2016-17 Alpha Phi Delta Foundation Impact Report

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2015 - 2016

Alpha Phi Delta Foundation, Inc. www.apd.org


Check out what your generosity has made possible! Thanks to you, our beloved fraternity is transforming young men into young adults. The following pages tell an incredible story of our young brothers on their passage to adulthood. Together, we are:

• Training leaders • Developing citizens • Impacting our communities • Engaging our host universities • Promoting scholarship • Celebrating our culture

First and foremost, our brothers graduate. Our 83% graduation rate among our brothers is unprecedented. The U.S. collegiate average for men is only 56%. These brothers’ lives are impacted forever. Our founding fathers have given us a precious gift and our oath compels us to pass it on. Your donations are doing exactly that. You have helped provide nearly $80,000 of support this past year for the important programs that have the capacity to reach, engage and empower every single brother.

• Leadership conferences • Career nights • Mentoring programs • Brotherhood For Life • Community service

• The Kleos • Sunshine Tour • Facebook/YouTube networks • LinkedIn career groups

This year, we are launching The Omega Society to recognize a brother’s final estate gift to the fraternity. To kick off the program, two of our brothers have named Alpha Phi Delta Foundation in their estate plans for $100,000 each. See the details on the next page of this report to make your pledge, or visit the Alpha Phi Delta website at www.apd.org/Omega-Society. Thank you for all that you have done to make the stories on the following pages a reality! Faciamus, Tony Carfang, Psi ‘69 Chairman, Alpha Phi Delta Foundation


The Omega Society

This gift will leave your lasting legacy, supporting our brothers in perpetuity. Leave your legacy

There will come a time in all our lives when we consider how we want to leave our legacy. Your life’s accomplishments are important to celebrate and honor. A charitable gift to Alpha Phi Delta Foundation is such a way to cement your legacy. Charitable gifts, including long-range estate and financial planning, can be a great way for you to provide support for Alpha Phi Delta. It is possible to “Leave a Legacy” while potentially minimizing taxes and settlement costs and conserving more of your estate for loved ones.

What are the easiest ways to leave my legacy?

There are many ways to make an estate bequest. Here are two very straightforward types of giving: • Bequests - A bequest is a gift made through a will or living trust. Bequests may be stated as a percentage of your estate, as the residual of your estate or a specific dollar amount. Here is some suggested language as a starting point for your attorney: °

Unrestricted – “I hereby bequeath $


Restricted – “I hereby bequeath $

to Alpha Phi Delta Foundation, Inc., PO Box 23188, Pittsburgh, PA

to be used for purposes as deemed appropriate by the Foundation’s board of directors.”

to be used in the following manner

to Alpha Phi Delta Foundation, Inc., PO Box 23188, Pittsburgh, PA

in accordance with the Foundation’s

overall objectives.”


Contingent – “Provided that my final estate valuation is greater than $

, I hereby bequeath $

to Alpha Phi Delta Foundation, Inc., PO Box 23188, Pittsburgh, PA to be used for purposes as deemed appropriate by the Foundation’s board of directors.”

• Retirement Accounts or Insurance Policies - You can name the Foundation as beneficiary of a retirement account (401k or IRA) or a life insurance policy and secure important tax benefits. Just list the beneficiary as Alpha Phi Delta Foundation, Inc, tax ID # 31-1005845.

What should I do first?

Please contact Bro. John Hadgkiss, Beta Rho ’66, johnhadgkiss@apdfoundation.org if you’d like to step through your options. Or simply inform John of the bequest once it’s made. All we need is your written verification. If you have already included Alpha Phi Delta Foundation in your estate plan, please let us know so that we can award you the Omega Society pin. Each of the deferred giving types is closely regulated by law and requires special arrangements and tax treatment. Alpha Phi Delta Foundation, Inc. can work with you and your attorney to ensure your wishes are documented correctly. Alpha Phi Delta Foundation, Inc., a 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization


L e ade r s h i p There is perhaps no greater leadership experience on college campuses than that of a fraternity chapter officer. Imagine the experience our young men gain as they plan, organize, execute and discipline. Chapter membership is voluntary and no one really has to listen. That means that our leaders need to be so good that others willingly choose to follow. Think about that for a minute. These are skills that last a lifetime. As you can see from these photos, Alpha Phi Delta trains our young leaders in a number of ways. Over three hundred and fifty undergrads participated in regional leadership workshops this past year. Attending plenary sessions on our history, culture and mission as well as breakout sessions for each individual office, our brothers learn from each other as well as our volunteer alumni. Many of our alumni faculty at these events are themselves professional educators, counselors and trainers. We are indeed fortunate. Your generosity makes this all possible for our young brothers.

Doug Sundo Western Regional Leadership conference

Past National President and lead donor of the this year’s conference, Doug Sundo, Psi ’75, Duquesne University, leads a risk management workshop for the undergrads. Doug, along with several other brothers have established an endowment fund within the Foundation to perpetually fund these leadership conferences.

Alumni instructor Bill Beuther, Beta Sigma ’91, St. Francis College, confers with Jimmy Mayor, Beta Omicron ’13, Youngstown State, at the Sundo Leadership Conference at Robert Morris University in Pittsburgh this past January. You can see from this agenda that our leadership conferences pack in a full program of activities for our young leaders.


I M PA C T: L e a d e r s h i p Doug Sundo Western Regional Leadership conference

District Governor Mason Shattuck, Beta Omicron ’06, Youngstown State, leads a small group discussion at the Sundo Conference. National VP of Public Relations, Joe Bell, Psi ’77, Duquesne University, leads this seminar on communication skills for our undergrads.

National Secretary Fr. Jim Lentini, Beta Sigma ’81, St. Francis College, leads a fascinating discussion of the moral imperatives which underpin Alpha Phi Delta. Our chapter officers saw their chapters and their roles in an entirely new light.

Scott Irlbacher, center, head of Greek Life at Robert Morris University, led the campus citizenship workshop. He’s pictured with Rob DeFrancesco (left), Delta Upsilon ’12, Robert Morris, who presented a break out session on entering the job market and incoming National President Jim Miller, Psi ’72, Duquesne University.

Officers from sever al chapters share lea de the conference lunc heon breakout sessio rship techniques at n.

The Buzzelli family presents their family history as a case study during the Italian Culture forum at the Sundo Leadership conference.


I M PA C T: L e a d e r s h i p

The Presidents Breakfast, the ultimate power networking event, funded by the Foundation, has become an annual tradition at the national summer convention. Past National Presidents and current chapter presidents gather for breakfast with great table dialogue and a program that includes advice from each Past National President.

Past National Presidents Nick Franki, Gamma Lambda ’87 Fordham University, and Al Fafara, Beta Xi, ’69, New Jersey Institute of Technology, lead the table discussion with current undergraduate chapter presidents.

Former VP of Member Education, Bill Beuther, Beta Sigma ’91, St. Francis College, leads a seminar on personal financial responsibility.

Our instructors. Over a dozen alumni instructors, each professionals and experts in their field, come together to make these programs possible.

, CT for the bled in New Haven sem as m tea ip rsh de ting was The Fraternity’s lea cil meetings and workshops. The mee iversity un Un e Co l at na St ecticut annual Natio ter of Southern Conn e than 150 undergrads ap ch Xi a m m Ga hosted by ict. Mor the Connecticut distr s, district governors and and the brothers of cer offi l na tio na ith our participate along w rs. cto re di ion at found

Brothers of Delta Epsilon chapter, John Jay College of Criminal Justice receive the Outstanding Chapter Award at the National Convention. These awards incentivize chapters, alumni clubs and individual brothers to achieve their very best.


I M PA C T: L e a d e r s h i p

National Vice President Jim Miller presents at the John Hadgkiss Leadership Conference. This was hosted in Youngstown by Beta Omicron and funded by a Foundation endowment established by John Hadgkiss, Beta Rho ’66, Gannon University.

Beta Lambda broth ers, leadership day on ca St. Francis University, enjoy a focus ed mpus conducted by Na Fr. Jim Lentini. Th e day’s topics ranged tional Secretary from fraternity issue to APD membersh ip education, publi s cations and chapter leadership/ election s. Following the for mal program, the men kicked off their celebration of APD ’s 101st anniversary .

150 undergrads participate in the National Council weekend in New Haven, CT. Notice those coats and ties!

Colorado Bound. National President Chris Mancusi, Gamma Sigma ’02, St. John’s University and Mike Young, Beta Eta ’85, Brooklyn College visit Delta Chi chapter at the Univers ity of Colorado, Boulder. Activities included conferences with chapter offic ers, chapter planning and a Brotherhood For Life event with local alumni.

Jeff Sidoti, Beta Beta ’08, Manhattan College, presents at the Lower Hudson Valley Leadership Conference.

Four new chapters were chartered at the Feb. 2016 National Council meeting: • Epsilon Eta - State University NY, Albany • Epsilon Theta - Misericordia University • Epsilon Iota - Centenary College • Epsilon Kappa - Dowling College


Co mmu n i t y S e r v i ce During any given week, you can count a half-dozen or more chapters leading a community service event at their school. National requires each chapter to complete and document at least one community service project each term. In reality, our brothers do much more. It is very inspiring the see the Facebook posts and photos of undergrads serving others. There is a sense of community and an unselfishness that binds our brotherhood. Take a couple minutes to browse these photos. You’ll see an incredible range of charities and community activity that our young brother impact. These photos are a very small sampling of the sharing spirit of our brothers.

Brothers from newly reactivated Beta Xi, New Jersey Institute of Technology perform a number of clean up projects around their neighborhood.

John’s Gamma Sigma chapter, St. ted its hos , nd Isla University Staten nner Di e Lif for lay Re first annual and raised over $2,000.

Delta Epsilon brothers from John Jay College of Criminal Justice participate in the NYC Blacklight Run to support St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital.

A soaked group of brothers from Psi at Duquesne University completes the Ice Bucket Challenge.

CanStruction is a major initiative of Delta Omicron chapter, Rutgers, to provide canned food to the less fortunate.


Brothers from Gamma Rho, Baruch College and Delta Epsilon, John Jay College partner in the Baruch College 2016 Relay for Life.

I M PA C T: C o m m u n i t y S e r v i c e

Brothers at Delta Rho chapter, SUNY Oneonta, take on suicide prevention in this service project. Brothers of our North Jersey Alumni Club walk in the Brain Injury Awareness campaign.

Juvenile Diabetes Research is one of the adopted charities supported by Delta Upsilon chapter at Robert Morris University in Pittsburgh.

Beta Theta brothers from Franciscan University of Steubenville are hard at work cleaning a section of highway in the Adopt a Highway program.

The brothers from five cha pters and colonies of the Lo ng Island District came together to host the First Annual Driving. The day featured Barbeque for Mothers Against Drunk games, food, soft drinks, spo rts and music.

nual Susan G.

e An d over $1,200 in th These brothers raise Walk. er Komen Breast Canc

NY area brothers raise hundreds of dollars in the NYC AIDS Walk this past May.

Partnering with a sorority is always a good idea. Delta Rho chapter, SUNY Oneonta, partner with Pi Delta Chi to conduct this Christmas clothing drive for St. Mary’s Church in Oneonta.


Brothers from Beta Beta, Manhattan College and Delta Epsilon, John Jay College partner in the 2015 Breast Cancer Walk.

I M PA C T: C o m m u n i t y S e r v i c e

Gamma Xi at Southern Connecticut State University support the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation.

Our Beta Omicron brothers from Youn gstown State support cornea resea rch by raising fund s at their Miss Alpha Fine be auty pageant.

Epsilon Beta chapter from LaSalle University spent a day doing activities with cancer survivors in the school’s Relay for Life program.

Passaic mayor Alex Blanco commends our Beta Xi brothers from NJIT for their participation in the community’s Adopt-A-Spot program.

Brothers of Delta Epsilon, John Jay College, and the DE Alumni Association team up to distribution food for Meals on Wheels.

IT, team up with Rutgers, and Beta Xi, NJ on, icr Om lta De of ers Broth ction, preparing organizations for CanStru se in need. other Kearny community tho food items for delivery to tens of thousands of canned

Epsilon Iota brothers at Centenary College, in their first service project as a new chapter, provided assistance at the Big Blue Track and Field Classic in Staten Island.

Gamma Eta, College of New Jersey, volunteers at Camp PALS, a camp that serves children with Down syndrome.

Our St. Francis University brothers, Beta Lambda, volunteer to support Spec ial Olympics Pennsylvania. The brothers ran the basketball and individual skill s competition as well as volunteering thro ughout the entire program.


I M PA C T: C o m m u n i t y S e r v i c e

Brothers of Delta Omicron, Rutgers, and Beta Xi, NJIT, challenge Kearny’s finest to see who can load the most canned food for the CanStruction program.

Beta Beta, Manhattan College, hosts its annual Homes for Troops basketball tournament. Funds raised help severely injured veterans acquire specially adapted homes.

Gamma Mu, Stockton, supported the American Legion Pig Roast to raise funds for the Legion’s Auxiliary Girls State leadership programs. The brothers “volunteered for cleanup duty and stayed until the very end” per newspaper highlights of the event.

The brothers of Epsilon Zeta chapter, St. Joseph College, Brooklyn, hosted a Prostate Cancer Awareness Campaign during the traditional “No Shave November.” The brothers set up fundraising tables and sold prostate cancer-related items, held a bake sale and hosted a guest lecturer. To top it off, they set up an online fundraising page for this successful program.

its first charity event, Our new Queens College Colony held in the picture, it was see can you As e. the Toys for Tots driv s with donated toys sack successful as the brothers filled several t. for traditional holiday even

This huge turnout of New York area brothers walked to raise funds for the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation.

Childrens’ cancer is the focus of Love Holds Life, a charity supported by Beta Beta chapter at Manhattan Coll ege. The brothers raised funds at this even t held in the Little Italy section of the Bron x.

Delta Eta Alumni Association, John Jay College, participates in NYC’s second annual Disability Parade.

One of our newly chartered chapters, Epsilon Eta, University at Albany SUNY, raised money for AFSP’s suicide prevention initiatives.


It a li an C u l t u re One of the hallmarks of Alpha Phi Delta is our respect for the Italian culture. All chapters are encouraged to have at least one cultural event each year. Most do more. Here are scenes from some of our chapter and alumni club cultural events. Your generosity helps encourage and support these activities.

play our banner and wave Our New York brothers dis annual Columbus Day NYC Italian Flags during the e rs and family members com the bro 100 er Ov e. rad Pa e. tur cul n slice of Italia out to celebrate this great

VP of Cultural Affairs and Kleos culture editor Emil Imbro, Pi ’67, WVU along with Dr. Vince Maligno.

Beta Lambda brothers, St. Francis University, Matthew Julian and Nicholas Johnson display our banner in front of the Trevi Fountain on a recent visit to Rome.

Our Beta Theta brothers from Franciscan University of Steubenville prepare an Italian feast for a visit from National President Chris Mancusi.

Epsilon Iota brothers, Centenary College celebrate our heritage with a traditional Sunday afternoon Italian festa.

Brothers of the North Jersey Alumni Club celebrate Founders Day with a traditional dinner.


I M PA C T: I t a l i a n C u l t u r e

Part of our delegation for the NYC Columbus Day Parade.

Our Founding Fathers.

Pittsburgh Alumni Club brothers march in the Columbus Day parade accompanied by Italian Consul and Duquesne University faculty member Dr. Carla Lucente.

Sign up now for our 2017 Italy Tour. Brother Raffael Annina, Beta Eta, will be leading this tour. He also led our Centennial Tour in 2013.

Louis Gallo of the Order of the Sons of Italy in America presents a semina r to the student body at St. Joseph’s College, Br ooklyn. The event was arranged by the brothers of Epsilon Zeta. Topics ranged from I/A contribut ions to America, I/A stereotypes to an overview of Italian histor y. Several of our National leaders participate each year at the Federation of Italian-American Organizations grand banquet in NYC.

There’s always room for spaghetti in Youngstown. The brothers of Beta Omicrom host this annual fundraising dinner.


At Wesley College, our Delta Delta brothers host an Italian night with Frank Sinatra impersonator Sean Reilly.

I M PA C T: M e n t o r i n g As we pledge in our oath, “Membership is Eternal�. Brotherhood for Life (B4L) is a unique mentoring program that brings together undergrads and alumni in a social setting that truly shows Alpha Phi Delta is a lifetime bond. Generally held at a district level, these events provide an opportunity for undergrads to learn from our alumni and for alumni to see our undergrads in action. Brothers of all ages look forward to B4L gatherings each semester. This is possible only through your ongoing financial support.

for an hers and alumni from around the area the This New York B4L gathering drew brot by ed host was t s and camaraderie. This even enlightening evening of presentation ege. Coll cis Fran St. from Sigma brothers New York Alumni Club and the Beta

B4L comes to North Jersey hosted by Delta Omicron at Rutgers University. Alumni officers Chris Mancusi, Ray Morrow and Al Farara are joined by several dozen well-dressed undergrads from seven chapters for an evening of presentations and fraternalism.

National President Chris Mancusi leads this B4L gathering of our Rocky Mountain Alumni Club and Delta Chi chapter brothers from Univ. of Colorado.

B4L in Brooklyn. Ben Ruggiero, Delta ’61, Polytechnic University of Brooklyn, leads undergrads and pledges in this session.

Andy Cozzolino, Beta Beta, visiting from Hong Kong, drops in to meet our undergrads and pledges at this NYC Brotherhood For Life event.


Glenn Small, Beta Xi and Mike Young, Beta Eta lead this B4L New Jersey gathering.

I M PA C T: S u n s h i n e To u r Sunshine Tours: Each year, we organize gatherings and reunions at nearly a dozen retirement and spring venues. Over 200 brothers renew their friendships and forge new ones. While brothers are encouraged to attend the national conventions, we are also taking Alpha Phi Delta out to brothers. We truly are brothers for life.

Brothers of all ages gather at the Tampa/St. Pete stop on the Sunshine Tour.

Pompano Beach is home to the SE FLA Sunshine Tour. Here snowbirds and year round residents gather for an afternoon Italian feast.

Our St. Francis chapters meet up at The Villages stop on the Sunshine Tour. John Clynick and John Cornacchia, Beta Lamda, St. Francis University, Loretto, PA meet up with Ron Giglio, St. Francis College, Brooklyn.

r, Always a great stop on the Sunshine Tou house. steak ndo Orla an at er brothers enjoy dinn Naples FL Our sunshine brothers who winter in this Valentine ding inclu ities activ of ram prog a e hav brothers from 50 over d tifie iden Dinner Dance. We’ve Naples. in year their of part d spen who 16 chapters

Southern California gather on the West Coast version of the Tour.

The docs. Drs. Dave D’Eramo, Psi and Bob Pascotto, Beta Beta, toast APD in Naples. The Naples luncheon is now in its sixth year.

ng gathering rs gather for the fast growi ur. Brothers from eight chapte To ine nsh Su the third year on in the Villages, now in its

Over sixty brothers and guests celebrate Alpha Phi Delta in Naples FL. Here, Vito DiSalvo, Psi ’70 captivates the group.


Reunions Alumni Reunions and Alumni Clubs: The Foundation encourages lifetime involvement via alumni clubs, chapter alumni associations and alumni reunions. As you can see from these photos, alumni from around the country are staying in touch in a variety of ways. Contact alumni@apdfoundation.org for support in setting up your own reunion.

Led by Al Yannon, Xi ’50, The Ohio State University, our Columbus area brothers gather for a luncheon reunion in one of the region’s many fine Italian restaurants.

SE Florida brothers and their families gather for their annual holiday party at the home of Jack and Yara Consiglio, Psi’7 4.

to play coming from all over the NY tristate area ni clubs ranging in age from 21 to 70 do alum only 3 not and that ters ing chap 9 show from team hers the on brot 21 e 9 very recent graduates hav to d prou is team t! ent abou curr is The . APD t ever y Sunday since 1977 and chapters - truly wha but they interact with brothers of all ages undergraduates want to stay involved

’75 (NYU) Tom Modica, Theta Beta r strikes a cto efa ben ip rsh and a schola ring the du fearsome pose at the plate ds softball gra der un annual alumni vs. ention. game at the Summer Conv

If it’s March, it’s time for the annual Alpha Phi Delta Rowan/Glassboro Reunion. Beta Phi brothers have a tradition of meeting at Bobby Ray’s in Pennsauken, NJ and rekindling their fraternal bonds.


I M PA C T: R e u n i o n s

Part of Alpha Phi Delta’s four generation family. Carl Izzo ‘Psi ’51 (Duquesne), and son of Albert Izzo, Pi ’24 (WVU) is pictured with grandsons Nick DeFrancesco, Chi ’12 (Penn State) and Rob DeFrancesco, Delta Upsilon ’12 (Robert Morris).

Officers of our Rock

y Mountain Alumni Club meet to plan their upcomin g holiday social.

Reunion and Roadtrip. These Epsilon brothers, University of Buffalo, from the late 1950s board a chartered bus to Rochester to meet up with other Epsilon classmates.

A longtime staple at ou honor of brothers w r Summer Convention is a luncheon in ho have celebrated their with Alpha Phi Delt a. Brothers, spouses 50th anniversary an come to honor these brothers and mar ve d guests of all ages l at the lifetime bond s within our very sp ecial fraternity. Our Youngstown Alumni Club meets monthly with huge turnouts. Members span all eras of our brotherhood.

The Alpha Phi Delta summer convention is the envy of all other national fraternities. 200-300 brothers and families gather for a four-day celebration of brotherhood. Receptions, games, sports, reunions and family activities culminate with the Saturday evening Grand Banquet and Awards Ceremony.


I M PA C T: R e u n i o n s

Beta Rho alumni from Gannon University have a huge turnout at their annual reunion each summer in Erie, PA.

Beta Mu alumni from DePaul University enjoy a Broadway in Chicago evening. Stars of that night’s show were William and Anthony Nunziata (center), twin sons of Joe Nunziata, Beta Sigma ’70. The headliners did a great Alpha Phi Delta shout out to the entire audience.

Beta Omicron alumni from YSU enjoy their annual Spring Splash in Ft. Lauderdale. Each year 15-20 Youngstown brothers make the trip to Florida to revel and renew their brotherhood.

The Pittsburgh Lunch Bunch gather monthly for a luncheon and afternoon of brotherhood.


I M PA C T: R e u n i o n s

Beta Lambda Alumni brothers get toge ther at the home of Brother Dominic Balestra, Beta Lam bda ’66 in Pelham, NY.

The Gamma Rho Alumni Association from Baruch College reunited by spending a day at Citi Field. Brothers spanning several years were entertained as the Mets beat the Braves that day.

Over 150 New York brothers gather for the annual Christmas Dinner Dance at Gargiulo’s Restaurant in Brooklyn.

Our Brooklyn Alumni Club gathers regularly in brothers’ homes, keeping the bonds alive across several generations.


A P D in t h e Mi l i t a r y

Alpha Phi Delta is very proud of our brothers’ military service.

Over 1,300 brothers have served and 32 have given their lives in combat. Brothers have been engaged in every war since our founding. In fact, our founder Joseph Cangiamila died while deployed with the World War I forces of the British Empire. He was killed during a training mission in Great Britain. Each year, we honor our military brothers with a reception at the National Convention. We struck a military coin in their honor which is only presented in person at a fraternity function. In 2014, we established one of our fastest growing scholarships, the Alpha Phi Delta Military Scholarship. You too can join many other brothers who have contributed in the name of a father, grandfather or uncle who had served.

The Military Challenge coin is presented in person at Alpha Phi Delta events to brothers who have served in uniform. We are proud of all our military brothers and this is just one small way to say “Thank You.”

Col. Joseph Massaro, Epsilon ’52, SUNY Buffalo, addresses 70 brothers and guests at the Military Salute Reception.

Brother Patrick Donohue from our Briarcliffe colony is featured in New York Newsday for his work with returning Veterans. He founded Project 9 Line to help veterans ease their post war trauma. Patrick came into Alpha Phi Delta with a wife, three children, a mortgage and service with the 101st Airborne in Afghanistan.

Alpha Phi Delta Veterans are honored during the Military Salute Reception at each year’s national convention. These are the 2015 honorees at the Gaithersburg convention along with guest speaker Col. Marilyn Chiafullo, a ranking officer in the USAR Legal Command and a graduate of Duquesne University.


Brigadier General Timothy Hilty, Beta Rho ’79, Gannon University, addresses the 2016 graduating class at Gannon. General Hilty is currently Assistant Adjutant General at the Pennsylvania National Guard.

I M PA C T: A P D i n t h e M i l i t a r y Past National President, Major Manny Rodriguez, Gamma Sigma ’92, St. John’s University, receives our APD Military Challenge coin from Col. Chiafullo as National President Chris Mancusi looks on. The brothers of Project 9 Line “Empowering Veterans through the arts”.

The Alpha Phi Delta Military Scholarship is one of our fastest growing programs. Many brothers have stepped forward to honor a parent (WWII veterans) or other loved one with a generous donation to this important fund.

Col Charles Garbarino, Beta Sigma ’71, St. Francis, and co-chair of Alpha Phi Delta in the Military presents our challenge coin to Nunzio Incremona, Eta ’46, City College of NY. Now 92, Brother Cremona earned a Bronze Star and citation from General Omar Bradley which read in part, “for his heroic service in connection with military operations while stationed in Okinawa Island 9 April, 1945.”

e University, is co-chair Carmen DiGiacomo, Psi ’60, Duquesn e he leads a Veterans Day Her . itary Mil the of Alpha Phi Delta in event in Pittsburgh.

Beta Beta, Manhattan College, hosts its annual Hoops for Troops basketball tournament. Funds raised help severely injured veterans acquire specially adapted homes.

Beta Beta, Manhattan College, hosts its annual Homes For Troops philanthropy event each spring in the Draddy Gymnasium. Their purpose is to help all veterans afford a place to call home. Special emphasis is on specially adapted homes for several injured veterans.


S c h o l ar s h i p

Over the past forty years, Alpha Phi Delta has awarded more than 600 scholarships to deserving students. Our scholars have an unprecedented 98.5% graduation rate, 40 points above the national collegiate average. In August of 2016, we awarded a record 51 scholarships selected from among a large number of highly qualified applicants. The tragedy is that we can’t do more. Many brothers endow a scholarship with an initial $10,000 contribution and add to the principal regularly. Twelve years ago, Tony Barbieri did that and also instructed his family members to send in donations each year in lieu of Father’s Day and birthday presents. Now, the principal balance of the scholarship endowed in his parents’ name is over $30,000. That’s a lot of socks, sweaters, handkerchiefs and neckties. Importantly, that’s also a huge boost to our young scholars. Over the recent past, Neil Anastasio, Theta Beta, Joe Caldarella, Beta Sigma, Jack Consiglio, Psi, Joe Creston, Psi, Carl Izzo, Psi, Chris Mancusi, Gamma Sigma, Tom Modica, Theta Beta, Raymo Santilli, Psi and others have endowed new Alpha Phi Delta Scholarships. Several brothers, family members and alumni clubs have established Scholarships to honor the memory of recently deceased brothers. In recent years scholarships have been set up or expanded to honor the memories of Leon Panella, Psi, Tony Sallo, Psi, Joe Randazzo, Eta, Dr. Albert Zanzuccki, Beta Lambda, Dr. Santo Barbarino, Beta Sigma and several others. Scholarships are awarded when a designated fund receives contributions of at least $10,000. The Scholarship Trustees are: Charles Fiore, Esq. (Chairman), Neil Anastasio (Co-chairman), Nicholas Franki (Co-chairman), Peter Gaudiuso (Treasurer), Anthony Barbieri, Mario Cardullo, Paul Fabrizio, John Hadgkiss, Raymo Santilli, Ronald Sme, and Anthony Thomas. On the following pages, see up close the heartfelt stories of how our scholarship program has impacted the lives of so many.

2016 Scholarship Awards Recipients

Anthony Carfang Award ($4,000) Established by the 36th National President and current Foundation Chairman. Anthony has served as a Scholarship Trustee and a Foundation Director. He is the all-time leading financial donor to The Alpha Phi Delta Foundation. Nicole Torchia Nicole is the daughter of brother Anthony Torchia and will be attending Yale School of Medicine Physician’s Assistant program. She completed her undergraduate studies with a perfect 4.0 GPA. Nicole has overcome childhood obstacles and remains active as a Girl Scout Leader and also teaches health topics in underprivileged schools, as well as counseling families of children with medical issues. She was president of the Honor Society and a repeat APD scholarship winner. Stanley Raffa Award ($2,500) Established by the 30th National President and former Scholarship Chairman. Ramzy Dawoud Entering Pace University Law School this year, Ramzy graduated St. John’s University (Gamma Sigma) cum laude and received an Academic Achievement Award. He was a senator in the student government and held several chapter offices. He states “APD paved the way for me”. Brooklyn Alumni Club Award ($2,000) The award of the Brooklyn Alumni Club. Samy Hegazy A brother and officer of Gamma Sigma chapter at St. John’s University, he is a senior criminal justice major with a 3.4 GPA. Samy supports himself financially and finds time to tutor children in a soup kitchen while they are there for meals. His Associate Dean says “he is a gentleman who treats others with dignity and respect”. He is a repeat APD scholarship winner. John J. Hadgkiss Centennial Scholarship ($2,000) Funded by Beta Rho alumnus John Hadgkiss, Scholarship Trustee. Alex Audet William is a senior in the Honors College of Southern Connecticut State University (Gamma Xi). He is a Presidential Merit Award winner majoring in mathematics with a concentration in secondary education. Having overcome family obstacles to reach his goal, he finds time to serve his chapter as president.


I M PA C T: S c h o l a r s h i p 2016 Scholarship Awards Recipients Ernest Coletti Award ($1,500) Established by the Mohawk Valley Alumni Club & former District Gov. Ernest Coletti. Intashan Chowdhury A junior at Rutgers University (Delta Omicron), he maintains a 3.8 GPA and hopes to work in government service after obtaining his MPA. While struggling to overcome family adversity, he was selected to intern for U.S. Senator Booker. He founded an area youth program aimed at enhancing cultural identity and providing young people with the tools to succeed. Intashan’s brothers say, “he makes those around him better”. Intashan is a repeat APD scholarship winner. Anthony & Stella Barbieri Award ($1,500) Established by Brother Anthony & Rosina Barbieri in honor of his parents. Julio Bedolla Julio is a senior finance & accounting major at St. John’s University (Gamma Sigma) and has a 3.6 GPA. Having overcome severe family difficulties, he is the first in his family to attend college. He has run charity fundraisers and community events on campus while serving as an officer on Greek life councils. Pittsburgh Alumni Club Award ($1,500) The award of the Pittsburgh Alumni Club. Andrew Ebert Andrew attends St. Francis University and is captain of the ice hockey team. He has served as Beta Lambda president and vice president while maintaining a 3.6 GPA. In year 4 of a 7 year physical therapy doctorate program, Andrew is a Founders Award Scholarship winner. His Program Director says he is an “incredible example of a scholar and a gentleman”. Brother Camillus Casey Award ($1,000) Honoring former National Chaplain Bro. Camillus Casey Michael Garcia A repeat APD Scholarship winner, Michael is an accounting major pursuing a master’s degree for his CPA. A Gamma Sigma brother and officer at St. John’s University, he maintained a 3.9 GPA throughout his undergraduate career. His colleagues say “he is a man of honor and integrity…he bleeds purple and white”. Felix Infausto Scholarship ($1,000) Established by his widow Clara Infausto in her will. Bro. Infausto was inducted into Epsilon chapter in 1929. Christopher Albright Chris is in his second year of graduate studies in Optometry, having graduated St. Francis University with a 3.8 GPA. He served Beta Lambda in elected positions, but his passion for service led him to develop the first Salus University of Optometry ambassador outreach program. He is a repeat APD scholarship winner. Lillian Anastasio Family Scholarship ($1,000) Established by her children, including Theta Beta alumnus and APD Scholarship Trustee Neil Anastasio. Hongrun Sun An NYU Presidential Scholar, Hongrun is a senior economics major and Theta Beta officer. He boasts a 3.96 GPA. He is a first time scholarship winner who states, “the world is my classroom”. Long Island Alumni Club John Pasta Award ($1,000) Established by the LIAC in honor of the 7th Grand Consul. Noah Langer Noah is the Beta Lambda (St. Francis University) chapter advisor. He is completing his MBA full-time. The Dean of his business school states he has a “high potential to succeed as a manager”. Noah is active in student government and says “my experience in APD broke me out of my shell.” Noah is a repeat APD scholarship winner. New York Alumni Club Award honoring 32nd National President Albert Palazzo ($1,000) The award of the New York Alumni Club. Samuel Lofaro III A Beta Omicron (Youngstown State University) senior nursing major, Sam maintains a 3.6 GPA. He was chapter social chair, IFC delegate, Dean’s List member and previous APD Scholarship winner. After pledging APD, he said he saw “a lot more of what college had to offer and it opened my eyes to the wonderful thing that is a lifelong brotherhood”. Paul J Sciullo II Memorial Award ($1,000) An American hero and Psi brother, Paul was killed in the line of duty as a Pittsburgh police officer. Derek Glover Derek is a senior software engineering major at Robert Morris University. He is the chapter president of Delta Upsilon and a previous APD Scholarship winner.


I M PA C T: S c h o l a r s h i p 2016 Scholarship Awards Recipients Richard Rau Scholarship Award ($1,000) In honor of the late Richard Rau, brother at St. Francis College (NY ). John Moran John is a former Beta Beta president and pledge master. He is pursuing his MBA at Manhattan College. A Presidential Scholar and seven time Dean’s List achiever, he finds time for service trips to Central America. John says “APD has helped me grow as a student and as an individual…and given me a global view”. John is a previous APD Scholarship winner. Military Scholarship ($1,000) Established by, and in honor of, the military brothers of Alpha Phi Delta. Joshua Semler With a 3.8 GPA, Joshua is entering his senior year at Duquesne University. He is a healthcare management major and hopes to eventually continue his education in graduate school. Joshua is an active Psi chapter brother and Habitat for Humanity chairman. He is a previous APD scholarship winner and son of a veteran. Vincent & James Muffoletto Award ($1,000) Established by the 29th National President and his son. Dana Kelly Dana is the granddaughter of PNP A. Joseph Creston, and attends Duquesne University as an aspiring physician’s assistant. She maintains a 3.9 GPA entering the junior year of a five year program. She volunteers in a nursing home as one of many community activities. Dana is a previous APD scholarship winner. North Jersey Alumni Club Award ($1,000) Honoring Americo Faruolo, member of Beta Xi chapter and the NJAC. Lindsey Pugh Lindsey is a senior and the daughter of deceased Beta Xi (New Jersey Institute of Technology) alumnus Russell Pugh. She attends James Madison University and is studying theater and dance. Lindsey maintains a 3.6 GPA and has traveled to several impoverished countries to work with children with HIV / AIDS. She is a repeat APD scholarship winner. Youngstown Alumni Club Donald “Red” Nolfi Award ($1,000) Established in honor of Red Nolfi, the first Beta Omicron (Youngstown State University) president and a guiding force for area alumni. Dalton Mack Dalton is a senior studying environmental engineering and chemistry at St. Francis University. He is a Beta Lambda chapter officer as well as the commanding officer of all of the university bands. Dalton runs a rural chemistry outreach program for kids while maintaining a 3.4 GPA. He is a repeat APD scholarship winner. A. Joseph Creston Award ($1,000) Established by the 34th National President A. Joseph Creston. Jenna Santilli Smith Jenna is a first year law student and Fulbright Scholar from Arizona State University. She graduated with a 4.0 GPA and co-founded REACH, an underserved area boys and girls club in Arizona. (NEW) Joseph and Janet Caldarella Family Award ($1,000) Established in 2016 in recognition of the positive impact APD has had on Joe (Beta Sigma ‘73) and family. Also, in memory of his father Salvatore, a first generation Italian-American graduate of the City University of N..Y. who overcame some of the same challenges and prejudice that our founders faced. Amanda Rosinski Amanda is a previous scholarship winner who is pursuing her Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology. With a history of volunteerism in the community, Amanda is also a research assistant in her program. She has received numerous academic honors and has a long history of community volunteerism. Panella Family Scholarship ($1,000) Established by late Brother Leon Panella and family. Leon was a Scholarship Trustee and served as a Foundation Director. Robin Lieb Robin attends the State University of New York Albany campus and is an officer in Epsilon Eta chapter. He is a junior business administration major in the Honors College with a 3.93 GPA. His department chairman describes him as “one of the best students I have worked with”. Carmelo and Carmela Giampiccolo Award ($500) Established by late brother James Giampiccolo in honor of his parents. Louis Gregorio Louis attends St. John’s University and is a brother at Gamma Sigma. He is a sophomore finance major with a 3.54 GPA.


I M PA C T: S c h o l a r s h i p 2016 Scholarship Awards Recipients Daniel Creston Award ($500) Daniel is the son of Past National President A. Joseph Creston. Victor Miller A brother at the University of New Haven Colony, he is an electrical engineering major entering his junior year. He boasts a 3.85 GPA and is a member of the Honor Society. Domenic Mente Award ($500) Established by Neumann College alumnus Joseph O’Keefe in honor of his mentor. Gabrielle Gentile Gabrielle is the niece of Xi Chapter (Ohio State University) alumnus Perry Chappano. She is a junior microbiology major with a 3.7 GPA, a peer chemistry tutor, and is active in her sorority at the University of Pittsburgh. Eta Chapter Award Honoring Joseph Randazzo ($500) Established by the alumni of the City College of New York and other friends of late brother Joseph Randazzo. Christine Phelan Christine is a senior theater major at Muhlenberg College and is a previous APD scholarship award winner. She maintains a 3.7 GPA and is a Presidential Merit Scholarship winner at her school. Christine is the daughter of Steve Phelan, Beta Sigma alumnus (St. Francis College). Fabrizio Family Award ($500) Established by Scholarship Trustee Paul Fabrizio and family. Colin Weber A University of New Haven colony member, he is a chemical engineering major and a senator in the student government. Frank Cavallaro Award ($500) Established in honor of the 22nd National President and longtime expansion chairman. Julie DelGreco Julie is the niece of Rocco Muffi, Psi ’65, and a repeat APD scholarship winner. She attends Seton Hill University as a senior forensic science major and is a Presidential Scholar. Frank Costanzo Award (I) ($500) One of two awards established by the 23rd National President Frank Costanzo. Jacob Penk Jacob is a Beta Omicron brother at Youngstown State University and a special education major. He is a senior Presidential Mentor at school and maintains a 3.54 GPA. Frank Costanzo Award (II) ($500) One of two awards established by the 23rd National President Frank Costanzo. Gregory Newman II Gregory is a senior mechanical engineering major at Beta Rho (Gannon University). He is the chapter vice-president and is active in the Hockey Club on campus. Izzo Family Scholarship ($500) This award honors Albert Izzo (Pi chapter founder), Carl P. Izzo Jr and Carl P. Izzo Sr. Laura Reizine Laura is the niece of Jack Consiglio, Psi ’73. She is entering her junior year with a 3.93 GPA as a nursing major. Laura hopes to become a nurse practitioner. She has been on the Dean’s List throughout her college career and is a repeat APD scholarship winner. James S. & Theresa Giampiccolo Award ($500) Established by our late brother James S. Giampiccolo and his wife. Joseph Cairo Joseph is a senior accounting major, pursuing a master’s degree for his CPA. He was the Gamma Iota (Pace University) team captain for fundraisers as well as a chapter officer and repeat scholarship winner. Louis J. Mauriello Award ($500) Established by his family in honor of brother Mauriello, Eta ‘34. Jordan Schwed He attends the University of New Haven Colony as a junior criminal justice major. Jordan is a Presidential Scholarship winner and maintains a 3.97 GPA. Mancusi Family Award ($500) Created by 52nd National President Chris Mancusi to honor Alberto & Angelina Mancusi as well as their relatives in Ischia, Italy. Troy Colcasi A junior criminal justice major at St. John’s University (Gamma Sigma), Troy maintains a 3.79 GPA and is active in many campus charitable events.


I M PA C T: S c h o l a r s h i p 2016 Scholarship Awards Recipients Modica Family Award ($500) Created by Theta Beta alumnus Thomas Modica and his family in memory of his parents Joseph & Violet. Matthew Mattera The chapter president at Beta Beta (Manhattan College), Matthew is a senior finance major planning on pursuing his MBA. In addition to fraternal activities, he is also active in student government. Anthony Sallo Memorial Award ($500) Established by his many APD friends, Anthony was a member of Psi chapter at Duquesne University. Alana Mazzei Alana is the granddaughter of John Liotta, Psi ’56. She is a junior involved in many campus activities while maintaining a 3.7 GPA working part time to support her tuition. She is an aspiring physician’s assistant. Alana is a previous APD scholarship winner. The Santo J. Barbarino Award ($500) Created by the Scholarship Trustees in honor of late Brother Santo’s contributions to scholarship. A past National President, he also served as District Governor and editor of the Kleos. He was a beloved educator and this award is presented annually to an undergraduate brother who has successfully overcome significant challenges to his academic career. This award is in addition to any other award received. Anthony Powell Anthony is a St. Joseph’s College Information Technology major with a 3.6 GPA. He returned to college after a ten-year hiatus. He is an active dad and a dedicated family man. He was described as “working diligently to balance his family, career and service” responsibilities. The Pittsburgh Ladies Auxiliary of Alpha Phi Delta Alumni Award ($500) Jessica Steiner Jessica is the granddaughter of Psi (Duquesne University) alumnus Anthony Iole. She is an education major pursuing her master’s degree. Raymo Santilli Family Award ($500) Created by Psi alumnus Raymo Santilli who is a Scholarship Trustee. Michael Barrish Mike is a full time graduate student at American University studying middle eastern and north African studies. He is a graduate of Penn State (Chi chapter). Richard Primiano Award ($500) Established by the late 38th National President and longtime Scholarship Trustee. Jordan Ramos-Farhat A Gamma Mu brother at Stockton University, Jordan is a senior marketing major and Honor Society member. He is a leader in the Greek fraternal community on campus. His family has overcome many obstacles as a result of Hurricane Sandy. Robert L. Polito Beta Rho Memorial Award ($500) His pledge brothers are proud to memorialize him with this scholarship. Brennan Clouner Brennan is a cum laude graduate of Gannon University (Beta Rho). He served as chapter president and played ice hockey. He is studying for a master’s degree in sports and exercise science. Rocco A. Sutera Scholarship ($500) Created by a gift in the will of Beta Eta (Brooklyn College) alumnus Rocco Sutera. He served as Chairman of the Long Island Alumni Club John Pasta Award prior to its merger with the National Scholarship Fund. Elena Schiavone Elena is a junior psychology major at the University of Pennsylvania. She mentors young girls and is active with Big Brothers Big Sisters on campus. Russo Family Scholarship ($500) Brothers John and Paul Russo and their families honor the memory of their parents, Anthony and Marie Russo. Timothy Rodak A senior chapter president at Psi (Duquesne University), Tim is pursuing his Doctor of Physical Therapy degree. He has a 3.4 GPA and has been on the Dean’s List many times. The Scholars Award ($500) Established by the generous contributions of past Alpha Phi Delta Scholarship recipients and their sponsors. Nick Della Vecchia Nick is the Epsilon Beta chapter president at La Salle University. He is a Founders Scholarship winner and a senior accounting major. Nick is active in university track and field.


I M PA C T: S c h o l a r s h i p 2016 Scholarship Awards Recipients Southern California Alumni Club Award ($500) The award of the Southern California Alumni Club. Anthony Sciarratta A founding member of the Queens College (NY ) colony, Anthony is a senior communications major. Steubenville Alumni Club Award ($500) The award of the Steubenville Alumni Club. Eamon Phalen He is the son of Steve Phelan, Beta Sigma (St. Francis College, NY ). Eamon is a junior business management major and plans to pursue his MBA. He is an accomplished Eagle Scout and maintains a 3.6 GPA. Steubenville Ladies Auxiliary Award ($500) The award of the Ladies Auxiliary of the Steubenville Alumni Club. Skyler Drew Sklyer attends York College, PA, and is sophomore public relations major. She has overcome several obstacles in her younger days and has achieved Dean’s List status and earned an academic scholarship. She has a perfect 4.0 GPA. Adam DiVincenzo Award ($500) In honor of the late 21st Grand Consul and longtime National Secretary. Angelo Bechara A senior political science and French major at Stockton University (Gamma Mu), Angelo has organized chapter events has a leadership role on the Model U.N. on campus. Alpha Phi Delta Resort Association of New York Award ($500) Established by brothers who had collected funds with hopes to build a fraternity owned resort in New York State. Matthew DiGregorio The Chaplain of Gamma Sigma chapter at St. John’s University, Matt is a senior risk management major with a 3.62 GPA. Barbarino Family Award ($500) Established by late Past National President and founding Scholarship Trustee Santo Barbarino and his family. Anthony Powell Anthony is a St. Joseph’s College Information Technology major with a 3.6 GPA. He returned to college after a ten year hiatus. He is an active dad and dedicated family man. He was described as “working diligently to balance his family, career and service” responsibilities. (NEW) Beta Lambda Award ($500) Established in 2016 by the alumni of Beta Lambda chapter (St. Francis College, PA) in honor of their long time moderator Dr. Albert Zanzuccki who passed away in 2015. Michael Dorrico A Southern Connecticut State University (Gamma Xi) brother, Mike is junior business finance major. He is involved in peer mentoring on campus and has held several chapter offices. (NEW) Jack and Yara Consiglio Award ($500) Established in 2016 by Psi Chapter alumnus Jack Consiglio and his wife Yara. John Femoyer John is a founding member and president of Epsilon Kappa chapter at Dowling College. He is a senior business management major on a college academic scholarship.


I M PA C T: S c h o l a r s h i p

Where are they now? Mark Hughes, Beta Lambda ’78 “I can’t tell you how much that scholarship meant to me. It came at a time when I had no extra money. Despite the fact that I graduated #1 in my class at St. Francis University, I never received a nickel in scholarship money from the school. I will never forget that it was APD who gave me a nice reward for my hard work. To this day I remain grateful”. Mark is married for 29 years with 2 grown children. He is active coaching and as CYO director for his local parish. He remains very close to many of his Beta Lambda brothers.

Mark Palermo, Beta Rho ’98 “I received an APD scholarship twice and as a past winner, I vowed to continue to support the scholarship fund. Thank you Alpha Phi Delta.” Mark put his scholarships to good use as he is an Orthopedic Surgeon in Champaign, IL specializing in trauma. But his real passion is spending time with his wife Julie and two sons Paulie and Eddie any chance he gets – who can blame him!

Frank Perciavalle, Psi ’78 “We were a family of very modest means and it was a struggle for my Mom to put me through Duquesne. As an Italian immigrant, she very badly wanted me to be the first in our family to graduate from college. Receiving the APD scholarship was a blessing and reduced the burden that we took on to fund my education. APD helped me both with the scholarship and more importantly with the brotherhood and social experiences I was blessed to have in my days at Duquesne ”. Frank is currently the Director of Logistics for BASF in Houston. His wife Pam and their two children, Matt and Gina work and live in Ohio.

Nicole Torchia “The APD Foundation scholarship has eased the financial burden of school enough to allow me to pursue experiences like a medical Spanish immersion program in Spain that was instrumental in helping me get into one of the most competitive Physician’s Assistant programs in the country, Yale School of Medicine.” Nicole is a senior at Northeastern and is completing her second co-op as a medical assistant. She will graduate in May as valedictorian of her class with a 4.0 GPA and is accepted into the physician assistant graduate program at Yale.

Chuck Gruber, Beta Xi ‘78 “Winning this scholarship marked a turning point in my life, education and career. By applying myself scholastically and through extracurricular activities during my early college years I was recognized by Alpha Phi Delta and awarded this scholarship. I was honored as this was my first award. It allowed me to meet some of the extraordinary leaders of the Alpha Phi Delta organization at that time. Their support and mentorship during my remaining college years allowed me to prosper and launched me on a great life track. I encourage all


undergraduates to embrace and call upon your Alpha Phi Delta family to find opportunities to become the friend, partner and leader you want to become.’“ Chuck is currently the President/CEO of Safe Reflections Inc which converts 3M™ Scotchlite™ Reflective Material for the world’s leading manufacturers of uniforms, safety clothing, and athletic apparel. Chuck, his wife Lizzie and 13-year-old daughter Pia live in St. Paul. Whenever possible, they meet his sons Chuck, 31 and Dan, 27 in Colorado to ski and snowboard.

I M PA C T: S c h o l a r s h i p

Where are they now? Andrew Cozzolino, Beta Beta ‘87 “I was fortunate to receive two scholarships from the APD Foundation. My family resources were limited, and I worked part time throughout my college years. These scholarships contributed to my tuition and text book expenses, and to my success as a student and a brother, and motivated me to become more involved as an undergraduate. I held several Beta Beta Chapter offices, was a National Officer (VP Undergrad Affairs) and was awarded the National Outstanding Undergraduate Award. My APD undergrad and alumni experiences greatly influenced my personal development, and eventually had a hand in my future professional development, for which I am grateful to this day.” He has worked in over 20 countries and lived in NY, Jakarta, Singapore, Bangkok, London, and currently in Hong Kong, where he oversees the non-US internal audit division for Alliance Bernstein.

Michael Raguso-Failla, Beta Sigma ‘88 “I remember feeling a great sense of pride, accomplishment, and gratitude when I was awarded my APD scholarship. While I have felt those things since my induction in 1988 just being a brother in our fraternity, my scholarship reinforced those feelings. It was an honor to be recognized by APD for my achievements at St. Francis College. My scholarship helped significantly with textbooks and other college expenses”. Mike graduated in 1996 from New York Medical College and is now a partner in a group practice in Family Medicine in southern New Jersey where he’s resided since 2001. He was blessed to meet his wife Jean during their undergraduate days at St. Francis College and they’ve been married almost twenty years with two teenage children, Michael and Jessica.

Benedict Tieniber, Epsilon Gamma ’11 “The scholarship fund for APD does amazing things funding college, funding books, letting brothers know you are behind them and finally, pushing us to be that much better. Thank you!” Benedict graduated from St. Joseph’s College in May, 2015 with a Doctorate in Education, Leadership Administration and Technology. He teaches business at a high risk school in the South Bronx (NYC). He recently made his first contribution to the APD foundation. “I am happy to finally be able to begin giving back to help make a difference in other brother’s lives.”

Natalie Reizine “Thank you once again for your generosity and support. You have believed in me since the beginning. From helping me to afford my summer college organic chemistry classes, to helping me pay for my medical school applications, to helping me purchase my first stethoscope, you have enabled me to reach my goals and have watched me grow over the years. I am truly grateful and cannot tell you how much your support has meant to me. I am now a resident physician in Internal Medicine at the University of Chicago, and while I am working hard I am happy and truly fulfilled; and I am so very excited for what lies ahead. Thank you for everything”.

Nick Marter, Epsilon Gamma ’11 “I’ve been fortunate enough to be selected as a scholarship recipient twice as an undergraduate student. It felt amazing to be recognized for my hard work and dedication to the fraternity, my college and my studies. I was always incredibly involved in APD as a past chapter President, and was equally involved as a student leader at St. Joseph’s College.

My involvement in APD at St. Joseph’s unlocked my true passion and career aspirations in the field of Higher Education. I am a current graduate student at Stony Brook University studying College Administration while also working at my Alma Mater, St. Joseph’s College as an Undergraduate Admissions Counselor. I serve as the advisor for my Epsilon Gamma chapter, and on a larger scale, I have the privilege of giving back in the form of being elected as Long Island District Governor in 2015”.


Our 2015-’16 Supporters We would like to recognize and thank the hundreds of individuals and organizations who generously donated to the Alpha Phi Delta Foundation this past year ( July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016). The number next to the names represents the number of consecutive years of donations. Omega Society Estate Pledges $100,000+ John J Hadgkiss15+ Mauro J D'Addato4

$500+ Florio J Abbate6 Neil J Anastasio8 Anonymous Christina Barbieri6 Keith E Bernard6 Al Branchi9 John P Brincko2 Kenneth Camisa4 Anthony F Campanella15+ Carmen J DiGiacomo15+ Daniel T Donovan2 Robert L Falk Charles D Fatica13 Michael J Flott Carl A Gargiulo10 Rex P Gatto8 Carl P Izzo13 Robert Kanach10 Lawrence Kaufman2 James M Kilcoyne Peter J Koenig William Onufrychuk Michael Onufrychuk Ralph V Parmegiani2 Chris Shipley9 Michael P Young5

Beta Rho '66 Beta Beta '56

Cash Contributions $20,000+ Joseph C Caldarella15+

Beta Sigma '73

$10,000+ John J Consiglio A. Joseph Creston15+

Psi '74 Psi '49

$5,000+ Anthony J Carfang15+ Charles G Fiore15+ John J Hadgkiss15+ Leon (Karen) Panella15+ Michael E Sirchio2

Psi '69 Theta Beta '73 Beta Rho '66 Psi '62 Delta Psi '02

$2,000+ David D'Eramo12 Nicholas M Franki9 Christopher A Mancusi6 Vincent J Muffoletto9 Stanley (Maria) Raffa8

Psi '61 Gamma Lambda '87 Gamma Sigma '02 Epsilon '46 Delta '49

$1,000+ Peter P Alessandro2 G. Vincent Amico9 Anthony V Barbieri10 Roger Boyd3 Robert F Conti13 Mauro J D'Addato4 Armand C Dellovade3 Sam Dolfi2 Paul R Fabrizio15+ Alexander J Franki10 Peter Gaudiuso12 Garry O Kosteck15+ Raoul Mancini Francis M Prezioso15+ Douglas A Sundo7 Jeffrey R Terjesen10 Gary F Van Schaften15+ Robert P. Vollono Michael G Zerega

Eta '58 Theta '38 Beta Beta '59 Beta Rho '73 Mu '49 Beta Beta '56 Honorary '14 Beta Theta '53 Psi '63 Gamma Lambda '90 Theta Beta '82 Beta Xi '71 Beta Eta '51 Psi '56 Psi '75 Beta Xi '86 Beta Lambda '68 Beta Lambda '68 Psi '69


$200+ Ross S Alessandro9 Michael Asselta Paul J Bonzani2 Charles H Campagne10 Domenick E Capecci6 Anthony J Ceraso12 Joseph A Coray Thomas Cuffaro Frank R Dampf5 Robert F Dececco15+ Anthony M Digirolamo7 Gerald N Diloreto2 Ronald A Durgin Leonard Farano15+ Joseph A Fitzpatrick2 Nicholas A Flocco3 Claude E Fusco Samuel Galasso15+ William P Garrigan Christopher Gentle6 John Gerardi Robert R Grecco15+ W. Dan Haigler

Psi '63 Theta Beta '73 Friend Psi '66 Beta Beta '60 Eta '60 Eta '57 Beta Rho '61 Psi '60 Gamma Zeta '91 Beta Lambda '69 Xi '53 Beta Lambda '71 Theta Beta '75 Psi '67 Psi '51 Beta Lambda '69 Beta Xi '88 Beta Lambda '69 Beta Lambda '65 Beta Lambda '70 Beta Lambda '69 BAC '16 Psi '99 Beta Eta '85 Psi '95 Beta Lambda '65 Theta Beta '74 Beta Rho '60 Psi '59 Beta Sigma '73 Beta Lambda '81 Beta Eta '96 Psi '71 Beta Lambda '63 Psi '70 Beta Theta '57 Beta Iota '74 Eta '56 Beta Lambda '71 Beta Delta '59 Beta Lambda '65 Beta Delta '60 Beta Lambda '74 Psi '97 Eta '56 Beta Mu '74 Beta Lambda '70

Our 2015-’16 Supporters (continued) $200+ (continued) Katherine Hamilton5 Brian R Hearn3 Michael Iacovelli13 Gaspar J La Sala2 Leonard L Labriola2 Frank J Leanza15+ Anthony J Leone6 Raphael Longobardi4 Michael C Manniello9 Anthony V Mannino4 Joseph F Martino6 Victor J Matera Mark J Minnaugh2 Thomas Moraca4 Joseph A Mosso15+ John A Muffo10 Kevin F Nolan2 Eugene A Oliveri3 Mark E Palermo7 Francis C Palisano6 Benedict F Ruggiero12 John J Russo9 Santangelo Sisters Calvin L Shipley8 James Tabert Anthony O.J. Thomas10 Parris Westbrook6

Friend Beta Theta '62 Theta Beta '81 Eta '44 Psi '58 Theta Beta '45 Mu '56 Friend Theta Beta '83 Beta Delta '54 Mu '52 Beta Beta '63 Beta Rho '77 Beta Lambda '63 Psi '51 Beta Lambda '66 Beta Sigma '74 Beta Eta '54 Beta Rho '98 Beta Theta '62 Delta '61 Psi '72 Friend Psi '71 Beta Eta '64 Beta Omicron '67 Psi '61

$100+ Joseph S Agnello Francis J Alessi2 Charles D Alexander2 Mark Arencibia2 Phillip R Arlia15+ Thomas J Balestrieri6 Raymond L Bendici4 John A Bessich9 William Beuther10 Casper Bocina2 Herbert G Brooks2 Vincent Brunotts7 Phillip B Buzzelli2 Albert J Calabrese Nicholas V Campasano Alfred Candela2 Chuck Caputo2 Gary Cardamone6 Mario W Cardullo2 Alfred Cavallaro Bernard M Cerrone Joseph R Chessario Richard F Chiafolo Thomas J Ciampi Daniel G Clark John J Clynick Richard C Cohan

Beta Xi '52 Epsilon '61 Mu '67 Beta Phi '88 Psi '59 Psi '60 Beta Sigma '62 Beta Sigma '69 Beta Sigma '91 Beta Xi '52 Beta Omicron '84 Psi '62 Psi '61 Beta Xi '61 Beta Lambda '65 Theta Beta '85 Eta '58 Beta Iota '67 Delta '53 Beta Omega '79 Beta Pi '59 Beta Rho '59 Beta Lambda '60 Theta Beta '47 Beta Lambda '72 Beta Lambda '57 Beta Beta '59


$100+ (continued) John M Cornacchia Daniel Corwin3 John P Creegan Joseph C Cutenese Richard D'Andrea John DeCola Eugene A Di Monte Nicholas J Dimaggio6 Philip P Distefano3 Franklin C Embon Alexander B Fafara15+ Mark L Failla William J Fanciullo2 John L Fiore3 Joseph R Fragola6 Patrick J Gaia5 Anthony J Galvin15+ Ronald A Gasbarro5 Gaston L Gianni2 John M Giannone8 Randy J Goedeker3 Bryan X Grimaldi6 Roger S Guidice2 Richard Hazard Mark M Hughes2 John A Ingrassia3 John E Jeffries James F Juliano2 Joseph P Karpinski6 Ned Kirklin6 David W Klinger15+ Samuel J La Barbara7 John J Liotta4 Frank LoRusso Dominic A Macedonia Vincent J Maligno3 Ronald J Marchioni2 Velio A Marsocci2 Anthony V Marturano2 Joseph J Massaro2 Charles Mattes Dominic J Mazzotta John W McGough James F McKenna15+ Jonathan C Meigs Richard A Mellick4 Alfred Thomas Messina David Metinko8 James L Miller7 John R Misdom7 Robert Molinari2 Philip T Mullen Thomas G Noschese7 John A Orlando15+ Steven Palermo6 Albert P Panza3

Beta Lambda '57 Beta Rho '67 Beta Lambda '69 Beta Lambda '70 Beta Pi '73 Beta Omicron '67 Beta Mu '57 Psi '58 Xi '65 Beta Lambda '56 Beta Xi '69 Beta Sigma '67 Theta Beta '52 Beta Lambda '71 Delta '65 Beta Omicron '61 Beta Phi '78 Psi '57 Beta Theta '62 Beta Eta '56 Beta Rho '82 Theta Beta '88 Beta Mu '55 Beta Lambda '71 Beta Lambda '77 Beta Lambda '60 Beta Lambda '70 Epsilon '64 Beta Rho '67 Friend Chi '69 Psi '68 Psi '56 Beta Iota '62 Beta Theta '62 Beta Beta '66 Psi '55 Theta '50 Beta Delta '50 Epsilon '52 Beta Lambda '68 Psi '71 Beta Lambda '76 Beta Sigma '70 Mu '56 Psi '55 Beta Pi '66 Psi '66 Psi '72 Beta Xi '69 Eta '61 Beta Lambda '69 Chi '68 Psi '54 Theta Beta '82 Psi '62

Our 2015-’16 Supporters (continued) $100+ (continued) William E Petrell6 Thomas A Potenza4 Donald J Reddinger7 Nicholas P Roberts Joseph L Rossi Jerry A Rush Raymond E Sasselli7 Anthony F Scalise5 Ralph D Scicchitani5 Michael A Serluco6 Andrew Siclari Andrew V Siracuse Stanley M Sokoloski Emilio V Spagnolo Jack Staph Danny Thomas Anthony J Torchia3 Junior Torres Christopher M Tully7 Albert G Urbina2 Robert J Valeriano7 Biagio J Vericella8 Paul D Vickery Joseph Visci2 John W Wetzel4 Martin P Yannario6 David Yurechko Richard J Zaloum12 Antonio Zumbo13 George H Zygmont

Psi '66 Eta '58 Psi '69 Beta Lambda '66 Beta Phi '80 Beta Lambda '98 Psi '61 Beta Rho '62 Chi '64 Beta Lambda '61 Beta Lambda '82 Beta Iota '52 Beta Lambda '65 Tau '49 Beta Omicron '64 Beta Omicron '72 Beta Chi '85 Beta Iota '96 Beta Lambda '91 Beta Beta '54 Psi '72 Beta Omicron '61 Beta Iota '68 Beta Eta '77 Beta Sigma '65 Beta Lambda '59 Psi '01 Delta '55 Theta Beta '90 Gamma Xi '87

$50+ John F Anastasio2 Anthony Angilleta7 Thomas A Balestriere15+ Louis Belmonte Mark A Belsky8 Ferdinand Bovoso6 Eamon R Buss Frank R Cadicamo Robert S Calabro5 Frank W Calamusa7 Richard Calbi Louis C Capitano Vincent J Catullo David Cech2 Frank J Ciano2 Patsy Joseph Cipriani Nicholas A Clement2 Michael A Conenna7 Louis Consentino7 Stephen C Dapson Vincent M Del Giudice Robert G DeMartini7 Jack Demma2 Robert G Dente

Friend Friend Psi '57 Beta Delta '60 Psi '74 Beta Delta '57 Chi '98 Beta Sigma '63 Psi '67 Beta Sigma '66 Gamma Pi '88 Beta Lambda '69 Rho '47 Psi '71 Beta Beta '83 Pi '65 Psi '61 Beta Sigma '02 New York AC '10 Delta '69 Theta Beta '74 Beta Sigma '97 Beta Iota '58 Beta Beta '87


$50+ (continued) Joseph J Dimento2 Thomas Egan Romerl C Elizes William E Erickson Francis M Esposito Raymond J Evers4 A. John Fiorino2 Patrick C Fleming4 Anthony J Garramone6 Gene P Gemelli Dominick J Gibino Roger C Hull2 Paul F Lienesch13 Mondo F Lombardi11 Carlo Lucatino10 John M Macari Robert J MacDonald Kevin J Maddock Thomas P Majewski Joseph G Malecki Seraphin Maltese Michael A Mangino Joseph M Martella Jr Carl L McDevitt Lawrence J Mistretta2 Thomas J Modica9 John J Morano2 Simon J Morris Neale V Muccio9 John F Murphy Anthony J Musillo Lawrence R Ninerell Brett E O'Connell Ralph J Parmegiani7 Anthony D Parone2 Mario Pinizotto Anthony J Pizza5 Joseph F Rovitto6 Robert K Ruby12 John M Schiavone8 Adam Simon Joseph T Stacy Lawrence S Taccone Joseph C Thomas Edward Timpone James Tulloch Michael J Turell2 Carlo Venditti3 Frank G Verterano5 Joseph F Vilardo2 Edward Zovinka

Beta Delta '57 Beta Lambda '64 Theta Beta '88 Beta Lambda '81 Chapter unknown '69 Beta Delta '87 Beta Delta '77 Beta Sigma '02 Beta Iota '58 Theta Beta '80 Chi '60 Gamma Pi '90 Beta Lambda '70 Xi '46 Gamma Xi '91 Delta Theta '91 Beta Lambda '94 Beta Lambda '60 Delta Kappa '92 Beta Chi '83 Beta Beta '56 Beta Pi '70 Psi '84 Beta Lambda '73 Beta Beta Theta Beta '75 Beta Sigma '79 Gamma Delta '97 Beta Eta '84 Gamma Xi '87 Delta '62 Beta Theta '54 Gamma Xi '11 Beta Sigma '62 Epsilon '54 Beta Lambda '71 Beta Xi '58 Psi '65 Beta Lambda '95 Delta '77 Epsilon Beta '03 Beta Mu '57 Beta Xi '62 Nu '43 Gamma Pi '96 Beta Lambda '69 Mu '70 Eta '57 Beta Omicron '61 Epsilon '57 Beta Lambda '11

<$50 James F Aiello6 James M Anodide Augustus J Argentati6

Psi '63 Beta Lambda '58 Psi '59

Our 2015-’16 Supporters (continued) <$50 (continued) Dean A Armenti6 Damian P Armenti6 Norman A Armenti7 John P Baccoli4 Ross F Bevevino6 Richard L Bocchicchio2 Salvatore E Bologna2 Jeffrey C Breen2 George A Butler5 Craig D Caceci13 Richard G Calabro5 Alfred R Canepele Joseph G Cappetta Gianpiero Carovillano Ned B Cash7 Albert J Ceravolo5 Frank J Cirone4 Frank Civitarese Anthony Colangelo6 Frank P Cortolano2 Joseph Cuccaro Donato DeFelice6 Joseph Delorenzo Andrew B DeLuise6 Joseph W Denardo6 Brian R Devlin Sam Dimeo Michael Dimmick Raymond P Dimuzio7 Joseph Donofrio8 Paul C Elbel6 Adam R Etzel George J Fallati3 Marino J Fanelli3 Charles S Fedutes6 R. Edward Ferraro7 John C Fisher Peter Gagliano2 Daniel S Galasso6 Ernest N Gennaccaro11 Paul R Glaser3 Michael F Goodwin David J Gustafson3 Emil R Imbro2 Peter C Jacobsen5 Ronald Kotwica6 Michael Koziorynsky Richard Kwatnoski William A Kwolek6 Eugene A LaFace8 Noah L Langer Steven A LaVista2 Charles Liberatore4 Pete Lombard6 Nicholas Lopez Roger F Lorenzini6

Pittsburgh AC '11 Psi '99 Psi '56 Beta Xi '52 Psi '61 Eta '56 Beta Sigma '74 Gamma Sigma '89 Psi '69 Beta Phi '91 Psi '60 Beta Lambda '56 Beta Xi '57 Beta Beta '10 Psi '63 Nu '42 Beta Mu '54 Psi '08 Psi '58 Beta Beta '63 Gamma Iota '10 Psi '57 Beta Xi '58 Psi '58 Psi '50 Beta Lambda '94 Beta Theta '55 Beta Rho '71 Psi '60 Beta Omicron '51 Gamma Gamma '80 Delta Upsilon '13 Zeta '50 Mu '42 Psi '55 Psi '54 Psi '59 Beta Pi '68 Beta Delta '94 Psi '71 Beta Kappa '64 Beta Lambda '66 Beta Rho '66 Pi '67 Beta Xi '67 Psi '64 Beta Omicron '08 Beta Lambda '65 Beta Rho '67 Psi '59 Beta Lambda '08 Delta Xi '95 Psi '60 Psi '79 Gamma Iota '10 Psi '55

<$50 (continued) Seamus MacCrory Victor P Maiorana James Mancino5 Joseph F Manzo6 Louis Masciocchi6 David J Masquelier5 Mark V Mauro3 Jack L Mautino6 Anthony E Mawad6 David P Mayer10 William P McEvoy Louis D Montanaro Carlton G Morgan7 Lawrence R Mull6 Donald E Nasoni13 Joseph A Nista5 John M Notaro10 Kevin K O'Connell5 Leonard S Oddo6 Paul T Okonak4 Robert J Palermo6 Ronald J Palmieri6 Gary D Pesavento6 Joseph L Picogna Lawrence J Racioppo Joseph C Rahtelli9 Michael J Romano6 Frank R Rubolino6 Raymo Santilli6 Aaron R Schmidt Salvatore J Scire2 Paul Sciullo Matthew Silva Ronald L Sme4 Richard R Smiga4 David L Smiga4 Gerald A Smulski6 Francis Stanziola Michael Sundo6 Charles J Tabone6 Daniel D Tamburo5 Anthony J Tarquin2 Benedict R Tieniber2 Giuseppe Tramontana William Trombatt Robert Trumpbour Daniel V Unico6 C. Max Vassanelli Diodato Villani5 Bruce H Villeneuve2 Stephen M Wanovich2 Raymond J Westbrook5 John Whyte2 David M Wilke12 William J Zihala


Beta Pi '11 Delta '54 Psi '58 Beta Delta '63 Psi '66 Psi '70 Chi '77 Psi '59 Theta Beta '50 Beta Omicron '81 Beta Omicron '74 Beta Delta '77 Beta Omicron '72 Psi '58 Chi '50 Beta Lambda Psi '52 Beta Rho '69 Beta Rho '67 Gamma Delta '81 Psi '54 Beta Phi '80 Psi '65 Beta Delta '65 Beta Pi '61 Beta Beta '82 Psi '59 Psi '56 Psi '85 Delta Upsilon '12 Beta Sigma '67 Psi '12 Psi '12 Beta Sigma '64 Psi '77 Psi '73 Psi '70 Beta Lambda '66 Psi '00 Beta Rho '70 Nu '48 Pi '64 Epsilon Gamma Beta Sigma '92 Psi '09 Beta Lambda '76 Psi '50 Psi '60 Psi '49 Sigma '68 Psi '87 Psi '63 Gamma Sigma '94 Psi '86 Beta Lambda '71

Our Top Consecutive Annual Donors 15+ Years Phillip R Arlia Thomas A Balestriere Joseph C Caldarella Anthony F Campanella Anthony J Carfang A. Joseph Creston Robert F Dececco Carmen J DiGiacomo Paul R Fabrizio Alexander B Fafara Leonard Farano Charles G Fiore Samuel Galasso Anthony J Galvin Robert R Grecco John J Hadgkiss David W Klinger Garry O Kosteck Frank J Leanza James F McKenna Joseph A Mosso John A Orlando Leon (Karen) Panella Francis M Prezioso Gary F Van Schaften

Psi '59 Psi '57 Beta Sigma '73 Beta Rho '61 Psi '69 Psi '49 Beta Lambda '63 Psi '60 Psi '63 Beta Xi '69 Eta '56 Theta Beta '73 Beta Delta '60 Beta Phi '78 Beta Mu '74 Beta Rho '66 Chi '69 Beta Xi '71 Theta Beta '45 Beta Sigma '70 Psi '51 Psi '54 Psi '62 Psi '56 Beta Lambda '68

13 Years Craig D Caceci Robert F Conti Charles D Fatica Michael Iacovelli Carl P Izzo Paul F Lienesch Donald E Nasoni Antonio Zumbo

Beta Phi '91 Mu '49 Xi '53 Theta Beta '81 Psi '51 Beta Lambda '70 Chi '50 Theta Beta '90

12 Years Anthony J Ceraso David D'Eramo Peter Gaudiuso Robert K Ruby Benedict F Ruggiero David M Wilke Richard J Zaloum

Beta Sigma '73 Psi '61 Theta Beta '82 Beta Lambda '95 Delta '61 Psi '86 Delta '55

11 Years Ernest N Gennaccaro Mondo F Lombardi

Psi '71 Xi '46

10 Years Anthony V Barbieri William Beuther Charles H Campagne Alexander J Franki

Beta Beta '59 Beta Sigma '91 Beta Rho '60 Gamma Lambda '90


10 Years (continued) Carl A Gargiulo Robert Kanach Carlo Lucatino David P Mayer John A Muffo John M Notaro Jeffrey R Terjesen Anthony O.J. Thomas

Theta Beta '75 Beta Lambda '69 Gamma Xi '91 Beta Omicron '81 Beta Lambda '66 Psi '52 Beta Xi '86 Beta Omicron '67

9 Years Ross S Alessandro G. Vincent Amico John A Bessich Al Branchi Nicholas M Franki Michael C Manniello Thomas J Modica Neale V Muccio Vincent J Muffoletto Joseph C Rahtelli John J Russo Chris Shipley

Psi '95 Theta '38 Beta Sigma '69 Beta Beta '60 Gamma Lambda '87 Theta Beta '83 Theta Beta '75 Beta Eta '84 Epsilon '46 Beta Beta '82 Psi '72 Psi '99

8 Years Neil J Anastasio Mark A Belsky Joseph Donofrio Rex P Gatto John M Giannone Eugene A LaFace David Metinko Stanley (Maria) Raffa John M Schiavone Calvin L Shipley Richard J Trieste Biagio J Vericella

Theta Beta '73 Psi '74 Beta Omicron '51 Psi '67 Beta Eta '56 Psi '59 Psi '66 Delta '49 Delta '77 Psi '71 Beta Beta '82 Beta Omicron '61

7 Years Anthony Angilleta Norman A Armenti Vincent Brunotts Frank W Calamusa Ned B Cash Michael A Conenna Louis Consentino Robert G DeMartini Anthony M Digirolamo Raymond P Dimuzio R. Edward Ferraro Samuel J La Barbara James L Miller John R Misdom Carlton G Morgan Thomas G Noschese

Friend Psi '56 Psi '62 Beta Sigma '66 Psi '63 Beta Sigma '02 New York AC '10 Beta Sigma '97 Psi '70 Psi '60 Psi '54 Psi '68 Psi '72 Beta Xi '69 Beta Omicron '72 Chi '68

Our Top Consecutive Annual Donors (continued) 7 Years (continued) Mark E Palermo Ralph J Parmegiani Donald J Reddinger Raymond E Sasselli Douglas A Sundo Christopher M Tully Robert J Valeriano

Beta Rho '98 Beta Sigma '62 Psi '69 Psi '61 Psi '75 Beta Lambda '91 Psi '72

6 Years Florio J Abbate James F Aiello Augustus J Argentati Dean A Armenti Damian P Armenti Thomas J Balestrieri Christina Barbiera Keith E Bernard Ross F Bevevino Ferdinand Bovoso Domenick E Capecci Gary Cardamone Anthony Colangelo Donato DeFelice Andrew B DeLuise Joseph W Denardo Nicholas J Dimaggio Paul C Elbel Charles S Fedutes Joseph R Fragola Daniel S Galasso Anthony J Garramone Christopher Gentle Bryan X Grimaldi Joseph P Karpinski Ned Kirklin Ronald Kotwica William A Kwolek Anthony J Leone Pete Lombard Roger F Lorenzini Christopher A Mancusi Joseph F Manzo Joseph F Martino Louis Masciocchi Jack L Mautino Anthony E Mawad Lawrence R Mull Leonard S Oddo Steven Palermo Robert J Palermo Francis C Palisano Ronald J Palmieri Gary D Pesavento William E Petrell

Psi '63 Psi '63 Psi '59 Pittsburgh AC '11 Psi '99 Psi '60 Friend Psi '66 Psi '61 Beta Delta '57 Psi '59 Beta Iota '67 Psi '58 Psi '57 Psi '58 Psi '50 Psi '58 Gamma Gamma '80 Psi '55 Delta '65 Beta Delta '94 Beta Iota '58 Psi '97 Theta Beta '88 Beta Rho '67 Friend Psi '64 Beta Rho '67 Mu '56 Psi '79 Psi '55 Gamma Sigma '02 Beta Delta '63 Mu '52 Psi '66 Psi '59 Theta Beta '50 Psi '58 Beta Rho '67 Theta Beta '82 Psi '54 Beta Theta '62 Beta Phi '80 Psi '65 Psi '66


6 Years (continued) Michael J Romano Joseph F Rovitto Frank R Rubolino Raymo Santilli Michael A Serluco Gerald A Smulski Michael Sundo Charles J Tabone Daniel V Unico Parris Westbrook Martin P Yannario

Psi '59 Psi '65 Psi '56 Psi '85 Beta Lambda '61 Psi '70 Psi '00 Beta Rho '70 Psi '50 Psi '61 Beta Lambda '59

5 Years George A Butler Robert S Calabro Richard G Calabro Albert J Ceravolo Frank R Dampf Patrick J Gaia Ronald A Gasbarro Katherine Hamilton Peter C Jacobsen James Mancino David J Masquelier Joseph A Nista Kevin K O'Connell Anthony J Pizza Anthony F Scalise Ralph D Scicchitani Daniel D Tamburo Frank G Verterano Diodato Villani Raymond J Westbrook Michael P Young

Psi '69 Psi '67 Psi '60 Nu '42 Psi '71 Beta Omicron '61 Psi '57 Scholarship Beta Xi '67 Psi '58 Psi '70 Beta Lambda Beta Rho '69 Beta Xi '58 Beta Rho '62 Chi '64 Nu '48 Beta Omicron '61 Psi '49 Psi '63 Beta Eta '85

4 Years Kenneth Camisa Frank J Cirone Mauro J D'Addato Raymond J Evers Patrick C Fleming Charles Liberatore John J Liotta Raphael Longobardi Anthony V Mannino Richard A Mellick Thomas Moraca Paul T Okonak Thomas A Potenza Ronald L Sme Richard R Smiga David L Smiga John W Wetzel

Eta '57 Beta Mu '54 Beta Beta '56 Beta Delta '87 Beta Sigma '02 Psi '60 Psi '56 Friend Beta Delta '54 Psi '55 Beta Lambda '63 Gamma Delta '81 Eta '58 Beta Sigma '64 Psi '77 Psi '73 Beta Sigma '65

A Lifetime Legacy of Support* We would like to recognize the following individuals for their cumulative lifetime generosity to the Alpha Phi Delta Foundation. Omega Society Estate Pledges $100,000+ John J Hadgkiss Mauro J D'Addato

Beta Rho '66 Beta Beta '56

Cash Contributions $75,000+ Pur ple Societ y Anthony J. Carfang Psi '69 W hite Societ y $50,000+ John J. Hadgkiss Beta Rho '66 Shield Societ y $20,000+ Anthony V Barbieri Beta Beta '59 Anthony M Cafaro Beta Omicron '65 Joseph C Caldarella Beta Sigma '73 Frank E Costanzo Nu '30 A. Joseph Creston Psi '49 Paul R Fabrizio Psi '63 Alexander J Franki Gamma Lambda '90 James S Giampiccolo Theta '40 Felix Infausto Epsilon '29 Vincent J Muffoletto Epsilon '46 Leon (Karen) Panella Psi '62 Stanley (Maria) Raffa Delta '49

Star Societ y $5,000+ David M Alcaro G. Vincent Amico Santo J Barbarino Alfred Barbarino Casper Bocina Howard Carswell Edward R Curty Lucille D'Elia Garry O Kosteck John J Russo Paul F Russo Henry Salvatori Michael E Sirchio Patrick J Socci Jeffrey R Terjesen

Torch Societ y $10,000+ Neil J Anastasio Theta Beta '73 Ernest Coletti Mu '45 John J Consiglio Psi '74 Daniel J. Creston Friend Joseph D D'Annunzio Tau '48 David D'Eramo Psi '61 Aldo Del Sorbo Delta '74 Charles G Fiore Theta Beta '73 Nicholas M Franki Gamma Lambda '87 Peter Gaudiuso Theta Beta '82 Michael Iacovelli Theta Beta '81 Carl P Izzo Psi '51 Joseph G Malecki Beta Chi '83 Christopher A Mancusi Gamma Sigma '02 Joseph A O'Keefe Gamma Tau '89 Francis M Prezioso Psi '56 Richard F Primiano Beta Delta '61 Raymo Santilli Psi '85 Rocco A Sutera Beta Eta '38


Lambda '95 Theta '38 Beta Sigma '65 Friend Beta Xi '52 Friend Beta Sigma '69 Friend Beta Xi '71 Psi '72 Beta Omicron '88 Lambda '21 Delta Psi '02 Beta Sigma '66 Beta Xi '86

Scroll Societ y $2,000+ Ross S Alessandro Psi '95 Peter P Alessandro Eta '58 Keith E Bernard Psi '66 Roger Boyd Beta Rho '73 Al Branchi Beta Beta '60 Charles H Campagne Beta Rho '60 Michael R Cappiello Iota '36 Robert F Conti Mu '49 Robert A Cucco Theta Beta '74 Mauro J D'Addato Beta Beta '56 Armand C Dellovade Honorary '14 Armand F Derosa Beta Eta '38 Carmen J DiGiacomo Psi '60 Anthony J DiGregorio Beta Delta '56 Ann Dinardi Pi '70 William Eckert Beta Rho '66 Leonard Farano Eta '56 Charles D Fatica Xi '53 Samuel Galasso Beta Delta '60 Charles L Garbarino Beta Sigma '71 Carl A Gargiulo Theta Beta '75 Rex P Gatto Psi '67 John Gerardi Eta '56 Robert R Grecco Beta Mu '74 Leonard L Labriola Psi '58 Frank J Leanza Theta Beta '45 Michael C Manniello Theta Beta '83 James F McKenna Beta Sigma '70 Thomas J Modica Theta Beta '75 Richard A. Modica Friend James R Moscato Xi '30 Joseph A Mosso Psi '51 Steven Palermo Theta Beta '82 Ralph J Parmegiani Beta Sigma '62 Vincent F Pitta Beta Sigma '69 Joseph C Rahtelli Beta Beta '82 Benedict F Ruggiero Delta '61 Guerrino A Ruta Psi '74 Anthony A Sallo Psi '63 Marianne Shenton Friend Calvin L Shipley Psi '71 Andrew J Taddei Theta Beta '81 Richard J Trieste Beta Beta '82 Paul Tucci Eta '42 Gary F Van Schaften Beta Lambda '68 Antonio Zumbo Theta Beta '90

A Lifetime Legacy of Support* (continued)

$1,000+ Key Societ y Florio J Abbate John F Anastasio Phillip R Arlia Christina Barbiera Carl A Bertoch William Beuther Benedict Bocchicchio Jeffrey C Breen John P Brincko Kenneth Camisa Anthony F Campanella Eugene P Cassiano Albert L Castellano Anthony J Ceraso Rodolfo Cilento Leonard A Cilli Paula Cotroneo Andrew M Cozzolino Robert F Dececco Anthony M Digirolamo Gerald N Diloreto Sam Dolfi Donald R Donell Daniel T Donovan Alexander B Fafara Mark L Failla Joseph L Falace William J Fanciullo Patsy M Fiandaca Anthony J Galvin Christopher Gentle Bryan X Grimaldi George J Guarnieri Matthew C Hall Joseph P Karpinski

$1,000+ (continued) Lawrence Kaufman Samuel J La Barbara Anthony J Leone Charles D Lucisano Dominic A Macedonia Stephen J Maltese Raoul Mancini Joseph F Martino Thomas A Mauro James M McEvoy Dominick Mele Mark J Minnaugh John A Muffo Donald M Nolfi Joseph L Nunziata Leonard S Oddo Eugene A Oliveri Albert A Parisi Leo Parmegiani William E Petrell Edward W Pizzo Dominic P Renda Eric Salmeron Peter J Sammartino Vincent A Savona Guido E Schiavone John M Schiavone Douglas A Sundo John A Sylvester Charles J Tabone Gaspar P Tiranno Robert P. Vollono Michael P Young Michael G Zerega

Psi '63 Friend Psi '59 Friend Xi '47 Beta Sigma '91 Chi '51 Gamma Sigma '89 Eta '60 Eta '57 Beta Rho '61 Eta '40 Beta Beta '59 Beta Sigma '73 Beta Xi '55 Beta Xi '73 Friend Beta Beta '87 Beta Lambda '63 Psi '70 Beta Theta '57 Beta Theta '53 Beta Theta '49 Gamma Zeta '91 Beta Xi '69 Beta Sigma '67 Mu '54 Theta Beta '52 Pi '32 Beta Phi '78 Psi '97 Theta Beta '88 Beta Omicron '67 Delta Iota '92 Beta Rho '67

Beta Xi '88 Psi '68 Mu '56 Beta Theta '66 Beta Theta '62 Beta Sigma '70 Beta Eta '51 Mu '52 Delta '64 Beta Omicron '78 Iota '35 Beta Rho '77 Beta Lambda '66 Beta Omicron '53 Beta Sigma '70 Beta Rho '67 Beta Eta '54 Beta Eta '74 Beta Omega '79 Psi '66 Theta Beta '56 Xi '33 Beta Omega '79 Eta '24 Theta '41 Xi '36 Delta '77 Psi '75 Beta Chi '80 Beta Rho '70 Beta Beta '60 Beta Lambda '68 Beta Eta '85 Psi '69

*As of June 30, 2016 37

Ways to Give As a 501(c)(3) charitable corporation, the Alpha Phi Delta Foundation, Inc. (TAX ID#31-1005845) provides you with numerous opportunities to positively impact both your current and future tax liabilities, as well as the future of Alpha Phi Delta. Gifts may be either unrestricted or restricted for a specific purpose. You may also indicate whether your gift is for immediate use or to establish a permanently endowed fund. Thank you for your consideration and support of this worthwhile endeavor.

Gifts of Cash Donors can easily make gifts to the Foundation via check, or credit card via PayPal thru the Foundation website (www.APD.org) or via mail to Alpha Phi Delta Foundation, Inc., P.O. Box 23188, Pittsburgh, PA 15222.

Gifts of Stock Some donors may find that they are able to enhance their giving capability by making a donation of appreciated securities. Donations of appreciated stock often provide significant tax advantages. The Foundation can help facilitate your stock donation.

Matching Gifts Many companies encourage charitable giving by matching employee contributions to public charities. Your generous support of the Foundation can go even further with a matching gift from your employer, and you, as the employee, receive credit for the gift.

Types of Gifts: • Unrestricted – These gifts allow the board to support the Foundation’s current and most pressing priorities. • Leadership – Gifts to this fund support our many undergraduate leadership programs. Many brothers have pledged $5,000 to this fund to endow a periodic leadership event in their name (or the name of an honoree). • Publications (Kleos) – These gifts support the Kleos and other publications. Many brothers have pledged $10,000 to this fund to sponsor one page each year in their name (or the name of an honoree). • Scholarship – This is the longest running Foundation program, with 51 endowed scholarships. Brothers can contribute directly to the fund in any amount, they can augment an existing fund honoring a brother or beginning at $10,000 they can endow an annual scholarship.

Honorary and Memorial Gifts For a unique and fitting tribute to a friend or loved one, consider a gift to the Foundation in honor or in memory. The Foundation staff will forward notes to the family or honoree as requested in your contribution. During this past year, brothers have established funds to honor recently deceased men like Leon Panella, Joe Randazzo and Dr. Albert Zanzuccki. We also have a Military Scholarship. Many brothers contribute to that fund in the name of their father or other friend/relative who has served.

The Omega Society – Planned Gifts This is your legacy, your final gift to Alpha Phi Delta. A bequest, paid-up life insurance policy, charitable gift annuity, charitable remainder trust, charitable lead trust, or naming the Alpha Phi Delta Foundation as a beneficiary of a 401K plan are just a few examples of planned gifts. Deferred or planned gifts enable you to help meet Alpha Phi Delta’s needs for the future and your personal financial needs today. In our own way, each of us has benefited from our membership in Alpha Phi Delta. Your investment in these efforts through financial gifts to the Alpha Phi Delta Foundation helps ensure that future generations also have the opportunity to benefit from the exceptional leadership training offered by Alpha Phi Delta Fraternity. Please send a check payable to Alpha Phi Delta Foundation, Inc., P.O. Box 23188, Pittsburgh, PA 15222 For more information please contact John Hadgkiss, Beta Rho ’66 at 724-944-9222 or johnhadgkiss@apdfoundation.org. 38

Statement of Operations Starting Balance 7/1/2015


Receipts Contributions Investment Income Other Income

159,651 31,429 24



Gain on Sale of Investments


Disbursements Scholarships (48 awards) Kleos Leadership Grants Administration Fundraising Centennial Sponsorship

38,500 39,606 5,511 8,019 4,542 -1,714 0



Closing Balance 6/30/2016


Breakdown of Fund Cash and net receivables Accrued interest Investments at cost (1)

495,637 5,108 843,195

Total (2)


General Fund Balance


Scholarship Fund Balance


(1) Market value of investments @ 6/30/2016 (2) Total market value of fund @ 6/30/2016

1,099,827 1,600,572

General Fund Market Value Scholarship Fund Market Value

525,355 1,075,217


Membership in Alpha Phi Delta is eternal and carries with it the obligation of permanent activity and support.


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