Alachua ▫ Bradford ▫ Columbia ▫ Dixie ▫ Gilchrist ▫ Hamilton ▫ Lafayette ▫ Levy ▫ Marion ▫ Suwannee ▫ Union
Spring / Summer 2013 In This Issue Annual conference..………….2 Professional development..…2 Section lines….…...………….3 Commentary…….....…………3 Air potato roundup……………4 Chair’s message......…………5 New bylaws.………………......6
North Central Florida Regional Planning Council receives innovation awards Two projects completed by the North Central Florida Regional Planning Council received 2012 Innovation Awards for their creative approach to regional community and economic development. The first award was for the North Central Florida Economic and Disaster Resiliency Study and the second award was for the North Central Florida Strategic Regional Policy Plan.
Upcoming Events May 21– Safe Routes to Schools National Partnership webinar
June 5 – Pedestrian and Bicycle webinar, NCFRPC, 4 pm 26 – APA Law Review webinar, NCFRPC, 4 pm For updated event information, please visit our website: http:// sanfelasco/index.asp
Section Officers Dean Mimms, AICP Chair
Doug Robinson Immediate Past Chair
Jacob Kain Secretary
Martha Orthoefer, AICP Treasurer
North Central Florida Economic and Disaster Resiliency Study. In 2008, Tropical Storm Fay caused significant property damage in seven of the North Central Florida Regional Planning Council’s 11 counties. In order to prepare the region to rebound economically from future natural disasters and to aid in a more rapid recovery effort, the Council received funding from the U.S. Economic Development Administration to complete the North Central Florida Economic and Disaster Resiliency Study. The study documents existing conditions in the 11 counties and reviews the potential impacts of a catastrophic event with respect to the regional economy. A vulnerability analysis identifies parcels at high risk from flooding and/or coastal storm surge, allowing for advance preparations. The Council researched and wrote the plan, with assistance for hurricane forecast models from the Jacksonville Field Office of the National Weather Service. North Central Florida Strategic Regional Policy Plan. Since becoming a U.S. Economic Development Administration - designated Economic Development District, the North Central Florida Regional Planning Council maintained two separate and distinct policy documents concerning economic growth and development of the region. In 2011, the Council integrated the analysis of the regional economy and the economic development strategies from its Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy into the North Central Florida Strategic Regional Policy Plan as the economic development chapter of the Regional Plan. The Council now has a single, unified economic development policy statement for the region. Significant engagement and involvement of the private sector and the civic community resulted in strategies that reflect the vision of the regional community and not just the Council.
Laura Dedenbach, AICP At Large Member
Sandra Joseph At Large Member
Leslie McLendon, AICP Professional Development Officer
Juan Cas llo UF SPA President
Linda Dixon, AICP Member Email Coordinator
“For more than 25 years, NADO’s Innovation Award has provided regional development organizations throughout the nation a unique opportunity to showcase their important work and their critical role in promoting economic development for rural and small metropolitan communities. The creativity and significant, long-term impact of regional programs and projects like the North Central Florida Economic and Disaster Resiliency Study and the North Central Florida Strategic Regional Policy Plan are the key to advancing the economic growth and sustainability of our nation’s regions and communities,” said NADO President Russell Cowley, Executive Director of the Six County Association of Governments in Richfield, UT.
Join us in Orlando Please make plans to attend the annual chapter conference with your San Felasco colleagues! This year’s conference is being held September 10—13 at the Rosen Centre Hotel in Orlando. Over 60 professional development sessions will be held around the them “Planners Have an App for That…” More details about the conference can be found online at
PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT UPDATE If you are interested in participating in a study group for the AICP exam, please contact Leslie McLendon at; 352-374-5249. Dates, time, and location of the study group will be determined by those in the group. And if you are not able to participate in a study group, but would still like information on study materials, then contact Leslie. Opinions Wanted for CM Opportunities Is there anything about Planning that you wish you knew more about? Do you have information that you would like to share with fellow fellows? Do you just need AICP Certification Maintenance (CM) credits? The San Felasco Section would like to host events that would provide AICP CM credits and be of interest to planners in general. If you have ideas for seminars or lectures, or if you think you would like to present information to fellow planners that would be applicable for CM credits then please contact Leslie McLendon at
Commentary: Support early childhood education As a long-time member of APA Planning and Women Division, helping to advocate on issues of concern to women and families, I am glad that President Obama and the federal agencies are working on a comprehensive plan for early childhood programs that call for:
A new partnership between the federal and state governments to provide low- and moderate- income four-year-old children with high-quality preschool while also expanding these programs to reach additional children from middle-class families. Increased investments in Early Head Start and child care that meet high standards — greatly increasing our youngest and most vulnerable children's access to high-quality learning opportunities. An expansion of voluntary home visiting programs that help give families the tools to ensure their
children enter school healthy and ready to learn.
Effective evaluation and review of programs.
Locally we are fortunate that this issue is a focus of efforts of the United Way and the Early Learning Coalition. These important organizations presently rely on community support, and the President’s Plan envisions federal funding to ensure all children have a positive and healthy start for learning to begin a life of positive achievements. The President’s evidence based proposal will require Preschool programs across the states would meet common and consistent standards for quality across all programs, including:
Each fall Gainesville celebrates success with the “Annual Literacy Festival” at the downtown Library. As a VISTA volunteer in Lee County (Auburn) AL in 1989 after completing my URP Master’s at UF (1986), I was trained for adult literacy work and learned if a child is not reading by Grade 3 the probable outcome is a functionally illiterate adult. With better early childhood programs as proposed by President Obama this outcome can improve for more persons. I urge all APA San Felasco Section members to express support to your Congressional members for compreWell-trained teachers, who are hensive early childhood programs. paid comparably to K-12 staff; Small class sizes and low adult to Kathleen Pagan, AICP Senior Planner, Alachua County child ratios; Growth Management A rigorous curriculum; Comprehensive health and related services; and
Section Lines Erik Bredfeldt is now the Economic Development and Innovation Director for the City of Gainesville. He was previously Director of Planning and Development Services for the City of Gainesville and continues in that role on an interim basis until his successor is named. Matt Hirsch was hired by the City of Alachua Planning and Community Development Department as Planning Assistant. Kristin Larsen was named Director for the School of Landscape Architecture and Planning at the University of Florida College of Design, Construction, and Planning.
Matthew Muller is now a Transit Planner for the City of Gainesville Regional Transit System. He was previously Technology Resources Coordinator at the FDOT Central Environmental Management Office. Doug Robinson is now Principal Planner for Miami-Dade Transit. He was previously the Chief Transit Planner for the City of Gainesville Regional Transit System. Justin Tabor was recently promoted to Principal Planner at City of Alachua Planning and Community Development Department.
Joseli Macedo was named Interim Chair for the Department of Urban and Regional Planning at the University of Florida.
To submit a Section Line, email Jacob Kain at
Do you or a colleague have an interesting project that section members may be interested in? Would you like to share your experiences from recent travels? Do you have thoughts about recent legislative or policy decisions? The San Felasco Newsletter depends upon content from our section members. Please consider making a contribution for our next edition, which will be published in early Fall. We appreciate your support!
2013 Air Potato Roundup
Members of the San Felasco Section participated in the 2013 City of Gainesville Air Potato Roundup on January 26th. Most section members participated in cleanup of natural areas located on the campus of the University of Florida. The 14th annual cleanup removed nearly 7 tons of the invasive air potato along with almost 2,000 pounds of other invasive plants and a 20 yard dumpster of trash. Mark your calendar now for the 15th annual event, which will be held Saturday, January 25th, 2014. Thank you to everyone who came out this year to help!
Chair’s Message On behalf of the San Felasco Section, I wish to extend a sincere thank you to Doug Robinson for his leadership and service as Chair prior to resigning on March 20th due to his move to Miami for a position with Miami -Dade Transit. Let us also thank Christian Popoli, who served as one of our three At Large Members at Large before resigning in March due to his relocation to Jacksonville. The Executive Committee voted on March 7th to make me (then Chair-Elect) the new Chair upon Doug’s resignation. It is with humility (and support from you) that I step into Doug’s large shoes and commit to do my best to keep up the positive momentum in our Section.
row) at the City Gainesville’s Great Air Potato Roundup that was held on January 26, 2013. Among the 1,006 volunteers in this important annual event were UF SPA President Juan Castillo and seven other UF Planning students, four of our officers, and one of our very active members (Adam Hall) and his wife, Lindsay. Thank you all!
A major change to the Section to the By-Laws of the San Felasco Section was approved at the General Membership Meeting on April 24th at the Florida Community Design Center. It provides for election of Section officers prior to the Annual Conference of the Florida APA, rather than at the last meeting the fiscal year (which ends on December 31st). This is needed for consistency with Florida Chapter elections, and it will allow for a newly elected Chair-Elect to attend the Florida APA’s training program for new Chair-Elects at the Florida APA Annual Conference that is held in September. (At least 30 days’ notice will be given to the membership of the time and place of the election, which will likely be held in mid-late August.) The other approved changes to the By-Laws are relatively minor.
Let us extend particular thanks to our stalwart Professional Development Officer, Leslie McClendon, for organizing the AICP Exam preparation sessions this past winter and spring for those who were to take the AICP exam in May. These sessions included a special, free (to the attendees – the Section paid a modest fee to the guest instructor), well-attended and wellreceived AICP Exam Short Course taught by expert Florida planner Henry Bittaker on March 15, 2013. The San Felasco Section plans to provide AICP exam preparation assistance in the fall for the November AICP exam.
The amended By-Laws are on-line at our Section’s webpage on the APA-Florida website: http://, which is a regularly updated information source for Florida planners (e.g., Legislative Updates; APA Florida Bill Tracking Reports; Information on APA-FL annual conference that will be in held Orlando from 9/10 - 9/13 and will include a oneday training program for Planning Commissioners).
We have some budgeted funds for paying for a guest speaker on a relevant topic. Please contact me or other Section officers to get involved and share your ideas regarding this or other professional development or/and networking opportunities. Finally, on behalf of the regular membership, let us extend our appreciation for the participation of the current classes of UF Urban and Regional Planning students in Section activities, and wish those who are graduating nothing but the best in their budding professional lives as they move on.
Our Section recently applied for a $1,000 Professional Development Grant from APA-Florida to pay for another year of APA webinars, which provide required CM hours for our AICP members and a continuing education opportunity for all of our members. We appreciate the on-going hosting of the webinars by the able staff of the North Central Florida Regional Planning Council.
Let’s think big, make sure that we have some fun while we do, and keep in touch!
Dean Mimms, AICP Chair, San Felasco Section
The Section made strong showing (second year in a 5
BY-LAWS OF THE SAN FELASCO SECTION AMERICAN PLANNING ASSOCIATION-FLORIDA AMENDED APRIL 24, 2013 Part I. General Provisions A. Name and Service Area- The name of this section is the San Felasco Section, Florida Chapter, American Planning Association, hereinafter called the Section. The area served by this Section is Alachua, Bradford, Columbia, Dixie, Gilchrist, Hamilton, Lafayette, Levy, Marion, Suwannee and Union Counties, State of Florida. B. Section Objectives- The objectives of this Section include, but are not limited to the following: 1. To provide a forum for exchange of planning ideas and experiences. 2. To consider and make recommendations on matters of American Planning Association (APA) policy. 3. To provide a vehicle for planners to develop and express positions on issues affecting the quality of life in the area served by the Section. 4. To promote continuing education programs for planning professionals, citizen board members, and elected officials. 5. To increase public awareness and understanding of planning. 6. To support planning throughout the State of Florida by participation in local, regional and state affairs. 7. To foster participation in Florida Chapter (APA Florida) and National APA activities. 8. To recognize the accomplishments of area planners, the private sector and citizen boards, and to promote excellence of planning in the Section area. 9. To encourage and guide the newer members of the profession.
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Part II. Membership A. Member- A member of the American Planning Association who lives or works in the Section area and who has paid the Section annual dues. B. Affiliate Member- A person who is not an APA member, or an APA member not living in the Section area, who has paid the annual affiliate member dues. C. Student Member- A person who has enrolled in a planning-related curriculum, is a student member of the APA, and has paid the annual Student Member dues. D. Student Affiliate Member- A student who is not a student member of the APA and has paid the annual Student Affiliate Member Dues. Part III. Executive Committee A. Composition, Duties and Responsibilities-The Executive Committee shall consist of the Chair, Chair-Elect, Secretary, Treasurer, Professional Development Officer, three members at large, Immediate Past Chair (ex officio) and the University of Florida Student Planning Association President (ex officio). Members of the Executive Committee shall have one vote each and a majority of members of the executive committee shall constitute a quorum. The Committee shall have the following duties and responsibilities: 1. To transact the business of the Section between meetings, and to report thereon to the Section at its next regular meeting. 2. To effectuate the motions and policies agreed upon by Section membership. 3. To make policy in the name of the Executive Committee, when it is not possible for the Section to take timely action. 4. To prepare and present for adoption by the Section no later than the last meeting of the fiscal year a proposed budget for the following fiscal year, including the amount of annual membership dues. The budget may be modified from time to time by a majority vote of the Executive Committee, except that no additional expenses above budget may be incurred without the approval of the Section. The original budget and subsequent modifications shall, after adoption, be made available to the Section Membership. 5. To recommend the amount and time of payment of any other special assessment to be made of Section Membership. 6. To be custodian of all Section property and funds and to authorize and approve all contracts and expenditures but not to incur liabilities exceeding the amount of appropriated funds in the Section treasury. 7. To establish a schedule of programs and activities for the year. 8. To appoint duly qualified members to serve the unexpired term of any position on the Executive Committee.
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9. To appoint persons to serve on subcommittees as deemed necessary to further the objectives of the Section. B. Eligibility for Office- Any member "as defined in Part II, Section A" is eligible to hold office in the Section, with the exception that there may be no more than two officers from any planning agency or firm. C. Terms of Office- The term of office of each of the Section officers, excluding the Student Planning Association President, shall be for two (2) years beginning at the time of their election. No person shall serve more than two consecutive terms in the same office. D. Officers- Duties and Responsibilities Chair 1. To call and preside at meetings of the Section and Executive Committee. 2. To appoint subcommittee chairs and to act as an ex-officio member of all subcommittees. 3. To prepare a written annual report of Section activities for the preceding year. This report will be distributed to and/or published for the membership of the Section. 4. To serve as Section Representative on the APA Florida Executive Committee. 5. To perform such other duties as are customary to the office, including acting as official representative of the Section as necessary. 6. To serve on the University of Florida Department of Urban and Regional Planning Professional Advisory Committee. Chair-Elect 1. As Chair-Elect, to assume the duties of Chair, as defined above, at the conclusion of the Chair's term of office. 2. To act in place of the Chair as necessary. 3. To perform other duties and exercise authority delegated by the Chair as are necessary to carry out the business of the Section. 4. To plan and prepare programs, with the assistance of the Executive Committee, for his/her coming term as Chair. 5. To serve as Section Representative on the APA Florida Legislative Policy Committee.
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Secretary 1. To maintain a permanent record of Section activities and actions. 2. To prepare and distribute a newsletter as deemed necessary by the Executive Committee. 3. To file two copies of the Section by-laws and subsequent amendments with the APA Florida Executive Committee within one month of the adoption of these by-laws and subsequent amendments. 4. To maintain copies of all studies and professional reports prepared by the Section. 5. To assist the Chair in the preparation of the annual report. 6. To perform other duties as delegated by the Chair. Treasurer 1. To collect dues, special assessments, and other monies in the name of the Section. Pay Section expenses and to disburse money in accordance with the budget. Maintain an accurate accounting of Section finances. 2. To prepare a recommended budget for the next fiscal year. 3. To prepare quarterly financial reports. 4. To prepare and present to the Membership an annual financial report on Section income and expenditures by activity. 5. To prepare other financial reports as may be required by APA Florida. 6. To maintain an official roster of Section membership. 7. To perform other duties as delegated by the Chair. Professional Development Officer (PDO) 1. To provide American Institute of Certified Planners (AICP) Certification Maintenance (CM) opportunities for Section members. 2. To disseminate information on CM opportunities provided outside of the Section as they become available. 3. To promote and coordinate annual AICP Exam study opportunities for those members preparing for the AICP Exam. Student Planning Association President/Members at Large 1. To perform duties as delegated by the Chair.
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Part IV. Election and Voting Privileges A. Nominations and Elections 1. The election of Section officers shall be held in odd-numbered years prior to the Annual Conference of the Florida APA. 2. The Chair shall appoint the Nomination Committee at least one month prior to the election. 3. The Nomination Committee shall submit to the Executive Committee a slate of proposed officers at least one week prior to the election. The Nomination Committee shall have contacted proposed officers to gain their acceptance of the nomination and willingness to serve if elected, prior to submitting the slate of officers to the Executive Committee. 4. At least 30 days notice will be given to the membership of the time and place of the election. 5. The Chair of the Nomination Committee shall ask for additional nominations from the floor prior to voting on the proposed slate of officers. 6. Voting on the proposed slate of officers presented by the Nomination Committee shall be by voice vote. If there are multiple candidates nominated or if nominations are made from the floor, then the vote shall be by secret ballot. In the event of a tie vote, the Executive Committee shall make a declaration of the winner. B. Voting and Voting Privileges 1. For the purposes of this Section, the term "Members" refers to both "Members" and "Student Members" as defined in Part II, Sections A and C. 2. Those Members present at any meeting in which a vote is scheduled to be taken shall be considered to constitute a quorum for voting on regular Section business. 3. A two-thirds majority of Members casting votes shall be required for the adoption or amendment for these by-laws. 4. A two-thirds majority of Members casting votes shall be required for the adoption of a resolution representing a policy position of the Section. No person shall represent the views of the Section unless two-thirds majority has been obtained. This shall not prohibit the Executive Committee from taking a policy position provided that position shall be identified as that of the Executive Committee and not that of the Section. 5. All other votes shall be decided by a majority of those members voting.
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Part V. Meetings A. Regular Meetings- There shall be a minimum of one regular meeting per calendar year to carry out Section objectives and conduct Section business. B. Meetings of the Executive Committee- Meetings of the Executive Committee shall be called as necessary by the Chair or by a majority of the Executive Committee members. Part VI. Budget/Dues A. The fiscal year of the Section shall be from January 1 through December 31. B. The annual budget and dues of the Section shall be adopted at the last meeting of the fiscal year for the following year. C. The dues for Affiliate Members shall be equal to the dues of Members. D. The dues for Student Affiliate Members shall be equal to the dues for Student Members. E. Dues shall be submitted by December 31.
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