The Bulletin Magazine - June 2019

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The Bulletin MAGAZINE - June 2019

APEA (The Association for Petroleum and Explosives Administration)


Inside 4





Business Manager


New Members


Publications Information



Funeral of Brian Baker


Changing Landscape


Interview with Kevin Hoare Tanks & Pipeworks Limited


Are you Aware? New Legislation introduced in respect of Fuel Markings


Safeguarding the Fuelling Infrastructure of an Island


A Period of Change and Innovation – Underground Pipe Work




Press Releases






APEA Live 2019 Conference, Exhibition and Awards Dinner

Front cover: Avery Hardoll pump in Shadingfield Suffolk - seen better days Published by the APEA (The Association for Petroleum and Explosives Administration) A company Limited by Guarantee Registered in England No. 2261660.

Opinions expressed in this magazine are not necessarily the views of the Association. The technical content is not an official endorsement by or on behalf of the APEA and are entirely the views of the author’s.

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Tom Daly APEA Chairman Welcome to this edition of The Bulletin. It is once again full of current news and articles which recount issues that affect our industry, along with many items that I think you will enjoy. Please take time to review the advertisements included in our Bulletin, as without the support of those contributors it would indeed be difficult to produce such a good publication. It would appear that the topic of the moment appears to be in relation to the effectiveness of the Petroleum (Consolidation) Regulations 2014 and whether the same levels of safety standards compared to previous legislation have been maintained. In a recent survey 80% of respondents disagreed that the same levels of safety have been achieved. The whole issue of notifications and reporting incidents on site, along with proper enforcement are issues which appear to have contributed to possibly reducing safety standards in some instances and will be up for debate this year. We will wait and see what outcomes there are to improve the current system. I do feel that there is more governance and control within a petroleum licensing system. As I said in the last issue the APEA’s strength lies in the work of the branches and I continue to ask you to encourage new members to join our branches. The best way for any association to work is with the active involvement of its members. In order to give something back to our branch members, many branches are planning to host one day training courses this year on topics of interest to their membership.

Publications Chairman Andy Kennedy Tel: 01302 346717 Mobile: 07469 212063 email:

I recently visited our members in Northern Ireland and I can report that the APEA continues to go from strength to strength there. They have not adopted the Petroleum (Consolidation) Regulations 2014 as of yet in Northern Ireland. They operate a licensing system which also has a risk based approach based on the “Blue Book”. This system appears to have a flexibility to deal with stations that a Petroleum Enforcement Authority would normally find difficult to licence under a prescriptive regime. There are lessons to be learnt in this approach. The APEA continues to get both training enquiries and technical queries from all around the world in regard to many topics covered in the Blue Book. It is of great credit to the APEA that we are held in such high esteem by many operators and regulators in regions that you wouldn’t expect. The efforts of the members of our technical committee and our training committee in answering these queries is much appreciated. The APEA has modernised a lot of training courses in line with new regulations and the changing industry environment. We have developed a new awareness course for fire and explosives and following the successful launch last year, we are planning on holding this course again in September 2019 in Stansted. The course examines the various legislation brought in to control the storage and sale of fireworks and explosives such as the Fireworks Act 2003, the Fireworks Regulations 2004 and The Pyrotechnic Articles (Safety) Regulations 2015. Examples of different types of explosives and fireworks are used to illustrate points and gain familiarity with the subject. We also launched our Petroleum (Consolidation) Regulations 2014 course late last year and this was also very successful. Details of the courses can be found on our website. So, finally as 2019 takes shape, I look forward to the year ahead particularly the APEA visit to the Elaflex factory in Dusseldorf this June where I hope to meet up with the various branch members that I have not yet met. We also continue to plan for the APEA live event later this year which we intend to be a great success once again.

Editor Brian Humm Mobile: +44 (0) 7507 478533 email:

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Editorial Enforcement Liaison Group (PELG) in the form of a PETEL number 14 which is on the Energy institute (EI) website (the EI host PELG); the easiest way to look this up is to use a search engine and put in “PELG PETELS” and they will take you straight there. Happy hunting and hopefully we can have everyone doing this correctly. The APEA is producing a course on the application of these regulations so keep an eye on the training pages of the APEA

Brian Humm Editor

website. If anyone needs any more info on this topic please feel free to contact the APEA and we will answer your queries. A little plug now. Only 6 months until the fantastic event which is

Welcome to this edition of the APEA Bulletin magazine, once again

APEA Live 2019, once again to be held at the exhibition centre at

an interesting look into the latest news and information for our

the MK Dons stadium in Milton Keynes. This really is a great event,

industry. It is still increasingly hard for me to gather information in

made up of interesting conference speakers and a great exhibition

order to make The Bulletin as interesting as I can; if you, as an

area culminating in a fantastic Awards dinner, an event that

individual or corporate member, can think of anything that you

exceeds expectations every year, a great networking opportunity,

would like to see or publish in this publication then please contact

why not consider entering an award this year? The awards are

me, I will even consider assisting you in writing articles if you

judged independently by industry experts and extremely easy to

require, my contact details are contained elsewhere within this

enter. It really is simple, keep an eye on the website for more

Bulletin edition.

information, it would be good for people to enter early as well, most years we have an influx right at the last minute which can

As I write this introduction (earlier than you think due to

somewhat play havoc with the judging as this is quite complex to

production procedures of The Bulletin) the so-called “Brexit” is still

organise and can be time consuming. Early is good!!

hanging in the balance. I recently met Jurgen Straube of TUV Nord whilst working (please see the article later in this edition) and we

Summer finally being here and the sun is shining as I sit in my

had a discussion in respect of this topic. The upshot is that life and

office. Weather plays an important role within our industry; more

living within the UK will possibly change a little, no matter what

favourable weather means that developments will run more

transpires, but we, as a nation, will cope, we always do! The only

smoothly. Members will be aware of the havoc that snow, ice and

thing that Jurgen and I agreed upon is the great fact that we will

even rain can cause to a rebuild or modification. I remember well

still be utilising European standards following whatever decision

the times in the past that I have stood on a site either witnessing

is made. I am a great believer in standards, they play an important

the installation of a tank or testing complete pipework systems in

part within our industry; without them chaos would probably reign.

the freezing cold. I’m somewhat glad that these days are behind

The supply of fit for purpose equipment for instance ensures that

me now, I’m also convinced that people are happier when the sun

our petrol filling stations operate in a safe and reliable manner, so

shines, (I’m sure I’ve read this somewhere as a medical fact) so all

long may this continue.

you members out there should take full advantage of the weather and enjoy it while you can. Having recently moved to the coast I’m

It doesn’t seem it but the Petroleum (Consolidation) Regulations

sure I will be spending more time on the beach with the

2014 are almost 5 years old - time certainly does fly! In my working

grandchildren this year.

life I get to visit sites all over the UK and it somewhat saddens me that some petroleum enforcing authorities (PEA’s) are still issuing

I close this introduction with a few words of thanks, firstly to all

storage certificates that contain errors. The guidance has been

the regular contributors to this publication, without who we

available since the inception of the regulations and there was

wouldn’t have this great read every quarter, Jamie Thompson and

adequate training available during the transition period in order

Gareth Bourhill being two that spring to mind. Thanks also to Jane,

for PEA’s to ensure their compliance. For information there is

as usual, who badgers me to get this done in a timely manner. Until

guidance to the regulations produced by the Petroleum

next time.

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Business Manager

Business Manager standard Royal Mail and Corporate members will receive their 5 copies by courier which are tracked, so we can follow up any nondeliveries. You can also purchase additional Yearbooks on the Publications page of the APEA website at

Jane Mardell Business Manager The office has been very busy the last few months. The 2020 Yearbook has been completed and organising has started on APEA Live 2019. We have been receiving lots of enquiries for bespoke training courses as well as bookings on our courses listed on our website at on the Training page. The new website is now working well and much more efficient for users and APEA administration. I am currently working on the September issue of The Bulletin so if you wish to submit anything you can email your technical articles, press releases etc to me at 2020 Yearbook Thanks to all of you that completed entries online for the 2020 Yearbook and to the advertisers who, without your bookings, we would not be able to produce this publication.

APEA Live 2019 - 21st November Anyone wishing to book a place at the Conference, Exhibition or Awards Dinner should go to the ‘APEA Live’ tab on the home page of the APEA website at or you can click here to go directly to the booking website Please note there are discounts for ‘early bird’ booking. I will be managing the APEA participation and AGM part of the event and information and nomination forms will be sent to all members with the September issue of The Bulletin in August. APEA Awards The APEA Awards entry system will be launched shortly and you will receive information via email on how to enter. Your Membership record APEA communication to members is carried out by email. Please ensure you keep your email address and contact details up to date on your membership record by logging onto your account at This will ensure you do not miss out on information about APEA activity. New Members There have been new members joining during January, February and March and details can be found on the next page.

The artwork is now at the printers and the Yearbooks will be distributed on 1st October. If you have not received your copy by the end of October please let me know and I will chase up your delivery. We only have a limited amount of spare copies so you need to contact me by the end of October if you have not received your copy.

General Assistance If you need any assistance with general or technical matters, please do not hesitate to contact me at or on 0345 603 5507.

Individual/Retired members will be sent their Yearbooks by



APEA Business Manager (contact for all APEA Business and Bulletin advertising, design and typesetting) Jane Mardell APEA, PO Box 106 Saffron Walden, Essex CB11 3XT Tel: +44 (0) 345 603 5507 Mobile: +44 (0) 7815 055514 email:


APEA tel/fax 0345 603 5507

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New Menbers

New Members (Jan to Mar ) Vasileios Papadopoulos Dem. G. Spyrides S.A

Corporate Membership Alex Holtby East Riding of Yorkshire Council


Chris Hamlett Armstrong Projects Ltd

Individual Membership Darren Omahony Greenergy Flexigrid Ltd

Chris Hockaday County Durham and Darlingtom Fire and Rescue Service

Faris Gabani Bahrain Petroleum Company (BAPCO)

Clair Dathan Derbyshire County Council

George Petrakakis George K Petrakakis

Daniel O’dwyer Bray Fire Station HQ

Graeme Cringle Adler and Allan

Ewen Johnson Ewen Johnson Ltd

Graham Kenyon G Kenyon Technology Ltd

James Edley Subadra Consulting Ltd

Ian Feely County Maintenance

James Whiddett Kent Trading Standards

James Devlin PMcK Ltd - Electrical Contract

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New Members

Jason Bond Birchell Marine

Peter Woolmer Peter Woolmer ACIOB

John Powell JPE Electrical Ltd

Peter Czajkowskyj Pulmann Associates

Jonathan Henwood Dover Fueling Solutions

Philip Martin NICEIC

Justin Chapman Certsure Kamal Al Kaldane Kamal Kaldane Kelly Squance Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council Kieren Gavin Gavin Electrical Engineering LTD Marcus Maddock Mark Sloan Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council

Richard Pestell GRS Electrical Services Ltd Shaun Coates Amey Stephen Peall AMEY Tanveer Khan Khan Aljaber Electro-Mechanical Co. Thomas Hunter Forecourt Installation Services Ltd Tom Garwell ADS Design

Michael Adamides

Tom Ward ADS Design

Michaela Argue Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council

Triantafyllia Boultouka Hellenic Petroleum SA APEA tel/fax 0345 603 5507


Publications Information

Publications Information 4th Edition of the Guidance for Design, Construction, Modification, Maintenance and Decommissioning of Filling Stations - ‘Blue Book’ (Revised 2018) ISBN 978 0 85293 888 1 Price for hard copy APEA Member rate - £75 no vat Non APEA Member rate - £150 no vat Price for pdf version (please note the pdf version is licensed to the purchaser only and cannot be shared or printed) APEA Member rate - £75 plus vat Non APEA Member rate - pdf £150 plus vat If you wish to purchase the guide please go to the APEA website at and click on the ‘Publications’ page. You can select to pay by credit/debit card. The APEA also publishes the Code of Practice for Ground floor, multi storey and underground car parks. This can be downloaded directly from the APEA website and is available to members at £11.00 and £21.00 to non APEA members.

Bulletin Magazine • The Bulletin is published four times a year with a print run of 2200. • Free issue to APEA members (approx 1200 members worldwide) • Has international distribution and readership • Respected source of industry specific news and information • Contains relevant news items and reports from overseas • Individual, Fellow and Retired members receive one copy each and Corporate members receive 5 copies each per quarter. The editor of The Bulletin, Brian Humm, is always on the look out for new material, so if you have something you want to be included, please email it to the APEA office at and it will be forwarded to Brian for approval. Please email the text in Word format and any images as separate high resolution pdf or jpeg files to

We are always pleased to receive contributions from our members and it ensures that The Bulletin remains an interesting and informative read.

Deadline dates for copy and advertising artwork 2019/2020 Issue

Copy deadline

Posting date

Sept 2019

24th June

16th August

Dec 2019

23rd Sept

8th November

March 2020

9th December

14th February

June 2020

23rd March

8th May

Please note the deadline date for the March 2020 issue is early due to Christmas and New Year holidays.

Bulletin Advertising Discounts are available for booking in more than one issue, please contact Jane Mardell at for more information. Bulletin advertisers that book in 3 or more issues in one year also receive a 50% discount off rates for advertising in the annual Yearbook, see table. If you would like to book advertising in The Bulletin, please email your requirements to or call the office on 0345 603 5507. Please ensure you send your artwork to

Size of advert

Advert in 4 Advert in 1 issues issue (includes 25% disc

Full page (210mmw x 280mmh with 10mm border or with 3mm bleed)



½ page (185mmw x 125mmh)



¼ page (90mmw x 120mmh)



All rates quoted exclude VAT. 12

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Holiday Corner

Petrol filling station that is situated approx. 50m from the sea in Birzebugga

Fuel ship offloading to storage tanks on land in a Maltese harbour near Birzebugga

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Articles Funeral of Brian Baker By Brian Humm, Editor of The Bulletin Following the extremely sad news within the last Bulletin in respect of the passing of Brian Baker, current APEA chairman Tom Daly and I attended Brian’s funeral held in central Milton Keynes. It was an extremely well attended event; amongst the mourners were representatives of BP Oil UK Limited and previous Chairman and council member Bob Conlin. Also in attendance was Mr Peter Winkelman, chairman of the MK Dons Football team, a testament to Brian’s involvement within his beloved football club. Brian was accompanied into the chapel by a guard of honour from the fire service and the floral tributes included a fire officer helmet, a reflection of Brian’s fire service background. Lots of interesting stories were told by longstanding friends and colleagues and some lovely poetry was delivered by Brian’s granddaughters during the service. All in all a good send off for a good man, he will be missed.


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Changing Landscape By Energy Institute’s Knowledge Service (EIKS) The Energy Institute’s Knowledge Service (EIKS) team has gathered a wealth of UK forecourt data and other information relevant to the fuel retailing sector, which is now available online. Petroleum Review first published the Energy Institute’s annual Retail Marketing Survey (RMS) supplement in April 1971, and has been providing UK fuel retailing statistics and complementary editorial features ever since. The data has now been combined with a wealth of related information, and is available as part of the EI Road Fuels collection at https:// collections/road-fuels. Travelling through time Looking back just prior to the start of the RMS, in 1967 the total number of UK fuel retail sites reached an all-time high of 39,958. This high total figure was partly caused by the abolition of the wartime ‘pool’ petrol in 1953 which,


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with the reintroduction of petrol brands and competition between them, led to distributors buying sites wherever they could to ensure a slice of the new, post-war prosperity. However, by the late-1960s the value of many of these outlets and the difficulty in supplying them led to a slow process of closures. In 1971 there were around 14mn vehicles registered and petrol – of which there were four grades – costing 33 and 35.5 pence per gallon (7–9 p/l). Some 56 brands supplied this fuel to just over 37,500 sites, 8,000 of which were company-owned. Twenty years later, the RMS still listed 63 brands supplying 19,465 sites, just over half the number in 1971. Unleaded petrol cost around 42 p/l. Today, as the industry has consolidated, site numbers have fallen to 8,396 (as of 31 December 2018). BP leads the field with 1,231 outlets, closely followed by Esso (1,184) and Shell (1,053). Texaco has 713 forecourts and Gulf 455. The percentage of companyowned sites has remained at a fairly constant level in recent decades, down from 35% in 1991 to 33% today. The rapid number of site closures seen in the 1990s and 2000s roughly coincided with the expansion of supermarket forecourts throughout the UK (up from 294 in 1991 to 1,111 in 2005) and the increasing value of land which made the running of city sites unappealing to many fuel retailers. Supermarkets continue to dominate both sales and numbers of sites, with 1,603 forecourts today – accounting for 19% of the outlets nationwide, but capturing 47% of petrol sales. Tesco leads

the field, with 507 sites, followed by Morrisons (335), Asda (322) and Sainsbury’s (314). As noted, supermarkets have captured 47% of fuel sales, a figure that is still edging upwards. They have successfully capitalised on prime locations, large outlets with often several dozen pumps and a strong consumer base founded on grocery shopping. That said, a significant number of unbranded and minor retailer sites (640) remained in business at the close of 2018. Fuel pricing Prices in 2018 for unleaded averaged 126.14 p/l, with a low of 119.95 p/l in March and a high of 129.76 p/l in August. This is up from 2017, when the average was 118.39 p/l. Diesel was also up, at 130.07p/l, compared to the previous year when it averaged 120.13 p/l. The total amount of petrol sold has declined steadily over the past 10 years, from 15,888,000 tonnes in 2009 to 12,404,000 tonnes in 2018 – a fall of 26%. Diesel, on the other hand, has increased year-on-year, from 20,117,000 tonnes to 25,776,00 tonnes in 2018, up 24%. Both these figures include retail and commercial sales. Historically, retail sales of road fuels have increased year-on-year in line with the increase in the number of vehicles on the roads. In addition, petrol sales had traditionally far exceeded sales of diesel – for example, 21mn tonnes versus 7mn tonnes in 1998. However, with new diesel cars offering better fuel economy and motorists

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Articles being encouraged to buy them due to their perceived ‘greener’ credentials at the time, sales of diesel-engined vehicles increased. With this, the sale of diesel began to catch up, slightly exceeding petrol sales for the first time in 2011 (13.9mn tonnes of diesel versus 13.8mn tonnes of petrol). Diesel sales have declined more recently in line with a marked fall in new diesel car sales due to concerns about emissions and the ‘Dieselgate’ scandal. However, total retail sales of road fuels remained fairly stable between 1998 (28mn tonnes) and 2015 (28.4mn tonnes). Due to different collection methods from 2016 onwards, commercial fuel sales and retail fuel sales data were combined, rising from 37.3mn tonnes in 1998 to reach 38.1mn tonnes in 2018. Electric revolution While electric vehicles (EVs) have existed in various forms since the beginning of the 20th century, their mass adoption has been hindered by battery technology, which until recently made them suitable only for short-range travel and if ample time was available between use for recharging cycles. However, interest in EVs has increased in recent years as the world looks to a lower carbon future, with improvements in battery technology, gradual cost reduction, and the environmental drive to switch from internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles to reduce air pollution, noise and maintenance (as EVs have less parts than ICE vehicles).

practical and attractive cost-wise. However, the future success of EVs depends very much on the development of a national public charging point infrastructure. There are currently 19,909 public EV charging points at 7,012 locations throughout the UK. This is rapidly increasing, with some 712 new connectors added in January/February 2019, and 18,372 since 2011 – a rise of 1,295%. Of these, 16,337 are located in England, 2,841 in Scotland, 629 in Wales, 61 in the Isle of Man and 41 in the Channel Islands. Rapid charging is enabling more widespread adoption of EVs. In the UK, there are currently 4,613 rapid charge connectors. Their number has jumped in recent years, reflecting a growing demand for higher charging rates as battery capacities increase and EVs are driven on longer journeys. There are also plans for battery swap stations, particularly for taxis and possibly light electric vans. Road fuels collection To explore the data above and much more, visit the EI’s Road Fuels collection at https://knowledge. All the data previously published as part of the RMS can be downloaded, including:

There are three types of EV – battery-only vehicles (BEVs) that rely solely on batteries to run electric motors; range-extended EVs, which have a small combustion engine to top up the battery’s charge, with the electric motors driving the wheels; and plug-in hybrid EVs (PHEVs) with an electric powertrain together with an onboard combustion engine, both of which can provide power to the wheels as needed. ‘Full’ hybrids are similar to plug-in hybrids, but their batteries cannot be charged by plugging in, thus they are not usually considered ‘true’ EVs.

• • • • • • • • •

Numbers of retail outlets by brand Supermarkets Numbers of retail outlets Numbers of vehicles licenced in the UK by year Regional breakdown of retail outlets Market share by ownership Fuel sales through supermarkets Average fuel prices Deliveries to retail and commercial customers

Until recently, BEVs have only been practical for short- to mediumrange journeys or, for longer journeys, on routes where there is secure access to a public charging network. But as battery technology improves, there are now battery EVs in production with a promised range of around 250 miles from a single charge. As ranges and charging times improve, BEVs are becoming more

In addition, this year we have included EV charging points by total numbers by area, and numbers of connectors by type. These figures have been supplied by ZapMap – see for a map showing the location of EV charging points across the UK. The fuel retail statistics have been supplied by Experian Catalist – catalist/index.html.

Interview with Kevin Hoare Tanks & Pipeworks Limited By Brian Humm, Editor of The Bulletin Hi Kevin, thank you for being my latest victim for the APEA Bulletin interview, could you introduce yourself to our members and tell them your current role within the industry? Good morning Brian, my name is Kevin Hoare and I work for Tanks & Pipeworks Limited. I am currently engaged on a project based in Malta to install a fabricated Class 1 Leak Prevention System into a large storage facility; I am the lining works manager and the Quality Assurance specialist on the project. Thanks Kevin, how long have you been involved in the petroleum industry? 18

The petroleum world probably around 24 years but I have been involved within the glass fibre industry since I left school, extensively involved in both architectural and industrial use of fibre glass, resins and laminating. I have worked in various fields; aircraft and train refurbishments, prototype production including the first twin tape VHS deck recorder (for a famous “apprentice”), boating applications and the manufacture of miniature Formula One cars for the F1 Team Directors. A heady mix but now I concentrate on the fabrication and development of leak prevention for storage tanks.

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largest project ever undertaken to install a Class 1 Leak Prevention System into a major fuel facility on a major scale, are you enjoying the challenges that this entails and the impressive complex engineering issues that go with it? It was a long time in the design and tendering process; with something this complex everything has to be right. Following the contract being awarded the actual set up of the site infrastructure was also extremely challenging. Yes, it is a massive and groundbreaking scale which has required a lot of interaction and communication with different cultures and languages that we are not used to; this has meant a learning curve and understanding of different work ethics etc. We are training local people in the art of laminating in order to pass on a legacy to the island, this is going well and they are progressing nicely in this area which gives you a feeling of satisfaction that the project is going well.

I worked my way up to works foreman in my previous petroleum employment, working mainly on GRP pipework, when it was popular, and access chambers and the lining of such. In 2008 I joined T&P limited with whom I already had a working relationship for development of the award winning Tri-Line system and ingress of water into chambers. Lots of experience then! Obviously you are now engaged in the

Testing and certification is obviously important with any standards, I know you have a working relationship with TUV Nord, who certified your Tri‐Line system to EN13160‐7, and work with Jurgen Straube, do you find this aspect challenging? And do you get on with Herr Straube? The challenging part of this project is the sheer scale of the tanks; every aspect of the work has to be right with the system, back tracking on this scale is not an option. In regards to Jurgen I find him extremely professional and we work well together, we discuss the finer points of this project and he understands the fact that this is a bespoke system and the engineering that goes into it can be complex. I was happy when the final test was undertaken on the first tank and we passed, Jurgen was suitably impressed.

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Articles Obviously being away from the UK can be hard, what do your immediate family think of this situation and cope with you being away? My wife, youngest son and the dog are staying here with me on the island. My son works on the project as well furthering his own career and experience, my other son works for T&P within the UK and looks after our family home. Yes I miss my sister and other relatives in the UK but everyone understands that this is an amazing opportunity and life experience.

like to do in your spare time? When I get time at home my main hobby is looking after my small collection of Classic Ford Capri’s of which I own 3, one of which I have owned for 20 years and I am also the proud owner of an Aston Martin Tickford turbo capri. Also, I am fond of carp fishing which I find relaxing and I quite enjoy DIY. In Malta I am slowly covering the island’s attractions and finding nice places to spend free time with my wife as the project settles into routine.

Thank you Kevin, you obviously lead a busy work life, what do you

Thanks Kevin, I appreciate your time.

Are you aware? New Legislation introduced in respect of Fuel Markings By Brian Humm, Editor of The Bulletin On March 22nd 2019 new legislation was introduced into the UK in respect of labelling of dispensers and refuelling points. If you fail to comply with “The Alternative Fuel Labelling and Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 2019” (compliant with EN16942:2016) you can effectively be fined up to £500 per nozzle (for instance). Elaflex limited have produced a leaflet which is reproduced below, if you would like to see the


actual regulations themselves then the link to follow is : If any member has any queries in respect of these Regulations and their effect please contact the APEA technical committee via the APEA Business Manager at

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EU Directive 2014/94/ requires dispenser, vehicle and nozzle to be marked with fuel grade labels. BS EN 16942 : 2016 has been created to give guidance. These Regulations apply from the 1st of September 2019 covered in ‘The Alternative Fuel Labelling and Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 2019’. It requires that each filling point, including the nozzle, shall be clearly labelled with the new fuel grade identification. For the retrofitting of ZVA nozzles, Elaflex has developed the Fuel Grade Identifier ‘EK FGI’. It is fixed by the well known Product Badges EK 145 and can be fitted on-site within seconds. The Fuel Grade Identifier are made of weather and deformation resistant plastic (temperature range -40° up to + 55°C ).

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Ordering / Enquiry Additional to direct ordering it is also possible to choose required parts using – also in combination with suitable product badges. Note: It is possible to print the standardised fuel grade symbol on the badge, together with your custom design, making the additional Fuel Grade Identifier obsolete. For your own design badge please contact our sales or upload artwork using the

Assembly Fit product badge EK 145 to the Fuel Grade Identifier. With a slot screwdriver punch holes into the four recessed slots of the nozzle scuffguard. Position the spikes (legs) of the slogan badge on these slots and press the badge until it sits perfectly.


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Safeguarding the Fuelling Infrastructure of an Island By Brian Humm, Editor of The Bulletin Situated in the central area of the Mediterranean Sea is the beautiful island of the Republic of Malta, an island of stunning scenery and a population of strong brave people, known for a warm welcome and a smile. During World War II the island played a major part in the operations within the area by allied forces, for this reason the island was put under blockade by the combined forces of the German Airforce and Navy. Being an island Malta relies heavily upon importing goods for their sustainability, the bravery of the people during this time saw that they overcame the hardships that this blockade and subsequent bombardments bestowed and emerged victorious following the hostilities being ceased, so much so that the entire population received the George Cross in recognition of their bravery. The island at the time being a British Colony, it played a significant part of the UK defence strategy within the area. A decision was made by the UK Government who instructed the Admiralty to install large bulk fuel storage facilities on the island in order to maintain maximum stocks of fuel in case of further conflict. APEA tel/fax 0345 603 5507

Pipework in tunnels


Articles Down a dusty road some 4.5km inland lies the Has Saptan fuel storage facility. In the early 1950’s work started on the building; blasting work enabled the tanks to be installed within the natural rock below ground and the finished facility comprised of 16 tanks in total that can store 1 billion litres of fuel, (Petroleum spirit, Diesel and Aviation fuel). The tanks are 10m in diameter and the largest being 240m long. The facility also has many kilometres of tunnels to facilitate the pipework, maintenance crews etc. The storage lies 45m below ground and was built using British army engineers ably assisted by Maltese personnel. Has Saptan serves two harbour

areas and the airport for refuelling of ships and planes. Since Malta gained independence from the UK in 1964, and became a republic in 1974, the Has Saptan storage facility has been operated by Malta’s foremost oil company, Enemed Limited. In 2016 Enemed engineers looked closely at the storage from an environmental point of view; the island relies heavily on groundwater extraction for drinking and day to day use; the island’s water table is approx. 10m below the tank bottoms and the fact that the storage facility is 60 years old, then the impact of a leak from the tanks to the island’s infrastructure and environment could be catastrophic. A decision was agreed to install a leak prevention system within the tanks, something that was obviously going to be a challenging project to say the least. An advert was placed within various Petroleum publications inviting companies to submit schemes to install a leak prevention system to the European norm EN13160-7 into Has Saptan tanks. Following an exhaustive and extremely competitive tendering process, over many months, involving companies from all over the world, the contract was awarded to Tanks & Pipeworks Limited (T&P) from West Kingsdown in Kent, led by Steve Robinson, Managing Director and design lead who was assisted by the Polidano Group of Malta who have joined T&P as a partner in this project. The design of the system to be installed is a bespoke system and is based on the award-winning try-line system that is being fitted into petrol storage tanks within the UK. However the sheer scale of the contract, and knowing that it would be the biggest installation of this type ever attempted in the world, obviously

60 year-old flameproof box

Old handwritten signage


Size of tank with scaffold

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represented a major logistical and engineering challenge. Part of the project is that Tanks & Pipeworks Limited are employing local people and training them in the complete process of the lining of the storage facility. This includes all the aspects of resins, laminating, and application of such, which will ensure that the skills that are involved are transferred to the local population and expand knowledge in the area. One of the personnel heavily involved in this area is Declan Robinson who members may remember was the winner of the rising star award at APEA Live 2018. The process is like the application of a lining to a normal size underground storage tank only on a much bigger scale.Once the tank is empty the area must be cleaned and made gas free; this involves

Controlled extract unit

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Articles removing the petroleum vapour by blowing it from the tank using air and through dedicated ducting. This has to be done in a controlled manner, especially given the fact that the facility lies underneath many local villages and Has Saptan has many ventilation openings that are spread across the lands above. The vapour must not interfere in any way with the daily life of the local population, therefore the control of the emissions is monitored closely. Once the tank is certified gas free then the internal tank area is shot blasted to remove any minor imperfections; it has been noticed that although 60 years old the surface of the tanks is in an extremely good condition.Entry into the tanks is through the tank ends and the internal work area is designated a confined space; the works being undertaken inside are controlled under the confined space regulations which involves permits to work; hot works within the area also requires permits. In order to maximise the leak prevention, the tanks are divided into sections and each section has its own Class I leak prevention vacuum system installed, this is linked to an ATEX certified alarm indicator directly outside the tank and then a relay sends a signal to the main facility control room to raise the alarm. Health and safety, as in every project, is a major factor, on this facility’ Tanks & Pipeworks pride themselves in their compliance in this area, regular training on site is given by


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Entrance to tank with old signage


the Company supervisors in the form of toolbox talks and they have employed a UK health and safety company, who are experts in the petroleum field, that regularly visit and carry out HSE audits on the whole of the project. Enemed Limited also employ a project manager who ensures compliance and monitors the works closely, weekly meetings are held with all interested parties represented. The security of the area is also strictly controlled and the whole area is dedicated as a hazardous zone; there is a hazardous plan installed in the site office for reference. Being a tunnel system there is also an intricate means of escape in the case of fire; all personnel are asked to study an escape plan which is also in the site office showing these escapes in detail. Work has now been underway for some time and the first tank has been made ready for testing. Tanks & Pipeworks have again engaged Jurgen Straube from TUV Nord to undertake the testing of this first milestone in the operation. Those members who do not know, Jurgen is an acknowledged expert in the field of leak detection/protection and is one of the authors of the EN13160 standard. Starting with the scrutiny of all the paperwork with Kevin Hoare, the site supervisor, in relation to the lining, the checking of the resins and materials used in order to verify the same ones are in use as were involved in the granting of the certification, once satisfied the testing moves on into the storage tanks.

ATEX alarm

Testing ports have been made into the lining at the top and bottom of each tank section, readings are taken from these points to ensure that the vacuum level is the same in each position (in Millibars). The testing also involves the drilling of points within the system, chosen at random by APEA tel/fax 0345 603 5507


Articles Jurgen, and this is to ensure that an alarm will sound in the case of a loss of vacuum within 6 seconds; it was nerve wracking on this occasion because of the sheer scale of the tank but the upshot is that the lining has passed all the testing that was carried out on this occasion. With any fuelling facility it is obviously extremely important that the capacity of the tank is measured accurately, with the size of the tanks this could have proved to be troublesome, however a company that specialises in laser measuring has been engaged and have performed a “strapping table” of the tank interior and this has given an accurate capacity to ensure safe operation.

Jurgen testing

Testing port within tank

You will see from the photographs that this is certainly a major project. I did have a small consultancy role in the tendering process but didn’t imagine the scale of the operation until I visited the facility to witness the testing and saw it for myself. One thing that also struck me is the fantastic engineering that went into the original installation; really well built, solid machinery which has certainly stood the test of time. I must say however that the project currently being undertaken shows me that the engineering skills that exist in the UK are still the best in the world, the design and process that has been undertaken on this facility is enormous but has been thought through and executed to an extremely high standard. Jurgen Straube was similarly impressed with the unique engineering that he had seen and tested; the people involved in this project should be proud of their initial achievements. Once completed the Has Saptan fuelling facility will have all tanks with Class I leak prevention installed and accurate gauging in order to ensure that part of the fuelling infrastructure has been made safer and will ensure that protection of the natural environment has been achieved to serve future generations. 30

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Laser scanner

Celebration after tank one pass


A Period of Change and Innovation – Underground Pipe Work By Jamie Thompson, Chairman of the Technical Committee In the late 1980’s the London Fire Brigade, a department within the Greater London Council and the petroleum licensing authority for London had been recording around 130 leaks a year from petrol filling stations. This was causing major operation problems and indeed public safety concerns. The main cause was recorded as corrosion to both single wall steel tanks and steel lines and in an urban environment fuel frequently found its way into basements, GPO ducts, sewers and more alarmingly in one 3 year period 5 leaks into the underground railway causing major safety concerns. “Leak detection” was really found to be in the areas around a filling station where petrol was smelt or flowed; in those days stock control was not such a brilliant art with very few leaks detected using inventory control of fuel. The change from using the same storage and distribution system which the industry had used for around 90 years came about quite quickly when the Greater London Council became far more pro-

active and decided that in 1990 they would no longer accept single wall steel tanks or single wall steel lines at new filling stations. There were other materials and options available but at that time had not been used within the UK. Industry found the move challenging and gradually some engineers came up with interesting solutions to meet the concerns expressed by the regulators. I certainly recall discussing alternatives with many oil company engineers as we as regulators were being encouraged to have “goal setting” ideas rather than being dogmatic about what materials should be used. The tank storage solution was relatively simple; double wall steel tanks with leak detection which are still being used today. Also, Glass Reinforced Plastic tanks which would not rust were being considered by some users, although no longer the choice of industry in Europe today. Perhaps the biggest problem initially was to find a replacement

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Articles piping system, where it was estimated around 70% of the leaks came from. It was a fact that galvanised steel pipe was acting as a sacrificial anode to the tanks and point corrosion caused leaks to the pipe work - some recorded as soon as three years after installation.

The following secondary containment solution developed in Canada became available to existing rigid pipe work which saw some limited use as it proved somewhat difficult to assemble. The immediate solution for the UK industry was the pipe which was being used in the USA - glass fibre pipe (GRP) - really the only non-metallic pipe with a history of use and built to a UL standard. GRP was initially all that could be used in the London area as at the time no other non-metallic pipe appeared to be available. Engineers and sales teams came from the US to demonstrate the joining and installation techniques and indeed if you look at the Blue Book today you will see reference to GRP pipe as still being acceptable for use on filling stations. The first GRP pipe installation we saw in London was a double wall pipe system built for a pressure system at a Mobil site in Hammersmith where “Smiths Red Thread” system was installed. The site was situated in front of Hammersmith District line Underground Railway and one of the first leak detection systems was installed to provide early warning of any breach of the pipe work. All those involved learned a lot from these installations including the different handling of pipe and jointing compounds and also the need to be far more careful when installing and covering the pipe. It was a fact that these early installations were very expensive when compared to the steel installations, especially the double wall pipe systems, and it was not long before engineers looked at other methods of installing “double wall” pipe work which would not prove so expensive.


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Double wall GRP pipe

One such case in the London area was a single wall GRP system which was encapsulated in a “sealed bag” marketed by a Chicago company called MCP Containment. These systems are still used successfully in separating environmental risks from storage systems. The geo-membranes are in fact systems tailored to meet the requirements of the site are water and fuel resistant and in this case once the pipe work was installed the bag was zipped up and any leaking fuel was detected in the bag. There were some installations that used such a system but the one in the London area developed a problem. Alarms went off after all the site had been finished and on inspection water had found its way through the sealed zip and it became obvious that this system was not suitable for areas with high water table. Eventually the Oil Company dug up the forecourt and replaced the pipe work with APEA tel/fax 0345 603 5507

MPC Bag System under construction


Articles double wall pipe with leak detection. In an effort to try and combat concerns the next solution tried was leak detection using cable which detected a change (such as leaking fuel) and would alarm. Also it was possible using electronic equipment to find out how far along the pipe work the leak was occurring. This system was installed at one site in Chelmsford, Essex and after a few years a leak was detected on a pressure system and the engineers detected where the leak was coming from along the line using the electronic read out which pin pointed the position. Pressure tests undertaken at the time found no pressure drop. Excavation of the area where the leak was detected was undertaken and the pipe fitter turned on the submersible pump, only to see a spout of petrol shooting in the air when the pump

Leak detection cable on GRP pipe MPC Bag System

was turned off. It appeared that the pipe was slightly damaged during installation and a flap when the pressure peaked came away; fortunately there was no public on site and no fire, but again lessons were learnt. Around the world the same problem with corroding steel pipe was being experienced and in the US flexible double wall hose systems were being developed and eventually found their way to Europe. I saw the first of such pipe work displayed at the PEI Convention Trade show in 1989. Total Containment made this system called Enviroflex which was used extensively in the USA and in Europe including the UK. Unfortunately these systems had some failures a few years after being installed and regulators in the US reported that 471 sites had been affected in 2006 and hose deterioration caused recalls and the company eventually went

This was an installation put into a pressure site in 1990


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Enviroflex pipe failures

into liquidation. While at least one of the flexible pipe work systems is still sold in parts of the world, in Europe and many parts of the world it now recognises that High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) pipe with the APEA tel/fax 0345 603 5507


Articles appropriate fuel resistant liner is the material of choice for underground pipe distributing fuels on filling stations. What is an interesting conclusion is that both the Gas and Water

industry had been recognising the problems that steel pipe had been causing and had changed to PE piping some years before. It took the oil industry with some encouragement from the Regulators to eventually join the move to safer installations.

Modern polyethylene piping system


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Articles/UK News

The Forecourt show, NEC April 2019: APEA National Council member Clare Scawthorn, Petroleum Manager from the London Fire Brigade formed part of a panel during the Forecourt Show, hosted by Quentin Wilson, on fuelling the future - on the road to zero.

News BP & Environmental Defence Fund collaborate to reduce methane emissions BP and Environmental Defence Fund (EDF) announced a threeyear strategic commitment to advance technologies and practices to reduce methane emissions from the global oil and gas supply chain. The agreement enables collaboration on projects that test technologies and emerging strategies to continue to improve methane management. Working with universities and third-party

experts, the initiative has the potential for broad applicability to help the entire oil and gas industry. EDF will not receive any funding from BP, consistent with EDF’s strict policy prohibiting receipt of funds from energy companies and corporate collaborators. Rather, BP and EDF are working to identify third-party analytical and technological demonstration projects, and BP will assist with funding.

Penny Petroleum rebrands stores


Leading fuel and retail group Penny Petroleum has signed a deal to move a further eight of its Scottish convenience stores to Spar.

geographical area,” said Vicky Hennessy, Business Development Manager at Penny Petroleum.

With a total of 52 sites around the UK, Penny Petroleum has had two sites with Spar stores for two years. By the end of 2019, it will move a further eight stores in Scotland to Spar, with all 10 stores to be supplied by CJ Lang & Son Ltd.”Spar has a strong brand presence in Scotland, which will help develop our business in this

The move will take place over the next six months, as the team look at internal and external branding at each site. There will be a focus on expanding food-to-go, fresh and frozen food ranges, and beer, wine and spirits. The Penny Petroleum Group will celebrate 25 years of trading in 2019.

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UK News

Shell to provide 700,000 homes with renewable electricity Royal Dutch Shell will begin supplying renewable electricity to more than 700,000 homes in the UK this week as it powers up plans to become the world’s biggest electricity company. The global energy company has also rebranded First Utility, a large energy supplier in the UK that it acquired last year, as Shell Energy. “We are building on the disruptive nature of First Utility to give customers something better. We know that renewable electricity is important to them and we are delivering that, while ensuring good value and rewarding loyalty,” Colin Crooks, CEO of Shell Energy Retail Ltd, said.

Shell Energy customers will be able to take advantage of a 3% discount at Shell petrol stations. The newly branded supplier will have one of the cheaper deals on the market at around £970 a year for an average household usage of gas and electricity. “Shell recognises the world needs more energy with lower emissions and this will give customers more flexibility, greater control and cleaner energy,” said Mark Gainsborough, Executive Vice President Shell New Energies. The electricity provided by Shell Energy comes from 100% renewable sources like wind, solar and biomass.

Asda and Sainsbury agree fuel cap J Sainsbury plc (Sainsbury’s) and Asda Group Limited (Asda) have recently submitted to the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) their responses to the CMA’s Provisional Findings and Notice of Proposed Remedies. In their detailed response to the Provisional Findings, Sainsbury’s and Asda have sought to address what they consider economic and legal errors regarding the threshold for identifying competition

problems. Sainsbury’s and Asda have also responded to the Notice of Proposed Remedies by outlining supermarket and petrol forecourt divestments across both brands that would satisfy reasonable concerns regarding any substantial lessening of competition as a result of the merger by applying a conservative yet reasonable threshold.

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UK News The two businesses argue that the merge will lower prices for customers in an increasingly competitive market, while improving quality and service. The price commitments will be independently reviewed by a third party and the Parties will publish the performance each year, holding them to public account: “We are trying to bring our businesses together so that we can help millions of customers make significant savings on their shopping and their fuel costs, two of their biggest regular outgoings. We have

proposed a reasonable yet conservative remedy package and hope the CMA considers this so that we can deliver the cost savings for customers”, said Sainsbury’s Chief Executive, Mike Coupe and Asda Chief Executive, Roger Burnley. The CMA is expected to publish Sainsbury’s and Asda’s responses to the Provisional Findings and Notice of Possible Remedies in due course. Final Report was expected by 30th April.

Certas Energy unveils new uk fuel bunker Certas Energy, the UK’s leading independent distributor of fuels and lubricants, hosted a ceremony for a new HGV refueling bunker site in the heart of the ‘Golden Triangle’ of logistics in Northamptonshire. The new site will be located just 400m from the M1 at Junction 16. Featuring a canopy cover design and eight high-speed refueling pumps - each of which dispenses fuel at a speed of up to 120 litres per minute - the site will be able to deal with a high volume of customers. The HGV refueling bunker will be located alongside the existing


Red Lion Truck Stop. “The ‘Golden Triangle’ is a key strategic location, so we’re delighted to begin the construction process. We believe that by partnering with an established and popular Truckstop, such as The Red Lion, we have a platform to deliver a ‘one-stop’ destination for drivers and hauliers,” said Andrew Goodwin, National Bunker Manager for Certas Energy. With a national network of over 130 depots, over 900 tankers, more than 800 retail forecourts, fuel cards usable at over 2,000 sites and 2,300 employees, Certas Energy has the most robust infrastructure in the UK.

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UK News

Maxol to invest 100 million on forecourts Ireland’s dynamic fuel and convenience market pushes industry players to look for continuous innovation; and Maxol is no exception. The family-owned business has already invested €128 million in its network between 2012 and 2017. Maxol will spend €37 million in 2019 in the redevelopment of various sites across Ireland. The company has also launched its own coffee brand - ROSA. Roasted in Ireland, the blend contains 100% Fairtrade Arabica coffee beans and follows a €1.7m investment in

the brand. “We strive to bring choice, value and freshness to our customers every day whether shoppers want the convenience of a freshly made sandwich or wrap from the SPAR Daily Deli, a barista-style coffee from the Barista Bar or picking up quality ingredients for dinner on their way home,” said Maxol CEO, Brian Donaldson, at a recent opening in Rosepark. There are more than 230 Maxol branded service stations in Ireland.

ULEZ: New pollution charge begins in London The Ultra-Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) has come into force in central London. Drivers of older, more polluting vehicles are being charged to enter the congestion zone area at any time. Transport for London (TfL) hopes the move will reduce the number of polluting cars in the capital and estimates about 40,000 vehicles will be affected every day. Mayor of London Sadiq Khan said it was “important we make progress” in tackling the capital’s toxic air. However, the Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) said many small firms were “very worried about the future of their businesses” as a result of the “additional cost burden”.

Most vehicles which are not compliant will have to pay £12.50 for entering the area each day, in addition to the congestion charge. Vehicles can be checked using TfL’s online checker but broadly speaking, those which are non-compliant are: • Motorbikes that do not meet Euro 3 standards (pre-2007 vehicles) • Petrol cars and vans that do not meet Euro 4 standards (vehicles pre-2006) • Diesel cars and vans that do not meet Euro 6 standards (vehicles pre-2015) • Buses, coaches and lorries will need to meet or exceed the Euro

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UK News 6 standards or pay £100 a day Anybody who does not pay the charge will face a fine of £160, although a first offence may result in only a warning letter. The ULEZ is set to be expanded to cover the entire area between

the North and South Circular roads in 2021. TfL estimates the initial scheme will lead to a reduction in toxic emissions from road transport by about 45% in two years. Mr Khan said London’s air pollution was a “public health emergency” and it was the “poorest Londoners that suffer the worst quality air”.

Kimbolton fireworks factory to close after 55 years A fireworks firm that created displays for the opening and closing ceremonies at the London 2012 Olympics and Paralympic Games has ceased trading. Family-run Kimbolton Fireworks, based in Cambridgeshire, was founded by the Reverend Ron Lancaster in 1964. It said it was the only UK manufacturer of display fireworks. The firm confirmed the news via an answer machine message saying, “we regret that Kimbolton Fireworks has ceased trading”, all inquiries are being dealt with by insolvency practitioner Begbie’s Traynor, according to the message. The firm had previously provided displays for events including the handover of Hong Kong, London’s New Year’s Eve celebrations, Trafalgar 200 and the 50th anniversary of VJ Day in London.

Speaking in November, Reverend Lancaster said: “We used to make fireworks full-time with about 16 people, but because of EU regulations in recent years, we have made less and less fireworks to sell to the general public. “We are hoping that Brexit will put us back to where we were before, with some of the regulation that really did alter our activities after July last year. “We tend to make fireworks which we use in our own fireworks displays, which is quite lawful. “We are just waiting in the doldrums to know what our civil service is going to do about making it possible to be in business after Brexit.”

Circle K opens largest site in the world Circle K, Ireland’s largest fuel and convenience retailer, has opened the largest service station in its global network; Circle K Gorey on the M11 in Co Wexford, creating 40 new jobs in the locality and is set to cater for 20,000 motorists daily.

with this newest addition at Gorey.

The official opening celebration, attended by Circle K senior management and local political dignitaries, took place on Thursday 28th March with a host of special offers available in store on the day.

Circle K Gorey will have a range of offerings including Circle K’s miles and milesPLUS advanced premium fuels, fast-charge points for electric vehicles and dedicated pumps for AdBlue and Gasoil customers. Also available are Circle K’s extensive deli food range, Mexican street food offer “Cantina”; a fully serviced barista offering exciting new innovations in the areas of frozen drinks and ice cream and Circle K’s own specialty coffee Simply Great Coffee.

The newest opening is part of an overall investment of €35 million by Circle K, announced in 2018, into the development of four new sites. The first of these sites located at J7 Kill on the N7 opened just last December with further new site openings scheduled for this year in Kilcullen, Co. Kildare and Athlone, Co. Westmeath along

The site will be open on a 24/7 basis and also includes a seated café area; an indoor and outdoor children’s play area; a Fáilte Ireland tourist information point and extensive parking for customers including truck and coach spaces. The site will also have a McDonalds restaurant.

Fine for running out of fuel on motorways

We all know that you can’t stop on any part of a duel carriageway like the A14 or a motorway like the M11. The only place you can safely stop are the designated parking areas - the ones marked with a big P that are usefully before and after junctions.

to (there are also some ‘smart motorways’ which can open the hard shoulder in some circumstances). If your car has had a genuine fault like a puncture or engine failure that isn’t your own causing then you shouldn’t get a fine, however, if you just didn’t put enough fuel in it’s a different story. If you are on the hard shoulder than you are a risk to other drivers and could cause a serious road accident, so if you do find yourself there, you should call police and notify them.

That also goes for the hard shoulder which you might think you could stop on if you did run out of fuel. You can actually only stop on the hard shoulder if it’s an emergency, or if the police tell you

It will mean you’ll have a fine of £30 to pay for the obstruction, but means that no one is seriously harmed and the only damage is to your ego and wallet.

Did you know that if you run out of fuel on the A14 or M11 it could cost you more than just filling up your petrol tank? You could actually be handed a ticket from police for obstruction.


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UK News

An unusual washing machine arrangement in Stoke on Trent


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International News

Mexican government considers fuel station chain The President of Mexico has warned fuel dealers and distributors against hiking fuel prices as he tries to make good on his campaign promise of stable fuel prices. The Mexican government is studying the creation of a state-supported service station chain to counter increasing fuel prices in the now private market.


The Sub-secretary of Finance and Public Credit, Arturo Herrera, explained in a press conference held at the National Palace that fuel prices are currently rising as a result of sales policies of the service stations themselves.

The President of the Republic, Manuel López Obrador, called on companies to review their profit margins in “a friendly call”. Otherwise, the Government of Mexico would consider “creating a group of fuel stations in the country to sell fuel at a fair price”.

The profit margin for regular gas is 55%, for premium 84% and 36% in the case of diesel. This scheme responds to a price-setting policy of gas stations, not the government, according to Herrera.

Lopez Obrador also noted that consumers can make use of mobile applications to consult the price and place of cheap fuels. In addition, the Government will provide every Monday in a press conference information on which were the cheapest gas stations during the previous week.

The STPS incentive program aimed to reduce the price of fuels for consumers, however, it is being used by service stations to increase their profits. For every Mexican peso of incentive granted by the government, 63 cents went to the service stations and 37 cents to

The Federal Economic Competition Commission is currently looking into possible monopolistic practices in the gas station market.

Benchmark fuel prices have been rising this year in line with increases in prices for crude oil.

More hydrogen sites to open in California FirstElement Fuel, Inc., a California-based retail hydrogen network, secured $24 million in funding to grow its presence in the U.S. state. The growth funding from Mitsui Group’s U.S. based subsidiary Hy Solution, Inc. and Air Liquide, with each company providing $12 million, will expand its capacity from the ability to serve 7,000 fuel cell electric vehicles to more than 28,000 vehicles, reports Green Car Congress. “American, Japanese, and French companies are coming together to invest in a retail hydrogen network that is the first of its kind anywhere in the world. This shows the critical role that California is playing in a global energy transformation, and it’s based on a business case that allows us to expand and drive down the price

of hydrogen fuel, all with a road to profitability and sustainability,” said Joel Ewanick, Founder & CEO of FirstElement Fuel Inc. Leading up to this round of funding, FirstElement Fuel has grown its True Zero Network in California with financial assistance from the California Energy Commission, Toyota, Honda, the South Coast AQMD, and the Bay Area AQMD. In California one third of the hydrogen produced today comes from renewable sources, with the remaining two thirds incorporating natural gas and water, according to FirstElement Fuel. The company has completed the construction of 15 stations under the True Zero brand.

Calgary opens largest CNG bus fuelling facility in America The City of Calgary, in Canadian state of Alberta, has opened what it claims to be the largest indoor compressed natural gas (CNG) bus fuelling complex in North America. The new facility will house more than 450 buses as it transitions from diesel-powered vehicles to CNG over the next six years. The new Stoney Transit Facility will provide storage and maintenance space for Calgary Transit’s new fleet of CNG buses as well as diesel buses that are currently stored outside the City’s other bus garages. The 44,300 square metre facility will be capable of housing in excess of 450 40-foot buses, with 36 maintenance bays, including two cleaning bays, an on-site compressed natural gas fuelling infrastructure, and associated staff facilities. It will also provide diesel bus fuelling and operations, recognizing the transition period needed to introduce CNG buses into Transit’s fleet. 46

“I’m so pleased that our fleet of CNG buses are now part of our Calgary Transit fleet,” said Mayor Naheed Nenshi. “Investments in transit are among the best investments any city can make — they are investments in the environment, reducing congestion and improving mobility.” Use of CNG as fuel will result in three important benefits for Calgarians. First, these buses will generate savings of approximately $3.9 million annually by 2021 as a result of the lower fuel cost of natural gas. Second, a CNG bus produces approximately 17 per cent less GHG emissions (C02e kg/km) on a well-to-wheel basis compared to diesel. Third, these buses will reduce air and noise pollution. Natural gas engines are much cleaner burning and the Cummins Westport L9N engine has 90 per cent fewer NOx emissions than the current North American EPA standard. When idling, CNG buses are also approximately 10 times quieter than diesel buses.

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International News

New hydrogen sensor unveiled to test fuel quality Research is underway that aims at developing a sensor system that can provide continuous in situ monitoring of hydrogen quality at hydrogen fuelling stations. Professor Andreas Schütze and his research team at Saarland University are collaborating with research partners to develop technology that ensures that the fuel cell is only fed with high purity hydrogen, thereby extending the service life of the fuel cell. Project partners include the Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE and Hydac Electronic GmbH. The infrared measuring cell will be installed inside the hydrogen filling station and will have to operate under very challenging conditions. The sensor system must work reliably, despite the extremely high pressures and short refuelling times. “Contaminants can actually poison the fuel cell,” explains Professor Schütze. “The challenge is twofold: measuring at the required level of precision and coping with the conditions under which the sensor system needs to operate”.

The research team is therefore developing an infrared measuring cell that can measure reliably and accurately under these extreme conditions. The very high pressures to which their sensors are exposed are in fact utilized by the team to further improve the sensitivity of their process. “One of the questions we’re studying at the moment is whether and how the intensity of the infrared spectrum we measure changes with pressure. The sensor system has to be able to reliably detect a range of contaminants at concentration levels significantly below what we find in oils,” explains Marco Schott, a doctoral student working on the hydrogen measuring cell. The new sensor system will be undergoing operational trials this autumn. The research team from Saarbrücken were at this year’s Hannover Messe that started 1 April, where they showcased their high-pressure test rig at the Saarland Research and Innovation Stand.

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International News

Applegreen expand US operation Irish forecourt operator Applegreen plc has expanded its U.S. network from five sites in 2015 to 120 in 2018. A key player in the innovative Irish convenience store market, Applegreen bets on its excellent retail value, low fuel price and quality-assured fuel to push its brand in the U.S. market, according to the company. “We see the U.S. as a very attractive growth market for our business and we are actively pursuing further expansion opportunities that should see us growing employment significantly in the coming years,” said Niall Dolan, chief financial officer of Applegreen.

Its footprint in the United States now includes operations in New York, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Vermont, South Carolina and Florida, reports Convenience Store News. “Applegreen’s ability to transfer their brand and value to the U.S. market so successfully in such a short period of time has been remarkable,” said Julie Sinnamon, CEO of Enterprise Ireland, the Irish state agency that works with Irish enterprises. The Irish company currently has over 368 service stations across Ireland, the UK and America.

Socar to open 17 new stations Socar Petroleum SA is planning to open 17 gas stations in Romania within 2019. The subsidiary of SOCAR in Romania will open some 17 sites across the country in 2019 as part of their expansion plan. The long-term development strategy has set the goal of reaching 80 petrol stations over the next few years. “The company has developed a long-term development strategy

in Romania. The works are underway in accordance with the program. Socar filling stations are located mainly in major cities with heavy traffic, as well as on highways in the direction of Central Europe,” said a company official. Currently there are 42 filling stations operating under the Socar brand in 19 Romanian regions. The investment made by the Azerbaijani state-owned company in Romania amounts to $77.7 million between 2011 and 2017.

LPG fire sparks inferno at filling station A fire at a service station in Adelaide’s north area has destroyed many cars and threatened to spread to petrol and gas supplies. Emergency services were called to the On-The-Run on Vater Street in Dry Creek, Adelaide at around 7.30pm one evening.

infrastructure and two cars. The LPG leak and resulting explosion is thought to have been accidental. Crews worked in hot conditions to extinguish the fire and no one was injured. A smoke warning was issued to surrounding houses but that was later cancelled.

Fire Crews arrived to find an LPG leak had ignited, setting fire to a nearby vehicle and threatening to spread to other petrol bowsers. A staff member quickly isolated the leak as both Country and Metropolitan Fire Fighters battled to contain the fire. The blaze caused significant damage to the canopy over the pumps but did not spread to the main building.

In a statement, OTR director Belinda Petersen said: “Our emergency response procedures were implemented effectively, limiting further damage. “The store remained untouched. All customers and staff have been safely evacuated and counselling has been offered. “Safety is of upmost priority for OTR. The site is now closed, and engineers are investigating the cause of the fire. Once we are confident the site is safe for our guests and team, we will announce that the site is open again for trade.”

The fire caused more than $150,000 damage to the canopy, site

EPA to change rules of E15 Retailers may be able to sell E15 throughout the year instead of only in the summer if the changes are approved. The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) proposed regulatory changes to allow gasoline blended with up to 15% ethanol (E15) all year round. The proposal takes advantage of the 1-psi Reid Vapor Pressure (RVP) waiver for the summer months that has historically been applied only to E10. Currently, the Reid Vapor Pressure (RVP) regulations force fuel 50

retailers to restrict sales of E15 to flex fuel vehicles (FFV) only from 1 June to 15 September, the peak driving season. “This rule is a critical milestone for rural Americans who make renewable biofuels and for all American drivers, who may soon have a cleaner, more affordable, higher-octane fuel all year long,” said Growth Energy CEO Emily Skor. Comments on EPA’s E15 market reform proposal were to be submitted to the agency by April 29th following which a decision will be considered.

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International News

First hydrogen station planned Saudi Aramco and Air Products have teamed-up to build the first retail hydrogen fuelling station in Saudi Arabia, which will use Bennett Hydrogen Fuel Dispensers. The station, set to open in the second quarter of 2019, will feature Air Products’ proprietary SmartFuel hydrogen fuelling technology to supply vehicles with compressed hydrogen through Bennett Dispensers. The site will collect information that will be used in future hydrogen fuel cell applications in the region. Toyota Motor Corporation will supply Toyota Mirai Fuel Cell Vehicles for testing in this project. “Hydrogen fuel cells offer an effective means for

the electrification of transport while maintaining easy, 5-minute refuelling and longer-range potential,” said Chief Technology Officer of Saudi Aramco, Ahmad O. Al Khowaiter. “We are honoured to work on another venture with Saudi Aramco to establish and develop a sustainable hydrocarbon-based hydrogen supply system,” said Executive Vice President at Air Products, Dr. Samir Serhan. Saudi Aramco is the state-owned oil company of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and a fully integrated, global petroleum and chemicals enterprise.

PTT stations to aid prisoner vocational training Drivers passing through PTT petrol stations in Thailand will soon be able to buy products made by prison inmates, the state-owned retailer confirmed. Representatives from the Justice Ministry and PTT Oil and Retail Business plc (PTTOR) signed an agreement to allow the sale of products made by inmates at stations and provide vocational training for prisoners at a ministry building, reports the Bangkok Post. “It is aimed at returning good people to society. An initial study will look into the possibility of selling products made by inmates, those


on probation and young people under observation, at about 1,600 PTT petrol stations and about 2,400 Amazon coffee shops,” Deputy Prime Minister and Justice Minister Prajin Juntong said at the signing ceremony. As part of the agreement, both organizations will create channels that allow for inmates about to be released and those on probation to carry out apprenticeships with PTTOR’s vast network of stores. The one-year project would start next month and could be extended, he said. A prototype of a PTT service station may be set up within the grounds of the Ministry of Justice to start training inmates.

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International News

Girl’s hair goes up in flames after she washed it with petrol to get rid of lice The 16-year-old’s pal had told her to use the highlyflammable liquid to get rid of her lice problem. However, after dousing herself with petrol, she accidentally touched a heater and set herself on fire leaving her with serious burns all over her body. The incident happened in the eastern Turkish province of Erzincan province when Gozde K., decided to take action against her irritating head lice problem. After a friend told her to wash her hair with petrol, the teenager tried it and then accidentally touched a gasoline heater before going up in flames. According to local media, her father Erdal heard her screams and rushed into the bathroom to extinguish his daughter’s burning body with a towel. He then called the emergency services and the 16-year-old was rushed to the burns unit of the Ataturk University Yakutiye Research fuel from our gasoline heater and somehow she bent down and touched the Hospital. heater which instantly set her on fire. I covered her with a towel and called Reports state she was then transferred to the intensive the emergency services, she was bleeding. They have carried out surgery and care unit for further treatment. Erdal, who received burns we pray to God that she will survive.” Erdal added that friends and loved ones to his hands while saving his daughter, is also being treated have launched social media fundraising campaign to help the family with at the same hospital. He told local media: “She used the medical costs. APEA tel/fax 0345 603 5507


International News

Germany sees record H2 fuel station growth A total of 48 publicly accessible hydrogen filling stations were put into operation worldwide in 2018. Seventeen of them are located in Germany. Japan still has the largest number of public H2 fuel stations (96), ahead of Germany (60) and the USA (42). This is the result of the eleventh annual evaluation of, a website of the German Ludwig-BölkowSystemtechnik and TÜV Süd. Germany experienced the largest growth with 17 new hydrogen filling stations. Nine new locations were added in Japan in 2018 and ten in the USA (including six in California). According to Ludwig-BölkowSystemtechnik, there are currently a total of 152 hydrogen filling stations in Europe, 136 in Asia and 78 in North America. Of these 369 filling stations, however, only 273 are public, while the remaining locations are reserved for closed user groups. In an accompanying press release, TÜV Süd also speaks of “significant innovations in concrete expansion planning” with regard to the Netherlands (17 planned filling stations), France (12), Canada (7), South Korea (27) and China (18). In contrast to South

Korea and Japan, which mostly host fuel stations for fuel cell electric cars, China will first set up an infrastructure for FC buses and small distribution trucks. In addition to government initiatives, some companies themselves are also driving forces: Hyundai, Nikola Motor and Toyota are both working on the development of FC trucks and their fueling infrastructure. If we focus the lens on Germany, then in addition to the current number of 60 hydrogen filling stations there are plans for 38 further locations, 34 of which are being developed under the auspices of the H2 Mobility Germany industrial initiative. Their website specifies that four of these future sites are in the planning phase, ten in the approval phase, eleven in the execution phase and nine in the commissioning and trial phase. It also states that the current demand for hydrogen in Germany is around seven tonnes. In 2018, four start-ups in eastern Germany took a further step towards a nationwide hydrogen infrastructure, and thus towards a “densification of the hydrogen corridors from east to west and north to south in Europe,” writes the TÜV, which also highlights three H2 filling stations in Schleswig-Holstein as a special project, as their hydrogen is generated by electrolysis in nearby wind farms. With regard to Europe, the initiators of the report speak of the previously mentioned 152 H2 filling stations, whereby no distinction is made here between public, semi-public and nonpublic. H2 Mobility Germany operates a live map for Europe and currently lists 99 hydrogen filling stations in operation, eight currently out of operation and 51 in implementation. 54

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International News

Ontario to allow mobile phones on forecourts Ontario’s safety regulator says it will permit mobile phones at filling stations after a new report corrected the long-held assumption that they pose a fire risk at the pump. A study by U.S. engineering consulting firm BakerRisk found that there is “one chance in 10 billion” that a mobile phone could ignite gas vapours while refuelling. The Technical Standards and Safety Authority (TSSA) will now let

will let people use mobile phones to pay for gas at dispensers in Ontario. “There is a very low probability of cell phones being able to ignite even an ideal flammable gas mixture in air,” said BakerRisk in its report. “There have been no fires reported at gas stations attributed to cell phone ignition in the last 20 years.” Customers at the pump should still be focused on their refuelling task at hand, and not use the mobile phone for distraction purposes, according to the TSSA.

First renewable diesel site to open in California Finish oil company Neste is bringing its renewable diesel to northern and central California by opening unstaffed stations. Neste-branded cardlock in San Leandro and another three sites will open in cooperation with local distributors this spring. Cardlocks are unstaffed fuelling stations designed to accommodate fleet vehicles, including 18-wheel trucks. These sites will dispense Neste MY Renewable Diesel, a low-carbon fuel produced from 100 percent renewable and sustainable raw materials.

“Since launching in California in 2017, we’ve had a lot of positive feedback from drivers and fleet managers using Neste MY Renewable Diesel,” said Jeremy Baines, Vice President of Sales for Neste. In 2018, the San Leandro location served over 16,000 customers. Making the switch to Neste MY Renewable Diesel is estimated to help these drivers reduce greenhouse gas emissions by more than 20,000 tons every year.

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International News

HTEC & 7-Eleven Canada to open two hydrogen refueling stations 7-Eleven is expanding its hydrogen fueling infrastructure as it continues to explore ways of reducing carbon emissions. HTEC (Hydrogen Technology & Energy Corporation) is collaborating with international convenience-store chain, 7-Eleven to build two retail hydrogen refueling stations in British Columbia. The station locations, one in North Vancouver and another proposed for Vancouver Island, will be part of the six-station network HTEC is building to support the rollout of the first 1,000 zero-emission hydrogen fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs) in BC. The stations will operate at 7-Eleven sites where Esso-branded fuel

is sold. “Now, working with HTEC, we are exploring innovative hydrogen refueling solutions that continue to reduce our carbon footprint while meeting the evolving transportation needs of our customers,” said Doug Rosencrans, Vice President and General Manager, 7Eleven Canada. 7-Eleven also recently expanded its RENEW Emissions Offset Program in Canada and the United States. The program invests in carbon emissions offset projects such as reforestation, solar power, wind power, and others to offset tailpipe emissions.

Ballenoil increases workforce The largest independent operator of fuel in Spain, Ballenoil, has forecasted the increase of its staff by 37% over the next three years in both personnel service stations and offices, mainly due to 49 new petrol filling stations being opened. By the end of 2018, the company had a total of 195 workers, most of them involved in

customer service, management and maintenance of more than 100 service stations. Ballenoil is a ‘low-cost’ gas station chain with mostly unmanned sites. This increase in workers correlates to the growing business of Ballenoil. In 2018 its sales increased by 15% compared to the previous year.

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Press Releases

Press Releases Exciting times for Cameron Forecourt as they embrace their new home in TSG UK

TSG UK has acquired Cameron Forecourt bringing two major players in their respective fields together. Cameron Forecourt’s specialisation in commercial fuelling sectors including Haulage, Rail and Aggregates to name a few, is a great fit for TSG and compliments TSG’s dominant position in retail fuelling, creating a unique organisation with significant capabilities to serve the fuelling demands of the UK. Barry Jenner, former Managing Director of Cameron Forecourt Ltd announces, “I’m delighted to announce that as of 31st January, Cameron Forecourt is under new ownership in the form of TSG (formally Tokheim Services Group).” He explains, “The opportunities for Cameron Forecourt under TSG’s ownership are incredibly exciting. As a combined company we have the opportunity to offer new services and capabilities that are currently unavailable to the commercial fuelling market.” Barry Jenner is now Business Development Director at Cameron Forecourt and will focus on the smooth integration of the two companies, stating, “I will spend the coming months concentrating on the transference of ownership and make the process as smooth as possible for all parties, including staff, suppliers, distributers and most importantly our loyal customers, who will ultimately reap the benefits.” 58

TSG has a presence in 30 countries with over 2,400 field engineers and around 40,000 fuelling sites under direct service. Cameron Forecourt joins the established TSG Fleet activity in the UK and brings its wealth of expertise and experience to the development of this key sector for TSG. Steve Watts, TSG Sales Director, explains, “TSG is known for its presence in retail fuelling, however the company has been working hard on penetrating the commercial fuelling industry for some considerable time and has developed strong relationships with customers in that part of the industry.” He continues, “The acquisition of Cameron Forecourt secures the specialist resources that we believe are required to provide the services that the commercial fuelling market deserves.” In addition to retail fuelling, TSG UK includes an arm of the business dedicated to construction and tank management, including re-lining. It is also involved with vehicle wash systems through its partnership with Karcher and electric vehicle charging through a partnership with ChargePoint. TSG also has a range of its own commercial products. Barry Jenner explains, “TSG’s extensive range of services and products will benefit our customers, exploiting TSG’s internal capabilities will help us to deliver more control and a greater range of services.”

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Press Releases

Dover Fueling Solutions provides wetstock monitoring to GATE Petroleum Company Dover Fueling Solutions (“DFS”), a part of Dover Corporation that delivers advanced fuel dispensing equipment, electronic systems and payment, fleet systems, automatic tank gauging and wetstock management, is pleased to announce that GATE Petroleum Company (“GATE”) of Jacksonville, Florida has purchased the ClearView™ solution wetstock monitoring services for its network of convenience stores throughout the south-eastern U.S. Founded in 1960 by Herbert H. Peyton, GATE Petroleum Company is a heavily-diversified company operating in a variety of industries including retail convenience stores, car washes, fleet and fuel services, real estate, hospitality and construction materials. Today, the company’s retail operations include convenience stores in Florida, Georgia, North Carolina and South Carolina. GATE recently entered into an agreement with DFS to purchase the ClearView solution wetstock monitoring services for all of its companybranded fuel sites. This purchase will enable GATE to drive down costs related to fuel shortages, equipment maintenance, and administrative costs of environmental compliance, while improving customer experience. “To evaluate the ClearView solution services we implemented a pilot program in five of our stores, allowing us to examine the solution from every angle. It didn’t take long to see that the impressive claims were true,” said John Cockerham, vice president of operations at GATE. “The ROI proved to be well above what we expected, so we are looking forward to rolling out the product throughout our network.” John Nesbit, DFS director of systems sales in North America and ClearView general manager, said, “We are thrilled to have the opportunity to work with the GATE Petroleum team to help them drive better bottom-line results with the ClearView solution. It has been a privilege to partner with them as they re-image and renew their trusted brand across the southeast, and now we’ll enjoy helping them make those sites more efficient and even more competitive!” For more information about DFS products and solutions, visit

Motor Fuel Group extends with Londis and Budgens The UK’s number one independent forecourt operator, Motor Fuel Group (MFG) is rebranding 110 of its shops from SPAR to the Londis or Budgens brands having extended its shop supply agreement with Booker Retail Partners (BRP). MFG signed their first agreement with BRP in May 2016 and this new contract will include the MRH network that MFG successfully acquired at the end of 2018. BRP will be supplying the entire 925 strong network and MRH’s SPAR shops will be the first to be rebranded. APEA tel/fax 0345 603 5507


Press Releases Paul Dennis, MFG’s Retail Director said: “After nearly three years of successful Booker shop supply, we are delighted to be continuing our relationship to cover our enlarged network. We believe Booker’s promotional programme and Spend & Save rewards have already added significant benefits to over 800 of our forecourt retailers. “In addition to rebranding the SPAR stores, it is our intention to

also replace the Hursts brand. We are confident that moving to Londis and Budgens will help drive additional footfall through our stores and enhance the customer shopping experience.” Steve Fox, Managing Director, Booker Group - Retail, said: We are delighted to extend our partnership with MFG. It is a privilege to serve them and this extension to our existing agreement is a fantastic opportunity for Booker Retail Partners to build on our already successful partnership.”

Automated price management Fuelsuite’s enabling edge device Fuelscan now supports the Finish brand FLS, Finland’s LED price signs for petrol retail. Fuelscan automatically updates the electronic price sign whenever a price change is initiated across dispenser communications for one or all grades/dispensers, ensuring the electronic price sign matches the dispenser price to maintain consistency for consumers and compliance for regulated markets. Fuelscan continuously messages Fuelsuite Cloud with price information for the enterprise pricing manager who has the ability to verify authorized price changes, detect unauthorized or inconsistent pricing as well as a number of reporting and charting tools. Fuelsuite also provides a secure end point API allowing the pricing manager to safely share dynamic fuel pricing data with external sources, where compliance is a business requirement, without having to give up credit card or other sensitive data. Pricing information is updated every 30 seconds for all connected retail sites. For more information regarding FLS Finland’s Electronic LED Price Signs visit:

Dover Fueling Solutions provides wetstock monitoring services to Mountain Express Oil Company Dover Fueling Solutions (“DFS”), a part of Dover Corporation that delivers advanced fuel dispensing equipment, electronic systems and payment, fleet systems, automatic tank gauging and wetstock management, is pleased to announce that GATE Petroleum Company (“GATE”) of Jacksonville, Florida has purchased the ClearView™ solution wetstock monitoring services for its network of convenience stores throughout the south-eastern U.S. Founded in 1960 by Herbert H. Peyton, GATE Petroleum Company is a heavily-diversified company operating in a variety of industries including retail convenience stores, car washes, fleet and fuel services, real estate, hospitality and construction materials. Today, the company’s retail operations include convenience stores in Florida, Georgia, North Carolina and South Carolina. GATE recently entered into an agreement with DFS to purchase the ClearView solution wetstock monitoring services for all of its companybranded fuel sites. This purchase will enable GATE to drive down costs related to fuel shortages, equipment maintenance, and administrative costs of environmental compliance, while improving 60

customer experience. “To evaluate the ClearView solution services we implemented a pilot program in five of our stores, allowing us to examine the solution from every angle. It didn’t take long to see that the impressive claims were true,” said John Cockerham, vice president of operations at GATE. “The ROI proved to be well above what we expected, so we are looking forward to rolling out the product throughout our network.” John Nesbit, DFS director of systems sales in North America and ClearView general manager, said, “We are thrilled to have the opportunity to work with the GATE Petroleum team to help them drive better bottom-line results with the ClearView solution. It has been a privilege to partner with them as they re-image and renew their trusted brand across the southeast, and now we’ll enjoy helping them make those sites more efficient and even more competitive!” For more information about DFS products and solutions, visit

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Press Releases

Tim Hoffmeister to become CEO of Implico Group Hamburg. With immediate effect, Tim Hoffmeister takes over the newly created position of Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Implico Group. In addition to managing the finance and controlling department, he is now also responsible for the administration and human resources divisions. Tim Hoffmeister joined the software and consulting company, which specializes in the downstream oil and gas industry, as Chief Financial Officer (CFO) in September 2018. Since then, he and his fellow managing directors Stephan Buhre, Thomas Ernst and Torsten Peter have driven the firm’s realignment and repositioned its innovation section. “We have a bright future ahead of us,” says Tim Hoffmeister. “Implico had a very successful fiscal year 2018 and has new innovations in the pipeline. With the initiated steps, we are well positioned to lead the further digitalization of the oil and gas industry. My aim is to become thought leader of the industry and play a key role in shaping the digital future of downstream together with my colleagues in Implico.” For more than 35 years, Implico Group has been a leading IT provider and consultant of oil refineries, tank farms and service station networks around the globe. As a pioneer in the field of digital transformation, the company supports and accompanies its customers in the planning and realization of optimization projects. APEA tel/fax 0345 603 5507


Press Releases

“Start your digital journey”: Implico to promote digital transformation at StocExpo Europe Market leader EMEA for terminal management systems will showcase new products and innovations for the tank storage industry in Rotterdam. Hamburg/Rotterdam. The oil and gas specialist Implico will attend this year’s StocExpo in Rotterdam under the motto “Start your digital journey”. From 26 to 28 March 2019, the international software and consulting company will exhibit its best practice solutions for the tank farm sector at booth J10. Implico’s consulting and data services as well as its IT solutions enable downstream enterprises to fully embrace digital transformation – and thus to automate, centralize and optimize their business processes. At StocExpo 2018, Implico received the Tank Storage Award for the “Best Terminal Supplier” for their leadership in this field. OpenTAS, which is developed and distributed by Implico, is the terminal management system with the widest range of functions and the tightest ERP and SAP integration on the market. Its centerpiece is the Navigator, which steers all logistics operations in a tank farm. At StocExpo, Implico will present the latest stage in the evolution of this process-oriented, user-friendly software. Furthermore, the company will demonstrate the SAP downstream solutions SAP Secondary Distribution Management for Oil & Gas (SDM) and SAP Retail Fuel Network Operations (RFNO). As a longstanding partner of SAP, Implico is responsible for the development of both products.

The data service and cloud portfolio iGOS allows for standardized data communication between different participants in the supply chain. This results in faster information flow, more secure data exchange and more efficient collaboration. Implico will reveal both upcoming innovations and share concrete case studies for iGOS at StocExpo. With the Handheld Solution and the TCP-X-Unit, Implico will also showcase two smart solutions that combine intelligent software with robust hardware. Both products help tank storage operators to automate key work steps without the need to replace their entire IT landscape. The new version of the Handheld Solution promises optimized flexibility and efficiency in its area of application. “StocExpo stands out due to the high competency and innovative spirit of its audience,” says Lucas Ribeiro, Sales Director at Implico. “I am already looking forward to a vivid exchange with my peers. From oil major to start-up, all representatives of the tank storage industry will be present in Rotterdam to contribute to the discussion and the shaping of our common agenda.” 62

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Press Releases

New OPW website designed for elegant user experience Hamilton, OH, February 4, 2019 — OPW, a Dover company and a global leader in fluid-handling solutions, is pleased to announce the launch of the new Easy to navigate, mobile responsive and elegantly designed, the new website embodies OPW’s commitment to Defining What’s Next across the globe with fluid-handling solutions.

“The new OPW website was designed from start to finish with our customers in mind,” said Keith Moye, VP, Global Marketing & Business Development for OPW. “As such, it has been designed to provide visitors with a more customer-friendly, ease-of-use experience and a wealth of valuable information about OPW products. Not only does the new website help to strengthen our digital presence, but it also serves as the content hub for our diverse consumer base across all market segments.” The enhanced design of the new website introduces a series of helpful features and offers a superior experience for new and returning visitors. It also includes an expansive resource library complete with technical guides and training videos. Additional features of the updated website include: APEA tel/fax 0345 603 5507


Press Releases

• Improved navigation featuring a more intuitive menu system • Improved search to allow you to more easily search by the type of content you need, and the ability to filter search pages to narrow down and refine results • Cleaner layout to emphasize key content and make it easier for users to get to their destination • New branding and design

Dover Fueling Solutions partners with EG Group offering global wetstock management services Skelmersdale, Lanchashire - March 19, 2019 - Dover Fueling Solutions (“DFS”), a part of Dover Corporation that delivers advanced fuel dispensing equipment, electronic systems and payment, fleet systems, automatic tank gauging and wetstock management, is proud to announce that it has been awarded a fiveyear global contract with EG Group, which operates as Euro Garages in the UK, for the provision of its ClearViewTM and Fairbanks wetstock management services.

management partner for their current estate, but also for sites and networks they acquire during the term of the contract. EG Group already has a strong presence in the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Italy, the USA and Australia and has grown significantly in recent years. The contract is a significant success for DFS, who is one of the leading global providers of customer-focused technologies, services and solutions in the fuel and convenience retail industries.

Sites within the EG Group global network – including those in Germany, the USA, Australia, France, the Netherlands, Belgium and Italy - will receive real-time monitoring and advanced wetstock investigation services, designed to help businesses lower operational costs and improve profit margins, whilst keeping them legally and environmentally compliant. EG Group will benefit from fuel loss identification services, determining losses caused by a variety of factors, including leakage, delivery shortages, spillage and evaporation, theft, fraud and meter drift. They will also have access to the Fairbanks Station Manager online web portal, which centralizes data from across the network, giving users greater insight into stock levels, pump and nozzle activity and alarm notifications, as well as access to many detailed reports which help to maintain forecourt efficiency and availability.

“We are confident that the wetstock management services from DFS will truly benefit the EG Group network, commented Guy Bickerstaffe, Group Director of Development. “Having a third-party monitoring service take care of our wetstock management gives us peace of mind, leaving us safe in the knowledge that even the smallest instances of fuel loss don’t go unnoticed. It’s a real costsaving investment for us, with the added benefit of protecting the environment from the detrimental effects of leaks to ground.”

The contract engages DFS as EG Group’s global wetstock

Andy Sullivan, Global Wetstock Business Unit Director, DFS, said: “This contract builds upon the strong customer-centric focus that DFS has exercised whilst delivering its service to EG Group sites in the United Kingdom over the past eight years, resulting in a strong business relationship that both parties were keen to expand upon. DFS looks forward to continuing to nurture this partnership as the EG Group network grows.”

Celtech Software Group joins the HTEC family


Universe Group plc, the parent company of HTEC Ltd, a leading developer and supplier of point of sale, payment and loyalty systems, is pleased to announce today that Celtech Software Group (“Celtech”) has combined with Universe.

with full reporting, insights and analytics. As such, it meets the needs of Universe’s larger customers and broadens the Group’s customer base in the UK and Ireland with additional high-profile retailers.

Celtech is a developer of retail and wholesale management solutions (“RMS”) based in Dublin. Its ab-initio software product is a class-leading, cloud-based RMS offering that gives large, multisite operators a uniquely powerful modular suite operating in real-time and allowing them to control all aspects of their business

Approximately 14,000 users log into ab-initio every day to manage their retail and wholesale businesses and the platform has successfully processed over 38 billion transactions since its deployment. Customers include Bestway, One Stop and various co-ops across the UK.

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Press Releases

Jeremy Lewis, Chief Executive of Universe Group plc, commented: “We are delighted with this transaction as Celtech is a class-leading developer of cloud-based retail and wholesale management solutions. The deal allows Universe to offer the very latest in RMS technologies to existing and new customers and extends the group’s product offering into wholesaling and new geographies such as Ireland. We are very pleased to welcome Darragh onto the group executive leadership team and as a new shareholder in Universe.” Darragh Fanning, Founder and Managing Director of Celtech, said: “We have a market-leading software solution for retail and wholesale evidenced by the breadth and quality of our customer

base. This transaction with Universe broadens and strengthens our product and service offering for our existing customers, especially in fuel, payments, infrastructure and support services. It also gives us the opportunity to quickly promote and support our offering to more customers. We were attracted to Universe’s culture as well as their similar focus on the retail and wholesale sectors. They have an impressive track record with customers such as Asda, Morrisons, large forecourt operators and most major symbol groups. Their 250 employees, with 40 field engineers and 60 helpdesk staff provide first rate customer support. We are very excited about the prospects for the combined group.”

Dover Fueling Solutions to supply Automatic Tank Gauges (ATG) to Q8 Dover Fueling Solutions (“DFS”), a part of Dover Corporation that delivers advanced fuel dispensing equipment, electronic systems and payment, fleet systems, automatic tank gauging and wetstock management, is pleased to announce that it has secured a longterm contract to supply Automatic Tank Gauges (“ATGs”) to Kuwait Petroleum International, who operate in Europe under the brand name of Q8.

Q8’s primary focus is the refinement and marketing of fuel and other petroleum derivatives to a network of over 4,400 service stations across Europe and operates a direct sales operation that provides road fuel and heating oil. For the next three years, DFS is committed to provide ATGs, configured with its ProGauge™ LX consoles connected to

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Press Releases ProGauge probes (both wired and wireless), to Q8 in Italy, Spain, Benelux and northwest Europe. DFS’ ProGauge equipment will benefit Q8 by providing advanced fuel monitoring, improving inventory management and assisting in leak detection. This partnership will enable Q8 to simplify station architecture by making full use of the compatibility between ProGauge products and the wider DFS product portfolio, including: wetstock management tools, fuel dispensers, point-of-sale systems, automation, payment and cloud-based solutions. Stefano Scatena, General Manager Global ATG at DFS, noted, “We are very pleased and honored to have been awarded this important

tender. We are confident that our innovative portfolio of ATG products will provide the right solutions and exceed customer’s expectations. We will work together with Q8 to reinforce our longstanding relationship and continue to deliver value through our products.” Jeroen Van Pelt, Key Account Director at DFS added, “We are very much looking forward to developing DFS’ relationship with Q8 having negotiated this significant contract. We hope that the partnership will increase product awareness in the market place and position DFS as one of the top ATG suppliers worldwide.”

The Triscan Group launch new services to celebrate a year of growth! The Triscan Group, who are the UK’s largest manufacturer and supplier of fuel management systems, have launched a new website which showcases a wide range of new service and maintenance packages. The launch comes after a rapid growth period for the Group who acquired Timeplan Fuel Solutions in May 2018 creating a further increase in their already extensive customer base. In line with this growth, The Triscan Group headquarters have been fully renovated allowing a more successful manufacturing process for the in-house production and development teams. The team at Triscan is also on the increase with several new staff members being welcomed into the sales, marketing and engineering teams.

Andrea Whittaker, Managing Director for the Group, said ‘’we strive to continually improve every aspect of our business and this includes both our on and offline presence. This continued growth keeps The Triscan Group one step ahead in the fuel management industry and allows us to continuously offer an advanced and competitive solution to a wider variety of customers.’’ After being in the pipeline for the past few months, the arrival of the new sites will bring a wider, industry relevant, news and content offering as well as user-friendly navigation. The new service packages will also be on display offering a wide variety of product support packages including ad hoc repairs, tank services and electrical installations.

Dover Fueling Solutions launches Tokheim Quantium™ 510M Fuel Dispenser Series Universe Group plc, the parent company of HTEC Ltd, a leading developer and supplier of point of sale, payment and loyalty systems, is pleased to announce today that Celtech Software Group (“Celtech”) has combined with Universe. Celtech is a developer of retail and wholesale management solutions (“RMS”) based in Dublin. Its ab-initio software product is a class-leading, cloud-based RMS offering that gives large, multisite operators a uniquely powerful modular suite operating in real-time and allowing them to control all aspects of their business with full reporting, insights and analytics. As such, it meets the needs of Universe’s larger customers and broadens the Group’s customer base in the UK and Ireland with additional high-profile retailers. Approximately 14,000 users log into ab-initio every day to manage their retail and wholesale businesses and the platform has successfully processed over 38 billion transactions since its deployment. Customers include Bestway, One Stop and various co-ops across the UK. Jeremy Lewis, Chief Executive of Universe Group plc, commented: “We are delighted with this transaction as Celtech is a class-leading developer of cloud-based retail and wholesale management solutions. The deal allows Universe to offer the very latest in RMS 66

technologies to existing and new customers and extends the group’s product offering into wholesaling and new geographies such as Ireland. We are very pleased to welcome Darragh onto the group executive leadership team and as a new shareholder in Universe.” Darragh Fanning, Founder and Managing Director of Celtech, said: “We have a market-leading software solution for retail and wholesale evidenced by the breadth and quality of our customer base. This transaction with Universe broadens and strengthens our product and service offering for our existing customers, especially in fuel, payments, infrastructure and support services. It also gives us the opportunity to quickly promote and support our offering to more customers. We were attracted to Universe’s culture as well as their similar focus on the retail and wholesale sectors. They have an impressive track record with customers such as Asda, Morrisons, large forecourt operators and most major symbol groups. Their 250 employees, with 40 field engineers and 60 helpdesk staff provide first rate customer support. We are very excited about the prospects for the combined group.”

APEA tel/fax 0345 603 5507

Press Releases

Improved Test Measure/Proving Can range from Hytek Since 2014 Hytek has seen great success with their range of affordable, high quality test measure cans. The cans have been popular with engineers who appreciate their durable stainless steel construction and suitability for a range of fuels and AdBlue®. The updated cans now feature a screen-printed scale that is resistant to petrol and diesel, ensuring that no matter what the conditions, an accurate measurement is possible. The improved scale is available on 5L, 10L, and 20L test cans.The tweaked design comes as a result of direct customer feedback. Hytek Sales & Operations Director Andy Seal says “When we talk to our distributors about products, we take their feedback seriously. Thanks to those conversations we were able to upgrade this product range to perform better than ever.” All three sizes are made of tough and durable 304 stainless steel and can be used with various fuels such as diesel, biodiesel, petrol, kerosene and AdBlue®. Each model is available with a UK weights and measures certificate option to verify their accuracy to test fuel dispensing equipment to the accepted levels. With a scale in millilitres, the test measuring cans are designed to be easy to use; they all feature separate lifting and emptying handles and include a clear and easy to read gauge. A protective stainless-steel carry case is available for each size, APEA tel/fax 0345 603 5507


Press Releases that both protects the can, and makes them easy to store. Another option is the stainless-steel anti-splash funnel (15” diameter), featuring an inward lip that prevents fuels from splashing the engineer when the can is being filled.

despatch and trade accounts can be opened within the hour.

Hytek carries the UK Weights & Measures certified versions for same day dispatch, as a replacement can is often required as a matter of urgency. All Hytek products are available for same-day

Hytek only supply the trade, for your copy of their new product catalogue please email or call +44 (0) 1279 815 600.

N.B. If using with AdBlue® do not cross contaminate. AdBlue® is a registered trade mark of the Verband der Automobilindustrie e.V.

GripHero announces world’s first anti-static oxo-biodegradable hand-protection for forecourts GripHero Ltd, the developer of a revolutionary new handprotection dispenser that enables drivers to avoid contact with contaminants, harmful bacteria and germs on fuel pump handles, has announced the availability of the world’s first anti-static, oxobiodegradable hand-protection solution. The new oxo biodegradable hand-protection joins GripHero’s range of handprotection options, which includes its 100% recyclable, anti-static hand-protection. Created to meet demand in countries that do not have a recycling or composting infrastructure, the oxo-biodegradable material ensures that drivers can be certain of hand-protection at the pump, which degrades naturally in the environment within 12-24 months*. The product meets legislative requirements in countries such as the United Arab Emirates, which stipulates that only oxobiodegradable plastic can be used in the production of plastic bags or other disposable plastic objects. It also meets requirements set out by Saudi Arabia, while other countries in the Middle East, including Qatar and Oman, are likely to follow suit. Countries such as India and a number of African states are also expected to show interest in the product, which has significant benefits over other plastics that can take 50 to 1,000 years to degrade. Unlike other forms of forecourt hand-protection, GripHero ensures that only one item is dispensed at a time, putting an end to wasteful clumps of gloves that often come out when customers attempt to retrieve conventional hand-protection, creating unnecessary and avoidable levels of plastic waste. Oli Yeo, who designed GripHero, comments: “GripHero has been created to put the health and wellbeing of the customer at the heart of the forecourt, both in the avoidance of biological and chemical contamination from the fuel-nozzle, and the prevention of potential ignition caused by static from standard gloves in the refuelling zone. However, it has also been created to reduce waste. “We offer fully recyclable hand-protection in countries that are able to recycle plastics, and we now offer oxo-biodegradable handprotection for countries that either stipulate the use of oxo-biodegradable materials, or which do not have the facilities in place to cope with recycling. Here, the use of materials that biodegrade in conditions found within the natural environment is seen as vital to the prevention of unnecessary waste.” Oli Yeo added: “We believe in using environmentally friendly 68

materials and reducing unnecessary waste, helping forecourts to recycle where recycling solutions are available, and enabling countries without such solutions to minimize the impact of plastics in the environment; all while enabling drivers to maintain clean, uncontaminated hands, enhancing health and wellbeing.” Forecourts interested in GripHero can find out more by visiting or calling 01837 811035.

APEA tel/fax 0345 603 5507

Press Releases

Hydrapod: The ideal payment solution for marinas HTEC provide some of the world’s leading retailers with EPOS, payment and loyalty solutions, whilst also being a leading provider of Outdoor Payment Terminals (OPT), supplying to marinas, airports, truck stops and petrol forecourts. HTEC fully understand the issues facing the industry and so have carefully developed their own software solutions to enable businesses in the industry to become more efficient and profitable.

looking to reduce overhead costs where possible, and by utilising these innovative products you could see significant savings. Through the use of HydraPOD, BWML have been able to convert to unmanned sites that are available 24/7. This has resulted in a substantial reduction in labour costs and always guarantees customers service and convenience, further increasing their fuel sales.

Ensuring that your customers have 24/7 access to fuel transactions with a reliable solution that can withstand the challenging weather is key to any successful marina, and HydraPOD is specifically designed to meet these demands. This robust and tamper-proof solution is a standalone Outdoor Payment Terminal with an intuitive user interface designed to both simplify the fuel selling process and increase checkout speed. HydraPOD offers your customers user friendly, weather resistant OPT’s that are available around the clock, ensuring a convenient and easy fuel transaction whilst increasing your fuel sales. It seamlessly links to pumps and is a tried and tested product used by some of the UK’s most significant fuel retailers.

BWML were also seeking a solution for fuel vending which would encompass HMRC requirements regarding fuel use declaration whilst enabling multi duty rate vending. They decided to turn to HTEC to help them not only solve the problem but create business efficiencies, which they believe to be game changing in the Inland Waterways industry. Managing Director R.D. Grant says “The launch of the BWML fuel cards in December 2017 has been greatly embraced by in-house and external customers alike. HTEC’s equipment is currently used at 5 of our diesel vending sites and we are reviewing extending the HTEC facility to further BWML marinas.”

British Waterways Marinas Limited (BWML) is the Inland Waterways largest marina operator and a leading residential and leisure mooring provider with 20 marinas throughout the UK. BWML decided to benefit from having HydraPOD installed and integrated to their fuel pumps, provided by Pumptronics. These reliable pumps are built to the highest specification from 316 marine grade stainless steel and incorporate the latest technology available including world-class hydraulics. Most businesses are

HTEC’s wealth of knowledge and experience, paired alongside their state-of-the-art products, is why they are recognised as leaders within the industry. HTEC fully understand the demands and requirements that this competitive market exudes and have carefully designed their solutions to help clients run their businesses better, achieve efficiencies and increase profitability. For more information about HTEC visit or call us on 023 8068 9491.

APEA tel/fax 0345 603 5507



Branches Southern The Southern Branch recently held a successful meeting at Deanwood Park Golf Club, Newbury on the 22nd January 2019. We originally intended to hold our AGM at this meeting, but this had to be postponed until our next meeting. The meeting went ahead with morning presentations from Barry Wyeth and Dan Prothero of Wyeth Project Services Ltd speaking on Risk Assessments for Site Planning and Design and During Site Construction. This was a presentation requested by Branch members as being relevant to their needs. Barry and Dan did an excellent job of providing us with an interesting and relevant presentation which was appreciated by all attending. Ray Blake followed with an update from the Petrol Enforcement Liaison Group (PELG) which provided Members with information on current issues being dealt with by this group, which links enforcement and policy issues with HSE representatives.

After lunch, Matthew Tunstall from Instavolt gave us a fascinating and relevant presentation on EV Charging on Forecourts in Practice ( This topic is one which continues to impact on forecourt petrol storage, and it was useful to gain a better understanding on the practical considerations of charging vehicles on petrol stations. The thanks of the Branch were made to all those who took the time to come and speak at the meeting. Our next Branch Meeting is at Haynes Motor Museum at Sparkford in Somerset on Tuesday 21st May. As well as relevant and interesting presentations and the AGM, this meeting will provide an opportunity for Members to visit one of the foremost motoring museums in the country and we hope you can join us. David Sommers Branch Secretary

North East Branch The APEA North Eastern Branch held a combined AGM and Branch Meeting on the 29th March at Beamish Hall Hotel in County Durham, with a mix of PEA and Trade delegates in attendance. Alan Fada and Paul Glister from AbFad gave a very interesting presentation entitled “Fuelvac®double-skin liner – the benefits of a leak detection monitored system” which also included a practical

demonstration. The venue and date of the next meeting is to be confirmed but will take place in August and will feature two guest speakers from trade. Sean Smith Branch Secretary

Branch Representative and Secretary Contact Details Eastern Alex Boudry - Rep PFS Fueltec Limited Mob: +44 (0) 7860 878 699 email: Anton Martiniussen - Sec ELAFLEX Ltd Tel: 01992 452 950 Mob: 07831 595620 email: North East Scott Ruddick - Rep Northumberland Fire & Rescue Service Tel: 01670 621143 Mobile: 07787 804933 email:


Mobile: 07500 442 573 email: uk Midlands Rob Tunnicliff - Rep Tel: 07909 141232 email: Graham Adcock - Sec Adcock Associates Tel: 01789 414202 email: Southern Doreen Pooley - Rep Cameron Forecourt Tel: 07770 591674 email:

Andy King - Chairman and Sec Midlothian Council Trading Standards Tel: 0131 271 3552 email: Ireland Phil Bonny - Rep Suresite Ltd Tel: +44 7788 627754 email: Oliver Lupton - Sec Forecourt Bureau of Ireland Tel: +353 1 6797152 email:

Sean Smith - Sec Tyne and Wear Fire & Rescue Service Tel: 0191 444 1268 Mobile: 07817 147505 email:

David Sommers - Sec Hampshire Trading Standards Tel: 01962 833651/07718 146033 email:

Yorkshire & Humberside Andy Kennedy - Chairman and Rep Global-MSI Tel: 01302 346717 Mobile: 07469 212063 email:

North West Andy Myers - Rep Artelia UK Tel: +44 (0) 208 237 1851

Scotland Ian Hillier - Rep Tel: 07725 017989 email:

Terry Guthrie - Sec South Yorkshire Fire & Rescue Tel: 0114253 2970/2872 email:

APEA tel/fax 0345 603 5507


Training Training course dates 2019 3 Day Combined Petrol Filling Stations – Construction, Audit and Inspection Course

Petrol Filling Stations - Enforcement Procedures An Awareness 16 September Stansted Airport

24 - 26 June Solihull 9-11 September Stansted Airport

Explosives and Fireworks 24 September Stansted Airport

Electrical Installations - An Awareness 26 Sept Swindon

Petroleum Officers, Audit and Inspection Workshop 22 May Stansted Airport

Safe Installation and Use of LPG 17 September Stansted Airport

Petrol Filling Station courses on request Vapour Recovery Installations Leak Investigation Petroleum (Consolidation) Regulations 2014

Wetstock Management 20 September Stansted Airport DSEAR 23 Sept

Please contact the APEA office for a quotation for a bespoke course at Stansted Airport

APEA tel/fax 0345 603 5507



Course Fees 3 day course with accommodation 3 day, day delegate rate 1 day course

APEA Member £1020.00 £810.00 £260.00

Non member £1120.00 £910.00 £310.00

More information and booking details on the ‘Training’ page at Anyone booking a training course that is not an APEA member will automatically receive complimentary “Individual” membership to the APEA for one year.

Delegates on the Manchester 3 day Combined Construction and Audit and Inspection training course, from the UK, Bahrain, Malta, Ireland and the Isle of Man


APEA tel/fax 0345 603 5507


Delegates from the 3 day Combined, Audit and Inspection course held in Belfast

Petroleum Inspectors checking manholes on Belfast training course


APEA tel/fax 0345 603 5507

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