3 minute read
Message from the Head of School
Dear Antilles Community, What a year! I really did not know what to expect as we opened school with so many unknowns and everchanging variables. But we were determined to make our best attempt to be together on campus and to restore as much of the Antilles School experience as was safely possible. I am extremely grateful to our remarkable faculty and staff for always showing up for each other and for focusing on what matters- creating a positive and consistent environment for students. Many thanks to our families for their commitment, trust, and cooperation in partnering with us so that we could safely enjoy – and celebrate – a full year of in-person learning. Of course, this year was not entirely defined by the pandemic. The successes we counted were numerous as our students continued to learn, create, and grow. We welcomed new colleagues, invested in professional development opportunities, rang in our most successful Giving Tuesday to date, and, when it hardly seemed possible, reconnected with our community for a Spring Gala that boasted the most engaging Stand Up for Kids challenge in history. We ended the year with cautious gatherings in communal spaces for concerts and plays, and we began looking at how to rebuild programs and re-staff our classrooms in ways that we were not able to consider the year before. None of this would have been possible without the generosity of our donors. Your ongoing support and commitment to our mission and values have sustained us for more than seven decades.
With this in mind, I am proud to present the 2021-2022 End of Year Report, which highlights a snapshot of the many notable activities and achievements that took place this last fiscal year. I am honored to be a part of this school community, and thank you for the role you play in Antilles' story. In partnership,
With gratitude,
Shannon Harris Head of School

Like all independent schools in the Caribbean and stateside, tuition revenues account for only eighty percent of our operating budget. That means that we need to annually raise funds to cover the gap – and our community of families, staff, trustees, and friends came through for us in the 2021-2022 school year. Thank you for your financial contributions. At some point in the near future, we will also need to focus on increasing our endowment, because that is lower in comparison to many other similar-sized schools, and necessary to both ensure stability in times of crisis, and make investments in new programs, faculty, and upgraded facilities. Thank you (in advance!) for participating in our endowment campaign. An Antilles education is a strong and well-rounded one, as evidenced by our graduates. Amongst them are scientists, mathematicians, inventors, writers, musicians, filmmakers, artists, athletes, pilots and military personnel, civil rights activists, entrepreneurs, doctors, lawyers, architects, teachers. Thank you for believing in our students.
And while our graduates do us proud, it’s the joy of learning that’s reflected throughout campus in the current batch – from our incoming toddlers through our ELC, elementary, middle school and high school students – that makes our combined efforts so meaningful. Thank you for investing in our students. During the last seven years of my Board tenure (three as president), I have witnessed the Antilles community navigate through two Cat-5 hurricanes and a global pandemic with grit and grace. From administrators who led with vision and creative resolve, to a maintenance team that managed to troubleshoot through insurmountable odds, to the incredible faculty who, despite their own exhaustion, never failed in their mission to educate and support our youth - and to my fellow trustees, Antilles families, and friends of the school, who put in endless volunteer hours and monetary funds…Thank you for inspiring me every day. Now, as I step off the Board, rest assured that in me as with so many others, you have an Antilles friend for life.
In partnership,
Claire Starkey Out-going Board President