APC-Colombia in the post-conflict

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What? Technical Coordinator of Colombia’s International Cooperation International Funding

Knowledge and Experiences

What? International Funding “Colombia en Paz” is an institutional coordination and financing mechanism that seeks to organize all the international non-reimbursable cooperation that Colombia receives during the post-conflict. It is described in CONPES 3850, an official public policy document published by the National Planning Department (DNP).

Type of cooperation that groups different international resources received by Colombia during the post–conflict, in order to facilitate their implementation and complement ongoing national efforts. Multi-donor funds should reassure donors and make the most of existing Colombian institutions at the national, regional and local level.

Trust Funds Trust Funds:

Post–Conflict Phases:

Preparedness and Stabilization

Bilateral and multilateral

Durability and Sustainability

Type of direct cooperation with countries, like the United States and China, and multilateral organizations. It seeks to individually align offers of international cooperation to the different phases and needs of the post–conflict.

Knowledge and Experiences

SOUTH–SOUTH Cooperation



Type of cooperation among developing countries, attending demands for knowledge at the national and international level related to the post–conflict. It promotes the exchange of experiences related to peacebuilding with other developing countries, based on principles of horizontality and mutual benefit.

Type of interterritorial cooperation that promotes the exchange of knowledge between Colombian regions, departments and municipalities. It seeks to identify and share successful experiences about peace and development that are not well-known in other territories facing similar challenges.


Fundraising Strategy Interterritorial Cooperation Platform for the Exchange of Best Practices

How? Fundraising Strategy Sets forth the International Cooperation Fundraising Strategy for the Post-Conflict, with the goal of mobilizing funds to support the implementation of the Peace Agreements, as well as development programs needed to secure a sustainable peace. The Fundraising Strategy incorporates different financing modalities, such as: multi-donor trust funds, bilateral and multilateral funding, and funds from the private sector and philanthropy, impact investing, among others.

The fundraising goal is US$3.3 billion (2016-2020)

Interterritorial Cooperation Through its “Territorio Avanza” initiative, APC-Colombia reaches out to multiple regions across the country by building alliances with strategic partners that are already implementing projects on the ground. This approach enables Col-Col Cooperation through the transfer of knowledge and expertise among Colombian regions, departments and municipalities. APC-Colombia brings together these regional and local actors through dialogue and assists them in the design and structuring of projects and proposals, always respecting the principle of decentralization.

Platform for the Exchange of Best Practices APC-Colombia’s “Saber Hacer Colombia” program tracks, documents and systematizes good practices in peacebuilding from Colombia and other countries. Experts build a portfolio of lessons learned and good practices from Colombia’s conflict and post-conflict, to share within the country and with the rest of the world. The program also documents case studies in peacebuilding and conflict resolution from other countries, and offers technical assistance for the design and implementation of knowledge-sharing activities.

Our mantras

Triple A Donors’ interests with post–conflict needs in Colombia’s territories.

Alinear/ Align: Articular/ Articulate: Apalancar/ Leverage:

Global, national and local actors that contribute to the successful implementation of Colombia’s post-conflict.

International resources for the post-conflict, complemented by national counterparts.

Triangle of Success By linking the private sector and civil society to the public sector’s efforts, APC-Colombia guarantees the sustainability of programs and projects to be implemented during the post–conflict.






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