Fall 2012 Florida Planning Newsletter

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FLORIDA PLANNING A Publication of the Florida Chapter of the American Planning Association

Fall 2012


in a social media world APA Florida Connect with APA Florida! https://www.facebook.com/APAFlorida http://www.linkedin.com/groups/American-PlanningAssociation-Florida-Chapter-2162152 https://twitter.com/APAFlorida https://pinterest.com/apaflorida

By Alex Magee and Marcie Stenmark, AICP

APA Florida officially took the plunge into social media two years ago. The Executive Committee recognized that the way that members and the public were getting information was rapidly changing. While people still used their personal computer to access the internet and websites, technological changes were opening up new avenues for interaction. Smart phones, laptops, and tablets have made it much easier to access information on the go, particularly as social media outlets grew at the same time.

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How Social Media is Used for Planning Projects

OTHER Features


Leadership & Project Award Recipients

11 13 16 APA FL 2012 Election Results

How Apps are Changing Planning

Duval Street a Top Ten Great Street in 2012

President’s Message - p.3 Citizen Journalism - p.6 Infrastructure Goes Viral - p.12 IdeaSourcing - p.17 Law Case Update - p. 17 Consultants Directory - p. 18 Events - back page

The Florida Chapter of APA provides statewide leadership in the development of sustainable communities by advocating excellence in planning, providing professional development for its members, and working to protect and enhance the natural and built environments.






Statewide Officers President

Brian Teeple, AICP





Melissa Zornitta, AICP

813- 272-5940

813- 272-6255 zornittam@plancom.org

Immediate Past President

Merle Bishop, FAICP




VP-Membership Services

Laura Everitt, AICP




VP-Section Affairs

Tony LaColla, AICP




VP-Professional Development

Debra Hempel, AICP



VP-Conference Services

Kathie Ebaugh, AICP


239-485-8319 KEbaugh@leegov.com

VP-Certification Maintenance

Henry Bittaker, AICP




Lorraine Duffy Suarez, AICP 813-272-4685




Andre Anderson, AICP




Section Chairs Atlantic Coast

Ryan Morrell, AICP





Rosana Cordova, AICP




Capital Area

Terry McKloski, AICP



Emerald Coast

Christy Johnson, AICP




First Coast

Tony Robbins, AICP




Gold Coast

Karen Hamilton




Heart of Florida

Amy Palmer, AICP



Orlando Metro

Chris Bowley, AICP



Promised Lands

Alexis Crespo, AICP



San Felasco

Doug Robinson



Sun Coast

Jay Collins, AICP




Treasure Coast

Tod Mowery, AICP




University Liaison

Eric Dumbaugh Ph.D



Student Representative

Elliot O’Roark


Administration/Staff Executive Director

Julia “Alex“ Magee




Ad. Assistant/Bookkeeper

Ricki Dailey




Legislative Representative

Lester Abberger




Webmaster (Consultant)

John O’Brien


Newsletter Editor

Summer Taylor



All Other Inquiries, contact APA Florida at 1-850-201-3272 or e-mail fapa@floridaplanning.org.

2 Fall 2012 / Florida Planning


As I sit down to write my first President’s Message for Florida Planning I am overwhelmed by the volume of information I

would like to share with you. So much is happening in our profession, APA, the Florida Chapter and our Sections but, alas, space precludes me from touching on all of the things I would like to communicate. So I am going to adopt a “less is more” strategy during my tenure as your President.

Not only did Merle provide steady and visionary leadership during a very trying time in the profession he also spearheaded several important initiatives such as the Young Planners Group, Mentor a Student Planner, Great Places in Florida and a host of others too numerous to mention.

First I would like to acknowledge the superlative leadership of our Immediate Past President Merle Bishop. Not only did

Merle provide steady and visionary leadership during a very trying time in the profession he also spearheaded several important initiatives such as the Young Planners Group, Mentor a Student Planner, Great Places in Florida and a host of others too numerous to mention. Fear not, Merle is not riding off into the sunset. As the Immediate Past President, he has agreed to continue to shepherd many of these initiatives during the next two years.

I would also like to thank and acknowledge the elected Officers and Section Chairs of the Executive Committee. These folks

are the unsung heroes who dedicate a great deal of their personal time because they believe it matters – it does matter!

Finally I want to thank our Executive Director Alex Magee for the incredible job she does in keeping the Chapter’s affairs

in order and propelling it forward. Alex, an accomplished planner in her own right, has chosen to serve her profession in this capacity – I am grateful. Many thanks to Ricki Dailey, AA/Bookkeeper, you have handled the “account for everything the Sections do” curve ball thrown at us by APA with grace and style. Lester Abberger our Legislative Representative has guided us through numerous sessions with the perfect balance of a true professional – you are greatly appreciated!

Last month approximately 600 planning professionals gathered in Naples for APA Florida’s 2012 Annual Conference, Charting

A New Course. The feedback I have gotten on the conference has been exceptionally positive. Congratulations and thanks to the Promised Lands Section, Kathie Ebaugh and the rest of the Host Committee and to the volunteers who made it happen. You have set the bar high for Orlando in 2013.

During the next two years I look forward to working with the newly elected Officers

and Section Chairs on the Executive Committee. I am excited to have Melissa Zornita as President-Elect and Chair of the Legislative Policy Committee.

Most importantly I look forward to working with the Sections and our members-

you are our true strength. My aim is to attend a meeting/function in all of the Sections during my term. By members working with their sections, Sections working with the Chapter and all of us working together we can secure a bright future for planning. As I said at the conference in Naples, with all of the attacks on the value of planning now is not the time to cower in the dark – now is the time for all of us to put on our big boy and big girl panties and make a difference!

Brian Teeple, AICP APA Florida President

Fall 2012 / Florida Planning 3


City of Tampa Social Media Application for InVision Tampa By: Randy Goers, City of Tampa Community Planning Division

For the first time in its history, the City of Tampa used a robust social media strategy in connection with its traditional public outreach and engagement to support and advance the city center master planning objectives. Branding as InvisionTampa, our approach garnered more than 800 in-person attendees and over 1,000 social and virtual town hall users. Here’s how we did it: #1. We layered social platforms with our microsite. Using www.invisiontampa.com, social mediums and a virtual town hall platform, this allowed users of all interests, on-line experience, time constraints and knowledge bases to participate in ways they were comfortable. #2. We created low-barrier entry points – “mind candy” to introduce citizens to InVision. We used photos, short videos of topical issues from our community events, and other easy, demonstrable examples of the community participation, current state of the city and how the city’s future might look and function. #3. We chatted our folks up. We asked topical and relevant questions. We responded or prodded (if needed) nearly every day to ensure that our citizens knew we were “out there” and listening. When we could, we created quick wins by addressing concerns with immediacy. #4. We watched the stats. We monitored our active audiences and comments weekly so that we were always clear about where our audience was and what they were thinking about. We learned that our Twitter audiences preferred live meeting updates, our Facebook audiences gravitate toward articles, images and blog posts, and our virtual town hall responded better to more specific questions. #5. We weren’t afraid to change. We continually asked ourselves how well we were doing. When we needed to, we adjusted to ensure we were always advancing the goals of Invision Tampa.

USING SOCIAL MEDIA TO TRACK Infrastructure ISSUES By: Jacob Kain, City of Gainesville

The City of Gainesville Public Works Department has used various social media forums - including popular sites like Facebook and Twitter and more targeted sites such as SeeClickFix that allow users to report issues with infrastructure in the community. It currently has three Facebook accounts - for the entire department, parking operations, and traffic operations, respectively - and one Twitter account for traffic operations. In addition, the department actively maintains a homepage on the City’s website and two additional sites for parking operations and traffic operations. Building an audience for these outlets has been a challenge. The department instituted internal policies on social media in 2011 to ensure content was kept current and relevant. Multiple members of the staff update the pages, but even with consistent posting the audience has grown at a slow rate and still remains in the low hundreds. Although the audience is small, having a social media outlet has proved useful during major events, such as during and after Tropical Storm Debby. In that case, getting word out about mosquito control efforts was essential as the mosquito population grew tremendously with the heavy rains. Links:

http://www.cityofgainesville.org/GOVERNMENT/CityDepartmentsNZ/PublicWorks/tabid/271/Default.aspx Traffic Operations: http://gac-smartraffic.com/index.php Parking Operations: http://gvilleparking.com/Facebook Public Works: https://www.facebook.com/GainesvillePublicWorks?ref=hl Traffic Operations: https://www.facebook.comGainesvillePublicWorks?ref=hl#!/GainesvilleAlachuaCountySmartraffic?fref=pb Parking Operations: https://www.facebook.com/GainesvillePublicWorks?ref=hl#!/pages/City-of-Gainesville-Florida-Parking-Operations/84786397461

FSU’s Transportation Mobile Phone Apps: Moving Forward with Technology By: Morgan Runion, Leon County Supervisor of Elections Office and the FSU Institute of Government

We’ve all been there, when we have found ourselves running late for a meeting downtown to find the parking garage full. Where do we park now? The Florida State University has launched a new app, FSU Tranz, for iPhone and Android that aims to alleviate the question of where to park. The app displays the current occupancy levels of the six parking garages, which is helpful for students when trying to locate an available space. The app has tabs for announcements, a map of garage locations, and will soon display available faculty parking spaces as well. Being centered in a car driven society, this application has the potential to be employed in busy downtowns for the masses. Florida State University didn’t stop at FSU Tranz, but also launched TransLoc Transit Visualization, a website and app for iPhone, Android, and Blackberry. TransLoc Transit Visualization, a company out of Raleigh, NC, displays real-time transit location and route information. FSU’s application shows the location of University busses displayed by bus route. This application has many advantages to its users such as avoiding standing in the Florida sun or rain, pinpointing the location of the bus, or simply becoming familiar with the routes. TransLoc is another user-friendly app available to anyone with access to a website or smart phone device. This app is sure to settle the reservations of even a novice transit rider. FSU appears to be supporting transportation and technology in order to ease parking and bus ridership for all that visit the University.

4 Fall 2012 / Florida Planning


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Creative Outreach

By: Lynn Merenda, Hillsborough County Planning Commission New technologies are transforming how we communicate our message, provide access to information, and receive meaningful feedback. As planners, we are always looking for new and better ways to get more people involved in planning. In the past, local governments have relied on hosting public meetings, attending neighborhood meetings, and costly legal advertising to reach out to and hear from what can be a limited audience. No, the public meeting will not be going away, but the economic downturn has inspired public agencies across the country to be more creative in their outreach methods. Using Constant Contact for agency newsletter and email blasts is a great example of how the Planning Commission is cutting costs by using an eNews format rather than the expensive production, printing and mailing costs associated with hard-copy newsletters. (View the Planning Commission’s eNewsletter archives at http://tinyurl.com/pastenews.) A multi-layered, multi-media approach has emerged as the best way to effectively and affordably reach out to a broader segment of the population. Social media has grown beyond expectations over the past few years. Currently, the Planning Commission has more than 600 facebook fans and more than 3500 followers on our twitter accounts. Our social media usage and multi-layered public involvement techniques have been recognized as a Best Practice by the FHWA (Federal Highway Administration) and FTA (Federal Transit Administration). Through the use of social media, our agency is able to interact with hundreds, if not thousands, of people each week. The Planning Commission and MPO have also hosted several Town Calls, where thousands of Hillsborough County residents participated from the comfort of their own homes. Stay connected with us at: Planning Commission web sites

www.theplanningcommission.org www.imagine2035.org www.hillsboroughmpo.org www.mpo2035.org www.hillsboroughriver.org

Planning Commission on facebook

www.facebook.com/ThePlanningCommission www.facebook.com/HillsboroughMPO

Planning Commission on twitter

@HillsCoPlanCom @HillsboroughMPO Planning Commission on television

Fall 2012 / Florida Planning 5

The people’s news – of the people, by the people, for the people. Call it what you will – street journalism is the “new black” of information in the digital age. Also known as citizen journalism, and typically disseminated in an online format, it is mobile, real time, and pays mind to you. Florida-based news site Metrojacksonville.com is proof of that.

Citizen Journalism Takes Jacksonville by Storm By Sarah Gojekian and Ennis Davis Six years ago five guys had an idea. There wasn’t a public news forum in Jacksonville that focused on the city’s urban core. And importantly, there was no outlet to voice opinions on pressing issues facing the structure and function of the city. Enter Metrojacksonville. com. The news outlet is now a respected resource for all things new urbanism, generating one million page views a month. What’s even more impressive, is that Metrojacksonville.com remains a side project. Most of the group members still hold day jobs, yet find time to run the site – and run it well. Ennis Davis, urban planner and civic activist; Daniel Herbin, CSX rail tech guru; Stephen Dare, cultural brainchild; Steve Congro, software innovator; and Bob Mann, retired transportation consultant, joined recently by a marketing head and a savvy intern, work to cover issues stretching from Jacksonville’s center to the beachside. The website is a cohesive assembly of discussion boards, news articles, and press releases covering all manner of happenings in Jacksonville. Content runs the gamut from profiles of local organizations and the latest on dining and nightlife to planning pieces that look specifically at what Jacksonville might learn from other cities. A new article is posted each weekday while the forum rolls continuously. But what really makes it work, is, in essence, that the site generates itself. It doesn’t spit crime rhymes – the voluntary public post the grapevine news. It doesn’t sing the weather – people can look outside. It is a controversial, free-for-all opinion pot that empowers the general public. But it also reports objectively. It is reinventing what a local news source is – what it can be and what it can do. The importance of community discussion among a diverse public with a common home is unmatched. With 3,700 members, they invite everyone to sign-up for free and start talking. The Metrojacksonville crew has played a role in remapping mobility and land use policy, and their ideas are heard by city power players, elbow to elbow at the dining table. They were a part of Mayor Alvin Brown’s transportation and downtown transition team committees. They also routinely offer affordable fixes for downtown, identify vibrancy killers, and tote a utopian orb in the palms of their hands. The overall objective of the website is to improve the vitality and quality of life in Jacksonville through creative, innovative, attainable, and sustainable planning solutions. And beyond the news reel, Metrojacksonville utilizes the concept of Tactical Urbanism by sponsoring special events such as food truck rallies and pub crawls that expose and promote local businesses stimulating sustainable organic economic growth in the community. They’ve also utilized the popularity of social media to promote historic preservation and adaptive reuse in the community by writing recently released books, Reclaiming Jacksonville and Cohen Brothers The Big Store. Reclaiming Jacksonville shares stories of Jacksonville’s 20th Century urban development through the eyes and photography of several significant century old abandoned structures still remaining throughout the city. With downtown revitalization on the minds of many presently, Cohen Brothers highlights the history of urban retailing in Jacksonville from the Civil War through the 21st Century by focusing on the establishment, rise and fall of what was once the nation’s 9th largest department store, which was situated in the heart of downtown Jacksonville. Through the combination of social media and the desires of a group of planners and young professionals to transform the city from the ground up, Metro Jacksonville is succeeding in a better Jacksonville becoming a reality.

Metro Jacksonville website address: http://www.metrojacksonville.com/

Metro Jacksonville facebook address: http://www.facebook.com/MetroJacksonville

About Reclaiming Jacksonville book: http://www.metrojacksonville.com/reclaiming-jacksonville

About Cohen Brothers The Big Store book: http://www.metrojacksonville.com/article/2012-sep-cohen-brothers-the-big-store-now-available

Sarah Gojekian is a website intern with Metro Jacksonville. Ennis Davis is a co-owner at Metro Jacksonville and can be reached at edavis@metrojacksonville.com.

6 Fall 2012 / Florida Planning

Fall 2012 / Florida Planning 7

Congratulations to the

2012 Leadership Awards Recipients! During the 2012 Annual Conference, APA Florida acknowledged four individuals and one citizen group as the recipients of the 2012 APA Florida Leadership Awards. The Honorable Buddy Dyer, Mayor of Orlando, was recognized as Outstanding Local Public Official.

Since taking office in 2003, Mayor Dyer has demonstrated outstanding leadership, dedication, and commitment to the citizens of Orlando through the formulation and implementation of meaningful public policy initiatives with a strong focus on sustainability. Mayor Dyer recognizes that planning policies focused on citizen participation, the environment, transportation/land use, and the economy are all crucial to Orlando’s future. He has focused on strengthening the City’s Growth Management Plan (GMP) to include economic development strategies, energy efficient land use patterns, and mobility strategies. He has advocated the use of innovative planning and visioning techniques such as the transect-based Orange/Michigan Special Plan and Edgewater Drive Special Plan, as well as transit‐oriented Planned Developments around Orlando’s four SunRail stations.

BikeWalkLee, formed in 2009 to help create a culture of planning that works to complete Lee County’s streets, was presented with the award for Outstanding Public Interest Group.

BikeWalkLee’s goal is to ensure that all users of the transportation networks are considered on the front end of any project or improvement. This effort includes attending and testifying at public meetings to raise awareness of complete streets, analyzing data and legislation to make the case for necessary enhancements and dangerous infrastructure gaps and helping to identify options and opportunities that would enhance Lee County’s evolution into a model complete streets community. BikeWalkLee’s active transportation focus contributes to the economic health of the community, the physical health of its residents, the environmental health of the region, and the quality of life for individuals and families in Southwest Florida.

The late Julia Trevarthen, former Planning Director for Boca Raton, was posthumously recognized for Distinguished Service to the Chapter.

Julia Trevarthen strongly believed that thoughtful dialogue, vision, and citizen involvement were vital to creating lasting communities of value in Florida. Her work at the local, state and regional levels over the past twenty years left a lasting imprint on planning in this state. Her passion for the profession also led her to join APA in the early ‘90s and remain a member after that. Over the years, Julia volunteered both at the section and chapter level, with practical solutions to the issue at hand and a firm grasp on planning principles. She served for many years as an integral presence on the Legislative Policy Committee, helping to mold the Chapter’s platform and policies. Even as she struggled with her health, Julia was at the table, crafting portions of a best practices manual on citizen participation for the Chapter. (Note: This is the first time that APA Florida has presented a posthumous award.) The 2012 Student Planner of the Year was presented to Amy Cavaretta. Amy Cavaretta is earning her master’s at the University of Florida. In her letter of recommendation, Dr. Ruth Steiner said that Amy is “organized, motivated, serious, enthusiastic, detail-oriented, an effective communicator, a hard-worker, and among the brightest students who have gone through our planning program.” Beyond dealing with her academic requirements, Amy has interned with the city of Casselberry and with Kittleson & Associates, and this summer, was chosen as a fellow with the Eno Center for Transportation in Washington D.C. Amy is also involved in a number of professional organizations and will serve as Vice-President of the UF Student Planning Association this year. Through her numerous accomplishments, Amy demonstrates a comprehensive understanding of planning principles, enthusiasm for excellence in planning and is on track for early success as a professional practitioner. Lastly, Robert Hunter, FAICP was honored with the Lifetime Service Award for Outstanding Achievements in the Field of Planning. He demonstrated exceptional leadership in his roles as Executive Director of the Hillsborough County City-County Planning Commission (Planning Commission) and as President of the American Planning Association (APA). He is a certified planner and was inducted as an AICP Fellow in 2001. After twenty five years of service as the Executive Director of the Planning Commission, Bob Hunter retired in May of 2012. Through times of intense growth and change, he provided a constant source of leadership and stewardship for Hillsborough County. He oversaw the Planning Commission’s first Comprehensive Plans, which were also the first plans adopted under the 1985 Florida Growth Management. Act. He also oversaw groundbreaking comprehensive plan updates including creation of Urban Service Area policies, and a Community Design Element to encourage better design. Bob Hunter also contributed to the planning profession by holding leadership roles with APA at the local and national level. He served as the Sun Coast Section Chair for many years. From 2000-2004, he represented APA Region III (including several southeastern states, Caribbean, Central America, Mexico and South America). During his tenure, he also served as Secretary/Treasurer of the American Planning Association, and was elected as President in 2006.

8 Fall 2012 / Florida Planning

Congratulations to the

2012 PROJECT Awards Recipients! AWARD OF EXCELLENCE 2035 Transportation Plan Post – Referendum Analysis Serving Up Transportation Choices Like Soft Drinks: The Role of Product Market Research in Planning

CATEGORY: Best Practices With a $20 billion shortfall in transportation funding and a countywide vote of 58 percent against a sales tax during the worst of the recession, the Hillsborough Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) is using a private‐sector technique to retool its long range plan. Focus groups with randomly selected registered voters, conducted by a market research firm behind mirrored glass, have told the MPO its citizens’ preferences in their own words. The MPO is now scaling back rail plans to a demonstration line; stepping up pedestrian and bicycle safety investments; and pursuing legislation to allow large cities to hold their own sales tax referenda.

Pictured from left to right: Allison Megrath, Melissa Zornitta, Rich Clarendon, Merle Bishop

AWARD OF MERIT Innovation Square

CATEGORY: Planning Project Innovation Square is an urban redevelopment project that transforms 12 underutilized blocks in Gainesville, Florida into a walkable urban research district that capitalizes on the entrepreneurial energy of the University of Florida. For decades, an aging hospital and its surface parking lots created a gulf between the University and the revitalized downtown area. Working with the University, the Gainesville Community Redevelopment Agency, Shands Healthcare, the City of Gainesville, private development groups, and diverse stakeholders, Perkins+Will created a long term development plan that projects future building programs with a flexible urban framework.

Pictured from left to right: Allison Megrath, Linda Dixon, Erik Bredfeldt, Cassie Branum, Merle Bishop

AWARD OF MERIT Frances Archbold Hufty Learning Center and Adrian Archbold Lodge CATEGORY: Planning Project The Frances Archbold Hufty Learning Center and Adrian Archbold Lodge is a new public facility located at Archbold Biological Station (www.archbold-station.org), a not-for-profit ecological research, conservation, and education organization in Highlands County, Florida. The buildings, awarded LEED Platinum certification, serve as a gateway to Archbold’s globally threatened scrub preserve, and showcase approaches to environmental sustainability including planning, architecture, construction, engineering, technology, energy and water conservation, native landscaping, and history, combined with a deep understanding of nature, ecology, conservation and science.

Pictured from left to right: Allison Megrath, Dr. Hilary Swain, Al Reynolds, Merle Bishop


City of Winter Springs’ Town Center District Code CATEGORY: Neighborhood Planning

The Winter Springs Town Center District is a mixed-use urban center where community cultural events and activities are hosted year-round. The Town Center District Code was written by Dover-Kohl & Partners and adopted by the City Commission in 2000. This Code was one of the first “form-based” codes adopted in the United States and was written as a “street-based code” where building standards are tied to street types. Developing the outer edges of the Town Center was challenging with this approach because of compatibility issues with existing Euclidian zoned subdivisions. In 2011, Dover-Kohl & Partners and city staff recommended a rewrite of the code utilizing a transect-based approach, while preserving several of the existing elements in the original code. A revised code, prepared by City staff, was adopted by the City Commission in 2012.

Pictured from left to right: Allison Megrath, Randy Woodruff, Bobby Howell, Merle Bishop

Fall 2012 / Florida Planning 9


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Pinellas Alternatives Analysis CATEGORY: Best Practices

Through a partnership of the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), Pinellas County Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO), Pinellas Suncoast Transit Authority (PSTA), and Tampa Bay Area Regional Transportation Authority (TBARTA), the Pinellas Alternatives Analysis (AA) examined options to implement premium transit service connecting major residential, employment, and activity centers in Pinellas County, with a regional connection to Hillsborough County. The study team, led by Jacobs administered a unique and expansive engagement and coordination program that blended traditional and cutting‐edge techniques to increase public participation and awareness in the planning process, reduce project costs, and enhance coordination among project partners.

Pictured from left to right: Allison Megrath, Heather Sobush, Jennifer Straw, Merle Bishop

AWARD OF MERIT Clearwater Beach Walk

CATEGORY: Great Places in Florida Clearwater Beach Walk is a winding beachside promenade with lush landscaping, artistic touches and clear views to Clearwater’s beach and the water beyond - a place where bicyclists, rollerbladers and pedestrians all have safe and convenient access and where visitors and locals can socialize, dine, or simply enjoy the spectacular sun and surf. Beach Walk is revitalizing Clearwater’s popular south beach area. The $30 million Beach Walk project has transformed the look and feel of south Clearwater Beach, delivering new vitality to the area, and providing a setting that complements the beauty of the true destination - the city’s pristine, white beaches.

AWARD OF MERIT First Coast Vision

CATEGORY: Grassroots Initiative The northeast Florida region challenges include growth, preservation of valuable eco-systems, improving economic viability, and maintaining a high quality of life. Previous rapid change and recent economic challenges have heightened awareness that growth-related issues are interconnected and best addressed on the regional level. To this end, the Northeast Florida Regional Council (NEFRC) created the Regional Community Institute of Northeast Florida, Inc. to facilitate and generate a regional vision in advance of the update to the regional plan. RCI developed a quality document of the regional vision in spite of severe financial constraints.

Pictured from left to right: Allison Megrath, Teresa Bishop, Merle Bishop

AWARD OF MERIT Sustainable Zephyrhills Community Action Plan CATEGORY: Grassroots Initiative

Preparing for a future with dwindling critical resources is one of the most significant challenges we face in our communities. What will be our legacy to the generations to come? To begin to meet the challenge, the City of Zephyrhills and community stakeholders created a strategic plan guiding all levels of community involvement toward a greener, more sustainable city. The aim of the Sustainable Zephyrhills initiative is to protect the environment, conserve natural resources, grow a more resilient local economy and enhance overall quality of life. Community input is the most important part of the Sustainable Zephyrhills initiative. In pursuit of a vibrant and resource‐efficient Zephyrhills, this plan addresses several sustainability topics and a range of recommended actions to move the community toward its near‐term sustainability targets.

Pictured from left to right: Todd Vande Berg, RJ Keetch

STUDENT PLANNING PROJECT AWARD Creating a Community of Scholars CATEGORY: Student Project

The Florida State University Department of Urban and Regional Planning Spring 2012 Capstone Studio developed a plan for the future of graduate student housing titled “Creating a Community of Scholars.” In an effort to deal with the complex issue of housing, the Studio offered recommendations on how to design housing that creates a sustainable, vibrant, and supportive environment that fosters a community of scholars. The project is a multi-volume report that includes a technical document, plan recommendation, and a map book that guides the methodology of the project. The report contains a step-by-step guide of the technical methodology, and the site plan recommendations include graphic illustrations and maps.

10 Fall 2012 / Florida Planning

Pictured from left to right: Allison Megrath, Dominick Ard’is, Lindsay Stevens, Merle Bishop


continued from cover page

With the help of a social media consultant, APA Florida first established Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn accounts in 2010. All three are used to promote events, post articles of interest, let members know about emerging issues, post legislative issues, support discussions among members, and broadcast items of interest. Pinterest was just recently added to our social media outreach, displaying visual representations of the core components representing APA Florida including urban planning, sustainability, smart growth and more. APA Florida will continue to explore ways to reach members through a variety of formats. Our website, electronic newsletters and quarterly printed newsletter remain the current mainstays for member outreach. But social media has become a successful addition to our communication activities. If you have not yet joined us on this adventure, visit the webpage at www.floridaplanning. org and click one of the social media buttons! Alex Magee is the APA Florida Executive Director and can be reached at fapa@floridaplanning. Marcie Stenmark is a Principal Planner with the Hillsborough County City County Planning Commission and can be contacted at stenmarkm@plancom.org .

The value in participating in these social media outlets is confirmed by the rise in the number of users. Twitter followers have grown from 113 in October 2010 to 829 in August 2012. Additionally, in August for example, 104 people were interested enough in the posts that they clicked on various links to learn more. The #APAFL hashtag has been consistently used for conference related tweets in addition to #planflorida, #sustainability, #transportation, #urbanplaning and #smartgrowth for shared corresponding news articles. Facebook fans grew slower over this same time period, increasing from 78 fans in October 2010 to 370 fans in August 2012. The number of people visiting the page also increased from 191 page views to 319 views for those same months. This slower growth may in part be due to a perception that Facebook is more for personal updates versus professional ones. LinkedIn has emerged as the strongest social media outlet for APA Florida. There are currently 1,068 members of the APA Florida LinkedIn group, with 66 new members joining in August 2012 alone. There were also 26 new discussions shared by members that month as well, indicating a real interest in dialogue between members using this tool.


2012 - 2014 TERM

At the APA Florida Annual Meeting, held in Naples on September 10th, the results of the 2012 election were announced. With the largest number of votes being cast this year, the following individuals will serve on the APA Florida Executive Committee for the 2012-2014 term. CONGRATULATIONS! President

Brian Teeple, AICP

President Elect

Melissa Zornitta, AICP


Andre Anderson, AICP


Lorraine Duffy Suarez, AICP

VP - Membership

Laura Everitt, AICP

VP - Section Affairs

Tony LaColla, AICP

VP - Professional Development

Debra Hempel, AICP

VP - Certif. Maintenance

Henry Bittaker, AICP

VP - Conference Services

Kathie Ebaugh, AICP

Immediate Past President

Merle Bishop, FAICP

The outgoing APA Florida officers were also honored for their service over the past two years. Pictured from left to right: Back row – Alex Magee, Brian Teeple (President-Elect), Mary Kay Peck (VP- Membership Services), Wiatt Bowers (VP-Conference Services), Marcie Stenmark (Secretary), Melissa Zornitta (VP-Section Affairs), Andre Anderson (PDO). Front row – Kim Glas-Castro (Immediate Past President), Merle Bishop (President), Henry Bittaker (VP-Certification Maintenance). Not pictured – Allara Mills Gutcher (Treasurer.)

Fall 2012 / Florida Planning 11

ture c u r t s a Infr l Goes Vira

In the Internet era,

the collective power of the online crowd has y e s received much attention and been employed in a myriad By: Lucas Lind of imaginative ways—everything from collecting neighborhood development ideas (neighborland. com) to funding creative projects (kickstarter.com). These online social networks represent a significant opportunity for local governments to connect with citizens in a digital environment potentially more responsive than traditional analog methods of bureaucratic discourse. Nowhere is this opportunity to prompt a reinvigoration of community engagement better illustrated than the glamorous world of non-emergency infrastructure reporting. Characterized by some as mundane, infrastructure has in fact proven hip enough to inspire its own social network. SeeClickFix (seeclickfix.com) is an online community that allows citizens to report non-emergency infrastructure and thoroughfare issues, and it engages the crowd by asking, what do you walk, run, drive, or bike by each day that needs to be fixed? It turns out that by distributing that simple question online it’s getting a lot of answers. SeeClickFix members can report, monitor, and even receive notifications regarding non-emergency issues across a community at large or within a defined area. Concerns such as potholes, poorly timed lights, or missing street signs are reported, given photos and descriptions, and tagged and mapped, either online or on the go via mobile. In my own community of Tallahassee, the most recent report describes large bushes limiting vision at a residential intersection. Using their profile login, other concerned citizens can vote to have the issue fixed, launch a campaign and share via Twitter, Facebook, and Google+, or leave a comment beneath the original post. Suddenly, community consensus is born around an obscured intersection—such is the potential for viral activism inherent in online systems like SeeClickFix. It’s important to note that the intent here is not to build stand-alone online systems, as acting alone they present serious ethical questions of access and equity, but instead to remain malleable to shifts in the trending notion of civic engagement by integrating both online and offline strategies. SeeClickFix lends itself to this kind of integration by offering the ability to act as a supplementary front-end collector for customer relationship management and work-order systems already in place. In addition, communities are able to brand mobile applications, incorporate SeeClickFix as an add-on into city websites or Facebook pages, and customize response emails sent out to members tracking a specific reported issue. All of this presents an opportunity to increase government accountability and customer service by staying up to date with changes in media and outreach strategies. Of course, problems are easy to point out; solutions are the difficult part, and submissions like those on SeeClickFix carry with them an implied deadline of sorts. In many ways the online format breeds an expectation of a timely response, because as we know the clock ticks faster on the Internet. People want that pothole filled at the same click of a button it took them to report it. But everyone also wants government to continue to innovate, and high expectations are healthy, for they challenge us to get out in front and meet them head on. An active, engaged citizenry is equally healthy, and with open forums like SeeClickFix they are offered ways to grow increasingly involved in the very infrastructure, the very nuts and bolts of their community. If we attempt to understand these trends, if we look to embrace them and start a productive, ongoing conversation with citizens, then in the end we may actually fix more than just a few potholes. Lucas Lindsey is a Masters student at Florida State University studying Urban Planning with an emphasis in Land Use and Growth Management. If all goes according to plan, he expects to graduate in the Spring of 2014.

12 Fall 2012 / Florida Planning

A Brave New World: How Apps Are Changing Planning (This article first appeared on Planetizen - www.planetizen.com and is reprinted with permission.)

By Brittany Kubinski and Jennifer Evans- Cowley

Mobile applications (apps) are gaining in popularity as tools for increasing participation in local governance and planning, and are opening up new possibilities for planners to tap into the wisdom of the crowd. Brittany Kubinski and Jennifer Evans-Cowley have surveyed a cross-section of planners to understand their app use habits, and have developed an extensive list of the most effective mobile apps for planners.

apps, like Twitter and Facebook. Note-taking apps are also popular for daily use; and apps like Photoshop, PowerPoint and Prezi, that are used for productivity and for giving presentations, are typically used on a monthly basis. In the survey we also sought to understand how planners are using smartphones and mobile apps at work. Seventy eight percent of those surveyed use their smartphone for work purposes, while 40 percent are using tablets at work. One of the primary goals of our survey was to identify apps that planners are currently using to support their work. We asked planners whether or not their organization has created an app or discussed creating an app. 15 percent responded that their organization has or is creating an app, and 37 percent responded that their organization is discussing creating an app in the future. We asked planners to give specifics on the apps they are using for planning. The table below lists the apps planners reported using, along with a description of the app’s purpose. continued on next page

Mobile apps are paving the way for planners to interact in real time with the public and receive more feedback than had previously been imagined. They can be used to collect and share data with the public, and make information readily available for eager developers to enhance and build on. This era of open data and crowdsourcing is an exciting time for planners who are beginning to take advantage of the power of mobile apps to improve planning projects and help make communities more sustainable and efficient. From July 11 to July 26, 2012 we set out to survey planners on their use of mobile apps in the planning profession to better understand how such tools are being adopted. We also asked planners what types of mobile apps they would like to see developed in the future, and what mobile apps they are currently working on developing. We heard from a total of 108 planners from across the United States. The majority of respondents (55%) are located in the Midwest, and about 20% and 14% in the Northeast/Atlantic and Pacific regions, respectively. Most respondents work in the public sector and 42% have been working in the planning profession for 10-20 years. Of the planners surveyed, 96% either own a smartphone or plan to purchase one in the future. Planners who responded that they own a smartphone were asked about various types of apps that they might use and the frequency of their use. Results are shown in the matrix (figure 1.1). From the survey we found the most commonly used apps by planners in their daily lives are social media

Fall 2012 / Florida Planning 13


APPLICATION NAME and description

continued from page 13

Accela 311

Accela Mobile 311 is a native iPhone app that enables residents, visitors and other members of the public to take an active role in their community by requesting services from or reporting incidents to their local agency. The app ties directly into an agency’s Accela Automation system to ensure that incoming information will be tracked and assigned to the appropriate departments, so that the item will be addressed in the most efficient and effective manner. Accela Mobile 311 is available directly from Accela, and is designed to enhance the public’s interaction with their local agency for a range of issues including: service requests, requests for information, reporting on the condition of public works assets, code enforcement cases, and more.

Accela Analytics

Accela Analytics is an app that lets government professionals easily access and analyze the Accela automation enterprise data behind their operations. The app’s dashboard highlights trends and activity, such as permits, licenses, code enforcement cases and more. Preparing for a big meeting? Graphs display activity over various time periods. Planning future resources? Use charts and maps to understand workloads, permit volumes and staff deployments. You can even create watch lists to track specific records. Accela Analytics is the right tool for today’s smart government executive.

American City and County

American City & County analyzes and concisely explains important issues facing cities, counties and states. Get the latest information on government trends, policy alternatives, best practices, case studies and a broad scope of local and state government news. In this app, users can access up-to-the-minute news on everything from streamlining government operations with the latest technology to repairing crumbling infrastructure. Topics include state and local government policy, politics, management, finance, environment, economic development and technology – all the vital information government officials need to deliver public services in the most cost-efficient and effective manner.


The American Planning Association app allows users to keep up with the world of planning through daily planning news. Users can view their customized schedules for the National Planning Conference and check open positions for jobs listed online. Users can search the APA member directory for friends and colleagues and track and record AICP CM eligible educational events in a personal log of earned CM credits.


With ArcGIS you can tap on the map or use your current location to discover information about what you see. You can query the map, search and find interesting information, measure distances and areas of interest and share maps with others.


Dropbox is a free service that lets you bring all your photos, docs, and videos anywhere. Any file you save to your Dropbox is accessible from all your computers, iPhone, iPad and even the Dropbox website.

ES File Explorer

ES File Explorer is an app for Android that allows users to manage their files and apps, compress and decompress ZIP files, view different file formats and access their home PC via WIFI.


ESRI Business Analyst provides key demographic and market facts about any location in the U.S. ESRI BAO provides information about what types of people live in an area, how an area compares to another area and if it is a good fit for business professionals looking to evaluate a site.


Evernote is an easy-to-use, free app that helps you remember everything across all of the devices you use. Stay organized, save your ideas and improve productivity. Evernote lets you take notes, capture photos, create to-do lists, record voice reminders--and makes these notes completely searchable, whether you are at home, at work, or on the go.


The FEMA app contains preparedness information for different types of disasters and an interactive checklist for emergency kits, a section to plan emergency meeting locations, information on how to stay safe and recover after a disaster and a map with FEMA disaster recovery center locations.


GoodReader is a PDF reader with advanced reading and annotating capabilities.

Google Earth

With GoogleEarth you can view all of the same 3D imagery, terrain and buildings available in the desktop version, you can search for cities, places and businesses around the world with Google local search, view layers of geographic information including roads, borders, Panoramio photos and more.

Google Maps

Google maps allows you to search for local businesses and get driving, transit or walking directions.


The LinkedIn app gives users on-the-go access to their professional network. Users can find and connect to other professionals, get the latest updates and share their status directly from their mobile device.


Loopnet is a collection of apps that provide real estate information for commercial and residential properties. With Loopnet users can search real estate listings, explore availabilities in the immediate area, filter results and use maps to plot properties.

Note Everything

Note Everything is an app where users can create text, voice and paint notes. The notes can be organized into folders and Android users can create shortcuts to notes on a home page, send notes and more.


Loopnet is a collection of apps that provide real estate information for commercial and residential properties. With Loopnet users can search real estate listings, explore availabilities in the immediate area, filter results and use maps to plot properties.

Note Everything

Note Everything is an app where users can create text, voice and paint notes. The notes can be organized into folders and Android users can create shortcuts to notes on a home page, send notes and more.


Noteshelf allows users to jot down notes directly on their iPad with effortlessly flowing handwriting and different books to organize notes.

14 Fall 2012 / Florida Planning


APPLICATION NAME and description

continued from page 14 Photoshop

Adobe Photoshop Express allows users to edit photos on the go with a variety of one-touch effects and artistic filters.


Readers can take Planetizen’s daily news summaries, job listings, and feature stories wherever they are. Interchange, Planetizen’s blog featuring an exchange of ideas from prominent thinkers and practitioners in the field, can also be read from the App.


The Prezi viewer allows users the view and present their Prezis anywhere. Users can revise and adjust presentations on the go.

Remarkable Ohio

There are currently over 1,300 markers located across the state that recognize Ohio’s cultural history. The Ohio Historical Markers identify, commemorate and honor the important people, places and events that have contributed to the state’s rich history. The Ohio Historical Markers Program, administered by the Ohio Historical Society, is a vital educational tool, informing residents and visitors about significant aspects of Ohio’s past.


Sitewise provides you with your location’s demographics, giving you the information you need to site a use and understand the neighborhood. Sitewise creates a demographic report that describes the people around your current location, for a circular drivetime or neighborhood area with population by age, educational attainment, households, children, transportation to work, employment household income and housing owned versus rented.


Tasks apps allow users to be productive, remember their tasks and accomplish their goals from their mobile device.


The Twitter app provides instant updates from friends, industry experts, celebrities and more. Users can search for breaking news, trending topics and browse interests and suggested users.


Walkscore calculates the walkability of any location and shows you a map of nearby restaurants, coffee shops, grocery stores, etc. Walkscore also helps users find apartments and rentals and lets users search by commute time or whether a location is near public transit.


With Zoner users can calculate the maximum buildable floor area for their property in seconds. Users just enter the zoning values and Zoner calculates the maximum buildable floor area based on the New York City zoning code.

We also asked organizations if they are currently developing apps. One respondent mentioned that they are working on app for mapping broadly, while another is working on developing an app that will allow for the use of GIS mapping to support economic development. Mobile apps have the potential to enhance planning efforts and make it easier for planners to communicate with the public, share ideas, and engage. Not only is it necessary for planners to be knowledgeable of what apps are currently available and how they can be used, but it is also advantageous for developers to know what planners need and what they would like to see in the future. Planners know best what they need in a mobile app, and developers can take a cue from this. We heard responses from planners in the survey that they would like mobile apps to provide census data, locations of healthy food stores, real time traffic monitoring, and APA awarded site locations. They also want to use apps to collect field data, engage with the public, and disseminate information. The future of mobile apps is bright. Perhaps soon we will see some of these ideas become a reality, but for now planners can take advantage of a number of interesting mobile apps that can support their planning work. Jennifer Evans-Cowley is Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and Administration in the College of Engineering and a Professor of City and Regional Planning at The Ohio State University. Brittany Kubinski is a senior studying City and Regional Planning at The Ohio State University.

Figure 1.1

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The American Planning Association (APA) announced the designation of Duval Street as one of 10 Great Streets for 2012 under the organization’s Great Places in America program. APA Great Places exemplify exceptional character and highlight the role planning and planners play in adding value to communities, including fostering economic growth and jobs. Since APA began Great Places in America in 2007, 60 neighborhoods, 60 streets and 50 public spaces have been designated in 50 states and the District of Columbia. APA singled out Duval Street for its impressive collection of woodframed Victorian structures, variety of uses that serve both tourists and residents, and unique geographic features. This one-mile stretch connecting the Atlantic Ocean with the Gulf of Mexico caters to the pedestrian with its wide tree-lined sidewalks and consistent street wall. “Duval Street is the Island of Key West’s most historic street. Its vibrant mix of shops, restaurants and tourist accommodations attract a very diverse group of visitors and residents alike,” said Key West Mayor Craig Cates. “It is the front door to the only truly subtropical environment in the continental U.S. The street’s 190 year history has seen transformation after transformation, from fishing and shipping commercial support area to Naval base support town to its present tourist hot spot status,” he said. Through Great Places in America, APA recognizes streets, neighborhoods, and public spaces featuring unique and authentic characteristics that have evolved from years of thoughtful and deliberate planning by residents, community leaders and planners. “The soul of Key West, Duval Street is an architectural and entertainment mecca,” said APA Chief Executive Officer Paul Farmer, FAICP. “The atmosphere here can be festive or quiet, depending on the season, but always present are the street’s memorable characteristics given its unique location, buildings and amenities,” he added. Six of Duval Street’s 14 blocks run through Old Town, the city’s original neighborhood, which was added to the National Register in 1971. That district was expanded a dozen years later to include the remaining blocks of Duval closest to the Atlantic Ocean. The nine other APA 2012 Great Streets are: Ward Parkway, Kansas City, MO; Main Street, Bozeman, MT; Broadway, Saratoga Springs, NY; Fifth Avenue, New York City, NY; Wall Street, Kingston, NY; Shaker Boulevard, Cleveland, Shaker Heights and Beachwood, OH; Grant Street, Pittsburgh, PA; Broad Street, Charleston, SC; and Gay Street, Knoxville, TN. For more information about all of the 2012 Great Places in America, visit www.planning.org/greatplaces.

16 Fall 2012 / Florida Planning

Web-based Idea-Sourcing and Crowdfunding

By: Melissa Hege In an ever-evolving world of web-based technology, planners have even more tools to engage communities and to learn what communities are already talking about and trying to change. Idea exchanges on virtual bulletin boards provide a platform for individuals to post their project ideas and concerns and to provide comments on current planning. While some of these websites are city and project specific, others can be modified to add new cities and can serve as a resource for your next project. Change by Us NYC http://nyc.changeby.us

Allows anyone to post an idea or project for a specific neighborhood in New York City. Projects are grouped according to neighborhood and matched up with local resources and a team to actually implement the concept. Anyone can join a project or start a new project and there is a set panel of decision makers who monitor and assist with project implementation.

Lucky Ant www.luckyant.com

Created with the premise that small businesses are the foundation for strong neighborhoods. Every week the site features a new, carefully vetted Mom and Pop retailer, with a funding goal which averages $10,000. This hyper local crowd funding platform, as described by its creators, gives the business 7 days to reach its goal. In exchange participants get perks from the business they invest in which, in turn, helps build new patrons for the business. Lucky Ant is currently in New York City only, but it’s planning educated creators, hope to expand to other neighborhoods.

Neighborland https://neighborland.com

Provides a discussion board for ideas and concerns which are specific to a city or neighborhood. Members indicate which ideas they want most and would like to support, and, eventually, will help implement. There are currently thirty-four different cities and seventy-nine neighborhoods supported by this website with opportunities to add your city or neighborhood.

Neighor.ly http://neighborho.ly/

A crowdfunding platform for civic improvements like bike sharing, parks, free wi-fi, historic preservation, and a bike program to make it easier for women to make the decision to bike. Different from other crowdfunding sites, Neighbor.ly accepts projects from local governmental and civic-natured entities only.

Melissa Hege is a Senior Planner with Zyscovich Architects, Inc. and owner of Melissa Hege City Planning LLC. She can be reached at mhege@zyscovich.com

LAND USE & PLANNING: Law Case Update

by: David Theriaque, Esq.

Turkali v. City of Safety Harbor, 93 So. 3d 493 (Fla. 2d DCA 2012). The City of Safety Harbor adopted amendments to its Community Development Plan which “eliminated significant valuable uses available to the property owner.” After completing the pre-suit requirements for a Bert Harris Act claim, the property owner filed a Bert Harris Act lawsuit. The trial court dismissed the lawsuit, concluding that the property owner’s appraisal, which is a pre-suit requirement, failed to comply with the Act’s requirements for such an appraisal. The Second District Court of Appeal affirmed the dismissal of the lawsuit. This case provides an excellent example of the necessity of complying fully with all pre-suit requirements for a Bert Harris Act claim and demonstrates the importance of the pre-suit appraisal that the property owner must submit with his or her pre-suit notice of claim. Town of Longboat Key v. Islandside Property Owners Coalition, LLC, 95 So. 3d 1037 (Fla. 2d DCA 2012). The Town of Longboat Key (“Town”) approved a $400 million redevelopment plan for the Longboat Key Club (“Club”). Opponents of the Town’s approval sought “first-tier” certiorari review. The circuit court granted the opponents’ petition for writ of certiorari and quashed the Town’s approval. The Town and the Club sought “second-tier” certiorari review before the Second District Court of Appeal, contending that the circuit court improperly reweighed the evidence before the Town Commission and improperly failed to defer to the Town’s interpretation of the Town’s Zoning Code. The Second District affirmed the trial court’s decision. This case is worth reading because the Second District set forth an excellent analysis of why it rejected both arguments raised by the Town and the Club, including the proper use of a dictionary to determine the plain and ordinary meaning of undefined terms in a local government’s land use regulations.. St. Johns River Water Management District v. Koontz, 77 So. 3d 1220 (Fla. 2011), cert. granted, 2012 WL 1966013 (U.S. Oct. 5, 2012) – UPDATE. The United States Supreme Court has accepted jurisdiction to review the Florida Supreme Court’s decision regarding Koontz’s temporary takings claim. The Florida Supreme Court reversed a lower court’s temporary takings determination, concluding that the United States Supreme Court’s decisions regarding “exactions” are applicable “only where the condition/exaction sought by the government involves a dedication of or over the owner’s interest in real property in exchange for permit approval; and only when the regulatory agency actually issues the permit sought. . . .” In this case, the St. Johns River Water Management District (“SJRWMD”) denied a permit to dredge wetlands because Koontz refused to agree to certain exactions requested by the SJRWMD as permit conditions. Martin County Conservation Alliance v. Martin County, 73 So. 3d 856 (Fla. 1st DCA 2011) -- UPDATE. This case involves the imposition of sanctions against Martin County Conservation Alliance (“MCCA”) and 1000 Friends of Florida (“1000 Friends”) by the First District Court of Appeal. The First District concluded that, while MCCA and 1000 Friends had a legal right to challenge certain amendments to Martin County’s comprehensive plan in an administrative hearing, they did not have the legal standing to appeal the Final Order approving such amendments. Thus, the First District determined that MCCA and 1000 Friends had filed a meritless appeal and ordered MCCA and 1000 Friends to pay the attorneys’ fees incurred by the other parties. On May 11, 2012, the Florida Supreme Court granted the request by MCCA and 1000 Friends to hear this case. The parties have filed all of their appellate briefs. Additionally, FAPA has filed an Amicus Curiae (“friend of the court”) Brief in support of the efforts of MCCA and 1000 Friends to overturn the First District’s imposition of sanctions against MCCA and 1000 Friends. The Court has determined that it will not need Oral Argument to decide this case. Thus, we are awaiting the Court’s decision. David Theriaque is with the firm of Theriaque & Spain in Tallahassee. He can be contacted at dat@theriaquelaw.com.

Fall 2012 / Florida Planning 17

[CONSULTANTS] DIRECTORY Advertise in the Consultants Directory The Consultant Directory is a fitting place to showcase your firm. $250 buys space for a year in the newsletter (five issues) plus inclusion in our web-based consultant directory. Display ads to promote your business, conference, projects and more are available. Contact the Chapter office at 850-201-3272 for rates and details.

18 Fall 2012 / Florida Planning

Fall 2012 / Florida Planning 19

Florida Chapter AMERICAN PLANNING ASSOCIATION 2040 Delta Way Tallahassee, FL 32303

[FLORIDA] PLANNING Published by the Florida Chapter, American Planning Association, the Florida Planning newsletter has a current circulation of 2,900 members, subscribers and other readers. Four issues are published a year.

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Changes of Address For APA members, Send to: Member Records Department American Planning Association 205 N. Michigan Ave., Ste. 1200 Chicago, IL 60601 Fax: 312/786-6700 or log onto www.planning.org/myapa

Articles Florida Planning welcomes articles, announcements, letters, pictures and advertising. Call 850/201-3272 regarding articles. The next issue will be published January 2013.

Deadlines Article deadlines are generally four weeks pior to publication. Ad deadlines are generally two weeks prior to publication. Consult the editor for any exception to this schedule.

Subscriptions The annual subscription rate for Florida Planning is $25.

About the Chapter APA Florida is a non-profit organization funded through membership dues and fees. Contributions are also welcomed for general purposes and earmarked programs. Please note that contributes are not tax deductible. For news and information on Chapter concerns, visit the APA Florida website at www.floridaplanning.org.

[UPCOMING] EVENTS NOVEMBER 6-7, 2012: World Town Planning Day Online Conference Professional planning associations from around the world will celebrate World Town Planning Day 2012 with an international online conference. This online conference will bring together ideas from around the world about how advances in technology shape our environment. Cost: $50/members, $10/students. Contact planningtheworld@gmail.com for more information. NOVEMBER 7, 2012: Ethics and Food Systems Please join Steve Lindorff, AICP, at the City of Jacksonville Beach on November 7, 2012 4:00 p.m to 5:30 p.m. for the audio/web conference “Ethics and Food Systems”. This conference explores the ethical dimension of one of the newest areas of planning. As a professional, learn where the issues of personal choice and values come together with professional obligations. RSVP by 5pm on November 5th. Contact Steve at Slindorff@jaxbchfl.net. NOVEMBER 8, 2012: Public Risks and the Challenges to Climate Adaptation: Planning in the Age of Uncertainty Tallahassee. Dr. Phil Berke, Professor Department of City & Regional Planning, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, will be speaking. NOVEMBER 9, 2012: The Sixth Annual Ethics Seminar Boca Raton. This is the Sixth Annual Ethics Seminar. 7.5 AICP CM credits pending. Approved for Florida Bar CLE (including Ethics.) Approved for 8 LA CECs Course #009260. Cost: $55-$75. Contact Seth Behn,The Palm Beach County Planning Congress, Inc.,sbehn@llw-law.com or 561-640-0820. NOVEMBER 15-16, 2012: Business Retention & Expansion Training Tampa. This interactive course presents the core components of a BRE program and why the concerns of local businesses need to be actively addressed. By building an understanding of business visitation techniques and survey methods, practitioners will be able to clearly gauge their community’s business climate. Cost: $425-$665. Contact 202-233-4745 for more information. February 6, 2013: APA Florida Public Policy Workshop Tallahassee. SAVE THE DATE! More details are coming soon to www.floridaplanning.org. For more information on these and other APA Florida events, please visit http://www.floridaplanning.org/

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