Kleos 2005 01

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The Magazine of Alpha Phi Delta Promoting fraternalism since 1929

Epsilon Remembers 1954 in 2004 Inside this issue Lunch Bag Notes Open Letter Undergraduate Scrapbook National News Scholarship Summer Convention Announcement Curielli’s Corner Youngstown AC

The Epsilon alumni by Robert Saglian, Epsilon 1954 historian. The current brothers of the Univerpresident is Robert J. sity of Buffalo are alive and well in Buffalo, Tronolone (1959). Current active brothers inNew York. Our group consists of about 25 clude the following: Joseph Calabrese (1957), members, some very active and some not so Victor M. Colonna (1960), Carl Deni (1956), active. We recently celebrated our 50th anniSam Carocci (1959), Al DiGiulio (1962), Peter versary at ‘The Mansion’ in Buffalo owned by Fiorella (1960), past president; Daniel M. one of our very successful brothers Peter FioGregorio (1959), Dr. Richard LoTempio (1957), rella. Peter is one of the top five matrimonial Joseph Mancuso (1959), Honorable Glenn Morattorneys in Buffalo. There were 36 people in ton (1950), Joseph Oliverio (1961), Raymond attendance and Peter picked up the entire tab. Paolini (1960), Anthony D. Parone (1957), Recently 13 brothers attended a stag reunRichard Pieri (1956), Vincent Tibollo (1957) ion in Batavia, New York. Our group consisted and past presidents Michael Rose (1954) and of brothers living in Rochester, Batavia, NiagWilliam Naples (1955). ara Falls and Buffalo. This past summer we Professionally, our alumni consists of a surtraveled to Toronto (Canada) by bus to see the geon, radiologist, attorneys, judges, financial Yankees play Toronto. advisors, insurance agent, teachers, insurance I (Robert Saglian 1954) am a past presiadjustors and many other professions. dent of a senior alumni group and currently (See Epsilon continued on page 10)

Reunions Alumni News In Memoriam Last Word

Epsilon Alumni: Seated left to right: Charles Martello, Dan Gregorio, Robert Saglian, Robert Tronolone, Carl Deni, Anthony Parone, Vincent Tibollo. Standing left to right: Victor Colonna, Michael Rose, Al DiGiulio Jr., Sam Carocci, Ray Paolini, Glenn Morton. Photo by Robert Saglian

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