APA Florida Bill Tracking Report January 17 2025
Ordered by Bill Number
HB 0011
Municipal Water and Sewer Utility Rates by Robinson (F)
Municipal Water and Sewer Utility Rates: Requires municipality to charge consumers receiving its utility services in another municipality same rates, fees, & charges as it charges consumers within its own municipal boundaries. Effective Date: July 1, 2025
Committees of Reference
House Economic Infrastructure Subcommittee (Current Reference)
House Intergovernmental Affairs Subcommittee
House Commerce Committee
12/06/2024 HOUSE Filed
01/06/2025 HOUSE Referred to Economic Infrastructure Subcommittee; Intergovernmental Affairs Subcommittee; Commerce Committee
01/06/2025 HOUSE Now in Economic Infrastructure Subcommittee
HB 0039 Tax Exemption for Disabled Ex-servicemembers by Daley
Tax Exemption for Disabled Ex-servicemembers: Increases value of tax exemption for certain disabled ex-servicemembers. Effective Date: July 1, 2025
Committees of Reference
House Ways & Means Committee (Current Reference)
House Intergovernmental Affairs Subcommittee
House State Affairs Committee
12/09/2024 HOUSE Filed
01/06/2025 HOUSE Referred to Ways & Means Committee; Intergovernmental Affairs Subcommittee; State Affairs Committee
01/06/2025 HOUSE Now in Ways & Means Committee
SB 0050
Nature-based Methods for Improving Coastal Resilience by García
Nature-based Methods for Improving Coastal Resilience; Requiring the Florida Flood Hub for Applied Research and Innovation at the University of South Florida College of Marine Science to develop design guidelines and standards for green and gray infrastructure and models for conceptual designs of green infrastructure and green-gray infrastructure; requiring the Department of Environmental Protection to adopt rules for nature-based methods for coastal resilience; requiring the department, in consultation with the Division of Insurance Agent and Agency Services of the Department of Financial Services, to conduct a statewide feasibility study regarding the value of nature-based methods being used for a specified purpose, etc. Effective Date: 7/1/2025
Committees of Reference
Senate Environment and Natural Resources (Current Reference)
Senate Appropriations Committee on Agriculture, Environment, and General Government
Senate Rules
11/20/2024 SENATE Filed
01/15/2025 SENATE Referred to Environment and Natural Resources; Appropriations Committee on Agriculture, Environment, and General Government; Rules
SB 0062 Resilient Buildings by Rodriguez
Resilient Buildings; Defining the term “resilient building”; specifying that owners of resilient buildings are eligible to receive a specified tax credit; requiring building owners to file a specified application with the Department of Environmental Protection by a specified date in order to claim such tax credit; creating the Florida Resilient Building Advisory Council adjunct to the Department of Environmental Protection, etc. Effective Date: 7/1/2025
Committees of Reference
Senate Environment and Natural Resources (Current Reference)
Senate Finance and Tax
Senate Appropriations
11/22/2024 SENATE Filed
SENATE Referred to Environment and Natural Resources; Finance and Tax; Appropriations
HB 0069 Regulation of Presidential Libraries by Andrade
Regulation of Presidential Libraries: Preempts to state regulatory authority over establishment, maintenance, activities, & operations of presidential libraries; defers regulatory authority to Federal Government; defines "presidential library"; prohibits political subdivisions from enacting or enforcing any ordinance, resolution, rule, or other measure regarding presidential libraries unless authorized by federal law. Effective Date: upon becoming a law
Committees of Reference
House Intergovernmental Affairs Subcommittee (Current Reference)
House State Affairs Committee
12/20/2024 HOUSE Filed
01/15/2025 HOUSE Referred to Intergovernmental Affairs Subcommittee; State Affairs Committee
01/15/2025 HOUSE Now in Intergovernmental Affairs Subcommittee
SB 0080 State Land Management by Harrell
State Land Management; Citing this act as the “State Park Preservation Act”; requiring public hearings for all updated conservation and nonconservation land management plans; requiring the Division of Recreation and Parks of the Department of Environmental Protection to comply with specified provisions when granting certain privileges, leases, concessions, and permits; requiring that individual management plans for parcels located within state parks be developed with input from an advisory group, etc. Effective Date: 7/1/2025
Committees of Reference
Senate Environment and Natural Resources (Current Reference)
Senate Appropriations Committee on Agriculture, Environment, and General Government
Senate Fiscal Policy
12/04/2024 SENATE Filed
01/15/2025 SENATE Referred to Environment and Natural Resources; Appropriations Committee on Agriculture, Environment, and General Government; Fiscal Policy
SB 0084
Housing for Legally Verified Agricultural Workers by Collins
Housing for Legally Verified Agricultural Workers; Defining the terms “housing site” and “legally verified agricultural worker”; prohibiting governmental entities from adopting or enforcing any legislation that inhibits the construction of housing for legally verified agricultural workers on agricultural land operated as a bona fide farm; specifying applicability of permit allocation systems in certain areas of critical state concern, etc. Effective Date: 7/1/2025
Committees of Reference
Senate Community Affairs (Current Reference)
Senate Agriculture
Senate Rules
12/05/2024 SENATE Filed
01/15/2025 SENATE Referred to Community Affairs; Agriculture; Rules
HB 0089
Food Insecure Areas by Rayner
Food Insecure Areas: Authorizes local government to enact land development regulations to permit land use for small-footprint grocery store located in food insecure area; authorizes local government to include in its comprehensive plan provision permitting land use for small-footprint grocery store located in food insecure area; authorizes local government to require mandatory reporting of certain information from small-footprint grocery store. Effective Date: July 1, 2025
Committees of Reference
House Housing, Agriculture & Tourism Subcommittee (Current Reference)
House Intergovernmental Affairs Subcommittee
House Commerce Committee
01/03/2025 HOUSE Filed
01/15/2025 HOUSE Referred to Housing, Agriculture & Tourism Subcommittee; Intergovernmental Affairs Subcommittee; Commerce Committee
01/15/2025 HOUSE Now in Housing, Agriculture & Tourism Subcommittee
SB 0118
Regulation of Presidential Libraries by Brodeur
Regulation of Presidential Libraries; Preempting to the state all regulatory authority over the establishment, maintenance, activities, and operations of presidential libraries; defining the term “presidential library”; prohibiting counties, municipalities, or other political subdivisions from enacting or enforcing any ordinance, resolution, rule, or other measure regarding presidential libraries unless authorized by federal law, etc. Effective Date: Upon becoming a law
Committees of Reference
Senate Community Affairs (Current Reference)
Senate Rules
12/19/2024 SENATE Filed
01/15/2025 SENATE Referred to Community Affairs; Rules
HB 0123
Education by Andrade
Education: Revises provisions relating to conversion charter schools; authorizes municipality to apply for job engine charter under certain conditions; provides requirements for such schools; requires school board to submit 5-year plan to DOE before occupying purchased or acquired real property; provides requirements for school district real property. Effective Date: July 1, 2025
Committees of Reference
House Education Administration Subcommittee (Current Reference)
House PreK-12 Budget Subcommittee
House Education & Employment Committee
01/08/2025 HOUSE Filed
01/15/2025 HOUSE Referred to Education Administration Subcommittee; PreK-12 Budget Subcommittee; Education & Employment Committee
01/15/2025 HOUSE Now in Education Administration Subcommittee
SB 0140 Education by Gaetz
Education; Revising which persons or entities may apply for a conversion charter school; authorizing a municipality to apply for a job engine charter under certain conditions; requiring a school board to submit a 5-year plan to the Department of Education before occupying purchased or acquired real property; prohibiting a school board from purchasing or acquiring real property if enrollment in the school district has declined in the preceding 5-year period, etc. Effective Date: 7/1/2025
Committees of Reference
Senate Education Pre-K - 12 (Current Reference)
Senate Community Affairs
Senate Rules
01/03/2025 SENATE Filed
01/15/2025 SENATE Referred to Education Pre-K - 12; Community Affairs; Rules
HB 0143
Resilient Buildings by Barnaby
Resilient Buildings: Authorizes owner of resilient buildings to receive a specified tax credit; provides specifications for tax credit application, value, requirements, use, & transfer; creates Florida Resilient Building Advisory Council; provides duties, membership, & meeting requirements for such council.
Effective Date: July 1, 2025
Committees of Reference
No committees referenced
01/13/2025 HOUSE Filed
SB 0144
Marriage Between Persons of the Same Sex by Polsky
Marriage Between Persons of the Same Sex; Repealing provisions relating to marriage between persons of the same sex; deleting a prohibition on the recognition of same-sex marriages; deleting a prohibition on the state and its agencies and subdivisions giving effect to a public act, record, or judicial proceeding that respects a same-sex marriage or relationship or a claim arising from such marriage or relationship, etc. Effective Date: 7/1/2025
Committees of Reference
No committees referenced
01/07/2025 SENATE Filed
SB 0184
Affordable Housing by Gaetz
Affordable Housing; Requiring, rather than authorizing, a local government to adopt an ordinance to allow accessory dwelling units in certain areas; requiring the Florida Housing Finance Corporation to
establish a model program that uses mezzanine finance for a certain purpose; authorizing a local government to provide a density bonus incentive to landowners who make certain real property donations to assist in the provision of affordable housing for military families, etc. Effective Date: 7/1 /2025
Committees of Reference
No committees referenced Actions
01/10/2025 SENATE Filed
SB 0198 Equal Rights for Men and Women by Berman
Equal Rights for Men and Women; Ratifying the proposed amendment to the United States Constitution relating to equal rights for men and women, etc.
Committees of Reference
No committees referenced Actions
01/13/2025 SENATE Filed
SB 0200 Comprehensive Waste Reduction and Recycling Plan by Berman
Comprehensive Waste Reduction and Recycling Plan; Requiring the Department of Environmental Protection to develop a comprehensive waste reduction and recycling plan for this state by a specified date, based on certain department recommendations; requiring the department to create and convene a technical assistance group for a specified purpose; requiring the department to submit a report to the Legislature upon completion of the comprehensive plan, etc. Effective Date: 7/1/2025
Committees of Reference
No committees referenced Actions
01/13/2025 SENATE Filed
SB 0202 Municipal Water and Sewer Utility Rates by Jones
Municipal Water and Sewer Utility Rates; Requiring a municipality to charge customers receiving its utility services in another municipality the same rates, fees, and charges as it charges consumers within its municipal boundaries under certain circumstances, etc. Effective Date: 7/1/2025
Committees of Reference
No committees referenced Actions
01/13/2025 SENATE Filed
HB 0203 Transportation Concurrency by Grow
Transportation Concurrency: Revises facilities required to be identified in capital improvements element of comprehensive plan that imposes transportation concurrency. Effective Date: July 1, 2025
Committees of Reference
No committees referenced Actions
01/16/2025 HOUSE Filed
HB 0209 State Land Management by Snyder
State Land Management: Requires public hearings for, & public availability of, certain land management plans; revises duties & powers of DEP Division of State Lands relating to management of state lands;
authorizes installation & operation of camping cabins in state parks; prohibits certain uses & activities in state parks; requires that certain land management plans be developed with input from advisory group; requires DEP to submit report to Governor & Legislature. Effective Date: July 1, 2025
Committees of Reference
No committees referenced Actions
01/16/2025 HOUSE Filed
SB 0284 Recreational Customary Use of Beaches by Rouson
Recreational Customary Use of Beaches; Repealing a provision relating to the establishment of recreational customary use of beaches, etc. Effective Date: Upon becoming a law
Committees of Reference
No committees referenced
01/16/2025 SENATE Filed
HB 4001 Lee County by Giallombardo
Lee County : Amends Lee County Home Rule Charter to require additional members for board of county commissioners under certain circumstances; requires chair & vice chair to be from specific categories of board members; revises circumstances under which district boundaries are changed; provides requirements for redistricting plans & districts; requires referendum. Effective Date: only upon its approval by a majority vote of those qualified electors of Lee County voting in a referendum to be held in conjunction with the 2026 general election,
Committees of Reference
No committees referenced Actions
01/13/2025 HOUSE Filed
HB 6001 Recreational Customary Use of Beaches by Rudman
Recreational Customary Use of Beaches: Repeals provisions relating to establishment of recreational customary use of beaches. Effective Date: upon becoming a law
Committees of Reference
No committees referenced Actions
12/10/2024 HOUSE Filed
01/02/2025 HOUSE Withdrawn prior to introduction
Generated 1/17/2025 08:32 AM