Creating the Place that Transit Serves
Why SR 436?
• Highest concentration of Central Florida residents
• 100K+ jobs on the corridor
• 5K+ hotel rooms near OIA
Source: 2020 Census, Population Density by Census Tract, 2017 ACS employment data
• 25K+ OIA employees
• 57M+ annual passengers
• Link 436S: highest ridership of all 30-minute headway routes (approx. 730k per year or 2,000 per day)
SR 436 Transit Study
▪ Short-Term Recommendation – Limitedstop bus from OIA to Altamonte Springs SunRail
▪ Long-Term Recommendation – Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) from OIA to Altamonte Springs SunRail
What is Bus Rapid Transit (BRT)?
What is a BRT Station Area?
Frequent & enhanced pedestrian & bicycle facilities along and across roadways
Stations with amenities such as off-board ticketing, information screens, etc.
What is Transit Oriented Development
SR 436 Transit Oriented Development (TOD) Study
Study Goals
Spur Economic Development Implement Land Use Policies to Maximize Transit Ridership
Support Mix of Higher-density Residential and Commercial Uses at Station Areas
Support Safe Bicycle and Pedestrian Routes to the Station Provide Equitable and Sustainable Solutions
New and Small Starts Project Evaluation and Rating under MAP-21
Individual Criteria
Ratings *Must be at least “Medium” for project to get “Medium” or better Overall Rating
SR 436 Transit Oriented Development (TOD) Study
Project Management Team
Project Advisory Group (PAG)
SR 436
Transit Study (Completed in 2019)
SR 436 Transit Oriented Development (TOD) Study
Study Overview
Initial TOD Evaluation Station Area Planning
Identify Policy Changes & Infrastructure Investments to Support Station Area Plans Identify Funding Sources for the BRT Project Design, Construction, & Implementation of BRT & Station Area Plans
We are here!
Policy Efforts Supporting TOD –
City of Orlando
Mixed Use Zoning: No "commercial" zones; Activity Center (AC), Mixed Use (MU) and Office (O) zoning designations all allow varying intensities of SF and MF homes, townhomes, services, offices, etc. Shared parking options available.
Comprehensive Plan Policies explicitly mention land use-transportation effects and goals (bus and rail systems, airport connections, reducing car dependency, increasing capacity).
Semoran Boulevard Zoning Overlay sets design standards. Objectives include "preserve and strengthen commercial land uses and redevelopment opportunities" and "enhance pedestrian safety and the 'Main Street' character of the corridor."
Policy Efforts Supporting TOD –Orange Code
Focus on Form Instead of Use
NO TOD Section: All of Orange
Code seeks to create a Transit
Oriented County
Pedestrian and Streetscape
Experience as the Foundation
We'll never get away from cars, but we can balance them better
Creating the Place that Transit Serves
September 4th, 2024