This crisis is a policy choice…
The Status Quo Is Broken.
The land-use policies we inherited have made the American city unaffordable, segregated, unsustainable and sprawling.
…a crisis we know how to end.
Three Paths Paths to Reform
● Local governments can and should remove regulatory barriers to new housing production at all levels of the market.
● States and the federal government have an important role to play in putting up guardrails around local planning to ensure sufficient housing is built.
● In the long-term, we need a fundamental rethink both the way we approach land-use planning.
Local Reform Legalize What You Want To Exist
Make it legal (and by-right) to build missing middle housing and starter homes.
● Allow your sprawl corridors to turn into functional mixed-use communities.
Take Reform Higher States Must Lead on Zoning Reform
Put up guardrails around commonly abused zoning
Ensure that every jurisdiction is building its fair share of housing.
AB 2011 Turning Stroads Into Communities
Thinking Big What Do We Want Out of Planning?
● We need a more regional approach—housing and labor markets don’t stop at jurisdiction boundaries!
Refocusing planning on addressing impacts and planning for growth.
What Can You Do?
● If you’re an elected official or a commissioner , champion pro-housing land-use reform. Your constituents are asking for it.
● If you’re a planner or a developer , be a policy entrepreneur: identify reform options and gather materials to back them up.
● If you’re an activist: ask all of the above what they are doing on housing—and build the coalitions needed to give them cover to act.