Equity & Justice40 in Florida Transportation Planning Florida APA Conference | The Game Has Changed


Agenda Equity and Justice40 Overview Survey Methodology Survey Results Topics for Further Discussion Contact Information Resources for Planners

Equity and Justice40 Overview

Equity and Justice40 Overview January2021 Executive Order 13985, “Advancing Racial Equity and Support for Underserved Communities Through the Federal Government,”Defined Equity and Underserved Communities Executive Order 14008, “Tackling the Climate Crisis at Home and Abroad” - Established the Justice40 Initiative

Equity and Justice40 Overview Definitions Equity: The consistent and systematic fair, just, and impartial treatment of all individuals, including individuals who belong to underserved communities that have been denied such treatment Justice40: A government-wide initiative established under Executive Order 14008: Tackling the Climate Change Crisis at Home and Abroad that aims to deliver 40 percent of the overall benefits of relevant federal investments in climate and sustainable transportation to disadvantaged communities that are marginalized, overburdened, and underserved

Equity and Justice40 Overview NovemberJanuary2021December2021 Executive Order 13985, “Advancing Racial Equity and Support for Underserved Communities Through the Federal Government,”Defined Equity and Underserved Communities Executive Order 14008, “Tackling the Climate Crisis at Home and Abroad” - Established the Justice40 Initiative President Biden signed Bipartisan Infrastructure Law - funds existing and new transportation programs/grants 2021 Planning Emphasis Areas (PEAs) for the development of Metropolitan and Statewide Planning are released - Includes “Equity and Justice40 in Transportation Planning” intended to be used by metropolitan planning organizations, state departments of transportation, transit agencies

Survey Methodology

Survey Methodology Purpose: Catch a glimpse of Florida’s future after considering Equity and Justice40 in Transportation Planning 15 Question, 2-Week Targeted Survey o Florida Department of Transportation officials o Metropolitan Planning Organization officials o Transit Agency officials

Survey Methodology Targeted Florida-Based Participants State Level: o Central Office (Tallahassee) o Seven FDOT Districts o Turnpike o Public Transit Office o Florida Commission for the Transportation Disadvantaged Urban/Regional Level: 27 MPOs Local Level: o 36 Urban Transit Agencies o 17 Rural Transit Agencies

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Survey (Results15.26%) 68.42%13 26.32%5 Florida Department of TransitTPA,OrganizationMetropolitanOffice/DistrictTransportationPlanning(i.e.,MPO,TPO,RPC)AgencyResponsesAgency19

by 13 5 1 Yes, our organization is actively incorporating changes to address Equity and Justice40 No, our organization has not yet incorporated changes No, our organization is not going to incorporate changes Have your budget(s), programs, projects, or services been changed to align with the Federal government’s emphasis on Equity & Justice40?

Survey Results

to EQ/J40 is your organization
(Select all
0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
Survey Results

Improve infrastructure for non-motorized travel, public transportation access, and increased public transportation service in underserved communities

Plan for the safety of all road users, particularly those on arterials through infrastructure improvements and advanced speed management
Offer reduced public transportation fares as appropriate
of the following
Which strategic goals related implementing strategies to address? that apply)
Target demand-response service towards communities with higher concentrations of older adults and those with poor access to essential services
Reduce single-occupancy vehicle travel and associated air pollution in communities near high-volume corridors
Consider equitable and sustainable practices while developing transit-oriented development including affordable housing strategies and consideration of environmental justice populations
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Definitions from USDOT’s Equity Action Plan
Disadvantaged Communities: Experience disproportionately high and adverse health, environmental, climate-related, economic, and other cumulative impacts

Underserved Communities: populations sharing a particular characteristic, as well as geographic communities, that have been systematically denied a full opportunity to participate in aspects of economic, social, and civic life, as exemplified by the list in the definition of equity.
Overburdened Communities: minority, low-income, tribal, or indigenous populations or geographic locations that potentially experience disproportionate environmental and/or safety harms and risks. This can be a result of greater vulnerability to environmental hazards, heightened safety risks, lack of opportunity for public participation, or other factors
Survey Results

What definition does your organization currently use to identify equity and disadvantaged/overburdened/underserved communities? 13 6 My organization does not use any definitions for these terms My organization uses the definitions provided My organization does not use consistent definitions for these terms My organization uses the following definition(s)

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Survey Results

Survey Results Powered by Additional Definitions from Participants Title VI/Environmental Justice Communities Transportation Disadvantaged Communities Limited English Proficiency (LEP): Population speaking English “not well” or “not at all” In addition to the “equity list,” respondents included the following groups: Zero-vehicle households Individuals with low educational attainment Overburdened renters (i.e., people paying 40%+ of household income) Disadvantaged business enterprises

Further Discussion Topics from MPOs

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Further Discussion Topics from MPOs

Innovative Strategies to Advance Equity & Justice40 Incorporating Equity & Justice40 into upcoming Metropolitan Transportation Plans Focusing on Accessibility to Transit, Transit Accessibility to Affordable Housing, and Resiliency in Underserved/Overburdened Communities Developing a Safety Action Plan Prioritizing complete street projects in EJ communities, conducting an equity needs assessment, targeting outreach, evaluating project distribution, spending, & benefits/burdens in the Transportation Improvement Plan

by Innovative Strategies to Advance Equity & Justice40 Updating a Community Characteristics Report to assess the positive and negative impacts of MPO plans and programs across socioeconomic boundaries Managing a public transportation system that provides free transit access to the public, especially in transit-dependent communities Incorporating an equity score/measures for projects moving into core products (e.g., LRTP, TIP) Developing an Organization Equity Plan to audit planning practices and increase focus on equity
Further Discussion Topics from MPOs

Further Discussion Topics from MPOs Powered by Innovative Strategies to Advance Equity & Justice40 Creating a Complete Street Methodology/Initiative to fund more complete streets projects Conducting ADA assessments to improve access at bus stops Conducting public outreach on transit vehicles in underserved communities to inform a Metropolitan Transportation Plan or a Bicycle & Pedestrian Master Plan Developing a Vision Zero Action Plan that recognizes inequitably distributed traffic fatalities Developing a Transportation Resiliency Master Plan to identify where climate change impacts roadways in Disadvantaged/Overburdened/Underserved communities

Further Discussion Topics from Transit Agencies

Innovative Strategies to Advance Equity & Justice40 All planning efforts revolve around Justice40 principles Equity being factored into the placement of transit amenities for the community Operates a Last Mile/First Mile mobility-on-demand service Free fare classifications for minors and seniors. Obtained a new FTA grant for a Transit Restoration Plan that required Equity & Justice40 in Transportation Planning criteria.
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Further Discussion Topics from Transit Agencies

Further Discussion Topics from Transit Agencies

Innovative Strategies to Advance Equity & Justice40 Equity will be factored into the placement of transit amenities for the community Analysis of existing amenity locations to identify areas of “equity concern” and increasing outreach in those areas Fare capping and fare equity analysis that results in expanded eligibility for discounted passes for low-income passengers Pilot project with Uber to provide on-demand transit service to a rural area with no transit accessibility
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Other Further Discussion Topics

Other Further Discussion Topics What are some ways your organization is stepping up its efforts to adaptively ensure underserved, overburdened, and disadvantaged communities and individuals have a voice? Using an Equity Assessment to create tailored lines of communication with various stakeholders, representatives, and organizations within “equity emphasis areas” Incorporating elected officials from underserved communities onto the MPO board, CAC, & LCB to actively pursue their input Developing a new Social Equity Program to better reach and serve disadvantaged communities Re-examining planning processes, especially in the Public Participation Plan Updating demographic datasets and tools to inform new equityfocused programs and policies Public training sessions for transit users University outreach to increase transit awareness Use of “Grasstops” forums to reach decision-makers Powered by

Other Further Discussion Topics What generally accepted data and analyses worsen or fall short of addressing disparities felt by underserved groups? Equity is nuanced and current datasets tend to overemphasize nonequity-related metrics: o Programming for roadways/widening; o Level-of-service; o Travel-time reliability; o Vehicle miles traveled; o Congestion; o Area-wide benefits vs community-specific benefits; and o Total transit ridership or number of routes on a map vs route performance in underserved communities Lack of analysis of planning efforts’ negative impacts Pedestrian counts/bike counters are not being utilized in underserved communities Demand for transit for night shift workers is not measured Powered by

Other Further Discussion Topics
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What time estimate would you say communities in your jurisdiction will feel the effects of your organization’s efforts to advance equity and increase affordable transportation options? 9 6 22 1–25-102-5year(s)yearsyears Other (please specify)

Other Further Discussion Topics Powered by Would your organization find it useful to participate in creating and contributing to a Florida-focused transportation database that helps organizations and stakeholders address Florida’s equity and mobility justice issues? 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% YesNo

Contact Information


Mobility Practice
Contact Information Crotty, AICP and Leader at SEPI, Inc.

Resources for Planners Executive Order 13985, “Advancing Racial Equity and Support for Underserved Communities Through the Federal Government” Executive Order 14008, “Tackling the Climate Crisis at Home and Abroad” Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (FHWA Overview) Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (FTA Overview) Justice40 Initiative FHWA/FTA 2021 Planning Emphasis Areas USDOT Equity Action Plan Climate and Economic Justice Screening Tool - a geospatial mapping tool to identify disadvantaged communities that are marginalized, underserved, and overburdened by pollution USDOT Justice40 Programs August 18th Announcement