Bills That Go into Effect January 1
Ordered by Bill Number
HB 0003 Online Access to Materials Harmful to Minors by Tramont
Online Protections for Minors: Requiring social media platforms to prohibit certain minors from creating new accounts; requiring social media platforms to terminate certain accounts and provide additional options for termination of such accounts; providing conditions under which social media platforms are required to prohibit certain minors from entering into contracts to become account holders; authorizing the Department of Legal Affairs to bring actions under the Florida Deceptive and Unfair Trade Practices Act for knowing or reckless violations; authorizing the department to issue and enforce civil investigative demands under certain circumstances, etc. Effective Date: January 1, 2025
HB 0135 Voter Registration Applications by Gossett-Seidman
Voter Registration Applications: providing an exception to a requirement that certain voter registration applicants must be registered without party affiliation; requiring the department to provide an applicant with a certain receipt; requiring the department to ensure that information technology processes and updates do not alter certain information without written consent; etc. Effective Date: January 1, 2025
SB 0184
Impeding, Threatening, or Harassing First Responders by Avila
Impeding, Threatening, or Harassing First Responders; Defining the terms “first responder” and “harass”; prohibiting a person, after receiving a warning not to approach from a first responder who is engaged in the lawful performance of a legal duty, from violating such warning and approaching or remaining within a specified distance of the first responder with specified intent, etc. Effective Date: 1/1 /2025
HB 0267 Building Regulations by Esposito
Building Regulations: Requiring the Florida Building Commission to modify provisions in the Florida Building Code relating to replacement windows, doors, or garage doors; providing requirements for such modifications; revising the timeframes in which local building officials must issue permits or provide certain written notice if certain private providers affix their professional seal to an affidavit; providing requirements for such written notices; deeming a permit application approved under certain circumstances; prohibiting local building code enforcement agency's from auditing the performance of private providers until the local building code enforcement agency creates a manual for standard operating audit procedures; providing requirements for such manual; requiring the manual to be publicly available online or printed; requiring certain audit results to be readily accessible; specifying when a permit application is deemed complete and approved; requiring the commission to review and consider certain provisions of law and technical amendments thereto and report its findings to the Legislature by a specified date, etc. Effective Date: January 1, 2025
SB 0362 Medical Treatment Under the Workers’ Compensation Law by Bradley
Medical Treatment Under the Workers’ Compensation Law; Increasing limits on witness fees charged by certain witnesses; increasing maximum reimbursement allowances for physicians and surgical procedures, etc. Effective Date: 1/1/2025
SB 0556 Protection of Specified Adults by Rouson
Protection of Specified Adults; Authorizing financial institutions, under certain circumstances, to delay a disbursement or transaction from an account of a specified adult; specifying that a delay on a disbursement or transaction expires on a certain date; authorizing the financial institution to extend the delay under certain circumstances; authorizing a court of competent jurisdiction to shorten or extend the delay, etc. Effective Date: 1/1/2025 SB 0892
HB 1093
Dental Insurance Claims; Prohibiting a contract between a health insurer and a dentist from containing certain restrictions on payment methods; prohibiting a health insurer from charging a fee to transmit a payment to a dentist through Automated Clearing House (ACH) transfer unless the dentist has consented to such fee; prohibiting a health insurer from denying claims for procedures included in a prior authorization; prohibiting a contract between a prepaid limited health service organization and a dentist from containing certain restrictions on payment methods, etc. Effective Date: 1/1/2025
Florida Uniform Fiduciary Income and Principal Act by Caruso
Florida Uniform Fiduciary Income and Principal Act: Revises provisions of Florida Uniform Principal & Income Act governing trusts, estates, life estates, & other term interests. Effective Date: January 1, 2025
Pub. Rec./Investigations by the Department of Legal Affairs by Tramont
Pub. Rec./Investigations by the Department of Legal Affairs: Providing an exemption from public records requirements for information relating to investigations by the Department of Legal Affairs of certain social media violations; authorizing the department to disclose such information for specified purposes; providing for future legislative review and repeal of the exemption; providing an exemption from public records requirements for information relating to investigations by the department of certain age verification violations; providing for future legislative review and repeal of the exemption; providing a statement of public necessity, etc. Effective Date: January 1, 2025
SB 7054
Private Activity Bonds by Community Affairs
Private Activity Bonds; Requiring the Division of Bond Finance of the State Board of Administration to annually determine the state volume limitation and publicize such information; repealing provisions relating to procedures for obtaining allocations, requirements, limitations on allocations, and issuance reports; establishing procedures for the issuance of private activity bonds; providing requirements for notices of intent to issue private activity bonds, etc. Effective Date: 1/1/2025
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