Indonesia the saudis are coming by margaret scott the new york review of books

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Indonesia: The Saudis Are Coming by Margaret Scott | The New York Review of Books

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Indonesia: The Saudis Are Coming Margaret Scott


Nurturing the Salafi Manhaj: A Study of Salafi Pesantrens in Contemporary Indonesia by Din Wahid Utrecht University, 323 pp., available at Transnational Islamic Actors and Indonesia’s Foreign Policy: Transcending the State by Delphine Alles Routledge, 178 pp., $145.00 Our Islam, the Islam of Nusantara by Mohamad Guntur Romli PT Cerah Budaya, 176 pp., available in Indonesian at dennyja­ (an English translation is forthcoming).

In 1980, Saudi Arabia started an all­ expenses­paid university in Jakarta. The Institute for the Study of Islam and Arabic (LIPIA), housed in a modern building sheathed in blue reflective glass, has produced tens of thousands of graduates trained in a strict, puritanical Salafi Islam in stark contrast to the relaxed, pluralist local Islam practiced by many Indonesians.1 Salafi Islam claims to Suryo Wibowo/AFP/Getty Images restore the orthodox practices of the early Indonesian Muslims at morning prayers in Yogyakarta during Eid days of the Muslim religion. Classes at al­Adha, the festival marking the end of the annual Hajj LIPIA are taught in Arabic. Men and pilgrimage to the Saudi holy city of Mecca, September 2016 women are segregated; men are encouraged to grow beards and adopt Salafi dress with ankle­length linen pants and sandals, and women must be completely veiled. Jeans, music, and television are prohibited. The curriculum emphasizes learning the Arabic language and the study of Islam.


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