Florida Urban Forestry Council SOAP Resources for Communities

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S.O.A.P. Resources for YOUR COMMUNITies

Presented by the Florida urban forestry council

JJohnSnow ohnSnow

2023VicePresident,FUFC 2023VicePresident,FUFC

IISABoardCertifiedMasterArborist SABoardCertifiedMasterArborist

TreeCheckUp,LLC. TreeCheckUp,LLC.

JJoeAnderson oeAnderson

FUFC,BoardMemberandPastPresident FUFC,BoardMemberandPastPresident

IISACertified SACertified Arborist Arborist


A Little Town Named Cowford (Jacksonville)

A Little Town Named Cowford (Jacksonville)

Agenda Agenda

What is S.O.A.P What is S.O.A.P How S.O.A.P. principles relate to How S.O.A.P. principles relate to every community. every community.

S.O.A.P Resources S.O.A.P Resources

S.O.A.P Comes Directly S.O.A.P Comes Directly From From The Community The Community Accomplishment Accomplishment Reporting System Reporting System ((CARS) CARS)

TheCommunity TheCommunity

AccomplishmentReporting AccomplishmentReporting System(CARS) System(CARS)

Collects Collects

Stores Stores Reports Reports Information on urban and community forestry Information on urban and community forestry programs at the national, regional, and state level programs at the national, regional, and state level

4 Basic Components


Communities are divided Communities are divided into two categories into two categories

Managing Managing Developing Developing

Developing Programs Developing Programs have one to three have one to three S.O.A.P. S.O.A.P.

components components


Your community employs or retains through a Your community employs or retains through a written agreement the services of written agreement the services of professional professional forestry staff forestry staff.



AnFTorPTCityArborist. AnFTorPTCityArborist. CityUrbanForester. CityUrbanForester.

PublicWorksorParksemployeewhosupervisesthetown's PublicWorksorParksemployeewhosupervisesthetown's ttreecrews. reecrews.

AConsultantwhoprovidesArboriculturalandUrban AConsultantwhoprovidesArboriculturalandUrban Forestryservices. Forestryservices.


Communities utilize local/statewide Communities utilize local/statewide ordinances, policies ordinances, policies or regulations or regulations to focus on planting, protecting, and to focus on planting, protecting, and maintaining their urban and community trees and forests maintaining their urban and community trees and forests

Advocacy/Advisory Advocacy/Advisory

Non-governmental organizations active in the community to Non-governmental organizations active in the community to advocate for . . . advocate for . . .

Organizations established by the local government to Organizations established by the local government to advise advise or or advocate advocate for . . . for . . .

For the P For the Planting, protecting, and maintaining urban and lanting, protecting, and maintaining urban and community trees and forests. community trees and forests.

~OR~ ~OR~


Your community has an Urban and Community Tree Your community has an Urban and Community Tree and Forest Management Plan and Forest Management Plan


An active urban & community tree and An active urban & community tree and fforest orest management plan management plan developed from developed from professionally based resource professionally based resource assessments/inventories assessments/inventories.


Management Plan Management Plan

A detailed document or set of documents, developed A detailed document or set of documents, developed from professionally-based inventories/resource from professionally-based inventories/resource assessments, outlines the future management of the assessments, outlines the future management of the community’s trees and forests. community’s trees and forests. The plan must be active. The plan must be active.

Assessments and Assessments and Inventories Inventories

A document, set of documents, or database

A document, set of documents, or database containing specific, standardized information containing specific, standardized information recorded on a number of individual trees or groups recorded on a number of individual trees or groups of trees in an identified area of the community. of trees in an identified area of the community.

Includes Individual data recorded on each tree in community Individual data recorded on each tree in community neighborhoods. neighborhoods.


A study based on remotely-sensed data (GIS, aerial A study based on remotely-sensed data (GIS, aerial photography, etc.) photography, etc.)

Inventories conducted by in-house professional Inventories conducted by in-house professional staff, trained volunteers, a consulting arborist, or staff, trained volunteers, a consulting arborist, or any combination of these. any combination of these.

And/Or And/Or

An analysis using a standard survey or An analysis using a standard survey or statistically-based sampling tool that quantifies statistically-based sampling tool that quantifies the environmental services provided by a the environmental services provided by a community’s forest. community’s forest.

An inventory of parkland trees. An inventory of parkland trees.




about MANAGING Communities? Communities? What are What are tthey? hey?

Managing Communities Have: Managing Communities Have:

An active urban & community tree and forest management plan management plan. . Employ or retain professional forestry Employ or retain professional forestry staff staff. . Have adopted local/statewide Have adopted local/statewide ordinances ordinances or or policies that focus on planting, protecting, and policies that focus on planting, protecting, and maintaining their urban and community trees maintaining their urban and community trees and forests and forests

An active urban & community tree and forest

S.O.A.P. is a multi-pronged S.O.A.P. is a multi-pronged approach to managing approach to managing communities' Urban Forests communities' Urban Forests (among other things). (among other things).

It integrates Staff, Law, It integrates Staff, Law, Advocacy, and Planning! Advocacy, and Planning!

Urban Forests Are A Part Of Our Urban Forests Are A Part Of Our Urban Infrastructure Urban Infrastructure. .

S.O.A.P. Principles Align With S.O.A.P. Principles Align With Planning Goals Including Planning Goals Including Sustainability and Resiliency. Sustainability and Resiliency.

TreesProvide: TreesProvide:

Reduced Energy Costs Reduced Energy Costs Improved Air Quality Improved Air Quality And Many More Benefits And Many More Benefits

Trees Play A Critical Role In Climate Trees Play A Critical Role In Climate Mitigation Mitigation

S.O.A.P. Principles Improve S.O.A.P. Principles Improve Community Engagement Community Engagement

Many Individuals And Groups Are Many Individuals And Groups Are Interested In Trees in their Interested In Trees in their neighborhoods. neighborhoods.

Advocacy Encourages Public Advocacy Encourages Public Participation. Participation. This Fosters Citizen-Planner This Fosters Citizen-Planner Collaboration Collaboration

Urban Forests Create Community Urban Forests Create Community Resilency Resilency

Proactive management Proactive management saves money saves money

This Requires: This Requires:

Staff Staff

Ordinance Ordinance

Advocacy Advocacy

Planners Planners Like You Like You

Planning Planning

Purchasing Purchasing

IInstalling nstalling

Maintaining Maintaining

Erosion Erosion

Control and Control and Water Mgt. Water Mgt.

Energy Energy Savings Savings

Wildlife Wildlife

Habitat Habitat Health Health Benefits Benefits

The Six P’s Of Life The Six P’s Of Life Proper Proper Prior Prior Planning Planning Prevents Prevents Poor Poor Performance Performance


Your City Your City USA USA


Your Proper Prior Your Proper Prior Planning, Can Transform Planning, Can Transform Our Communities For The Our Communities For The Better Better

Regional Workshops Regional Workshops

Readiness, Response, and Recovery: Managing Readiness, Response, and Recovery: Managing Urban Forests for Disasters. Urban Forests for Disasters.

Thursday, September 14th, 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM Thursday, September 14th, 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM 4.75 AICP CM 4.75 AICP CM
FUFC Annual Conference FUFC Annual Conference Urban Forestry Institute - March 2024 Urban Forestry Institute - March 2024 Join The Florida Urban Join The Florida Urban Forestry Council Forestry Council Or Find Out More Or Find Out More https://FUFC.org https://FUFC.org

Presented by the Florida urban forestry council

JJohnSnow ohnSnow

2023VicePresident,FUFC 2023VicePresident,FUFC

IISABoardCertifiedMasterArborist SABoardCertifiedMasterArborist

TreeCheckUp,LLC. TreeCheckUp,LLC.

JJoeAnderson oeAnderson

FUFC,BoardMemberandPastPresident FUFC,BoardMemberandPastPresident

IISACertified SACertified Arborist Arborist


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