Data + School Choice + Facility Plans Builds Equity | FPC 24
Data + School Choice + Facility Plans Build Equity
How school district data, and subsequent decision-making, is influencing the District’s choice offerings, school facility planning, and student equity.
APAPublic Schools + Communities Division Mission is:
To create stronger linkages between the planning profession and public school districts to support and strengthen public education, and public schools, create stronger neighborhoods, & communities...
To integrate public schools and the provision of public education into community planning more holistically to ensure land use, housing, transportation, and other planning policies and regulations minimize inequities and maximize resources and opportunities…
Director, School Choice, Charter, & Special Programs
Brevard Public Schools
• StudentAccommodation Plan
• Parental Choice Presentation
• Long Range Planning Considerations
• Q&A Agenda
2024-2025 Student Accommodation Plan
A Brevard Public Schools plan prepared annually to ensure adequate facilities are available for all students and programs. Scan QR Code to view the Plan andfollowalong!
Collaborative Effort
Brevard Public Schools
State Requirements & Guidance
Board Policy & Procedures
• Relocatable Classrooms
• Modifying Existing Program Offerings
• CTE programing
• ESE programing
• Attendance Boundary Changes
• “Freeze” School to Incoming ELO Students
• Construct New Capacity
• Close Under-utilized Schools
• Year-round School Pilot Program
Student Enrollment & Capacity
Feeder Schools & From/ToAnalysis
Student Enrollment Projections
Other Facility Needs
Relocatable Classroom Changes
Annual Attendance
Boundary Review Process
Historic Student Enrollment Data
for 2023-24 vs. 2028-29
Making Plan DataAccessible
Scan the QR Code to view Brevard’s Interactive Student Membership Dashboard!
Source: Brevard County Schools
Brevard K-12 Students
• Composed a presentation and visual representations of the data provided in the StudentAccommodation Plan.
• Communicated data to all stakeholders
• Survey stakeholders for input
• Follow up meetings to go over findings
• Plan next steps
Course of Action
• Provide a visual representation of high school offerings (programs) throughout Brevard County provided by district schools and to see the relationship to student enrollment.
• Complete an in-depth from/to study to look closely at where students are utilizing choice to attend other than their zoned school.
• Conduct a comparative study of Brevard County Public School's opportunity zones compared to Charter and Private School's opportunity zones and draw conclusions based on the data.
Purpose of the Analysis
High School Program Offerings
High School Resident Students Who Choice In/Out From Their Zoned School
The Net High School Resident Students Who Utilize Choice FromTheir Zoned School
Pineapple Cove ClassicalAcademy-Palm Bay Charter School
Resident Elementary School Students Utilizing Choice
Charter School and Choice School Waitlist Numbers/ School
Change in Permanent CapacityAcross 5 years
1. Feedback was given from Principals that knowing the data provided the knowledge they need to make informed decisions.
2. Feedback was given from department leads and they shared that the presentation and visual representations allowed departments to see which areas of need there were around the county.
Response to the Presentation
3. Stakeholders were able to pinpoint certain actions that need to be completed and prioritize next steps.
4. Senior leadership utilized the information and feedback to make important decisions on the direction the county wants to move in.