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Council Meeting

Report of a meeting of the Council of the Association held at Dudley on Thursday, the 24th February, 1966



D. Hall, Esq. (Chairman), E. V. Beeby, Esq. (ViceChairman), and Messrs. J. Beer, R. L. Bloor, J. Frid, M. Gee, G. H. Harvey, R. P. Holdaway, J. Sharp and the Honorary Secretary.


Received from Messrs. G. N. Dean, C. T. Peacock and B. W. C. Thacker.

A report of the Minutes of the previous Meeting held at Dudley on Tuesday, 16th November, 1965, was approved.

Matters Arising

The Honorary Secretary referred to several items as under:

Representation on other bodies

A letter from the Home Office was read. This stated that serious consideration would be given to representation by the Association for Petroleum Acts Administration on the Standing Advisory Committee on Dangerous Substances.

Insurance for the Editor

One quotation was considered and the Honorary Secretary was asked to obtain further quotations for comparison.

Cash Registers, etc., in Kiosks on Forecourts

The Chairman read an amendment to Clause l(e), namely "All electrically operated cash registers shall be fitted with induction motors of the squirrel cage type or be of the totally enclosed pattern of the wound rotor type. The cash register will be fixed not less than 4 feet above floor level and be controlled by a totally enclosed metal clad switch. The wiring from the switch to the cash register will be carried out in mineral insulated copper sheathed cable, with appropriate glands and seals, or alternatively screwed steel conduit. The whole circuit shall be mechanically and electrically continuous and shall be efficiently earthed".

Cars for sale situated over tanks on forecourts

It was agreed that instances of this kind should be treated on their merits.


In the absence of the Liaison Officer, the Editor reported there had been two offers to take up advertising space in "The Bulletin". The Editor was asked to confer at length with the Liaison Officer. Mid-Week School

The Honorary Secretary reported the position to date. It was suggested that the School Sub-Committee meet Sir George Trevelyan on Wednesday, 16th March, 1966.


The following queries submitted from members and the answers of the Council are appended:

Mr. F. Brunner (West Hartlepool C.B.): Is information available regarding periodic inspection of electrical equipment on licensed premises, and liaison with the Electricity Boards?

The Council understands that in the North Western

District the Merseyside and North Western Electricity

Board is very co-operative in assisting Petroleum

Officers by carrying out on request electrical tests.

The Editor of "Fire International" asked that consideration be given to the printing of "The Bulletin" by his concern.

Resolved: That the matter be dealt with by the Editor.

Mr. W. Spilman (Repton R.D.C.): (a) Can a pressure test give an satisfactory result, yet the tank still leak when with petroleum spirit? (b) Could 20-30 gallons of spmt remain in sub-soil of adjoining property for .a period of months, Olfactory and meter tests of drams n.earby pr?ved negative? (c) Any tests or Imes of mvestigation which could be made, bearmg in loss of trade by the owner of the filling stat10n whilst these tests are carried out. (a) There is no known test which will give a completely satisfactory result. (b) Yes, it could, but the application of a test for gas is strongly recommended. (c) There is generally included in Licence Conditions an indication that any cost involved in testing for leakages shall be borne by the Licensee.

The Editor of "Municipal Engineering asked if articles on the work of the Association could be written for publication.

Agreed that the matter be left with the Chairman and Editor.

Annual Meeting

Arrangements were made to hold the Annual General Meeting of the Association at Solihull on the 19th April, 1966.

Application for Membership

The submitted 20 applications for membership or Associate membership. It was resolved that all applications be accepted.


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