SJFB News April 2024

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The rain year has been ideal, so far

THIS YEAR’S WINTER precipitation and spring temperatures have turned out to be more of a Goldilocks tale than last year: not too much, not too little, but just right.

At least a few producers, especially those with non-irrigated fields, would like a few more showers to carry their crops to harvest.

Although early March storms

See Rain, page 8

Many activities underway for YF&R in 2024; new members always welcome!

MUCH LIKE FARMS have transition plans to pass operations onto the next generation, San Joaquin Young Farmers & Ranchers strives for a mix of ages to ensure programs seamlessly continue.

Recruiting new members also may bring in different ideas to complement existing efforts, such as providing college scholarships and partnering with San Joaquin Farm Bureau to buy animals at AgFest.

YF&R Chair Jake Samuel said they have a good mix of ages represented in the current group, but bringing in new members is an ongoing effort.

“We have some old vet -


erans like myself and some younger people who are wanting to become more involved to hopefully take over some of the reins we’ve been doing,” said Samuel, 34. “It’s been kind of hard getting new members but it’s just getting the word out.”

3 Cattlewomen honored for reading ag books to kids

YF&R Treasurer Kent Norman, 26, agreed. “It’s good to have that full spectrum of ages in YF&R.

Whenever you have a bunch of young people in their early 20s, they can talk to the older

See YF&R, page 4

7 SJ County 4-Her takes 2nd place at National san joaquin farm bureau news 1
san joaquin April 2024 Meeting today’s challenges. Planning for tomorrow. TOP STORY
Vol. 109 No. 4
Vicky Boyd
2 Determination keeps ag strong
Warm, sunny skies near Stockton made for ideal cherry pollination weather.
Fashion Revue
Young Farmer & Ranchers mixes social activities, like the recent Sacramento Kings game, with educational tours and business meetings. Photo courtesy of YF&R Boyd



Joe Salazar, Chair

Joe Petersen

Charlie Starr

Calla Nile Garden

Tim Weststeyn, Chair

Bruce Oosterkamp

David Phippen

Bryan Van Groningen


Chester Murphy, Chair

Kent Norman

Les Strojan


Caleb Gervase, Chair

Katie Veenstra

Paul Voortman


Richard Rodriguez, Chair

Stanton Lange

Daniel Meza

Alfred Nicolini


Nick Ferrari, Chair

James Chinchiolo

Donald Drake

Jim Ferrari

Steven Galvin

Roberts Union

Nick Mussi, Chair

Patrick Drury

David Strecker


Joe Bacchetti, Chair

Phil Martin

Pete Reece, Jr.


Nick Bokides, Chair

John Anagnos

Kelton Fleming


Andrew Watkins, President

Les Strojan, First Vice President

James Chinchiolo, Second Vice President

Directors at Large

Phil Brumley

Jean Cabral, Emeritas

Jim Connolly

Karen Cultrera

Herman Doornenbal, Jr.

Joe Ferrari

Brad Goehring

Jack Hamm

Bob Hesseltine

Jim Larkin

Joe Luis

Steve Moore

Jerry Robinson

Jake Samuel

Paul Sanguinetti

Dave Simpson

Ken Vogel

Darrell Voortman

Kenny Watkins


Jenna Swenson, Farm Service Agency

Sonya Miller, NRCS/USDA

Krista McCoon, SJ CWA

Kamal Bagri, Ag Commissioner


Pat Withrow, Sheriff’s Dept

Brent Holtz, UC Cooperative Extension


Andrew Genasci, Executive Director

Jessica Coit, Membership Coordinator

Determination keeps ag strong from the PRESIDENT’S DESK

ONE OF THE MOST REWARDING aspects of serving as president of the San Joaquin Farm Bureau is witnessing the impact we can make when we come together. Our advocacy efforts have helped shape policies that benefit farmers, ranchers and dairymen. From promoting responsible development and protection of ag lands to advocating for fair taxes, our voices have been heard at local, state and national levels.

The past year has presented us with numerous challenges, from poor market conditions to unpredictable weather. Despite

these hurdles, our members continue in their efforts to feed our nation and sustain our agricultural heritage. Your resilience and determination serve as a testament to the strength of our farming community.

Your membership allows us to provide invaluable resources and services to our farming community. Whether it’s access to educational workshops, safety training or networking opportunities, the Farm Bureau remains committed to supporting your success and helping you navigate the ever-evolving agricultural landscape.


I also want to acknowledge the outstanding work of our board members, staff and volunteers who dedicate their time and expertise to advancing our mission. Groups of board members have given their time to engage on various issues. They have fought against warehouse developments on ag lands and irresponsible power line routes. They have taken time to meet with the assessor and his staff to better understand our property tax values.

See Watkins, page 11

Educating legislators about ag

WELCOME TO SPRING EVERYONE! As I sit in the office working on this message, it is getting ready to rain after about a week of sunny, mid-70’s days. We need rain and snow, so I will not complain but it just feels like Mother Nature cannot make her mind up. Spring training is all but done and opening day is around the corner for the Giants, so I am getting excited for that!

Another thing that happens this time of the year is the California Farm Bureau’s Commodity Advisory Committee meetings and the Capitol Ag Conference. If you are unfamiliar with the Commodity Advisory Committees, they are the beginning of the policy process each year for the state Farm Bureau. Groups of members representing seven different commodity areas, such as dairy and livestock, nut

trees and grape advisory committees, meet either on a Monday or Wednesday.

On the Tuesday in between the committee meetings, those members and others are encouraged to attend a morning of speakers and a legislative briefing followed by meetings with legislators at

their offices in the afternoon. This year, I had the opportunity to join with four other members in my group, along with well over 100 other members divided into similar groups, to spread out across

See Genasci, page 11

2 san joaquin farm bureau news April 2024 President, Andrew Watkins First Vice President, Les Strojan Second Vice President, James Chinchiolo Executive Director/Publisher, Andrew Genasci Editor/Production, Kevin Swartzendruber Advertising Agency, AOS, (916) 961-9999 Produced by Exclamation Point Communications for the San Joaquin Farm Bureau Federation, 3290 Ad Art Road, Stockton, CA 95215, (209) 931-4931. San Joaquin Farm Bureau News, publication number 185-880, is published monthly. The subscription price to San Joaquin Farm Bureau members is included in the membership dues of $325 for agricultural members, $100 for associate members, or $450 for business members. Business member step-up levels with increased benefits are $750, $1,500, $3,000 and $6,000. Non-profit periodical postage paid at Stockton, CA. Postmaster: Send changes to 3290 N. Ad Art Road, Stockton, 95215.

Cattlewomen honored for reading ag books to kids

THE ROTARY CLUB OF STOCKTON honored Sheryl Morris, Beef Promotion chairman for the San Joaquin-Stanislaus CattleWomen with the Paul Harrison Fellow Award for their years of reading agricultural and ranch books to Stockton elementary students at their annual Rotary Read-In event. The award is in appreciation of tangible and significant assistance given by the furtherance of better understanding and friendly relations among peoples of the world.

Morris organized 12 CattleWomen to read in 19 classrooms at King Elementary in Stockton. Each member reads a book about agriculture or cattle ranching which was age appropriate and donated the book to the school library. Many readers brought items to share relating to their book such as a cowboy hat, branding iron, plants, small animals and/or personal photographs of their ranches. Morris has been coordinating the members to participate in the annual event for 16 years and the CattleWomen have been reading for more than 20 years.

At the 33rd Annual Rotary Read-In event last month, 777 volunteers read to

more than 20,000 students at 74 schools within the Stockton, Manteca and Lodi Unified School Districts, the San Joaquin County Office of Education and area charter schools.

The San Joaquin-Stanislaus Cattle -

Women is a local organization that promotes the beef industry thought education and outreach activities. The unit has 48 members ranging in age from 16 to 90 years old and there are about 1,800 CattleWomen in California. san joaquin farm bureau news 3
(l-r) Rotary President Walt Wagner, Read-In Co-Chair Sharon Tweedy and CattleWomen’s Beef Promotion Chair Sheryl Morris.
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Continued from page 1

members who are closer to aging out and get an idea of things to try out. It’s almost like a mentoring type of deal. You can get more experienced people to help out the younger people.”

Having a diverse mix of ages also means members have a variety of experience in the ag industry they can share with each other, he said.

Jessica Coit, SJFB program director for YF&R, said the transition plan seems to be working.

“For a lot of the past members who have just aged out, it was a big priority for them to get younger people that they could pass the torch to. This group seems to be pretty cohesive.”

YF&R is designed for those 18-35 years old who are involved in agriculture or have an interest in it.

Coit said she’s been impressed with this year’s Executive Committee and how they’ve stepped up to take on some of the related duties she used to do.

on top of the ball,” she said. “One thing with us being down a staff person, they want to be self-sufficient.”

“This year’s executive team has been so

In addition to some energetic newcomers from San Joaquin County, Coit said the group also has attracted a few

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4 san joaquin farm bureau news April 2024
Young Farmer & Rancher members recently toured GoldRiver Orchards, a walnut processor near Escalon. Photo courtesy of YF&R

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members from neighboring Sacramento and Stanislaus counties.

Summer’s Bounty fundraising barbecue

YF&R relies on its annual Summer’s Bounty fundraising barbecue to support its tours and social activities as well as fund college scholarships, AgFest animal purchases and community service activities.

In addition, the funds provide scholarships for YF&R members who want to attend the YF&R State Conference or California Farm Bureau Annual Meeting.

“There’s a common misconception that it funds more socials and more events when there’s a lot more to it,” Samuel said. “We’re putting money toward AgFest animals. We have scholarships and continue with outreach. The fundraiser is not just for us to raise money – it allows us to give back to the community.”

The 2023 Summer’s Bounty was one of the group’s most successful yet in terms of fund raising, even with temperatures that topped 100 degrees on the day of the event. Norman said he couldn’t pinpoint the reason but said it might have to do with the 2022 barbecue – the first one after the COVID pandemic.

“People went to the one post-COVID, had a great time and helped spread the word,” he said.

Fundraiser Co-Chair Rose Lorenzo

hoped for similar results with this year’s event. She is finalizing the location and

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Everyone together during the GoldRiver Orchards tour. Photo courtesy of YF&R

Continued from previous page

date and will begin publicizing it shortly.

Lorenzo volunteered to help organize the barbecue because she said she liked event planning. Plus, Brooklyn Petersen, who helped direct the Summer’s Bounty the past two years, was still available to provide guidance.

Lorenzo said she planned to keep the ever-popular live dessert auction as well as a new one started last year for a handful of non-dessert items such as a trip or a VIP table at the 2025 Summer’s Bounty. A silent auction with donated items also will return.

Tri-tip will remain on the menu because of how well it turned out last year. But Lorenzo said she may tweak a few of the side dishes that didn’t work as well last year being prepared for a large crowd. Giving back to the community

Catie Newport, 22, joined YF&R a few months ago at the recommendation of her older sister. A 2023 graduate of California

State University, Fresno, Newport was familiar with the group’s activities as a prior scholarship recipient.

As community service chair, Newport is responsible for developing projects that let YF&R give back to the community. Many are still in the early stages and will be solidified at the group’s April meeting. Newport said she also is proposing quarterly community service projects on top of annual efforts, such as scholarships.

Already, she has organized a drive to collect items for care packages to send to service men and women. Among the donations are socks, toiletries, hygiene products, soaps, toothbrushes, toothpaste and non-perishable snacks.

“I’m just getting back here and giving back to San Joaquin County,” Newport said. Become a YF&R member

Newport also serves as social media chair, posting information about upcoming YF&R activities and projects on the group’s Facebook and Instagram pages. They can be found at https://www. and https://www.instagram. com/sanjoaquinyfr/, respectively.

San Joaquin YF&R hosts monthly meetings or events, alternating social activities like a Sacramento Kings basketball game, with educational ag-related tours and business meetings. Samuel said they’re trying to add different fun activities, like the Kings game, and to have more in the south part of the county, Escalon and Tracy.

One of those was the recent tour of Escalon walnut processor GoldRiver Orchards, which also attracted a few members from Stanislaus County YF&R.

Samuel said members also have discussed possible tours with YF&R chapters in other parts of Northern California. In the past, the San Joaquin group has had get-togethers with YF&R chapters in Butte and El Dorado counties.

hosting other personal growth activities. Interested people can attend a YF&R meeting or activity as kind of a test drive to see if they want to formally join. Samuel said they have resurrected a program that provides a discount for the first year should people sign up for a Farm Bureau membership.

Newport’s goal is to get new members and younger members involved. “I think some of the members who are committee chairs will be aging out his year,” she said. Norman said many potential new members hear about the group by word of mouth. He himself was encouraged to join by his older brother, Neil. Norman said he also reaches out to past scholarship recipients and invites them to check out YF&R.

In addition, Coit said members have discussed inviting a speaker to talk about professional development and possibly

Lorenzo, 34, credited current Vice Chair Alyssa Drake for inviting her to attend a YF&R function. Once she did, Lorenzo said she decided to join because of like-minded members and how active the group was with their mix of activities.

6 san joaquin farm bureau news April 2024 We Fuel California Cardlock Fuel DEF & Coolants Mobile Fueling Equipment Lubricants

SJ County 4-Her takes 2nd place at National Fashion Revue

OLIVIA FRENETTE from the San Joaquin County 4-H program placed second in the National Fashion Revue Contest in San Antonio, Texas in January this year.

4-H members from 18 states participated in the 4-H Family and Consumer Science National Championship and


Frenette is a seven-year member of the Linden-Peters 4-H Club. She has been sewing since she began 4-H at nine years old. She is the daughter of Gina and Scott Frenette and attends Linden High School.

Be sure to subscribe to the Friday Review e-newsletter to get the latest updates. To sign up, call the SJFB office at (209) 9314931 or email

Frenette’s wool sleeveless fitted dress is fully lined with a back zipper and made with 100% wool fabric. The coordinating jacket has 3/4 length sleeves, a back pleat, bound buttonholes, and is fully

lined. The outfit is the perfect vision of vintage luxury, with a hint of Jackie Kennedy. Frenette’s ensemble was awarded first place at the 2022 California Make it With Wool Contest and she competed at the National Make it With Wool Contest in January 2023.

“It was fun to compete at the national level again, and to see what other competitors made. My absolute favorite event at the conference was the youth mixers, especially the pin swap!” Frenette said.

4-H members 14-19 years old who won their state-level competition advanced to the national level. Over the four-day event about 250 members, staff and parents attended the event held at the San Antonio Riverwalk.

At the Fashion Revue Contest, contestants modeled the garments they created and were judged on their presentation skills, knowledge of their outfit, modeling and the appearance of the garment. They also responded to judges’ questions about various aspects of the fashion industry and their garment.


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Olivia Frenette modeling during the National competition.

delayed chores around Herman Doornenbal’s Escalon almond orchards, he wasn’t complaining much. This season’s rains, and more so, the late snowstorms, mean full deliveries for growers in the Oakdale Irrigation and South San Joaquin Irrigation districts.

The two districts share senior water

rights to the first 600,000 acre-feet of inflow each year into New Melones Reservoir. As of March 21, New Melones held slightly more than 2 million acre-feet, about 136% of average for the date. That compares to about 1.3 million acre-feet on the same date in 2023.

This year’s snowpack also looked promising, with 48 monitoring stations in the central Sierra Nevada reporting a snow water content of 95% of normal for March 22.

“We had quite a bit of snow last

week,” Doornenbal, who serves on the OID board, said in mid-March. “I think we would have had full allocations even before that last snowfall.”

In fact, New Melones had too much water in storage for mid-March. SSJID water resources coordinator Brandon Nakagawa said the Bureau of Reclamation, which operates the reservoir, had to make flood releases to bring down storage levels to about 1.97 million acre-feet.

Unfortunately, the releases came from a conservation account the two districts


use to carry over a small amount of water from a previously wet year.

“When New Melones is making flood releases, it’s actually our water that’s going out,” Nakagawa said. But if reservoir levels are high enough at the end of this year, he said they should have water back in their conservation account for 2025.

Pastures green up

Early March rains followed by temperatures in the 70s helped promote grass growth on a Farmington-area cattle ranch run by SJFB First Vice President Les Strojan and his son. By mid-March, the grass was finally growing ahead of the cattle.

“Everything right now, of course, looks about as good as it can,” said Strojan, who with his son also grow forage crops. ”It’s a little too early to predict how good a spring we’ll have. Most of the growth is at the end of March into April, so that’s a critical time of year for water.”

To help maximize grass growth, he would like to see some more showers through early spring. Last year, the ranches actually received too much rain in a short period of time. In addition to the prolonged cold winter, the excessive rains delayed grass growth.

But this year, the rains came at more desirable intervals, followed by mild temperatures. “This year in general has been a better year,” Strojan said.

The wheat they planted for silage also has begun to grow and should come off in May or early June. He said they plan to double crop it with corn.

Cherry blossom time

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With many cherry varieties hitting peak bloom in the Lodi and Stockton areas the week of March 18, SJFB Second Vice President James Chinchiolo said the crop was off to a promising start.

This year’s bloom looked good and the weather was nearly ideal for honey bee pollination activity. Compared to historic average, Chinchiolo, who grows cherries near Lodi, said this year’s bloom may be a few days behind but it’s not nearly as late as last year’s.

In anticipation of bloom, Chinchiolo had monitored the number of chill portions that accumulated over the winter to determine when to apply materials

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8 san joaquin farm bureau news April 2024 Rain

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that wake up the trees a bit early. The theory is if they bloom earlier, then they’ll have mature fruit a bit sooner than untreated trees.

Although this winter’s weather was cold enough to put the trees into a deep sleep, he said it wasn’t as chilly as last winter. Much of the chilling this year also occurred later in the winter.

“There’s a theory I’ve heard that it’s better for chill to take place in November and December,” Chinchiolo said. “We had about 30% less than last year. We had a fairly cold January, but we didn’t necessarily catch up. But we got what we needed.”

Higher chill portions put the trees into a deeper winter slumber, and they tend to come out of it with a stronger bloom the following spring.

Although a lot can happen between now and harvest, Chinchiolo said he expected slightly less volume than in 2023. But the fruit quality should be good.

“Maybe with the chill portions there

aren’t as many viable buds,” he said. “Sometimes the rain can knock off some of the viable buds, too. There may be less volume but higher quality.”

Cherry harvest in the Lodi and Stockton areas should start about mid-May, depending on variety.

Catching up on chores

With the break in the storms in midMarch, almond grower Doornenbal was making up time mowing orchard middles, sweeping mummies and fertilizing trees –chores he had had to put off because of wet conditions.

“(The sunny weather) is giving us a chance to catch up on everything we weren’t able to do because of all of the goofy weather, but it’s a good thing,” said Doornenbal, who chairs the SJFB Water Committee.

The ground was too wet to apply granular fertilizer as the trees leafed out in early March. If he were to have spread it later in the month, he didn’t foresee enough rain falling to help water it in.

“If we spread something now and it

doesn’t rain for a while, most of that stuff will just gas off,” Doornenbal said about nitrogen volatilization.

His only option was to fertigate or run liquid fertilizer through his irrigation system. Looking at his crop set as he talked, Doornenbal said, “Our trees look pretty good. We can’t complain about what’s on

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Vicky Boyd A bee pollinates lingering almond blooms in this Tracy-area orchard, which had already started to drop petals.

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dards to provide stability in farmworker pay rates.

Out of control wage rate increases have taken a toll on America’s farms. A recent Market Intel shows that the mandatory base wage rates for H-2A workers increased almost 41% from 2018 to 2024.

This growth in the Department of Laborcalculated agricultural wage rate is almost 60% higher than the growth in the overall U.S. Employment Cost Index. The report includes several weather-related worker protection recommendations.

The full ALWG report is available at


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We may be able to help make sure that those values more accurately reflect the benefits afforded by the Williamson Act and the impacts of the current commodity

prices here in San Joaquin County. It has been great to see many of you at the recent Farm Center meetings and talk about what your Farm Bureau is doing to support agriculture in our community. Looking ahead, I am excited about the opportunities and challenges that await us. Thank you again for your membership and support of the San Joaquin Farm Bureau.

Continued from page 2

the legislative office building and talk about the issues facing agriculture here in California.

Our group met with staff from Assemblymember Nguyen and Senator Ashby, both from the Sacramento area, and Senator Umberg from the Anaheim area. While not able to meet with the legislators themselves, spending time with their chiefs of staff and agriculture specialists is just as important and sometimes even

better. We were able to talk with people like Bhawan Cheema in Senator Ashby’s office about her family’s farm in India and the issues with government overreach that they have delt with. This naturally led us into a discussion of where the government can help, such as SWEEP funding, and where it can hurt, like the $33 million in increases to the mill tax that the Department of Pesticide Regulation is proposing. We were also able to speak with Yajaira Lechuga from the office of Senato Umberg in Orange County. While agriculture is not an everyday issue in her area, there is a huge nursery industry there that would be hit hard by the increase in the mill tax.

A bill that would allow the use of funds from the Clean Off Road Equipment fund to purchase drones and other hightech implements for precision agriculture would work nicely for her constituents even though the overall acres of ag land in that district is small.

Along with the meetings, we invited the staff and legislators both to a presentation on the impact of AB 1066. AB 1066 is the bill that removed ag overtime rules of 10 hours a day or 60 hours a week.

UC Berkley economist Alexandra Hill has researched the impact of this bill on workers and the results are surprising only to those who do not work in agriculture.

She estimates that California workers have worked between 15,000 and 45,000 fewer hours and earned between $6 and $9 million less since the bill was implemented. As I said, surprising only to those outside of agriculture who do not understand that with historically tough markets, farmers cannot afford to pay regular time much less overtime.

After each meeting, I invited the staff for tours of the farms of San Joaquin County so that they could see the operations and meet with the producers that their proposals affect. Hopefully, a few will take me up on the offer and I will be reaching out to some of you to open your doors this year! san joaquin farm bureau news 11
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SJFB Annual Meeting and YF&R social coming soon!

I AM HAPPY TO REPORT that we survived March Madness! Like I mentioned last month, March was a very busy month for SJFB between all of our Farm Center Meetings, the Lodi and Stockton AgVentures, Commodity Advisory Committees (CAC’s) and all of our standing meetings of course! It is always wonderful to see all of the members at their respective Farm Center meetings, and I would like to thank each and every one of you who were able to attend.

GoldRiver facilities, I highly recommend that you do not pass up that opportunity.

The committee has been working on their Annual Summer’s Bounty fundraiser which will be sometime in July, more information to come!

growers in compile information and assist in filling out the applications for the grant. The grant will cover up to $200,000 in funding for projects that conserve water usage and decrease greenhouse gas emissions with no funds matching required. If you are a water user in either SEWD, NSJWCD, or SSJID and you are interested in applying for a SWEEP grant, please reach out to either myself or Andrew and we would be more than happy to assist you!

The Young Farmers & Ranchers Committee has been extremely active this year and they are always looking for new members to join their committee! For those of you who are not familiar with the group, YF&R is a committee of Farm Bureau of young agriculturalists between the ages of 18 and 35. They typically meet on the first Wednesday of the month and the meetings range from in office business meetings, socials and industry tours throughout the county.

So far this year, they attended a Sacramento Kings game for their January social, collected items and assembled care packages for our service members, and hosted a joint tour with Stanislaus County YF&R at GoldRiver Orchards, a walnut packing facility in Escalon. A huge thank you to Don Barton for so generously hosting both groups and giving an amazing and informational tour! If anyone ever gets a chance to tour the

At this year’s Farm Center Meetings, their annual elections took place and we are happy to be forwarding on nominations to Annual Meeting for the 20242025 Farm Center directors. We are looking forward to adding a few new board members to the roster! Neil Norman will be joining the Collegeville Farm Center and Josh Barton and Dennis Drake will be coming on as Directors at Large. All Farm Center directors as well as the directors at large will be voted on by the membership at our Annual Meeting which will be held in June. Be sure to keep an eye for the invites in the mail!


Also, as a friendly reminder, the State Water Efficiency & Enhancement Program (SWEEP) Block Grant for Stockton East Water District (SEWD), North San Joaquin Water Conservation District (NSJWCD) and South San Joaquin Irrigation District (SSJID) is open, and the first deadline for applications is May 15! San Joaquin Farm Bureau is serving as a Technical Assistance Provider for the three respective water districts to assist

And as always, please do not hesitate to reach out to the SJFB office if you need anything. We are open from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. daily and can be reached at (209) 931-4931.

We encourage you to contact your elected officials regarding issues facing agriculture in SJ County. Below is information on how to reach them:

The Honorable Joe Biden, President The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., NW Washington, DC  20500 (202) 456-1414

The Honorable Laphonza Butler, United States Senate 112 Hart Senate Office Building Washington, DC  20510 (202) 224-3841, (202) 228-3954 fax

The Honorable Alex Padilla, United States Senate 331 Hart Senate Office Building Washington, DC 20510 (202) 224-3553

The Honorable Josh Harder, U.S. House of Representatives, 9th District Washington, D.C. Office 209 Cannon House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 (202) 225-4540, District Office - Currently in the process of transitioning to a new Stockton, CA 95202

Phone: (209) 579-5458

The Honorable John Duarte, U.S. House of Representatives, 13th District

Washington, D.C. Office 1535 Longworth Office Building

Washington, DC 20515 (202) 225-1947

The Honorable Gavin Newsom, Governor 1st Floor-State Capitol, Sacramento, CA  95814 (916) 445-2841 (916) 445-4633 fax

The Honorable Susan Eggman, California State Senate, District 5

Capitol Office

1021 O Street, Suite 8530, Sacramento, CA 95814-4900; (916) 651-4005

District Office

2291 W. March Lane, Suite B200, Stockton, CA 95207; (209) 472-9535

The Honorable Carlos Villapudua, California State Assembly, District 13

Capitol Office

1021 O Street, Suite 6340

P.O. Box 942849-0013

(916) 319-2013, (916) 319-2113 fax

District Office

4643 Quail Lakes Drive, Suite 200, Stockton CA 95207 (209) 948-7479

The Honorable Heath Flora California State Assembly, District 9 Capitol Office 1021 O Street, Suite 4730

P.O. Box 942849-0009 (916) 319-2009

District Office


12 san joaquin farm bureau news April 2024
N. Wilma Ave., Suite B Ripon, CA 95366, (209) 599-2112
County Board of Supervisors: The Honorable Miguel Villapudua, Dist. 1, Vice Chair
Honorable Paul Canepa, Dist. 2
Honorable Tom Patti, Dist. 3 The Honorable Steven Ding, Dist. 4 The Honorable Robert Rickman, Dist. 5, Chair 44 N. San Joaquin St, 6th Floor, Ste 627, Stockton, CA 95202 (209) 468-2350, (209) 468-3694 fax The Honorable Pat Withrow San Joaquin County Sheriff 7000 Michael Canlis Blvd. French Camp, CA 95231 (209) 468-4400 CONTACT YOUR ELECTED OFFICIALS
AmericanAg Credit (800) 800-4865 7 BAC Community Bank (209) 944-1516 5 Bank of Stockton (844) 700-5012 ............................................................. 9 Bokides- Hesseltine Real Estate Company (888) 264-0450 10 Edward Jones Investments (209) 502-7556 4 G3 Enterprises (800) 321-8747 .................................................................. 8 PBM Supply & MFG, Inc. (877) 688-1334 11 Port of Stockton (888) 598-4697 16 San Joaquin County Public Works (209) 468-3066 4 San Joaquin Mosquito & Vector Control District (209) 982-4675 3 Sanguinetti & Co Insurance Brokers (209) 954-1000 .................................. 6 Todd Garibaldi Insurance Agency, Inc. (209) 334-3030 11 Valley Pacific Petroleum Services Inc. (800) 266-3782 6


SJC crime for Feb/Mar

Tool/equipment theft

In the 23000 block of S Frederick, an unknown suspect broke into a shop and stole over $22,000 worth of tools and caused $800 in damage.

In the 5000 block of E Woodbridge Road, suspects stole two Honda Recon ATVs valued at $14,000, one yellow and 1 green. They also stole a gray Yamaha ATV valued at $7,000.

In the 5000 block of E Woodbridge Road, an unknown suspects tole a 2023 Can Am ATV and a rodent control trailer. The trailer was recovered the following day. ATV is valued at $8,000.

In the 50 block of Turner Road, an unknown suspect stole a two-cylinder diesel engine from an irrigation pump. The loss is estimated at $4,000.

In the area of Alpine and Copperopolis Roads, an unknown suspect stole a fuel wagon with 500 gallons of red dye diesel. The loss is estimated at $3,500.

Copper wire

In the area of Collier and Elliott Roads, an unknown suspect stole 600 feet of copper wire from a pump. The loss is estimated at $2,000.

In the 18000 block of E Louise Ave., an unknown suspect stole 12 feet of copper wire from a pump. The loss is valued at $4,300 between theft and damage.

In the 19000 block of Calla Dr., an unknown suspect stole 75 feet of wire from a pump. No estimate was given of monetary loss.

In the area of Airport Ct., an unknown suspect stole all the wire from three pumps. The loss is estimated at $10,000.

In the 23000 block of S Austin Road, an unknown suspect stole an unknown amount of copper wire from a pump. The loss is estimated at $4,000.

In the 17000 block of Milgeo Road, an unknown suspect stole 20 feet of copper

wire from three separate pumps. The loss is valued at $3,500.

In the 19000 block of S Austin Road, an unknown suspect stole 25 feet of copper wire from an irrigation pump. The loss is estimated at $5,000.

Commodity/livestock theft and other related cases

In the 12000 block of Whitehouse Road, suspects stole a round pen, vet exam stall and a disc. Suspects were later identified and items recovered.

In the 12000 block of Whitehouse Road, suspects stole $100,000 worth of fencing from property. The suspects were ex tenants and were later arrested and property recovered.

In the area of Holt Road and McDonald Road, an unknown suspect stole 56 Bee Colonies valued at $14,000.

In the 16000 block of S Wagner Road, an unknown suspect stole 16 bee colonies valued at $6,000.

In the area of Angier and Live Oak, an unknown suspect stole two bee boxes valued at $1,400.

In the 15000 block of E Hwy 12/88, unknown suspects drove through a recently planted field and caused an unknown amount of damage to the field and sprinklers.

Recovered property

In the City of Oakland, ag units located a 2015 Cat Backhoe valued at $90,000.

In the 3000 block of E Woodbridge Road, a stolen rodent control trailer was recovered in a field. Recovery valued at $30,000.

Arrested persons

Trina Homer was arrested for grand theft, possession stolen property, vandalism and conspiracy.

Gerald Johanson was arrested for grand theft, possession of stolen property, vandalism and conspiracy.



Thank you to our San Joaquin Farm Bureau Agricultural Members who have stepped up. Farm Bureau is a grassroots organization whose purpose is to devote time and resources to promoting and protecting agriculture in our county, state, and nation. The “Step Up Plan” is designed for members to be able to pick their dues level based on their Annual Gross Income to increase their support of agriculture and help us increase our efforts in fighting for agriculture. Business Members also have a Step Up Plan. The Step Up Plan is outlined on our website. Contact our office at (209) 931-4931 to “Step Up” your membership today.

Acampo Farm Center

• Lamar Creekside Vineyards

• Mahil Farms

• Brent Newport

• Nestor Enterprises

• S&R Egg Ranch Co.

• Nuss Farms Inc.

Calla-Nile Farm Center

• 2Q Farming Inc

• Manuel Azevedo

• David Boersma

• Bourbeau Enterprises

• Brocchini Farms Inc

• Cardoza Bros

• Central Valley Welding Mechanical Inc

• Double O Farming Inc.

• Jenkins Poultry

• Joseph Gomes

• David Kamper

• Eileen Kuil

• Ioppini Farms

• Edward Machado

• Phippen Bros

• Roorda Ranches Inc

• SJC Office of Education

• SKS Enterprise Inc

• John Van Duyn

• Bryan Van Groningen

• Van Till Farms

• Michael Weststeyn Farming

Collegeville Farm Center

• Nomellini Farms Inc

• Prins Dairy LP

• Paul Sanguinetti

• Grant Thompson

• Thompson Ranch

• Triple S Farming LLC

Escalon Farm Center

• A&A Cattle Co

• Adrian Ranch

• Bert Ballatore

• Bavaro Farming Company Inc

• Lealon Brumley

• Phillip Brumley

• Gary De Vries

• Herman Doornenbal Jr

• Larry Fredricks

• G&E Te Velde Orchards MLLC

• Caleb Gervase

• River Bend Orchards

• Roche Bros Inc

• Stagnaro Farms Inc

• Glenn Van Ruler

• Vander Schaaf Dairy

• Veenstra Farming

• Paul Voortman

• Wagner Dairy

Lafayette Farm Center

• All State Packers

• Chardon Farms Inc

• Joe Cotta & Son

• Graffigna Fruit Co

• Rob Kammerer

• Lange Twins Partnership

• Matthew Lauchland

• Joe Marchesotti Co., Inc.

• Lima Ranch

• Diego Olagaray

• Joe Olagaray

• Rodney Schatz

• Van Diemen Farms

• Bronson Van Wyck

• Watanabe Bros, Inc.

• Keith Watts Vineyards

Linden Farm Center

• 5 Star Farm Management Inc

• A&A Dasso Farms

• Bella Vista Ranch

• Greg Busalacchi

• Camera Brothers

• D&L Farms Inc.

• J&A Solari Inc.

• Jasbir S Gill Family Limited Partnership

• FFD Orchards

• Ferrari Farms Inc

• Lagorio Properties LP

• Ray Lagorio

• Lodi Farming Inc

• Panella Trucking LLC

• Peter Boysen Realty

• Precision Irrigation Mgt

• Purviance Drillers Inc

• R&A Miller Inc

• RDJ Farms Inc

• Waterloo Orchards Inc

• Richard Zolezzi

Roberts-Union Farm Center

• Cubiburu Livestock

• Mark Lewis

• El Dorado Farms Inc

• Marca Bella Farms, Inc

• D&A Farms

• Zuckerman-Heritage Inc

Tracy Farm Center

• California Masterplant

• GloriAnn Farms Inc

• Mizuno Farms Inc

• Michael Petz

• Greg Pombo

• Reece Farms

• Hal Robertson

• Thomsen Farms Inc

• Yamasaki Farms

Victor Farm Center

• John Kautz Farms

• R. Lawson Enterprises

• Vink Custom Farming Inc. san joaquin farm bureau news 13




American Ag Credit

Jacob DeBoer

2345 E. Earhart Ave., Stockton, CA 95206 (209) 944-7478

Nationwide Insurance

Find a Farm Certified Agent: (800) 255-9913


Bowman & Company

Gary R. Daniel (209) 473-1040

Croce, Sanguinetti & Vander Veen Inc.

Pauline Sanguinetti (209) 938-1010


California Farmland Trust

Charlotte Mitchell (916) 544-2712

Lodi District Grape Growers Association

Amy Blagg (209) 339-8246

Lodi Woodbridge Winegrape Commission

Stuart Spencer (209) 367-4727

San Joaquin County Historical Society

Phillip Merlo (209) 331-2055

San Joaquin Valley Hay Growers

Rick Staas (209) 835-1662


Herum, Crabtree, Suntag

Steve Herum (209) 472-7700

John Herrick Attorney at Law

John H. Herrick (209) 956-0150

Nomellini, Grilli & Mcdaniel Professional Law Corp.

Dante John Nomellini (209) 465-5883


Mulrooney Auctions Co.

James P. Mulrooney (209) 366-0600


Delicato Vineyards

Marie Mathews 12001 S Highway 99, Manteca, CA 95336-8499 (209) 824-3600

Pacific Gas & Electric

Dylan George 4040 N W Lane, Stockton, CA 95204 (209) 932-6515

Ralph Hayes & Son Inc.

Eric Hayes 20177 S. MacArthus Dr., Tracy, CA 95304 (209) 835-4914


Clutch & Brake Xchange

James Hitchock (209) 466-9049


Mid Valley Agricultural Services Inc. (209) 851-3200


Kjeldsen, Sinnock & Neudeck

Christopher H. Neudeck (209) 946-0268 Offfice (209) 481-0316 Mobile


A Sambado & Sons Inc.

Lawrence Sambado (209) 931-2568

Delta Packing Co of Lodi Inc.

Annamarie Costamagna (209) 334-1023

M&R Co Reynolds Packing Co.

Jeremy Hjelmstad (209) 369-2725

Travaille And Phippen

Dave Phippen (209) 599-6111


unWired Broadband

Mark Peterson (559) 753-0386


Delo Electric

Steve Delatorre (209) 368-1117

Ford Construction Co. (209) 333-1116

Tom Mayo Construction

Tom D. Mayo (209) 943-6248


Travaille & Phippen

Dave Phippen

12700 E Graves Rd., Manteca, CA 95336 (209) 599-6111


A Sambado & Sons, Inc. (209) 931-2568

Anteris Agronomics LLC (209) 900-3270

Big Valley Tractor & Bobcat Central, Inc. (209) 762-6413

GAR Bennett LLC (559) 480-3029


Cal Ag Safety

Ann Curtoni Lial (209) 351-0321

Precessi Ag Services Inc.

Paul Precessi (209) 670-9072


M2 Farming

Nick Mussi (209) 969-3333


San Joaquin Delta Community College (209) 954-5151


A&B Koster

William M. Koster (209) 836-4690

Ag West Inc

Mike Berg (209) 888-5455

AM Farms

Paul Marchini (209) 462-1185

Bert Bacchetti Farms Inc.

Mark Bacchetti (209) 835-2224

HRM Farms Inc.

Glenn Burgin (209) 465-8413

IDC Farms Inc.

Mike Conrad (209) 894-6408

Lavagnino Orchards

Ruani Lavagnino (209) 931-6728

Lucadeira Farms

Richard Marcucci (209) 481-3641

Kludt Oil & Propane (209) 368-0634 • (209) 466-8969

Mid Valley Agricultural Services Inc. (209) 851-3200

Morrill Industries (209) 838-2550

Outdoor Sportsman Inc (209) 957-4867

Van De Pol Enterprises (209) 944-9115

Van Groningen & Sons Inc. (209) 982-5248

V V Enterprises (209) 599-7776


Peterson Family Vineyards

James Peterson (209) 368-8102

Vaccarezza Bros (209) 887-3163

Van Groningen & Sons Inc

Dan Van Groningen (209) 982-5248

Van Groningen Orchards

Mark Van Groningen (209) 599-4944

Van Laar Farms

James Van Laar (209) 599-3613


BG Agri Sales & Service

Anthony Da Valle (209) 931-7650

Discount Ag Parts

Jim Allen (209) 239-5802


J. Milano Company

Gary Milano (209) 944-0902

PBM Supply & Manufacturing

Barry Jones (530) 345-1334

Stanislaus Farm Supply

Joey Gonsalves (209) 538-7070

Zylstra Auto & Hardware

Tim A. Zylstra (209) 887-3626


Brown Sand, Inc.

Robert Brown (209) 234-1500

Ralph Hayes & Son Inc.

Eric Hayes (209) 835-4914 F

San Joaquin Sulphur Company

Janet Chandler (209) 368-6676


American AgCredit

Marc Busalacchi (800) 659-FARM

Bank of Stockton

Jim Nemmers (209) 249-2201

Central Valley Community Bank

Rick Shaeffer (559) 323-3493

Farmers & Merchants Bank

Daniel Meza (209) 334-1101


Campora Propane Services

Todd Spicer (209) 466-8611

George W Lowry Inc.

Richard A. Lowry


14 san joaquin farm bureau news April 2024
(209) 545-0791 Kludt Oil & Propane Aron Kludt (209) 368-0634, (209) 466-8969 Valley Pacific Petroleum Service, Inc. Rob Goodman (209) 948-9412 Van De Pol Enterprises Tom Van De Pol (209) 944-9115
Unen Miersma Propane Inc
Behlen (209)
business member


AL Gilbert Company

Jay Gilbert (209) 847-1721

Baglietto Seeds (209) 466-0433

Escalon Feed & Supply

Ken Van Gorkum (209) 838-3326

M & M Feed Service

Terry Mulder (209) 531-3353

Phil O’Connell Grain Co.

Tim Grunsky (209) 465-5871

Triple P Feeds

Dallas C. Paul (209) 333-2808

V-V Enterprises

Dave C. Van Vliet (209) 599-7776


Altamont Insurance Brokers

Dan Simonich (209) 835-6395

Big Valley Insurance

Bill R. Crawford (209) 835-5253 (209) 365-9600

Dan Van Vuren Insurance Agency Inc.

Dan Van Vuren (209) 484-5578

Sanguinetti & Company Insurance Brokers

Karen Sanguinetti (209) 954-1000

S J Frerichs and Son Insurance Agency Inc.

Mindy Bogetti (209) 835-1764

The Zenith

Sandy Fiack (559) 260-6499

Todd Garibaldi Insurance Agency

Todd R. Garibaldi (209) 334-3030

Vander Beek Crop Insurance

Patti Velasquez (209) 838-8164

Wever Insurance

Don Wever (209) 599-2161


Abbey Water Well Service, Inc.

Steve Watson (209) 887-2990

Laurel Ag & Water

Conrad Correa (209) 993-9689

Moorman’s Water Systems Inc.

Larry Moorman (209) 931-3210 REAL ESTATE

Morrill Industries, Inc.

Ken Morrill (209) 838-2550

Pacific Southwest Irrigation Corp.

Jim Clare (209) 986-0099


Anteris Agronomics LLC

Kion Kashefi (209) 900-3270

Fruit Growers Laboratory, Inc.

Michael Ostrom (800) 440-7821


Alfaro Farm Labor Contractor

Sergio Alfaro (209) 531-6786

Premium Employment Services

Jesse Alderete, III (800) 581-5540


G&F Ag Services, Inc.

Randy Fondse (209) 599-8911

Kromann & Company

Rodney P. Kromann, Jr. (209) 581-1775

Kuil Brothers Ag Service

Matthew D. Kuil (209) 599-4960


Ag Industrial Manufacturing

Bob Ford (209) 369-1994

Tuff Boy Sales, inc

Martin Harris (209) 858-4131


“105.9, the Bull”

Robert La Rue (209) 948-5786


Burchell Nursery

Tom Burchell (209) 845-8733

Casa Cristal Nursery Inc

John Moso (661) 792-6468

Dave Wilson Nursery

Robert Woolley (209) 874-1821

Duarte Nursery

Alex Duarte (209) 531-0351


Outdoor Sportsman

Eric Johnson (209) 957-4867PROCESSING


Avanti Nut Company

Pete Katzakian (209) 931-3743

DeRuosi Nut

Dean Penero (209) 838-8307

Musco Family Olive Company

Ben Gibbons (209) 836-4600

Pearl Crop Inc.

Ulash Turkhan (209) 808-7575

ShellPro Inc. (209) 727-0707

Stanislaus Food Products

Paul Busalacchi (209) 548-3514 PU

Sunrise Fresh LLC

Jake Samuel (209) 932-0192

The Morning Star Company

Alissa Dillon (209) 826-7100


Bokides - Hesseltine Real

Estate Co.

Robert Hesseltine (209) 334-3045

Peter Boysen Realty

Pete Boysen (209) 351-2150

Petersen & Company

Agricultural Real Estate

Joe Petersen (209) 210-8010

Reeve Associates Real Estate

Gary Reeve (209) 835-2002

Wagner Land Company

Charles Wagner (209) 942-4146


De Vinci’s Corporation

Chris Trotter (209) 887-2121

Koes Bar (209) 329-2366


Orchard and Vineyard Supply (209) 368-8595


Chico Electric

Norm Neilsen (530) 891-6749


Gary Bohnet (209) 369-6993, (209) 481-1349


Fabri Steel West Inc.

John M. Arizcuren (800) 411-4215

Roland Construction

Jim A. Hoagland (209) 462-2687


Hotsy Pacific

Jim O’Connell (800) 640-1227


Les Schwab Tire Center-Lodi

Gary Holm (209) 334-3961

Lodi Tire Service

Kenneth A. Lung (209) 369-1985


Belkorp Ag, LLC

John Gilligan (209) 538-3831

Big Valley Tractor & Bobcat Central, Inc.

Don Franzia (209) 762-6413

Evolution Equipment Services Inc.

Marti Sporleder (209) 810-5796

Garton Tractor

Jeff Filkins (209) 948-5401

J M Equipment Co, Inc.

Edward Henriques (209) 466-0707

Pape´ Machinery

Brian A. Heavey (209) 983-8122

Western Square Industries

Trygue Mikkelsen (209) 944-0921


Pro Plant LLC

Skip Wilbur (209) 969-7547


Antonini Bros. Inc.

Joseph Antonini (209) 466-9041

G3 Enterprises

Ethan Jones (800) 321-8747

Hammer Trucking

Michael J. Staples (209) 481-1567

Silva Trucking

Dave Silva (209) 982-1114



Debbie McCaffrey (209) 932-2566


Chase Chevrolet

Paul Correia (209) 475-6740

Interstate Truck Center

Rick Coslett (209) 944-5821

Sanborn Chevrolet, Inc.

Kini Sanborn (209) 334-5000 EMENT


Arbor Vineyards

Larry P. Mettler (209) 339-0525

K.G. Vineyard Management, LLC

Ben Kolber (209) 367-8996

R-N-R Vineyard, Inc.

Russell Machado (209) 327-3165


Oakdale Irrigation District

Steve Knell (209) 847-0341

South San Joaquin Irrigation District

Peter Rietkerk (209) 249-4600

Stockton East Water District

Scot Moody (209) 948-0333

Woodbridge Irrigation District

Anders Christensen (209) 625-8438


Bokisch Vineyards

Markus Bokisch (209) 334-4338

Constellation Wines US, Inc.

Paul Dismukes (209) 369-5861

Delicato Vineyards

Marie Mathews (209) 824-3600

Jahant Vineyards LLC

Kevin Phillips (209) 368-7384

The Lucas Winery

David Lucas (209) 368-2006

Michael David Vineyards

Michael J. Phillips (209) 368-7384

St. Amant Winery

Barbara S. Spencer (209) 367-0646 san joaquin farm bureau news 15
Highlighted businesses provide discount programs for members of the San Joaquin Farm Bureau.

The San Joaquin County community is the backbone of the Port of Stockton. We strive to continuously give back in ways that help make living and working here better each day. With several area emission reduction efforts, and many environmentally conscious projects, presentations, and tours, our focus remains on giving back to those who have made us who we are today. Together, we are the Port of Stockton. (888) 598-4697

16 san joaquin farm bureau news April 2024
Chair William R. Trezza, Vice-Chair Stephen Griffen Commissioners David B. Atwater, Anthony Barkett, Michael Patrick Duffy, Allen Sawyer, Margaret Shea Stephens Port Director Kirk DeJesus

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