The Bulletin
MAGAZINE - June 2021
APEA (The Association for Petroleum and Explosives Administration)
Inside 4
Business Manager
New Members
Publications Information Articles
Retention Socket Non-Illuminated
Hole in One with Tuffa Petrol Tank
The Challenges Facing Traditional Forecourts with the Rise of Alternative Fuels
Are you Ready to Address the Challenges? Empower your Fuel Station with Advanced Wetstock Management
KC ProSupply UK Installs Mobile LNG Refuelling Unit
Celebrating 25 Years of Service to Industry
Centralised Operators, Consistency and Flexibility Key to Future Proofing Petrocell Operations
We will Use Sand on our Forecourts Forever?
Bio Fuels at Petrol Filling Stations Ethanol in Fuel- E10
Ask The Experts
Petrol Stations Leak Detection Systems in Malta
Press Releases
APEA Live 2021 Conference, Exhibition and Award Dinner
Front cover: Historic refuelling station for launches at Henley-on-Thames Published by the APEA (The Association for Petroleum and Explosives Administration) A company Limited by Guarantee Registered in England No. 2261660.
Opinions expressed in this magazine are not necessarily the views of the Association. The technical content is not an official endorsement by or on behalf of the APEA and are entirely the views of the authors.
APEA tel/fax 0345 603 5507
Welcome We also have an APEA Linkedin company page and invite everyone in the relevant private groupings to follow the APEA through this medium. We can be found on Linkedin at: and on Twitter at:
Tom Daly APEA Chairman Welcome to the June 2021 issue of The Bulletin. It’s hard to believe that it is over a year since the beginning of the Covid pandemic. In March 2020 when we entered the first lockdown restrictions, we thought that this would have been all over in a matter of weeks. We should now be coming to the final step of the four-step plan to ease the restrictions of the lockdown, where we should see all legal limits on social contact lifted by the forecasted date of 21st June. We are all look forward to getting back to some sort of normality. Our Events Committee is planning to hold our APEA Live conference and awards dinner event on 18th November this year. The new norm that has developed as a result of this pandemic for most people has been to operate from home, in a virtual online world of teams/zoom meetings, webinars and forums, without face to face contact and the interaction that we have been used to. So, we are really looking forward to the face to face interaction that the APEA Live Event always provides. We still recognise the advantages of having appropriate social media platforms and the APEA uses the most up to date methods to communicate the broad scope of work it undertakes to a wider audience and to encourage greater interaction between members and the Association. We would encourage you to join us on our APEA twitter account with an updated bio and profile images. APEA Business Manager (contact for all APEA Business and Bulletin advertising, design and typesetting) Jane Mardell APEA, PO Box 106 Saffron Walden, Essex CB11 3XT Tel: +44 (0) 345 603 5507 Mobile: +44 (0) 7815 055514 email:
Our training courses which are provided by the APEA expert trainers should now be back on track and we look forward to catching up on the training courses that had to be postponed due to government restrictions and safety protocols. The APEA has progressed with the development of our online training with Olive Ltd and the details of this online training can be found on our website along with an overview of our other courses, together with the dates and training locations. As an APEA member, there is a great resource available to you on the APEA website in our technical advice section, along with past articles on various topics of technical interest. In addition, our technical committee continue to provide advice and technical assistance and answer many and varying queries in relation to all aspects of the service station. I would like to thank our APEA Branch Committees for the work that they have done throughout the year in an effort to keep the connectivity and momentum of our Association going. The APEA branches have continued to hold branch meetings, although via an online platform. While this virtual scenario has served its purpose, we look forward to resuming face to face interaction at our branch meetings. The APEA branches still provide an excellent networking and social opportunity for those working in the industry. In many cases it is a good opportunity to meet up with regulators, manufacturers, suppliers, equipment installers and consultants. I would again encourage all stakeholders to participate with your local APEA branch if not already involved. Details of the contacts for each branch can be found on our website. Finally, I look forward to seeing you all at our APEA Live event at MK Stadium, Milton Keynes, on 18th November this year. Publications Chairman Andy Kennedy Mobile: 07469 212063 email: Editor Brian Humm Mobile: +44 (0) 7507 478533 email:
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Editorial good to see everyone pulling together for the same goal; as dangerous as it could be working during a pandemic, I know of petrol station staff being affected by Covid and I have known of one death amongst store staff but they all still keep going to work regardless - a very unselfish act indeed and they deserve all the praise they get. Everyone involved in working during this current crisis gets a huge pat on the back from me. Thank you to you all.
Brian Humm Editor Hello and welcome to this new edition of The Bulletin. I sincerely hope that you enjoy the mix of articles and news that we have prepared for you this quarter. We have, following appeals across various social networking platforms, been receiving copy from a lot of individuals and companies on all sorts of topics. This is great considering we were often scrabbling around looking for content; all I can say is keep up the good work! One thing I would like to point out, however, is that the APEA will give priority to advertisers within our various publications for insertion of articles and news items over non advertisers, but taking this into account, I would like to personally thank everyone who has contributed to this edition - long may it continue. If you would like to consider advertising then please contact the APEA Business Manager Jane Mardell who will be able to assist you, we do offer some very competitive rates. Sitting writing this introduction, looking out of the window to see sunshine and the birds frolicking in the trees, tells me that summer is on its way. This year cannot be worse than 2020! With the rollout of the vaccine (a small aside, I have had my first following a text message saying that I have been identified as vulnerable and between the ages of 70-74 so I need to attend the local centre! Needless to say, I went and my name was on a list so all was good, albeit I am nowhere near 70! But vulnerable with an underlying health condition) and the government expected to relax the lockdown, albeit in stages, life may return to some semblance of order! Whether we can travel to somewhere exotic hangs very much on other countries’ pandemic results; fingers crossed we can relax a little bit. I know we are hoping to be with the grandchildren on a beach this summer that is for sure. Working during the pandemic has been hard for a lot of people, key workers especially. A lot of our members are classed as key because it is obviously vital to keep the heart of the country running and this of course involves fuel, oil etc. May I say that it is 6
Electric vehicle charging is moving on apace, more and more forecourts are having charging points installed, the question is though are they safe? The APEA, in connection with the Institute of Engineering and Technology (IET), have produced guidance called “Electric Vehicle Charging Installations at Filling Stations” which is available on the Association website. If you are involved in this type of installation, then this is a must have document. The installation of a charging system can be complicated and could have a significant impact upon the filling station infrastructure, it’s worth looking at the guidance well in advance of starting any work. The government has announced that E10 is now on its way. For those of you that are unaware E10 means that the petrol you fill up with at your local filling station can, from September, have up to 10% Ethanol included. Currently petrol supplied by the dispenser can possibly have up to 5% in its make up. Within this issue Jamie Thompson, APEA Technical committee chair, has written an interesting article regarding this subject and the possible consequences of its introduction into UK forecourts; make sure you are ready! APEA Live is a distinct possibility this year. If all goes well and the UK roadmap to “behaving normally” continues on course and the vaccination programme still proves to be as successful as it is at the time of my writing this then the annual conference, exhibition and dinner will be at our usual venue of the Stadium MK. Details are within this issue and also on the website. Also the awards are back, so why not consider entering your business or an outstanding person within your organisation, or for that matter someone else’s! It really seems to be a long long time since we were at this prestigious event so I have everything crossed that this will be a reality this year. Lastly, I would like to thank a few people without whom this publication would not be possible: The advertisers who continue to support us, even through the pandemic, I thank you; contributors, especially Jamie Thompson and lastly Jane who makes all this seem sensible. Until next time…
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Business Manager/New Members
Business Manager copies by courier which are tracked, so we can follow up any nondeliveries. You can also purchase additional Yearbooks on the Publications page of the APEA website at
Jane Mardell Business Manager The APEA has been very busy the last few months. The 2022 Yearbook has been completed and organising has started on APEA Live 2021. I am also working on a rewrite of the website with our website company design company and we hope will go live soon. It will be smarter, improved functionality and be easier to use. I hope you enjoy using it. The Bulletin We are always looking for press releases and articles for The Bulletin. If you have anything you think would interest our readers please email it to me at and I will forward it to the editor Brian Humm to approve. 2022 Yearbook Thanks to all of you that completed entries online for the 2022 Yearbook and to the advertisers who, without your bookings, we would not be able to produce this publication. The artwork is now at the printers and the Yearbooks will be distributed on 1st October. If you have not received your copy by the end of October please let me know and I will chase up your delivery. We only have a limited amount of spare copies so you need to contact me by the end of October if you have not received your copy. Individual/Retired members will be sent their Yearbooks by standard Royal Mail and Corporate members will receive their 5
APEA Live 2021 – 18th November Anyone wishing to book a place at the Conference, Exhibition or Awards Dinner should go to Please note there are discounts for ‘early bird’ booking. APEA Awards The APEA Awards are live and you can enter the awards by going to I will be managing the APEA participation and AGM part of the event and information and nomination forms will be sent to all members with the September issue of The Bulletin in August. Website Banner Advertising You can place your banner on the APEA website. This is £200 plus vat for one year. Please contact me at if you wish to make a booking. Member’s contact details and email addresses Most APEA communication to members is carried out by email except for mailings of The Bulletin and Yearbook. Please ensure that you log on to your membership record to change any contact details. New Members There have been 49 new members joining during January, February March, details below. General Assistance If you need any assistance with general or technical matters, please do not hesitate to contact me at or on 0345 603 5507. There is comprehensive contact information on the APEA website too at Jane
New Members (Jan - March) Corporate Membership Craig Mooney Advanced M&E Ltd David Ryan Powerhouse Energy Group PLC David Whelan Meath County Fire and Rescue Service 8
Michelle Williams Bristol City Council
Gerwyn Lewis Innovation Build Ltd
George Rantis Hellenic Petroleum SA
Jason Rosborough RE:SURE Intelligence Ltd
Richard Martin Aftec Electrical Services Ltd
Jean Murray Merseyside Fire & Rescue Service
Shahzad Arif Sheikh Pakistan State Oil / Shahzad Arif Sheikh
Caroline Sugrue TICCbox
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New Members
Claire Geldart B&C Energy Solutions Ltd
Neil Bryson Tt Electrics
Dessie Dorrian Dorrian Construction Ltd.
P Warland Tesco
Jessica Body Trading Standards
Karon Smith Motor Fuel Group
Individual Membership Julie Patino
Colin Dow Mr Colin J Dow
Alun Banner
Luke Machin Berthon Boat Co Ltd
John Hambleton Jlo Projects Ltd Christian Hayward Forecourt Refresh Ltd Oliver Watts Public Protection Peter Lee Williams NICEIC
Daniel Hodgson Repair Protection & Maintenance Ltd Lisa Arnold Derby City Council David Bridle Simon White
John Kennedy Consulting Engineer
Mark Mortimore EDP Health, Safety & Environment Consultants Ltd
Peter Lund Motor Fuel Group
Connor Corkill Corkills Garage
Lindsay Milner Blackpool Council
Dean Hocking Fairbourne Surveying Ltd Andrew Large
Matthew White BP
Declan Mcglinchey
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Stephen Weaver SW Decorating Services Ltd Colin Mackenzie MacKenzie Architects Nihan Derya Kilislioglu BP Oil UK Ltd David Thompson John Holden Byron Weston Weston and Son Ltd Stephen White Lune Valley Builders Ltd Michael Keane M Keane Consulting Damian Chester Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Bryan Goldsmith Fulkers Bailey Russell Retired Membership David Foreman NW Electrical Assessment Ltd
Publications Information
Publications Information 4th Edition of the Guidance for Design, Construction, Modification, Maintenance and Decommissioning of Filling Stations “Blue Book” (Revised 2018) ISBN 978 0 85293 888 1 Price for hard copy APEA Member rate - £75 Non APEA Member rate - £150 Price for pdf version (please note the pdf version is licensed to the purchaser only and cannot be shared or printed) APEA Member rate - £75 Non APEA Member rate - pdf £150 If you wish to purchase the guide please go to the APEA website at and click on the “Publications” page. You can select to pay by credit/debit card. The APEA also publishes the Code of Practice for Ground floor, multi storey and underground car parks. This can be downloaded directly from the APEA website and is available to members at £11.00 and £21.00 to non APEA members.
This Code of Practice is an authoritative guide to all installations of electric vehicle charging equipment. It has been updated in line with recent changes in BS 7671 (IET Wiring Regulations) and reflects some major developments in this area including vehicle to grid, smart integration and inductive charging. As part of the rapid growth and development of the whole electric vehicle charging infrastructure, filling stations are seen as an obvious place to provide charging facilities. However, it is recognised that difficult safety and logistical issues are linked to such installations.
Electric Vehicle Charging Installations at Filling Stations Price for hard copy APEA Member rate - £32.50 Non APEA Member rate - £50 Price for pdf version (please note the pdf version is licensed to the purchaser only and cannot be shared or printed) APEA Member rate - £32.50 Non APEA Member rate - pdf £50 10
When the 4th Edition of the Code of Practice for Electric Vehicle Charging Equipment Installation was published, significant technical discussions were still underway about this area to help finalise and clarify the safety issues that needed to be addressed. The work behind these meetings was led by APEA (the Association for Petroleum and Explosives Administration) who represent the major stakeholders in this sector. APEA and the IET are therefore now issuing this joint publication to help provide important guidance in this area. ISBN-13: 978-1-83953-315-0 Publication Year: 2020 Pages: 30
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Publications Information About The Bulletin and how you can submit copy to be included • The Bulletin is published four times a year with a print run of 2200. • Free issue to APEA members (approx 1200 members worldwide) • Has international distribution and readership • Respected source of industry specific news and information
The editor of The Bulletin, Brian Humm, is always on the look out for new material, so if you have something you want to be included, please email it to the APEA office at and it will be forwarded to Brian for approval. Please email the text in Word format and any images as separate high resolution pdf or jpeg files to
• Contains relevant articles, news items, press releases and reports from UK and overseas
We are always pleased to receive contributions from our members and it ensures that The Bulletin remains an interesting and informative read.
• Individual, Fellow and Retired members receive one copy each and Corporate members receive 5 copies each per quarter.
Priority is given for press releases and articles submitted by Bulletin advertisers to be included.
Deadline dates for copy and advertising artwork 2021/2022 Issue
Copy deadline date
Posting date
Sept 2021
25th June
13th August
Dec 2021
20th September
5th November
March 2022
3rd January
18th February
June 2022
21st March
6th May
Please note the deadline date for the March 2022 issue is early due to Christmas and New Year holidays.
Bulletin Advertising If you would like to book advertising in The Bulletin, please email your requirements to or call the office on 0345 603 5507. Please ensure you send your artwork to Priority is given for press releases and articles submitted by Bulletin advertisers to be included. Discounts are available for booking in more than one issue, please contact Jane Mardell at for more information. Bulletin advertisers that book in 3 or more issues in one year also receive a 50% discount off rates for advertising in the annual Yearbook, see table below.
Size of advert (all rates exclude VAT)
Advert fee in 1 issue
Advert fee in 4 issues (includes 25% disc
Full page (210mmw x 280mmh with 10mm border or with 3mm bleed)
½ page (185mmw x 125mmh)
¼ page (90mmw x 120mmh)
APEA tel/fax 0345 603 5507
Articles Retention Socket Non-Illuminated By Zack Starkey-McGrath, Marketing Assistant, NAL Ltd
The NAL Retention Socket System has been installed on all protective Hoop Bollards located in front of each pump at a new Petrol Station in Ludlow. The Retention Sockets were installed at the same time as the concrete slab works and fitted with pedestrian plugs allowing the hoops to be installed at a later date. This enabled unobstructed and safe access for the canopy erection, which traditionally was hampered by the Hoop Bollards. The bollards were installed into the Retention Sockets once all forecourt works were completed. As these bollards are prone to vehicle impact, the Retention Socket provides the ability to remove and replace damaged bollards within minutes, without the need for lengthy, expensive and disruptive civils and hot works. Overall, the system offers substantial cost savings in the installation and maintenance of forecourt furniture. APEA tel/fax 0345 603 5507
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Hole in One with Tuffa Petrol Tank By Andrew Dobson, Digital Marketing Coordinator, Tuffa UK Ltd As one of England’s top 100 golf courses Northamptonshire County Golf Club is well above par (or below par in golf terminology). The course comprises of 100 acres of grass, trees and shrubs which makes up the main golfing area, as well as 110 acres of woodland and meadows which makes up the course ‘scenery’. For those of us whose golf experience is limited to hitting a ball through a miniature windmill it is hard to imagine the demanding maintenance a real golf course requires. The playing area requires constant and fastidious attention to ensure conditions are perfect and rogue clumps of grass cannot be blamed for disrupting the ball’s natural roll. When amongst the top 100 golf courses, even the landscape is carefully manicured to a five-star standard. Maintaining the course Rob Hay is Northamptonshire County Golf Club’s Course Manager, the man with the critical APEA tel/fax 0345 603 5507
responsibility of ensuring the course is in pristine condition. Managing a golf course isn’t just about upkeeping the holes and tackling the moles, and one of his key roles is the allocation of the club’s budget. Every item of equipment purchased must be highquality and highly reliable, able to withstand heavy usage. As Rob elaborates, fueling this machinery requires onsite petrol storage and dispensing: “Maintaining a golf course takes loads of equipment from utility vehicles for carrying tools and personnel, to ride-on mowers, and even handheld equipment like strimmers, blowers and hand mowers. All of this is powered by petrol. Having a petrol tank onsite offers much more convenience than getting our fuel from a forecourt which simply wouldn’t be feasible.”
Safe, compliant and reliable fuel storage Rob explained that their previous petrol storage tank had been in service for over 15 years and required replacing. With a criteria of finding a compliant and reliable petrol storage tank for quick and efficient dispensing, Rob took to surfing the web. The Course Manager admitted that during his research he was surprised by how few tank manufacturers made petrol tanks in relatively small capacities of one or two thousand litres. However, while browsing Twitter a little ‘birdie’ told him about Tuffa’s petrol tank range which fit his criteria well. The Tuffa 975 litre model had a similar capacity and footprint to the old tank and came with a 12 volt pump and mechanical meter housed in a cabinet. This meant that the tank could be sited in a location without mains electricity with the work utility vehicles powering the pump.
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Articles Tuffa’s petrol tanks are built to be compliant and safe. The static storage is designed in accordance with the Blue Book guidelines and DSEAR (Dangerous Substances & Explosive Atmospheres Regulations). To protect the tank’s contents and surrounding area, the system is fire proofed, and the primary tank and bund is hand fabricated with a 3mm thick mild steel, all topped with 4.5mm steel durbar. Finding solace in the greens Shortly after the petrol tank was ordered, the UK went into its first lockdown to prevent the spread of COVID-19. On March 31st 2020 Northamptonshire County Golf Course shut their doors to the public. After seven weeks of isolation for most of the country, Boris Johnson announced a slight easing of the lockdown restrictions including allowing golf courses to reopen. As one of few permissible sports and leisure activities, the club reopened to a huge influx of applications for memberships all hoping to find solace in the greens. With new members to impress and plenty of lost time to make up for it was vital to ensure the premium course was in top form. Of course, the most important thing for any golf club is the quality of the course (at least when the clubhouse and bar are closed). Fortunately, the Tuffa petrol tank was delivered and installed in a ‘surprisingly quick and simple process’ and is now being used to power the club’s machinery and equipment, bringing the Northamptonshire closer to the No.1 best golf club spot. With the course finally reopening (with any luck indefinitely) in March 2021, Tuffa’s petrol tank will be a small but significant tool assisting with the continuous task of keeping all 210 acres in perfect condition.
The Challenges Facing Traditional Forecourts with the Rise of Alternative Fuels By Eva Jones, Head of Product Development and Innovation, Suresite Group Last November, the UK government pledged to ban the sale of new petrol and diesel cars and vans from 2030, with a view to being 100% zero emissions by 2035. Whilst this move to plug-in and hybrid vehicles has certainly been met with some scepticism, the government believes that with the right charging infrastructure in place this will be possible. 2020 was certainly a year of change and reflection. As a nation we learnt how and why we needed to be more aware of our environment. For the UK government, a commitment to tackling climate change saw the ambitious target of a transition to clean energy by 2050. With emissions falling by a record 7% in 2020 due to major reductions in transport, according to the Global Carbon Project, the growth of EV and alternative fuels has been recognised as a way to fulfil what Grant Shapps, Secretary for State for Transport, describes as a “bold climate target”. 20
In December, the first all-electric forecourt opened in the UK, the first of 100 planned over the next five years, and in February the UK government pledged £20 million to install 4,000 on-street electric chargers over the next two years. With the transport sector currently accounting for the largest contributor to greenhouse gas emissions, are we ready to embrace the electric revolution? Can hydrogen‐fuelled vehicles rival EV? EV charging and battery technology has developed rapidly in the
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last few years, and no doubt this will continue to accelerate, meaning by 2035 charging will be faster than it is now. The UK government has already pledged to spend £500m over the next four years to boost the development of mass-sale EV battery production in the UK. Hydrogen-fueled vehicles are still in the early stages of adoption, with only three hydrogen fuel vehicle manufacturers available in the UK meaning hydrogen is likely to see a lower adoption rate than EV. However, for forecourt operators there are benefits to implementing hydrogen as an alternative fuel. Not only is it much more compatible with the current forecourt network, it also offers faster refueling with the ability to travel longer distances than electric vehicles. There is also the potential to harness renewable electricity sources through its electrolysis process - offering a truly environmentally friendly fuel alternative with zero carbon emissions. For forecourt operators the challenge arises with space required for delivering, storing and dispensing hydrogen. The pressure vessel containing the hydrogen has to be above ground, so the forecourt footprint must have sufficient space to accommodate this. As with EV, it would mean greenfield sites would be the likely locations to offer these facilities. How viable is EV for Joe Public? Currently the accelerated rate that electric vehicle manufacturers are making cars does not reflect the number of charging points that are on offer, meaning there are concerns over not only how far a
car can travel before it needs to recharge, but ease of finding a charging point to do so. With approximately 20,000 EV charging points in the UK, EV infrastructure certainly needs to improve if petrol and diesel cars can be successfully phased out. Cost will no doubt continue to be a dominant factor when it comes to EV uptake, with current electric vehicles costing considerably more than their fossil fuel counterparts. Mass production may help to reduce costs - although Tesla is already a mass producer of EVs and yet the basic price remains over £40,000. This indicates that manufacturers need to give more consideration to the cost of purchase, cost of charging, and cost of maintenance. Currently only the latter is in favour as electric vehicles have fewer moving parts that can go wrong. Acceptance by the public of ‘time-to-charge’ will need to happen and be factored into people’s daily lives. Accessibility - whether that be at charging at home via off-street parking, or through ‘on the go’ charging at forecourts, supermarkets and hospitality venues - will also be influential in encouraging consumers to make the move to electric. The challenge for forecourt operators Electric vehicles are unlikely to reach critical mass until the mid2020s. In the interim, forecourt operators will need to focus on compelling alternative revenue streams and boost their non-fuel retail (NFR) offering to ensure profitability from their on-site retail. With changes needing to be made to the forecourt layout to ensure there is space to accommodate EV charging points, there
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Articles could be a loss of additional revenue streams through services such as car washes.
whilst charging takes place, preferably with an outdoor space if possible.
The introduction of electric-only forecourts - purpose built sites offering lounge areas with fast and free WIFI for work or leisure, cafes, shops, children’s entertainment, etc. will undoubtedly prove to be popular.
• A move from “forecourt operator” to “service station” provider, offering a wide range of convenience retail products and services. Customers are looking to use their time efficiently, therefore they want to make visits to forecourts multipurpose rather than the traditional ‘fuel and go’.
Offering superfast charging facilities delivering up to 350kW, with power generated through on-site electrical substations. Equally the rise of charging points at ‘destinations’ such as hotels, supermarkets, car parks and hospitality venues, will be the preferred place for people to charge their vehicles no matter how pleasant the forecourt experience becomes. Traditional forecourts have no choice but to embrace cleaner fuel alternatives such as EV and hydrogen if they are to survive. Forecourt operators who plan to introduce EV charging should consider: • Ensure your customers have a comfortable space to wait or work
• Provide quality food and beverage offerings to allow customers to enjoy a coffee or lunch break whilst charging. By associating a pleasurable experience with charging, it may encourage them to form a new habit where they regularly use your charging facilities as part of their daily or weekly routine. • Focus on the delivery of superior Customer Experience. Customers will be spending a longer dwell time when using forecourt facilities. That experience needs to be welcoming, safe, clean and convenient. Facilities such as clean toilets will be a baseline expectation and could be an influential factor in customer loyalty.
Are you Ready to Address the Challenges? Empower your Fuel Station with Advanced Wetstock Management By Russell Dupuy, Environmental Monitoring Solutions Next-generation fuel retail outlets would not only sell fuel to the customers, but they will be the ideal meeting point for the customers, and will provide a whole new experience to them. In the last couple of years, there have been seismic shifts in the fuel distribution and retail industry. Adding to that, the spread of COVID-19 has disrupted global financial and commodity markets, as well as the fuel industry, now showing an unprecedented decline in energy demand. In an industry used to the highs and lows of economic and commodity price cycles, 2021 poses great challenges to oil and fuel companies. While the facts on the ground are changing rapidly, we see some emerging trends in the ‘Internet of Things’ that could shape the rest of 2021, setting the ground for a challenging couple of years ahead.
driven by global consumer, industry and technology trends, so fuel retailers need to understand how a number of emerging developments can help them build and improve their businesses to be ready for the future. The fuel distribution and retail industry needs to remain vigilant to the many risks and uncertainties clouding the outlook for the future, while standing ready to embrace new opportunities for profitable growth in an evolving market landscape. The future might look quite different in the next decade and thereafter, as disruptive forces accelerate. We see signs that many of the lessons from fuel retail industry of the large swings in the price environment and market dislocations have been taken on board, and this industry, as a whole, has not yet harnessed the power of solutions available to be better equipped to face the future.
Some of the major challenges faced by the fuel industry include: Balancing the short- and longterm needs • Minimising costs to remain competitive The nature of society is changing - • Meeting increasingly stringent environmental regulations 22
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• Sustainability challenges • Knowing where their fuel goes Spills and leaks is also another major and most publicly devastating challenge that a fuel station could face. That’s why it’s vitally important that fuel stations are equipped with the most advanced wetstock management solutions and have the information needed to quickly and effectively respond if such an event were to occur. Current Fuel Stations Currently, the typical retail petrol station commands more sophisticated dispensers offering up to five grades at any one position, many featuring vapour recovery. Also on offer are Automatic Tank Gauges which feature intelligent leak and delivery detection, supporting an endless range of sensors and connection
to submersible turbine pumps. Additional site equipment may include electronic price signs, secure payment systems, POS/BOS, refrigerated cool stores, coffee machines – the list continues to grow at a rapid pace. Being Future Ready New Trends in Fuel Retailing are disrupting the way people buy fuel and perceive fuel stations. Fuel Retailers are constantly going through significant changes due to various socio-political and commercial issues. Supply chain issues, security problems, pricing pressure, shifting business models, government regulations, etc. present challenges, but also opportunities for the industry. Future fuel retailers would need to reinvent themselves and adopt future technology practices to respond to the challenges that face
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their business. Fuel retailers need to reimagine their vision and define a strategy that focuses on the consumer experience; embraces digital solutions; and re-orientates towards servicebased offerings. With the introduction of secure and scalable Cloud platforms coupled with IoT (Internet of Things) platforms which support smart
edge technology, the future promises to bring valuable big data into Retail Petroleum. Imagine when all of the “things” through a Retail Petroleum network are streaming live data – artificial intelligence coupled with machine learning will provide the business with new insights not imagined before. It would support and feed into a broader
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Articles digital ecosystem to measure customer buying patterns and improve customer experience.
variance you will instantly be able to determine whether your losses are:
Superior Customer Experience Next-generation fuel retail outlets would not only sell fuel to the customers, but they will be the ideal meeting point for the customers. Some retailers are currently holding competitions in the international forums to design their future retail stores to look ever more sophisticated with the latest technology and software solutions to enhance their services. These stores not only sell fuel to its customers but provide a whole new experience to them.
• • • •
Adopting Digitalization The next-generation fuel stations would use digital solutions “Internet of Things” (IoT) to offer customers a range of options, in a convenient manner and at a lower cost than their competitors. IoT would enable fuel retailers to provide quicker and better service, improved customer experience and therefore improved loyalty from the customers. Invest in advanced Wetstock Management Solutions Moreover, to stay ahead of the competition, fuel retailers need to embrace next-generation solutions including superior wetstock management solutions like Fuelsuite. An advanced wetstock management system would enhance the fuel site’s ability to keep their business profitable, reduce impact on the environment, be compliant at all times and provide better solutions to provide better service to their customers. Address Fuel Fraud in Real-time Fuel is a dominant expense for some industries such as power, energy, mining and manufacturing. For example, in the mining industry, one mine will consume hundreds of thousands of litres of fuel in just one month for extraction, excavators, generators, four-wheel drive vehicles and heavy-duty equipment. Prudent mining companies have to stockpile huge fuel reserves to prevent disruption of operations. Of course, large quantities of a valuable commodity invite fraud. Industries that depend on large quantities of fuel have the same fraud risk exposures at all points of the usage chain: • • • •
Purchasing or procurement Storage Consumption or usage Delivery
This information allows you to quickly and effectively rectify the issue, saving time, money and reputation, allowing you to continue to run a reliable and profitable operation. Regardless of your individual priorities and risks, understanding your stock variance is vital. EMS is a leading provider of wetstock management, achieving improved fuel monitoring solutions through industry-leading technology and advice. Getting full visibility means full awareness Properly monitoring your fuel loss by engaging effective fuel inventory management can be the difference between running a successful operation or not. This is why many industries rely on Wetstock/Fuel Monitoring solutions like Fuelsuite and Greenscan. Fuelsuite is a comprehensive fuel monitoring solution that puts the magnifying glass on fuel reconciliation. By digitally transforming your station, you will win the fight against fraud every time. Having access to accurate, live data will pinpoint fuel loss and give you full visibility over your investment. Instantly view: • The amount of fuel coming in and going out of your tanks for accurate reconciliation • Fuel temperatures to identify local fuel behaviour • Leak detection – because a leak can cost you even more than fraud Fuelsuite will report on the entire cycle of your fuel – from ensuring you’ve received what you’ve paid for, to making sure it is stored and dispensed safely and accurately. With Fuelsuite you can be better equipped for a better future:
Retail petroleum fraud has and always will be a big issue for many site operators throughout the world. But simply determining whether it is or isn’t a problem for their business isn’t the end of it. If you aren’t properly monitoring your bulk stock variance, fraud is only one of the problems you face. Ensuring you have an effective and efficient fuel management system in place can take the work out of monitoring stock variance by utilising automation technology that gives you real-time reports. Give yourself peace of mind with our award winning Wetstock Management System Fuelsuite is an all-in-one fuel management system that brings together EPA compliance, fuel inventory, delivery and reconciliation. It gives you the tools to effectively manage your stock levels and fuel consumption, so if you’re experiencing stock 26
Normal or abnormal Caused by a tank leak Due to a technical fault Following a continuous pattern
• • • • • •
Get complete control from anywhere in the world Get automated 24/7 support service Manage Fuel delivery from the comfort of your desk Manage Fuel reconciliation - Get an A+ on your SIR report Manage Fuel purchasing and predicting the future of fuel sales Control Price board changes - Instantaneous action with the click of a button • Manage maintenance and outages - Find the pain faster and more accurately • EPA compliance: Leaking tank or lines? Get alerted to the problem immediately, even if you aren’t logged in Contact us for more info: P: +61 3 9785 5000 E: W:
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KC ProSupply UK Installs Mobile LNG Refuelling Unit By Terry Davies, General Manager, KC ProSupply UK Limited Recently KC ProSupply UK carried out their first LNG refuelling installation in the UK on behalf of Liqal. The LNG installation was our first in the UK and our Operations Manager, Mick Pashley, project managed the complete installation arranging for the cranes, welders, NDT technicians, electricians and other associated contractors to complete the installations on time and on budget. Under the requirements of the CDM regulations Ian Roberts, our QHSE Manager, raised all the necessary risk assessment and method statements to enable the installations to proceed to the satisfaction of the client. Our engineers completed
the pipework installation and testing process, and then assisted the Liqal engineer with the cooldown and commissioning of the completed installation. The private refuelling unit is located at Reed Boardall’s headquarters in Yorkshire and will help the business reduce carbon emissions from its fleet of vehicles. As their LNG-fuelled fleet grows in the future, the unit will be able to be scaled up to accommodate their growth. This unit can also be moved to a different location if needed. Gasrec is the UK’s largest supplier of natural gas and biogas to the road transport sector. We are proud to take part in this project with strong partners who are front runners in the LNG industry. In the fall of 2020, KC LNG and LIQAL (a Dutch supplier of solutions and technology for liquefied natural gas (LNG)) announced their new strategic partnership. Since we are Makeen’s representatives in the UK, it was only natural that KC ProSupply UK should handle the installation and commissioning of LIQAL’s new mobile LNG refuelling unit, designed for Gasrec in the UK.
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Fibrelite Covers and KPS Piping Provide Long Term Retrofit Solution For Nottingham City Hospital’s Backup Generator Supply Lines By Michael Barry & Paul Wilkin, OPW Hilton Bodill Construction contacted Fibrelite on behalf of their client, Nottingham City Hospital, who required a lightweight and strong modular covering system for their newly re-routed service trench, which replaced the traditional heavy concrete slabs. These protect and provide access to the hospital’s backup diesel generator’s supply pipes (diesel and oxygen). An easy-install, corrosion-free replacement for their previously existing steel piping was also required.
Hilton Bodill Construction specified Fibrelite covers and KPS piping for Nottingham City Hospital refurbishment
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Fibrelite covers are corrosion-resistant, unaffected by water, underground gasses and most chemicals
Quick access to piping is vital for maintenance and inspection
Problem The previously existing concrete trench access covers were heavy, requiring specialist lifting equipment to remove and replace them, a time consuming and expensive process. Due to their weight, they also posed a risk of injury to maintenance teams (quick access to the piping is vital for maintenance and inspection). Nottingham City Hospital also wanted to replace their steel pipework with a reliable plastic piping system, eliminating the potential for corrosion and subsequent fluid egress. Problems with previously existing concrete access covers • Heavy concrete access covers posed a risk of injury to
Apertures were required in some covers to accommodate pipework connecting from within the trench to above ground networks
maintenance teams and required specialist personnel/machinery for removal and replacement • Concrete covers often fracture and chip over time • Some covers would need to be modified to accommodate pipework extending from within the trench to above ground networks Problems with previously existing steel pipework • Steel pipework can corrode over time, resulting in fluid egress (leaks) • The traditional steel pipework was heavy and labour intensive to work with
Previously existing concrete access covers were heavy and difficult to remove and replace
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Articles Solution OPW’s UK technical team put together a proposal combining lightweight Fibrelite GRP composite trench covers and KPS double wall polyethylene piping, which was accepted by the contractor and end user.
• Bespoke Fibrelite covers modified to include apertures accommodating pipework extending from within the trench to above ground networks • Fibrelite covers are corrosion-resistant - unaffected by water, underground gasses and most chemicals
Key benefits of Fibrelite covers for this project:
Key benefits of KPS piping for this project:
• No specialist machinery or personnel required for removal and replacement • Strength-to-weight ratio. All trench covers can be safely removed manually by two people while strong enough to withstand sustained loading • Bespoke aluminium frame section supplied by Fibrelite to fit exiting rebate – ensuring minimal upheaval to site works
• Engineered for easy installation. Compact, installer friendly KPS fittings weld both walls of a double wall pipe simultaneously • In house and onsite installation training provided (standard for clients new to the KPS piping system) • Lightweight • Corrosion free polyethylene piping • Zero permeation (liquid/watertight)
All trench covers can be safely removed manually by KPS’ plastic piping provides a safe, easy-install fluid two people while strong enough to withstand sustained transfer solution loading
Fibrelite covers eliminate the need for specialist personnel or lifting machinery during maintenance or operation
Results The easy access solution provided by Fibrelite trench covers eliminates the need for any specialist personnel or machinery during maintenance or operation, while KPS piping provides a compact, long-term fluid transfer solution (trusted by oil companies around the globe). Fibrelite and KPS benefits at a glance: • Easy manual access to trench services using the ergonomically designed Fibrelite FL7 lifting handles • Best access cover strength to weight ratio available in the market today • Bespoke, made-to-measure • A long-term solution • Fast, simple piping installation • Local technical support For more case studies, visit: Fibrelite: KPS: 32
Fibrelite composite trench covers can be manually removed by two people using Fibrelite’s FL7 lifting handles (as seen in the above image on another site)
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Celebrating 25 Years of Service to Industry By Paul Glister, Marketing and Business Development, Abfad This year marks a fantastic milestone for Abfad Limited; we celebrate 25 years of providing our services to industry and we’d like to thank all of our clients, many of which have been with us since our early years. Abfad: The Early Years Formed in 1996 by directors Alan Fada and Chris Haritou with the vision of providing high quality trade experienced Industrial Coating rope access personnel, which was eventually extended to provide other trade services for construction and maintenance. A high level of specialist coating knowledge existed within the business which led the company to develop the award winning Fuelvac® double skin tank lining system. Chris commented, “The company started with five personnel, an old van and two bags of rope access equipment as a specialist abseiling coating company in 1996. Alan and I had many years of experience working in this industry offshore and onshore in the UK and Europe and Abfad quickly established synergy within shipyards providing specialist coating skills whilst working
Directors Chris Haritou and Alan Fada celebrate Fuelvac achieving EN13160-7 accreditation
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Articles against some stiff competition in a packed category of innovative companies. 25 Years of Innovation and Overcoming Challenges Over the years Abfad has been involved in some truly unique and massive projects, such as high-level coating and welding on the new Wembley Stadium construction, coating refurbishment of the first commercial offshore wind farm, high level coating of the historic HMS Warrior, major construction refurbishment of a working 24-hour paper mill with temperatures of over 50˚C, the first ever monitored double skin lining of a 12 meter high Hydrochloric Acid storage tank, and our double skin lining system has been installed in over 185 storage tanks to date. It’s not always been a smooth ride to reach this 25-year milestone. We’ve been witness to many disruptions and had to overcome many challenges over the years, both on a global and national level. It’s testament to the robustness of the company and the high level of service we provide to our clients that we’ve managed to navigate these tricky times and come out the other side stronger than ever.
Above ground HCL 12m storage tank with class 1 vacuum monitored double skin lining system installed
Safety First Mentality From the start one of the key drivers for Abfad was the dedication to putting safety first, reducing the hazard and potential risk to people and the environment. Safety is at the heart of Abfad and in April 2020 our Health and Safety Director Chris achieved IOSH Chartered Membership status. This is a fantastic achievement and one of the highest professional standards in health and safety, helping us to better serve our clients and increase the competency of our teams.
at height without the need for scaffolding, platforms, cranes or cradles. We developed our first innovation of patented permanent magnets in 1998 to assist rope technicians to hold themselves in position during performance of mechanical activities such as shot blasting, sanding, grinding, cutting/fabricating, welding and applying protective coatings. These magnets are now sold globally.” Tank Lining Specialists In the early 2000’s Abfad was approached by several large oil and gas companies to provide long lasting solvent free coating protection for their underground storage tanks in the UK. From these services Fuelvac® was created. Fuelvac® is Abfad’s innovative double skin lining system and uses non-toxic, environmentally friendly materials including solvent free coating for final protection of stored cargo. Fuelvac® complies with the COMAH Regulations which are set up to lay down rules for the prevention of major accidents involving dangerous substances, and to seek to limit the consequences for human health and the environment of any accidents. Fuelvac® we believe is the only solvent free lining system in the World to be certified to the European Standard BS EN 13160-7 and has been successfully operating in above and underground storage tanks since 2007. So successful was the development and advancement of Fuelvac® that in 2019 it won first place in the Advanced Manufacturing category at the North East innovation awards 34
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Coating Wembley Stadiums famous arch
Articles The Future for Abfad Projects and Health and Safety Director, Chris Haritou, said on the future of Abfad, “The possibilities are endless; we’re currently working with partners to develop new innovation for the protection and monitoring of storage tanks, the R&D that Abfad Ltd continue to provide will keep the company at the front of our competitors and provide clients with the needed solutions for industry that currently do not exist. License of our systems to other technically minded companies is also on the cards for future expansion. I am proud of what has been achieved and the fact that Abfad Ltd has survived one of the most turbulent periods of trading over the past 25 years from the financial collapse and banking crisis, Scottish and European Referendums, and Covid-19, all have seen thousands of companies going into administration. Abfad Ltd has not only survived but increased sales and expansion
and continue to set our sights on technology achievement that others only dream about.” “Abfad offers three main services; rope access trade services, emergency safety cover for other trades working in confined space or at height, and the protection of storage tanks with solvent free coating (this includes the Fuelvac® double skin liner with Class 1 vacuum leak detection). Solvent free coatings are applied using a heated plural component spray machine; Abfad are one of the few companies in the UK and globally to have mastered this technique, propelling it to the highest level of specialist applicators.” As a company Abfad are always looking to innovate and strengthen the services and products we offer our clients and industry, the next 25 years are sure to be just as exciting. Visit for more information on any of our services.
Centralised Operators, Consistency and Flexibility Key to Future Proofing Petrocell Operations By Clive Hughes, UK Business Development Manager, CBE Petrocell is a unique business of forecourts and vehicle repair workshops, set up in 1974 by Dermot Dowling who ignited a passion for petrol retailing when he set up Petrocell Holdings. Fast forward 47 years and the Croydon based top 50 Indie company is a family affair with 10 locations across the UK, majority located within easy access of the M25 and other sites in Devon, East Anglia and Milton Keynes. With a previous outdated legacy system in place, causing outages and frustrations to the business operations, Petrocell imagined a system that could offer a solution to all their multi-site requirements. As an essential business, there was a priority to quickly migrate systems to ensure they could remain open and operate to full potential.
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Petrocell collaborated with CBE, from a single site trial to a 10-site agreement, to install several CBE products, EPOS, back office and specially designed forecourt solutions, to strengthen the business, improve the day to day running, manage functionality and to centralise and transform operations.
everything a lot easier to manage. It was a big change from running sites standalone to doing so centrally from head office. There is a lot to learn and many new processes to set up, but once you have sufficient resource to make good use of all the information that CBE puts at your disposal, the end result is worth it.
Tom Dowling, Director at Petrocell, talks about the incredible support offered by CBE and through a collaborative approach (in a pandemic!), they seamlessly installed, trained and supported the 10-site rollout:
“We’ve already seen our margins improve, not because we’ve started pricing more aggressively but from greater visibility; we’re now more on top of wastage, stock errors, promotions and many other things which all add up to help your bottom line. And I still think we’ve only scratched the surface of the CBE solutions and the opportunities it could bring to our business. For example, I’m currently creating Power BI reports which will allow the managers to see what bonus they’ve earned in real time, bringing more motivation to the forecourt teams. And we’re now receiving detailed sales data to perform meaningful analysis and range reviews, which will improve margins further.
“Before installing CBE, we had experienced a lot of different EPOS solutions in action and it's our opinion that CBE is the best product on the market. The team at CBE were fantastic from the beginning. Working with them always felt very collaborative. I was particularly impressed with how they dealt with the pandemic, which hit halfway through our roll-out. To ensure everyone was safe, they cut down the hardware installs to a day and carried out training remotely. Having a dedicated engineer and project manager for installs meant you knew who you were dealing with and the communication and project management were excellent. Their flexibility and desire to get the job done was commendable. “Introducing CBE to our forecourts has been a gamechanger for us. Centralised operations and consistency across all 10 sites make
“The enormity of the change was why it was so important to have continued support from CBE. And even now, after 6 months from the last install, we are still having fortnightly calls where they assist with further training, answer questions, offer solutions etc. The support they have given us has been the best I’ve experienced from an IT company.”
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We will Use Sand on our Forecourts Forever? By Graeme Warnell GW Environmental & Consulting Ltd In over 30 years of working in the petroleum Forecourt and Environmental sectors I have seen a huge amount of positive change and innovation in ensuring the risk of pollution is reduced. Remote wetstock monitoring and leak detection sensors aim to minimise product loss, drainage channels effectively catch spills and run off, moving them to the fuel separator and dry break couplings reduce product loss when hoses are accidentally separated from the dispensers, to name a few. However, every time I fill up with fuel, I always take a good look around at the state of the facility I am in. More often than not, I am faced with dirty uncleaned pumps and end up standing in old, spilled fuel. It makes my shoes smell, it’s slippery, I walk it into the shop and then into my car. In fact, the only thing worse than the spilled fuel is when it is mixed with sand – then I have fuel and sand ruining my car mats and stinking my car out. All that contaminated sand that no one then bothers to clear up gets washed into the drains and blocks them, also increasing the amount of silt in the separator. When the fuel capture drains are blocked by your fuel capture substrate, they become ineffective – ironic yes? Getting those blocked drains cleared and the separator emptied just adds cost, causes forecourt disruption and increases your CO2 footprint. Important to remember when a liquid cargo tanker chugs out approximately 100 tonnes of CO2 and NOX emissions a year.
Base Vehicle (9.00mpg)
Fuel Used (ltrs)
Fuel Cost (£)
Co2 (tonnes)
From an environmental perspective the use of sand creates a secondary contamination waste chain. It then has to be stored safely, collected, cleaned and disposed of. So, it makes you wonder what is the real cost of that bag of sand and the carbon footprint associated with using it? With respect to all the areas of innovation we have pursued in keeping fuel in tanks, lines, hoses and reducing any unforeseen spills - why do we still use sand or their absorbent equivalents which cause more problems than they resolve? Just because 38
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Articles something has been used for so many years does not mean our industry should not reassess it in terms of it being still fit for purpose and alternatives explored. Having spoken to two major fuel retailers with over 900 sites between them the message I got back was plain and simple; “Sand is always a problem!” when I asked. “So why do you use it?”, the answer is simple, “We have always used it”. In my mind this cries out for one thing – innovation, and a challenge to the continued use of sand on our forecourts. When I look at any minor spill, I always think, ‘let’s get this spill to the safest place on the forecourt, the appropriate fuel capture drain and then the separator, because this is what the drainage and separator are designed for’. From a safety perspective trapping the spill on the forecourt in busy refuelling lanes with customers stepping all over may not be the best solution. From a customer perspective that dirty old sand will be coming into your shop, into rating of electrical systems and an increased public awareness about smoking near people’s cars and staining the forecourt beneath petrol the risk of a minor spill related fire has been significantly reduced on today’s forecourts. it. So back in the 1920’s why was sand first introduced? Firstly, to stop a spill from spreading, which over 80 years ago, without all the spill reduction and environmental protection technology we have today, would have been far less ‘controllable’ in terms of the volume released and keeping it contained. Secondly, to reduce the risk of fire (although soaked sand will still burn). With the modern design of cars, ATEX
Are there alternatives to sand and absorbents? We think there are in terms of not just what we use but also how we use them. Imagine this: A small spill is reported by a customer or noted by the petrol filling station staff as they are walking around the forecourt. Instead of throwing sand on it the spill is washed away into the ACO channel using water and a stiff brush. This is the faster way to get the spill into the infrastructure designed to hold it safely.
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What if you had a product that was water based, contained a natural surfactant to lift the fuel from the forecourt and also bacteria within it that fed on hydrocarbons. A minor spill event could look something like this: • The fuel spill can be brushed into the fuel capture drainage system within minutes. • The forecourt does not stain. • The risk of staff or customers slipping has been reduced. • The spilled hydrocarbon begins to bioremediate within the fuel separator so no need to empty it so often. • Ethanol contained in the spilled fuel is also bioremediated. • Drains are kept clean and running more freely. • No dirty fuel-soaked sand is walked across the forecourt, into the shop and your customers’ cars. • No secondary contaminated waste process created. • The carbon footprint associated with the spill event is reduced. We believe there is a better way for every forecourt to manage minor spills for the sake of safety and the environment. So, we welcome all APEA members to join this debate, email us their thoughts and even participate in trials for an alternative to sand. For more information, please email to Graeme Warnell or talk to him directly on +44 (0) 7766107088. APEA tel/fax 0345 603 5507
Bio Fuels at Petrol Filling Stations Ethanol in Fuel- E10 By Jamie Thompson, Chairman of APEA Technical Committee change was announced: “Although more and more motorists will be driving electric vehicles, there are steps we can take to reduce emissions from the millions of vehicles already on our roads – the small switch to E10 petrol will help drivers across the country reduce the environmental impact of every journey, as we build back greener.” Emissions and air quality Fuels like E10 petrol are generally introduced to reduce overall CO2 emissions and have little impact on air quality. Fuel specifications are defined in European standards developed by governments, the oil industry and the car industry working together to make sure that petrol and diesel are suitable for use in the range of different vehicle and engine technologies in use on our roads. The standard specifications of petrol and diesel in the UK are British Standard (BS) versions of European Standards (EN): • BS EN 228 for petrol, and • BS EN 590 for diesel The E5 petrol currently on sale at UK fuel station forecourts contains no more than five per cent ethanol and has been in use for some years as a requirement under the Government’s Renewable Transport Fuels Obligation (RTFO). This doesn’t mean that all fuel actually contains 5% bio-fuel, only that it may contain anywhere between none and 5%. The main benefit of blending ethanol in petrol is that it reduces overall levels of CO2 (carbon dioxide) based vehicle emissions. While the government intends to ban the sale of fossil fuel vehicles by 2030 in the interim period by blending the fuel with renewable ethanol, less fossil fuel is needed, helping us protect the environment and meet climate change targets. E10 petrol - a more eco-friendly type of petrol containing up to 10 per cent ethanol - will be available at fuel stations across the UK from September this year. It has been calculated that the introduction of E10 in UK forecourts could cut transport CO2 emissions by 750,000 tonnes a year – the equivalent of taking 350,000 cars off the road. Ethanol production also results in valuable by-products, including animal feed and stored CO2. How will this affect us? • All petrol cars built from 2011 onwards are E10 compatible • The Department for Transport estimates that around 700,000 vehicles in use in the UK will not be compatible with E10 • An E10 compatibility checker can be found on the DfT's website Grant Shapps, secretary of state for transport, said as this policy 42
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Articles We will have noticed that fuel dispensers are now labelled E5 for petrol and B7 for bio-diesel. The use of ethanol in fuel is not new and has been used across the world and indeed 15 years ago in the UK the blend E85 (15% petrol and 85% ethanol) was used in flexible fuelled vehicles. The supermarket Morrison’s stored and retailed E85 for a while, but its use did not catch on in the UK. The APEA produced guidance on its use and storage which is still available as a free download from our website. “APEA Guidance on Storage and Dispensing of High Blend Ethanol Fuels including E85 at Filling Stations 2008”. So, what do the filling stations owner and the petroleum officer need to be concerned about? Material Compatibility The ethanol content in certain circumstances may cause problems with materials used which have contact with the fuel. Older dispensers may have seals and gaskets that are not compatible with ethanol. Leaks will usually be gradual and the regular inspection of dispensers can identify such problems. The modern underground pipes certified to EN 14125 will have been tested to these fuels but older steel pipe jointing compound could possibly cause a problem. Tanks which have been lined may well no longer be compatible with the ethanol in the fuel. This can be checked by obtaining the conformity certificate issued by the notified body in Europe who approved and tested the lining (usually TUV Noord). I was recently shown a certificate from a lining company where the lining was only certified for storing E5 fuel, it would therefore be unsuitable for storing E10. GRP tanks built prior to 1999 are almost certainly not suitable to store such products. Petrol and ethanol mix well and it’s quite difficult to separate them, but ethanol is hygroscopic and attracts water so if there is any water coming into the storage tank, or is inadvertently delivered, then this can cause problems for the service station owner and their customer. It is important for filling station operators to regularly check their storage tanks for water and if found remove it straight away. The phenomenon of phase separation often referred to is the petrol and a milky layer of ethanol and petrol with a small layer of water at the bottom. Another problem is the cleansing effect of E10 on the underground tank causing clogging of the fuel filters in the dispenser. Therefore many operators will decide to clean the tanks before storing an E10 blend. Automatic tank gauges have been in use for many years and most sites operate with them relying on their use for stock control and for notifying the operator if water is present within the tank. They eliminate the need of the use of the dip stick and are much more accurate and allow for many new features in the application as for example the optimisation of the logistics by using the level data from a remote computer system. The European standard EN 13352: 2002 Specification for the APEA tel/fax 0345 603 5507
Articles performance of automatic tank contents gauges. It states the necessary accuracy for the product level determination, the temperature measurement and the water level detection capability. The latter feature is mandatory in the standard because without the detection of water contamination there is a risk that the vehicles refuelled will stop running. The water detection process is dependent of the type of gauge. For capacitive probes the water is detected by the difference in dielectric constant, for ultrasonic probes in the difference in acoustic impedance and in the magnetostrictive principle a float at the bottom of the probe lifts on the change in density when water is detected. Drainage As Ethanol is absorbed in water any spillages may pass through the oil/water separator on the site and if this passes through to the foul sewer the Environment Agency has accepted this as the effluent is treated. However, if the outlet is to surface water, station owners are advised to discuss this with their local authority. For the filling station operator there is quite a lot to consider when storing and dispensing higher ethanol blends.
Ask The Experts By Clare Scawthorn and Jamie Thomson I have an unmanned service station being proposed in my area. This is the first one to be proposed in my area. Are there any special arrangements that are needed and where can I find information about this? There are two main resources to use for unattended sites. There is guidance in The Blue Book, which can be found in section 7.6 Control Systems and provides an overview of the types of systems which may be put in place and the control measures which would need to be factored in at the design and planning stage. The Red Guide provides more in-depth guidance within Section 8.5 and Table 6 for the operation of the site in this mode of operation (The Red Guide is available as a free download from the Energy Institute website). Both guidance documents provide an overview of the four categories of Unmanned Sites (UMS) as follows: UMS1 – Unmanned petrol filling stations that serve a community, where local appointed person(s) takes responsibility for the operation. 44
UMS2 – Petrol filling stations that normally operate as 'Attended' or 'Attended Self-Service' but change to 'Unmanned' at times of low volume of fuel sales. Note: This will normally operate during late evening and overnight when the forecourt shop is closed. Typically, a limited number of dispensing positions are made available and staff are not immediately available; they may be monitored remotely by CCTV or direct vision from adjacent premises. UMS3 – Unmanned petrol filling stations that serve a community but are operated on a commercial basis. Note: Typically, these sites would not be viable should they incur the cost of regular staff due to the low volume of fuel sales. As a guide their fuel sales will be below 1.25 million litres of fuel per annum of which petrol sales do not exceed 650,000 litres per year. (*These figures are as of January 2018 and may be subject to change due to future market trends.) UMS4 – Continuously unmanned commercially operated petrol filling stations with high volume of fuel sales.
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Prior to operating on an unattended basis, a 2-phase risk assessment is to be undertaken by the site operator. Phase 1 should determine the suitability of the site to operate in this way, by assessing the risks of damage being sustained to the dispensing and safety equipment, such as through acts of vandalism. Phase 2 is to carry out a more in-depth risk assessment about the safe operation of the site, taking into consideration: • the site's location to determine if any incidents arising during dispensing can be contained within the curtilage of the site; • the number of all dispensing operations carried out and/or the throughput of petrol and diesel anticipated for an UMS or for the periods of time that a site is to be operated in UMS mode; and • selecting the appropriate level of control measures; • the range and location of equipment/facilities and a response procedure to deal with foreseeable emergency incidents; • proposed 'managed' and 'engineered' control measures including those built into the installed equipment; and
I have new petrol dispensers being installed on a redevelopment and they have ATEX certification and are constructed according with the European Standard EN 13617‐1. The problem is that another contractor is now going to visit the site and attach a card reader (OPT) which they are supplying to be fixed onto the dispenser and electrically connected to the dispenser’s
• road tanker deliveries, but only in respect of deliveries that may take place when the site is in UMS operation. Note: Number of dispensing operations will normally be measured in hourly time periods. Table 6 in the Red Guide can be referenced, alongside the UMS category, to determine the appropriate control measures to be implemented to ensure the site can operate safely, such as the need for monitoring of the forecourt and the provision of an emergency response by a competent person within the time scales advised. There will also need to be access to an emergency stop, the presence of appropriate fire-fighting extinguishers, access to absorbent materials such as sand and signage to warn customers what is and is not permitted and where to seek help if needed. Clare Scawthorn Chairman of PELG
internal wiring. Is this OK? Any modification to a dispenser which has been already ATEX certified by a notified body should also be approved by the notified body and I would not permit this to be used until this certification had been carried out or the ATEX certification clearly indicates that such alterations can be carried out. If they can, the ATEX certification will likely refer to additional drawing numbers for the
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Articles dispenser and the parts to be fitted and details of the mechanical and electrical fitting/connections. The whole purpose of using such a system it to ensure that an independent third party certifies that such a modification complies with the standard and the equipment is safe to use in a hazardous area. This requirement is already in the dispenser standard and is supported by CECOD, the European Pump Manufacturers organisation. It is also a necessary legal requirement under the ATEX directive which should be applied across the whole of Europe and is adopted by the UK, even though we have left the EU. An example of modification approval was seen in recent years when additions were installed on dispensers to comply with the vapour recovery requirements and the notified body asked for dispensers to be labelled showing these modifications (see example). Jamie Thompson Chairman Technical Committee
Petrol Stations Leak Detection Systems in Malta By Maria Aquilina, Fuel Department Manager
In the last three years, various petrol stations in Malta have undergone a complete refurbishment, including installation of new double skin fuel tanks, oil water separators, double skin fuel pipe work, automatic tank gauging, fuel pumps equipped with stage 2 Vapour Recovery, stage 1B vapour recovery, forecourt control and payment terminals. Local regulatory authorities enforce the highest safety standards in accordance with European Standards and The Blue Book. Fuel 46
tank chambers are also being lined with geotextile membrane, and double skin pipe work is mandatory for suction systems. Both fuel tanks and fuel pipe work are required to be monitored with a Class 1 leak detection system. Electrofix Group, a local leader in the fuel refurbishment industry, has been installing class 1 vacuum leak detection systems by Franklin Fueling Systems ever since they started refurbishing petrol stations, back in 2014.
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Articles/UK News
The EVO 550 fuel management system has provided Electrofix Group and their clients with multiple functionalities in one console, amongst which includes tank gauging, leak detection, various sensor readings and submersible pumps control. The secondary containment monitoring (SCM) system by Franklin Fueling Systems detects leaks in double-wall piping, tanks, and containment sumps. The system utilises the siphon/vacuum port of a submersible turbine pump (STP) to draw a vacuum on these interstitial spaces. The vacuum levels are then continuously monitored with SCCM units installed in the tank chamber to detect any potential leaks in these doublewall containments. The leak detection system is certified equivalent to EN 13160-2. - Due to local regulations, petrol stations in Malta only use suction systems.
For this reason, Electrofix Group installs one or two STPs (depending on the number of containments) for the class 1 vacuum leak detection only. This solution has provided a win-win situation. For petrol station owners the EVO550 provides them with various functions on the same console, and a user-friendly interface with real time detailed information. The console alarm notifications also include easy troubleshooting steps. On the other hand, the EVO550 Class 1 leak detection system gives authorities the reassurance that the leak detection system is always active since petrol stations would otherwise lose tank gauging information if they turn the console off in the attempt to stop alarms. Thus, if any leak detection warnings arise on the EVO550, petrol station owners are bound to report to Electrofix Group.
News EG Group partners with Too Good To Go in the UK Too Good To Go lets people buy surplus food from restaurants, convenience retailers and producers to stop it from going to waste. British forecourt giant EG Group has partnered with Too Good To Go, the company committed to reducing food waste and protecting the environment. Users can simply download the free Too Good To Go app and search for nearby businesses that offer unsold food. App users then purchase a ‘Magic Bag’, collect it at an allotted time and enjoy the contents. To date, customers have been able to pick-up over 260,000 Magic Bags across Europe from the extensive EG Group network, with 111,000 Magic Bags picked up in the UK alone. Globally, circa 650 tonnes of CO2e emissions have been saved by the EG Group and Too Good To Go partnership. 48
“Surplus food waste is an ongoing concern across the convenience retail and food service sectors. We are delighted to have partnered with Too Good To Go as we strive towards reducing carbon emissions and more importantly, help reduce food waste,” said Salim Hasan, Group COO at EG Group. Since the launch of the partnership in October 2020, circa 800 stores and concessions have gone live on the Too Good To Go platform across the United Kingdom and Europe. “The EG Group executive team has brought a refreshing forwardthinking attitude and commitment to fighting food waste. We are looking forward to seeing our partnership develop and grow in the coming months and years,” said Paschalis Loucaides, UK Managing Director, Too Good To Go. EG Group has an expanding portfolio of around 4,500 sites across the UK, mainland Europe, the USA and Australia.
APEA tel/fax 0345 603 5507
UK News
Co-op launches its first franchise store at a servicestation The Co-op has launched its first franchise store at a service station in the UK with the opening of Co-op Cornwall Services. This is the 15th franchise store the leading convenience retailer has opened across the country, according to a company press release. The new 2000 sq. ft store located in the heart of Cornwall will be open between 7am-10pm seven days a week serving tourists, commuters and business travellers. The stores offers food-to-go with hot and cold sandwiches, snacks and chilled drinks, or freshly brewed coffee. “Our Cornwall Services store is a great example of how our franchise model can flex to work in a number of different locations to meet differing customer missions,” says Head of New Channels at Co-op, Martin Rogers. Co-op franchise stores now include independent retailers, university campuses, Nisa partners, its first franchise partnership with a catering business, Gather & Gather, Costcutter company owned stores.
HOYER and Puma Energy UK announce five-year contract xtension HOYER Petrolog UK has agreed an extension of its contract with Puma Energy UK for a further five years. The contract for delivery of bitumen on behalf of Puma Bitumen, a division of Puma Energy UK, from the Stolthaven Dagenham terminal and ABP South Wales’s Newport South Dock, will see HOYER developing its operations at both locations with the addition of a further five vehicles. The contract was extended without a tender process and reflects both high customer service and safety performance. “The extension of this contact is excellent news for HOYER, securing significant turnover per year and providing job security to staff, managers and drivers associated with this business,” said HOYER operations director Jonathan Lawrence. Allan Davison, managing director of HOYER, added: “Puma Energy is a global energy company operating across 48 countries and has been a valued customer of HOYER in the UK since 2015.” “We are committed to building and developing this close relationship with one of the largest suppliers of bitumen products to the asphalt and road surfacing industry across the UK.” APEA tel/fax 0345 603 5507
Internatonal News
Neste joins the e-Fuel Alliance The Berlin and Brussels organization works to set synthetic e-Fuels and sustainable biofuels at the centre of the future of transport. Finnish energy company Neste has joined the e-Fuel Alliance, an interest group dedicated to the industrial production of synthetic fuels from renewable sources. The e-Fuel Alliance is based in Berlin and Brussels and brings together companies and organizations to promote power- and biobased synthetic fuels to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from transport. Throughout the world, more than 1.3 billion vehicles are currently powered by conventional internal combustion engines. In addition, there are around 22,000 aircrafts for which there are no costeffective technical alternatives in sight. These existing fleets will continue to form the basis for mobility in the coming decades. Neste believes low-carbon fuels are the only sustainable solution to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions from existing combustion engines around the world. “Synthetic e-Fuels and sustainable biofuels are needed to reduce GHG emissions from transport and to facilitate the EU in reaching
its 2050 targets. With Neste as a new member, the alliance gains an innovative thought leader and a strong global partner in the field of renewable fuels. Neste joining us also shows that the e-Fuel Alliance is gaining momentum on a European level which is a major goal in our efforts to change European regulation,” says Ralf Diemer, Managing Director of the e-Fuel Alliance. “Banning the combustion engine would close the door on sustainable drop-in solutions, such as fuels from green electricity and sustainable biomass. We cannot afford to exclude these options if we want to reach the climate targets and reduce greenhouse gas emissions from transport. Sustainably produced e-Fuels and biofuels have the potential to replace half of all fossil fuels used in road traffic by 2040,” says Carl Nyberg, Executive Vice President for Neste’s Renewable Road Transportation business unit and Board member of the e-Fuel Alliance. The alliance wants e-Fuels to be recognized as an essential component of a European climate protection policy and their equal treatment with other climate protection technologies in the sense of technological openness.
Shell pilots on-site battery system for ultra-fast charging Launched at a station in the Netherlands, the Shell-Alfen pilot project will allow drivers to simultaneously use the site’s two 175kW charge points.
release. The solution could power both Shell owned retail stations and also the company’s customer premises, says Roger Hunter, Vice President Electric Mobility at Shell.
Shell and Alfen have launched a pilot to trial an on-site batterypowered system to support ultra-fast electric vehicle charging at Shell’s Zaltbommel forecourt in the Netherlands, allowing drivers to simultaneously use the site’s two 175kW charge points, according to a press release.
The pilot comes only weeks after Shell set out its strategy to accelerate its transformation into a provider of net-zero emissions energy products and services, powered by growth in its customerfacing businesses.
The pilot combines Alfen’s battery with Shell’s fast charging expertise to enable fast charging at grid-constrained locations. Connected to a Virtual Power Plant (VPP), the system will use the spare capacity of the battery to sell electricity back to the grid at peak demand moments, generating revenues for the site, notes the
This includes an aim to grow its global EV network to around 500,000 charge points by 2025. Shell Recharge, Shell’s electric mobility brand, is installing fast chargers on the Shell forecourts in the Netherlands. At this moment, already more than 160 fast chargers are installed at Shell stations.
Voy con Energía expands its fuel station network The low-cost group launched three locations and has plans to open more than five new sites during the first half of the year. Voy con Energía, Argentina's first low-cost fuel station network, continues its expansion plan with the recent opening of new locations in La Plata, Villa Ramallo and América, reports These openings reinforce Voy's presence in strategic points in Argentina - the capital of the province of Buenos Aires, and in key 50
areas for the transit from the centre to the south of the country. The new stations feature Re Tienda convenience stores, appreciated for their offer of regional and artisanal products. Voy con Energía signed in February upcoming openings in Francisco Álvarez and Gorchs, Buenos Aires province, Villa Constitución, Santa Fe, and Coronel Du Graty, Chaco. The four stations will start operating during the first half of the year. Further openings have been confirmed in General Pico, La Pampa, and Trenque Lauquen, Buenos Aires.
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International News
HOYER, DHL sign joint venture to supply UK supermarkets The bulk fuel providers will join forces to supply supermarket forecourts and distribution centres. HOYER has announced the creation of a joint venture with DHL Supply Chain to provide bulk fuel delivery services to UK supermarkets.
The new joint venture, which will be set up as a limited liability company named Fuels Transport & Logistics Ltd, is subject to completion of a consultation process with staff and merger clearance from the UK Competition & Markets Authority.
Built around DHL’s long standing relationships for the delivery of bulk fuels to the supermarket forecourts and distribution centres of Asda and Morrison’s, the joint venture will initially command resources in excess of 120 vehicles and over 450 highly skilled tanker drivers and staff.
The partnership will bring together two high profile names in the critical bulk fuels delivery sector of the logistics market whilst helping maintain and improve security of supply and providing greater flexibility to manage this increasingly volatile and demanding sector of the market.
Naturgy to open its first NGV filling station in Asturias Located in the municipality of Siero, Naturgy also plans to develop an electric recharging point hub and a hydrogen filling station in the area. Naturgy, the largest integrated gas and electricity company in Spain and Latin America, will open its first natural gas filling station in Spain's Asturias region in mid-2021. Located in the municipality of Siero, the refuelling station will offer LNG for heavy vehicles, and CNG for light vehicles.
The station is located in the industrial complex of Granda, an area of great strategic value due to its influx of heavy traffic. With this opening, Naturgy intends to facilitate the transition to a more sustainable transport for logistics and online commerce companies in the area. Naturgy plans to create a hub of electric recharging points in the area and to install a hydrogen filling station, which would be the first filling facility of its kind in the region.
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Internatonal News
Puma Energy maintains similar earnings in 2020 despite pandemic The global energy player posted its 2020 results showing a drop in sales and a net loss but maintained a similar EBITDA to 2019. Global energy company Puma Company managed to post similar earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization (EBITDA) than in 2019 (+0.5%) despite the difficult economic scenario.
results, and then COVID-19 struck. These well-documented challenges created the opportunity to strengthen the foundations of our business and to navigate the crisis so that we are poised to accelerate as markets recover,” said Emma FitzGerald, CEO.
EBITDA for the quarter was US$124m and for the full-year EBITDA was US$533m in line with guidance. The global pandemic obviously had an impact on sales volume posting 21.5 million cubic metres for 2020, down 15% compared to 2019.
Puma Energy returned to profit in the quarter with a profit for the period of US$18 million. Loss for the year amounted to $324m due to impairments and forex impacts on disposals. Continuing to prioritise strategic investments to enhance growth, with capital expenditure of US$ 53m for the quarter and $153m for the full year.
“2020 was an extraordinary year. Puma Energy started the year strongly with our customer-led strategy delivering convincing
Puma Energy has around 2,900 retail sites, a presence at over 80 airports and a network of storage terminals.
BP and Volkswagen to expand ultra-fast EV charging network at the forecourt Volkswagen and BP will work together on extending and speeding up the deployment of ultra-fast electric vehicle (EV) charging facilities at BP retail sites across the UK, Germany (Aral sites) and elsewhere in Europe. The companies signed a memorandum of understanding for their collaboration and intend to finalize agreements in the coming months, according to a press release. With this agreement, companies intend to address a key concern for people considering buying an EV: range anxiety, says Emma Delaney, BP’s executive vice president, customers and products. BP estimates approximately 90% of people in the UK and Germany live within a 20-minute drive of a BP or Aral site. The agreement would also make BP the Volkswagen Group’s EV charging partner, with the integration of BP’s charging network
into VW Group vehicles. The network would also be available for other EV customers as part of the BP pulse network (Aral pulse in Germany). BP aims to grow its network of public EV charging points by 2030 to over 70,000 worldwide. In the UK, the company plans to have around 250 ultrafast chargers operating at BP retail sites by the end of this year. In Germany, Aral pulse is also already rolling out ultrafast charging points across its retail sites – expecting to have 500 installed by year end. Together with partners like BP, VW aims to build up to 18,000 new chargers in Europe - about 1/3 of the estimated ultra-fast charging demand in 2025, says Thomas Schmall, Member of the Board of Volkswagen Group and CEO of Volkswagen Group Components.
Sinopec building 1,000 hydrogen refuelling stations in next 5 years Sinopec accelerates hydrogen energy development to build worldleading clean energy chemical company. Sinopec will accelerate their hydrogen infrastructure roll out to reach 1,000 new stations by 2026, said Ma Yongsheng, President of China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation (Sinopec), in a session recently held in Beijing. Mr Yongsheng suggested to devote more efforts in top-level design, core technology R&D, standard system formulation and industrial policy support. China has achieved significant progress in hydrogen energy-related technologies, but the sector remains in the pilot demonstration and market promotion stage. “In the future, people will not only pump gasoline and diesel in Sinopec's gas stations, but also hydrogen refuelling and electricity 52
among other businesses,” said Ma. The China Hydrogen Energy Alliance predicts that by 2050, China's annual hydrogen demand will be close to 60 million tons, which would help the country to cut 700 million tons from its carbon dioxide emissions. By the end of 2020, China had an inventory of 7,352 fuel cell vehicles, 128 built hydrogen refuelling stations with 101 already put into operation, ranking second worldwide only to Japan. Sinopec's Beijing Yanshan Petrochemical Company has built a hydrogen purification unit which successfully produced hydrogen with purity of over 99.9 percent in March 2020, achieving a daily production capacity of 500 kilograms of battery hydrogen products to meet the market's demand.
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Internatonal News
BP to power station network in New South Wales with renewable energy BP’s 88 service stations across the state are expected to be supplied by 100% renewables from January 2023, as a result of a PPA with Snowy Hydro. Lightsource BP will power with renewable energy all its service stations throughout the state of New South Wales, Australia, as a result of a power purchase agreement (PPA) with Snowy Hydro, the fourth largest energy retailer in the Australian National Electricity Market. BP’s 88 service stations across New South Wales are expected to be supplied by 100% renewables from
January 2023, according to a press release. The PPA will enable the construction of a 107MWdc solar farm in West Wyalong, New South Wales. Under this arrangement, Snowy Hydro will purchase two-thirds of the 238,000MWh generated annually from the solar farm through a 15-year PPA, and will in turn supply 23,000MWh of renewable energy annually, through is retailer Red Energy, to BP for 10 years to meet the power requirements of all its service stations. Lightsource BP has secured a contract with an EPC company and is now working to bring the project portfolio to financial close.
MOL Group begins biofuel production at Danube refinery Bio feedstock, like vegetable oils, used cooking oils and animal fats is co-processed with fossil components during fuel production to create more sustainable diesel. Following several years of research and development MOL has stepped up the value chain and has become a biofuel producer, through the realization of an investment in the Danube Refinery. Bio feedstock will be co-processed together with fossil materials increasing the renewable share of fuels and reducing up to 200,000 tons/year CO2 emission without negatively affecting fuel quality. “MOL Group has been a biofuel user by purchasing more than 500,000 tons of biofuels (bioethanol and biodiesel) for blending. We have started to produce sustainable diesel for the first time within MOL Group and we became biofuel producers. In line with our recently updated strategy, “SHAPE TOMORROW” we are planning to produce 100,000+ tons of biofuel by 2030”, said Gabriel Szabó, Executive Vice President of MOL Group Downstream. During co-processing at the Danube Refinery, bio-feedstock is
processed together with the fossil material in the production of diesel fuel. Vegetable oils, used cooking oils and animal fats can also be used for this purpose. As a result, the produced gasoil is partly renewable, without any quality changes compared to diesel produced entirely from crude-oil. The main advantage of this innovative method is that the resultant biodiesel can be still blended with a maximum 7 percent of bio-feedstock based fuel, in line with diesel standards, allowing the bio-share of the gasoil to be higher. One of the main goals of the European Union, and MOL Group, is to achieve net-zero CO2 emissions by 2050. The renewable share obligations of transportation fuel are continuously increasing, accordingly the biocomponent content expectations have also increased across MOL Group's fuel markets, which have so far been met mainly by blending bioethanol and biodiesel. In the next five years, MOL will spend USD 1 billion on new, lowcarbon and sustainable projects to become a key player in CEE in the circular economy and to get closer to its net-zero CO2 emitter goal by 2050.
EG Group to acquire nine Mercury petrol stations The nine stations located in Connecticut will be rebranded as Cumberland Farms. EG Group expects to acquire nine companyoperated convenience store locations from Mercury in Connecticut. The British fuel and convenience group already operates a network of 72 Cumberland Farms convenience stores in Connecticut, employing nearly 1,500 workers. The nine company-operated Mercury sites will be rebranded to Cumberland Farms to provide customers with a consistent offering across the network in Connecticut. “We are excited to add these nine stores to the EG Group's Cumberland Farms banner so that we may reach more of our loyal 54
Guests and look forward to additional site growth across the EG America network,” said George Fournier, President of EG America. Michael J. Devino, President of Mercury Fuel Service said, “We have built a solid and thriving business over the past 74 years and are proud of everything we have accomplished. Cumberland Farms is a great brand and we are sure they will leverage their expertise to ensure these stores thrive even more.” In the US, EG Group owns and operates Cumberland Farms, Certified Oil, Fastrac, Kwik Shop, Loaf 'N Jug, Minit Mart, Quik Stop, Tom Thumb, and Turkey Hill. EG Group has over 1,700 stores across the country in 31 states and pumps over 2.5 billion gallons of fuel, with merchandise sales of more than $3 billion on an annualized basis.
APEA tel/fax 0345 603 5507
Internatonal News
Shell stations in Singapore to provide EV charging Three Shell service stations in Singapore will soon be powered by clean energy and provide fast charging for electric vehicles (EVs). The Energy Market Authority (EMA) and Shell have jointly awarded a research grant to a consortium led by local solar company Eigen Energy to develop Singapore’s first series of service stations integrated with smart energy management solutions by 2022. These three service stations are part of Shell’s growing network of EV charging points across the island. The stations are in Tampines, Pasir Ris, and Lakeview. These three service stations are part of Shell’s growing network of EV charging points across the island.
“As the drive towards a lower carbon future intensifies, Shell is supporting the country’s push towards more sustainable development by offering faster EV charging which would provide drivers with more choices in decarbonisation. By 2030, we aim to have an extensive network of electric vehicle charging options for our customers, all within a short drive from their home, workplace or when they are on the go,” said Ms Aw Kah Peng, Chairman of Shell Companies in Singapore. The selected service stations will be powered by solar photovoltaic (PV) panels installed onsite and integrated with energy storage systems (ESS) to mitigate intermittency due to weather conditions.
Everfuel launches plan for Norwegian hydrogen fuelling network Up to 15 fuelling sites for the transport of goods and people operational by end of 2023. The plan is part of Everfuel’s Scandinavian green hydrogen strategy for trucks, buses and cars. Everfuel A/S introduced the company’s H2 station roll-out plan for southern Norway with an ambition of having up to 15 fuelling sites
for zero-emission transport of goods and people operational by end of 2023, according to a company press release. The plan is part of the Everfuel’s Scandinavian green hydrogen fuelling strategy for trucks, buses and cars connecting the main traffic corridors in Norway, Sweden and Denmark. It will initially
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International News cover Norway south of Trondheim and connect with Everfuel’s H2 stations in Sweden and Denmark. Everfuel has mapped out the planned H2 station sites in Norway and will now accelerate endcustomer dialogues to finalize the roll-out plan. Currently, Everfuel is planning to open one H2 station at Hvam by end of April and one in Åsane outside Bergen in July 2021, both serving private vehicles. A large H2 station serving both heavy duty trucks and small cars is scheduled to open at Alna in Oslo in July 2022. Everfuel is also planning to start filling smaller cars at the Alna site already from the third quarter of 2021 using a mobile fuelling unit. The next 12-15 sites are planned to be built
successively towards the end of 2023. Development of the Norwegian H2 station network is part of Everfuel’s Ramp-up phase of the announced plan to invest EUR 1.5 billion in developing the green hydrogen value chain in Europe and reach EUR 1 billion of revenue from sale of hydrogen fuel to buses, trucks and cars before 2030. Headquartered in Herning, Denmark, young player Everfuel provides all-inclusive hydrogen supply and fuelling solutions. The company has activity in Norway, Denmark, Sweden, The Netherlands, Germany and Belgium, and plans to grow across Europe.
Repsol to be Microsoft’s energy provider in Europe Repsol and Microsoft Corp. have renewed their strategic collaboration focused on accelerating Repsol’s digital transformation and the global energy transition.
efficient operations, improve productivity and safety for employees, and support the development of advanced energy solutions such as biofuels, energy storage and more.
The companies will co-innovate to build new AI-powered digital solutions, and as part of a long-term cooperation, Repsol will provide Microsoft with renewable energy in Europe, including Spain. Additionally, Repsol will expand its use of Microsoft cloud solutions to power its operations, including recommitting to the Azure cloud platform.
As part of the collaboration, Repsol will provide a long-term supply of renewable wind and solar power to Microsoft operations in Europe, including Spain. Microsoft and Repsol share similar ambitions around the importance of reducing carbon emissions. Microsoft announced that it will source 100 percent of its energy supply from renewable energy by 2025, and Repsol – as the first company in its sector to announce the target to become a net zero emissions company by 2050 – has a goal of having a generation capacity of 7.5 GW by 2025 and 15 GW in 2030.
“The extension of our collaboration and the supply of renewable energy undoubtedly reaffirms the vision that both companies share about sustainability and how digitalization will transform the energy sector,” said Josu Jon Imaz, Repsol CEO. Initial focus areas for their collaboration include the use of disruptive technologies to enable autonomous systems and
“Today the world is confronted with an urgent carbon crisis, and we have an opportunity to apply advances in digital technology to help the energy industry transition to a more sustainable future,” said Satya Nadella, CEO, Microsoft.
BP and Clean Energy Fuels to work together in production of RNG BP to provide $50 million for development and construction of renewable natural gas production facilities. Clean Energy Fuels will work with BP Products North America to develop, own and operate new renewable natural gas (RNG) facilities at dairies and other agriculture facilities. Carbon emissions captured from dairies and turned into a transportation fuel reduce the harmful effects on long-term climate change. As a result, the California Air Resources Board gives these carbon negative RNG projects a CI Score (gCO2e/MJ) of -250 (or lower) compared to 97 for diesel and 46 for electric batteries. The demand for this carbon-negative fuel has significantly 56
accelerated over the last few years. Some of the largest heavy-duty fleets in the world such as UPS, Republic Services, New York Metropolitan Transportation Authority and LA Metro are currently operating tens of thousands of vehicles on RNG. “Carbon-negative RNG is being used today by thousands of vehicles with more and more fleets requesting it every week,” said Andrew J. Littlefair, CEO and president of Clean Energy. “Taking this next step allows us to expand the availability of the fuel while providing dairy owners with a way to make a significant impact on the environment and create an additional revenue stream.”In addition to the carbon-negative fuel, Clean Energy will continue to source RNG from other providers to supply its network of 550 fueling stations in North America.
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International News
Molgas, Repsol launch two new NGV filling stations in Spain Repsol site is the company's first LNG/CNG filling station in the Valencian Community. Two new natural gas filling stations have just launched in Spain, according to ECO-GATE Consortium. The new locations opened in the town of Fuente Álamo, Murcia, and in the town of Albatera, Alicante. Operated by Molgas, the Fuente Álamo station will supply CNG and LNG. The site will be open 24h/365 days. The Albatera station is Repsol’s first LNG/CNG station in the
Valencian Community. The site is located in a strategic hub for lowemission refuelling in the Mediterranean Corridor, as this route is used daily by an estimated 80,000 vehicles of which more than 8,000 transport goods. Both stations have been developed with the support of the European Union to the ECO-GATE Consortium. ECO-GATE’s goal is to foster the NGV market in the whole Atlantic Corridor (Portugal, Spain and France), the North Sea-Mediterranean Corridor (France) and the Spanish Mediterranean Corridor (Spain).
Aviation leaders test 100% sustainable aviation fuel It is the first in-flight fully sustainable aviation fuel emissions study on a commercial passenger jet. A team of aerospace specialists has launched the world’s first inflight emissions study using 100% sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) on a wide-body commercial passenger aircraft. Airbus, German research centre DLR, Rolls-Royce and SAF producer Neste have teamed up to start the pioneering ‘Emission
and Climate Impact of Alternative Fuels’ (ECLIF3) project looking into the effects of 100% SAF on aircraft emissions and performance. Findings from the study, to be carried out using an Airbus A350900 aircraft powered by Rolls-Royce Trent XWB engines, will support efforts currently underway to ensure the aviation sector is ready for the large-scale use of SAF as part of the wider initiative to decarbonise the industry.
APEA tel/fax 0345 603 5507
International News “SAF is a vital part of Airbus' ambition to decarbonise the aviation industry and we are working closely with a number of partners to ensure a sustainable future for air travel,” said Steven Le Moing, New Energy Programme Manager, Airbus. Both the flight and the ground tests will compare emissions from the use of 100% SAF produced with HEFA (hydro processed esters and fatty acids) technology against those from fossil kerosene and low-sulphur fossil kerosene. “In our post-COVID-19 world, people will want to connect again
but do so sustainably. For long-distance travel, we know this will involve the use of gas turbines for decades to come. SAF is essential to the decarbonisation of that travel and we actively support the ramp-up of its availability to the aviation industry,” said Simon Burr, Director Product Development and Technology, RollsRoyce Civil Aerospace. The SAF will be provided by Neste. Additional measurement and analysis for the characterisation of the particulate-matter emissions during the ground testing will be delivered by the UK’s University of Manchester and the National Research Council of Canada.
Toyota unveils first hydrogen fuelling station in Victoria, Australia Toyota Hydrogen Centre comprises education centre, hydrogen production, storage and refuelling, and Mirai servicing facilities. Toyota has commissioned Victoria’s first commercial-grade permanent hydrogen production, storage and refuelling facility at its former manufacturing site at Altona in Melbourne’s west. Toyota Australia President and CEO Matthew Callachor said the Toyota Hydrogen Centre was built to showcase the benefits of hydrogen fuel cell technology as part of its commitment to developing sustainable technologies for future mobility and energy needs. “Globally, Toyota is committed to achieving zero CO2 emissions from its vehicles and plants under the Toyota Environmental Challenge 2050 and the commissioning of our hydrogen refuelling facility here today is an important step towards achieving that goal,”
Callachor said. “By demonstrating the viability of renewably-produced hydrogen as an automotive and energy fuel through this project, Toyota and its partners in government and business are pioneering a cleaner, more sustainable future that will encourage the further acceptance of this technology.” Sustainably produced hydrogen is the core element to fuel vehicles like the Toyota Mirai FCEV, an advanced fuel cell electric vehicle that produces no CO2 emissions, requires no battery recharging and has a range of 650km, according to Toyota. Hydrogen is produced on site by a 200kW electrolyser that uses electricity to split water into hydrogen and oxygen components and has the capacity to produce up to 80kg of hydrogen per day.
Car makers demand EU to boost alternative fuel infrastructure Europe’s largest automobile manufacturing association says it is open to higher CO2 targets as long as the fuelling infrastructure matches the investment. The EU automobile industry is open to higher CO2 reduction targets for cars in 2030, provided that they are directly linked to binding commitments from member states to roll out the required charging points and hydrogen stations. CEOs of Europe’s leading car makers agreed this during a recent board meeting of the European Automobile Manufacturers’ Association (ACEA). In essence, ACEA is calling for the upcoming review of the CO2 Regulation for passenger cars and vans to be based on strict EUwide infrastructure deployment objectives – set as part of the revision of the Alternative Fuels Infrastructure law (AFID). “Our industry’s huge investments in alternatively-powered vehicles are paying off. Indeed, last year nearly one in 10 cars registered in 58
the EU was electrically chargeable. ut this trend can only be sustained if governments start making matching investments in infrastructure,” stressed ACEA President and CEO of BMW, Oliver Zipse. “That is why any new 2030 CO2 targets for cars must be conditional on a corresponding infrastructure ramp-up.” Car manufacturers want to see a faster and wider deployment of electric vehicle charging stations as well as hydrogen fuelling sites across the continent. “For the uptake of electric vehicles, a simple logic applies: the number of charging points and hydrogen stations that EU member states actually commit to deploy under AFID will determine what is a realistic CO2 target for 2030,” said Zipse. At least three million public charging points for cars will be needed to meet the 2030 CO2 target of -37.5% agreed in 2019, according to the ACEA. Today there are only some 225,000 in operation in the EU.
APEA tel/fax 0345 603 5507
International News
Shell intends to double its LNG filling infrastructure in Europe Shell's ambition is to operate over 50 LNG sites by the end of 2021, and more than 100 by 2025.
With 9 stations planned for 2021, Germany will be Shell’s main target for the rolling out of LNG retail infrastructure.
Anglo-Dutch energy company Shell intends to double its European retail infrastructure for the supply of liquified natural gas (LNG) from the company’s current 27 branded stations to over 50 sites by the end of 2021, told Shell’s Business development manager for GNL France, Michael Littière, to Gaz-Mobilité.fr.
Following the deployment of its first LNG station in France at the end of 2020, Shell is stepping up its deployment and targets 7 new stations in the country by the end of 2022.
For 2025, Shell will ramp up its gas filling deployment plans with the ambition to operate more than 100 LNG filling stations across Europe.
Shell’s current own-branded LNG filling station network comprises Germany (10 operations sites), The Netherlands (7), Belgium (6), Spain (1), France (1), Poland (1), and Turkey (1). In addition, Shell card is accepted in 68 third-party GNV stations through partnerships with Air Liquide, Romac Fuels, Avia, and Rolande.
Loves opens its 17th travel stop in Mississippi Love's Travel Stops, USA's leading travel stop network, launched last week the company’s 17th location in Mississippi. Located in Sandersville, the new centre adds to the Jones County 156 parking spaces combined for all types of vehicles. Spreading over 11,000 square feet, the 24/7 new location offers 93 truck parking spaces, 63 car parking spaces, and eight diesel bays. Other amenities include a Speedco centre, McDonald’s, Fresh
Kitchen concept, multiple beverage and snack options including been-to-cup coffee, and mobile to Go Zone with the latest electronics. Founded in 1964 and headquartered in Oklahoma City, Love's Travel Stops & Country Stores operate a network with more than 550 locations in 41 states. Loves has 400 truck service centres, which include Speedco and Love's Truck Care locations.
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Press Releases
Press Releases Retail expert Steve Hoban appointed as CEO at Suresite Group Suresite Group grows its senior teams across sales and marketing departments. January 2021: Suresite Group, the market-leading service provider for forecourt and retail, has announced the appointment of Steve Hoban as the company’s new CEO. Suresite Group is rapidly investing in team growth demonstrated by the further appointments of Eva Jones, Nick Horne, and Joanne Ruffley to the group. Steve Hoban, the new Suresite CEO, has 25+ years of global retail experience, joining the company from Lakeland where he successfully launched its loyalty scheme in record time, driving significant strategic change for the company based on customer insight. With previous experience as general manager of Pick n Pay - Africa's largest grocery retailer - and ASDA, Steve's expertise lies in driving customer loyalty. “I am very excited to be joining Suresite, a business built with strong foundations and great people. I am looking forward to working with the team and our customers to continually improve our products & service and drive growth for the company,” comments Steve Hoban. Steve assumes his role from Nick Healy who has held the CEO position since 2018. Suresite Group's investment in growth is reflected in the creation of a new Sales & Commercial team and the appointments of Nick
Horne, Eva Jones and Joanne Ruffley as part of the new team. Nick Horne has been appointed as sales and commercial director at Suresite. Nick has 15 years’ experience in key account management, new business sales and sales leadership. Nick joins from financial services company Elavon, where he helped corporate companies grow by providing innovative and creative card payment acceptance facilities. He has previously held the position of head of corporate account development at Barclaycard. Eva Jones joins Suresite as head of product development and innovation. With 14 years’ forecourt and retail experience at Shell, Eva has successfully led numerous global and local projects in various management positions. Her most recent role as UK retail district manager south region saw her overseeing 283 multi-site retail locations, strengthening the brand’s customer value proposition and delivery of retail growth in fuels and FMCG. At Suresite, Eva will be responsible for leading the development of new and existing products and services. With almost 20 years’ experience of high profile customer success management, Joanne Ruffley joins Suresite as partner manager from Conferma Pay. At Suresite, Joanne is responsible for key customer relationships and the delivery of successful end-to-end programmes with high return on investment for the company’s clients.
Hat-trick of appointments at Manchester engineering firm Adept Civil and Structural Consulting Engineers is expanding its team with three new appointments at its Manchester city centre office, and the company plans to create further jobs later this year. Mark Walsh joins the firm as an associate, Saif Farjawi has been appointed as a civil and structural engineer and David Finch has become the office’s first apprentice. With more than eight years’ experience at both national and regional engineering practices, Mark has worked on a wide range of projects across the leisure, retail, education, healthcare and commercial sectors. In his new role, he will be responsible for leading projects throughout the North West. Saif completed a master’s degree in structural engineering at The University of Salford in 2018 before spending two years working at a national engineering firm as a graduate engineer. In addition, Bilal Ashraf joined Adept last year as a senior engineer. Adept, which is headquartered in Leeds, has also been running a hugely successful apprentice programme for more than 12 years which has resulted in numerous participants becoming fully 60
qualified engineers and completing university degrees. David will now complete a BTEC apprenticeship course at Barnsley College, whilst working four days a week at Adept in Manchester. Earlier this year, Adept significantly expanded its Manchester operation after relocating to new city centre offices at Number 7 St James Square, which sits between John Dalton Street and South King Street. Mark said: “Joining Adept is an opportunity to further my career at a growing company that is quickly establishing an enviable reputation across Manchester and beyond and works across an extremely varied portfolio of projects.” Neil Brown, a director at Adept, who heads up the company’s Manchester office, said: “Appointing Mark, Saif and David to the team is a direct result of new contract wins throughout the North West across the rail, education, industrial and residential sectors. Mark brings a wealth of experience to the team and Saif is an ambitious structural engineer who has gained experience across an impressive portfolio of projects, so they will both further
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Press Releases enhance the service that our clients enjoy. “We’re also delighted to welcome our first apprentice to the Manchester team. Apprenticeships are a proven way of introducing young people into the engineering and STEM sectors, which is vital to the industry. David is a very bright individual and with our guidance and support, he can forge a successful career in the industry. “We now employ a team of six in Manchester and plan to recruit another engineer and Revit technician, to produce technical drawings and models,
later this year, which all combines to make it an exciting time for Adept.” Adept provides a full range of civil and structural engineering solutions. These include surveys and reports, feasibility advice for new schemes, BIM services, geo-environmental studies, site investigations, conceptual and detailed drawings, flood-risk and drainage assessments and highway design.
Dover Fueling Solutions announces new wetstock management licensee agreement with Avanceon
AUSTIN, TEXAS (25 March 2021) – Dover Fueling Solutions (“DFS”), a part of Dover Corporation that delivers advanced fuel dispensing equipment, electronic systems and payment, fleet systems, automatic tank gauging and wetstock management, is delighted to announce that it has signed a new, three-year licensee agreement with Avanceon to provide DFS’ wetstock management services in Pakistan, with the view to expanding into the UAE, Saudi Arabia and Qatar markets. Avanceon has built its reputation as a leading provider of industrial automation, process control and systems integration, as well as proprietary energy management solutions and support services, over the past two decades. The company has a strong market presence throughout the Middle East, Southeast Asia and North America. This new agreement will mark Avanceon’s debut into the wetstock management sector and will be a significant contributing factor in helping DFS capture significant market share in this highly-specialized, expanding, downstream industry segment. Junaid Mushtaq Paracha, Vice President Operations, Pakistan of Avanceon said, “We are very pleased to be able to add DFS’ wetstock management services to our current offering, which together with DFS’ automation and tank gauging solutions, provides us with a unique advantage in the market to deliver unmatched wetstock control and monitoring capabilities. We are really looking forward to providing this service to the region, where the opportunities for our customers to invest in advanced, analystled, third-party monitoring up to now have not existed. This 62
collaboration is a good strategic move for Avanceon, and one that I am sure will help to reinforce our commitment to our clients and deliver to them an excellent return on investment.” This new agreement means Avanceon will have access to expert support from DFS’ analyst center in Skelmersdale, UK, which is the largest fuel management analysis center in the world. This, coupled with the local expertise of Avanceon’s own analysts and automation support experts, operating out of their base in Lahore, means that Avenceon will be able to offer additional after sales support to over 8000 sites in Pakistan. “We are really pleased to have signed this new agreement with Avanceon,” said Andy Sullivan, General Manager and Senior Director, Global Wetstock, DFS, “Avanceon has been a DFS systems distributor for some time and this makes them the ideal fit to roll out our expert wetstock services to the Pakistan market.” Tim Firkins, DFS Business Development Senior Manager, commented, “Avanceon is dedicated to serving the market with the best products, services and maintenance for fuel distribution and refuelling sites, including DFS’ automation products, such as the Wayne Fusion™ forecourt system and automatic tank gauges. We are very much looking forward to developing DFS’ relationship with Avanceon, and – through working closely together in this partnership – we are confident that we can deliver an innovative portfolio of products and solutions that will exceed customer expectations in the region.”
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Press Releases
ARC Study: Implico Group maintains market leadership for terminal automation systems in the EMEA region Hamburg, Germany/Boston, USA. The downstream IT solutions provider Implico Group is the market leader for terminal automation systems (TMS) in Europe, the Middle East and Africa (EMEA). This is confirmed by the results of the ARC Advisory Group’s recently published bi-annual market study. The Implico Group first got acknowledged as leading provider of terminal automation software in the EMEA region in 2010. In the following years, the company reaffirmed this position. According to the ARC Study 2020, “current estimates indicate that the EMEA region is the largest single market” in the world. Besides the number one position in EMEA, the paper also lists the Implico Group as one of the top three providers of terminal automation solutions and services worldwide. The Implico Group develops and distributes the feature-rich terminal management system OpenTAS, which provides a comprehensive package of solutions for automating processes in bulk liquid storage facilities. In 2019, the company added another TMS to its portfolio, namely QINO. The latter is developed by the
Implico Group’s Dutch subsidiary, Brainum. Both OpenTAS and QINO support all means of transport. Together, they cater to tank farms of all sizes. Going forth, the Implico Group will further expand the cloud functionalities of its terminal automation systems and enrich them with web-based micro-services that address key business challenges. These micro-services are embedded in a broad, future-proof framework called the Supply Chain United (SCU). “We are very pleased with the Implico Group’s prominent position in the ARC Study 2020,” says the company’s CEO, Tim Hoffmeister. “We work hard to ensure that our solutions and services offer our customers decisive business benefits and lasting value – today as well as tomorrow. Also, we constantly push forward to expand our global presence and footprint. In this regard, we are sure that our recently formed partnerships will help us to not only strengthen our market leadership in EMEA, but also gain an even stronger foothold in other key regions of the world.” The ARC Advisory Group’s latest “Terminal Automation Systems Market Analysis” is available at:
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Discover the new range of PLX Tooling from Aliaxis Fuel system installers can now benefit from reduced preparation and installation time on site with the introduction of a new range of tooling solutions for PLX, the specialist pipework system for fuel applications by Aliaxis. The new Primary Preparation Tool, PLX Tri Scraper and PLX Close Fit Pipe Clamp have been developed by Aliaxis with the installer in mind and are designed to help ensure PLX pipe is correctly and efficiently prepared prior to electrofusion jointing, all while simplifying the process. The Primary Preparation Tool provides a simple, lightweight solution for peeling the outer surface of the PLX primary pipe and helps to achieve a more precise and effective preparation. It also offers significant time saving benefits over traditional hand scraping methods. Alongside the Primary Preparation Tool, the PLX Tri Scraper removes the oxidised layer from the surface of the PLX secondary pipe (on a secondary contained PLX close fit system) ensuring the correct amount of material is removed without affecting the integrity of the pipe. The tool eliminates the need for hand scraping and easily clamps onto the outer wall of the pipe using a rotational action to ensure consistent removal of material, avoiding the potential risk of uneven pipe scraping and possible pipe gauging. The Primary Preparation Tool is available in sizes 32mm up to 63mm, and the Tri Scraper tool is available in sizes 63mm up to 315mm, both options featuring a multi-positional cutter tip for efficiency and long service life. Designed to secure primary and secondary pipework simultaneously prior to welding, the PLX Pipe Clamp Tool is quick and easy to use and ensures that pipework is anchored in place during the electrofusion jointing process, preventing any potential socket misalignments. The tool has been specifically designed to complement the new PLX one-weld fittings in order improve the efficiency of the operation. The PLX Close Fit Pipe Clamp is available in sizes 32mm up to 125mm and features a screw tightening action ensuring the required torque is available. The rubber pads that are located on the pipe grips prevent any potential marking or gauging of the pipe; an issue often present when using alternative clamping methods. Commenting on the new tooling, Aliaxis’ PLX Product Manager, Rich Pedley, said: “The new tooling introductions have been designed not only to help achieve consistent quality on PLX installations, but also to assist installers by making the preparation process quicker and easier on site. “There is a risk that using tooling that isn’t approved for use with PLX pipework could damage the pipe. All of the new tooling products have been specifically designed and tested with PLX pipework and should be utilised to contribute to an efficient PLX installation.” For further information about Aliaxis’ new tooling or any other products within its PLX range, please visit email: or call the Aliaxis customer services team on +44 (0)1543 471680. 64
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Unified Brands adds Kothari and Barley to team and promotes Thames to senior director CONYERS, GA (February 10, 2021) – Unified Brands, a leading manufacturer of foodservice equipment, announced the addition of Ajay Kothari and Brent Barkley, as well as the promotion of Clay Thames. Kothari will serve as Senior Director of Technology, leading a team of engineers researching technological advances – both in and outside of the foodservice industry – to lead the company’s efforts in product enhancement and new product development. Barkley will serve as Senior Director of Strategic Brand Management for Randell and Avtec, focusing on product positioning, product line expansion and design and manufacturing efficiencies. Thames will fulfill the same responsibilities in his appointment to Senior Director of Strategic Brand Management for Groen, Power Soak, and CapKold. “We are pleased to welcome Ajay and Brent to the Unified Brands family, and to announce Clay’s well-deserved new position,” said Unified Brands President, Dave Herring. “We are optimistic about our future in the commercial foodservice equipment industry and are well-positioned for successful expansion of our product portfolio in our three centers of excellence in Michigan (custom
manufacturing), Mississippi (production manufacturing) and Georgia (corporate training and culinary center).” Kothari has more than a decade of engineering and manufacturing experience. His vast experience and proven track record of product development will help Unified Brands strengthen its product portfolio and positioning with new technology and new products. Barkley comes to Unified Brands with a wealth of experience driving revenue growth in sales, marketing and engineering positions. With a background in account and brand building, Barkley has worked in different manufacturing markets and is primed to continue to boost the Randell and Avtec brands as an industry leader in commercial refrigeration and ventilation, respectively. Thames has been an invaluable asset in his 20-plus years at Unified Brands, serving the last five as Product Line Director for Cooking and Warewashing. He will continue to bolster the Groen, Power Soak and CapKold product lines – validating their reputation as leaders in commercial cooking, warewashing and cook-chill production.
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Petrol Sign experience increased demand for valeting branding Petrol Sign based in Doncaster are reporting a large increase in dealers refreshing their valeting offer with large bright graphics and new images. Their dealer customers are looking at new ways to build their customer volume and footfall. With the use of full size vinyl images, their valeting offer looks far more appealing and it freshens up the whole feel of the facility. Working with several large dealer groups Petrol Sign have been assisting them with high quality, high resolution graphics as a solution to improve their facilities. Due to this increased demand for vinyl graphics Petrol Sign needed to increase the output from their Doncaster facility. The decision
was taken to purchase additional Epson vinyl printers with related plotter and laminating equipment. With these machines now operating full time it has allowed an increase in volume and improved supply times to meet the current customer demand. This has also enabled them to employ additional full time printing staff which is warmly welcomed in the current climate. Contact Petrol Sign at or visit
MFG Stanton St. Quintin site refurbishment Motor Fuel Group has recently completed the full knock down and rebuild of their site at Stanton St. Quintin near Chippenham, Wiltshire. The refurbishment included a brand new shop building, four pump forecourt canopy and re-pump. The old site was very dated and only had a small shop with two pumps. Doncaster based Global-MSI completed the design, supply and installation of a new building and canopy for the project. The building gives the customer a far nicer environment to browse and purchase whether visiting for fuel or popping in for necessities, while the new canopy gives the forecourt a far more attractive stance and allows for multiple fuelling points without customers queueing. Global-MSI’s Managing Director Martin Steggles said ‘We were Old site
extremely pleased to work with Motor Fuel Ltd and Wyeth Project Services on this fantastic project. We hope our client enjoys their new site and it allows them to grow their business in this very busy location. It is a culmination of skills from our in-house designers and factory staff through to installers on site that allows us to bring these projects together on time and within budget. With over 25 years in the industry Global-MSI is proud of its reputation in the forecourt structures business and is pleased to add this site to its portfolio of work.’ 66
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GripHero launches world’s first 100% recycled plastic handprotection for forecourts and clear dispensers GripHero, the maker of the world’s only static-safe hand-protection and on-the-nozzle dispensers for fuel pumps, has announced a major product breakthrough for 2021, with immediate availability. GripHero’s green start to 2021 A first for the forecourt and hand-protection sector, GripHero’s new 100% recycled static-safe hand-protection has been developed to enable forecourts to significantly cut their annual carbon footprint. With rapidly growing demand for best-practice hygiene and safety at the pumps – particularly following the coronavirus pandemic protecting customers and the environment has become an increasingly high priority for both motorists and forecourt operators. At just 7.22kg of CO2e per 10,000 protectors, GripHero’s ‘R100’ hand-protection cartridges are made entirely from 100% recycled plastics and have been independently verified to reduce the carbon footprint of forecourt hand-protection by over 87%* piece for piece. Combined with GripHero’s single item release dispenser mechanism, which prevents blow-outs and clumps of protection being withdrawn, GripHero enables forecourt owners to slash their hand-protection carbon footprint by over 94%. The equivalent of more than 600 used plastic water bottles are repurposed to produce one case of GripHero R100 hand-protection cartridges, with each case capable of protecting the health and wellbeing of up to 8,500 motorists. By developing and using ATEX certified anti-static materials, GripHero removes all chance of fuel vapour ignition at the pump, blocking the static spark between drivers and fuel equipment. This makes GripHero the only hand-protection system which is internationally permitted within the fuelling zone. Commenting on the development of the new R100, 100% recycled hand-protection material, Oli Yeo, founder, inventor and Managing Director of GripHero, said: “From the very start, our goal has been to eliminate waste and to provide an alternative which means that forecourts can avoid the hugely negative environmental impact caused by both the manufacture and use of standard gloves. “Cutting waste through a fault-free dispenser, allowing only one item of hand-protection to be withdrawn at a time was our startpoint. Today, we have completed the journey through the development of ATEX-Certified hand-protection created from 100% ‘open-loop’ recycled plastics. This not only complies with, but far exceeds the upcoming Single Use Plastics Directive. The result is the world’s lowest CO2 footprint for hand-protection by a huge margin. “Now, through the use of GripHero’s R100 hand-protection cartridges, forecourt operators can protect their customers from bacteria, viruses, carcinogens, chemicals and foul smelling hands, at the same time as protecting the environment with a near zero hand-protection carbon footprint. We think that represents a great opportunity for forecourts to show customers how they are taking important steps to protect both motorists and the environment at the pump.” 68
Clear nozzle-mounted dispensers Developed to enable forecourts to quickly and easily change promotional inserts on the top of fuel pump handles, the new clear GripHero hand-protection dispenser provides a practical and simple way for forecourt owners to switch up in-store offers and brand promotions. Importantly, it also provides a simple solution to the forthcoming changes in fuel grade labelling due in September 2021, which will see the introduction of E10 in addition to E5 and B7 grades. The clear dispenser allows forecourts to easily insert new fuel-grade identification codes, enabling compliance with fuel-grade labelling directive EN-16942 without the need to change the fuel pump handle casing, saving time and money.
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Like GripHero’s fuel-grade coloured nozzle-mounted dispensers, the new clear option is impact and tamperproof, resistant to harsh fuels or chemicals and is weather, temperature and UV-proof; preventing discolouration. Commenting on the new clear nozzle-mounted handprotection dispenser, Oli Yeo said: “2020 was a hard year for forecourts up and down the country, so finding ways to increase turnover is critical. Enticing customers in-store is key to boosting sales, which is why we’ve created our new transparent hand-protection dispensers, enabling forecourts to promote products and offers at the point that the motorist fills up, encouraging customers in-store to make multiple purchases. “The added bonus of our clear-dispenser is that forecourts won’t have to go to the expense or hassle of replacing the fuel pump housing when the new E10 fuel-grade comes into use this year. Instead, the fuel grade identifier can be easily inserted into the clear section of the fuel nozzle, keeping forecourts compliant with fuel-grade labelling directive EN-16942.” To order GripHero’s new R100 hand-protection cartridges or clear nozzle-mounted dispensers, call 01837 811 035, email or visit APEA tel/fax 0345 603 5507
Press Releases
Europump Maintenance Ltd becomes approved verifier for Hytek's fuelling equipment Europump Maintenance Ltd has extended its partnership with global fuel and lubricant dispensing solutions company Hytek by becoming an Approved Verifier for its fuelling equipment. The inclusion of the Hytek products in the Section 11A certificate issued by The Office for Product Safety and Standards means that Europump Maintenance Ltd has authority to carry out initial verification and in-service verification on the Pumptronics Alpha
and C Series range of fuel dispensers. “This is a great move for all parties concerned as it means our engineers can commission and verify the dispensers during the same visit, undertake any in service reverification following repairs, providing a cost effective solution to the customer “ explained Martyn Gent, Business Development Manager at Europump Maintenance Ltd.
Petroassist UK, the leading service provider for Wayne equipment Petroassist UK, formerly Wayne Fueling Systems UK and an integral part of the Wayne Organisation before its sale by Dover to Petrotec in 2016, has been present in the UK market supporting UK Wayne customers for over 30 years. Whilst the company maintains all models of equipment across the Hypermarkets, Large Dealer Networks and Independents, there is a wealth of experience in maintaining Wayne equipment, which makes Petroassist the ideal sales and service partner for the Wayne brand as well as having the benefit of being owned by a pump manufacturer with the ability to offer a broad range of options across the Petrotec range. “We are very proud that almost 45% of fuel in the UK is dispensed by pumps either sold or maintained by Petroassist UK” says Gary Stapleton, Managing
Director at Petroassist UK. “Customer relationship and satisfaction is our goal and undoubtedly our greatest strength is our people.” Petroassist UK currently maintains and supports over 80% of Wayne installed equipment in the UK & Ireland. For more information about how to better drive your forecourt sales please visit
STA Technical becomes pump cradle provider of choice for Petrotec UK Working with Petrotec and Petroassist along with other major pump manufacturers, STA Technical delivers pump cradles that overcome the inherent problems of inconsistent quality and accuracy. STA director, Warren Peters says: “Historically pump cradles have 70
come from two sources - through an assembly line factory process, or they have been fabricated by a local engineering shop using angle iron and flat bar. “Our pump cradles are all CAD drawn, laser cut and then bent using an automated brake press to ensure millimetre accuracy every time.
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Ridwan Patel, dealer account manager at Petrotec says: “Over the past twelve months we’ve been trialling STA’s pump cradles with our Petrotec Progress pumps to ensure they can offer on-time delivery, precision accurate components and pump cradles that are fully equipped with nuts, bolts and U-bolts. “Having worked with Warren for the last 4 years, we know STA’s reputation for quality, competitive pricing and realistic lead times. They’re also particularly good at fulfilling those out of the blue
orders. Consistently meeting our pump cradle requirements, their work has been first class and it has also had our clients commenting on their precision manufacturing.” Warren adds: “Working collaboratively with Ridwan ensures that every pump cradle that leaves us is fit for purpose. Also, we’ve recently been using our experience of fabricating bespoke pump/sump cradles for Esso branded sites to develop our first standard style stainless steel pump cradle for an installer working in a highly corrosive environment.”
MFG and Premier Service extend a successful partnership Premier Service has been successful in negotiating a further extension to their long running partnership with Motor Fuel Group (MFG). Providing forecourt maintenance and accident damage repairs, Premier Service has been working with MFG for many years looking after a large portion of their company owned sites and their Murco branded dealer estate. Kevin Clarke, head of infrastructure (services & projects) for MFG
commented: “Premier Service has shown that they can perform and form a valued part of our supplier base. We are pleased to continue the strong relationship between us.” Gareth Owen, MD of Premier Service said: “This is great recognition for Premier Service; we have worked with MFG for a number of years and to be trusted by the major player in the industry is a real testament to the service that we deliver across a broad range of equipment.” Premier Service provides fuel tank, pump and gauge maintenance across the UK, along with parts supply and a UK workshop providing refurbished pumps and panels to retail and commercial industries.
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ISTOBAL facilitates the digital transformation of wash facilities with a free subscription plan to Smartwash • Smartwash by ISTOBAL is the only technology that achieves 100% connected installations to achieve maximum performance and transform the user experience. • As a new feature, it incorporates the activation of unlimited monthly user wash rates and a digital card to accumulate credit and enjoy discounts in the ISTOBAL App. • The monthly no-cost service to Smartwash includes the digital management of the wash business, the user App and real-time status of the equipment, among other benefits. • Smartwash also has a Premium subscription model with all the extra functionalities for maximising profitability and the best car wash experience. ISTOBAL, a leading Spanish group in vehicle wash and care solutions, facilitates the digital transformation of car wash facilities with a free subscription plan to Smartwash without monthly fees. The company has launched a campaign to drive industry digitalisation in its commitment to providing innovative global solutions that increase profitability, facilitate business management, and contribute to the loyalty of increasingly demanding and digitalised customers. Smartwash by ISTOBAL, successfully implemented in Spain, the UK, Sweden, Turkey, the Netherlands, Austria, Portugal and Belgium is the only technology on the market that achieves 100% connected facilities for maximum performance and efficiency of the business and its wash equipment, to transform the user experience, making it quicker, easier, more efficient and more fun. By incorporating IoT and Big Data, the solution allows services to be managed digitally in real time and on any device thanks to the connectivity of all the wash equipment (rollovers, tunnels, jet wash facilities and vacuum cleaning areas). It extracts and analyses accounting and installation status data as well as user behaviour to increase profitability, management and time efficiency. Smartwash reduces waiting times between washes, increases the frequency of washes and improves the user experience with digital payment methods and personalised promotions. As a new feature, Smartwash by ISTOBAL incorporates the activation of unlimited monthly wash fees for the end user and includes a digital loyalty card (ISTOBALCard) so that they can
accumulate credit and obtain discounts, paying only for what is consumed. More information: The monthly no-cost plan includes the digital management of multiple facilities, being able to know and manage accounting data such as revenue or promotions, and to create a database of facility users. It also contains the ISTOBAL App for the consumer with the location of wash facilities, payment of services through the App, activation of code washing and ISTOBALCard loyalty card, among other functions. The car wash operator can also see the status of connected equipment in real time and other data such as number of washes performed, programmes executed and errors. Smartwash is a pioneering technology that comes as standard with most ISTOBAL car wash equipment. To be able to access the plan without monthly fees and enjoy the main benefits for free, you only need to have one basic connectivity package. Smartwash by ISTOBAL also has a Premium subscription model with monthly fees that includes all the extra functionalities, both in the business operation and maintenance part of the wash equipment. This allows you to increase the control and efficiency of your car wash business, resulting in maximum profitability and the best wash experience. Smartwash Premium enables the activation of the wash and emergency stop via the app without the user having to get out of the car and the evaluation of the service. It also includes the launch of unlimited promotions, historical revenue statistics data, and the possibility to integrate Smartwash with third-party APIS in existing apps and even to generate custom apps. Among other maintenance benefits, it can optionally provide control of consumables, product levels, water and energy consumption as well as remote control of connected equipment. Smartwash Fleets, the first digital platform to automate the wash process of any fleet of vehicles, is available with the Premium subscription.
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New Year Acquisition For MFG Top 50 Indies forecourt operator, Motor Fuel Group (MFG) announces that it has signed an agreement to purchase seven operational stations and nine new to industry (NTI) sites from BP. This is part of a wider agreement including fuel supply for 100 sites.
Jeremy Clarke - Chief Operating Officer MFG
Commenting on the agreement, Jeremy Clarke, chief operating officer at MFG said: “We are particularly delighted with this transaction given the quality of the operational assets and geographical spread of the NTI sites. “It is a great opportunity for us to apply our proven operating model, improve the shop offering for our customers, introduce a ‘food to go’ option where appropriate and improve the valeting offer. We will also be looking to install a number of high power EV chargers at each location. “Six of the operating stations are in Scotland and one is located in Surrey. The NTI sites are spread throughout England and Scotland.” Andy Allen, BP’s UK sales manager, said: “BP is delighted to have secured this transaction as part of a broader opportunity to further strengthen the longstanding relationship between BP and MFG. The re-sign of 64 existing BP branded sites and the conversion of 36 others brings the total number of BP branded MFG sites to over 280 and we look forward to working with MFG on this and other opportunities in the future.” This acquisition will bring the total number of stations operated by MFG to 918, maintaining their position as the UK’s largest independent forecourt operator. APEA tel/fax 0345 603 5507
Press Releases
The Future of Mobility in the UK – Foresight report looking at future trends, challenges and opportunities for decarbonising the UK transport system London, 17/03/2020 – The downstream oil sector - the supplier of 96% of the UK’s transport fuels – is committed to decarbonisation of the transport system and can be an important ally in meeting Net-Zero according to “The Future of Mobility in the UK” - the latest publication from UKPIA. UKPIA has launched its first dedicated report on the future of transport in the UK. Building on its series of foresight reports, UKPIA’s “The Future of Mobility in the UK” considers the emerging trends, technologies and paradigm shifts that can combine to deliver a decarbonised transport sector in the UK. The Future of Mobility makes three important findings: 1. To meet Net-Zero, all stakeholders must work together in pursuing all technology options for transport decarbonisation. 2. A systems approach that considers lifecycle analysis of transport GHG emissions as well as transport energy provision, storage, and conversion demands should be essential ingredients in a transport decarbonisation strategy. 3. A mobility paradigm shift is required to meet Net Zero with new technologies and models disrupting existing mobility offers and improving transport energy efficiency. This is the first time UKPIA has published a report solely focused on transport, yet the UK downstream oil sector has a lot to
contribute to decarbonisation of transport. UKPIA members are investing in changes that can decarbonise transport such as EV chargers at forecourts and in dedicated hubs, as well as delivering millions of litres of biofuels every year [1]. The report highlights, however, that in order to meet Net-Zero governments, vehicle manufacturers, energy suppliers and all other transport stakeholders will need to work together to deliver the many solutions needed to get the UK economy carbon neutral. Quotes attributed to UKPIA Director-General, Stephen Marcos Jones. “This technical report considers the transport sector today and what must change to achieve Net-Zero. It is not just new technologies we need but also understanding when and where to deploy them alongside usage and behavioural changes on the UK’s decarbonisation journey. This report and its findings demonstrate our sector’s integral role as the UK’s primary transport energy provider and why we must be considered a partner in shaping its future. Transport is the UK’s biggest carbon emitting sector and decarbonising it is a major challenge to overcome in order to meet Net-Zero. Electrification of cars and vans is already being strongly pursued by Government, but in heavier road vehicles, construction, as well as aviation and maritime, we will need a wide range of new technologies, efficiencies and new ways of working to decarbonise effectively.”
Dover Fueling Solutions announces new wetstock management licensee agreement with Wennstrom AUSTIN, TEXAS (24 February 2021) – Dover Fueling Solutions (“DFS”), a part of Dover Corporation that delivers advanced fuel dispensing equipment, electronic systems and payment, fleet systems, automatic tank gauging, and wetstock management, is thrilled to announce it has signed a new, three-year licensee agreement with Wennstrom to provide its wetstock management services in the Nordic region. Wennstrom is one of the largest distributors of fuel-related products and services for the northern European transport market through its offices in Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Finland, delivering intelligent solutions for storing, distributing and refilling energy. The company already has a contract to sell DFS’ Wayne and ProGauge products, as well as carry out servicing and parts installation work, having been a long-standing partner and distributor for DFS for nearly 10 years. 74
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Press Releases As a major player in the fuel services sector, Wennstrom has a strong foothold in the market and is already making significant headway with the provision of wetstock monitoring services to existing customers from their analyst centre in the Nordics. This new agreement will mean access to expert backing from DFS’ analyst support centre in Skelmersdale, UK, which is the largest fuel management analysis centre in the world. “We are really pleased to have signed this new agreement with Wennstrom,” said Tim Firkins, Senior Manager, Business Development. “Wennstrom has more than proven their value to DFS over the many years they have partnered with us, which makes them the ideal fit to roll out our expert wetstock services to the Nordic market, which is home to over 10,000 active fuel stations. We are more than confident this partnership will be instrumental in facilitating future DFS growth in the region.” Andy Sullivan, General Manager and Senior Director, Global Wetstock, DFS, continued, “The Wennstrom Group is dedicated to
serving the market with the best products, services and maintenance for fuel distribution and refuelling sites. Adding the Fairbanks expert monitoring service to their already strong portfolio will mean that both Wennstrom and DFS can continue to grow their business presence in this very profitable market, and achieve great things over the coming years.” Øystein Tangen, Managing Director of Wennstrom Norway, added, “There is in an increased focus in the market on wetstock management, in order to protect the environment from the negative impact of fuel leaks. Our customers are not only concerned for the environment, but they also want to protect their business reputation and improve profitability by reducing fuel leaks to ground. The expert monitoring carried out by Wennstrom’s analysts, trained by specialists at Dover Fueling Solutions, means instances of fuel loss can be quickly detected and the root cause swiftly identified, helping our customers to achieve these common goals. We look forward to collaborating closely with the DFS Wetstock team going forward.”
Dover Fueling Solutions launches goundbreaking digital transformation connected solutions platform: DFS DXTM
AUSTIN, TEXAS – February 9, 2021 – Dover Fueling Solutions (‘DFS’), a part of Dover Corporation that delivers advanced fuel dispensing equipment, electronic systems and payment, fleet systems, automatic tank gauging, and wetstock management, is pleased to announce the launch of the DFS DXTM connected solutions platform enabling digital transformation for the global fueling and retail industry. DFS DX delivers operational cost reductions, increased sales, and an enhanced customer experience through a combination of intelligent connected cloud solutions. DFS DX is the industry’s first open, global, and common cloud platform that harnesses advanced analytics and IoT and to deliver five core innovative solutions focused on customer experience and asset optimization. These five core solutions span wetstock management, remote asset monitoring, targeted advertising and media at the dispenser, fleet fueling site management, and point of sale management. These solutions empower fuel retailers to identify fuel loss in real-time, optimize dispenser uptime, increase sales through targeted advertising at the fuel dispenser, centrally manage point-of-sale solutions and control an entire fleet from a single interface. 76
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Matt Tormollen, VP and General Manager, DFS Solutions said, “The DFS DX platform provides a common set of cloud-enabled services that are leveraged across all DFS DX applications to drive increased timeto-value for our customers and lower cost of ownership. Not only are these applications implemented in true edge computing IoT model to drive value closest to the point of impact, but we’ve built it from the ground-up to enable third-parties, customers and partners to easily integrate their clouds and applications – which is a real gamechanger to radically transform the face of the fueling industry. These innovations continue to exceed all expectations as we march toward our goal of being the leading global provider of enhanced technologies in the fuel retail and convenience sectors.” DFS DX utilizes Microsoft’s secure and scalable Azure IoT platform to gather and quickly process a multitude of secure data points to deliver real-time information that helps fuel networks drive efficiencies and cost savings while providing security and scalability. These solutions deliver easy, convenient, actionable insights to track and manage day-to-day business activity on the forecourt, and ultimately transform the customers’ experience and optimize site asset performance. To learn more, visit
Press Releases/Branches
Adler and Allan announce changes to senior leadership team to deliver ambitious growth strategy Environmental risk reduction specialist, Adler and Allan, has announced changes to its Senior Leadership Team effective 1 March 2021. This supports its ambitious growth plans as the UK’s leading provider of environmental risk reduction services, covering both emergency response and scheduled maintenance across a wide range of critical asset infrastructure and contaminants. Henrik Pedersen will become Group Managing Director, having previously held the role of Group Commercial Director. He will provide a clear focus on commercial growth based upon the depth of the Group’s technical expertise and track record of exceptional service to its customers.
Mike Willink will become Group Development Director having previously held the role of Group Managing Director. He will manage the integration and success of acquisitions, together with retaining responsibility for group supporting functions. The Group also welcomes a new Group Commercial Director, Mark Bannister. Mark is an experienced Commercial Director having worked at a number of successful companies including RS Electrocomponents and Travis Perkins. The changes follow the recent announcement that Adler and Allan has a new financial partner, Sun European Partners, and is the continuation of a period of growth for the company, which had a strong performance in 2020 despite the global pandemic.
Branches Southern The Southern Branch held their AGM on the 18th of March via Zoom.
We continue to seek additional committee members so if any of the readers would like to get in touch that would be most welcome.
Ray Blake- Branch Chair Phil Monger - Vice Chair Peter Cooper - Treasurer David Sommers - Branch Secretary
Chris Ramshaw Branch Representative Tel: 02381849813 email:
North West The North West held a reforming branch meeting on the 23 March 2021 on “Teams”. In attendance were: Andrew Myers Neil Simms John Keough
Branch Representative. Member Member
From my point of view all positions on the committee except for the treasurer are open to be taken by an interested party. - As the Branch Representative if another wishes that position, I will move aside and take up another function.
Apologies Cheryl Ashton
The main item here is getting the committee going and engaging in regular communication. Once enough people are committed an AGM will be held.
The meeting was held on “Teams” and started with Andrew Myers addressing the members who had in the past 6 weeks offered to become active and join the committee. The Branch had become largely dormant over the past 16 months and with the departure of previous members coinciding with the Covid 19 Pandemic. The email to all the NW Members had asked for volunteers and 78
suggestions for the reforming and the way forward for both the immediate issues of the branch with lock down and hopefully next year with a return to normal face to face meeting in a central venue.
Next meeting has been booked for the 25 May 2021 on Teams 10.30 for 30 minutes. Andy Myers Branch Representative Tel: 07500 442573 email:
APEA tel/fax 0345 603 5507
Training Training course dates 2021 Please contact the APEA office for a quotation for a bespoke course for any of the courses listed below at, with an approximate number of delegates and preferred dates. 3 Day Combined Petrol Filling Stations – Construction, Audit and Inspection Course 21 - 23 June Solihull 6 - 8 September Stansted Airport
Wetstock Management 16 September Stansted Airport DSEAR 17 Sept
Stansted Airport
Enforcement Procedures An Awareness 14 September Stansted Airport Petroleum (Consolidation) Regulations 2014 13 September Stansted Airport
Electrical Installations - An Awareness 23 September Swindon
Petrol Filling Station courses on request Vapour Recovery Installations Leak Investigation
Safe Installation and Use of LPG 15 September Stansted Airport Explosives and Fireworks 21 September Stansted Airport
Course Fees 3 day course with accommodation 3 day, day delegate rate 1 day course
APEA Member £1020.00 £810.00 £260.00
Non member £1120.00 £910.00 £310.00
More information and booking details on the “Training” page at Anyone booking a training course that is not an APEA member will automatically receive complimentary “Individual” membership to the APEA for one year.
Courses will be designed around the (4th edition) Blue Book Guidance for the Design, Construction, Modification, Maintenance and Decommissioning of Filling Stations (May 2018). A hard copy and a pdf version of the 4th Edition is available from the Publications page of the APEA website at The hardcopy is £75.00 to APEA Members and £150.00 to non APEA members. There is no VAT charged on the hardcopy or pdf formats. The pdf version can be purchased with a licence for individual use and cannot be shared or printed. It is strongly recommended that attendees have access to this document during courses.
For details of this and any other training enquiry, please contact: Jane Mardell - APEA Business Manager email: Tel: + 44 (0) 345 603 5507 or Thomas Daly (Chairman of Training Committee) T el: +353 876899281/+353 876899281 or email:
APEA tel/fax 0345 603 5507