The Magazine of Alpha Phi Delta Promoting fraternalism since 1929
The Barnes Era Begins National Council Meeting Held in Pittsburgh
Inside this issue National Council Highlights Undergraduate Scrapbook Expansion Leadership Conferences Santangelo Book Review/Profile Narciso Profile Alumni News DVAC Awards Memoriam
At the National Council on April 6th, Tom ished as a colony for the past 2 1/2 years with Carroll’s unprecedented four-year term as Naten brothers. The brothers are proud to be the tional President ended with the election of first new APD chapter of the millennium. Four Rick Barnes as the new incoming National of the new brothers attended in person to rePresident. Barnes, Beta Chi, has been the Exceive their charter while several others were ecutive Vice President of the fraternity for the shown on video. past two years and was challenged for the ofThe National Capital Alumni Club was fice by Joseph Piras, recently Vice President reactivated thanks to Tom Ammazzalorso. Its for Financial Affairs. goal is to exploit the large The council session collegiate population in the was hosted by Psi Chapter D.C. area and expand to and held on the campus of some of the many schools Duquesne University in there. Pittsburgh. The weekend In an unusual action, a event was a cordial affair group from central New that was well organized by Jersey petitioned as a new the host brothers and Cenalumni club. Its motion to tral Office. receive a charter was reRon Shidemantle, Dijected, an action that selrector of Greek Life at Dudom occurs for new entiquesne, started the meeting ties. The council body felt on Saturday morning by Outgoing National President Tom Carroll, that the entity was a recyspeaking to the body on the left, passes the gavel to incoming Na- cling of brothers from existtional President Rick Barnes. duties of his office relating ing alumni clubs and that it to sororities and fraterniwould conflict with other ties. President Carroll then convened the counclubs in the nearby vicinity. cil in his fourth and final year as president. The main activity of the session (which Carroll thanked his volunteer officers who spanned morning and afternoon) was the elechave stepped forward in the past four years and tions for national office. Joe Piras was nomisupported him and the fraternity. He felt their nated for National President by Al Fafara and efforts should be applauded. There were over seconded by Matt Vislocky. Piras has served 120 brothers in attendance for the meeting. eight years as a national officer, the last four as The highlight of the session was the charV.P. for Financial Affairs. tering of the University of Indianapolis as Rick Barnes was nominated by Vince VerDelta Phi Chapter. Under the guidance of its dile and seconded by Tony Castellano. Barnes (Continued on page 3) advisor, Mike Caronti, Beta Theta, it has flour-