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Spring Gala 2022

Spring Gala 2022

After two years of not being able to perform for a live audience, Antilles Band Director Brandon Reburn spent about a month bringing together all the pieces needed to get his students back on the road again – literally. Four of the band ensembles performed in December in a campus parade, which brought students across divisions, along with faculty and staff out to watch. "I have seen our sense of community erode during the pandemic and I wanted to find a way to bring that back to life in safe way, " Mr. Reburn said when asked about his inspiration for event. So, he set to work selecting the appropriate music for each group, walking them through new concepts such as standing and walking while playing, and helping them learn how to use marching percussion or alternate instruments that would help them move. Meanwhile, he reached out to members of the community who appreciated what he was trying to do – among them VI Police Commissioner Ray Martinez P'27, P'28, who provided units as escorts during the parade and brought in VI Fire Services Deputy Chief (and Antilles alumnus) Eustace Grant to organize a ride for Santa. The cherry on top – though, the Fire Services truck did gleam bright red in the morning sun – was the dance accompaniment provided by fourth graders, who were taught the "Electric Slide" by Lower School Music Teacher Verna Araujo. "The best part for me was seeing everyone from the toddlers to the teachers smiling, cheering, and dancing together. The end of the semester can be such a stressful time for students as we approach semester exams and community events like these help us to see the bigger picture - that we don't just teach a curriculum, we teach kids,


Not knowing how the year would end, or what health restrictions would be in place, the band department’s traditional Spring Concert didn't really start to take shape until March. By then, it was easier to hold gatherings outside. Taking advantage of the greater flexibility, Mr. Reburn began prepping students for mini Music in Our Schools Month concerts in the courtyard. The outdoor performances - which came on the heels of on-campus parades during Halloween and before winter break - gave band classes a second wind, according to Mr. Reburn, who said that since the last Spring Concert in 2019, much of his students' enthusiasm had waned.

"It's not that the classes weren't enjoying what they learned, but in some ways, we were just using music as a coping mechanism to handle the stress of what has been going on around us, " Mr. Reburn said. "We' ve continued to build over the past two years, but the ability to be able to come together again as a School community and celebrate, that made everyone want to go full force. Because of that, there's been such an improvement and we couldn't wait to showcase it.

A A spikespike inin COVID-19COVID-19 casescases twotwo weeksweeks out,out, however,however, beganbegan toto affectaffect thethe ensembles.ensembles. WithWith aboutabout sevenseven musiciansmusicians down,down, thethe classesclasses beganbegan toto strategize,strategize, andand byby thethe timetime dressdress rehearsalrehearsal rolledrolled around,around, itit seemedseemed thatthat thethe wrinkleswrinkles hadhad beenbeen ironedironed out.out. ReachingReaching outout toto JahzaiahJahzaiah HodgeHodge '19, '19, Mr.Mr. ReburnReburn waswas ableable toto fillfill thethe gapsgaps inin percussion,percussion, whilewhile subbingsubbing himselfhimself inin onon brassbrass duringduring a a fewfew ofof thethe selections.selections. "Having Jahzaiah there really makes it come full circle, " Mr. Reburn reflected.

"Having Jahzaiah there really makes it come full circle, " Mr. Reburn reflected. "At the end"At the end ofof 2020,2020, hehe didn'tdidn't getget toto havehave a a seniorsenior recital.recital. HisHis musicmusic andand talenttalent waswas soso muchmuch ofof whatwhat JahzaiahJahzaiah contributedcontributed duringduring hishis timetime atat Antilles,Antilles, it'sit's reallyreally wonderfulwonderful forfor himhim toto bebe ableable stepstep backback intointo thethe spotlightspotlight withwith somesome ofof hishis peers. "peers. " Meanwhile,Meanwhile, thethe restrest ofof thethe ensemblesensembles bandedbanded together,together, withwith olderolder studentsstudents workingworking collectivelycollectively toto supportsupport thethe youngeryounger onesones andand whenwhen thethe curtaincurtain rose,rose, 2626 songssongs werewere performedperformed flawlesslyflawlessly amongamong thethe eighteight groups.groups. ScanScan thethe QRQR codecode belowbelow withwith thethe cameracamera appapp onon youryour smartsmart devicedevice toto listenlisten toto a a performanceperformance ofof thethe SymphonicSymphonic Band.Band. ””

From the classroom to the field, our Hurricanes enjoyed creating, making music, being advocates, building 3D printers, exploring campus, cultivating friendships, and expressing themselves in as many ways as possible.

7280 Frenchman Bay St. Thomas, USVI 00802 www.antilles.vi

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