The Bulletin March 2022

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The Bulletin APEA (The Association for Petroleum and Explosives Administration) MAGAZINE - March 2022
Inside Inside APEA tel/fax 0345 603 5507 3 Opinions expressed in this magazine are not necessarily the views of the Association. The technical content is not an official endorsement by or on behalf of the APEA and are entirely the views of the authors. Published by the APEA (The Association for Petroleum and Explosives Administration) A company Limited by Guarantee Registered in England No. 2261660. Front cover: An early design Gilbarco pump in Sardinia 4 6 8 10 11 14 17 18 20 23 30 32 34 36 39 42 43 56 80 80 81 83 Welcome Editorial Business Manager Publications Information New Members Articles Ballenoil Increases Fuel Grade Alternatives TSG UK Offers a Helping Hand to a Local Community School Milestone for Berrys Global Easy Riser Have You Ever Wanted to see What Advances in Technology the Future has in Store for Us? The Malta Experience A New Challenge for the Maltese Petroleum Regulators 2023 APEA Yearbook, How to complete your free entry, Deadline 1st April APEA AGM - 18th November 2021 APEA Live - 18th November 2021 Stop, Charge, Drink, Go Select How You Receive The Bulletin Magazine News Press Releases Ask the Experts Branches Training APEA Live 2022 Conference, Exhibition and Awards Dinner

Doreen Pooley

APEA Chairman

As I write this, January is upon us. The festivities (such as they were) are already fading into the distance. At this time of year, I find the only thing you can do is look forwards. Having said that the first thing I would like to do is to thank everyone for their involvement in APEA Live. What an event. Made all the more special by the fact that we managed to sneak this in between Covid variants! I hope those who attended had as much fun as I did and that everyone enjoyed our APEA Live Special Edition magazine. A special thank you to everyone who entered for the Awards and congratulations to all of the winners (and runners up!).

I do hope that 2022 sees us returning to face-to-face Branch Meetings. A couple took place last year and by the time you read this I am aware of at least one in January (Southern Branch AGM and Branch Meeting). Our admin team endeavour to send out calling notices to membership but please be aware that if you are part of a Corporate Membership then that notice may not come to you as it will be sent to the person who is the designated representative. As part of our GDPR update a few years ago our Branch Secretaries do NOT send out emails to the general membership.

Please keep an eye on the calendar on the APEA website to make sure you don’t miss out.

( Alternatively consider becoming a personal member yourself!

We have also become aware that some APEA emails are ending up in junk folders when they are genuine as well as there being some spam emails generated in the name of the APEA. All of this is making communication very difficult. I will be talking to colleagues on National Council to see if there is anything we can do to improve the situation. In the meantime please check your junk folders for APEA Branch Meeting calling notices.

One of the challenges we have is encouraging new members into the APEA. If you are reading this then the chances are you are already a member or work for a company that is. So how do we reach out to people who are involved in our industry and who would benefit from membership – but don’t know that yet? Any suggestions gratefully received. Just pop a note through to our email address.

Who knows what 2022 will bring to our industry. The debate on future fuels will undoubtedly rumble on with continued disagreement as to what could possibly be the most practical alternative to liquid fuels. With fuel prices increasing to the levels they have recently I’m sure more people will be pushed towards switching to an alternative – whatever that might be. As we look to the future of the APEA we will continue to engage with all of these options and ensure we provide up-to-date and relevant information to our members.

In the December Bulletin I mentioned that we were drafting a document outlining the roles within Branch Committees to, hopefully, encourage more members to volunteer to assist their local Branch. This is now available and can be accessed through the APEA website at: Please do get involved with your local Branches.

Publications Chairman

Jane Mardell


Saffron Walden,


Tel: +44 (0) 345 603 5507 Mobile: +44 (0) 7815 055514 email:

Andy Kennedy Mobile: 07469 212063 email:

Editor Brian Humm Mobile: +44 (0) 7507 478533 email:

Find us on Linkedin and Twitter
Welcome Welcome APEA tel/fax 0345 603 5507 APEA Business Manager (contact for all APEA Business and Bulletin advertising, design and typesetting)
PO Box 106

Brian Humm


Welcome to this edition of The Bulletin, the first of the new year. 2022 is now upon us and, albeit a little late, I would like to hope that all members, both corporate and individual, make this year special and prosperous. I also hope that this pandemic finally ceases to blight our daily lives once again, and that you enjoy the mix of articles and news stories that we have managed to put together for you.

As usual I would like to remind members that without their input we would have a very slim publication every quarter, so please feel free to submit anything that you think would be of interest; a news story, article regarding a project or milestone, or even just a photograph of something that you think may appeal to our readership. Thank you in advance for your help.

Having mentioned a milestone within the last paragraph it would be remiss of me not to mention that this publication, The Bulletin, is 60 years old this year, first being published in 1962, four years after the formation of the APEA. It was decided to have a journal to keep the original members of the Association informed of the latest news within the industry.

I have been lucky enough to see some of the originals: quite impressive, home produced, no photographs but hand drawings, and I even recall a poem written by one of my former colleagues from the London Fire Brigade, Ron Young, which looked into and referenced the duties of a petroleum inspector and their daily life. It was a simpler life then; technology was a long way off, that includes filling station equipment etc. We have come a long way since then, but I am personally proud of the publication that we distribute every quarter, and let’s hope that this continues for another 60 years. It might have a different title then (Association of electric vehicle enforcers, Hydrogen safety association, you get the drift) but who knows, one thing for certain is I will not be the editor!

Electric vehicle charging facilities continue to be installed at filling stations at a pace. It is quite understandable as the need for

alternative fuels is getting ever closer, the government ban on the manufacture of petrol and diesel cars looms ever closer and the introduction, within various towns and cities, of charges being levied on driving certain types of vehicles (mainly diesel) over certain time periods is penalising motorists more and more. The worst offender is, in my opinion, the Greater London Authority (GLA).

I recently had to drive to London in my 2013 diesel vehicle. There is now an increased Ultra Low Emission zone (ULEZ) which basically is anywhere inside the road known as the south circular road. It operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, it costs £12.50 a day if you drive a car, small van, motorcycle or other vehicle, that does not meet the emission criteria, into the zone. Amazingly a lot of Londoners are unaware or confused in regard to the zone boundary. For instance, my old house in London is within the ULEZ but at the bottom of the road is the south circular which is outside the zone, so if I was to drive, say to Kent, for work then I would be charged £12.50 for 100 metres; not a bad rate for the GLA. If you’re getting confused then join the club.

Other major town and cities are following suit; Birmingham, Manchester, Bristol, to name but a few, are introducing similar charges. Do you want to hear another scenario that is emerging though? The Mayor of London is now considering, in addition to the London Congestion charge (which I hadn’t mentioned earlier) and the ULEZ, charging £2.00 a day to drive into London, for ANY vehicle, to which I am presuminging will include Electric vehicles!! You couldn’t make it up if you tried.

Rant over, for now. I get to hear various insights into trends, either good or bad, within our industry. One that I have come across in the last few weeks is that some companies/forecourt owners are requesting tests be carried out in double skin tanks, be it steel tanks or tanks that have had an accredited lining system installed to EN13160-7. This has resulted in pressure being introduced into the interstitial of the tank over and above what it is designed to take,which in turn has resulted in the failure of the tank with the tank bottom being seriously distorted even in steel tanks!! And therefore being failed, and in need of repair or replacement. Tanks that are double skin, be it GRP or metal, are designed as being constantly under test therefore they do not require testing. Please be aware of all circumstances within any chamber that you are working on and if you are not sure ask and continue with extreme caution; the APEA has a technical committee that is available for any member to ask any question that relates to petrol related matters.

On that note I will finish this report, firstly with a thank you to Jane and Jamie for their help and I sincerely hope that you enjoy this edition. Until next time…

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Business Manager

to your account to reconfirm the details and your entry will automatically display on the website again.


Memberships run for 12 months from the date of joining or payment for a renewal. Once the membership has been paid by debit or credit card it will auto renew by card one year later.

I hope you all had a good Christmas and wishing you well for this year.


It was good to see so many of you at APEA Live 2021 in November at Stadium MK. It was very well attended; I hope that those of you who attended enjoyed yourselves and it was beneficial to your business.

The APEA Live review magazine was sent to all members in December. It can also be viewed on the APEA website - go to the home page and click on the link under ‘APEA Live 2021’ in the ‘Events’ section.

I sent out an email to all members with a link to view the photos in November, in case you missed this you can view the photos at

If you would like information or wish to exhibit at APEA Live 2022 please go to:

The Bulletin

Thanks go to the advertisers that have booked space in the publication this year. We would not be able to produce the magazine if we did not have this income. It has been a tough year for everyone, and we are grateful for the continued support.

We are always looking for press releases and articles for The Bulletin. If you have anything you think would interest our readers please email it to me at and I will forward it to the editor, Brian Humm, to approve.

2023 Yearbook

Please ensure you complete your entry before 1st April. Only completed entries by members will be included in the Yearbook, and your details displayed in the ‘Contacts’ section of the APEA website. Your membership contact details are not automatically included. See instructions on page 32.

Important: Any entries completed for the 2022 Yearbook have now been removed from the website on the Contacts page. Please log on

You will still receive an email one month before expiry notifying you that the payment will be taken on the date of renewal. If you wish to change or cancel your membership before payment is taken you can do so by logging onto your membership record at

Card payment details cannot be changed manually, however, you can click on the ‘End Membership’ button in the ‘Membership/Certificate’ section and the membership will run until the expiry date and then you will receive an email on that date advising that your membership has not been renewed. You can then use a new card to pay.

To summarise, from the 'My Account' area you can:

•Download a membership certificate in pdf format

•View previous purchases and download invoices and receipts

•Change your membership

•Change your email address, contact details and password

•Change your Yearbook entry

•Select which format you receive The Bulletin (electronic or hardcopy)

Electric Vehicle Charging Installations at Filling Stations

This publication is now available to purchase from the website in hardcopy or pdf format. Please go to page 12 for more information and the publications page on the website at

Website Banner Advertising

You can place your banner on the APEA website. This is £200 plus vat for one year. Please contact me at if you wish to make a booking.

Member’s email addresses

Most APEA communication to members is carried out by email except for mailings of The Bulletin and Yearbook. Please ensure that you log on to your membership record to change any contact details at

New Members

There have been 20 new members joining during October, November and December, details on page 11.

General Assistance

If you need any assistance with general or technical matters, please do not hesitate to contact me at or on 0345 603 5507. There is comprehensive contact information on the APEA website too at


8 APEA tel/fax 0345 603 5507 Business Manager

Publications Information

ISBN 978 0 85293 888 1

Price for hard copy

APEA Member rate - £75

Non APEA Member rate - £150

Price for pdf version (please note the pdf version is licensed to the purchaser only and cannot be shared or printed)

APEA Member rate - £75

Non APEA Member rate - pdf £150

If you wish to purchase the guide please go to the APEA website at and click on the “Publications” page. You can select to pay by credit/debit card.

The APEA also publishes the Code of Practice for Ground floor, multi storey and underground car parks. This can be downloaded directly from the APEA website and is available to members at £11.00 and £21.00 to non APEA members.

Electric Vehicle Charging Installations at Filling Stations

Price for hard copy

APEA Member rate - £32.50

Non APEA Member rate - £50

Price for pdf version (please note the pdf version is licensed to the purchaser only and cannot be shared or printed)

APEA Member rate - £32.50

Non APEA Member rate - pdf £50

This Code of Practice is an authoritative guide to all installations of electric vehicle charging equipment. It has been updated in line with recent changes in BS 7671 (IET Wiring Regulations) and reflects some major developments in this area including vehicle to grid, smart integration and inductive charging.

As part of the rapid growth and development of the whole electric vehicle charging infrastructure, filling stations are seen as an obvious place to provide charging facilities. However, it is recognised that difficult safety and logistical issues are linked to such installations.

When the 4th Edition of the Code of Practice for Electric Vehicle Charging Equipment Installation was published, significant technical discussions were still underway about this area to help finalise and clarify the safety issues that needed to be addressed. The work behind these meetings was led by APEA (the Association for Petroleum and Explosives Administration) who represent the major stakeholders in this sector. APEA and the IET are therefore now issuing this joint publication to help provide important guidance in this area.

ISBN-13: 978-1-83953-315-0

Publication Year: 2020 Pages: 30

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4th Edition of the Guidance for Design, Construction, Modification, Maintenance and Decommissioning of Filling Stations“Blue Book” (Revised 2018)
Publications Information

Corporate Membership

Adam Ruck Project-a International Ltd

Julie Patino Leighton O'Brien

John Keough Virosafe Ltd

Lee Papper Volaris Solutions Limited

Individual Membership

Christoper Savage Gortnaskea Electrics

Mark Mchardy Aberdeen City Council Trading Standards

Mark Roberts

Tim O'Toole Steel Tank Institute/Steel Plate Fabricators Association

Aparna Yadav BP PLC

Masitah Hassan Petroleum Authority of Brunei Darussalam

Will Renwick

Rick Charlton PPBR LTD

Ali Alastad Alhammadi Emarat

David Bristol Gearing Up Limited

Kevin Wright

Pumps And Fuels Installations NI

Kelvin Blackburn BP

Craig Wilcox

Ken Wilcox Associates, Inc.

Seamus Fearon

Circle K Ireland Energy Ltd.

Shyam Karthikeyan Blackpark Filling Station

Phillip Welch Overton Service Station

11APEA tel/fax 0345 603 5507 New Members
New Members (October- December)

About The Bulletin and how you can submit copy to be included

•The Bulletin is published four times a year with a print run of 2200

•Free issue to APEA members (approx 1200 members worldwide)

•Has international distribution and readership

•Respected source of industry specific news and information

•Contains relevant articles, news items, press releases and reports from UK and overseas

•Individual, Fellow and Retired members receive one copy each and Corporate members receive 5 copies each per quarter

The editor of The Bulletin, Brian Humm, is always on the look out for new material, so if you have something you want to be included, please email it to the APEA office at and it will be forwarded to Brian for approval.

Please email the text in Word format and any images as separate high resolution pdf or jpeg files to

We are always pleased to receive contributions from our members and it ensures that The Bulletin remains an interesting and informative read.

Priority is given for press releases and articles submitted by Bulletin advertisers to be included.

Deadline dates for copy and advertising artwork

Issue Copy deadline date

Posting date

June 2022 21st March 6th May

Sept 2022 27th June 12th August

Dec 2022 26th September 4th November

March 2023 2nd January 17th February

Please note the deadline date for the March 2023 issue is early due to Christmas and New Year holidays.

Bulletin Advertising

If you would like to book advertising in The Bulletin, please email your requirements to or call the office on 0345 603 5507. Please ensure you send your artwork to

Priority is given for press releases and articles submitted by Bulletin advertisers to be included.

Discounts are available for booking in more than one issue, please contact Jane Mardell at for more information.

Bulletin advertisers that book in 3 or more issues in one year also receive a 50% discount off rates for advertising in the annual Yearbook, see table below.

Size of advert (all rates exclude VAT)

Advert fee in 1 issue

Advert fee in 4 issues (includes 25% disc

Full page (210mmw x 280mmh with 10mm border or with 3mm bleed) £498.00 £1494.00

½ page (185mmw x 125mmh) £249.00 £747.00

¼ page (90mmw x 120mmh) £125.00 £375.00

0345 603 5507

12 APEA tel/fax
Publications Information


Ballenoil Increases Fuel Grade Alternatives

With the help of DFS Additive Fuel Dispensers, Ballenoil increases fuel grade alternatives.

At Dover Fueling Solutions (DFS), we are dedicated to offering cleaner and more environmentally friendly ways to power vehicles. To help contribute to a greener planet, we have invested in a broad range of products and solutions that support a variety of alternative fuels, including LPG, CNG and electricity, alongside conventional fuel dispensers that have a lower impact on the environment.

Challenge: Meet the market’s demand for a wide selection of fuel options without having to add additional underground fuel storage tanks

Ballenoil initially considered following the traditional model: one underground tank per fuel grade. This approach, however, can be financially problematic. The purchase and installation of these large tanks is expensive and time consuming. Further, the installation process is more complex since new equipment and systems must meet ever more stringent regulations. Equipment inspection, postinstallation, can be another challenge and may further delay

start-up. The excavation and heavy lifting equipment required to install the tanks can also make it difficult for customers to access the active pumps. The disruption in normal fuelling operations can result in lost sales. Once the additional tanks are installed, they also need to be filled, effectively tying up more cash. In summary, the prospect of installing additional tanks with the time and revenue implications prompted Ballenoil to explore other options.

Solution: Wayne Helix™ 6000 Additive fuel dispensers from Dover Fueling Solutions

Following an unsuccessful pilot test with a potential additive system, Ballenoil learned about the Wayne Helix™ 6000 Additive fuel dispenser from its Wayne distributor, who works directly with DFS. The dispenser works on a simple principle referred to as additive dosing, which is typically done on the terminal rack by the oil company. In this case, the dosing is done at the point of sale by the Helix 6000 Additive system. Using standard petrol or diesel fuel as a base, additive can be inserted into the flow of regular fuel, from 500 to 3600 parts-per-million, to yield a range of fuel blend options. Dosing is controlled by the dispenser’s calculator to ensure the dosing matches the flow rate for the correct

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proportional blend of standard fuel to additive, allowing one or two additional grades per dispenser, up to a maximum of five fuel grades. To ensure accurate dispensing and compliance with trading standards, the additive is injected into the fuel before metering at the nozzle.

The additive technology is designed to blend seamlessly with the Helix 6000 Additive fuel dispenser’s overall innovation and sleek design. Housed within the dispenser cabinet is a 40-litre additive tank, pump, meter and a tank-level monitoring system. The additive tank is typically capable of converting thousands of litres of regular fuel into premium grades before needing to be replenished. The system is compatible with VR Stage II recovery to ensure no harmful vapours are released into the environment. The flexible design allows it to work with both suction and pressure systems, making it a viable option for most retailers.

Results: Increased retail traffic and greater profit Ballenoil, S.L., in Spain, is one of the fuel retailers that has widely embraced the new technology, converting 40 of its retail operations to the Helix 6000 Additive fuel dispenser. Jorge González, Ballenoil Technical Support Manager, noted that to maintain a competitive edge in the market, Ballenoil needed to offer additional fuel grades. “We initially thought about adding new tanks,” said González. “But we found the Helix 6000 Additive fuel dispenser was really the best solution. It allowed us to offer a wider variety of fuel grades without adding additional underground tanks at a significant cost.”

The ability to offer several fuel grades without investing in

significant infrastructure has allowed Ballenoil to quickly deploy the Helix 6000 Additive fuel dispenser. The sale of premium grades, however, offers additional benefits. Premium fuel commands additional margin. Further, onsite dosing using the Helix 6000 Additive fuel dispenser can be more economical than tying up cash in large purchases of premium grade fuels.

Primary Choice Factor: Dover Fueling Solutions’ reputation for quality equipment and innovation

According to González, “By adopting the Helix 6000 Additive fuel dispenser, we’ve seen a spike in customer traffic and are quickly recovering the cost of the new pumps through additional margin. Ballenoil is in the process of converting additional retail locations, starting with those that have the most dated fuel equipment.”

Learn more about Wayne Helix Alternative Fuel Dispensers:

16 APEA tel/fax 0345 603 5507 Articles

TSG UK Offers a Helping Hand to a Local Community School

TSG UK is proud to announce the completion of a very special project at the Humphrey Perkins School; the construction of an additional recreational area for the pupils, finished just in time for the start of the new school term.

The Humphrey Perkins School, part of the Lionheart Educational Trust, is the learning centre of choice for almost 800 pupils and nestles in the historic village of Barrow upon Soar, surrounded by the beautiful Leicestershire countryside. This popular, award-winning secondary school takes a proactive approach to continuous improvement in all aspects of school life, including its facilities. When school heads identified an opportunity to invest funding into creating an attractive, functional space for the students, they approached TSG UK with their idea.

The TSG team from Loughborough visited the site, to survey the location and discuss potential options for the project. Recognising the value and impact such an improvement would have on the school and its students, TSG UK agreed to carry out the work during the summer holidays and at cost price.

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Meticulous planning and preparation are key in any construction work, and this venture was no different. TSG UK carefully assessed and measured the site, inspected the drainage, completed a CAT scan to check for cables and pipework, before creating 3D visuals for the school to review.

Once the groundwork was completed, TSG UK joined forces with BC Shelters, Ormskirk, which was also happy to provide the materials at cost price to support this commendable initiative.

The result was a new canopy, bridging the gap between the school canteen and classrooms, providing a brand-new and inviting social area, which has been fully equipped with picnic tables and benches, ready to welcome back the students after the long summer break.

Jacqueline Davies, Projects Director for TSG UK commented “We were delighted to have had the opportunity to be part of this worthwhile endeavour, where the benefits to the students are plain to see. I would like to thank BC Shelters for their assistance in getting this build over the line, within a strict time frame and budget.”

Ethan Trueman, Industrial Designer at BC Shelters noted “It was an easy decision for us to collaborate with TSG UK on this assignment, as together we have made a real difference to the daily lives of both the pupils and the staff at the school.”

Associate Principal at Humphrey Perkins School, Della Bartram said “We are thrilled with our new al fresco dining experience and it is proving to be so popular with our students."

For more information, contact: Rene Willemsen, Head of Marketing, TSG UK Solutions Ltd Mobile: +44 (0)7931 996 009 Email:

Milestone for Berrys Global Easy Riser

Since its arrival in 2003, the Easy Riser has provided effective maintenance to tank breather vents, across 7 continents and over 7000 petrol stations.

It has rapidly become a global revolution to forecourt equipment. Annual checks to pressure-vac valves have never been so efficient. One engineer, no tooling and minimal maintenance time.

This is made possible through the ball and knuckle joint. Located at a 2meter height within the vent. An innovative piece of engineering, which allows for a complete collapse, to human height. Making it ‘easy’ to check the pressure-vac valve at the top of the riser. Something which has to be assessed every year by law.

This design not only saves human resource and cost, but also provides a safer solution to low level discharge as we know it. Manufactured to a minimum height of 5 meters, vapour is distorted away from built up areas and natural landscapes, meaning forecourts can safely disperse vapour, using a risk-free, durable product.

Easy Riser has reached the international stage, with over 5000 units currently based outside the UK. This ensures our legitimacy, providing a safe and stable solution to forecourts across the world. We are proud to

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provide this technology on such a broad scale, with orders being dispatched to far regions of the globe including Dubai, Australia and Cambodia, as well as those close to us, within Holland, France and Lithuania.

Although petroleum goods are seen as hazardous and unsafe, we like to establish solutions into our designs which are universally viable. Our pressure-vac valves are used consistently throughout every product, with onsite quality assurance checks allowing for precise monitoring of pressure within petrol tanks. With a sprung valve movement and gauze filter, we can ensure the safe removal of vapours at a controlled level.

The Easy Riser does not only allow for the safe disposal of vapour within forecourts, but applies this with longevity and reliability with a product that is designed to last a lifetime. We believe the success behind almost 10,000 units in over 18 different countries ultimately comes from consideration for the user. Unlatching the handle from the vent creates a pivot in which the vent can be moved up and down, making the valve easily visible and within reach.

This is why we attract the best. A recent delivery saw Total Energies in France put in an order requiring 3 vents, with Total owning 3,700 petrol stations in France alone. It demonstrates the potential scale for Easy Riser Systems. Looking to the future, Berry’s plans to expand its international portfolio, as well as its easy riser product range, to eventually have the unique system in 70% of the world’s petrol stations by 2030.

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Have You Ever Wanted to see What Advances in Technology the Future has in Store for Us?

Refining the customer experience has become a paramount focus across various industries, from retail to technology to banking. It has become imperative that the retail industry and, for that matter, the fuel and convenience industry take a hard look at how it wants to engage, interact and transact with its customers or risk losing market share.

Fuelling the Customer Experience

Imagine the competitive advantage you could gain from leveraging such an insight.

Compared to today, fuelling up a vehicle was much simpler decades ago. Consumers may have only had to choose from a couple of fuel dispensers (depending on which grade of fuel they wanted), lift the handle, insert the nozzle, fuel up and head inside to pay.

The overall fuel and convenience-retail industry has struggled in recent years to provide a consistent and personalised consumer experience due to legacy processes and IT, in addition to a rapidly evolving payments landscape indoor and now outdoor. However, c-store/fuel stations’ incredibly heavy footfall rate reveals the valuable opportunity for fuel and convenience providers to offer solutions that improve the overall customer experience and incorporate new customer journeys.

Customers expect forecourts to fulfil their role as service stations – with the emphasis being on ‘service’ – a place where they can accomplish multiple purposes in a single trip.

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Customers want to make efficient use of their time – gone are the days of the traditional ‘fuel and go’.

The next 10 years will see the forecourt evolving further still, with the phasing out of petrol and diesel vehicles and the rise of new fuel alternatives. Fuel station businesses should consider the following to innovate and accelerate their technology and to engage consumers at every point along their journey, which will in turn improve loyalty and return visits.

What can forecourt managers do to attract customers to their gas station?

For starters, maintenance of the fuel station is of paramount importance — inside and out. But that’s just the beginning. Here are some tips that you can follow to positively impact your sales!

•Excellent customer service. The reputation of your station’s staff is key to your success. Make sure your staff members are always respectful, ready to attend customers, and friendly.

•Store and station appearance. Make sure your station looks good, inside and outside. The landscape, dispensers, driveway, trash bins, and exterior of the buildings are the first things your customers, and all other passing traffic, see. If your station looks appealing, more people will stop by.

•Competitive pricing. Keep your fuel pricing comparable, or below, other neighbouring sites. It’s a great way to maintain loyalty and get repeat customers, who might then decide to also drop by at your c-store or café.

•Various types of services. Recognise what goods and services consumers want provided to them quickly, and make sure you offer them. These might include, for example, ATMs, drugstores, coffee islands, car washes and liquor sale.

•Stock up. Make sure your convenience store is fully stocked with all the merchandise your customers wish to buy. Keep track of expiry dates, and check that all products are fresh.

•Fuel station lighting. It is very important to keep your site well lit and safe — especially during dawn and evening hours. This will prevent your customers from getting injured or harmed in any way.

•Marketing and Promotional signage. Represent your brand(s) properly. Your customers look at your promotional signage on a daily basis, so do it right! Marketing materials do not just promote the items in them, but also your brand - the imagery of who you are as a convenience store. Make sure your marketing materials are tasteful and fun.

•Present a unified and personalized shopping experience. Leverage and implement end-to-end technology across multiple touchpoints to remove friction and delight their customers. This means presenting shoppers with consistent pricing, information and promotions, thereby expanding the value of their experience, increasing sales and enhancing retailers’ brand differentiation.

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•Make the leap to fuel or chip cards - Retailers need to really look into how they want to engage, interact and transact and use opportunities such as the outdoor payment mandates to enhance the forecourt and store experience for their customers. Digital and site technologies are evolving rapidly and are ready to support retailers in achieving their customer strategy.

•Fuel inventory monitoring. Ensure you have a reliable and advanced wetstock management solution that you can rely on to give you complete insight to your fuel inventory, fraud and other issues in real-time.

Improve leak detection and address fuel fraud and add value to your business

Many Fuel Retailers like to bury their heads in the sand and think, “fuel loss won’t happen to me”. But it’s clear there are many expensive reasons to take fuel management seriously.

All fuel suppliers are required to employ a leak detection method. EPA regulations state that the leak detection method that you’re using needs to be able to detect a leak of 18.2 litres per day or above. But even a leak smaller than this can get you in trouble if you’re not putting in the effort to monitor your fuel.

It’s time to ask yourself:

• are you currently using a certified system that observes this regulation?

• if you did encounter a fuel system leak, would you be able to prove you’ve done your best to find it as quickly as possible?

You need a system that will provide accurate and timely feedback allowing you to assess your fuel loss and further investigate if necessary. Without one, you won’t know if you’re encountering a big problem or overreacting to a small one. Addressing fuel leaks and frauds is also key to providing a great experience to your consumers.

Looking to the future – Are you ready?

The next-generation fuel stations would use digital solutions “Internet of Things (IoT) to offer customers a range of options, in a convenient manner and at a lower cost than their competitors. The digital solutions would provide the fuel retailers a “Single View of the customer”, thus enabling quicker and better service, improved customer experience and therefore improved loyalty from the customers.”

Moreover, to stay ahead of the competition, fuel retailers need to embrace next-generation solutions including superior wetstock management solutions. Advanced wetstock management systems would enhance the fuel site’s ability to keep their business profitable, reduce impact on the environment, be compliant at all times and provide better solutions to provide better service to their customers.

Machine learning techniques for fuel loss detection at service stations

A breakthrough project led by EMS & RMIT’s School of Science Researchers, has been awarded a grant to develop effective machine learning techniques for identifying different sources of fuel losses, including leaks.

Traditional compliance-based tools and software used to monitor fuel losses rely heavily on conventional statistical methods and have limitations in practical use. Machine learning provides a viable and powerful alternative which can potentially revolutionize the business practice in this industrial sector.

The outcomes of this project will enable an increase in productivity and provide powerful techniques for accurate identification and quantification of fuel losses, whether these are temperature related losses, or losses through incorrectly calibrated equipment.

Let us help you make the convenience store a destination It’s clear the Covid-19 pandemic deterred consumers from visiting the big supermarket chains, leading to an increase in customers purchasing from smaller local shops – and allowing forecourt stores to act as places of convenience too.

The new customer value proposition must take into account the needs of today’s consumers, as well as the potential needs of the consumers of the future. It also needs to be mindful of the energy transition that is being shaped by the forces of change discussed hitherto. Fuel retail businesses might also need to redefine their business models to add new services and benefit from potential new sources of revenue while addressing current customer pain points.

Talk to EMS to help you with one, single solution for fuel station and c-store to provide best-in-class services to your customers, do not hesitate to schedule a call/demo with one of our Fuelsuite experts.

22 APEA tel/fax 0345 603 5507 Articles

The Malta Experience

The APEA has, over a number of years, had a close and friendly relationship with both those in the petrol station industry and also the regulators on the island of Malta. The Association has over the years been asked to provide guidance, technical information and advice regarding the structure of the sites and also to provide specialist training.

I recall my first visit to the Island in this capacity in 1995 when I was asked to give a presentation at a Conference on the new European standards for construction of filling stations. Government officials together with civil servants in their departments and members of the industry including the Union representing petrol station operators, the GRTU, all attended. There was much discussion on the need to improve their sites as they had many kerbside sites many with tanks in the road, no drainage and some sites in high risks positions which were very old installations often very close to residential property.

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The Association has, since this period, provided training for the people of this island, both in the UK and in Malta.

In 2006, along with Paul Craven, the then secretary of the Association, I spent two weeks surveying the 90 petrol filling stations on Malta and Gozo at the request of the Regulator of the day, the MRA (Malta Resources Authority) and producing a report for each site and advice on improving the infrastructure.

Their staff accompanied us to learn about the problems first hand and we certainly experienced some very “interesting” sites.

The decision then had to be made by the Maltese authorities about what to do about these sites, some of which had been built many years ago by the Shell Oil company before the industry was nationalised by the Maltese Government in 1977 and little or nothing had been done over a very long period.

With Malta joining the EU this had a galvanising effect on the politicians and also indirectly had an influence on the design of filling stations.

The Maltese Government could no longer under a free-market economy own the service stations and changes were made.

There are now two main regulators involved in petrol filling stations; REWS (Regulator for Energy and Water Services) managed by Annabelle Formosa which deals with fire and explosion issues and water protection. The ERA (Environment and Resources Authority) dealing with environmental problems with a special emphasis on drainage and vapour recovery with this section managed by Simon Ferrugia.

Both these regulators use The Blue Book as a guide for the construction of sites and it is used extensively by the engineers, suppliers of equipment and those constructing the sites.

There is now a requirement for a “competent engineer” who is both a fully qualified engineer and has attended the APEA 3-day course to present a full report to the authorities on how the design for the filling station meets these modern requirements for the Blue

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Book and also how the environmental risks are controlled. All tanks and pipework now have to be double wall with full class 1 leak detection.

Many of the small existing sites had very little room to expand nor have the space to install drainage and new tanks and, in some cases, it was therefore necessary for arrangements for the Government to approve land for use as a petrol station outside the main urban areas and filling stations in order to close some of the kerb side sites.

This has taken some time as planning restrictions, compounded by the lack of space, on a small island which is the most densely populated part of Europe.

Above ground fire resisting tanks constructed to UL 2085 have also been used on the island as temporary service stations while the new sites have been constructed around them enabling the owners to keep business going while construction is completed.

Excellent progress has however now been made and the industry has produced a number of new stations which are really well designed with double wall tanks, pipes, full leak detection, good drainage and stage 1 and 2 vapour recovery.

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Unusual site
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This new installation is using the FE Petro pump as a vacuum leak detection system for both tanks and pipes which meets the EN standard for class 1 leak detection This installation is using the SGB Class 1 Leak Detection systems for tanks and pipework One of the more modern sites built over an underground car park with good protection Unusual site
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The delegates on the training session inspecting a new site accompanied by the electrical engineer who built the site Maria Aquilina of Electrofix Group

It has taken some unusual design features to meet requirements and it is gratifying to see a number of young engineers entering the field and taking up that challenge.

A visit to deliver more training for new staff in the two organisations was made in October 2021 and a total of 22 staff attended two training courses, one 3-day Construction and Audit Course which involved inspecting two filling stations, one old one and a recently developed one built to modern standards.

The other course involved the Leak Investigation course where the methods of leak investigation and the examination of live cases were discussed.

The improvements that have been made on the filling station infrastructure in Malta have been enormous since I first visited with around half of the 90 filling stations now upgraded to European Standards in a relatively short period and with the remaining sites having improvements still at the planning stage.

The photographs in this article show the vast difference between the sites over the years, and it also demonstrates how the island has worked hard to improve safety, and stop contamination.

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This new dispenser has stage 2 vapour recovery and also dispenses ad blue from an underground tank
29APEA tel/fax 0345 603 5507 Articles A
site under construction which is planning to be open by the end of 2021

A New Challenge for the Maltese Petroleum Regulators

A proposal for a three-line underground metro system with 25 stations around Malta was unveiled by the government in October 2021.

The network would cost around €6.2 billion and take 15 to 20 years to build, according to studies by London-based consultants The Arup Group. A proposed first phase would cost €3.9 billion and could be operational in five to eight years.

The system incorporates the three lines, covering a total of 35km of track, running from Bugibba to Pembroke, Birkirkara to Valletta and Mater Dei to Cospicua. It will be entirely underground except for a short stretch between Naxxar and Bugibba.

Stations will be located at hubs across Malta's main urban area but the network will not extend to Gozo after the studies concluded

that a population increase of 50,000 on the smaller island would be necessary to make the link viable.

Malta has been suffering from increased congestion, deteriorating air quality and a reduction in quality of life as people spend more and more time commuting. The road network in Malta does not have the capacity to accommodate continued growth despite the recent infrastructural upgrades."

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Proposed station entrance outside Valletta

A metro system would reduce the need for private cars, providing more space for recreation, greenery, and commercial activity, as well as generating less air pollution per passenger than cars. The proposed system would therefore reduce Malta's carbon footprint and promote a healthier lifestyle with more physical activity, as well as increasing personal leisure time.

The proposed underground system will use twin tunnels at an average of 10 to 12 metres below street level to minimise the impact on the properties above. Excavated material will be reused for land reclamation, subject to further environmental analysis and assessment.

The study includes proposed locations for the stations, although the public consultation phase will consider other locations.

With about 3000 citizens per square mile, Malta is the 5th most densely populated country in the world with 614 cars for 1000 citizens.

Most of the island’s citizens live in the geographical area surrounding Valletta, the capital city and heart of the economy and service sector, reaching from Pembroke in the north to Birgu in the east, Tarxien in the south and Birkirkara in the west.

A new quarter with thousands of apartments and Malta’s biggest shopping mall was founded in Sliema, a second quarter for even more citizens will soon be realized on Manoel Island, il-Gziraaccessible via only one crowded main road!

A dense population in a small region, highly motorized, lead to a critical traffic situation decades ago. Public transport is accomplished by buses, which makes it unsustainable, unreliable and uncomfortable due to frequent traffic jams and other disruptions on the road system. Already to try and reduce vehicle congestion the Government has recently announced that pubic transport by users will be free to Maltese residents to try and reduce car use.

The proposal to install the Metro system around the more densely populated areas is out for general consultation. It is estimated that if built it will reduce journey times, save tonnes of CO2 and reduce traffic accidents and improve air quality.

This is likely to produce some major challenges for the Petroleum Regulators on the islands as the routes will pass close to some of the filling stations.

The more modern sites will have double wall tanks and pipes and leak detection but the older sites will be more of a problem as they will need to be either closed or upgraded to reduce the risk to public safety.

This issue is not a new one and in London and other cities around the world solutions had to be found when new underground railway lines were introduced and constructed which necessitated the closing or upgrading of sites to enable safe storage of fuel and reducing risk to the travelling public.

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2023 APEA Yearbook

How to complete your free entry Deadline 1st April

In order to ensure that your details are included in the 2022 Yearbook and on the APEA website in the ‘Contacts’ section it is essential that you complete your online entry by 1st April. Even if you do not wish to advertise in the Yearbook, to have your contact details and industry sector information included you should complete your entry as detailed below.

Please note I will be contacting enforcing authorities seperately to update these details. Please do not complete the instructions below.

1.To start your entry go the APEA website home page at

2. Log on to your membership record and go to ‘My Account’ and then click on ‘Yearbook’ on the left hand side. If you completed an entry for the 2022 Yearbook this will be displayed. (see information on page 33)

3. You can then amend your contact details if required and then select the Industry Sector or Industry Sectors that you wish to be listed under

4. The confirmation page shows your yearbook entry details and summarises if you need to complete a payment or not. Make sure you confirm and submit the update on this page

Once you have completed the online entry form you will be sent a confirmation email. When you view your account your Yearbook entry will display as ‘Active’.

Each member is entitled to one FREE entry in the Petroleum Company Contacts section and one FREE Industry Sector per entry in the Yearbook. Additional Trade Names and Industry Sectors are charged at £30 each.

32 APEA tel/fax 0345 603 5507 Articles

What you will see when you go to ‘My Account’

For members that have created an entry for the previous issue, the website will display the information, right, when you click on ‘Yearbook’

For members that have NOT created an entry in the previous issue the website will display the information, right, when you click on ‘Yearbook’

Log onto your account, select ‘Yearbook’ and it will display the details above if you have completed Yearbook entry before, click on ‘Edit/Republish’. Once you have completed your entry the ‘Title’ above with change to ‘APEA - 2023 Yearbook’

Log onto your account, select ‘Yearbook’ and it will display the details above Once you have completed your account will display APEA - 2023 Yearbook’

APEA AGM - 18th November 2021

Thomas Daly, APEA outgoing Chairman speaking at the






Thomas Daly, presenting the new Chairman, Doreen Pooley with the Chain of Office


Raymond Blake

Andy Kennedy

Thomas Daly

Andy Kennedy

Jamie Thompson


Gareth Bourhill

Andy Kennedy


34 APEA tel/fax 0345 603 5507 Articles Post
Doreen Pooley David
Vice Chair Brian Humm
Honorary Secretary Andy Kennedy Gareth Bourhill
Treasurers Gareth Bourhill Thomas Daly
Editor Brian Humm Andy Kennedy
Member Killian Tallon Thomas Daly Alex
Council Member Anton Martiniussen Jamie Thompson
Council Member Clare Scawthorn Brian Humm
Council Member Jamie Thompson Brian Humm Clare
Immediate Past ChairmanThomas Daly The officers below were appointed.
The APEA AGM was held during APEA Live 2021 at Stadium MK, Milton Keynes. A report from the event is on page 35. The minutes are available to view and download to APEA members on the APEA website at
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Jamie Thompson speaking on behalf of Andy Kennedy presenting the Honorary Secretary report at the AGM Doreen Pooley presenting the Fellowship certificate to Ray Blake

APEA Live - 18th November 2021

This report is reproduced from the APEA Live 2021 magazine that was posted to members in December. and can also be viewed on the APEA website - go to and click on the link under ‘APEA Live 2021’ in the ‘Events’ section.

Photographs from the event can be viewed at the link below.

After what proved to be an exceptionally long period without face-to-face meetings and industry exhibitions cancelled last year due to Covid, the APEA Live Exhibition and Conference took place on 18 November at Milton Keynes Stadium and it was extremely well attended with 630 attendees at the dinner in the evening and was deemed a great success.

Thanks to the organisers, F2F, Alex Boudry the chairman of the APEA Events committee and of course all those in this industry who supported the event by exhibiting their products and sponsoring the awards and of course all of you that attended.

This year the Global Motor Industry Correspondent of the Financial Times Peter Campbell opened the event and it was very clear that his understanding of the challenges that the industry face was evident in his remarks and questions during the following panel sessions.

The Multi Fuel infrastructure risks and regulatory issues presentations followed and Jamie Thompson pointed out some of the fuel choices, possible interim solutions before 2030 and the European Standards guidance on the need to coordinate multi fuel service stations which they believe will be the future. Their CEN-CENELEC guide 38 offers Guide for Multi Fuel Service Stations and will be available to download from the APEA website.

Clare Scawthorn, Petroleum and Alternative Fuels Manager from the London Fire Brigade, spoke about the advice being provided by Petroleum Enforcement Liaison Group (PELG) to Industry and Regulators to support these changes. The need to ensure that regulators are properly trained and the HSE will provide advice to regulators through the PELG notices.

The first Panel Session was on Future Fuels of UK Transport and Peter Campbell introduced Gordon Balmer, Executive Director of the PRA, Andy Eastlake, the CEO of Zemo Partnership (Zemo Partnership objectives are to accelerate transport to Zero Emissions) and Abrar Bajwa of ITM power who run Hydrogen filling stations.

We were reminded that the ban on the sales of new petrol and diesel vehicles by 2030 applied to cars and vans, with Heavy

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Left to right: Brian Humm, Rob Tunnicliff, Clare Scawthorn, Scott Ruddick, Killian Tallon, Doreen Pooley, Ian Hillier, Gareth Bourhill and Jamie Thompson

Goods Vehicles likely to follow by 2040. It was evident from the panel discussions that industry and Government meetings were most important to ensure that all possibilities were available and although the talk at present is all about electric vehicles the options for other zero carbon fuel were discussed and will no doubt be developed in the future.

Some cautionary notes from Gordon Balmer about the potential loss of some £37 billion of road tax and fuel duty was almost certain to be replaced by some other method to recoup revenue for the Exchequer. We were advised to watch this space.

Gordon Balmer of the PRA then discussed the problems of the recent fuel shortages at petrol stations, and what the PRA had done as an organisation to assist the Government deal with this issue. It was evident that PRA members did much to inform the Government where the main problems lay and with up-to-date information on where the shortages were. The reasons for shortages in areas like London were that there were around 27,000 cars for one service station but outside urban areas there were around half that number. When pressed by Peter Campbell, Gordon stated that he felt some press reporting had encouraged panic buying.

The Future Proofing of Forecourt Retail Business had the following members: Mark Wilson, Chief Operating Officer of Fraser’s Retail; Filip Spevak, Franchise Manager of Insomnia Coffee Company and Frank McLaughlan, Sales Director of TSG Wash.

Discussion centred on how the forecourt will evolve in the coming years with changes in the fuels. The pandemic had already improved the sales and services offered by Petrol Stations with increased sales of goods, online shopping, parcel pickup, coffee etc.

Mark Wilson was upbeat about the future explaining that forecourts have adapted to change in the past and will continue in the future. He pointed out that a large percentage of their customers are non-fuel customers calling for other goods.

He also stated that liquid fuels are unlikely to stop completely with hydrogen, HVO and synthetic fuels being a choice and the

internal combustion is not dead yet. Filling stations will have some electric chargers providing all the services for the motorist. The car wash is also making a comeback with Frank McLaughlan explaining that quality branded car wash operations are increasing popular with sales and profits in that sector rising. The coffee expert Filip Spevak talked about the coffee culture in the UK and the increasing popularity of sales at filling stations which helps operators to achieve their profit margins.

The Exhibition was well attended with a cross section of products and services and exhibitor feedback was excellent.

Social Media Stats

APEA Twitter account had over 4500 impressions

#APEALive was tweeted over 45 times

@apea_org was mentioned 23 times

Our APEA account had over 1700 visits


APEA’s LinkedIn page had over 380 visits

The APEA LinkedIn updates got over 8900 impressions We had 82 new followers Over 600 video views across LinkedIn and twitter

The pre-Dinner drinks were held in the exhibition area and sponsored by EuroTank, with the Awards Dinner sponsored by NUPI Industries Italiane S.p.a. The guests were welcomed by the Association’s Chairman, Doreen Pooley.

The Charity collection in aid of MK ACT, protecting against domestic abuse, (, benefitted from raising £4025.00 from the dinner guests and sincere thanks from the charity.

The Awards for 2021 were hosted by Al Murray who proved an inspirational choice after lockdown and his humour kept the guests laughing throughout the event and long into the evening as people headed for the bar. It was great to be back!!

For information on APEA Live 2022 please go to

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APEA Chairman Doreen Pooley (left), with Award winners

Stop, Charge, Drink, Go

Experts are still debating what will replace petrol and diesel going forward, whether it will be current preferred electricity, green hydrogen, or some completely newly developed fuel. This development will also change customer's habits and needs and service stations will have to create an environment and experience to meet those needs in order to attract customers.

Massive upheaval due to a move toward alternative fuels, changes in car ownership and overall mobility trends makes it crucial for service station and network owners to stay on top of the latest market trends and capitalise on retail opportunities. Covid19 accelerated these changes as well. Joe Hockenhull’s service station at The Stage Wigston is a prime example of a site using the latest innovations and technology winning Forecourt Trader of the year 2020.

Prior to Covid19, we observed an increase in customers who began to prefer barista style coffee, mainly for two reasons. Firstly, customers became more coffee educated and began to demand a premium product. Orders like ‘one shot soya vanilla latte not too hot’ became an integral part of the customer experience at service stations. And secondly, if there is a coffee shop at the station, then there is probably another food offer or fast food, indoor seating, plenty of parking, hygienic toilets and free

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Wi-Fi. This naturally attracts customers who want to take a break on the road, especially families with children and business travellers. Covid19 caused these futureready service stations to be widely used by other people who, whether they worked from home or wanted to limit the number of stores they visited, were satisfied with one stop shop where they could refuel, pick up food, eat well and have as good a coffee as they had in the cafe next to their office. Quality is one of the main drivers in the purchase of coffee and customers will not forgo this little luxury. For similar reasons, well-located fuel station cafes are popular places to hold business meetings or make conference calls now that more people are working from home.

If in the future it will be electricity that will power us for decades to come, then the demand for c-stores and associated F&B services will be even greater than in the case of other currently discussed energies. For example, I will take one of the busiest stations and without question the most innovative station in Ireland, J14 Monasterevin. Its owner, Liam Fitzpatrick, installed super-fast electric car chargers there, the fastest in all of Ireland. And it still takes almost 30 minutes to charge a car on average, 6 times more time than to fill a car with diesel or petrol. That means you have

that customer for 30 minutes and now it's about what you can offer them and how they can use that time effectively. At present, these cars are driven by high income earners, and average spend is high from this consumer (€20 on F&B). It is expected that the average spend will go down when the electric cars will be driven by the middle-income group, however the volume of these consumers will increase and this will compensate for the lower average spend.

Unfortunately, there will also be more competition here. Small service stations that do not have capacity or capital to invest in new technologies will exit the market. Customers will also have the ability to charge their cars at home which currently they cannot do, reducing the need to visit a service station. Also, non-fuel experts such as supermarkets and hospitality venues will be able to enter this market with few barriers to entry. Most

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retail chains have already started installing these technologies, and some even for free if you buy from them. They are followed by retail parks and shopping centres and more will come. Of course, you don't go shopping every day, but retail will have strong competition. Another big risk will be companies owning super-fast charging technologies for which it will be relatively easy to enter the market. The only thing they will need is a location, such as renting part of a large hotel parking lot by the motorway. Then build a coffee shop so that drivers waiting 20 minutes to charge their car have somewhere to go for coffee, use the bathroom etc and you have another new competitor.

Location will be a strong factor in deciding where a customer will go but its role will be less than it is today. The main factor will be the code offers more services because people want to be able to come in and get everything in one visit rather than multiple visits to different stores. I think that one day in the future the petrol stations will be much larger and there will be a hairdresser and a pharmacy available. However in the short term and with the current format of the stations, we are talking here about 4 basic pillars for petrol stations in the next 10 years, which they should adapt to succeed in the competition:

1)Good C-store with an extensive range of groceries, fresh and chilled, including dairy products, meat products and baked goods

2)Good services including a quality carwash and jet wash

3)Freshly made food at the station or a strong fast-food brand, an option for both if the space is not a factor

4)Excellent coffee shop as people will go where they can get a good coffee and where the quality is consistent in store

Coffee will continue to be a staple of what stores will highlight but it must be superior quality and excellent delivery of the final product to the customer. And in this, companies like Insomnia Coffee can help the industry and bring high-street experience to service stations, including training know-how, the entire marketing calendar, or a loyalty scheme. Some of our franchise stores at service stations already use the Insomnia Click and Collect function, where the customer orders and pays for coffee, for example when they are at the parking lot or when they queue for the restroom and at the ordered time picks it up from the click and collect station inside the store. A really good customer journey and experience is paramount.

Select How You Receive The Bulletin Magazine

Following requests from members to receive The Bulletin electronically, we are now offering members the opportunity to select whether to receive The Bulletin in electronic format instead of a hardcopy format or receive both.

The Bulletin has always been available to members to download from the website in pdf format on the Publications page of the website, but we are now giving you the opportunity to make a selection to have either or both formats. The electronic version is in the style of flicking pages through a magazine.

You can select how you wish to receive your copy by visiting the APEA website and following the instructions detailed opposite.

How to make your selection:

•Sign into your membership account on the APEA website

•Select the ‘My Account’ tab at the top of the page •Select ‘Your Details’ •Scroll down the page and select the format you require •Click on the ‘Submit’ button and this will update ‘Your Details’

Many thanks for your time and assistance in reviewing your contact needs. If you have any questions in updating your account or anything else, please contact Jane Mardell, the APEA Business Manager at

Please note all Corporate members will continue to receive 5 hard copies so they can be distributed within your companies.

How to view The Bulletin in electronic format Go to the Publications page on the APEA website at (you will need to log on to your membership account)

42 APEA tel/fax 0345 603 5507 Articles

Gasrec unveils new Remote Monitoring Centre for service stations

Operators at the installation will be in charge of watching and reacting to fuel levels, equipment faults or potential safety issues.

Gasrec has announced the opening of its Remote Monitoring Centre, dedicated to monitor and react to anything happening in its biomethane service stations across the UK.

Thanks to its real-time data processing, it monitors its tanker fleet and prevents potential accidents. The service includes a 24/7 monitoring system for the 365 days of the year.

“The safety and resilience of our operations is at the heart of everything we do. Historically this work has been incorporated into our operations and engineering team but the substantial growth of the business over the past two years has enabled us to take

things to the next level,” stated Tony Robinson, Chief Technical Officer at Gasrec.

The monitoring will be done by an initial team of six control centre operators. Working alongside the firm’s team of regional engineers and on-site technicians, the workers will be able to monitor gas levels, thus preventing shortages, detect equipment faults or potential safety issues immediately and act accordingly.

“Our Remote Monitoring Centre team have undergone intensive on-site training, ensuring they are all familiar with our stations and equipment. Through the latest technology, they will be able to monitor every aspect of our operation, ensuring we can react to potential issues before our customers even know there is a problem,” added Robinson.

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The operators, who will join in new positions within the company, will be able to access and control CCTV footage installed in every Gasrec facility. This allows them to quickly identify problems and offer advice or assistance to drivers while they are fuelling their vehicles.

“Fuel availability at every location is a top priority, particularly as the demand from fleets transitioning from diesel to biomethane ramps up so quickly. With the Remote Monitoring Centre now in place – as well as quickly responding to defects, faults, or breakdowns – we can also make sure our bulk deliveries are perfectly timed to replenish supplies, giving us increased

confidence in our stock levels. This has been a significant investment in our infrastructure network, but also a critical move to ensure we can meet the huge demand we’re seeing from fleets wanting to transition from diesel to a cleaner and more sustainable fuel,” concludes Robinson.

Data on biomethane levels at each station and Gasrec’s tankers on the road will be fed directly to the centre, located at Daventry. The team at the Remote Monitoring Centre will ensure customers across the UK always have enough fuel to keep their fleets moving. The centre will also become the single point of contact for all the business’s customers, partners and suppliers.

Stanlow Terminals investing in biofuels storage facility

Stanlow Terminals Limited (STL) will make investments over the next three years to develop the UK’s largest biofuels storage hub located in the Northwest of England.

The major investment is a key pillar in Stanlow Terminals’ strategic objective to become the UK’s largest bulk liquid storage and energy infrastructure solutions provider. It will deliver 300,000 cubic metres of capacity to support customers in delivering the UK’s net zero transition.

The new facilities at the Stanlow Manufacturing Complex and Tranmere Terminal, located within the Port of Liverpool, will allow customers to store, blend and distribute bio-fuels suitable for use in the energy transition as drop-in replacement transport fuels for road, aviation and marine.

“The energy industry is changing. As the world comes together to

develop innovative ways of generating sustainable energy, the supporting storage and transportation infrastructure needs to evolve,” said Michael Gaynon, Stanlow Terminals Chief Executive Officer.

This new customer led investment will support the growth of initiatives such as sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) linked to Fulcrum’s Northpoint project, sustainable hydrotreated vegetable oil (HVO) and will include waste-based feedstock import facilities, blending and capacity expansion for existing bioethanol and bio-methanol. The market for energy from renewable sources in the UK is expanding rapidly, driven by legislative obligations to encourage lower carbon fuels.

Additional storage investment opportunities for low carbon energy products, such as e-fuels, bio-LPG, bio-methane, hydrogen, and ammonia are all progressing through feasibility studies.

BWG Foods and Greenergy partner up to boost forecourt offer

Via its Inver and Amber brands, the fuel company will set up new convenience stores across their network with BWG Foods as its main supplier.

BWG Foods has announced a new partnership with Greenergy to offer their products through their new convenience stores. The Irish company will enhance its forecourt service for its Inver and Amber brands with the help of its new associate as the main supplier for the sites.

Greenergy explained that it will integrate stores for its current locations and will open up newer ones alongside its partner. BWG Foods will supply food and beverages with a variety of grocery categories such as chilled, impulse, foodservice and alcohol. “As we continue to make investments to our forecourt network,

combining BWG’s convenience offering with our retail brands ensures we are continuing to deliver quality products to our customers," said Chris O’Callaghan, Head of Greenergy in Ireland. “Greenergy has very clear growth ambitions as evidenced by the continued investment across their expansive network, and we’re delighted to be partnering with them at this exciting time for their business. We’re now looking forward to working closely with all the team to position their forecourts as destinations of choice within their communities and amongst road users," commented John Moane, Chief Commercial Officer of BWG Foods.

The first site to be updated with the new offering will be the newly built Inver’s Macroom Junction service station. Plans of investment are already in motion, with key locations in mind for Ireland such as Mallow, Cork County and Slieverue, Kilkenny.

44 APEA tel/fax 0345 603 5507 UK News

British forecourt fuel crime climbs by 9% during Q3

The British Oil Security Syndicate (BOSS) estimates forecourt fuel crime costs petrol stations nearly £100 million every year.

Forecourt fuel crime is continuing to grow, albeit at a slower pace, according to the latest Forecourt Crime Index from BOSS – the British Oil Security Syndicate.

The Forecourt Crime Index has shown that the volume of forecourt fuel crime reported during the third quarter (Q3 2021) increased by 9%.

During the three months to 30 September 2021 the BOSS Forecourt Crime Index increased to 185 (170: Q2 2021). The 9% quarterly increase was lower than the 20% growth reported during Q2 2021, primarily because Drive-Off incident reports grew at a lower rate during the quarter.

The BOSS Forecourt Crime Index covers reports of No Means of Payment (NMOP) and Drive Off incident reports that are made to BOSS Payment Watch, the specialist forecourt fuel loss recovery

service. During Q3 NMOP incident reports increased by 11.5% (12.9%: Q2 2021) and Drive-Off incident growth fell to 7.5% (37.6%: Q2 2021).

“We’re getting to a stage where forecourt fuel crime costs forecourts nearly £100 million every year and it’s of great concern that incidents of this type of crime continue to grow. While the pace of the increase has slowed it is still putting added financial pressure on forecourt operators,” said Kevin Eastwood, BOSS executive director.

The average number of incidents per site increased to 18.7 (17.1: Q2 2021), however, the average litres of fuel taken per incident increased 20.5% to 56.3 litres (46.7 litres: Q2 2021).

During Q3 fuel prices held steady at an average of 131.5 pence per litre (ppl) (128.4 ppl: Q2 2021) for unleaded, however, there was significant supply disruption across the country during September.

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Shell opens its first UK all-EV charging hub

The site includes a Little Waitrose and Partners, a Costa Coffee and 9 ultra-rapid chargers.

This new charging hub, situated in Fulham, Southwest London will have 9 ultra-rapid chargers and ample facilities to relax and recharge yourself and your vehicle.

The site includes a Little Waitrose and Partners for snacks, dinner and essentials as well as a Costa Coffee.

“The opening of Shell Recharge Fulham Road is a special moment for me personally and for Shell UK’s EV ambitions. I do hope you are able to come along and say hello,” said Bernie Williamson, General Manager, Mobility, Shell UK.

In Fulham, Shell has converted one of their conventional fuel

service stations into an electric vehicle charging hub that features 9 high powered, 175kW charge points.

The fuel retailer plans to grow their EV charging network to over 5,000 charge points. Part of this development is the opening their first EV hub in the UK.

The canopy is made from sheets of timber glued together which uses much less energy to produce and transport than steel, solar panels are built into the canopy roof to provide around a quarter of the site’s electricity needs, and double glazing has high insulating properties that reduce energy use both cooling in summer and heating in winter.

All electricity supplied to the EV charge points and the station are from 100% certified renewable energy sources, according to Shell.

Shell bets on solar energy by acquiring Savion

The company is aiming to expand its renewable energy assets to expand its portfolio around the world.

Shell New Energies US LLC, a subsidiary of Royal Dutch Shell plc, will buy 100% of Savion LLC, a large utility-scale solar and energy storage developer in the United States, from Macquarie’s Green Investment Group. With this acquisition, Shell expects to significantly move forward in its net-zero emissions objectives for the next decades.

“Savion’s significant asset pipeline, highly experienced team, and proven success as a renewable energy project developer make it a compelling fit for Shell’s growing integrated power business,” commented Wael Sawan, Integrated Gas and Renewables & Energy Solutions Director.

Savion is a company based in Kansas City, Missouri, dedicated to developing solar power and energy storage projects. It currently employs 124 staff members and has more than 18 gigawatts of

solar power and battery storage under development for a variety of customers, including utilities and major commercial and industrial organisations.

“As one of the fastest-growing, lowest-cost renewable energy sources, solar power is a critical element of our renewables portfolio as we accelerate our drive to net zero,” added Sawan. The acquisition is expected to close by the end of the year as part of Shell’s strategy to reach net-zero emissions by 2050.

In order to advance its objectives, set last February for the Shell Strategy Day, the oil firm has expanded its portfolio around the globe. It currently holds interests in other solar and energy storage developers such as Silicon Ranch Corporation in the United States, Cleantech Solar in Singapore and ESCO Pacific in Australia. It also owns the German smart energy storage company Sonnen as well as EOLFI, a French firm dedicated to developing wind and solar power.

Air Liquide, Redexis to open 100 hydrogen stations in Spain

The two companies will work to deploy a network of up to 100 hydrogen stations in Spain by 2030. Air Liquide and Redexis have signed a collaboration agreement to develop a project on the hydrogen mobility value chain in Spain. The two companies will work to deploy a network of up to 100 hydrogen stations in Spain by 2030, mostly dedicated to heavy-duty vehicles.

The network of hydrogen stations would be strategically located in the main transport connections, such as Madrid and Barcelona, as well as in the main corridors linking the country with Europe, the Mediterranean and Atlantic.

Within the framework of the energy transition, the aim of this project is to accelerate the development of hydrogen vehicles in

Spain, providing a sustainable solution to the transport sector.

"As a hydrogen pioneer, Air Liquide is proud to partner with Redexis to contribute to the deployment of an ecosystem dedicated to heavy hydrogen mobility in Spain. Hydrogen is a key element of the energy transition, in particular for industrial and mobility applications. In line with its Climate Goals, Air Liquide is working towards the development of a low-carbon society," said Bénédicte Levinson, CEO of Air Liquide in Spain and Portugal.

This partnership will benefit from Air Liquide's more than 50 years of experience across the hydrogen value chain and Redexis' capabilities in the development of gas infrastructures for vehicles.

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Shell unveils Europe's first service station robots

BellaBot and KettyBot are the newest additions to the company’s services for customers at its Września forecourt.

Shell has implemented two robots for its Września service station in Poland. BellaBot and KettyBot have joined the current staff at the site to provide convenience services to customers and improve its retail experience. As the company states, they are the first of its kind to be deployed at a forecourt in Europe.

“Once again this year as Shell Polska we are launching a pioneering solution on the Polish market, this time in the context of non-fuel offer. In October this year we launched Shell-IONITY fast charging stations and now we are introducing automated delivery of orders to the table at bistro stations. This is a unique offer for customers, not only in Poland but also in Europe. We are convinced that this will help us to further improve the quality of service, meet customers' expectations and make their stay at our station more attractive," said Monika Kielak-okietek, Head of Service Stations and Retail Development at Shell Polska.

Both robots are equipped with 3D sensors and new modular chassis that allow for a 0.5-second immediate reaction to possible obstacles. While BellaBot focuses on delivering ordered products

by clients directly to their table, KettyBot advises them on current promotional campaigns.

"It is worth noting that until now, products ordered in the bistro area at the station in Września were collected by customers in person, and promotional campaigns were displayed on LCD monitors. I am immensely proud of my team, which is constantly and successfully working on innovations in our offer”, added Kielakokietek.

BellaBot can communicate with customers at the table and inform them about their orders and table number via voice notifications and using flashing lights on the tray to encourage them to pick up their dish. Multimodal AI voice, light and touch interaction functions are also available. It’s built for delivering four orders at a time, stopping at any angle, and moving away as soon as it detects an obstacle.

Regarding the KettyBot, its main working area is the shop section of Shell’s station in Września. The device is programmed to greet customers and inform them of current promotional campaigns as well as encouraging them to use the catering section, while being capable of directing them to it.

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California enacts ban on gas-powered lawn mowers, leaf blowers

The California State claims an hour using a petrol driven leaf blower makes as much pollution as driving a 2016 Toyota Camry 1100 miles, so it's electric lawn equipment only after 2024.

•Using small, petrol-powered equipment like leaf blowers and generators ends up being much worse for the environment than driving a car for the same amount of time, which is why California's Air Resources Board pushed state politicians to take action.

•The new law, AB 1346, will require the state to adopt regulations around these gas-powered tools by July 1, 2022, and ban their sale by the start of 2024, if the board determines it is feasible.

How dirty is the bestselling petrol-powered leaf blower? CARB says if you use it for an hour, it emits as much smog-forming pollution as a 2016 Toyota Camry does driving for 1100 miles. That

explains why California has passed a new ban on highly polluting small engines, setting up for quieter and cleaner lawn work across the state starting in 2024. The new law takes aim at the small offroad engines (which the bill poetically calls SOREs) that can be found in residential and commercial lawn and garden equipment, federally regulated construction and farming equipment, and other machines such as generators.

The new law was driven, in part, by the efforts of the powerful California Air Resources Board (CARB), which has worked for decades to clean up the state's air. CARB says there are almost three million more small engines in California than light-duty passenger cars (16.5 million vs. 13.7 million). CARB makes a good case for the need to regulate these SOREs, given that the lack of pollution control devices on the machines that use SOREs emit way more pollution than a passenger car over the same time period.

Circle K acquires Slidell Oil’s assets

The deal includes 17 convenience stores and 23 wholesale fuels accounts in the Southeast.

Alimentation Couche-Tard Inc. has agreed to buy Slidell Oil Company including 17 convenience stores and 23 wholesale fuels accounts across three south eastern states.

The assets and accounts are owned and operated by Slidell Oil Company of Slidell, Louisiana. Most c-stores operate under the Purple Cow banner.

Slidell Oil's principal owners are brothers Keith and Brian Baker,

third-generation owners who have managed the company since the early 2000s.

"As we expand our presence in the area, we look forward to bringing the Circle K experience to new customers and making their lives a little easier every day,” said Alex Miller, Couche-Tard's Executive Vice President.

The Slidell Oil assets are large, modern, high-volume facilities that will complement the existing Circle K portfolio in the region. On the fuel side, the wholesale accounts will further complement Circle K's wholesale fuels business.

BP to acquire all of its midstream partners in the U.S.

The company agreed to exchange each Public Common Units that unitholders have for 0.575 of an American Depositary Share of BP. BP has entered an agreement with its affiliates and BP Midstream Partners LPM (BPMP) to buy all outstanding common units of BPMP not already owned directly or indirectly by the group, defined by BP as “Public Common Units”, a total of 47,837,828 common units. Each unitholder of the Public Common Units would receive 0.575 of an American Depositary Share of BP in exchange for each Public Common Units owned.

The transaction reflects the announcement of BP Pipelines last August that it will acquire the publicly traded units of BPMP. It is also part of the group’s strategy to become an integrated energy company and also gives BPMP unitholders the opportunity to take part in these plans. The agreement will not only simplify the ownership and governance structure of midstream assets but will also deepen BP’s interest in integration and optimisation of its fuels value chain in the country.

A conflicts committee of the Board of Directors of BP Midstream Partners GP LLC, consisting exclusively of independent directors,

has been delegated the authority to review, evaluate, negotiate and approve the transaction on behalf of BPMP and the public unitholders. The committee approved the transaction unanimously after evaluating it in consultation with its independent legal and financial advisors.

The transaction is currently subject to customary approvals, but it's expected to close in the first quarter of 2022. A subsidiary of BP, which holds a majority of the outstanding common units, has committed to vote its units to approve the transaction. BPMP currently owns one onshore crude oil pipeline system (BP2), one onshore refined products pipeline system (River Rouge), one onshore diluent pipeline system (Diamondback), interests in four offshore crude oil pipeline systems (Mardi Gras, Caesar, Proteus and Endymion), and an interest in one offshore natural gas pipeline system (Cleopatra).

The subsidiary was founded in 2017 and commenced its initial public offering in August of that year, with a total of 42,500,000 common units representing limited partner interests at a price of $18.00 per unit.

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The installation will accommodate four CCS vehicles at up to 300kW and two CHAdeMO vehicles at up to 62kW.

ChargeNet has opened Northland’s first hyper-rapid (300kW) charging location. The new installation has joined the existing hyper-rapid sites at Bombay and Taupō, as well as an additional 250 rapid charging stations across the country.

“ChargeNet expects that the location will be well used over the summer, given the pent-up demand for summer travel. We are committed to providing a convenient and reliable charging experience for all EV drivers.

By building a site that provides charging for up to six EVs simultaneously, we are minimising queuing and congestion,” said Bailey Gorst, ChargeNet Communications Manager.

The newest charging site has been installed in Gull Kaiwaka and will accommodate up to six vehicles, four CCS at up to 300kW and two CHAdeMO at up to 62kW. Certain EV models can charge at the 300kW hyper-rapid station six times faster than a standard 50kW charging station from the same company.

This enables the newest generation of electric vehicles to add up

to 400km of charge in just about 15 minutes. The installation was co-funded by the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority (EECA) through round 8 of the Low Emission Transport Fund. The Kaiwaka location is the first for ChargeNet’s partner, Gull, which welcomed the Dual 300kW Hyperchargers in its service station located at State Highway 1.

“This is a great boost to public EV charging in Northland, and we’re pleased to have provided co-funding. Every time a new charger is available on our highways, people can become even more confident that an EV can work for them,” stated Richard Briggs, EECA Transport Portfolio Manager.

“I’m delighted to be co-locating with ChargeNet at our Gull Kaiwaka site. EV charging at traditional service stations will increasingly become more commonplace as Kiwis begin the transition to future energy options, and we see the uptake of EVs take-off over the next decade,” added Karl Mischewski, Gull’s Future Energy Lead.

The company has plans for constructing 18 additional hyper-rapid EV charging stations along major driving routes from Auckland to Queenstown for the next year and a half.

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ChargeNet opens Northland’s first hyper-rapid charging location

DeltaPatagonia seeks to expand its network and services

The Gulf fuel operator in the country intends to make a strong move after a rough start due to the pandemic.

Gulf established a few years ago in Argentina with the challenge of positioning the global brand as a competitive chain in the local market. The company is currently present in more than 100 countries and, after 3 years since its arrival in the nation, it is ready to expand its network through its operator, DeltaPatagonia.

Eduardo Torrás, General Manager of the company and of Gulf's license for Argentina and Paraguay, confirmed to the Argentine news site Surtidores that the company has already surpassed 95 POS’ in the country. In the interview, the representative talked about the challenges presented by 2020 as well as its progress in 2021 and its projects for the future.

"We have consolidated our growth, adding Agroservicios, the agreement for CNG commercialization and Gulf Store alliances to boost traffic, promotions and sales. In addition, we reached agreements with payment methods with discounts for the end customer, which are still active today, and we held the first event for our operators: We are Gulf", confirmed Torrás.

At the same time, he explained the company had to focus their efforts on positioning in 2021, investing in advertising and communication in order to expand their offer in the Gulf Store, promoting special promos with different payment methods in their chain of stores and paying special attention to the buyer's experience. Among these actions, the company's incentive to its operators played a key part in its structure, with initiatives such as recognising the 10 best stations in its entire network.

"We see certain trends and changes in shopping habits that we have to take into account: both in architecture and design, as well as in product variety. At the same time, we continue to work on agreements so that consumers can solve everything in one place, from ATM withdrawals to paying their bills. The pandemic had a great influence, and we are all analysing how consumers will develop in the new normality", added Torrás.

As for the future, DeltaPatagonia's General Manager emphasised on the brand's exposure in order to boost the network's expansion. In this regard, he stresses the need to capitalise on its global relevance in order to grow in the Argentine market and become a major competitor.

IndianOil invests on new crude oil pipeline for infrastructure expansion

The facility will connect the cities of Mundra and Panipat to expand the fuel storage capacity of the company in the country. IndianOil has announced it is setting up a new crude oil pipeline system with a nameplate capacity of 17.5 million metric tonnes per annum (MMTPA) from the cities of Mundra to Panipat. Under this project, the firm would also build nine crude oil tanks of 60,000 kilolitres each at Mundra, which, apart from meeting operational requirements, would also help in enhancing crude oil storage capacity in the country.

Its construction estimated an investment of 9,028 crore rupees, which translates into roughly 1.200.00 million US dollars, an amount that was approved by the IndianOil Board in their last meeting.

The company is currently implementing a project for capacity expansion of the Panipat-located refinery from 15 MMTPA to 25 MMTPA along with the installation of Polypropylene Unit and Catalytic Dewaxing Unit. The new crude oil pipeline is expected to help in meeting the enhanced need of crude oil requirement of this process and to be completed in synchronization with the commissioning of this expansion, expected by the second quarter of the 2024-2025 fiscal year.

Currently, IndianOil operates a network that consists of more than 15,000 kilometres long of crude oil, petroleum product and gas pipelines. During 2020 and 2021, the company added a total of 337 kilometres of additional pipeline length in order to continuously expand the network in line with growth in business.

Cummins and Sinopec ally to produce green hydrogen

Both companies have launched a joint venture to accelerate the affordability and availability of the fuel through the Cummins Enze subsidiary.

Cummins Inc. and China Petrochemical Corporation, owned by the Sinopec Group, announced the formation of a 50:50 joint venture through Cummins Enze Hydrogen Technology Co., Ltd to develop green hydrogen. The joint venture will accelerate the affordability and availability of the fuel through increased technological innovation, research and development, as well as manufacturing capacity.

Cummins Enze, a subsidiary of the US-based company located in the city of Foshan, will initially invest $47 million to locate a manufacturing plant to produce proton exchange membrane (PEM) electrolysers. The plant will initially have a manufacturing capacity of 500 megawatts of electrolysers per year upon completion in 2023, which will be gradually increased over the next five years to reach one gigawatt of manufacturing capacity per year.

“China’s embrace of green hydrogen is a breakthrough for the planet, and Cummins and Sinopec joining together to realise the potential of green hydrogen is a huge leap forward for scaling our

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innovative PEM electrolyser systems,” said Amy Davis, Vice President and President of New Power at Cummins.

Cummins Enze will also provide a variety of hydrogen generation system solutions to meet diversified application requirements. This will include offering electrolysers for both small-scale hydrogen production, such as a hydrogen fuelling system for on-site hydrogen generation, as well as for large-scale hydrogen generation installations capable of 100 megawatts and beyond.

“Green hydrogen is the ultimate technology of the hydrogen energy industry in the future,” said Zhou Yuxuan, General Manager of Enze Fund and Chairman of the joint venture. “Both grey and blue

hydrogen technologies (grey hydrogen with carbon capture technology) are just a transition. We will use Sinopec’s current industry resources and lay out the green hydrogen industry chain to achieve greater progress," he added.

Foshan, Guangdong Province of China, where the joint venture’s new plant will be located, is a national ecological base for the hydrogen energy industry. As one of the birthplaces of the hydrogen economy, it has a mature hydrogen energy industry chain. It is also one of China’s first listed areas to be supported by China’s central government to pilot and grow the hydrogen industry.

Egypt continues its push for CNG

Various government and private investments are boosting the conversion of vehicles to CNG and the installation of natural gas dispensers.

Cargas and Gastec, representing the Egyptian Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources, have signed contracts worth €11.3 million (EGP 200M) to finance the national programme to convert cars to run on natural gas.

The contracts were signed with the Egyptian Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprise Development Agency (MSMEDA), which comes within the framework of the presidential initiative to expand the use of natural gas as a fuel for cars.

The Egyptian government said that the contracts are in line with the presidential directives under which the agency has allocated EGP 1.2 billion (€68M) to convert 150,000 vehicles within three years.

The efforts to reduce Egypt’s dependency on oil have been underway for a while. The Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources had plans to increase the number of CNG stations from

306 to 1,000 by the end of the year, according to supplier Galileo Technologies.

Galileo Technologies signed various contracts to supply over 500 CNG dispensers to NGVC and GASTEC earlier in 2021.

"The equipment will be installed in new CNG stations throughout Egypt. GASTEC will install 271 dispensers and 100 compressor packages, while NGVC will install 229 dispensers and 100 compressor packages. We are convinced that our plug-and-play design equipment is the right solution for the rapid deployment, and we are very grateful for the trust that GASTEC and NGVC have placed in Galileo," said Gabriel Lorenzi, Galileo Technologies.

Egyptian operator Gastec has also partnered with Eni to develop multi-energy stations across the country. The City of Cairo welcomed its first integrated multi-energy station supplying CNG, liquid fuels and EV charging.

Shifting from conventional fuel to natural gas is seen as an effective measure to avoid liquid fuel shortages caused by diplomatic conflicts and international affairs.

First fast recharging network launched in Morocco

The emergence of new charging stations in Morocco is preparing the field for the growth of the sector. Electrical transportation specialist Afrimobility deployed its first network of Fastvolt fastcharging stations in Morocco.

The fast-charging stations will be available on the main motorways of Morocco, from north to south. Afrimobility is developing a network of stations with 50kW on the Tangier-Agadir axis. The company will also launch a mobile application to locate the nearest charging station.

“[We wanted] to be the first to invest in this branch to create a comprehensive dynamic and encourage all actors in the system to follow our lead and establish a wide network of charging stations throughout the national territory,” said Mowali Hafid El Amrani, CEO of Afrimobility.

Afrimobility is pursuing an ambitious growth strategy by developing the first 100% Moroccan fast-charging station (from 60kW to 100kW), in collaboration with the Institute for Research in Solar Energy and New Energies (IRESEN).

In addition to being able to park on the Moroccan grid, it will be possible to use all electric stations across the African continent.

Last month, innovative electric car manufacturer Tesla also made its way to Africa by installing its first superchargers in Morocco.

In an automotive first for North Africa, German automaker Opel will soon begin producing electric cars in Morocco. Opel's electric car manufacturing in Kénitra leapfrogs China's plan to build electric cars in Egypt, giving Morocco's automotive industry an important first-mover advantage.

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Government resigns after fuel rise protests

The tension has been rising after the lifting of price caps for LPG announced by the cabinet unleashed a series of riots that led to a two-week state of emergency.

Kazakhstan’s president, Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, accepted the resignation of his government following a series of protests in the country regarding its latest measures for fuel prices. Citizens from different territories of the nation rallied after liquefied petroleum gas prices more than doubled following the lifting of caps announced by the cabinet at the beginning of the year. Tokayev also declared a two-week state of emergency after violence escalated out of proportion where the rallies started.

According to a statement of the president’s office published in the early hours of Wednesday morning, Alikhan Smailov was named as acting prime minister after the former, Askar Maminuntil, presented his resignation. Smailov will stay in service until the formation of a new government.

The state of emergency has been officialised in the province of Mangystau and the city of Almaty since last Wednesday. The measure, which imposes a curfew from 11:00 p.m. to 07:00 a.m., will last until the 19th January 2022 if it’s not extended. LPG is the main fuel for vehicles in the Mangystau regions, a cheaper option for drivers linked to the price caps in gasoline. The government lifted the caps on January 1st for LPG stating that its low price

couldn’t be sustained. This increment would also mean a rise in food prices, which suffered a significant increase since the coronavirus pandemic started.

LPG prices in Kazakhstan were subsidized until the announcement at the beginning of the year. The news site Eurasia pointed out that the cabinet was planning on ending this and allow the market to dictate prices instead, amidst the transition to electronic trading for the fuel that began in January of 2019 and ended three years later.

According to this information, almost all LPG transactions are handled by online trading platforms, except for sales to industrial consumers in the petrochemical sector and other isolated cases. This involved a rise in costs for an area with high demand for energy, where 70-90 percent of vehicles in the region run on LPG according to a government estimation. But not only drivers demand this type of fuel, but transportation operations also depend on LPG, which signifies an increase on the goods transported, food being one of the main examples.

Following the protests, president Tokayev tweeted that LPG prices would be lowered in the Mangystau regions in an effort to reduce the tension. Nevertheless, the announcement failed to dampen the tension and rallies continued, thus triggering the government’s resignation.

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Zhanaozen, the capital of Mangystau, was the birthplace of the outrage following the government’s announcement on LPG prices.

According to a report by Reuters, many citizens started protesting in the oil-producing western province last Sunday and other territories followed as well such as Aktau, Almaty and Nur-Sultan, the country's capital. Tokayev declared an emergency in Mangystau and Almaty stating that the local and foreign provocateurs were responsible for the rise in violence at rallies.

Atameken, a Kazakhstan business lobby group, stated that its

members were reporting attacks on banks, stores and restaurants. In Almaty, AFP journalists reported on local police disrupting a multitude of roughly 5000 people with tear gas. Other media outlets reported messaging apps such as WhatsApp, Telegram and Signal were out of service overnight.

The interior ministry stated that government buildings were attacked in the cities of Shymkent and Taraz, located in the southern region. It also reported that a total of 95 police officers were injured during the confrontation and that the police have detained more than 200 protesters.

PayPal and PACE enable smartwatch payment at pumps

Both companies have developed a system to dynamize and fasten transactions at service stations by drivers.

PayPal has teamed up with PACE Telematics to enable mobile payment directly at the pump in service stations in Germany. Customers can not only pay with their smartphones but, for the first time in Europe, they can also use their Apple Watch or Android smartwatch to complete the transaction.

"Over the past two years, the importance of contactless as well as mobile payment methods has increased. Innovative approaches are also in demand for payments at the gas station. With PACE Telematics, we are pleased to enable our PayPal customers to make simple and mobile payments via smartphone as well as via smartwatch directly at the gas pump," says Jörg Kablitz, Managing Director of PayPal Germany.

Clients can pay using the PACE Drive app in stations, which automatically recognizes where mobile payments are possible. Then, it only takes three steps to pay: select the pump on the

device, confirm the payment method and authorize the transaction. The receipt will be stored digitally in the app, which means no need to wait for it after refuelling.

"Mobile payments and digital transformation continue to gain ground and it is hard to imagine everyday life without them. For a long time, PayPal has been one of the driving forces when it comes to digital payments. Together with PayPal, we enable our customers to pay in the way that is easiest and most secure for them. We look forward to expanding our valuable collaboration with PayPal even further in the future," added Philip Blatter, one of the Founders and Managing Directors of PACE Telematics.

This type of payment is already possible at more than 1,000 gas stations in Europe, with a growing network of acceptance points. Connected Fuelling is an open and independent platform that can be easily connected to all common POS systems. Integration with other apps is also possible; this allows providers to extend their own digital applications with the full functionality of the Connected Fuelling network.

ENEOS and PFN succeed in AI-controlled petrochemical plant trial

The project lasted two days and consisted of monitoring important factors and adjusting valves based on simulated data processed by the system.

ENEOS Corporation and Preferred Networks, Inc. have announced that they have succeeded in operating a butadiene extraction unit autonomously in ENEOS Kawasaki Refinery's petrochemical plant for two consecutive days using a new artificial intelligence system. The system, which was jointly developed by both companies, automates large-scale and complex operations of oil refineries and petrochemical plants that currently requires veteran operators.

The AI was designed to predict the facility’s unit future sensor values and valve operation requirements based on past data of complex correlations between several similar values generated via

simulated data. The trial lasted two days, in which the system managed to monitor 25 important factors, including internal temperature, pressure, flow rate and product conditions, and autonomously adjust 12 valves in the butadiene extraction unit.

Both firms expect the AI system will help improve safety and stability of plant operations by reducing dependence on operators’ varying skills levels. Its development is supported by 2020 subsidies from Japan’s Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry. The trial will continue to achieve stable operations and to extend its use to other major plant units including crude distillation units on the same site and other refineries. After the success in its jointventure, ENEOS and PFN are planning to implement a new AI-based autonomous plant operation model to increase production and energy efficiencies.

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Press Releases

ISTOBAL presents its most technically advanced, efficient and innovative rollover: the M'WASH4

•It optimises the brush and chemical dosing system for spotless cleaning on any vehicle surface, reducing the consumption of chemicals and saving 10% water.

•ISTOBAL M'WASH4 incorporates a new 360° horizontal rotating dryer that provides better drying with lower energy consumption and sound pressure.

•Highly reliable and flexible, this rollover makes it easy to access, position and maintain the vehicle, providing the best user and operator experience.

Valencia (8th -11- 2021) - Today, in its new showroom at its headquarters in Valencia, Spain, ISTOBAL has launched its new, more technologically efficient and innovative ISTOBAL M'WASH4 rollover. The group is launching a high-end automatic machine that achieves a higher quality in car washing and drying in less time, with greater efficiency in consumption and a more comfortable, fun and safe user experience.

With smooth, clean lines and a design that is sure to excite the user, the new ISTOBAL M'WASH4 rollover is known for its excellence and for increasing productivity and profitability in the car wash and car care business. As Álvaro Merín, Product Manager at ISTOBAL, stated during the launch, “M'WASH4 represents a new technological leap to transform the car wash and car care sector through more efficient, intuitive and connected technology.”

He enthused, “this new rollover brings the very best technology in the car wash world and symbolises our firm commitment to the profitability of our customers’ business, to the safety of those working on a day-to-day basis on the wash bay, to the comfort and user experience and, of course, to the environment.”

ISTOBAL M'WASH4 provides more effective and gentle cleaning on all vehicle surfaces, thanks to the company’s new developments in the brush system, which optimises the adaptability to the profile

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of any car, as well as the intensity and movements to achieve a perfect finish, in less time.

It also incorporates a new dynamic chemical dosing system that automatically adjusts the amount of product to the speed of the machine, halving the consumption of chemicals in combined cycles. Swivel nozzles are provided at the bottom to make contact with hard-to-reach areas, and top nozzles are added to provide greater coverage across the entire surface of the vehicle, regardless of its shape or size.

Thanks to these developments, this new rollover saves 10% water in the wash and pre-wash phases without impacting the end result, with an average saving of 7 litres of water per vehicle. This equates to an estimated saving of 70,000 litres of water per year.

ISTOBAL M'WASH4 incorporates a new 360° horizontal rotating drying system that provides superior drying, even in the most difficult to reach areas. In addition, it features an innovative, patent-pending side drying system that moves vertically and works in different positions to suit any vehicle type (whether car, van or SUV).

The ISTOBAL M'WASH4 dryer is designed with the aim of reducing power by a half KW and sound pressure by 2dB, without losing effectiveness. It also enables short cleaning programs to be carried out in a single drying pass and offers greater flexibility in the configuration of washing and drying programs.

This new rollover is also designed to provide the best user experience for both the end user and the operators. Similarly, it is compatible with Smartwash by ISTOBAL, the only technology on

the market that achieves 100% connected facilities for maximum performance and efficiency in wash equipment, and transforms the user experience, making it faster, easier and more enjoyable.

Highly reliable and flexible, ISTOBAL M'WASH4 makes it easy to maintain, access and position the vehicle, helping to increase wash capacity, comfort and safety.

The vehicle has more space to pass through, due to the integration of the wheel wash in the rollover structure, a more retracted position of the vertical brushes, as well as the drying system being hidden from the user. Other tools aimed at facilitating the user experience and visibility include, but are not limited to, backlit pictograms, program indicators, temperature and time remaining indicators, and LED lighting.

The new ISTOBAL M'WASH4 will be available on the European market from summer 2022. This year you will be able to see it for the first time at a trade fair at Tankstation & Carwash Show, November 10-11 at Expo Houten, Utrecht, the Netherlands.

ISTOBAL is a multinational group based in Valencia. It's a market leader in the design, manufacture and marketing of car wash and car care solutions. With over 70 years' experience, ISTOBAL harnesses innovation and the latest technology to provide products and services that generate high returns for the car wash business and high added value for users.

The Group exports its products to more than 75 countries thanks to a worldwide network of distributors. It has ten subsidiaries and four manufacturing facilities in Europe, the Americas and Asia. International sales currently account for 76% of its production.

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LAKE ZURICH, IL, November 16, 2021 - Wayne Geyer, former STI/SPFA Executive Vice President and long-time industry expert, was inducted into the STI/SPFA Hall of Fame in a special presentation Friday, November 5th during the Annual Meeting in Nashville, Tennessee. Geyer was presented with a plaque and will have his name added to the Hall of Fame wall at the STI/SPFA headquarters office.

Geyer joined the STI/SPFA staff in 1985 and spent more than 35 years with the organization, almost all of those as Executive Vice President. He became an industry expert for speaking engagements, a regular contributor to industry publications, and an advocate for all STI/SPFA members. He participated in several organization and committees for design, codes, and standards. Geyer made every effort to position STI/SPFA as a well-respected association whose members were the highest quality fabricators and suppliers in the industry.

"Wayne Geyer was a tremendous leader who will be missed terribly. While he has built a strong foundation, his connectivity, both nationally and internationally, is perhaps unprecedented in the history of the Steel Tank Institute/Steel Plate Fabricators Association," commented STI/SPFA Chairman of the Board, Sonny Underwood of Mid-South Steel Products, Inc. "Wayne Geyer has always been the “Go-To-Guy” for all things in tanks and steel and we all owe a big debt of gratitude to his leadership, professionalism and passion for our industry."

In addition to his life's dedication to STI/SPFA and the steel fabrication industry, he has a passion for his family, golf, and the Chicago Cubs.

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Wayne Geyer, Former STI/SPFA Executive Vice President, Inducted into Hall of Fame at 2021 Annual Meeting

PSD Codax Welcomes Mark Byard as new Manager of Business Development

sales and marketing efforts in the UK, Ireland and Scandinavian markets, as well as overseeing PSD Codax’s growth in the European market.

Prior to joining PSD Codax, Byard was the Business Development Manager and Head of Sales for Kärcher Wash Systems, where he was responsible for overseeing business growth and key accounts. Before joining Kärcher Wash Systems, Byard held a variety of roles in the car wash industry from engineer to technical service manager to installation manager.

“Mark has a level of experience, background and connection to the vehicle wash market that we find most beneficial to help understand and respond to our customers’ requirements,” said Rob Deal, Vice President of Corporate Sales for ICS. “His depth of experience is exactly what we have been looking for as we expand our business development efforts to continue our growth. We are excited for the future and look forward to the impact Mark will bring to our customers.”

BRISTOL, England – December 6, 2021 - PSD Codax, part of ICS and OPW Vehicle Wash Solutions, global leaders in vehicle wash and payment solutions technology, welcomes Mark Byard as the new Manager of Business Development. In this role, Byard will be directly responsible for PSD Codax

“Over the last few years, the customer needs have changed and the requirement for contactless payment at the wash bay entrance has been a regular request,” said Byard. “I’m excited to join PSD Codax and be a part of offering vehicle wash operators the solutions they need to help increase profits by providing a seamless wash experience with the latest in payment system technology.”

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Dover Fueling Solutions opens new factory in Milan

AUSTIN, TEXAS – October 28, 2021 – Dover Fueling Solutions (DFS), a part of Dover Corporation and a leading global provider of advanced customer-focused technologies, services and solutions in the fuel and convenience retail industries, is pleased to announce the opening of its brand-new production facility in Milan, Italy. This large, high-grade facility consolidates the ProGauge and Wayne Fueling Systems locations in Italy into one modernized manufacturing and office space.

All ProGauge automatic tank gauge (ATG) solutions — probes, consoles and 3D laser scan automatic tank calibration — are now solely designed and manufactured at the new facility. The hub is also home to ProGauge sales, customer services and product management departments, making the new and improved Milan factory the center for all things ATG related. In addition, the Wayne Fueling Systems Italy sales and support office, including IT and finance, recently relocated to the same facility.

After officially opening its doors last month, the Milan factory supports leaner operational efficiencies and future expansion for the ProGauge product lines while improving DFS’ operations within Europe. With more products being manufactured on-site, DFS is now able to offer an extended product range to customers with shorter lead times.

Acting as the central ATG hub for Europe, the Milan facility will also be able to provide support for the OPW Fuel Management Systems (OPW FMS) ATG product lines. This will enable the sales team outside of the U.S. to efficiently service new and legacy customers by supplying OPW FMS ATG solutions direct from Milan in bulk, resulting in reduced lead times and improved shipping costs.

DFS Senior Business Development Manager, Fergus Heading said, “We are already a global supplier, and the Milan facility will help us to develop and manufacture new and exciting products for our expanding customer base."

DFS ATG Business Unit General Manager, Stefano Scatena added, “This factory provides the base for future expansion, allowing us an exciting opportunity to grow our business at a faster rate and reach customers more efficiently. Our 60-member team is delighted to work in this new facility, and we are looking forward to further growth in the future.”

DFS DMP Magnetostrictive Flex Probe set to transform fuel management for fuel retailers in Europe, Latin America and Asia

AUSTIN, TEXAS – November 15, 2021 – Dover Fueling Solutions (DFS), a part of Dover Corporation that delivers advanced fuel dispensing equipment, electronic systems and payment, fleet systems, automatic tank gauging, and wetstock management, is proud to announce the launch of a brand-new addition to its family of fuel management products – the DFS DMP Magnetostrictive Flex Probe. This practical, cost-effective and flexible solution is set to transform fuel management for fuel retailers in Europe, Asia and Latin America.

Using magnetostrictive technology, the DMP Flex Probe relays precise readings of fuel and other tank liquids to fuel retailers. The

DMP Flex Probe is engineered to operate in challenging environments, such as tight, difficult-to-access spaces or tall outdoor tanks. The DMP Flex Probe also monitors all fuel types and additives, including biofuels and AdBlue®, while supporting phase separation, configurable leak detection and inventory management when used with aqueous ethanol floats.

The DMP Flex Probe is compatible with a wide range of DFS fuel management products, including the ProGauge MagLink LX family of consoles, the ProGauge MagDirect console, the Wayne Fusion® automation server with automatic tank gauge, and the OPW Fuel Management Systems SiteSentinel® NanoTM and IntegraTM

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consoles. To ensure unbeatable wetstock monitoring at fuel sites, retailers can pair the DMP Flex Probe with one of these industryleading tank gauge consoles, each designed to deliver the right level of functionality for retailers’ fuel business, whatever the size or purpose.

DFS ATG General Manager, Stefano Scatena said: “The launch of this long-awaited flexible probe allows us to continue offering truly global solutions in the fuel retail market. Our teams have worked very hard developing and testing this product to the highest standard over the last year, and we’re excited to launch this innovative probe to customers who have come to expect only the very best performance and quality from DFS products.”

Fergus Heading, DFS ATG Product Manager, continued: “The new DFS Flex Probe is compatible with all other probes and consoles in the DFS product portfolio, making it very simple to integrate with existing fuel management solutions, and providing a true mix and match of DFS solutions to best suit our customers fuel retail business.”

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ELAFLEX H2 cover hose for hydrogen refuelling

Alternative fuels such as hydrogen are a key element in the futuremobility to reduce CO2 emissions. The hydrogen filling station network is growing. To support the user-friendly refuelling process of hydrogen-powered vehicles ELAFLEX now offers their new H2 Cover Hose for a safe and ergonomic handling of hydrogen refuelling.

The H2 Cover Hose protects the refuelling equipment against outer influences and prevents direct contact with cold or iced-up components. The hose design remains highly flexible even at low

temperatures down to -40°C. The inner diameter DN 38 as well as the smooth inner liner allows for an effortless insert of the components during assembling. A special perforated cover allows condensate to drain and minimises icing. Option with safety break. The handling is comparable to conventional car or truck refuelling on forecourts. The Elaflex hydrogen H2 Cover Hose comes in fitted lengths with corrosion resistant couplings and wear-proof swivels.

Contact us for projects also CNG and LNG. or check out our configurators at

Improve your business with Franklin Fueling Systems’ EVO™ Series Flow Rate Monitoring

Knowing the flow rate of the dispenser is important for your business. Franklin Fueling Systems has the perfect solution to improve dispenser throughput and maintain fast flow rates. The system allows retailers to detect and react to potential slow flow issues before they impact site profits.

Franklin Fueling Systems, a global provider of petroleum and monitoring equipment, helps retailers improve their forecourt operations with the new EVO™ Series Flow Rate Monitoring software. With this innovative solution, a retailer is able to know the flow rate of their dispensers, monitor performance at each fueling point and enjoy the benefits of proactive maintenance.

The system is available on new EVO™ Series Automatic Tank Gauges (ATGs) and as a field upgrade option to existing EVO™ Series ATGs. In addition to delivering ongoing flow rate performance data, the software calculates flow rates for each fueling point and provides a notification if transactions dip below a desired set point.

“Flow rate monitoring is really a great way of keeping tabs on how your dispensers are performing. It allows you to address a slow flow

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situation before it negatively impacts your business”, says Mark Seitz, Senior Product Manager at Franklin Fueling Systems.

How does it work?

Device Integration.

Flow Rate Monitoring begins by making a connection between an EVO™ Series ATG and intelligent dispenser devices, including Forecourt Controllers and Point-Of-Sale Units.

Data Comparison.

Through this connection, dispenser transaction data is delivered to the EVO™ Series ATG and automatically compared to tank reconciliation data collected by the ATG.

Analysis and Report.

The EVO™ Series ATG uses the data to produce a flow rate reading for each dispenser fueling point and provides reports and automated alarm notifications for any slow flow fueling point.

This system works with Wayne, Gilbarco, Verifone, Allied and Radiant forecourt controllers and point-of-sale units.

Improve your business today by implementing Flow Rate Monitoring at your site. Find out how to get flow rate monitoring for your specific application at:

For more information about FFS, visit

Franklin Fueling systems announces its launch of the low level water float for diesel

Madison, Wisconsin, USA – November 11, 2021 –Franklin Fueling Systems has announced the launch of its Low Level Water Float for Diesel. The new float can detect water levels down to ¼", compared to existing water floats which can only detect water at ¾". In an 8’ x 8,000 gallon tank, the Low Level Water Float for Diesel can detect just 4 gallons of water, a 69% reduction from the standard ¾” float. Because even the smallest amount of water can cause corrosion, this float enables station owners to be alerted sooner and react to water before corrosion can develop.

“For years, water at the bottom of a tank had a negligible effect on a diesel fuel system. That changed in recent years when the fuel composition was altered, leading to widespread corrosion caused by water in tanks,” says Mark Seitz, Senior Product Manager of Fuel Management Systems for Franklin Fueling Systems. “With this new Low Level Water Float we’re now able to understand when water is coming in at a much lower level than before.”

The Low Level Water Float for Diesel can be paired with Franklin Fueling System’s Corrosion Control™ System for an added layer of protection from water in the diesel fuel system.

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UK-based GripHero Ltd, the maker of the world’s only static-safe glove and fuel-nozzle mounted dispensers, has succeeded in winning two major titles at the prestigious Association for Petroleum and Explosives Administration (APEA) 2021 Awards. Honouring and celebrating the latest products and most innovative services available on the forecourt and in the petroleum market, GripHero’s success is a huge endorsement for the Devon-based business which launched in 2018. Today, GripHero supplies hand-protection internationally to forecourts that serve over 500 million drivers each year.

Winning both the Health and Safety Performance category, and Environmental Protection and Sustainability Award, the double success follows on from a brace of titles the last time the APEA awards were held in 2019; when GripHero won both the Environmental Protection and Improvement Award, and the Innovation Award.

This year, the APEA Health and Safety Performance Award was presented to GripHero in recognition of the decision to provide its hand-protection ‘glove’

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GripHero does the double at the 2021 APEA Awards, winning both health and safety, and environmental protection titles

dispensers free to forecourts across the globe in the battle against Covid-19. This resulted in 50,000 free-of-charge units being sent worldwide, providing bestpractice hand-protection to the forecourt front line at a point when it was needed most.

Taken up by forecourts on five continents, the GripHero ‘lockdown initiative’ enabled fuel stations internationally to provide motorists with hand-protection dispensers exactly where they needed it, on-the-nozzle itself. This allowed users to withdraw and wear a ‘glove’ before coming into contact with any forecourt equipment; providing a physical barrier between their hand and surfaces touched by hundreds of other drivers, including fuel pump handles, which have been proven to be over 11,000 times dirtier than toilet seats.

Breaking the chain of transmission at the point of contact, GripHero played a key part in protecting the health and wellbeing of forecourt customers throughout the coronavirus pandemic.

GripHero was also recognised for its efforts to dramatically reduce CO2 and singleuse plastic on the forecourt, through the launch of its 100% recycled plastic gloves.

The Environmental Protection and Sustainability Award highlighted the success of GripHero’s R100 glove cartridges, which are made from 100% ‘open loop’ recycled plastics. Combined with GripHero’s single item dispenser, which ends unnecessary waste and the potential for hand-protection blow-out into the environment, GripHero has succeeded in cutting CO2 by 94% compared to conventional gloves.

Due to GripHero’s unique design and zero-waste manufacturing techniques, more than 70 million additional standard gloves have been prevented from entering the environment, saving over 120 tonnes of unnecessary plastic, 25 tonnes of unnecessary cardboard packaging and 400 tonnes of CO2 from entering the global Carbon Footprint.

This ‘eco-option’ is now playing a key part in enabling forecourts to enhance their green credentials, while significantly cutting the volume of single-use plastics used on forecourts.

Commenting on GripHero’s success Oli Yeo, inventor and managing director of GripHero, said: “The latest APEA awards are a huge endorsement of our constant drive to help forecourts protect their customers and the environment. They are the greatest recognition in the industry.

“When the global pandemic emerged, we knew we had a duty to play our part in

preventing the spread of Covid-19 at the fuel pump. Providing our dispensers at no cost was the right thing to do and resulted in forecourts protecting over 60 million additional drivers at the exact point of contact with the fuel nozzle.

“Seeing both large networks and independent sites upgrading and doing what we all know is right for both the public and the environment was hugely encouraging. It now sets the mark for others to follow.”

Oli Yeo added: “Since 2018 we have relentlessly worked to meet the constantly changing demands of international forecourts and legislation, putting health, safety and the environment at the core of everything we do.

“We strive to enable forecourts to be both safe and successful, creating a symbiotic relationship between fuel stations and their customers who feel protected, stay loyal and make regular in-store purchases. Importantly, we do this in a way that enables forecourts to protect individuals from viruses, biohazards, chemicals, carcinogens and diseases without compromising the environment, allowing businesses to reduce their carbon emissions and meet ‘COP26’ goals, which are now at the very top of the climate change agenda.”

Before GripHero came to market, the factor preventing hand-protection being dispensed in the fuel zone was the potential for vapour ignition caused by a static charge when a glove was withdrawn from a pack.

Through GripHero’s innovative use of ATEXCertified static-safe material, all chance of such ignition is removed, while also blocking any static spark between drivers and fuel equipment. This enables GripHero’s dispensers to be placed on the fuel nozzle itself or on flat surfaces in the fuelling zone. No other hand-protection alternative is permitted in the fuelling zone in the same way.

Always innovating, GripHero has just announced its latest product breakthrough with the launch of the all-new GripHero 2; its smallest-ever, most efficient glove dispenser, which boasts 10% more advertising space than previous models.

20% smaller overall, the new dispenser is a groundup redesign, taking onboard feedback from the industry and customers to create a sleeker, universally compatible and faster refill solution for global fuel-nozzles, reducing glove-refill replacement times by 90%. The brand-new dispenser design is also available as a surfacemounted unit for use on EV chargers, canopy stanchions and applications beyond the forecourt.

To order new GripHero 2 dispensers, call 01837 811 035, email or visit

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GripHero launches new eco-friendly glove dispenser to boost forecourt in-store sales

GripHero, the maker of the world’s only static-safe glove and fuelnozzle mounted dispensers, has announced its latest product breakthrough with the launch of the all-new GripHero 2; its smallest-ever, most efficient glove dispenser, which boasts 10% more advertising space than previous models.

20% smaller overall, the new dispenser is a ground-up redesign, taking on board feedback from the industry and customers to create a sleeker, universally compatible and faster refill solution, reducing glove-refill replacement times by 90%.

Due to be exhibited at APEA Live in November, the new ATEX certified dispenser is now compatible with a range of global nozzle types. The brand new dispenser design is also available as a surface-mounted unit, for use on EV chargers, canopy stanchions and applications beyond the forecourt.

The integrated display window allows fuel grade details to be switched with ease and provides forecourts with an even larger area for product promotions and offers on-the-nozzle, catching the eye of drivers as they fill up, boosting in-store sales.

The extra advertising space has been created following independent research, which shows that 77% of drivers are more

likely to make impromptu purchases of snacks, coffees, ice creams and in-store items if they have clean hands having refuelled.

Like all of GripHero’s 2020 nozzle-mounted dispensers, the new GripHero 2 dispenser is tamper and impact proof, resistant to harsh fuels and chemicals, and is also temperature, weather, and UVproof; preventing discolouration.

Commenting on the new dispenser Oli Yeo, inventor and managing director of GripHero, said: “Since 2018 we’ve been adapting our dispensers to meet the changing demands of international forecourts and legislation. GripHero 2 takes all that learning and brings it together in an all-new dispenser. Combined with our new R100 glove cartridges, made from 100% ‘open loop’ recycled plastics, which cuts CO2 by 94% compared to conventional gloves, we continue to take a lead in helping forecourts to enhance their green credentials.”

Luke Jenkins, Sales and Marketing Manager of GripHero, added: “Even though the unit is smaller and more streamlined, GripHero 2 has an increased advertising space on the dispenser. That’s important, because motorists find themselves looking at the fuelnozzle advert for up to two-minutes. Larger advertising helps entice customers in-store to make multiple purchases; improving

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forecourt turnover at a time when margins on fuel are often slim.”

GripHero is the only patented glove dispenser that uses unique ATEX certified antistatic materials. This allows it to be used internationally within the fueling zone, removing all chance of fuel vapour ignition at the pump, while also blocking any static spark between drivers and fuel equipment.

Forecourts making new orders will receive the new GripHero 2 dispenser, which uses the same ATEX-certified glove options as all other GripHero dispensers.

To order new GripHero 2 dispensers, call 01837 811 035, email or visit

Public urged to wear hand-protection at the fuel pump as a first line of defence against Omicron

Motorists internationally are being advised to wear forecourt hand-protection at the fuel pump as a first line of defence against new variants of Covid-19, including Omicron. The advice comes from GripHero, the UK multi-award-winning public health protection business, which has been recognised at the highest level for its role in protecting the public against Covid19.

Research shows that forecourts are high-transmission points. Here, every single day, drivers from across the country and across borders hold fuel pump handles tightly for up to three minutes. As a result, they pass whatever is on their hands to a surface that will be gripped by the next driver waiting to refuel.

By forming a physical barrier between drivers’ hands and fuel pump handles, forecourt refuelling gloves break the chain of transmission, preventing viruses, biohazards, chemicals, carcinogens, diseases and illness being passed from one driver to another.

According to GripHero, this one simple act could help to stop the rapidity of the spread of Omicron and Covid variants, which can otherwise leap hundreds of miles on drivers’ hands in a matter of hours and sit on fuel pump handles; a surface which has been proven to be over 11,000 times dirtier than the average toilet seat.

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Hamburg, Germany – The global IT solutions provider and digitalization specialist for the energy industry, Implico Group, has welcomed a new senior-level executive among its rows. In October 2021, the studied computer scientist Dr. Volker Braun joined the company as CTO and Managing Director. In his new role, the 52-year-old IT expert from the Rhineland will focus on the following key objectives: To refine and expand Implico’s diverse product portfolio; to help the company achieve its standardization and cloudification goals; and to drive and shape Implico’s ongoing transition towards becoming a strong product company. The latter, he will do alongside Tim Hoffmeister (CEO) and Thomas Ernst (Managing Director) as part of the management team.

“I am really excited about my role at Implico,” says the new CTO and Managing Director Dr. Volker Braun. “Within our industry and beyond, we are known as innovation drivers and visionaries. We have a talented team, a top-tier lineup of clients, and a high-end array of products. That is a fantastic foundation to further build upon! The timing is ideal for me to join Implico and commit my experience, know-how, and dedication to this well-established yet gogetting company’s future development and success.”

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Dr. Volker Braun joins Implico Group as CTO and Managing Director Senior-level executive with a PhD in Computer Science

Tim Hoffmeister, CEO of Implico, also speaks very highly of his new colleague. “Dr. Volker Braun is a first-class complement to both our management team and development department. He has the expertise, the skillset, and the personality we need to take our product development to the next level. I am confident that he will make a strong impact here at Implico and help us achieve the demanding goals we have set for ourselves – most notably to take our solutions to the Cloud in a standardized, scalable form.”

Dr. Volker Braun has over 25 years of experience in developing

software and realizing IT projects. His career stages before joining Implico include, among others, a 5-year stint at a start-up focusing on technology transfer from university to industry (Co-Founder and CTO) and a 13-year stint at a leading IT solutions provider in the field of public transport (Head of Development Department, Head of Project Department, and other positions).

Over the years, he has not only worked at different locations in Germany and Switzerland, but he also managed projects in Vienna, Budapest, London, and other tech hotspots across Europe.

Madison, Wisconsin, USA – May 14, 2021 –Franklin Fueling Systems has launched three new Defender Series® Pressure/Vacuum Vent models, for the USA, UK and China markets. These three models are designed to meet the cracking pressure requirements for the specific standards of each region. While typical P/V Vents only last a single 3year test cycle, Defender Series® P/V Vents have high-grade, UV-resistant materials and premium internal components that are built to outlast other vents in their class. These models are also designed to incorporate a flame arrestor for regions requiring this option.

The new, innovative in-line vault provides added protection and facilitates at-grade servicing and testing. This eliminates the added maintenance expense of lift trucks as well as the potential safety concerns of conducting work at height. Defender Series® Pressure/Vacuum (P/V) vents regulate the pressure at which vapor is allowed to escape from the underground storage tank and the vacuum at which outside air is allowed to enter the tank. The P/V vent’s internal rolling diaphragm delivers consistent and controlled cracking for both low leak and high-pressure conditions while the superior construction of UV-resistant materials extends the overall service life.

Tokheim EYETM security solution from TSG UK: Surveillance you can trust

Drive-offs at fuel stations have become a frequent problem over recent years, affecting many fuel businesses across the globe and substantially affecting profit margins. It is estimated that there are 1.7 million incidents of forecourt crime reported every year, two thirds of that number are recorded as drive offs*. It is no wonder that fuel retailers are increasingly looking for effective ways of combatting such felonies.

Many forecourt owners have been researching the market for a

cost-effective and reliable crime detection and prevention service. One of these options is the Tokheim EYETM Security Solution from TSG UK.

A powerful but easy-to-use digital camera surveillance system designed specifically for petrol stations, the Tokheim EYE advanced high-definition CCTV solution is able to selectively store relevant images of possible crime; images that are instantly captured as soon as movement is detected on the forecourt. Storing receipt

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Franklin Fueling Systems announces its launch of the new pressure/vacuum (p/v) vents with flame arrestor option

and filling number together with the images, the solution enables retailers to instantly retrieve information concerning specific events at the touch of a button and prevents hours of trawling through CCTV footage that would be required with conventional surveillance methods. Additionally, users can make use of the extensive filtering feature, allowing them to refine incidents by product type, tanker refuel and dispenser door panels being opened without authorisation. With an effective ‘pinch and zoom’ feature, users are also able to quickly isolate and focus on specific parts of captured images without losing image quality.

The 24/7 monitoring system can display up to nine images of the fuelling site on the cashier’s screen and is enabled with both static and dynamic automatic number plate recognition, allowing retailers to store instances of drive-offs in a blacklist directory. If the offender returns to the petrol station, the cashier is instantly notified and is able to act quickly to take further action. The Tokheim EYE solution is integrated with the electronic point of sale

(EPOS) system, allowing it to detect suspicious patterns and act upon employee theft. Once captured, data can be shared with all forecourts within a network or with other organisations in the area that are at risk of being affected by crime from repeat offenders, increasing the chance of prosecution. If supporting evidence is required by authorities, footage is easily exportable to digital applications such as DVD, memory stick or email.

It’s not just crime that the Tokheim EYE solution is designed to manage. Integrated with the Tokheim Fuel POSTM point-of-sale system, the Tokheim EYE solution is able to reduce mix ups at the till, which is especially useful at busy periods.

For more information on the Tokheim EYE digital surveillance system and its crime prevention capabilities, call 0333 015 3001 today.

*Source: The British Oil and Security Syndicate (BOSS)

STA Technical reinvents the Offset Fuel Labelling System

An incident that happened last year involving a petrol forecourt’s offset fuel labels has spurred STA Technical into action to develop an alternative system that not only conforms to regulatory requirements but offers a host of benefits at the forecourt.

STA Technical client, Tom Bindley of CP Installations, explains the circumstances of the accident: “Having filled up, a mum went to pay for her fuel, but unbeknownst to her whilst in the shop her child got out of the car. On this particular forecourt the offset fill points were sited on a pump island, protected either end by bollards. Unfortunately the child slipped and fell on the corner of the label, resulting in a nasty gash to the leg and stitches.”

STA Technical’s Warren Peters continues: “When Tom relayed this story, I knew we could improve upon the existing holder design and develop a system that was not only safe, but also delivered improvements on the label design.

“A good example of our commitment to evolution not revolution, we have engineered out all sharp corners on our label holders and they are fitted with a rubber safety edging as standard. We’ve also changed the clamping system to make it quicker and easier to mount the label.”

With STA’s eye for innovation, a new grade label system has also been developed to meet the needs of today’s busy forecourts.

Warren explains: “Using aviation technology for our new laminated labels, we’re able to provide labels that are not only weatherproof, but are UV resistant, offer temperature stability and are easy to wipe down. And if the labelling needs to be changed due to a site refresh or grade change, it’s a case of following a few simple steps to remove the old and affix the new.”

For more information on STA Technical’s innovative new grade label system and other signage available, visit

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ENOC Group to open 14 compact stations in Dubai

ENOC Group, the Official Integrated Energy Partner of Expo 2020 Dubai, today announced its partnership with Nakheel to open 14 compact stations across Dubai. The first compact station out of the 14 stations opened at Dragon Mart 2 earlier this month. The compact stations will offer customers accessible and convenient refuelling services.

Dragon Mart’s compact station is designed to cater to residents living across nearby residential communities like International City as well as visitors to Dragon Mart. The compact station is equipped with eight dispensers, allowing for fuelling on both sides of the

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station, offering Special 95, Super 98 and Diesel, and a vending machine. With a capacity of 90,000L, the compact station will be able to fuel 1,200 vehicles per day.

As part of the partnership with Nakheel, ENOC Group plans to open 14 compact stations across Nakheel’s iconic projects in Dubai. The next compact station to be opened will be in International City with plans to open by Q2 of 2022. By Q3 of 2022, the Group plans to open 5 more compact stations in Dubai with the remaining 7 to be launched across additional locations by 2023.

His Excellency Saif Humaid Al Falasi, Group CEO, ENOC, said: “As the Official Integrated Energy Partner of Expo 2020 Dubai, we are committed to fulfilling the country’s energy needs with smart, sustainable and safe fuelling options which cater to the needs of our customers and the country’s growing population. The latest compact station has witnessed success during the pilot phase and our partnership with Nakheel will enable us to replicate the same concept across Dubai based on residential needs and demands across the Emirate.”

Officer, Nakheel said: “We are excited to be forging such a forward-looking partnership with ENOC, as we introduce 14 sustainable, efficient and safe compact stations, with the first launch taking place in Dragon Mart, a key retail attraction and the second due to open in International City, one of the largest residential hubs. At Nakheel, we constantly strive to find new ways to enhance the services that are connected to our malls and the opening of the ENOC station is a testament to our efforts to deliver convenience to both our retailers and customers.”

Dragon Mart’s compact station is equipped with solar photovoltaic (PV) panels and will deploy technologies that contribute to enhancing energy efficiency, such as the Vapour Recovery System - a process that enables the recovery of 70 per cent gasoline vapour emissions. The compact station is also designed with a fuel tank set up above the ground, which facilitates the ease of setting up and reassembly if required. The double wall design and build of the tanks is certified to the highest international UL Listed safety standards.

The compact station deploys a number of best HSE practices to enhance safety measures, such as the installation of overfill prevention valve, audible alarm, pressure vacuum vents, and emergency vents for the inner and outer wall. Customers can use different methods of payment including ENOCPay, ViP, and Dubai Now.

Decision on BSI's continued membership of CEN and CENELEC

The CEN and CENELEC General Assemblies, meeting on 25 November, voted overwhelmingly to support BSI’s continued membership of CEN and CENELEC. This decision follows the adoption of new statutes in June which created a new type of full member for countries that find themselves in the UK’s position of exiting the EU, and then the successful audit in August of BSI’s compliance with the rules of the new member type.

Under the new membership category, BSI retains all of its rights to run committees, to participate and to adopt ENs. Whereas there will be some changes to how BSI is represented in the governing bodies of CEN and CENELEC, our seat on the Technical Boards continues unchanged. This decision provides certainty and continuity for our UK stakeholders. It is fully in line with the UK/EU

Trade and Cooperation Agreement and supports the UK Designated Standards System which specifically refers to the role of European standards. In practical terms, this means that the rights of BSI experts to contribute to European technical work continues as does the right of BSI to propose new work items, apply to hold secretariats and to nominate committee chairs.

We would like to extend our thanks to you all for your consistent support for our continued membership of CEN and CENELEC over the five years since the referendum on the UK’s membership of the EU in June 2016. We believe the decision of the CEN and CENELEC General Assemblies will enable us to deliver on your priorities to retain influence over the development of European standards for the benefit of UK economy and society more broadly.

78 APEA tel/fax 0345 603 5507 Press Releases

UNITI expo gears up to return in full force in May

Located at the heart of Europe, the site updated its protocols and has put safety measures in place to ensure everyone attending the event stays healthy. With its “Safe Expo” hygiene concept, the convention centre has proven it is possible to assure visitors, customers and its personnel full security to stay safe. Since last September, Landesmesse Stuttgart has resumed activities with great success in recent events, filling the halls with life.

Having its hub secure, UNITI expo 2022 aims to return in full force next May. With less than six months to go, 90% of the space available has been booked, showing once more the immense level of support within the industry.

Leading trade fair will bring professionals of the industry together once again on 17-19 May 2022.

UNITI expo 2022 has everything ready to return on May 17-19 with the next edition of the leading European trade fair for the retail petroleum and car wash industries. After a long wait due to the COVID-19 crisis, exhibitors and visitors from over 120 countries are set to come back to Landesmesse Stuttgart and experience a unique opportunity to build and strengthen business relationships with customers and professionals.

“Our goal is to come back stronger than ever and we couldn’t have done it without the colossal support from exhibitors and partners of the event. It’s time to finally bring the global industry together in one place again”, says Ben Boroewitsch, Executive Director of com-a-tec GmbH and exhibitor contact.

The latest information about UNITI expo exhibitors and visitors can be found at

79APEA tel/fax 0345 603 5507 Press Releases

Ask the Experts

I have been asked by our planning department to advise on the construction of a 5G telephone mast that is in very close proximity (but not on) a petrol forecourt. Residents have raised the issue with the planning department about the potential for the mast causing an explosion at the filling station. I have checked the blue book to see what information it could provide as a starting point. I have found the information in 9.5.8 in relation to ‘Radio Frequency Transmitting Equipment’, and the fact should only operate ‘on’ a filling station if a technical assessment by the site operator shows that it is safe to do so.

This mast would not be on the forecourt but from looking at the plans provided to the planning department, I would estimate would be within 7m of the location of the vent pipework for the site.

The transmitting section of the mast would start at 13.7m from the ground and continue to the height of 16m. Therefore the transmitting section of the mast would not be within the hazardous zone at the top of the vent pipe. The equipment would also be

outside the hazardous zones for the fill points, tanks and dispensers.

I was wondering if you had any thoughts on anything I have failed to consider as this is the first time we have had the question asked of us?

The filling station was obviously there first and is operating safely. Your planning department has had the application and, rightly so, people have raised concerns. It should be up to the people submitting the planning application to carry out a technical survey to ensure that the 5G mast, the RF signals etc will not affect the filling station from the safety point of view.

RF signals have caused explosions in hazardous areas in the past (Piper Alpha) and there is a standard BS 6656 covering this, and a technical assessment should be carried out in accordance with that standard and presented to your planning department to ensure safety at the filling station, which they can use as a condition of planning approval.



The Eastern Branch hosted a webinar on December Tuesday 7th –held between 12.30 – 14.00.

The event was organised by the Eastern Branch Events committee for all APEA members.

We were delighted to have the newly elected Chair of the APEA, Doreen Pooley with us.

Anton and Alex Boudry, our Branch Rep, welcomed all members to this important online event. We also had the pleasure of members from our associate association ‘SPT’ covering the Nordic countries join us. Thereafter followed an engaging couple of hours with excellent speakers and audience participation.

Simon Smeeton, of TURNERS (SOHAM) LIMITED gave a presentation on Red Diesel and other current logistics issues.

Oli Yeo the MD of Grip Hero and winners of the 2021 “Innovation Award” at APEA Live, talked about the challenges of protecting motorists from disease at the pumps and the benefits of his ATEXCertified anti-static gloves with almost no CO2 footprint.

Dylan Kavanagh of the Olive group with Tom Daley gave a presentation on the new APEA online training platform. The APEA and Olive Group have partnered to launch a new online training platform. This is something that you will want to know more about

so do check out for more information or message me directly.

To finish off our session, we had the pleasure of having Abrar Bajwa, the Asset Manager of ITM Power who talked about creating the future with zero emission solutions. Some of the issues he covered in his talked were

•Why Green Hydrogen is fuel of the future?

•Hydrogen refuelling station infrastructure development in the UK

•Green Hydrogen fuel industry challenges

If you couldn’t join this event do look out for our next one, details of which will be posted in the future. We are here to serve our membership so do reach out to us if you have any ideas or suggestions of how we can do things better as well as relevant topics you consider might be of interest to hear more about. Please also talk to likeminded individuals about the APEA and encourage them to become members if they are not already. It’s the place to be.

For more information contact

80 APEA tel/fax 0345 603 5507 Ask the Experts/Branches



Branch Representative -

Andy Kennedy

- Samual Parr

by Andy Kennedy

- Tom Burns


seconded by Chris Temple

by David Wall and seconded by Chris Temple

Treasurer - Dave Parker

Nominated by Andy Kennedy and seconded by David Wall.

Committee members:

Kennedy Nominated by David Wall and seconded by Chris Temple

Chris Temple Nominated by A Kennedy and seconded by D Parker

Trevor Wallace Nominated by A Kennedy and seconded by D Parker

Treasurers Report

Andy Kennedy presented the branch accounts supplied by the

Dave Parker. These were agreed and signed off and accepted with a closing balance of £1,904.27,

Next meeting to be arranged in 2 months due to uncertainty over Covid-19.

Andy Kennedy Committee Member

81APEA tel/fax 0345 603 5507 Branches/Training Training Training course dates 2022 Please contact the APEA office for a quotation for a bespoke course for any of the courses listed below at, with an approximate number of delegates and preferred dates. 3 Day Combined Petrol Filling Stations –Construction, Audit and Inspection Course 28 - 30 MarchManchester Airport (fully booked) 20 - 22 JuneSolihull 5 - 7 SeptemberStansted Airport 2 day Electrical Installations - An Awareness 4 - 5 April Manchester Airport 14 - 15 SeptemberSwindon Explosives and Fireworks 8 OctoberStansted Airport Wetstock Management 4 April Manchester Airport 12 September Stansted Airport DSEAR 6 April Manchester Airport 13 Sept Stansted Airport Petroleum (Consolidation) Regulations 2014 31 March Manchester Airport 8 September Stansted Airport Petrol Filling Station courses on request Vapour Recovery Installations Leak Investigation Enforcement Procedures Safe Installation and Use of LPG
and Humberside
and Humberside AGM. Video meeting held on the 9th of December 2021. Attendees Andy Kennedy David Wall Chris Temple Samual Parr Tom Burns Apologies Dave Parker Voting took place for the Branch Committee positions with the following members being voted in and accepted.
David Wall Nominated by
by Tom Burns Secretary

Training Course Fees

APEA Member Non member

3 day course with accommodation£1020.00 £1120.00

3 day, day delegate rate £810.00 £910.00

1 day course £260.00 £310.00

More information and booking details on the “Training” page at Anyone booking a training course that is not an APEA member will automatically receive complimentary “Individual” membership to the APEA for one year.

Courses will be designed around the (4th edition) Blue Book Guidance for the Design, Construction, Modification, Maintenance and Decommissioning of Filling Stations (May 2018).

A hard copy and a pdf version of the 4th Edition is available from the Publications page of the APEA website at

The hardcopy is £75.00 to APEA Members and £150.00 to non APEA members. There is no VAT charged on the hardcopy or pdf formats. The pdf version can be purchased with a licence for individual use and cannot be shared or printed. It is strongly recommended that attendees have access to this document during courses.

For details of this and any other training enquiry, please contact: Jane Mardell - APEA Business Manager email: Tel: + 44 (0) 345 603 5507


Thomas Daly (Training Committee Chairman) Tel: +353 876899281 email:

Online Training courses go to or

82 APEA tel/fax 0345 603 5507

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