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KNOCKERS .. WHO NEED S THEM ? Scare statements ? Negative comments ? Dodgy inferences ?
_,..,._- -NGir OUR STYLE • • • •
We We We We
don't use advertising words that are open to misinterpretatio n don't use scare tactics to persuade people to buy our product don't falsely claim "world firsts" for our products don't create unnecessary and high priced features
Hi~h Cross· Products are your best solution for all forecourt applications because
, ' chambers, pipe seals, extensions.pum p barriers and · ore besides .... IN FACT MORE PRODUCTS THAN
OP ~ ES~~
Undergroundooo OOOOvergroundooo It's got to be High Cross Pretoria House, Norwich Road , Besthorpe , Attleborough , Norfolk NR 17 2LB Te l: +44 (0) 1953 456 565 Fax: +44 (0) 1953 456 058 email : sales@h igh -cros s.com
See OIJlr wefrai'J:e foll' range of f>!i'cHfiu c f.s www. high - cross. co m
Unit SB Dunshauglin Business Centre, Dun shauglin , Co. Meath , It-eland Tel : +353 (0) 1825 8800 Fax: + 353 (0) 1825 880 I email : high-cross@esatcle ar.ie
Everyone needs to know how good a Stage 1B really is - Petroleum and Fire Officers, Environmental Officers, Trading Standards Officers and, of course , site owners. Complete knowledge of a site's Stage 1B reduces risk for the site operator, delivery driver, site personnel and the bo-eneral public as well as protecting the environment. I
• Full annual certification provided. •Full UK coverage. • Blue-Print Testing service for new and refurbished sites. • Testing of sites without Stage l B for compatibility with vapour recovery. •Already being adopted by major oil companies.
Poorly designed, inefficient Stage t B systems may appear to be working safely, but could fail on the next delivery, causing a major incident! There are many sites in this situation! The Petroman Interactive Test offers the following: •Testing of all components of Stage l B including the delivery tanker. • Accredited, fully trained and experienced engineers.
•Testing carried out to ISO 9002 Quality Assurance Standards. Ignorance of Stage l B and its operation is no longer an acceptable excuse for incidents and hi gh risk situations durin g a delive1y. Testing is now compulsory, so it makes sense to use our system _ Petroman provides the only fully comprehensive test available.
Clarksteel. one of Europes /• larg est supp liers of man hole cov ers to the petr oleu m. tele com mun icat ion. wat er and con stru ctio n industries are prou d to ann oun ce the launch of a new rang e of Hermelock poly uret han e stre ngth ene d with glas s fibre man hole cov ers and frames. For full info rma tion call our sales hotl ine on 017 33 765 333 or
email mik e@ clar k-s teel .com
ALL PRODU l AD VA NT AG ES • Hermetically sealed for liqu ids and gases • Ligh twe ight • Loading Class 812 5-0 400 • No maintenance • Rust-free • Lo·ckable 18 Diff ere nt colours ava ilab le
SU ITA BLE FOR. • Petrol forecourts • Service areas • Leisure parks • Retail developments
Stat ion Roa d Yaxley Pete rbor ough PE7 3EG
Te~ephome :
017 33 765 333 Fax: 017 33 246 913
e-ma il : mike@ clark- steel. com W eb site: http:/ /www .clark -steel .com
Risk Assessment One day Course at
Newcastle - 11 th October 2000 Hemel Hempstead - 8th November 2000 Who Should Attend - Industry personnel who wish to obtain, in depth understanding of the areas of risk assessment at Petrol Filling Stations. Subjects Covered - Hazardous areas, Construction safety, Maintenance & repairs, Decommissioning, Environmental. Certificates of attendance will be issued. Fees - Members £160 + VAT. Non-members £21 O + VAT
Wet Stock Management
Please Contact Mr Bob Conlin at Fairbanks Environmental Ltd Tel: 01695 51775 Fax: 01695 728 898 E-mail: bobcon li n@fairbanks .co .uk Web: www.fairbanks.co.uk Who would be pleased to arrange a course to suit your requirements Fees to be agreed
Bespoke Training Courses
To suit your Timetable, Venue, Delegates. Fees to be agreed
Deadlines for all Courses are 2 months prior to event. Contact the Administrator to register your interest Tel: 01582 882 753 Fax: 01582 882 754 E-mail: ad min@apea.org .uk Updates of the training programme will be available on the web site www.apea.orQ.Jdls after the AGM on 17 April 2000
Toureen Contr actors Limit ed Sp eci ali s t s in Forecourt Decommi ssio ning During 1999 we provided forecourt decommission ing services throughout the UK and in Southern Ireland:Bristol, London, Cardiff, Hainault, Ipswich, Southampton, Wolverhampton, Chorley, Glasgow, Dublin, Bognar Regis, Sheffield, Co. Kerry (Eire), Staines, Folkestone, Birmingham, Fife, Doncaster, Co. Laoise (Eire), Berwick On Tweed.
Where next in 2000 depends on you?
Forecourt Demolition
Our dedicated management team is backed up by a diligent and highly experienced workforce skilled in all aspects of forecourt redevelopment and specialising in:•
Demolition Forecourt buildings and canopies dismantled and cleared from site, using our own plant operated by our experienced drivers.
Tank Degassing and Decommissionin g Petroleum , oil and chemical storage tanks cleaned, degassed and disposed of. Gas Free certificates and decommissioning reports compiled.
New Tank Installations Tank farms excavated and bracing systems installed in all types of ground conditions. New tanks installed quickly and safely.
Groundwork reinstatements Following demolition or new installations swift reinstatement is necessary. Our own team of groundworkers and concrete finishers are available to provide an expert finish .
Why appoint numerous contractors? Toureen can provide for all requirements and offer:Improved controls on safety One company that understands and is experienced in all the decommissioning elements, one overall view to site safety.
Tank decommissioning
New Ta nk Installations
Increased efficiency Reduce your management time and lower project costs.
A flexible workforce Able to react and provide consistent results to all situations.
Please contact us to receive more information on all Toureen services.
TOURJEJEN CONTRACTO RS LIMITED • 247 CHAPTER ROAD • LONDON NW2 5LU Tel: (020) 8451 2002 fa x: (020) 8459 2146 • Email: petroleum@tou reen.Ud.fsnet.co .uk @
MolbHe: 07775 993030 • 0374 269736 • 0468 045225
High integr ity pipew ork systen is for f orecou rt install ations 2etrol·l ine
D.lus Durapipe - S&LP
• No 1 UK manufact urer of polyethylene pipes • Superior electrofusion jointing system • High flow rates • Avail able in five sizes for suction, pressure and vapour system s • Competitive prices • Nationw id e d elivery
Distri bute d by
520 London Road, West Thu rrock, Grays, Essex RM20 3BE
Fa x: 0 1708 864 140 e-mail : purfleet forecourt services@harris-group.co .uk
01708 863931 Ext . 219
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A OV/ G OUN ~ [FlUJllY BUND IED TO AllY !ENClOSED 1 ERV=PA § 9 6(Q)(Q) GAll ON TO 2(Q) 9«JQ(Q) GAll N°
We are the Specialists for : • • • • •
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l'c rlifi c a l L' N " 1853/98
• Specialists in PetrolE!um Pipework Installations. . - _.
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Unit 2, 275 Prince Avenue, Westcliff on Sea, Essex SSO OJP. Tel: 01702 392110 (24 hrs ans) Fax: 01702 392126
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Cleansing Service Group Ltd Wa§te § oh1tllolll§ Sp ecialist§ \NWW.csg was teman .c o. u k
2 Bercta Road New Eltham Lo ndon SE9 3TZ Tel:0181 850 2211 Fax : 0181 850 55 99 Email : tubeflow l@aol.com
TeU: OUH -550 52 Hi lFax: ~H81 - 550 6095
Forecourt Specialists Electrical Maintenance
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Please contact us to rece ive ful l details on our prod uct range
Fo r safe ha ndling a nd d is posa l.
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Combining the strengths of sophisticated materials and technology Petrol-Line Xtra is tough, strong and 'fuel proof' the ideal choice for all service station applications.
ERA and UL tested
Leak tight fusion welded joints
Improved handl ing for ease of installation
ONDARY CONTAINMENT Manufactured 'in-line' ou r system combines the integrity of Petrol-Line Xtra with a robust close fitting polyethylene oute r sheathing to satisfy th e environmental co ncerns with the emissionof VOC's and accidental fuel losses.
Glynwed Pipe Systems Ltd, Head land House, New Coventry Road, Sheldon, Bi rm ing ham 826 3AZ Te l: 012 1 7001000 Fax : 01217 001001 E-mai l: denn is.odea@g lynwedpipesystems -uk corn www.g lynwedpipesystems-uk. com A rnember of the Glynwed Gro up of
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the complete forecourt advertising kit
For further information on the full range of Elaflex products contact:
Riverside House, Plumpton Road, Hoddesdon, Herts EN11 OPA. Telephone 01992 451494. Fax 01992 451496
Petroleum Engineers
Petrol, Fuel Oil and Electrical Installations 11/12 HODFAR ROAD, SANDY LANE INDUSTRIAL ESTATE, STOURPORT-ON-SEVERN DY13 9QB TELEPHONE: 01299 824541-2-3 FAX: 01299 827638
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Adur Boatyard, Old Shoreham Road, Shoreham by Sea, West Sussex. BN43 5TA. ACTION LINE: 01273 454831 Fax 01273 464863. Email: sales@sofitam.com Regional Office: Ormston House, Eastboro Way, Nuneaton, Warwicks CV11 60G Tel: 024 7634 5888 Fax: 024 7632 6444 {, I j 1,1 • Email: coventry@sofitam.com ' .. www.sofifam.com ~- ---
Nas h & Partne1·s J · · J · · I I · · · l' ' ave b ee nwor,tngmpartners11pw1t1t1e Re tai l Pe tro le um · d t f . . Ill u s ry o r a lm os t thirty yea rs, p lanrnng a nd dev e lo pin g retaili· t II t. f n s a a io ns rom a s trai g ht forwa rd pump chan o-e to Euro p e' I . f. . o s a 1ges t 111m g s ta ti.o n . Eve ry s te p o f th e wa f · t. ·b·i · . y, 1o m eas1 1 1ty studi.es a nd s ur vey .in g, proj ect m a n age m e 11t a :I · · · . , n c co mm1 ss1on 1ng, we ta ke ca re o f eve ry d e tail. W heth e r a · . ' m a1or 01 1 co mp a ny o r an indi vidua l d ea le r, ourclie nts a re as . I f I s u1 ec o tie as h commitment to quality a nd ad he rence to BSsro b => • ac ked by up-to-the- minute tec hn o logy, inn ova tion and ex pe rtise. From a g r·een fie lcl · ·t o t f I s 1 e o a u ly ope ra tional in s ta ll at ion, Nas h & Pa1tn<Crs de li ve r c. , t. I. 1ea rve ye t i 1g h ly practica l so lu tions .
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169 Frenches Road, Redhill, RH1 2HZ Telephone: 01737 767524
M e mbe r A . PE.A .
Service to the Petroleum Industry Since 1966
Professional Tank Cleaning and Removal from the No.1 Tank Specialists Tank Cleaning and Gas-Freeing by fully equipped Tank Cleaning Crews.
Safe Excavation and removal of underground storage tank
Please call Nigel or Kathy on 01737 767524 (fax 762524) for detaiils of these and other services we provide.
Fibrelite Ltd • Snaygill Indu strial Estate • Keighley Road Skipton • N . Yorkshire· 8023 2QR
T: + 44 (0) 1756 799773 • F: + 44 (0) 1756 799539
em ail : cov ers@fibrelit e.com • w ebsite: www .fibrelite .com
Oil companies worldwide have one thing in common. Veeder-Ro ot tank gauges. It's no coincidence that Shell, Esso, and BP all use the same tank gauges. The world 's biggest oil companies want the world's best wet stock management systems. And that's what they get with Veeder-Root. We invest heavily in research I . and development 1n order to ;,t produce technology which is superior to anything else on the market. No other tank gauges are more accurate, reliable , effective or easy-to-use.
gauges are comprehensively supported by a network of highly-trained distributors, backed up by Veeder-Root technical support staff. So it's not surprising that our levels of support are famous world-wide , too .
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In fact, our equipment monitors over 300,000 storage tanks around the globe. All the se
Root system can competitive indeed. It's why oil companies both big and small all put the same thing in th eir tanks - VeederRoot tank gauges.
JI VEEDER-ROOT Set your sites on us"
Hydrex House , Gard en Road , Richmond , Surrey TW9 4NR . UK Tel +44 (0)20 8392 1355 Fax +44 (0)20 8878 6642 . ema il sales @veede r.co .uk www.veeder.com
The Fore cour t Inte rnat iona l Exh ibiti on has been re-n ame d. It is now calle d the Inte rnat iona l Fore cour t and Fuel Equi pme nt Show . It will be bigg er.
tech nica l cons ulta ncie s, reta iling conc epts and new prod ucts .
It will exp and to inco rpor ate all the skill s and deve lopm ents in fuel deli very , fuel man agem ent and fuel reta iling from allie d sect ors, such as mar inas , port s, airfi elds , tran spor t flee ts, even agri cult ure. It will inco rpor ate far mor e equi pme nt man ufac ture rs, com pute r syst ems , man agem ent syst ems ,
It will focus entir ely on you r futu re effic ienc y and prof itab ility .
It will brin g engi neer s, spec ifier s, retai lers and exhi bito rs from acro ss Euro pe and beyo nd.
Mak e a note : 13-1 4-15 Mar ch, 2001 . Literally ever yone invo lved in fuel man agem ent, fuel syst ems and fuel and fore cour t retai ling will bene fit.
13-15 Marc h 2001 NEC Birmingham
Published by the Association for Petroleum and Explosives Administration
The Bulletin
A company Limited by Guarantee registered in England No. 2261660 VOLUME38
Administrator: Brian Taylor
Number 3 AUGUST 2000 £10.00
Opinions expressed in this Journal are not necessarily the views of the Association
ISSN 0263 - 4597 Website: www.apea.org.uk
(Free to Members)
Talking Point
The photograph on the front cover of the last issue of The Bulletin was a Service Station in Mozambique. This issue shows a service station in Denmark where the Danish architect Jorn Utzon (who designed the famous Sydney Opera House) designed the canopy.
The Council of the Association have been working hard to ensure that this years Exhibition and Conference prove a success and already the move to the new Exhibition centre in London has proved popular with the exhibitors as a record number have already booked, including a number from overseas. This issue has the information leaflet inside together with booking forms for free attendance at the Exhibition and Conference for those members that book early, please register as soon as possible to help our administrator.
notes and news APEA Exhibition and Conference 27th and 28th November 2000 ExCel Centre London Docklands This year the Association is holding its Exhibition and Conference at the splendid new venue in the Royal Docks in London. This prestigious venue will be opened for a few weeks before our event and already it is proving a success with more Exhibitors already booked than in other years. The APEA has taken two halls and the facilities for exhibitors and visitors alike are excellent. Access to the site in Docklands is exceptional with public transport running to the door and motorway access and City airport on the doorstep make European visitors access very easy. In each copy of the Bulletin you will receive a conference and exhibition registration form which is free to members who register before the event. Hotels are available close the halls at reasonable rates for those staying over. The APEA Council has also made available funds to Branch Secretary's to ensure that if the interest is there from Branches then coaches or minibus travel to the event can be arranged. If you are interested in taking up this offer please contact your branch secretary the number is in this edition. A major oil company is to announce new plans on design and engineering changes in European forecourt design, which will enable all in the Industry to learn how it will af'.ect us Regulators will be able to see how these designs will affect approvals for new service stations and they will be able to question the engineers about these changes. Manufacturers will be able to see how they can adapt products to meet these new requirements. The MTBE issue will also be raised in presentations from both the US and the UK and the problems that leaking lines and tanks· ra1·se · · a Iso ra d.1caJ d es1gn · · · · The1·e me c h anges m modular forecourt design and forecourt drainaae treatment which will be of special interest. "' ' The Conference Dinner is to be held at the ExCel centre on · the purpose built banquetina . Monday 2th N ovem ber 111 iooms on the first fl > I dd. . "' . · < or. n a 1t1on to the dinner where the 111dustry can meet cus , ·t omers and colleagues m . an 111f-ormal . . atmosphere there ·11 b I. . WI e a i1gh quality guest speaker at the . . Taylor on event. Tables· can t..ue h oo. ke d b y contactmo Bnan 0J'iiP88?7'i1· · "' . · - . - . · · at £470.00 for a table of I O including VAT or £4 7.00 for 111dividual seats.
II you are inte1·ested E x h"h· · space please · 11 t· k. 1 . · · <1 mg an 1 1t1on Lontact Bnan Taylor on () l 'i82 882 7'i3 at £650 per 4m x 2m block .
h>J more 1nfiir111ation on the ExCel Exhihition centre try v. v. \.\ e><cel Jondon.co.uk
Conference/Exhibition Accommodation Members who are visiting the Conference/Exhibition, and who wish to arrange their own overnight accommodation, are advised that there are several nearby Hotels to the Conference Centre and which are close to the underground, railway or the Docklands Light Railway system. There are three stations on the Docklands railway alongside the ExCel Conference Centre, and the central station Custom House will lead you into the main entrance of the complex. The Association's Exhibition Halls are situated a few years on the left side of the concourse. These are as follows:Hotel Ibis Docklands Ibis Greenwich Etap Victoria Docks Formule 1 East Barkina Travel Inn Beckton "' Premier Lodge Southwark
Telephone 020 75 17 II 00 020 8759 4888 Opening July :woo 0208 507 0789 020 7511 3853 0870 700 1456
Central Reservations 0208 283 4500 as above as above as above 0870 242 8000 08702 01 002 03
Members wishing to make there own arrangements should contact the hotel of their choice for availability and prices.
European petrol station owners threaten with strike action in autumn . This autumn numerous European petrol station owners_ mtend to go on stike to protest against the lack 01 competition amond oil companiews and alleged pricing agreements. On Friday. the European Petrol Retailers· Associations <EPRASS) finalised the decision in Madrid. According to the association ·s president. Roherto Saenz Alcaid, about 120.000 petrol stations would he involved. He asked the governments in all countries of the EU to curtail the exclusive rights granted to the oi I companies. Petrol station owners, for example. should be allowed to negotiate fuel prices themselves. The protest also addresses handling fees that service station owners have to pay to the banks when clients pay by credit card. The association, which was founded in Madrid two years ago. states that it represents 90 percent of all European service stations owners and operators. Mcmhers include national associations from Germany. Denmark. Finland. Sweden, Belgium. Greece. italy. Spain. Portugal and Holland. In addition. agreements have hcen entered into with France. UK and Ireland.
New name for conta mina ted land specialists
QUES T Enviro nment al Services and Technology Limited and Delta- Simon s Enviro nment al Consultants Limited change d their name to QDS Environmental Ltd on 1 July 2000. This change follows the announcement of the merger of the two companies in Octobe r 1999 and completes a successful process of integration. QDS provides business solutions to environmental proble ms resulting from contaminated land or site operations. While providing this service across a wide range of business sectors , the company has particular expertise in the investigation of remediation of retail petroleum sites, depots and terminals. Simon Curwe n, Manag ing Director, says "Clients have told us that they have not seen any change or experienced disruption as a result of the merger. This is important, because although we plan to use the enlarge company as a platform for growth, we remain very committed to, and focused on, our client' s specific needs in the property, petrole um and industrial sectors in the UK and in Europe" . QDS which employs 60 peope in its head office in Guildford and in Lincoln, continues to grow and new office locations will soon be announced. For more information please visit the QDS website at www.q dsltd.com or call Clive Boyle on 01483 303070.
200I Calendar Photo Opportunity
The photograph above shows a petrol filling station in Ghana. David Brook s took thi s on a recent trip to the co untry, thanks David. The APEA is hoping to produce anothe r calendar for 2001. Come along you budding photographers submit your photoaraphs for consideration to the Editor. "'
) I
Catalyst Service Expands Catalist is expanding and developing databases of petrol stations right across the World. Date is cmTently held for about 23,000 petrol stations but we expect to have I 0 times this number within 3 years. The objective is to have surveyed, fully maintained information about every petrol station in Europe, Japan, North America and a number of other countries.
UK The first complete UK survey began in 1993 - when the company was started. It was finally completed in 1997. Since then, the data has been kept up to date continuously and a complete re-survey of the whole country was carried out from August 1998 to March 1999. The database is continously monitored and updated from oil company lists, fuel card site lists, etc. As soon as a change is identified the petrol station is re-surveyed. Information for every petrol station is verified once a year even if we haven't identified a change. Did you know ... sun·e_ys of the UK market O\'er the last year have ident(fied that around 250 petrol stations closed during 1999?
Ireland The first Catalist survey of the Republic of Ireland was completed this year. The survey took about 6 months to complete and has resulted in the first record of petrol station figures for Ireland.
Japan Catalist will be beginning a test survey of approximately 2500 petrol stations in Japan shortly - about 7% of the total market. Japanese surveyors are being recruited and trained this month and the survey will be finished by the end of July.
USA Catalist-Americas has surveyed petrol stations in Florida and California over the last year. The USA database now contains information about 1600 petrol stations.
Canada Catalist-Americas is currently completing a survey of 700 petrol stations in Vancouver, Canada and the data will be available by the end of April. Following that, a survey of Victoria in British Columbia, Canada is planned. Greater Toronto, Ontario. Canada will be surveyed from the beginning of May, with 1,100 petrol stations being visited by surveyors.
UK Retail Marketing Survey For the third year running Catalist supplied data to the Institute of Petroleum for the annual UK Retail Marketing Survey. The survey is compiled by The Institute of Petroleum using information supplied by oil companies. Catalist figures are used where information has not been supplied by oil companies and for "Unbranded" sites. If you would like more information about the Retail Marketing Survey or to obtain a copy. please contact the Institute of Petroleum.
There are 2650 sites in Ireland at the moment, and the market will be constantly monitored and re-surveyed as changes are identified. Did you know ... 87% of petrol stations in Irela11d are dealer owned, compared with 56% <!f the UK market.
Spain Catalist surveyed approximately half of the petrol stations in Spain in 1998. Now, due to popular demand, the whole of Spain is being re-surveyed. The survey of over 7,000 petrol stations is due to begin at the end of May and it will be completed this year.
Portugal Portugal was originally surveyed in 1997. With high demand from oil companes it will be re-surveyed at the same time as Spain. The complete survey of approximately 2500 petrol stations in Portugal will be finised this year.
Switzerland Nearly half the 4000 petrol stations in Switzerland were surveyed in 1997. and this market. along with Germany. will he started before the summer .:woo.
Veeder Root acquires USTMAN USTMAN TeclmoJogies. Inc. announced today that it has executed a definitive~ Asset Purchase Agreement with Veeder-Root Company to sell substantially all of its assets to Veeder-Root for $17.158 million in cash. USTMAN Technolgies. headquarted in Lakewood. Colorado, is a provider of compliance information for underground storage tanks. servicing more than 76.000 such tanks through the application of the statistical inventory reconciliation (SIR) process. SIR is the leading method of detecting leaks in managing fuel inventory held in storage tanks. Veeder-Root. headquartered in Simshury. CT. is a leading supplier of fuel management solutions and monitors over 500.000 petroluem undcrgrnund storage tanks at retail stations around the world. Veeder-Root is a wholly-owned suhsidiary of Danaher Cnrporation (NYSE:DHRl. a kading manufacturer of Process/Envirnnment Controls and Tools and Components.
EPA takes action to address MTBE contamination EPA Administrator Carol M. Browner today announced that the Clinton-Gore Administration will fund two $1 million pilot projects, one each in New York and California, to assist with the cleanup of the gasoline additive MTBE in contaminated community water supplies. Areas of Long Island N.Y. , and Santa Monica, Calif., are among those communities most affected by MTBE contamination. "To protect public heat and the environment, the Clinton-Gore Administration has called on Congress to eliminate MTBE from gasoline, and we've begun regulatory action aimed at phasing it out," said Browner. "However, in the meantime. action must be taken to help communities already affected by MTBE leaks. Today, were are providing additional fundmg to help New York and California remove MTBE contamination in affected communities and prevent future problems from leaking tanks." New York is being award $1 million to accelerate cleanup at 50 MTBE contaminated sites on Long Island. The funds · for Sa n t a M omca, Calif. will be used to help the state and the city with the cleanup of MTBE contaminated groundwater. MTBE , or methyl tertiary butyl ether, is an addit1ve in oera so 1.me use d by many refmers . . . to meet a provision of the Clean Air Act that calls for the use of oxygenates in fuel s. In 1999, the Clinton-Gore Administration · . . c convene d a BI ue-R1bbon Panel to .mvest1crate if MTBE posec! spec1a . 1 n.s k s to water supplies. . In the Fall o of 199
the 9, the Panel presented scientific proof confirmincr 0 MTBE threatens water supplies. . The Administration subsequently ea !l e d on Congress to phase down or eliminate M TBE The Ad · · · also has begun regulatory action m1111strat1on · to control MTBE un der the Toxic . s Substances Control Act.
Letters to Editor Dear Editor LPG Measurement - Bulletin
There has been some recent discussion on confirming the measure given by LPG dispensers, it is a bit difficult to keep the liquid in the check measures! Although the measurement of LPG by volume is not prescribed and therefore does not have specified limits of accuracy it is essential that the accuracy is fair and just. The method we use is with a mass flow meter and associated equipment. Enclosed is a resume we prepared for one of our presentations to the APEA and a photograph taken at Sainsbury Co!ney site. At present the LPGA Code of Practice 19 (Measurement of LPG) is being revi sed taking into account current equipment plus infonnation on operation and proving. There are also Technical Memorandum including TM70 which was prepared in association with the IP for installations on forecourts. Thi s can be accessed from the LPGA web site www.lpga.co.uk. Yours sincerely, Richard Wigfull
Publications of the LP Gas Association Last rev
Code of Practice
Bulk LPG storage at fixed installations Part I: Design, Installation & operation of vessels located above ground Part 2: Small bulk installations for domestic purposes Pai1 3: Periodic inspection and testing Part 4: Buried/mounded LPG storage vessels
07/98 01/00 05/00 03/99
Safe handling & transport of LPG in bulk in road tankers and tank containers
Recommendations for prevention or control of fire involving LPG
Recommendations for the safe and satisfactory operation of them10plastic
& bitumen boilers, mastic asphalt cauldrons and mixers, hand tools and similar equipment.
(Filling of LPG containers fitted with visual contents indicators from consumers bulk storage withdrawn and included in CoP 11)
(Table of standard injector jets - withdrawn).
Storage of full and empty LPG cylinders and cartridges
(Maintenance of fixed bulk LPG vessels at consumers premises - withdrawn and included in CoPI pt4).
Recommendations for LPG-Air plants
Storage containers attached to mobile equipment. (Part I) Recommendations for the safe handling of LPG in Storage containers attached to mobile gas fired equipr 1ent (Part 2) Recommendations for the safe handling of LPG in small trailer mounted vessels and skid tanks - Not pub ished)
Autogas installations.
Recommendations for the safe filling of LPG cylinders at depots
(Not issued)
Hoses for the transfer of LPG in bulk: Installation. inspection, testing & maintenance.
Valves and fittings for LPG service. Part I: Safety valves Part 2: Valves for transportable LPG cylinders)
(LPG emergency procedures booklet - withdrawn)
Purging LPG vessels and systems.
Recommendations for the safe se of LPG as a propulsion fuel for boats. yachts and other craft.
Liquid measuring systems for LPG.
Atomotive LPG refuelling facilities.
Guidelines for caravan ventilation and fluing checks.
LPG piping systems: Design and installation
07/98 05/00
06/98 11/97 02/96
(Cylinder design - in abeyance) The use of LPG cylinders Part I: The use of propane cylinders in residential premises Part 2: The use of butane cylinders at residential premises Part 3: use of LPG cylinders in mobile catering vehicles and similar units Part 4: The use of LPG for catering and outdoor functions Part 5: The use of LPG on construction sites Part 6: Use of propane at commercial & industrial premises
LPG central storage and distribution systems for multiple consumers
Uplifting of hulk LPG vessels from site and their carriage to and from site by road
The carriage of LPG in closed vans
(Qualification & repair of LPG cylinders - in preparation)
The labelling requirements for commercial LPG cylinders
03/99 I0/99
06/97 0 I/00
tA guide to writing of LPCI safety reports - withdrawn awaiting n:visionl
A guide to servicing cabinet heaters
A guide to the preparation of Major Accident Prewntion Policies (MAPPsl
02/98 02/98 05/00 03/99 05/0 05/00
Gas installations for motive power on mechanical handling and maintenance equipment
<;uidance notes
02/99 02/82
02/% ()..j.jl)l)
LPG technical fundanK'lltals
An introduction to l.iqul'fil·d Pl'trnlcum (ias (\Vithdnl\\nl
--------------- - - -
:\II the ahove arc ~old h\: LP<I.\ .. Pa\ilion 16. Ht.·adlands 8usincs" ParJ... Sali-;hun Road. RitH.!\\1)11d. Hamp-.htrl' RH::'-+ ~PR kl· ()J-f2"i-f61hl::' ht\ (ll-f2"i ..J.711 ~I Frnail: lpµa(fi1h1i11tnl't.n1m Web paµc: \~\\\\.lpµa.n;uk ~..j.
BP Changes
In line with its commitment to environmental improvement and its major investment in solar, BP's new sites will be partly powered by energy from the sun, through solar panels forming the transparent canopy above the pumps. The company said it had spent some $7 million on reserching and preparing the new brand, principally on legal and copyright verification and protection in the countries where it operates or might wish to do business in the future. It plans to spend a furthere $25 million a quarter in support of the brand change, mainly non-retail signage and additional advertising. It said the cost of re-vamping its retail network was expected to be broadly in line with investment already earmarked by the pre-merged companies to upgrade their sites. The company said that although BP will be the single global brand, it intended to retain the value of its strong product brands with Castro] becoming its premier lubricants brand worldwide. All the company's S sites east of the Rockies would continue to sell Amoco fuel products and feature Amoco Ultimate which is recognised as a leading quality fuel. It also intended to retain the ARCO brand and marketing strategy at its 1,800 retail outlets on the US West Coast. Sir John Browne said: "We expect the move to be a global brand and the introduction of state-of-the-art retail sites to brincr0 a sicrnificant increase in sales and to 0 make a major contribution to our recently-announced target of growing underlying earnings for the group as a whole by at least ten per cent a year over the next three years."
BP Amoco has unveiled a new, unified global brand and announced plains for a radical update of its retail sites around the world. The re-vamp - which comes 12 years after BP's sites were last modernised and 20 years after the refurbishment of Amoco's network - is part of a major drive by the goup to grow its worldwide retail business by over 10 per cent a year. The move to a single brand follows a $120 billion series of mergers and acquisitions which, over the past two years, has brought together the former British Petroleum, Amoco Corporation, Atlantic Richfield (ARCO) and most recently Burmah Castrol, to create a combined group with a market value of more than £200 billion. The announcement reveals that the enlarged group will in future be known simply as BP, with the familiar BP shield and_ Amoco torch replaced by a fresh new symbol depicting a v~brant sunburst of green, white and yellow. Named the HelIOs mark after the sun crod of ancient Greece the new logo is intended to exempUfy dynamic energy - 'in all its forms, from oil an d gas to solar - that the company delivers . . d -1 to its ten mill" ion ai Y customers around the world. It also echoes an oiicr· 1 b . . .,ma mar le motif m the London headquarters of BP which d · Ed . was es1gned by the celebrated architect, Sir wm Lutyens, in the 1920s .
Tokheim shares having a rough time
. BP Amoco chief executive Sir John Browne said "Put simply we h d ' ave a opted a single brand to show our customers around th .a · e world that, wherever they see the BP . s1.,n, they can . d consistently expect the hicrhest quality of 0 p10 ucts and . . services. "We also believe it will greatly strengthen the s . . 100 000 · ~nse of identity and common purpose of our , staff m mo h . depend to d". . re t an 100 countnes on whom we istnbute those d d . . th·at meets our as . , . · pro ucts an services m a way company." The :1rat10n to ~e a progressive, responsible company ffi ew logo will be rapidly introduced at o ices f · corresp d ·' manu actunng plants and on . on ence But .t. ·. . 1 s appearance on retail pole signs will be phased t 0 comc1de · ·h h Wit t e up-dating of the company's retail netw k which will 0t·rk, currently 28,000 sites around the world, . a e four year . t0 1 . . compete. The first new retail snes w·11 1 open later th · . s · is year m London and in Cleveland and Indian· 1. . apo is m the US b service star · ased on a radical prototype · ion perfected h secret w· . h over t e last three months at a ai e ouse locar . sites. liveried . ion m Atlanta, Georgia. The new customers .1 1., d. m 1 green • wh·t 1 e an d yellow, will offer · ' c1 1ca new . . . . . . As well as . . concept m refuelling and shoppmg. . · p1opnetory cl . . b . Castro I lub .· .. eane1- urnmg fuels and premier I Icc1nts the nov I BP C 111-store e-kio ·k. · e onnect service will feature s s Where c ·t traffic condi·t· . us omers can check weather and ions. pay · 1 .. . . up directions to 1 .. wnrnut cash or credJt cards and call . their . tan ks. <'11stomcrs c·i oc<1l dest1nati · ons.. WI11·1.e f'"1I lmg · 'n use · . . . a touch-screen monitor to order ""m1\A. H 1ll'.., pastries . d dn snacks which will he waitino for · I 1 JL·111 111-.1<k lht· 'ilore Th c · e screens wi lI al so offer sport scores 111c/ lht· /<1..,lt'"t news headlines.
The US based company Tokheim have been given a tough time by the financial markets in recent months with their share price falling to an all time low of 75 cents. They were taken off the prestigious New York Stock Exchange after failing to meet the exchanges listing requirements of $50m in market capitalisation and share trading over $5. Excessive debt from the I 998 acquisition of Retail Petroleum Systems from Schlumbercrer Ltd has been blamed together with a down tum in de;and by the major oil companies in the wake of recent mergers and consolidation activity. Tokeim employ around 4000 people worldwide. Analyst are stating that the low share price and de-listing is signalling a possible bankcrupty but the company could work hard to restore profitability and generate a postive cas_h flow, especially as the oil companies stai1 to spend after their recent mergers.
NAFSC Call in the Police!! Following the initiation of The Association of Forecourt Systems Contractors "Safety Passport" scheme, questions ave been raised as to how the organisation validates the claims of it's member companies that they do adhere to the strict Health & Safety conditions that form an essential part of the membership criteria. At a recent AFSC committee meeting it was decided that an effective "policing" method should be established to guarantee to clients and regulators alike that membership of the AFSC means more than just payment of the annual subscription, and does reflect a genuine commitment to maintaining high standards of Health & Safety within this specialised industry. The agreed "Policing" method will take the form of annual Health & Safety audits to be carried out on all member companies. Items which will be audited include:-
e •
Verification of Public and Employers liability insurance cover. Inspection of Health and Safety policy documentation & manuals.
• Inspection of internal Health & Safety meeting minutes and agendas. • Inspection of accident rep011s and records. • Inspection of staff training records. • Random site visit to monitor adherance to Health & Safety procedures. Where a companies internal Health & Safety procedures have been verified by an independent accredited third party assessor these findings will be accepted in place of the AFSC audit, provided of course. that they inclde the above criteria as a minimum. It as been decided that the above audit procedure will be applied in all cases when a company applies for prosective membership. Only when they can provide adequate proof that they satisfy all of the membership conditions will their application be accepted. By adopting this rigid stance it is believed being a member of the AFSC will guarantee that the company really does mean business when it comes to Health & Safety matters.
Safety Award
It is with great pride that the AFSC can report that one of our member companies. Marconi Commerce Systems. has been awarded the ROSPA Gold Award 2000. This highly prized award indicates the commitment made by Marconi to Health & Safety and further strengthens the reputation of the AFSC in having such a prestigious cnmmendation bestowed on one if i(s members.
Membership As previously reported, any company wishing to join the AFSC should contact either the secretary, Marlene Williamson at:AFSC
Or the Chairman, Tony Jenner Forecourt Engineering Ltd.
Fuel set test at Ricardo Liquid Engineering (UK) Ltd recently ran their fuel conditioner FUEL SET through the CEC F 23-T-OO Peugeot XUD 9 test at Ricardo Cosulting Engineers Ltd. The test is designed to evaluate the performance of an additive to show the 'keep clean' function on injector pintles. A mix ratio of 4000: 1 was sufficient to pass the 10 hour test that forms part of the ACEA world-wide Fuel Charter. The test was conducted to give quantifiable laboratory data to back up impressive results achieved from the 'r~al world'. Rep011s from Liquid Engineerin~'s .. commercia~ clients show that vehicles with smoke em1ss10n problems . .fircant1y rmprov . - ed usr·no-o FUEL SET. At a can be srgm . . standard dosmo- ratro o f 4000·· 1 hi· oo-h levels of smoke . · · can be0 v1s1 • "bi em1ss1011 y re d uce d w1"tl11"n 4-5 tank .fills. Higher dosing levels can yield a much more rapid response demonstrating the products a b1·1·1ty to ' c lean up' as· well as· 'keep clean·. Coupled with this is the ability of FUEL SET ~o rectify fuel contamiation problems like water and the diesel bug (see Bullet volume 38 No. I). FUEL SET can be used on all hydrocarbon liquid fuels to improve exhaust emissions. combustion and general fuel quality. FUEL SET is non-toxic. non-flammable. non-corrosive and contains no hydrcarbons. sulphur. phosphorus. nitrogen or metallic ingredients. For more informatitin or advice n111tact:
St ro ng Ca se fo r th e 'Atlas'
I The May editio n of The Bulle tin drew atten tion, in 'Talk ing Point ', to the conti nuing probl em of leakin g instal lation s - and refer red to how the APEA has been instru ment al in impro ving the stand ards of tank and pipew ork, in order to minim ise this hazar d.
This was the quest ion asked by D. BeJTy & Co, w~ose three decad es of exper ience gives them a umqu e persp ective on the indus try and the equip ment it utilise s. Tradi tional ly know n as the 'one stop shop' for forec ourt equip ment, Berry exam ined cuJTent inte1f ace syste ms and, havin g found them lackin g, were deter mined to come up with a soluti on befitti ng the new centu ry.
The Inter face Probl em While there can be no doubt that the desig n and perfo rmanc e of tanks and pipew ork has come on leaps and bound s , the existi ng inte1faces betwe en the two - the tank lid s - have not. They contin ue to be assem bled in the same time- co nsum ing, back- break ing mann er that they have been for the last 30 or 40 years , using basic thread ed plumb ing fittings. Curre nt interf aces are, more often than not, the sourc e of those leaka ge probl ems.
21st Centu ry Solution Sets New Indus try Stand ards
The result is the ATLA S [Adva nced Tank Lid Assem bly System ). Preci sion-e ngine ered, modu lar and supre mely adapt able, thi s universal interf ace is desig ned to set new . d 111 ustry standa rds for the probl em tank II.d area and to becom e the system of choic e for the trade.
Envir onme ntal and Healt h & Safet y Issues
. . N o strang ers to metal fabnc at1on an d t1·aditionalS engin eering values, Berry & Co has based the ATLA . d . ai oun a strong steel 111ner mum cham ber that prov1.des. 11iax1 < · tance to · vibrat · · 1·es1s ion and groun d move ment an d forms a superlative barri er aoain st water inores s and fuel leakag e. The ATLAS is simple and fast to i1~stall, as it repl aces the conve ntiona l tank lid and uses modu lar. bolt-d own co mponents ordere d in kit form by the in staller. Instal lation time is reduc ed to a minim um - makin g it idea l for both traditional and modu lar build servic e statio ns
Water 111gres s only adds to the diffic ulties : accele rating corro s ion , 111crea sing conta minat ion and creati ng an ever more hazardo us e nviro nme nt in which to atte mpt repair s or maint e nance . In the news almost as often as fuel leaka ge , wate r in gress has led to key multi ple site owne rs payin g for co ntam in ated water to be pump ed out of their cham bers, by waste di sposa l co ntract ors. In some cases , pump s have bee n in stall ed a nd are ope rating on a contin uou s basis. S o . in an indu stry that prides itse lf on continuo us mpro ve me nl. hoth in perfo rmanc e and safety standa 1 rd s, are we re a ll y ge ttin g va lu e fo r mone y o ut of c urrent interface 1
Adap tabili ty The Key
Adapt abi Iity was also a maj o r co nside rati o 1 n n the de ve lopme nt of ATLA S and the resu lt is a sy ste m suitab le
programme for an adapter that will enable the ATLAS to be retrofitted onto existing sites.
for GRP or steel tanks, offset or direct fill, suction or pressure applications. Multiple outlet options and flanged joints offer unlimited suction/vent and fill pipe layout combinations, while pre-marked pipe entry positions on the outer ATLAS eliminate guesswork when lining up pipework with the inner ATLAS ports.
With each installation under the ever more watchful eye of the Environment Agency and the Health & Safety directorate, owners of petrol filling stations will be looking to this industry for innovative and cost effective new methods of improving standards on-site.
A fabricated steel treadplate tops off the watertight inner ATLAS chamber - leaving the tank and pipework interface dry, clean and easy to maintain. The treadplate also acts as a safety platform, improving safety for operatives on site.
The ATLAS is just such a bold step forward , taking tank lid assemblies into the 21 st Century.
Forecourt Industry Welcomes Innovation With field trials already in hand and patents applied for, industry reaction to the ATLAS has been overwhelmingly positive. The initial launch is aimed at the new tank market, but customer demand has already led to a development
For further information Berry & Co
the ATLAS system, call D.
European Standards Jamie Thompson Introduction
Who will benefit?
One of the main objectives of the European Community is to ensure the removal of baniers to trade across Europe, making in effect a single market across Europe. The benefits of membership of the single market include
The industry as a whole will benefit from these developments. The Oil Industry has changed over the last few years with many companies setting up European operations to secure procurement across Europe with common service station design making life a lot easier for the purchaser of equipment. The manufacturer will have other markets opened to him in line with the objectives of the EU and the baITiers to trade will be removed. The regulator will be assured that the equipment meets the requirements of the standards and he will have a chance along with the other parties of developing them or commenting on the proposals as they are w1itten.
e e
Barrier Free Trade Simplified procedures Common safety standards on products
What this means in theory to the petroleum industry and the suppliers of equipment is effectively that anything they make which is suitable for sale in one European country should be suitable for sale in them all.
UK Standardisation Input Within the UK the standardisation is the responsibility of the British Standards Institute (BSI) and committees are held in the UK which mirror those in Europe. The UK representatives go to European meetings represe~ting the views of the mirror committee. The UK commtttee also collates the UK's public response to drafts and the vote for
An example within this industry would be that a petrol pump manufacturer manufacturing in the UK and satisfying these requirements should be able to sell that product throughout Europe. I am sure the pump manufacturers and others supplying equipment for petrol stations will inform you that life is not that easy. In effect there are still barriers to trade, this often takes the forms of standards or local requirements. A common example is a country requiring the manufacturer to re-test and re-certify products that have already been tested elsewhere.
the final standard. All draft standards published for comment have pr placed in front of them and may be purchased from BSl along with the finished standard.
The European Commission in attempting to resolve some of these difficulties have been active in promoting the development of European Standards through the Comite Europeen De Normalisation (CEN) or as we know it in English the European Committee for Standardisation. This body encourages the development of standards across a whole range of products and appoints technical committees to carry out the work. The standard is then developed with each country entitled to send representatives to participate through their national standards organisation. Once the standard is finished it is sent out for public consultation and when the six month consultation period has been completed the standards are amended to reflect comments and prepared in three language versions English. German and French. A vote is taken and if positive the standard is published. It is a mandatory requirement that each European country has to adopt this standard and withdraw any existing standard on that product.
Petrol Filling Station Standards The standard were first developed in this area at the their standards request of Germany w I10 t11roug11 (DIN) Norrnun° · 1· t ·t . 1 1 · . 1 .. cu nsll u orga111sat1on Duetsc 1es standard1s1ng on started was work that re~uested CEN ·O\'··11 frorn the other · · 1l ,1pp1 · rnet wit storage tanks. This coun;ries and work commenced in 1991. The technical committee was given a number TC22 l. A work plan was made and two w~irking groups were started dealing with the technical aspects of the standard and the hard work began. It was clear during these meetings that standardisation or other equipment in the filling station was also important. Once again a request was made to C'EN and the work or the committee was expanded into two sub conrn1itteL's. one dealing with storage tanks and the otllL'r dealing with equipment ror service stations.
An example of the way this will work in the petroleum industry can be demonstrated by the underground storage tank standard that has now been completed. At present most of· the European countries ha\l' their own standards for underground tanks. Germany, UK. France. Sweden. Holland. Finland. etc but when this standard is adopted as it will be later this year it will appear as EN 12285-1. In the UK the standard will he BS EN 12285-1 and in CJL'rrnany it will be DIN EN 12285-1 etc and all the tank standards in all the European countries will Ill' withdrawn and replaced b) this one.
The committee structure is demonstrated in Figure 1.
Progress of standardisation in the Petrol Station Fidel. TC 165 \VG8 has produced two draft standards on separator.s that ha\ e not so far been suhiL'L'lL'd t\l till' tin al vote despite ll\Cr 12 \L'ar" ur work. but man\ cuu11lrics arL' alrL'ady \vorking t11 thL' draft standards. and it i" l'L'l'l1"nisL'd h\ tlk' Fm ironment A"L'nc\ hll
.. TC221 Chairman Dr Kanning Germany Secretary DIN
TC221/SC1 Tanks Chair Dr Kanning Germany Secretary DIN
TC221/SC2 Equipment for service stations Chair J Thompson UK Secretary DIN
WG2 Leak Detection Devices for 1---____,1-tanks and pipes Chair Mr P Funke-Kaiser Holland
WG 1 underground tanks Chair J Thompson UK
WG2 Above ground tanks Chair J Thompson UK
WGJ Overfill Prevention Devices Chair Mr R Lagache France
WG4 Nozzles and Dispenser Chair Mr W Klein Holland
WG5 Contents Gauges Chair Mr P Whitehead UK
WG6 underground pipework Chair Mr J Greenwood UK
WG7 Submersible pumps Mr J Samson UK
:'.·EN 858.- J for Separation of light liquids <trt I Pnnc1pl · 1· d · · k. . . es o · es1gn-performance testmg-mar mg and quality control P· ~ . 1 LN 858-2 Installation for Separation of light liquids Part 2 Sel•·ct1.<>n 1· · J · · l · · d · " o nomma size mstal at1on. operat10n an maintenance.
BS EN 976-1, BS EN976-2, & BS EN 977 BS EN 978 refer to Single Skin glass reinforced plastic tanks Pr EN 976-3; pr EN 976-4 Double skin glass reinforced plastic tanks.
TC 221 WG 1 and WG2 The standard pr EN 12285-1 Horizontal cylindrical single skin and double skin tanks for the underground storage of flammable and non-flammable water polluting liquids
T( · 210 has produced standards that have now been puhli..,Jwd on the (JRP tank construction for underground 1;11fl, · ·~ 11h "'Hile others 111 the draft -.tage. 61
This standard is now complete in the three language versions and is ready for the vote and then to be published. Pr EN 12285-2 on Above Ground Tanks is ready for circulation for the CEN public enquiry and should be available in the next few months for comment.
TC221 SC2 Equipment for Storage Tanks The standards are in the following positions WG2 Leak Detection Devices for tanks and Pipes. Pr EN 13160 parts 1 to 7. This standard has been out for the public enquiry and the standard has been re written and is about to be published in the three-language version for the final vote. This should be completed before the end of the year.
The Countries who participate in the CEN standards are the standards bodies in the following countries; Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and United Kingdom. Should you wish to purchase standards or drafts for public comment these can be obtained from BSI Customer Services 389 Chiswick High Road London W 4 4AL Tel 020 8996 9001 or e-mail orders@bsi.org.uk In addition they will also supply international and foreign standards as well as British Standards.
WG3 Overfill Prevention Devices Pr EN 13616 has been published for public comment and has been re written and is waiting for translation before being passed to CEN for the final votes expected by the end of this year. WG4 Nozzles and Dispensers Pr EN 13012 the Nozzle standard has been completed and is awaiting the final vote. Pr EN 13167 -1 the dispenser standard has been published for the public enquiry and is being prepared for the final vote. Pr EN 13167 -2 the safe break standard is in the public enquiry stage A new standard on swivels is to be written by this committee. WGS Tank Contents Gauges Pr EN 13353 This standard has been sent out for public comment and the committee is preparing the final document for the three-language version, which should be available for voting later this year.
WG6 Underground Pipework for Petrol Stations The draft for this work has been completed and is being prepared for the three language versions ready for the public consultation later this year. WG7 Submersible Pumps The work on this committee was suspended for a while as there had been difficulties with another Technical Committee handling similar work, this appears to have been resolved and a new convenor is to complete this work later this year ready for the public enquiry in 200 I. Standards work is often time consuming but it is important that people contribute to the work especially the technical input. It seems to many who participate that the length of time that it takes to produce European standards is far too lengthy. indeed CEN have tried to speed things up. It should be remembered that the process not only involves trying to get I9 countries to agree but also has to overcome the language harriers- it really is a miracle sometimes we make any progress! In addition to the standards work we have to consider Directives which can make standards mandatory but this is likely to he the subject of anPther article at a future date.
Contractors Awareness Course {C!TB) Risk Assessment Course Food Hygiene Course
Don't get tangled up in the lines, He~p ~sat hand, Contact Bob Thompson on Tel No 01295 711970 Fax. No, 01295 712899
Fill-Stop Pacifier
. The Fill -Stop overfill prevention va lve was first mtroduced in 1994 . d . , .. . . an It s many clear benefits over s1m1l ar 1 va lves made it an almost in stant success. It was the first va ve to be V' . . . .. apour ti ght whi ch helps prevent press ure build up in dd Jacent fll . 1 read f. ·. . . pipes. It's enclosed float system and auto Y ec1ture s 11npl·f . . . . .. 1 ies. 1n not . stallat1on w1th111 the tank and 1t s p1one to errors I11. h free tl · w c mean s tank er unl oad ing is trouble · 1e valve c· b . . by the t· k'. . dnnot e preve nted from co1Tec t operation dn s intern al · . . hi1w ed a. pipe stru cture, as 1s the case with some "' 1111 type valv . TI1 , . .. means th· 1 1·i:· ·h es . e valve s automatic reset facili ty d t e valv d . · ·. wiII a Litomati.c·11l y . e oes operate to prevent an overf1 II 1t 1 back be! . c . eset as soon as the level in the tank drops ow the tn ooe 1. I de li very A ll .1 . b b eve!. ready to accept the next tanker · t 1J S y t . ·1 · e sti I very co mpetiti vely pri ced' Ii wa:-, d iffi cult see h . . dc'> ign ve t 6 . . · o w we could improve upon thi s s later we think we have ' T he new Fill -Stop I.> <i. l.' 1·l e.~i Jl() W yecu also off . . . . . .. . . ·II d. \ I . . ·l1eis a cost bene l1t to th e statJ on operator d " \\ l ( .\ o1 ·1uin 1· "' ' sa ety & e nvironmental fun ctions.
/Ill · l<1 1lkL·1 <.t rr 1ves . il1i
' ' .J!.!<
· d ll C1cu nn cc ts hi s vapour l h 1 a pu11r L· 111111 ' . . · ec t111 11 po rnt.
return hose to
2. The fuel hose is connected from the tanker to the offset fill adapter. Both hoses are empty and so to the underground pipe from the fill point to the tank and also the internal fill pipe. Well not exactly empty and that' s the problem. The hoses and undergro und fill pipes are full of vapour. 3. The operator opens the tanke r va lve and the fu el flows under gravity along the fill hose and undergro und fill pipes into the tank , pu shing the vapour in the pipes ahead of it. Thi s is under a tremendous force. A typical install ati on may fill at around I OOO litres per minute.
Internal fill pipes should always di sc harge below the surface of the fuel in the tank so th e slu g of air that is pushed along the fill pipe bub bles vigoro usly throu gh the remaining fu el in the tank . Thi s creates tremendo us turbul ence in the fu el and thi s releases highl y enri ched vapo urs into the ull age space of the tank. In other word s the turbulance c on ve rt~ some of the fu el into vapour. What happens to the vapnur in the ul lag:e space uf a ta nk fitt ed with stage I B vapour
balancing equipment. (A s all sites with over l million litres pe r annum mu st have), the highly e nriced vapours are drawn back into the road tanker through the vapo ur return hose . In simple terms the station operator buys a load of fu e l but by the action of putting it into the tank some of it is re turned to the tanke r from whence it came. It 's a bit like g iving a tip to the waiter whe n he delivers your drinks, except this tip goes to the fu e l supplie r and l be t he does n "t even say thank you'
OK, e noug h sarcasm. Admittedly the amount is small but it can be a signifi cant amount o n a hi g h throughput site and margin s o n fuel sa les a re n ' t getti ng a ny bigger.
of the tank via a fl a me arrestor and thi s path provides an easier escape route for the air trapped in the fill hose & piping . The "one-way" design of the va lve prevents a ny press ure build up in the ullage space travelling bac k into the fill pipe so it's vapo ur tight feature is not co mpromi sed . We wo uld like to make extravaga nt c la ims about the thousands of pounds sav ings to be made by insta lling thi s va lve ... but we ca n't a nd wo n ' t. If s almost imposs ibl e to quantify the sav ings as they w ill vary g reatl y wit h s ite thro ug hput. le ngt h of off-set fill. tank s ize. fu e l type. stoc k control me thods e tc . It 's prime function is. a nd alwa ys w i 11 be. as a re liable safety a nd e nvironme nta l protec ti o n dev ice. A ny sav ings are a bonu s. but it' s re lat ive low cust a nd easy insta ll ati o n we be li e ve makes it wort h a try.
Jf only yo u could remove the slu g of air/vapou r in the delivery hose and fill pipes w itho ut le ting it bubble throug h the fu e l at the bottom of the ra nk yo u wo uld g reatl y reduce turbul e nce w hi c h in turn conve rts less liquid fu e l into va pour. The ta nker sti ll draws off the va pour in th e ull age space , but thi s va pour now contai ns much less fu e l
The photographs above s hows the Fill-Stop Pacifier va lve in operat io n a nd w hat happe ns in the eve nt that it is immobili sed by bloc king the ex haust by hand tu the ullage space T he picture o n the left shuw s the typintl turbula11L"t' a~ ex ist in eve ry unde rground storage wnk \1n tlw g<trag t'
f( 1reco u rt. Thi s w he re the new Fill-Stop Pacifier sco res. It 's ne w des ign feat ures an a ir re mo va l va lve .i ust be low th e shut uff me c ha ni s m . Thi s va lve ve nh d irect ly into the ullage sp<1ce
A1·ailabk from Hytek Fue llin g Equipmet ()I ~ 7 l) X I _') fi()()
Investing in Petrol Forecourts - Are retailers seeing worthwhile paybacks? By Andrew Butcher
A new stud y into the costs a nd re turns associ ated w ith building ne w pe trol forecourt retailing o pe ration s reveals huge va riati o n s in pe rformance be twee n o utl e ts across the w o rld. Fore co urt re ta iling has evo lve d into ge neral con ve ni e nce re tai ling a nd the tre nd is continuing , w ith supe rma rket re ta ilers se lling motor fu e ls and car w ashes, w hil e o il comp anies conti n ue to fill the ir sites w ith products a nd serv ices far d ivorce d fro m a ny o il based ing redi e nt. Be nc h m a rk ing spec ia li s t, PIMS A ssoc iates of Lo ndon has unde rtake n in-depth researc h into the costs a nd re tu rn s ~f these o u.tle ts across G e rm a ny, S pa in, P o rtugal, Po land , he Ne the1la nds, U K , A ustra li a , So uth Afri ca, and USA . Res ult_s to da te revea l hu ge vari a ti o n in the pay bac k fro m new m vestme nts in fo re co urt re ta ili n bo ' a nd ide ntifie s . pote nt ial cost savin 0crs amo untin o to a n a vera 0 e of US $ 0 0 I I 0 OOO · .· · · . pe i s ne . S tud ies a re n ow p la nne d in m any mo re co un tri es a ro und the g lobe . . PI M S (P ro fit Im pac t o f Marke t S trategy) uses q ua li tati ve dnd q ua ntn·1t1 . ve m I I · e th e key .. . . < e t 1oc s to de te nrnn d ri·ve rs that d 1st111 0o u1 sh crood ·f . · '= pe1 o rm anc e fro m bad . By unde rtak m cr be nc hm a r kin a . · . . . . "' . , . '= p1OJ e cts 111 m a ny d iffe re nt c o untri es and ac ios s m a ny d1·11· ,·e 1·e t · d · c1·1sposa I n 111 ust n·e s, p IMS has at its n um e ro us d ·w b· . . f . . . . · < d ases o · confide nt ia l da ta trom w hic h to de te rmin e be nc h . ·k f . . . . m a 1 s o r c o st, m a rg 111 , g ro w th , 111no vat1. o n , dncl c usto m e r sa ti s fa c tio n . . ne cI b th T he. . stu d .y o n fo re co urt re ta 1·1·m g w as c o m m1.ss1o y e ma 1o r 0 11 c o · · . mpa111 es w ho w a nte d to loo k ex te rn a ll y fo r ins ig ht 1 t . . .n in ves tme nt pote nti a l be fore in iti atin cr c o nstr uc ti o n . PIM S . . '= s ite by s ite d ata o n costs o f investm e nt (bro k I1· cl c a ptures . . : .. · . . ri es s uc h as fo reco urt c iv i1 e ng 1nec rin ne . ow. n mto catecro c:.· · • 0 inte r io rs . · tdnks . pumps. c a no p ies . s hop/ resta urant · · p ipe wo rk ) (s uc h as y .. · e 1c. a nd m e as ures of pe rfo rm ance · e" 1 2 o pe rat in · fu e ls , ,1 I g m a rg in s a nd turn o ve r/ vo lum es of · · op re st ·w 1.. 111 t · '· ' • c ar w as hes. e tc. )
A lso rec o rde d . . I . ri, lo t , ct ie c at a o n s ne loc a ti o n a nd c on fi g ura ti o n \ I / .('. numbe r o r . I· . . I \ <ln cb . nm :zles. s hop a re a e tc .) a nd lf ll d 1lfd t1ve dat a o n ., . . 1 l'L' \ f1<lll \ Jh l , r . ' e y pi oces se;, - J·o r ex a m p le. w ho 1s 01 . . c <tncl ho w long doe :-. 11 la ke to ide nt1ly a ne w ' I Il · c l 11 ) d Ill /) e rm I h , , . , .. . , J, A\ · lrn de 1. e tc .. a nd l m a ll y o pe n the .-; 1t e . l v 1 l' lll P 1l ei \ J\ e \ ·tin t ., . . ., ' ' '" import a nt to not onl y look at " ' ' ' I1 111 l l l<t il' l'<l<; ls 10 \ Olll e me as ure o r \ Ucccs;. 111 o rde r J, I• llJlll l l L<ljl Jt ;il 11· h k " Y ac . R e d u c in ~ co st\ a lo ne rnn he J,1/l~.'1 J• ill ' \\ ha! I S Il l ~ l lrL· llllpo rta n l 1.s -;ec 111 g ho w m uc h JI c" I• /, j, , / J .11 \ fl L'lll J 'l 'l'l'< tl ill !,' L
M ost compani es alread y e mpl oy inte rn a l m eas ures (inc luding inte rnal benchm ark ing ) to re v ie w s ite develo pments and appra ise new inves tme nts. Howeve r, thi s is the first study of its k ind to fo c us o n ex te rn a l be nc hm arking aga inst com peting companies. The o bjecti ve of the studies is to m ake e xterna l benchm a rk ing a key stage in the capital approval and post compl et io n re vi ew processes.
A success ful stati on cons tru cti on pro cess b en chm a rks exte rnally at thre e k ey points
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Actua l
l nco m l'
Proj ec ted
C.1p ita l app ro \•al
O p l' n ing
Po <>Ico nipll' l in n rc\' ir w
l'n ~t - ' t •.1r ~
.m .l i!
1,111r n1nt'!!I
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T he stu dy is a lso designed to ope ra te on a n o ngo ing bas is so th at projec ted da ta is re place d with ac tu a l da ta as soon as it becomes av a il ab le. Ne w proj ec ts a rc co ntinuall y added to the databases to e ns ure th at com pa ri so ns re m a in rea l and va li d. W ith such a la rge am o unt of da ta (to ta l num be r of s it es in the database now e xceeds 500 a nd is gro w ing ) P I MS has built stati stica l mode ls th at s ift o ut the fac to rs th a t re a ll y m ake a diffe re nce to botto m line pe rfo rm a nce. T hese ke y fa cto rs are made a va ilab le to parti c ipa nts in bes pok e re po rts fo r eac h s ite and fo r se lec tive g ro ups of s ite s . G ive n th at the da ta is hig hly con fi de nti a l. PlMS uses m e thod s to e ns ure no ind iv id ua l c ompa ny\ da ta c a n he ide nti fi e d , bu t part ic ipa nts still ge t be nc hm arks based on a ppropria te agg regati ons. T he mode ls prn v icle th ree be nc hmark s: a co unt ry a ve rage. a co nfi g ura tion a ve rage . a nd a bes t ·· 1uo k- a like .. targe t. T he cou ntry ave rage i" a stra ig htfo rwa rd a ve ra ge or a ll th e da ta co lk cted in a s ing le c o untry <tncl i;. useful fpr o hl a in ing ge ne ra l 111 c as u1-c \ . ' uc h a ~ l"<tr w ash or s hop pe n '!rat io n. M<lrl' in -de pth ana l y 'i ~ l k t n n 1 inc· ~ the
configuration average and the best " look-alike" target. The configuration average is used to derive the expected value of a factor (e.g. volume, cost, or contribution) based on the configuration of a site (e.g. the location , plot size , shop area, number of islands , etc.). This type of benchmark points not to the lowes t cost, but to the optimum cost. For those companies m search of more challenging benchmarks, PIMS uses a similar scientific process to provide a best practice target; the best " look-alike ". A "look-alike" is a site that closely matches the characteristics of your site (e.g. it has a similar location . site size, site facilities). PIMS finds a sample of such sites, typically l 0 , and ranks performance on a number of measures (e.g. low building cost). The S sites which perform best on this criterion are selected and then feedback on the average data for these sites is presented in the custom made report; . Thi s process is then repeated for different criteria , so different sets of look-alike sites are used for construction costs associated with the plot , fuel facilities, the shop, the car wash, and for the data on different proces ses and project duration . In the countries where PIMS has established the se benchm arking circles, construction cost (excluding cost of land) of a ne w site varies from around £ 500.000 to £2.5 million. By comparing total construction costs against a measure of productivity, such as SOC/lnvestm e71t (Site Operating Contribution as a ratio of total construction cost and investme nt - site operating contribution is de fin ed as the gro ss marg ins realised from fu e l, shop. restaurant , car wash and othe r sales, less site operating costs such as peopl e. energy, maintenance, deprec iation etc.) the re appears to be little correlation betwee n cost and productivity. Thi s finding remains true w ithin co untri es and in comparisons ac ross all countries.
Capital productivity varies widely across the database Percent of sample
Site operating contribution/ir1vestme11t (%) Sam:r:
PLMSStalion Con:struction Dalnho.w <!> :!OOO NMS Europe Ltd
of modularised components that are assembled on site. However, evidence from the PIMS studies indicates that modularisation does not generally lead to better performance on capital productivity. A more important factor leading to better perfonnance is the actual con struction time - site s built in less than 90 clays tend to be more productive from a capital point of v iew. Additional data on whether sites catered for private versus commercial vehicles rev ealed that sites fo cused more to wards private customers performed better than those aimed at diesel for commercial use. In most countries, it appears that sites located in central urban location s tend to do better than suburban. rural. or transient sites. Given the intensity of competition in mo st countri es . fuel retail ers have sought to deve lop the ir brands. not only through adve rti sing. but also by applying a standard v isual identity. Sign s carrying the reta ilers' illuminated logo over canopi es as we ll as price di splay posts can be very expensive indeed. This can put a cost burden on smaller sites or sites located in rural areas se rving a re lative ly small numbe r of peopl e .
Within any country, the variation in perform ance on productivity (SOC/lnvestment ) is very large. The diagram below illu strate s th e di stribution across the database as a whole i. e. across all co untri es in the stud y.
The be nefits of the PIMS studi es are already being seen with typical sav ings identified of around US $ 110.000 for the ave rage site . Furtherm ore . even the best overall performing compani es have discovered that th ere is something to learn from ex te rna l be nchmarking o f thi s
So is it rea lly wo rth spending huge amounts of money on forecourt sites? PIMS say that large r sites (particul arl y th ose with bi g shops) do generally tend to perform be tter. but th ere is no improvement once cos ts reac h a ce rta in thresho ld - so it is all about makin g the op timum investment, and the optimum depends on a number of
factors. Th e tendency amongs t many de ve lope rs 1s to fo cus too much o n th e size of the land acquired for deve lopme nt . A large site is too ofte n fill ed w ith fa c iliti es w ith out fir st pr;perl y eva lu at in g ex pec ted future ea rnings. Howeve r. th e research shows that small er plots te nd to be mo re profitabl e in Spa in . Portuga l. So uth Africa and Ge rman y. whil e bigger plots have bette r contribution in Po land. Net he rl and s and th e UI< . Inte res tingl y. bi gge r sho ps in genera l te nd to hrin u hi g he r return s across a ll co untri es. "" O th e r gene ra l findin gs sugges t th at h<1v in g more car was hes (ro ll nve r as we ll as .iet was hes) a lso le<7ds to bett e r pe rformanc e. A number or nevv rnethocb 1n sta ti o n co nstr uctio n ha ve rece ntly pru vecl popular. s uL·h as the ust'
Edito ri a l inquiries . contact Andrew Butch er
State-of the-Art Corrosion-Resistant Steel UST Techology Makes "Rusty Steel Tanks" a Thing of the Past Wayne Stellmach, Steel Tank Institute Once upon a time, many years ago, there was a shiny new steel tank who was put into the ground to store gasoline. The tank was very happy and proud to join the thousands of his fellow steel tanks on whom the entire country depended for reliable petroleum storage. People the world over marveled at how strono the little tank was and that no matter what product you "'put into the tank, it got al?ng well with the little tank - it seemed to be compatible with everything!
piece of processed metal has had great amounts of energy added to it during refining, metal forming and fabrication. If nothing is done to protect those metals, nature will begin its corrosive attack upon them, releasing that energy and returning the metal to its natural state. Simply put, placing an unprotected steel structure in soil subjects it to a potentially hostile environment which can attack the metal in a manner similar to the electrochemical reaction found in a common flashlight battery.
But the tank had an Achilles heel - it so loved the ore which it was made of that it naturally wanted to return to ore. But if it did that, little holes would develop and the people who depended on the tank would cret anory at the little tank. Other tanks made out of different"'materials would laugh at the steel tank and call the poor little tank nasty names like "Rusty". This would make the little tank cry and the moisture would make the holes grow even larger.
There are four components in each electrochemical corrosion cell: 1. an anode, where the electrons are leaving the metal and where corrosion occurs 2. a cathode, where the electrons are arriving and corrosion is not occurring 3. an electrical pathway along which the electrons travel between cathode and anode 4. an electrolyte through which the cmTent flows to complete the electrical circuit
All of a sudden. a great white knioht came alono who ca_lled himself '"CP'". He told the Iittl; tank that whlle he might not be able to save it, he could make sure that all the other steel tank· th· s at came after would be protected against nasty old rust Th" d . . · · is ma e the little tank very happy, for . althouoh he would h re!". b"I· . ave to be put to rest, the reputation and 1 Jty 01 steel tanks would be saved. CP (whose real . ia name was Cathodi · p · .· · . and st . . c Iotect1on) mdeed did as he promised . eel t<1nks lived long and happily ever after.
Eliminating any one of these four elements would eliminate corrosion. However, anodes and cathodes come naturally in the world of metals and who in their right mind would state that all moisture can be eliminated from the ground year-round? The electrical pathway might be obstructed, for instance, through isolation of the tank from other tanks, piping or components. Yet a pathway is still theoretically possible within a single tank. So if we can't eliminate the four elements, what can we do? Well. thinking like a rebellious teenager, if we can "t change the rules. let's work around them!
The story you h . . haven't ave Just heard is true - and the names even been eh· d . Cathodic . . ange to protect the mnocent! protection Is re· I A d . . applied to ·t 1 a · n ever smce 1t has been · see undero01· d 1969 · nun storage tanks way back in . . . it put to rest all th . (although e conce1 ns about rustmg steel tanks you Wouldn't k · h lingerino dcn· 0 .. . now It Y some of the still"' 1"'1at1ons ahout steel USTs).
Enter the sti-P3® How about if we make a sacrifice to the corrosion gods'? Instead of the tank, let's give em a different. separate metal to eat! Enter the sti-P3® system of galvanic. or .. sacrificial anode'', corrosion protection. Corrosion engineers learned that if either zinc or magnesium is connected to the tank. the higher energy (or "potentiai"J of these materials relative to the carbon steel of the tank causes the zinc or magnesium to act as the anode and be consumed. The tank is the cathode and is thus cathodically protected. Simple. inexpensive. reliable - and predictable.
Today. s stat 1· .. · · · c-o -the-an steel US v ,111ous methods f . .. · T _technologies provide 0 article will d".. ieli<1hle corrosion resistance. This ISCUSS e·1ch f h 0 t ese methods. beginning with the advent or 1ntroducti<>n 1.- 1 dS dpplied lo steel USTs with the 1969 0 t 1e Ste I T· k · . Hut 10 un I .. _ e an lnstnute-developed st1-P3®. L c1 stand corros. . . . . .. lo 111H.lersiand the .· .· ·ion l?JOlectmn. 1t s hrst necessary p1 inuples of corrosion.
('p . '.
Just How Does It Work'? ( r;ij·._ <llllt l'lllTosion is 'Ill · I electrochemical process where '!il'f;i/-, dt•ftTl<>r"llt' tl . ' 1ioug 1 a reaction between or within •lr•·l.t/•. '"·po-,1·d lo. . . . " l 1>n1111on em 1ronment It 1s a natural I• I ' I I ' I Ii,., '" ~' 1r \\ II I 'I . .. ' ' . -t 1 Ill.it tu 1111 l\t's I rnrn a h 1L:h stall' of i (I " ''"II ii I I ' I' ,. II I' I ' -. " > .1 ' .1t a • ''-" L'I l'nng\ le\ l'i f·.vcr)
The sti-P3® system further comhah the corrosion gods hy throwing up harriers to the other frontal attacks of corrosion: the electrolyte and the electrical pathway. A durahle. clielcctril' coating isolates the 111L'tal from the moisture-laden surrounding soil. the L'kctrol~ le In an ideal coating of no scratches ur nicks. this alone \Nould he
sufficient to prevent corrosion. Finally, the electrical pathway is dealt with via dielectric bushings in the tank's fittings. This electrically isolates the tank and defines the area to be protected by the anodes. Stray currents are also prevented from entering the tank via piping and/or tank components. These three levels of corrosion protection led to the technology name of sti-P3®.
So What About Internal Corrosion? Before we move on to a discussion of other external corrosion prevention methods, let's bring that nagging question about internal corrosion out of the closet. Is internal corrosion possible? Of course it is. Is it a major problem? No. The key element in internal corrosion is the presence of an electrolyte - typically, water in the bottom of the tank. The presence of water is generally monitored as part of good housekeeping and tank monitoring practices. Removal of the water eliminates the electrolyte. Also. most of today's fuels contain various inhibitors to prevent corrosion. Sludge has also been known to cause internal corrosion, but since sludge causes problems with monitoring and pumping equipment, it too is typically addressed as part of housekeeping. Finally, internal corrosion used to rear its ugly head in the days of yore due to repeated "sticking" of the tank with gauge poles. This repeated impact would sometimes cause corrosion, having compromised the thickness of the steel. Gauge pole sticking was equally unkind to fiberglass tanks. sometimes resulting in catastrophic rupturing of the tank. However, for years now, tank fabricators have routinely provided striker plates underneath the tank openings, thereby rendering these problems moot.
Third-Party Standards It's important to note several third-party standards pertinent to steel tanks. Fabrication to recognized thirdparty standards ensure that regardless of the specific manufacturer, a tank can be trusted to meet certain minimum fabrication or performance criteria. A primary Underwriter's is standard fabrication tank steel Laboratories' UL 58 Standard for "Steel Underground Tanks for Flammable and Combustible Liquids". UL 58 dictates minimum fabrication criteria for tank wall thickness, tank heads. joints. bulkheads for compartment tanks. Type II secondary containment tanks. connections, striker plates and manholes. Specific testing and marking requirements are also dictated. All STI-developed UST technologies are fabricated to UL 58. Pre-engineered corrosion protection systems for steel USTs are covered by the UL 1746 Standard. "External Corrosion Protection Systems for Steel Underground Storage Tanks··. UL 1746 is divided into three parts. Part 1 covet: factory-installed galvanic-type cathodic protection such as the sti-PJ®. Part II covers factory assembled composite systems such as STI "s ACT- I 00®. Part Ill covers factory assembled jacket systems such as STl's Permatank®. Areas addressed include: construction of the components: physical properties of materials: corrosion evaluation tests: assem bi y tests: various man u fal'luri ng and
production tests such as leakage testing for all tanks; and anode continuity or holiday testing for specific technologies. The design and installation of cathodic protection systems for tanks and piping is also addressed in a Recommended Practice developed by NACE International (formerly known as the National Association of Corrosion Engineers), RP0285-95, "Control of External Corrosion of Buried, Partially Buried, or Submerged Liquid Storage Systems". UL's standards have emerged as the predominant testing laboratory fabrication standards, but the standards as defined by Steel Tank Institute are probably the most recognized in the field. STI standards are referenced in various national fire codes, as well as within the EPA regulations 40 CFR. Much research has gone into the development of both UL and STI standards and tank bearincrb the labels of these respective technolocries b organizations have been thoroughly tested to assure they meet the rigorous standards. Tanks built under STI standards are also subject to independent quality control verification, which paves the way for fabricators to obtain third-pmty warranty coverage. Officials responsible for code conformance should look for the appropriate labels bearing the UL and/or. the STI mark which indicate the tank has passed third-party inspection. Both UL and STI have serial-numbere d labels, as well as specific cruidelines pertaining to label placement. For example. STI t:chnology labels are affixed to the heads of the tank.
. ®. The Steel Tank Technology Gallery d t the su-P 3 R is · With over 1/4 million installations to- a e. 1 system for stee · . the predominant corros10n prevention 1 a·es have evolved USTs. However, several other tee 11110 Oc-1 · ' tank owner or tl .,which offer alternative systems ior 1e 11 en t . vides an exce I . . . . . spec1f1er. Like the st1-P3®, eac 1 p!O Il , other ments. The . . . corrosion as we as means of preventmo 0 t' . . 1 the corrosion . . remainder of this article will ocus 01 · , ·is well as various h . . methods of each ol the tee no 1og1es, ' · t·J1er considerattons d , . . . design advantages. mstallat1on .in o specific to each. . sti-P3® While the sti-PJ® is distinguished as the gah·arnc CP system pioneer. there are several other issues to be · t·1ll1'11a · · · One IS "' '·1 ·sti-P~® ' or ms cons1·d·ere d w I1en c I1oosmg recrulations EPA Federal t CP~ . . . 1 1 '=' h ' sys em. t e morntonng o t iat every 3 monitored be sti-P3®'s ~ingle-wall require that · tJ l , ·t · i 1t 1 -.~cords be kept l 1 ... . . 1 · . t years or sacn tic1a anoc e mtegn y. ,11 L ' ~ ot matter 11111k ,.,· ,·ei·v · · · M 1· . J j . ·' J on 1ton ng 1s a o tie reac mgs. checking the voltage of the tank system relative to a a are · · ~ reference ~ . c-· ' ce II - t·1· tli~'~ 1·e·1di1FTS sultate copper/copper minimum of -850 millivolts. the system is A-OK. ln taL"l. the sti-P3® is the only UST whose corrnsiun pwtL'Ction system can he so verit.ied. An option called the PP4 CP Testing System allows an ownerfl1perator Ill himsl'lt test the CP system in less than a minute's time. l"d said earlier that it it \\L'l't' pn-,-.ibk to entirL'\\ i-,ulatL' the tank !'rum the '>lllTOUlldlllg soil. tbi\ \\OUld allllll' \lt'
sufficient to prevent corrosion. Well, the EPA itself recognizes one sure-fire way to accomplish this with a stiP3® tank and thus eliminate the need to monitor the CP system: a double-wall tank. The outer wall of steel prevents any direct contact of soil with the inner tank. Of course. stiP3® tank fabricators still provide corrosion protection on the outer wall of steel - it's just that the EPA has said double-wall sti-P3® tanks are not subject to the every-3year monitoring requirement. (Do keep in mind, though, that state or local regulations may be more stringent and would take precedence.) Of course, secondary containment isn't a bad idea overall. for it provides an extra measure of "insurance" and expands the options one has for leak detection. sti-P3® tanks can also be compartmented. whereby multiple storage of products within one tank is accomplished via compartment separation by bulkheads. For example, within one vessel can be, say. an 8,000 gallon compartment and a 6,000 gallon compartment, or perhaps three (3) 4,000 gallon compartments. and so forth. Considerable cost savings can be realized with compartmented USTs, from equipment costs to installation costs to reduced insurance premiums.
Composite Tanks C~mposite tank technology. initially developed in the ~-960 s and standardized in the late 1980\, employs a thick tiberglass-reinforced plastic (FRP) laminate that is bonded to the exterior surface of a steel tank. Known in some circles· as· ·· c·I acI" tan k technology. composite tanks most often arc built to the STI "ACT- I 00®" Standard ··specific·1tio < n t'or E xternal Corrosion Protection of FRP Composite Steel Tanks <F894-9 l )'' or to UL 1746. Like the double-wall t'lnk tl1e, c.1ac • Id'mg removes one of the elements • • < • tor corrosion to occu1··. th e e Iectro Iyte. or soi·1. cannot · contact the steel . C . tanks are tested at the ompos!le . . · ·su r I'·c1ce. factory pnor to shi"p · . .. . . . .. 1 . · pmg or holidays . or vmds, II1 the lammate. so when a . . . . . composite tank 1s mstalled and buned. you can rest easy c . · . . . . . · 01ros1on will not occur and no on-gomg mon1tonng 1s rc 4 u-., C . . 11 cc1· . ompos1tc tanks are made m both SII1!.!.le and dual-w·lll . 1.. . , •• ~ • . < con 1gurat1ons. and also can be coste1tect1vely compartmented.
1746. Several similar designs are being marketed by steel tank fabricators, such as one utilizing high density polyethylene materiaL These types of tanks are sometimes referred to as "jacketed" tanks. Jacketed tanks provide both containment and corrosion protection of the primary tank. Also, jacketed tanks can be compartmentalized.
Field-Engineered Cathodic Protection Steel tanks that were built and installed prior to the advent of pre-engineered, factory-supplied protection against corrosion can be retrofitted with cathodic protection. Such field work should be done under the supervision of a cmTosion specialist 4ualified by the National Association of Corrosion Engineers (NACE). according to NACE RP0285-95. Depending on various factors such as soil corrosivity and the total steel surface area to be protected, either sacrificial anodes or impressed current systems may be employed. In some cases. an internal lining of the tank is applied in conjunction either with or without the cathodic protection retrofit.
A Word About Secondary Containment Combined with release detection devices. secondary containment provides the best insurance against accidental release of product into the environment for UST owners and the community. Even with the most sophisticated release detection system on the market today. leak detection alone will not ensure against contamination. An investment in sound secondary containment for both tanks and piping can avoid real headaches. Another benefit to the tank owner is that secondary containment allows the use of interstitial monitoring as a more economical choice for UST leak detection. The technology for secondary containment of steel UST's has advanced significantly over the past 15 years. and under today\ standards, several types of secondary containment tank constructions arc permissible. As mentioned earlier, the sti-P3®, various composite tanks. and FRP tanks are all manufactured in double-wall designs. But it is the jacketed tank which is the most recent product innovation in secondary containment.
ST! has been res '" . ·I . . . · cai c 1111g new lam mate materials as te111<1t1vcs to the FR . nnte 1·1··ii c·tll .. p lam mate traditionally used. A ' < ' urcgh · ... Stai1lhrd v 't . 'ss may soon he part of the ACT- I 00 ' · 'e another c · · . . . omposite tank technology utilizing Polyurcthan e 1ammate 1s . I · ·I . · current 1y being researched by ST!. w 11c 1 would he I <thric· , techno]ouies . ... ated under a new ST! Standard. Both e . die expected t b 0 during 1996. e approved and available
Some of the most important factors for a good secondary containment tank system are the workmanship of the tank and its testability. The tank should be built to a national standard and be subject to 4uality control standards typically provided by UL or ST!. The primary tank and secondary containment interstice area should he tested in the factory before the tank is delivered. as well as at the johsite prior to final backfilling hy the installer.
Jacketed Tanks
Vacuum has become a very common method to ensure secondary containment integrity and many manufacturers are applying a vacuum in the interstice lwtwecn the steel walls. or between the -;tee! and the uuter jackL't. at thL' factory. For example. the STI Permatank® Standard provides for tanks to he -;hipped with a minimum of 13 inches of mercury negative pressure. I Man~ manufacturL'l"" arc actually applying a vacuum ul 20 indws of mercury or more. which is comparable to a 10 lh. P"i nL'~ative pressure.) The tank must hold that vacuuni. with a "li~ht tolerance for variatirni" in atn10 ... phcnL c 011d1t ion .... fnr at least 12 hours for 10.00() ~all1111 ta11b and .:'-1- hour-.. for
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scco11 I· · · · have ·tit· . c.di Y contammcnt dcs1ons c '· ' er native.., to the traditional dual wall corn P 0 ~1ll' tank.., discuo.;sed above. These qf'li.:r ,. . · "cu indar~ cnntammcnt t hrou!.!.h <!I prriiian t;111ks hurlt olstcel and outer walls '•1111 ·1 1 . 1111t1T1;1is Onl" -.;ud1 desiL:n I\ the
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larger tanks. If the vacuum should drop beyond its tolerance, further investigations into the tank's tightness are done.
and FRP tank manufacturers have developed installation instructions that cover the key points essential for reliable tank service. All STI technologies mentioned earlier have specific installation standards which are provided with every tank purchase. Further recommended installation practices are published by the Petroleum Equipment Institute (PEI), PEVRP 100-94, "Recommended Practices for Installation of Underground Liquid Storage Systems" and American Petroleum Institute (API), APVRP 1615. "Installation of Underground Petroleum Storage Systems".
It should be noted here that NFPA 30 requires only 5.6" of mercury vacuum be held for 1 hour. However, it is STI's position that the more stringent test as detailed in the above paragraph be conducted. 5.6" of mercury equates to a little over 2 psi. STI prefers a higher vacuum be used for such a short period of time, for greater testing sensitivity.
Below are some of the most significant installation concerns relative to corrosion protection: An excavation free from hard or sharp materials that could damage tanks or adversely affect the exterior tank coating. Bedding and backfilling material must be clean, homogeneous, granular material made of either sand. fine gravel (#8) pea gravel. or crushed stone for steel tanks. The bedding and backfill material should be one and the same. Backfill should surround the tank and be at least one foot over the tank to avoid tank damage.
Upon verification that the interstice still has a vacuum, the installer need not conduct a separate air pressure test of the primary tank and the interstice. The vacuum already assures that both vessels are tight. A standard double-wall UST (as opposed to a "jacketed" type) may also use vacuum as the interstitial integrity test method. However, another typical test method applies a 5 psi positive pressure to the primary tank. Air from the inner tank will be brought over to the interstice. where there's a very small volume of space. assuring the tanks never test beyond 5 psi. Some air compressors can put out a \'ery significant flow of air and it's important that the interstitial space not be over-pressurized.
Careful tank handling. Lifting and lowering the tank into the exc~l\'ation must be done with equipment that can adequately hoist the tank without dragging or dropping. Coating must be carefully inspected and any damage repaired in accordance with NACE and SSPC. Steel Structures Painting Council. Standards.
In all cases, a soap test should be conducted to verify the integrity of the outer steel tank weld seams. After the tank has been installed and the integrity of the tank has been assured, the system is backfilled. Many installers then release the vacuum and place a release detection probe into the secondary containment monitoring tube.
Careful connection of piping to the tank fittings or bushings_ sti-P3® tanks in particular rely upon bushings for clectri:al isolation from the piping system and composite steel tanks often use bushings as well. Continuity checks should be performed on both cathodically protected and composite steel tanks to ensure that piping and other metallic structures (conduit. anchor straps. gauges and probes) are indeed isolated from the tank.
A secondary containment system must also be able to allow quick communication of spills or breaches of either the primary tank or the secondary containment. If a leak is never discovered, or discovered too late, serious contamination may occur. Jacketed tanks should have a well-defined interstice so that reliable communication is assured. Compared to the Type I steel wall UST. where steel is laid over welded steel. jacketed tanks utilizing other materials over the steel have dramatically different characteristics. Some materials easily conform to the geometry of the steel inner tank. including at weld seams. Some plastics shrink as they cure. Some materials form a very smooth surface. Interstitial vacuums and heavy earthen backfill loads tend to push these materials against the steel. Hence. some means of separating the non-metallic outer containment material from the steel primary tank - to enable the communication of any liquids - is critical to the function of the system. In addition. the material used to define the interstice cannot interfere with system integrity testing. A smooth separation material can literally plug a pinhole in the primary or outer tank during a :·acuum or air pressure test _ obviously not a desirable feature Ill a secondary
Wrapping It Up
Like the baby boomcrs and hippies. steel undergn~und storage tank technology has truly come a long way s111ce the 6fl's. But unlike th~1se maturing boomcrs who may have lost a bit on top or gained a bit around the n~iddlc. ste~I USTs have actually increased their lifespan with state-olthe-art corrosion-resistant technologies. By installing any of the steel UST technologies referenced in this article. you can be assured that ··rusty old steel tanks'" arc a thing of the past. For more i11/(1mwtio11 ohout the:
STEEL TANK INSTITUTE wwvi. stcc Itank .com
containment tank.
The Importance of Proper Installation Procedure
Field experience has shown that the developmt'lll nl technolo~ies that protect against cnnw.;ion re4uire careful installati~rn. While tanks fabricated of all-FRP ,1re particularly reliant upon bedding and baL·kfill for structural support. all tanks gencrall) require sonw attention to backfilling and other proper installation procedures. Sk'L'i 7()
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SO FAR without closure
DRIP STOP diesel nozzle Situation Today Often the area around a diesel dispenser is contaminated by diesel which has fallen onto the forecourt for one reason or the other. One of the main reasons is that motorists do not wait that extra second f6r the nozzle to drain before removing the spout from the car filler pipe. The Solution The Z.VA Slimline nozzle is now available with the New Drip Stop spout ER242. 1TMV. The patented magnetic closure inside the spout works after refuelling has finished . The Drip Stop operates in two ways. Firstly it closes to prevent diesel dripping when the spout is removed from filler pipe too quickly and secondly, it retains the remains left in the spout so that the next customer doesn't spill this diesel onto the forecourt when removing the nozzle from the dispenser.
How does it work? The Drip Stop functions on the principle of a floating magn rather than a strong spring. When the nozzle is not in use tH floating magnet holds the "valve" closed . Since the magnetic force is very small when compared with a spring the pressure loss is minimised in such a way that the pressure drop even at flow rates up to 501pmin is negligible. Also the innovative patented design allows for quick opening and slightly delayed closing , this prevents the ZVA Slimline from being placed in the dispenser holster with a full spout.
Now with magnet ic c losure
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Calling JP Demolition & Petroleum + Flome ionisation detection Decommission ing Ltd in at an ea rly stage enables the correct monitoring, analysis and recommendations for treatment to be made before a problemgets out of hand We can arrange laboratory analysis, reports and recommenda tio ns and offer Turn key packages based on these reports to deal with virtually any situation.
IP v
---~-- ----
---------~- - - .
JP Demolition can carry out simple operations like pump drain-bock or tank manhole filling, or complete demolition of buildings with tank and canopy removal together with soil and groundwater decontamination. All our works are carried out to the satisfaction of the Petroleum Officer, the HSE, Local Environmental Health Officers and the Environment Agency, by rigorously applying all current safety and environmental legislation.
Whether your forecourt has suffered from large spillages or from tank or pipe leakages, JP Demolition &Petroleum Decommissioning Ltd provide a comprehensive clean up & repair service.
When environmental problems occur they need to be dealt with swiftly, economically and above all, professionally.
+ Tonks being removed for disposal
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