Jan. 23, 2025
State Rep. John Snyder
303 House Office Building 402 South Monroe Street Tallahassee, FL 32399-1300
Dear Honorable Rep. Snyder:
The Florida Chapter of the American Planning Association (APA Florida) offers its strong support for HB 209 entitled the State Park Preservation Act. The bill reinforces the Division of State Parks’ mission for land conservation and public access to Florida’s outstanding natural resources, and strikes a proper balance with popular activities such as camping, recreation, bicycling, fishing, birding, etc. We applaud your efforts to protect the integrity, natural environment, and outstanding user experience of Florida’s nationally recognized state parks.
APA Florida is an association representing more than 3,200 professional urban and regional planners across the state working for a diverse array of public and private sector entities to enhance Florida’s natural and built environment for the benefit of today’s residents and future generations. HB 209 is consistent with our adopted Legislative Platform and Priorities that includes:
• Supporting a long-range approach to land and resource management that conserves, protects, and enhances the state’s natural resources; and
• Providing for open, collaborative, meaningful and responsible citizen participation in decisions affecting the public.
On behalf of APA Florida, I offer our organization’s support in advancing this important legislation into law. Please contact me or Executive Director Stefanie Svisco, as we are ready to offer support and assistance during the process in any way we can.

Allara Mills-Gutcher
APA Florida President
2017 Delta Blvd. Suite 101
Tallahassee, FL 32303
o: 850-201-3272
e: connect@floridaplanning.org

Allara Mills-Gutcher, AICP President
Whit Blanton, FAICP ImmediatePastPresident
Edward Ng, AICP President-Elect
Jerry Bell, AICP Secretary
Lara Bouck, AICP, PE VPCertificationMaintenance
Brad Cornelius, AICP, CPM, CFM Treasurer
Melissa Dickens, AICP VPProfessionalDevelopment
Kathie Ebaugh, FAICP VPConferenceServices
Juan Mullerat VPSectionAffairs
Tony Palermo, AICP VPMembership&OutreachServices
Ali Palmer VPCommunications