The Magazine of Alpha Phi Delta Promoting fraternalism since 1929
Carroll Re-elected
Inside this issue:
Unprecedented 4th Term as National President Foundation Message Profiles On The First Scholarship Winners Undergraduate Scrapbook Alumni Club News Scholarship Award Sponsors Scholarship History Meet The Trustees The Last Word
eta Pi chapter of St. John’s University hosted the spring convening of the National Council of the fraternity on March 31st in New York City. One of the highlights of the meeting was the election of Tom Carroll, Chi ’80, to an unprecedented 4th term as National President. No other brother has served more than two consecutive terms as our national leader. Carroll credits his re-election to several special circumstances allowing him this opportunity. When he was first elected in 1998, there was a leadership gap among the national officers as then National Vice President Ed Magliocco was unable to move up and run for president. Tom stepped into the void after serving as General Counsel. Since then, the fraternity saw its National Vice President of 199899, Matt Vislocky, also unable to step up as national president when his job transferred him to Texas. With some legislative help changing the term limit of national president from two years to four years, Tom decided to wear the presidential mantle for the extended two years. He also cited several examples of his dealings with university administration who
preferred to maintain a longer rapport with fraternity officers. Fortunately, Tom has enjoyed serving the fraternity and meeting brothers from around the country and leaders of the universities hosting our chapters. Richard Barnes, current National Vice President was reelected to his second Tom Carroll addresses term. undergraduates. In other items conducted at the national council meet ing, Delta chapter was rechartered with 11 new brothers as was Gamma Omicron with 12 new brothers. On the alumni side, the South Florida Alumni Club was newly chartered with 22 members. On the negative side, Gamma Zeta chapter at Villanova was closed due to inactivity as was Delta Rho chapter (S.U.N.Y. Oneonta). The meeting was attended by about 150 brothers representing nine alumni clubs, and 23 chapters. The one day event ended with brothers enjoying an Italian buffet dinner together on Saturday evening.
Scholarship Issue