Creating a Housing Resilience Strategic Plan Protecting Vulnerable People and Properties -CJReynolds

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Part 1:Creating a Housing Resilience Strategic Plan Protecting Vulnerable People and Properties CJ Director,ReynoldsResiliency & Engagement Tampa Bay Regional Planning Council Friday Sept. 9, 2022 8:30-9:30 am American PlanningFloridaAssociationChapter

*Center for American Progress 2019

Extreme Weather Exacerbates Housing Shortage

• Hurricane Harvey damaged almost 200,000 homes, nearly 2,000 were federally subsidized.

• Hurricane Maria destroyed more than 70,000 homes in Puerto Rico.

• No name storms causing localized flooding, repetitive flood loss areas

• 33 NYC Housing Authority buildings damaged by Superstorm Sandy in 2012. Only 1 rebuild had been completed 5 years later.

Resilience and Energy Assessment of Communities and Housing (REACH) Initiative in the Tampa Bay Region

Lead Technical AdvisorsSponsor

1. Develop consistent frameworks and methods to evaluate plans and community vulnerability; 2. Create standardized approach for mapping affordable housing stock exposure to coastal flooding; 3. Define approaches for assessing housing energy consumption and opportunities; 4. Develop goals for the Tampa Bay Regional Resilience Action Plan; 5. Support updates to local plans; 6. Provide training and technical assistance; and 7. Integrate ALICE (United Way) principles into resilience. REACH Objectives

PlanningResilientHousingBestPractices Requires an integrated approach… 1. Assess vulnerability of affordable housing stock to current and future flood hazards and heat 2. Climate risks and potential impacts are quantitatively acknowledged/defined in Housing Department and all other plans 3. Goals/Strategies in all plans are developed to specifically reduce risks to affordable housing and residents, and address inequities 4. Housing resilience goals/actions are consolidated in your Resilience and Sustainability Action plan


• Where is stock doubly vulnerable due to structure type, age, subsidy expiration, etc.?

• Who lives in areas exposed to coastal flooding? Where are people who may be more vulnerable due to low income, age, special needs, etc.?

• Where is affordable housing currently located and vulnerable to flood hazards?


Spatial Exposure

• How do these factors combine? Use data to define priorities for plans and programs to support mitigation or adaptation….

Building Characteristics

Housing Vulnerability Assessments: Exposure + Building Characteristics + Demographics

• What are the physical characteristics of housing exposed to coastal flooding?

Integrating Affordable Housing and Flood Risk ExposureNewTBRPC/UFArcGIS Online mapping application and database supports vulnerability analysis. New densityriskanalysis method and upcoming report identifies concentrations of properties, types, # of units at risk for 1% and .2% storms, and social demographics.REACHHousingConference May 6 –Chairs AHAC Panel

Storm Surge Layers

State Defined Sea Level Rise Scenarios NOAA (2017) • Intermediate Low • Intermediate High • 2040 and 2070 • Add other if desired

Social Vulnerability Layers

Define Risks to Affordable Housing Categories Affordable Market-Rate (NOAH) 125,700 NOAH units All Residential Parcels 1.89 million residential units Assisted Multifamily* 480 properties, 45,900 assisted AHI units Mobile Home Parcels* 351,000 mobile homes * Does not include households with housing vouchers * MH individual parcels and parks

Identify Affordable Housing properties and units in 1% Annual Flood Zone • then define boundaries/analyze the clusters Conduct A Hot Spot Analysis REACH Hotspot Analysis Report developed for TBRPC by Matthew Varkony, NAS GRP Fellow FY21-22

Assessing Social

Minority Percentage Elderly Percentage Median Income

Conducting A Hot Spot Analysis Demographics

Fantastic resource for planners. Provides clear process for assessing local plans from a resilient housing context. Specific metrics to assess current status of specific plans, best practices, equity, mitigation tips, ideas to define changes for plan updates, or develop an integrated “housing resilience plan. to

ResilienceHousingAssessing in Your The&CoalitionFloridaDevelopedChecklistPlansbytheHousingTampaBayRegionalPlanningCouncil Link

the REACH Checklist.Self-Assessment

Identifies local assessments and studies related to: • Storm surge • Inland flooding • Sea-level rise • Extreme heat • Sinkholes Tab 8: Hazard Risk Assessments

Tab 9: Comprehensive Plan

policy framework

housing mitigation across multiple Comp Plan elements. • Are you adequately protecting existing housing stock. • How is addressed?redevelopment • New development?

Helps you examines the for

• How well does your LHAP: • Support housing mitigation strategies? • Incorporate resilience into all housing strategies? • Address equity in housing activities? • How well does your Incentive Plan: • Support housing resilience and mitigation strategies? • Do your AHAC members represent advocacy or expertise in mitigation and disaster recovery?

● How

Tab 11: Local Housing Assistance Plan well are housing resilience goals, and overall well is this plan Mitigation (LMS)


objectives incorporated into the

incorporating equity principles that impact the community? ● Is your LMS adhering to best practices? Tab 10: Local


Local Mitigation Strategy? ● How

Tab 13: Community Rating System (CRS)

Tab 14: Construction & Retrofit Standards

• How well does your community integrate Floodplain Management criteria with other local resilience planning efforts?

• Is the community investing in areas zoned for housing development?

• How well does your PDRP incorporate housing mitigation and resilience techniques in the rebuilding and redevelopment of your community’s housing infrastructure?

Tab 12: RedevelopmentPost-DisasterPlan

• Does your community have a robust Program for Public Information?

• How well is managementfloodplainintegrated with green building practices?

• What additional steps can your community implement to address the goals of the NFIP and maximize incentives?

• Does your community require green building in housing development redevelopmentandactivities?

• Does your PDRP include specific strategies for low-income communities and communities of color?

Director of Resiliency and Engagement

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