Asociatia Serviciul APEL
Who we are…
∗ Serviciul Apel was born in Bucharest in February 2001, as a Career Counseling and Professional Integration Service within Fundatia Parada services ( ), addressed to Bucharest marginalised young people. ∗ APEL has developed during the years becoming a specialized professional integration service oriented towards people in need, constituting a multidisciplinary team. ∗ Since 2004 the activity of Serviciului Apel has been developing also in Timisoara. In 2006 it has been decided to expand the activities of Serviciului Apel in the whole social economy and inclusion area, developing a program career counseling and professional integration on job market.
In what we invest…
∗ Asociatia Serviciul Apel doesn't purpose any assistance or charity project, but rather an activity of development of work skills for these young people, skills thath can help them to support themselves alone. ∗ Asociatia Serviciul APEL offers free services for people in difficult situations and social exclusion: post-institutionalized young people, street children, disabled people and immigrants. ∗ Asociatia Serviciul APEL prefers forms of personal autonomy starting from the exercise of citizenship and immigrants rights.
Asociatia Serviciul Apel activities
* FORCE OCCUPANCY: The aim of Asociatia Serviciul APEL is to grow the level of occupancy and flexibility of the labor force, through the increase of the active measures of occupancy, promoting equality of job opportunities for vulnerable people. SERVICES:
Information, counseling and professional orientation. Activity of mediation between the young people and the possible employers, in order to facilitate their relationship in the job market. Monitoring the first period of employment. Counseling for companies in prospect of staff employment.
Asociatia Serviciul Apel activities
∗ MIGRATION SERVICES: - Services of social and job insertion for migrants . - CIS – Centru de Infomare a Strainilor Bucuresti (Information Centre for Foreign People).
∗ VOCATIONAL TRAINING Asociatia Serviciul APEL organizes and supports vocational training courses for experts in the field of professional integration for marginalized young people.
In future… In future the service will maintain its peculiarity experimenting new ways to do social intervention. Flexibility and contextualization of the intervention and process of “organization” to the external conditions that will be developed, they will continue to be part of Asociatia Serviciul APEL work.
Rewards ∗ 2002 Unicef Romania: Apel is elected Centre of Excellence ∗ 2002 Visit of the Presedint of the French Republic Nicolas Sarkozy in APEL headquarter ∗ 2003 Special Award from National Authority for Children Protection – USAID ∗ 2007 Weekly pubblication Bucharest Bussiness Week grants Serviciul Apel a special award for the permanent promotion of partnership between economic and social environment ∗ Dozens of appearances in press, radio and television have publicized in these years our activities.
Address: Sos Mihai Bravu, nr.329, Postcode 030312, Sect 3, Bucuresti, jud. Ilfov Tel: 004/ 021.311.61.42 Fax: 004/ 021.311.61.43 Email:
Address: Bd-ul B.P. Hasdeu, Nr.11, Ap. 1, Cod Postal 300016, Timisoara, jud. Timis Tel/Fax: 0040/ 256.498.869