A bit about me….

● At Florida State since 2011

○ Director of DMC since 2014
○ Courses in economic development, consequences of planning, urban economics, public policy writing
● Think tank experience
○ State-based think tanks
○ National think tanks
● Planning experience
○ Board of Zoning Appeals
○ Planning Commission (Chair)
○ Charter Review (Chair) Commission
○ Local government consolidation commission
● Media
○ 200+ published op-eds
○ 24 + legislative testimony
○ 100+ articles and longer reports
○ 200+ speeches, talks, presentations
● Reach out to elected officials
● Positive communication channels
● Strengthen collaboration
● Unified information

Critical Roles of Planners
Honest broker
Respect all sides
Advocate for the public interest
Show how decisions build community value
Professional expert

Communication tactics

Planners are in the game for the long-haul

Conflict is an inevitable consequence of democratic government.
Remember, when a citizen comes comes up to you after a public meeting and says,
“I don’t agree with your decision, but I believe I have been heard.”
This is a win. It’s also a fundamental attitude necessary to sustain civil society and democratic governance.