Kleos 2000 06

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The Magazine of Alpha Phi Delta Promoting fraternalism since 1929

Inside this issue:

APD Goes To Florida Expansion News Scholarship News Alumni News Leadership Conferences Psi Reunion Brothers in Music Sopressato 101 Chi Moving On!

National Council Meets in Boston The National Council in April 1999, the National The National Council convened at Medford City Council voted to change voted on two pieces of legHall on April 1st to conduct the term limits from two islation. The first piece of the business of the National consecutive years to four legislation was to grant fraternity. Sixty-five delefor the National President alumni associations the gates from 22 chapters, six and Executive Vice Presiright to vote at the district alumni clubs level. This and two legislatio n alumni assowas turned c i a t i o n s down by the elected a new Council. The Executive second legisVice Presilation was to dent, voted on change the legislation, definition of a passed a district to albudget and low two entichartered an ties, one of alumni club. which must be A total of 125 an unde rbrothers gathg r a du ate ered in the chapter, to The “tough� guys from Tufts University were the Boston area. exist. This hosts for the April 1st meeting in Boston. The elecl e g is l a t i o n Photo by Stan Raffa tion for a new was approved. Executive Vice President dent positions. This alThe National Council also saw current Vice President lowed Mr. Carroll to seek a granted a charter to the for Expansion, Richard third year as National Chicago Alumni Club. Barnes, Beta Chi at SUNY President. The UndergraduOverall, the atmo sUtica, defeat Robert J. ate Coordinating Commitphere was positive and enHart man, Beta Xi at NJIT, tee elected Thomas V. couraging. The National North Jersey District Go vQuayle, Delta Zeta at St. Council was able to comernor. Thomas Carroll, NaPeters, as their Vice Presiplete the business of the tional President, Chi at dent for Undergraduate Affraternity within one day. Penn State, was elected to fairs. Brother Quayle curHistorically, meetings were an unprecedented third year rently serves as the Delta conducted in two days. as National President. Back Zeta Chapter President. (Continued on page 5)

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