado San

Llantas - GRATIS deseche hasta 8 De…? llantas por vehículo con este folleto lasJoaquin.* Me Puedo Deshacer How Do I Dispose of…?disposal for¿Còmo Instalaciones del Condado deen San Mattresses – FREE residents at: San Joaquin County por vehículo- con folleto las Colchones GRATIS deseche para los Instalaciones del este Condado deenSan Joaquin.* ¿Còmo Me Puedo Deshacer De…? How Do I Dispose of…? Instalaciones del Condado de San Joaquin.* residents Colchones - GRATIS deseche para8 los Llantas -en: GRATIS deseche hasta llantas

Facilities* Tracy Material Recovery &las Transfer Facility – San 30703 S. Colchones - con GRATIS deseche para losde residents en: Todas instalaciones delen Condado por vehículo este folleto las

Llantas - GRATIS deseche hasta 8 De…? llantas Colchones - GRATIS deseche para los ¿Còmo Me Puedo Deshacer residents How Do I Dispose Todas Joaquin* lasen: instalaciones delde Condado de San Instalaciones del este Condado San MacArthur Dr.,of…? Tracy (209) 832-2355 por vehículo con folleto en las Joaquin.*

residents Todas lasen: instalaciones del CondadoFacility de San Tracy Material Recovery Joaquin* Instalaciones del Condado&deTransfer San Joaquin.* -

Todas las instalaciones del Condado de San Llantas - MacArthur GRATIS deseche hasta 8 De…? llantas Joaquin* Colchones - GRATIS deseche para los DR3 – 4447 S. Airport Way, 234-5819 ¿Còmo Me Puedo Deshacer 30703 S.Stockton Dr., Tracy (209) 832-2355 Tracy Material Recovery &(209) Transfer Facility How DoRecycling I Dispose of…? Joaquin* por vehículo con este folleto en las

residents en:- GRATIS Tracy Material Recovery & Transfer Facility 30703 S. MacArthur Dr., (209) 832-2355 Colchones deseche para los DR3 Recycling - 4447 S.Tracy Airport Way, StocktonTracy Material Recovery &deTransfer Facility Instalaciones del Condado San Joaquin.* 30703 S. Dr., Tracy (209) 832-2355 Todas las instalaciones del Condado de SanLlantas - MacArthur GRATIS deseche hasta 8 llantas

construction equipment under 175 hp. That includes fence post-hole augers, concrete saws and pumps larger than 40 cc. Where it gets cloudy is with something like gas-powered chain saws, Bishop said. Those 45 cc and smaller fall under the air board’s pending sales ban because they’re considered more of a homeowner’s tool. Gas-powered chain saws larger than 45 cc, called top-handle chain saws by equipment manufacturers, will still be allowed to be sold in the state after Jan. 1 because they’re designed for farming and forestry professionals. Dave Simpson, a Lodi-area winegrape grower, uses what he describes as a homeowner chain saw – the smallest gas-powered Stihl model that Big Valley Tractor sells – to cut up larger pieces of grape vines his pruning crew has removed. “I run the chain saw at least once a week for a few hours to cut up the wood coming out of the field,” he said. When it comes to tools for his pruning crew, Simpson long ago went with battery powered reciprocating saws for

residents en: - 4447 S. Airport Way, Stockton (209)Recycling 234-5819 DR3 30703 S. MacArthur Dr., (209) Furniture – Can be donated to Goodwill, the Salvation or DR3 Recycling - este 4447 S.Tracy Airport Way,832-2355 Stockton Joaquin* por vehículo con folleto en las Todas las instalaciones del Condado deArmy San (209) 234-5819 Colchones - GRATIS deseche para los DR3 Recycling - Condado 4447donar S. Airport Way, Stockton Muebles - se pueden aTransfer Goodwill, el (209) 234-5819 Tracy Material Recovery &de Facility Instalaciones del San Joaquin.* Joaquin* residents en: other charitable organizations. Muebles (209) 234-5819 Salvation Army u otras organizaciones se pueden donar a Goodwill, el 30703 S. MacArthur Dr., Tracy (209) 832-2355 Tracy Material Recovery & Transfer Facility Todas las- instalaciones delaCondado de Muebles se pueden donar Goodwill, el San Colchones - GRATIS deseche para los caritativas. Salvation u -otras organizaciones DR3 Recycling 4447 S.Tracy Airport Way, Stockton 30703 S. Army MacArthur Dr., (209) 832-2355 Muebles -Army se pueden donar a Goodwill, el Joaquin* Salvation u otras organizaciones

residents (209)Recycling 234-5819 DR3 - otras 4447 S. Airport Way, Stockton Salvation Army u organizaciones Appliances – FREE disposal of upcaritativas. to 234-5819 2lasen: per trip from the following: Tracy Material Recovery & Transfer Facility Electrodomésticos - Eliminación GRATUITA caritativas. Todas instalaciones del Condado de San (209) caritativas. 30703 S. 2MacArthur Tracy (209) 832-2355 de hasta porpueden viaje de los siguientes: Electrodomésticos -Dr., Eliminación GRATUITA Muebles - se donar a Goodwill, el Joaquin* refrigerators, air conditioners, freezers, water coolers, and up to Electrodomésticos Eliminación GRATUITA DR3 Recycling S. Airport Way,Facility Stockton refrigeradores, aires acondicionados, de hasta 2-Army porpueden viaje de los siguientes: Salvation u- 4447 otras organizaciones Tracy Material Recovery & aTransfer Muebles Goodwill, el Electrodomésticos - donar Eliminación GRATUITA de hasta 2 se por enfriadores viaje de los de siguientes: (209) 234-5819 refrigeradores, congeladores, aires acondicionados, agua y hasta 9 caritativas. 30703 S. 2MacArthur Dr.,organizaciones Tracy (209) 832-2355 Salvation Army u otras 9 per trip of: washers/dryers, microwaves, ovens, water heaters, de hasta por viaje de los siguientes: refrigeradores, aires acondicionados, por viaje de: lavadoras /S.secadoras, congeladores, enfriadores de aguaWay, ymicroondas, hasta 9 DR3 Recycling - 4447 Airport Stockton caritativas. refrigeradores, aires acondicionados, Muebles - selavadoras pueden donar Goodwill, el 9 congeladores, enfriadores deaagua ymicroondas, hasta Electrodomésticos -de Eliminación GRATUITA por hornos, viaje calentadores de: / secadoras, agua, estufas, stoves, space heaters, dishwashers, and/or trash compactors at (209) 234-5819 congeladores, enfriadores de agua ymicroondas, hasta 9 Salvation u otras organizaciones por viajecalentadores de: lavadoras /los secadoras, de hasta 2Army por viaje de siguientes: calefactores, lavaplatos yagua, papelera Electrodomésticos -de Eliminación GRATUITA hornos, estufas, por viaje de: lavadoras / secadoras, microondas, caritativas. hornos, de estufas, refrigeradores, aires acondicionados, Muebles pueden donar a Goodwill, San Joaquin County Facilities.* calefactores, de hastacalentadores 2- se por viaje de los siguientes: compactadores en las Instalaciones del el lavaplatos yagua, papelera hornos, calentadores de agua, estufas, calefactores, lavaplatos y papelera congeladores, enfriadores de agua ydel hasta 9 Salvation Army u Joaquin.* otras organizaciones refrigeradores, aires compactadores Condado de San en lasacondicionados, Electrodomésticos - Instalaciones Eliminación calefactores, lavaplatos papeleraGRATUITA compactadores en las Instalaciones por viaje de de:San lavadoras / ysecadoras, microondas, caritativas. congeladores, enfriadores agua ydel hasta 9 Condado Joaquin.* de hasta 2 por viaje deInstalaciones los de siguientes: compactadores las del Residuos Peligrosos/Basura Condado de SanenJoaquin.* hornos, calentadores de/ secadoras, agua, Universal estufas, por viaje de: lavadoras microondas, refrigeradores, aires acondicionados, Condado de San Joaquin.* Electrodomésticos - Eliminación GRATUITA Eliminación GRATUITA desechos peligrosos Residuos Peligrosos/Basura Universal calefactores, lavaplatos yagua, papelera hornos, calentadores dede estufas, congeladores, enfriadores de agua yde hasta Residuos Universal -9 de hasta 2 Peligrosos/Basura por viaje deInstalaciones los siguientes: (bombillas fluorescentes, pintura, Eliminación GRATUITA deproductos desechos peligrosos compactadores en las del calefactores, lavaplatos papelera Residuos Peligrosos/Basura Universal por viaje de: lavadoras / yde secadoras, microondas, Eliminación GRATUITA desechos peligrosos refrigeradores, aires acondicionados, pesticidas, productos de limpieza para el hogar, (bombillas fluorescentes, productos de pintura, Condado deGRATUITA SanenJoaquin.* compactadores lasde Instalaciones del Eliminación de desechos peligrosos hornos, calentadores agua, estufas, (bombillas fluorescentes, productos de pintura, congeladores, enfriadores de agua y hasta 9 pesticidas, anticongelantes, productos aceite dede limpieza motor, para baterías) el hogar, para Condado de San Joaquin.* (bombillas fluorescentes, productos de pintura, calefactores, lavaplatos y papelera pesticidas, productos de limpieza para el hogar, Residuos Peligrosos/Basura Universal por viaje de: lavadoras / secadoras, microondas, residentes del Condado enmotor, el Household anticongelantes, aceite de baterías)-para pesticidas, productos de limpieza para el hogar, compactadores en lasde Instalaciones del anticongelantes, aceite de motor, baterías) Eliminación GRATUITA de desechos peligrosos hornos, calentadores agua, estufas, Hazardous Waste Facility, 7850 R.A. Bridgeford Residuos Peligrosos/Basura Universal - para residentes del Condado en el Household anticongelantes, aceite de motor, baterías) para Condado de San Joaquin.* residentes del Condado en el Household (bombillas fluorescentes, productos pintura, calefactores, lavaplatos papelera Eliminación GRATUITA desechos peligrosos Hazardous St., Stockton. Waste Call Facility, (209) yde 468-3066 7850 R.A. forde Bridgeford details. residentes del Condado en el Household Hazardous Waste Facility, 7850 R.A. Bridgeford pesticidas, productos limpieza para el hogar, compactadores en(209) lasde Instalaciones del (bombillas fluorescentes, productos pintura, St., Stockton. Call 468-3066 forde details. Residuos Peligrosos/Basura Universal Hazardous Waste Facility, 7850 R.A. Bridgeford Electrónicos (e-waste) Eliminación St., Stockton. Call (209) 468-3066 for details. anticongelantes, aceite de motor, baterías) para Condado San Joaquin.* pesticidas,deproductos dede limpieza parapeligrosos el hogar, Eliminación GRATUITA desechos St., Stockton. Call (209) televisores/monitores for details. GRATUITA de hasta Electrónicos (e-waste) -468-3066 Eliminación residentes del Condado en el Household anticongelantes, aceite4 de motor, baterías) para (bombillas fluorescentes, de pintura, Electrónicos (e-waste) -9productos Eliminación Residuos Peligrosos/Basura Universal de computadora y hasta computadoras, GRATUITA de hasta 4 televisores/monitores Hazardousdel Waste Facility, 7850 R.A. Bridgeford residentes Condado en el Household Electrónicos (e-waste) -limpieza Eliminación pesticidas, productos de parapeligrosos el hogar, GRATUITA de hasta 4 televisores/monitores Eliminación GRATUITA de desechos impresoras, radios, estéreos, videograbadoras, de y hasta 9468-3066 computadoras, St.,computadora Stockton. (209) forBridgeford details. Hazardous Waste Facility, 7850 R.A. GRATUITA deCall hasta 4 de televisores/monitores anticongelantes, motor, para de computadora yDVD hasta 9productos computadoras, (bombillas fluorescentes, de pintura, reproductores deaceite por viaje enbaterías) las impresoras, radios, estéreos, videograbadoras, St., Stockton. Call (209) 468-3066 for details. de computadora y hasta 9 computadoras, residentes del Condado en el videograbadoras, Household impresoras, radios, estéreos, pesticidas, productos de el hogar, Electrónicos (e-waste) -limpieza Eliminación reproductores Instalaciones del de DVD Condado por viaje de San enpara las Joaquin.* impresoras, radios, estéreos, videograbadoras, Hazardous Waste Facility, 7850 R.A. Bridgeford reproductores de DVD por viaje en las anticongelantes, aceite de motor, baterías) GRATUITA de hasta 4 televisores/monitores Instalaciones Condado de San Joaquin.*para Electrónicosdel (e-waste) - Eliminación reproductores de DVD por lasdetails. St., Stockton. Call (209) 468-3066 for Vehículos - de Se pueden donar a en organizaciones Instalaciones del de San Joaquin.* de computadora yCondado hasta 9 viaje computadoras, residentes del Condado en el Household GRATUITA hasta 4 televisores/monitores Instalaciones del Condado de videograbadoras, Joaquin.* benéficas o vender a astilleros de chatarra y/o Vehículos Se pueden donar aSan organizaciones impresoras, radios, estéreos, Hazardous Waste 7850 R.A. Bridgeford de computadora y Facility, hasta 9Eliminación computadoras, Electrónicos (e-waste) Vehículos Se pueden donar a organizaciones benéficas Instalaciones o vender "part-out". aestéreos, astilleros Esviaje posible deenchatarra que se y / o reproductores de DVD por lasdetails. St., Stockton. Call (209) 468-3066 for impresoras, radios, videograbadoras, Vehículos Se pueden donar ade organizaciones GRATUITA de hasta 4 televisores/monitores benéficas o-deslizamiento vender a astilleros chatarra y/o requiera un de basura de DMV. Instalaciones "part-out". Es posible que se Instalaciones del de San Joaquin.* reproductores deyCondado DVD por viaje enchatarra las benéficas o vender a astilleros de de computadora hasta computadoras, Instalaciones "part-out". Es posible que se y / o Electrónicos (e-waste) -9Eliminación requiera un deslizamiento de basura de DMV. Instalaciones del Condado de SanCounty Joaquin.* "part-out". Es posible que impresoras, radios, videograbadoras, Barcos -un GRATIS - estéreos, San Joaquin requiera de basura de se DMV. Vehículos -deslizamiento Se pueden donar a organizaciones GRATUITA de hasta 4 televisores/monitores requiera un basura DMV. reproductores por viaje en lasde (209) Sheriff’s Vessel Turn-in Program Barcos - Office GRATIS -hasta San Joaquin County benéficas o-deslizamiento vender a astilleros chatarra y/o de computadora yDVD 9 de computadoras, Vehículos Sede pueden donar ade organizaciones Barcos -Office GRATIS - San Joaquin County Instalaciones del Condado de San Joaquin.* 953-8845. se aceptan Sheriff’s Vessel Turn-in Program impresoras, radios, estéreos, videograbadoras, Instalaciones "part-out". Es posible que(209) se y / o benéficas oTambién vender astilleros deembarcaciones chatarra Barcos -Office GRATIS -a San Joaquin County Sheriff’s Vessel Turn-in Program (209) 953-8845. en algunas También Instalaciones se por aceptan del Condado embarcaciones de San reproductores de DVD viaje en las requiera un deslizamiento de basura de DMV. Instalaciones "part-out". Es posible que se Sheriff’s Office Vessel Program (209) Vehículos -También Se pueden donar apara organizaciones 953-8845. seTurn-in aceptan embarcaciones Joaquin *un por una tarifa. Llame obtener en algunas Instalaciones del deDMV. San Instalaciones del Condado deCondado San Joaquin.* requiera deslizamiento de basura de 953-8845. se aceptan benéficas oTambién vender astilleros deembarcaciones chatarra y/o en algunas Instalaciones del Condado de San Barcos GRATIS -aSan Joaquin County detalles condiciones. Joaquin *y- por una tarifa. Llame para obtener en algunas Instalaciones delposible Condado de San Instalaciones "part-out". Es que se Joaquin * por una tarifa. Llame para obtener Sheriff’s Office Vessel Turn-in Program (209) Vehículos Se pueden donar a organizaciones detalles condiciones. Barcos y- GRATIS - San Joaquin County Joaquin * por una tarifa. Llame para obtener requiera un deslizamiento de basura de DMV. * vea elyOffice otro lado para obtener una lista(209) deylas detalles condiciones. benéficas o También vender a se astilleros de chatarra /o 953-8845. aceptan embarcaciones Sheriff’s Vessel Turn-in Program detalles condiciones. * vea Instalaciones el yotro lado del para Condado deuna San lista Joaquin deSan las Instalaciones "part-out". Es que se en algunas Instalaciones delposible Condado de 953-8845. También se obtener aceptan embarcaciones Barcos GRATIS - Condado San Joaquin County * Instalaciones vea el- otro lado para obtener una lista de las deltarifa. de San Joaquin requiera deslizamiento de Condado basura de DMV. Joaquin *un por una Llame para obtener en algunas Instalaciones del de San * vea el otro lado para obtener una lista de las Para mayor información favor visite Sheriff’s Office Vessel Turn-inpor Program (209) Instalaciones del Condado de San Joaquin detalles condiciones. Joaquin *y por unadel tarifa. Llame para obtener Instalaciones Condado de San Joaquin llame (209) 468-3066. 953-8845. También seoaceptan embarcaciones Para mayor información por favor visite Barcos - GRATIS - San Joaquin County detalles y condiciones. Para mayor información favor visite o llame (209) 468-3066. en algunas Instalaciones del por Condado de San Sheriff’s Office Vessel Turn-in Program (209) * vea el otro lado para obtener una lista de las Para mayor información favor visite o llamepor (209) 468-3066. Joaquin por una tarifa. Llame para obtener 953-8845. También seoaceptan embarcaciones Instalaciones del Condado San Joaquin * vea el*otro lado para obtener una lista de las llame de (209) 468-3066. detalles y condiciones. en Instalaciones algunas Instalaciones del Condado de San del Condado de San Joaquin Para mayor porpara favor visite Joaquin * por unainformación tarifa. Llame obtener * vea el otro ladoinformación paraoobtener una lista de las llame (209) Para mayor por favor468-3066. visite detalles y condiciones. Instalaciones del Condado San468-3066. Joaquin o llame de (209) * vea el otro lado para obtener una lista de las Para mayor información por favor visite Instalaciones del Condado San468-3066. Joaquin o llame de (209)

Hazardous Material/Universal Waste – FREE hazardous material (fluorescent bulbs, paint products, pesticides, household cleaners, antifreeze, motor oil, batteries) disposal for County residents at the Household Hazardous Waste Facility, 7850 R.A. Bridgeford St., Stockton. Call (209) 468-3066 for details. Electronics (e-waste) – FREE disposal of up to 4 televisions/ computer monitors, and up to 9 computers, printers, radios, stereos, VCRs, and/or DVD players per trip at San Joaquin County Facilities.* Vehicles – Can be donated to charitable organizations or sold to scrap metal yards and/or “part-out” facilities. DMV junk slip may be required. Boats – FREE – San Joaquin County Sheriff’s Office Vessel Turn-in Program (209) 953-8845. Boats also accepted at some San Joaquin County Facilities* for a fee. Call for details & conditions.

*San Joaquin County Facilities:

North County Recycling Center and Sanitary Foothill Sanitary Landfill (209) 887-3969 or call (209) 468-3066. Landfill, 17720 E. Harney Ln. Lodi, CA 6484 N. Waverly CA 7am-5pm orLinden, call (209) 468-3066. ForRd. more information, please visit Mon-Sat

(209) 887-3868 7am-4pm Mon-Sun

Lovelace For Materials more information, please visit Facility& Transfer or call (209) Recovery 468-3066. Station, 2323 E. Lovelace Rd. Manteca, CA

(209) 982-5770 7am-4pm Mon-Sun

Foothill Sanitary Landfill 6484 N. Waverly Rd. Linden, CA

(209) 887-3969 7am-5pm Mon-Sat

or call (209) 468-3066.

Para mayor información por favor visite o llame (209) 468-3066.

For more information, please visit or call (209) 468-3066. 8 san joaquin far m bur eau news

safety reasons. “It’s dangerous if you hit the cordon wire with a chain saw,” he said. Simpson’s vineyard abuts his house, so workers can come back periodically to exchange spent batteries for full ones on the plugged-in chargers. During a typical day, a pruner will run through three batteries. “The rub for me is you can’t just charge them anywhere,” Simpson said. “You have to plug them in. In a small place like mine, it’s no big deal.” But if he were involved with a large vineyard in a remote area like the Delta, for example, he said charging batteries would be a challenge. Bishop said it was for similar reasons that a large-scale almond grower he knows decided to begin buying larger federally exempt gas-powered chain saws rather than moving toward battery powered equipment. The grower had been buying cheaper, smaller units because the workers didn’t take care of them. Continued on next page Come meet the experts from Sioux, Optima and Mi-T-M! Visit us at the WinExpo, Booth#453


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December 2023

Continued from previous page But moving above 45 cc comes with a cost. The larger exempt saws cost about $350 each compared to the smaller ones that ran about $200 each, he said. What’s behind the pending ban? Assembly Bill 1346, authored by Marc Berman, D-Palo Alto, was signed into law in 2021. It directed the California Air Resources Board to develop regulations that ban manufacturers from selling small off-road spark-ignited engines of 25 hp or less in the state beginning Jan. 1, 2024. Equipment with diesel engines and stationary equipment are exempt. The bill also recommended the Legislature pass $30 million in CARB funding for purchase rebates of new zero-emission equipment. That money has already been spent. In addition, the air board has cost-share programs to help commercial landscape companies transition to battery powered equipment. Zero-emission is defined as electric battery powered or plug in, not


propane, natural gas, gas or diesel. The ban on sales of new gas-powered portable generators and pressure washers would be implemented in two phases Continued from page 2 under the legislation. Beginning with model year 2024, emission standards for live there if the project does go through. new models will be 40% to 90% more There were raised voices, but the passion stringent than current standards. By 2028, that they expressed comes from their own emission standards for all new portable belief in the future of their community generators and large pressure washers sold and the land they live on and farm. Because if you don’t believe in that future, will be zero. The latest rules governing small off- then why fight? It’s easy to look at agriculture here road engines are amendments to CARB’s existing off-road engine regulations first in California and lose faith. If it is not adopted in 1990. They are designed to drought, then it’s flooding. If production reduce emissions of smog-forming pol- is good, then prices are tanking. If by some miracle the stars align and production and lutants, according to CARB. The regulations apply to manufactur- prices are both up, you can be sure that ers and will impact equipment beginning the state is going to have one more rule, with the 2024 model year, according to or fee, or ban or mandatory replacement the air board. In addition, retailers who that make sure your profit is spent, usually have model year 2023 gas-powered equip- before it even can hit your bank account! But, if you were into easy, you wouldn’t ment on Jan. 1 can sell existing inventory. “You’ll see a big difference in 2025 be in agriculture. Every day, you go out because that’s when everything will be and gamble on the future. You bet that this year will be good and hope that it running out supply-wise,” Bishop said.


will be great. You do this because you believe in the future of agriculture, and you show it with your deeds. You do it because you believe in your family and the crops you produce. Maybe you’re not in production agriculture but work in one of the many industries that support farmers, ranchers and dairy farmers. Every day you, too, show up to secure loans, repair equipment, deliver supplies or any of the myriad other services that are necessary to keep a modern operation running. We are all here because we believe in the future of agriculture. We believe in both the past and future generations of agriculturalists. Even if sometimes it hurts, and sometimes it’s lonely, and sometimes we just don’t have any other choice but to believe that tomorrow can be better. Thank you for your belief in agriculture and in the Farm Bureau. If there is ever anything we can do for you, or if you just need someone to complain to, give us a call! I can’t guarantee anything, but together we will work for that future that we all believe in.

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san joaquin far m bur eau news


from the


Ag education is a major part of SJFB MERRY CHRISTMAS and Happy New Year! Looking back on the year 2023 there are so many wonderful events and opportunities that ag education has had in San Joaquin County. I am proud to help support those efforts through SJFB’s various programs such as our scholarships, involvement with the AgVenture Committee, our 2023 Wine Tasting

Fundraiser, the 2023 Ag in the Classroom and the various community outreach and classroom lessons. AgVenture is always a success with Natalie the Cow there. In the 2023 year she has helped to educate thousands of students about the dairy industry and milking process. This past year, the Foundation for Ag

Teachers from AITC on a tour of a cucumber field farmed my Mario Arnaudo of MAG Farming in Tracy.

Education brought back the Wine Tasting Fundraiser for their 30th anniversary of A Taste of San Joaquin. The event was a great success and with the generosity of all the sponsors, vendors, donors and attendees we are able to continue our agricultural education efforts for our community. Our Ag in the Classroom teacher seminar also returned in 2023 and it was such

a great experience for our local teachers. We are looking forward to expanding on this seminar in the future, so please help us spread the word about this wonderful program. Scholarship applications are out and ready for students. We offer over Continued on next page

PBM Supply & MFG., INC.

Quality Agricultural Spray Equipment, Parts and Supplies

-Sprayers- -Tanks- -Liquid Delivery Trailers- -Parts & AccessoriesPBM Supply & Manufacturing is a local agricultural manufacturing company that specializes in the design and construction of sprayers, tank trailers, and chemical handling equipment. Give us a call to find a dealer near you.

HAV Self-Propelled Sprayers

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Chemical Mixing Trailers


Tanks, Hose, Safety Gear, Parts, Accessories, Repair Kits & More Fowler Store 877-688-1334 3732 S. Golden State Blvd. Fowler, CA 93625 10 san joaquin far m bur eau news

December 2023

Continued from previous page $35,000 in scholarships for students pursuing an ag major. SJFB offers two scholarships plus the YF&R scholarships. Then there is a slew of memorial scholarships that local families fund to give back to students pursuing an ag degree. The scholarships have been awarded to students attending two- year and fouryear college careers. Recipients attend both in and out of California. SJFB has an updated list of scholarships and their applications online. These scholarships are such an integral part of ag education in our county. The new year brings the announcement of our new event dates. We are thrilled to announce the 31st Anniversary of the Wine Tasting Fundraiser will be held on Thursday, March 21, 2024, again at the Robert Cabral Ag Center. The SJFB Foundation is excited to see what the new year will bring and are hopeful for another successful event. Please contact me if you have any questions about our fundraiser.

w w w.sjf

Farm Girl Chef Elisabeth Watkins teaching knife skills at the 2023 Healthy Dinner Cooking Demonstration.

We look forward to having our usual lineup and hope to see you there. Lastly, a postcard has been mailed for our winter trainings. Contingency Planning, provided by Nationwide, is on Jan. 17. The CAL/OSHA Top Ten Violations,

Fourth-grade students trying a olives on their fingers for the first time at the Healthy Snack presentation at Beckman Elementary in Lodi.

provided by Nationwide, plus the Ag Specific Top Ten Violations, presented by Dan Castillo, will be held on Feb. 18. Call the office to reserve your space. If you are

interested in a different training course than listed, please reach out to me and I would be happy to schedule trainings that your operation needs.

san joaquin far m bur eau news



from the


SJC AGNET TASK FORCE By San Joaquin County Rural Crime Division

By Jessica Coit

SJC crime for Oct-Nov Fun events with other

county Farm Bureaus MERRY CHRISTMAS! The holiday season is always my favorite time of the year and a very busy one. I was able to attend the Tree & Vine Expo at the Stanislaus County Fairgrounds and share a booth with our favorite gals at the Stanislaus County Farm Bureau. That is always a great event, and it is wonderful to be able to see our members and also speak with other individuals in the agricultural community that are not aware of Farm Bureau. And of course, I get to see my repeat customers who are always so excited to purchase another gun calendar for the upcoming year! The following week, SJFB hosted a Regional Caucus of surrounding county Farm Bureaus where they discussed the proposed policy and bylaw changes that will be voted on at California Farm Bureau’s Annual Meeting. This year is an election year for CAFB, so the county delegates, alternates and staff had the opportunity to hear from and ask questions of the candidates that are running for CAFB office. By the time you receive this paper, your SJFB officers will be in Reno attending the annual meeting! Young Farmers & Ranchers will be having their Annual Christmas Party on Friday, Dec. 15 at Lodi Bowling at 6:00 pm! As always, we encourage all members to

show up and wear their ugliest Christmas sweaters to compete in the Ugly Sweater Contest. We also have a White Elephant Gift Exchange with a $10 to $15 limit for those who wish to participate. The committee will be providing pizza, appetizers and refreshments, but there is also a full restaurant and bar located downstairs that guests can access if they so wish to. If you are planning on attending, please be sure to RSVP to me by email,, so that we can have a headcount. Just a friendly reminder that the 2024 Gun Calendars make for great Christmas presents, but they are selling out fast! As always, the calendars are sold for $100 each, we raffle off 52 guns every Wednesday in 2024 and we only sell 520 calendars. All guns are purchased through the Outdoor Sportsman located on West Lane in Stockton. If you are interested in purchasing a calendar, please contact the SJFB office to get yours reserved today! And as always, please don’t ever hesitate to reach out if you ever need anything, we are here and happy to help you! If you have any questions regarding membership, YF&R and/or all things Farm Bureau, please reach out to me at jessica@!

Tool/equipment theft In the 900 block of E Critchett, an unknown suspect stole an unregistered 2021 Carry-On trailer from yard. The trailer is black in color and valued at $7,000. In the 15000 block of E Comstock Road, an unknown suspect stole a 550-gallon fuel wagon yellow in color with 400 gallons of red dye diesel valued at $3,500. In the 700 block of W Peltier Road, an unknown suspect stole a white 1980’s utility bed trailer with tools and 100 gallons of red dye diesel in a tank. The suspect vehicle is described as a white

Chevy or GMC pickup. The loss is valued at $4,500. In the 11000 block of E Eight Mile Road, an unknown suspect stole a shade trailer valued at $3,500. The trailer was stolen in March of 2023, however, reported to LE in October. In the 22000 block of E Williams Road, unknown suspects stole a 3 hp Honda engine and pump from a ball tank located behind orchard. The loss is estimated at $2,000. In the 19000 block of E Mariposa Continued on next page

Be sure to subscribe to the Friday Review e-newsletter to get the latest updates. To sign up, call the SJFB office at (209) 9314931 or email 12 san joaquin far m bur eau news

December 2023

Continued from previous page Road, unknown suspects stole an electric fuel pump and possibly 500 to 600 gallons of red dye diesel from an ag tank. The loss is estimated at $800 for pump only. Copper wire In the area of Manteca and Perrin Roads, an unknown suspect stole 150 feet of 14-gauge copper wire from pump. The theft occurred in the last three months and loss estimated at $10,000. In the 23000 block of Blossom Road, an unknown suspect stole 100 feet of copper wire from pump. The loss is estimated at $15,000. Commodity/livestock theft and other related cases In the area of Ahley Lane and Waterloo Road, unknown suspects seen in field stealing watermelons. No one was located once law enforcement arrived-on scene. Three subjects were observed stealing walnuts from an orchard. All three were arrested for the grand theft of nuts and booked into county jail. The loss/recovery is valued at $700. In the 28000 block of S Chrisman Road, an unknown suspect stole 38 bales of hay valued at $950. In the 7000 block of S Hwy 99 E Frontage Road, unknown suspects in a black Chevy Trailblazer and white Chevy single cab pickup stole approximately 300 pumpkins valued at $1,200. Arson In the 6000 block of E Woodbridge Road, a suspect started a brush fire with gasoline due to neighbor removing orchard and causing dust in suspects

vineyard. The suspect also assaulted a member of the crew with a stick. The loss is estimated at $6,000. Recovered property Unoccupied stolen vehicle located near vineyard on French Camp Road. Equipment trailer reported stolen out of Morgan Hill recovered near Mariposa/ Jack Tone Road. The recovery is valued at $6,500. An unoccupied stolen vehicle was located in a field at Hwy 4 and Gillis. A stolen Genie forklift was recovered in area of Clarksdale and N Hwy 99 E Frontage Rd. Suspicious vehicles Dark-colored Toyota Tacoma seen stealing watermelons CA License 7N82021. In the Tracy area, white suburban observed stealing tools from business. CA License 4MHG988 Arrested persons Gary Floyd was arrested for battery on person and arson. Masood Amire and Sweeta Aslam were observed stealing walnuts from an orchard at Peltier and Davis. Per farmer, they wanted suspects admonished for trespassing. Zarmina Hotaki was arrested for grand theft of walnuts and conspiracy. Zohra Samadi was arrested for grand theft of walnuts and conspiracy. Muqadisa Fazelrahime was arrested for grand theft of walnuts and conspiracy. Please report any and all suspicious activity. For non-emergency reports 24 hours a day, you can call (209) 4684400. In the event of an emergency, call 911.

ADVERTISER INDEX AmericanAg Credit (800) 800-4865 BAC Community Bank (209) 333-9648 Bank of Stockton (844) 700-5012 Big Valley Tractor (800) 266-9631 Edward Jones Investments (209) 502-7556 Linda Squires Insurance Agency (209) 652-6856 PacificBay Equipment Service & Sales (209) 578-3925 PBM Supply & MFG, Inc. (877) 688-1334 Port of Stockton (855) 763-2721 San Joaquin County Public Works (209) 468-3066 Sanguinetti & Co Insurance Brokers (209) 954-1000 Todd Garibaldi Insurance Agency, Inc. (209) 334-3030, 11 Valley Pacific Petroleum Services Inc. (800) 266-3782 w w w.sjf

THANK YOU TO SAN JOAQUIN FARM BUREAU AG MEMBERS WHO “STEPPED UP” Thank you to our San Joaquin Farm Bureau Agricultural Members who have stepped up. Farm Bureau is a grassroots organization whose purpose is to devote time and resources to promoting and protecting agriculture in our county, state, and nation. The “Step Up Plan” is designed for members to be able to pick their dues level based on their Annual Gross Income to increase their support of agriculture and help us increase our efforts in fighting for agriculture. Business Members also have a Step Up Plan. The Step Up Plan is outlined on our website. Contact our office at (209) 931-4931 to “Step Acampo Farm Center • Lamar Creekside Vineyards • Mahil Farms • Brent Newport • Nestor Enterprises • William Thomas • Carolyn Weyen Reynolds Calla-Nile Farm Center • 2Q Farming Inc • John Azevedo • Manuel Azevedo • David Boersma • Bourbeau Enterprises • Brocchini Farms Inc • Cardoza Bros • Central Valley Welding Mechanical Inc • Double O Farming Inc. • Jenkins Poultry • Joseph Gomes • David Kamper • Eileen Kuil • Loppini Farms • Edward Machado • Phippen Bros • Roorda Ranches Inc • SKS Enterprise Inc • John Van Duyn • Bryan Van Groningen • Van Till Farms • Michael Weststeyn Farming Collegeville Farm Center • BrightView Tree Company • Nomellini Farms Inc • Paul Sanguinetti • Grant Thompson • Thompson Ranch • Triple S Farming LLC Escalon Farm Center • A&A Cattle Co • Adrian Ranch • Bert Ballatore • Bavaro Farming Company Inc • Lealon Brumley • Phillip Brumley • Doornenbal Dairy • Gary De Vries • Herman Doornenbal Jr • Larry Fredricks • G&E Te Velde Orchards MLLC • John Galeazzi • Caleb Gervase • River Bend Orchards • Roche Bros Inc • Sharon Naraghi Farms LLC • Stagnaro Farms Inc • Vander Schaaf Dairy • Veenstra Farming • Paul Voortman • Wagner Dairy Lafayette Farm Center • All State Packers • Chardon Farms Inc • Joe Cotta & Son • Golden Bear Ranches

• Graffigna Fruit Co • Lima Ranch • Rob Kammerer • Lange Twins Partnership • Matthew Lauchland • The Lucas Winery • Nuss Farms • Diego Olagaray • Frank Olagaray • Joe Olagaray • Olagaray Brothers • Rodney Schatz • Van Diemen Farms • Bronson Van Wyck • Keith Watts Vineyards Linden Farm Center • 5 Star Farm Management Inc • A&A Dasso Farms • Anderson Barngrove Ranch Co • Bella Vista Ranch • Greg Busalacchi • Camera Brothers • Michael Corradi • FFD Orchards • Eilers Ranch LLC • Ferrari Farms Inc • Lagorio Properties LP • Jasbir S Gill Family Limited Partnership • Ray Lagorio • Lodi Farming Inc • Bella Vista Ranch • Mellor Farms • Panella Trucking LLC • Peter Boysen Realty • Precision Irrigation Mgt • Purviance Drillers Inc • R&A Miller Inc • RDJ Farms Inc • Andrew Solari • Waterloo Orchards Inc • Richard Zolezzi Roberts-Union Farm Center • Cubiburu Livestock • Mark Lewis • El Dorado Farms Inc • Marca Bella Farms, Inc • David Strecker • Zuckerman-Heritage Inc Tracy Farm Center • California Masterplant • GloriAnn Farms Inc • Mizuno Farms Inc • Michael Petz • Greg Pombo • Reece Farms • Hal Robertson • Thomsen Farms Inc • Glenn Van Ruler • Yamasaki Farms Victor Farm Center • Bokisch Ranches LLC • John Kautz Farms san joaquin far m bur eau news


business member



American Ag Credit Jacob DeBoer 2345 E. Earhart Ave., Stockton, CA 95206 (209) 944-7478 Nationwide Insurance Find a Farm Certified Agent: (800) 255-9913


Bowman & Company Gary R. Daniel (209) 473-1040 Croce, Sanguinetti & Vander Veen Inc. Pauline Sanguinetti (209) 938-1010 Grimbleby Coleman CPAs, Inc Jeff Bowman (209) 527-4220

Moss Adams LLP Eric Krienert (209) 955-6100 ASSOCIATIONS

California Farmland Trust Charlotte Mitchell (916) 544-2712 Lodi District Grape Growers Association Amy Blagg (209) 339-8246 Lodi Woodbridge Winegrape Commission Stuart Spencer (209) 367-4727 San Joaquin County Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Lisa Vela (209) 943-6117 San Joaquin Valley Hay Growers Rick Staas (209) 835-1662

Delicato Vineyards Marie Mathews 12001 S Highway 99, Manteca, CA 95336-8499 (209) 824-3600

$1,500 SUPPORT LEVEL CONT. Pacific Gas & Electric Dylan George 4040 N W Lane, Stockton, CA 95204 (209) 932-6515


Grimbleby Coleman CPAs, Inc Jeff Bowman 200 W. Roseburg Ave. Modesto, CA 95350 (209) 527-4220

Ralph Hayes & Son Inc. Eric Hayes 20177 S. MacArthus Dr., Tracy, CA 95304 (209) 835-4914

Kludt Oil & Propane (209) 368-0634 • (209) 466-8969

Helena Agri Enterprises Scott Mayfield 2530 CA-4, Stockton, CA 95206 (209) 943-0010

Travaille & Phippen Dave Phippen 12700 E Graves Rd., Manteca, CA 95336 (209) 599-6111

Outdoor Sportsman Inc (209) 957-4867



Mulrooney Auctions Co. James P. Mulrooney (209) 366-0600


Fisher Wireless Services (800) 446-2290


unWired Broadband Mark Peterson (559) 753-0386


Delo Electric Steve Delatorre (209) 368-1117

Clutch & Brake Xchange James Hitchock (209) 466-9049 Delta Growers (209) 948-4750 Helena Agri Enterprises Scott Mayfield (209) 943-0010

Mid Valley Agricultural Services Inc. (209) 851-3200 Wilbur-Ellis Company Rick Foell (209) 982-5400


Kjeldsen, Sinnock & Neudeck Christopher H. Neudeck (209) 946-0268 Offfice (209) 481-0316 Mobile


A Sambado & Sons Inc. Lawrence Sambado (209) 931-2568


Tom Mayo Construction Tom D. Mayo (209) 943-6248


Cal Ag Safety Ann Curtoni Lial (209) 351-0321


Giovannoni Farms Stefan Giovannoni (209) 321-7559 M2 Farming Nick Mussi (209) 969-3333


San Joaquin Delta Community College Dr. Omid Pourzanjani (209) 954-5151


Van De Pol Enterprises (209) 944-9115 V V Enterprises (209) 599-7776


Kasson Farms Romi Bhinder (209) 200-0298

Stanislaus Farm Supply Joey Gonsalves (209) 538-7070

Koetsier Farms Ian Koetsier (209) 404-1501

Zylstra Auto & Hardware Tim A. Zylstra (209) 887-3626

Lavagnino Orchards Ruani Lavagnino (209) 931-6728 Lucadeira Farms Richard Marcucci (209) 481-3641 MG Dutra Farms Marion Dutra (209) 836-9126 Peterson Family Vineyards James Peterson (209) 368-8102

Trinitas Farming Allison Holberg Vaccarezza Bros (209) 887-3163

Van Groningen & Sons Inc Van Laar Farms James Van Laar (209) 599-3613

John Herrick Attorney at Law John H. Herrick (209) 956-0150

Prima Frutta Packing Tim Sambado (209) 931-1460

Ag West Inc Mike Berg (209) 888-5455


Travaille And Phippen Dave Phippen (209) 599-6111

AM Farms Paul Marchini (209) 462-1185

14 san joaquin far m bur eau news

Morrill Industries (209) 838-2550

PBM Supply & Manufacturing Barry Jones (530) 345-1334

A&B Koster William M. Koster (209) 836-4690

Bert Bacchetti Farms Inc. Mark Bacchetti (209) 835-2224

Mid Valley Agricultural Services Inc. (209) 851-3200

IDC Farms Inc. Mike Conrad (209) 894-6408

M&R Co Reynolds Packing Co. Jeremy Hjelmstad (209) 369-2725

Nomellini, Grilli & Mcdaniel Professional Law Corp. Dante John Nomellini (209) 465-5883

Big Valley Tractor & Bobcat Central, Inc. (209) 762-6413

J. Milano Company Gary Milano (209) 944-0902


Herum, Crabtree, Suntag Steve Herum (209) 472-7700

Anteris Agronomics LLC (209) 900-3270

E & R Prins Dairy Edwin G. Prins (209) 838-7826

Delta Packing Co of Lodi Inc. Annamarie Costamagna (209) 334-1023


A Sambado & Sons, Inc. (209) 931-2568

Dan Van Groningen (209) 982-5248

BG Agri Sales & Service Anthony Da Valle (209) 931-7650 Discount Ag Parts Jim Allen (209) 239-5802


Brown Sand, Inc. Robert Brown (209) 234-1500

Ralph Hayes & Son Inc. Eric Hayes (209) 835-4914F San Joaquin Sulphur Company Janet Chandler (209) 368-6676


American AgCredit Marc Busalacchi (800) 659-FARM BAC Community Bank Eddie Lira (209) 473-6827 Bank of Stockton Jim Nemmers (209) 249-2201 Central Valley Community Bank Rick Shaeffer (559) 323-3493 Farmers & Merchants Bank Daniel Meza (209) 334-1101 Oak Valley Community Bank Jeff Hushaw (209) 844-7526

December 2023


Haley Flying Service, Inc. Gary Del Carlo (209) 836-0213 (209) 948-9345


Campora Propane Services Todd Spicer (209) 466-8611 George W Lowry Inc. Richard A. Lowry (209) 545-0791

Kludt Oil & Propane Aron Kludt (209) 368-0634, (209) 466-8969 Valley Pacific Petroleum Service, Inc. Rob Goodman (209) 948-9412 Van De Pol Enterprises Tom Van De Pol (209) 944-9115 Van Unen Miersma Propane Inc Jerry Behlen (209) 823-1315


AL Gilbert Company Jay Gilbert (209) 847-1721 Baglietto Seeds (209) 466-0433

Escalon Feed & Supply Ken Van Gorkum (209) 838-3326 M & M Feed Service Terry Mulder (209) 531-3353 Phil O’Connell Grain Co. Tim Grunsky (209) 465-5871 Triple P Feeds Dallas C. Paul (209) 333-2808 V-V Enterprises Dave C. Van Vliet (209) 599-7776


Aflac Susan Cruz (209) 477-5001 Altamont Insurance Brokers Dan Simonich (209) 835-6395 Big Valley Insurance Bill R. Crawford (209) 835-5253 (209) 365-9600 Dan Van Vuren Insurance Agency Inc. Dan Van Vuren (209) 484-5578 Sanguinetti & Company Insurance Brokers Karen Sanguinetti (209) 954-1000 S J Frerichs and Son Insurance Agency Inc. Mindy Bogetti (209) 835-1764 The Zenith Sandy Fiack (559) 260-6499 Todd Garibaldi Insurance Agency Todd R. Garibaldi (209) 334-3030 Vander Beek Crop Insurance Patti Velasquez (209) 838-8164 Wever Insurance Don Wever (209) 599-2161

w w w.sjf


Abbey Water Well Service, Inc. Steve Watson (209) 887-2990

Moorman’s Water Systems Inc. Larry Moorman (209) 931-3210 REAL ESTATE Morrill Industries, Inc. Ken Morrill (209) 838-2550 Pacific Southwest Irrigation Corp. Jim Clare (209) 986-0099


Anteris Agronomics LLC Kion Kashefi (209) 900-3270

Fruit Growers Laboratory, Inc. Michael Ostrom (800) 440-7821


Abel Mendoza Inc. Abel Mendoza (209) 836-0839

Alfaro Farm Labor Contractor Sergio Alfaro (209) 531-6786 Premium Employment Services Jesse Alderete, III (800) 581-5540


G&F Ag Services, Inc. Randy Fondse (209) 599-8911

Kromann & Company Rodney P. Kromann, Jr. (209) 581-1775 Kuil Brothers Ag Service Matthew D. Kuil (209) 599-4960


Acampo Machine Works Craig Edwards (209) 334-6638MANUFACTURING Ag Industrial Manufacturing Bob Ford (209) 369-1994 Tuff Boy Sales, inc Martin Harris (209) 858-4131


Les Schwab Tire Center-Lodi Gary Holm (209) 334-3961

DeRuosi Nut Dean Penero (209) 838-8307

Lodi Tire Service Kenneth A. Lung (209) 369-1985

Musco Family Olive Company Ben Gibbons (209) 836-4600

Swier Tire/Napa Auto Parts Roger Swier (209) 599-7512

Pearl Crop Inc. Ulash Turkhan (209) 808-7575 ShellPro Inc. (209) 727-0707 Stanislaus Food Products Paul Busalacchi (209) 548-3514PU Sunrise Fresh LLC Jake Samuel (209) 932-0192 The Morning Star Company Alissa Dillon (209) 826-7100


Bokides - Hesseltine Real Estate Co. Robert Hesseltine (209) 334-3045 Peter Boysen Realty Pete Boysen (209) 351-2150 Petersen & Company Agricultural Real Estate Joe Petersen (209) 210-8010 Reeve Associates Real Estate Gary Reeve (209) 835-2002 Wagner Land Company Charles Wagner (209) 942-4146


De Vinci’s Corporation Chris Trotter (209) 887-2121

Koes Bar (209) 329-2366 RETAIL


Orchard and Vineyard Supply (209) 368-8595


Chico Electric Norm Neilsen (530) 891-6749

“105.9, the Bull” Robert La Rue (209) 948-5786

Burchell Nursery Tom Burchell (209) 845-8733 Casa Cristi Nursery Inc John Moso (661) 792-6468 Dave Wilson Nursery Robert Woolley (209) 874-1821 Duarte Nursery Alex Duarte (209) 531-0351

Duck Creek of California, Inc. Kelton Fleming (209) 334-4136 PEST MANAGEMENT TOOLS

Outdoor Sportsman Eric Johnson (209) 957-4867PROCESSING


County Fair Food Products Leslie Kruger (209) 469-9934



Gary Bohnet (209) 369-6993, (209) 481-1349


Fabri Steel West Inc. John M. Arizcuren (800) 411-4215

Roland Construction Jim A. Hoagland (209) 462-2687


Hotsy Pacific Jim O’Connell (800) 640-1227

Highlighted businesses provide discount programs for members of the San Joaquin Farm Bureau.


Belkorp Ag, LLC John Gilligan (209) 538-3831

Big Valley Tractor & Bobcat Central, Inc. Don Franzia (209) 762-6413 Evolution Equipment Services Inc. Marti Sporleder (209) 810-5796 Garton Tractor Austin Knott (209) 948-5401 J M Equipment Co, Inc. Edward Henriques (209) 466-0707 North River Partners Nick Jones (209) 333-1116 Pape´ Machinery Brian A. Heavey (209) 983-8122 Western Square Industries Trygue Mikkelsen (209) 944-0921


Pro Plant LLC Skip Wilbur (209) 969-7547


Antonini Bros. Inc. Joseph Antonini (209) 466-9041 G3 Enterprises Ethan Jones (800) 321-8747 Hammer Trucking Michael J. Staples (209) 481-1567 Silva Trucking Dave Silva (209) 982-1114


PG&E Debbie McCaffrey (209) 932-2566


Big Valley Ford Doug Subke (209) 870-4400 Chase Chevrolet Paul Correia (209) 475-6740 Interstate Truck Center Rick Coslett (209) 944-5821


Arbor Vineyards Larry P. Mettler (209) 339-0525

K.G. Vineyard Management, LLC Ben Kolber (209) 367-8996 Pacific Ag & Vineyard Inc. Mack D Worland (209) 365-7222 R-N-R Vineyard, Inc. Russell Machado (209) 327-3165


Oakdale Irrigation District Steve Knell (209) 847-0341 South San Joaquin Irrigation District Peter Rietkerk (209) 249-4600 Stockton East Water District Scot Moody (209) 948-0333 Woodbridge Irrigation District Anders Christensen (209) 625-8438


Constellation Wines US, Inc. Paul Dismukes (209) 369-5861

Delicato Vineyards Marie Mathews (209) 824-3600 Heritage Oak Winery Tom Hoffman (209) 986-2763 Jahant Vineyards LLC Kevin Phillips (209) 368-7384 Klinker Brick Winery Steven Felton (209) 333-1845 Michael David Vineyards Michael J. Phillips (209) 368-7384 St. Amant Winery Barbara S. Spencer (209) 367-0646

Weibel Winery Fred Weibel (209) 365-9463

Sanborn Chevrolet, Inc. Kini Sanborn (209) 334-5000EMENT


Quartaroli & Associates Inc. Michael L. Quartaroli (209) 239-4908

san joaquin far m bur eau news


Our first priority is a clean, sustainable future for our community and the delicate surrounding habitat of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta. With major initiatives to help reduce emissions, enhance water quality, and other comprehensive wildlife protection programs, we continuously partner with our community to help keep our environment safe for a cleaner, greener future for all. Together, we are the Port of Stockton.

Chair Michael Patrick Duffy, Vice-Chair William R. Trezza Commissioners R. Jay Allen, David B. Atwater, Anthony Barkett, Stephen Griffen, Allen Sawyer Port Director Kirk DeJesus (888) 598-4697

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December 2023

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