APA Florida Bill Tracking Report November 9 2023 Ordered by Bill Number SB 0032
Mangrove Replanting and Restoration by Garcia (I) Mangrove Replanting and Restoration; Requiring the Department of Environmental Protection to adopt rules for mangrove replanting and restoration; providing requirements for the rules, etc. Effective Date: 7 /1/2024 Committees of Reference Senate Environment and Natural Resources (Current Reference) Senate Appropriations Committee on Agriculture, Environment, and General Government Senate Rules Actions
SB 0036
SENATE Referred to Environment and Natural Resources; Appropriations Committee on Agriculture, Environment, and General Government; Rules
Comprehensive Waste Reduction and Recycling Plan by Stewart Comprehensive Waste Reduction and Recycling Plan; Requiring the Department of Environmental Protection to develop a comprehensive waste reduction and recycling plan for this state by a specified date, based on certain department recommendations; specifying minimum requirements for the comprehensive plan; requiring the department to submit a report to the Legislature upon completion of the comprehensive plan, etc. Effective Date: 7/1/2024 Committees of Reference Senate Environment and Natural Resources (Current Reference) Senate Appropriations Committee on Agriculture, Environment, and General Government Senate Fiscal Policy Actions
SB 0038
SENATE Referred to Environment and Natural Resources; Appropriations Committee on Agriculture, Environment, and General Government; Fiscal Policy
Flood Zone Disclosures for Dwelling Units by Stewart Flood Zone Disclosures for Dwelling Units; Requiring landlords or persons authorized to enter into rental agreements on behalf of landlords to make specified disclosures relating to flood zones before the commencement of a tenancy; requiring landlords to notify current tenants of a change in a dwelling unit’ s flood zone designation, etc. Effective Date: 7/1/2024 Committees of Reference Senate Judiciary (Current Reference) Senate Community Affairs Senate Rules Actions 09/18/2023
SENATE Referred to Judiciary; Community Affairs; Rules
HB 0047
Municipal Water and Sewer Utility Rates by Robinson (F) Municipal Water and Sewer Utility Rates: Requires municipality to charge customers receiving its utility services in another municipality same rates, fees, & charges as it charges consumers within its own municipal boundaries. Effective Date: July 1, 2024 Committees of Reference House Energy, Communications & Cybersecurity Subcommittee (Current Reference) House Local Administration, Federal Affairs & Special Districts Subcommittee House Commerce Committee Actions
HB 0057
HOUSE Referred to Energy, Communications & Cybersecurity Subcommittee; Local Administration, Federal Affairs & Special Districts Subcommittee; Commerce Committee
HOUSE Now in Energy, Communications & Cybersecurity Subcommittee
County Commissioner Term Limits by Salzman County Commissioner Term Limits: Establishes term limits for county commissioners. Effective Date: July 1, 2024 Committees of Reference House Local Administration, Federal Affairs & Special Districts Subcommittee (Current Reference) House Ethics, Elections & Open Government Subcommittee House State Affairs Committee Actions
SB 0104
HOUSE Referred to Local Administration, Federal Affairs & Special Districts Subcommittee; Ethics, Elections & Open Government Subcommittee; State Affairs Committee
HOUSE Now in Local Administration, Federal Affairs & Special Districts Subcommittee
Municipal Water and Sewer Utility Rates by Jones Municipal Water and Sewer Utility Rates; Requiring a municipality to charge customers receiving its utility services in another municipality the same rates, fees, and charges as it charges consumers within its municipal boundaries under certain circumstances, etc. Effective Date: 7/1/2024 Committees of Reference Senate Regulated Industries (Current Reference) Senate Community Affairs Senate Rules Actions
HB 0109
SENATE Referred to Regulated Industries; Community Affairs; Rules
Conversion Charter Schools by Andrade Conversion Charter Schools: Revises requirements for application for conversion charter school; authorizes municipalities to apply for conversion of specified public schools to charter schools; & authorizes Charter School Review Commission to solicit & review applications for conversion charter schools. Effective Date: July 1, 2024 Committees of Reference House Choice & Innovation Subcommittee (Current Reference)
House PreK-12 Appropriations Subcommittee House Education & Employment Committee Actions
SB 0112
HOUSE Referred to Choice & Innovation Subcommittee; PreK-12 Appropriations Subcommittee; Education & Employment Committee
HOUSE Now in Choice & Innovation Subcommittee
Healthy Food Financing Initiative Program by Jones Healthy Food Financing Initiative Program; Providing program eligibility requirements for nonprofit organizations and revising eligibility requirements for community development financial institutions; revising requirements for program applicants and projects; revising the purposes for which project funding may be used; requiring the Office of Program Policy Analysis and Government Accountability to review the program and collected data after a specified timeframe and provide the Legislature with a specified report, etc. Effective Date: 7/1/2024 Committees of Reference Senate Agriculture (Current Reference) Senate Appropriations Committee on Agriculture, Environment, and General Government Senate Fiscal Policy Actions
SB 0122
SENATE Referred to Agriculture; Appropriations Committee on Agriculture, Environment, and General Government; Fiscal Policy
Trees on Residential Property by Stewart Trees on Residential Property; Repealing a provision relating to tree pruning, trimming, or removal on such property, etc. Effective Date: 7/1/2024 Committees of Reference Senate Community Affairs (Current Reference) Senate Judiciary Senate Rules Actions
SB 0134
SENATE Referred to Community Affairs; Judiciary; Rules
Crimes Evidencing Prejudice by Berman Crimes Evidencing Prejudice; Expanding grounds for the reclassification of crimes to include acts of prejudice based on the gender or gender identity of any person; specifying that the reclassification must occur if the crime was based in whole or in part on the race, color, ancestry, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, national origin, homeless status, advanced age, gender, or gender identity of any person; specifying that the reclassification of a certain crime must occur if the crime was based in whole or in part on a disability of any person, etc. Effective Date: 7/1/2024 Committees of Reference Senate Criminal Justice (Current Reference) Senate Judiciary Senate Rules Actions
HB 0137
SENATE Referred to Criminal Justice; Judiciary; Rules
Gay and Transgender Panic Legal Defenses by Harris Gay and Transgender Panic Legal Defenses: Prohibits individuals from using nonviolent sexual advance or specified perceptions or beliefs about another individual as defense to criminal offense, to excuse or justify conduct of an individual who commits criminal offense, or to mitigate severity of criminal offense. Effective Date: July 1, 2024 Committees of Reference House Criminal Justice Subcommittee (Current Reference) House Judiciary Committee Actions
HB 0141
HOUSE Referred to Criminal Justice Subcommittee; Judiciary Committee
HOUSE Now in Criminal Justice Subcommittee
Regional Rural Development Grants Program by Abbott Regional Rural Development Grants Program: Removes requirement that certain grants received by regional economic development organization must be matched in certain manner; removes provision requiring certain consideration; removes certain demonstration requirements of program applicants. Effective Date: July 1, 2024 Committees of Reference House Regulatory Reform & Economic Development Subcommittee (Current Reference) House Ways & Means Committee House Commerce Committee Actions
HB 0143
HOUSE Referred to Regulatory Reform & Economic Development Subcommittee; Ways & Means Committee; Commerce Committee
HOUSE Now in Regulatory Reform & Economic Development Subcommittee
Tax-exempt Private Activity Bonds by Sirois Tax-exempt Private Activity Bonds: Urges Congress to add spaceports as qualified tax-exempt category of private activity bonds Effective Date: Not Specified Committees of Reference House Transportation & Modals Subcommittee (Current Reference) House Ways & Means Committee House Infrastructure Strategies Committee Actions
SB 0144
HOUSE Referred to Transportation & Modals Subcommittee; Ways & Means Committee; Infrastructure Strategies Committee
HOUSE Now in Transportation & Modals Subcommittee
State Renewable Energy Goals by Berman State Renewable Energy Goals; Revising the definitions of the terms “biomass” and “renewable energy”; prohibiting the drilling or exploration for, or production of, oil, gas, or other petroleum products
in certain locations; providing legislative intent that all electricity used in this state be generated by renewable energy by a specified date; creating the Renewable Energy Workforce Development Advisory Committee in the Office of Energy, etc. Effective Date: 7/1/2024 Committees of Reference Senate Environment and Natural Resources (Current Reference) Senate Appropriations Committee on Agriculture, Environment, and General Government Senate Fiscal Policy Actions
SB 0148
SENATE Referred to Environment and Natural Resources; Appropriations Committee on Agriculture, Environment, and General Government; Fiscal Policy
Antisemitism by Berman Antisemitism; Defining the term “antisemitism”; providing contemporary examples of antisemitism, etc. Effective Date: 7/1/2024 Committees of Reference Senate Judiciary (Current Reference) Senate Criminal Justice Senate Rules Actions
SB 0156
SENATE Referred to Judiciary; Criminal Justice; Rules
Gay and Transgender Panic Legal Defenses by Book Gay and Transgender Panic Legal Defenses; Citing this act as the “Gay and Transgender Panic Legal Defenses Prohibition Act.”; prohibiting individuals from using a nonviolent sexual advance or specified perceptions or beliefs about another individual as a defense to a criminal offense, to excuse or justify an individual’s conduct, or to mitigate the severity of an offense, etc. Effective Date: 7/1/2024 Committees of Reference Senate Criminal Justice (Current Reference) Senate Judiciary Senate Rules Actions
HB 0157
SENATE Referred to Criminal Justice; Judiciary; Rules
Governing Body Meetings by Caruso Governing Body Meetings: Authorizes governing bodies of municipalities to convene meetings & conduct official business via teleconferencing or other technological means if certain conditions are met; provides limitations on such meetings; provides limitations placed on such meetings may be suspended upon state of emergency. Effective Date: July 1, 2024 Committees of Reference House Local Administration, Federal Affairs & Special Districts Subcommittee (Current Reference) House Ethics, Elections & Open Government Subcommittee House State Affairs Committee Actions
SB 0160
HOUSE Referred to Local Administration, Federal Affairs & Special Districts Subcommittee; Ethics, Elections & Open Government Subcommittee; State Affairs Committee
HOUSE Now in Local Administration, Federal Affairs & Special Districts Subcommittee
Marriage Between Persons of the Same Sex by Polsky Marriage Between Persons of the Same Sex; Deleting a prohibition on the recognition of same-sex marriages; deleting a prohibition on the state and its agencies and subdivisions giving effect to a public act, record, or judicial proceeding that respects a same-sex marriage or relationship or a claim arising from such marriage or relationship, etc. Effective Date: 7/1/2024 Committees of Reference Senate Judiciary (Current Reference) Senate Community Affairs Senate Rules Actions
HB 0163
SENATE Referred to Judiciary; Community Affairs; Rules
Dredging and Beach Restoration Projects by Gossett-Seidman Dredging and Beach Restoration Projects: Directs DEP to require, as condition of permits issued for certain dredging & beach restoration projects, that any adverse impact analysis conducted for activity meet certain requirements; requires local government to provide notice of its intent to conduct analysis to certain adjacent local governments; provides fine for violations. Effective Date: July 1, 2024 Committees of Reference House Water Quality, Supply & Treatment Subcommittee (Current Reference) House Agriculture & Natural Resources Appropriations Subcommittee House Infrastructure Strategies Committee Actions
HB 0165
HOUSE Referred to Water Quality, Supply & Treatment Subcommittee; Agriculture & Natural Resources Appropriations Subcommittee; Infrastructure Strategies Committee
HOUSE Now in Water Quality, Supply & Treatment Subcommittee
Safe Waterways Act by Gossett-Seidman Safe Waterways Act: Transfers duties related to bacteriological sampling of beach waters & public bathing places from DOH to DEP; provides requirements for such transfer; revises provisions related to bacteriological sampling of beach waters & public bathing places, including rule adoption & enforcement; issuance of health advisories; closure of beach waters & public bathing places; notification & signage requirements; & public statewide interagency database. Effective Date: upon becoming a law Committees of Reference House Water Quality, Supply & Treatment Subcommittee (Current Reference) House Appropriations Committee House Infrastructure Strategies Committee Actions 10/16/2023
HOUSE Referred to Water Quality, Supply & Treatment Subcommittee; Appropriations Committee; Infrastructure Strategies Committee
11/02/2023 HB 0167
HOUSE Now in Water Quality, Supply & Treatment Subcommittee
Repeal of Marriage Definition by Basabe Repeal of Marriage Definition: Proposes repeal of provision in State Constitution which defines a marriage as the legal union of only one man & one woman as husband & wife & invalidates any other legal union treated as marriage or substantial equivalent. Committees of Reference House Constitutional Rights, Rule of Law & Government Operations Subcommittee (Current Reference) House Children, Families & Seniors Subcommittee House Judiciary Committee Actions
HB 0169
HOUSE Referred to Constitutional Rights, Rule of Law & Government Operations Subcommittee; Children, Families & Seniors Subcommittee; Judiciary Committee
HOUSE Now in Constitutional Rights, Rule of Law & Government Operations Subcommittee
Marriage Between Persons of the Same Sex by Basabe Marriage Between Persons of the Same Sex: Removes prohibition on recognition of same-sex marriages; removes prohibition on state & its agencies & subdivisions giving effect to public act, record, or judicial proceeding that respects same-sex marriage or relationship or claim arising from such marriage or relationship. Effective Date: on the effective date of the amendment to the State Constitution proposed by HJR 167 or a similar joint resolution having substantially the same specific intent and purpose Committees of Reference House Constitutional Rights, Rule of Law & Government Operations Subcommittee (Current Reference) House Children, Families & Seniors Subcommittee House Judiciary Committee Actions
HB 0187
HOUSE Referred to Constitutional Rights, Rule of Law & Government Operations Subcommittee; Children, Families & Seniors Subcommittee; Judiciary Committee
HOUSE Now in Constitutional Rights, Rule of Law & Government Operations Subcommittee
Antisemitism by Gottlieb Antisemitism: Defines term "antisemitism"; provides contemporary examples of antisemitism. Effective Date: July 1, 2024 Committees of Reference House Criminal Justice Subcommittee (Current Reference) House Judiciary Committee Actions 10/16/2023
HOUSE Referred to Criminal Justice Subcommittee; Judiciary Committee
HOUSE Now in Criminal Justice Subcommittee
HB 0193
State Renewable Energy Goals by Eskamani State Renewable Energy Goals: Prohibits drilling or exploration for, or production of, oil, gas, or other petroleum products & permitting & construction of certain related structures; requires statewide renewable energy electricity & carbon emission reductions by specified dates; directs Office of Energy within DACS to develop unified statewide plan & submit plan to Governor & Legislature; creates Renewable Energy Advisory Committee; directs Commissioner of Agriculture to submit annual report to Legislature. Effective Date: July 1, 2024 Committees of Reference House Energy, Communications & Cybersecurity Subcommittee (Current Reference) House Agriculture & Natural Resources Appropriations Subcommittee House Commerce Committee Actions
SB 0196
HOUSE Referred to Energy, Communications & Cybersecurity Subcommittee; Agriculture & Natural Resources Appropriations Subcommittee; Commerce Committee
HOUSE Now in Energy, Communications & Cybersecurity Subcommittee
Regional Rural Development Grants Program by Simon Regional Rural Development Grants Program; Deleting the requirement that certain grants received by a regional economic development organization must be matched in a certain manner; removing a provision requiring a certain consideration; removing certain demonstration requirements of program applicants, etc. Effective Date: 7/1/2024 Committees of Reference Senate Commerce and Tourism (Current Reference) Senate Appropriations Committee on Transportation, Tourism, and Economic Development Senate Fiscal Policy Actions
HB 0217
SENATE Referred to Commerce and Tourism; Appropriations Committee on Transportation, Tourism, and Economic Development; Fiscal Policy
College Campus Facilities in Areas of Critical State Concern by Mooney, Jr. College Campus Facilities in Areas of Critical State Concern: Revises number of beds certain FCS institutions may provide to certain persons; authorizes such beds to be provided to health care workers; & revises which funds may not be used for construction of dormitories. Effective Date: July 1, 2024 Committees of Reference House Postsecondary Education & Workforce Subcommittee (Current Reference) House Education & Employment Committee Actions
SB 0222
HOUSE Referred to Postsecondary Education & Workforce Subcommittee; Education & Employment Committee
HOUSE Now in Postsecondary Education & Workforce Subcommittee
College Campus Facilities in Areas of Critical State Concern by Rodriguez College Campus Facilities in Areas of Critical State Concern; Providing that beds for health care workers may be included in the construction of dormitories on the campus of a Florida College System institution; revising the number of beds that may be provided in such dormitories for employees,
educators, health care workers, and first responders, etc. Effective Date: 7/1/2024 Committees of Reference Senate Education Postsecondary (Current Reference) Senate Appropriations Committee on Education Senate Appropriations Actions
SB 0224
SENATE Referred to Education Postsecondary; Appropriations Committee on Education; Appropriations
Citizen Volunteer Advisory Committees by Wright Citizen Volunteer Advisory Committees; Authorizing specified regional citizen volunteer advisory committees to conduct public meetings and workshops by means of communications media technology; requiring that such technology allow all persons to audibly communicate; providing notice requirements for public meetings or workshops conducted by means of communications media technology, etc. Effective Date: Upon becoming a law Committees of Reference Senate Community Affairs (Current Reference) Senate Governmental Oversight and Accountability Senate Rules Actions
SB 0246
SENATE Referred to Community Affairs; Governmental Oversight and Accountability; Rules
Conversion Charter Schools by Harrell Conversion Charter Schools; Revising the requirements for an application for a conversion charter school; authorizing municipalities to apply for the conversion of specified public schools to charter schools; authorizing the Charter School Review Commission to solicit and review applications for conversion charter schools, etc. Effective Date: 7/1/2024 Committees of Reference Senate Education Pre-K - 12 (Current Reference) Senate Appropriations Committee on Education Senate Fiscal Policy Actions
SB 0266
SENATE Referred to Education Pre-K -12; Appropriations Committee on Education; Fiscal Policy
Department of Transportation by Hooper Department of Transportation; Prohibiting the department from annually committing more than a certain percentage of revenues derived from state fuel taxes and motor vehicle license-related fees to public transit projects; replacing the term “public-private partnership agreement” with the term “comprehensive agreement”; prohibiting additional metropolitan planning organizations from being designated in this state after a specified date; creating within the department a local agency program for a specified purpose, etc. Effective Date: 7/1/2024 Committees of Reference Senate Transportation (Current Reference)
Senate Appropriations Committee on Transportation, Tourism, and Economic Development Senate Appropriations Actions
HB 0267
SENATE Referred to Transportation; Appropriations Committee on Transportation, Tourism, and Economic Development; Appropriations
Residential Building Permits by Esposito Residential Building Permits: Requires governing bodies to create program to expedite process for issuing residential building permits; provides requirements for governing bodies & applicants; authorizes applicants to use private provider for certain reviews; authorizes governing body to issue temporary parcel identification numbers; revises provisions relating to acquiring building permits for residential dwellings; revises timeframes for approving or denying building permits; reduces permit fees; provides certain permits are valid indefinitely. Effective Date: July 1, 2024 Committees of Reference House Regulatory Reform & Economic Development Subcommittee (Current Reference) House Local Administration, Federal Affairs & Special Districts Subcommittee House Commerce Committee Actions
SB 0276
HOUSE Referred to Regulatory Reform & Economic Development Subcommittee; Local Administration, Federal Affairs & Special Districts Subcommittee; Commerce Committee
HOUSE Now in Regulatory Reform & Economic Development Subcommittee
Review of Advisory Bodies by Avila Review of Advisory Bodies; requiring certain executive agencies to annually upload a report to a specified website maintained by the Executive Office of the Governor by a specified date; providing requirements for such report; providing that specified provisions are subject to repeal, unless reviewed and saved from repeal by the Legislature within a specified timeframe, etc. Effective Date: 7/1/2024 Committees of Reference No committees referenced Actions 11/08/2023
HB 0287
Transportation by Esposito Transportation: Limits revenues DOT may commit to public transit projects; authorizes DOT to enter into comprehensive agreements with private entities; requires DOT to pay interest to contractor; authorizes DOT to determine whether to reduce bonding requirements; revises time periods during which certain actions must be instituted by claimant; provides presumption regarding death, injury, or damage resulting from motor vehicle crash involving driver of vehicle who is under influence of marijuana; revises contractor's immunity from liability; creates Local Agency Program; provides purposes, prioritization, & eligibility & contract requirements; requires oversight by DOT. Effective Date: July 1, 2024 Committees of Reference No committees referenced Actions 10/26/2023
HB 0293
Hurricane Protections for Homeowners' Associations by Sirois
Hurricane Protections for Homeowners' Associations: Requires board or committee of homeowners' association to adopt hurricane protection specifications; requires such specifications conform to applicable building codes; prohibits board or committee of association from denying application for installation, enhancement, or replacement of certain hurricane protection; authorizes requirement to adhere to certain guidelines regarding external appearance of structure or improvement on parcel. Effective Date: upon becoming a law Committees of Reference No committees referenced Actions 10/27/2023 SB 0298
Saltwater Intrusion Vulnerability Assessments by Polsky Saltwater Intrusion Vulnerability Assessments; Authorizing the Department of Environmental Protection to provide coastal counties, beginning on a specified date, with Resilient Florida Grant Program grants to fund saltwater intrusion vulnerability assessments; specifying the purpose of and requirements for the assessments; requiring the department to update the comprehensive statewide flood vulnerability and sea level rise data set and make certain information received from the saltwater intrusion vulnerability assessments publicly available on its website, etc. Effective Date: Upon becoming a law Committees of Reference No committees referenced Actions 11/02/2023
HB 0329
Financial Assistance for Homeowners by Edmonds Financial Assistance for Homeowners: Creates Homeowners' Assistance Fund within Department of Commerce for specified purposes; provides expenses that qualify under fund; requires secretary of department to allocate certain amount of funds for administrating & overseeing fund, to provide technical assistance to eligible entities, & to inspector general of department to oversee certain programs; specifies how secretary must allocate funds to eligible entities; requires eligible entities to request funds within certain time period; requires secretary to disburse & reallocate funds within certain time period. Effective Date: July 1, 2024 Committees of Reference No committees referenced Actions 11/03/2023
HB 0335
Requiring Broader Public Support for Constitutional Amendments or Revisions by Roth Requiring Broader Public Support for Constitutional Amendments or Revisions: Proposes amendment to State Constitution to increase percentage of elector votes required to approve amendment to or revision of State Constitution from 60 percent to 66.67 percent. Effective Date: Not Specified Committees of Reference No committees referenced Actions 11/03/2023
SB 0338
Safe Waterways Act by Berman Safe Waterways Act; Citing this act as the “Safe Waterways Act”; requiring the Department of Health and the Department of Environmental Protection to submit to the Governor and the Legislature, by a specified date, certain recommendations relating to the transfer of duties related to the bacteriological sampling of beach waters and public bathing places; specifying that the Department of Environmental
Protection is solely responsible for adopting and enforcing rules related to the bacteriological sampling of beach waters and public bathing places; requiring municipalities and counties to immediately notify the department of any incident that may affect the quality of beach waters or public bathing places within their respective jurisdictions, etc. Effective Date: Except as otherwise expressly provided in this act, this act shall take effect upon becoming a law Committees of Reference No committees referenced Actions 11/07/2023 HB 0339
Agritourism by Roth Agritourism: Prohibits local governments from adopting ordinances, regulations, rules, or policies that require certificates of use for certain agricultural lands, facilities, & venues or limit certain activities associated with agritourism; provides for termination, expiration, extension, & renewal of specified local government ordinances, rules, & measures. Effective Date: upon becoming a law Committees of Reference No committees referenced Actions 11/03/2023
SB 0370
Spaceports by Wright Spaceports; Urging Congress to add spaceports as a qualified tax-exempt category of private activity bonds, etc. Committees of Reference No committees referenced Actions 11/08/2023
SB 0386
Affordable Housing Parking Requirements by Osgood Affordable Housing Parking Requirements; Requiring counties and municipalities, respectively, to reduce parking requirements for certain developments if they are located within a specified distance of a major transportation hub; defining the term “major transportation hub”, etc. Effective Date: 7/1/2024 Committees of Reference No committees referenced Actions 11/08/2023
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