Alpha Phi Delta Fraternity North Jersey Alumni Club - Newsletter Office of the North Jersey Alumni Club Newsletter 229 Maplewood Ave., Bogota, NJ 07603 (201) 342-7960
Summer 2014 Edition Meetings: The meeting schedule for the North Jersey Alumni Club for the Summer of 2014 is as follows: There will be no July business meeting. See Summer Social for Summer Picnic August 2nd (Saturday) Home of Frank and Sara Simon, 1 Darrell Ct., Edison, NJ (732) 248-0071 or (201) 446-3535 7:30 p.m., 5:00 p.m. social. September 13th (Saturday) Home of Andy and Ann Marie Cicala, 346 Reserve St., Boonton, N.J. (973) 334-4646 5:00 pm barbecue, 7:30 pm meeting. You can call Frank for directions to his house for the August meeting and Andy for the September meeting (though most of us know where he lives by now). Both of these are preceded by socials so you can bring the wife/family/girlfriend as well. Both locations also have pools if the weather is so disposed. We will try to get the Gamma Pi Alumni Association involved in the August meeting as well. The September meeting is a change from the original schedule as Jeff Terjesen moved out of state and Andy and Ann Marie graciously agreed to step in and help us out. The spring meetings varied all over the place. We got 18 guys at the Boys Night Out dinner meeting in Newark in March, about the same amount as a year ago and only lost 3-4 guys due to Lent. We may change the time frame of this next year. We only got six guys (plus Jason Jasinski of the Delta Xi AA who has not paid NJAC dues) at Seton Hall in April and we may scrap the meeting at an undergraduate chapter as attendance has been abysmal at these meetings over the past five years or so. We got 14 guys at the May meeting at Dave Schreck’s home which was our best attended meeting since last October. In discussions at spring meeting, which will still be ongoing in the next month or two, the format for our meeting schedule and social calendar was
June 7, 2014 analyzed in depth. The consensus appears to be to continue with monthly business meeting, if possible and to factor in a social gathering during the month as well. We will be in need of volunteers to host meetings as some of our mainstays (i.e., Jeff Terjesen, Ray Morro) have moved out of the area and others are already committed to various meetings or social events. If we cannot get hosts, we may have to back off the number of meetings in any event. As previously mentioned, we will probably not go to an undergraduate chapter as nobody shows up for those meeting. Spring Social: On March 7th, we held our Boys Night Out Dinner Meeting at the Dinosaur Grill in Newark with about 18 members attending. Some of whom (Bud Greco) we hadn’t seen in a while. We thank Glenn Small for organizing and coordinating this event On March 28th, we held our spring Brotherhood for Life Meeting at the Delta Omicron house in Newark. This turned out to be kind of an uplifting meeting, though at the start, we were disappointed in the alumni turn out. A total of 18 of the 23 active pledges in the District at the time showed up,, a good number. Besides myself and Ray Morro, we got participation from Brian Meserlian, who had done this before and also from Chris Mann, Joe Galesi and Matt Torti. Chris and Joe had not been to any NJAC functions in several years and Matt is not a public speaker, but all stepped up and said a few words about their fraternal experiences. They had it when we needed it. The usual pizza party was held afterward. A number of NJAC members attending the Alpha Phi Delta Centennial Gala in Washington, D.C. the weekend of April 4th-6th. It turned out to be a fantastic weekend with a cocktail party on Friday, Potomac River Brunch Cruise on Saturday and the Centennial Ball on Saturday evening. Over 400 brothers and wives attended. The entire weekend was a reunion of sorts in that people who haven’t