AIESEC in Japan 2012, Congress Committee “Asia Pacific eXchange and Leadership Development Seminar 2012� Report
Table of Contents
1. Outline of APXLDS 2012 2. Review of Holding APXLDS 2012 in Japan 3. CC Event and Concept 4. Venue and Accomodation 5. CC Role and Action 6. Delegate Service 7. Logistics 8. Corporate Parners
Asia Pacific eXchange and Leadership Development Seminar 2012 Report Editor: Keita Niwano Kaori Furuyama
AIESEC in Japan 2012, Congress Committee “Asia Pacific eXchange and Leadership Development Seminar 2012� Report
Outline of APXLDS 2012
Schedule of the Congress APXLDS 2012 was held from March 16th to March 22nd in 2012 at Marroad International Hotel Narita, Japan. Details are the following:
<Prior to Congress> 13th-15th: FACI pre meeting 15th: Pre Symposium(non-official event of APXLDS) <Congress> 16th: Day0 Opening Ceremony & Global Village 17th: Day1 18th: Day2 External Day & Gala Dinner 19th: Day3 20th: Day4 21st: Day5 22nd: Day6 <Post Congress> 22nd-24th: Post tour
Number of Participants Total number of participants were 256, and people from more than 23 countries and regions came together to live a unique opportunity to develop their leadership potentials, discuss project issues, interact and network with other members and organizations. One of the praiseworthy points about APXLDS 2012 is that we have succeeded in inviting delegates from those countries that have difficulty in obtaining VISA such as China and Philippines. In international congress, numbers of delegates from these countries tend to be small. This resulted in our neat and quick response in VISA preparations.
AIESEC in Japan 2012, Congress Committee â&#x20AC;&#x153;Asia Pacific eXchange and Leadership Development Seminar 2012â&#x20AC;? Report
Congress Committee
Delegates by Entities: Australia
Dominican Republic
Hong Kong
Mainland of China
New Zealand
United States
AIESEC in Japan 2012, Congress Committee “Asia Pacific eXchange and Leadership Development Seminar 2012” Report
Review of Holding the Congress in Japan
Review of Holding the Congress in Japan One of the initial motivations of holding the congress in Japan in 2012 was to celebrate the 50th anniversary of AIESEC in Asia Pacific as well as AIESEC in Japan; this purpose was realized as number of Alumni participated in the Gala Dinner, celebrating AP awards together with youth. Another motivation, internally, was to bring AIESEC in Japan an opportunity to gain and deepen relationship with their partners. We were able to elicit strong support from incumbent partners such as Accenture and Seven-Eleven, who supported as both financially and substantially. We were able to build relationship with public sectors such as Ministries and Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) as well. Ministries, especially, were our old partners which we became estranged over the years; therefore APXLDS gave us an opportunity to rebuild our relationship. For both incumbent and new partners, AIESEC in Japan successfully gave them an impression that AIESEC is a youth driven organization that is truly international and energetic. (For the reference of partners. see the last page).
CC Event and Concept
Asia Global Leaders Seminar Responsible
Tomomi Akamatsu
March 15th, 2012
▼Session Object Looking ahead for acquiring further auspices from business companies, and making new connections. Providing an opportunity for previous mind-sets before attending the congress in Narita, and time preparing to get used to and be ready with English discussions. To provide an opportunity and experience to meet international students for Japanese AIESEC members who cannot attend the congress in Narita.
AIESEC in Japan 2012, Congress Committee “Asia Pacific eXchange and Leadership Development Seminar 2012” Report
▼Key Message Get to know Leadership in Global Companies Seeking the Possibilities in Asian Region
▼Session Summary Opening: 13
00~13 20
Keynote Speech: ”Global Leadership in Borderless, International Society” 13:20~ 14:00 Seven-Eleven Japan Co., Ltd. Mr. Ryuichi Isaka (COO) Panel Discussion: “What true leadership is needed in global environment?” 14:10~15:40 Panelist From, Accenture/SONY/Daikin Industries, Ltd. Coordinator From GCA Savvian Group Group Work: ”Facilitation Training” 16:00~17:30 Accunture/EF Education First .,Ltd
▼Background of Concept Making
After drawing out a brief concept, we started to visit to propose our plans to
Hand Over
business companies around early in June/2011. However, to receive further corporation and fund auspices towards the plan, it is better to start making an approach at least a year before the congress. Especially, fund raising amounts would totally differ, whether you could set a high quality concept precociously. Early action with external affairs by the Core CC members and MC members are strongly recommended. Moreover, to keep a long-term relationship with new connected companies from this congress, it is important to cooperate and have a certain time to discuss with the MC Members.
AIESEC in Japan 2012, Congress Committee “Asia Pacific eXchange and Leadership Development Seminar 2012” Report
▼Concept Making Team In our case, for having a lack of members in Core CCs, one member had to be responsible and coordinate the whole session, which required too much hard working. When planning to have such seminar, we strongly recommend to create a certain team and figuring out significant members to divide their responsibilities in Concept making and External Relations etc. Especially for fund raising, having the cooperation by the MC members would be helpful to receive a much better result.
▼Logistics and Preparing Equipments Strongly recommend to have a previous rehearsal for smooth operation. Moreover, It is very important to share the whole day vision and schedule for each session with every CC. Also, when borrowing a conference room, it is better to check out all the equipments that can be used or needed.
External Day (Overall) Responsible
Masaru Hasegawa
March 18th, 2012
▼Session Object The main intention of this whole day session is to deliver an opportunity to experience a time of intellectual exchange among Asian youth leaders to deeply consider what a true “Global Leader” is, and contribute back their knowledge to develop further AIESEC global internship.
▼Session Summary -JWI Session AIESEC in Japan has been providing a global leader’s project, the Japan Woman’s Initiative (JWI Project) with Accenture Japan Ltd. This project is aimed to nurture Japanese women’s potential ability, and to produce the future global women leader throughout the global internship program collaborated with
AIESEC in Japan 2012, Congress Committee “Asia Pacific eXchange and Leadership Development Seminar 2012” Report
Accenture. In this session, we have invited several Japanese female students who have actually experienced this internship project to share their values as one of the post-WOMEN global leader, and what they have thought and accomplished throughout their stimulating experiences. We also provided a time to further learn and discuss about the Great East Japan earthquake, which the Japanese society experienced on March, 2011.
-Symposyum3.11 In this symposium, we have invited several social leaders who are acquainted in the area of Economics, Energy and Politics to share the AIESECers some knowledge in the common theme of “True leadership at the time of major crisis”. We especially focused on the fields of Economics, Disaster prevention and Energy problems and learned what kind of negative effects were caused to the world after the 3.11 disaster, and also to consider what kind of mind is demanded in an emergency situation in general, and what you can manage in such situation. We provided three different sectional meetings with three experts to deepen our knowledge and also to have a global, bidirectional discussion. For example, we have invited Mr.Nobuo Tanaka, who is the former chairman of the international Energy Agency (IEA) to discuss and give the AIESECers a message of how the international society should approach towards its nuclear policy, and the promotion towards the development and utilization of new forms of energy. Throughout the whole session, we received an opportunity to learn and consider what true global leadership is, at the time of major crisis, which would help us to cultivate our knowledge of how to deal and work out when we face such big issues sometime in our future. Throughout this symposium, we also intended to share further knowledge about the Great East Japan earthquake in total, and to create a positive image towards Japan’s instauration among the international society.
-Gala Dinner Special event celebrating the congress itself. We also presented the Asia Pacific
AIESEC in Japan 2012, Congress Committee “Asia Pacific eXchange and Leadership Development Seminar 2012” Report
Regional Award Night. Presented 2 sets of awards, the Global Internship Program Campaign Award from AIESEC International, and Asia Pacific Regional Excellence Award. At the end of the night, we have presented and handed out 10 awards in total.
Symposium 3.11 Responsible
Masaru Hasegawa
March,18, 2012
▼Session Object In this symposium, we have invited several guests who are acquainted in the area of Economics, Energy and Politics to give the AIESECers some knowledge in the common theme of “True leadership at the time of major crisis”. Throughout this symposium, we also intended to share further knowledge about the Great East Japan earthquake in total, to create a positive image towards Japan’s instauration among the international society.
▼Key Message True Leadership at the time of major crisis
▼Summary and Timeline
Opening Speech
Hand Over
Keynote Speech
by Keita Niwano (APXLDS CCP)
Mr. Makoto Kikawa (President of Yamato Holdings Co, Ltd) - Presentation Theme The Power of the
Last-One Mile
Approach -Winning against Disaster-
Special Topic Session (We had three different sectional meetings in three different rooms.
Preliminarily, all the delegates had an opportunity to decide whichever session they would like to attend. The three different themes were, 1) Economics, 2) Disaster Prevention, 3)Energy Problems. In this session, we mainly focused to
AIESEC in Japan 2012, Congress Committee “Asia Pacific eXchange and Leadership Development Seminar 2012” Report
provide a bidirectional discussion between the international students and our guests in each of their interested area.)
1) Economics Ms. Akiko Terada-Hagiwara (Asian Development Bank, Macroeconomics and Finance Research Division) -Presentation Theme Impacts of Tohoku disaster and Outlook for Developing Asia
2) Disaster Prevention Ms. Kae Yanagisawa (JICA, Director General of the Secretariat of Japan Disaster Relief Team) - Presentation Theme Making Difference by Creating Disaster Resilient Society
3) Energy Problems (Former Executive Director of IEA) Mr. Nobuo Tanaka - Presentation Theme Energy Security & Sustainability for Asia in the 21st Century
Closing Speech Mr. Kiyoshi Kurokawa (Professor; National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies, Chairman, Health and Global Policy Institute, Fukushima Nuclear Accident Independent Investigation Commission committee) -Presentation Theme True Global Leadership at the Time of Major Crisis
▼Hand Over ▼Previous Arrangements There are mainly 3 arrangements we prepared in advance.
1. Create, and draw up a strong main concept for the whole day session
AIESEC in Japan 2012, Congress Committee “Asia Pacific eXchange and Leadership Development Seminar 2012” Report
2. Call up on guests Inviting Guest Speakers3. Designing logistic plans and schedules
1. Deciding the Concept -Background of Concept making At our fist point, as we were running an international congress, we aspired to make a new partner connection with the government and business leaders. Therefore, we firstly set our concept with Asian economic partnership and cultivating global leaders. However, after experiencing the Great Eastern Japan earthquake, many Japanese companies started to revise their CSR expense basis. Accordingly, we looked ahead for acquiring further auspices from business companies, therefore inescapably; we settled our concept in Shinsai (means “disaster” caused by the Great Eastern Japan Earthquake) and leadership.
-Drawing specific Concept Details After deciding to make our main concept with “Shinsai and Leadership”, we started to draw up our specific details for each session. At this point, our concept was still too vague, and was up in the air. Therefore, we started our first step from visiting our Alumni, to receive some opinions and Feedbacks then gradually, concreted and clarified our main concept. When visiting the Alumni, it is important to ask, how the session could turn out to be more attractive and meaningful for the corporate society. Moreover, it is very important to have a concrete cognition about the topic you are going be concerned. To further utilize the feedbacks from our Alumni and to certain select and discrete their opinions, sufficient amount of information inputs would be highly required. Looking back our process, we cannot doubt that we, the concept makers had a lack of information about the Great Eastern Japan earthquake. In conclusion, we strongly recommend you to draw a concrete concept as early as possible. At the very least, you should be having your main concept ready before 6 month from the congress, or you may find some difficulties inviting guests for the sessions. We could assure that the satisfaction levels and social
AIESEC in Japan 2012, Congress Committee “Asia Pacific eXchange and Leadership Development Seminar 2012” Report
impacts would highly be swayed whether you could set a high quality concept precociously or not.
2. Call up on Guests - Inviting Guest Speakers-List ups and Requests After drawing out our concept for each session, we started to list up our guest speakers who we would like to invite. In summary, it is very important to make an effective use of Alumni connection and Alumni references.
3.Designing logistic plans and schedules In summary, for smooth operation, it is very important to share the whole day vision and schedule for each session. Every CC should have a brief cognition for each session and guest attendance preciously, whether they would be concerned or not. When inviting several guests for several sessions in one day, it is better to have a big rehearsal simulation of movements of arrangements and attendance among the CCs.
Venue and Accommodation
Pre-Stay Responsible
Manami Yamamoto
▼Accommodation, Venue Information [ Tokyo Central Youth Hostel ] 18F, Central Plaza, 1-1- Kagurakashi, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, 162-0823 Japan. Tel.03-3235-1107
/ Fax.03-3267-4000
The Front Counter is 24h open Curfew at 22:00. However it is possible to ask the front counter to open the key.
▼Number of Reservations 13th 20 people M:10, F:10
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14th 60 people M:30, F:30 15th 120 people M:60, F:60
▼Timeline 2011, End of April tentative reservation for March 14-15 (for 90 people) 2012, End of January Released the reservation form for Pre-stay When publishing the 1st Delegate Mailing 2012, End of February Added reservations for March13-15 2012, March 5th Advance Payment paid. (10% of total amount) 2012, March 12-15 Evaluation
Collect Pre-stay fees from delegates.
Tokyo Central Youth Hostel Iidabashi is located 5 minutes walk from the main office of AIESEC in JAPAN, which is at a very good location to handle and support unexpected or urgent matters. The last train runs in until midnight to the Iidabashi station, therefore it was possible to welcome delegates who have arrived on a flight at late night times. Moreover, the hostel lounge was opened for free use, and there were also Free condition in Wi-fi connection. Having an environment with Wi-fi connection made us able to communicate with other CC members and to smoothly correspond with the Pre-stay registration and airport to hostel transportation service. Most of all, even having more than 100 lodgers, the hostel staff were very cooperative with great understanding, which was absolutely helpful.
Hand Over
■ To ensure to reserve a big accommodation previously. ■ It is better to reserve an accommodation near/or in a good access with the AIESEC Main Office.
Pre-Symposium Venue Responsible
Tomomi Akamatsu
▼Venue Information JICA Global Plaza 150-0012 4-2-24 Hiroo, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-0012, Japan Tel 03-3400-7717/ FAX 03-3400-7394
AIESEC in Japan 2012, Congress Committee “Asia Pacific eXchange and Leadership Development Seminar 2012” Report
▼Room Reservations Auditorium (Capacity, number of people 300 people) 5 Seminar Rooms (Capacity, number of people 45 people/each)
▼Timeline Early in August, 2011 Visited JICA, engagement of auspices for AIESEC and acceptance for venue reservation. Mid August, 2011 Reserved rooms. (unfortunately, the largest seminar room was already reserved by other association at this point) End of August, 2011 Preliminary inspection Mid February, 2012
Check all Equipments needed
March, 15th, 2012 Paid Venue Fee Evaluation
With cooperate backing and auspices from JICA; we were able to rent the venue less expensive in any other venues located in central Tokyo. All the equipments needed were basically arranged, which was very helpful.
Hand Over
■ This venue is planned to be closed in no distant future. ■ In our case at this Pre-Symposium, we had more than 200 participants to attend, and a large venue reservation was required. Therefore, We strongly recommend early concept making and venue reservation. At the very least, it would be better to have the main concept ready before a year from the congress. Fast concept making, the best venue to reserve. Global Village Venue
Tomomi Akamatsu, Midori Nagamachi
▼Venue Information Yoyogi Park, Open Air Concert Hall, Event Square TEL 3469-6081 Yoyogi Park, Service Center
▼Number of Reservation/ people No designation.
▼Fee Amount When reserving the Event Square, the Fee differs from ground floor areas which
AIESEC in Japan 2012, Congress Committee “Asia Pacific eXchange and Leadership Development Seminar 2012” Report
you would demesne for use. Open Air Concert Hall 4 hours/1 time Event Square 1 Evaluation
/62 yen
15,800 yen
In times of Official Events, 1
/31 yean
When receiving a cooperate backing and auspices by the Minister of Foreign Affairs or any other government Ministries, the event would be considered as an “Official Event”. As we have received that cooperation in advance, we were able to rent the Event Square in half price. Therefore, the fee was less than 40,000 yen. It was very helpful that all the equipments needed (like microphones and speakers) were all arranged. Also, it was possible for us to have a preliminary inspection for several times. Moreover, we were able to borrow a space for parking 5 big buses for FREE. However, to gain that benefit, we had to hand in all of the timelines and predictable uses in advance. (a lot of paper work required)
Hand Over
■ Luckily, the costing fee was inexpensive than we have expected. ■ It was helpful that all the needed equipments were arranged.
Conference Venue Responsible
Yuki Tanabe
▼Venue Information [ Marroad International Hotel Narita ] 763-1, KOMAINO, NARITA-SHI CHIBA 286-0121, JAPAN Tel:0476-30-2222
/ Fax:0476-32-9112
▼Number of Reservations/people Lodgment 260 people Board Lunch Dinner
240 people
Due to cost curtailment, we had no alternative but to cut the Breakfast. And for the CCs, we had to cut all either breakfast, lunch and dinner fees. We reserved and chartered the whole 2 lodgment floors for AIESEC, to prevent and not to cause any inconvenience to other lodgers. For the main conference, we arranged a reservation for a certain amount of rooms. The Plenary room, Session rooms and a Party room which was necessary and stipulated on the
AIESEC in Japan 2012, Congress Committee “Asia Pacific eXchange and Leadership Development Seminar 2012” Report
contract. Evaluation
We have used the Marroad International Hotel back in the past in 2008 when we also had an international congress, APXLDS2008. Therefore, the hotel’s supervisor, Mr. Kurosawa had a flexible and great understanding towards AIESEC, and in matters of international congresss. When we had to handle and support unexpected or urgent matters, it was very helpful to have someone at the hotel side who we could contact immediately in such circumstances. However, especially during the Night Parties, it was disappointing to cause any inconvenience to other hotel staffs.
Hand Over
▼ Budget The fee for Plenary and Session rooms were rather inexpensive, however the Board (Food) fee turned out to be far much expensive than we have expected. In our case for this time, we did not have any other alternative venue selections; therefore we could not manage to be tough enough in price reduction negotiation. It is highly recommended having alternative venue selections from an early period, and taking time for further reduction negotiation. ▼Board (Food) For not having a common “Vegetarian” culture in Japan, food coordination for Vegetarians did not work out smoothly at the first point. We had not only Vegetarians delegates, but also Vegans, which made us and the hotel confused for quick support. It is truly important to have a specific reference of Food/allergy problems with the delegate and discuss with the hotel preliminarily.
▼Conference Room In our case, we arranged all the conference and sessions in rooms inside the hotel. However, in generally, AIESEC’s international congresss are common with having sessions outdoors. We figured that it is important to receive opinions from the CC members who have a lot of experiences at other International Congresss, and take some time for preliminary inspection at hotels to broaden the image for the congress.
▼CC Room
AIESEC in Japan 2012, Congress Committee “Asia Pacific eXchange and Leadership Development Seminar 2012” Report
It is important to have the CC room adjacent to the main Plenary room. For the hotel’s floor designing and sake of expedience, we had our main Plenary room at the 1st floor and placed the CC room on the 2nd floor, which turned out to be very inconvenient. Strongly recommend to adjacent the CC room to the main Plenary if possible.
CC Role and Action
Core Members: CCP
Keita Niwano
VP Finance
Masaru Hasegawa
Yuki Tanabe
Global Village
Midori Nagamachi
Tomomi Akamatsu
Delegate Service/Com
Kaori Furuyama
VISA Coordinator
Manami Yamamoto
Akihiro Hishikawa
Post Tour
Takuya Kurihara
Naoko Ozeki
AIESEC in Japan 2012, Congress Committee “Asia Pacific eXchange and Leadership Development Seminar 2012” Report
Daisuke Adachi
Yukiko Yamamori
Yukina Nakamura
Masahiro Kato
Shotaro Sezaki
Shenran Shelly Wang
Delegate Service
Yumiko Ashina
Delegate Service
Maya Toyofuku
Post Tour
Hiroki Ito
Aki Watanabe
Post Tour
Shusuke Owatari
Post Tour
Erika Abe
Delegate Service
Action before the Congress
Promotion Responsible Outline
Kaori Furuyama (VPDS) Schedule 11/28~12/18 Writing articles for Wiki Website 12/23 Wiki launch 12/25 Facebook page launch 1/12 Made Twitter account 1/10~1/25 1st round application 2/5~2/15 2nd round application 2/12 Website launch
Strategies Made APXLDS Wiki on My Utilized Facebook (made Facebook page, written on each country’s page) Utilized Twitter
AIESEC in Japan 2012, Congress Committee “Asia Pacific eXchange and Leadership Development Seminar 2012” Report
Made contact to each country’s Head of OGX, TM Mailed to Global mailing list (mainly to MCP mailing list)
Because promotional tools other than Wiki (Website, Facebook page, Twitter) launched late, and it was unclear which individual was responsible of the promotion, we were not able to actively promote the congress at the beginning. However, after we sent direct mail to each country’s Head of OGX and TM, and wrote of each country’s Facebook page, the number of applicants increased dramatically. The APXLDS is one of the international congresses held by AI annually; the congress itself is famous, therefore even if you fail to promote, applicants will definitely reach 200.
Hand Over
Tools ■Website must be launched before 1 months of Application Form release ■Twitter is not as effective tool as compared to Facebook
Promotion ■The key is how much you can spread the link of Application Form to potential applicants ■Search the date of Chinese New Year and make sure you promote APXLDS to Chinese nationals by then. It is extremely to contact them during Chinese New Year and it takes a lot of time for them to obtain VISA, therefore this is important to invite as many Chinese as possible. ■Do not make VPDS responsible of the promotion itself. It would be tough.
Application Responsible Outline
Kaori Furuyama (VPDS) Put an application form link on Wiki Put an application form link on the Website
Made an application from by using Google form. There was not much problem caused on application. Only problem was that our application form was not designed to send confirmation mail to the applicants once it received the application, therefore we had several questions regarding the application
AIESEC in Japan 2012, Congress Committee “Asia Pacific eXchange and Leadership Development Seminar 2012” Report
confirmation. Cancellation process was rather problematic. Since we did not prepare a cancellation from, we received cancellation mails to our inquiry counter ( and we had to update the applicants list by hand. However, some cancellation mails were covered with other mails; there were some omissions, impeding the finalist settlement.
Hand Over
■Better use Wordpress for making application form (you can make a setting to send confirmation mail to applicants directly) ■Correct information necessary for VISA application via the Congress application form (delegates tend to fill in the VISA application form late, and the Congress application form is one of the few forms that they fill in quickly and correctly) ■Prepare a cancellation form
Finalist Settlement Responsible Outline
Keita Niwano (CCP), Kaori Furuyama (VPDS) CC is not involved in the delegate selection process at all. CC will send the applicants list to AI, and AI will ask each entity to select the applicants. With the confirmation from AI, official delegates are fixed.
Because each MC implement different selection procedure with different time schedule, there’s a variance to the period each MC hand in the final delegate list to us. Final delegate list summing up delegates across the Asia Pacific region and elsewhere were only fixed in the 1st week of March. Major reason for delay is IPM that is held during the Spring break; AI members and MCPs are absent during this time and they cannot contact us promptly.
If the final delegate
acknowledgement is delayed, it will become difficult for those delegations that require enough time to obtain VISA (such as China and Philippines) to participate in the Congress. Indeed, there were one or two cases where delegates cancelled the participation due to the difficulty of obtaining VISA on time.
Hand Over
■When making contract with AI, negotiate the period of 1st and 2nd round application with an eye to IPM ■If necessary, remind AI about the delegate confirmation
AIESEC in Japan 2012, Congress Committee “Asia Pacific eXchange and Leadership Development Seminar 2012” Report
Q &A Responsible Outline
Kaori Furuyama (VPDS), Manami Yamamoto (VISA Coordinator) Made an email account for inquiry counter ( Every email sent to the inquiry counter is automatically forwarded to mailing list. Once we received a new message to the mailig list, we answered the mail by logging-in to the inquiry counter Dealt with delegates’ question with 4 delegate service members
Good Divided the responsibility by genre; VISA and others Did not use individual’s account as inquiry counter (succeeded in eliminating oversight) Prompt reply (almost every emails were replied within 24 hours) Bad The work load were concentrated on 2 responsibles Disclosure of CCP and VPDS’s personal email address on
Hand Over
Q&A ■It is indispensable to make the inquiry counter Prepare the account before the launch of Website, Wiki and Facebook ■Never give out personal email address
Publishing of Delegate Mailing Responsible Outline
Kaori Furuyama (VPDS) Schedule 11/30 Brainstorming the content of Delegate Mailing 1/30 Published 1st Delegate Mailing 2/15 Published 2nd Delegate Mailing 2/30 Published 3rd Delegate Mailing
Actions Collecting Delegate Mailing from previous Congresses Used Apple’s “Pages” software
AIESEC in Japan 2012, Congress Committee “Asia Pacific eXchange and Leadership Development Seminar 2012” Report
Distributed via delegate mailing list (attached the file to an email, and pasted Dropbox’s public link)
Good We were able to publish the Delegate Mailing on time (the deadline is fixed by the contract between CC and AI)
Bad Could not include the information on post tour’s fee on 1st Delegate Mailing
Hand Over
■Work load of delegate service depend on whether we were able to distribute necessary information to delegates at the exact time they need. You need to collaborate with other functions (eg. Post tour) so that they can give you the information by the deadline.
VISA Responsible Outline
Kaori Furuyama (VPDS), Manami Yamamoto (VISA Coordinator) Schedule November: Searched information and gained knowledge of VISA acquisition December: Prepared format of VISA documents January~March: Issued VISA documents and responded to delegates’ question/request
Strategies Used Google form to gain delegates’ information for VISA documents Used Google sheet as checklist to keep up with the progress Used Cloud systems (Dropbox, Google sheet) so that DS member can access and make VISA documents at any time
Good In the delegate mailing, we displayed the timeline of VISA preparation to delegates In the 1st mail that we sent to delegates, we reminded them to fill in the VISA survey We continued reminding delegates of filling in the VISA survey until they do (in
AIESEC in Japan 2012, Congress Committee “Asia Pacific eXchange and Leadership Development Seminar 2012” Report
other words, we were up-to-date about the VISA progress of each delegates)
Bad At first, we did not keep delivery orders well Some of them went missing first, but delivery orders are extremely important because they have a tracking number of each post we sent. For countries such as India, Philippines and sometimes China, it is really important to have the number, because the post delay or even worse, get lost on the way.
Hand Over
Use EMS, do not try to cut cost from VISA Send EMS tracking number to every delegate; this is a must Check which countries or regions cannot receive EMS. In such countries or regions, it will take EMS more time to reach compared with the ordinary type of post For all the documents that you make, scan and send the soft copy of it to the delegate via email Save the soft copy in CC’s Cloud folder as well Use delivery orders to check whether you have safely sent the documents to delegates
■Actions during the Congress
Registration Responsible Outline
Kaori Furuyama (VPDS) Documents to be hand-in at the Check-in Photocopy of Passport Photocopy of Travel Insurance APXLDS Indemnity Form Delegate Fee
Preparation Informed the delegates about the necessary documents and the process of registration via delegate mailing list and chief-delegate mailing list Printed out delegate list and payment checklist
AIESEC in Japan 2012, Congress Committee “Asia Pacific eXchange and Leadership Development Seminar 2012” Report
Made name tags Purchased bill receipt
On the Day Proceeded registration in alphabetical order 3 check-in counter Gave name tag and room key in exchange for the delegate fee Issued receipt when requested
Good Managed to collect all the necessary documents and fees
Bad Started registration preparation on the night before; failed to finish all the preparation before delegate’ arrival Registration was prolonged due to the poor preparation (took about 2 and half hours, including the dinner time) Did not issue a receipt for each delegation. Few delegations requested it after the congress; it is best to issue them for all delegations and distribute them before the end of the congress.
Hand Over
■Should collect delegate fee beforehand via international bank transfer Strongly recommend to collect delegate fee before the congress through international bank transfer. If you collect money at the check-in, you would have to count a large sum of money at the counter and this will cost a lot of time. We have tried to utilize bank transfer to efficiently collect the delegate fee, however, due to the delay in delegate confirmation (delegates were fixed only in the first week of March), we had to give up collecting them via bank transfer. It takes about 2-5 days for developed countries to transfer, and for emerging countries and others, it will take more. Thus, in order to collect delegate fee by utilizing bank transfer, you should announce the all necessary information ad procedures at least 2 weeks before.
AIESEC in Japan 2012, Congress Committee “Asia Pacific eXchange and Leadership Development Seminar 2012” Report
■Should collect necessary documents for check-in before hand In IC, delegation hand in documents for registration by email before the congress Likewise, you should make another email account specific to documents submission. ■Use the day before the congress (whole day) to arrange the venue Especially if your country is the sort of country that is difficult for foreigners to travel alone, you should watch out for this. A lot of people will be occupied with the delegates’ pick-up and there will be less manpower to arrange the venue. Make sure you have certain amount of people doing this; this will affect CC’s performance through out the congress. Also, decorating the venue with AIESEC color is important to raise the APXLDS spirit. ■For the name tag, get a sturdy one Name tag is important, it is a proof to show that he or she is an official delegate (who has paid and submitted all necessary documents to be part of the congress). Towards the end of the congress, there were a lot of delegates who broke the name tag because they put too much things in such as name card, pen etc. CC, when purchasing the name tag, should buy a sturdy type so that it will last until the very end. ■Should print out and distribute the instructions at the counter There is a CC announcement during the congress where CC can give important announcements to the delegates. However, although it depends on the Chair, you cannot get this opportunity a lot per day (it was once a day, this time). Therefore, if there are important announcements or rules that CC must deliver to the delegates, do them via instruction paper that you distribute at the check-in counter. ■Issue a bill per delegations
CC Announcement Responsible
Kaori Furuyama (VPDS)
CC Announcement is an opportunity where CC can give important announcements to the delegates during the congress. CC will prepare a slide and
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None specific.
Hand Over
■Should print out and distribute the instructions at the counter (see “Registration”)
When you would like to contact a specific delegate: ■Corporate with Chair/Faci Most of the time, Chair/Faci knows better about the delegates. They will know their names and faces. So if you would like to call on a specific delegate, use them. ■Make a list of Chief-Delegate with their pictures Make a list of Chief-Delegate from each country so that you can communicate with the delegate through Chief-Delegate.
Reserving Venues (JICA International Plaza, Yoyogi Park, Olympic Center)
Reserving Buses Consider the flow of Delegate transportation Imagine the whole picture of logistics for each day/ Deploying the CCs (Create the Logistics Flow sheet to check every day shift)
Narita Airport
Central Tokyo
Convening the AGLS, Opening Ceremony and Global Village in Central of Tokyo, our biggest issue was how to pick up all the delegates and smoothly send them all to Tokyo. As a result, we set up few pick up points and deployed CCs for checkups, which we announced to the delegates in advance with the delegate mailings. Moreover, we made a CC logistics flow sheet previously so that we could all share and check all the shifts and who are responsible for each time section. During
During the congress, we need several staffs that could be responsible for the
whole congress, each session, and for CC Goods selling etc. We created a
AIESEC in Japan 2012, Congress Committee â&#x20AC;&#x153;Asia Pacific eXchange and Leadership Development Seminar 2012â&#x20AC;? Report
logistics flow sheet for each session, and shared the whole picture and shifts of CCs. We also deployed a staff who would be responsible with the communication between the CCs and Facis, so we would smoothly respond to their needs. Hand Over
It is important to create the CC logistic sheet as early as possible and share the whole picture of the day, and even to have a rehearsal.
Cooperate Partners
Corporate Backer Name of Partner
CC in Responsible
The Japan Foundation
Keita Niwano
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan
Keita Niwano
Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan
Yuki Tanabe
Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)
Keita Niwano
The Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Keita Niwano
Special Sponsored by Name of Partner
CC in Responsible
Seven-Eleven Japan Co., Ltd.
Tomomi Akamatsu
Tomomi Akamatsu
Under the auspice of Opening Ceremony Name of Partner
CC in Responsible
TANAKA Holdings Co., Ltd.
Masaru Hasegawa
AIESEC in Japan 2012, Congress Committee â&#x20AC;&#x153;Asia Pacific eXchange and Leadership Development Seminar 2012â&#x20AC;? Report
Name of Partner
CC in Responsible
Daikin Industries, Ltd
Tomomi Akamatsu
SONY Corporation
Tomomi Akamatsu
GCA Savvian Group
Keita Niwano
EF Education First Ltd.
Tomomi Akamatsu
External Day Name of Partner
CC in Responsible
Mr. Makoto Kikawa (President), Yamato Holdings Co. Ltd
Masaru Hasegawa
Mr. Nobuo Tanaka , The Institute of Energy Economics, Japan
Masaru Hasegawa
Ms. Kae Yanagiwasa JICA, Director General of the Secretariat of
Midori Nagamachi
Japan Disaster Relief Team Ms. Akiko Terada-Hagiwara , Asian Development Bank,
Masaru Hasegawa
Macroeconomics and Finance Research Division Mr. Kiyoshi Kurokawa, Professor; National Graduate Institute for
Masaru Hasegawa
Policy Studies, Chairman, Health and Global Policy Institute, Fukushima Nuclear Accident Independent Investigation Commission Committee
Others Name of Partner
CC in Responsible
Furukawa Electric Co., Ltd
Yuki Tanabe
Tsuchiya Co., Ltd
Keita Niwano
Itochu Techno-Solutions Corporation
Masaru Hasegawa
!Assisted by Name of Partner
CC in Responsible
Ichinokura Co., Ltd.
Shotaro Sezaki
Kikyouya Co., Ltd.
Shotaro Sezaki
Tamanoi Vinegar Co., Ltd.
Shelly Wang
Otsuka Foods Co., Ltd
Shelly Wang
Ehime Beverage Inc.
Yuki Tanabe
Mannnanlife Co., Ltd.
Masahiro Kato
AIESEC in Japan 2012, Congress Committee “Asia Pacific eXchange and Leadership Development Seminar 2012” Report
Yamayoshi Seika Co., Ltd.
Yuki Tanabe
Oyatsu Company
Yuki Tanabe
Daiken Seikajo Ltd.
Yuki Tanabe
Yojiya Inc.
Masahiro Kato