Kleos 2000 03

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The Magazine of Alpha Phi Delta Promoting fraternalism since 1929

Inside this issue: President’s Message Creston Message Chapter Chatter The Handclap Chapter Status Life As An Undergraduate The Transition Scholarship News Founders Day Dinners 14th PNP Passes Away

VP Addresses Undergrads Y2K has arby Todd Cusato, I would like to perVice President Undergraduate Affairs rived finally and it sonally see every seems everything is chapter of Alpha Phi intact. Where do we go have more news dealing Delta participate at the from here is a question that with the on-goings of our Spring Council meeting. should be in the minds of many chapters. Each chapter is required to all brothers whether they be The submission of in send two delegates to the undergraduates who have formation to the Kleos lets meeting. There is no reason just been inducted or the alumni of chapters why each chapter can not alumni who have been part know what is currently goonly bring two delegates, of Alpha Phi Delta for ing on with their chapters. but also more brothers to many years. A big thing we Many alumni move away see how Alpha Phi Delta as brothers must remember and rely on the Kleos as a actually works. is, young or old, we still way to find out how their Council meetings also share the same bond and various chapters stand to provide brothers with a ideals that originally day. Many of our chapters chance to meet with brothbrought us into Alpha Phi sadly never reach out to ers from chapters they may Delta. their alumni. Brothers take not be able to usually see. One big difference you for granted that if it was not The Delta Pi chapter in may notice in this particufor alumni, there may not Daytona Beach, Florida last lar issue of the Kleos is that have been an Alpha Phi year rented a Winnabego it has been aimed clearly at Delta chapter around for and drove all the way up to the undergraduate brothers them to join. Information Penn State. It is events such of Alpha Phi Delta. The should be shared in The as these that will ultimately concept was that in the past Kleos to reach alumni. leave a lasting memory. few years the Kleos had The Spring Council This is also the perfect undergone some changes meeting this year will take place where brothers can and somewhere in all those place at Tufts University in get together to share ideas changes, undergraduate Boston on April 1, 2000. with one another. One big news had all but disapThese meetings are where thing that seems to elude peared. It is my hope that the voice of the brothers some of our chapters is that after the publication of this can be heard, but only if the we are one of the only naKleos, future issues will chapters decide to show up. (Continued on page 7)


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