The Bulletin – September 2021

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The Bulletin APEA (The Association for Petroleum and Explosives Administration) MAGAZINE - September 2021
Inside Inside APEA tel/fax 0345 603 5507 3 Opinions expressed in this magazine are not necessarily the views of the Association. The technical content is not an official endorsement by or on behalf of the APEA and are entirely the views of the authors. Published by the APEA (The Association for Petroleum and Explosives Administration) A company Limited by Guarantee Registered in England No. 2261660. Front cover: A Brazilian filling station in Rio Welcome Editorial Business Manager New Members Publica Informa Ask The Experts Across the Genera a Brief History of 99 Years of Risbridger Ltd The Worshipful Company of Fuellers The City of London’s Focus for the Energy Sector Upgrading Your Separator Coalescing Filter Ahead of the Intr of E10 Right Quality, Right Quan y, Right V The ZEN Success Model Petroleum Enforcing A (PEA) and Site Operators Con Fuel Reconcilia De Fuel System Leaks in Real Time 24/7 Q&A with Craig Nugent Head of Sales at Suresite NEW! APEA Online Training Courses News Press Releases Training APEA Live 2021 Conference, and Awards Dinner 4 6 8 9 10 15 16 20 22 25 30 34 36 38 44 56 78 80

Tom Daly APEA Chairman

Welcome to the September 2021 issue of The Bulletin. Please take time to read through the many interesting articles in this edition. I would like to thank all our advertisers for their support to the APEA, as it has been a challenging time for all in the industry, over the last eighteen months, since the onset of the Covid Pandemic.

We are all looking forward to getting back to some sort of normality. We are so excited to confirm the return of APEA Live, this autumn. After a two-year wait, our flagship event will take place on Thursday 18th November at Marshall Arena, Stadium MK, Milton Keynes. After so long, it will be fantastic for all industry stakeholders to get together face-to-face, once again, to enjoy an incredible day and night of top quality networking, learning and fun!

Our events committee and organising team, F2F, are hard at work on the event's three component parts; the daytime Conference and Exhibition, plus the evening Awards. Progress reports are extremely encouraging and cement the feeling that this is the most anticipated edition of the event in living memory; a feeling I personally share! Participation levels in the Exhibition and Awards are trending significantly ahead of historical booking patterns. In addition, the Conference programme is coming together and will deliver elite business content on the key challenges we are all facing. The event is not to be missed, and high bookings suggest

that the industry agrees! Due to the pandemic, this will be the single-largest business event for the petroleum market in 2021.

So all you need to do is confirm your place and I will see you there!

Remember, daytime Conference/Exhibition passes are free. I am informed that Awards seats are already in shorty supply, so please do book your table ASAP if you would like to attend. Daytime and evening bookings can all be made right now at Finally, don't forget to enter your business for a prestigious APEA Award. There’s never been a more important moment to recognise and celebrate the best of our industry. It's free to enter and we want submissions that demonstrate how this incredible industry and its people faced all the challenges of the last two years, and came out the other side. Let’s hear your stories, let’s reward them! The entry website is open at - submission deadline is Friday 24 September.

This is my last Chairman’s Report for The Bulletin, as my term of office is finished this November. I have enjoyed my time as Chairman and I would like to thank our APEA Council and the Branch Committees for the support, along with the work that they have done throughout the year in an effort to keep the connectivity and momentum of our Association going.

The APEA branches have continued to hold branch meetings, although via an online platform. The APEA branches provide an excellent networking and social opportunity for those working in the industry. In many cases it is a good opportunity to meet up with regulators, manufacturers, suppliers, equipment installers and consultants. Details of the contacts for each branch can be found on our website.

Finally, I look forward to seeing you all at our APEA Live Event in MK Stadium, Milton Keynes, on Thursday 18th November this year. This year’s event will, no doubt, be the highlight of the year and the best opportunity for influential stakeholders to get together and do business, face-to-face!


Jane Mardell

APEA, PO Box 106 Saffron Walden, Essex CB11 3XT Tel: +44 (0) 345 603 5507 Mobile: +44 (0) 7815 055514 email:

Publications Chairman

Andy Kennedy Mobile: 07469 212063 email:

Brian Humm Mobile: +44 (0) 7507 478533 email:

Find us on Linkedin and Twitter
Welcome Welcome APEA tel/fax 0345 603 5507 APEA Business
(contact for all APEA Business and Bulletin advertising, design and typesetting)

Brian Humm


Hello everybody and welcome to the September edition of the APEA Bulletin, I do hope that you enjoy the fascinating mix of news and articles that we have managed to garner and publish for you. Firstly, we are now receiving news items, press releases and good articles from a wide range of individuals and businesses following media appeals etc. I would like to urge members to consider anything of importance/interest that you may think would interest our membership, we really welcome anything (well, almost anything!) to ensure that The Bulletin is an entertaining and interesting read for everyone. If you need help writing something then please contact me, I’ll be happy to assist and will even visit a business to assist with writing the article if needed.

As I sit and write this introduction the supposed “Day of Freedom” has passed and the world is attempting to return to some form of normality. COVID cases, however, still rise and hospital admissions are still on the increase. As someone who is deemed as extremely vulnerable through underlying health conditions, this does somewhat concern me, however, being amongst the millions that have received both vaccinations, I feel slightly protected but will still be cautious in anywhere that has a large concentration of people, and although I am a massive sport fan I will not yet attend any live event.

The “Ping” factor is high on the news agenda. Companies are struggling with staff and goods supplies, which is currently affecting our industry in a big way; filling stations and motorway service areas are running out of fuel and shop goods. I visited a site the other day where they had no coffee because of a milk delivery not turning up! Horror!! I couldn’t function that morning! Hopefully the UK government will get on top of this, and the supply chain can get back to the way it should work (and I can get my coffee fix). It’s good to see also that people are still helping to protect each other by wearing masks and sanitising hands etc. It seems that people are more aware of their surroundings and the affect they might have on their fellow persons.

At the same time as the publication of this Bulletin, the official introduction of E10 petrol has been initiated by the UK

Government. To those that are not aware, there is now up to 10% of Ethanol in petrol; this could possibly affect fuel storage systems where the extra strength of Ethanol can affect seals within dispensers and plastic components of the fuelling infrastructure. Let us hope that the problems, if any, remain minimal.

I had an email conversation with one of the most experienced drainage experts in the UK and former Environment Agency specialist and current UK operations director for Stormwater Shepherds, Joanne Bradley. Jo expressed concerns with the introduction (I paraphrase here) and especially the reaction with fuel, especially diesel within a separator. The ethanol layers are more miscible in water and could confuse the automatic closure device, which could result in the release of some nasty hydrocarbons that have mixed with the water content. Therefore there really should be more/additional treatment of any drainage introduced downstream, and good separator maintenance is also key. A very complicated and specialist topic, one that will be interesting to see, following the introduction, if any problems occur. I will try to convince Jo to write an article at some point once E10 has been up and running for a time.

Within this edition there is an article that introduces the Worshipful Company of Fuellers, a livery company that is incorporated by Royal Charter. The aims of the company are explained within the article itself and I must say, as a freeman of the company, that it is a great organisation to be involved with and the charity work and assistance to young people is exemplary. I hope you enjoy this article and explore the Company of Fuellers further.

Another article in this edition is the introduction of the highly anticipated APEA online training. Being heavily involved in training, it has taken considerable time and effort from the APEA trainers and Olive Media, to introduce these very professional training modules. They are now being advertised on the APEA website and are very competitively priced, why not have a look? If you have any queries or questions then please feel free to contact Tom Daly, APEA training chairman, his contact details are contained in this Bulletin.

APEA Live is scheduled to be held on 18th November this year. F2F are busy advertising the event and putting together the conference, exhibition, awards and dinner. Have you ever considered entering the awards? It certainly gets you recognition and they are valued by all that receive them. If you need any information then it is contained within this Bulletin or you could check online at the APEA website; it really is easy to enter so why not give it a go.

Finally, thank you to all the advertisers in The Bulletin, the contributors of articles, news items etc. and of course Jane for keeping me on my toes, until next time…

6APEA tel/fax 0345 603 5507 Editorial Editorial

Business Manager

If you would like to attend the AGM please email me at to pre-register your attendance.

AGM Nominations to council

I hope that by the time you receive this issue you have all been enjoying the summer. I am writing this in July whilst we have a heatwave. Would be nice to be enjoying it on a beach rather than in my office! Its nearly two years since I travelled abroad to Sri Lanka; hopefully we will all be able to make new foreign travel memories soon. I am off to the Lake District for 4 days in early September – it will be nice to have a break and take in the amazing landscape there. And at least I am getting lots of decorating and jobs round the house done this year.

APEA Live 2021, 18th November

When you receive this issue there will only be a few months until APEA Live 2021 at Milton Keynes and the APEA Events committee and F2F Events are working hard to get everything in place. There is a lot of work that goes into organising APEA Live behind the scenes to provide a professional and valuable event.

Anyone wishing to book a place at the Conference, Exhibition or Awards Dinner should go to

Please note there are discounts for ‘early bird’ booking.

For more information go to page 80 of this issue of The Bulletin. Please also ensure you book your accommodation early as this gets booked well in advance.

APEA Awards - Deadline for entries 24th October 2021

The APEA Awards entry system has been launched and you can view information and how to enter at

APEA AGM 18th November, 12.10pm

With this issue of The Bulletin you have received an AGM invitation letter.

You can view the APEA 2020 reduced accounts and other documents for the AGM at the link below. There is also a link on the home page of the website at

I have set up an online nomination system this year. Please go to the link below to complete a nomination to council. You will need to log onto your membership account to access the information on the AGM page and the nomination form.

Your form will be automatically submitted to the Honorary Secretary. All members should submit their nominations by 7th October.

If there is more than one person nominated for a post instructions will be emailed to members on how to vote for their preferred choice. This process has to be completed two weeks before the AGM on 18th November.

2022 Yearbook

The 2022 Yearbooks will be distributed on 1st October. If you have not received your copy by the end of October please let me know and I will chase up your delivery. We only have a limited amount of spare copies so you need to contact me by the end of October if you have not received your copy. All Yearbooks sent to Corporate members will be sent by courier.

New APEA website

We are launching a new APEA website this year. I will be emailing details about this to all members when it is due to go live. It will be easier to navigate and be more simple to use.

Members email addresses

APEA communication to members is carried out by email. Please ensure you keep your email address and contact details up to date on your membership record by logging onto your account at This will ensure you do not miss out on information about APEA activity.

New Members

There have been 26 new members joining during April, May and June and details can be found on page 9.

General Assistance

If you need any assistance with general or technical matters, please do not hesitate to contact me at or on 0345 603 5507.

Regards Jane

8APEA tel/fax 0345 603 5507 Business Manager








Raymond Mccosker





Jacqueline Davies

James Maxwell Nottingham City Council

Nicola Helm Blackpool Council

Nuala Brangan Brangan Consultancy

Pete Tutalo


Phil Broomfield Distinguished Electrical Services

Robert Kilkelly Kilkelly Engineers Ltd

Stephen Cox

Vicki Pitcher

Fuel Limited

9APEA tel/fax 0345 603 5507 New Members Corporate Membership
Bateman Altrix Group
Huws Isle of Anglesey County Council
Martin South Lanarkshire Council
Lock Remediation Technologies Ltd
Clements Tcs uk Ltd
Taylor-briggs British Engineering Services
North West Electrical Services
Watson TEP Civil Engineering Services Limited
Barker Liberty Industrial Limited Steve Dyke Churngold Remediation Limited Vincent Ryan Terence Barker Individual Membership Austin Ray Fichtner Eve Ann O Looney Gary Wood GW Fuel Systems
Hawkins Sedgwick Environmental Adjusting
Mohamed Emirates General Petroleum Corp.(Emarat)
New Members (April - June)

Publications Information

ISBN 978 0 85293 888 1

Price for hard copy

APEA Member rate - £75

Non APEA Member rate - £150

Price for pdf version (please note the pdf version is licensed to the purchaser only and cannot be shared or printed)

APEA Member rate - £75

Non APEA Member rate - pdf £150

If you wish to purchase the guide please go to the APEA website at and click on the “Publications” page. You can select to pay by credit/debit card.

The APEA also publishes the Code of Practice for Ground floor, multi storey and underground car parks. This can be downloaded directly from the APEA website and is available to members at £11.00 and £21.00 to non APEA members.

Electric Vehicle Charging Installations at Filling Stations

Price for hard copy

APEA Member rate - £32.50

Non APEA Member rate - £50

Price for pdf version (please note the pdf version is licensed to the purchaser only and cannot be shared or printed)

APEA Member rate - £32.50

Non APEA Member rate - pdf £50

This Code of Practice is an authoritative guide to all installations of electric vehicle charging equipment. It has been updated in line with recent changes in BS 7671 (IET Wiring Regulations) and reflects some major developments in this area including vehicle to grid, smart integration and inductive charging.

As part of the rapid growth and development of the whole electric vehicle charging infrastructure, filling stations are seen as an obvious place to provide charging facilities. However, it is recognised that difficult safety and logistical issues are linked to such installations.

When the 4th Edition of the Code of Practice for Electric Vehicle Charging Equipment Installation was published, significant technical discussions were still underway about this area to help finalise and clarify the safety issues that needed to be addressed. The work behind these meetings was led by APEA (the Association for Petroleum and Explosives Administration) who represent the major stakeholders in this sector. APEA and the IET are therefore now issuing this joint publication to help provide important guidance in this area.

ISBN-13: 978-1-83953-315-0

Publication Year: 2020 Pages: 30

10APEA tel/fax 0345 603 5507 Publications Information
4th Edition of the Guidance for Design, Construction, Modification, Maintenance and Decommissioning of Filling Stations“Blue Book” (Revised 2018)

About The Bulletin and how you can submit copy to be included

•The Bulletin is published four times a year with a print run of 2200.

•Free issue to APEA members (approx 1200 members worldwide)

•Has international distribution and readership

•Respected source of industry specific news and information

•Contains relevant articles, news items, press releases and reports from UK and overseas

•Individual, Fellow and Retired members receive one copy each and Corporate members receive 5 copies each per quarter.

Deadline dates for

Issue Copy deadline date

The editor of The Bulletin, Brian Humm, is always on the look out for new material, so if you have something you want to be included, please email it to the APEA office at and it will be forwarded to Brian for approval.

Please email the text in Word format and any images as separate high resolution pdf or jpeg files to

We are always pleased to receive contributions from our members and it ensures that The Bulletin remains an interesting and informative read.

Priority is given for press releases and articles submitted by Bulletin advertisers to be included.

Posting date

Dec 2021 20th September 5th November

March 2022 3rd January 18th February

June 2022 21st March 6th May

Sept 2022 27th June 12th August

Please note the deadline date for the March 2022 issue is early due to Christmas and New Year holidays.

Bulletin Advertising

If you would like to book advertising in The Bulletin, please email your requirements to or call the office on 0345 603 5507. Please ensure you send your artwork to

Priority is given for press releases and articles submitted by Bulletin advertisers to be included.

Discounts are available for booking in more than one issue, please contact Jane Mardell at for more information.

Bulletin advertisers that book in 3 or more issues in one year also receive a 50% discount off rates for advertising in the annual Yearbook, see table below.

Size of advert (all rates exclude VAT)

Advert fee in 1 issue

Advert fee in 4 issues (includes 25% disc

Full page (210mmw x 280mmh with 10mm border or with 3mm bleed) £498.00 £1494.00

½ page (185mmw x 125mmh) £249.00 £747.00

¼ page (90mmw x 120mmh) £125.00 £375.00

0345 603 5507

12APEA tel/fax
Publications Information
copy and advertising artwork 2021/2022

Ask The Experts

I currently own and operate 3 petrol stations. I am obviously interested in the current changing times we live in and I am considering installing three electric vehicle charging points, at each station, for customer use. I know there is probably advice out there, but I thought I would come to your good selves first to get the definitive answer.

Thank you for your question. Firstly, before you enter into any form of contract, I would suggest that you get a survey for the suitability of your forecourt area that you propose to install the system on. It should be carried out by a competent and suitably qualified electrical engineer who has knowledge of petrol forecourts and subsequent hazardous areas. This will ensure that the whole of the facility is suitable and the electric vehicle charging would not interfere in any way with the existing fuel infrastructure.

The APEA, in conjunction with the Institute of Engineering Technology (IET) has produced a supplement to the existing code of practice for electric vehicle charging, “Electric Vehicle Charging installations at Petrol Filling Stations” which is available on the publications page of the APEA website. This publication focuses specifically on filling stations, whilst another form of guidance

comes from the Petroleum Enforcement Liaison Group (PELG) which is a HSE recognised committee that consists of regulators, Environment Agency and retailers etc. to assimilate guidance in the form of PETEL guidance circulars which are available online for download. They can be found on the Energy Institute Website.

PELG-PETEL 20, entitled “Electric Vehicle Charging Equipment on Petrol Forecourts” is issued as advice for Petroleum Enforcing Authorities (PEA’s) for the installation of EV chargers and site operators in order for them to comply with the law. One point, for instance, is that the petrol station operator should inform the local fire authority where the installation is being placed so that they can add this to the fire service risk register. This would inform firefighters that the added hazard is in situ so they would have the appropriate response in the case of any incident. I hope this answers your query, you could always contact your local petroleum officer and the petrol company that supplies your fuel as well for their input.

15APEA tel/fax 0345 603 5507 Ask The Experts


Across the Generations: a Brief History of 99 Years of Risbridger Ltd

As the name suggests, Risbridger is very much a family business. And with each generation to carry on the Risbridger business, the company benefits from a fresh set of skillsets and approaches. The earliest set of company accounts we have date from 1922, so next year will be our centenary!

It all began with William Risbridger, a self-taught and brilliant engineer. Having left school at 13, William went from repairing bicycles and machinery for village residents to building his own factory, eventually designing petrol dispensing and measuring products.

A curious twist of fate when William was a youngster led to William

making a lifelong friend and business associate. Hearing cries for help, he discovered a man in a barrage balloon that had broken free of its tether. Rescuing the man by securing the balloon’s ropes, they became life-long friends. Over the years this relationship led to, among other things, a contract for Risbridger to convert imported WAYNE pumps from the US to meet British Board of Trade standards. When the factory was finally demolished, we found timber from packing crates with ‘Fort Wayne’ stencilled on them in the walls. Recycle, re-purpose, re-use is not new!

Of course, engineering was an important contribution to the war effort. Over the course of the Second World War, W&J Risbridger joined forces with a group called the Southern Engineering Group,

teaming up to make and assemble various components for the war effort. Women ran the machine shop, using belt-driven machinery in three eight-hour shifts.

William designed the roof structure of the Risbridger factory, built in angle iron, and the whole building was completed in just four weeks. With no cement mixers or other machinery, the builders collected their own aggregates from a local quarry (by horse and cart) and made everything with hard manual labour and determination. When the factory was finally demolished, the contractors were surprised by the strength and durability of the structure - it took so much longer than expected to unpick!

William had always embraced innovation and new technologies. His son Gerry, now Chairman of Risbridger, recalls a pertinent example which enabled the family to find out about the outbreak of hostilities in 1939. “We were going on holiday in Dad’s Wolseley car, and we found out that war had broken out through the car radio. That was a very new-fangled thing to have at the time!”

William was what we would call entrepreneurial nowadays, he established a building company and an airfield fuel installation company, installing tanks and dispensers for those vital small airfields, and he had a car repair centre in Redhill. He later went on to design his own petrol dispensers and fuel flow meters. He built his own family house and his workshop at the end of the garden, which expanded until there was no more space. Risbridger eventually left Bletchingley in 2003 for our current premises in Redhill.

Gerry was also a natural engineer, perhaps highly influenced by his surroundings as a child, with the Risbridger family home adjacent to William’s factory. He recalls how the factory was powered not just by large gas engines, but also a ‘battery shed’. Containing several banks of large batteries, this provided the energy for not just the lights in the factory, but also those in the home next door.

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As Gerry was quick to point out: “Battery power is nothing new! Of course, nowadays batteries are so much smaller and lighter that we can use them for powering transportation - not just starting engines or running lights!”

Gerry also recalls how his grandfather was an advocate for sustainability and recycling. Timber packing crates for the imported WAYNE pumps from the US were repurposed in the fabric of the factory, and during demolition of the factory in 2004 we found timber with ‘Fort Wayne’ stencilled on it in various places. “Re-use, re-cycle, repurpose - that’s not a new concept either – but we called it ‘waste not, want not’ in those days,” Gerry adds.

Unlike William however, Gerry’s natural knack for engineering was complemented by an extensive formal education, which included an apprenticeship at Birmid Industries in Birmingham. Known locally as The Birmid, the group was a co-operation of ten companies - including the Midland Motor Cylinder, Birmingham Aluminium Castings and Dartmouth Auto Castings – who employed tens of thousands before closing in the 1980s. Their expertise in producing aluminium aircraft engine castings in WW1 enabled Gerry’s training in the sand-casting methods which he was able to apply to Risbridger products. This ancient casting method is still widely used today.

Joining the company after his RAF service, Gerry became

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Managing Director in 1969. Since this time, he introduced computer systems for admin and accounts and CNC machinery, and was the first to learn and use CAD/CAM programming in our production processes.

Meanwhile the family traditions of Risbridger continued to live on. Like William, who had worked with his brother John (hence W&J Risbridger), Gerry worked with two of his brothers, John and Barry.

Barry Risbridger remained with the company until his retirement in 1997. He produced a large volume of product designs and was a skilled draughtsman. He never did embrace CAD however –Barry refused to give up the pens and pencils, and many of his beautiful drawings and blueprints remain inspiring to look at. He also worked with airlines, oil companies and aircraft engine companies in developing our re-oiling pumps for aircraft maintenance.

Having previously worked in fine jewellery design and manufacture, William’s grand-daughter Annie Risbridger Hind brought a different set of skills with her when she joined the company. Although always interested and competent in mechanical work - like rebuilding the engines and bodywork of her first two Minis! – Annie additionally brought in aesthetic ideas. She helped the company to commission its first logo and website, started taking part in exhibitions and set up computerised Desk Top publishing and contact management systems. As well as being involved in the catalogue, publicity and company image aspects of the business, she also embraced other computer-based improvements to the operation of the company.

On occasion customers can make the mistake of thinking an improved aesthetic must mean a more expensive production process. When one such customer raised this concern, Annie pointed out that the fine turned finish on the component actually involved faster spindle and feed speeds on the lathes, so was actually more efficient. A real win-win!

At Risbridger we not only reflect on a proud history, but also eagerly await an exciting future. Embodying this is Keith Robinson, who joined us in 2014 and became Managing Director in 2019. His energy, experience in milling and turning in the rubber moulding industry, and his interest and skill in using CAD/CAM, has further evolved the modern processes that we utilise at Risbridger.

Personal associations of all sorts are important to Risbridger Ltd, and we are particularly proud to have been APEA members for many years. Thank you to all our friends and associates in the Forecourt industry, for your support. As always, we look forward to working with you far into the future.

Keep an eye out for our centenary celebrations in 2022.

Risbridger provide quality engineering solutions, specialising in forecourt and aircraft ground service equipment.

Our enthusiastic team bring an effective blend of skills to our factory in Redhill, utilising state of the art CNC machine tools and CAD/CAM computer based technology to manufacture our own products and sub contract work.

Our priorities are:

- Developing high quality products that are safe, easy to use and environmentally protective

- Providing high quality output, excellent service and efficient product ‘life cost’

- Caring for the environment and promoting personal safety

- Following the principles of good engineering

Instagram: LinkedIn:

18APEA tel/fax 0345 603 5507 Articles

The Worshipful Company of Fuellers The City of London’s Focus for the Energy Sector

Many people have heard of the various London Livery Companies – Goldsmiths, Fishmongers, Haberdashers etc – but far fewer are aware that the Livery movement continues to play an integral and active part in the modern day life of the UK’s most significant commercial and business centre.

Most industrial and commercial sectors are represented by a Livery Company, and the one that represents the Energy Sector in all its many guises is The Worshipful Company of Fuellers – or as it is more commonly known “The Fuellers”.

A brief History:

Trade and craft associations, known as guilds or livery companies, flourished all over Europe from the Middle Ages for centuries, but the City of London companies are unique in their survival, number, diversity and continuing relevance. Today’s livery companies are living institutions, whose activities have been commended by successive Royal Commissions and whose membership assemble to not only carry out important functions in the City and Livery but to support our charitable links and actively look to the future.

The history of The Fuellers can be traced back to the Livery Company of Woodmongers and Coal Sellers with the earliest known references around 1376, before its first Royal Charter was granted in 1605. Amongst its duties was responsibility for collection of coal dues and taxes, and it was these funds that were used to rebuild much of the City after the Great Fire of 1666, including St. Paul’s Cathedral. It surrendered its Charter in 1667. In the intervening period, while references to the Fuellers were traced into the 19th Century, various bodies attempted to represent the interests of the coal trade until the combined efforts of The Society of Coal Merchants, The Society of Coal Factors and the Coal Meters re-established the new Fuellers Livery Company in 1984. Finally, in 2014, the new WCo Fuellers received confirmation of the Grant of Royal Charter from the Privy Council and the rest, as they say, is history.

The Fuellers – for the entire energy sector: Since re-establishment our membership has steadily grown and diversified across the whole energy industry. Today’s members represent the coal, oil, nuclear, gas, electricity and the renewable energy sectors - as well as specialisations within those industries such as production, supply, distribution, marketing, finance, legal, education and research.

With a varied and active programme ranging from industrial & military visits to energy lectures, networking opportunities, sharing experience and knowledge within our various working groups and even attendance at occasional formal dinners in some of the finest historic City locations, there is something for everyone to enjoy and derive benefit from. The Fuellers hold frequent Energy Events at which we explore

areas of the industry with acknowledged specialists. These range from more relaxed ‘Fuellers Conversations’ in partnership with EY, to exploring different types of energy and the challenges ahead at our Annual Ezra Lecture in the City.

More recently the Worshipful Company of Fuellers Earl of Wessex Conference on Future Energy was established. This provides an opportunity to join the discussion working towards the future of greener energy and zero carbon and is next taking place in November.

Fuellers are also encouraged to contribute to the Company Charitable Trust Fund and donate time to share their experience with students as mentors, advisors or even being involved to judge energy design competitions, which many members find a very interesting experience. The satisfaction from supporting worthy causes is just one of the many aspects of belonging to the Company that are key to our membership.

From a broader perspective membership of a London Livery Company offers a special insight into the history and traditions of our great City. It provides a chance to be part of London’s story of trade and social contribution that spans over 900 years. Did you know that collectively, London’s Livery Companies give in excess of £40m a year to charities?

It is rare in modern life to find such a diverse selection of qualified people connected by a common theme in such a positive social and professional organisation. Beneath the energy umbrella in an impartial environment, our members can explore common interests in an ambience of fellowship and trust.

2020 & Lockdown

Due to our history, the Fuellers runs in the blood of some of our members over several generations. This brings an ever current pulse to the Company with each new generation continuing to help the Company to grow and evolve, while not forgetting our roots and of course respecting the Livery and its traditions. For example, our Senior Warden also brings to the Company a hands-on experience of Fuelling, being an oil tanker driver and working on the ‘front line’.

And now the City, like the spring flowers, begins to breathe new life and unfurl once again. While the lockdown has forced the new ‘normal’ of remote meetings, and there remains a place for these to include those who have a valued contribution but may be many miles away, we are forging a new way forward which combines this new way with the old. That said, we look forward to seeing rooms filled with people once again. Shared experiences at ‘Conversations’ and the working relationships that are formed over an informal drink after an event are difficult to replace.

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In the meantime, much has been going on behind the scenes to assist during lockdown.

From members of the Fuellers making scrubs for local doctors’ surgeries, to making sure that members of the Company do not feel isolated during lockdown by providing a weekly blog which was intended to last the initial 12 weeks but has just seen issue 63 come and go! From utilising members skills in making masks in aid of the Fuellers Charitable Trust, we also joined a group Livery effort in the co-ordination of several Livery Companies working together to make meals and distribute them to the NHS in the City. Through the Drapers Charity the Fuellers sponsored part of the Hackney Carriages fuel costs in their distribution.

The Challenge ahead

The planet’s greatest challenge – that of reducing man-made climate change – cannot be achieved without addressing how we source and use energy.

As previously outlined, the Fuellers membership spans the full range of energy types from the traditional coal, oil and methane gas, through nuclear power to solar and wind generated electricity and on to hydrogen power for heating, electric vehicle transport and maritime fuel.

The Livery Climate Action Group is focusing on supporting Livery Companies to reduce their impact on the environment and climate by considering the actions they can take to reduce energy use and move to less damaging energy sources, improve the efficiency of their buildings, and mitigate the negative climate and environmental impacts that the food provided at events can have.

Livery Companies also have influence on their related professions and trades

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and can support them to consider the impact on the environment and climate of their practices and resource use. Companies can also inspire the next generation through their various schools related activities, either via the Livery Schools Link network or independently.

On a more ambitious level the Livery Climate Action Group is planning to showcase their work through a presence at COP26 – either real or virtual. This will centre around the Livery Climate Action website to be launched in October 2021.

The Climate Action website will provide a Knowledge Exchange portal with information, myth busting and practical advice and guidance, information on seminars and events, and news from companies on how their own efforts are making a difference.

Earl of Wessex Fuellers Energy Conference – 15th November 2021: The Fuellers are very excited to be currently planning the second Earl of Wessex Conference, to be held on 15th November at the prestigious Royal College of Physicians, Regent’s Park. Our first conference, held in November 2019, provided an entertaining and informative day, and was very well received. It was one of the highlights of the year for the Fuellers and a great way for Fuellers to interact with both the wider industry and our charity partners. We are hoping to do even better this time around.

The conference immediately follows the conclusion of COP26 and once again focuses on the theme of “Future Energy”. We have an excellent set of very senior, knowledgeable speakers addressing the most important issues influencing our journey to a sustainable future; including the achievements and failures of the last two years, personal feedback from COP26, a look at what incentives are required in order to achieve Net Zero, in depth reviews of energy storage, some new energy technologies on the horizon, and finally, a senior economist’s view of the energy future. In the middle of all of this, and reflecting our commitment to education, we are

planning on holding the final of our competition offering prizes to young energy professionals and academics for the best new energy ideas. Keep an eye out for details of the 2021 conference or register your interest by contacting us through our website.

How to become a Fueller To become a member of The Worshipful Company of Fuellers (‘a Fueller’) you will normally need to demonstrate an interest in the energy sector generally or in one of its many and varied sub-sectors and we welcome everybody – irrespective of age, ethnicity, gender, or religious background – operating at all levels of responsibility or experience in the diverse world of energy.

Becoming a member of a Livery Company means that you are eligible to apply for the Freedom of the City of London. Being granted Freedom of the City is an especially unique and interesting ceremony, conducted just for you in the historic surroundings of the Guildhall.

Just visit to contact us and request an Application Pack. This will also provide further information about the Company, its aims & activities. We look forward to hearing from you soon!

Upgrading Your Separator Coalescing Filter Ahead of the Introduction of E10

In September 2021, the Government has confirmed the introduction of E10 petrol across all UK forecourts replacing the E5 petrol currently in use. A mixture of petrol and ethanol, E10 biofuel is made from products including low-grade grains, sugars, and waste wood. Its green credentials come from the biofuel’s 10% renewable ethanol content – double that of the standard 5% (E5) blends presently sold throughout the UK.

All liquid hydrocarbon and biofuels (including E5 and E10) comprise of aromatic and cyclic compounds which include the BTEX

elements (Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene and the Xylene isomers).

Unlike traditional fuels the bio-elements, especially alcohols, ethanol and methanol, are infinitely soluble in water attracting harmful BTEX elements and other aromatics pulling them into the water phase. This enhances the contaminant concentrations in the water phase due to the co-solvency effect.

Benzene may cause cancer and genetic damage and is considered

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to be the most harmful component; it is also the most volatile and water-soluble of the BTEX compounds. The UK Environment Agency aims to ensure that there is no appreciable risk of these effects from environmental exposures.

Traditional forecourt separators work by separating the harmful polluting substances such as BTEX from water allowing the clean water to be compliantly discharged into the drains. However, with the new biofuel formulations of E5 and more so with E10, these pollutants are harder to separate from the water. This means your separator is likely releasing harmful BTEX compounds into the environment through the discharge of water.

In order to comply with environmental legislation, systems must be put in place to prevent discharge of contaminated water resulting from biofuel spillage. Adler and Allan’s patented new Ethanol Coalescing Filter fits to your present separator without any requirement for modification or alteration. The innovative filtration system

Performance tests undertaken have validated the efficiency of the system for both ethanol and BTEX removal. The initial results from the live site test shows discharge levels of less than 1 microgram per litre (ug/l) for Benzene and an average for all of the BTEX elements of less than 6 ug/l.

Ahead of the introduction of E10 in September speak to us about upgrading your separator’s coalescing filter to ensure you remain compliant. We can supply and fit filters and ACD, install remote monitoring alarms and safely and compliantly dispose of old filters. For more information go to

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enables your forecourt to meet pollution guidelines and removes 90% of all BTEX.

ZEN has been delivering fuel, lubricants and associated services to leading mine sites in Ghana since its first contract award in 2009. Since then, the company’s services portfolio has grown to include a retail network of 32 operational stations across Ghana, bulk fuel distribution, fuel transportation and logistics, fuel storage facilities and fuel bunkering amongst others. This represents significant growth for the indigenous Ghanaian company, bolstered by its shared values, the 3R’s (right quality, right quantity, right value) and sense of corporate integrity, and with the numbers to back it.

In 2019, ZEN achieved more market share than a leading international household name competitor in Ghana to become the 4th largest OMC in Ghana; number one in the

25APEA tel/fax 0345 603 5507 Articles Right Quality, Right Quantity, Right Value: The ZEN Success Model

supply of fuels to the mining sector and 12th largest OMC in the retail sector, a position maintained into 2021. In 2020, the total downstream petroleum sector in Ghana grew by 5% year-on-year, while ZEN grew by 22%. And whereas the total retail market grew at an 11% annual rate, ZEN retail grew at a 97% annual rate in the same year.

These statistics vindicate the early years, when the company was faced by the seemingly insurmountable task of establishing a local OMC that could venture into and thrive in a sector that was widely dominated by multinationals. Facing that challenge head-on, ZEN has not only established its position as a market leader in the supply of high quality petroleum products to the industrial sector in Ghana and West Africa, but also delivers the highest standard of service to customers across its rapidly expanding retail network.

Crucial to ZEN’s success has been a business model that prioritises a secure, safe and dependable supply chain for its customers offering the highest grade products and services at the most competitive prices. This is further enhanced with continued investments in Health, Safety and Environment (HSE), technology, staff training and infrastructure.

By implementing a business-growth strategy based on these values, ZEN has become synonymous with top quality modern operations, an undeniable focus on customer service, environmental sustainability, and giving back to communities, thereby ensuring its position among leading indigenous OMCs operating in the wider African region.

A secure and reliable supply chain

To ensure a reliable and secure supply chain for quality fuels, ZEN works closely with BP Oil International to ring-fence its supply chain for the timely delivery of quality fuel to customers. The implementation of this customer-focused model has been successful, ensuring the company’s position as market leader in Ghana.

With a deep understanding of the importance of meeting the schedule requirements of its clients, ZEN has made considerable investments in fuel transport and storage facilities, with added value for clients who require full fuel depot management services on-site. This is inclusive of training and safety programs for frontline staff, in addition to arranging fuel deliveries and performing consignment stock delivery services. The company’s investments in the construction and management of fuel depots include a 250,000 litre depot in Nzema, a 500,000 litre depot in Ayanfuri, an 800,000 litre depot in Manso Nkran, and a 5.4 million litre depot in Tarkwa; all key mining sites.

Furthermore, due to the often challenging geographical locations its clients are situated in, ZEN has developed three different modular mobile storage tank options for mining sites, to further secure the availability of supplies. All options are scalable and can be deployed in a short space of time, giving customers the comfort of adequate fuel stocks present at site. With these crucial strategies and contingencies in place, ZEN continues to develop as a holistic, end-to-end fuel solutions provider, supporting its customers to optimise their total cost of ownership of related assets.

Crucial HSE interventions

A key tenet of ZEN’s corporate philosophy is captured in the belief that, without strict HSE adherence there is no room for the business to even exist. For this reason, HSE is taken very seriously with compliance consistently enforced. The company’s key HSE strategies emanate from Hazard Identification and Mitigation Processes, Emergency Response, and Recovery Processes covering every single task performed on-site.

ZEN employs a work permit system in place for all high-risk tasks including hot work, confined space work, etc. A Lock-Out, Tag-Out (LOTO) system is also in place for all electrical or maintenance work.

Regular and random alcohol tests are conducted on all employees at the beginning of shifts to ascertain employees’ fitness for work. Any person who tests positive to alcohol and drug test is sanctioned immediately.

Also, ZEN’s continuous on the job training program includes; working at height, manual handling, spill management, first aid and defensive driving. This training ensures high competencies within its employees and contractors.

Ensuring PPE is being used correctly serves as the last defence in ZEN’s hierarchy of control for hazards in the workplace. Failure to use of any of the required PPEs (Helmet, safety boots, goggles, reflective vest) always attracts sanctions.

Lastly, learnings from incidents occurring either at ZEN or at other industries and risk assessment reviews are done and communicated to all employees, contractors and stakeholders, for lessons to be learned towards preventing reoccurrence, and to identify

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any new risks introduced to its operations. Corrective actions are then implemented to ensure zero harm and an incident-free ZEN.

Stock Management

ZEN has a flawless stock management system that ensures that customers get the exact quantity of product they buy at any pack size or quantity measurement. ZEN recognises that it is important for customers to be assured of product availability, the right quantity, the right quality and the right value. This is secured by efficient and effective management of its blending plants, suppliers, logistics and cash flow in very systematic and uncompromising processes from end to end. This principle is captured in a tagline from the company: With ZEN a litre is a litre.

Notably, infrastructure, innovation and technology are at the forefront of delivery from ZEN, to ensure maximum and real-time oversight of operations for staff to meet customer

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satisfaction. With these in place, ZEN has proven over the last 10 years that, not only can it match leading foreign competitors operating in Ghana, but that it can exceed them in terms of service offering and delivery, as a result of a highly functional stock management system.

Commitment to The Community

Another key principle that has contributed to the ZEN success story is its offer of value to communities, through a deeply embedded corporate social responsibility (CSR) philosophy. This is evidenced by a proven commitment to conduct operations in a manner that is safe for people, the environment and the community; both as a core tenet of sustainable business practice and because it is the right thing to do. The company therefore executes a community relations policy that ensures a responsible and sustainable approach to CSR. Its initiatives are focused mainly on education, with ad-hoc contributions to wider impact areas including health, safety and environment, as well as other relevant community engagement programs. The company’s “ZEN 2 Community” initiatives have included the ZEN/NADeF Excellence Scholarship Awards, medical supplies donations, tuition fee scholarships, the Ayanfuri Resettlement Library, and an ongoing partnership with Lead for Ghana, focused on education development in communities across Ghana.

ZEN Tomorrow

Moving forward for ZEN, market growth will continue to be matched by constant enhancements in service delivery, including more locations, improved access and facilities for persons with disabilities at all sites, increased retail and ancillary services at its service stations, and continued investments to support the Group as a whole. ZEN will further strengthen its supply chain to ensure end-to-end service for all its consumers, and ensure all its assets are equipped with the latest technology in terms of safety and security. Investments in IT and tracking will

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ensure every litre is logged and monitored from vessel discharge to customer deliveries; ensuring no losses, preservation of quality, and absolute safety.

Additionally, customer apps will enable consumers to find their closest ZEN station at all times, and give an overview of all services offered, including retail, lubricants and servicing. Business customers will also receive live updates of the position of their fuel; be it in a ZEN Storage Tank, ZEN Truck or ZEN Pump.

ZEN’s commitment towards the safety and efficiency of supply, leading the way with clean fuel, investing in safe, modern infrastructure and always delivering for clients at the best price, best quality and best quantity, will certainly ensure that the company remains competitive for the benefit of its customers; the perfect recipe for continued successes and one that is worth emulating.

Petroleum Enforcing Authorities (PEA) and Site Operators

An APEA Practical Inspection Training Course

In more recent years the filling stations being constructed are complying with the guidance issued in The Blue Book which covers many of the important factors which make safe storage and dispensing possible.

It is my experience that after the designers, suppliers and contractors complete the work and hand over a completed filling station very many of the operators have little understanding of the

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There is a need to understand how filling stations are built and operate

equipment and how it operates. In addition, with the recent high turnover of regulators in the Petroleum Authorities much of the experience and understanding of specialist equipment that is used has been lost.

There is, therefore a need for more training in this area and this has been recognised by the Petroleum Enforcement Liaison Group (PELG) who have signposted that further training and guidance is necessary to enable a petroleum inspector to carry out their role.

The whole purpose of regulations covering petrol storage and dispensing is to safeguard those who work and visit the filling station and also those living nearby.

The monitoring of works during the construction of the filling station at critical times is to ensure it is built in accordance with the guidance to ensure such storage and dispensing would not create an unacceptable risk to the health and safety of any person.

I am aware that a few PEA’s do not monitor works during construction, but in my opinion, this is a very important part of ensuring the site is constructed in accordance with the approval and keeping the public safe, and if things go

wrong later then the enforcing authority has to take some responsibility.

Once the site is completed and the petroleum storage certificate issued the site operator then runs the site and has a responsibility to ensure that deliveries, storage, dispensing etc are carried out safely.

In recent years the training arm of the APEA has carried out many training courses both in the UK and abroad. On those courses the inspection of a petrol station is included as a practical session of the course and we often find items that need attention.

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The leak alarm made a noise so the staff silenced it! Tank leak detection has been turned off for the last 18 months because it made a noise An explosion on this new site killed the manager and injured 9 customers. Caused by the failure to seal electrical ducts A small number of examples of leak alarms which no longer detect for leaks because of operator intervention and a lack of understanding and training.

What we find on the relatively few sites we inspect in a year is that quite serious defects which affect the integrity of the installation are found and the operator has no idea that things are not correct. It is therefore important that operators have a better understanding of how the systems work and make sure their own sites are operating safely. One of the major problems is that staff on filling stations are really well trained and competent in the retail side of the business but less so on the safety side of the filling station.

With major oil companies or a large operator, systems are put in place to try and overcome these problems by providing online training but so often they fail to deliver the necessary understanding needed.

There is a need to ensure that both petroleum inspectors and operators understand what equipment is used on the site; are the tanks single or double wall? what type of leak detection? what alarms are operating? how does the gauge work? Do they understand wet stock? And a host of other things which help to make sure the site is operating safely.

The photographs illustrate some of the problems the industry face. In order to understand some of the

equipment being installed and make sure proper checks are made when inspecting filling stations, help is available by attending one of the APEA Training courses.

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Leak detection probe removed from header tank which had emptied and placed in bucket of water to stop it alarming!

Continuous Fuel Reconciliation Detecting Fuel System Leaks in Real Time 24/7

The risks around Wetstock storage

As most fuel is stored in underground storage tanks, if there are leaks, it is easier for the fuel to enter the underground water system and pollute the groundwater which in many cases provides drinking water to local communities.

Given the significant risks to health & safety of people and the environment, the storage of petrol at retail & private stores is controlled by specific legislation which requires such storage to be licenced with conditions requiring all practicable steps to be taken to prevent accident by fire, explosion or escape of fuel.

Risks involved if fuel leaks result into contamination of soil and groundwater includes:

• Fines from the EPA that can be as high as $1 million,

• Extensive clean-up costs,

• Loss of product and revenue,

• Loss of customers due to poor fuel quality, and

• Pump/tank closures.

The level of risk from the storage and dispensing of motor fuels increases when petrol stations are located in urban areas, as they are surrounded by private or commercial premises. Therefore the need for consistent and accurate monitoring of petrol delivered, stored and dispensed at any petrol station in order to detect leaks from each underground tank and connected pipeline system, is essential.

An effective Wetstock Inventory Management System will comply with legislative requirements as all petrol station operators will be required to carry out a risk assessment for their operation and ensure that adequate controls are put in place.

Fuelsuite is a fully automatic, most accurate, certified system for reconciliation and detection of fuel leaks at stations. An award winning Wetstock management solution for reducing fuel losses, detecting leaks and controlling end-to-end deliveries.

One solution, full control

• Manage fuel stations in a smart way.

• Fuelsuite ensures remote monitoring of fuel tanks, reduction of fuel losses, leak detection and control of supplies at petrol stations.

• The solution also enables delivery audits.

• The system identifies cases of probable defects caused during transportation process (e.g. inaccuracy of nozzles, tank leak, unlawful external actions), which are the basis for complaints and control of deliveries.

• Fuelsuite helps you gain control over your fuel along the entire supply path from the terminal to the individual customer at the service station.

Monitor remotely, manage intelligently

Fuelsuite brings together your EPA compliance, fuel inventory, delivery, reconciliation, price and ATG alarms within one Wetstock

management solution. This gives you the tools to effectively manage your leak detection, maintenance and fuel consumption and inventory for both above and below-ground tanks Globally.

So if you’re experiencing stock variance you will instantly be able to determine whether your losses are:

• Normal or abnormal

• Caused by a tank leak

• Due to technical fault

• Following a continuous pattern

• Fuel theft or fraud

This information allows you to quickly and effectively rectify the issue, saving time, money and reputation, allowing you to continue to run a reliable and profitable operation. Using a cloud-based remote Wetstock management solution, you can easily schedule various reports such as inventory, delivery, reconciliation and alarms, etc. Our 24/7 support service monitors your critical alarms in the background and escalates (if you choose) to your service contractor to attend and resolve.

If you’d like more information about Fuelsuite before applying please contact us here:

P: +61 3 9785 5000

E:, W:

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Q&A with Craig Nugent Head of Sales at Suresite

Craig was recently appointed Head of Sales at Suresite Group, a leading card and H&S services and wetstock management provider based in Preston. He brings with him an impressive 30 years’ experience in sales and operational management, both domestically and internationally. Craig also has a wealth of forecourt and retail experience, having moved over to Suresite from Certas Energy, where he was responsible for managing dealer relationships with Gulf across almost 900 forecourts. Craig has also worked with big brands in the sector, including Shell, Chevron and Ryko International.

Great to meet you, Craig. Shall we start with how you found your way into the world of the forecourt? Great to meet you too! My career certainly didn’t start out in forecourt health and safety compliance and card services - that’s for sure. At the age of 19, I was working as a professional musician! To supplement my income, I took on temporary employment at the local tax office. At the end of my six-month contract, I took a summer job at the Roadchef at Bothwell Services - just outside Glasgow for those that know it - as a forecourt cashier. At the end of the summer season, I was offered a permanent position. This then progressed to managing the office, followed by my accepting a place onto their retail management programme. My time with Roadchef culminated in my being appointed as the General Manager at the Killington Lake Services, near Kendal.

It’s amazing how seemingly small decisions can start you on a journey - there was no particular draw for me towards this industry, only a need to supplement my musician’s income! But I really did grow to love the sector, and have enjoyed a whole host of roles, including those with both large-scale company owned and dealer environments. I did take a short break from oil to work in medical engineering and importation of high value capital equipment from the US and Italy - so definitely a very varied and unexpected career!

Well, we’re dying to ask more about your time as a musician, but perhaps we’ll come back to that later can you talk a bit about your new role with Suresite?

Since March of this year, I’ve been working as Suresite’s new head of sales. I’m responsible for growing the business’ existing customer base, as well as expanding into new markets - all whilst ensuring that the team delivers a world class customer experience. The first three months have been focused on building a new commercial team, and ensuring they have the knowledge and tools they need to be successful in their roles. I’m delighted to work with such an expert team, and it’s an exciting time to be part of the company - we certainly have some ambitious plans for growth!

And what has it been like for you, starting a new job amidst a global pandemic? How has Covid 19 impacted both your work and your role?

Of course, I started my new post in the midst of a full national lockdown - so I was unable to meet my new colleagues in person, and all of my first interactions were over Microsoft Teams. I also couldn’t get out and meet and visit our customers in their place of work - which is something I really enjoy doing.

The Suresite team has been so utterly welcoming and supportive - so I’ve had a really positive experience of onboarding in this way. We did encounter some initial challenges - it is tough to build a brand new commercial team that can only meet virtually. We have however, managed to find our space on Microsoft Teams, and when restrictions have allowed, we have been able to meet face to face, which has really strengthened our position. I have worked remotely for many years, so much of the systems and methods of communication were familiar to me - I suppose we have all gotten used to living out much of our work and personal lives on Zoom and Teams!

Speaking of working from home how do you manage to strike the right work/life balance for yourself?

I’ll admit this can sometimes be a challenge for me - I enjoy working and have a great home office environment, so I can easily find myself still going later than I should. It’s really important for me to be available to my team, and of course, to our customers. Generally, though, I aim to be away from my desk by 6pm and manage this most days. At home, I’m the chef - so the need for dinner often dictates what time I need to stop work! When I’m not spending time with my family, my down time is mostly spent making music.

Many APEA members I’m sure will be familiar with that feeling of being at your desk longer than you should but what are the things you enjoy most about your job?

One of the best things really is that each day is different - my day can include catch ups amongst the commercial team, or meetings between myself and the rest of the senior management team. We always have a view of improving our position and providing the best possible customer experience. I love interacting with customers and meeting people - many of them have become friends. I feel really lucky to have remained in touch with people that I have worked with more than 30 years ago - I cherish these relationships and friendships and continue to build new ones. Joining Suresite has really underpinned for me the importance of maintaining great working relationships.

Winning new business is also always a great buzz for me, and I feel very privileged to work with such a focused and ambitious team.

Covid 19 has undoubtedly impacted every business in one way or another what changes to the oil industry have you seen over the course of your career, and during the pandemic in particular?

Absolutely, like all industries, the oil

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industry has seen huge ramifications as a result of the pandemic. The most obvious one being of course an enormous drop in fuel sales - by as much as 80% - as the vast majority of us found ourselves confined to our homes with stay at home orders in place. This has sadly resulted in a number of forecourt site closures. On the other hand, those sites with strong retail offers have performed well, and benefited enormously from consumer’s change in shopping habits during the pandemic. Forecourts are a more convenient alternative to large and busy supermarkets, where customers tend to feel safer.

This growing shop and retail offer, and the move of symbol brands (such as Nisa, Spar and Londis) from their traditional placements over to the forecourt, has been one of the most significant shifts that I have witnessed in the course of my career. As a result, the forecourt offer has really broadened - becoming a full convenience location that meets all of a customers’ needs.

It’s also interesting to note that when I started in the industry, health and safety was pretty slack - to say the least! I am pleased to say this is no longer the case, and that safety is now very much at the forefront of the sector.

What do you think will come next for the forecourt and fuelling sectors?

The growth of supergroups (such as MFG, Euro Garages and Applegreen) is undeniably impressive; the result of careful acquisition aided by oil company disinvestment. I imagine we will continue to see ongoing consolidation through the supergroups, with more players entering the market. Since I’ve been in the

sector, many oil companies have disinvested from their companyowned networks, much to the benefit of these supergroups. I also think that as the momentum behind EV builds, that forwardthinking retailers will look at the pathway to successful and streamlined EV integration - BP, Shell and MFG all seem to be taking a leading role and will be interesting ones to watch.

And what about those people who are newly coming into the industry? Do you have advice for newcomers, or thoughts on the skills and attributes that are important to a job like yours?

I really do believe that the ability to listen and learn from those who are experts in their fields is key - and I would encourage those newly coming into the sector to really tap into this wealth of knowledge from people who have been in this line of work for many years. Like so many other businesses, particularly in this day and age, it is important to be ready to embrace change, and most of all - enjoy the experience.

If I could go back in time and tell myself one thing, it would be this; nobody comes to work to do a bad job. Find your space, and help others find theirs too.

And just to wrap up we have to ask a little bit more about your music career! You mention you continue to make music at home, can you tell us a bit about your work?

Sure - I’m a multi-instrumentalist song-writer and played guitar in a successful Scottish band for six years. We had success in the indie charts, along with some national airplay on Radio 1! This really is where my work life started - and I continue to collaborate on and support various musical projects in my spare time.

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NEW! APEA Online Training Courses

Hi, I’m Dylan Kavanagh, and I’m very proud to be involved in the first Rollout of Online or Hybrid Learning Platforms to the members and clients of APEA. I am the third generation of the Kavanagh family to be involved in the promotion of the APEA and its services to the Petroleum industry, with my father Brendan Kavanagh having served on the UK and Irish executive committee in the 1990’s and my Grandfather Des Kavanagh who was awarded the privileged title of Fellow, and was also a founder member of the Irish Branch. I grew up hearing about people like Jamie Thompson and Tom Daly alongside companies like Gilbarco, Tokheim and Ellaflex!

What is Hybrid Learning?

Hybrid learning is an educational model where some students attend class in-person, while others join the class online or virtually from home. In some cases, hybrid classes include asynchronous learning elements, like online exercises and pre-recorded video instruction, to support face-to-face classroom sessions. When planned well, hybrid courses combine the best aspects of in-person and online learning while making education more attainable for many students. For hybrid learning to be successful, the elements of your hybrid course can be tailored to the learning format, whether it be in-person or online.

Hybrid vs. Blended Learning

Hybrid learning and blended learning can often be mistaken for one another, and both contain many of the same instructional elements. However, both are two distinct learning models. Blended learning combines in-person teaching with asynchronous learning methods, where students work on online exercises and watch instructional videos during their own time.

Hybrid learning is a teaching method where teachers instruct inperson and remote students at the same time. In hybrid learning models, asynchronous teaching methods can be used to supplement synchronous, face-to-face instruction.

Benefits of Hybrid Learning

Both face-to-face and online learning have their benefits and weaknesses. The goal of hybrid learning is to combine the two formats to create a singular learning experience without any weak spots. The main benefit of hybrid learning is ‘a flexible learning experience’.

Many companies transition to hybrid learning for flexibility: a flexible learning schedule, flexibility in teaching modes, flexibility in how learners engage with their learning materials, and flexibility in collaboration and communication between peers and their instructor. For students who aren't able to attend classes in-person, the hybrid learning environment allows them to learn remotely.

These emerging technologies will help to consolidate and enhance the APEA’s reputation and growth both on a National and international Level. It’s been a privilege to be involved. I look forward to serving as my father and grandfather before me.

A Platform for Self-Paced E-Learning Mykademy’s progressive platform helps in connecting the world’s finest tutors with their students across the globe. It provides online educators with state-of-the-art technology and support that facilitate sharing their unique & valuable knowledge and growing their audience while being rewarded for it, easily and efficiently. APEA’s Mykademy e-learning platform enables its learners to

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Tom Daly, APEA Chairman and Dylan Kavanagh, Vice President and Director and Brendan Kavanagh, President and CEO, Olive Group

pursue their compliance in Petroleum & Explosive Administration from the 8 Courses they can enrol themselves on to, hassle free. All courses can be taken in one go, or completed over time, with content available 24/7. In addition, these digital contents work on mobile devices so learners don’t need access to laptops or PCs, they can simply use their tablet or smartphone. The learners can track their progress, attend online exams, assessments and knowledge checks based on the courses that they learn from and get certified on it. It also allows them to start a Q&A session with the instructors as well.

APEA’s Mykademy platform ensures its learner’s journey is seamless with its convenient user interface.

The home page lets you sign up and register as a learner to get enrolled to the courses. The payment gateway enables the learners to purchase their courses and checkout securely.

A Dashboard for the learners lets them access their purchased courses, get notified for the upcoming live sessions, assignment and online tests.

The Students can play the videos, attend knowledge checks and even start a Q and A session directly from the course player.

APEA Courses

The following is a brief overview of the modules.

Key Areas of a Filling Station £50

This course begins by going back in time to see how tanks were

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built for earlier filling stations. We then explore the different types of tanks and how to manage tank leaks. Then, we go through the different types of pipes. Finally, we look at pumping and suction systems.

Topics covered: The underground components of the Filling Station Storage Tanks


& Pumping Systems

The Future of Fuels

This course looks at the future of fuel and what we expect to

happen as the market and trading environment changes over the coming years. We also cover diesel exhaust fluid or Adblue, fuel standards, and electrical vehicle requirements.

Topics covered:

Future Fuel Diesel Exhaust Fluid Fuel Standards Electric Vehicles

Drainage, Vapour Recovery and Leak Detection £50

This course outlines the importance of collection and containment of all fuel spilled on site. We look at the different drainage systems

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that are designed to collect fuel before describing methods of Vapour Recovery and Control and finally looking at leak detection and prevention.

Topics covered:

Drainage Principles

Vapour Recovery Wetstock & Leak Detection

Road Tanker Delivery and Consignor Requirements £50

This course offers expert guidance for Petrol Station Operators, Road Tanker Operators and Road Tanker Drivers, along with Regulators. We look at how to ensure safe road tanker movement on site and prevent the overfilling of storage tanks during unloading of a road tanker along with the safety procedures to deal with overfilling situations.

This course offers expert guidance on the legal framework for petroleum storage, handling and related operations. We look at the origins of these regulations and how they have evolved over the years and then look at the key elements and their application.

Topics covered:

Petroleum (Consolidation) Regulations 2014 Introduction Introduction & General Prohibition on the Keeping of Petrol Storage of Petrol on Dispensing Premises

Storage of Petrol in Domestic or Other Relevant Premises Miscellaneous Provisions

Dangerous Substances and Explosive Atmospheres Regulations 2002 £50

This course has been designed to explain the Dangerous

We also look at how to prevent and deal with spillages that occur during unloading of fuel. Finally, we look at controlling potential sources of ignition and ensuring safe delivery of fuel.

Topics covered:

Unloading Petrol from Road Tankers

Approved Code of Practise Delivery Types and Procedure

Duties and Risk Assessment

Overfills and Spillages

Responsibilities of Site Operator, Road Tanker Operator and Tanker Driver

Petroleum (Consolidation) Regulation

Substances & Explosive Atmospheres Regulations 2002 (known as DSEAR) in its application to petrol filling stations that also serve as workplaces.

Based on Statutory Instrument 2776; 2002, the course covers each of the 17 Regulations and 7 Schedules together with the supporting Approved Codes of Practices (ACoPs).

Topics covered: Introduction

The Current Situation DSEAR - Definitions, Applications and Duties Elimination or Reduction of Risks Places where Explosive Atmospheres may occur Accidents, Incidents and Emergencies Information, Instruction and Training Duty of Coordination Risk Assessment

Maintenance, Repair, and Unloading petrol Unloading Petrol from Road Tankers Making Tanks Safe

APEA Inspection Preparation Online Training £50

This course gives you a basic overview of how to plan, schedule, structure, review and conduct an inspection of a petrol filling station. It is ideal for site operators, managers or regulators.

Topics covered: Objectives of a Site Inspection Blue Book and Red Guide Regulator and Site Operator Expectations and Preparation

42APEA tel/fax 0345 603 5507 Articles
2014 £50

On Site Safety

Regulators and Your

APEA online training on the Red Guide

This course takes a detailed look at The Red Guide. It is an advisory document that aids in the safe operation of facilities where petrol is stored and dispensed into vehicle fuel tanks and containers.

Enforcers and operators use the Red Guide as a reference document.



How to Book

43APEA tel/fax 0345 603 5507 Articles
Structure of Inspection Site Risk Assessment Post Inspection Power of
covered: Red Guide Introduction Contents of
Red Guide
Go to where you can view the training demonstration video and book the APEA Full Course Bundle or the individual courses. 8in1 APEA Full Course Bundle £250 8 Courses Key Areas of the Filling Station The Future of Fuels Drainage, Vapour Recovery and Leak Detection Road Tanker Delivery & Consignor Requirements Petroleum (Consolidation) Regulation 2014 Dangerous Substances and Explosive Atmospheres Regulation 2002 Preparing for Inspection The Red Guide

bp pulse opens UK’s first fleet rapid charging hub

The hub is the first of its kind in the UK and first of many bp intends to open in London and other European cities.

bp pulse has opened the UK’s first rapid charging hub for fleet vehicles. The new multi-charger hub on Park Lane in Central London can already provide rapid charging for 10 vehicles simultaneously and bp pulse plans to more than double its capacity in the coming months.

The hub demonstrates bp pulse’s commitment to provide EV drivers with fast, reliable and convenient charging. The company intends to open hundreds of similar hubs across London and other

UK and European cities by 2030, further supporting the transition of businesses and fleets to electric vehicles.

bp’s ambition is to become a net zero company by 2050 or sooner and help the world get to net zero. Electrification is at the heart of its convenience and mobility strategy and bp aims to grow its operated network of public EV charging points to over 70,000 worldwide by 2030.

The new rapid charging hubs will help to deliver charging in locations where fleet and operational vehicles need it most – and importantly at scale, with a target of at least 10 chargers per site.

Forecourt fuel crime see-saws up and down

Forecourt operators across the country have experienced a turbulent 12 months which has seen fuel crime see-saw up and down.

During the first lockdown the BOSS Forecourt Crime Index halved and then, as the economy re-opened for the first time, the BOSS Index jumped 41% during Q3, only to return to negative territory when the second wave struck, and the index fell 27% in Q4. More recently, while reports of No Means of Payment (NMOP) have remained static, Drive Off (DRVO) incidents have soared by 38%.

“As fuel sales make a recovery to pre-pandemic levels and the economy recovers, we expect car travel to continue to grow. Forecourt operators would do well to take note of the changing nature of crime and return to basics to tackle a problem that could balloon over the summer months as staycations bring more travellers onto our roads,” writes Kevin Eastwood, Executive

Director of the British Oil Security Syndicate. (BOSS). BOSS’ Payment Watch service tries to deter drivers from committing a crime and it resulted in around 80% of motorists returning to pay within seven days.

Nowadays DRVO incidents are lower in value when compared to NMOP, which suggests these incidents seem opportunistic. What is clear is more motorists are taking advantage of forecourt operators’ good nature and claiming to have no means to pay for fuel, says BOSS.

“Some motorists are clearly treating fuel as an easy target when money is tight, a sort of pay-day loan, and it’s essential that BOSS continues to recover money for forecourt retailers. There is no magic to reducing fuel crime on forecourts, and an essential ingredient is attention to detail and teamwork. Implemented carefully means together, we can, and do, catch offenders.”

Petrol lead still exists in London air 22 years after ban

Levels in London’s’ atmosphere have dropped drastically since lead additives were phased out and meet current UK air quality targets.

But extensive research by Imperial College London has found airborne particles are still highly lead-enriched compared to natural background levels. Up to 40% of those discovered come from the legacy of leaded petrol, the study has indicated.

Specialists say this highlights the long-term persistence of

contaminants introduced by human activities in the environment.

Lead author of the study Dr Eleonore Resongles commented: "Petrol-derived lead deposited decades ago remains an important pollutant in London. Despite the leaded petrol ban, historically combusted lead is still present in London's air more than 20 years later." Air pollution was found to have caused the death of nineyear-old Ella Adoo-Kissi-Debra in Lewisham, south-east London, a coroner ruled last December.

44APEA tel/fax 0345 603 5507 UK News News

Gridserve plans 50 high-powered ‘Electric Hubs’

The company wants to have a recognisable brand covering all of GRIDSERVE’s UK-wide chargers, including coverage for 85% of the motorway network.

Gridserve has launched a new program called Gridserve Electric Highway – a UK-wide network of more than 50 high power ‘Electric Hubs’ with 6-12 x 350kW chargers in each, plus almost 300 rapid chargers installed across 85% of the UK’s motorway service stations.

The overall objective is to provide a UK-wide network that people can rely on whatever type of electric vehicle they drive. The news

comes just weeks after the acquisition of the Electric Highway from Ecotricity. The first electric highway ‘Motorway Electric Hub’ – a bank of 12 high power 350kW chargers alongside 12 x Tesla Superchargers was opened to the public in April at Rugby Services and is the UK’s largest high power motorway charging site.

“We are excited to partner with Gridserve in helping to make EV charging in the UK a fast and anxiety free experience. We view this as critical to enabling the rapid decarbonization of road-based transportation, especially for long distance journeys” said Edward Beckley, Partner at TPG and senior member of the climate investing team at The Rise Fund, who are an investor in Gridserve.

Supermarkets set for huge change in pay-at-the pump fuel

If you fill your vehicle up at a supermarket, then you are going to face more financial checks before you dispense fuel.

At the moment, there is a £1 pre-authorisation charge, but the change will mean your bank will need to pre-authorise £99. This is to ensure you have enough funds to pay for your fuel. However, the unused amount will be released back to your account

within the hour. It is all because of changes from the credit card companies including Mastercard, Visa and American Express.

Supermarkets, such as Tesco, Asda and Sainsbury's, will initially trial the change and if it is successful, it is believed the changes will be rolled out across the UK later this year. The changes mean drivers filling up will see up to £99 placed onto their card as a deposit for their fuel - before being returned.

45APEA tel/fax 0345 603 5507 UK News

Beforehand, all Pay at Pump transactions were authorised by requesting a £1 transaction from card issuers before taking payment for the value of the fuel one to three days later.

The plans have prompted a lot of chat on social media from motorists alerting others to the changes - some annoyed at the charge.

"Just go inside and pay or pay cash or boycott them go elsewhere," said one customer.

"I won't be using Tesco now then," said another.

Previously, all Pay at Pump transactions were authorised by

requesting a £1 transaction from your card issuer before taking payment for the value of the fuel 1 to 3 days later, says Tesco. "Under new rules implemented by Mastercard, Visa and American Express, we must now request authorisation from your card issuer for up to £99. Once you have finished filling up, the final transaction amount is sent to your card issuer, and the remainder of any unused funds up to the maximum filling amount will be released back to your available balance.

"We’ll only ever charge you for the value of the fuel you’ve actually purchased." Commented one supermarket spokesman, it will be interesting to see if this will deter motorists from using this system.

Ascona completes flagship site transformation in West Wales

The group announces the reopening of its first ever site in Pembroke following a complete upgrade in line with Ascona’s strategy to develop roadside retail destinations.

Ascona Group, one of the UK’s fastest-growing forecourt operators, announced the complete transformation of the company’s first ever site, ten years after it originally opened for business. Located in Pembroke, West Wales, the current Green Garage Service Station has undergone a full knockdown and rebuild of the original forecourt, formally known as Bush Hill Service Station.

In line with Ascona’s strategy to develop the roadside retail destinations, the upgraded site includes a Nisa Retail proposition

and Costa Coffee self-service kiosk. It also features the Ascona Fish Bar, Instawash launderette and Jet Wash.

Ascona has signed a five-year agreement with Texaco to supply fuel for the site. It also includes infrastructure for six electric vehicle charging points.

Since Green Garage reopened for trading on 11th June, the site performed weekly shop sales of around £40,000 and projected annual fuel volumes of three million litres.

Headquartered in Pembrokeshire, Wales, Ascona Group operates 59 sites across the UK and a leading retail service offering both commercial partnerships and in-house brands.

ANFAC and GASNAM propose bringing forward the target set by the Spanish Government from 2030 to 2025, given that the supply of vehicles will grow substantially in the coming years.

The Spanish Association of Automobile and Truck Manufacturers (ANFAC) and the Association of sustainable transport that integrates the value chain of gas and hydrogen (Gasnam) are calling for bringing forward the goal of a minimum network of 150 hydrogen filling stations in Spain from 2030 to 2025, according to a press release.

The associations consider that the commercial offer will grow substantially in the coming years, especially in the segments of light commercial vehicles and heavy-duty long distance and that, to underpin this deployment, it is essential to have a minimum refuelling network in 2025. For this reason, they propose bringing forward the objective of having 150 hydrogen filling stations set by the Spanish government from 2030 to 2025.

The 150 sites should be distributed in 71 locations in provincial

capitals and municipalities with more than 100,000 inhabitants, while 79 sites should be placed in the main corridors and routes with the highest daily traffic intensity, located mainly in road transport centres with the highest hydrogen consumption, such as refineries and industries. In this way, the objective of having a maximum distance between hydrogen stations of 250 kilometres and guaranteeing the supply of long-distance heavy transport is also met, according to the associations.

The ANFAC and GASNAM plan establishes development phases for an organized deployment in line with the evolution of the vehicle market.

Thus, by 2021, it would be necessary to have 15 public access stations built in urban centres. In 2022 and 2023, these 15 would be joined by 45 in urban areas and 40 in transport corridors, so that by 2024 there would be 100 hydrogen refuelling points. By the end of 2025, the target of 150 hydrogen stations in Spain would be achieved.

46APEA tel/fax 0345 603 5507 UK/International News
Associations call for a minimum network of 150 hydrogen stations by 2025

H2 MOBILITY to reach 100 hydrogen stations target

Currently, the nationwide network of hydrogen stations for fuelcells passenger cars comprises 91 stations.

H2 MOBILITY Germany will reach its first expansion target of 100 hydrogen filling stations in the months ahead. Currently, the nationwide network of hydrogen stations for fuel-cells passenger cars comprises 91 stations, according to a company press release.

The 100 H2 stations target is to operate the locations in seven German metropolitan areas (Hamburg, Berlin, Rhine-Ruhr, Frankfurt, Nuremberg, Stuttgart and Munich) as well as along connecting motorways and highways.

Passenger cars and light commercial vehicles can be refuelled with hydrogen at all existing H2 MOBILITY filling stations. Buses can also be refuelled at nine locations. H2 MOBILITY handles all the

tasks – planning, construction, operation and marketing – that are necessary for expanding and operating the network.

From 2021 on, further stations will be built where demand for commercial vehicles is expected in the short term and where a public filling station makes sense in a growing network of hydrogen filling stations, says H2 MOBILITY.

H2 MOBILITY Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG is responsible for establishing a nationwide hydrogen infrastructure in Germany. H2 MOBILITY’s shareholders are Air Liquide, Daimler, Linde, OMV, Shell, and TOTAL, with BMW, Honda, Hyundai, Toyota and Volkswagen as well as NOW GmbH National Organisation Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technology serving H2 MOBILITY in an advisory capacity as associated partners.

EuroGarages Group raises funds for Disabled American Veterans

EG America and the 1700 convenience stores it operates is launching a national campaign to raise funds for Disabled American Veterans (DAV). The donations will help DAV ensure that injured and ill veterans access the full range of benefits available to them. Beginning today and running through July, store employees will ask customers to donate an amount of their choosing to DAV during checkout.

The convenience stores participating in the promotion include Cumberland Farms, Certified Oil, Fastrac, Kwik Shop, Loaf 'N Jug, Minit Mart, Quik Stop, Tom Thumb and Turkey Hill. Their goal is to raise over $250,000 for DAV, an organization that changes the lives of more than one million veterans, of all eras, every year.

"Recognizing and giving back to those who have served our country is vitally important to the EG Group, which is why we are proud to partner with DAV in this important initiative," said George Fournier, President of EG America. "Additionally, many of our team members and guests are veterans themselves, so this association with DAV allows them to connect with the communities where they live and work in a meaningful way. This fundraising effort hits home for the EG Group and we're looking forward to our guests playing a key role in this effort."

"For years, EG America has successfully raised funds directly supporting the vital programs we provide to the men and women who served," said DAV CEO Marc Burgess.

Fastned to build fast charging stations in West Flanders

The European fast charging company enters into a partnership with West Flemish Intercommunale to realise five fast charging stations along main roads.

Fastned, the European fast charging company, has been selected by the West Flemish Intercommunale in Belgium to realise five large fast charging stations on its business parks, mostly located along main roads in West Flanders.

The fast-charging stations can cater for hundreds of electric vehicles per day at a charging speed of up to 300 kW. All the power will be from local sun and wind parks in Belgium, according to a

company press release.The first two concession agreements for a station in Roeselare and Ostend have now been signed. These stations will be completed next year.

The other locations will be realised in the coming years. Fastned expects to build a large charging station at each location where up to 16 vehicles can charge simultaneously.

Established in 2012, Amsterdam-based Fastned has built 142 fast charging stations in the Netherlands, Germany, the United Kingdom, Belgium and Switzerland. The company is working on the expansion into France.

48APEA tel/fax 0345 603 5507 International News
Fundraising effort has goal of $250,000 to help injured and ill veterans

Maxol Newbridge wins NACS Best Store Award

Newbridge, Ireland, store redefines choice and convenience for customers, according to the award jury.

Maxol Newbridge, developed to showcase Maxol’s transformative, customer-centric brand experience, has won the NACS European Convenience Retail Best of the Best Store Award for the redevelopment of its store in Newbridge, County Kildare, Ireland.

The award, sponsored by The Coca-Cola Company, was presented during the virtual NACS Convenience Summit Europe.

“This is an incredible achievement for the team in Newbridge. Not only is Maxol Newbridge the best of the best in Ireland, but the best in Europe as chosen by our industry peers. Congratulations to all the team in Newbridge for their contribution and hard work in making it a day to remember in our long history”, said Brian Donaldson, CEO of The Maxol Group.

The store was a raise and remodel and is nearly double the size of the previous one. The project, a partnership between Maxol and Aramark, features freshly prepared meal solutions that include a new Maxol Deli, a chicken-focused meal concept called The Rotisserie, and a new ice cream brand, N’ice Cream, in addition to offering established brands like Burger King and ROSA Coffee.

At the forecourt, the store is one of Maxol’s first to offer the company’s new loyalty app and innovative customer-facing technology to ensure a seamless, omnichannel customer experience. New Helix 6000 pumps provide an integrated injection solution that transforms regular fuels into premium grades.

In 2020 the company launched a carbon emissions offsetting program to support sustainability initiatives, including planting 10,000 trees across the island of Ireland, local community projects and global projects designed to offset carbon emissions, including fuel emissions. Already the company has introduced 100% recyclable deli packaging and 100% compostable single-use cups and lids, and it harvests rainwater for its car washes, has invested significantly in installing compostable and recyclable bins and encourages customers to reuse cups by offering a 25-cent discount on hot drinks.

The overall offer led to strong sales growth at the site in 2020— more than 43% compared to 2019, and at a time when the pandemic depressed driver traffic and general sales at many other retail locations.

Aramark, the global specialist in food and facilities management services, operates the service station on behalf of Maxol.

The NACS European Convenience Retail Awards recognize outstanding achievements in the European retail community.

“Maxol is not only redefining its offer but also how global convenience retailers deliver exceptional service and innovations that make their customers’ lives easier while focusing on measurable store-wide improvements and performance,” said NACS President and CEO Henry Armour.

49APEA tel/fax 0345 603 5507 International News

Parkland to launch EV ultra-fast charging network at its retail sites

Up to 100 charging ports at some 25 of Parkland’s existing retail locations across British Columbia, making it the largest EV-ultra fast charging network in the province.

Parkland Corporation announced plans to launch the largest network (by site count) of electric vehicle (EV) ultra-fast chargers in British Columbia (BC), Canada. The network will consist of up to 100 EV ultra-fast charging ports at approximately 25 of Parkland’s existing retail locations on major highways and in key cities and towns across BC.

The network will stretch from Vancouver Island to Calgary and is expected to open to customers in 2022. The charging ports will be branded ON the RUN to connect with the company’s wellestablished convenience store brand at its retail sites.

Delivering up to a 150-kilowatt charge, Parkland’s ON the RUN ultra-fast chargers will be capable of delivering up to an 80 percent charge to most EV’s in approximately 20 minutes, according to the company.

Vast majority of locations will feature an ON the RUN convenience store, Triple O’s restaurant and complimentary wi-fi, enabling customers to make use of these services while charging their vehicles.

“While adoption is in its early phases, BC leads the way in North America, making this province a natural, scalable step for our EV charging network” said Donna Sanker, President Parkland Canada. The company will provide more details of its energy transition strategy through 2021 and at its November Investor Day.

Gulf reaches 80 gas stations

Gulf, via DeltaPatagonia, locates 45% of its fuel station network in the city and province of Buenos Aires, where it doubled its number of sites in 2020.

Gulf, through DeltaPatagonia, licensed for Argentina, reached 80 service stations in the country. In 2020, Gulf opened a gas station every 9 days on average, doubling the number of outlets in the province of Buenos Aires. Gulf locates 45% of its network of stations across the city and province of Buenos Aires, where the company has a presence in more than 30 locations.

Capital Federal and Province of Buenos Aires, "by population and market volume, is key" in the brand's expansion strategy in Argentina, according to Federico Garzino, Network Planning

Manager of DeltaPatagonia, Gulf's licensee in Argentina.

Recent Gulf openings in the province of Buenos Aires took place in Quilmes, San Pedro, La Matanza, Bolivar and General Guido, on Route 2. Also, the Gulf Agro unit presented its first two locations during 2021 in Tandil and Chacabuco, and a third station is about to open in Lincoln, according to the company.

Gulf is currently present in 11 provinces in Argentina. The oil company aims to reach 150 contracts signed during the course of this year, and to brand 100 service stations. At the same time, it is also working to expand its product and service offerings at Gulf Stores.

Repsol launches first HVO mobility project

A total of 12 buses from the Bilbobus fleet will use net zero emissions fuel over the next four months, thus making them comparable to electric vehicles.

Repsol, Bilbobus, and Alsa have launched the first pilot project in Spain to use HVO, a net zero emissions fuel. Over the next four months, 12 buses in the fleet of Bilbobus, the Bilbao city bus line, will run on advanced residue-based biofuels.

The project will contribute to saving approximately 300 tons of CO2 emissions during the time of the pilot phase. It aims to demonstrate that advanced residue-based biofuels offer part of the solution to reaching the sustainability objectives in road

mobility by helping to diversify Spain's energy matrix.

The European Union is already following a road map based on the new directive which calls for at least 14% of transport fuels to come from renewables by 2030.

Spain's National Integrated Energy and Climate Plan (PNIEC) is even more ambitious in this respect, aiming for renewables to make up at least 28% of transport fuels by 2030.

The International Energy Agency considers biofuels a key lever in the gradual decarbonization of transport, especially after 2030 in the sectors facing obstacles to electrification.

50APEA tel/fax 0345 603 5507 International News

HPCL starts serving ethanol blended petrol at retail sites

HPCL becomes the first oil marketing company in the country to sell ethanol blended petrol at its retail outlets situated in Jammu & Kashmir region. In a first, India’s Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited (HPCL) will start selling ethanol blended petrol at its retail outlets situated in Jammu & Kashmir region. The fuel will be sourced from the company’s Leh Depot, situated at an altitude of 11500 feet in Ladakh Region, according to a company press

release. “Conquering the fuel requirement at such high altitude/low temperature and duly backed by robust quality checks, HPCL has become the first oil marketing company in the country to launch ethanol blended petrol in Ladakh region,” says the release. Ethanol has become one of the major priorities of 21st century India, with the Government resolving to meet the target of 20% ethanol blending in petrol by 2025.

Endesa to open two CNG filling stations in Pays de la Loire

With opening planned for the end of 2021, both facilities were commissioned by Territoire d'Energie Mayenne, a public player in energy networks in the Mayenne department.

Gas natural vehicle (GNV) filling infrastructure continues to grow in northwest France with the addition of two new compressed natural gas (CNG) filling stations in the region of Pays de la Loire. Located in Mayenné and Laval areas, in the Mayenne department, the two new sites will open at the end of 2021, reports GazMobilité.fr.

Endesa will build, operate and maintain the two stations that were commissioned by Territoire d'Energie Mayenne, a public player in energy, gas and electricity networks in the department. Both stations will deliver CNG and its renewable version bio-CNG, catering to the needs of various players in the area, says GazMobilité.

Open 24 hours a day and accessible to all types of vehicles and customers, they will accept payment using bank cards or credit cards.

51APEA tel/fax 0345 603 5507 International News

Everfuel begins hydrogen fuelling in Norway

The delivery of the Hvam station triggers the financial close of the acquisition of the two hydrogen fuelling stations and associated distribution assets in Norway from H2CO AS.

Everfuel A/S assumed ownership and operation of the hydrogen fuelling station at Hvam, northeast of Oslo, Norway, as the first of two fuelling sites acquired in November 2020. The delivery of the Hvam station triggers the financial close of the acquisition of the two hydrogen fuelling stations and associated distribution assets in Norway from H2CO AS, an Uno-X owned company.

This is Everfuel’s first hydrogen station in Norway and an important step in realizing the company’s green hydrogen fuelling strategy

for trucks, buses and cars connecting the main traffic corridors in Scandinavia, according to Everfuel.

Everfuel is working towards installing the second station at Åsane, near Bergen, in the third quarter, subject to Covid-19 restrictions, final approvals and the seller delivering a fully functional station. “We are very pleased to start supplying hydrogen for zero emission mobility to our customers in Norway. The hydrogen stations at Hvam and Åsane are the first of several planned for the Norwegian market and a confirmation our commitment to be at the forefront of the green transition and a leader in connecting safe hydrogen production, distribution and fueling,” says Jacob Krogsgaard, the CEO of Everfuel.

Shell, Uniper to jointly drive development of hydrogen economy

Exploring the infrastructure for large scale transport of hydrogen and CO2 from coastal regions and offshore winds farms to the inland will be at the centre of the collaboration.

Shell Gas & Power Developments and Uniper Hydrogen have signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to explore accelerating the development of a hydrogen economy in Europe. Under the MoU they intend to find joint opportunities to couple industrial and mobility demand with hydrogen supply, production and storage, according to a joint press release.

The companies will begin by assessing the opportunity to develop potential synergies to accelerate existing projects in Germany, the Netherlands and potentially other European countries.

Exploring future options including the necessary infrastructure for large scale transport of hydrogen and CO2 from the ports of

Rotterdam and Wilhelmshaven to North Rhine Westphalia (NRW) – the industrial heartland of Germany – will be at the centre of the announced collaboration.

Among the projects considered will be Shell’s Rheinland transformation where work is ongoing to transform an existing refining asset into a state-of-the-art energy and chemicals park. Shell officially opened a 10MW PEM electrolyser, the largest of its kind in Europe, on July 2nd and are working with partners to expand the capacity to 100MW.

Uniper will further explore the supply of hydrogen from the existing Uniper production sites at Rotterdam and Wilhelmshaven to the Shell Energy and Chemicals Park Rheinland locations at Wesseling and Godorf. In addition, Uniper intends to connect its power plant in Gelsenkirchen Scholven as well as some large-scale customers with its coastal hydrogen production plants.

Italy reaches 1,500 NGV filling stations

Following the inauguration of Snam4Mobility's (Snam’s) first selfservice distributor in Verona, Snam's 2020-2024 strategic plan envisages the development of 150 new gas refuelling stations.

Italy's natural gas vehicle (NGV) filling infrastructure reached the 1,500-station milestone this week following the inauguration of Snam4Mobility's first self-service distributor in the country.

Located in Verona, Snam4Mobility's latest site will allow motorists to refuel compressed natural gas (CNG) and biomethane (Bio-CNG) in complete autonomy, 24 hours a day, according to a company press release.

The distributor, managed by Goldengas, will only supply alternative and ecological fuels, including advanced biomethane from the

Snam plant in Albairate, in the province of Milan, obtained from organic waste. Biomethane will be available at the station in the coming months.

CNG and biomethane already represent more than 25% of the gas used for transport in Italy, according to Andrea Ricci, Senior Vice President Filling Stations at Snam4Mobility.

A wholly owned subsidiary of Snam, Snam4Mobility builds CNG and Bio-CNG distribution infrastructure for cars, and LNG and BioLNG and hydrogen distribution infrastructure for heavy transport. Snam's 2020-2024 strategic plan envisages the development of 150 new natural gas and biomethane refuelling stations and the launch of the first five hydrogen refuelling stations.

52APEA tel/fax 0345 603 5507 International News

Molgas to launch a dozen LNG/CNG stations

Molgas recently kicked off its two-year deployment plan with the opening of a first site in the region of Île-de-France, with a second location coming soon in Pays de la Loire.

Molgas, leader in the energy service sector for liquified natural gas (LNG) in Europe, plans to build dozen of gas natural vehicle (GNV) filling stations in France in the next two years, announced the Managing Director of Molgas in France, Laurent Maalem.

The sites will be located along strategic road and highway networks and distribute LNG and compressed natural gas (CNG).

Molgas recently kicked off this deployment plan with the opening of a first LNG/CNG station in Sainte-Geneviève-des-Bois, in the

Essonne department, region of Île-de-France. Located at a strategic point for long-distance road hauliers in France and Europe, the station has four refuelling lanes adapted to heavy goods vehicles, two LNG distributors and a double CNG distributor.

In addition to the Sainte-Geneviève-des-Bois station, a second gas filling station is being developed in Donges, in the Loire-Atlantique department, region of Pays de la Loire, reports Gaz-Mobilité.fr.

At European scale, Molgas operates about twenty NGV filling stations across Spain, Portugal, the United Kingdom and Italy. Some twenty new LNG/CNG stations are under construction or at a very advanced stage of planning in these countries, according to Laurent Maalem.

Large Buc-ee’s family travel centre to open in the US

The 74,000 square-feet premises will have more than 120 fueling positions, EV charging stations, and a car wash over 250 feet long. Buc-ee’s will open one of the biggest convenience stores in the world in Sevier County, Tennessee.

The Sevierville location will be the company’s first “Big Store” in the country; at over 74,000 square-feet, more than 120 fueling positions, EV Charging stations, and a car wash over 250 feet long.

Based in Texas, Buc-ee’s is known for its pristine bathrooms, fresh BBQ, friendly service, and providing a unique travel stop unlike any other. With 38 stores in Texas, Buc-ee’s continues its expansion throughout the Southeast with newly opened stores in Alabama,

Georgia, Florida, and constructing stores in South Carolina, Kentucky, and Tennessee.

“It’s not a coincidence that we selected The 407 as our first huge retailer location outdoors of Texas. We would be the proverbial ‘welcome signal’ on the entrance door of the distinctive journey expertise that the Smoky Mountains, Sevierville, and Sevier County has to supply,” Stan Beard, Director of Actual Property for Buc-ee’s, stated.

The 200-acre improvement venture at Exit 407 in Sevierville, beforehand known as Challenge 407, has been named “The 407: Gateway to Journey.”

Neste launches Neste MY Renewable Diesel

The launch follows the introduction of Neste MY Renewable Diesel on the Dutch market in October 2019 with EG Group.

Finnish energy company Neste launches its renewable diesel in the Belgian market. The fuel, produced from 100% renewable raw materials, is brought to the Belgian market in collaboration with the channel partner EG Group. “This expansion is another important step in the execution of our growth strategy globally. We are very excited to expand our renewable diesel offering in Europe and especially in Belgium, a country which is at the heart of Europe.

We firmly believe that all solutions are needed to reduce transportation-related emissions and support the sector’s contribution to the EU-level target of reaching carbon-neutrality

by 2050,” says Peter Vanacker, President and CEO at Neste.

“Following the success in the Netherlands, we are looking forward to entering the Belgian market and supporting the customers to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions immediately,” says Jurgen Artz, EG Fuel Director - Europe from EG Group.

The launch follows the introduction of Neste MY Renewable Diesel on the Dutch market in October 2019. The fuel is currently available at more than 100 stations throughout the Netherlands and more than 500 locations worldwide.

Besides Belgium, Neste MY Renewable Diesel is available for customers in the Netherlands, Finland, Sweden, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and the United States in California and Oregon.

54APEA tel/fax 0345 603 5507 International News

OKKO to power over 80 gas stations with solar panels

The first OKKO site to be powered by a photovoltaic power plant is now active in the city of Odesa.

Ukraine’s filling network OKKO Group plans to install solar power plants at more than 80 fuel stations in the country. The first OKKO site to be powered by a photovoltaic (PV) power plant is now active in the city of Odesa, according to a company press release.

“For the Ukrainian fuel retail, this is a unique project. Both from an architectural and engineering point of view. We do not just have solar panels on the roof here. They themselves are a roof. Some 316 panels with a total area of more than 600 square meters convert ultraviolet light into useful energy,” said OKKO Founder,

Vitaliy Antonov, about the new PV plants installed at the Odesa location.

The new filling station will be able to independently cover up to 70% of its electricity needs thanks to its own generation. In the sunniest months, the PV plants will have the capacity to fully cover for the fuel station power needs.

A subsidiary of the OKKO Group (Galnaftogaz Concern), OKKO is today one of the largest filling networks in Ukraine with over 410 facilities. OKKO also operates the largest network of on-road catering establishments under the brands Hot café, A la minute, Pasta Mia and Meiwei.

OMV Petrom enters the LNG distribution market

The company obtained a license to commercialize liquefied natural gas, thus diversifying its activities on the gas market and related products in the country.

OMV Petrom, the largest energy company in South-Eastern

Europe, has obtained a license to commercialize liquefied natural gas, thus diversifying its activities on the gas market and related products, according to a company press release.

“OMV Petrom's entry on this market is a natural development. We

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believe that natural gas plays an essential role in the energy transition of Romania, especially due to the fact that we can access these resources,” said Franck Neel, member of the OMV Petrom Executive Board, responsible for Downstream Gas.

“Natural gas has multiple applications in power production, transportation and industry, and can also contribute to reducing

emissions and strengthening energy security. And liquefied natural gas represents a cleaner solution for the mobility sector," Neel added.

OMV Petrom is present on the oil products retail market in Romania and adjoining countries through 790 filling stations, at the end of March 2021, under two brands – OMV and Petrom.

Press Releases

Safe hands – the untold story behind Wales’ Six Nations Championship

Wales, winners of the 2021 Six Nations Championship, know a thing or two about safe hands, good defence and the health and wellbeing of their players; all of which played a key part in this year’s coronavirushit competition. What rugby fans won’t know is that they had a secret weapon on their side; GripHero, a UK invention that protects hands and prevents the spread of coronavirus from communal touch-points.

Spotted by one of the Welsh team’s nutritionists, the dispensers –which normally protect motorists from cross-contamination at the fuel pump – provided the perfect way to prevent players from coming into contact with communal serving implements at mealtimes, on which Covid-19 could have been spread if any member of the training camp or its support team had the virus. Dispensing one item of recycleable hand-protection at a time, GripHero provided an instant solution to what was perceived as a very real threat to team members and to the success of their campaign.

Seen as a novel solution at first, the foresight of the Welsh team came into its own when the French team were hit by coronavirus in their training camp mid-tournament, forcing their game against Scotland to be rescheduled. That in itself led to a fitting finale to one of the most memorable tournaments in living history, with Scotland beating France, enabling the Welsh to take home the championship title.

Oli Yeo, inventor, founder and Managing Director of GripHero, commented: “GripHero was designed to help forecourts protect motorists from contamination, foul-smelling hands and the contraction of viruses or illness from fuel pump handles. Using specially designed nozzle-mounted dispensers, we provide protection to motorists on each and every fuel pump, so there’s never a lack of protection at the exact point where it is needed. The protection that GripHero dispensers provide forms a barrier between the hand and hard surfaces, breaking the chain of contraction and keeping hands clean. Releasing one item at a time, the GripHero hand-protection is large enough for big hands and can be recycled. That was a perfect match for the Welsh rugby team’s requirements.

“To say that we were a little surprised by the Welsh team’s request for our wall mounted dispensers was something of an understatement, but it made complete sense. And they are not alone. We’ve had demand from schools, offices, the England hockey team, and we’ve also protected members of the home nations during a number of their overseas rugby matches this summer.”

In all instances GripHero provides a simple, easy and costeffective way of protecting large numbers of individuals, without the constant need for hand-sanitisation, which can thin and damage the skin.

Rolled out across 70% of services stations on the UK’s motorways and thousands of forecourts up and down the UK (including supermarkets and international oil companies), GripHero continues to evolve. Earlier this year, it launched the world’s first 100% recycled hand-protection, joining GripHero’s range of static-safe materials that make it the only dispenser permitted in the fuelling zone at forecourts internationally.

Having taken the decision to provide dispensers free to forecourts internationally in the battle against coronavirus, GripHero can now be found on five continents. Not bad for a company founded in 2017.

Today, with growing demand for best-practice hygiene and safety at pumps and in other locations – particularly following the coronavirus pandemic – GripHero has found a niche that is expected to see the Devon-based business continue to grow rapidly as it expands to meet global demand.

To order GripHero’s range of forecourt and wall mounted handprotection dispensers and cartridges, call 01837 811 035, email or visit

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Suresite Group appoints forecourt expert Craig Nugent as head of sales

Suresite grows its senior sales team with several new appointments.

Suresite Group, the market-leading service provider for forecourt and retail, has announced the appointment of Craig Nugent as the company’s new head of sales. Following the CEO appointment of Steve Hoban earlier this year, Suresite is rapidly investing in team growth with further appointments of Alex Young and Gavin Harrison.

Craig Nugent, Suresite's new head of sales, brings more than 30 years of international experience in sales and operational management. Nugent joined Suresite from Certas Energy where he headed the company’s dealer sales. He brings a wealth of forecourt and retail experience, having managed dealer

relationships across around 900 Gulf and own branded stations. Nugent also has flagship brands such as Shell, Chevron, Eastwood Park, and Ryko International under his career belt. “This is an exciting time to join Suresite and I am delighted to be part of the ambitious plans for growth whilst continuing to deliver the highest levels of customer service” comments Craig.

Further appointments of two new business development managers to the sales team are a testament to Suresite’s growth ambition.

Alex Young brings extensive knowledge and experience in sales and account management, having previously worked for Ribble Fuel, CoolKit Ltd, R&J Builders Hardware, and Fuel Card Services.

Gavin Harrison comes with sales experience from organisations such as Wowcher, Living Social, Yell, and Capital Bank.

“I’m very pleased to see Craig, Alex, and Gavin join our new sales and commercial team. They bring a wealth of experience to our payments and fuel services and strengthen the Suresite family. I am looking forward to seeing them help us improve our offering, expand our services to existing customers and expose us to new businesses to support our exciting growth plans,” adds Steve Hoban, CEO at Suresite.

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Welsh Independent oil and fuel supplier Oil 4 Wales are to collaborate with the world’s leading AdBlue® producer, Yara, in a project to supply AdBlue concentrate to Oil4 Wales’s new AdBlue production facility.

Oil 4 Wales is Wales’s leading family-run independent oil and fuel supplier. Established in 2010 by Colin Owens and his family, the brand prides itself on working for and with people across Wales.

Yara is the AdBlue market leader with a production capacity of 2.8 Mt of AdBlue a year – the largest in the world. With 4 production plants and 14 terminals in Europe alone, Yara ensures a reliable, continuous supply of high-quality AdBlue to customers anywhere in the world.

Kristian Reeve’ Yara AdBlue Sales Manager says, “Yara have been supplying AdBlue to Oil 4 Wales for 10 years now. Over that time we have built a very strong relationship and have experienced a healthy growth in sales of AdBlue year on year. Oil 4 Wales provide their customers with a high level of customer service and after sales support, which is very important to Yara when entering into a business partnership. This is a very exciting project for both companies and I look forward to us working together to make the project a great success.”

As part of the manufacturing process, Welsh water sourced from the company’s recently leased Sennybridge site will be blended with a concentrated high-purity urea solution to create the new Welsh AdBlue.

On Thursday 9th July 2021 the first batch of AdBlue was produced in the Sennybridge AdBlue production plant. Following a full sweep analysis of the AdBlue it met the required international standard specification ISO 22241, Managing director of Oil 4 Wales Colin Owens commented that he was “amazed at the extremely high product quality, with the Welsh water quality being exceptional at a conductivity of only 0.5μS/cm.”

The final product will then be distributed from this new site, with customers able to receive bulk deliveries – along with 1000 Litre IBCs, 210 Litre drums, and 10 and 20 litre cans - in 2 working days.

Colin Owens, added “It felt like the right time to use Wales’s high-quality Welsh water to create a more environmentally friendly solution. As a proud Welsh company we are always exploring new ways to deliver value and excellence to our wonderful customers across Wales. As such we have invested in producing the first AdBlue solution created using our high-quality Welsh water. Right now, more than ever, it is vital that the oil industry supports greener solutions in a bid to reduce vehicle emissions, which result in cleaner air quality for us all and we are delighted to be working with worldrenowned chemical company Yara to create this industry-first product, which will provide greater quality for our customers.”

Visit to learn more about AdBlue or email AdBlue® is a registered trademark of the Verband der Automobilindustrie e.V (VDA).

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Yara UK Ltd are to supply bulk AdBlue® concentrate to Oil 4 Wales – launching “industry-first” AdBlue® using Welsh water

Improve your business with Franklin Fueling Systems’ EVO™ Series Flow Rate Monitoring

Knowing the flow rate of the dispenser is important for your business. Franklin Fueling Systems has the perfect solution to improve dispenser throughput and maintain fast flow rates. The system allows retailers to detect and react to potential slow flow issues before they impact site profits.

Franklin Fueling Systems, a global provider of petroleum and monitoring equipment, helps retailers improve their forecourt operations with the new EVO™ Series Flow Rate Monitoring software. With this innovative solution, a retailer is able to know the flow rate of their dispensers, monitor performance at each fueling point and enjoy the benefits of proactive maintenance.

The system is available on new EVO™ Series Automatic Tank Gauges (ATGs) and as a field upgrade option to existing EVO™ Series ATGs. In addition to delivering ongoing flow rate performance data, the software calculates flow rates for each fueling point and provides a notification if transactions dip below a desired set point.

“Flow rate monitoring is really a great way of keeping tabs on how your dispensers are performing. It allows you to address a slow flow situation before it negatively impacts your business.” says Mark Seitz, Senior Product Manager at Franklin Fueling Systems.

How does it work?

Device Integration.

Flow Rate Monitoring begins by making a connection between an EVO™ Series ATG and intelligent dispenser devices, including Forecourt Controllers and Point-Of-Sale Units.

Data Comparison.

Through this connection, dispenser transaction data is delivered to the EVO™ Series ATG and automatically compared to tank reconciliation data collected by the ATG.

Analysis and Report. The EVO™ Series ATG uses the data to produce a flow rate reading for each dispenser fueling point and provides reports and automated alarm notifications for any slow flow fueling point.

This system works with Wayne, Gilbarco, Verifone, Allied and Radiant forecourt controllers and point-of-sale units.

Improve your business today by implementing Flow Rate Monitoring at your site. Find out how to get flow rate monitoring for your specific application at:

For more information about FFS, visit

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Dover Fueling Solutions awarded site automation contracts by Shell for its retailing networks in the UK, South Africa and Hungary

AUSTIN, TEXAS (27 April 2021) – Dover Fueling Solutions (DFS), a part of Dover Corporation that delivers advanced fuel dispensing equipment, electronic systems and payment, fleet systems, automatic tank gauging, and wetstock management, is pleased to announce it has been awarded three contracts by Shell for the provision of its Site Automation with Tokheim Fuel POS, DX RetailTM and comprehensive long-term support services across its 1,100+ sites in the United Kingdom, Hungary and South African markets.

Kurt Dillen, VP, Global Business Development at DFS, said, “The award of these contracts is a significant achievement for DFS and further solidifies our long-standing collaboration with Shell. It also demonstrates Shell's recognition of DFS' proven ability to provide quality, continuous improvement and innovative, state-of-the art products for the energy and retail market.”

These new contracts were the final outcome of three separate tenders and months of committed, meticulous working by DFS and its local partners, who successfully demonstrated the strong capabilities of the Tokheim Fuel POS point-of-sale system, the future-proofing that comes with the DX RetailTM Cloud POS solution and the ability to execute a project of this scale. The Tokheim Fuel POS is an industry-leading electronic point-of-sale (EPOS) and forecourt controller (FCC) system that helps manage all aspects of fuel and retail business. Combining an easy-to-use touchscreen interface, the Tokheim Fuel POS connects seamlessly with all other systems on a service station, including dispensers, indoor and outdoor payment, CCTV, tank level gauges, back office

systems, car wash and EV chargers, as well as offering extended c-store capabilities, such as in-store self-checkout kiosks.

DX Retail makes it easier than ever for fuel retailers to manage and update their Tokheim Fuel POS systems securely and efficiently, thereby providing a high degree of flexibility in personalizing the consumer experience. Running on Microsoft Azure, it is able to drive updates to multiple Fuel POS systems across a network with the touch of a button from any web-enabled device. Shell, an industry leader in the retailing business, has been early to recognize the benefits of this unique solution and the synergized benefits it will bring to its vast network of fuel and non fuel retailing sites.

The implementation of the DFS site automation solution will be managed by DFS through its valued and well-reputed local partners in the three regions. For the UK and South Africa, the local roll out will be championed by TSG. In Hungary, the work will be carried out by Laurel, with the Head Office and Back Office System (HOS BOS) supplied by ICASA.

Brad Schumacher, VP, Global Key Accounts and Marketing at DFS, said, “We are thrilled to have been awarded these three new business contracts with Shell. We’re a company committed to continuous improvement and providing the best technology solutions to our customers, and to have Shell’s endorsement is indeed a great privilege. We are very much looking forward to working closely with Shell over the next few years as the journey in customer experience continues to evolve.”

Dover announces acquisition of AvaLAN Wireless Systems, Inc., a leading provider of secure networking solutions

AUSTIN, TEXAS – April 19, 2021 – Dover (NYSE: DOV) announced today that it has completed the acquisition of AvaLAN Wireless Systems Incorporated (“AvaLAN”). AvaLAN is a leading provider of highlysecure wireless and wired Ethernet solutions, along with managed routers, software-as-aservice and cloud-based services that enable operators to securely connect various parts of the site infrastructure and take advantage of modern data-enabled operational, payment and customer engagement technologies. AvaLAN is now part of the Dover Fueling Solutions operating unit; DFS is a leading global provider of advanced customer-focused technologies, services and solutions in the fuel and convenience retail industries.

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Located in Huntsville, Alabama, AvaLAN focuses on solving data connectivity challenges by securely connecting difficult-to-reach network edge devices. AvaLAN’s solutions solve customers’ data connectivity challenges at the network's edge for large retail, enterprise and government customers, and supplies secure, managed, PCI-compliant and easy-to-configure wireless Ethernet solutions. The company is a pioneer in the development of wireless solutions for the retail fueling industry. Wireless solutions are increasingly preferred by operators due to easier deployment compared to wired solutions, as well as streamlined upgrading and maintenance.

AvaLAN positions DFS to capitalize on long-term digitization trends in the fuel retail industry, as its offerings enable more parts of the retail site to be connected, while managed separately, and increase the connection bandwidth allowing for faster data transmission and enhanced functionality of site devices.

“In addition to offering attractive networking solutions in a growing space, especially as companies look to address uptime and performance challenges, AvaLAN meets a growing need for all forecourt components – dispensing, media, payment and software

– to be separately managed,” said Matt Nelson, CEO of AvaLAN. “EMV transitions and the move to media-rich/connected dispensers will cause many convenience stores to adopt modern networking systems over the coming years, and we look forward to meeting industry demand.”

AvaLAN technology will enable DFS to meet a growing need for data security and cloud services solutions. “Through this acquisition, we are excited to add industry-leading network and infrastructure solutions to our portfolio, especially as secure data transfer and communication becomes a centerpiece in our end-toend portfolio of forecourt solutions,” said DFS President David Crouse. “We estimate 90% of all gas stations in the U.S. will need to invest in communication and network infrastructure in the near future. Offering security software and corresponding hardware adapted for the fuel retail market builds on our record of innovation and product leadership to create a comprehensive suite of forecourt solutions as we further advance our long-term strategy of growing the digitally-enabled value streams in our retail fueling business.”

Terms of the transaction were not disclosed.

ISTOBAL reduces plastic in product packaging, in the quest for sustainability

•ISTOBAL has reduced plastic in packaging by 28% and increased its range of super-concentrated chemicals by 50%, thereby reducing plastics in their packaging by more than 90%.

•The Xtract super-concentrated liquids make it possible to transport four times more chemicals, while reducing CO2 emissions.

•The company is a pioneer in the development of environmentally-friendly car wash solutions that save water, energy and chemicals.

(2nd June 2021) - ISTOBAL, a multinational company specialising in car wash and car care solutions, is reducing the amount of plastic in product packaging as part of a commitment to sustainability.

The company minimises the environmental impact on the performance of its business through different initiatives aimed at caring for the environment. This has resulted in a 28% reduction in plastic and a 2% reduction in the cardboard used to pack its products at its Spanish production plant, without compromising the protection and preservation of their products. It has also

replaced plastic in spare part shipments with paper filler or recycled cardboard.

Furthermore, ISTOBAL has increased its range of superconcentrated Xtract ISTOBAL esens® chemicals by 50%, reducing plastic by more than 90% in car wash chemical packaging, compared to traditional packaging. These products help to optimise logistics, since it is possible to transport four times the amount of product, due to the small size of the containers. As a result, fewer trips to transport the same final amount of chemical means a reduction in CO2 emissions to the atmosphere. For example, while a 20-foot container is capable of carrying up to 13,200 litres of chemicals in traditional 10-litre formats, with Xtract, it is possible to ship up to 52,800 litres of equivalent product.

Today’s range of super-concentrated Xtract chemicals, consisting of 15 products covering all washing stages, has been fully enhanced, now offering greater efficiency in car washes and including perfume in many of them.

ISTOBAL’s other environmental goals have been to optimise energy and water consumption, as well as to enhance the use of renewable energy sources. In 2020, the company reduced natural gas consumption by 8% in the production process for the powder painting booth and reduced the use of well water by 13%, in its industrial processes and in the new model testing areas.

In 2021, ISTOBAL will continue to expand its initiatives to reduce waste and energy consumption, as well as to optimise its supply chain, among other environmental measures.

ISTOBAL is a pioneer in developing sustainable solutions to reduce

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water, energy and chemical consumption in the car wash industry.

Recently, the company has developed an innovative bio-recycler with an ultra-filtration system that recycles up to 100% of the water used in each wash. It is the first biological cleaning and recycling equipment capable of treating 100% of the water from the vehicle's exterior wash and obtaining the highest quality for its later reuse in all wash stages, including osmosis in the final finish.

As part of its push towards responsible use of their car wash and care solutions, ISTOBAL has managed to reduce water consumption in its automatic commercial wash equipment by 45%, around 40% in state-of-the-art rollover car washes and 33% in its jet wash facilities.

Furthermore, all of ISTOBAL esens® chemical products are biodegradable and in recent years have extended their international certifications in sustainability.

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Dover Fueling Solutions announces DX Wetstock™ next generation fuel management solution

AUSTIN, TEXAS – 20 April 2021 – Dover Fueling Solutions ("DFS"), a part of Dover Corporation and a leading global provider of advanced customer-focused technologies, services and solutions in the fuel and convenience retail industries, is pleased to announce the launch of DX Wetstock™, part of the DFS DX™ connected solutions platform with Microsoft Azure at its core. DX Wetstock is a complete, end-to-end fuel management solution for retail fueling owners and fleet operators delivering real-time, precise fuel loss identification and notification, including leaks, fraud, theft, evaporation, meter drift and initial fuel delivery errors.

This brand-new solution collects and processes real-time data from a variety of sources so retailers and fleet operators can quickly reconcile any fuel discrepancies down to the gallon or liter, in order to rapidly understand where and why fuel is lost, and subsequently implement immediate mitigation plans. DX Wetstock is simple to set up and use, and can help any size fuel station identify and minimize fuel loss, transform the entire reconciliation process, and lower overall operational costs, all while helping to mitigate risk. This global solution from DFS enables businesses to focus their improvement efforts on the most impactful areas and concentrate on resolving real and verified issues, rather than false flags.

“DX Wetstock is the perfect solution for the conscientious fuel retailer focused on improving profit margins and saving money through the early detection, reconciliation and alerting of fuel loss for over 45 different root causes,” said Andy G. Fawcett, DFS Senior Global Product Manager. “Retailers can easily gain an accurate, real-time view of their data from across the forecourt, as well as receive instant alerts and access to easy-to-use dashboards. These tools can help stop fuel loss before it becomes an issue and ultimately improve the retailer’s bottom line.”

DX Wetstock enables the evolution of the consumer experience in fueling and convenience retail, which is DFS’ long-term vision. “As a company, we are committed to becoming the leading global provider of customer-focused technologies, services and solutions in the fuel and convenience retail industries, and DX Wetstock is one of the core ways we are achieving this goal,” Fawcett said.

For customers operating in certain markets with environmental and regulatory compliance monitoring requirements, such as the U.S, Spain, Uruguay and the UK, DX Wetstock provides the added benefit of helping retailers and fleet operators satisfy these mandatory requirements.

Thanks to the real-time alarm systems, businesses everywhere can effectively reduce their potential impact on the environment and mitigate fuel leaks.

“Maintaining site or network compliance is a huge focus for our customers in the United States, which has very strict monitoring standards that must be met. DX Wetstock can simplify compliance with state-set, monthly reporting regulations by giving retailers and fleet operators instant access to all the data they need,” said Scott Rutherford, DFS Wetstock Product Management Director for North America.

Decades of experience providing an end-to-end analyst led wetstock management service have driven the technology embedded in this next generation service, ensuring the DX Wetstock service is one of the most advanced in the market.

For more information, please visit

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Aliaxis is excited to introduce a new range of secondary contained termination fittings for its PLX fuel pipework system. The new termination fittings offer fuel system installers a more compact and efficient solution for end-ofline use in offset fill points and chamber connections, making it easier and faster to install than traditional alternatives.

The new PLX termination fittings form part of Aliaxis’ larger PLX system, a specialist solution engineered for the safe transfer of liquid fuels and their vapours. Designed for use at both the offset fill area and tank chamber connection points, the launch of these new termination fittings enables full secondary containment to be maintained throughout the pipeline - when

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Save time and improve performance with Aliaxis new PLX termination fittings

used in conjunction with PLX secondary contained “close fit” pipework.

PLX termination fittings also provide a more compact and efficient solution, with the three components often seen in traditional termination assemblies now condensed into one electrofusion fitting. This enables a far faster and easier installation process on site, with fewer fittings resulting in less time spent on preparation and electrofusion welding.

Speaking about the launch, Rich Pedley, Product Manager, said: “At Aliaxis, our approach to bringing innovative solutions to market is first and foremost customer centred, ensuring our systems, solutions and services are designed to directly tackle and ease the challenges present in modern infrastructure, industrial and building applications. Within the fuel markets, a key concern is ensuring that the fuel is transferred as efficiently and safely as possible, without contaminating the land or local environment. With the launch of these new termination fittings, our customers can confidently install a system that is secondary contained throughout and in line with the APEA Blue Book guidance, providing additional

environmental protection and peace of mind. “We also understand that time is a critical factor on many projects, which is why we wanted to make these new fittings quicker and easier for our customers to install.”

Available in two sizes, 63#75 x 63mm and 110#125 x 110mm, our termination fittings also come with the option of interstitial monitoring access ports for leak detection requirements, furthermore the 110#125 x 110mm fittings also incorporate PLX one-weld technology, allowing for four welds to be made within one electrofusion cycle.

Aliaxis’ original method of termination will continue to be available.

Approved to the requirements of EN14125, Aliaxis’ PLX system features an internal permeation barrier, making it suitable for use with traditional fuels, leaded, unleaded petroleum, diesel and alternative fuels such as bio-diesel.

For more information on the Aliaxis PLX range, please visit:

PCL announces appointment of engineer Ben Kershaw as new Technical Sales Manager

Pneumatics expert PCL has appointed a new Technical Sales Manager, Ben Kershaw, who will be responsible for growing sales and providing technical and product support in the petrol, automotive, industrial and fluid markets.

An experienced engineer, Ben has supported both internal and external stakeholders in technical management roles, most recently in renewable energy. During his career he has worked as a technical support engineer, delivering training, developing fault-finding guides and answering questions from engineers out in the field.

With a background in both mechanical and electrical engineering, Ben was attracted to the position at PCL as he is keen to use his mechanical skills in a sales-focused role within the automotive industry. He said “This role offers a straight route back into that with a highly reputed company selling top quality products. Over the years I have come into contact with many people in various industries who buy equipment from PCL and highly recommend it.”

Ben takes over the reins from Owen McCaughey, who has moved on to pastures new following a successful 8 years with PCL. He is looking forward to continuing with his predecessor’s good work as well as making his own mark: “It was great to pick up the baton from Owen, and I am keen to build on his work with PCL whilst bringing my own original approach to the position. I will continue in the same, customer-first manner, introducing aspects from my background in fault-finding. I am very thorough in that respect, if a problem comes up I only want it to come up once and will work to ensure it does not reoccur.”

Ben’s sales remit has a focus on the UK petrol forecourt market, however he will support all PCL customers globally across the whole portfolio, including TECALEMIT. He will report to Export Business Development Manager, Jonathan Robinson, who has already been impressed with Ben’s performance, commenting: “Ben has spent his initial couple of weeks with PCL out on the shop floor undertaking product familiarisation and has rapidly picked up the knowledge. His background in mechanical engineering means

he has already been able to get hands-on with product building.

“We’re sorry to see Owen go, and wish him all the best. Following a smooth handover we’re confident that Ben and the team will provide a seamless service. I am confident that Ben’s engineering background and faultfinding skills will prove invaluable to our customers, enabling him to support and advise them on the best products to meet their individual applications and requirements and respond to technical queries. We are delighted to welcome him to the PCL team.”

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SGB celebrates 1 year online shop

heating oil system), users are navigated to the appropriate leak monitoring solution. Short and easily understandable explanations of the technical conditions (e.g. monitoring principle, container/pipe type, monitorable liquids, etc.) as well as product photos complete the presentation. Registered users can order directly online in the B2B shop; unregistered users have the opportunity to easily inquire about articles.

“The efforts have paid off. The result is a comprehensive and at the same time user-friendly online shop with all our products and services with texts, images, documentation, brochures and other helpful information – a digital product catalog with many practical functions,” says Jost Berg, Managing Director of SGB.

In the improved header area of the home page, the contact options, the language selection (German/English) and the new search function with article numbers as well as keywords can be found in addition to the main product navigation. Compared to the old website, the "Accessories" and "Spare parts" areas have also been greatly upgraded and revised both in terms of appearance and content for the user.

The B2B online shop was created as part of the redesign of the website. This, too, has been modernized in terms of its external appearance and its content has also been completely revised.

For a year now, the B2B online shop of the globally acting manufacturer of leak prevention technology for double-walled tanks and pipes has been successfully presenting around 2000 products on

Informative, clear, responsive – the SGB online shop has been completely redesigned and was launched in spring of last year with its own URL The new URL was chosen deliberately in order to concentrate on the product presentation on the new pages.

In addition to the modern look and the optimization for mobile devices, the focus has been put on the clear structure of the product presentation. Based on the tank or pipe to be monitored or the typical area of application of the leak detector (petrol station, tank farm/refinery,

"After one year of the new online shop and the new homepage, we can draw a positive conclusion," sums up Jost Berg. “The number of visitors, shop registrations and, for example, the number of downloaded documentations show us the importance of being available with information anytime and anywhere. We think we have taken an important step for our customers with these tools."

SGB-Pressekontakt: Stefanie Kraemer, T 0271 48964-36 E

STA Technical’s test rig refurb and gauge recalibration service ensures integrity and traceability

Since its launch in 2018 STA Technical’s pipe and tank test rig has become a ‘go-to’ piece of equipment for installers and equipment manufacturers across the UK.

The innovative supplier to the forecourt industry is now offering a full refurbishment and gauge calibration service to ensure the longevity, integrity, and accuracy of its test rigs.

Warren Peters, Director at STA Technical says: “Increasingly oil companies require a transparent audit trail, and so installers are sending their test rigs back for refurbishment and most importantly

for the recalibration of the rig’s ATEX-approved digital gauge.”

With the ability to test up to five lines at once, the test rig benefits from a sub-manifold that enables testing on each pipe island, whilst its ATEX-approved digital gauge ensures safety at all times. For durability, the rig is then housed in a Peli waterproof casing.

Matthew Eaton, Operations Manager at environmental risk reduction specialist Adler and Allan says of the refurbishment service provided by STA: “Having purchased a couple of test rigs from STA our installers now wouldn’t be without them.

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“Currently undertaking a major line testing project at RAF sites across the UK, the accuracy and accountability of the gauge is crucial. STA’s gauge recalibration service provides certification to five points and is 100% traceable giving us the peace of mind we need in a project of this scale.”

With over half of STA Technical’s installer client base having purchased the test rig and additional test caps and plugs, Warren Peters adds: “The knocks of day-to-day use on petrol forecourts and in the back of an installer's van mean the rigs have a hard life. Our refurbishment service includes stripping down, cleaning, replacing any faulty parts and full testing to ensure they’re 100% accurate and fit for purpose at all times.”

To find out more visit: or call 0203 004 9326.

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Dover Fueling Solutions awarded three year wetstock management contract by Motor Fuels Group

The contract signed between DFS General Manager and Senior Director Wetstock, Andy Sullivan, and Andrew Edwards, Group Infrastructure Director of MFG, commenced 1 June, 2021. MFG will continue with DFS’ premium service level, which includes 24/7 monitoring by DFS’ expert data analysis team, annual pump measure checks and Dangerous Substances and Explosive Atmospheres Regulations (DSEAR) risk assessments.

Andrew Edwards said: “We are committed to growing our already very successful forecourt business and we continue to see the ongoing benefits of this valuable partnership.”

Skelmersdale, UK - 8th June 2021 - Dover Fueling Solutions (DFS), a part of Dover Corporation that delivers advanced fuel dispensing equipment, electronic systems and payment, fleet systems, automatic tank gauging, and wetstock management, is pleased to announce Motor Fuels Group (MFG) has renewed their fuel management contract with DFS, committing to the service for another three years.

MFG is the largest independent forecourt operator in the UK. It has over 900 stations operating under the BP, Shell, Esso, Texaco, Jet and Murco brands, which all boast an attractive, competitive and expanding forecourt shop offering. MFG first adopted DFS’ fuel management services over 10 years ago, and the relationship between the two companies has since gone from strength to strength. Subscribing to the real-time analyst service over the past decade has given MFG invaluable insight into its growing fuel network operation and has enabled its forecourt managers to swiftly deal with all identified issues.

Andy Sullivan commented, “Our flexible and scalable approach to wetstock management services has kept MFG at the forefront of the ever-changing forecourt industry and has allowed both businesses to grow in their respective sectors. The provision of DFS’ wetstock and on-site services continues to help MFG secure optimum performance and improve the customer experience across their network. At DFS, we always pride ourselves on providing the highest level of customer care, and I am confident we can continue to deliver and indeed, further improve standards to MFG in the years to come.”

Strategic partners: Precast & preformed troughs & Fibrelite’s ‘made to measure’ GRP trough covers

Composite access cover manufacturer Fibrelite has formed strategic partnerships with a number of major manufacturers of precast and preformed troughs (also known as trenches, channels and ducts) in Europe and the USA (including Fibex and Trenwa) to create new collaborative product offerings integrating Fibrelite covers and precast and preformed troughs, combining the strength and longevity of precast and preformed troughs with the easy, safe manual removal and durability of Fibrelite’s lightweight composite covers.

Health and safety issues surrounding manual handling are of paramount importance to site managers. Without the necessary provision of dedicated lifting apparatus and training for operatives, traditional concrete and steel trough access covers can be a concern due to their sheer weight. Concrete slab covers can weigh

as much as five times the weight of an equivalent size Fibrelite GRP composite trough cover. Fibrelite covers have an industry leading strength-to-weight ratio and are designed to be safely and easily removed by two people, using the Fibrelite FL7 ergonomically designed lifting handles.

Driven by focusses on health and safety, weight, durability (no corrosion) and reduced installation time, GRP composite access covers have moved from being a niche product used on petrol station forecourts to being specified at the outset of new build and retrofit projects for some of the world’s most prestigious brands in technology, data centres, ports, airports, high-tech manufacturing facilities, utilities, infrastructure and many more.

“In recent years, the demand for highly customisable, high-tech

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access covering solutions has grown exponentially, and we’re proud of the part we’ve played in their adoption over the 40 years since we invented the world’s first. Since then, we’ve continually innovated, focussing on creating solutions to industry and customer challenges.”

Commented Ian Thompson, Fibrelite’s Managing Director EMEA “Partnering with precast and preformed trough/trench manufacturers was a logical next step, and I’m proud to say that, since we created our first partnership offering with Trenwa in 2014 we now have over 50 kilometres of our covers installed in precast and preformed troughs across the globe”

David Holmes, Fibrelite’s Technical Director added “We work closely with architects, contractors, and end users from tender stage right the way through to delivery and even installation where required. This collaborative process ensures that the supplied product fulfils both product quality demands and strict

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Custom Fibrelite covers installed in precast concrete manufacturer Trenwa’s troughs at major US sub-station
72APEA tel/fax 0345 603 5507 Press Releases Fibrelite trough covers are designed to be safely and easily removed by two people F900 (90-tonne) load rated GRP Fibrelite trench covers in precast concrete troughs/trenches at a cruise ship terminal Concrete slab covers can weigh as much as five times the weight of an equivalent size Fibrelite GRP composite trough cover

project completion deadlines. Fibrelite covers can be custom designed and manufactured with dimensions matched precisely to specified trough opening/rebate dimensions (Fibrelite’s adjustable tooling allows covers to be manufactured within millimetres of a clients requirement)”.

Recent Installation: New Build Data Centre, Northern Europe

Some clients favour a complete GRP solution for both troughs and covers. Where appropriate, this can further reduce installation costs and time due to their reduced weight for transit and installation. Earlier this year, Fibrelite engineered and manufactured 550 metres of custom trough covers for a new build data centre in Northern Europe. These GRP preformed troughs were supplied with custom fit Fibrelite bolt-down covers, for added security.

Recent Installation: Cruise Ship Terminal, UK

Fibrelite custom engineered and manufactured 500 metres of F900 (90-tonne) load rated GRP trough covers to fit precast concrete troughs at a UK cruise ship terminal. The stepped covers were supplied in a number of customised sizes to fit the trough configuration. The F900 load rated covers were stepped to reduce the unit weight in compliance with the customer’s specified manual handling limit.

For more information visit:

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Custom Fibrelite covers designed & engineered to fit precast manufacturer Fibex’s preformed GRP troughs

London, 09/07/2021 - UKPIA welcomes the announcement that Ineos and Petroineos are entering into a Memorandum of Understanding with the Acorn CCS Project to develop Scotland’s first industrial carbon capture and storage system.

Planned to be operational by 2027, the Grangemouth industrial cluster, which includes the Petroineos Grangemouth Refinery, will permanently and safely capture approximately one million tonnes of CO2 a year. Grangemouth has already seen emissions reductions of 37% since 2005. This project, once operational, will deliver over 50% emissions reductions compared to the 2005 baseline.

As the HMG Energy White Paper noted, “The deployment of CCUS is fundamental to the decarbonisation of energy-intensive industries” with the UK “in a strong position to become a global technology leader in CCUS.”

Quotes attributed to UKPIA Director-General Stephen Marcos Jones.

“Today’s announcement by Petroineos shows the contributions that they, along with other UKPIA members, are making towards decarbonising downstream operations to achieve the Net-Zero target.

HMG has clearly acknowledged the significant role the downstream industry will play in the journey to Net-Zero in the Energy White Paper and Industrial Decarbonisation Strategy. Petroineos’ participation in the Acorn CCS project emphasises that our sector both recognises the need to address climate change and is taking tangible action to reduce manufacturing emissions.

UKPIA will continue to work closely with governments, to ensure the downstream sector remains a primary stakeholder in the future low carbon energy evolution. It is only through industry and government working closely together - developing a regulatory framework that allows for innovation - that a strong and lowcarbon manufacturing sector can thrive in the UK.”

Transform regular fuel into premium grades, economically, with the Wayne Helix™ 6000 Additive Dispenser

It’s no secret that the balance between attracting (and retaining) customers while controlling operational costs is a constant battle for fuel retailers. One method of attracting customers is to offer a broader range of regular and premium fuel grades. Now, Dover Fueling Solutions (DFS) has just made this customer enticement less expensive and more practical for fuel retailers — because no additional underground fuel tanks are necessary.

The Wayne Helix™ 6000 Additive dispenser allows a retailer to offer premium-grade fuels onsite, using regular fuel as the base. The dispenser works on a simple principle referred to as additive dosing, which is typically done on the terminal rack by the oil company. For example, oil companies take a standard 95 octane petroleum fuel product and boost it with additives to yield 97- or 99-octane premium-grade fuel. They apply the same process to diesel fuels. According to DFS Director of Product Marketing, Søren Powell-Holse, “The concept of dosing fuels with additives is already proven. The Helix 6000 Additive dispenser uses the same principle, but on a smaller scale and at the point of sale. This form of dosing technology is exclusive to DFS — no other fuel dispenser manufacturer is offering it.”

Dosing is controlled by the dispenser calculator to ensure the dosing matches the flow rate for the correct proportional blend of standard fuel to additive. Additive can be added from 500 to 3600 parts-per-million, providing a range of fuel blend options. The Helix 6000 Additive fuel dispenser can deliver one or two additional grades on top of its regular specifications. To ensure accurate dispensing and compliance with trading standards, the additive is injected into the fuel before metering out for each nozzle. The system is compatible with VR Stage II recovery to ensure no harmful vapors are released into the environment. The flexible design allows it to work with both suction and pressures systems making it a viable option for most retailers.

At the forecourt, the fuel dosing technology and hardware is relatively

unobtrusive; it appears to be a normal fuel cabinet. The additive system is designed to blend seamlessly with the Helix 6000’s overall innovative and sleek design. Housed within the dispenser cabinet is a 40-litre additive tank, pump, meter and a tank-level monitoring system. The

74APEA tel/fax 0345 603 5507 Press Releases
UKPIA welcomes the announcement of Petroineos involvement in the Acorn Carbon Capture and Storage project

additive tank is typically capable of dosing up to 400 fillings of premium fuel before needing to be replenished. A Helix 6000 Additive fuel dispenser can house up to two additive modules, yielding three fuel grades from a single standard fuel product.

Ballenoil Oil Company in Southern Spain is one of the fuel retailers that has already converted 40 of its retail operations to the Helix 6000 Additive fuel dispenser. Jorge González, Ballenoil’s Technical Support Manager, noted that to maintain a competitive edge in the market, Ballenoil’s needed to offer additional fuel grades. Yet, it discovered adding additional underground tanks was cost prohibitive. Instead, Ballenoil elected to implement a pilot program, featuring the Wayne Helix 6000 Additive dispenser.

“We initially thought about adding new tanks,” González said. “But we found the Helix 6000 Additive option was really the best solution. We’ve seen a spike in customer traffic and are quickly recovering the cost of the new pumps through additional margin.” Ballenoil is in the process of converting additional retail locations, starting with those that have the most dated fuel equipment.

The ability to offer several fuel grades can help generate retail traffic. The sale of premium grades, however, offers additional benefits. Premium fuel commands additional margin. Further, onsite dosing using the Helix 6000 Additive system can be more economical than tying up cash in large purchases of premium grade fuels. Early adopters of the technology report seeing increased profits as a direct result of the Helix 6000 Additive dispenser.

Since its debut, the Helix 6000 Additive dispenser has gained traction in several countries, including Spain, Ireland and Australia. It offers an economical means of offering more fuel grades at retail without significant investment.

To learn more, contact your local Dover Fueling Solutions sales representative at:

Unlock impulse buying with T-Media by Dover Fueling Solutions to boost sales and profit margins

Retailers understand the phenomenon of impulse purchasing extremely well. That’s why checkout counters are packed full of inexpensive, but often high-margin items, such as sweets, crisps, chewing gum and beverages. According to many psychologists, the spontaneous urge for humans to spend money is rooted in the principle of “loss aversion,” i.e., the desire not to miss out on something and feel bad about it later. Since consumers spend on average three to four minutes at the dispenser while refuelling their cars, this time is the perfect opportunity to tap into their impulse-buying tendency by promoting products and services right at the fuel dispenser itself, using T-Media from Dover Fueling Solutions (DFS).

T-Media is a digital marketing solution that turns your fuel dispenser into a promotional powerhouse. Instead of making use of static graphics that can be easily ignored, a highresolution digital screen commands the customer’s attention by displaying colourful text, images, video and sound. It’s perfect for

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products and driving tra into your store — especially if the goods are on sale or part of a promo

can also be used to upsell higher-grade fuels — which have greater pro margins for the retailer — and adver se on-site services like car washes.

don’t need to worry about motorists ignoring your messages either, because the display is located at the same focal point as the sales and volume informa your adverts hard to miss.

T-Media is very easy and in ve to use. You don’t need to be an IT export to create, upload and schedule the promo you’d like to run. T-Media allows you to easily deploy adver ments and targeted messaging across individual pumps, a speci c site or your en re network using simple drag-and-drop func ty facilitated by DFS’ secure, cloud-based web-tool.

Unlike compe ve products, you can also access T-Media remotely, from anywhere there’s a Wi-Fi connec 24/7. Furthermore, T-Media’s cloud-to-cloud integra via its Applica Programming Interface (API) allows you to integrate the content on your indoor screens with those on the forecourt. The ability to synchronize inside and outside messages enhances

their impact on motorists.You already know how important can be rela ve to securing a sale. T-Media helps you maximize the ming of your messages in a variety of ways. The message you play can be synced with the motorists’ in terms of the fuelling proc rom idling, to fuelling, to ending the tr

For example, you could prompt a motorist to choose the of a premium fuel right before they select a fuel type to encourage them to invest in the higher margin grade. Or you can o er a motorist a deal on a car wash during fuelling. You can also target your messaging by day, or me of day, such as running co ee adver in the morning, sandwich specials at lunch me and lo ery ckets at night. Because it’s so quick and easy to update your playlist, you can even leverage real- me events to your bene t, like o ering a discounted car wash following bad weather, where their vehicles are more likely to need cleaning. It’s all up to you; T- Media makes it easy.

To learn more about how to boost your sales and pro margins with T-Media from DFS, contact your local DFS representa ve at www.dov com/contact-us.


Training course dates 2021

contact the APEA o ce for a quota for a bespoke course for any of the courses listed below at, with an approximate number of delegates and preferred dates.



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about the online courses on page 38 of this issue of The B

78APEA tel/fax 0345 603 5507 Press Releases/Training
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Course Fees

APEA MemberNon member

3 day course with accommodation£1020.00 £1120.00

3 day, day delegate rate £810.00 £910.00

1 day course £260.00 £310.00

More information and booking details on the “Training” page at Anyone booking a training course that is not an APEA member will automatically receive complimentary “Individual” membership to the APEA for one year.

Courses will be designed around the (4th edition) Blue Book Guidance for the Design, Construction, Modification, Maintenance and Decommissioning of Filling Stations (May 2018).

A hard copy and a pdf version of the 4th Edition is available from the Publications page of the APEA website at

The hardcopy is £75.00 to APEA Members and £150.00 to non APEA members. There is no VAT charged on the hardcopy or pdf formats. The pdf version can be purchased with a licence for individual use and cannot be shared or printed. It is strongly recommended that attendees have access to this document during courses.

For details of this and any other training enquiry, please contact: Jane Mardell - APEA Business Manager email: Tel: + 44 (0) 345 603 5507

or Thomas Daly (Chairman of Training Committee) T el: +353 876899281/+353 876899281 or email:

79APEA tel/fax 0345 603 5507 Training
Delegates from the 3 day combined audit and inspection course for Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service

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