Kleos 1942 12

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The Magazine of Alpha Phi Delta Editor-in-Chief VINCENT LARCY 202 West 14th Street, New York City Business Manager DR. FRANK BRESCIA 32 Arden Street, New York City Assistant Business Manager PAT A. QUARTO 225 Broadway, Rm. 2205, New York City

CovER ... Uncle Sam can only be as determined to keep the V out in front as you are. Let's buy stamps ~nd bonds. Tap~By

Fr.ank Brescia....................................


Our Country's Flag-By General Charles P. Summerall....


Nerve Gas on

The Grand Consul Speaks-By Joseph De Guglielmo .._......


Cecil B. DeMille's Christmas Story........................................


Alpha Phi Deltans in Uniform................................................




The Greek and Their Myths .................................................... 10 Washington Portraits .............................................................. 10 Education路 of Tomorrow., .......................................................... 10 Round the Table........................................................................ 11


News from the First District ............................................ 11


News from the Sixth District.......................................... 11

Volume 13

No. 2

KLEOS, official publication of Alpha Phi Delta, is published in May and in December of each year, by Leland Publishers, Inc. (Th路e Fraternity Press), official publisher to the fraternity, 2642 University Avenue, Saint Paul, Minnesota. Subscription, One Dollar for two years. Life subscription, Sixteen Dollars. Single copies, Fifty Cents. Send subscriptions to the Business Manager. All other communications should b~ addressed to the Editor. Reproduction of matter appearing in KLEOS is路 permitted, provided that the KLEOS is mentioned along with the name of the author where given. Alpha Phi Delta is a member of the National Interfraternity路 Conference and College Fraternity Editors Association.

KLEOS-December, 1942



,THIS War is not only a battle of bombs and of governments. It is also a battle of nerves-low brow for high brow psychology. The supposed use of nerve gases by the Germans, recently echoed to us, is an excellent illustration of a phase of the war of nerves conducted for the expressed purpose of reducing combat and civilian morale to the point where panics ensue or the desire ·to fight is lost. Newspaper and radio discussions of "nerve gases" found their origin in the extremely rapid capture of Fort EbenEmael (Belgium), May 10, 1940, and the success of the German Army in its recent offensive against the Crimea region. Studied from a technical or a real point of view, the systemic, or nerve toxics, are revealed to be a fifth and unimportant class of the war gases. The vesicants, lung injurants, sternutators, and lacrimators ,are the four main classes. Physiologically, the systemics do not attack a particular organ or part of the body but rather are absorbed into the blood stream, death re-

(Reprinted from Journal of Chemical Education, September~ 1942)


~ulting from paralysis of the central nervous system. Illustrations of such gases are ·hydrocyanic acid and the .cyanogen halides; These are generally known as cyanides. Phenylcarbylamirie chloride, predominantly a lung injurant, is also capable of producing dizziness. These gases made their war debut July 1, 1916, during the battle of the Somme under the sponsorship· of the French. Although, as a class, the systemic toxics are believed to be the most virulent poisons known, their pP,ysical properties render them im- · potent in the field. They are the least persistent of all war gases and in spite of the fact that the French alone used over 4000 tons of hydrocyanic acid, the · facts show that extremely few casualties resulted. Briefly, we emphasize that nerve gases are well known but they are also known to have little, if any, tactical value. But, the rumor boys and civilian generals are convinced that the Germans possess a "new nerve gas." How else do you explain the capture of Fort EbenEmael? In a sense these "jerks" are correct. The Germans do have a "new nerve gas." It is remarkable in that you produce it yourself. You may mentally produce

KLEOS-December, 1942 it, if you choose to believe the enemy does possess such a gas. Paralysis of the mind may be induced by a fear of the unknown, the unknown in this case being the possible existence of a combat agent unknown to anyone but the Germans. If your mind is really convinced through repetition that the allied soldiers were helplessly dazed by gas then it becomes psychologically possible to blow any kind of gas (or hot air) ,into your face and merely the thought that it is a nerve reactant will produce 路a sense of dizziness. Also, the fear of the existence of such agents, if sufficiently "advertised," may so overcome an individual that he is rendered useless for combat or any other type of service.' For all practical purposes, he is a casualty. Knowl~dge is the antidote for fear. With full understanding and appreciation of the manner in which Fort Eben-Emael was captured, men tal apprehensions . are reduced to a minimum. The seizure of this citadel really demonstrates the weakness of the Belgians rather than the strength of the Germans. A brilliant plan (strategy) daringly executed (tactics) resulted in the surrender of the fort's crew. Modernized and. heavily armed with artillery and anti-tank guns, the fort was designed to withstand heavy bombardments and to defend itself against concerted attacks even for long distances. This inaccessible mistress of might sat on the Albert Canal. Her spe- cific mission was to cover the Albert Canal and as an integral part of the first line of Belgian fortifications her purpose was also to prevent enemy passage across the Meuse River. The strategy of the attack was not classical-artillery and aerial bombardment for several days followed by waves of tanksupported infantry troops. Rather, three separate but small paratroop groups were specifically assigned to neutralize the fortifications in question. One such .group of 70 men reached its superstructure and in spite of its heavy defensive works, there were no weapons for protecting the super. structure with fire against anyone attempting to mount it. With high explosives, this group worked with surprising celerity and destroyed all turrets and guns in the 路upper casements within ten minutes. S.uch

3 internal high explosive charges are sufficient to stupefy people not otherw-ise killed or injured: The modern aerial land mines are also' capable of producing similar effects. The chemical products of such explosions include approximately 60 per cent carbon monoxide and 2 per cent hydrocyanic acid, both of which possess systemic characteristics. Concurrently, another patrol of 28 motorized demo路lition engineers approached through blind spots, seized the lower casements, and exploded out the entrance to the fort. When the attackers from below and from above finally made contact, the remaining 800 members of the original crew of 1,200 surrendered and were taken prisoners. Thus, 70 hidden men and a vanguard patrol captured the main unit of the Belgian defenses by the "insect technique." As a militarist expressed it: "It could be compared to an elephant hunter stationed in the forest who, confident of- his powerful weapon, watched througlt a peep hole of his hiding place for his gigantic enemy to appear._ But the pachyderm had arranged with a swarm of mosquitoes and just when the hunter thought himself safest, they stung him in his most sensitive places, which he had taken no thought of defending, and his body became an enormous corpse." The moral of this- story is, do not allow mosquitoes to pull your nerves and "gas" you into a stupor. But, let us assume the worst, and grant that such gases, unknown to us, have been developed. The answer is again: "So what?" Civilian protection requires no more special technique nor apparatus than is specified for other types of war gases. Three_ flights up路 and you are safe, since no one can produce a light gas that will hug the ground with any greater success than anyone can produce a square that is a circle. Again, there are folks who must worry to keep happy. Well, choose something useful to worry about. For example, are your city's quotas for war bonds, war production, blood banks, and relief funds fulfilled? Organize yourself with earnest intent and dedicate your will to the determination that we on the home front shall not fail those on the battle front.

KLEOS-December, 1942


Bv GENERAL CHARLES P. SuMMERALL (From The Triad) THE ongm, history and symbolisms of in battle were the Bedford flag, the Bunthe flag make a story too long to tell in ker Hill flag and the Moultrie flag. On June 14, 177 7, Congress adopted a the few minutes allocated to this radio program. It is available in every library resolution making the flag consist of thirand should be in every home. Let it be teen stripes, alternating ted and white, your duty, on this 165th anniversary of with a union of thirteen stars on a blue field. This was changed May 1, 1795, to 1 its adoption, to read again the dramatic evolution of our country's flag. fifteen stripes. By another resolution, efMany designs were used by the Colonies fective, July 4, 1818, the number of stripes and the new states in their desire to ex- was restored to thirteen and one star was press the aspirations of the .people. It was added for each state. Idealism has attribnatural that the first idea for the new na- uted to the colors and elements of the flag tion's flag should have been a modifica- ' many beautiful symbolisms that were not tion of one of the flags of Great Britain in the minds of the originators. The story to which the people were accustomed. of Betsy Ross and the¡ first flag should be The meteor flag, or red ensign, and the told to every child on Flag Day. On this 165th anniversary of the Stars national standard of Great Britain boi"e a red field with the crosses of St. Andrew and Stripes, throughout our land flags are and St. George or the King's colors, as waving, troops are marching and bands the canton. It was most readily changed are playing. In imagination, we !llay say: into a United Coloni~s flag by substitutHats off! The flag is passing by! ing seven red and six white stripes for the Blue and crimson and white it shines, red field and retaining the King's colors Over the steel:..tipped, ordered lines. as evidence of only partial separation. Hats off! The colors before us fly; This was called the Grand Union flag. But more than the flag is passing by. It was first flown on land at Cambridge, Everyone who listens can name many January 2, 1776, and thereafter at all military stations. The earliest flags carried things, which he sees symbolized in that

KLEOS-December, 1942 passing of the flag. For myself, I would mention as the first, universality. It belongs alike to all creeds, races, political parties, sexes and ages, the old and the young, the rich and the poor, the high and the lowly, the naturalized and the native born. On almost every other human element, our people are disunited. In religion, politics, sectionalism, and racial, economic and social attributes, we are not 路 only torn asunder, but often are arrayed against each other. Save only the traitors representing Communism, Fascism, Naziism and heathenism, Americans are united in their flag. The only qualification that it demands of its votaries is loyalty to country. It exacts patriotism, the willingness to serve, to offer and, if necessary, to give life for its country. No sacrifice is too great to pay for the rights and the privileges that are guaranteed under its folds. Therefore, it requires good citizenship, respect for law, honest dealing, public service, aid to the needy, comfort to the afflicted and unfortunate, and fellowship for all. With that flag, there passes 路also liberty of thought and of action within the law. Man's most cherished dream through the ages, save the hunger of the heart for his God, has been freedom in the pursuit of happiness and the attainment of his inalienable rights. In all history, it was not till the framing of the immortal Declaration that this dream was translated into words. There passes also with the flag the pride and the possession of nationalism. It makes everyone glad to exclaim: "I am an American." What does it not mean to the eye of the seaman, the soldier, the traveler when it greets him in the ports of the seven seas? Each ship that bears it aloft becomes a spot of his motherland. It gives to citizenship a sense of protection and a guarantee of opportunity. It means

5 tolerance and good will. Under its folds, there is security from persecution at home and abroad. ,It draws to our shores those of every land who would find the door open to the American way of life and the comfort and prosperity denied them by social discrimination, class inferiority or caste ostracism. It makes the laborer worthy of his hire and dignifies honest toil. It regards riches as a trust, power a responsibility, and talent a gift to be shared. In its land there are bread and work for all, and each man's home, be it ever so hl.IDlble, is a citadel for his loved ones. Compare these conditions with those of the outlaw enemy countries where religion is perverted to the worship of monsters in human form, woman is relegated to the animal state of breeding and burden, and the home degraded as an incubator for cannon fodder. It is repugnant to think that we can ever again have friendly dealings with peoples or governments who have moral standards so different from our own. Yet, more passes. The inspired words of Francis Scott Key make our hearts burn路 with patriotic fervor as "The Star Spangled Banner" rings forth wherever music is made. It vibrates in "America," "America the Beautiful" and "God Bless America," and in all the noble tributes in music and poetry to our land and our ideals. From the lofty staffs that bear the flag above all other emblems save the Cross, it lifts our thoughts upward. Since patriotism and religion spring from the same deep wells of human nature and are inseparable, the flag is often fittingly incorporated路 in the ceremonial of our religious worship. The highest and most reverent honor we c~m pay to our patriot dead is to mantle their caskets with its sacred folds. In honoring the flag, we pay tribute to our government, our land and the traditions of our people. In protecting

KLEOS-December, 1942


it, we guard our inheritance. When we see it unfurled to the breeze in all its beauty, we are reminded of our duty to our country and its institutions and of the manifold blessings and comforts that we enjoy. These things of the 'past and the present go by, but what of the future? The flag imposes upon us a solemn obligation that the blessings we have inherited' shall go on

to our children and the generations yet to come. This fair land, enriched by nature's bounty of resources and climate and by man's industry, culture and genius, will grow beyond our imagination in all that lifts civilization towards the infinite. The miracles of science, the magic of the mind and the ascent of man to unknown pin~ nacles of progress will be covered by that flag.

The Grand Consul Speaks By



IN these days of concentrated endeavor towards assisting any war effort, I have noticed a marked tendency towards neglecting fraternities and fraternal matters. From my observation in reports and personal appearances at several of the Chapters, I find that the brothers are more or less apathetic. I cannot emphasize too strongly the fad that our self-preservation depends upon the holding of ¡our present posi~~~ns. This can be done only

through concentrated, diligent and effective cultivation and initiation of prospective members. Your Grand Consul and the Grand Council's officers unfortunately are powerless, in a way, to counteract actively the ravages of the war. We can merely assist and advise the Chapters and their respective memberships as to procedure to ¡/¡-be taken: They are the warriors on the battle ground and in their hands lies the -}ife or,_ death of the fraternity.


KLEOS-December, ¡1942

Cecil B. DeMille's

'TwAs the day before Christmas and the film producer had called in his writers for their usual afternoon story conference. "Gentlemen," said Cecil B. DeMille, "Today I want to tell a story. "I heard it told of the French church in San Francisco, but it may not have happened there at all. Yet if you ask me if it is true, I can only say what Anatole France said of his favorite Christmas story - 'Le Jongleur de -Notre Dame'-I believe it because it is beautiful. "Yo~ know the little vignette of the Nativity scene that is exhibited in Catholic churches at Christmas time? Well, at the French church one Christmas, the story goes, a, nun noticed the tiny figure of the Christ Child was missing from the manger. "There was a frantic search; but no sign of the Child. "The pastor¡ finally was leaving the church. As he walked down the steps he was almost run down by a boy and a red wagon, racing down th~ street.

"The priest knew the boy well-little Pierre, a baker's son. He smiled and started to speak when suddenly he noticed, in the wagon, the missing figure. "'Pierre!' he cried. 'It was you. You took the Christ Child.' "Pierre, silent, hung his head. "The priest scolded, questioned, demanded. But the lad's silence, his shamed attitude, seemed to convict him. "'Come, Pierre,' he repeated, 'Why did you do it?' " 'I wanted a red wagon for Christmas, and I prayed-! prayed in His name. And I said ... I promised if I got it, I'd give Him a ride in it. It is His birthday.' "The good priest looked down, amazed at first, then happy. He smiled and there were. tears in his eyes. "'I am sorry, Pierre,' he said, 'I did not understand. Yes, you are quite right. It is His birthday. And you have given Him more than the Magi.' "

KLEOS-December, 1942


Nicholas Favo (Psi), 5th District GrOJnd Pro-Consul, is now serving in U. S. Army Air Corps.

Alpha Ph-i Delt¡ans


Alpha Phi Deltans have answered splendidly the call to the colors. . They are of all ranks and in all branches of the service. We hope to make a military supplement a feature of each issue of the KLEOS. Help us by sending us information about any of the brothers in

the service when you have it. Pictures, anecdotes, honors, anything of news value. We will be glad to print it. Pictures will be returned. Send information to the KLEOs, Vincent Larcy~ Editor, 202 West 14th St., New Tork City.

Bet,a--Columbia University Allbert Gramazio Louis Alocca, Ensign, Navy Victor Cione, Lt. Sr. Grade, Navy Delta-Polytechnic Inst. of Brooklyn Thomas Abate, 2nd Lt. Patrick DeFilippo Angelo Bruno, Sgt., Army John Iaconis, Army Anthony D' Amato, T -Sgt. Signal C. Peter Cirillo John Nicolosi Epsilon-University of Buffalo Russell J. Catalano, Capt., M.C. Frank Coniglio Paul Strozzi Peter Caccamise, Lt. Victor Balmenti, Lt. Ralph Baldini, Lt.

Frank A. Benza, Lt. Samuel DiDio, Ensign Philip Coconato, Pvt. Samuel Biondelilio, Coast Guard .(eta-Rensselaer Poly. Institute Anthony DiVito, Lt., M.C. Eta-City College of New York Lawrence Cannistraci, Navy Eugene Cassiano, Signal C., Army Michale J. Formato Frank Marchetta Anthony Molello Stephen Monaco, Sgt., Army John Pasta Claude M. Signore, Army . Ernest Speranza, Air Corps, Army Marc N ocerino Eugene Aiello Dom Pizzirani, 1st Lt., C.W.S.


KLEOS-December, 1942 Leopold Lapitino, Corp., Air Corps Anthony Gatto, . Ariny Nicholas Imbelli, Army L6uis Rossetto, Capt., Ordnance Michael Brescia, 1st Lt., M.C. Domenic Zullo, Army John Bellizia, Navy Anthony Mira, 1st Lt., M.C. Frank DiGiacomo, 1st Lt. Alfred Messina Joseph Padlon, Lt. Col., C.W.S. Pi---University of West Virginia Charles R. Tassan, Ensign Theta~New York University Rocco Crachi . Francis P. LaSorsa, Major, M.C~ Frank Maffia Frank Pascale Alfred Lapitino, Corp. Vincent Damiani Alfred Marzullo Charles C. Coscia, Army Angelo Bologna, Capt.; M.C. Y.heta Beta-New York University (Wash. Sq.) Patrick Bellantoni, Army Constantine Carbonetti~ Army Karl Caruso, Army Jos.eph Chimento, Army, 2nd Lt., Air C. Jerome Clemente, Army Charles Maniscola, Army Anthony Marcucci, Army Victor Ruggiero, Coast Guard Louis Troisi, Army Francis Merlino, Army Andrew Morrone, Army Patsy TrisoHni, Army Paul Navarra, Merchant Marine Frank Tomaine, Navy Frank Cantrell, Army Peter Fo!X, Army Gerald Simonelli, Army Andrew Modica, Res. Sig. Corps John Fontana Louis DiPrima Albert DaPozza Iota-Union College Joseph Stellato, P.F~C., Army Frank Simboli, Pvt. Ralph S. Matarazzo, Sgt., Army Warren DeLollo, Pvt. Arthur DeLorenzo, Pvt. Joseph Tabacco, 1st Lt., M:.C. Joseph Capritta, 1st Lt., M.C. Harry Marra Joseph Cirincione, 1st Lt., M.C. Angelo DiDonna, 1st Lt., M.C. Thomas DiDonna, Army Michael Cappiello Anthony DiLorenzo Peter Cassella, 1st Lt., M.C. Mario Bomiquisto, 1st Lt., M.C. Raymond DeMatteo Joseph Vacca, 1st Lt., M.C. Ralph Isabella Joseph DeBiase, 1st Lt., M.C. Lambda-University of Pennsylvania Anthony Nardone, Major, M.C. Jerome Bacchi Pasquale Franzese, 1st Lt., M.C. Joseph Daino Domenick DeRosa Louis Principe, Jr. Caesar Coluzza

9 Nu-University of Pittsburgh Frank Costanzo, Capt., Eng. Corps Lewis Cellio, Major, M.C. Xi-Ohio State University N. A. Albanese, Col., M.C. Rocco Salimbine, Major, Army W. A. Pappano, Capt., Air Corps Victor Coreno, Lt., Air Corps Patrick Guglielmo, Lt., Air Corps John Delladona, Ensig'Il, Naval Reserve Orazio Sipari, Ensign, Naval Reserve Albert Vito, Pvt., Army (O.T.S.) Anthony Violi, Pvt., Army Salvatore Spalla, Corp., Army (O.T.S.) Gregory Salvatore, Pvt., Army Anthony Passella, Sgt., Army Joseph Ambrose, Sgt., Army Harry Armogeda, Corp., Army Anthony D' Aurora, G9rp., Army Peter Iaderosa, 1st Lt.~ M.C. Louis DiTommaso, Pvt., Army Dom Renda, Lt. Commander (J.G.), Naval Intel. Div. John Mon tmore, Ensign, Navy Anthony DeMarco, Capt., M.C. John Smarella, Capt., M.C. ¡ Thomas Longo, 1st Lt., M.C. Anthony DeLuca, 1st ~t., M.C. Thomas Santurello, Major, M.C. Anthony Catalano, Capt., M.C. Henry X. LaRaia, Major Rho-,-Carnegie Institute of Technology Robert Dorio Vincent C. Tolino Lawrence DeSimone Sigma-Boston University John LaBella, Sgt., Army Anthony Baudanza, Army Aldo Cesarini, Air Corps Fred Pignato, Army Peter Orlando, Army Pasquale Diotaiuti, Army Stephen Rubino, Marines Charles Capone, Army Robert DeGuglielmo, Capt., Marines Vincent M. Cantella, Capt., Marines Carl Maraldi, Major, M.C. Robert Marsolini, Capt., Marines Joseph L. Oppici, Army Phi-University of Alabama Lewis Megaro Tau-Massachusetts Institute of Technology G. John Verrochi Upsilon-Harvard University Edmund Massello, Lt. Commander, Navy Anthony DeVito, Army Chi-Pennsylvania State College Frank D'Oro Nicholas Ranieri Anthony Giannantonio William Spadafora Joseph Scarpello Benjamin Trapani Peter R. Palermo John Petrella Psi-Duquesne University Nicholas S. Favo, Corp., Air Corps. Philip Angello Russell Ferraro Omega-University of Rochester Albert Mattera James Motta Myron Cucci


K LEGS-December, 194·2

10 Beta Beta-Manhattan College Pat Roberto, Army Louis Claps Michael Armao, 1st Lt., M.C. Ross Spagnolo, Army Victor Incorvia, Army Vincent Dotti, Pvt., Marine Rocco Fazio, Pvt., Army Frank Zodda, 1st Lt., Dental Corps Frank Messina, Pvt., Army Arthur Disantis, Lt., Parachute Corps Thomas Machio, Lt., Dental Corps John D'Angelo, Army Reserves Frank Lanzillo, Army Reserves Frank Perotta, Army Reserves Beta Delta-Temple University Angelo Rosa Carmen Rugeriis Louis Sciambi Joseph Pinnelli Beta Zeta-Ohio University Anthony· Palermo, Marines Joseph Sturrett, Navy Anton Sturrett, Army Thomas Colamonico, Army Armand Ferrara, Army Dan Risaliti, Army Dan Varalli, Army Dan Agnone, Army

The Greeks were miraculous in the success with which they lifted their primitive myths. to a condition of majestic beauty. They were realists of the first order, concerned primarily and exclusively with life from the strictly human point of view; for mysticism of any kind they had no talent. Yet the imaginative tradition which they themselves created out of crude legend endowed comrrion life with a luminous zest which it probably didn't have. Certainly in no later period has life approached the Greek ideal. Besides . being the "father of his country," George Washington well might receive the title of "the most pictorially portrayed of all Americans." Washington's life through the turbulent years of the war and the presidency, and .the final days at Mount Vernon, included frequent sittings for painters. He never evinced much interest in the final products, considering the task of posing merely another duty to his country. Despite the hundreds of existent likenesses of Washington there still is considerable discussion as to whether any of his portrayers painted an accurate representation.

Roxy DeMart, Army John Chicatelli, Army George Spronz, Army William Spronz, Army Frank Pizzo, Army Michael Julian, Army Paul DeSio, Army Carmen Sberna, Navy Larry Cashioli, Army Joseph Soviero, Marines William Jurkovic, Navy Beta Eta-Brooklyn College Anthony Cuccurullo, Coast Guard Rocco Sergi, Air Corps Frank Mugno, Air Corps Joseph Vierno, Lt., Army Leonard Montalbano, Lt., Army Rosario Maniglia, Lt., Army Ferdinand DeRosa, Corp. Rocco Sutera, Corp. Anthony Catania, Pvt. Salvatore Fargione, Pvt .. Biagio Rotolo, Pvt. Anthony Barra, Pvt. Jack Miele, Pvt. Michael Cautela, Pvt. Nicholas Geraci, Pvt. John Pasquariello, Pvt. Richard Melucci Lawrence D'Antonio

How to get along with other people is more important for success than all other knowledge combined.

Educational objectives determined by democratic procedure and gained by the use of democratic methods will not only affect high schools, but colleges and universities as well. The education of tomorrow must be functional in the best sense of that word, whether in the high school or the college, for in the increasingly complex world in which· we live, there is little time for things that do not contribute to nee~s. The most effective methods in the educational process are those that secure reactions, not mere absorptio-n, on the part of students. But whatever the subject matter or the methods, high standards must be maintained. The reason that high standards must be maintained, whatever the ·subject matter or the ·methods may be, is that the chief by-product of wise education is leadership, and leadership is developed through meeting challenges successfully. -George Starr Lasher in The Fraternity




KLEOS-December, 1942

News from the First District BY CARLO


Time finds New England, the home of Alpha Phi Delta Fraternity's First· District and the famous Yankee Division with more men in ·the service of our country than ·in our respective chapters and alumni clubs. This section of the United States has been known even previous to Revolutionary Days as the Cradle of Liberty; today, after a lapse of over one and a half centuries, that feeling hasn't changed and New England can today be rightly called the Cradle of American Defense, spiritually, industrially, and in every other manner. In this surge of digging in to 'preserve our American way of life and living, our Fraternity has shared commensurably and we are proud to say that our brothers have enlisted and are answering "present" everywhere in this global conflict and we are well represented in all branches of the service. Topping the list for the highest rank is Brother Carl F. Maraldi, Lt. CoL, U. S. Medical Corps. It isn't possible for us to give herein a complete list of our boys in the service at this. writing which we shall do in the next issue of THE KLEos, hut herewith we name a few: Capt. Robert De Guglielmo, U.S.M.C.; Capt. Vincent M. Cantella, U.S.M.C; John La Bella, U.S.A.; Anthony Baudanza, U.S.A.; Aldo Cesarini, Air Corps; Fred Pignato, U.S.A.; Peter Orlando, U.S.A.; Pasquale Diotaiuti, U.S.A.; G. John Verochi, U.S.A.; Stephen Rubino, U.S.M.C.; Capt. Robert Marsolini, U.S.M.C.; Anthony De Vito, U.S.A.; Lt. Commander Edmund Massello, U.S.N.; Charles Capone, U.S.A., and many more. The respective chapters, Sigma, Tau, and Upsilon, are holding well; with the help of the Boston Alumni Club we have already held two combined smokers which have· been well attended and the outlook seems much brighter than during normal times; we New Englanders run counter clockwise, when everything seems dark we go right after the task of swelling our ranks and Sigma especially is out for the chapter award this year; so to those of you

who may feel that there isn't much use spending energy to look for good men may have a surprise coming; watch Sigma. The Boston Alumni are right there backing our undergraduate boys, encouraging them at every occasion when the going seems rather hard and unsurmountable. The coming second semester should see this district copiously represented in our divers chapters. · In keeping with patriotic dictates, true it is that the Boston Alumni have dimmed the many grand style balls and night club affairs for the duration but are concentrating their efforts in keeping the enrollment intact or swelling the local chapters where the possibnities are present. The Boston Ladies Auxiliary, that unit of feminine quintescence, has been busily mailing this and that token of remembrance or tid-bit of tooth sweetener to our boys in the four corners of the world. As · usual they held their yearly installation dinner on N ovemiber 1 7 at the Bella Vista Restaurant in Cambridge, beneath the shadow of Harvard's new Administration Building.

News from the Sixth District BY DR. D. A. MACEDONIA First of all I wish to state that Beta Zeta is having a very successful year maintaining their own home and having in residence 24 men. Xi Chapter at Ohio State is also having a boom year with 23 men living in the house, and we expect both of these chapters to do great things in the Iniddle west this year. The Steubenville Alumni Club holds regular monthly meetings the first Saturday of every month, and the attendance has averaged better than 90%. The group as a w;hole has subscribed to life membership in the fraternity and has been very successful in carrying out its obligations to the central office. I believe this is the only alumni club who has done this as a whole and paid directly hy the treasurer of the club to the central office rather than by the individual members. The club ,has had two outings this past summer inviting all the alumni clubs in the surrounding area, and also entertained prospective


KLEOS-December, 1942

12 men who were to attend college, and we made it our ibusiness to convince these men to attend schools where chapters of our fraternity is maintained. We also had a formal dinner entertaining our wives and sweethearts at the Steubenville Country Club.

men to dictate the terms of the next armistice. They will be glad to rebuild or rather to continue to build their fraternity after the peace because they know the sacrifice to keep its entity. They, too, will have served!

J?elta Still Going Strong Beta Beta Carries on aLBoth Fronts BY JosEPH J. LA MoNTE November 11, 24 years ago, was a day of rejoicing. Our fraternity, then in its infancy, could once again think of picking up where it left off. At the present, we are both more fortunate and unfortunate-we have a stronger and larger Alpha Bhi Delta but we alsO' have a war to fight and WIN. Beta Beta is proud to have men doing their share both on the home front serving their brothers with knowledge and ability, and the fighting front. The men at home are working out the plays to wi~ the war while the fighting line keeps blocking and pushing forward. At home working -as engineers or chemists, we have Sal Catania, JO'hn Guidotti, Ted La Monte, Mike Maffei, Carl Martinez, Charles Caputo, Rocco Pucci, and Joseph La Monte. Of course, there are others but we lost track of them in the shiftings. Charles Cavalconte prays for the welfare of his brothers as dO'es Brother Simon, M.S., SS.T., at Holy Trinity, Ala. ·Brothers John D'Angelo, Frank Lanzillo, and Frank Perotta, to mention a few, are reservists studying at Georgetown Medical and Dental SchoO'ls. All of which proves that the boys on the campus have a man-size job on their hands. The alumni are busy fighting and working while men at school are drafted or what' is more patriO'tic, enlisting. Many prospective brothers have gone away to fly for the Army, Navy, or Marines. One of them met a hero's death on the Solomon Islands. So far this semester the seven men on the campus have initiated two neophytes, Ilando Capolino and Paul Messina, and there are at least three pledges waiting for . admission. This is at least more than holding their own! Much credit goes to the incumbent officers some of w;hich are on an accelerated college schedcle. They are: Arthur De Filippis, Consul; George Attura, Pro Consul; Joseph Grisanti, Tribune; Ralph Vaccaro, Quaestor. John De Luca, Dom Iandoli, and Anthony Luciano, have ably -assisted in the recent pledge party and initiation. All men are outstanding on the campus both in scholarship and extracurricular activities. All are reservists in some branch of the armed forces with the exception of one. They are fraternity !boys in the true sense of the word. Their satisfaction possibly won't be complete until after this war and the ensuing peace is won. Today, they are soldiers of the fraternity. Tomorrow they will be the

BY JosEPH MELE Delta has started the new term by electing a new set of officers: Consul, Anthony Di Martino · Pro Consul, Isidore Giovanniello; Quaesto; and Tribune, Michael Mancini, and Historian, Joseph Mele. The new officers started their reign: by immediately initiating into the brotherhood five new men. In the field of sports our chapter has been going great. After finishing runner up in the last· Interfraternity council basketball tournament Delta has come back even stronger this year,' and managed to capture the gold trophy by taking the championship. We hope to retain this trophy by repeating our performance. Last May, Delta sponsored a barn dance which could not have been a more financial or social success. The profits went into decorating the fraternity house. A new incentive for scholastic achievement has been donated by our alumnus brother, Sgt. Anthony D'Amato. It is a plaque known as the Anthony D' Amato scholarship which will be awarded each semester to the one most outstanding not only in education but also in fraternity ·affairs. The winner will have his name inscribed on the plaque which will remain in the fraternity house.

Xi Rea.ches Top on Ohio State Campus BY RoBERT DE VICTOR Xi opened its doors a year ago with a not too pleasant outlook. The first peacetime draft in the history of the United States had taken its toll from the active members and only a few were on hand to carry her on. However, as had been the tradition of Xi in the past, she settled down and attacked her problem. On December 7, when the Japs made their attack on Pearl Harbor, things did ·not seem so well for Xi. However, she _managed to maintain her position and carry on through the remainder of the school year. More losses via graduation and the armed services further threatened our chapter. Xi operated on a full schedule the past summer quarter and •some very efficient handling by her officials placed her on a basis where s;he could go ahead and perform the unpleasant task of closing for the duration. Most of our active body enlisted ·in the R.O.T.C. unit or one of the various Reserves and allowed us to open up on schedule, temporarily at least. Eleven ·actives ·and a strong group of pledges now make up the body of young men representing Alpha Phi Delta at

KLEOS-Dec.ember, 1942


Ohio State. There are twenty-two men living in our chapter house and with this many men we feel certain that Xi will "put her shoulder to the wheel," so to speak, and carry on as her predecessors have done. Not enough can be said of the -pledge group. Totaling fourteen in number, it represents the most. versatile group of yearlings ever to put in at Xi. In it are musicians, athletes, singers, and more important men who are capable of carrying on for good old A1<I>Ll. Only the future and what it holds for us can put an end . to this miniature "Utopia" which exists at Xi. Now to look at the exploits ~.f Xi during the past school year. Although not voted the most outstanding fraternity at Ohio State, she came as close as any organization could without actually gaining top honors. In the scholastic field she ranked· sixth on the campus which boasts 48 Greekletter organizations. On the athletic field, teams of Xi left a type of sportsmanship and participation which is well recognized at State. She gained championships in baseball and bowl,ing and went to the finals in touch ·football before losing out. In the social world Xi also was among the leaders. A new policy of exchange dinners and other functions with other fraternities and 'sororities led the .way.. The annual "Bowery Dance" held in mid-February aroused such campus recognition that it gained a mention in the University's school book. The highlight of the school year was the spring dinner-dance formal, and brothers from all over the state were on hand to bring to a close to what turned out to be a pretty fair year at Xi. This year Xi is again on the right track and while it is too· early to make scholastic predictions, she is in the thick of battle for athletic honors. Several smash social even~s have been placed on the records and it would not seem too risky to intimate that Xi lives up to her reputation. Despite . the fact that the nation's call is impending, the bo;ys of Xi have rallied their fraternal forces and will endeavor to continue to carry the banner of Alpha Phi Delta. Already we. have representatives all over the globe and it seems that a few more ·will be on their way before Pearl Harbor is avenged. Meanwhile, the boys at Ohio State are going to try to make this year the most successful ever, before we are asked to close up temporarily and perform a more important task.

Nu Chapter Marches BY


the strongest link in· the Alpha Phi Delta chain. ' In this period, Nu Chapter has taken in 34 men and is at the present time making arrangements.:'for its biggest initiation ever, when 13 new men will be taken into brotherhood. This will make a grand total of 4 7 young men that have been accepted. Scholastically, Nu Chapter ended up with a quality point average of 1.65 for 22 men last school year. We're out to get that scholastic trophy this time, and the most improved chapter award unless some other chapter thinks that they can do better than start from scratch, pay off $600.00 worth of outstanding debts, increase membership from 0 to 4 7, take third place among fraternities, scholastically, and make itself felt among the student 'body, all in the short space of eight months. Too bad the annual convention was called off; some of the boys were making ready to head for the nearest. transportation medium and head for Syracuse. This war is causing quite a bit of trouble, otherwise, but as for Nu here at Pitt it has not affected our chances as far as getting our share. of pledges-in fact, we stand third in the fraternity rankings as far as the number of men taken in this time is concerned. Nu is now engaged in the serious business of developing its academic, social, sports, and campus political programs as far possible so as to have a real wartime schedule and have more to offer the new men coming in and also be of more service to the school administration. We are planning a dance for some time in December and hold at least two smokers a month; some with outside speakers present and some with our own brothers pointing out the way to the newer men so that there will be stronger ties made between those that have been around from the beginning and those who are just new in the chapter but will some day have to take over where the older men leave off. And last but not least, Paul Cerchiara (past president) adds another little \red feather to his collection of many, by seeing one . of his fondest dreams come true. For just as this story was completed, a note was brought up to me saying that Nu Chapter here at the University of Pittsburgh had been admitted to the Interfraternity Council of the school.




It's been eight months, now, since Nu Chapter was put back on fraternity road here at the University of Pittsburgh, .but ever since that eventful day last March 6, Nu Chapter has never stopped to look hack into the dark past lbut has marched on and on to greater and astounding things that are fast making it

Case History of a House BY BRAGIO · BoNAZZA

Brothers Frank Celantano and Joseph Daino, the two who contributed most to Mu's ·present condition, are now serving as lieutenants in the. Army Air Fore~. It was they who were chiefly instrumental in procuring our present

KLEOS-December, 1942

14 house. Until the time thev took such an active interest in the problem ~f securing a house, Mu ;had remained in a somewhat stagnant condition for some four or five years. With the consulship of Celantano a new force and vigor seemed to have been instilled in the brothers. Frank was a man with an obsession-he wanted Mu to have a house. He felt, and rightly so, that fraternity life for Alpha Phi Delta at Cornell would be incomplete until the chapter was firmly established in a new house. After negotiating with the university authorities for a considerable period of time, and not without much haggling and itemizing, the dream was finally realized. On the day that the affair was decisively wo~nd up Brothers Celantano, Daino, Cologgi, and Bonazza celebrated the occasion with a four-man beer party. , At present Brothers Bonazza and Col0ggi still remain at Mu-Consul and Pro Consul, respectively. When news of Mu's projected venture was discussed at the Boston National Convention, friendly !hut over-cautious admonitions were voiced. However, those unduly pessimistic at the time only were so because they were too well acquainted with the dangers consequent to a too rash business venture. If they had been more intimately acquainted with the caliber of the men at Mu, no doubt some of their profoundest doubts would have been allayed. We were fortunate enough to have Grand Consul De Guglielmo as a guest last year. We are proud enough of Mu and its accomplishments to think that our chapter made a favo·rable impression on him. Last year was an eminently successful one -'-scholastically, socially and financially. It is interesting to note that Bragio Bonazza, senior and Consul of Mu, has made Phi Beta Kappa, and is the person with the highest average in the College of Arts and Sciences of Cornell, with a possibility of graduating with the highest honors in the entire University. We feel certain that this year we will duplicate if not excel last year's record. Already in the matter of pledging :we have done so. Thus far we have pledged 12 men with the expectation o£, getting three or four more.

Eta Reaps Harvest of Awards BY


While the alumni of Eta, to assure our survival, are carrying the war to the enemy, on land, in the air, and on the sea, or, doing their utmost on the home front, the undergraduates are waging a war of perpetuation of their own on the campus. Captained by John Lanfrit, Consul; John Pugliese, Pro Consul; Victor Stabile, Quaestor; Ennio U ccellani, Tribune; Vito Agosta, Chaplain-Historian.

Socially, we of Eta are developing a spirit of comradeship. This spirit is born of our constant companionship in meetings, and other spare time spent together. Attesting to this ideal, we have been awarded a plaque which reads, "To Eta Chapter for progress in fraternalism." Scholastically, we have always been, and always will be among the highest in the fraternity. As recognition of this, we won the Camera Scholarship Chapter Award for the year 1940-41. Financially, we are sound. The trust fund and treasury have registered no depressions. On the campus, we are very much alive, because we are a young group. All of us belong, and have ratings in the R.O.T.C., either in the basic or advanced courses, the largest volunteer unit in the· country. Seventy per cent of :us are future engineers, the remainder are pre-meds, or social scientists. At present we have a do'Zen pledges, an outfit which is very promising and splendid fraternity material. We of Eta firmly !believe that actions speak louder than words, and uphold the following formula: Young blood Offensive spirit Victory! Victory for country, for fraternity, for chapter.



Beta Eta Still Holds On Despite Losses to Army After going through the storm which threatened the very existence of our chapter, we finally made port under the able leadership of our "third term Consul," Torquato J. Rango. At the beginning of the current semester our ranks were horribly disorganized, half our members having left us to do their share in the war effort. The remaining brothers lacked the counige and efficiency that is . part of a well-organized group. An election was held to give Beta Eta leadership that was so vital to a crumbJing unit. Torquato J. Rango Wfl.S awardedil a third term as consul for his unselfish and untiring efforts to keep Beta Eta alive, Frank Molfetto being chosen as the third Pro-Consul to assist him. The other officers elected are: Salvatore Vento, Quaestor; Joseph Asta, Tribune; Salvatore Lapone,. Scribe; Ralph Brande, Historian; and Francis Paterno, Chaplain. As a result of a hasty reorganization program and splendid cooperation by all the remairting brothers we gathered our forces and established new quarters at 2115 Nostrand Ave., Brooklyn, New York. Our previously negligent brothers have responded to our plea and have cooperated in making our dreams of a successful chapter a reality. Although we have decided not to hold a fall dance this year our social life is far from being stagnant. Extremely successful par-


KLEOS-December, 1942 ties and socials are frequent in our new rooms. Our undergraduate body consisting of twelve energetic and aggressive young men have once more made Alpha Phi Delta the outstanding fraternity of t,he Brooklyn, College Campus. We have supported all school functions en masse and shall continue to do so. We have neglected no- field of endeavor. Our football team has entered the I.F.C. tournament and remains undefeated at this writing. We are also entered in other competitions which have not lhegun yeL , Although we realize the difficulty of getting new blood into our ranks under the present conditions, we are well aware of its importance. We have initiated a drive for new men and all we can say at present is that our pledging season looks very promising. On November 15, we initiated Anthony Lenzo into our chapter. W ~rldly conditions may have a devastating effect on all fraternal organizations but with the determined spirit that exists at Beta Eta we haye nothing to fear. We have faith in the future!

Beta Zeta Ente·rs Its 'l' entb Year

Headed by our successful Harvest Dance, which was held on Hallowe'~n night, and the Jinx Dance, held on Friday, November 13, our social season is already impressively under way. Our soci~l chairman, Brother Lamonica, and his cohorts, Brothers Algozzina, and Genco, have an interesting program of social activities outlined for the corning year, including a winter formal jn December. Homecoming week end was well attended this year bry alumni and friends. As always, Beta Zeta has endeavored to improve the appearance of its chapter house. This year the chapter house was repainted inside and out, new interior furnishings have been added, and the neon light which we have purchased for ·the house is very impressive. Brother Giuliani is at Georgetown University Dental School, and Brother Tirella is at St. Louis University Dental School. Beta Zeta in its ten years as an active chapter has made great strides toward becoming the outstanding chapter of Alpha Phi Delta. Two years ago, we received the Most Improved Chapter Award, and it is with the greatest confidence in our hopes of receiving this award again that we have begun this year.

BY JosEPH LAMONICA Beta Zeta has begun the new year with great ambitions, and hi·gh hopes for a successful year ahead; this, in spite of the many losses by graduation, and the loss of brothers to the army. Beta Zeta bega:n its tenth year as an active chapter at Ohio University with the following officers: John L. Pistone, Consul; John J. Carfi, Pro-Consul; Vincent A. Codispoti, Quaestor; Frank P. Curcio, Tribune; Russell S. Genco, Steward; and Joseph P. Lamonica, Social Chairman. The individual activities of the brothers of Beta Zeta have been varied and numerous. Brother Venditti has been an outstanding member of the varsity football team, and pledge Divince~zo, although he is a freshman, has been playing with the varsity. Brother Cocumelli has distinguished himself by being elected vice president of the Student Union,· chairman of homecoming festivities, and Torch, the senior men's honorary. Brothers Curcio, Carfi, and Lamonica, and Pledge Sciarrino are members of the !hand. We have distinguished ourselves further by winning the intramural bowling trophy, and the prospects of winning the intramural trophy of the year are very bright. In spite of the decrease in enrollment at Ohio University, we have already pledged 13. The pledges are: Mathew Formato, Mike Pizzoferrato, James Gamelia, Joseph Dinunzio, Edward Fadel, George Thomas, Anthony Antinozzi, Palmer Divincenzo, Carl ·Gallucci, Victor Finomore, Charles Kovach, Rocco Russo, Joseph Russo, and Joseph Sciarrino.

Epsilon Maintains a High Spirit of Fraternalism BY ANTHONY MANCINI Despite the gloomy clouds of war, the Epsilon house is still bustling with activity. Thirteen men are now living at the house, with a total of 27 active men on the Buffalo University campus. Bob Franco, Consul, and Joseph Ricotta, Vice-Consul, have been keeping up the leadership in the chapter during the summer. Epsilon held its annual Hallowe'en party on October 31. Nine of the chapter's pledges were invited. Under the able leadership of John Montione, chairman of the entertainment committee, the party was a huge success. The spirit at Epsilon, at present, is at the ,highest level. The boys in the chapter have taken on a more serious attitude towards fraternity life. It is impossible to single out one man for this renaissance. Every man in the chapter is a part of this spirit. To mention Peter Julia,n, despite his active pre-medical studies and his working in a defense· plant at night refuses to• relinquish any part of his chapter duties, and· Charles Maggio, Larry Iannaconne, and Andrew Catania, all have contributed much to this spirit. Epsilon is doing its share in the war effort. It participated in a scrap drive, and much has been donated to the local scrap drive. Many of the Epsilon boys are in the service, and their names are listed in the KLEos Honor Roll.

KLEOS-December, 1942


Theta Has Postwar Plans BY VINCENT PERNETTE

Theta has located itself in new quarters on the New York University (Heights) campus. Theta is proud of its chapter basketball team. It has hopes of winning the Interfraternity championship, since Theta has on the team the former New York City high school stars, Craig and Pemette. Three of Theta's men, Craig, _La Faso, and Savona, are members of the N.Y.U. Glee Club ·which is soon to give a recital at Carnegie Hall. Theta is looking towards the future. It has established a Theta Alumni Club of which all money collected from dues and social functions will be reverted to a Theta Building Fund. From recent reports this fund is growing rapidly.

A Spirit of Unity Prevails at 'Theta Beta BY SAL. PATTI

Theta Beta has given many of its men to the armed forces. Despite the great number, the chapter is maintaining a spirit of unity, with the hope that when her boys return there will still be Theta Beta Chapter to welcome them. The chapter held a successful smoker recently. With the aid of some of its alumni, Andrew Modica, Edward Pagani, Joseph Palazzo, and Frank Cavallaro, the smoker proved. worth while. Elections of officers were held, and the following men were installed: Anthony Russoniello, Consul; Charles Gabriele, Pro-Consul; Ernest Moliterno, Quaestor; Robert Marani, Historian; Sal. Patti, Tri'hune, and Roland Cannavo, Chaplain.

Sigma Uses Strategy BY DANIEL MoRREO

Within the past six months, Sigma has successfully weathered a storm the like of which it has never seen. Four active men were left as the others were answering the' call to the colors. These men met at a table in a small restaurant, and there on a white tablecloth -mapped out a plan of attack. Eight dollars and a wealth of courage made up their assets.' Three weeks later, a smoker was held which proved rather successful. Sigma is on its way of building into a strong chapter. The B,oston Alumni Club is giving them their fullest support.

BABY-GRAMS Dr. D. A. Macedonia, Kappa and the Grand Pro-Consul of the 6th District, became the proud father of Domenic Anthony, Jr., on Septemlber 2 7. Frank Paladino, Bhi and former Grand ProConsul of the 3rd District, became father to little Nancy Marie, also born in September.

Charles Lamb, the English writer, was a great lover of the genuine in literature. He was a great friend of Wordsworth. One evening they were talking and Wordsworth made so bold as to state that he did not ibelieve it would be difficult to write like Shakespeare if he had a mind to try it. "It is clear, then," said Lamb dryly, "that nothing is lacking but the mind."

'Ever since Eve made worldwide publicity by laying aside her robe of chastity for a fig leaf, women and men have been clothes-conscious to a greater or less degree. Phryne, four centuries B. C., confounded her judges by dropping her mantle. Salome, that beauteous lady in the New Testament, ·threw her seven veils for John the Baptist; and Cleopatra enslaved Antony by her scanty attire of bracelets and dignity. But it is undeniably harder to choose becoming apparel than to discard it.

Young women are determined nowadays not to wait for Prince Charming to pass by on his white charger. They take a charger or car or bus or airplane and go after him.

To Will Durant this isn't a world of black and white. The author, philosopher and lecturer said that all the people involved in the present war are about equally good. The great lesson of human history, Durant pointed out, is that men are essentially the same through every generation. All problems have been solved by past generations, he said, except the problem of technological unemployment and the ancients never had a chance at that. And just as men are essentially the same from generation to generation so are they essentially the same within a given generation, Durant asserted.

The world is far from "done for" or finished. Today ·there is greater need for human understanding and fellowship than the world has ever known. The frontiers are not all gone, they are only different. Geographical frontiers have disappeared, thanks to our forehears who discovered them and conquered them. But the frontiers in science, in government, in industry, in politics, in education, and in all of our human relationships are far more numerous than they have ever been. And since the scientists have done the work of exposing , us to each other so mercilessly, the conquest of the human relations frontiers is imperative.Dr. 'Ja-mes Shelb_v Thomas in The Magai.ine of Sigma Chi.





GRAND COUNCIL DIRECTORY 1942-43 GRAND COUNCIL OFFICERS Grand Consul Joseph A. DeGuglielmo 678 Massachusetts Avenue Cambridge, Mass. Grand Tribune-Quaestor Frank Brescia, Ph.D. 32 Arden Street New York City Grand Pro-Consul Felix Ottaviano, M.D. R.F.D. No. l, Genesee Street Oneida, N.Y. 1st District Carlo M. Vannicola RKO Keith Memorial Theatre 539 Washington Street Boston, Mass. 2nd District Joseph Alaimo 801 Genesee Valley Trust Bldg. Rochester, N. Y. 3rd District Michael L. Polichetti 395 East l97th Street Bronx, N.Y.

4th District D. G. Mazzola 6329 Overbrook Avenue Philadelphia, Pa. 5th District Rho and Psi-Joseph T. Gemmi 3514 Victoria Street Pittsburgh, Pa. Nu-Joseph Bisceglia, M.D. 555 N. Homewood Avenue Pittsburgh, Pa. Chi-Cecil Spadafora 1018 S. Braddock Avenue Pittsburgh, Pa. 6th District D. A. Macedonia, M.D. 2119 Sunset Boulevard Steubenville, Ohio 7th District Charles C. Cerato 153 South Cherry Street Wallingford, Conn. Editor, KLEOS Vincent Lorey 202 W. 14th Street New York City

CHAPTERS BETA-Columbia University c/o James Morone 65 Greenfield A venue Clifton, Staten Island, N. Y. Gamma-Yale University c/o Gabriel Cusanelli 853 Orange Street New Haven, Conn. Delta-Polytechnic Inst. of Brooklyn c/o Vincent Buglione 2258 Pitkin A venue Brooklyn, N. Y. Epsilon-University of Buffalo c/o Robert J. Dean 22 Anderson Place Buffalo, N. Y. Zeta-Rensselaer Poly. Institute Charles C. Cerato 153 South Cherry Street W·allingford, Conn.

Eta-City College of New York c/o John Lanfrit 566 East l88th Street Bronx, N.Y. Theta-New York University c/o Vincent A. Savona 1931 Hennessey Place Bronx, N.Y. Theta Beta,-New York University (Wash. Sq.) c/o Charles T. Gabriele 6910 16th Avenue Brooklyn, N. Y. Iota-Union College c/o Frank J. Salamone ll 03 Congress Street Schenectady, N. Y. Mu-Cornell University c/o Amo Piccoli 515 Stewart Avenue Ithaca, N. Y.

(Directo!I"y incomplete because of lack of space)

CHRISTMAS 1943 BALFOUR BLUE BOOK shows beautiful crested ·rings. red 'baby calf 1and Victory blue morocco in sweetheart bill folds. saddle leather for men and women. Mail Post Card for FREE COPY


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Streamlined as a bomber and rugged as a tank. the VICTORY- War of Survival- RING should be a traditional gift from the chapter to each member in the Service. Frat·ernity crest on oval signet or onyx stone. Ea·ch tapered. side forms a "V.. for Vi!=tory. Symbol for arm of the service forms the shank design. See page 1 of 1943 BLUE BOOK. A suitable gift ·from family or chapter.

* -- WRITE FOR COPY OF BLUE BOOK - - · * /JtilittJ,.~ ~eJ-Ilice P11JJ C11Je

·cRESTED STATIONERY A practical gift suggestion for both men and women. Weekly letters · on fine crested paper keep up the morale of men in the Service. . New - Deckle Parchment. Light Blue Vellum. Scotch Weave in Ivory and Blue. Stationery samples FREE on request

What to give the"'service man is .a perplexing question. Our suggestion is a leather bill fold - pass case which has proved the most popular accessory used by the men in service. Four celluloid wings carry passes. pictures. identification cards. licenses. and other important notes. Cover features hand-tooled ·effect design for each branch of the Se.rvice. Suntan cowhide for long wear. Style 565-43- see Page 24. 1943 BLUE BOOK.

* WRITE FOR BLUE BOOK· f<cll c( /lcHc,. ~c,.c/1


TO HONOR MEMBERS IN THE SERVICE Every chapter should honor the members serving in the Armed Forces of the United States. A beautiful white parchment scroll has recently been completed fully engraved in gold. red. and blue with appropriate heading. Fraternity and chapter beautifully hand · engrossed as well as suitable inscription and names of all members in the Service. Reasonable cost. Scrolls are furnished plain or framed. See the Balfour representative.

;Official Jeweler to Alpha Phi Delta

L. G.





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