The Magazine of Alpha Phi Delta Promoting fraternalism since 1929
? F ? Convenes at Penn State Inside this issue: President’s Message E-mail Etiquette It’s Good To Be A Brother Alumni Awards Our Contribution Chapter Eternal Scholarship Convention News Chapter Chatter Alumni News
brothers to hold fraternity offices that lpha Phi Delta fraterrequire full-time work without some nity members traveled compensation. Paid officers are a to Penn State University in April to standard in most other national fraterconduct the spring National Council nities as volunteers cannot be exMeeting over the weekend of April pected to continue to serve at a pace 9th through the 11th. Located in State of 40-50 hours a week. An increase College, Pa., the site provided a fairly in undergaduate fees was approved to central point for many alumni and support the budget. undergraduate entities to reach. ConThe highlight of the fraternity sequently, the attendance was the weekend meeting was the awarding best seen in six years with 29 chapof two new charters. Roger Williams ters and many alumni clubs repreCollege in Providence, Rhode Island, sented. was chartered as Delta The brothers of A noteworthy item Tau chapter. They have Chi Chapter at Penn members and had was passed in the 18 State were gracious been a colony for over budget with the three years. Robert Morhosts by offering their chapter house to hold approval of partial ris College in Coraopothe meeting of the ex- reimbursement for lis, Pa., was chartered as ecutive committee on Delta Upsilon chapter. the national Friday night and a party They currently have ten on Saturday night. Penn secretary. members and two State is the largest pledges and had been a school having an ? F ? chapter. colony four semesters. Additionally, National President Tom Carroll Beta Kappa chapter at Long Island conducted the business meetings University was reactivated. Saturday and Sunday. No legislation The fraternity meeting ended was brought up at the meetings. with the re-election of the present However, a noteworthy item was officers: Tom Carroll as National passed in the budget (which is President and Matt Vislocky as Exseparate from legislation) with the ecutive Vice President. approval of partial expense Special recognition was given to reimbursement for the national the brothers from Embry-Riddle Unisecretary. Traditionally the fraternity versity, Delta Pi chapter. The chapter has been supported by all volunteers. rented a Winnebago and drove over It is coming to grasps with the fact 1000 miles from their school which is that it cannot continue to expect (Continued on page 8)