EQUUS Television Network's Coverage of Equitana 2023 Essen Germany

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CHRISTOPH HESS: htps://equustelevision.com/watch/2131

Embed Link: <iframe

src="htps://equustelevision.com/stream?embed=2131&return_to_�meline=1&autoplay=1&mute=true" frameborder="0" loading="lazy" allow="autoplay" allowfullscreen></iframe>

DOMINIQUE SCHROLLER/CONTENT & PR MANAGER: htps://equustelevision.com/watch/2143



HOP TOP SHOW: htps://equustelevision.com/watch/2196

HOP TOP SHOW: htps://equustelevision.com/watch/2195

MISCELLANEOUS: htps://equustelevision.com/watch/2222


iPhone: equusiphone.link/app

Android: equusandroid.link/app or watch on your favorite SmartTV Pla�orm and streaming LIVE at www.equustelevision.net

#equineaffaire #equustv


https://equustelevision.com/watch/2144 - Opening Ceremony

https://equustelevision.com/watch/2145 - Clips from Hop Top

https://equustelevision.com/watch/2146 - Clips from Hop Top

https://equustelevision.com/watch/2153 - Clinician Street Scene

https://equustelevision.com/watch/2154 - Trade Show Street Scenes

https://equustelevision.com/watch/2155 - Clinician Street Scene

https://equustelevision.com/watch/2156 - Clinician Street Scene

https://equustelevision.com/watch/2158 - Trade Show Street Scenes

https://equustelevision.com/watch/2159 - Trade Show Street Scenes

https://equustelevision.com/watch/2160 - Carriage Demonstration

https://equustelevision.com/watch/2163 - Trade Show Street Scenes

https://equustelevision.com/watch/2168 - Clinician Street Scene (Christoph Hess)

https://equustelevision.com/watch/2169 - Clinician Street Scene

https://equustelevision.com/watch/2170 - Trade Fair Street Scenes

https://equustelevision.com/watch/2179 - People Scenes

https://equustelevision.com/watch/2180 - Food Court

https://equustelevision.com/watch/2181 - Horses/Carriages in Main Arena

https://equustelevision.com/watch/2182 - Kids Hobby Horse

https://equustelevision.com/watch/2183 - Trade Show Street Scenes

https://equustelevision.com/watch/2184 - Mixed Street Scene

https://equustelevision.com/watch/2185 - Hop Top Highlights

https://equustelevision.com/watch/2186 - Hop Top Highlights

https://equustelevision.com/watch/2192 - Dressage Performance

https://equustelevision.com/watch/2193 - Linda Tellington Jones Clinician Scene

https://equustelevision.com/watch/2194 - Clinician Street Scene






It's prety amazing how so many cool things are happening for those of us working hard to unite the horse world on the EQUUS Television Network. And for the next 7 days we are going to do it again as we bring the largest equine trade show right to your smart phones, iPhone apps and so much more.

We arrived today in Equitana a�er a long day of mishaps but there was no way we were going to let those change the excitement we were feeling knowing we were on our way to the world-renowned event known as Equitana. From the start of our trip on Delta when the plane was delayed because its system wasn't working to us arriving late in Amsterdam missing our connec�on by 5 minutes, we remained excited. Rebooking our flight was next followed by another delay, but once we arrived and were missing one bag, we were too thrilled to worry about those inconsistencies.

Our shutle escort just moved everything in the right direc�on. Even though we arrived too late to set up our booth, the fun Equitana staff greeted us with open arms. Then onto the amazing Atlanta Congress Hotel Essen, a state-of-the-art hotel just footsteps away from the hoo�eats that will be part of this world class event.

So, now it's off to bed so we can get up early to prepare our booth and kick off our first day. I hope you'll join me and CEO John Barlet and the great staff working back at headquarters headed by our crea�ve director Jacqueline Taylor and supported by Ian Barlet who will help us get everything up in rapid succession.

If you've missed what we've already posted about Equitana take the �me to view the wonderful promo and TV News release created by Ian, and my very first zoom interview with the author, trainer, rider and so much more, Christoph Hess designed by Jacqueline

There's more to come so keep an eye on what we post and reshare, make comments, ask ques�ons, or just join us as we bring Equitana right to your TV sets so you can watch it a�er you leave each day or be inspired to book your �ckets for this year or the next one. There's so much to see and do but hold on because we are going to make you feel a part of this event.

So, check out some of our traveling pics from today; just a taste of our ini�al journey, and take the ride with us through March 16th when we land back in the USA. It's going to be a wild horseback ride.

https://equustelevision.com/watch/2135, https://equustelevision.com/watch/2131, https://equustelevision.com/watch/2103


EQUUS Television Network - Our First Day at Equitana 2023

Amazing is all I can say. All the wonderful things you've ever heard about Equitana are true. Held in Essen Germany I guarantee no horse related item is missing. With 8 halls filled with exhibitors and presenters it's truly an amazing event.

I've added a bunch of photos from the day so you can feel like you were here - and if you were here you'll probably get to see things you missed. The day started with the most amazing opening ceremony for a trade show and the bestest Equitana sign and backdrop that changed colors with each new presenta�on. It was just a sampling of what's to come but such a great way to cut the ribbon, even though there wasn't truly a ribbon.

S�ll �red from our 24-hour travel days, we managed to see a lot, shoot lots of street scenes and meet so many new people. I had my new Z9 out taking pictures some of which you will see atached to this first day story and others in a slide show at some point this week.

The days start at 10 and finish at 6:30 and most days also include an evening show. What amazes me is the endless assortment of vendors and the elegant presenta�on by each and every one of them. Then there's a food court which teases you with so many new and en�cing foods, many with a German twist. I've already got my eyes on the variety of ice creams.

Well, we've decided early to bed early to rise. I walked over 14,000 steps today. That alone will help you beter understand how huge this event is and how hard it is to figure out where to go first.

So, I leave you with an assortment of just some of the great pictures from today. Enjoy and feel free to reach out with your ques�ons or comments as we'd love to share your thoughts with the hardworking Equitana team members. And don't forget to share this post - this team deserves our support.


One of the things we do a lot of when covering an event is what we call street scenes. They are short clips of the various elements of the event that give you a true feeling of what it's like to be there.

For this event the massive crowds will take your breath away. The event begins at 10:00 AM and this morning at 9:30 the wai�ng line was nothing short of unbelievable. To see so many people anxiously wai�ng in masses to enter when the dong sounded was what anyone who runs an event dreams of. To see those same people wai�ng in lines for food, carrying lots of bags of everything they purchased and packing the exterior railing of just about every clinician’s presenta�on was the cherry on the cake.

In order to help you beter understand, I've included some of the first group of street scenes and as the week con�nues there will be plenty more. Here most of the clinicians speak the na�ve language but there are a few Americans as well including Pat Parelli and Linda Tellington-Jones. I spoke to Linda. I've known about Linda for most of my life, so it was a real pleasure to get to meet her in person.

I'll keep telling you more about this event as the days pass by but for now I'm about to head over to what everyone has told me is the most amazing show I will ever see. That's probably what tomorrow's post will be but for now take some �me and look through the Equitana Street Scenes and if you aren't already here, plan to be here in two years when it happens again.

Un�l tomorrow as I take in all this event has to offer, here are some street scenes.








And as usual I've added a selec�on of today's photos.


It's our third day in Essen Germany covering Equitana 2023 and last night I had the chance to watch the amazing Hop Top Show Mosaique. It showcases celebrated ar�sts from all over Europe. What impressed me the most was the clear connec�on between the horses and their trainers. You felt like the horses took pride in the chance to show how talented they all are. And there was a tender vibe between the humans and the horses making it evident that these are trusted partnerships.

The list of ar�sts included Melanie Bayle showcasing the Camargue from a female perspec�ve. In total there were 18 riders on the white horses of their French Homeland.

Haflinger Stallions was the focus of Claus Luber and his horses with their long blond manes. Here you will see their mastery in front of carts. Next it was breathtaking acroba�cs on horseback led by Ghislain Cayla and his troupe of trick riders.

Federic Pignon from France is known for his liberty dressage and playful ease and interac�on with his horses. Guillaume Mauvais, another Frenchman, performs with the horses he bred.

Jerome Sefer and Kevin Ferreira are two trick riders who present their appearance without saddles or bridles. Kenzie Dysli, who has a passion for Spanish riding known as Doma Vaquera, presents her ride aboard her black stallion, Fideo. She combines working equita�on with Liberty Dressage.

Lisa Rockener aboard her gelding Valoo performs with no saddle or reins. Litle brother Mathes Rockener uses no harness and leads to direct his herd of horses.

Marie Barcelo and Pierre Antoine Chastang switch between horses and flying in their Cirque du Soleil style. Jordi Amposta combines an Angus catle with a Lusitano accompanied by a Cello.

The evening includes Moments in Black, a quadrille forma�on from Austria.

There were drill teams, liberty performances, a clown show, carriages, side saddle riders and so much more by those talents men�oned above. The crowd turnout was excellent. And speaking of crowd turnouts. Today's Saturday crowd had a line that took over 30 minutes before almost everyone could enter the venue. The food area was so crowded that you had to crawl through it in order to get to the other side.

The Equitana Team were very happy with the turnout. Like all of us, they lived through the COVID �mes but have come through it with a super successful event this year. I knew before I came that Equitana was going to be special, but it even surpassed my expecta�ons.

Now that you've heard about the talent in the Hop Top Show, you'll enjoy pictures I took while they performed. And keep an eye on equustelevision.net to see some videos of these riders and drivers in ac�on.

And look for the EQUUS Television Network Instagram and Street Scenes.


At Equitana 2023 there is a definite focus on innovations in animal welfare and sustainability. In fact, Equitana took the opportunity to present its Innovation Award honors for the best ideas during this seven-day event. Most of those ideas were focused on barn construction and housing concepts with the theme being spacious, light flooded and well-ventilated facilities which offer lots of free space to its animals.

For instance, the goal was protection against the ever-increasing summer heat, dust and insects. Sprinkler and ventilation systems meant to improve the time these animals spend in the stables, especially when it's dry and hot, was part of those innovations. Just a walk around the vendor village gave you an insight into how new innovations are evolving for horse walkers, treadmills, and aqua systems, especially those focused on exercise options and muscle building to help improve and maybe even quicken recovery.

There were lots of vendors showing natural feed products, horse equipment and even fashion. Here the goal is to use natural materials along with sustainable supply chains and a focus on climate friendly packaging. While a few different awards are given out, it is the Equitana Innovation Award that is considered Europe's most prestigious award in the industry.

So, below we honor those who were presented with the awards. While you won't see a list of names here, you will see the people in person, and we'd love to have you help us provide their names. However, for us the goal is for you to see what's happening around them. Look beyond the arena and notice all the people watching, see the innovative ways they present the awards with teenagers leading ponies around with the names of the winning products. Take notice of how nice the rings are where the clinicians present. This is just another look at why Equitana is a place you should put on your dance card when it happens again.


Part of covering Equitana 2023 is life beyond the event and when you are covering an event this large, that additional time is spent in your hotel finalizing blogs, editing street scenes, emptying and synching cards, organizing all the photos, charging batteries, uploading content and, last but not least, trying to get enough sleep so you are ready for the long walks and multi-coverage opportunities that Equitana offers.

When we were told we would be staying at a hotel walking distance from the venue, we were leery. And while the walk to get to the press room and to get around to the 8 different halls is very demanding, the Atlantic Congress Hotel Essen is right next door.

While we were impressed by the elegant rooms, nothing could have prepared us for the endless breakfast buffet options. There were various sections, including a create your own omelet as well as all the usuals: eggs, bacon, sausages, and unusuals, meatballs, antipasto, and so much more. My favorites were the variety of yogurts and fruits. Every day I’d load up my bowl with 4 or 5 different flavored yogurts, add the fruit, top that with granola and dried fruit.

Then there was the variety of teas you could scoop into a teapot, add the hot water and carry the teapot to you table. If you are a cappuccino fan, this is a visitor’s delight because the machines made so many types including warm milk, which I used for my tea.

I’m a cheese fanatic and the endless variety of cheeses I made into a sandwich with bacon. If I couldn’t finish it for breakfast, I had the leftovers for lunch. Another huge specialty was the assortment of bread, every type imaginable freshly made. I chose a soft bun to make my cheese sandwich on.

I watched others taking all sorts of breads and adding a variety of jellies (there were many kinds) and other things that go well with bread. I love to make croissants into sandwiches, but I learned that croissants were not meant to be cut. You simply put your preferred jelly, honey, nutella or other option, take a bite and add more to the next piece.

Breakfast at Atlantic was my favorite meal of the day. Hopefully, my pictures will do the assortment some justice because that breakfast is one you would not want to miss. It can be included as part of your stay, or you could just come in and purchase breakfast. And honestly it was worth every penny.

I’ve added a selection of photos from my room, then on to the hallway, the view by the elevators and into the elevators where the sign is. Then you move on to the lobby, the crowd in the dining area, and onto the food.

I know many of you are going to now want to go to Equitana for all it offers but also for Atlantic’s breakfast buffet. The outside picture is where you can see the beginning of Messe Essen where Equitana takes place. It is close but where we go is close to 3,000 steps.

Enjoy this taste of Equitana.


I'm going to keep today's blog really short as the atached slideshow is fairly long and even if you can't watch the whole thing if you really want to see what this year's Hop Top Show was all about it's worth taking a look.

I've also added both a longer and shorter version to give you some op�ons.

So, sit back, relax and enjoy this slideshow.

HOP TOP SHOW: htps://equustelevision.com/watch/2196

HOP TOP SHOW: htps://equustelevision.com/watch/2195

This Report was Produced by Diana De Rosa Worldwide Equestrian Correspondent of the EQUUS Television Network diana@equustelevision.net dderosa1@optonline.net

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