Your FAICP Path: Successful Nomination Strategies | FPC24

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Your FAICP Path: Successful Nomination Strategies

Florida Planning Conference September 4, 2024

Luis Nieves-Ruiz, FAICP
Alissa Barber Torres, PhD, FAICP, CLTD
Silvia Vargas, FAICP, LEED AP

Luis Nieves-Ruiz, FAICP

Nominated to the College of Fellows via 10 AICP Option

Inducted to the College of Fellows in the 2022 Cycle

One of the Youngest Fellows in the 2022 Cycle

APA Florida FAICP Nominating Committee Member –2024 Cycle

“I applied for nomination as a Fellow because it is important to open doors for the next generation of planners of color.”

Alissa Barber Torres, PhD, FAICP, CLTD

Nominated by the Florida Chapter and inducted into the College of Fellows (2020)

APA Florida FAICP Nominating Committee (2016 & 2022 Cycles) – I recruited 3 successful nominees

Successfully nominated Luis via 10 AICP option (2022) & have mentored/reviewed 5 nominees

AICP College of Fellows Committee Member (2022 to present)

“I applied for nomination as a Fellow because increasing access, representation, and leadership opportunities for everyone is important to my values as a planner.”

Silvia E. Vargas, FAICP, LEED AP

College of Fellows Committee Chair (2016-2019)

Nominated by the Florida Chapter and inducted into the College of Fellows (2020)

Women & Planning Division FAICP Nominating Committee Chair (2022)

Identified potential nominees and reviewed multiple nomination packages (2020-2023)

“My primary motivation was to push for increasing representation in the College, especially for Latinas. But the nomination process also offered me an introspective opportunity to evaluate my career holistically and even to make some important course corrections.”


• What is FAICP?

• FAICP Nomination

• Strategies and Resources

• Your Path Forward

• Questions and Answers

What is FAICP?

What is FAICP?

• The College of Fellows of the American Institute of Certified Planners

o 514 Active Fellows

o 774 Total Inducted (Includes those that passed away)


• 59.51% Male (49.51%*)

• 32.30% Female (50.49*)

• 8.19% No answer or self description

* Population percentage of the U.S. population in 2023.

• 88.05% White (57.8%*)

• 2.21% Black/African American (12.1%*)

• 2.88% Asian (5.9%*)

• 0.22% Native American (0.7%*)

• 0.03% Hawaiian/Pac. Islander (0.2%*)

• 2.65% Multiple selection (2.3%*)

• 3.54% No answer

* Population percentage of the U.S. population in 2023.

• 86.73% NonHispanic (66.2%*)

• 8.41% Hispanic (18.7%*)

• 4.86% No answer

* Population percentage of the U.S. population in 2023.

Class of 2024 Statistics

Nominations Submitted

103 Nominations

 78 New Nominations

• 21 inducted

 25 Resubmissions

• 12 inducted  Total Inductees:

33 (32.4%)

Class of 2024 Statistics

Nominations Submitted by Years as AICP

103 Nominations  >15 Yrs as AICP: 87.4% • 31.0% inducted

<15 yrs as AICP: 12.6% • 38.5% inducted

Class of 2024 Statistics

59 Male • 18 inducted

44 Female • 15 inducted

Class of 2024 Statistics

Class of 2024 Statistics

Class of 2024 Statistics

• Community Service • APA Leadership

• Annual Meeting at NPC

• APA Foundation Fellows Fund

• Mentoring: Students, Early Career Members

• Mentoring: Nominees for FAICP o NPC o Office Hours for Nominees

FAICP Nomination

FAICP Nomination

• Eligibility for consideration

o At least 10 years as AICP member in good standing

o Meets “Primary Criteria” for nomination in guidelines

• Nominations can be submitted by:

o Chapter President

o Division Chair

o 10 Individual AICP Members, not including the nominee

FAICP Nomination

• Chapters and Divisions

o Receive list of AICP members that meet minimum eligibility

o Must write a nomination letter signed by President or Chair

o May evaluate using a subcommittee

o Usually try to provide mentors

o Examples of nomination processes in APA’s FAICP Nomination Toolkit

o APA Florida working group evaluating the Chapter’s process now

FAICP Nomination

• Nominations by 10 AICP Members

o Receive list of AICP members that meet minimum eligibility

o Candidate identifies 10 AICP members in good standing willing to support nomination

o One member acts as official nominator –usually also a mentor

o Nominator writes nomination letter that includes nine other members names/AICP numbers

FAICP Nomination

• Nomination Package must follow all nomination guidelines and include:

o One Page Narrative Statement

o Applicant’s Narrative Story (10 pages)

o Letters of Support (5 minimum/10 maximum)

o 100-Word Statement

o Candidate Headshot

Strategies and Resources

Strategies and Resources

• Keep track of key projects and career wins as early as possible

o Any format, but keep detailed notes

o Helpful for key themes/narrative in nomination

• Volunteer with community/professional organizations, especially APA

• Join a Division and volunteer

o Many offer great professional development and networking for low cost

o Leadership opportunities

Strategies and Resources

• Focus on the narrative of your career’s positive impact

o What are your five exceptional achievements?

o Not about titles or length of career – it’s about creating change

o Standard resume won’t work – need storytelling to show impact

o Guidelines’ “Career Areas” have helpful prompts

Strategies and Resources

• Know that you need help, but not permission – your career is worth it

• Ask for a lot of help from a lot of people

o Get more mentoring, nomination reviews, and letters of support than you think you need

• Show up for yourself and put in the time needed for a great nomination

o Start early and assume at least 40 hours of work

Strategies and Resources

• Tips in 2026 Nomination Guidelines

• APA’s updated FAICP Toolkit

o Several successful nomination packages

o Webinar videos

o Timelines and tips

• Mentor Match for FAICP mentor – APA Engage

• APA staff for questions

Landahl and Felicia Braunstein

Your Path Forward

• My application broke with several myths

o You are too young to be nominated

o You need Chapter/Division seal of approval to be successful

o You need to have held really high leadership/professional positions

o You need to be a “Planning Rockstar”

Your Path Forward

• Your path forward starts by asking yourself these “existential” questions:

o Why did you become a planner?

o What is the vision you have for your community?

o How does you career fit into that vision?

o What do you owe to the profession?

Legacy, what is a legacy?
It's planting seeds in a garden you never get to see- Hamilton musical

My Path Forward

Build Communities by Building People

My Path Forward

Seek Innovation, Uniqueness, and Excellence in Planning

My Path Forward

Leave a Legacy to the Profession by Opening Doors for the Next Generation

Your Path Forward

• Lessons from my application

o Be very honest about your “why?”

o Be consistent

o Identify and develop your unique skills and niche areas

o Take credit for your great projects and expertise

• Ready to apply

o Identify your “Champion”

o Prepare to work hard

o Focus on letters of support

o Never bet against yourself

Questions and Answers

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